COVID-19 - Workplace Key Action Checklist

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COVID-19 - Workplace Key Action Checklist

Location: Date:

COVID-19 Designated Persons

Name: Position:

Name: Position:

Main Duties:
- Work Organisation / Risk Analysis
- Maintenance of Social Distancing
- Organise a daily meeting with relevant site team to review & confirm implementation, Inc. - Cleaning & Housekeeping works
- daily Health Checks
- Provision & stock of Hand Washing / Cleaning materials working facilities
- Provision & stock of mask and other PPE
Supervisors General Duties: Monitoring of team members health conditions / Enforcement of Key Rules / Inform Management of Issues or Concerns.
Layout / Cleaning Area Map Attached: Y/N
APPROVAL TO OPERATE (Before re-start of operations, then as required) Applicable
A Yes / No /
Responsible Completed / Checked / Comment
N/A Person

Main Contractor / VSL provide a guidelines

requirements like safety posters, Toolbox
Clients/Partners: Agreement of the Client and partners (if any) on operating and prevention measures
1 MC / VSL meeting with all employees, Safety
Coordination Meeting with top
management and discuss contiguency plan

2 Authorities: Information submitted to local authorities, if required, on preventive measures taken to MC / VSL Main Contractor assign a registered nurse
maintain the activity or operation.
PLANNING FOR SOCIAL DISTANCING, ASSESSING HEALTH, HYGIENE (Before re-start of operations, then Applicable
B as required) Yes / No /
Responsible Completed / Checked / Comment
N/A Person

Access Control: Is Access Control in place so that:-

- all personnel can be checked at entrance?
1 - entry can be refused if any controls are positive - temperature >37.7oC, symptoms (cough, fever,…), any overseas travel in last 14
days, any close contact had oversea travel/illness in last 14 days?
- warning signage can be seen at all entrances?

2 Temperature Check: Are contactless thermometers available for each entrance/sign in point? Have the manufacturer's
instructions been reviewed to understand correct usage?

3 Questionnaire: Is a questionnaire available at all entrances, that must be completed and signed by all people entering?

4 Information:
Is information about social distancing/PPE/Hygiene provided and posted in visible locations, in all common

Mask Stock: Is there a sufficient stock of masks (e.g. surgical and filtering) available to issue to personnel in a facility?
Note 1: Masks are recommended to be worn by all personnel when in a company office, site or facility.
5 Note 2: If working <1m from others (or when other parties do not follow similar rules to VSL) the P-i-C shall contact a H&S Manager.
Note 3: If reuqired at least 1 disposable mask per day shall be issued.
Note 4: If required the recommendation is to try and secure 2 months stock generally, with 1 month minimum.

6 Eye Protection: Is there a sufficient stock of safety spectacles, faceshields or goggles available for all personnel? Note 1: If
working in close proximity (<1m) the P-i-C shall contact a H&S Manager.

7 Hand Hygiene: Can everyone cleans their hands immediately on entering the site/location (e.g. soap/water/sink or alcohol hand
VSL provide hand alcohol to all site and
8 Hand Hygiene: Are sinks/soap/water and/or alcohol hand sanitizer available on site, in common areas, easily accessible, with
each work team?
VSL provide hand alcohol to all site and
9 Working Hours: Have working hours been adapted to avoid 'rush hours' and prevent queues at entrances?
10 Commuting: Have commuting arrangements of each person been checked and assessed?
11 Transport: Is social distancing in place in company provided transportation (Max - 1 person in row - cars / 2 persons in a Row Bus
- Window side)?

12 Entrances: Have social distancing arrangements been put in place at entrances (to avoid close queuing, including for
Drop-Off/Entry Scanning/Temperature Checks /Pickup?
13 Offices: Is social distancing in place in offices/site offices?
14 Rest Areas: Is social distancing in place in rest areas/canteens?
15 Meeting Rooms: Is social distancing in place in meeting rooms?
16 Washrooms: Is social distancing in place in washrooms/toilets?
17 Site Areas & Works Tasks: Is social distancing in place in site areas and for all work tasks?
18 Close Working: Where it is not practical to maintain a gap between personnel for a task has the P-i-C contacted a H&S Manager
to agree actions? Note: Where tasks are 15min+ in any 1 hour, or involve 3+ personnel.
19 Stair Use: Are stairs used in preference to elevators/lifts/hoists?
C RISK ASSESSMENT OF WORK ACTIVITIES (Each Task Before Start, then as required) Controls Needed Responsible Person(s)
Is there a heightened risk of close contact by individuals i.e. inability to maintain 1m distance (e.g. During
Manual Handling/Stressing/Cage Installation/Concreting, In Working Platforms or MEWPS)?

Are there manual works that may increase breathing rate/ heart rate /physical strain due to the wearing of
2 face masks?

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COVID-19 - Workplace Key Action Checklist
Are there 'Confined Space Works'? They must be analysed and require a specific work authorisation from
3 Project-in-Charge and H&S.

4 Are there difficulties in maintaining proper use of, good condition and function of masks?
Are works in hot, humid environments that may increase breathing rate, heart rate, physical strain due to
5 the wearing of face masks?

6 Do workers need to share tools? If YES are they cleaned between uses?
7 INDUCTIONS: Have induction contents been updated to include COVID-19?
8 H&S INSPECTIONS: Can H&S related inspections still be carried out?
Guide: Adaptations may include - Change of Works Method, Increased Manpower, Limiting time of works, Increased rotation of personnel involved, Additional Ventilation (Forced Air) Use of Face shields / Goggles, Provision of
additional Masks.

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COVID-19 - Workplace Key Action Checklist
D KEY ACTIONS FOR WORK ACTIVITIES (Start of shift / After mid-shift break) Responsible Completed / Checked / Comment
Yes / No / Person

BRIEFINGS: Have personnel been briefed on the Key Actions for their Work Activity?
CHECKING: Has the daily review of work activities compliance to COVID-19 controls been done? Daily activities inspection
SUPERVISION: Are there enough Supervisors, Engineers, Competent Persons (Operator / Riggers etc.), H&S Staff etc. to safely
3 manage the works?
FIRST AIDERS: Are there enough First Aiders available? Guide 1 per 50 persons (can be from other parties)
REPORTING: Is the location reporting on a daily/shift basis to Corporate Responsible COVID-19 (e.g. H&S Manager)? Note: As a
5 minimum reporting shall include the status of 'cases' and 'any issues relating to compliance'.

E DAILY/SHIFT CHECKS (Every Shift) Yes / No / Completed / Checked / Comment

Access Control: All personnel checked at entrance / entry is refused if any controls are positive - temperature > 37.7oC,
1 symptoms (cough, fever,…), any overseas travel in last 14 days, any close contact had oversea travel/illness in last 14 days /
Information on site COVID-19 rules and hygiene is available. Yes / N/A

2 Transport - Social Distancing: Is in place for transport, queues, entrances, rest areas, offices.

3 Workplace - Social Distancing: Is in place for work activities.


4 Masks: Are masks being worn in accordance with local regulations/rules.


5 Filtering Masks: Filtering masks are worn when required.


6 Eye Protection: Are safety spectacles or goggles worn at all times when working? Note: It is mandatory to wear eye protection
on site. Yes

7 Hand Hygiene: Are sinks/soap/water and/or alcohol hand sanitizer available on site, in common areas, easily accessible, with
each work team? Yes
Thermometers: Working, In Use, Operator to Clean Hands + Clean Equipment Before/After Use.
Finger / Hand Scan: Cleaned at start of day/shift, after main arrival period, then regularly.

10 Frequently Touched Surfaces: Elevator Buttons, Door Handles, Stair Handrails, Reception desks, light switches etc. cleaned N/A
every 2 hours.

11 Tables & Chairs: All tables and chairs/stools are cleaned 2 times per day + before/after use (including meeting
rooms/canteens). Yes
12 Rest Areas: Changing rooms, lockers, rest areas are cleaned 2 times per day. N/A

13 Welfare Areas: Kitchens and canteens are cleaned 2 times/day + before/after use (including all surfaces, equipment, drinks
machines etc.) Yes
Washrooms: Toilets (incl seats and handles), showers, taps/sinks, hand dryers are cleaned 2 times per day.

15 Computers/Office Furniture: Desks, drawers, filing cabinets, cupboards, keyboards, mouse, screens, phones, photocopiers
are cleaned 1 per day (by users). Yes
16 Walkie-Talkies: Are not shared and are cleaned regularly. N/A

Shared Tools & Equipment: Is cleaned regularly. Yes

Machinery: Machinery controls and Plant/Crane cabins and controls are cleaned regularly. Yes

Company Vehicles: Vehicles and buses are cleaned regularly. Yes

PPE: Reusabe PPE (e.g. Helmets, Spectacles) is cleaned after use. Yes

21 Waste Disposal: Waste is removed every day from waste collection areas.
Cleaning Materials: Stock of cleaning materials (including PPE) is checked.
General Materials: Stock check of Surgical Masks / FFPS2 or N95 Masks / Soap / Alcohol Hand Sanitiser / Paper Towels /
23 Washing Water (in secure storage)?


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COVID-19 - Workplace Key Action Checklist

The above standards and actions have checked every day to confirm implementation. Any issues identified have been addressed and/or reported to Corporate COVID-19 Designated
Name: Signature:

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COVID-19 - Preventive Action & Cleaning Plan

Project: ___________ Planned Cleaning Area: _______________

Layout / Cleaning Area Map Attached - Y/N
Adapt below to cover relevant items - Confirm frequency, by Applicable
whom & backup Minimum
Yes / No / By Whom
Access Control: All personnel checked at entrance / entry refused if any
controls are positive - temperature >37.XoC, symptoms (cough, fever,…), any
overseas travel in last 14 days, any close contact had oversea travel/illness in Start of Shift
1 last 14 days). On Entry to Facility (e.g. yes / NA

Access Control: Warning signage posted at all entrances.

2 Start of Shift

Masks: Worn at all times when in the site/location.

3 Check on entry

Temperature Check: Is a working contactless thermometer

4 available at each entrance/sign in point Every entrance
Hand Hygiene: Everyone cleans hands on entering the
5 site/location. Every time

6 Social Distancing: Is general social distancing in place? Approx. 2m

Social Distancing: Is social distancing in place in site offices?

Social Distancing: Is social distancing in place in rest

8 areas/canteens?

Social Distancing: Is social distancing in place in meeting

9 rooms?

Social Distancing: Is social distancing in place at entrances (to

10 avoid close queuing)?

Social Distancing: Is social distancing in place in

11 washrooms/toilets?

Social Distancing: Is social distancing in place for all work

12 tasks?

Social Distancing: Where it is not practical to maintain a gap

13 between personnel for a task are they provided with N95

Cleaning / Hygiene & Welfare

14 Every 15 mins
Temperature Check Equipment - Operator to Clean Hands After Use +
Clean Equipment After Use

15 Every 15 mins
Finger / Hand Scan - Cleaned regularly
16 Twice Per Day

Lift/Elevator Buttons - Cleaned

17 Door Handles/Push Panels - Cleaned Twice Per Day

18 Twice Per Day

Stair Handrails - Cleaned

Twice Per Day / Before and

19 Tables - Inc. Welfare - Cleaned After Use

20 Twice Per Day

Chairs / Stools - Inc. Welfare - Cleaned

21 Changing Areas / Lockers - Cleaned Twice Per Day

22 Once Per Day

Filing Cabinets and Cupboards - Handles Cleaned

23 Users Every Day

Desks & Drawers - Cleaned

24 Users Every Day

IT - Keyboards / Mouse / Screens / Chargers - Cleaned

25 Users Every Day

Phones - Mobile & Fixed Line - Cleaned
26 Twice Per Day
Photocopiers / Scanners - Cleaned

27 Every hour
Reception Desks - Cleaned

28 Twice Per Day

Washrooms, Toilets, Showers, Taps & Washbasins, Toilet Seats,
29 Twice Per Day
Kitchen & Catering Areas: All surfaces, sinks - Cleaned
30 Office Areas (including Light Switches) Twice Per Day
31 Welfare Containers / Changing Rooms (Rest Areas, RefrigeratorsTwice Per Day
32 Walkie-Talkies - DO NOT SHARE By Users - Before / After
33 Plant Cabins / Controls - Cleaned By Users - Before / After
34 Machinery Controls - Cleaned By Users - Before / After
35 Reusable PPE - Cleaned After Each Use
As needed - Min. Once Per
36 Waste Disposal Areas - Waste Removed Day
37 Other
38 - Have sufficient and suitable cleaning materials for the above & Details of needs
necessary PPE - Hand / Eye & Respirator protection for persons
carryout cleaning works - (take account of cleaning / discarding
39 - Have sufficient
after use safe secure
of such storage
materials - Masks / Soap / Hand
/ equipment) Details of needs
Sanitiser / Paper Towels.
OPTION .1 - Plan trained - PIC Responsible to confirm applied each day

OPTION . 2 - Record is filled in to confirm completed each day - see below

Above actions have been undertaken:

Name: __________________ Position: _______________ Signature: ______________

Copy each day to PIC & Safety Team

Date: _________

Backup VSL - Checklist Chapter

Completed Equivalent or
Persons related reference

No Equiv. 3.1

? 3.1

Not Formal 3.1

The C-List? 3.1

1 3.2

1 3.3
No Equiv. / Not in
Plan / Intent Only 3.4

3 3.4

No Equiv. /
Ref. Plan 3.4

2? 3.5

Reliant - Gov. 3.6

No Equiv. /
Not in Plan 3.6

No Equiv. /
Not in Plan 3.6

Qty - TBC /
No Specifc 3.6

See also "Op Close 7-13 -Not as

Safeguaring detailed 3.7
Procedure - I,e

Close 7-13 -Not as

detailed 3.8
Close 7-13 -Not as
detailed 3.8

Close 7-13 -Not as

detailed 3.8

11 & 12 3.8

No Equiv. /
Not in Plan 3.9

32,33,34,35 3.9

HO / Plant
As Above - Sites
in theory
As Above - Sites
in theory

5 & 39 - Exact
locales not 3.1

Site / Ext.
HSE random 3.12

Not quite as
defined 3.12

Plan 3.13

Plan 3.13

No Equiv. /
Not in Plan 3.13

.        Agreement of the Client and partners if any, on prevention measures to be 3.1 ☐ ☐
applied on the site

.        Information to local authorities on measures laid down for maintaining the 3.1 ☐ ☐
activity or operation (if required)

.        Appointment COVID-19 designated person 3.1 ☐ ☐

.        Review of risk analysis documents 3.1

.        Assessment of the health condition of parties involved before allowing them to 3.2 ☐ ☐
enter the site
.        Systematic temperature taking at entrance of site 3.3 ☐ ☐

.        Effective wearing of protective goggles 3.4 ☐ ☐

.        Availability of surgical masks or other standard respiratory masks (target 4 per 3.4 ☐ ☐
day per person)
.        Information about wearing of surgical masks provided to persons entering the 3.4 ☐ ☐
.        Information about personal hygiene routines provided to persons entering the 3.5 ☐ ☐

.        Verification of availability of emergency services in the event of an accident 3.6 ☐ ☐

.        Verification of availability of medical personnel on site required by the COVID- 3.6 ☐ ☐
19 measures

.        Daily review on adaptation of teams and tasks to be carried out, prior to the 3.6 ☐ ☐
start of production

.        Sufficient number of first aiders on site, duly briefed about the conditions of 3.6 ☐ ☐
intervention during the COVID-19 period

.        Verification of commuting conditions (between home and site) of each

mobilised employee against measures set out (including 1 person per row per 3.7 ☐ ☐
.        Implementation of a site-specific COVID-19 traffic plan taking into account the 3.8 ☐ ☐
adopted measures
.        Nominal simultaneous hosting capacity of communal areas (catering area, 3.8 ☐ ☐
changing rooms, lifts, labour camp dormitories, excluding offices) is halved

.        Closure of areas for sports, relaxation, prayer 3.8 ☐ ☐

.        Measures taken for ensuring distancing rule in common areas that remain 3.8 ☐ ☐
accessible (showers, washing machines ...) is observed

.        Identification of single-user equipment, tools, machinery 3.9 ☐ ☐

.        For equipment, tools, machinery not assigned to a single user and where use of
gloves is not possible, arrangement for their cleaning when changing users is in 3.9 ☐ ☐
.        Cleaning contract with a specialist company able to carry out:
-  twice a day communal facilities general cleaning
3.1 ☐ ☐

-  cleaning of catering or eating areas before and after each meal

.        Soap dispenser is kept topped up and readily available near each sink, and
bottles of hand sanitiser (if available) are provided in frequented areas and near 3.1 ☐ ☐
contact surfaces

.        Operational teams and Health & Safety teams mobilised for inspections 3.12 ☐ ☐

.        Reporting to Operational and H&S line management is in place 3.12 ☐ ☐

.        COVID-19 information is communicated to all parties involved on site 3.13 ☐ ☐

(including during briefings, Toolbox talk ...)
.        Posting of official posters relating to prevention of risks related to COVID-19 3.13 ☐ ☐
and the health precautions

.        Updating of induction instructions 3.13 ☐ ☐

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