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Plumbing Level 5 Curriculum

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P.O. BOX 15745-00100
First published 2019
Copyright © TVET CDACC

All rights reserved. No part of these curriculum may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or
mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the TVET CDACC, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses
permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the Council Secretary/CEO, at
the address below:

Council Secretary/CEO
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
P.O. Box 15745–00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: info@tvetcdacc.go.ke / cdacc.tvet@gmail.com


The provision of quality education and training is fundamental to the Government’s overall
strategy for social economic development. Quality education and training will contribute to
achievement Kenya’s development blue print and sustainable development goals.
Reforms in the education sector are necessary for the achievement of Kenya Vision 2030 and
meeting the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The education sector had to be
aligned to the Constitution and this resulted to the formulation of the Policy Framework for
Reforming Education and Training. A key feature of this policy is the radical change in the
design and delivery of the TVET training. This policy document requires that training in
TVET be competency based, curriculum development be industry led, certification be based
on demonstration of competence and mode of delivery allows for multiple entry and exit in
TVET programs.
These reforms demand that Industry takes a leading role in curriculum development to ensure
the curriculum addresses its competence needs. It is against this background that this
Curriculum has been developed.
It is my conviction that this curriculum will play a great role towards development of
competent human resource for the Construction sector’s growth and sustainable





Kenya Vision 2030 aims to transform the country into a newly industrializing, “middle
income country providing a high-quality life to all its citizens by the year 2030”. Kenya
intends to create a globally competitive and adaptive human resource base to meet the
requirements of a rapidly industrializing economy through life-long education and training.
TVET has a responsibility of facilitating the process of inculcating knowledge, skills and
attitudes necessary for catapulting the nation to a globally competitive country, hence the
paradigm shift to embrace Competency Based Education and Training (CBET).
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act No. 29 of 2013 on Reforming
Education and Training in Kenya, emphasized the need to reform curriculum development,
assessment and certification. This called for a shift to CBET to address the mismatch
between skills acquired through training and skills needed by industry as well as increase the
global competitiveness of Kenyan labor force.

TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC) in

conjunction with Construction Sector Skills Advisory Committee (SSAC), CAP Youth
Empowerment Institute and Kenya Youth Employment and Skills have developed this

This curriculum has been developed following the CBET framework policy; the CBETA
Standards and guidelines provided by the TVET Authority and the Kenya National
Qualification framework designed by the Kenya National Qualification Authority

The curriculum is designed and organized with an outline of learning outcomes; suggested
delivery methods, training/learning resources and methods of assessing the trainee’s
achievement. The curriculum is competency-based and allows multiple entry and exit to the

I am grateful to the Council Members, Council Secretariat, Construction SSAC, expert

workers and all those who participated in the development of this curriculum.

Prof. CHARLES M. M. ONDIEKI, PhD, FIET (K), Con. Eng. Tech.




This curriculum has been designed for competency-based training and has independent units
of learning that allow the trainee flexibility in entry and exit. In developing the curriculum,
significant involvement and support was received from various organizations.
I appreciate CAP Youth Empowerment Institute, Kenya Youth Employment and Skills and
Construction Sector Skills Advisory Committee (SSAC) who enabled the development of this
I recognize with appreciation the role of the SSAC in ensuring that competencies required by
the industry are addressed in this curriculum. I also thank all stakeholders in the Construction
sector for their valuable input and all those who participated in the process of developing this
I am convinced that this curriculum will go a long way in ensuring that workers in
Construction sector will acquire competencies that will enable them perform their work more




AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

BC Basic Competency

CDACC Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council

CM Common

CR Core Units

2D Two Dimensional

HIV Human Immuno-deficiency Virus

PL Plumbing

CON Construction

ICT Information Communication Technology

NEMA National Environmental Management Authority

OSHA Occupation Safety and Health Act

OSHS Occupation Safety and Health Standards

PESTEL Political Economic Social Technological Environmental and Legal

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

SSAC Sector Skills Advisory Committee

SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats

TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training




Industry or sector

Occupational Standards

Occupational area

Type of competency

Competency number

Competency level

Version control


KEY TO UNIT CODE..............................................................................................................vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................vii
COURSE OVERVIEW...........................................................................................................viii
BASIC UNITS OF LEARNING................................................................................................1
COMMUNICATION SKILLS...............................................................................................2
NUMERACY SKILLS...........................................................................................................5
DIGITAL LITERACY..........................................................................................................10
ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS...........................................................................................13
EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS................................................................................................16
ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY.......................................................................................21
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PRACTICES..............................................24
COMMON UNITS OF LEARNING........................................................................................27
BASIC MATHEMATICS.....................................................................................................28
TECHNICAL DRAWING....................................................................................................32
SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES..................................................................................................35
CORE UNITS OF LEARNING................................................................................................38
WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS..............................................................................................39
RAINWATER HARVEST AND DISPOSAL......................................................................43
DRAINAGE SYSTEMS.......................................................................................................46
SANITARY APPLIANCES.................................................................................................50
WATER STORAGE SYSTEMS..........................................................................................53
FIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS...............................................................................................56
MAINTANANCE OF PLUMBING SYSTEMS..................................................................60



Description of the course

Plumbing Certificate Level 5 qualification consists of competencies that an individual must

achieve to enable him/her offer plumbing services comprising of installing water pipes and
systems in buildings, rainwater harvesting Goods and disposal sanitary appliances, drainage
systems, sanitary appliances, storage systems and auxiliary fittings, gas supply and installing
fire supply control system. It also entails maintaining plumbing systems
Units of Learning
This course consists of basic, common and core units of learning as indicated below:

Basic Units of Learning

Unit of Learning Code Unit of Learning Title Duration Credit
in Hours factor

CON/CU/PL/BC/01/5/A Communication skills 25 2.5

CON/CU/PL/BC/02/5/A Numeracy skills 40 4.0

CON/CU/PL/BC/03/5/A Digital literacy 45 4.5

CON/CU/PL/BC/04/5/A Entrepreneurial skills 70 7.0

CON/CU/PL/BC/05/5/A Employability skills 50 5.0

CON/CU/PL/BC/06/5/A Environmental literacy 25 2.5

CON/CU/PL/BC/07/5/A Occupational safety and health 25 2.5


Total 280 28.0

Common Units of Learning

Unit of Learning Code Unit of Learning Title Duration Credit
in Hours factor

CON/CU/PL/CC/01/5/A Basic Mathematics 50 5.0

CON/CU/PL/CC/02/5/A Technical drawing 50 5.0

CON/CU/PL/CC/02/5/A Scientific principles 40 4.0

Total 140 14


Core Units of Learning
Unit of Learning Code Unit of Learning Duration in Hours Credit factors

CON/CU/PL/CR/01/5/A Water supply systems 100 10

CON/CU/PL/CR/02/5/A Rainwater harvest and 180 18


CON/CU/PL/CR/03/5/A Drainage systems 150 15

CON/CU/PL/CR/04/5/A Sanitary appliances 100 10

CON/CU/PL/CR/05/5/A Water Storage 110 11


CON/CU/PL/CR/06/5/A Maintenance of 90 9
plumbing systems

CON/CU/PL/CR/07/5/A Fire control system 80 8

Industrial Attachment 360 36

Total 0 117

Grand Total 1590 159

The total duration of the course is 1590hours.

Entry Requirements
An individual entering this course should have any of the following minimum requirements:

a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) D (Plain)

b) Certificate in plumbing level 4

c) Any equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications

Authority (KNQA)


Field Attachment
An individual enrolled in this course will undergo a field attachment for a period of 360hrs
in a Construction sector establishment
The course will be assessed at two levels:
a) Internal assessment: Conducted by the trainer (internal assessor) who is monitored
by an accredited internal verifier.
b) External assessment: Conducted by an accredited external assessor who is
monitored by an accredited external verifier
The assessors and verifiers are registered by TVET CDACC which also coordinates external

A candidate will be issued with a Certificate of Competency for each unit of competency. To
attain the qualification National Certificate Level 5 in Plumbing, the candidate must
demonstrate competence in all the units of competency as given in qualification pack. These
certificates will be issued by TVET CDACC in conjunction with training provider.




Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate communication skills

Duration of Unit: 25 hours

Unit Description
This unit describes the competencies required to use specialized communication skills
to meet specific needs of internal and external clients, conduct interviews, facilitate
discussion with groups and contribute to the development of communication
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Meet communication needs of clients and colleagues
2. Contribute to the development of communication strategies
3. Conduct interviews
4. Facilitate group discussions
5. Represent the organization

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment

1. Meet  Communication process  Observation
communication  Modes of communication  Oral
needs of clients and  Medium of
colleagues communication
 Effective communication
 Barriers to communication
 Flow of communication
 Sources of information
 Organizational policies
 Organization requirements
for written and electronic
communication methods
 Report writing
 Effective questioning
techniques (clarifying and

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 Workplace etiquette
 Ethical work practices in
handling communication
 Active listening
 Feedback
 Interpretation
 Flexibility in
2. Contribute to the  Dynamics of groups  Written
development of  Styles of group leadership  Observation
communication  Openness and flexibility in
strategies communication
 Communication skills
relevant to client groups
3. Conduct interviews  Types of interview  Written
 Establishing rapport  Observation
 Facilitating resolution of
 Developing action plans
4. Facilitate group  Identification of  Written
discussions communication needs  Observation
 Dynamics of groups
 Styles of group leadership
 Presentation of
 Encouraging group
members participation
 Evaluating group
communication strategies
5. Represent the  Presentation techniques  Observation
organization  Development of a  Written
 Multi-media utilization in
 Communication skills
relevant to client groups

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Interview
 Role playing
 Observation
 Viewing of related videos

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Recommended Resources
 Desktop computers/laptops
 Internet connection
 Projectors
 Telephone

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Relationship to Occupational Standards:
This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate numeracy skills

Duration of Unit: 40 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to perform numerical functions. The
person who is competent in this unit shall be able to: Calculate with whole numbers
and familiar fractions, decimals and percentages for work; Estimate, measure, and
calculate with routine metric measurements for work; Use routine maps and plans for
work; Interpret, draw and construct 2D and 3D shapes for work; Interpret routine
tables, graphs and charts for work; Collect data and construct routine tables and
graphs for work; and Use basic functions of calculator

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Calculate with whole numbers and familiar fractions, decimals and
percentages for work
2. Estimate, measure and calculate with routine metric measurements for work
3. Use routine maps and plans for work
4. Interpret, draw and construct 2D and 3D shapes for work
5. Interpret routine tables, graphs and charts for work
6. Collect data and construct routine tables and graphs for work
7. Use basic functions of calculator

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment

1. Calculate with  Interpretation of whole numbers,  Oral
whole numbers and fractions, decimals, percentages  Written
familiar fractions, and rates  Practical test
decimals and  Calculations involving several  Observation
percentages for steps
work  Calculation with whole numbers
and routine or familiar fractions,
decimals and percentages
 Conversion between equivalent

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forms of fractions, decimals and
 Application of order of
operations to solve multi-step
 Application of problem solving
 Making estimations to check
reasonableness of problem
solving process, outcome and its
appropriateness to the context
and task
 Use of formal and informal
mathematical language and
symbolism to communicate the
result of a task
2. Estimate,  Selection and interpretation of  Oral
measure and measurement information in  Written
calculate with workplace tasks and texts  Practical test
routine metric  Identification and selection of  Observation
measurements for routine measuring equipment
work  Estimation and making
measurements using correct
 Estimation and calculation
using routine measurements
 Performing conversions
between routinely used metric
 Using problem solving
processes to undertake tasks
 Recording information using
mathematical language and
3. Use routine  Identification of features in  Oral
maps and plans for routine maps and plans  Written
work  Symbols and keys used in  Practical test
routine maps and plans  Observation
 Identification and interpretation
of orientation of map to North
 Demonstrate understanding of
direction and location
 Apply simple scale to estimate

©TVET CDACC 2019 6

length of objects, or distance to
location or object
 Give and receive directions
using both formal and informal
4. Interpret,  Identify two dimensional
draw and construct shapes and routine three
2D and 3D shapes dimensional shapes in everyday
for work objects and in different
 Explain the use and application
of shapes
 Use formal and informal
mathematical language and
symbols to describe and
compare the features of two
dimensional shapes and routine
three dimensional shapes
 Identify common angles
 Estimate common angles in
everyday objects
 Use formal and informal
mathematical language to
describe and compare common
 Use common geometric
instruments to draw two
dimensional shapes
 Construct routine three
dimensional objects from given
5. Interpret  Identify routine tables, graphs  Oral
routine tables, and charts in predominately  Written
graphs and charts familiar texts and contexts  Practical test
for work  Identify common types of  Observation
graphs and their different uses
 Identify features of tables,
graphs and charts
 Locate specific information
 Perform calculations to
interpret information
 Explain how statistics can
inform and persuade

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 Identify misleading statistical
 Discuss information relevant to
the workplace
6. Collect data  Identify features of common  Oral
and construct tables and graphs  Written
routine tables and  Identify uses of different  Practical test
graphs for work tables and graphs  Observation
 Determine data and variables to
be collected
 Determine audience
 Select a method to collect data
 Collect data
 Collate information in a table
 Determine suitable scale and
 Draft and draw graph to present
 Check that data meets the
expected results and context
 Report or discuss information
using formal and informal
mathematical language
7. Use basic  Identify and use keys for basic  Oral
functions of functions on a calculator  Written
calculator  Calculate using whole numbers,  Practical test
money and routine decimals  Observation
and percentages
 Calculate with routine fractions
and percentages
 Apply order of operations to
solve multi-step calculations
 Interpret display and record
 Make estimations to check
reasonableness of problem
solving process, outcome and
its appropriateness to the
context and task
 Use formal and informal
mathematical language and
appropriate symbolism and
conventions to communicate

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the result of the task

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate digital literacy

Duration of Unit: 45 hours

Unit Description
This unit describes competencies required to use a computer and other digital devices
for the purposes of communication, work performance and management at the

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify computer software and hardware
2. Apply security measures to data, hardware, software in automated environment
3. Apply computer software in solving tasks
4. Apply internet and email in communication at workplace
5. Apply desktop publishing in official assignments
6. Prepare presentation packages

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
1. Identify computer  Concepts of ICT  Written tests
hardware and  Functions of ICT  Oral presentation
software  History of computers  Observation
 Components of a computer
 Classification of computers
2. Apply security  Data security and control  Written tests
measures to data,  Security threats and control  Oral presentation
hardware and measures  Observation
software  Types of computer crimes  Project
 Detection and protection
against computer crimes
 Laws governing protection of
3. Apply computer  Operating system  Oral questioning
software in solving  Word processing  Observation
tasks  Spread sheets  Project

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 Data base design and
 Data manipulation, storage and
4. Apply internet and  Computer networks  Oral questioning
email in  Network configurations  Observation
communication at  Uses of internet  Oral presentation
workplace  Electronic mail (e-mail)  Written report
5. Apply desktop  Concept of desktop publishing  Oral questioning
publishing in  Opening publication window  Observation
official  Identifying different tools and  Oral presentation
assignments tool bars  Written report
 Determining page layout  Project
 Opening, saving and closing
 Drawing various shapes using
 Using colour pellets to enhance
a document
 Inserting text frames
 Importing and exporting text
 Object linking and embedding
 Designing of various
 Printing of various publications
6. Prepare  Types of presentation packages  Oral questioning
presentation  Procedure of creating slides  Observation
packages  Formatting slides  Oral presentation
 Presentation of slides  Written report
 Procedure for editing objects  Project

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee
 Viewing of related videos
 Project
 Group discussions

Recommended Resources
 Desk top computers
 Laptop computers

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 Other digital devices
 Printers
 Storage devices
 Internet access
 Computer software

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Relationship to occupational standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills

Duration of unit: 70 hours
Unit description
This unit describes the competencies critical to demonstration of entrepreneurial
capabilities. It involves, enhancing the entrepreneur’s business skills, fostering a
culture of continuous improvement at individual and organization level, implementing
appropriate internal controls for profitability, improving employed capital base and
undertaking regional/county business expansion.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Develop one’s business skill
2. Develop individual workers and teams
3. Expand markets and customers
4. Expand employed capital
5. Undertake regional/county business expansion
6. Develop business Innovative strategies
7. Develop new products/ markets

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Content Suggested
Outcome Assessment Methods

1. Develop one’s  Entrepreneurial skills  Observation

business skill development  Case studies
 Market trends  Individual/group
 Monitoring and anticipating assignments
market trends  Projects
 New technologies in  Written
entrepreneurship  Oral
 Products and processes in
 Linkages with other
 Business conventions ad
 Personal improvement and

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2. Develop  Good staff/workers  Observation
individual  Team building and team work  Case studies
workers and  Staff development and  Individual/group
teams enhancement assignments
 Culture of continuous  projects
improvement  Written
 Increasing products and  Oral
 Marketing improvement
 Intrapreneurship
3. Expand  Maintaining appropriate cash  Oral
markets and flow in the organization  Observation
customers base  Internal controls  Case studies
 Business break-even point  Individual/group
 Business profitability assignments
determinants  projects
 Prudent purchases in an  Written
 Reducing business expenses
 Good staff/workers and
customer relations
 Identifying and maintain new
customers and markets
 Product/ service promotions
 Products / services
 SWOT / PESTEL analysis
 Conducting a business survey
 Market expansion
 Small business records
 Book keeping and auditing
for small businesses
 Business support services
 Small business resources
mobilization and utilization
 Basic business social
 Management of small
 Word processing concepts in
small business management
 Computer application

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 Monitoring and controlling
business operations
4. Expand  Employed capital in small  Observation
employed businesses  Case studies
capital  Share holdings  Individual/group
 Business expansion and assignments
diversification  projects
 Resources for growing small  Written
 Small business Strategic Plan
 Cooperate Social
 Computer software in
business development
 ICT and business growth
5. Undertake  Region identification process  Oral
county/regional  Regional laws and regulation  Observation
business  Business regional expansion  Case studies
expansion requirements  Individual/group
 projects
 Written

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by trainee
 Role play
 Case study

Recommended Resources
 Case studies for small businesses
 Business plan templates
 Lap top/ desk top computer
 Internet
 Telephone
 Writing materials

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Relationship to Occupational Standards
This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate employability skills
Duration of Unit: 50 hours
Unit Description
This unit covers competencies required to demonstrate employability skills. It
involves conducting self-management, demonstrating interpersonal communication,
critical safe work habits, leading a workplace team, planning and organizing work,
maintaining professional growth and development, demonstrating workplace learning,
problem solving skills and managing ethical performance.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Conduct self-management
2. Demonstrate interpersonal communication
3. Demonstrate critical safe work habits
4. Lead small teams
5. Plan and organize work
6. Maintain professional growth and development
7. Demonstrate workplace learning
8. Demonstrate problem solving skills
9. Demonstrate workplace ethics

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
1. Conduct self-  Self-awareness  Observation
management  Formulating personal vision,  Written
mission and goals  Oral interview
 Strategies for overcoming life  Third party report
 Emotional intelligence
 Assertiveness versus
 Expressing personal thoughts,
feelings and beliefs
 Developing and maintaining
high self-esteem
 Developing and maintaining
positive self-image
 Articulating ideas and

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 Accountability and
 Good work habits
 Self-awareness
 Self-development
 Financial literacy
 Healthy lifestyle practices
2. Demonstrate  Meaning of interpersonal  Observation
interpersonal communication  Written
communication  Listening skills  Oral interview
 Types of audience  Third party report
 Writing skills
 Reading skills
 Meaning of empathy
 Understanding customers’
 Establishing communication
 Sharing information
3. Demonstrate  Stress and stress management  Observation
critical safe work  Punctuality and time  Written
habits consciousness  Oral interview
 Leisure  Third party report
 Integrating personal
objectives into organizational
 Resources utilization
 Setting work priorities
 HIV and AIDS
 Drug and substance abuse
 Handling emerging issues
4. Lead a small  Leadership qualities  Observation
team  Team building  Oral interview
 Determination of team roles  Written
and objectives  Third party report
 Team performance indicators
 Responsibilities in a team
 Forms of communication
 Complementing team
 Gender and gender

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 Human rights
 Maintaining relationships
 Conflicts and conflict
5. Plan and organize  Functions of management  Observation
work  Planning  Oral interview
 Organizing  Written
 Time management  Third party report
 Decision making process
 Task allocation
 Evaluating work activities
 Resource utilization
 Problem solving
 Collecting and organising
6. Maintain  Opportunities for professional  Observation
professional growth  Oral interview
growth and  Assessing training needs  Written
development  Licenses and certifications for  Third party report
professional growth and
 Pursuing personal and
organizational goals
 Identifying work priorities
 Recognizing career
7. Demonstrate  Managing own learning  Observation
workplace  Contributing to the learning  Oral interview
learning community at the workplace  Written
 Cultural aspects of work  Third party report
 Variety of learning context
 Application of learning
 Safe use of technology
 Identifying opportunities
 Generating new ideas
 Workplace innovation
 Performance improvement
 Handling emerging issues
 Future trends and concerns in
8. Demonstrate  Problem identification  Observation
problem solving  Problem solving  Oral interview
skills  Application of problem-  Written

©TVET CDACC 2019 18

solving strategies  Third party report
 Resolving customer concerns
9. Demonstrate  Meaning of ethics  Observation
workplace ethics  Ethical perspectives  Oral interview
 Principles of ethics  Written
 Values and beliefs  Third party report
 Ethical standards
 Organization code of ethics
 Common ethical dilemmas
 Organization culture
 Corruption, bribery and
conflict of interest
 Privacy and data protection
 Diversity, harassment and
mutual respect
 Financial
 Etiquette
 Personal and professional
 Commitment to jurisdictional
 Emerging issues in ethics

Suggested Methods of Delivery

 Instructor lead facilitation of theory
 Demonstrations
 Simulation/Role play
 Group Discussion
 Presentations
 Projects
 Case studies
 Assignments

Recommended Resources
 Computers
 Stationery
 Charts
 Video clips
 Audio tapes
 Radio sets
 TV sets
 LCD projectors

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate environmental literacy

Duration of Unit: 25 hours

Unit Description
This unit describes the competencies required to control environmental hazard,
control environmental pollution, comply with workplace sustainable resource use,
evaluate current practices in relation to resource usage, identify environmental
legislations/conventions for environmental concerns, implement specific
environmental programs and monitor activities on environmental

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Control environmental hazard
2. Control environmental Pollution
3. Demonstrate sustainable resource use
4. Evaluate current practices in relation to resource usage
5. Identify Environmental legislations/conventions for environmental concerns
6. Implement specific environmental programs
7. Monitor activities on Environmental protection/Programs

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Suggested Assessment
Learning Outcome Content

1. Control  Purposes and content of Environmental  Written questions

environmental Management and Coordination Act 1999  Oral questions
hazard  Purposes and content of Solid Waste Act  Observation of
 Storage methods for environmentally work procedures
hazardous materials
 Disposal methods of hazardous wastes
 Types and uses of PPE in line with
environmental regulations
 Occupational Safety and Health
Standards (OSHS)
2. Control  Types of pollution  Written questions
environmental  Environmental pollution control  Oral questions

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Pollution control measures  Observation of
 Types of solid wastes work procedures
 Procedures for solid waste management  Role play
 Different types of noise pollution
 Methods for minimizing noise pollution
3. Demonstrate  Types of resources  Written questions
sustainable resource  Techniques in measuring current usage  Oral questions
use of resources  Observation of
 Calculating current usage of resources work procedures
 Methods for minimizing wastage  Role play
 Waste management procedures
 Principles of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse,
 Methods for economizing or reducing
resource consumption
4. Evaluate current  Collection of information on  Written questions
practices in relation environmental and resource efficiency  Oral questions
to resource usage systems and procedures,  Observation of
 Measurement and recording of current work procedures
resource usage  Role play
 Analysis and recording of current
purchasing strategies.
 Analysis of current work processes to
access information and data
 Identification of areas for improvement

5. Identify  Environmental issues/concerns  Written questions

Environmental  Environmental legislations /conventions  Oral questions
legislations/convent and local ordinances  Observation of
ions for  Industrial standard /environmental work procedures
environmental practices
concerns  International Environmental Protocols
(Montreal, Kyoto)
 Features of an environmental strategy
6. Implement specific  Community needs and expectations  Written questions
environmental  Resource availability  Oral questions
programs  5 s of good housekeeping  Observation of
 Identification of programs/Activities work procedures
 Setting of individual roles  Role play
 Resolving problems /constraints
 Consultation with stakeholders
7. Monitor activities  Periodic monitoring and Evaluation of  Oral questions

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on Environmental activities  Written tests
protection/Programs  Gathering feedback from stakeholders  Practical test
 Analysing data gathered  Observation
 Documentation of recommendations and
 Setting of management support systems
to sustain and enhance the program
 Monitoring and reporting of
environmental incidents to concerned
/proper authorities

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee
 Viewing of related videos

Recommended Resources
 Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals
 Specific job procedures manuals
 Environmental Management and Coordination Act 1999
 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 ISO standards
 Ccompany environmental management systems (EMS)
 Montreal Protocol
 Kyoto Protocol

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate occupational safety and
health practices

Duration of Unit: 25 hours

Unit Description
This unit describes the competencies required to comply with regulatory and
organizational requirements for occupational safety and health.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify workplace hazards and risk
2. Identify and implement appropriate control measures to hazards and risks
3. Implement OSH programs, procedures and policies/guidelines

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
1. Identify workplace  Identification of hazards in  Oral questions
hazards and risks the workplace and/or the  Written tests
indicators of their presence  Observation of
 Evaluation and/or work trainees identify
environment measurements of hazards and
OSH hazards/risk existing in risks
the workplace is conducted by
 Authorized personnel or
 Gathering of OHS issues
and/or concerns raised
2. Identify and  Prevention and control  Oral questions
implement measures, including use of  Written tests
appropriate control PPE (personal protective  Practical test
measure to hazards equipment) for specific  Observation of
and risks hazards are identified and implementation
implemented of control
 Appropriate risk controls measures
based on result of OSH

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hazard evaluation is
 Contingency measures,
including emergency
procedures during workplace
incidents and emergencies are
recognized and established in
accordance with organization
3. Implement OSH  Providing information to  Oral questions
programs, work team about company  Written tests
procedures OHS program, procedures and  Practical test
and policies/guidelines  Observation
policies/guidelines  Participating in
implementation of OSH
procedures and policies/
 Training of team members
and advice on OSH standards
and procedures
 Implementation of procedures
for maintaining OSH-related

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee
 Viewing of related videos

Recommended Resources
 Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals
 Specific job procedures manuals
 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) e.g.
 Mask
 Face mask/shield
 Safety boots
 Safety harness
 Arm/Hand guard, gloves
 Eye protection (goggles, shield)
 Hearing protection (ear muffs, ear plugs)
 Hair Net/cap/bonnet

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 Hard hat
 Face protection (mask, shield)
 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
 Anti-static suits
 High-visibility reflective vest

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Apply Basic mathematics

Duration of Unit: 50 hours

Unit Description

This unit describes the competencies required in applying basic: algebra, trigonometry
statistics, indices and logarithms and ratio. It also involves performing geometrical
calculations, business calculations, carrying out basic mensuration and plotting simple

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Apply basic algebra

2. Apply basic trigonometry
3. Perform geometrical calculations
4. Carry out basic mensuration
5. Apply basic statistics
6. Plot simple graphs
7. Apply Indices and Logarithms
8. Perform business calculations
9. Apply Ratios

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Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment


1. Apply basic  Algebraic expressions  Written tests

Algebra  Use of calculator  Oral questioning
 Simple algebraic  Assignments
operations  Supervised
 Methods of solving exercises
quadratic equations
o Elimination
o Substitution

 Solution of equations
reduced to quadratic
 Simple quadratic
 Solutions of
simultaneous linear
equations of two
2. Apply basic  Terms and concepts  Written tests
trigonometry  Trigonometric rules  Oral questioning
 Use of tables to find  Assignments
trigonometric ratios  Supervised
 Use of trigonometrical exercises
o Lengths of sides
o Heights
o angles

3. Perform  Perimeter of plane  Assignments

geometrical figures  Oral questioning
calculations  Areas of plane figures  Supervised
 Areas of irregular exercises
figures  Written tests
 Application of

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Pythagoras’ theorem
 Surface area of prisms
and pyramid
 Volumes of solids
4. Carry out  Common units of  Written tests
basic measurement of  Oral questioning
mensuration o Length  Assignments
o Mass  Supervised
o Time exercises

 Conversion of units
 Perimeters, areas and
volumes of figures and
 Sketching of regular
figures, solids and nets
5. Apply basic  Terms and concepts  Written tests
statistics  Data collection  Oral questioning
 Data organization  Assignments
 Measures of central  Supervised
tendencies of grouped exercises
and ungrouped data
 Data presentation
 Interpretation of data
from given charts
6. Plot simple  Types of graphs  Written tests
graphs  linear graphs  Oral questioning
 bar graphs  Assignments
 pie chart  Supervised
 pictograph exercises

 Plotting graphs for

given set of data
 Interpreting graphs

7. Apply  Written tests

 Conversion of numbers
Indices and  Oral questioning
from one base to
Logarithms  Assignments
 Supervised
 Application of laws of
indices in solving
exponential equations
 Application of law of

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logarithm in solving
logarithmic equations

8. Perform  Written tests

 Exchange rates
business  Oral questioning
 Prices and profit
calculations  Assignments
 Calculation of average
 Supervised
 Calculation of incomes
 Calculation of taxes

9. Apply Ratios  Written tests

 Difference between
 Oral questioning
rational and irrational
 Assignments
 Supervised
 Expression of ratios as
 Solving problems
involving direct and
inverse proportions

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Group discussions
 Demonstration by trainer
 Exercises by trainee

Recommended Resources
 Scientific Calculators
 Rulers, pencils, erasers
 Charts with presentations of data
 Graph books
 Text books
 Computers with internet connection

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Relationship to Occupational Standards
This unit addresses the unit of competency: Prepare and apply technical drawing
Duration of Unit: 50 hours
Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to prepare and apply technical drawing. It
involves competencies in selecting, using and maintaining drawing equipment and
materials. It also involves developing plane geometry drawings, solid geometry
drawings, pictorial and orthographic drawings

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Select, use and maintain drawing equipment and materials

2. Develop plane geometry drawings
3. Develop solid geometry drawings
4. Develop pictorial and orthographic drawings
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods:

Learning Outcome Content Suggested

1. Select, use and  Terms and concepts  Observation
maintain drawing  Drawing equipment  Oral questioning
equipment and  Drawing materials  Written tests
materials  Use, care and maintenance of
drawing equipment’s
2. Develop plane  Terms and concepts  Oral questioning
geometry  Types of lines in drawings  Practical tests
drawings  Freehand sketching  Observation
 Construction, measurement
and bisection of angles
 Construction of geometric
forms e.g. squares, circles
 Standards drawing
3. Develop solid  Terms and concepts  Observation
geometry  Interpretation of sketches and  Practical tests

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Learning Outcome Content Suggested
drawings drawings of patterns e.g.  Oral questioning
cylinders, prisms and pyramids
 Develop geometrical solid
figures e.g. prisms, cones
 Surface development

4. Develop  Terms and concepts  Observation

orthographic  Free hand sketching  Practical tests
drawings  Pictorial and orthographic  Oral questioning
 Meaning of symbols and
 Drawing and interpretation of
orthographic elevations
 Dimensioning of orthographic
 Conversion of orthographic to

5. Apply computer  Terms and concepts  Observation

Aided design  Geometry drawings  Practical tests
 Orthographic drawings  Oral questioning

Suggested Methods of Delivery

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Discussions
 Group work

Recommended Resources

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 Drawing room
 Drawing instruments e.g. T-squares, set squares, drawing sets
 Drawing tables
 Pencils, papers, erasers
 Masking tapes
 Text books
 Samples of solids
 Computer (CAD)

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Relationship to Occupational Standards
This unit addresses the unit of competency: Apply Scientific principles.
Duration of Unit: 40 Hours
Unit Description
This unit describes the competence in applying scientific principles. It involves
applying principles of: units of measurements, force, work, energy and power,
friction, heat, acoustics, pressure in fluids, mechanical properties of materials and
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Apply principles of units of measurements
2. Apply principles of Force, work, energy and power
3. Apply principles of Friction
4. Apply principles of heat
5. Apply principles of acoustics
6. Apply principles of pressure in fluids
7. Apply mechanical properties of materials
8. Apply electrical principles
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment

 Terms and concepts  Written tests
1. Apply principles
 Selection of units of measurement  Oral questions
of units of
 Conversion of units

2. Apply principles of  Terms and concepts  Written tests

work,  Laws  Oral questions
o Force  Practical tests
energy and power
o Energy
 Basic calculations of force, work,
energy and power
 Application of force, work, energy
and power
3. Apply principles of  Terms and concepts  Written tests
 Types of friction  Oral questions

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 Laws of friction  Practical tests
 Causes of friction
 Advantages and disadvantages of
 Application of friction
4. Apply principles of  Terms and concepts  Written tests
 Sources of heat  Oral questions
 Effects of heat on matter  Practical tests
 Change of matter as heat varies
 Methods of heat transfer
 Water heating
 Terms and concepts  Written tests
5. Apply principles of
 Units of measurements of pressure  Oral questions
pressure in fluids
 Definition of density  Practical tests
 Variations of pressure
 Laws
 Solving simple problems involving
liquids of different densities
 Application of air pressure in
relation to objects in everyday life
e.g. Air lock in pipe work

6. Apply principles of  Terms and concepts  Written tests

 Sources of sound  Oral questions
 Measurement of sound  Practical tests
 Effects of sound on surrounding
 Sound insulation methods
 Terms and concepts  Written tests
7. Apply mechanical
 Properties of materials  Observation
properties of
 Tests  Oral questions
 Advantages and disadvantages of  Practical tests
 Terms and Concepts
8. Apply electrical  Written tests
 Electrical principles
 Electrical circuits  Observation
 Electrical safety
 Oral questions
 Practical tests

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee

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 Demonstration videos
 Trainee group discussions

Recommended Resources
Tools and equipment
 Laboratory testing equipment
 Laboratory apparatus
 Hand tools
 Machine tools
Materials and supplies
 Stationery
 Material samples
 Oils
 Pins
 Electrical cables and accessory
Personal protective equipment (PPEs)
 Safety boots
 Gloves
 Dust coats
 First aid kit
 Ear muffs
 Dust masks
 Overalls
 Helmet
 Goggles

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Water supply and systems

Duration of Unit: 100 hours

Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to install water supply and systems. It
involves preparing working drawings, identifying materials, quantifying and costing,
identifying and using pipework tools and equipment, installing pipe works, designing
simple pipework and install water distribution system. It applies in the construction

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Prepare working drawings

2. Identify materials, quantify and cost
3. Identify and use pipework tools and equipment
4. Install pipe works
5. Design simple pipework
6. Install Water distribution system
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods
Learning Outcome Content Suggested

1. Prepare  Terms and Concepts  Observation

working  Symbols  Oral questioning
drawing  Scales  Third party
 Measurements report
 Reference points  Interviewing
 Written tests

2. Identify  Terms and concepts  Observation

materials,  Piping materials and supplies  Written tests
quantify and  Pipe sizes  Oral questioning
cost  Types of pipes  Interviewing
 Types of fittings  Third party
 Types of valves report

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 Estimation of quantities
3. Identify and  Terms and concepts  Observation
use pipework  PPEs and their application  Written tests
tools and  Types of tools and equipment  Oral questioning
equipment  Care and maintenance  Interviewing
 Storage  Third party
 Use of tools report

4. Install pipe  Terms and concepts  Observation

works  Types of Pipes  Written tests
o PVC  Oral questioning
o GI  Interviewing
o PPR  Third party
 Mild steel report
 Stainless steel
 Copper
 Traps and valves
 Piping systems
o Hot water
o Cold water
 Pipe jointing and connections
 Clenching materials
 Adhesives
 Pipe fitting
 Pipe bending
 Functionality tests
o Air
o Water
o Pressure
o Smoke
 Occupational safety and legal
6. Design simple  Terms and concepts  Observation
pipework  Materials and supplies  Written tests
 Types of water supply  Oral questioning
systems  Interviewing
o Hot water  Third party
o Cold water report
 Occupational safety and
legal requirements

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7. Install Water  Terms and concepts  Observation
distribution system  Water supply systems  Written tests
 Setting out  Oral questioning
 Materials and supplies  Interviewing
 Tools and equipment  Third party
 Installation report
 Housekeeping
 Tests
 Faults
 Safety and health practice

Suggested Methods of Delivery:

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Field trips
 Discussions
 Direct instruction
Recommended Resources
Functional Workshop with the following:
Tools and Equipment
● Plumb bob
● Measuring tools (Tape measure, infra-red light, rule etc.)
● Power tools
● PPE’s
● Sieve
● Mason’s Square
● Die stock
● Threading machine
● PPR fusion machine
● Pipe wrench
● Bench vice
● Pipe stand vice
● Pipe bending machine
● Blow lamp
● Welding machine
● Reamers
● Files
● Pipe and tube cutters
● Pipe inspection equipment
● Pipe extractors
● Mason's hammer

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● Chisel
● Trowels (Brick, pointing, window, corner and finishing trowels)
● Spirit level
● Bolster
● Cold chisel
● Hawk (Hand board)
● Sandpaper/Sponge
● Jointing knife/rod
● Stepping ladder
● Mason's line

Supplies and Materials

● Adhesive
● Pipes
● Pipe fittings
● Valves
● Taps
● Water filters
● Water pumps

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Install rainwater harvesting and disposal

Duration of Unit: 180 hours

Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to harvest and dispose rain water. It
involves preparing working drawings, quantifying materials and costing, using tools
and equipment, installing rain water goods, testing rainwater goods and harvesting /
disposing rainwater. It applies in the construction industry.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Prepare working drawings
2. Quantify materials
3. Use tools and equipment
4. Install rainwater goods
5. Test rainwater goods

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
1. Prepare  Terms and Concepts  Observation
working  Symbols  Oral questioning
drawings  Scales  Third party
 Measurements report
 Drawing techniques  Interviewing
 Reference points  Written tests

2. Quantify and  Terms and concepts  Observation

cost materials  Rainwater goods materials  Written tests
and supplies  Oral questioning
o Plastics  Interviewing
o Ferrous  Third party
o Non-ferrous report
 Types of rainwater goods
 Types of fittings
 Material and supplies

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 Estimation of quantities
 Cost estimation
 Tools and equipment

3. Use tools and  Terms and concepts  Observation

equipment  PPEs and their application  Written tests
 Use of rainwater tools and  Oral questioning
equipment  Interviewing
 Safety, care and maintenance  Third party
of rainwater tools and report
 Storage of rainwater tools and
4. Install  Terms and concepts  Observation
rainwater  Harvesting methods  Written tests
goods  Disposal methods  Oral questioning
 Types of rainwater goods  Interviewing
 Measurements  Third party
 Types of materials report
 Types of joints
 Methods of assembling
 Housekeeping
5. Test rain water  Terms and concepts  Observation
goods  Testing methods  Written tests
 Types of faults  Oral questioning
 Housekeeping  Interviewing
 Cutting methods  Third party
 Materials and supplies
 Installation of rainwater goods
 Quality checks
 Occupational safety and legal

Suggested Methods of Delivery:

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Field trips
 Discussions
 Direct instruction

Recommended Resources
Functional Workshop with the following:

©TVET CDACC 2019 44

Tools and Equipment
● Plumb bob
● Measuring tools (Tape measure, infra-red light, rule etc.)
● Marking tools
● Cutting tools
● Fastening tools
● files
● Wire brushes
● Holding tools
● Drilling equipment

Supplies and Materials

● Pipes
● Gutters
● Pipe fittings
● Accessory
● Adhesives
● Sealant

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Install Drainage systems

Duration of Unit: 150 hours

Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to install drainage systems. It involves
preparing working drawings, quantifying and cost drainage materials, using drainage
tools and equipment setting out drainage systems, install above ground drainage
system identifying drainage materials and installing below ground drainage system
and testing. It applies in the construction industry.
Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Prepare working drawings

2. Quantify drainage materials
3. Use drainage tools and equipment
4. Setting out drainage systems
5. Install above ground drainage system
6. Install below ground drainage system

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested

1. Prepare working  Terms and Concepts  Observation

drawing  Symbols  Oral questioning
 Scales  Third party
 Measurements report
 Reference points  Interviewing
 Types of drawings  Written tests
o Details and sections
o Pictorial
o Line drawings
o Freehand sketching
o Isometric drawings
2. Quantify and cost  Terms and concepts  Observation
drainage materials  Drainage materials and  Written tests

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supplies  Oral questioning
 Material and supplies  Interviewing
schedule  Third party
 Estimation and cost of report

3. Use drainage tools  Terms and concepts  Observation

and equipment  PPEs and their application  Written tests
 Use of drainage tools and  Oral questioning
equipment  Interviewing
 Safety, care and  Third party
maintenance of drainage report
tools and equipment
 Storage of drainage tools and
4. Set out drainage  Terms and concepts  Observation
systems  Levelling  Written tests
o Boning rods  Oral questioning
o Hose pipe  Interviewing
o Dumpy level  Third party
 Drainage bends report
5. Install above  Terms and concepts  Observation
ground drainage  Installation procedure  Written tests
system  Types of pipes  Oral questioning
 Pipe sizes  Interviewing
 Types of fittings  Third party
 Types of appliances report
 Types of traps
 Types of piping systems
 Functionality test.
 Soundness test
 Fault checks
6. Install below  Terms and concepts  Observation
ground drainage  Trench excavation  Written tests
system  Pipe sizes and pipe laying  Oral questioning
 Construction of inspection  Interviewing
chambers, manholes and  Third party
traps report
 Haunching
 Types of drainage systems
 Private and public sewer
 Functionality test.

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 Soundness test
 Fault checks
 Occupational safety and
legal requirements

Suggested Methods of Delivery:

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Field trips
 Discussions
 Direct instruction

Recommended Resources
Functional Workshop with the following:
Tools and Equipment
● Measuring tools
● Levelling equipment’s
● Mason trowels
● Mason square
● Spirit level
● Hose Pipe
● Boning rods
● Floats
● Mallet
● Ball hammer
● Masonry chisel

Supplies and Materials

● Various types and sizes of fittings
● Caulking tools
● Various types of pipe support
● Clay pipes
● Cast iron
● Concrete

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Install sanitary appliances

Duration of Unit: 100 hours

Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to install sanitary appliances. It involves
preparing simple working drawings, quantifying and costing sanitary appliances,
fixing sanitary appliances and testing and commissioning working of sanitary
appliances. It applies in the construction industry

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Prepare working drawings

2. Quantify sanitary appliances
3. Fix sanitary appliances
4. Test and commission working of sanitary appliances

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment

1. Prepare working  Terms and Concepts  Observation

drawings  Symbols  Written tests
 Scales  Oral questioning
 Measurements  Interviewing
 Reference points  Third party
 Simple drawings reports
 Manufacturers
 Assembling of sanitary

2. Quantify and cost  Terms and concepts  Observation

sanitary  Sanitary appliances and  Written tests
appliances supplies  Oral questioning
 Types of sanitary appliances  Interviewing
 Classify sanitary appliances  Third party reports
 Estimation of quantities and

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3. Fix sanitary  Terms and concepts  Observation
appliances  PPEs  Written tests
 Positioning of sanitary  Oral questioning
appliances  Interviewing
 Fixing and fastening  Third party
 Soundness test reports
 Stands and supports
 Housekeeping
 Occupational safety and
legal requirements

4. Test and  Functionality test  Observation

commission  Faults in sanitary  Written tests
working of appliances  Oral questioning
sanitary  Commission and hand  Interviewing
appliances over  Third party

Suggested Methods of Delivery:

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Field trips
 Discussions
 Direct instruction

Recommended Resources
Functional Masonry Workshop with the following:
Tools and Equipment
 Spirit level
 Bolster
 Cold chisel
 Jointing knife/rod
 Stepping ladder
 Building line
 Plumb bob
 Measuring tools (Tape measure,
 Power tools
 PPE’s
 Straight edge

©TVET CDACC 2019 51

 Mason’s Square
 Pipe wrench
 Pipe bending machine
 Blow lamp
 Reamers
 Files
 Drills and drill bits
 Mason's hammer
 Chisel
 Trowels (Brick, pointing, window, corner and finishing trowels)

Supplies and Materials

 Adhesives
 Sanitary appliances
 Fasteners
 Cement
 Sand
 Pipes
 Fittings
 Caulking material

©TVET CDACC 2019 52



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: install water storage systems and
auxiliary fittings

Duration of Unit: 110 hours

Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to install storage systems and auxiliary
fittings. It involves preparing water storage drawing, quantifying and costing storage
and auxiliary fittings supplies, install storage systems and auxiliary fittings and testing
and commissioning storage and auxiliary fitting. It applies in the construction

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Prepare water storage drawings

2. Quantify and cost materials
3. Install storage systems and auxiliary fittings
4. Test and commission storage and auxiliary fittings
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods
Learning Outcome Content Suggested

1. Prepare water  Observation

storage drawings  Terms and Concepts  Oral
 Symbols questioning
 Measurements  Interviewing
 Storage fittings  Third party
 Storage capacity reports
 Written tests
2. Quantify and cost  Terms and concepts  Observation
storage materials  Types of storage  Written tests
 Types of auxiliary fittings  Oral
 Quantify materials and questioning
supplies  Interviewing
 estimation of quantities  Third party
and costs reports

©TVET CDACC 2019 53

3. Install storage  Terms and concepts  Observation
systems and  PPEs  Written tests
auxiliary fittings  Types of storages systems  Oral
o Size questioning
o Shape  Interviewing
o Materials  Third party
o manufacturer reports
 Pumping systems
o Boosted
o Direct pumping
o Indirect pumping
o Unboosted
o Zoned system
 Types of pumps
 Installation
 Supports
 Positioning
 Housekeeping
 Occupational safety and
legal requirements

4. Test and  Tests  Observation

commission o Leakages  Written tests
storage and o Heads  Oral
auxiliary fittings o Pressure questioning
 Faults  Interviewing
o Leakages  Third party
o Sanction and
delivery pressure
o Water hammer
o Air lock

Suggested Methods of Delivery:

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Field trips
 Discussions
 Direct instruction

©TVET CDACC 2019 54

Recommended Resources
Functional Plumbing Workshop with the following:
Tools and Equipment
● Pipe wrench
● Pipe cutter
● Hacksaw
● Pipe Threading Equipment
● Vice - Bench
● Pliers
● Tap and Punch
● Files
● Screwdrivers
● Drill with various sizes of bits
● Mallet
● Ball hammer
● PPR machine / Heat Fusion equipment
● Pipe bender
● Sealant gun

Supplies and Materials

● Fittings
● Backnuts
● Cisterns
● Valves
● Sealant
● Water proofing agents

©TVET CDACC 2019 55



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: fire control systems

Duration of Unit: 80 hours

Unit Description

This unit specifies the competencies required to install fire control systems. It
involves preparing working drawings, selecting tools and equipment for installation,
quantify and cost materials and supplies, install sprinkler systems, install hose reel
systems, install wet and dry risers and maintain and service fire suppression systems.
It applies in the construction industry.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Prepare working drawing

2. Select tools and equipment
3. Quantify materials and supplies
4. Install sprinkler systems
5. Install hose reel systems
6. Install wet and dry risers
7. Maintain and service fire suppression systems
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Content Suggested Assessment

Outcome Methods

1. Prepare  Terms and Concepts  Observation

working  Symbols  Written tests
drawing  Measurements  Oral questioning
 Types of Scales  Interviewing
 Types of drawings Third party reports
2. Select tools  Terms and concepts  Observation
and  PPEs and their use  Written tests
equipment  Use of fire control  Oral questioning
installation tools and  Interviewing
equipment  Third party reports
 Safety, care and
maintenance of fire control
installation tools and

©TVET CDACC 2019 56

 Storage of fire control
installation tools and
3. Quantify  Terms and concepts  Observation
materials  Fire control installation  Written tests
and materials and supplies  Oral questioning
supplies  Fire control fittings  Interviewing
 Fire control installation
Material schedule
 Estimation and cost of
4. Install  Terms and concepts  Observation
Sprinkler  Classification of fire  Written tests
systems  Types of Sprinklers systems  Oral questioning
o Pre-Action Systems  Interviewing
o Dry Pipe Systems  Third party reports
o Wet Pipe Systems
 Automatic fire detectors
 Types of Pipes
o GI
 Types of Joints and
 Setting out
 Bending
 Fitting
 Types of testing
o Air
o Smoke
o Pressure
 Faults
 valves
 Adhesives
 Fittings
 Occupational safety and legal
5. Install hose  Terms and concepts  Observation
reel o Types of fire hose reel  Written tests
systems systems Stationary Hose  Oral questioning

©TVET CDACC 2019 57

Reels  Interviewing
o Mobile or Portable Hose  Third party reports
o Hose Reel Carts
o Hideaway Hose Reels
o Air Hose Reels
 Installation of hose reel
 Tests
 faults
 House keeping
 valves
6. Install fire  Terms and concepts 
risers  Types of riser’s systems
systems Installation of fire
o Dry Pipe Systems
o Wet Pipe Systems
 Tests
 faults
 House keeping
 valves
7. Maintain  Terms and concepts  Observation
and service  Types of maintenance  Written tests
fire  Servicing and cleaning  Oral questioning
suppression gas supply systems  Interviewing
systems  Checks  Third party reports
 Fire drills

Suggested Methods of Delivery:

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Field trips
 Discussions
 Direct instruction

Recommended Resources

©TVET CDACC 2019 58

Functional Plumbing Workshop with the following:

Tools and Equipment

 Pipe wrench
 Pipe cutter
 Hacksaw
 Pipe Threading Equipment
 Vices
 Taps
 Punch
 Files
 Screwdrivers
 Drill with various sizes of bits
 Portable drill
 Mallet
 Ball pein0 hammer
 Mason chisel
 PPR machine / Heat Fusion equipment
 Pipe bender
 Trowel
 De-clogging wire / de-clogging machine
Supplies and Materials
 Screws
 Adhesives
 Cement
 Sand
 Pipes
 Traps
 Electric cables
 Caulking material
 Fitting



©TVET CDACC 2019 59

Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Maintain of plumbing systems

Duration of Unit: 90 hours

Unit Description

This unit specifies the competencies required to maintain plumbing systems. It

involves detecting faults in plumbing systems, quantifying requirements for repair,
fixing plumbing system faults and testing plumbing system. It applies in the
construction industry.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Detect plumbing systems faults

2. Quantify requirements for repair
3. Fixing plumbing system faults
4. Test plumbing system

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment


1. Detect  Terms and concepts  Observation

plumbing  Common faults in plumbing  Written tests
systems works  Oral
faults  Causes of faults in plumbing questioning
works  Interviewing
 Rectifying faults in plumbing Third party
works reports
2. Quantify  Terms and concepts  Observation
requirements  Materials and supplies for  Written tests
for repair repair  Oral
 Estimation of quantities questioning
 Appliance and fittings  Interviewing
 Reference to manufacturer’s Third party
manual reports

3. Fix faults in  Terms and concepts  Observation

plumbing  Types of maintenance  Written tests
system  Maintenance reports &  Oral
schedules questioning
 PPEs and their use  Interviewing

©TVET CDACC 2019 60

 Plumbing tools and  Third party
equipment reports
 Rectification procedures
 Safety, care and
maintenance of plumbing
tools and equipment
 Plumbing parts
 Housekeeping
 Storage of plumbing tools
and equipment
4. Test  Testing plumbing systems  Observation
plumbing  Types of tests  Written tests
system  Reinstating plumbing  Oral
systems questioning
 Interviewing
 Third party

Suggested Methods of Delivery:

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Field trips
 Discussions
 Direct instruction

Recommended Resources

Functional Plumbing Workshop with the following:

Tools and Equipment

©TVET CDACC 2019 61

 Pipe wrench
 Pipe cutter
 Hacksaw
 Pipe Threading Equipment
 Vices
 Taps
 Punch
 Files
 Screwdrivers
 Drill with various sizes of bits
 Portable drill
 Mallet
 Ball pein0 hammer
 Mason chisel
 PPR machine / Heat Fusion equipment
 Pipe bender
 Trowel
 De-clogging wire / de-clogging machine
 Toilet pump
Supplies and Materials
 Screws
 Adhesives
 Cement
 Sand
 Pipes
 Traps
 Electric cables
 Caulking material
 Fitting

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