EsP Criteria For Contest

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Bible verse Reading and Interpretation

1. Each grade level is entitled to send one (1) contestant.
2. Contestant will be on stage/judging area one at a time.
3. The bible verse/s shall be given on the spot by the board of judges. Contestants may cite other bible verses during the delivery phase to
support his/her statements or interpretation.
4. Each contestant will be given three (3) minutes preparation time and three (3) minutes to deliver his/her statements/interpretation in Filipino
5. The decision of the board of judges is final and irrevocable.
Impromptu Speaking; Bible verse Reading and Interpretation

Criteria For Judging

Content (50%) Delivery (50%)
Participants Logic Appropriateness Grammar & Consistency of Non-verbal communication
(25%) of examples Syntax style/level of (gesture, movement, facial Total
(25%) (20%) language expressions, and eye contact
(20%) with the audience) (100%)



►Each team shall consist of five (5-10) participants.

►A picture which portrays an unfinished negative situation will be given for each team to plan and enact a one-scene resolution onstage
depicting a Filipino value or some Filipino values.
►One (1) hour is given for each team to rehearse their conversations and role play. No coach is allowed to enter the rehearsal area.
►Participants may use props.
►Actual performance time (including entrance and exit) 5-8 minutes

The Criteria For evaluation

Content / substance of Understanding of role Spontaneity and Continuity and fluidity

characters’ and interpretation creativity ( Conversation occurs
Participant conversations ( Accurate resolution to ( Ability to act / naturally and consistent Total
(25%) the given situation) react within the overall performance) (100%)
s (25%) story) (25%)

Filipino Values Poster and Slogan Contest

1. The contest is open for all learners from all grade levels.
2. There shall only be one representative from each grade level.
3. Each shall create a poster and slogan following the theme of the contest.
4. The contest committee shall provide “theme” right after all the contestants have registered.
5. A drawing pad roughly meaning 15” x 20” shall be provide to each participant.
6. Contestant shall start the poster and slogan making at the same time.
7. Entries must be submitted within a given period of one and one-half (1½) hours.
8. Participants shall only use the materials provided by the committee.

Filipino Values Poster and Slogan Contest

Participants Creativity and Originality Relevance to the Total
presentation (50%) (30%) theme (100%)


Filipino Values Spoken Poetry

1. The contest is open for all learners from all grade levels.
2. There shall only be one representative from each grade level.
3. Each shall present a spoken poetry following the theme of the contest.
Participants Message/Content Delivery and performance Originality Overall Impact Total
40% 30% 20% 10% 100%
-The content of the -The spoken piece is delivered The piece must be -The performer’s physical
spoken piece is from the heart. an original appearance, voice and
relevant to the theme. composition by the articulation, dramatic
-Facial expression, hand and body contestant appropriateness, and
-The piece has a gesture that emphasize the evidence of understanding
powerful and different elements of the all seem on target and
meaningful message to performance. unified to breathe life into
the audience. the piece.
-Enunciation is clear. Audience
can understand what is being -Total success of the
spoken. performance, the degree
to which the performance
-Words are pronounced distinctly has become more than the
and correctly. sum of its parts.


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