Modul Public Area
Modul Public Area
Modul Public Area
Department For Tourism & Creative Economy DKI Jakarta Provincial Government
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or reproduced without written
permission from the publisher.
This book was produced by t Department For Tourism & Creative Economy DKI Jakarta
Provincial Government.
This book is a participant module prepared by the Government for the Public Area Cleaner training. This
participant module was prepared and reviewed by various parties under the coordination of the Tourism
Profession Training Center, and was used in the implementation of the Housekeeping Public Area training.
This module is a “living document” that is constantly being improved, updated, and updated according to
the dynamics of needs and changing times. Input from various circles is expected to improve the quality
of this book.
The tourism sector needs to be supported by human resources who have the
competency to provide excellent services for tourists. Act number 10 of 2009
concerning Tourism and Government Regulation number 52 of 2012 concerning
Competency Certification and Business Certification in the tourism sector are required
to have competency standards through certification to face free market labour
Professional tourism human resources are very much needed in the tourism industry,
because they have a large and important contribution to the advancement of the
development of the world of tourism, especially about ASEAN Economic Community
(MEA) competition, and foreign tourism human resources that have better quality. This
is very worrying considering the tourism industry which absorbs a lot of human labour.
The policy direction of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is to support tourism
development by improving the quality of tourism human resources following the
National Occupational Certifications Schemes Referring To ACCSTP & CATC On
Tourism Professional, one of which is the profession in the hotel and restaurant sector.
Andhika Permata
Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb
First of all, thanks to Allah SWT who always given health, blessing and salvation for all
of us. So that, we can finished the publication of the Hotel and Rest rant competency —
Based Training Module. The module is prepared to meet the training needs carried by
the The Tourism Professional Training Center of Tourism and Creative Economy
Departement. This can be used as basic materials for training of the Hotel and
Restaurant sector. The module developed by The Indonesian National Competency
Work Standard (SKKNI) which consist of Associations, Academics, and Professionals in
the Hotel and Restaurant sector, to support and prepare Tourism Human Resource so
that they can compete with the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA).
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the publisher team that already
contributed for this module also greatly appreciate to all any suggestions and further
Last but not least, this Professional Training Module for the Hotel and Restaurant sector
is organized by the The Tourism Professional Training Center of Tourism and Creative
Economy Department in DKI Jakarta Provinces to create a competent and certified
tourism workforce towards productive tourism human resources in global
A. TOOL 288
A. Background
In order to welcome the era of globalization which encourages all human resources to have
the ability and professionalism, including workers in the tourism sector, where Jakarta is
the capital of the country and is one of the leading destinations in Indonesia, Jakarta
competent human resources is absolutely necessary in line with the government's program
Resources who have the ability and skills in all fields related to tourism. The human factor
tourism training and certification. The measuring tools are knowledge, skills and behavior.
The ability and skills (competence of skills) of work possessed by human resources in the
field of Indonesian tourism in general, are currently still many that do not meet the
standards. With that assumption, it means that there are still few human resources with
competency standard certificates. For this reason, the workforce in the tourism sector in
Indonesia needs to be increased, so that it can meet international standards that can be
It is hoped that this training module towards certification will make the workforce, especially
Competent hotel accommodations are ready to compete against the ASEAN Economic
Community (AEC). In preparing the said workforce, education and training play a very
important role, with reference to the six (6) pillars contained in the Presidential Regulation
a competency qualification rating framework that can juxtapose, equalize, and integrate
the fields of education and the field of job training and work experience in order to provide
2. Learning Outcomes
3. Equalization
4. Qualification
Qualifications are mastery of learning outcomes that state their position in the KKNI;
5. Work Experience
Work experience is the experience of doing work in a certain field and for a certain period
are carried out systematically and objectively through competency tests in accordance
of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards for the Categories of Rental Services,
Employment, Travel Agencies and Other Business Supporting Main Classes of Office
Administration Services, Services Office Support and Other Business Support Services in
To support the six pillars mentioned above, the Tourism Profession Training Center of the
Office of Tourism and Culture of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta has developed a
Torism Profesional, one of which is the profession in the hotel and restaurant sector and
Module for Tourism Profession Training in the field of Maintain Quality Customer.
B. Graduate Profile
The competency units contained in this training module are core competency units
needed by the HOTEL & RESTAURANT sector workforce, especially in the operational
field. After participating in this training, participants can take a competency test
(assessment) conducted by the HOTEL & RESTAURANT Professional Certification
Institute (LSP) in order to obtain a competency certificate for SKKNI issued by BNSP.
C. Expected Competencies
3. Able to develop and update knowledge about the hospitality industry in accordance
with competency standards.
5. Able to provide facilities for lost and found goods in accordance with the requirements
D. Training Time
Training time for the six (6) competency units 40 hours of training @ 45 minutes, so
that the competency target is achieved, the requirements of the training participants
must be considered.
The minimum requirements for the HOTEL & RESTAURANT – SKKNI Public Area
Attendant training participants are as follows:
1. Education:
d) Health: In good health and not color blind, proven with a Doctor's Certificate
Attach :
a. Registration form
e. Photocopy of diploma
h. Doctor's certificate
f) Able to operate a computer and master word, excel and powerpoint programs.
F. Module Benefits
This module can be used as a reference for training providers and tourism professional
training instructors for tourism human resources to ensure and maintain the competence
of the workforce in the Bellboy work SKKNI in HOTEL & RESTAURANT activities.
G. Author
Tourism and Culture of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Tourism and Culture Office number
the Preparation of Training Modules in the HOTEL & RESTAURANT Sector Activities for
Improving Tourism Professional Training Standards in 2022, the expert personnel for
1 Taufik Hidayat,S.E,M.M. Academician
2 Hendaris Adrianto,S.E,M.Par. Academician
3 Agung Gita Subakti., SST., MM., CHE Academcian
4 Sri PujiAstuti,S.E,MPar Academician
5 Riza Herawan,S.E,M.M Academcian
A. Competency Unit
This curriculum and module consists of thirteen (13) competency units, namely: nine
(9) existing general competency units and Four (4) core competency units in
Housekeeping – Public Area Cleaner. The competency units are:
13. D1.HHK.CL3.07 Clean and Maintain industrial Work Area and Equipment
B. Housekeeping Training Curriculum– Public Area Cleaner
Basically, to become a Public Area Cleaner, one must master thirteen (13) Competency
Units which contain nine (9) general competency units and four (4) core competency units.
1.5 Active listening and G. Identify the
asking questions importance of
are used to ensure listening in
two-way effective two-way
communication communication
which direction H. Types of listeners
I. Effective listening
2.4 Chance for R. Definition of quality
improve service service (Service
quality identified Excellent)
and taken S. Provide input to
whenever possible improve service
quality within the
time limit
3.Maintain personal 3.1 Work location X. Identify the types a.Lecture 2 X @ 45 a.Wrriten
presentation of work locations b.Discussion Menit b.Oral
standards c.Demonstration c.Practical
3.2 Hygiene, health Y. Correctly identify
and safety health, safety and
3.4 Proper AA. Personal
personnel appearance
hygiene care standards
2.3 Cultural differences
are taken into
account, when
difficulties and
2. Handling 2.1 Potential emergency and D.Procedures for a.Lecture 2 X @ 45 a.Written
emergency emergency situations are handling b.Discussion Menit test
situations immediately recognized emergency c.Demontration b.Oral test
and required actions are situations c.Practical
determined and taken according to
within scope specified standards
individual responsibility
3. Maintain 3.1 Documents are archived J. Document storage a.Lecture 2 X @ 45 a.Written
document systems / stored in accordance with according to Menit test
company security established b.Discussion
b. Oral test
procedures standards
c.Demontration c. Practical
1.5 Share product and E. Information in
service knowledge planning
with other relevant
internal personnel
2.4 Identify sources of I. Promotional
information about strategies that
enterprise-specific are in line with
target markets the company's
goals and focus
2.2. Monitor casualty’s
condition and
respond to the
condition in
accordance with
accepted first aid
principles and
A. How to identify a
complaint exists, the
need for an apology,
explains the need to
1.2. Take take responsibility to
responsibility fix the problem and
for resolving lists personal
complaints characteristics which a.Lecture a.Written
1. Respond to
complaints have been found to beb.Discussion 2 X @ 45 b.Oral test
effective when dealingc.Demonstration Minutes c.Practical
with complaints.
2.1. Identify A. Defines conflict,
potential for explains who potential
conflict quickly conflict may involve,
and take identifies possible
appropriate reasons for conflict
action to and describes action
prevent to prevent escalation.
2. Identify and
escalation a.Lecture a.Written
b.Discussion 2 X @ 45 b.Oral test
conflict 2.2. Identify threats c.Demonstration Minutes c.Practical
situations to personal
safety of A. Examples of threats to
customers or personal safety and
colleagues identifies assistance
quickly and options which may
organize need to be organised
3.1. Take
responsibility for
finding a
solution to the A. Recaps the concept
conflict of ‘scope of authority’
situations within and identifies possible
scope of conflict situation.
and job role
3.2. Manage
conflict by
applying A. Highlights effective
3. Resolve a.Lecture a.Written
effective communication skills
conflict b.Discussion 2 X @ 45 b.Oral test
communication required to handle
situations c.Demonstration Minutes c.Practical
skills and conflict.
3.3 Use conflict
resolution A. presents more conflict
skills to resolution tips and
manage the indicates how
conflict solutions to conflict
situation and may be developed.
A. What is
Child Sex
1.1. Define the Tourism?
problem of B. Provide
child sexual examples
exploitation and
of children explanation
by tourists s of why
(otherwise there has
known as been a
child-sex major
tourism) growth in a.Written
1. Identify the Child Sex a.Lecture
issue of Tourism b.Oral
sexual 1.2. Describe b.Discussion
A. The 2 X @ 45 test
exploitatio the impact
internet c.Demonstratio
n of of child Minutes c.Practica
has also
children by sexual n
played a
tourists exploitation l
on children,
part in the
s and the
hotel and
of children
by tourists
A. The impact
1.3. Identify
of the CSEC
that may be
is negative
exhibited by
child sex substantial,
tourists as the loss of
2.1. Locate and A. Provide a
become familiar definition of
with the United what the
Nations UNCRC
Convention on B. Why is the
the Rights UNCRC
(UNCRC) of the necessary
Child and the C. Why are we
main UN obligated
Articles relating legally and
to the rights of morally to
all children to protect
be safe from children
sexual from sexual
exploitation exploitation
2.2. Examine A. Child
national, regional Protection is
and international a Legal
initiatives to Issue for all
2. Describe prevent the people and
national, sexual businesses
regional and exploitation of B. The Hotel
international children by and Travel a.Lecture
actions to tourists Industries b.Discussion
2 X @ 45 test
prevent the can take c.Demonstratio
Minutes c.Practica
sexual important n
exploitation of steps to
children by adhere to
tourists the UNCRC
policies and
A. What
2.3. Identify
Even if
There is a
Child Safe
if suspicious
Industry and
behavior is
B. Child Sex
Tourism is a
reality and
is growing
3.1. Prepare a
list of A. Provide
3. Describe actions that examples of
actions can be how
that can taken by different
be taken in staff labour
the working in divisions
workplace each labor within the a.Written
b.Discussion 2 X @ 45
to protect division of Hotel and b.Oral test
children the hotel Travel c.Practical
n Minutes
from and travel Industries
sexual industries to can
exploitatio prevent the influence a
n by sexual protective
tourists exploitation environment
of children for children
by tourists
3.1. Use polite A. Description
forms to make B. Polite forms
simple C. Useful
requests language
3.2. Thank the A. Important
person social value
a.Lecture a.Written
3. Make simple responding to in English
b.Discussion 2 X @ 45 b.Oral test
requests your request B. Pronunciation
c.Demonstration Minutes c.Practical
A. Steps to deal
3.3. Acknowledge
the person
who cannot
that don’t
respond to
your request
A. Explaining
how to carry
out a routine
job is a basic
4.1. Explain a
English task
sequence of
and can be
events in
used on a
carrying out a
daily basis in
routine job
the service
4. Describe a.Lecture a.Written
B. Sequence
routine b.Discussion 2 X @ 45 b.Oral test
procedures c.Demonstration Minutes c.Practical
4.2. Describe
exceptions to A. Adverbs of
routine frequency
4.3. Make
A. Ways to
on how to
5.1. Talk about
A. Naturally talk
likes and
about things
dislikes of
5. Express you like and
familiar topics a.Lecture a.Written
likes, dislikes dislike
and situations b.Discussion 2 X @ 45 b.Oral test
5.2. Discuss A. Give reasons c.Demonstration Minutes c.Practical
preferences to support
and give your
reasons preferences.
6.1. Construct a
6. Identify A. Use formal
different sentences a.Lecture a.Written
forms of b.Discussion 2 X @ 45 b.Oral test
6.2. Identify A. Determine
expression c.Demonstration Minutes c.Practical
indicators of when it is
in English
informal appropriate to
expressions in use informal
English expressions
6.3. Differentiate A. Differentiate
between between
‘open-ended’ open-ended
and ‘closed’ and closed
questions questions.
1.5 The timeframe for H. The procedure
fulfilling the for delivering
request is and placing the
approved by the requested
guest goods in
accordance with
the specified
2.3 Collection time to M. Timing for return
be agreed . of goods
2. Clean dry and wet 2.1 The area to be E. Identify work area a.Lecture 2 X @ 45 a. Written
areas cleaned is b. Discussion Menit test
Membersihkan prepared and b. Oral test
c. Demontration
clear of hazards.
c. Pratical
appropriate, work
areas are marked
for reduce risks
to colleagues and
3.2 Care Routine held
in accordance with
the company
1.1. Name
A. The Lost and
Found facility
that may
B. Properties with
have a lost
Lost and Found
and found
1.2. Identify
A. Location of Lost
location for
and Found facility
lost and
found facility
A. Location of Lost
and Found
1.3. Develop in-
policies and
house lost
and found
B. Possible Lost
policies and
1. Establish and Found
procedures a.Lecture a.Written
lost and policies and
b.Discussion 2 X @ 45 b.Oral test
found procedures
c.Demonstration Minutes c.Practical
facility 1.4. Identify the
requirements A. National laws
that apply to B. Duty of Care
lost and
found items
1.5. Communicate A. Advising
the location guests/customers
and function B. Obtaining
of the lost updated Lost and
and found Found
facility to information
guests and C. Communication
staff skills
1.6. Establish lost
A. The Lost and
and found
Found Register
B. Sample Lost and
Found Register
2.1. Check items
for safety and A. Checking items
legality and B. Dangerous,
take suspicious or
appropriate illegal items
A. Recording
information for a
2.2. Record found
‘found’ item
items in lost
B. Identifying finder
and found
C. Identifying
D. Identifying date
and time
A. Interpersonal
2.3. Record items
2. Deal with skills
reported lost a.Lecture a.Written
lost and B. Identifying 2 X @ 45
in lost and b.Discussion b.Oral test
found person who lost
found register c.Demonstration c.Practical
items the item Minutes
2.4. Tag the
A. Tagging the item
found item
2.5. Store the
A. Storing options
found item
B. Storing items
A. Need to be
2.6. Notify owner, sensitive
if known B. Notifying known
2.7. Notify internal
staff to A. Relevant staff
facilitate B. Communication
return of options
found item to
A. Receiving a claim
3.1. Assist for lost property
claimant to B. Activities to
identify lost assist claimant
property identify lost
3. Deal with property a.Lecture a.Written
claims for 3.2. Verify A. Points to b.Discussion 2 X @ 45 b.Oral test
lost items ownership of remember c.Demonstration Minutes c.Practical
property B. Ways to verify
claimed ownership
3.3. Obtain
A. Owner
from owner
3.4. Complete lost A. Completing the
and found Lost and Found
register Register
3.5. Assist
who contact
the A. Activities in
establishment assisting remote
from another people to claim a
country, or lost item
distant area,
to claim lost
4.1. Comply with
A. Holding times
B. Disposal of items
4.2. Comply with
A. Bailment
B. The lesson
4.3. Remove
4. Deal with a.Lecture a.Written
items from
unclaimed b.Discussion 2 X @ 45 b.Oral test
storage and
items c.Demonstration Minutes c.Practical
complete lost A. Frequency of
and found action
register to B. Activities
record involved
and disposal
of items
UNIT TITLE : Clean and Maintain industrial Work Area and Equipment
2.2 Select
equipment and
2.3 Select the F. Cleaning
protective clothing Schedule
and equipment to Application
be used
2.5 Undertake the H. Dispose of
selected cleaning waste
C. Module Description
The following is an attachment to the module used to facilitate the learning process of
Housekeeping – Public Area Cleaner, which consists of thirteen (13) Competency Units
containing nine (9) general competency units and four (4) core competency units,that is :
The availability of this module is expected to assist the organizers, instructors and trainees
strategies and empowerment of training resources are highly expected and must be
considered by the organizers and instructors in order to meet the requirements of the
existing competency units and the participants achieve the expected competencies.
This unit deals with the interpersonal skills, Collaborating with colleagues and
customers that are needed by everyone working in the tourism and hospitality
This unit applies to everyone who works in the hospitality sector, especially the
Housekeeping Department.
Performance Criteria:
1.3 The effects of personal body language are considered;
1.5 Active listening and asking questions are used to ensure effective two-way
1.6 Existing and potential conflicts are identified and solutions sought with
assistance from colleagues when needed.
Performance Criteria:
2.1 The needs and expectations of guests, including those with specific needs are
2.3 All acceptable customer needs and requests are met within acceptable
company timeframes;
2.4 Opportunities to improve service quality are identified and taken where possible;
2.5 Disappointed customers are quickly recognized and take action to solve the
2.6 Customer complaints are handled in a positive, sensitive and courteous manner;
2.7 Complaints are referred to the appropriate person for follow-up according to
Element 3: Maintain personal presentation standards
Performance Criteria:
The process of communication is to obtain the same meaning among people involved
in the process of communication between humans.
The message is the information that will be conveyed or expressed by the message.
Messages can be verbal or non-verbal and messages will be effective if they are well
organized and clear.
1) Information
2) Invite
3) Work plan
4) Questions and so on
a) Communication is dynamic
d) Communication messages do not have to be received
a. Live Communication
1) Verbal communication
b. Indirect Communication
2) Speak well
d. Speak clearly
Adjust the volume according to the conditions of time, place, and the point of the
conversation. Don't be too fast or slow in speaking. The tone of voice should be
polite and friendly.
1.2 Use appropriate language and tone
parties both in writing and orally. This form of verbal communication has an orderly and
The message conveyed by the sender to the recipient can be packaged verbally with words
or nonverbally without words.
a. Types of verbal communication
Verbal language is constantly being developed and adapted to meet the needs of the
times in which people live. So, language is dynamic
1) Body language (gestures) in the form of facial expressions, head movements, hand
movements, body movements express various feelings, hearts, thoughts, desires
and attitudes of people.
cross, etc
3) Actions / actions are not specifically intended to replace words but convey
meaning. For example, closing the door hard, pounding the table hard, pressing
the car gas hard. All of that has its own meaning.
4) Objects as a form of nonverbal communication also do not replace words, but can
convey certain meanings. For example clothes, make-up accessories, houses,
home furnishings, possessions, gifts and vehicles.
Communication should be clear, concise and specific. There must be an effective use
of body language
1) The use of language, namely how to transfer the right language in a certain rhythm
2) Intonation, namely the tone of voice in pronouncing words, the tone to describe
Body language is a type of non-verbal communication. Body language can contradict what
is said. For example, when it comes to being polite with someone you don't like, maybe a
person can verbally use the right words, but the body rebels in various ways.
For example, shaking hands briefly, or trying to avoid his eyes. In this case body language
is opposite to speech language so that two different signs are formed.
In its use, body language is often used as a sign of false messages for certain purposes.
This can be avoided by knowing the types of body language that exist. There are three
general forms and types of body language according to Beliak and Baker (1981), namely
a. Eye contact
Eye contact refers to a state of direct vision between people while speaking. Through
eye contact, one can tell another person a message so that people will pay attention to
it word by word through gaze. For example, a sad, anxious, afraid, moved view can color
our psychological background.
b. Facial expressions
c. Gesture
Gestures are one of the most direct and most obvious body language cues. Waving,
pointing, and using the finger to indicate the number of numbers are all very common
and easy to understand their meaning.
Body language in conversation has an important role in building one's trust and building
a good relationship with others, but to achieve this requires expertise in using and
interpreting body language. To be able to know body language well the following:
2) Maintain a reasonable distance,
5) Using a handshake that is in accordance with the personality and purpose of the
communication carried out.
The form of communication carried out between 2 (two) or more people, each of whom
has a different culture due to geographical differences in where they live.
a. Nation
b. Language
c. Religion
d. Culture
e. Social status
f. Gender
g. Age
1.4.1 Establishing relationships with other people from different cultural backgrounds
1.5 Active listening and asking questions are used to ensure effective two-way
Effective listening is not just listening but listening with concentration and followed by
an effort to understand the message or information heard.
a. Communication Time
This time factor alone is enough to be the basis for an examination of the
effectiveness of one's listening.
c. Listen positively
Yes No
1) Source
2) Communicator
3) Order
4) Media
5) Effect
The source is the basis used in delivering the message and is used in order to
strengthen the message itself. Sources can be people, institutions, books,
documents and the like. Communicator
a) Appearance
b) Problem mastery
c) Language mastery
d) Message
change the attitude and behavior of the communicant. Messages can be
discussed at length in various aspects, but the essence of the message of
communication will always lead to the ultimate goal of communication.
e) Media
a. Not a listener
b. Shallow listener
The listener who only listens to the sound but doesn't try to understand the
c. Inattentive listener
Listeners who listen to the voice, understand the message but while doing
other activities on the sidelines of listening such as opening sms, writing,
tidying up a book, or while looking for something
c. Keeping emotions
d. Hear ideas. Must try to understand the main idea or intent behind the
presentation of the fact.
e. Flexible. When you hear a message, take notes. Recording should not only
use one method but use several methods.
f. Be open. It's best to try to understand other people's opinions without trying
to compare them with your own.
g. Always try to train the mind. Ineffective listeners tend to avoid difficult
topics, when in fact these topics can be used to train our analytical skills.
1.6 Existing and potential conflicts are identified and solutions sought with
assistance from colleagues when needed
Conflict is a situation where the actions of one party result in obstructing, hindering
or interfering with the actions of the other party in communicating.
a. Task Conflict
b. Interpersonal Conflict
Conflicts in communication need to be identified, therefore what needs to be
done is as follows:
f. Directing decisions to mutual satisfaction (win-win solution)
Provide assistance for guests who come from internal / from within the company and
external / from outside the company.
a. Internal Guest
People who are involved in the production of goods or services produced by the
company, such as staff / employees. They all must provide facilities to each other,
both to fellow employees, subordinates and superiors with the aim of supporting
the process of producing goods and or establishing services so that they can
support the continuity of the company in order to realize excellent service to
external guests.
b. External Guest
People who are able to realize their needs and desires into real purchases to the
company. For Example: Hotel Guests, Exhibitors, Congressional Delegates, etc
Staff in a company actually want a peaceful working atmosphere and
environment, so that a sense of togetherness creates a good climate for
cooperation and the continuity of a company.
c. Work quality
d. Work relationship
e. Rewards
When a guest comes, immediately pay attention to him. Then listen to what he has
to say, so you know what he wants. There are three ways what guests want when
they come, namely:
a. Doing retelling
Retell what the guest said to ensure that we really understand and are clear what
the guest said or asked. If you misinterpret what a guest means, the guest will
correct you immediately. In this case we don't need.
b. Controlling feelings
In general, guests cannot express heavy feelings. But there are times when a
guest can throw his anger spontaneously at us, because of something he feels
dissatisfied with.
In such cases it is possible for guests to express their feelings with emotional
words. In handling cases like this the key is how we can understand what the
guests really want. Once we can understand what he is asking, then we can
easily trace his feelings and follow up what we should do.
a. Serve
b. Inform
c. Explain
d. Offer
e. Greeting
f. Apologize
b. Friendly attitude
c. Neat appearance
d. Polite language
b. When receiving guests, you should want to get up from your seat and stand up
as a sign of respect for guests
c. After the guest is in front of us, we say hello and welcome while shaking hands
d. Avoid words that sound arrogant or even belittle guests during communication
e. Avoid arguing or arguing with guests as this is one of the main sources of guest
2.3 All acceptable customer needs and requests are met within acceptable company
Based on the time, needs are divided into current needs, urgent needs, and future
a. Need Now
These needs are needs that must be met now or cannot be postponed, for example
basic needs (food when hungry) and health (medicine for the sick).
b. Urgent needs
It is a very critical (sudden) need and is incidental in nature. For example,
assistance to communities affected by natural disasters or disasters, the need for
health consultations or lawyers.
c. Future Needs
This need is more directed at preparations to deal with future needs, both short
term and long term. Although it can be postponed, this need is an important thing,
because by fulfilling this need, humans will have guarantees for their lives in the
future. For example, saving in the bank, insurance, and old age savings for people
who will retire.
2.4 Opportunities to improve service quality are identified and taken where possible
Based on the speed of service, the minimum time must be the same as the
standard time determined by the Company. By being able to provide input like
the following:
a. Surveys are usually carried out after customers have enjoyed the service (eg
after dinner or when they are getting ready to leave the event venue). It may
also be necessary to conduct a survey about transaction completion, such as
billing after meals, the readiness of the committee to welcome
2.5 Disappointed customers are quickly recognized and take action to solve the
problem according to the level of individual responsibility and company
"organization" or computer. They want to talk to someone who is real, alive and
sensitive. A responsible person who is willing to listen and help to achieve customer
a. Definition of Complaint
Customer complaints are always there in the industry / company. There are several
things to know about the types of complaints, namely:
3) Not satisfied with the service but did not submit a complaint
Customer complaints generally arise when the customer does not get the service he
feels he deserves. Therefore, to handle complaints against customers, you should do
the following:
1) Listening attentively
This will reduce anger and show our concern for customers. By saying something
like this to the customer “Sorry to bother you” and “Tell me what happened so I
can help you”. The important thing is to show interest and willingness to help. The
customer's first impression of us is the most decisive factor for getting
2) Emphasize and repeat what the customer has told us. Every Whenever we hear
something important, say (example) “Let me make it clear that the delivery
service for exhibits is delayed.
The customer complains because he is facing a problem and wants the problem
to be resolved quickly. Find out what solution he wants.
If we already know what the customer wants, of course there must be a solution.
For example “I am ready to accept the item back and replace your money in full or
replace it with another item. Can you accept this?” If it is acceptable, act
5) If the customer does not agree with our proposed solution, ask him what kind of
settlement he feels is fair.
2.7 Complaints are referred to the appropriate person for follow-up according to the
level of individual responsibility
2.7.1 Know the work procedures for follow-up complaints according to company
c. Appearance
Element 3: Maintaining Personal Presentation Standards
Broadly speaking, the types of work locations are divided into two, namely:
The physical work environment is all physical conditions that exist around the
workplace that can affect employees either directly or indirectly. The physical work
environment can be divided into two categories, namely:
1) Work environment that is directly related to employees such as work centers, chairs,
tables, and so on.
2) The intermediary environment or the general environment can also be called the
work environment that affects the human condition for example temperature,
humidity, air circulation, lighting, noise, mechanical vibration, unpleasant odors,
colors and others.
The non-physical work environment is all conditions that occur related to work
relationships, both relationships with superiors, as well as relationships with fellow
co-workers or relationships with subordinates.
d. Support for physical and mental health in the workplace
3.3.1 Identifying personal appearance based on work function One of the efforts to
maintain personal appearance standards is by maintaining personal
appearance, which is related to excellent appearance, personality, etiquette,
and communicative speech. a. Excellent Appearance
Personal appearance aims to:
1) Showing self-image
f. Advance
g. BodyHand
a. Be sporty
b. Have confidence
e. Can build good communication
f. Be open
g. Think positively
b. Dust-free equipment
Personal hygiene and health are important meaning that our appearance must
convince guests/colleagues/customers
3.5.1 How to look presentable by paying attention to health The things that need to
be considered to maintain personal hygiene and tidiness are as follows:
a. Bath
Bathing or cleaning yourself is a must. By bathing, the body will be clean from
dirt, sweat and odors that stick to our bodies.
Cleanliness of the feet and hands is important because each of our services must
use both. Feet are the focus; Feet can be tired and sweaty when wearing shoes.
Foot care and wearing the right shoes will keep your feet from getting tired and
smelly. Hand care is equally important. Hands, fingers and nails must be kept
clean at all times. Nails should not be left long to avoid dirt that is between the
nails and the skin of the fingers.
c. Taking care of your mouth and teeth
Oral and dental hygiene is related to our appearance. When our mouth and teeth
are clean, well groomed and healthy. We become less awkward when dealing
with guests. A friendly impression and a natural smile can also be seen from a
clean mouth and teeth.
d. Hair neatness
Hair must be neat at all times. Hair must be treated by shaving, shampooing and
combing. Hair neatness greatly affects our appearance in front of
The use of cosmetics and jewelry is needed to support the appearance to make
it look neat, attractive and elegant. The thing to remember is that the use of
cosmetics and jewelry should not be excessive and flashy
This unit deals with the cultural awareness needed by everyone working in the tourism
industry. This module covers the cultural awareness needed to serve customers and work
with colleagues from different backgrounds.
This unit applies to everyone who works in the hospitality sector, especially the
Housekeeping Department
Performance Criteria:
1.1 Customers and colleagues from all cultural groups are valued and treated with
respect and sensitivity;
1.2 Oral and non-verbal communication takes into account cultural differences;
1.3 Where there is a language barrier, efforts are made to communicate by sign language
or simple words in the person's language;
Performance Criteria:
2.1 Matters that may give rise to misunderstandings in the workplace should be
2.2 Difficulties are referred to the appropriate person and assistance is sought from the
team leader;
2.3 Cultural differences are taken into account, when difficulties and misunderstandings
2.4 Efforts are made to resolve the problem of misunderstanding, with cultural
2.5 Issues and issues are raised to the appropriate team leader/supervisor for follow-up.
Element 1: Communication with customers and colleagues from diverse
1.1. Customers and colleagues from all cultural groups are valued and treated with
respect and sensitivity.
a. Internal Customers
b. Intermediary Customers
c. External Customers
Definition of Colleagues
the culture divided into two parts, namely the characteristics of western culture
and the characteristics of eastern culture.
The two cultural characteristics have differences that can be identified into the
following conditions:
c. Relax
That which is important in providing the best service must be oriented to the
interests of customers and colleagues so as to enable us to be able to provide
optimal satisfaction. Efforts to provide the best service can be realized:
b. Attitude
c. Appearance
d. Attention
e. Action
f. Good responsibility
g. Coordinated
1.2. Oral and non-verbal communication takes into account cultural differences.
1) Body Language
2) Sign
3) Action/deed
4) Object
The head is often used as a communication message, there are 2 (two) head
movements, namely:
a) Vertical movements (up and down [nods head]) to express
agreement, ready or listening
2) Hand movement
Touch has a certain meaning. There are 3 (three) levels of how to hold
3) Paralinguistics
1.3. Where there is a language barrier, efforts are made to communicate with sign
language or simple words in the person's language.
Based on the nature of the barriers, communication barriers are divided into 2,
a. Objective Barriers
Objective barriers are obstacles that occur to the communication process that
are not intentionally made by other parties but are caused by unfavorable
b. Subjective Barriers
According to Robbins (2003), there are four communication barriers that will
affect the quality of our communication, including:
b. Communication disorder
According to Locker (2000), there are two things that are intended as
communication disorders, namely:
c. Information overload
d. Improper filtering
Some of these communication barriers, of course, need a way to deal with them.
Quible (2003) reveals that there are several ways to minimize communication
barriers that occur, including:
7) Nodding your head shows an attitude of agreeing or okay
In establishing relationships with other people, there are several things that we must
understand beforehand. It is about the relationship that we will build. There are two
types of relationships / relationships that exist, namely:
a. Vertical Relationship
b. Horizontal Relationship
In building a relationship, everyone must trust each other. Johnson (1981) reveals
several ways to build this trust, including:
1) Take risks by expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas about the situation
of the other person
disappointment and so on. Therefore, effective communication is needed
including the following factors:
a. Message
Messages both in the form of words and not words. For communication to
be more effective, a message must contain all the facts that
communicators deem necessary to have the desired impact.
b. Channel
c. Feedback
2.1. Matters that can give rise to misunderstandings in the workplace must be
b. Feeling ostracized
d. Treated unfairly
2.2. Difficulties are referred to the right people and help is sought from the team
2.3. Cultural differences are considered, when difficulties and misunderstandings with
cultural considerations.
2.4. Attempts were made to resolve the problem of misunderstanding, with cultural
considerations in mind.
a. To reduce conflicts that occur between people/groups due to
misunderstandings/differences in understanding goals
d. Working on smelting
2.5. Issues and problems are presented to the appropriate team leader/supervisor for
In understanding the problem received, we are not only talking about how the
problem can be conveyed well in terms of how to communicate to convey the
problem. Understanding the problems that arise, of course, we must also
understand who we should talk to, and who can solve these problems. For this
we must be able to understand several things including:
Module “Applying Health, Safety and Security Procedures Work” is used in competency-
based training which aims to train skills and improve knowledge and attitudes of
housekeeping/Housekeeping employees in the workplace.
The competency unit module in the Asean Work Competency Standard with the code
D1.HOT.CL1.03 for the tourism sector, the Hospitality Sub-Sector and is a core
competency unit that must be possessed by housekeeping employees.
The availability of this module is expected to assist the organizers, instructors and trainees
in implementing competency-based training. Module development, material delivery
strategies and empowerment of training resources are highly expected and must be
considered by the organizers and instructors in order to meet the requirements of the
existing competency units and the participants achieve the expected competencies.
Instructors are expected to apply their industry knowledge and work experience when
delivering training materials, so as to enrich the training materials contained in this module.
This unit deals with occupational health, safety and security procedures. This unit deals
with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in occupational health, safety and security
This unit applies to everyone who works in the hospitality sector, especially the
Housekeeping Department
Element 1: Follow workplace procedures and provide feedback on health, safety and
Performance Criteria:
1.1 Health, safety and security procedures are properly followed in accordance
with company policy and relevant laws and insurance requirements;
1.2 Violations of health, safety and security procedures are identified and reported
Performance Criteria:
2.3 Seek immediate assistance from colleagues and/or other authorities when
Performance Criteria:
3. Appropriate practices.
Element 1: Follow procedure the place work and give bait come back about health
, safety and security
1.1 Procedure health , safety and security followed by Correct in accordance with
policy company and related laws _ as well as requirements insurance .
a. Occupational Health
b. Safety Work
1) Existence elements safety and health work that has been explained
above .
3) Be careful in work
c. Security Work
1) Work clothes
2) Helmet
3) Glass eye
4) Sarong hand
5) Shoe
3) Appeals
4) Officer security
2) Ensure that every source production could worn by safe and efficient .
With thereby could concluded that Health, safety , and security work is effort
protection for power always work _ in state healthy and safe During work
on the spot work . The place work is room closed or open , move or
fixed , or often entered power work for necessity business and place
presence sources danger .
1.1.2 Legal Basis for OSH ( health , safety , security )
2) The place work where businessman employ not enough from one
hundred people but use materials , processes and installations that
have risk big will happening explosion , fire , poisoning and pollution
radioactive .
1.2 Offense procedure health , safety and security identified and reported soon .
1.3 Every attitude or suspicious incident _ reported quick to people who have
danger conducted together supervisor work and Safety Department .
Identification danger use technique that has been raw in accordance with
standard company . All results identification danger must documented with good
and made as guidelines in To do every activity .
a. fall :
b. Wound :
2) Shoe
3) Uniform work
c. Transmission disease :
1) Usage glasses
2) Mask
3) Sarong hand
4) Use disinfectant
5) Wash hand
Stage next for develop identification all danger including in every step .
Identification all danger both those produced by the environment and
those associated with procedure work . Ask each other a question
following for every stage :
a. is there danger strike , will strike or dangerous contact _ with object job
c. Can movement push , pull , lift , bend or rotate done _ cause tension ?
f. Can worker prevent danger moment contact with source electricity and
contacts break up ?
2.3 Help quick searching for from colleagues and/ or another ruler when
necessary .
d. If find something dangerous _ safety must fast report to superior
e. outside _ time work employees are banned use tool tools / equipment
owned by company
b. Not panic
h. implementation action emergency follow procedures that is
in the company
c. Danger fire :
d. Leakage gases:
3) Quick contact boss / leader for inform
e. stung electricity :
4) If the victim is still life give water drink _ enough as help first
a. Report accident
Well minor and major accidents must be written in the accident book. Then very serious
accident need reported to party authorities . work this usually done by managers
3.1 Presentation personnel considering environment the place workand issue issue health
and safety which includes :
c. Appropriate practices
3.1.1 Knowledge about standard appropriate appearance _ with K3 On time doing work
our body must truly protected from possibility happening accident . For protect
self from the risk posed consequence accident , then our body need use tools _
protector when doing something job . Following this will outlined a number of tool
ordinary protector _ worn in To do profession electricity and electronics .
a. Clothes work
2) Clothes loose , torn , tie and watch no can used near _ part machine
6 ) Relevant workforce direct with dust , no can use clothes pocket or have fold
b. Footwear
1) Shoes that fit and are comfortable in accordance with type profession
2) Toenails always cut short
d. Personal Hygiene
take care cleanliness and freshness body with follow step step following :
3) Take note cleanliness hand with washing hand before and after activity
Avoid contact direct with blood or fluid other bodies left on the surface of the
bathroom (wash basin, toilet bowl , urinal , rubbish etc. ). Fluid body the possible
carry viruses, bacteria and other types of Other potential microorganisms
transmit AIDS, Hepatitis and other disorders other health . Following is step step
prevention transmission disease :
2) Use sarong hand at the moment handle goods or clean surface possible
object _ contaminated
4) be careful heart when empty the place trash , place it razor blade shave
already _ used or object sharp other in box special
5) If you by no on purpose contact direct with fluid body wash _ part the
with soap and warm water by even / clean
Module " Implement " procedure clerical ” used in training based purposeful competence
for practice skills and improve knowledge and attitude on- site housekeeping
housekeeping employees work .
Availability module this expected could assist organizers , instructors and participants
training in doing training based competence . Development module , delivery strategy
materials and empowerment source power training is what is expected and should be
considered by the organizers and instructors in order to meet the condition from existing
competency units and participants reach expected competencies .
Instructors expected for apply knowledge industry and experience the work he had at the
time convey Theory training , so could enrich Theory available training in module this .
this unit relate with the documentation , correspondence and data archiving processes
used in industry tourism . this unit apply for everyone who works in the field hospitality
especially the Housekeeping Department
1.1 Documents processed in accordance with procedure company in limit the time that
has set ;
1.2 Equipment office used by Correct for process documents ;
1.3 Equipment office that doesn't working as should be identified immediately and fixed or
reported in accordance with procedure company .
3.2 System reference and index modified and adjusted in accordance with procedure
company .
Element 1 : Processing document office
1.1 Documents processed in accordance with procedure company in limit the time
that has been set
1.1.1 Definition and stages documentation
Documentation is collect data with method copy or retrieve data from
carried out by systematic start from collection until data management that
1.1.2 Types documentation in company
provide information about part which part to archive it and to any part
the resulting output description of the files used , news news error
processing and register list control for each each system processing
1.2.1 Grouping equipment office equipment office means something that can worn
as tool in reach intent and purpose . So, can said that equipment office is a
a. Furniture office ( office furniture ) That is things made from wood , iron
b. Machine office ( office machines ) That is all the thing used for help
c. Equipment office ( office supplies ) That is things that will finished in
usage everyday in the office . things the generally used for necessity
write write like ti ker bag , ink pencils , pens and others.
1.3 Equipment office that doesn't working as should be identified immediately and
fixed or reported in accordance with procedure company
1.3.1 Procedure inventory equipment office that doesn't working
Following is things that must noticed in inventory equipment office that doesn't
working as should :
a. Identify function and use tool documentation with careful
( manual's book )
type damage
d. Deliver equipment broken office _ to part Engineering
In the process of writing correct correspondence , goal main is produce feed back
information , convey destination from author , and show contents in every sentence
used .
effective so really important for our for understand method use from various
crowded or individual
Minutes , more known with term minutes where normal used During
c. Report , a report that is created and contains description common
Following is things that must _ noticed when our will make correspondence :
from you ?
only ?
2.2 Spelling , sign read and grammar Correct
2.2.1 Stages and rules correspondence
correct language and very careful editing process . Every Step is part of the
you want said in correspondence and place every parts in the right
why Thing that must happened and how Thing that can happen . Destination
with 7C , namely :
correspondence delivered
e. Corteous ( polite ) Use are polite words and remember that our
There are several step must write _ noticed when our will make something
b. Plan what will our write , choose short , concise and easy sentences
order that has been set so that the recipient easy read it
f. Read on back , at the end of our process Required for read come
represented or no
conveyed by one party to the other party is fine on name personal nor on
Letter Function :
b. parts _ letter :
write with variation letter big and small , agency logo located at the
namely :
a) Main Element , in the form of : name company , address ,
number phone .
effort .
3) enclosure is an Appendix i.e. Aim for give know how many many
5) Date is Date letter ( writing next to right parallel with number letter
Writing style same British style date with style writing date on
reader ), Example :
Dear Dr.Sawiro
SCBD Sudirman
Example :
reader ).
relate one with others, and whose implementation ask the same
various place .
c) Britsh style: Dear Madam, Dear Sirs, Dear Mr, Dear Miss, Dear
11) Carbon copy notation is copy letter namely : For inform to
reader , that letter that's what was written also sent to necessary
12) initials , knowing who 's the typist letter , which aims if there is
c. Letter Shape
1) full block style , All part letter made _ with form this , typed start
from the left margin . Have form straight full , i.e. flat on the sides
given space one line. The full block style paragraph form is the
same with Block styles . The difference position the date in Block
style is on the right top . While the Full Block style is located on
the left top . distance between head letter with date given 2 line
2) Block Style , on fill letter block style form straight right left same
like paragraph form in Full Block style , all part letter typed from
the left margin . Date letter located on the right top , greetings
closing , sign hand , name light , and position sender letter typed
in right letter .
3) Semi block style , in Semi Block style , the paragraph form is the
same with Indented style shape . All part letter typed like form
typed after five taps from the left margin . One paragraph with
left .
computer 's hard disk . very much important for knowing management file
storage for put every data in the correct place . Data will be saved to in folders
( directories ) and sub folders, almost same with method keep paper inside
system cabinet . In addition to the computer hard disk , documents can also
be stored in :
disk measuring length not enough more one segment finger , with
b. External Hard Disk , really useful for avoid existence possibility
storage error computer . External Hard disk has sufficient capacity big
3.2 System reference and index modified and adjusted in accordance with procedure
The company always focus on updates notes storage document by physique good in
the form of book or document others made from paper . However , in an era where
everything advanced this , company Required for focus in make standardization notes
saved documents to in computer . This thing very much important for shorten time
and ease our in look for return saved documents in accordance with procedure
applied company .
officer can direct to file storage and view letters of the alphabet, without
A structuring system file based on related activities with problem
company .
System setting based on date , month and year in general date made
guidelines from coming letter . The most recent letter placed at the
received .
“Promote Hospitality Products and Services ” module is used in the training based
purposeful competence for practice skills and improve knowledge and attitude on- site
(SKKNI) with code I.55HDR00.152.2 / D1.HOT.CL1.10 for field tourism sub- sector
Hospitality and is a core competency unit that must be owned by housekeeping employees
Availability module this expected could assist organizers , instructors and participants
materials and empowerment source power training is what is expected and should be
considered by the organizers and instructors in order to meet the condition from existing
Instructors expected for apply knowledge industry and experience the work he had at the
time convey Theory training , so could enrich Theory available training in module this
this unit relate with Skills interpersonal , communication and service in promote products
and services to customers needed by everyone who works in industry tourism and
hospitality .
this unit apply for everyone who works in the field hospitality especially the Housekeeping
ELEMENT 1: Develop knowledge product / service and market
1.1 Taking available opportunity for develop knowledge about products / services ;
1.3 Bait come back from customers and on -site observation work used for evaluate
products , services as well as activity promotion ;
1.4 Knowledge gained used together with colleague work for increase effectiveness sale
in team ;
1.5 Information obtained from experience the place work and contact direct to interested
people as consideration in planning that will come ;
1.7 Ideas for adjustment products and services for Fulfill needs customer recommended
for interested people according to policy company .
Sales technique used for push use and purchase product services ;
2.3 Customers must be warned about existence possible 'extras' and 'add-ounces ';
2.4 Products and services promoted in accordance with promotion goals and focus
company .
Element 1: Develop knowledge product / service and market
1.1 Taking available opportunity for develop knowledge about product / service .
1) band entertainment ,
3) Book Instruction object tour
4) Souvenir Kiosk
Hotel as industry that always compete strict Among competitors must have
source power qualified human in face change . Following is method for develop
knowledge employee by formal :
a. In-house Training
b. Cross Training
c. Task Forced
1.3 Apply formal and informal research techniques to gain product and service
Feedback is information obtained from the result of the process used for
driving how better process it done . Bait come back refers to delivery
information from one person to another who does a number of Duty before ,
or from one process or system to process or other systems that have happen
There must be current bait feedback ( feedback loop ) in all activity important
a. Guest Comment
is sheet the field provided by the hotel which contains about evaluation to
facilities , service , quality work employees and other hotel products , the
Explanation :
3) Advertising : Advertisement
5) Value : Score
8) Was your service prompt ?
How do we rate?
2) good : good
3) Fair : Enough
Please tell us on your own word how you rate the following :
1) Service : Service
2) Cleanliness : cleanliness
3) Value : value
4) Quality : Quality
5) Decor : Decoration
1.4 Knowledge gained used together with colleague work for increase effectiveness
sale in team.
quantity sale with see ability company in channel goods , policies as well as the
work same in support effectiveness activity sale for strive satisfaction customer
1.5 Information obtained _ from experience the place work and contact direct to
interested people as consideration in planning future
a. Culture
2) Arabic, because originated from hot climate _ so they generally
many consume fruits .
b. Habit visitor
3) Not in accordance with hope , for example visitor asked for King
size bed but given twin bed room , food orders are too long,
facilities are not support such as cell phone signal or Wifi
1.7 Ideas for adjustment products and services for Fulfill needs customer
recommended for interested people according to policy company
1.7.1 Identification change for Fulfill needs customer Industry tourist Required for
follow and see development and change technology always _ change and
behave in life social , cultural and political area destination tour that
d. Change big request (demand), generally responded by positive by
so that they hand in hand hand for face change with provide and
tourism :
a) It's mushrooming area tour new . Usually area new this no found
by parties who formally take care of and are involved in the field
Convention, and Exhibition good national and international .
of area outside Jakarta will also start brave open self with MICE.
2.2 Sales technique used for push use and purchase product service .
Basically , an effective bidding and selling process that for look for know who
buyer , what do you want they buy , why they want to buy it and what can our do
for Fulfill desire it . and goals finally for produce transactions , and mutual
exchange the expected value of each party . Following are five sales strategies
that will produce sale big and helpful for produce transaction more fast :
a. Arrange your goals in advance . Destination from welcome safe
about the price up front , so that could use up remainder time for
general will negotiate . our must can build score product or service
c. Knowing point closest with transaction . This is point when our stop
d. Avoid rejection . Only there is four reason customers who don't will
buy : money, time , place , or product . of the four this , the most
build score more and make customer need it , so could control the
sales process .
e. Introduce management . This technique called " touch " party third
the manager no could see customer by direct , ask they send short
video message .
2.3 Customers must be warned about existence possible 'extras' and 'add-ons'.
'extras' and 'add-ons' are score add which will obtained by the guest at the time
stay . Party management Required tell information this to every customers so
that they understand existence score added charged . Management need
understand concept at the moment determine price room . Namely :
b. Cost, cost expenditure for every products and services that have
been budgeted
some current hotels this often provide added value from price paid
in form packages interesting with give many kinds of facilities that can
enjoyed by candidates hotel guest . When visitor ask rate room a hotel
- Room only
2.4 Products and services promoted in accordance with promotion goals and focus
company .
2.4.1 Appropriate promotion strategy with purpose and focus company In promote
product us , then will need the right promotion strategy on target . With promotion
strategy the right business , will get opportunity for achieve sales targets and
effective offers according to our hope , the following strategy should be used :
introduce the brand and also the product you want our market to
social media users . With using social media , then approach that
will our do Becomes more personal and also become ' more close
market. Distribution product this can given by free in sample or
tester form .
with needs , so will useful for promotion strategy nor plan company
next .
other for use product from the brand we market . Incentive could
Keep going use and more spirit for recommend product us . That
just move product for placed between 2 types other products which
or product certain who want promoted . With activity this , the brand
g. Use Goods Promotion , In run a promotional strategy , we can use
goods the has remind people around for use product of that brand
events , lots of gift and without there is a stand for selling as well
product being marketed and also the service , then there is good
for our for conduct a survey on each customer after sales . We can
consumed .
Module “Perform Basic First Aid Procedures " used in training based purposeful
competence for practice skills and improve knowledge and attitude on- site housekeeping
This module based on competency units that exist in the Standard Competence Indonesian
National Workforce (SKKNI) referencing to ACSTP & CATC with code unit/
Availability module this expected could help organizers , instructors and participants
training is what is expected and should be considered by the organizers and instructors in
order to meet the condition from existing competency units and participants reach expected
competencies .
Instructors expected for apply knowledge industry and experience the work he had at the
time convey Theory training , so could enrich Theory available training in module this .
This unit relate with provide help first . this unit related with knowledge , skills and
attitude needed in provide help first . this unit apply for everyone who
works in the field hospitality especially the Housekeeping Department.
Element 1 : Rate and respond situation emergency help first
Criteria :
1.2. Situation assessed and decided by fast taken for required action ;
1.3. Help from service emergency emergency colleagues / customers organized when
required .
Criteria :
2.1. Condition physique patient rated from vital signs that can be seen ;
2.2. Help first given for restore condition patient 's physical and mental in accordance with
policy company with provide help first and pay attention procedure help first .
Criteria :
3.2. Information about the condition of the victim is conveyed by thorough and clear to the
personnel service emergency .
Criteria :
Element 1 : Assess and respond situation emergency help first
In something industry hospitality specifically Public Area Cleaner required staff who skilled
and qualified in their field , where one of them must responsive and nimble in evaluate
Work and also Nearmiss ( almost woe ). Third above terms have meaning , meaning
Definition Accident Work is incident that gave rise to injury , illness consequence work
or fatality ( death ).
Definition Nearmiss is incident that doesn't cause injury , illness consequence work
or fatality ( death ).
Public Area Cleaner capable recognize situation accident emergency work and
1.2. Situation assessed and decided by fast taken for required action
Public Area Cleaner capable doing procedure state accident emergency work by right
. Public Area Cleaner is able doing procedure state disease emergency consequence
work by Correct
1.3. Help from service emergency emergency colleagues / customers organized
when required
Public Area Cleaner capable give help service emergency to visitor or colleagues /
customers with careful and thorough . Public Area Cleaner capable report details
service bad emergency to the authorities and could organized when required .
2.1 Condition physique patient rated from vital signs that can be seen
Instruction important ' condition work ' some part body , which is poured in form
' number '. How many normal numbers are actually very varied from time to time ,
from hour to hour, and from day to day . Inspection vital signs are something method
Vital signs include temperature body , pulse pulse , frequency breathing , and
pressure blood . Vital sign have value is very important in function body . Existence
change vital signs , for example temperature body could show state metabolism in
2.2. Help first given for restore condition patient 's physical and mental in
accordance with policy company with provide help first and pay attention
procedure help first .
a. Factor the law that affects gift help first in sector different industries
c. The nature of the accident and its causes
There must be service proper support in help patient like help medical personnel
who really expert in the field . Next must make notes incident incident and report it
to the authorities in Thing this .
3.2. Information about the condition of the victim is conveyed by thorough and clear
to the personnel service emergency .
another doctor with knowledge or instruction the doctor in charge
answer .
b. Indicator K3 performance ;
c. Permission work ;
Giving Reports and monitoring will always conducted from the authorities
The “Manage And Resolve Conflict Situations” module is used in the training based
purposeful competence for practice skills and improve knowledge and attitude on- site
(SKKNI) with code I. 55HDR00.155.2 and ACSTP,CATC with code D1.HOT.CL1.11 for
field tourism sub- sector Hospitality and is a core competency unit that must be owned by
housekeeping employees
Availability module this expected could assist organizers , instructors and participants
materials and empowerment source power training is what is expected and should be
considered by the organizers and instructors in order to meet the condition from existing
Instructors expected for apply knowledge industry and experience the work he had at the
time convey Theory training , so could enrich Theory available training in module this .
this unit relate with handling situation possible conflicts happening in the industry tourism
. this unit apply for everyone who works in the field hospitality especially the Housekeeping
Element 1: Identify situation conflict Criteria Show Work :
1.1 Potential conflict must fast identified and must take action fast and wise for prevent
1.2 Situation where customer personal safety or colleague possible work threatened must
identified by fast and appropriate help must organized .
Criteria :
2.1 Responsibilities answer taken for look for solution conflict in room scope not quite
enough answer individual .
2.2 Whole point look supported , accepted and treated with respect.
conflict .
2.4 Solving techniques accepted conflict used for handle situation conflict and develop the
solution .
3.3 Nature and details complaint proven and approved by the customer.
3.4 Appropriate action taken for solve problem complaint for satisfaction customer when
3.5 When right , techniques used for change complaint Becomes opportunity for
demonstrate service customer quality height.
3.6 Required documentation be equipped by accurate and clear in period time certain .
Element 1 : Identify conflict situation
1.1 Potential conflict must fast identified and must take action fast and wise for
After learn chapter this , participant training will capable feel symptom conflict and
a. Interpersonal :
b. Between Group :
1.1.2 Identify Symptoms Conflict
Becomes conflict . things main that can influence happening related conflicts
d) Miscommunication / distortion
c) Competition no healthy
d) Miscommunication / distortion
c) Miscommunication / distortion
customer , relationship , or leader ) one things that are not can you leave
stiffen up .
1.2 Situation where customer personal safety or colleague possible work threatened
must identified by fast and appropriate help must organized .
1.2.1 Symptoms conflict that will disturb security and safety customer .
Concern for the situation around the place work , every moment must improved
, for example notice situation (counter near you) where being seen symptoms
" weapon " (which can be used for To do act violence ). try with careful for get
rid of object it , or quick ask for help officer security for guard more close .
Besides symptom will emergence discord , all officer proper beware things that
can cause not security customers who will eventually cause complain because
found , chair already broken , floor slippery , smelly the room that doesn't
comfortable .
2.1 Responsibilities answer taken for look for solution conflict in room scope not
quite enough answer individual .
2.1.1 Overcoming Situation Conflict
Not all conflict detrimental , if conflict that interpreted as different positive
opinion and ( estimated no will develop more sharp ) will develop Becomes
discussion , on the other hand precisely will give profit for second split parties
Following is must - have attitude our have when face to face with conflict :
a. Calm down yourself , watch your breath don't carried away emotions .
d. Do not hurry for ask for sorry ; chill atmosphere with divert a moment
with offer drink ( if maybe ) or effort look for more data support .
e. Switch talks by fine for relieve emotion friend talk , and when symptom
f. Take note the response , is it symptoms the conflict you see , already
reduced . If not yet , one things you have to remember , to what extent
2.2 Whole point look supported , accepted and treated with respect .
“ sulking ” ( no satisfied but forced to " silent ") and some are satisfied , so
that will occurs " conflict " hidden ". On the contrary when the party who
emotional , will occurs " conflict " real ” ( arguing or fight argument ).
a. Conflict hidden : the party who feels harmed “ silent ” no direct action,
b. Conflict real : the party who feels harmed direct action , sharp whether
or not conflict depends from how method second split party could
displeasure .
Conflict hidden nor real , better handled with wise , so as not cause
c. Say " no " when of course need say it ( without must hurt and make no
d. Slow down talks with detail problem , agree a number of things you
thing will soften friend talk and give your chance to stable ( no
e. When need show your true feelings , so friend talk you can quick
respond .
g. When occur stagnation ( road dead end ), take deal for postpone talk
compromise , where is all considered choice good discussed for get solution
best . Time for reach collaboration this no could limited , depending from
problems and options as well as how much strong parties the capable give
winded and not effective . Firmness lead discussion and skills controlling others
without there is emphasis , much needed . Conflict that occurs in friends with
a. When the problem personal , you should rather stay away , don't listen
and search know , however permanent alert guard don't until occur fight
. When state heat up , more well you shut up contact the authorized
b. When the problem concerning work , and you feel capable for help , with
polite seek right time to “link ” and help without siding . Remember don't
2.4 Solving techniques accepted conflict _ used for handle situation conflict and
develop the solution .
2.4.1 Forming Solid team work
Following are tips for form a solid team work:
whatever .
c. Try for understand lack of others in the team, and try for help when you
can .
deficiencies that have been done and how complete problem , always
f. Listen and appreciate all suggestions/ views / feedback from friend work
and develop before you decide which is the best , with not quite enough
answer full , if need consultation with leader / more authorized . Get used
g. Keep in touch good team member , don't emotion , revenge , envy heart
Complaint arise because there is a " gap " / difference Among hope and
about product ) excessive often experienced by guests / customers.
c. Show self will status and know will his rights . Listen is hear ,
others and for determine action next . Not everyone who feels
b. Not care .
responded .
When visitor feel satisfied will service , he will tell a story to 3-5 of his friends
, however when visitor feel disappointed in the service , he will tell a story to
b. 3% of customer not return because move place / address .
f. 9% customers convinced they can buy more cheap on the spot another
heart .
e. Customer will come back to you and them is free advertising / promotion
“ Put yourself in the shoes of your customer” ( place yourself in shoe your
customers .)
3.2 Responsibilities answer taken for solve problem complaints that .
3.2.1 Complaints should handled as soon as maybe by the officer who
Following is reason why Complaining guests must quick responded with fast
3.3 Nature and details complaint proven and approved by the customer .
3.3.1 Types Complaints and ways get over it
a. Complain passive , they usually shut up only and only show face
2) ask with smooth and clear , what 's missing satisfy him .
3) Do not too satisfied with answer : "ah ... no " anything why …!”
1) Listen with empathy , calm , patience and watch
the problem .
3) Make sure that he more calm with offer the place comfortable
for talk
3.4 Appropriate action taken for solve problem complaint for satisfaction customer
when allow .
3.4.1 Get to know your tourists / guests , listen up complaint with be patient and
give response positive .
Man it's “ unique ”, we as well as guests / customers is man with variety type
its uniqueness . Desire from visitor variety in accordance with needs each of
Except product the is product specially designed for order with specification
special , some step under this as example take action at the moment face
complaint :
overcome it ."
c. Master / manage keep your breath stable .
complaint from guest / visitor possible for some people are the least part fun
, but if you can face complaint this with good management so result by no
serve quality service high . Naturally visitor will have a rating alone to
performance from officer facing this , and by whole if part this done with nice
and tidy whole management will get evaluation best from guests / visitors . As
one example under this is ability you can you show me to customer in face
complaints :
a. Ability in communicate
answering .
3) Non-verbal communication consists of: expression face
interpersonally .
communication :
Voice is a very honest medium for convey how feeling you . Necessary
2) pitch or tone
3) Intensity
4) Projection
5) Talking time
you may find right time _ for you for raise your voice you to friend or family
you , but the opposite you no need raise your voice you with guest ,
Not only you seen as a rude person , but can also be interpreted as a
necessary thing noticed about language body related when face to face
include :
For Becomes good listener and active , you sued for can contract with ok
Must remember one Thing that communication involved two role that is
sender and receiver , then from that communication must two direction ,
you don't monopolize talk . Existence bait come back from visitor or
Your language style Use can refers to style that opponent talk you when
speak with other people. Some tips in using style language Among other
3) Apply style language that has you learn from the opponent talk
Use style language used by most people can interpreted that you as less
social and culture so that possible suitable used with opponent talk you .
As well as other possible factors can you consider such as : factor culture
a. Check return what have you done and make sure that your customers
c. Tell customers that service company the more upgraded blessing
suspected his will with sure , but they is source life us . They is sweet
when follow up with fine , will could maintain customer in company and
you will get points from your leader because capable maintain
e. Do the best of the times first , because not will there is opportunity
complaint ( they is Your most loyal customer and care about quality
“Perform Child Protection Duties Relevant to the Tourism Industry ” module is used in the
training based purposeful competence for practice skills and improve on - site
This module based on competency units that exist in the Standard Competence
Work National Indonesia (SKKNI) with unit code I.55HDR00.154.2 and ACST,CATC/
D1.HOT.CL1.13 for Field Housekeeping – Public Area Cleaner and is a Core Competency
Unit that must be owned Availability module this expected could help organizers ,
training is what is expected and should be considered by the organizers and instructors in
order to meet the condition from existing competency units and participants reach expected
competencies .
Instructors expected for apply knowledge industry and experience the work he had at the
time convey Theory training , so could enrich Theory available training in module this .
this unit related with required skills and knowledge for understand issue exploitation sexual
children by tourists and apply steps protective simple applicable and appropriate for staff
working in hotels and travel industry ,this unit destined for candidate participant
Element 1 : Identify problem exploitation sexual child by tourists
1.1 Determine problem exploitation sexual children by tourists ( or known as tourist sex-
child )
1.2 Explain impact from exploitation sexual abuse in children , society , the hotel and travel
industry ;
1.3 Identify possible suspicious behavior will shown by tourists sex child .
Element 2 : Explain action national , regional and international for prevent exploitation
sexual children by tourists
2.1 Knowing and being familiar with United Nations convention on Rights children (UNCRC)
and articles relevant UN chief with rights all child for Becomes safe from exploitation
sexual ;
2.2 Checking initiative national , regional and international for prevent exploitation sexual
children by tourists ;
Element 3: Explain actions that can taken on the spot work for protect children from
exploitation sexual by tourists
3.1 Prepare a list of actions that can be taken by working staff at each hotel and industrial
Element 1: Identify problem exploitation sexual child by tourists
Element this aim for To do various course relevant subject with industry in environment
time , learn Skills industry moment this , relevant information and trends with industry ,
study through various approach practical and theoretical , and able to identify , explore and
solve problem with productive way more relation with Theory module that is Implement
Facts :
every year
e. Under the UN CRC all child have right for life free from danger and
1.1 Determine problem exploitation sexual children by tourists ( or known as tourist
sex-child ):
3) Reality that Images this has made show that amount big
children has abused
1.2 Explain impact from exploitation sexual abuse of children , society , the hotel and
travel industry .
b. In many community discussion sex , prostitution and in particular
sex child is taboo , because that child victims often forced to for
d. Besides that , there is also a chance future loss _ for this victim 's
a healthy society .
a. This is common thing in the world of travel and hotel industry , many
traveler original no ready for visit areas where tourism sex child ( or
tourist sex ) often happen .
1.3 Identify possible suspicious behavior will shown by tourists sex child
b. They can come from anywhere , boy or girl , married or single , rich
c. Not there is one feature physical , type behavior or pattern social will
d. 95% Child Sex Offenders is men and them can married and have
child they alone
h. Local tourists who are suddenly very attentive to children small local
with To do something not common .
2.1 Knowing & being familiar with United Nations convention on Rights children
(UNCRC) and articles relevant UN chief with rights all child for Becomes safe
from exploitation sexual
Understand Right right protection child and Implement it for effort
2.2 Checking initiative national , regional and international for prevent exploitation
sexual children by tourists
b. In many case effort this has successful , with often adoption large
'Child Safe'.
Why Hotel and Industry Travel Must join play a role as well as :
Hotel and Industry Journey business must Act for stop activity exploitation sex child
because they be at the forefront where exploitation sex child occurs at level physical .
With take attitude strong business to exploitation , Hotel and Industry Journey could
have impact great at helping for remove activity exploitation child from destination travel
2.3 Identify mechanism reporting if suspicious behavior observed
Possible Fright biggest for perpetrator crime sex child , is afraid reported , caught ,
a. At the moment this our know most perpetrator sex child free from
Support direct from those who turn away from what happened for
b. There is also a factor of not trust general that Thing sort of this
actually of course happened and that there are people outside there
do things this
c. Tourist Child Sex is Something reality and grow the more big
environment the term Safe Child, they must realize that Tourist Child
d. Name of the victim ( if possible )
Element 3: Explain actions that can taken on the spot work for protect children from
exploitation sexual by tourists
exploitation sex in children . Besides it 's important for contact and work
with various agency Local Child Protection such as KPAI, for help in
3.1 Prepare a list of actions that can be taken by working staff _ in every hotel and
industrial work division journey for prevent exploitation sexual children by
3.1.1 Training
a. Have part special for run the Safe Children program, Staff Training
Program , which educates and trains all staff about policy company
will help dramatically in drop from exploitation child sex and sending
sex in children . Practice staff in how method they must respond and
a. Hotel and Industry Journey business should too state that they
a. Receipt and point first contact staff must trained and know how react
description for get sex child or who enter the place effort they for
a. All staff activity child must trained with right , must have permission
a. Though many from working workers same with hotel and Industry
follow it . They can also Act as eyes and ears for business that ,
or client .
3.1.6 Reporting Behavior Suspicious and Offensive :
will go offend , encourage others in their ' network ' for To do the
same thing on and on use the place your efforts and reasons for
This module based on competency units that exist in the Standard Competence Work
National Indonesia (SKKNI) with unit code I.55HDR00.217.2 and ACSTP,CATC
D1.LAN.CL1.01 for Housekeeping – Public Area Cleaner and is a Core Competency Unit
that must be owned by Public Area Cleaners.
Availability module this expected could help organizers , instructors and participants
training in doing training based competence .
Instructors expected for apply knowledge industry and experience the work he had at the
time convey Theory training , so could enrich Theory available training in module this .
this unit related with knowledge , skills , and attitudes required by employees industry
related travel and tourism with speaking customers and colleagues English to get
communicate by verbal at level operational base . This cover conversation basic and
everyday like welcome guest , give regards farewell , and serve guest ok by stare advance
nor through phone ,this unit destined for candidate participant Public Area Cleaner
Element 1 : Answer question general through phone
Criteria :
Criteria :
2.3 Record request details guest and if need spell name and address ;
2.5 Pronounce accept love and good luck stay with polite .
Criteria :
3.2 Ask about availability , time delivery and date and cost , as appropriate ;
3.4 Saying accept love to recipient and pronounce safe stay with polite .
Element 4 : Handle complaint customer
Criteria :
4.3 Responding complaint with and explain the process taken for handle with get deal
customer to process;
Criteria :
Element 1: Answer question general through phone is something activity what happened
dasar daily in place work , through calling phone make it easy worker or guests for could
communicate seara straight away . Phone is also close relation with organizing service
service .
Element this aim for give Skills communicate daily like method accept call , welcome guest
, give regards farewell and serve visitor good by stare advance nor through phone .
b. Generally applied ringtone is as much as 3 times the ringtone . ( Let caller wait
1.2 Give saying proper greeting for time day Pronunciation regards really important
a. Build trust / credibility our with caller
b. Create friendly atmosphere
c. For inform to visitor or colleagues , time local us .
Use benchmark as following :
c. Happy night apply start sun sunset until approaching sun rise .
1.3 Mention name and or name company
If you make call , introduce self with method polite and friendly . This thing push
opponent talk To do the same thing . Mention name and or name company in
a. Accept calling from in started with regards then mention name department you
“ Good morning , housekeeping Budi speaking may assist you ? Accept calling
communicate on the phone really important for a. say every word with clear
c. Make notes
e. The process of repeating words from Request visitor for avoid error
1.6 Ask needs visitor
b. Give instruction
c. Submit Request
Listen by carefully talks phone really important because will impact straight to hope visitor
will what have he ask or order . Respond Request visitor through phone is also very
Confirm Request English speaking guest can be very different or even Becomes
difficult because not everyday language we , we no by direct face to face with guest
For help our get information submitted by guests and also for guests to create
impression our get the message conveyed , the thing that is biased us do are :
Well in Fulfill Request visitor such as , cleaning room , addition goods facility rooms
and more . Information data that we collect from visitor really important . Pronunciation
in English sometimes can be very confusing , during this process really important for
2.3 Record request details guest and if need spell name and address
one component main in give service to guest at the moment communicate with phone
Spelling Name, address , number phone and date by right and true . Take notes and
listen whole information visitor is key main in give service communicate with phone .
After accept information details from visitor is obligation for confirm and repeat return
information and requests visitor for avoid error perception and will give impression
2.5 Say accept love and good luck stay with polite
Daily we are in business hospitality of course just no only guide our for only accept phone
but there is time our faced for To do calling phone out . Following a number of things
important as note .
3.1 Identify self and purpose calling
c. The above help receiver phone for determine intent and purpose To
3.2 Ask about availability , time delivery and date and cost accordingly .
Before our will make the order process or purchase , factors the on is part of the
process that must our ask or check and also factors that will confirmed by party
At the moment our To do booking product or service there is criteria standard from
c. Payment in advance
3.4 Saying accept love to recipient and pronounce safe stay with polite .
Not many are aware that talks Closing can greatly affect the entire communication
process that has been occur or delivery process complaint in Thing this .
Element 4 : Handle Complaint Customer
Business venture hotels that provide service field service of course just no miss from hope
visitor or consumer as asset most important . Hope visitor will vary greatly no only because
difference type visitor but point individual the hope will changed time after time . When we
as serving party visitor no consistent in presenting waiter the will impact happening
complaint guest .
Following a number of aspect important necessary our do for fix and finish complaint for
complaint from guest . Handling process complaint could direct repair connection our
with visitor or on the contrary create connection negative with customer . Reaction
must first our conducted in handle complaint visitor is listen complaint with thorough
a. Clarifying information
At the moment face situation complaints , things that can be our do as complaining
party are :
a. hint to visitor that our understand right what happened and the situation
e. Ask excuse me for umpteenth time ( p this really effective )
In handle complaint guest , really important for could hint to visitor that our Fulfill all
information submitted by guests and also respond complaint these , among others ,
by way :
a. Accept complaint that ( don't defend self though our understand that
complaint submitted is no absolute error from party us )
b. Sympathetic to visitor
c. Using languages that cause our impression listen complaints submitted .
d. Ask excuse me
4.3 Handling complaints and explain the process taken for handle with get deal
To do action beginning or react with quick is one factor important for direct handle
complaint guest , will but when action beginning the no appropriate then what can
occur is make it worse initial state our try control and or even cause complaint
additional .
4.4 Taking action in accordance limitation profession for complete complaint When
underline are :
b. Do not give promise if our no convinced with situation that will occur
If you no convinced will could finish complaint visitor because limitation given authority
to you , as soon as possible report complaint visitor the to superior you by detailed
and also add information if already there is the steps you take .
4.6 Take action continue complaint with complete all paper work
When handling complaint visitor good we finish alone or our hand it over his authority
to other department or superior we will more good for our for complete a number of
profession paper work addition like the data below this is the aim none other than for
have something notes about things ever complained by future guests could our make
reference for no repeat the process that will cause happening same complaint or as
In part this will outlined part base in convey complaint so that could informed by detailed
and can received with good . Complaint could Becomes positive for the hotel industry for
b. Mention name you , company you work and mean and do calling phone
At the moment convey complaint , really important for convey all information by
detailed so that you can responded by the recipient complaint . At the moment convey
b. Tell by detailed every problem and describe how does the process happen
complaint the
5.3 Mention with calm how problem or bias situation resolved In a number of events
, many found guest delivering complaint without know by certain what are they
want or hope as the solution .
At the moment convey complaint , which must be conducted are :
c. Make sure previously our request apply character realistic and true could
granted .
competence for practice skills and improve knowledge and attitude on- site housekeeping
(SKKNI) with code I.55HDR00.010.2 and ACSTP,CATC / D1.HHK.CL3.01 for field tourism
sub- sector Hospitality and is a core competency unit that must be owned by housekeeping
employees .
Availability module this expected could assist organizers , instructors and participants
materials and empowerment source power training is what is expected and should be
considered by the organizers and instructors in order to meet the condition from existing
Instructors expected for apply knowledge industry and experience the work he had at the
time convey Theory training , so could enrich Theory available training in module this .
this unit relate with provide housekeeping services for guest . this unit related with
knowledge , skills and attitudes required in provide housekeeping service for guest . this
unit apply for everyone who works in the field hospitality especially the Housekeeping
Element 1: Handle housekeeping request
1.1 Request handled with friendly and polite way in accordance with standard service
1.4 Where is the request arise because goods damaged moment implementation of room
1.6 Items requested placed immediately and delivered quick in period agreed time
Criteria :
2.2 Damage reported as soon as possible in accordance with procedure company and
Element 1: Handle housekeeping request
1.1 Request handled with friendly and polite way in accordance with standard
service customer company and procedures security .
1.1.1 Standard Excellent Service
All Request visitor must get handling excellent service . Excellent service to
customer is something obligation where visitor must served with nice and
procedures that have been set company.Standard excellent service must cover
a. Listening ( Listening )
Ability listen and analyze with careful what guests are talking about
b. Observing ( Observing )
Ability observe contents from talks guest at the moment talk and meet
face , we could dig information from tone of voice and language body
c. Thinking
Ability for process results from listening and observing for To do action
1.1.2 Type appropriate request with standard service company Service or service
don't available in room guests , but is facility for visitor or is service service
cleaning additional .
Employee or officer in charge Guest Loan Item requests are called Order
a. Already have experience in scope Housekeeping Department
That thing on Required Required owned by the order taker officers , in order
to Fulfill hope visitor During stay at the hotel. Standard service addition
basically shared Becomes two part , there is allowed cost additional and
2) Adapter
4) Hair Dryer
5) prayer rug
7) Chair wheel
Although loan goods the no worn cost , but borrowed items have score high
economy , then company usually has set standard limit time loan , p this for
Every Housekeeping employees are sued for can give excellent service
one his is saying Greetings "Greeting" to every their guest see . This
is :
g.Arrange goods
h.Send goods
j.Report loan
After learn details on It is hoped that every housekeeping officer can doing
a. Business Guest that is guests staying at the hotel and aiming for
place stay
b. Leisure Guest that is guests staying at the hotel and aiming for
Domestic (who are domiciled in Indonesia) and Abroad (who are domiciled
outside Indonesia )
For avoid things that are not wanted related with loan goods belongs to the
1.4 Where is the request arise because goods damaged moment implementation of
room service, then Request excuse me must done .
1.4.1 Damage level goods
observe desire every hotel guest . This thing really required specifically if the
hotel get complaint from guests who feel service services provided not yet
Convenience customer During be in the hotel is n't it only lies in availability facility
only rooms and hotels , but also the hospitality and ethics that are addressed to
familiarity expected could expedite all related business with activity effort
b. Pleasant feeling customer so that expected later they will be loyal guest
c. Gives a sense of touch emotional , where hotel guests will feel that herself
d. Promotion from mouth to mouth , where guests who feel familiar with hotel
maid and feel satisfied from whole aspect service will promote the hotel to
his colleague
Persuade customer with good etiquette shown by each customer expected
However sometimes constraint technical always just appear and things this no
item broken :
a. Sorry , when our face to face with angry customer because requested item
no in accordance with what is he hope , then there is good our as the party
customer speak so our could understand how far are they complaints and
observation where our can ask direct customer for showing where location
damage done
have a lot of stock so should our direct replace with new so that customer
e. Make sure that visitor satisfied with service our with ask to visitor is there
f. say accept love because although they complain Thing this is very good
1.5 Period time for Fulfill Request approved by guest
1.6 Items requested placed immediately and delivered quick in period time
that approved .
1.6.1 Procedure delivery and placing requested item in accordance with the
time that has been set
Handling Guest Loan Item service for guest basically _ could shared Becomes
two part that is delivery / delivery and return / collection of Guest Loan Items. As
a. Select and check Guest Loan Items in state clean and working with good
b. Recording Guest Loan Items and to and to who is the Guest Loan Item
sent .
c. Submit a Guest Loan Item and set it up placement with correct , inform to
d. Collect form loan after signed guest and leave one sheet copy for visitor
e. Return copy form loan the to Housekeeping office (1 sheet for archive 1
f. Note to in Logbook for small guest loan items like facility for bathroom
a. Confirm by telephone for knowing what is the Guest Loan Item has done
b. the guest Loan Item has done used by guests ask for permission to visitor
for take the Guest Loan Item . Do not forget take archive / copy form
c. Return Guest Loan Items to warehouse and check is goods the still in
state good and keep it in the right place which is easy for reachable
e. If Guest has go out leave room (Check Out) then take the guest loan item
Besides shipping and returns , yes things that do n't lost important his in gift
Guest Loan Item services , namely help visitor in arrange placement of Guest
room .
A number of equipment need prepared for visitor like the place sleep addition
, place sleep baby and table iron . So that guests permanent feel comfortable
2) Customize location equipment if position troublesome visitor for
3) Connect iron on the mains and keep it in the right place on the
table iron the
4) Inform to visitor method usage ironing and setting
2.1 Guest advised by _ polite about use correct equipment There are several Guest
Loan Item deep equipment use need correct information from the housekeeping staff
. This thing need conducted for pay attention and prioritize safety guest .
A number of example from language body namely :
That thing on is something must no only for housekeeping staff but also for whole
hotel clerk
and when allow Settings alternative conducted for Fulfill needs visitor
happened at the hotel. Problem the always will delivered and forwarded to the
continue .
damage , sender goods that will lent and name receiving officer
be :
b. Visitor has leave the hotel (Check Out), in principle handling taking
goods for customers who have leave the same hotel with customers
who are still was at the hotel, as for if occur damage or lost items
borrowed by guests , then stylist room must report to order taker officer
Things to be reference and attention for the order taker officer at the time
and Log Book as has been described in the material previously ( Elements of
Clean Public Areas, Facilities and Equipment ” module is used in the training based
targeted competence for practice skills and improve knowledge and attitude on- site
(SKKNI) with code I.55HDR00.011.2 and ACSTP,CATC / D1.HHK.CL3.02 for field tourism
sub- sector Hospitality and is a core competency unit that must be owned by housekeeping
employees .
Availability module this expected could assist organizers , instructors and participants
materials and empowerment source power training is what is expected and should be
considered by the organizers and instructors in order to meet the condition from existing
Instructors expected for apply knowledge industry and experience the work he had at the
time convey Theory training , so could enrich Theory available training in module this .
this unit relate with cleanliness location /area and equipment used in the hotel world
especially housekeeping. This module cover method method cleaning location /area and
method use a number of tools used in daily housekeeping and storage in the warehouse .
this unit apply for everyone who works in the field hospitality especially the Housekeeping
Element 1 : Selecting and styling equipment
Criteria :
1.2 Whole equipment checked and security condition work before used ;
1.3 Cleaning tools and materials suitable chemistry selected and prepared in accordance
with requirements factory and related health and safety with work ;
2.2 When appropriate , work area given sign for reduce risk to colleagues and customers ;
2.3 Material correct chemistry chosen for a certain area and use in accordance with
procedure safety ;
2.5 Garbage and leftovers ingredient chemical thrown away in accordance with
3.3 Error identified by correct and reported in accordance with procedure company
3.4 Equipment stored in an area that has been set and in condition ready worn back
3.5 Material chemical saved in accordance with requirements health and safety .
Public Area Section ( public area section ) has Duty tree for guard cleanliness
, tidiness , beauty , and comfort the entire area of the hotel , both outside
building as well as in hotel building , including places for employee except room
Cleanliness , beauty , and comfort in all areas of the hotel are very coveted thing , no
only by hotel guests , but also by employees Thing the no could realized by the hotel
management , then Thing this cause impression bad for visitor hotel.Already is Duty
areas inside hotel.For that competence housekeeping officers , especially public area
attendants ( cleaners ) in doing duties and responsibilities the answer Becomes Thing
election tool cleaners, both automatic as well as the appropriate manual with technique
maid must can identify whole equipment and functions and each
are :
1) Rotary/floor machine , used for clean and shine floor hard, for example
3) Dry vacuum cleaner, used for suck dust, dirt dirt small and dry on the
surface floor.With available sucker ,tool this could used on the surface
4) Combined dry and wet vacuum cleaner, tool this often It is called a
in a wet place
6) Carpet Blower , used for dry carpets and can also be used on surfaces
that floor wet .
2) Group brush (brush) consists of from floor brush hand brush, toilet
3) Group flax (linen) consists of from : dust cloth ( dust cloth made of
mopping trolley ( used for mopping ) equipped with buckets and tools
a) Support tools : extra stick ( for reach high areas ), step ladder ( stairs
Closing mouth and nose ), safety belt ( belt safety ), safety shoes (
1.2 Whole equipment checked and security condition work before used
employees and guests is factor main must noticed . This is due to because
equipment driven with power electricity with enough watts big so that risk stung
permanent must check equipment increasingly will used for avoid risk that ,
a. Cleaning equipment
1) Rotary/floor machine :
c) Check the engine body ( machine body )
e) Check function Pad Holder and holes locking pad holder that will
f) Check cable and plug, don't until there is coating scuffed / damaged
2) Vacuum Cleaners
f) Check cable electricity and plug , don't until there is coating scuffed /
damaged cable
b. Cleaning materials
is placed on the function of tool that . Following this is steps check equipment
1) Check on brush focus on function brush and handle brush ( what when
exists )
broom and its handle ; rags and mops , make sure in dry , clean and not
torn .
b. container
1) Buckets , baskets trash and dustpan; make sure equipment the no leak,
tear or broke . Make sure no there is damage to the handle dipper and
dustpan .
2) Bottle spray , make sure bottle no leaks and tools spray / spray it
Election equipment the right cleaner in condition very good tool help
1.3 Cleaning tools and materials suitable chemistry selected and prepared in
accordance with requirements factory and related health and safety with
In doing his job a maid must have related knowledge with ingredient cleaner that will
used in clean something object . As for ingredients cleaner is non- chemical ( water)
and useful chemicals as cleaner with function for help with the cleaning process .
In election ingredient chemical the cleaner used in cleaning at the hotel, must
a. Not poisonous
b. Not corrosive
Moment this a number of producer product ingredient cleaner also added other
murderer germs, Here this ingredient cleaner along with each function among
them are :
1) Water , used good used for cleaning or mixed with ingredient cleaner
other must clear , no colored , no smells of water and has low hardness
powder with details smooth and rough and often used is liquid and
powder . Detergent could used for cleaning object with ingredient basic
vinyl, plastic , ceramic , metal, porcelain found in the hotel area. As for
for detergent powder with details rough , (abrasive) used on objects with
heavy dirt such as in wash basins, bath tubs, walls bathroom and
3) Acid , -shaped liquid where ingredient cleaner this character acid . maid
must really knowing method use ingredient this because could damage
object to be cleaned ;
4) Ammonia , shaped liquid and crystal, have distinctive and strong odor
and not color , use ingredient this must mixed with water, type dirt that
can cleaned is like fat dirt that sticks to the surface glass ;
5) multi-purpose cleaner , shaped liquid and slightly thick , because that
clean wash basin, bath tub and equipment other bathroom _ until glass
fingerprint fingers , dust and dirt that have been attached to metal so
coat the pores on the floor hard or floor wood but also for guard surface
cleaner made from ingredient base wood , metal, leather and flooring ;
9) Strippers b shaped liquid, on basic part big the floor in the hotel is
covered with polish floor (floor polish). For lift layer polish that has been
dull on the surface floor working strippers are needed for lift as well as
11) Disinfectant , ingredients cleaner this shaped liquid and working for kill
Basically on the market found many kinds of ingredient cleaner, for that
in the election ingredient cleaner must noticed is function main and way
use ingredient cleaner that, so that election ingredient the right cleaner
one effort company in skeleton give protection power work at the time doing
profession is with method Give tool protector self (PPE) to power work . In
the hotel area, potential as source risk specifically to safety or health always
b. Factor chemistry , in the form of vapor flue gas solvent metal weight
As for the conditions from tool protector self to be effective in in its use and
maintenance as following :
a. Protective Equipment self must capable give protection effective on
d. Not cause disturbance to the wearer good because type the danger nor
convenience in usage easy for worn released return
Based on Thing that, tool protector self could defined asvarious type useful tool
for protect employee in To do work that functions for isolate body power work
Reviewed from function a number of types of PPE that often used by a maid
among other :
strong , sturdy material but light stand to impact , puncture, fire, water
and electricity voltage low nor high , protective head could combined
mask, is tool protector breathing used for protect breathing from risk
c. protective equipment ( safety shoes ) shoes worn for protect feet
from possibility hit object object heavy caught metal liquid and exposed
object sharp
e. Belt safety ( safety belt) as tool protector yourself at the moment clean
tall object
f. Clothes Protector as tool protector self could protect body power Work
part from body that is from chest to knees and overalls that cover whole
required for could guard safety and health work from potential and
factors dangers that can cause accident work and illness consequence
2.2 When according to work area given sign for reduce risk to colleagues and
Doing procedure cleaning in hotel public areas is necessary notice ingredient from
object to be cleaned origin and cause dirty and level filth, as well application technique
proper cleaning for avoid error usage tools and materials so that the results obtained
will maximum
Common areas along with the components in it is a work area from a common
area maid could shared Becomes two (2) , namely the area that is inside
a. In building including :
1) Lobby area
3) Office
4) Drug Store
5) Business center
6) Elevator
7) Meeting room
8) function hall
b. Outside buildings , including :
1) Parking area
2) swimming pool
3) tennis court
4) Playground
5) Garden
After the area to be cleaned has identified with ok, next officer maid before doing
cleaning must install sign (sign board) of the cleaning process . As for the sign
a) Wet floor sign , used when carry out the cleaning process floor
b) Cleaning process sign , used when maid hold a process cleaning with
c) safety cones, used together with the safety chain or safety line as sign
d) post line, used for limit the area being cleaning process is carried out
The above signboard useful for hotel guests and employees to avoid all type
risk from impact cleaning that, like slip , fall tools, spills ingredient cleaners and
so on .
2.3 Ingredient correct chemistry chosen for a certain area and use in accordance
with procedure safety
2.4 Equipment used by Correct
Election materials and tools cleaner that will used by a maid must customized with
timetable cleaning and technique cleaning that will applied to the object to be
For make it easy cleaning and keeping an area clean awake cleanliness, then
from object to be cleaned and level his filth. As for timetable cleaning could
shared be :
a. Routine / daily
b. Weekly
c. Quarter
d. Semester
Type cleaning normal more known with name technique cleaning ( cleaning
object other . This thing caused by material base from object and level filth and
a. Furniture made from wood (furniture)
1) Dusting, cleaning furniture with level dirty low ( dust ) with use cloth
2) Damp dusting , cleaning furniture with level dirty middle and high with
surface of the furniture already dull . The tools used is cotton cloth for
flatten polish, cotton cloth for the process of polishing and materials for
the shine is polish wood (wood polish), so that the gloss on the surface
mirror small or surface size glass / mirror currently until big on top
surface there is stain, technique this applied with use glass cloth
equipment with ingredient the included glass cleaner into the bottle
2) Glass wiping, technique cleaning this applied surface size glass / mirror
or mirror with use equipment glass wiper, glass squeezee , cotton cloth
c. Floor (floor)
floor.Technique this aim for remove shit that doesn't attached to the floor
2) Mopping, so that the floor clean from dust and free from stain light and
mopping ) with use mop ). Cleaning tools needed is stick and mop yarn
, buckets ( bucket ) many hotels have provide mop trolley for employees.
and floor cleaner . On moment mix water and floor cleaner , pay
3) brushing floor, technique this applied to the surface floor with level high
dirt ( there are spots or stain ). Cleaning technique this could conducted
for brushing floor are water, floor cleaner and materials containing HCL
rotary floor machine , pad holder, brush pad, and wet vacuum cleaner
Usage manual tool for support cleaning the is brush hand ( hand
brush ), kape ( spatula / putty knife ) tool for pushing water (floor
At the moment carry out technique cleaning this don't forget install
the sign board and pay attention instruction use ingredient chemical
react chemistry .
4) Scrubing / stripping , technique cleaning this for for the floor that has
technique cleaning this is for lift layer polish on the surface floor .
same with brushing floor the difference found in the use of a scrub pad
ingredient the cleanser used is water and stripper material pay attention
5) Polishing , after surface the floor is scrubbing / stripping then step next
is carry out the process of polishing the floor ( shining ). Materials used
in this process is with give sealer on the surface working floor for coat
the pores is on the floor hard or floor wood and care surface floor
original from enough scratches hard . For avoid surface floor from
scratches direct from heavy things and hard, usually a sealer is applied
to the surface floor at least two (2) layers.If sealer layer has been dry so
on layer sealer given working polisher layer for polish surface floor , if
a) Rotary Machine
b) Pad Holder
c) Buffing Pad
d) bucket
e) Fool Set
enough trouble height, thing this because nature from easy carpet
wrinkled and have fur on its surface.Tools prepared cleaner for carry
a) dry vacuum cleaner for clean dust , dirt on the surface carpet
b) rotary machine
cleaner used in implementation technique cleaning this is
needed for clean stainless steel material is cotton cloth and tools the
acid (acid). For that more recommended for use ingredient it's in place
cleaners that have element chemistry.For that must noticed when use
d) Multi-purpose cleaner in general thick and mixable with
2.5 Garbage and leftovers ingredient chemical thrown away in accordance with
a. Rubbish
not have score economy, even could have score negative economy
cost big .
health environment, for that a maid after work must quick throw away
waste in the work area . Before trash is thrown away more formerly
must more formerly selected and sorted , don't forget use sarong
hand rubber for guard cleanliness hand . sorting rubbish could in the
form of :
decompose ( garbage )
After the cleaning process finished , then one Duty cleaning is secure
company .
3.3 Error in identification by correct and reported in accordance with procedure
After doing activity cleaning , a cleaning is also required for have Skills for doing tasks
in Thing maintain cleaner Machine and equipment manual cleaner used after cleaning
process ends .
4) wash pad and pad holder with use clean water , if required Use
detergent , next rinsed and dried
5) wash and rinse tank and dry it , make sure no there is remainder
remainder ingredient cleaner in tank the
10) check is wheel still working with good or no
b. Vacuum Cleaner
(dust bag ) for dry vacuum cleaner , for wet vacuum cleaner
3) clean up the dirt in the dust bag, do n't forget use a mask:
6) clean the rubber pipe and clean the pipe made of of stainless
7) reinstall the dust filter ( in state dry ) , dust bag, cover, hose,
10) If found points (8 and 9 ) damage to the cable or wheel no
3) Brush and broom , bristle and fibers broom must cleaned from
sticky dirt
age equipment .
3.4 Equipment stored in an area that has been set and in condition ready worn back
3.5 Materials chemical saved in accordance with requirements health and safety
Whole cleaned equipment along with remainder ingredient cleaners are placed
somewhere warehouse that has set by the company . Storage warehouse have
function so that all equipment and materials cleaner ready use cared for and
protected no only that , with save it tools and materials cleaners in the warehouse ,
housekeeping staff with easy could inventory amount equipment , volume and type
condition dry and clean, here this warehousing tools and materials
c) Store the pad holder and cleaning pad in the appropriate place /
shelf determined
d) This tool enough weight , for that should place machine this is in
2) Vacuum Cleaners
2) Group linen / linen : all lena folded and the arrangement is adjusted
with ingredient base from lena that , as for for mop (mop) paired
3) Receptacle does not leak and has good cover
4) Do not mix remainder cleaners that don't kind of into the same
what when not handled with Correct could cause various type
Module “Provide a Lost and Found Facility ” used in training based purposeful competence
for practice skills and improve knowledge and attitude of Housekeeping Public Area
This module based on competency units that exist in the Standard Competence Work
National Indonesia (SKKNI) with unit code I.55HDR00.243.2 and ACSTP,CATC unit code
Availability module this expected could help organizers , instructors and participants
training is what is expected and should be considered by the organizers and instructors in
order to meet the condition from existing competency units and participants reach
expected competencies .
Instructors expected for apply knowledge industry and experience the work he had at the
time convey Theory training , so could enrich Theory available training in module this .
This unit relate with provide facility loss and discovery goods .this unit related with
knowledge , skills and attitudes required in provide facility loss and discovery goods . this
unit apply for everyone who works in the field hospitality especially the Housekeeping
Element 1: Provide facility loss and discovery goods
1.4 Identify requirements lost item or found in accordance rule applicable company
1.5 Inform location and function handling Lost & Found to guest and staff
2.1 Items findings checked in detail for security and legality as well as conducted action
2.2 Items findings recorded in the Find and Loss List goods
2.7 Responsible staff answer given information for facilitate the return process in
accordance rule company .
3.2 Verification claim ownership goods
3.5 Help owner goods from abroad or other areas that claim goods .
4.1 Handling goods guests who don't claimed in accordance policy company
4.2 Handling goods guests who don't proclaimed in accordance rule applicable law
4.3 Delete goods from storage , complete movement data and disposal goods .
Element 1 : Provide facility loss and discovery goods
1.1.1 Identity Type Items and Locations of lost and found items Goods visitor or
goods whoever is lost and found called goods Goods lost and found .
a. Goods is lost
b. Items found
Items found is items found by other staff / guests / customers and handed
over to staff place . Very possible lost and found items in the same time
. One item at the same time , both lost and found items . It possible has
identified as lost by guest while those who have found and submitted by
At the hotel facilities service goods lost and found the is part not quite
goods lost and found because many found items in the room guest by
Type Goods lost and found generally shared into 3 groups namely :
a. Goods Valuable ( Valuability items) Have a high Price/Value (
2) Motel
5) Casino
6) Clubs
7) Restaurant
8) Resort
9) amusement park
13) romance
14) Villas.
found )
By physical area of goods lost and found usually is at in the office Executive
Housekeeper or for invention more stuff valuable in the a certain area such
by guest next stay in the room that became the place goods
enhancement security and safety for goods no too safe in a
located at:
at on :
1) Help First
3) changing room
4) Rent equipment .
All company offer facilities special goods lost and found that has been
developed with policies and procedures for driving doing service goods lost
and found . This thing important understood for every applicable policies and
this part identify and explain various policies and procedures goods lost and
found .
Policies and procedures goods lost and found in place work Required run
3) Intranet place – company big will give intranet facilities that will
5) Information poster
Description goods
a) Mobile
d) Camera
e) watches
f) Jewellery
b) Make-up/ cosmetics
d) Stationery
b) Drink
1.4 Identify requirements lost item or found in accordance rule applicable company
answer when goods already found and submitted as well as saved for
this part will explain procedure for receive , record and receive / secure
items handed over by staff and guests as goods that have been found .
and found . Need standard procedure for people who want claim found
items with explain in detail as well could give proof Trusted regarding
goods ownership .
If the item is found is goods important , then no will handed over without
goods that .
1.5 Inform location and function lost & found handling to guests and staff
From time to time you as a staff can provide suggestions and feedback to visitor about
lost items and items that have been found . You as a hotel staff can explain to visitor
how method claim goods that have been lost , so that when found could is known bring
goods the in accordance with goods owned by missing guest . There is also a way that
can notified by hotel staff to visitor if , there is guest who found lost items so soon report
1.5.1 Giving information to visitor about location and function handling Lost
and Found Goods
c. For example case , if there is a guests who come and report that
goods visitor the in the form of a watch no found / lost , and when
that's you as a staff can give advice for help find goods visitor
e. Follow up the goods process goods lost and found with method
guide guests who feel lost goods to the lost items area .
by others.
so that we could mention name visitor or can also use calling polite
enough clear or not yet , if not enough clear from the staff will explain
detailed .
i. Always accept goods that have been discovered by others as lost &
found items and help for who only need help with honest and mutual
work same .
1.6 Setting up Lost and Find lists goods
Various hotels have various type goods process procedure lost and found that can
be identify regarding lost items , so that guests feel lost goods can could with easy
find return the goods . The registration carried out by the hotel for process goods
goods lost and found owned by visitor to the Lost and Found List goods .
Every goods lost and found must listed in the book list loss and discovery
found items or lost item registered with neat and easy for checked .
There is three type information main loss and discovery goods that is :
a. All goods that have been found in accordance with items listed in
b. Items that have been is lost reported must in accordance with the
details .
4) Detail and prove things that have been found but not yet
a. Number goods - in order to get make it easy help allocation
1) Returned to owner
2) Thrown away
3) Donated
with already described as proof that Correct owner from goods that ,
1) SIM number
2) Password number
1) serial number
4) Name and number phone lost guest goods
score goods .
2.1. Goods findings checked in detail for security and legality as well as conducted
action .
2.1.1 Procedure inspection goods findings
Every found items will submitted and checked for ensure goods the safe so that
could saved in place storage lost item . Inspection process goods lost and found
a. Checking / viewing goods – for look for signs danger from goods such as :
3) Leakage
b. Use senses for detect the smell from goods or the voices that can cause
c. Ensure that goods goods lost and found truly safe stored in place storage
Goods Suspicious , Dangerous and Illegal
Most hotels will give instruction to every staff when find goods lost and found
as :
a. Drugs forbidden
c. Ingredient contraband
d. Ingredient explosive
Every stealing stuff must checked before submitted so that the goods the no
dangerous in place storage goods . If you find goods the don't afraid for soon
report to your supervisor / manager , so that you can direct quick followed up .
1) Do not touched
2) Give report to the authorities are waiting call and answer all directed
4) Evacuate everyone who is around the goods area goods lost and found
5) Please keep away goods electronic like a cellphone that can trigger
Information general handling goods
After found items submitted and checked safety and legality goods the will
received and signed on the goods form lost and found . Standard handle goods
as following :
3) Securing stuff save goods it's on the spot storage goods goods lost
and found in order for goods the safe and not easy stolen
4) Goods lost and found a long time ago anyone admit / take goods the
can thrown away just when limit time already done , because no could
used by staff or hotels.
2.2 Items findings in the data in the find and loss list goods
Requirements standard deliver found items is with method found items the already
enter into the list of items lost and found .
2.2.1 Data Collection goods lost and found
collection process goods lost and found in a list of items Lost and found . When
making a list of items lost and found must noticed Thing Thing as following :
a. Make sure your writing on the list is easy for read and understood
by others
b. Check back item list lost and found for ensure all The information
obtained is very clear
c. Every information obtained it's so valuable that the lost item more
fast for found .
When everything details about goods lost and discovery already recorded all in
the list of items lost and found , next every guest who found or staff who found
lost items , must verified because has deliver goods goods lost and found .
Identify Inventor goods Lost and found
Every there is visitor or the staff who handed over found items make sure for
noted name complete so that with easy for identify goods that is what is found
and it is also easy to identify the person who discovered goods that , as well as
don't forget about take notes number phone from guest who found goods the
or number extension for the staff who found goods that . If any guest reporting
or deliver goods loss and guest the no want to name in full as well as number
the phone note , you as a staff no need force , because that is right from guests
who have find lost item that . Can the staff hand over ? goods the is goods that
have been discovered by guests who didn't want to name and number the phone
noted .
For every incoming goods to the must list in accordance standard as following
1) Identify location goods found , such as :
a) Number room
b) dining room
c) Outside room
c) Near the shop next door pool swimming Identify Date and Time
All goods must noted in accordance with :
a) Date – item found
b) Day for ensure date how many goods the found
c) Time in time 24 hours or AM/PM
Identify Goods
Every found items will noted into the item list book lost and found and will
included with item tags indicating that found items the already noted to the
missing list goods lost and found by detailed and complete in accordance with
reported information .
Because it's so important for every found items that have been reported noted
by in detail to make it easier to identify goods and make it easier when there is
claiming guest goods it , or even goods goods lost and found the been kept in
place for a long time storage and release from the tag . Important thing when
very much important every found items must explained by detailed and clear
will could make it easy for differentiate same thing or similar in place storage .
1) Overview items such as watches men , bag small hand scotch bottle
useful for found items in the form of painting , stuff broken the part
a) Found in pouch shopping that says a mobile phone brand
Some hotels will give number on each found items to make it easier if goods the
saved into the room goods goods lost and found . Every gift the number on the
item found , the number given must sequentially in accordance with previous
ask sign hand every guests who want take goods goods lost and
contact the person who found brand the or could speak problem found
b. Write in detail and detailed on the item list very much needed sign
When guests report lost stuff , don't forget for take notes in detail and in detail
description from lost item that , to make it easier for the identification process .
2.3.1. Procedure Reporting Lost and Found goods
When guests report lost goods Thing first important is besides take notes in
detail and in detail is price from goods so that guests feel our really care to lost
Many people feel very sentimental when lost the thing , because there is some
people that lost item that is very meaningful for herself this is what makes
goods it means a lot to him and really hopes can found again . As example A
very precious item that makes the person who loses very regretful and very
sentimental is a wallet , really goods the small but contents from purse that 's
what makes goods the really important , like card identity card credit , driver's
license and so on purse the is lost all the kind to be contents purse that , no
only report to the hotel but must also report to the authorities as more evidence
strong . There are several insider factor handle lost things that have been
1) Not only help in lost goods but must can also feel the loss
experienced by the person who lost goods so that the person who
2) Professional in take notes details lost item this will cause various
3) Handle reporting with hurry up , this will cause attitude that you
4) A little to spare time for handle case lost goods this , so that
5) Take notes contact guests to make it easier when lost item has
6) Give contact you thing this meant to make it easier visitor for
7) Provide advice that will you do for could find goods missing guest
with method share information about details lost item to all staff
a ) Show empathy
Important thing conducted for guest reporting lost stuff , one of them is for
make it easy in the process of claiming lost item the already found . Identity
important necessary noted by hotel staff from visitor is name , number easy
phone for contact , email if visitor the currently is at outside city , and besides
that can also give contact someone else's number you believe for represent
Provided all details from lost item it is detailed and complete so that make it
easy hotel staff in search and make it easier goods the found so that you as
b. Still believe in place final leave stuff - meaning visitor the convinced
goods the still there is in place just now visitor the leave goods .
It 's good if lost guest goods give very detailed information about
location leave goods the to make it easier for staff to look for
But can just lost item the found somewhere else not identified by the missing
guest , because part big visitor sometimes forget keep final goods that where
or someone else found goods the but no report but secured more first . Not
to party hotel staff , if Thing the occur try for more showing to visitor the that
you as hotel staff able for find lost item the with method could with easy
understand all things informed by guests , as well as don't forget for take notes
date and time loss goods this to make it easier in identify lost item that .
in the case of lost this , no everyone who reports is the one who lost goods or
who want claim goods but can just orng the find goods belongs to someone
else, and that person want to claim goods belongs to someone else who has
given not quite enough answer for claim goods that , moreover could make it
a. Mobile number
b. Number phone office
d. Email address
e. Fax number
after found items recorded and saved to the place storage goods goods lost and
found , item the tagged for signify goods the wait for nothing is claimed .
a. Tag items
Give mark on items found this signify that goods the already with detail and
detail in the process of explanation type goods that . There are 3 ways give
1) adhesive tape
2) Rope small
3) Rubber adhesive
Any given tag to every found items must have unique number or different
for signify that goods the wait for claimed and not occur similarity what's up
2.5 Save goods in accordance rule
Give sign to every found items in order to clarify as well as considering goods for
a. Election storage
2) Put goods valuable find _ nature the place more storage _ safe
a) Cupboard
c) In the office
b. Keep goods with safe For protect goods the from damage and theft
c. There is access limited only can traversed by staff or guests who want
claim goods
d. Goods findings in the form of food don't keep food too long if food the
no someone claims
2.6 When is known owner goods
With existence procedure goods lost and found this , can make it easy every there is
goods the guest left behind good intentional or no on purpose leave stuff , because
when goods the already found so from the hotel will contact with quick to owner from
goods the from the data that has been given for smoothness in the process of
What to do quick informed to lost guest goods is , if visitor the lost a very important
item and the value is very sensitive , then Duty from hotel staff is if already find goods
the must quick contact the guest in question , so that the guest more feel appreciated
and guest feel that staff from the hotel place visitor the lost very caring stuff what
one example important stuff when found so soon contact visitor the are :
a. Tablet
b. Dress
c. Mobile
d. Wallets , Etc.
Some points that need noticed when knowing owned by from goods the are :
1) Sometimes people who lose goods no realize that herself has lost very
important items for example lost a wallet , if purse the already found
and you inform to lost guest the possibility visitor the will surprised hear
2) Sometimes that person who has find return goods that have been
So every things that have been found and someone claims goods the don't once
forget for take notes every taking things that have been someone claims goods that
on duty for return found items to visitor as not quite enough Respond to the staff
in charge goods lost and found the with method contact the guest concerned in
accordance with reports submitted by guests when goods the already found .
b. Size operation
c. Different structure
Really good staff able in handle goods lost and found this are :
a. Housekeeping Housekeeping staff will involved in manage
facility this
b. Concierge – get information from the front office to help search
c. Porters
d. Security staff
When the staff in charge answer for return found items , then requirements that
must be is known are :
a. By face to face in order to get knowing more clear items to be
b. Through phone
c. Via email
When someone come for claim items found , important existence for increase
level service in find lost items , and this too can be help identify found items
And also identify found items new in detail, to make it easier in the process of
claiming goods , as for procedure in claim things that have been found is as
following :
a. Ask identity visitor by complete thing this done so that every items
b. Ask return lost item details so you can equalize with lost items and
c. Match return identity visitor with what is listed on the list of goods
lost and found , so as not there is the wrong item was claimed by
The main thing is no all hotels in handle case goods lost and found could
conducted face to face, you can through phone , email or sent to the address
c. Not everyone can remember lost item the truly is lost what forget
in keep
d. Most people don't can showing proof that goods the is the thing , if
e. Many people claim the item with use name alone , if that occur
For verify ownership stuff , you should too get accurate description about goods
owner , namely :
a. Give information addition from lost item the like there is
a. Sim
b. Passport
c. ID card
However part big when visitor come for claim goods that have been found and
forgotten bring identity yourself , do it other things that can help visitor in the process
those :
a. Ask more details form from lost items in order to checked return registered
goods lost and found for equated
b. Ask is there is other identities that can be prove for the claim process
found items
c. When already there is proper identity and can for take lost item , do n't
forget for ask sign hand as more evidence authentic .
d. The proof above copied return into the item list lost and found .
Completion of goods register lost and found need more many more detailed
information for updating the existing list there is . When the item is found claimed
b. Identify the person who wants claim goods – passport, driving license,
c. Do not forget sign go to the item form lost and found . when there a
number of items that are not want to for returned , there is a number of
a. Engaging management
b. Tell reason why goods the no want to returned
c. When all already reported let from party management that takes
decision is want to returned or permanent stored in place
d. Explain with polite and easy words understood why brand the
detained no can returned can just waiting for the real person
have goods those who claim goods the
e. A little give input for claiming guest goods it so as to allow for
you as staff return goods the
f. Ask excuse me on the inconvenience given
3.5 Help owner goods from abroad or other areas that claim goods
3.5.1. Procedure claim goods for the owner who is abroad / region
Guests who want claim found items , report to responsible department / staff
a. Follow up report lost items stored in place _ goods lost and found
b. On occasion this can say everyone who lost goods goods sometimes
When the return process goods has done you process and agreed in
accordance with settings . This thing important for direct done with fast but must
b. Protect package
4.1 Handling goods guests who don't claimed in accordance policy company
4.1.1. Handling Guest Property Due Policy this will seen depends the item , if lost
and found items that is a food , then when in 24 hours no there is claiming guest
food the as lost item , then goods the thrown away or handed over to the
When lost item the is goods valuable have limit time between 6-12 months ,
goods the can returned again when from party lost guest goods the claim goods
For type items that are not valuable have limit storage between 36 months , if
left behind is a book , then book the can stored in the library when the hotel have
4.2 Handling goods guests who don't claimed in accordance rule applicable law
4.2.1. Rule items that are not taken owner until limit time
very important all requirements law obeyed moment throw away found items .
This thing important for protect staff and hotel from all possible claims just can
demand because lost item . Usually from the hotel will give limit time for items
that are not taken and when already pass from limit time visitor the want to take
lost item that , all will be processed from early and must with accurate and
4.3 Delete goods from storage , complete movement data and disposal goods
When things that have been found already pass limit the time specified by the
hotel to be claimed , then goods the will discarded and deleted from item list lost
and found so as not fill file and narrow room storage goods lost and found . In
accordance with provision from hotel and management so things that have been
stored for a long time will given to inventor and will deleted from registration list
Module “ Clean and Maintain industrial Work Area and Equipment” used in training
based purposeful competence for practice skills and improve knowledge and attitude on-
Referring to the Standard Competence Indonesian National Workforce (SKKNI) with code
I.55HDR00.001.2 / and ACSTP,CATC code D1.HHK.CL3.07 for field tourism sub- sector
Availability module this expected could assist organizers , instructors and participants
materials and empowerment source power training is what is expected and should be
considered by the organizers and instructors in order to meet the condition from existing
Instructors expected for apply knowledge industry and experience the work he had at the
time convey Theory training , so could enrich Theory available training in module this .
This unit relate with cleanliness location / area and equipment used in the world of
hospitality especially housekeeping. This module cover method method cleaning location
/area and method use a number of tools used in daily housekeeping and storage in the
warehouse . this unit apply for everyone who works in the field hospitality especially the
Housekeeping Department
Unit Code : D1.HHK.CL3.07
1.2 Whole equipment checked and security condition work before used ;
1.3 Cleaning tools and materials suitable chemistry selected and prepared in accordance
2.2 When appropriate , work area given sign for reduce risk to colleagues and customers ;
2.3 Material correct chemistry chosen for a certain area and use in accordance with
procedure safety ;
2.5 Garbage and leftovers ingredient chemical thrown away in accordance with
3.3 Error identified by correct and reported in accordance with procedure company
3.4 Equipment stored in an area that has been set and in condition ready worn back
3.5 Material chemical saved in accordance with requirements health and safety
Public Area Section ( public area section ) has Duty tree for guard cleanliness , tidiness ,
beauty , and comfort the entire area of the hotel , both outside building as well as in hotel
building , including places for employee except room guest and kitchen .
Cleanliness , beauty , and comfort in all areas of the hotel are very coveted thing , no
only by hotel guests , but also by employees . If Thing the no could realized by the
hotel management , then Thing this cause impression bad for hotel guest . Already is
public areas within the hotel . For that competence housekeeping officers , especially
public area attendants ( cleaners ) in doing duties and responsibilities the answer
Becomes Thing main . Necessary things get attention by officers maid before doing
manual with technique cleaning that will applied by the object to be cleaned .
Before choose tool cleaner for used in the process of cleaning , a maid must
can identify whole equipment and functions and each piece of equipment these
, namely :
them are :
1) Rotary / floor machine , used for clean and shine floor hard , for
3) Dry vacuum cleaners, used for suck dust , dirt dirt small and dry on
the surface floor . With available sucker , tool this could used on the
4) Combined dry and wet vacuum cleaner, tool this often It is called a
in a wet place
6) Carpet Blower , used for dry carpets and can also be used on
2) Group brush ( brush ) consists of from floor brush ( brush floor with
stalk ), hand brush ( brush without stalk ), toilet bowl brush ( brush
latrine )
3) Group flax (linen) consists of from : dust cloth ( dust cloth made of
cloth made of from cotton material , with big fiber for clean floor )
trolley ( used for mopping ) equipped with buckets and tools
dipper )
a) Support tools : extra stick ( for reach high areas ), step ladder
clothing workers )
1.2 Whole equipment checked and security condition work before used
Inspection the condition of the cleaning equipment is carried out before use
This is due to because equipment driven with power electricity with enough
watts big so that risk stung current electricity every moment could happen .
Even on during the warehousing process all cleaning equipment has been
used for avoid risk that , following this is steps inspection equipment namely
: a. Cleaning equipment
b) Check don't until there is leak in tank placement ingredient
e) Check function Pad Holder and holes lock pad holder to be used
b. Cleaning materials
Basically inspection cleaning materials ( tools manual cleaner ) no as
emphasizes the function from tool that . Following this is steps check
1) Brush and broom
when exists )
on the broom and its handle ; rags and mops , make sure in dry
2) Container
b) Bottle spray , make sure bottle no leaks and tools spray / spray
areas .
1.3 Cleaning tools and materials suitable chemistry selected and prepared in
accordance with requirements factory and related health and safety with
In doing his job a maid must have related knowledge with ingredient cleaner that will
used in clean something object . As for ingredients cleaner is non- chemical ( water)
and useful chemicals as cleaner with function for help with the cleaning process .
1.3.1 Knowledge about ingredient chemical cleaner
In election ingredient chemical the cleaner used in cleaning at the hotel, must
a. Not poisonous
b. Not corrosive
c. Not curdle and not dusty
d. Stable during storage
e. Easy late with perfect
Moment this a number of producer product ingredient cleaner also added
and ingredients murderer germs , here this ingredient cleaner along with
low hardness .
powder with details smooth and rough and often used is liquid
3) Acid , shaped liquid where ingredient cleaner this character acid
odor and not color , use ingredient this must mixed with water,
type dirt that can cleaned is like dirt the fat stick to the surface
wash basin, bath tub and equipment other bathroom until glass
fingerprint fingers , dust and dirt that have been attached to metal
for coat the pores on the floor hard or floor wood but also for guard
object cleanser made from ingredient base wood , metal , leather
and flooring ;
9) Strippers shaped liquid , basically part big the floor in the hotel
is covered with polish floor (floor polish). For lift layer polish that
has been dull on the surface floor working strippers are needed
for kill germs and bacteria . Usually ingredient this used in the
area of the bathroom, toilet and in the room the place processing
Basically on the market found many kinds of ingredient cleaner , for that in the
election ingredient cleaner must noticed is function main and way use ingredient
cleaner that , so that election ingredient the right cleaner will influence results work
profession is with method Give tool protector self (PPE) to power work . In the hotel
area, potential as source risk specifically to safety or health always will found among
b. Factor chemistry , in the form of vapor flue gas solvent metal weight
spot Work.
standard .
Based on Thing that , tool protector self could defined as various type useful
tool for protect employee in To do work that functions for isolate body power
work from potency danger on the spot work . reviewed from function a number
water and electricity voltage low nor high , protective head could
time cleaning.
c. Protective equipment ( safety shoes ) shoes worn for protect feet from
possibility hit object object heavy caught metal liquid and exposed
object sharp.
e. Belt safety belt as a tool protector yourself at the moment clean tall
part from body that is from chest to knees and overalls that cover
whole body
In carry out profession employee the housekeeping department is required
for could guard safety and health work from potential and factors dangers that
can cause accident work and illness consequence from her job .
object to be cleaned origin and cause dirty and level dirtiness , as well as application
technique proper cleaning for avoid error usage tools and materials so that the
common area maid could shared Becomes two (2) , namely the area that is
a. In building including :
1) Lobby area
3) Office
4) Drug Store
5) Business center
6) Elevator
7) Meeting room
8) function hall
1) Parking area
2) swimming pool
3) tennis court
4) Playground
5) Garden
After the area to be cleaned has identified with ok , next officer maid
before doing cleaning must install sign (sign board) the cleaning process
. As for the sign boards that often use in public areas among them are :
a) Wet floor sign , used when carry out the cleaning process floor.
b) Cleaning process sign , used when maid carry out the cleaning
cleaning process.
c) Safety cones, used together with the safety chain or safety line
d) Post line, used for limit the area being cleaning process is
carried out.
The above signboard useful for hotel guests and employees to avoid all
type risk from impact cleaning that , like slip , fall tools , spill ingredient
cleaner and so on .
2.3 Ingredient correct chemistry chosen for a certain area and use in accordance
Election materials and tools cleaner that will used by a maid must customized with
timetable cleaning and technique cleaning that will applied to the object to be cleaned.
For make it easy cleaning and keeping an area clean awake cleanliness , then
a. Routine / daily
b. Weekly
c. Quarter
d. Semester
Timetable cleaning above could customized if there is object that requires
Type cleaning normal more known with name technique cleaning ( cleaning
object other . This thing caused by material base from object and level filth and
1) Dusting, cleaning furniture with level dirty low ( dust ) with use cloth
2) Damp dusting , cleaning furniture with level dirty middle and high
surface of the furniture already dull . Tools used is cotton cloth for
materials for the shine is polish wood ( wood polish ), so that the
big on top surface there is stain , technique this applied with use
into the bottle spray ( bottle sprayer ). For size glass / mirror
glass squeezee , cotton cloth , bottle spray and material the
c. Floor (floor)
floor . This technique aim for remove shit that doesn't attached
to the floor like sand , trash etc. Cleaning technique this no need
2) Mopping, so that the floor clean from dust and free from stain
needed is stick and mop yarn ( stick and mop yarn ), bucket (
bucket) many hotels have provide mop trolley for its employees
is water and floor cleaner . At the moment mix water and floor
floor cleaner .
a) Cleaning tools increasingly used _ for the brushing
step next is carry out the process of polishing the floor ( shining
). Materials used in this process is with give sealer on the
surface working floor for coat the pores is on the floor hard or
surface floor at least two (2) layers . If sealer layer has been
a) Rotary Machine
b) Pad Holder
c) Buffing Pad
d) bucket
e) Fool Set
with level enough trouble height , hal this because nature from
tools prepared for carry out the cleaning process this , are :
b) Rotary machine
e) Wet vacuum cleaner for suck fluid shampooing on the
support like brush hand ( hand brush ) and tools container like
surface carpet .
cotton cloth and tools the holder in the form of bottle spray . As
2.5 Garbage and leftovers ingredient chemical thrown away in accordance with
requirements safe and healthy environment
2.5.1 Procedure sorting and disposal trash and leftovers ingredient chemical
a. Rubbish
Trash basically is something wasted material or thrown away from
cost big . Existence trash in the work area in large amount if no quick
health environment , for that a maid after work must quick throw away
waste in the work area . Before trash is thrown away more formerly must
more formerly selected and sorted , don't forget use sarong hand rubber
unravel and not easy contains water After rubbish selected and
sorted next entered into the pocket plastic ( trash bag) for next
After the cleaning process finished , then one Duty cleaning is secure
in Thing maintain cleaner machine and equipment manual cleaner used after cleaning
process ends .
3.3.1 Cleaning , maintenance and reporting tool broken cleaner
Maintenance tool cleaner conducted with method cleaned and is one of the
step from care routine to tools cleaner . Basically cleaning and maintenance
tools _ cleaner in share Becomes tool Makinal and manual tools . Following
this is step steps and cleaning and maintenance tool tool cleaner including :
2) Open the cleaning pad (Brushing pad etc. ) attached to the pad
4) wash pad and pad holder with use clean water , if required Use
6) clean the handle / stand and box existing electricity with use
cotton cloth
b. Vacuum Cleaner
bag ) for dry vacuum cleaner , for wet vacuum cleaner step
3) clean up the dirt inside _dust bag , don't forget use a mask:
6) clean the rubber pipe and clean the pipe made of of stainless
7) reinstall the dust filter ( in state dry ) , dust bag, cover, hose,
1) Linen is collected and delivered to laundry /laundry for washing
3) Brush and broom , bristle and fibers broom must cleaned from
sticky dirt.
important thing , no just so that the equipment the ready use but also
3.4 Equipment stored in an area that has been set and in condition ready worn back
3.5 Materials chemical saved in accordance with requirements health and safety
Whole cleaned equipment along with remainder ingredient cleaners are placed
somewhere warehouse that has set by the company . Storage warehouse have
function so that all equipment and materials cleaner ready use cared for and protected
no only that , with save it tools and materials cleaners in the warehouse ,
housekeeping staff with easy could inventory amount equipment , volume and type
tools and materials cleaning always will adhere to principle grouping based on
type from function tools and materials cleaner that . Basically whole tool cleaner
before used must on condition dry and clean , here this warehousing tools and
a. Cleaning tools increasingly / automatic
d) This tool enough weight , for that should place machine this
2) Vacuum Cleaner
cleaner have been installed with good and right like filters ,
in state good
2) Group linen / linen : all lena folded and the arrangement is
adjusted with ingredient base from lena that , as for for mop
is in on
4) Do not mix remainder cleaners that don't kind of into the same
not handled with Correct could cause various type danger between fire and
2. What are is one piece of equipment and one type of cleaning agent used to clean leather?
6. What items needs to be cleaned after cleaning leather?
8. What are is one piece of equipment and one type of cleaning agent used to clean fabric
11. Answer ‘True’ or ‘False’ to the following statement: There is no need to tidy a work area
after cleaning fabric upholstery.
True ❑ False ❑
12. Answer ‘True’ or ‘False’ to the following statement: Mops are commonly used when cleaning
fabric upholstery.
True ❑ False ❑
The following are model answers only – Trainers/Assessors must use discretion when
determining whether or not an answer provided by a Student is acceptable or not.
You can:
• Vacuum
2. What are is one piece of equipment and one type of cleaning agent used to
clean leather?
• Vacuum cleaner
• Bucket
• Rubbing alcohol
You can:
• If you still see the stain after drying, apply a thick coat of non-gel, non-oily cuticle
• Replace cushions.
• Used cloths
• Vacuum cleaner.
7. What are the benefits of using fabric upholstery?
• Easy to clean
8. What are is one piece of equipment and one type of cleaning agent used to
clean fabric upholstery?
Equipment required:
• Vacuum cleaner
• Bucket
• Drying machines
• Cleaning shampoo
• Stain remover
• Warm water
You can:
• Place a ‘wet furniture’ sign in a suitable location to ensure customers don’t sit on
the furniture whist it is wet
10. Describe the steps involved in cleaning fabric upholstery.
• Loosen dirt with a handheld dusting brush while using a vacuum brush
attachment to remove the dust
• Vacuum all surfaces of the furniture: back, sides, arms, skirt and the platform
beneath the cushions
• Select an area on the furniture, dip cloth and rub water and detergent mix on the
• Rinse area with a damp cloth to ensure detergent has been removed from the
11. Answer ‘True’ or ‘False’ to the following statement: There is no need to tidy a
work area after cleaning fabric upholstery.
12. Answer ‘True’ or ‘False’ to the following statement: Mops are commonly used
when cleaning fabric upholstery.
• Windows
• Mirrors
• Coffee tables
• Showers.
• Scrubber
• Squeegee
• Equipment belt or bucket
• Window Cleaning Buckets
• Window Scraper
• Window Cleaning Towels
• Extension Poles
• Ladder
• Newspaper.
• When preparing to clean, it is vital that the area in which you are going to clean is
free from any obstacles that may either get in your way or may get covered in
cleaning products or water
• Remove any furniture away from windows and unplug any items (electrical cords
for lamps) that may get in the way of your walking or ladder areas.
17. What are two considerations when tidying after cleaning glass items?
• Plug in all electrical appliances, especially lights and lamps, that were unplugged
as part of the cleaning process
• Return any items to coffee tables
• In the event of windows, return any shades or shutters to their correct position.
• All furniture including fridges, tables, cupboards, ledges, bookshelves and desks
• Rubbish bins
• Fixtures refer to items that are attached including heaters, air-conditioners and
20. What are two examples of equipment that can be used to clean surfaces?
• Mops
• Buckets
• Garbage receptacles
• Gloves
• Dust pans
• Vacuum cleaners.
21. When is a good time to clean surfaces? Why?
22. Answer ‘True’ or ‘False’ to the following statement: You should dust a surface
before polishing it.
23. Answer ‘True’ or ‘False’ to the following statement: It is important that all
signs of cleaning, including equipment, must be removed from the work area.
They should be put into a locked storeroom so that customers, especially children
are unable to access it. Chemicals are dangerous.
25. Cleaning using water, normally relates to cleaning the floor. What floor types
need cleaning?
The types of surfaces that are usually wet or require water to clean them include:
• Wood
• Carpet
• Marble
• Rubber
• Tiles
• Concrete
• Vinyl.
26. What are three examples of cleaning agents that are used to clean a floor?
• Water
• Soap
• Polishes
• Abrasives
• Detergents
• Solvents
• Disinfectants.
27. When is the best time to clean a restaurant floor? What preparation tasks
involving tables and chairs should you do?
• Normally this type of cleaning is done at night when there are less customers in
the public areas such as the lobby or when specific outlets are closed, such as
the pool area, gymnasium and restaurants
• When preparing to clean a floor using a wet method is to ensure the floor area to
be cleaned is free from any furniture or other objects
• This may involve stacking tables and chairs to a side, or placing chairs on a table
so the floor area is clear.
28. What is the best way to clean a floor and explain 2 steps involved in this
Steps to mopping:
1. Remove everything that may be on the floor such as mats, trash cans, and small
pieces of furniture
2. Sweep the floor to remove dirt, hair, dust, and other debris
3. Dissolve detergent into warm water using the manufacturer's instructions for the
correct water to detergent ratio
4. Pour the solution over the entire floor so that the solution can fill into the grout
5. Allow the solution to remain on the floor for 15 to 20 minutes
10. Rinse the mop with clean water and mop a second time over the floor to rinse it
11. Use a squeegee to push residual moisture to one area of the floor before
absorbing it with dry towels.
29. After you have cleaned a floor, quite often it is still wet. What can you do to
stop people from slipping on a wet floor?
Washing mops – on a regular basis mops should be washed in hot soapy water,
rinsed thoroughly, squeeze-dried, and then hung up to air dry. Sanitising is
recommended and should be mandatory where the mop is used in food areas.
Tourism Profession Training in the HOTEL & RESTAURANT sector, especially the Public
Area Cleaner scheme requires some equipment and supplies that must be provided at a
minimum. For the sake of smoothness and the achievement of the training objectives, this
A. Tools
No Tool Explain
1 Stationary
3 Computer/laptop
4 Public area chemical request form
5 Screen Projector
B. Equipment
No Equipment Explain
1 Vacuum Cleaner
2 Polish Machine
3 Dust pan
4 Brush
5 Broom
Baby crib / baby cot The place sleep baby , bed special baby
Bathrobe Bathrobe
Bathroom Bathroom
Bucket Bucket
Chair Chair
due date Date a due date payment or can also be used as
date due over _ reservation or booking .
dustbin dustpan
The place rubbish small
Duration Duration
Entering Enter
Elevator Elevator
Front of the house The front of the hotel ( meeting area guest )
Public Area one _ positions in the Housekeeping
section that have _ _ Duty clean all
public areas in the hotel, this officer is
called Cleaner .
Taufik Hidayat, SE, MM was born in Jakarta on October 8, 1969. He started his career in
the hospitality world since he was studying at the Trisakti Pariwsata Academy. Started as
a Room Service Waiter in 1989 at the Sari Pan Pacific hotel in Jakarta then moved to the
Has various experiences in the hotel and restaurant sector, starting from the Santika
Yogyakarta hotel, Bellboy and Telephone Operators at the Jayakarta hotel, Front Desk at
Daiichi hotel and Assistant Manager at Aston Atrium, Andrawina Catering as operation
After working in the hospitality world for 13 years, he decided to share experiences in the
world of education since 2004 at the Jakarta International Hotels Tourism Academy,
starting in 2013 until now serving as Director at JIHS Jakarta International Hotels School.
Besides that, he is also a Managing Partner at KAHA EVEN from 2006 – 2011. Active as
a trainer in a state-owned company until now and still takes time as Director of UNITED
He has also been an assessor of BNSP in the hotel sector since 2015 and the Steering
Committee of LSP JIHS until now. Awarded by the Ministry of Tourism Deputy for
Institutional and Higher Education Cooperation as a team for preparing curriculum and