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Professional Tourism Training Center

Department For Tourism & Creative Economy DKI Jakarta Provincial Government


Tourism Professional Training Standards Improvement Program

Professional Tourism Training Center
Department For Tourism & Creative Economy
DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.
Building C, Kuningan Barat I No. 1, South Jakarta
Phone: (021) 5250968, (021) 5202256
Facsimile: (021) 5250968, (021) 5202256

Author: 1. Riza Herawan Pribadi, S.E., M.M.

Copyright © 2022 at the Professional Tourism Training Center

Department For Tourism & Creative Economy
DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or reproduced without written
permission from the publisher.
This book was produced by Department For Tourism & Creative Economy DKI Jakarta
Provincial Government.


This book is a participant module prepared by the Government for the HANDLING QUALITY
CUSTOMER. This participant module was prepared and reviewed by various parties under the
coordination of the Tourism Profession Training Center, and was used in the implementation of the
training. This module is a “living document” that is constantly being improved, updated, and updated
according to the dynamics of needs and changing times. Input from various circles is expected to
improve the quality of this book.

Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT who always given health, blessing and salvation
for all of us. So that, we can finished the publication of the Hotel and Rest rant
competency — Based Training Module. The module is prepared to meet the
training needs carried by the The Tourism Professional Training Center of
Tourism and Creative Economy Departement. This can be used as basic
materials for training of the Hotel and Restaurant sector. The module developed
by The Indonesian National Competency Work Standard (SKKNI) which consist of
Associations, Academics, and Professionals in the Hotel and Restaurant sector, to
support and prepare Tourism Human Resource so that they can compete with the
era of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA).

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the publisher team that already
contributed for this module also greatly appreciate to all any suggestions and
further improvement.

Last but not least, this Professional Training Module for the Hotel and Restaurant
sector is organized by the The Tourism Professional Training Center of Tourism
and Creative Economy Department in DKI Jakarta Provinces to create a
competent and certified tourism workforce towards productive tourism human
resources in global competitiveness.

Jakarta, September 2022

Acting Head of Professional Tourism Training Center D
incial Government







A. TOOL 60



A. Background

In order to welcome the era of globalization which encourages all human resources

to have the ability and professionalism, including workers in the tourism sector,

where Jakarta is the capital of the country and is one of the leading destinations in

Indonesia, Jakarta inevitably becomes a barometer for other destinations in

Indonesia. The availability of competent human resources is absolutely necessary in

line with the government's program that 2022 is the year of development in the HR


To support the progress and growth of tourism, it is necessary to prepare Human

Resources who have the ability and skills in all fields related to tourism. The human

factor has an important role in determining the competitiveness of tourism. With the

competitiveness of the tourism sector workforce, there needs to be competency-

based tourism training and certification. The measuring tools are knowledge, skills

and behavior. The ability and skills (competence of skills) of work possessed by

human resources in the field of Indonesian tourism in general, are currently still

many that do not meet the standards. With that assumption, it means that there are

still few human resources with competency standard certificates. For this reason, the

workforce in the tourism sector in Indonesia needs to be increased, so that it can

meet international standards that can be accepted in the global market.

It is hoped that this training module towards certification will make the workforce,

especially in the tourism sector in Indonesia, especially in the field of tourism


Competent hotel accommodations are ready to compete against the ASEAN

Economic Community (AEC). In preparing the said workforce, education and training

play a very important role, with reference to the six (6) pillars contained in the

Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia

Indonesia Number 8 of 2012 concerning the Indonesian National Qualifications

Framework, so that human resource development can be realized.

The six pillars are:

1. Indonesia's National Qualifications Framework

The Indonesian National Qualifications Framework, hereinafter abbreviated as

KKNI, is a competency qualification rating framework that can juxtapose, equalize,

and integrate the fields of education and the field of job training and work

experience in order to provide recognition of work competencies in accordance

with the work structure in various sectors;

2. Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes are abilities obtained through internalization of knowledge,

attitudes, skills, competencies, and accumulated work experience;

3. Equalization

Equalization is the process of pairing and integrating learning outcomes obtained

through education, job training, and work experience;

4. Qualification

Qualifications are mastery of learning outcomes that state their position in the

5. Work Experience

Work experience is the experience of doing work in a certain field and for a certain

period of time intensively that produces competence;

6. Work Competency Certification

Work competency certification is the process of providing competency certificates

that are carried out systematically and objectively through competency tests in

accordance with the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards,

International Standards, and/or Special Standards;

Through the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards in the Hospitality

accommodation sector stipulated by the Decree of the Minister of Manpower and

Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number 58 of 2018 concerning the

Stipulation of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards for the Categories of

Rental Services, Employment, Travel Agencies and Other Business Supporting Main

Classes of Office Administration Services, Services Office Support and Other

Business Support Services in HOTEL & RESTAURANT.

To support the six pillars mentioned above, the Tourism Profession Training Center

of the Office of Tourism and Culture of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta has

developed a Curriculum National Occupational Certifcation Schemes Refering To

ACCSTP & CATC On Torism Profesional, one of which is the profession in the hotel

and restaurant sector and Module for Tourism Profession Training in the field of

Maintain Quality Customer.

B. Graduate Profile

The competency units contained in this training module are core competency units

needed by the HOTEL & RESTAURANT sector workforce, especially in the

operational field. After participating in this training, participants can take a

competency test (assessment) conducted by the HOTEL & RESTAURANT

Professional Certification Institute (LSP) in order to obtain a competency certificate

for SKKNI issued by BNSP.

C. Expected Competencies

1. Able to cooperate with colleagues and customers in accordance with competency


2. Able to work in a diverse social environment appropriately and in accordance with

competency standards.

3. Able to develop and update knowledge about the hospitality industry in

accordance with competency standards.

4. Able to provide porter services appropriately and in accordance with competency


5. Able to provide facilities for lost and found goods in accordance with the


D. Training Time

Training time for the six (6) competency units 40 hours of training @ 45 minutes, so

that the competency target is achieved, the requirements of the training participants

must be considered.

E. Training Participants Requirements

The minimum requirements for the HOTEL & RESTAURANT – SKKNI training

participants are as follows:

1. Last Education:

a) Have a high school/vocational high school diploma or equivalent with Event

experience at least 3 (three) times

b) Age / Age: Minimum 18 years old

c) Gender: Male / Female

d) Health: In good health and not color blind, proven with a Doctor's Certificate

Attach :

a) Registration form

b) Curriculum Vitae (CV)

c) 2 latest 3x4 color photos

d) Photocopy of identity card

e) Photocopy of diploma

f) Photocopy of training certificate

g) Photocopy of work experience letter/logbook

h) Doctor's certificate

i) Logbook (work experience)

e) Photocopy of grade transcript with a minimum English value of B or photocopy of

TOEFEL certificate or the like

f) Able to operate a computer and master word, excel and powerpoint programs.

F. Module Benefits

This module can be used as a reference for training providers and tourism

professional training instructors for tourism human resources to ensure and maintain

the competence of the workforce in the Bellboy work SKKNI in HOTEL &

RESTAURANT activities.

G. Author

Referring to the Decree of the Head of the Professional Training Center

Tourism and Culture of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Tourism and Culture Office

number 103 of 2019 concerning Appointment/Determination of Experts for the

Preparation of Training Modules in the HOTEL & RESTAURANT Sector Activities for

Improving Tourism Professional Training Standards in 2022, the expert personnel for

preparing the training modules are as listed in the following table.

1 Taufik Hidayat,S.E, M.M. Academician
2 Riza Herawan Pribadi,S.E, M.M. Academician
3 Agung Gita Subakti., SST., MM., CHE Academcian
4 Hendaris Adrianto,S.E, M.Par Academician
4 Sri Puji Astuti, S.E., M.Par.. Academician


A. Competency Unit

This curriculum and module consists of one (1) competency units, named : one

(1) existing general competency units, Three (3) Elements and Ten (10) Criterias




DURATION OF TIME : 3 Hours of Study


1. Develop and 1.1 Formal/ 1.1.1. Understand a. Lecture 1x@45 a.Test Written
implement informational level b. Discussion minutes b. Test Oral
approach research used for Consumer c. demonstratio c. Test Practice
for increase get information Needs n
quality service about needs , 1.1.2.Needs
customer expectations and Customers ,
levels NEED and
satisfaction want
consumers . 1.1.3. How to
Needs , Wants
1.1.4. Type Study

1.2 Changes in 1.2.1. Internal

internal and environment
external 1.2.2. Environment
environment external
considered in
Thing planning
quality service .
1.3 Chance for 1.3.1. Engaging
colleague Employee
participate in the
planning process
service consumer
given .

1.4 Approach 1.4.1.Improvement
developed and Service
communicated to Customer
colleagues and
customers .
2. Monitor and 2.1 Standard service 2.1.1. Method a. Lecture 1x@45 a.Test Written
adjust service consumer monitoring b. Discussion minutes b. Test Oral
consumer monitored on the general c. c. Test Practice
spot work in 2.1.2.Place special demonst
accordance with to be the place ration
policies and monitoring
company .
2.2 Searching for by 2.2.1.Type of
Keep going feedback
continuously . 2.2.2.collecting feed

2.3 Coaching used for 2.3.1. Development

help colleague professional
handle problem employee
service 2.3. 2.Support To
consumers . Whole

2.3.3. Give Support

and Motivation
2.3.4. coaching

2.4 Colleagues 2.4.1. Standard

pushed for communicate
responsible on with customer
consumers .
2.5 Problem service 2.5.1. Difficulty in
consumer contact staff
identified and service
adjusted 2.5.2. Lack of
conducted for information
ensure quality about
service continued products and
. services
2.5.3. Information
price no clear
or no complete

2.5.4. Package or
offers that
don't clear

2.6. Adjustment 2.6. 1.Approach
communicated for Communicatio
whole n Customer
in delivery service
in skeleton
right time .


The “Dealing with Quality Customer Service” module is used in competency-based

training which aims to train skills and improve the knowledge and attitudes of Front

Office Supervisors in the workplace.

The method used is called Competency based training (CBT) and Competency

based assessment (CBA). CBT and CBA is the training and assessment system

chosen by ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) to train people to work

in the tourism and hospitality industry throughout all the ASEAN D1.HRM.CL9.06

member states and based on the competency unit in the Indonesian National Work

Competency Standard (SKKNI) with the unit code I.55HDR00.196.2 for the Field of

Handling Customer Quality Services and is a Core Competency Unit that must be

possessed by Front Office Supervisors.

The availability of this module is expected to assist the organizers, instructors and

trainees in carrying out competency-based training.

Module development, material delivery strategies and empowerment of training

resources are highly expected and must be considered by the organizers and

instructors in order to meet the requirements of the existing competency units and

the participants achieve the expected competencies.

Instructors are expected to apply their industry knowledge and work experience

when delivering training materials, so as to enrich the training materials contained in

this module.


This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to maintain the quality of

customer/guest service in the travel and hospitality industry.

Maintain quality customer/guest service

This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to Maintain quality

customer/guest service in a range of settings within the hotel and travel industries

workplace context.

Unit Code: D1.HRM.CL9.06

Nominal Hours:

35 hoursThis unit is intended for prospective Front Office Supervisor participants.

ELEMENT 1: Developing and Implementing an Approach To Improve Customer

Service Quality

1.1 Formal/informational research is used to obtain information about the needs,

expectations and levels of customer satisfaction

1.2 Changes in the internal and external environment are considered in terms of

service quality planning

1.3 Opportunities for colleagues to participate in the customer service planning

process are provided.

1.4 Approach is developed and communicated to colleagues and customers.

ELEMENT 2: Monitoring and Adjusting Customer Service

2.1 Customer service standards are monitored in the workplace in accordance with

company policies and procedures.

2.2 Feedback is sought continuously.

2.3 Coaching is used to help colleagues deal with customer service issues.

2.4 Colleagues are encouraged to take responsibility for customer service.

2.5 Customer service issues are identified and adjustments made to ensure

continued service quality.

2.7. Adjustments are communicated for all adjustments involved in the delivery of

services in a timely manner .

Element 1: Developing and Implementing an ApproachTo Improve Customer

Service Quality

Quality Customer service is important in the hospitality, tourism and travel industry.

Customers must be able to be maintained with the right planning and approach to

win the competition in business.

To Improve Customer Service Quality Customer service is important in the

hospitality, tourism and travel industry. Customers must be able to be maintained

with the right planning and approach to win the competition in business.

1.1 Formal/informational research is used to obtain information about

customer needs, expectations and levels of satisfaction.

The hospitality industry has always been associated with customer service. Many

people view hospitality organizations, whether hotels or resorts, as a place to relax

and take a break from the stresses of their daily routine. As we know, there are

various kinds of customer perceptions related to the function of the hotel.

all hospitality businesses, both mid-range and luxury-class hotels. Customer service

is important for any business in any industry. Customer service is how guests leave

your place with joy and have a memorable experience.

1.1.1 Understanding the level of consumer needs

Various kinds of people come to the hotel for various reasons. Regardless of

the reason for their visit it is important that they receive quality service. Service

quality can use a combination of products and services, which are offered to

meet customer satisfaction. Quality of customer service is not only related to 5

star hotels, but it is a fundamental aspect of Guests.

So what is the definition of a customer? Customers can be seen as:

a. A person who accepts the services or products offered.

b. Someone who is willing to pay a fair price for a quality product at no extra or

deductible or underserved.

c. The reason the company is in business.

d. A person who has needs and wants that must be met, otherwise the

peacock will go to other competitors.

Service quality can only be felt by customers and service quality is not

defined by those who provide services to customers. Customers are all

individuals and come with individual needs and expectations. Hoteliers

categorize several types of customers who are targeted in their market

segmentation. The challenge lies in the ability to provide services that meet

guest expectations. We must recognize each type of customer and treat

them as individuals. We really have to act in a way that recognizes, without

them the business stops functioning, and we have no work. The old adage

'it's the customer who pays you, not the boss' is true. It has been used so

often, it risks being overlooked but if you have ever worked in an

establishment where trades have dropped, staff hours have been reduced

and others are being laid off, you will know what that really means.

Unfortunately, too many places and staff members only realize how true this

saying is when it's too late when customers sound with their feet and spend

their money elsewhere. It is a very serious exercise to see how many other

hotels, clubs, restaurants and bistros there are for customers to choose

from. Most of the other places offer the same product so it is often the

service, the standard, and how the level of service is delivered, what

differentiates one place from another, customers are:

As you may have seen plastered on posters and postcards around our

workplaces. Sometimes it closes in the staff room and sometimes it hangs

on the wall of the manager's office. This is a pretty good description of who

the customer is and sends us a pretty clear message about how we should

treat them:

1) "Customers don't depend on us, we depend on them.

2) Customers are not a nuisance to our work, they are the only reason for it.

3) Customers make us do good.

4) Customers are part of our business, not outside of it.

5) Customers are not statistics. Customers are human beings with feelings

and emotions.

6) Customers are not to argue with or argue with.

7) Customers bring us their wants and needs and it is our job to satisfy them

8) Customers are deserving of the most courteous and respectful attention

we can give them.

9) Customers are the lifeblood of a business, because without them there is

no business.

1.1.2. Customer Needs, Wants and Expectations

Customer service revolves around us meeting or exceeding customer needs, wants

and expectations. Customer service means covering the following:

a. Needs

Desires and expectations for customers are an inseparable unity. For staying

guests, bed, food and drinks cannot be separated.

b. Desire

It is the customer's expectation to meet certain needs. For example: guests want

to eat at an international restaurant, want to stay at a luxury hotel, but don't have

enough money, so they stay somewhere else according to their budget.

c. Hope

Fulfilment of customer needs and wants, is also influenced by:

1) Company image and reputation in the market.

2) Customers' perceptions and their experiences with the company.

3) Company advertising. Customers know they can't afford the luxuries mentioned

above, but as a result of their advertising and previous experiences, they will get

rooms, food and drinks at affordable prices. Big problems start when what

customers really want goes against their expectations.

1.1.3. How to Identify Customer Needs, Wants and Expectations

To find out what customer needs, wants and expectations are, it is necessary to:

a. Involve Customers In Developing New Services

Use questionnaires, testing and observation to identify likes and dislikes, needs

and wants, expectations and customer experiences.

b. Organizing and Gathering Customers

Establish regular meetings with specially selected customers. The customer must

represent your client and each focus group meeting should have a clear focal

point. This meeting held discussions, debates, opinions, input on the topic and

recorded input from members of the focus group. This information forms the basis

for management-staff discussions and eventual policy modification, or creation.

Focus groups are a good way to bring 'customer focus' to service standards and

service provision.

c. Active Listening to Customers

Encouraging customers to communicate with you, following up on non-verbal cues

when they speak to you as body language often indicates a hidden desire to say

something. Encourage them to expand and clarify issues and criticisms.

d. Make decisions and act based on customer needs and desires

We should focus on what the customer wants not on what is easy for us, simple to

'at home' our system or according to 'what we have done in the past'. We really

have to focus on the customer.

e. Seeing the Customer's Point of View

We should try to find out what our service looks like from the customer's point of

view. We cannot see service from our own point of view but must from the

customer's point of view. What we think is right may not necessarily be according

to the customer.

f. Actively Requesting Customer Feedback

We need to implement not only written response sheets and questionnaires, but

also encourage staff to be proactive in asking for verbal feedback from customers

directly such as at check-out, after they have finished their meal and or through

personal actions.

g. Finding Out Important Factors In Service

Determine what they value and do not value. Sometimes, what we think is

important is not. This reinforces we must be customer focused. We don't always

know what customers want because their needs and preferences are always

changing. If we don't change with them we risk losing support and market share.

As the saying goes "the customer is the schoolbook from which we learn.

h. Latest Market Analysis

We need to utilize the information produced by industry bodies to help identify

what is happening in the industry or elsewhere in the industry, that nationally or

internationally. All peak bodies do some form of research and it's important to

read what the research finds.

i. Competitor Analysis

Observe your competitors. Pretend to be a customer there and find out what they

do, what they offer, their prices and their level of service, from making the booking

all the way to departure. Learn how to promote and analyze it. What image do

they project? What offers do they make? How do we compare?

Now that we have identified our customers' needs and wants, it is imperative to

obtain a detailed, complete and accurate understanding of our current operations

and whether they are suitable to meet customer requirements. Research into all

aspects of operations is essential in ensuring offerings to customers are

appropriate in meeting their needs. By conducting research it is easier to identify

problem areas where the product or service is not standardized and to highlight

deficiencies in service. By identifying both strong and weak areas of performance,

appropriate changes can be made to help improve the customer experience.

1.1.4. Types of research

As mentioned, marketing is all about research. Research has been identified to be

designed to identify:

a. What the customer wants, needs, wants and expectations.

b. What we are currently offering to customers - products and services.

c. What we can improve.

Research can be defined as an informal and formal search for knowledge. This

knowledge should be used as the basis for customer-focused action.

1) Informal Research

Research done casually and informally includes:

a) Discuss information with colleagues.

b) Seek customer feedback by asking questions.

c) Personal observation of customers and service and then self-reflection on

what you have seen.

d) Discuss information with a wider network of contacts.

e) Discussing information with the public in public places.

f) Articles seen on TV or reading newspapers, magazines or books.

2) Formal Research

Formal research that is more structured and planned, which is included in formal

research are:

a) Read printed materials of properties, food menus, drink lists, compendiums,

advertisements and promotions.

b) Enroll in special interest customers related to your area.

c) Information brochures read products and services.

d) Surf the Internet for up-to-date information.

e) Visiting the library - reading a book.

f) Develop specific, distribute and analyze questionnaires - this is fundamental

market research.

g) Attend conferences and seminars - to find new networks.

h) Attend product launches.

i) Attend Industry Association.

Management will generally support efforts to find out information about customers,

so contact them and explain any proposed research you plan to do. Management

may even pay for courses or allocate you time to do research. If nothing else, it

shows you're interested! Also, they may be able to update you on recent research

they have done or are currently doing. One example of (semi-)formal research is the

'questionnaire' located in accommodation rooms, which seeks feedback from

customers about the services we provide. Unfortunately research activities are

useless if we do not act on them. It has been said 'Customer comments are the

schoolbook from which we learn' so knowledge needs to be turned into action. The

customer has already told you they don't like it, so why are you still doing it? It's truly

amazing some properties will literally spend thousands of dollars on advertising and

consultants when how to improve their services, sales and profits right under their

eyes in the form of customer feedback.

1.1.5. Conduct research

When conducting research follow these steps:

a. Determine in advance the information that needs to be collected to address

your problem.

b. Experiment with data collection methods.

c. Collect data and conduct research and compile information.

d. Analysis of the results, did the data help you? What do customers want?

What do they not like?

e. Communicate , implications and recommendations to appropriate people

or departments including staff and management.

f. Develop policies and procedures to align with identified customer needs and

preferences -and promote these to staff to ensure identified customer

service requirements are met.

1.2. Changes in Internal and External Environments Considered in terms of

Service Quality Planning

The development of successful customer service is an ongoing exercise, and

involves monitoring of the internal and external environment, and the

integration of findings into future planning. It is important to understand what

could be causing changes in our operating environment and explain some of

the factors currently seen to have the potential to impact customer service. The

business environment consists of two parts- the internal environment and the

external environment.

1.2.1 Internal Environment

The internal environment is the environment within the business. This could

include the level of staff available, organizational policies and procedures, skills

and knowledge level of the staff, business opening hours, facilities available

within the premises. In theory, a property has control over internal factors

because it is in a position to influence them. Any aspect of the internal

environment causing deficiencies in services can be identified, changed and

controlled much more easily than impacts caused by the external environment.

Possible causes of deficiencies from within the internal environment will

include, but are not limited to:

a. Product standard, the product may be out of date, inferior or in need of

replacement or renovation .

b. Equipment - broken equipment or new equipment that staff are not aware of.

c. Marketing - the wrong message is being sent to customers giving them

unrealistic expectations.

d. Staffing - staffing level may not match (under or above staff), wrong mix of

staff (experienced and new staff).

e. Recruitment, people with sufficient knowledge, skills and attitudes have been


f. Training, staff are not aware of what to do so inconsistency .

g. Management - lack of control, standards, guidance and support.

h. Financial support, limited availability of funds needed to provide the

necessary products and services.

i. Changes in management style, changes in management may require

variations in service orientation or arrangements from several directions in

relation to serving. Whether the change was accepted by the previous

management, or may not be accepted by the new management. This doesn't

mean that what was done before was wrong, it just means a new, different


j. Reorganizing the structure, the trend is to reduce the middle level

management and with that comes new responsibilities for all parties. As the

organization restructures, either for reasons of efficiency or as a result of

declining profits, new roles for all staff in relation to customer service will

emerge. Staff and managers will have their responsibilities enlarged, or their

focus changed. For a clear country, the industry is very much dynamic.

1.2.2. External Environment

The external environment refers to the area outside the business over which

the place has little or no control. This can relate to changes in technology,

changes in legislation, economic conditions, political situations, and

competition in the market. Service shortages caused by external factors may

be more difficult to control, but steps must be taken to understand them and

make changes to whether the organization has some control tools.

Every impact must be positively addressed by hotel managers, some of the

external environmental impacts are:

a. Changes in a competitive environment.

As competitors introduce new services and facilities, the nature of our

industry is that we are often forced to respond and match their offerings or

introduce something else that goes against it. The key here is that we

have to know what the competitors are doing. We have to monitor their

advertisements, visit their premises and talk to our suppliers about what

Oppo is doing. We must then take some action to exploit the opportunity

or reduce the potential negative impact – whichever way we go, we must

realize 'knowledge is power.'

b. Economic Temperature

Media monitoring and discussions with our financial experts will help

identify the state of the economy. There is no doubt the state of the

economy has a huge impact on trade and we must be prepared to

respond to the emerging economic climate.

c. Trends in Customer Needs

Whatever we do we must respond to customer needs.

d. Advancement of Electronic Business Devices

More and more people are using the internet to access information and

make orders. We need to tap into this huge emerging market but already

and build a website (make sure it is someone's responsibility to keep up-

to-date weekly describing our properties and explaining our services,

facilities etc.

We also need to take advantage of the opportunities this media presents

for ordering and various other activities such as retail sales (internet

selling), and a forum for questions and feedback and information

dissemination forms.

e. Market

The market is very complex and rapidly changing with new and more

complex customer demands, products and services. Internationalization is

increasing and international competition is increasing in many markets. To

ensure proper quality, companies must better understand their

environment and develop competence and ability to change before or at

the same time, as the outside world changes.

f. Environmental Issues

The demand for quality in the external environment will place greater

demands on how companies conduct their business, which sources of

energy they use, and how a they design their products. More

establishments will seek to portray their eco-friendly public image. Most

organizations appreciate the cost savings to be made from recycled

materials, as well as the marketing potential and clear effect of reducing

the impact of business on the planet. Most businesses today will seek to

demonstrate they are aligned with the triple bottom-line principle, taking

into account not only the financial goals of the organization but social and

environmental responsibilities too.

g. Technology Development

Technological developments have played a key role in structural changes

in the service sector. The boundaries between the transportation,

communications, travel services and hospitality industries disappeared as

airlines (and others) began to provide direct booking, tours, conferences,

car and accommodation arrangements, in-flight telephone service, and

retail e-package delivery services in competition-and- coalition with

thousands of other service units. Many customers are looking for a one

stop service for all their vacation or travel needs, and technology provides

the means for this to be done.

Technology has also impacted service operations through computerized

ordering systems, online ordering, handheld ordering systems in

restaurants, barcodes and the growing trend for customers to checkout

and pay for themselves after selecting an item.

1.3. Opportunity For Colleagues To Participate In The Consumer Service

Planning Process Is Provided

Involving colleagues in customer service planning is important because it helps

staff understand what is required of them, as well as gives them the opportunity

to make input on areas that will ultimately impact them the most. Their

participation at this stage also increases the likelihood they will 'own' change,

and thus seek to better implement the actions agreed to.

From a 'customer service' perspective we can be provided in a variety of ways

including: face-to-face, online, email and written communication.

1.3.1. Engaging Employees

Activities providing opportunities for staff to participate in the planning process


a. Formation of quality improvement groups or 'quality circles' - made up of

people from different departments so that ideas, problems and issues can be

integrated at the establishment.

b. Establishment of group training sessions so that group members can learn

about each other's work, reinforces the concept of a team approach to

customer service delivery.

c. Introducing various methods and systems to spread the message of quality

throughout the organization by means of internal marketing, the key here is

to make quality service constant and continuous, not sporadic.

d. We have to keep the message in front of everyone's eyes, staff need to be

constantly reminded of the quality programs that have been developed and

this can be reminded through posters, checklists, recitations, use of

intranets, badges.

From a management perspective, it is important to receive and act on input

from staff, where appropriate. Where staff contributions are not incorporated

into planning, it is a good idea to explain why they are not. This lets staff

know their input is at least considered even though it may not have acted on

it. There is no point in talking about staff participation and then ignoring the

next input they make. If staff input is not acknowledged, or acted on, it will

stop. In addition, there is also the potential for staff to then see themselves

as ignored and treated as second class by management. This can lead to all

manner of adverse staff-management relationships.

1.4. Approach developed and communicated to colleagues and


Greater efforts should be made to develop staff competencies. The company's

growth now comes as much from employee development as expansion with

more employees and this applies as much to customer contact staff to other

professional and managerial staff. Businesses must be prepared to invest time

and money in staff and recognize them as a key asset to the organization.

1.4.1. Customer Service Improvement

a. Focus on operations, including:

1) Create a competitive advantage over the competition by either doing

something different, superior or cheaper.

2) Doing product revision

3) New service system

4) New food menu

5) Renovation

6) New equipment and trained staff

7) New marketing strategy for new target market segments

8) Ads with appropriate attractive packages

9) Brand new to provide new and fresh

10) Appropriate and varied staffing levels

11) Recruitment – employees who have knowledge, skills and attitudes

12) Structured training program

13) Management –

the amount of supervision, standardization, guidance

14) Financial support - limited availability of funds needed to provide the

required products and services

15) Changes in management style – changes in management may require

variations in service orientation or arrangements from several directions

in relation to services. What was accepted under the previous

management may not be accepted by the new management. This

doesn't mean that it was done before it was wrong, it just means a

different new approach.

Also note, change management change is often a herald of client focus,

and the creation of new and different target markets which, by their very

nature, often demands changes to service standards, techniques and


16) Organizational restructuring, as the organization is restructured, either

for reasons of efficiency or as a result of declining profits, new roles for

all staff in relation to customer service will emerge. Staff and managers

will have greater responsibilities, or their focus will change.

17) Greater use of e-business - in all aspects of business.

18) Greater use of technology - to be included to gather valuable

information, improve communications or streamline operations.

19) Environmental awareness

b. Focus On Employees

Ensuring employees play an active role in improving service standards, is

the main goal for management. Their eyes and ears and able to

communicate important information about customers.

Included in the approach to employees:

1) Create and implement business concepts throughout the organization,

which help to determine the direction the company will take in the future.

2) Involve staff in quality improvement planning and implementation.

3) Build the spirit of working together towards the goal.

4) Creating instruments and channels for disseminating the company's

philosophy, goals and values throughout the organization.

5) Promote a climate of open communication and feedback

6) Encourage and recognize innovation and teamwork.

7) Recognize the right of every employee to understand the requirements of

their duties, and to be heard when offering suggestions for improvement.

c. Customer Focus:

1) Assuming customers are part of the organization's 'members' - or guests

of the organization.

2) Loyal Customers Reward - with special offers, discounts, verbal

acknowledgments and thanks. Loyalty schemes can support this


3) Communicate with customers to promote trust and satisfaction: for

example, menu and in-room descriptions of facilities must be honest and

not raise expectations that the product/facility cannot meet.

4) Identify unwritten customer needs - be reading body language, monitoring

what they are doing and predicting monitoring needs.

5) Ensuring needs and demands are met - this addresses the idea of

'customers exceed expectations' as opposed to simply 'meeting'


6) Provide friendly and courteous assistance - without having to be asked.

As mentioned, every business is different and will have different solutions

to improve their service offering that is consistent with their organization's

mission statement and goals. Regardless of the type of organization, the

solution will only work if the customer believes that:

a) Meet their needs, wants and expectations.

b) Valuable product quality.

c) Is the product better than competitors.

ELEMENT 2: Monitoring and Adjusting Customer Service

2.1. Customer service standards are monitored in the workplace in

accordance with company policies and procedures.

Just because standards have been developed, in writing, explained to staff and

endorsed by management, doesn't mean they will always be implemented.

After all, people are only human, and as they say - to err is human! What is

required is some on-site customer service monitoring to ensure standards are

met according to the organization's policies and procedures.

The most important thing in monitoring service standards is the will to monitor

them. You must want to monitor them. The most common problem is that

service standards are developed and communicated but are not monitored. If

service standards are not monitored the result can be a rapid decline in service

standards and this negative impact on repeat business, profits or customer

satisfaction levels.

2.1.1. Common monitoring methods are:

a. Work Observation

Observing what is happening at work, reading customer body language

and measuring waiting times.

b. Talk to customers

Talk to customers to get service-related feedback.

c. Talk to staff

Speak to employees to get their impressions, to identify barriers to

planning service standards.

d. Read customer complaints and feedback business statistics.

e. Analyze

Reducing portions can indicate the need for attention to be paid to

customer service, and can also indicate a need in other areas such as

price, product.

Marketing activities are a form of monitoring and evaluation of many

things and may include the use of customer surveys as well as evaluation

of any promotions carried out by the place such as advertisements. This

includes the use of billboards, direct mail, radio, TV, Internet and incentive


2.1.2. Special places to be monitored:

a. Reservation

1) Reservation system, ease of use.

2) How to make a phone call - remember the information provided,

manners, how to call, speed of policy.

3) Cancellation - Is this policy what we want or what the customer expects.

4) Credit card acceptance – diversity in accepting credit card payments.

5) Accommodation: do we give guests what they want? Or are we trying

to 'force' guests into a sleep that suits us? Are guests paying more than

they can afford?.

6) Is Information about shuttles and public transportation – whether for

customers to use these facilities.

b. Registration

1) Greeting - how is this greeting perceived or interpreted by the guest?

Are they sincere greetings? Should I use a different foreign language?

2) Baggage handling – is it offered fast? How do we do it? Can we do it

better? Is it offered to all guests? Was it delivered in a timely manner?

Is it seen as a valued service?

3) Check-in procedure - is the duration of the check-in that can be

achieved according to the wishes of the guest? Is the check-in

procedure easy for guests to do? Is the first contact with a guest a

positive experience place?

4) Room accommodation – is the number of rooms as required? Does the

facility meet guest requirements?

5) Room status and room availability – do we have a system that can

quickly and easily identify room status and room availability levels for

the stated date? Is the room status accurate?

6) Information about hotel services – does the receptionist lack complete

and up-to-date information?

7) Cleanliness and interior design of the lobby, lifts, rooms - are the

facilities in line with guest expectations, and in-line with the images we

present in our advertisements? Or are we creating false hopes?

8) Operation of air conditioning, heating, television, radio and plumbing in

the room – are all the facilities in the room working properly?

9) Facilities - are the facilities we offer suitable for our guests attractive?

Are there enough of them available? Are they suitably sign-posted?

c. During Guest Stay

1) Food service department - menu, hours of operation, prices,

acceptable level of service for guests and expectations we have

made? Are there sufficient staff with appropriate skills?

2) Gift shop- Are there enough souvenirs for the customers?

3) Lounge - which prices charged, entertainment provided, opening

hours and level of service acceptable to the customer, or do we run

this department according to ourselves and not the customer?

4) Room service - is the menu offering sufficient, is the price reasonable,

is the delivery time correct and the pick-up from the tray on time? Is

room service available when guests want it?

5) Valet service – are the pick up and delivery times suitable for guest

needs? Is the price right? Does the quality of service provided meet the

needs of guests?

6) Housekeeping - is the current system sufficient to meet guest

expectations? proper and adequate facilities, and sufficient number of


7) Service and product – whether the service and product can be felt by

the guest.

8) Security – is there 24 hour security service available at the hotel ?and

according to need? Are there adequate fire safety devices in place?

Are they adequately trained in dealing with fires?

9) Front office - are they able to handle requests for information and other

assistance such as wake-up services ? system to communicate by

telephone? entertainment system and internet connection? Is the guest

folio continuously updated, accurate and ready for departing guests? Is

the receptionist fast enough to serve requests for extension of stay?

d. Departure

1) Guest departure deadlines – are they reasonable and flexible? Can

extensions be given to special requests without creating problems or

making a bad impression on guests? Should we introduce express

check-out facility?

2) Baggage - is baggage assistance easy to provide? Do guests need

help with their luggage? Is bag storage easily available?

3) Speed in providing departure service - is the time spent waiting to be

processed on departure correct? Are guests served in the proper


4) Bookkeeping - is the bill immediately available? Is bill printing

accurate? If there is a discrepancy, can it be resolved quickly?

2.2. Feedback is Seeking Continuously

Customers' focus is critical to any successful business. Every three

months or more often if time permits, it is important to review customer

satisfaction with your services. This should be done, as far as possible,

using verified data, rather than relying on subjective impressions and

hearsay from other staff. To get the information on which to base our

customer focus we need to:

a. Conduct market research - to actively search for what customers want.

b. Actively solicit feedback from customers who have experienced what

our place has to offer. Asking customers for their feedback is a brilliant

thing to do. It is relatively inexpensive to do and it allows immediate and

real customer input. The importance of this feedback should be fed

back to be incorporated into future plans and standards.

2.2.1. Feedback Type

There are several types of feedback, including:

a. Positive

Customers give compliments about certain aspects of service or

individual performance. This feedback is the easiest to receive and

allows whether the service has been rendered correctly.

b. Neutral

Customers said they 'enjoyed' their experience, which met their

expectations, but did not provide further comment.

c. Negative

Customers have complaints about aspects of their 'experience'. This is

the most difficult type of feedback to receive as it identifies deficiencies

in the service provided and the customer may be quite emotional when

providing this. That said, negative feedback is of utmost importance as

it provides management and staff with an opportunity to apologize and

find solutions for improvement.

2.2.2. Method of Collecting Feedback

There are various methods for collecting feedback, these methods should

refer to:

a. The form is designed to collect important information about all

aspects of the service.

b. The format is easy to use for customers.

c. The form is presented to the customer when it will cause less


e. Customers thank them for their feedback, whether in the form of gifts

or other appropriate rewards.

There are several methods that can be used to collect data from

customers, including:

1) Customer Direct Communication with staff

This method is the most effective method for gathering customer

feedback about their experience because:

a) It shows customers that the staff values them.

b) Verbal communication allows large amounts of feedback to be


c) Follow-up questions can ask for more information or to make

sure they understand customer comments.

d) This is the easiest way for customers because it doesn't need

them to write forms.

If customer feedback is negative, it allows staff to apologize,

understand complaints, find mutually agreed solutions for

action to be taken.

The best time to use this method of collecting feedback is

usually at the end of a 'service activity' such as when a

customer has finished eating at a restaurant, checking out of a

hotel or paying a bill. Collecting feedback does not always have

to be done by management. Most organizations will utilize line

staff to also perform this function as they have the greatest

contact with customers across their entire 'experience'. This

requires front-line staff to inquire about the customer

experience by being proactive in ensuring how they enjoyed

their meal or stay. The types of questions asked should use a

variety of open and closed questions to gather information.

Many staff ask simple closed questions such as "Did you enjoy

your stay or did you enjoy the food served?" It provides general

feedback on their experience with the organization but does not

identify aspects they enjoy most or areas that could be


2) Observation

While the best form of gathering information is from direct

conversations with customers, valuable information can also be

gathered by watching or listening to customers.

Paying attention to people and their body language can provide

highly accurate information that they might not otherwise get

through direct interaction. Usually customers, like everyone,

want to avoid confrontational or agitated situations and will

therefore be less inclined to give negative feedback using direct

communication. By observing body language and listening to

comments that customers point out or tell others, is a good way

to get accurate information that they would not feel comfortable

sharing with management or staff. One good example of the

effective use of observation is when a chef sees a plate returning

to the kitchen. Through careful observation, in a matter of

seconds, they can gather information relating to:

a) Do customers enjoy the food served.

b) What foods do customers enjoy.

c) Control of the distribution of food portions.

3) Customer Comment Form

This is traditionally placed in the guest room, Many restaurants

can use this form in a way that does not inconvenience

customers. It is also acceptable to offer these cards to

customers and ask them to complete them and return them.

These cards must be designed with a balance between

customer ease of use and the quantity and quality of information


4) Feedback on line

This is a good method to use after the customer has left the

premises and has had time to complete the form. This could

include a 'Tell us what you think' facility or other 'Customer

Comments or Feedback'. Where with this media can check


5) Meeting

While the information collected in this method, is not directly

related to customer feedback, this feedback is very important for

identifying strategies for operational improvement. Most each

department will have regular meetings, whether officially

scheduled at specific times each week or in the form of staff

briefings and reviews for each shift. In addition the manager will

participate in meetings involving all departments within a hotel.

During this meeting, detailed feedback will be provided.

2.3. Training is used to help colleagues deal with customer service issues

Employee skills development, consisting of formal training, as an activity to improve

service to their customers. This program is very diverse.

2.3.1. The professional development of employees are:

a. Certified qualifications and training programs provided by external education

providers or professionals.

b. Internal programs.

c. Meeting.

d. Apprenticeship .

e. System Buddy

f. Research activities

g. Demonstration

h. Discussion

Employee skill development can be done if:

1) Lack of customer service is something that needs to be addressed.

2) New employees need training.

3) New techniques for existing products or services are created.

4) New products or services are introduced .

While professional development must be carried out for reasons of

improvement in service to customers.

2.3.2. Support To All Employees

A manager and supervisor must provide active support to team members in helping

them meet their given results. Support that can be provided to the work team when

needed. This support can also include the following:

a) Provide moral and verbal support during difficult times, for example: when
someone is busy receiving guests, when other staff do not show up for work.

b) Provide relevant training and coaching.

c) Providing facilities to produce work that must be done better or faster.

d) Obtain approval for more time (overtime pay, extra hours) for staff, when

e) Provide protection to staff when in dispute with management.

f) Support staff when unfounded or unfair accusations are made about them.

g) Collect and listen to their feedback.

h) Give awards to employees who work hard and excel.

i) Celebrate any success they may have in terms of training, congratulatory

letters, promotions, some special attention from management or directors.

2.3.3. Providing Support and Motivation

Most new hires will behave like a senior work group. They will be task oriented and

rely on direction from the group leader.

With leadership and maturity the group can develop into a work team. In the last ten

years there has been a lot of interest from organizations in the concept of higher-

level work teams. These are often given names like Self-Managed or Self-Directed

Teamwork, Autonomous Teamwork and Skilled Teamwork. One of the main issues

that must be managed in the workplace is that employee motivation, and structure

plays an important role in the level of motivation that can be achieved. The

development of Effective Work Teams is aimed partly at providing employees with a

better quality work experience, and in part at increasing the output and quality of

workers. While these teams may still need supervisors, they are usually for specific

roles, such as oversight for fire teams, not for managing people. Effective Work

Teams integrate vertically to absorb roles and can define their own work

assignments, breaks, procedures, new members and will evaluate each other's

performance and provide feedback. In an effective work team, each member

becomes a leader at the right time, when someone who is skilled, knowledgeable or

has the most use for results or the right balance between members.

Once you have started the development of your work team, an Effective Work Team

can be created. This requires the implementation of a number of key criteria and the

commitment of those involved to follow them. Before attempting to set up an

Effective Work Team, managers must ensure that they have a chance to succeed.

While all organizations want the benefits of this team structure, not all of them will be

happy with the spread of power, knowledge and authority to those in lower positions,

even though these are the people who can deliver the best results from having them.

If there was a clear rejection this would be quite a problem. However, the common

response is to appear unconcerned, even supportive, but then weaken the group by

slowing down or even withholding important resources such as funds, information or


2.3.4. coaching

In order for staff to provide a level of service that meets the organization's standards,

they must have the knowledge and skills necessary to do so. Staff coaching to help

improve the delivery of quality customer service is a tool that is far under-used in an

effort to provide a better level of service. Job coaching is an excellent tool to use


a) Able to save costs.

b) It relates specifically

s for individual work needs.

c) Target individual staffing needs.

While it may be best to use a fully trained coach to provide coaching, many valuable

lessons can still be learned by using only enthusiastic and dedicated staff members

in this way.

a. Fundamentals of Coaching

When using coaching, it is necessary to consider the following:

1) Coaching targets for actual, identified needs for specific individuals - as

opposed to coaching everyone even if they don't really need them.

2) Get staff member agreement forms that coaching is needed and will benefit

3) Prepare for training sessions - develop plans, arrange for necessary resources,
arrange time and place for coaching.

4) Explain the coaching that will be delivered.

5) Focus on the person to be trained.

6) Use the two main delivery strategies of explanation and demonstration.

7) Ensure supportive skills and knowledge are covered.

8) Allows for proper practice.

9) Follow up with staff members as needed to see if extra coaching or assistance

is needed.

b. How to do coaching

There are various ways to do coaching including:

1) Demonstration

This way it is important to play a role for the staff participating to conduct

demonstrations. In this session someone acts as an observer to watch the

interaction and pay attention to verbal and non-verbal language during this


2) Group Discussion

This involves the staff describing the situation. This could be one theory, or one

that actually happened to them, and talks through what they would, should or

could do in a situation like this. Discussion should take the form of evaluating

options by thinking through the possible consequences of each choice presented.

The discussion can also relate to an actual customer service situation that has

occurred and the discussion should look at what action was taken and if it could

have been handled better.

3) Case Study

This is a variation of the above and requires the trainer to outline, explain and

describe the scenario, and ask the participants what they would like it to be. The

suggestions given are then evaluated with relative merits also discussed.

4) Supervision

This can be an informal one-on-one training situation where experienced staff

work with new hires and provide practical guidance and training. Experienced staff

lead and only one following a set example - it is useful to have a de-briefing

session after clarifying points, and working through issues as they arise.

5) Training Using Video

There are plenty of videos about excellent customer service, and most people

would take something from watching one of them. It is best to use the one that

corresponds to the standard the establishment has set. extra than that every time.

6) Suggestions and Criticism

This concept is not applicable to everyone and most people seem to be able to

cope with it, and most people seem to see it as an advantage. A friend's

suggestion or critique is important where they observe your performance and then

provide accurate and honest feedback on how you are going. They are, therefore,

important to you, but in a friendly, supportive, and positive way.

2.4. Colleagues Encouraged To Take Responsibility for Customer Service

Having developed an approach to improving the quality of customer service it is very

important to share it with the staff. Developed customer service standards that have

been implemented need to be communicated. While most communication standards

come from departmental managers and supervisors, staff can also communicate

among themselves to ensure that everyone understands what is required and the

procedures to be followed to ensure standards are met.

2.4.1. Standards of communicating with customers can use a variety of ways


a. Orientation Program

Orientation programs can be carried out at regular times, whether busy or not.
In this program, the hotel needs to make detailed observations about
customer behavior during their stay. The staff, especially in contact with
guests, must continuously observe guests.

b. Formal meeting

This can be done by inviting potential guests, or all people with an interest in
sending guests. This event can be done either formally or informally.

c. Staff work direction at the beginning and end of the shift

Managers are required to carry out work instructions before and after work.
This needs to be done to find out whether the services provided to customers
have been able to meet customer satisfaction.

d. Training session

The sessions given by management to employees aim to encourage

employees to be more intensive in communicating with customers to get
feedback from customers. Although the core of the training session is to
improve employee skills, it can be done to encourage employees to be more
active in interacting with employees.

e. Observation and mentoring

The superiors or managers carry out planned activities to observe and monitor
how the staff communicates with customers. Activities can be carried out
periodically for one year to get maximum results.

f. Informal communication during work schedule exchange

Cost communication is carried out before the work shift exchange, this

communication can be done by looking at the log book to find out what work

is pending and not yet completed, thus pending work can be communicated


The management aspect of providing quality service requires staff members to have

ready access and standards to services. In some cases the establishment of

customer access communication access has been made public. How to access

information between employees and customers can be done by:

a. Socialization of Service Standards During Employee Interviews

This procedure is an interview in which the person being interviewed for a

customer contact position is informed about the standard of service to the


b. Service Standard Documentation

All protocols in written form must be 'reduced' meaning they must observe and

see the process enshrined as part of organizational policies and operating


c. Orientation

All successful applicants must be provided with a copy of all relevant customer

service expectations, standards and protocols as part of their induction into the

organization. This will involve supplying each new staff member with a copy of our

customer service policies, procedures and practices (as appropriate). The person

responsible for conducting the orientation should allocate sufficient time for the

induction aspect to enable full explanation, illustration and demonstration of the

identified service level and practice. Consequently, this will underscore the

customer service principles stated and outlined at the time of the interview.

d. Commuterization System

This system is widely used by companies because information can be accessed

easily and the information obtained is current information and can be done at any


e. Standard Manual

Many of these standard manuals are kept and owned by the relevant departments

in the form of photocopies.

2.5. Customer Service Problems are identified and adjustments are made to

ensure continued service quality

Monitoring and adjusting customer service also involves identifying changes in

customer service and developing a change strategy with standards, systems and

procedures to ensure continued service quality. While we still need to report positive

changes in customer satisfaction, most managers are concerned with identifying and

making changes to service problems identified in the customer feedback process.

While service providers try to eliminate service problems they always seem to occur

despite efforts to prevent them. This mostly appears the best we can do is reduce

the incidence.

2.5.1. Difficulty in contacting service staff

It is very frustrating for customers when they get to see the service staff, and all the

staff seem to be talking amongst themselves and ignoring the customers.

This frustration extends to when the customer makes a phone call and it goes


2.5.2. Lack of information about products and services

There is no tolerance for front office staff who do not know products and information

about the hotel.

2.5.3. Price information is unclear or incomplete

Customers are easily annoyed when they can't get information related to prices

quickly and accurately. They are easy to become suspicious and feel there is a

mode of fraud if they do not know the price information clearly.

2.5.4. Unclear packages or offers

Offering package deals or special offers is one way to attract guests.

Sometimes customers often feel betrayed and cheated when we make these offers,

and these negative feelings are usually transmitted to others and can have quite a

negative impact on business development.

If we are going to offer a package to the customer then, it must be clear and

comprehensive and not leave anything out of a package that the customer expects

and then expect them to pay for that extra element.

a. Complaint handling

Complaints are still seen as a business threat rather than an opportunity,

complaints have not been handled quickly and properly.

Handling complaints effectively and professionally doesn't come naturally to

people so establishments have to put in place some form of initial and ongoing


b. Contents and forms of invoices

Clear information about the bill for food or room costs clearly helps customers to

make quick payments.

Conducting evaluation is useful to identify changes to maintain service standards.

When identifying the changes needed to maintain service standards you should

address the following:

1) Ensure that the means (resources - human, physical or otherwise) to achieve

change are identified and costed.

2) List the barriers or problems that have been identified.

3) Create a schedule for identifying problems.

4) Appoint the person who will be in charge of making identification.

5) Describe the perfect service situation as completely as possible to help people

understand and appreciate what the ideal service standard really is.

Once you have prepared your report, it is important that it is given to the right

people to get feedback, agreement and implementation in action.

All reports must be followed up and reported to:

a) Management

b) Directors

c) Certain subcommittees

d) Teaching group

e) Establishment in business

f) External organization conducting training

g) Registered Training Organization

h) All staff members

i) Specific staff members identified by feedback - be aware that you can also
choose not to share the report with those who are not named

j) Head Office.

2.6. Adjustments Are Communicated For All Adjustments Involved In The

Delivery Of Services In A Timely Timeframe

Once all parties have reached an agreement, any new approach to customer service

is decided upon should be communicated to all parties involved within an appropriate

time frame. Exactly what time is set will vary depending on the nature and extent of

the new approach, but 'as soon as possible' is a reasonable guide. Service

communication approaches can occur in a variety of ways. The key to

communicating this change is the communication that must be planned. The

following shows the extent of the work that needs to be done and you can see it is

impossible to be effective unless you prepare adequately for it. In many ways this will

reflect the way in which service requirements are initially communicated to new staff

when they attend this event.

2.6.1. Customer Communication Approach

a. Hold formal meetings to inform staff of changes - if staff have been actively

involved in the development process then the changes made do not have to

come as something new to them.

The thing to remember is explaining the changes but also explaining why
they are needed.

b. Provide copies of standard operating procedures to employees regarding new

service approaches in the form of photocopies.

c. Explain the change - tell staff how the 'new' service system differs from the

previous service. Give details in giving concrete examples of 'what you did

and what you will do in the future.

d. Inform staff when to introduce new service procedures.

f. Inform training staff when they are implementing new requirements in service


g. Encourage questions from staff about changes - answer them completely and


h. Make yourself available outside of these meetings for staff to talk to if they

have concerns about change.

i. Create a list of new Posts related to changes to the right part of the place.

j. Include new policies, procedures etc. in operating manuals, induction programs

and in-house staff training schedules.

k. Attend sessions to get the necessary training to help implement change.

l. Introducing changes and monitoring their implementation - executed through

new procedures in employee work directions.

m. Provide feedback to appropriate staff including additional training if required.

This guide has explored the logical steps required in ensuring the customer

service provided meets customer expectations by collecting feedback, comparing

against standards, reporting findings and developing strategies for changes and

improvements that are agreed upon by all parties involved. This should be a process

that occurs on a regular basis. There are always additional changes that can be

made to improve every aspect of customer service. All staff regardless of position,

should strive to ensure the customer service provided is the best it can possibly be.

That is the true essence of maintaining quality customer service.

1) Create a schedule for identifying problems.

2) Appoint the person who will be in charge of making identification.

3) Describe the perfect service situation as completely as possible to help people

understand and appreciate what the ideal service standard really is.

Once you have prepared your report, it is important that it is given to the right

people to get feedback, agreement and implementation in action.

All reports must be followed up and reported to:

a) Management

b) Directors

c) Certain subcommittees

d) Teaching group

e) Establishment in business

f) External organization conducting training

g) Registered Training Organization

h) All staff members

i) Specific staff members identified by feedback - be aware that you can also

choose not to share the report with those who are not named

j) Head Office.

2.6. Adjustments Are Communicated For All Adjustments Involved In The

Delivery Of Services In A Timely Timeframe

Once all parties have reached an agreement, any new approach to customer

service is decided upon should be communicated to all parties involved within an

appropriate time frame. Exactly what time is set will vary depending on the nature

and extent of the new approach, but 'as soon as possible' is a reasonable guide.

Service communication approaches can occur in a variety of ways. The key to

communicating this change is the communication that must be planned. The

following shows the extent of the work that needs to be done and you can see it is

impossible to be effective unless you prepare adequately for it. In many ways this will

reflect the manner in which service requirements are initially communicated to new

staff when they attend this event.

2.6.1. Customer Communication Approach

a. Hold formal meetings to inform staff of changes - if staff have been actively

involved in the development process then the changes made do not have to

come as something new to them.

The thing to remember is explaining the changes but also explaining why they

are needed.

b. Provide copies of standard operating procedures to employees regarding

new service approaches in the form of photocopies.

c. Explain the change - tell staff how the 'new' service system differs from the
previous service. Give details in giving concrete examples of 'what you did
and what you will do in the future.

d. Inform staff when to introduce new service procedures.

f. Inform training staff when they are implementing new requirements in service

g. Encourage questions from staff about changes - answer them completely and

h. Make yourself available outside of these meetings for staff to talk to if they
have concerns about change.

i. Create a list of new Posts related to changes to the right part of the place.

j. Include new policies, procedures etc. in operating manuals, induction programs

and in-house staff training schedules.

k. Attend sessions to get the necessary training to help implement change.

l. Introducing changes and monitoring their implementation - executed through

new procedures in employee work directions.

m. Provide feedback to appropriate staff including additional training if required.

This guide has explored the logical steps required in ensuring the customer

service provided meets customer expectations by collecting feedback, comparing

against standards, reporting findings and developing strategies for changes and

improvements that are agreed upon by all parties involved. This should be a process

that occurs on a regular basis. There are always additional changes that can be

made to improve every aspect of customer service. All staff regardless of position,

should strive to ensure the customer service provided is the best it can possibly be.

That is the true essence of maintaining quality customer service.


I. Instructions for answering pre test questions, multiple choice, choose the
answer a, b, c or which is considered the most correct by giving a cross (X).

1. Some of the statements below are the reasons for the way we deal with our

a. Customers don't depend on us, we depend on them

b. Customers are not to argue with or argue

c. Customers are the lifeblood of a business, because without them there is no


d. All answers are correct

2. ………………………………. are elements that include customer service:

a. Needs

b. wish

c. Hope

d. All answers are correct

3. The reasons companies want to always maintain customer satisfaction are:

a. Maintain business continuity

b. Liability companies

c. Win the competition

d. All answers are correct

4. Efforts made to improve customer service are:

a. Collect feedback from customers

b. Doing renovations

c. Adding employees

d. All answers are correct

5. Those who are most responsible for maintaining the quality of service to
customers are:

a. All employees

b. Company owner

c. customer service

d. Managers

6. The impact of customer complaints are:

a. Means for updating services

b. Making performance irregular

c. To know the guest character

d. All answers are correct

7. When talking to customers, you should do several things:

a. Cutting off the conversation

b. Listen well

c. Staring at the face

d. All answers are correct

8. Some types of feedback that are often given are:

a. Positive

b. negative

c. Neutral

d. All answers are correct

9. Some of the ways the company does to improve the ability of employees in
service are:

a. Training

b. Rewards and punishments

c. Giving bonuses

d. All answers are correct

10. Services performed by employees to meet customer satisfaction are also


a. Excellent service

b. Job description

c. customer care

d. All answers are correct

II. Answer questions

1. d. (all answers are correct)

2. d. (all answers are correct)

3. a. (Maintain business continuity)

4. a. (Collecting feedback from customers)

5. a. (All employees )

6. a. (Means for updating service )

7. b. (Listen well)

8. d. (All answers are correct)

9. a. (Training)

10. a. (Excellent service)


Tourism Profession Training in the HOTEL & RESTAURANT sector,

especially the handling Customer requires some equipment and supplies

that must be provided at a minimum. For the sake of smoothness and the

achievement of the training objectives, this training requires some equipment

and equipment as listed below:


No Tool Explain
1 Stationary
3 Computer/laptop
4 Errand card
5 Screen Projector


No Equipment Explain


Davidoff, Donald M; 1993 (1st edition); Contact: Customer Service in the Hospitality
and Tourism Industry; Prentice Hall.

Ford, Robert; 1999 (1st edition); Managing the Guest Experience in Hospitality;
Delmar Cengage Learning.

Ford, Robert C, Sturman, Michael C, Heaton, Cherrill P; 2011 (1st edition);

Managing Quality Service in Hospitality: How Organizations Achieve Excellence in
the Guest Experience; Delmar Cengage Learning.

O'Fallon, Michael J.; 2010 (5th edition); Hotel Management and Operations; Wiley

Lashley, Conrad, Morrison, Alison; 2001 (1st edition); In Search of Hospitality

(Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism); Butterworth-Heinemann Martin.

William B: 2001 (1st edition); Quality Service: What Every Hospitality Manager
Needs to Know; Prentice Hall.

Noe, Francis P; 2010 (1st edition); Tourist Customer Service Satisfaction: An

Encounter Approach (Advances in Tourism); Routledge.

Sturman, Michael C; 2011 (1st edition); The Cornell School of Hotel Administration
on Hospitality: Cutting Edge Thinking and Practice; Wiley.

Walker, John R; 2008 (5th Edition); Introduction to Hospitality; Prentice Hall

Zeithaml, Valarie A; 2009 (1st edition); Delivering Quality Service; Free Press .


Pribadi, Riza Herawan was born in a Small City in East Java called Malang City. Was
born in November 1967. He graduated his Food and Beverage Service Diploma at BPLP
Nusa Dua, Bali, 1992 and Management Magister Majoring in Tourism Management at ATM
Labora, Jakarta, 2012.

Now, He is a permanent Lecturer at Gunadarma University, Tourism Study Program and

as Part Timer Lecturer at Poltek JIHS.

Not only as a Lecturer but also he is Auditor for Restaurant, Tourism Destination, Villa,
CHSE under The Ministry of Creative Economy and A Workplace Assesor under BNSP.


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