The Tome of Forgotten Heroes

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Foreword .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Barbarian .............................................................................................................................................................. 0
Path of the Elders .................................................................................................................................................................... 0
Path of the Hellion .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Bard......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
College of Fables ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
College of Feasts ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Cleric ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Aegis Domain ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Emotion Domain...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Druid.................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Circle of the Metamorph.................................................................................................................................................... 10
Circle of the Swarm ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Circle of the Wild .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Fighter................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Martial Archetype: Bulwark ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Martial Archetype: Field Commander ......................................................................................................................... 18
Monk .................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Way of the Heavy-Handed ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Paladin ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Oath of Incandescence ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Oath of the Tempest. ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
Oath of Truth. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Ranger ................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Ranger Archetype: Mage Hunter ................................................................................................................................... 25
Ranger Archetype: Weald Warrior ............................................................................................................................... 26
Rogue................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Roguish Archetype: The Acrobat ................................................................................................................................... 28
Roguish Archetype: The Sand Dancer ........................................................................................................................ 29
Sorcerer .............................................................................................................................................................. 29
Sorcerous Origin: Temporal Anomaly ......................................................................................................................... 30
Sorcerous Origin: Prismatic Core ................................................................................................................................. 31
Sorcerous Origin: Steelskin .............................................................................................................................................. 32
Warlock .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
Otherworldly Patron: The Gambler .............................................................................................................................. 33
Otherworldly Patron: The Leviathan ........................................................................................................................... 35
Otherworldly Patron: The Puppeteer .......................................................................................................................... 37
Wizard................................................................................................................................................................. 39
School of Kinesis ................................................................................................................................................................... 39
School of Lichdom ................................................................................................................................................................ 40
This supplement has been a bit of a labour of love for the past two-and-a-half years, and I can’t really believe
that it’s finally done. I will be coming back to update things, and alter the way things work based on feedback,
so if any readers have ideas or constructive criticism please let me know, I’ll take it all into account when
revising how any of the features work in the book.
I’d like to take a moment to thank the huge group of friends I have that have read and commented on these
archetypes and helped me refine them to the point they are at today. Thank you so much for dealing with my
almost constant D&D talk.
Hopefully, this won’t be the only thing I ever release on DM’s Guild and into the future. I am a game designer,
and this entire supplement was a 1-man trek from start to finish, aside from the front-page art, which was
commissioned from my good friend Jemimah. The next time I create something, depending on how well this
goes down, I may be able to hire artists and layout designers to make the work look just that little bit more
presentable. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy the archetypes I have brewed up for you. It’s been a long time
Thanks, Ocean M.

Taking in a single breath of the battlefield, the their will. They may be spellcasters, but they are
wizened Orc woman knows it well. The smell of blood brutal warriors that combine sheer strength with
on the wind, the spirits waiting to be called upon. She mystical power; a power that only rises when the fire
raises her battle-axe with a roar, and as she does so, it in their gut blazes like a roaring bonfire.
is wrapped in primordial fire, ready to scorch the
flesh of her victims. MYSTIC FURY
When you reach 3rd level, you can go into a mystical
Grunting as she does so, a hulking human woman
fury when you rage. When you do so, you become able
with dirtied ginger hair stands up from her table in
to force the world around you to bend to your whim
the inn, glancing at two figures approaching her from
in the form of casting spells, using your weapon as a
across the bar. The split second one of them fondled
druidic focus for channelling your magic.
at their belt for a blade, she was upon them, barstool
in hand. The stool, quickly shattered across the firsts’ You gain a random number of spell slots when your
head, was quickly replaced by a table to her left, Mystic Fury begins, and you become able to cast
which then swiftly slammed into the second cantrips and spells gained through the Mystic Fury
assailant’s gut; knocking them both out with ease. feature during this special rage. Additionally,
whenever you make an attack roll using Wisdom
The barbarian paths presented in this supplement are
during this special rage, you can add your rage
the Path of the Elder, which describes a shamanic
damage bonus to the roll, even if it is a spell attack.
barbarian whose adherence to the old rites of their
tribe has granted them mystical powers. The Hellion Once this rage ends, whether it be by your own
is an archetype for the bar-brawler; a barbarian who choice, or by falling to 0 hit points, any spell you are
specialises in unarmed combat and utilising concentrating on also ends and you lose all remaining
improvised weapons. spell slots.
Using this feature more than once per long rest tires
PATH OF THE ELDERS your body out. If you use Mystic Fury more than once
The path of the elders is a path that follows a form of before finishing a long rest, you gain 1 level of
primordial spiritualism that barbarian soothsayers exhaustion at the end of each Mystic Fury after the
and mystics use to fight in tribal combat to this day. first.
They are venerated barbarians whose wisdom in
battle allows them to bend the forces of nature to

—Spell Slots per Spell Level—

Level Cantrips Known Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3rd 2 3 1d6-3 — — —
4th 2 4 1d6-3 — — —
5th 2 4 1d6-2 — — —
6th 2 4 1d6-2 — — —
7th 2 5 1d6-2 1d4-2 — —
8th 2 5 1d6-2 1d4-2 — —
9th 2 6 1d6-2 1d4-2 — —
10th 3 6 1d6-2 1d4-1 — —
11th 3 7 1d6-1 1d4-1 — —
12th 3 7 1d6-1 1d4-1 1d4-2 —
13th 3 8 1d6-1 1d4-1 1d4-2 —
14th 3 8 1d6-1 1d4-1 1d4-2 —
15th 3 9 1d6-1 1d4 1d4-2 —
16th 3 9 1d6 1d4 1d4-2 —
17th 3 10 1d6 1d4 1d4-1 —
18th 4 10 1d6 1d4 1d4-1 1d4-2
19th 4 11 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d4-2
20th 4 12 0 1d6+1 1d4+1 1d4 1d4-1
Cantrips: You learn two cantrips of your choice from For instance, when you reach 5th level in this class,
the path of the elders’ spell list, found at the end of you can learn one new spell of 1st level. Whenever
this class description. You learn an additional path of you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of
the elders cantrip of your choice at 10th and the elder spells you know with another spell of your
18th level. You can only use these cantrips during a choice from the elder spell list.
Mystic Fury.
Spell Slots: The Path of the Elders Spellcasting table PATH OF THE ELDERS SPELL LIST
shows how many spell slots you gain when you begin
Cantrips (Level Faerie Fire Elemental Weapon
your mystic fury, allowing you to cast your spells of 0)
1st level and higher. Roll the dice detailed in the table Fog Cloud Erupting Earth
and apply its modifier to determine how many spell Jump Fear
slots you have for this rage. Any result lower than Gust
Longstrider Plant Growth
a 1 becomes a 1. Frostbite
Thunderwave Sleet Storm
To utilise one of these spells, you must still be in a Infestation
Zephyr Strike Thunder Step
mystic fury, and then expend a slot of the level or
Mold Earth
higher. For example, if you know the 1st-level 2nd-level Tidal Wave
spell fog cloud and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level Produce Flame
Barkskin Vampiric Touch
spell slot available, you can cast fog cloud using either Primal Savagery
Dust Devil 4th-level
slot. Resistance
Earthbind Blight
Enhance Ability Conjure Minor
When you saw that you gain a random amount of Shillelagh Elementals
spell slots when you use the Mystic Fury feature, Enlarge/Reduce
Thorn Whip Conjure Woodland
you probably reacted in one of two ways; either Flame Blade Beings
“Oh, cool!” or “I don’t want to rely on random Thunderclap
Gust of Wind Death Ward
numbers to decide how many spell slots I have!” 1st-level
Heat Metal Elemental Bane
The original intention of the archetype was to Absorb Elements
Moonbeam Fire Shield
create a spellcasting barbarian that mirrors the Beast Bond
chaos of the class; a chaotic warrior. Therefore, the Shatter Giant Insect
Cause Fear
default version of this class has randomly Spike Growth Grasping Vine
generated spell slots. Cure Wounds
Web Guardian of Nature
Ensnaring Strike
However, if you would prefer, consider altering the 3rd-level Ice Storm
spell slots you gain when you enter the Mystic Fury Earth Tremor
Bestow Curse Storm Sphere
to mirror that of the Eldritch Knight or Arcane Entangle
Trickster (PHB). If you decide to do this, also Call Lightning
consider changing the Mystic Fury feature so that Spellcasting Ability: Wisdom is your spellcasting
you do not lose your spell slots upon the rage ability for your druid spells, since you gain your
ending, instead losing them at the end of a long ability to cast these spells by willing them to be. You
rest. If you use Mystic Fury more than once before use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your
completing a long rest, instead of gaining more spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom
spell slots, you can continue to use the spell slots modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an
you had remaining from the previous uses of elder spell you cast and when making an attack roll
Mystic Fury. with one.

Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher: You know Spell Save DC = 8 + Wisdom modifier + Proficiency
three 1st-level elder spells of your choice. The Spells Bonus
Known column of the Path of the Elders Spellcasting
Spell Attack Bonus = Wisdom modifier + Proficiency
table shows when you learn more elder spells of 1st
level or higher. Each of these spells must be of a level
for which you can gain spell slots.

PRIMAL WARRIOR the thrown attribute (with range 10/30ft),
provided they do not have the heavy attribute. If a
When you reach 6th-level, you can better utilise your
weapon has the light attribute, that weapon can
druidic magics while in melee combat.
instead be thrown 20/60ft. A heavy improvised
During your mystic fury, you can cast any cantrip you weapon is usually cumbersome; you make all attacks
know as a bonus action whenever you take the Attack with them at disadvantage, but using one grants other
action using a melee weapon. Additionally, if you cast benefits as described later in the class description.
a cantrip or spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning or
Some of the abilities you gain from this path require
poison damage, the first time it deals damage to
you to use an improvised weapon that has one of
each creature, you can add your Wisdom modifier to
those special attributes. If an ability requires an
the damage dealt.
enemy to make a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your
ELDER SIGHT proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier.
At 10th level, you become able see past the veils of the
mortal coil to learn much deeper secrets. You gain the
Also, at 3rd level, you can choose to put in incredible
ability to cast the spell scrying once per day, without
power into a swing when you make a melee attack
the need for material components.
using an improvised weapon. On a hit, you can choose
Additionally, you can see into the Ethereal plane up to between the following options:
60 feet in front of you, and if you don’t have it, you
gain Darkvision out to 60 feet.  The target must succeed on a Strength saving
throw or be knocked 10 feet back.
MANTLE OF PRIMORDIAL FURY  The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving
throw or be knocked prone.
At 14th level, your Mystic Fury creates a mantle of  The target must succeed on a Constitution
energy that forces off and nullifies lesser magics, saving throw or suffer 1d8 additional
whether it be good or bad for you. Whenever you are damage.
targeted by spell of 3rd-level or lower by any creature
other than yourself during your Mystic Fury, it has no If you are using a heavy improvised weapon, a
effect on you. creature has disadvantage on the saving throw. After
using a weapon in this way, it breaks and is rendered
PATH OF THE HELLION unusable (unless the weapon is heavy, in which case
it can be used twice in this way before becoming
Hellions fight a style with no rules; these brutes are
devastating in hand-to-hand combat, often straying to
using unconventional weaponry from the RUFFIAN’S GUARD
environment around them. Their sheer strength
At 6th level, you become an expert of deflecting
allows them to use any means necessary to get a leg
attacks with even the most unsuitable tools. When
up on their opponents.
you are wielding a non-light improvised weapon, or
when there is an untethered Large or smaller object
BRAWLER'S ARMOURY that weighs less than 15 times your strength score in
When you reach 3rd level, you learn to use unarmed
pounds (the DM can estimate whether you could lift it
strikes and improvised weapons as a part of your
quick enough or not!) within 5 feet of you, you can use
fighting style. Your unarmed strikes bludgeoning
your reaction to attempt to deflect an incoming attack
damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, and
using it.
attacks with improvised weaponry deal damage of an
appropriate type equal to 1d8 + your Strength You gain a +5 bonus to your AC for that attack only,
modifier. You are proficient with any improvised and if this bonus AC causes the attack to miss, the
weapon you use. object or improvised weapon is destroyed instead,
becoming completely unusable as a weapon or as a
The DM can decide what specific attributes an
defensive tool (unless the DM rules otherwise, as a jab
improvised weapon may have; for example, a broken
with a knife may not destroy a table!).
bottle may have the light attribute, while a large table
may have the two-handed and heavy attributes. All
improvised weapons you use gain
DOWN FOR THE COUNT of Feasts, a supportive bard that whips up delicious
When you reach 10th level, you can use your action food to buff the party with.
to knock a creature unconscious with an incredibly
heavy blow. Make a melee attack roll with an COLLEGE OF FABLES
unarmed strike or improvised weapon, and on a Whether playwright, poet, actor or author, a Bard of
hit, the target takes damage for the attack, and then Fables intertwines their words with magic to give
must make a Constitution save against your Brawler them a little extra je-ne-sais-quoi. Their battles
save DC. The creature has advantage on the save if it become great sonnets and epic adventures; fraught
has more than half of its maximum hit points with peril and intrigue. They use their magic to accent
remaining. the story, giving each spell a story and using the way
they shift between to show the way the plot changes
On a failure, the creature falls unconscious for 1d4
hours, or until they take damage or are woken by
another creature using their action to shake them ARCANE STORYTELLING
awake. You can use this ability once, and then must
At 3rd level when you join this college, you become
complete a short rest before you can use it again.
able to weave complex myth and legend as you cast
arcane spells. Each of the base schools for spells
correspond to an “element” of storytelling, as
At 14th level, you can use your Reckless Attack
explained in the table below. When you cast a spell,
feature to allow you to make additional attacks, rather
your story adopts that spell’s storytelling element.
than to make you more likely to hit. You throw all care
for your defences aside, and instead of gaining Spell School Storytelling Element
advantage on all attacks this round, you can instead Abjuration Comedy
make an additional 2 attacks when you take the attack Conjuration Tragedy
action. These attacks can only be made using either Divination Suspense
unarmed strikes or improvised weaponry. Enchantment Romance
Evocation Action
You can only use either Reckless Attack or furious
Illusion Mystery
barrage in one turn, and the same as Reckless Attack, Necromancy Horror
until the start of your next turn, all attacks made Transmutation Betrayal
against you are made with advantage.
During, combat, you can connect these elements

BARD together in order to weave a story of the battle, using

Plot Points, as described below.
Pausing for effect, a doublet clad elf eyes the room,
leaving enough time for a killer punchline, reducing PLOT POINTS
the room to tears. Stepping aside and out of the way Also at 3rd level, you unlock “Plot Points”; these plot
of arrow-fire, a dainty halfling carefully picks her next points represent your weaving of a story; after you
words in order to best frighten her goblinoid connect two appropriate storytelling elements, you
assailants. “But, of course!" cheers the playwright. The can activate the plot point. For example, to use the
puzzle was solved. He had, of course, read the solution Sudden Betrayal plot point, you cast an illusion spell
in a famous tragedy, once. followed by an enchantment spell, and then can
The scent of a feast floats across the noses of the immediately use that plot point’s ability. A full list of
caravan; their mouths begin to water, and they follow plot points can be found at the end of the archetype
the source of the smell. Their cook, a Goliath woman description.
with an appetite for game, just finished roasting a
whole hog for dinner. They dig in and feel
empowered; a hearty meal indeed. At 6th level, you can choose to specialise in two of the
storytelling elements from the table. You can learn
The two bard archetypes featured in this supplement two 1st-level spells from any spell list that conform to
are the College of Fables, which is inspired by one of either of the element’s corresponding spell
my favourite PCs of all time, a storyteller bard who schools. These spells count as Bard spells for you, but
told the story of a fight as it happened, and the College

do not count against your number of bard spells Whenever you take damage, you must make a
known. Concentration check to maintain the fable. This
concentration check is made in the same way as a
Additionally, when you make an Intelligence (History)
check made to maintain concentration on a spell; but
check that relates to one of your chosen elements, you
if you are both maintaining the fable, and maintaining
gain advantage on the roll. For example, if
a spell, a failure loses concentration on both.
you specialise in Horror, you may make a History
check to remember horror stories about gruesome When you have incorporated at least 4 elements
murders or haunted areas, or if you specialise in into the fable, your plot points improve. Whenever
Romance, you might make a History check to you roll a Bardic Inspiration die for use in a plot point,
remember the stories of a certain King’s many lovers. you double the value you rolled on the dice.

PLOT TWIST After you use this ability, you can’t use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.
At 6th level, you also gain the ability to suddenly
change the course of the story, initiating a plot twist.
When you initiate a plot twist, you can choose to
The list of plot points is listed in alphabetical order.
change the storytelling element of a spell you cast to
any other storytelling element of your choice. You CRACK A JOKE (SUSPENSE > COMEDY)
can do this once, and then you can’t do it again until Immediately after activating this plot point you can
you finish a short or long rest. use your bonus action and expend one use of Bardic
Inspiration to cure a creature of your choice within 30
EPIC FABLE feet of one of the following conditions: charmed,
At 14th level, you can string together an epic fable in frightened or paralyzed. The creature regains hit
battle. This fable, enchanted with your magic points equal to the amount you rolled on the
words, bolsters you with magical wards and defences,
inspiration die.
but only so long as you can continue the story. When
you cast a spell, you can use your bonus action to
begin writing an Epic Fable. USING PLOT POINTS FOR ROLEPLAY
A Bard from the College of Fables is not unlike a
When you do so, you start to weave storytelling conductor; they can describe how things unfold
elements into the fable as you cast spells. At the start and things generally follow. Using plot points, you
of each of your turns, you gain temporary hit points can give yourself, allies, or enemies a reason to act
based on the number of unique storytelling elements as the story compels them to.
you have woven into the fable, as described in the
table below. You also gain bonuses to your AC and A good example is the “Tensions Rising” plot point.
saving throws when you reach certain thresholds, as It denotes a change from Tragedy to Suspense… a
described in the table below. slow-boiling build up point to sudden action! It
gives your ally the ability to move in reaction to
No. of Temporary AC Bonus Saving Throw someone else moving; as if their hackles were up,
Elements Hit Points Bonus ready for something go down.
1 1 0 0
Try describing how the story lead to this moment;
2 2 1 0 perhaps, after you cast cloud of daggers, a bandit
captain, last of his men, was torn asunder by the
3 3 1 1
blades. You then cast hunter’s mark upon him
4 4 2 1 (from your Fabled Secrets feature!), as he prepares
5 6 2 1 to charge you.

6 8 3 2 You may say: “Surrounded by the bodies of his

allies, the bandit captain despaired. He looked
7 10 4 2
forward and saw the one who killed them all. But
8 12 5 3 little did he know, the tensions had risen, and they
These boons persist until the fable ends, which were ready for his last-ditch attempt for revenge.”
happens when you don’t cast a spell on your turn, or – and then give one of your allies the “Tensions
one-minute passes. Rising” plot point ability!
Immediately after activating this plot point you can Immediately after activating this plot point, you can
use your bonus action and expend one use of Bardic use your bonus action and expend one use of Bardic
Inspiration to force a creature within 30ft to make a Inspiration to force a creature within 30ft to make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
frightened of you for a number of turns equal to the takes psychic damage equal to the value rolled on the
value rolled on the inspiration die. It can repeat the inspiration die, and it must use its reaction to run up
save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect to its movement directly away from you. This doesn’t
on itself on a success. cause the creature to voluntarily run off cliffs or
otherwise put itself in danger.
Due to the nature of D&D combat, spells, spell Immediately after activating this plot point, you can
schools, and the limited amount of plot points use your bonus action and expend one use of Bardic
available, it’s not always going to be possible to Inspiration to choose a creature within 30ft. The next
craft that perfect masterpiece in the heat of battle. time you make an attack roll against that creature,
As much as possible, this has been compensated you have advantage, and your attack deals additional
for via the Fabled Secrets and Plot Twist abilities, damage equal to the value you rolled on the
to let you use more than just the Bard class spells inspiration die.
and freely give any spell one of your favoured
storytelling elements. BETRAYER’S REVEAL (MYSTERY >
Sometimes, however, it might just not line up BETRAYAL)
right. If that happens often, you might want to Immediately after activating this plot point, you can
speak to your DM, and see whether you could use your bonus action and expend one use of Bardic
categorise your spells in a different way other than Inspiration to force a creature within 30 feet to make
by spell school – this is completely subjective, a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they must
hence why it hasn’t been done in this supplement. use their reaction (if they still have it) to attack a
Maybe you can find a creative way to make sure all creature of your choice within range. The creature
the spells work well for you, and how you want to gains a bonus to hit for this attack equal to the value
weave your stories mid-combat. The “spell-school” rolled on the inspiration die.
way of doing things works, but you could find
something better for you!
FOOL’S MISTAKE (COMEDY > ACTION) Immediately after you activate this plot point, you
Immediately after activating this plot point, you can can use your bonus action and expend a use of your
use your bonus action and expend one use of Bardic Bardic Inspiration to grant a creature within 30 feet a
Inspiration to force a creature within 30ft to make a bonus to their passive Perception equal to the value
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature you rolled on the die for 1 minute. That creature also
falls prone, and takes damage equal to the value rolled gains blindsight out to 5 feet for the duration.
on the inspiration die. If the creature attempts to
stand before the start of your next turn, it must make SEEKING VENGEANCE (BETRAYAL >
a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or ACTION)
it falls over again. Immediately after activating this plot point, you can
use your bonus action and expend one use of Bardic
GALLANT RESCUE (ACTION > ROMANCE) Inspiration to select a creature within 30 feet of you.
Immediately after activating this plot point you can Until the start of your next turn, that creature can use
use your bonus action and expend one use of Bardic its reaction to make an opportunity attack against any
Inspiration to immediately teleport to a space creature that deals damage to it while in range. If the
adjacent to an ally within 30ft. The ally you teleported creature hits with attack, it deals extra damage equal
to gains temporary hit points equal to the value you to the result of the Bardic Inspiration dice.
rolled on the inspiration die.

Immediately after activating this plot point, you can At 6th level, your create food and water spell
use your bonus action and expend one use of Bardic improves. Your food conjured by this spell is not
Inspiration to select a creature within 30 feet. Until bland and takes on whatever form you wish it to, and
the start of your next turn, that creature can use its you can conjure things other than water. If the food
reaction whenever another creature that they can see you want to conjure requires expensive ingredients
moves or takes any action to move up to its speed in (worth more than 5gp per pound), a pound of each
any direction and regain hit points equal to the result must be present when you cast the spell.
of the Bardic Inspiration dice.
Any creature that eats the food conjured by this
improved spell is cured of any diseases or poisons
COLLEGE OF FEASTS they are affected by (unless you don’t wish for them
The college of feasts focuses on teaching bards how to to be), and the food also removes one level of
charm through the medium of food. Food brings exhaustion from any creature that eats it. A creature
people together, as does music and theatre, so bards can only remove one level of exhaustion per day from
and food are a perfect fit. These bards cook up mouth eating this food.
watering recipes at rests, preparing their party for the
fights ahead. SOUL FOOD
When you use your Song of Rest feature, you can
Á LA CARTE cook a meal for your allies instead, expending 50 gold
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in chef’s utensils. If pieces worth of fine spices, herbs, and good
you already have proficiency in chefs’ utensils, you foodstuffs. In addition to the healing your allies gain
can instead choose a tool proficiency from the when they expend a Hit Die, you can also grant them
following list: alchemist’s tools, herbalist’s kit, or one of the three temporary benefits below. You don’t
poisoner’s kit. have to give all of your allies the same meal. Once a
You are able to infuse your food with uses of Bardic creature has received a benefit, it can’t gain it or any
Inspiration, giving it a particularly revitalising quality. of the other benefits until they finish a long rest.
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can expend any Comfort Food. The next time the creature casts a
number of uses of your Bardic Inspiration by creating spell that requires concentration in the next 4 hours,
small pastries, bitesize sandwiches, and other small it gains advantage on all concentration checks made
snacks overflowing with your magical power. Each of to maintain concentration on that spell.
the items you infuse with Bardic Inspiration becomes
magical for the next 8 hours. Elegant Dish. The first time the creature rolls a 16 or
higher on an attack roll using Dexterity in the next 4
Whenever a creature consumes one of these magical hours, it critically hits.
foods, they can roll the Bardic Inspiration die,
regaining hit points equal to the value rolled. Hearty Meal. The first time the creature moves
within 5 feet of an enemy in the next 4 hours, it gains
SPELLS OF A CHEF advantage on a number of attacks equal to its
Your training in cookery, and magic use in the kitchen, proficiency bonus made within 1 minute.
grants you additional spells as you level up. The
following spells are added to your known spells, when FEASTS FOR HEROES
you reach certain levels, and they count as bard spells At 14th level, your heroes’ feast spell improves. You no
for you, regardless of whether they are on the bard longer have to provide material components to cast
spell list. the spell and can choose to conjure a different type of
feast instead of a heroes’ feast. Every creature that
Bard Level Spell Learned consumes a part of the feast gains 2d10 increased hit
3 rd
locate animals or plants points and maximum hit points and immunity to
frightened like the normal heroes’ feast, but
5 create food and water depending on the selected feast, it grants a different
11th heroes’ feast temporary benefit instead of immunity to poison and
advantage on Wisdom saving throws. Choose from
one of the options below.

Champion’s Feast. You can’t be pushed or knocked AEGIS DOMAIN SPELLS
prone against your will, and you gain advantage on
Strength saving throws. Cleric Level Spells
1st-level protection from evil and good, shield of
Guardian’s Feast. You gain advantage on faith
Constitution saving throws, and you gain 4 temporary 3rd-level aid, warding bond
hit points at the start of each of your turns. 5th-level protection from energy, wind wall
7th-level death ward, stoneskin
Martyr’s Feast. The first time you fall to 0 hit points
9th-level antilife shell, wall of force
while the spell remains, you fall to 1 hit point instead.
Saint’s Feast. You gain immunity to the blinded and
deafened conditions, and you become resistant to
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armour,
radiant damage.
and you gain an extra +1 bonus to AC when wielding a
Magician’s Feast. You gain immunity to the charmed shield.
condition, and you gain advantage on Intelligence and
Charisma saving throws. HOLY AEGIS
Also, at 1st level, your god grants you the clarity to

CLERIC deflect attacks from your nearby allies.

Whenever you, or another creature within 5 feet of
Raising his shield to the sky, the white-clad cleric you is hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to
conjures a golden globe of protection as a torrent of grant a +5 bonus to AC against that attack, potentially
dragonfire pours down on him and his comrades. making it miss.
They look up, and around with wonder, completely
unscathed. You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You
Wielding a flowing current of water as a weapon, the regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
triton stood, vehement, at the doorway, refusing to let
his enemies pass. As each enemy stood against the CHANNEL DIVINITY: DIVINE
waves, the triton let his passion run wild, becoming CHALLENGE
an angry storm of divine fury.
At 2nd-level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
The two cleric archetypes provided in this provoke hostile enemies nearby to attack you, instead
supplement are the Aegis Domain, a cleric that is fully of your allies. As an action on your turn, you can use
focused on defending their allies from harm through your Channel Divinity to force all hostile creatures
the use of powerful shielding magic, and the Emotion within 15 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw.
Domain, a cleric whose magic influences their mood On a failed save, the creature cannot use their action
and in turn their mood influences the power of their to attack any creature other than you for 1 minute. A
magic. creature that is immune to the charmed condition is
not affected by this feature. The effect ends on the
AEGIS DOMAIN creature as soon as you are further than 60 feet away
from it, or after it can no longer see you.
Clerics of the Aegis domain put protection of others
ahead of protection of themselves. They are self- This does not force them to attack you; they can
sacrificial and put a heavy emphasis on selflessness choose to move away or perform any action so long as
and compassion. On the battlefield, an Aegis domain it is not attacking your allies. If an affected creature
cleric wields powerful abjuration miracles that can casts a spell or uses an ability that targets an area, it
deflect devastating attacks and protect those that must have you as its focal point. A creature affected by
fight alongside them. They are faithful guardians and this ability can repeat the save at the end of each of its
loyal defenders of those who need it most. turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
The gods of these clerics span a wide range, from the GREAT BARRIER
gods of healing and endurance (like Ilmater, Mishakal,
At 6th level, you can summon a great shimmering
Apollo and Diancecht) to the champions of honour
aegis around you, protecting yourself and nearby
and chivalry that some War domain clerics revere,
allies from harm, provided you are wielding a shield.
like Torm, Heironeous, and Kiri-Jolith.
As a reaction when you are affected by a spell or unpredictable and fearsome opponents on the
ability that targets an area and deals damage, you can battlefield.
summon a golden barrier that helps protect you and
Some of these clerics worship and emulate the flow of
any creature within 5 feet of you. Every creature
the ocean, the way its waves change from calm to wild
within the sphere automatically succeeds on the
in minutes, and the way that those changes never
saving throw against the effect.
permanently affect it.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until
Others are evangelists that quickly anger when
you complete a short or long rest.
injustice is seen, or quiet mystics that roil into a
At 17th level, your ability to use this barrier improves, battle-rage once presented with a challenge.
causing every creature within the barrier Regardless, emotion clerics move in fluid motion
to automatically save against, and then take no between passion and calm.
damage from the spell or ability instead.
The gods of these clerics can be gods that are of the
DIVINE SHIELD sea (like Melora, Poseidon or Neptune), or they can be
gods that govern over emotions or any other medium
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your shield
with divine energy. When you deal damage with a that emulates emotion, like storms or war.
weapon attack or cantrip on your turn while wielding
a shield, you can choose to bless your shield with holy
energy as a part of that action, gaining 2d6 temporary Cleric Level  Spells 
hit points until the start of your next turn. When you 1st-level   dissonant whispers, heroism
reach 14th level, the temporary hit points gained 3rd-level  calm emotions, suggestion
increases to 3d6. 5th-level  enemies abound, fear
7th-level  aura of purity, charm monster
MEETING THE DPS REQUIREMENT 9th-level  dream, modify memory

This subclass is specifically designed around

defence, and as such, the normal Potent BONUS CANTRIP 
Spellcasting/Divine Strike dichotomy has been At 1st level, you learn the friends cantrip. 
avoided here. This means that the usual damage
threshold of this archetype is lower than that of a EMOTIONAL FLOW
normal cleric. If you wish to play an Aegis Cleric Also at 1st level, your magic affects your emotional
that is competitive with the other archetypes in state, either calming it or agitating it. This change in
terms of damage output, consider changing the your emotional state then affects your magic in turn,
Divine Shield feature to the Divine Strike feature, strengthening or weakening it based on your current
dealing radiant damage. mood and the type of magic you cast.

HEAVEN’S AEGIS These effects are described by a resource you gain

At 17th level, you become able to conjure Heaven’s called Emotive Power, which causes different effects
Aegis, a legendary and ethereal shield of divine depending on your Emotive State. The maximum
energy that can nullify any attack, provided you are amount of Emotive Power you can have at one time
wielding a shield. As a reaction when you are, or any is equal to your proficiency bonus.
creature within 30 feet of you is hit by an attack, you Whenever you cast a spell of 1st-level or higher while
can summon this shield, causing the attack to deal no you are not currently in an Emotive State, you enter
damage, nullifying any additional effects the attack one, based on the type of spell you cast, as explained
may have. You can use this feature once, after which below. After 1 minute, or when you fall to 0 hit points,
you must complete a long rest to use it again. you exit any Emotive State you are currently in, and
lose all Emotive Power. Once you have entered an
EMOTION DOMAIN Emotive State, there is no way to leave it other than
by the use of your Channel Divinity feature or via the
Emotion Domain Clerics are pious folk that worship
spell calm emotions at later levels. If a spell you cast
the cycle of emotional change. Their divine magics are
neither benefits nor hinders a creature, then you do
tied directly to their mood, which makes them
not enter an Emotive State.

STATE OF CALM On a failure, they take 1d8 + twice your current
When you cast a spell that directly benefits yourself Emotive Power force damage, and then they fall
or another creature, whether that be through healing prone. On a success, a creature takes half as much
or through some other kind of beneficial effect, you damage. The dice rolled increases to 2d8 at 14th level.
are placed into the State of Calm, representing the
use of beneficial magic to calm oneself. When you CHANNEL DIVINITY: MOMENT OF
enter this state, and after you cast another beneficial TRANQUILLITY (ANGER ONLY)
spell while already in a State of Calm, you gain 1 As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to exit
Emotive Power, up to a maximum of your proficiency the State of Anger. You let loose a ripple of spiritual
bonus. energy from your body that radiates out to 30 feet.
While you are in this state, you gain a bonus to your Every ally within that area gains temporary hit points
healing spells of 1st-level or higher equal to your equal to 1d8 + your current Emotive Power. These
current Emotive Power, and you reduce the damage temporary hit points vanish at the start of your next
you deal with spells of 1st-level or higher by 2 x your turn. The dice rolled increases to 2d8 at 14th level.
Emotive Power.
STATE OF ANGER At 6th level, you gain the ability to channel emotions
When you cast a spell that directly harms or into your enemies, causing them to suddenly plunge
otherwise hinders a creature, you are placed into the into a sea of doubt, hesitating to make the move they
State of Anger, representing the use of beneficial first thought to take.
magic to calm oneself. When you enter this state, and
after you damage or hinder a creature using a harmful As a reaction when a creature within 30 feet of
spell while already in a State of Anger, you gain 1 you takes an action, you can force them to make a
Emotive Power, up to a maximum of your proficiency Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
bonus. hesitates, causing them to ready the action instead,
with the trigger being "when 1d4 + 1 other creatures
While you are in this state, you gain a bonus to your have taken their turns". They do not have to use their
damaging magics equal to 2 times your Emotive reaction to take the action if they do not want to; they
Power, and you reduce the healing you grant with can choose to forgo it in favour of other reactions.
spells of 1st-level or higher by your Emotive Power.
Additionally, if you use this ability to interrupt an
CHANNEL DIVINITY OPTIONS action that comprises of multiple attacks, they can use
At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to all their attacks when they use the action, instead of
instil divine emotion into your body, just one, and they do not have to use the attacks to
reverting yourself to equilibrium. When you use this target the original target and can instead target any
special Channel Divinity option, you must be in an other creature in range.
Emotional State, and you use a different option
You can use this ability a number of times equal to
depending on which Emotional State you are in.
your Wisdom modifier, and then you must finish a
If you are in a State of Calm, you can use Raging Wave, short rest to use it again.
which involves breaking your calm mental state with
anger, to return to equilibrium. If you are in a State of POTENT SPELLCASTING
Anger, you use Moment of Tranquillity, which Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier
involves taking a moment of absolute calm to still the to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
passion that rages within you.
CHANNEL DIVINITY: RAGING At 17th level, you can influence the emotional state of
WAVE (CALM ONLY) creatures by calling upon your god’s will. As an action
on your turn, you can force one creature you can see
As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to exit
within 30 feet to make a Charisma saving throw
the State of Calm. You let loose a violent wave of
against your spell save DC (a creature can choose to
spiritual energy from your body that radiates out 10
fail this save). On a failure, you can decide what mood
feet. Every enemy within that area must make a
they are in; detailing what emotions they feel and to
Strength saving throw.
what degree. A creature you are fighting makes this
save with advantage.
The circle of the metamorph follows a certain druidic
A creature that is affected by this effect acts tradition that involves the transformation of only
completely accordingly to the emotion. For example, a parts of your body into the body parts of animals.
creature overcome with sadness may fall to the They use the varied forms of attack and movement
ground and wail uncontrollably; or if a raging that beasts employ to defeat their foes.
barbarian is forced to become calm, their rage may
end. A creature influenced in this way remains so for METAMORPHOSIS
up to 1 hour. It can repeat the saving throw whenever When you choose this circle at 2nd-level, you become
it takes damage from any source other than itself. able to enter a state of metamorphosis, where your
body becomes able to shift into different forms at
If you use this ability on yourself, you use it to place
your will. You can expend a use of your Wild Shape to
yourself in an Emotive State and instantly gain up to
enter a Metamorphosis State for 1 minute.
6 Emotive Power.
When you do so, you become able to
Once you’ve used this ability, you can’t use it again
use Metamorphoses, which can take an action, bonus
until you finish a short rest.
action or reaction to use. You learn 3 Metamorphoses,
and an additional one at 6th, 10th, and
DRUID 14th level. Whenever you learn a Metamorphosis
from levelling up, you can change another that you
The bandit stands, wide-eyed, as his opponent’s body
know if you wish.
shifts; its arm becoming a cluster of octopus tentacles
that wrap around his chest, and his head becoming The Metamorphoses are described at the end of the
that of a cobra, biting down on his neck. archetype description, and are divided into
3 categories: attack actions, which involve
The half-elf slinks into the shadows, their body
transforming a part of your body to use as a weapon
slipping into the body of a tiger – vanishing into the
against a creature, utility actions, which involve
brush, stalking their foe. What was once visible
transforming your body in order to fulfil a specific
becomes invisible, and the tiger reappears pouncing
purpose, and then defensive actions, which involve
upon its helpless prey, pushed to the ground.
transforming your body to protect yourself against an
A cloud of buzzing wasps surrounds the figure, who attack or spell.
moves slowly toward his enemies in menacing
If a Metamorphosis requires you to make an attack
fashion. With a wave of his finger, the cloud splits,
roll, you use your Strength modifier, and can choose
assailing the druid’s enemies with precision.
to use your Dexterity if an action is noted to be
There are 3 druid archetypes provided in this finesse. For example, if Neisan, the 5th-
supplement. The Circle of the Metamorph is a tribute level metamorph druid with 18 Strength uses ape's
to the Divinity games, where a character can fist, he gains a +7 to hit, and on a hit the attack deals
transform specific parts of their body into that of an additional +4 damage. If an action requires an
animals. The Circle of the Wild is an archetype that enemy to make a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your
specialises a druid into one specific Wild Shape and proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier, unless
allows them to use spell-like abilities during that otherwise noted.
shape. The Circle of the Swarm is a druid that
Some Metamorphoses have after-effects. This is a
cultivates a swarm of insects that follow their orders.
result of you transforming your body; the limb you
Inspired by the massive fleets of units available in the
transform remains that way for a short time, giving
StarCraft franchise, this archetype allows the druid to
you an extra benefit. These after-effects immediately
micro-manage a massive swarm of insects to do their
vanish if you use another Metamorphosis that
requires you to transform the same body part, or you
choose to end the effect on your turn.
Each Metamorphosis has a tag which explains which
part of your body is transformed for the duration of
the after-effect.

In addition to after-effects, all Metamorphoses that 6th level, 8 hours at 7th or 8th level, and 24 hours at
allow you to make attacks have an attack type. Some 9th level.
after-effects grant you the ability to use attacks of
If the action cast in this way is an attack action, you
specific types differently in the future, and this is told
can of course repeat that attack action at any time the
by the attack type of each attack action. For example,
metamorphosis remains.
the tiger pounce attack action grants an after-effect
which allows a creature to use any bite type attack
action as a bonus action if the pounce attack knocked
At 14th level, the Metamorphoses you take become
its target prone. In this case, you could use the wolf's
far more vicious. If a Metamorphosis deals damage, it
jaws action, but you could also use the viper's
deals one additional damage die of damage, and you
bite action if you wished.
can reroll one dice once, taking the new result
At 6th level, when you use your action to utilise MAKING NEW METAMORPHOSES
a metamorph attack action your turn, you can choose There's no reason to take the descriptions below as the
only options. If you wish to use a bear's claw attack as
to take a second metamorph attack action as a part of a metamorph action, use the damage dice of the black
the same action. bear's claw attack on its' stat block in the Monster
Manual (in general, avoid using the attacks of beasts with
In addition, any attacks you make using challenge rating higher than 1, other than as potential
your Metamorphoses count as magical for the rewards given by the DM!).
purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity.
Then, work with the DM to figure out which limbs you'd
have to transform (in this case, likely one arm), and if
LONG LASTING METAMORPHOSIS there is any sort of extended benefit to having a bear's
At 10th level, you can cause metamorphosis to last a claw for an arm, and if you can come up with such a
lot longer. You can expend a spell slot of 3rd-level or benefit, it can become the after-effect for the action (for
a black bear's claw, perhaps, a climb speed would be
higher to activate any Metamorphosis you know, even appropriate, just like the ape's fist ability).
when you are not in your metamorphosis state. When
you do this, the after-effects for the Metamorphosis
lasts for 1 hour at 3rd or 4th level, 4 hours at 5th or

The Metamorphoses below are listed in order of type, and then in alphabetical order. Where an action includes
a saving throw, it uses your spell save DC, and an action’s effect (or after-effect) remains until either you
retransform that body part or your metamorphosis state ends.

Damage & Effect Body Part After-effect
Ape's Fist Fist. 1d8 bludgeoning damage. One Arm You gain a climbing speed
equal to your speed.
Bull's Horns Gore. 1d8 piercing damage, plus an Head No use other than to repeat
additional 1d8 if you moved 20 feet or the gore attack.
more in a straight line towards the target.
Hawk's Talons Talons (finesse). 2d6 slashing damage Both Legs Your walking speed is
reduced to 10 feet.
Horse Kick Hooves. 1d8 bludgeoning damage Both Legs You gain 10ft of running
speed and you can use your
bonus action to make a
Hooves attack on prone
Octopus Tentacles (reach 10ft). 1d8 bludgeoning One Arm The creature remains
Tentacle damage, and creature is restrained in the restrained until it breaks out
tentacles. (escape DC is equal to your of your grip, your Metamorph
spell save DC) state ends, or you transform
your arm again.
Scorpion Sting Sting. 1d6 piercing damage, and a Back No use other than to repeat
Constitution saving throw, or the target the sting attack.
takes an additional 3d6 poison damage.
Tiger Pounce Claws. 1d10 slashing damage. If you Both Arms If the target falls prone from
moved more than 20 feet before making the attack, or was already
this attack on your turn, the creature prone, you can make any bite
must succeed on a Strength saving throw type metamorph attack action
or fall prone. you have as a bonus action
against that target.
Viper's Bite Bite. 1d6 piercing damage, and the Head You gain the ability to detect
creature must succeed on warm-blooded creatures or
a Constitution saving throw or become other sources of heat out to
poisoned for 1 round. 10 feet as if you have
Wolf's Jaws Bite. 2d6 + your strength modifier Head You gain advantage on
piercing damage Wisdom (Perception) checks
that rely on hearing or smell.
Action Type Effect Body Part
Anti-Toxin Bonus You gain immunity to the poisoned condition, Blood
Blood and resistance to poison damage.
Cold-Blooded Bonus You gain resistance to fire damage. Blood
Snakeskin Bonus You shed your skin, escaping any effect that is Skin
grappling or restraining you.
Tortoise Shell Action Your AC becomes 18, if it wasn’t already Back
Winter Fur Bonus You gain resistance to cold damage. Skin

Action Type Effect Body Part
Badger Claws Bonus You gain a burrowing speed of 10 feet. Both Arms
Bat Ears Bonus You gain blindsight out to 30 feet provided Head
you are not deafened.
Bird Wings Action You gain a flying speed of 30 feet provided Back
you are not wearing medium or heavy
Chameleon Bonus You gain a +5 bonus to Stealth checks and you Skin
Skin can use your bonus action to Hide. (You may
take the Hide action when you use this ability,
Eagle’s Eyes Action You gain a +5 bonus to passive Perception Both Eyes
and perception checks, and the range of your
ranged attacks is increased by 30 feet.
Fish Aquatics Action You become able to breathe underwater Head and Both Legs
instead of above water, and you gain a
swimming speed of 30 feet.
Frog Legs Bonus Your standing long jump distance becomes 20 Both Legs
feet, and your standing high jump distance
becomes 10 feet.
Owl’s Eyes Bonus You gain Darkvision out to 60 feet, or out to Both Eyes
120 feet if you already have Darkvision.
Spider Legs Action You gain a climb speed of 30 feet, and the Back
ability to climb difficult surfaces, including
upside down on ceilings, without needing to
make an ability check.
CIRCLE OF THE SWARM  Wasps gain a flight speed of 30 feet, and they
sting instead of bite; dealing an additional 1 point
A circle of the swarm druid is as much a commander
of damage per 10 hit points of the swarm.
as they are a spiritualist. They cultivate a swarm of
magical insects that feed off magical essence and Your swarm has hit points equal to 5 times your druid
control them in battle. These insects are hardy, quick level hit. You can as a free action separate the swarm
to replenish, and can be controlled so acutely that a into smaller swarms, with the minimum swarm size
swarm druid is the ideal ally when tackling a large possible being 10 hit points in size. A swarm is
group of foes. considered medium when it has
between 10 and 30 hit points, large when it has
SYMBIOTIC HOST between 30 and 65 hit points, and huge when it has
At 2nd level when you choose this circle, you develop between 65 and 105 hit points.
a symbiotic relationship between yourself and a
colony of insects that feed off natural magics. You A swarm's attacks also scale based on how many hit
provide the swarm with sustenance and a home, and points the swarm has remaining. The swarm deals
they respond by following your general commands 2d4 piercing damage on a hit for every 10 hit points it
and assisting you in combat. has (rounded up), so a swarm that has 13 hit points
worth of insects deals 4d4 piercing damage on a hit.
You have a swarm of insects living inside you, or in a As the swarm takes damage, this value will
home constructed by you on your person. You select decrease; so, if that same swarm, with a hit point total
what type of insects these may be, selecting from the of 13 takes 4 or more damage (putting it to 9 hit
following options: ants, beetles, centipedes, moths, points), it will deal 2d4 damage instead.
spiders, or wasps.
On a long rest, your swarm only regains hit points
This swarm regards you as an ally and will respond to equal to one quarter of its maximum hit points as the
your general commands. The swarm uses the swarm insects remaining in their hive replenish the ranks of
of insects stat block in the Monster Manual, with the fallen bugs. You can feed the swarm some of your life
following changes: force to help replenish their ranks. After you have
healed to maximum hit points from a long rest, you
Your swarm is altered based on what insect you
can choose to take 1d8 necrotic damage a number of
times up to your druid level. For each time you take
 Ants have a Strength score of 5, and can carry up this damage, your swarm heals an equal amount.
to 30lbs of weight, increasing to 60lbs when
As a bonus action on your turn, you can decide what
Large, and 120lbs when Huge.
the swarm will do on its next turn (if you control
 Beetles gain a burrow speed of 15 feet, and their multiple swarms, you can command any or all of them
AC is increased by 1. at the same time, issuing the same command to each
 Centipedes gain the following effect on their bite one). If the swarm doesn’t receive an order on a turn,
attack: it will repeat the last received order until it receives a
"A creature reduced to 0 hit points by a new one; if that isn’t possible, it acts independently,
swarm of centipedes is stable but poisoned for only acting to defending itself.
1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and
paralyzed while poisoned in this way." MAGICAL SWARM
 Moths gain a flight speed of 30 feet and have a At 6th level, your swarm's attacks are considered
bonus to Stealth checks equal to your proficiency magical for the purposes of ignoring resistance and
bonus. immunity.
 Spiders gain the following three features:
o Spider Climb: The swarm can climb difficult
surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
without needing to make an ability check.
o Web Sense: While in contact with a web, the
swarm knows the exact location of any other
creature in contact with the same web.
o Web Walker: The swarm ignores
movement restrictions caused by webbing.

SYMBIOTIC ENHANCEMENTS effect on you, setting you to 0 + the amount of hit
At 10th level, your link to your swarm grant them points you were healed by.
access to your magical ability. You become able to The swarm continues to fight within your body until
expend spell slots in the following three ways, either 1 minute has passed, no threats are
affecting your swarm: recognised, or you fall to 0 hit points, at which point it
allows your body to fall to the ground again, whether
 When a swarm you control hits a melee attack
it is dead or stable. If you fell to 0 hit points a second
against a creature, you can use your reaction
time, the swarm is also exterminated.
and spend a spell slot to cause the attack to
deal an additional 1d8 poison damage. This Once you have used this feature, you can’t use it again
damage increases by 1d8 for every spell slot until you complete a long rest.
level expended above 1st, up to a maximum of

5d8 additional damage.
When one or several swarms you control are
Some druidic tribes and clans devote themselves to
hit by an area-of-effect spell or spell like effect
one specific animal; transformation and imitation are
that deals damage, you can use your reaction
paramount to their daily ritual. Such clans are a part
and expend a spell slot to reduce the damage
of the Circle of the Wild, a circle of druids that focus
all of your swarms take by 1d6, increasing by
on their ability to transform into one specific holy
an additional 1d6 for every spell slot level
animal, and hone their senses, instinct, and capacity to
expended above 1st, up to a maximum of 5d6
channel their druidic magic through their animal
reduced damage.
 You can expend a spell slot of 3rd-level or
higher to grant the effects of the protection The circle has six focal animals, the wolf, the bear, the
from energy spell to all currently active tiger, the eagle, the toad, and the spider. As a member
swarms for 1 hour. of this circle, you are able to shift into one of these six
holy animals, a set of teachings granted to you by your
UNSETTLING RETURN druidic tribe or a gift given to you by a venerable tribe
At 14th level, your swarm takes over your fallen body you discovered on your adventures.
when you fall to 0 hit points in combat and it still has
hit points remaining. When you fall to 0 hit points, WILD TRADITION
you can choose to have any active swarms use their At 2nd level when you choose this circle, you can
reaction to move as close to you as they can. If any choose one specific wild shape that you learn, and
swarm reaches you, you are reanimated by them, then start to exclusively use. You lose your ability to
being controlled by them thanks to the symbiotic link transform into any other Wild Shapes than this
you share. Any other swarms that did not reach you chosen Wild Shape, unless they are of CR 1/4 or
using this reaction use all of their turns attempting to lower. The chosen Wild Shape can be of one beast
reach you, and if no swarms reach you on the initial from the following list below.
reaction, the reanimation effect occurs once one of the
swarms successfully reaches your unconscious body. CHOOSING A DIFFERENT WILD SHAPE
You regain hit points equal to the amount of hit points If a beast you wish to choose is not represented in the list,
speak to your DM. Some beasts can fit each of
each swarm that reached you had remaining and gain the represented roles; i.e. a Panther may fit the Tiger's role.
more hit points in the same way each time another However, some of the abilities are designed to be quite
part of the swarm returns to you. You are still dying, specific to the animal they represent. If you wish to play a
and must make saving throws, but you do not suffer druid whose chosen shape is a Giant Boar, the DM may be
able to take the Guardian Bear abilities and replace Bear
them from damage sources, only through making
Hug with a more appropriate ability fitting for a boar.
death saves at the end of your turn. If you fall to 3
death failures, or you fall to 0 hit points once more, All of the Wild Shapes represented in the list below are
you die. beasts of CR 1. It is recommended that if you were to choose
a beast other than the ones below, to choose another beast of
If you are stabilised while in this state, any damage CR 1, or to ask your DM to adjust a creature's attributes and
abilities to fit a CR 1 creature.
you take destabilises you, causing you to begin taking
death saving throws again. Healing magic ends this

Dire Wolf. You choose the hunter, the Wolf. ZEPHYR TALONS (EAGLE)
Brown Bear. You choose the guardian, the Bear. You can expend a spell slot of 5th level or lower as an
action on your turn to make a ranged weapon attack
Tiger. You choose the stalker, the Tiger. against a creature within 60 feet. On a hit, the attack
deals 2d6 plus the eagle's Dexterity modifier slashing
Giant Eagle. You choose the valkyrie, the Eagle.
Giant Toad. You choose the mystic, the Toad.
For each spell slot level you expend above 1st, you can
Giant Spider. You choose the assassin, the Spider. attack one additional creature within 30 feet, dealing
the same amount of damage.
When you use your chosen Wild Shape, you can
activate it as a bonus action, rather than an action. MYSTIC TOXIN (TOAD)
When you do so, you gain a number of temporary hit You can expend a spell slot of 5th level or lower as an
points equal to twice your druid level, and you can action on your turn. You spit a cloud of poison at a
stay in this Wild Shape for 8 hours, instead of 1 hour. point within 30 feet, and any creature within 5 feet of
the point must make a Constitution saving throw
If any of the beast's attacks use a saving throw DC of
less than your Spell Save DC, it instead uses that save, against your spell save DC.
and you use your proficiency bonus when On a failure, the creature takes 2d8 poison damage
determining its bonuses to hit, rather than its and is poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat
proficiency bonus. the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the
effect on itself on a success.
Also at 2nd level, you gain a mystical ability you can For each spell slot level you expend above 1st, the
use while in your chosen Wild Shape by expending poison deals an additional 1d8 damage.
your spell slots. Each are specific to the chosen beast
and are listed below.
You can choose to forgo the regular poison of your
LUNAR FANG (WOLF) bite when you hit a bite or ambush attack on your
You can expend a spell slot of 5th level or lower when turn and choose to expend a spell slot of 5th level or
you hit a melee attack to deal an 1d10 additional lower instead. When you do so, the creature must
damage, plus an additional 1d10 for every spell slot succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your
level above 1st. Spell Save DC.
On a failure, the creature is stunned until the end of
your next turn. When you expend a spell slot of
You can expend a spell slot of 5th level or lower as an
2nd level or higher, this ability begins to deal damage,
action on your turn. When you do so, a storm of
dealing 1d8 poison damage for each spell slot level
nature's wrath whirls around you for 1 minute. You
above 1st. On a failed save, the creature takes full
must make concentration on this ability like you
damage from this, and on a failed save, it takes half as
would a spell. Whenever an enemy creature starts its
much damage.
turn within 5 feet of you, they must make a Dexterity
saving throw against your spell save DC. They take PRIMEVAL SPIRIT
1d6 slashing damage from the winds on a failed save,
At 6th level, you can choose to gain a +1d6 bonus to
and half as much on a successful one. For each spell
the next attack roll you make. You can use this feature
slot level, you expend above 1st, the storm deals an
a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier,
additional 1d6 damage.
and then you can't use it again until you complete a
You can expend a spell slot of 5th level or lower as a Additionally, each of the Wild Shapes gain a new
bonus action on your turn. When you do so, you turn attack action they can choose to take instead of their
invisible until the end of your turn. For each spell original attack options. In the case where a Wild
slot level you expend above 1st, you gain an Shape has the Multiattack feature, the new attack
additional +10 feet of speed until the end of your action cannot be used as a part of a Multiattack.
turn as well.

Make a melee attack against a creature within 5ft of You can make a melee weapon attack against a
you that is prone. On a hit, the creature takes 2d6 + creature within 5 feet that you are hidden from. On a
the wolf's Strength modifier slashing damage and hit, the creature suffers 3d10 + the spider's Dexterity
begins to bleed, if the creature is able to. At the start modifier piercing damage, and must make a DC 11
of each of its turns, it takes 1d6 damage from blood Constitution saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) poison
loss and must make a Constitution saving throw damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
against your Spell Save DC. successful one.
On a success, the wound heals, and the creature stops If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit
bleeding. A creature can be bleeding from more than points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour,
one wound, but it recovers from all of them on a even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while
successful Constitution save. poisoned in this way.


Make a melee attack against a creature within 5ft of At 10th level, your affinity with the beast form
you. On a hit, the creature takes 2d6 + the bear's you transform into grants your insight into its biology,
Strength modifier damage on a hit and must make a allowing you to shift into forms that are in perfectly fit
Strength saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On condition. Your chosen Wild
a failure, the creature becomes restrained in your Shape's attributes change in the following ways:
arms. You can only restrain one creature in this way,
and once you are restraining one, you can only target  It gains 4 Hit Dice, and its hit points adjust
that creature with your claw attacks. accordingly to this (by an amount equal to the
average of the Hit Die + the creature's
As an action on its turn, the creature can make a Constitution modifier multiplied by 4).
Strength (Athletics) check contested against yours to  It gains AC equal to your Wisdom modifier.
attempt to escape. On a success, the creature escapes.  Its attacks deal additional damage equal to
your Wisdom modifier.
 It gains the reaction "Primal Resilience".
Make a melee attack against a creature within 5 feet
Whenever you must make a Strength,
of you. On a hit, the creature takes 1d8 + the tiger's
Dexterity or Constitution saving throw while
Strength modifier slashing damage, and its speed is
in your chosen Wild Shape, you can use your
reduced to 15 feet, if it wasn't less than 15 feet
reaction to gain a 1d6 bonus to the roll.
already. If you knock a creature prone using your
Claw attack, you can make this attack as a bonus
At 14th level, you become able to use another
GUST (EAGLE) mystical ability that is specific to the ancestry of your
You can create a heavy gust, blowing enemies away in chosen Wild Shape. Each of these abilities require you
an area. Every creature in a 15-foot-cone must make a to expend a 5th-level or higher spell slot, but they do
Strength saving throw or be pushed 30 feet away. A not scale with spell slot level like the bestial magic
creature holding onto a heavy object or object affixed spell-like abilities do.
to the floor makes this save with advantage.
TONGUE LASH (TOAD) As an action while in your chosen form, you can
You can make a ranged weapon attack against a expend a spell slot of 5th level or higher. When you do
creature within 30 feet using the toad's Strength so, you emit a blood-curdling howl. Every creature
modifier. On a hit, the creature takes 1d10 + the within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving
toad's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage and throw against your spell save DC.
must succeed on a Strength save against your Spell On a failure, the creature takes 5d10 psychic damage
Save DC or it is also pulled 15 feet towards you. If this and becomes frightened of you for 1 minute. While
moves the creature within 5 feet of you, it becomes frightened in this way, the creature is also blinded and
restrained in your mouth as if you used the bite attack loses 15 feet of its speed. A creature frightened in this

way can repeat the save at the end of their turn, Whenever a creature starts their turn within 10 feet
ending the effect on themselves on a success. of you, they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
against your spell save DC. On a failure, the creature's
PRIMAL GUARDIAN (BEAR) brain is wracked with pain, they take 2d10 poison
As an action while in your chosen form, you can damage and become incapacitated until the end of
expend a spell slot of 5th level or higher. When you do their next turn. You must make Concentration checks
so, you begin to channel primal energies through your to maintain this effect.
ursine form, becoming a guardian for your allies.
For 1 minute, you regain 3d6 hit points at the start of
As an action while you are in your chosen form, you
each of your turns, and whenever an ally is attacked
can expend a spell slot of 5th level or higher. When
within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to force
you do so, you gain the following abilities for the next
them to attack you instead. You must make
Concentration checks to maintain this feature. You
can maintain the effects of Primal Guardian and  You have a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth)
Wrath of the Ancients at the same time, but when you checks
do so, the Concentration checks you make count for  You can fire your webbing long ranges to
both effects, so if you fail the check, both effects fade. create traversable tightropes across gaps as
wide as 120 feet.
MARKED FOR DEATH (TIGER)  Your Web action no longer needs to be
As an action while in your chosen form, you can recharged.
expend a spell slot of 5th level or higher. When you do  You can use your reaction to use your Web
so, you mark an enemy you can see for death. action whenever a creature moves more than
For 1 minute, you deal an additional 3d6 damage on 20 feet away from you.
every attack against the creature. Additionally, you Additionally, you gain the following action for the
know its location in relation to you during this effect's duration, which can be used on your turns in combat.
duration, regardless of whether you can see it or not,
providing it is still on the same plane of existence as Web Spray (Recharge 5-6). You fire a large gout of
you. If you kill the creature during this effect, it ends, webbing at a point within 60 feet. Every creature
and you regain 30 hit points. You must make within 5 feet of the impact point must make a
Concentration checks to maintain this effect. Dexterity saving throw or they become restrained by
the webbing.
As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 12
As an action while you are in your chosen form, you
Strength check, bursting the webbing on a success.
can expend a spell slot of 5th level or higher. When
The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC
you do so, you gain the following abilities for the next
10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to
bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).
 You gain the Flyby feature, which means you
don't provoke an opportunity attack when you
fly out of an enemy's reach.
 You gain advantage on Acrobatics checks
made to avoid obstacles while flying.
 Your fly speed increases to 100ft.
 You can use your bonus action to impose
disadvantage on attack rolls against you while
you are in the air, provided that there are no
objects or creatures within 10 feet of you in all


As an action while you are in your chosen form, you
can expend a spell slot of 5th level or higher and start
to exude a billowing vapour from your pores.
FIGHTER At 10th level, you can smack the weapon of a creature
The warrior stands, stalwart, raising his shield up that attempts to hit you out of its grip. When you are
high before an almighty giant; his wizard companion hit by an attack while your Shield Warrior temporary
taking shelter just behind him. No matter how hard hit points exist, you can use your reaction to attempt
the giant tries, it just can’t circumvent the warrior; his to disarm the creature that hit you, provided they
shield interposes with every attack. used a weapon to attack you. You make a contested
Strength (Athletics) check against the creature’s
The general shouts to attention, waving his flag-tied
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check,
halberd about, yelling orders left and right. The
and on a success, you disarm the creature, knocking
enemy army, routed, begins to retreat, but the general
their weapon to the ground with your shield.
and his men are too organised to allow escape.
The two fighter archetypes provided in this DEFENSIVE MASTER
supplement were definitely some of the most difficult At 15th level, your ability to deflect attacks with your
to design. The issue with the fighter class is that most shield has become almost unparalleled. While your
fighter options are already covered by the core. Two Shield Warrior temporary hit points exist, you gain a
areas for expansion were identified: a shield- bonus to your AC equal to your proficiency bonus.
specialised fighter, which became the Bulwark, and a
general or captain, which became the Field PROTECTIVE INSTINCT
Commander. At 18th level, your reflexes when it comes to
protecting your allies allow you to save them from
MARTIAL ARCHETYPE: BULWARK danger if they are close enough. When a creature
targets an ally within 15-feet of you with an attack
The Bulwark is a warrior who has specialised in the
roll, you can use your reaction to move up to half your
use of a shield. Their martial defence is unparalleled,
movement to enter that creature’s space and use
and they are able to use their Close-Guard ability to
Close-Guard on them.
impart their defences to another creature as the
ultimate body guard.
At 3rd level when you take this archetype, you train in
The Field Commander can control the flow of a battle
the art of wielding a shield, granting you temporary
and keep the tide in the favour of their allies. They are
hit points while wielding a shield equal to the
able to dictate battle plans, which give their allies
shield's AC bonus at the start of each of your turns.
bonuses based on the plan in use, and they can grant
Additionally, you become able to make a melee their allies additional attacks outside of their turn, to
weapon attack using a shield which deals 1d6 further push their group’s martial dominance.
bludgeoning damage (+ your Strength modifier) on a
hit, and when you make a successful shove attack CLEAR ORDERS
against a creature while wielding a shield, you deal At 3rd level when you take this archetype, you train to
damage as if you hit them with a melee weapon attack guide the tide of battle with clear, concise orders and
using the shield. well-thought-out battle plans. You learn three Tactics,
which are listed below, and learn a further Tactic
CLOSE-GUARD when you reach 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th level. As a
At 7th level, you become adept at protecting a close- bonus action on your turn, you can announce a tactic
by ally, while only slightly inhibiting your allies’ to your party. While they are within 60 feet of you and
movements. You are able to enter the same space as can see you, they gain a benefit based on the Tactic
a willing creature. When you do so, any attack that you chose to announce. The effect of a Tactic lasts for
targets you or the creature automatically targets you, 1 minute, or until you announce a new Tactic.
but the creature you are defending makes all attack
Hold Your Ground! You shout to hold your ground.
rolls on all creatures as if those creatures have half-
This grants all allies advantage on attacks made using
the Ready action, and advantage on all ability checks
or saving throws that attempt to frighten them or
force them to move involuntarily while the Tactic modifier, and then must complete a long rest to do it
persists. again.
Phalanx! You shout to group into a phalanx. RANKING OFFICER
Whenever any ally is within 5 feet of another ally
Also at 3rd level, you learn the sensibilities of a leader.
while in range, they gain a +1 bonus to their AC while
You have advantage on Charisma checks made to
the Tactic persists. influence members of military forces, provided that
Surround Them! You shout to charge and surround they are of a low enough position to consider your
your enemies. This grants all allies an additional demeanour that of a superior.
bonus to damage to attack rolls made against targets
that are flanked equal to your proficiency bonus while CORRAL THE MASSES
the Tactic persists. At 7th level, you become particularly adept at
inspiring groups of people to follow you. After you
Chase Them Down! You shout to the group to chase give a speech of action to a group, you can make a
a creature within 60 feet. While an ally is within Charisma check, using Deception, Intimidation or
range, they gain advantage on opportunity attacks Persuasion, based on the contents of your speech. The
made against the chosen creature. DC is based on the size of the crowd as shown below,
Push Them Back! You shout to the group to line up and the check has disadvantage if the crowd is hostile
and push enemy forces back. Whenever an ally hits or influenced against you. You have advantage on the
with a melee attack against a creature while adjacent check if the crowd is particularly fond of you, was
to another ally, they can use their bonus action to saved by you before, or is otherwise indebted to you.
shove the creature. On a success, you are able to incite the crowd to take
Make Them Fall! You call for the group to focus up arms and perform a task of your choice, provided
down a creature within 60 feet. Whenever an ally the action isn’t too massive of a risk, and you gave
attacks the creature, you can use your reaction to them some perceived benefit from the action for
grant them advantage on the creature. If they hit with themselves during your speech.
this attack, other allies within 60 feet of the creature On a failure, the crowd is unlikely to respond to future
can use their reaction to move up to half their speed attempts to be influenced until a week or more has
towards the creature. passed, as decided by the DM.
Perimeter Defence! You call for the group to cover Crowd Size Charisma Check DC 
each other’s backs. Once per turn while at least four
1-10 people 10
members of your group are within 5 feet of each
other, any of those allies can use their reaction to 10-50 people 15
impose disadvantage on a melee attack roll made 50-250 people 20
against any other ally within 5 feet. 250-1000 people 25
1000+ people 30
Also at 3rd level, you can guide your allies around the DON’T BACK DOWN!
battlefield, helping them attack enemies, avoid At 10th level, you can shout to raise the morale of
threats, and other things. You gain a new Attack your group. As an action on your turn, you can make a
action option, called “Order”. You can use this action decisive call to refuse to back down. Every ally within
to give an order to an ally within 60 feet of you. When 30 feet of you that can hear you gains temporary hit
you give an order to an ally, they can use their points equal to your fighter level. Once you use this
reaction to do one of the following actions as a ability, it can’t be used again until you complete a long
reaction: Make an attack, Move up to their speed, rest. Creatures with temporary hit points gained from
Move 5 feet without provoking opportunity attacks, this feature deal additional damage when they
or Take the Dodge action. damage creatures equal to your Charisma modifier.

When you give an Order to Attack, you can choose to EXPERT STRATEGIST
grant the creature advantage on the attack roll. You At 15th level, you can have two Tactics active at once.
can do this a number of times equal to your Charisma If you announce a new Tactic while you have two

active, you can choose which of the two active Tactics  Whenever you make a Strength (Athletics) check
you wish to replace. as a part of a grapple or shove, you can spend a Ki
point to gain advantage on the roll.
COMMANDER  You gain advantage on Strength saving throws
At 18th level, you can take the Order action as a bonus made to avoid being forcibly moved or knocked
action, and once per turn when you give the Order prone.
action, you can make a weapon attack as a part of that
Also, at 3rd level, you can make various special attack

MONK actions against a creature you have grappled. Each of

these special attack actions deal bludgeoning
The heavy-set dwarf stares his opponents down, damage equal to your Martial Arts Damage dice +
stance taken. His palms spread, he slams them into a your Strength modifier, which will be referred to as
goblin hard and without mercy. He grapples another Martial Arts Damage. These special attack actions
goblin, and throws it at the first, without giving up are listed below.
any ground to his aggressors.
 Choke Hold. Spend 1 Ki point to make an
The only monk archetype in this supplement is the opposed Athletics check against a Large or
Way of the Heavy Handed. This monk is inspired by smaller creature you are grappling. On a success,
the martial arts of Sumo and Judo, a heavy-weight the creature takes Martial Arts Damage, and is
Strength-user that grapples their enemies and takes restrained in your grasp. While you are
them down; by throwing them or putting them in restraining a creature in this way, you can't make
vicious choke holds. attacks against any other creatures.
 Takedown. Spend 1 Ki point to make an opposed
WAY OF THE HEAVY-HANDED Athletics check against a Large or smaller creature
The monastic tradition of the heavy handed is you are grappling. On a success, the creature
a fighting style designed to bolster one’s own takes Martial Arts Damage, and
body and strengthen the monk’s bonds with the earth is knocked prone. A creature knocked prone by
they walk on. this attack is winded and cannot stand up on its
next turn.
Standing flatfooted on the ground, an immovable  Throw. Spend 2 Ki points to make an opposed
mountain, these monks collide with threats head-on, Athletics check against a Medium or smaller
becoming the anchor about which, all enemies must creature you are grappling. On a success, the
act. creature is tossed up to 10 feet in any direction,
falls prone, and then takes Martial Arts Damage. If
A heavy-handed monk is a master of grappling
the creature collides with another creature, that
and throwing enemies into unfavourable situations
creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or
and is such a formidable and immovable force on the
take damage also.
battlefield that they cannot be ignored.


When you reach 6th level, you become a force that
When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you learn
enemies can no longer ignore. If a creature within 5
to adopt a low, grounded stance when you are close to
feet of you makes an attack against any creature other
enemies. As a bonus action on your turn,
than you while you are in your grounded stance, you
you can adjust your stance. You can use another
can use your reaction to attempt to grapple or shove
bonus action on a subsequent turn to end the
that creature.
stance. While in this stance, your speed is reduced to
10 feet, but you gain the following benefits:
 Whenever you attempt to grapple or shove a At 11th level, you become more formidable as the
creature, they take damage equal to your Martial situation gets increasingly dire. For every creature
Arts die + your Strength modifier when you are within 5 feet of you at the end of your turn, you gain
successful. temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
These hit points cannot surpass 2 x your monk level,
and fade at the start of your next turn.
KI SHOCKWAVE emotion brews within you, you must follow it to its
At 17th level, you can let loose an intense shockwave end.
of Ki from your body. As an action, you spend 3 Ki Respect the Flame. Fire is an unpredictable power. If
points. Every creature within 10 feet of you must you do not respect it, you will get burned. When using
make a Constitution saving throw or flame, always pay respects to it and be aware of its
take 5d10 thunder damage and have their speed fall innate danger. Punish maniacal pyromancers who use
to 0 until the end of their next turn. the flame recklessly.

PALADIN Kindle New Flames. Fire can be kindled in anyone

full of passion and determination. Cultivate those
The wood elf swings her scimitars, quicker and flames, facilitate their wishes and wants. Those with
quicker as it develops into a dance. The dance ignites, zeal will surely become great allies in time. Many
and her blades become fiery crescents that cut down flames make a wildfire.
upon her foes.
Embrace Fate. You are a being drawn by destiny.
The bearded crusader takes to the skies, flying at his Brought along, like a raging forest fire. You surge
foe, in between clash of blade and claw, bolts of along a path and should avoid retreating or faltering.
lighting are loosed from his hand, and his enemy falls. Doing so will lead you to your destiny.

The hooded holy man stands in a dark room, watching OATH SPELLS 
his quarry. The cultist, never one to talk, feels the You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. 
paladin’s presence creep into his mind, and truths
begin to spill.
Paladin Level  Spells 
The three paladin oaths in this supplement touch on 3rd  burning hands, searing smite
areas of divinity that are particularly compelling to 5th  flame blade, heat metal
me. The Oath of Incandescence describes an order of 9th  daylight, elemental weapon 
paladins that worship flames, believing that they 13th  stoneskin, wall of fire
cleanse all evil; and that they should not be mis 17th  flamestrike, wall of stone
wielded. The Oath of the Storm God is for a warrior
that protects the material from other planar beings,
rather than from the evils of their own plane, using
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
the lightning of thunder gods to do so. Finally,
following two Channel Divinity options. 
followers of the Oath of Truth are divine inquisitors,
Roaring Flames. You can use your Channel Divinity
well equipped to find the truth in a sea of lies and
to wreathe your blades with holy fire. For 1 minute,
bring light on illusion and deception.
your melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire
damage. This damage increases to 2d6 at 11th level.
OATH OF INCANDESCENCE Volcanic Prison. You can use your Channel Divinity
The flames cleanse all. When a paladin takes this oath, to craft a volcanic prison around a creature you can
they intimately understand the two facets of the see within range. That creature must make a
flame: the powers to destroy and purify. Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC.
Symbols of the flame include the mighty volcano, the On a failure, the creature becomes restrained within a
beautiful phoenix, and great fire-breathing dragons. vice of volcanic rock. At the start of each of its
The guidance of the flame is one of the self. They turns while imprisoned, it takes 1d6 + your Charisma
provide the power to incinerate sin, but also the fire damage.
tenderness to deeply purify wounds. It can use its action to attempt to escape the prison,
making an Athletics check against your Spell Save DC.
A paladin with flame in their heart is as unpredictable
as a wildfire, and their actions follow the same suit.
TENETS At 7th level, you become able to empower your blade
with explosive flame. When you hit a creature with a
Stoke the Flame. Whenever the flame brews up
melee weapon attack, you can expend a spell slot to
within you, it is your responsibility to keep it burning.
If passion, hatred, anger, love, or any other fiery
create a plume of flame that explodes from your threats; elementals and other beings of chaos are
blade. their prime targets, as their affinity with the chaos of
the storm equips them perfectly to handle them.
The target of your attack, and every creature in a 30-
foot line behind them, must make a Dexterity saving TENETS
throw. On a failure, the creature takes 2d6 fire
Protect the Realm. The realm is constantly at threat
damage and on a success, the creature takes half as from other planes; fiends, fey and elementals
much damage. constantly threaten life in the material. It is your job
The damage of this feature increases by 1d6 for each to banish these creatures before they cause harm.
spell slot level expended above 1st level. Be the Eye of the Storm. Only by being calm and
collected will the storm gather around you; you must
SMOULDERING AURA be able to control its winds, rather than being swept
At 15th level, you can choose to emanate an aura of away by them.
intense heat in an area 10-feet around you. This area
Plane before Kingdom. You are a force that protects
is distorted by heat, making it more difficult to hit
the plane from its invaders; not a force for wars
between kings. You are unlikely to become involved
Any creature that makes a ranged attack against you in such trivial conflicts, unless you are suspicious that
from further than 10 feet away makes the attack as if more nefarious enemies are behind them.
you have half cover.
Additionally, whenever a creature starts its turn
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. 
within 10 feet of you, it takes fire damage equal to
your Charisma modifier.
Paladin Level  Spells 
PRIMORDIAL AVATAR 3rd  thunderwave, thunderous smite
At 20th level, you can take on the form of a fiery 5th  gust of wind, warding wind
champion of the purest flame, taking on an
9th  fly, lightning bolt  
appearance that you choose. For example, your skin
13th  elemental bane, storm sphere
may turn the darkest black, with lines of magma
17th  maelstrom, steel wind strike
running beneath, or you may spread phoenix wings
from your back and glow with the fire of a thousand
suns. Your body becomes swift and resilient CHANNEL DIVINITY
and burns those who strike you with volcanic fury. When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
following Channel Divinity option. 
Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For
1 minute, you gain the following benefits: Primordial Seal. As an action you present your holy
symbol and chant a prayer of sealing, using your
 You become immune to fire damage, and
Channel Divinity. Choose one elemental, fey or fiend
resistant to bludgeoning, piercing and
within 5 feet of you that you can see. That creature
slashing damage.
must make a Charisma saving throw. Elementals have
 You gain an extra action on your turn, which
disadvantage on this saving throw, and a willing
you can only use to take the Attack (one
creature can choose to automatically fail this save.
weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or
Use Object actions. On a failed save, the creature becomes sealed for 1
 Whenever a creature hits you with a melee minute, which puts it under the incapacitated
weapon attack, they take 2d8 fire damage. condition. While sealed in this way, the creature is
immune to all damage until the effect ends, as it
OATH OF THE TEMPEST. occupies a space on a slightly different plane to your
The storm is chaotic, but within its eye there is calm. own. A sealed creature can repeat the save at the end
Paladins of the Tempest Oath are warriors of the of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
elements. They serve to protect the realm from success.
creatures from other realms, wielding the lightning of Sense the Elements. As an action, you can present
the gods as the tool with which to strike down such your holy symbol to the air, and allow it to guide you.
For the next hour, you know the location of any clad in lightning armour, surrounded by a condensed
elementals within 120 feet of you and can sense the hurricane.
location of portals to the elemental planes within 1
Using your action, you undergo the transformation.
mile of you.
For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
LIGHTNING STRIKES  You become immune to lightning and thunder
Also, at 3rd level, the way you channel your god's damage.
wrath changes from radiance into the form of holy  You can teleport up to 60 feet using your
lightning. When you use your Divine Smite feature, it movement. When you teleport within 5 feet of
deals lightning damage instead of radiant damage, a creature, it must make a Constitution saving
and when you do so, the smite does not deal extra throw or take 2d8 thunder damage.
damage to undead creatures, instead gaining the extra  All attack rolls have disadvantage against you,
1d8 damage dice when used against an elemental, fey buffeted by the intense winds that emanate off
or fiend. your body.
Lightning damage dealt to elementals using this Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until
feature ignore resistance to lightning damage you finish a long rest.
and treat immunity to lightning damage as if it were
resistance. OATH OF TRUTH.
Paladins that follow the Oath of Truth are haters of
DIVINE LIGHTNING! RADIANT BOLTS! lies and deception. They are crusaders against the
The default version of this archetype intends to tides of secret keeping and conspiracy, a torch to
cause the paladin to stray from the typical paladin illuminate scrolls hidden in dark cloisters. They hunt
bios: an undead-slaying, devil-killing force of good. those who hold dark secrets and spread knowledge to
The Lightning Strikes feature is specifically the masses. They are the divine inquisitor.
designed to do that, fundamentally changing the
Divine Smite feature permanently. Their natural enemies are the followers of gods that
seek to misguide the masses; gods that hold dark
If you wish to continue to have access to Divine secrets to their chests, and those that indulge in
Smite in its normal form, consider either allowing trickery and illusion. A paladin sworn to the Oath of
the paladin to do both. If you do this, the class will Truth is never foggy-eyed; the path is always clear to
be slightly more powerful than normal as they can take.
land increased damage smites against more
creature types. If this proves to be a problem, TENETS
consider removing Fey from the list of creatures. Seek the Truth. The truth is the holiest of all things.
Nothing is purer than the absolute, and it is your
AURA OF THE TEMPEST responsibility to attempt to extract this in all things
Beginning at 7th level, your connection to the tempest you do.
weathers the force of storms for you and those
Honour the Truthful. Those that speak their truths
around you. You and friendly creatures within 10 feet
are to be honoured and helped. One with nothing to
of you gain resistance to lightning and thunder
hide is holy and deserves holy service. No matter their
damage. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases
working class or race, a truthful man is a friend.
to 30 feet.
Punish the Liar. As those that speak truths are
COMMANDER OF LIGHTNING honourable, the act of lying is a grave sin. If anyone
At 15th level, you wield lightning bolts as if they are dare lie to your holy symbol, they deserve to be
mere javelins, weaving them into your normal fighting punished. The severity of the lie should discern the
style. Whenever you cast lightning bolt as an action, severity of the punishment.
you can make a melee weapon attack as a bonus
action. Clear the Mist. Wizards and magic-users use their
magic to draw fog over the eyes of many, and corrupt
WARRIOR OF THE STORM nobles lie to their people. To clear this fog is a great
At 20th level, you can invite the spirit of the tempest service to the people, and a greater show of worship
into your body, becoming an unstoppable warrior to your god.
OATH SPELLS  made against illusion school spells, Darkvision that
penetrates magical darkness out to 60 feet, and
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. 
immunity to being blinded by magic. At 18th level, this
Paladin Level  Spells  aura extends out to 30 feet.
3rd  command, identify
5th  detect thoughts, zone of truth HOLY INQUISITOR
9th  speak with dead, tongues At 15th level, you gain proficiency in Persuasion and
13th  divination locate creature
Intimidation checks. If you have proficiency in either
17th  dominate person, scrying
of these skills, you gain Expertise in them
instead. Additionally, humanoid creatures without
CHANNEL DIVINITY proficiency in the Deception skill have disadvantage
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the on all Deception checks they make against you whilst
following Channel Divinity options.  outside of combat.

Extort Truth. Over one minute, you present your holy When you use your Insightful Warrior feature on a
symbol and chant a prayer to extort the truth from a creature, you gain advantage on attack rolls against
creature within 10 feet of you that can see, hear and them until the start of your next turn, in addition to
understand you. The creature must make a Wisdom imposing disadvantage on their attack rolls.
saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure,
you can ask it one question of 20 words or less and it ALL-SEEING EYE
must the question completely truthfully, At 20th level, you can take an action to awaken the
supplying all the information requested, to the best of holy all-seeing eye, opening a third, divine eye in your
its knowledge. A creature interrogated in this way forehead, lasting for 10 minutes. This eye grants you a
becomes immune to the effect of this Channel Divinity range of benefits, listed below:
feature for 24 hours after either succeeding on the
 You gain truesight out to 60 feet.
saving throw, or after being subjected to the effect.
 You have a passive Perception of 15 + your
Unmask the Lies. As an action, you raise your holy Perception skill bonus.
symbol and send out a pulse of divine energy in a 30-  You can’t roll lower than a 15 on the dice
foot radius around you. Any illusions in that area are for any Wisdom (Insight) or Wisdom
highlighted, their nature divulged, invisible creatures (Perception) check you make. If you roll below
are revealed, and shapechangers within the range that value, the result is treated as a 15.
must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell  You can discern the true form of any
Save DC or be forced to return to their natural form. shapechanging creatures you can see.
This effect lasts for 10 minutes.  You deal an additional 1d8 psychic damage to
any creature affected by your Insightful
Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Insight  Whenever you use magic or a Channel Divinity
skill, and if you already have proficiency in Insight, feature to attempt to extract information from
you become able to add double your proficiency a creature, they have disadvantage on the
bonus to Wisdom (Insight) checks. saving throw.

While you are fighting a creature, you can use your Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until
bonus action to attempt to read its intent. You make a you finish a long rest.
contested Wisdom (Insight) check against their
Deception (Charisma) check. On a success, you
impose disadvantage on any attack rolls they make
against you until the start of your next turn.

Beginning at 7th level, you and allies nearby you see
clearly, even when illusions and deceptions threaten
to cloud your view. You and allies within 10 feet of
you gain advantage on saving throws or ability checks

RANGER When you choose this archetype, you become able to
The grizzled grey man opens his eyes to a world of quickly recognise spells that are cast by enemies.
black and white, traces of magic seeping into the
scene in bright colours of red green and blue. He’s Whenever a creature you can see casts a spell that is
caught the scent, and he follows it; that hag will not be of a spell slot level higher than that, you can make an
alive much longer. Arcana check as a free action to attempt to recognise
the spell of DC 10 + the spell’s level.
The firbolg stands tall with quarterstaff in hand and
places his palm on his chest. A raiment of hardened MAGE’S BANE
bark sprouts from his skin, covered in a menagerie of Also at 3rd level, you are particularly effective at
useful plants. As his enemies charge forward, they are damaging casters, assaulting their magical channels.
caught in a garden of strangling grasses and assailed Once per turn when you damage a creature that can
with acidic bulbs. cast spells, you can deal an additional 1d8 psychic
The two ranger archetypes in this supplement are the
Mage Hunter, an archetype that could have gone to a
few classes, but in the end could only really go to the
At 7th level, you have studied the intricacies of magic,
Ranger, as they are in the end the master huntsman,
meaning that if you have seen a spell, you are unlikely
and the Weald Warrior, a kind of Battle-Druid that
to fall for it again. For this purpose, you begin to
uses a range of plants as a toolkit to assist in their
compile a list of analysed spells.
Every spell of a spell level equal to or lower than your
RANGER ARCHETYPE: MAGE highest-level spell slot is automatically added to your
list of analysed spells; unless the spell is particularly
HUNTER foreign (i.e. a spell created by the DM or lost to time).
Magic is one of the largest causes of chaos in society.
Arcane practitioners can lay waste to civilisation Additionally, whenever you successfully recognise a
without a second thought, wielding powers that are spell using your Arcane Recognition feature, you can
difficult to thwart for your typical defence force. For add it to your analysed spell list.
this cause, some rangers take up the mage hunter Whenever you are targeted by a spell on your
profession. analysed spell list, you can use your reaction to gain
These wanderers are prepared to fight against casters advantage on a saving throw the spell forces you to
and creatures that make extensive use of magic. make. This ability can’t be used on the turn you
Carrying the abilities to nullify the magic of enemy recognise a spell using Arcane Recognition; only on
casters, they hunt down those who use magic subsequent casts of the same spell.
inappropriately, slaying those that threaten the weak
with their power.
When you reach 11th level, you become able to push
MAGE HUNTER SPELLS your senses to the limit, heightening your awareness
The following spells are added to the Ranger spell list of mages and magical presence, and
for you, and you can learn one the following spells at augmenting your ability to create
the levels detailed in the table below. These spells countermeasures against those who use magic against
count as Ranger spells for you, but they don’t count you.
against the number of ranger spells you know. As a bonus action, you can go into a special state
called a witch hunt. For the next hour, you are
Ranger Level Spells constantly under the effect of the detect magic spell.
3rd level detect magic, identify
5th-level knock, see invisibility Additionally, whenever you damage a creature with
9th-level counterspell, dispel magic Mage’s Bane, you can shock the caster's magical
13th-level banishment, freedom of movement nervous system, temporarily disabling an enemy
17th-level banishing smite, dispel evil and caster’s spell slots. When you do this, you expend a
spell slot to force the creature to make a saving throw

based on their Spellcasting Ability against your spell Ranger Level  Spells 
save DC. 3rd level  entangle
5th-level  barkskin
On a failure, the creature's magical capabilities are 9th-level  plant growth 
temporarily congested, requiring additional power to 13th-level  guardian of nature 
17th-level  awaken
cause magic to manifest. When the caster tries to cast
a spell, it must use a spell slot that is a number of AGROMANCY
levels higher than the base level equal to the spell slot At 3rd level, you become able to rapidly cultivate
level you consumed to inhibit their magic. A spell cast plant seeds using ranger magics to assist you in
at a higher level in this way resolves as if it was still combat. Whenever you take a long rest, you create
cast at its base level; the additional magical power is useful seeds and bulbs as a part of that rest, using
used purely to break the inhibition. Once 1 round has your ranger magics. You gather 1d4 + your
passed, or a creature casts a spell, this effect ends on proficiency bonus pouches of magical seeds, with
it. which you can use to fuel these features, as listed
below. The amount of seeds you gather increases to
For example, Deminar, a 9th level ranger, inhibits the
2d4 + your proficiency bonus once you reach 11th
magic of a 11th-level wizard using a 3rd-level slot.
The wizard wishes to cast burning hands at 2nd level,
but must cast it at 5th-level, as he must add 3 (the You can’t use more than one of the below features in a
spell slot level Deminar expended) to the casted single turn, and all plants conjured by this feature or
spell’s slot level. Despite casting burning hands at 5th through other features from this archetype vanish
level, the resulting spell is still only cast at 2nd-level. after 1 minute has passed. You are immune to all of
the effects of your Agromancy plants.
After your Witch Hunt ends, you can't use it again
until you finish a long rest. Choking Fungus. When you take the Attack action
and are wielding a weapon, you can expend 1 pouch
SPELL EVASION of seeds, causing a fungus that has choking spores to
When you reach 15th level, your mastery in evading grow across the weapon or ammunition. If you hit
spells becomes infallible. When you make a save with the attack, the creature hit must make a
against a spell that deals damage, you take no damage Constitution saving throw or they fall prone from
if you succeed the save and the spell is a choking.
spell you have analysed with your eidetic
spell knowledge. Deathbulb. As a bonus action, you can
expend 1 pouch of seeds to cause a bulb filled with
corrosive acid to grow on your weapon or
RANGER ARCHETYPE: WEALD ammunition. If you hit a creature with your next
WARRIOR attack, the creature takes an additional 1d8 acid
A weald warrior is somewhat of a battle-druid. They damage for each bulb grown. You can expend more
are guardians of the wood that use the plants around seeds on this ability to cause an additional bulb to
them to defeat their foes. In the midst of battle, they grow on the weapon or ammunition for every 1
cultivate a garden of useful plants to help seed pouch you expend after the first set, up to an
them outmanoeuvre and dismantle their foes. Calling additional 4 seed pouches. If you miss with the attack,
forth powerful barkskin armour and firing arrows the bulbs shrivel and become useless.
that bulge with clusters of acidic bulbs, a weald Tanglegrass. As a bonus action, you can empty any
warrior wages war against those that threaten to number of seed pouches in spaces within 15 feet of
destroy the forests and thickets they hold dear. you. For each space covered, you must expend 1
pouch of seeds. Each space covered by seeds rapidly
WEALD WARRIOR’S SPELLS grows into difficult terrain called Tanglegrass,
You learn the following spells at the levels detailed in finishing its growth at the start of your next turn. If
the table below, in addition to spells you learn from creatures end their turn in the Tanglegrass, they must
levelling up. make a Strength saving throw or become grappled by
the grass. The grass lasts for 1 minute.
Netvine. When you take the Attack action and are
wielding a weapon, you can expend 1 pouch of seeds,
causing the weapon or ammunition to become BOTANIST
writhed in thin, but hardy vines. Your weapon or
Also at 3rd level, you become particularly good at
ammunition gains the following property on your
recognising and categorising plant life. You have
next attack: advantage on all checks made to recognise, find, or
A Large or smaller creature hit by a netvine is analyse the properties of different kinds of flora. Even
restrained until it is freed. A netvine has no effect on if a plant is completely alien to you, you are able to
creatures that are formless, or creatures that are draw connections to plants you are aware of to figure
Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a out whether it is poisonous, dangerous, edible, or any
Strength check of your spell save DC, freeing itself or other features the plant may possess.
another creature within its reach on a success.
Dealing 5 + ranger level slashing damage to the net WOODLAND ARMOUR
(AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, At 7th-level, you learn how to craft effective and
ending the effect and destroying the netvine. comfortable armour made of the bark of trees using
your magic, and even cause life to grow upon it. When
Rafflesia. As a bonus action, you can expend 2 you cast barkskin, instead of setting your AC to 16,
pouches of seeds, pouring them into a space adjacent you instead don a set of magical medium armour
to you, or tie them to a piece of ammunition. made of bark, that grants 16 AC plus your Dexterity
A Rafflesia plant grows in the space you poured the modifier, up to a maximum of +2.
seeds in or the space the arrow landed, at the start of
your next turn. It has hit points equal to 10 + your Additionally, as a part of casting the spell, you can
ranger level, AC 10, and immunity to psychic damage. expend up to 3 pouches of seeds to cause plants to
It gives off a terrible odour, causing all creatures that start growing on the armour. You can choose from
have a sense of smell and that begin their turn within any of the options from the Agromancy feature
5 feet of the plant to make a Constitution saving except Tanglegrass or Netvine. Choking Fungus
throw. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned until and Deathbulbs attached to woodland armour trigger
the start of your next turn, and on a successful save, when a creature successfully hits you with a melee
the creature becomes immune to the effects of weapon attack, incurring a Constitution or Dexterity
the Rafflesia for 24 hours. saving throw respectively.

Brightflower. As a bonus action, you expend 1 pouch GROVE OF WAR

of seeds, pouring them into a space adjacent to you, or At 11th-level, you can combine your magic botany
tie them to a piece of ammunition. with your ranger magics. When you cast plant growth,
A Brightflower plant grows in the space you poured you can expend any number of pouches to cause
the seeds in or the space the arrow landed, at the start plants of your choice to grow within the spell’s area.
of your next turn. It has 5 hit points, AC 10, and You choose which spaces within the spell’s area are
immunity to psychic damage. When the flower dies, it filled with which plant from the agromancy list. If you
emits a bright flash, causing any creatures with eyes choose plants that normally work by making attack
that are within 15 feet to make a Constitution saving rolls, they instead trigger when a creature enters
throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes blinded the space they reside in. Death Bulbs triggered in this
for 1 minute. A creature blinded in this way can way incur a Dexterity saving throw,
repeat the save at the end of their turn, ending the while Netvine incurs a Strength saving throw instead.
effect on themselves on a success.
In addition, you are unimpeded by the difficult terrain
Honeydew Pods. As a bonus action, you expend up to that plant growth creates when you cast it; you can
3 pouches of seeds, pouring them into an equal move through it like normal terrain.
number of spaces adjacent to you. After 1d4-1 rounds
(minimum of 1) each pouch of seeds GREAT TREE
grows into a stem with a pouch like pod on the end, At 15th-level, you can conjure forth the Great Tree,
filled with liquid called honeydew. A creature can use a spiritual, fey tree under the boughs of which
a bonus action to drink from a pod to regain 1d4 + creatures are protected and nature flourishes. As an
your wisdom modifier hit points. After one of the action, you expend 1 pouch of seeds to call the great
pods are drank from, they vanish. tree. It sprouts from a space you are adjacent to and
its canopy stretches in a 20-foot radius around that
space, and remains until 1 minute has passed, or it is
destroyed. It has 50 hit points, an AC of 12, immunity Their light step and quick wittedness allow them to
to psychic damage and vulnerability to fire damage. always gain an upper-hand on their opponents,
Once you call the great tree, you can’t do it again until repositioning via acrobatic stunts to land key blows in
you complete a long rest. the heat of combat.
While you and up to 5 other creatures of your choice ACROBATIC DEFTNESS
are beneath the tree, you gain temporary hit points
At 3rd level when you choose this archetype,
equal to your Wisdom modifier at the start of each of
you become able to use your Acrobatics skill in
your turns, and you have advantage on saving throws
combat. You can use your Cunning Action on your
against spells. At the beginning of each turn, many
turn to take the following special actions:
seeds fall from the tree, littering the area beneath
it. You can scavenge these seeds as a bonus  Precise Steps. You ignore difficult terrain
action while under the tree, gaining 1d4-1 caused by uneven ground, foliage obstruction,
pouches (minimum of 1) each time to fuel or other non-magical effects and you have
your Agromancy features. advantage on Dexterity saving
throws until the start of your next turn.

ROGUE  Circumvent. You make a contested Dexterity

(Acrobatics) check against an adjacent
The halfling steps, caddishly, to the side as the ogre’s enemies' Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
club comes crashing down to the floor, a dull (Acrobatics) check, and on a success, you can
resounding impact echoing through the cavern. With pass through their space freely until the start
a smirk, he hops atop the club, and sprints up the of your next turn.
ogre’s arm to deliver a final blow to the ogre’s head,  Quick Ascent. You gain a climb speed equal to
before finishing his performance with a backflip back your speed and you can long jump and high
down to the ground. jump without a run up until the start of your
next turn.
The fox-man whips up a storm of sand around him, as
it filters from a gourd by his hip. Whenever an attack
would hit him, the sand rises up and deflects it; and as
At 9th level, whenever an attack misses you, you can
he dashes around the battlefield, he leaves
use it to your advantage, repositioning quickly for a
slipstreams in the storm. Running atop platforms of
favourable strike. As a reaction when you are missed
sand that build beneath his feet, he runs in for the
by an attack, or when you completely avoid damage
final blow; the heat of the desert creating a deadly
by using your Evasion feature, you can move up to
mirage of himself, disguising his real intentions.
your speed in any direction. If you end this movement
The two roguish archetypes presented here are quite within 5 feet of the creature that attacked you, you
close to my heart. The Acrobat, which focuses on have advantage on the first attack you make against
gymnastic flair in combat, using special cunning that creature on your next turn.
actions to best manoeuvre across a battlefield, and
The Sand Dancer, a roguish archetype that was NIMBLE FEINT
inspired by Naruto, as a favourite character of mine At 13th level, your ability to weave strikes in with
was Gaara, the sand-mancer. The Sand Dancer takes displays of acrobatic prowess allow you to completely
aspects of Gaara’s fighting style and makes it disguise your weaponry in a flurry of gymnastic
appropriate for a Rogue; much more deceptive and stunts. When you make an attack on a creature, you
mobile. can attempt to make a contested Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check against their Wisdom (Perception)
ROGUISH ARCHETYPE: check. On a success, you gain Sneak Attack damage on
a hit (even if the target is not engaged and you don't
THE ACROBAT have advantage), and if you do have advantage on the
The acrobat is a dancer on the battlefield; a master of roll, you deal an additional 3d6 damage in addition to
fluid movement, difficult jumps and dazzling aerial the Sneak Attack damage. If you fail the acrobatics
tricks. They use their agility to baffle foes; an acrobat check, you must instead make the attack roll with
is often seen leaping from atop an incoming blade, disadvantage.
into the air and up over their enemies' shoulders.

UNPARALLELED MOBILITY Any damage dealt by your Sneak Attack feature
while using this feature deals fire damage rather
At 17th level, you are nimble beyond normal, mortal
capability. Whenever you use your Cunning Action to than damage of the weapon’s type.
Dash or Disengage, you can use the bonuses of all
three Acrobatic Deftness actions for at will until the
Also at 7th level, your uncanny dodge is improved
start of your next turn.
during your Dance of the Desert, as you become able
to deflect the damage of incoming attacks using a coat
ROGUISH ARCHETYPE: of sand. Whenever you use Uncanny Dodge, you take
THE SAND DANCER no damage from the attack if it deals 5 or less damage
after being halved.
While many rogues use agility and deftness
to outmanoeuvre their foes, you corral flowing
sands by way of an ancient dance known as the dance
At 11th level, your sand fashions footholds for you as
of the desert, passed down through tribes of desert
you dance, allowing you to walk through the sky. You
nomads for generations. Rogues of this
gain a flying (hover) speed equal to your
archetype use dancing sands to deflect
speed, but this flight is unreliable. If you take damage
blows, manoeuvre themselves and their allies across
while you are in the air, you must make a
the battlefield, and scorch the skin of enemies that
Concentration check. If you fail, the sand vanishes,
tread too close.
and you begin to plummet.
At 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you
At 17th level, your dance manipulates the scorching
become able to perform the dance of the desert. As a
hot sands, creating an illusory duplicate of you. The
bonus action, you whip up sands around yourself in a
duplicate lasts until the dance ends, or until you
wild veil, burning the skin of those around you. This
choose to dismiss it. Despite being an illusion, the
dance lasts for 1 minute, and then it ends. You can
whirling sands that make up its form takes up a space,
perform the dance twice, and then must complete a
and any creature within 5 feet of it are valid targets
short or long rest before you can perform it
for the fire damage dealt by your dance. You may
again. While dancing, you can utilise a range of
move the duplicate on your turn a distance equal to
features gained through this class.
your speed.
At the end of each of your turns while you are
While you continue to dance, you can use your bonus
dancing, you can choose to deal fire damage equal to a
third of your rogue level (rounded down) to all action and spend 1 dancer point to swap places with
creatures within 5 feet of you. the duplicate. When you do so, you teleport to the
space the duplicate occupied, and it reappears in your
TAILWIND old location.
Also at 3rd level, you can move in such a way that
grants allies alacrity. When you use your bonus action
to utilise your Cunning Action feature to Dash or SORCERER
Disengage during a Dance of the Desert, one creature The high elf stands loftily, watching the battle unfold.
of your choice that is within 5 feet of you at the start He notes the position of the sun and then runs off into
of your movement may take the Dash or Disengage the fray, blasting his enemies with arcane fury. After
action as a bonus action on their next turn. about 15 seconds, a rift in time opens, and the high elf
reappears where he stood, all his wounds of battle
At 7th level, you become able to use the sands
billowing around you to evoke mirages of yourself, The dragonborn glimmers like a diamond, its scales
allowing you to threaten with feints and then deliver shining in the sunlight. As a firebolt flies towards it,
a fiery blow. You can use your bonus action to gain the scales flush a deep red, and it is absorbed by her;
advantage on the next attack roll you make this the magic bouncing through her and then out her
round. other hand.
Cackling gleefully, the serial killer flicks his fingers,
and sharp blades sprout from his fingertips. He uses
them to slash across the guards that chase him, CHRONOMANCY
teleporting from place to place as he goes. At 6th level, your ability to influence the passage of
There are three sorcerer archetypes in this time for yourself and other creatures allows you to
supplement. The Temporal Anomaly sorcerer is a heighten the effects of temporal spells.
chronomancer, a sorcerer that can influence time to a
You may learn either the haste or the slow spell. If you
small degree! A Prismatic Core sorcerer has the
already know both spells, you may learn a different
equivalent of fibre-optic veins for magic; they can
spell of your choice from the sorcerer list instead. You
refract all sorts of magic into a rainbow of colours. A
also learn the following metamagic options, which
Steelskin sorcerer is a person with metal flesh; they
don’t count against your total metamagics known,
can sculpt their body into weapons to use against
which allow you to improve those spells somewhat.
their enemies.
Greater Haste. You can expend 3 sorcery points to
I think each of these sorcerer archetypes are really
improve a haste spell you cast, granting the target of
fun and interesting, and I hope you enjoy them a lot.
the spell the ability to cast cantrips using their
hastened action.
Greater Slow. You can expend 3 sorcery points to
TEMPORAL ANOMALY improve a slow spell you cast, causing the spell to
A sorcerer wields magic due to a supernatural reduce the AC and Dexterity saving throws of
occurrence. It is sometimes given to them by their affected creatures by 3 instead of 2, and also causes
ancestor’s blood, and sometimes as a gift given from a the spell to reduce their speed to one-third of their
higher power. Some are awakened by a gruelling normal speed (rounded up to the nearest 5ft), instead
event, and some are nurtured as purebloods of arcane of one-half.
origin. Some sorcerers, however, come to being as a
result of a chronological disturbance. TEMPORAL WARP
At 14th level, you are able to anchor an image of
You are a sorcerer because you were born at an yourself onto a specific point in time, preparing to
unequivocal time where time and space intersected. return to that state again in the near future. As an
As a result, your magical charge is a direct result of action on your turn, you can expend 6 sorcery points
your four-dimensional being. While you may not be to prepare the anchor. Note down the following
aware of it yourself, you are an anchor in time, an details when you create the anchor:
occurrence that was preordained to happen, and
across many dimensions, while others may have  Your current hit points.
existed or not existed, you, without a doubt, do. Due to  Your current location.
this anchorage in time, you can manipulate it as if it is  The amount of spell slots you currently have.
natural to you.  Any spells or abilities that are currently
affecting you
CHRONOLOGICAL DIVERGENCE  The remaining duration on any spells or
At 1st level when you take this origin, you can alter abilities that currently are affecting you
time in short bursts whenever you tap into your (including negative effects).
magical heritage, allowing you to act at the most
At the end of your turn in 1d4 rounds, you instantly
opportune moment. After casting a spell of 1st-level
return to the space you anchored yourself in,
or higher on your turn, you can choose to adjust your
returning to the state you were in when you made the
initiative score by 5, either increasing or decreasing
anchor. Your hit points return to the hit point total
it. You can do this a number of times equal to your
you noted down, you instantly teleport to the location
Charisma modifier, and then you must finish a long
you noted, you regain spell slots until you have the
rest to do it again.
same amount of spell slots as you noted down, and
Whenever you do this, the timeline you jump into the remaining duration on any spells or abilities that
must adjust for the anomalies in your position. At the are affecting you are reset to the value you noted
start of your next turn, you can teleport up to 10 feet down.
in any direction.

If you were put under the effect of any spells or Immediately after using this ability, you can choose to
abilities effects after you created the anchor, those change your refractive index to the type of damage
effects instantly end when the anchor is triggered. you just dealt.
Once you have used this ability, you gain 1 level of After using this ability, you cannot use it again until
exhaustion and can’t use it again until you finish a you cast a spell of 1st-level or higher that deals
long rest. damage of a type that matches your refractive index.


At 18th level, your time stop spell is improved due to At 6th level, you can use your refractive index to
your intimate affinity with time. If you do not influence the damage type of spells that you cast, and
know the spell time stop you learn it. During your time spells you cast can now also influence your refractive
stop spell, you can now perform actions that affect index. Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage of
other creatures without ending the effect, provided any type on the refractive index list, you can choose to
that they are caused by spells you cast. These spells spend 1 sorcery point to cause that spell to instead
can only be cantrips or spells of 3rd-level or deal damage of your refractive indexes' current type.
lower, and whenever you do affect any creature with
Alternatively, if you cast a spell that deals damage of a
one of your spells in this way, you must expend a
type other than your refractive indexes' type, you can
sorcery point and make a DC15 Concentration check.
change your refractive index to that spells' damage
On a failure, the time stop effect immediately ends, as
type as a part of casting the spell. This occurs after the
explained in the normal spell description.
spell is cast, rather than before.


PRISMATIC CORE At 14th level, you can cause damage of your refractive
indexes' type to become trapped inside your body,
The prismatic core sorcerer uses their unique body to
granting you its energy. Whenever you take damage
catch and release magic of the main elemental types.
of your refractive indexes' type, and use your reaction
They can redirect damage and trap it within
to use prismatic refraction, you can spend 5 sorcery
themselves to blast at their enemies later. They come
points to trap the energy inside of you, causing it to go
about in a number of ways; gemstone dragons often
into total internal refraction.
create these sorcerers, as does proximity to a number
of magical gemstones before birth. You take no damage of your refractive indexes' type
from the attack or spell, and its damage instead
PRISMATIC REFRACTION becomes stored inside your body. When you next deal
At 1st level when you select this origin, you can use damage that matches your refractive indexes' type,
your ability to refract energy through your prismatic you deal additional damage equal to half of the
core to absorb and redirect some of the damage you damage you would have taken if you had not used this
take from magical sources. feature.
Choose a damage type from acid, cold, fire, poison,
lightning, radiant or thunder damage to be your After using this ability, you can't use it again until
refractive index. Whenever you receive damage of you complete a long rest or cast a spell of 5th level or
your refractive indexes' current type, you can use higher that deals damage of a type that matches your
your reaction to refract the damage. refractive index.
When you do so, you must choose another creature POLYCHROMATIC DISPERSION
within 30 feet of you. Make a spell attack against them At 18th level, you learn the prismatic wall spell.
and select any damage type other than your refractive
indexes' type from the list above. The damage you Additionally, as a bonus action on your turn, you can
take is reduced by 1d8 + your Charisma modifier, and cause your prismatic core to go into overdrive for 1
on a hit, the creature you targeted takes an equal minute, causing your refractive indexes’ damage type
amount of damage of the type you selected from the to become every damage type on the refractive index
list. list, and you become resistant to all of those damage

Whenever you deal damage that matches any damage attacks against creatures, as blades splinter from your
type on the list during this effect, you deal additional skin to form projectiles. A reach steelskin has a melee
damage equal to your Charisma modifier (applies only reach of 10 feet, instead of 5
once per spell cast). feet. A heavy steelskin deals 1d10 damage instead of
After you use this feature, you can’t use it again until 1d8 damage but reduces your movement speed by 5
you complete a long rest, or you cast a 9th-level spell feet.
that deals damage of more than one damage type
from the refractive index list. EXPANDED SPELL LIST
You have access to an expanded spell list of spells to
SORCEROUS ORIGIN: STEELSKIN choose from when you learn a sorcerer spell. Any
A steelskin sorcerer can originate from a few different spell you learn from the table below counts as a
sources; the most common of which, a freak sorcerer spell for you.
accident: a powerful caster used the spell true
polymorph on a weapon, and permanently Spell Level Spells
1st searing smite, thunderous smite
polymorphed it into a human. You could be
2nd heat metal, magic weapon
descended from this weapon-human or be them
3rd blinding smite, elemental weapon
yourself. Other sources of a steelskin sorcerer
4th freedom of movement, staggering smite
include the close encounter with death at the hand of
5th banishing smite, steel wind strike
a magical weapon or being near to or trapped within
a source of magically enchanted metal for an extended EXTRA ATTACK
period of time. At 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the attack action on your
STEELSKIN HARDENING turn. Additionally, weapon attacks you make with
At 1st level when you choose this origin, your steelskin are counted as magical for the
you should consider the weapon that your steelskin purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity.
likens itself to; it could be the weapon that your
ancestor was polymorphed from, or just any weapon STEEL AND SORCERY
that you manifest your steelskin to look like; your At 14th level, you can use your sorcery to harden your
arms could sharpen to cutting edges, your pointed steel. You can, over a period of 1 minute,
hands as sharp as needles, or your fists could just expend sorcery points to bolster your steelskin. You
become as hard and durable as steel. Your steelskin spend up to three sorcery points and then gain a
can manifest in whatever guise you wish, but bonus to attack and damage rolls with your steelskin
you must select what type of damage it equal to the amount of sorcery points you spent. This
deals; bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage. bonus lasts for 1 hour before fading.
You can make a weapon attack with your steelskin Additionally, when you make an attack action and use
that deals 1d8 damage of your chosen type. Weapon your extra attack feature while you are empowered in
attacks you make in this way can use your Charisma this way, you can choose to cast a cantrip in place of
modifier to determine bonuses to attack and damage one of the attacks you make.
rolls. Additionally, while you aren’t wearing armour,
your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your METALLURGIC BODY
Charisma modifier. At 18th level, your steelskin has evolved to a point
Your steelskin counts as a weapon for the purposes of where it coats your entire body and has gained the
fulfilling a material component to spells that require a ability to harden to incredible levels. Your AC equals
weapon, or as a target for spells that target 15 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma
nonmagical or magical weapons. modifier, and you can expend 1 sorcery point
whenever you are hit to gain resistance to
You can select one of the following descriptors for bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage for that
your steelskin: light, thrown attack.
(20/60ft), reach or heavy. A steelskin that
is light deals 1d6 damage instead of 1d8 but can be When you make an attack with your steelskin, you can
used in two-weapon fighting. A steelskin that choose to sacrifice the additional AC and ability to
is thrown can be used to make ranged weapon gain resistance granted by this feature until
the start of your next turn. When you do, your attacks
deal one additional damage die of damage until the are prideful and confident in their ability to cheat fate,
end of your turn. and often dive into situations they are unlikely to
escape from. Most Gamblers think of gold first, and

WARLOCK death second. Such lives are often short, but those
that live longer become extremely rich, powerful
The Tiefling clutches a pair of dice between his and are sometimes even worshipped. 
fingers, grinning to himself. He chuckles, and then
fires an eldritch blast at the man threatening him. Just DOUBLE OR NOTHING
before it hits, he rolls the dice, and rolls a double. In When you choose this patron at 1st level, your
response, the eldritch blast flares with energy, tearing patron offers you the opportunity to gamble for
through his enemy within seconds. power. Whenever you roll damage for an attack or
spell, you can roll 2d6. If you roll doubles, your attack
Barnacle covered and wretched, the man watches as
deals double damage. If you roll any other value, your
the mob of villagers approach with torches and
attack deals half damage.
pitchforks aplenty. He sips some tea from the cup held
in his tentacle limb, and then conjures a tidal wave, Lucky Streak. Rolling doubles in this game is
sweeping them all away. considered a critical success for the purposes of
gaining a Fate point.
That man at the bar always acts strange; he moves
almost like a puppet, jerky, and unpredictable. Little
do the other patrons know, he is actually controlled
Also, at 1st level your patron teaches you the rules of
by invisible strings; an instrument for a more
an eldritch dice game. You can choose one of these
powerful being behind the curtain.
games, and then one more at 6th and 14th level.
These three warlock archetypes are some of my Listed at the end of the archetype description are the
favourite in the entire book. The Gambler is the three dice games available: Roll the Bones, The River
ultimate fate-tester; equipped with a range of games Flows, and Stars Align.
of chance, they barter with their patron for power.
Sometimes a game of choice asks for a creature to
The Leviathan warlock is Davy Jones’ worst
make a saving throw. In this case, the DC equals your
nightmare. Choosing from a range of oceanic
spell save DC.
mutations, they worship kraken and other deep-sea
monstrosities. The Puppeteer is a pact that is
particularly unique. A warlock of this patron is
At 6th level, you start to ride lucky streaks whenever
completely controlled by their patron – the player
you win big. Whenever you critically succeed an
plays the patron, instead of the warlock: how cool is
attack roll, ability check, or win in a game against your
extraplanar entity, you gain a fate point. You can store
an amount of Fate Points equal to your charisma
OTHERWORLDLY PATRON: THE modifier, and once you complete a long rest, your
GAMBLER amount of Fate Points returns to 0.
Gambler warlocks are a special breed; vagabonds Whenever you roll a dice, you expend a fate point to
with extreme panache and a caddishness second to reroll that dice, and when you do so, you can use
none, they daily put their lives to chance. A Gambler either result.
gains their power from the pact they make with a
special extraplanar entity; a Patron of Chance. These Every game has different critical success criteria. The
patrons can be anything from a devil of greed to a criteria for each game are found at the end of the
playful dragon. The gambler plays games of chance game’s description.
with the patron, rolling dice, and whenever they win,
they are granted boons far beyond their wildest
dreams. However, when they lose, they At 10th level, you can challenge your extraplanar
are rebuked by the patron’s powers, injuring them… entity to a game of chance in return for a stroke of
or worse.   luck. Whenever you are forced to make a saving
throw, you may use your reaction to spend 50 gold,
A Gambler is a master of their craft; and will rarely initiating the bet. Flip a coin. On tails, you
lose to any normal person in a game of chance. They automatically fail the saving throw. On heads, you
automatically succeed. If you don’t have a coin to Once bets are made, you roll 3d6 plus any extra dice
hand, Roll 1d6. On a 1-3, you fail, and on a 4-6, you you bought via larger bets. 
Compare the dice rolls. If you get a pair or more of the
DESTINY’S GUIDE same number, your next weapon or spell attack is
imbued with an additional magical effect, determined
At 14th level, you become able to manipulate in the result table. Replace the X in the damage field
trajectory, angular velocity, and other factors of a dice with the amount of identical faces you rolled.
roll to increase the chances that you roll a specific
result. You can produce more than one effect in this way. For
As a reaction, you can expend a Fate point to force a example, if you get a pair of 2s and a pair of 3s, the
dice to land on a specific number of your choice. You two effects are activated, and your next attack deals
can use multiple Fate Points to affect multiple dice at an additional 2d10 lightning and 2d10 thunder
once, if you are rolling them at the same time, but you damage, and it forces them to make a Dexterity saving
must make a Sleight of Hand check for each of them. throw or lose its reactions this round, and a
Constitution saving throw or become deafened for a
When you do so, you must succeed on a DC15 minute.
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to succeed. You
must use this ability before you roll the dice, not after Lucky Streak. Gaining 2 or more identical faces is
you see the result. considered a critical success for the purposes of
gaining a Fate point. 
Result  Damage  Additional Effect 
You take
The Gambler Patron has a lot of features that None  None   1d6 psychic damage for each
require gold to manifest. If this is particularly dice you rolled.
straining on you, or you don’t like the idea of using Xd10 fire
1’s   No additional effect
gold for the dice games, your patron would be damage  
happy to suggest you use your hit points instead! Xd10 lightning Dexterity saving throw or lose
damage reactions this round.
Consider replacing the 25gp costs of the extended
Constitution saving throw or
rerolls to either cost 1d10 hit points or 5 hit points. Xd10 thunder become deafened for 1 minute.
This may weaken the class slightly in terms of damage  An affected creature can repeat
combat prowess, but it will allow you to keep your the save on each of its turns.
hands on your hard-earnt cash. Constitution saving throw or be
Xd10 poison poisoned for 1 minute. An
damage  affected creature can repeat the
ELDRITCH DICE GAMES save on each of its turns.
The dice games are listed in alphabetical order below. Constitution saving throw or
become restrained by ice for 1
Xd10 cold
minute, requiring an Athletics
check against your spell save DC
Roll the Bones is a game of symmetry; you roll dice to escape.
and attempt to get identical faces to create a range of
Wisdom saving throw or become
magical effects. As an action, you can initiate the game Xd10 psychic
6’s  stunned until the end of your
process.  next turn. 

When the game begins, you start with three dice. You STARS ALIGN
can wager additional gold to roll additional dice. For Stars Align is a dice game where the player is in
every additional 25 gold you wager you gain an search of the stars (7) or alignment (11) to imbue
additional dice, up to a maximum of 2 additional dice.  their next turns with arcane energy. As an action, you
(50g total for 5 dice)  can initiate the game process. 
As you level up, you become able to purchase extra When the game begins, you have no rerolls. You can
rerolls. At 6th and 14th level, you become able to spend gold to gain rerolls of the dice: For every
spend an additional 25 gold to gain one additional additional 25 gold you wager, you gain 1 reroll, up to
dice.  a maximum of 2 rerolls. (50g total for 2 rerolls). 

As you level up in this class, you become able to Lucky Streak. When you score a total of 20 or higher
purchase extra rerolls. At 6th and 14th level, you in this game, it is considered a critical success for the
become able to spend an additional 25 gold to gain purposes gaining a Fate point.
one additional reroll. 
Result  Effect 
Once bets are made, you roll 2d6. After rolling, you Lose all Lose. You take psychic damage equal to the
can expend any rerolls you purchased during your bet chances  score you gathered before you failed. 
to reroll one of the two dice. 1-20  Choose a creature within 60 feet. That
creature must make a Charisma saving throw
After you finish expending rerolls, total the dice against your spell save DC. The creature takes
psychic damage equal to your final score on a
and inspect the results table to see what occurs. failed save, and no damage on a successful
Lucky Streak. Rolling a 7 or 11 is considered a critical
20-50  Choose a creature within 60 feet. That
success for the purposes of gaining a Fate point. creature must make a Charisma saving throw
against your spell save DC. The creature takes
  psychic damage equal to your final score on a
failed save, and half as much on a successful
Result  Effect  one. 
Lose. You must make a Constitution saving throw 50+  Choose a creature within 60 feet. That
with DC equal to 5 + one quarter of the gold you creature takes psychic damage equal to your
(2) Snake’s final score and must make a Charisma saving
bet (rounded up). On a failed save, you turn to
Eyes  throw against your spell save DC. On a failed
stone, becoming subjected to the petrified status
effect.  save, the creature becomes stunned until the
start of your next turn. On a successful
Lose. You have disadvantage on attack rolls until save, the creature resists the stun effect, and
(3) Child 
the end of your next turn.  takes half as much damage. 
(4-6, 8-
Lose. Nothing happens. 
10) Void  

(7) Stars 
Win. You are blessed, gaining a +1d6 bonus to OTHERWORLDLY PATRON:
attack rolls for 1 minute.  
Win. You are blessed, gaining a +1d6 bonus to
(11) Align  Your patron is a shrouded entity that resides in the
attack and damage rolls for 1 minute.
Lose. You take fire damage equal to 5 + half darkest depths of the seas, a figment of sea shanties
(12) Devil 
the amount of gold you bet.  and the origin of shipwreck myth. Such creatures are
wildly intelligent and are often intensely protective of
their deep thrones.
The River Flows is a game of fate, and how far your
destiny can carry you forward. As an action, you can They reside in the black of chasms in the seabed, the
initiate the game process. craters of underwater volcanoes, and the sunken
relics of great ships now sundered. The beast may be
When the game begins, you have no additional
aware of your existence; perhaps it even saved you
chances. You can wager gold for chances. For every 25
from a close call with a watery grave. Alternatively, it
gold you wager, you gain an additional chance, up to a
may be a point of your worship. Such creatures
maximum of 2 additional chances (50g total for 2
include the Kraken, the Mizuchi, and
the Aspidochelone.
As you level up, you become able to purchase extra
chances. At 6th level, you can spend a total of 75g EXPANDED SPELL LIST
for 3 chances, and at 14th level, you can spend a total Being the warlock of a leviathan patron expands your
of 100g for 4 chances. selection of spells to choose from. The following spells
are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Once bets are made, you roll a d6, noting the result.
Then, you roll another d6 and repeat this process, Spell Level Spells
totalling the results. 1st create or destroy water, fog cloud
2nd alter self, locate animals or plants
Whenever you roll a 1, you lose a chance. Once you
3rd tidal wave, wall of water
lose all your chances, you fail. You can end the game
4th control water, watery sphere
early at any time. Once the game ends, inspect the
5th cone of cold, maelstrom
results table to determine the result of the game.

PELAGIC HORROR In addition, you can extend the water breathing effect
onto up to 5 nearby creatures for up to 1 hour. Once
Starting at 1st level when you choose this patron, you
you have used this feature, you can’t use it again until
undergo a considerable change in your physical form.
you complete a long rest.
You choose one of the following features.
Camouflage Membrane. You become able to alter DEEP OCCULTIST
the cells in your skin to mimic the colours of your At 10th level, your occult investigations into the
surroundings. If you do not move or act for 1 round, depths and the relationship you have with your
you become invisible. Acting or moving ends this patron has granted you hidden knowledge, based on
effect. the type of pact you selected:
Crustacean Plates. You develop a shell of hard chitin SUNKEN BLADE
that plates areas of your body. When you aren’t If you chose Pact of the Blade, you can cause your pact
wearing armour, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity weapon to deal cold damage, and when you do so, it
modifier. halves the speed of any creature you hit until the start
Escape Cloud. You become able to expel ink out of of your next turn.
your body, propelling yourself to safety. As a reaction
to taking damage, you can fly 30 feet in any direction
If you chose Pact of the Chain, you become able to
without provoking opportunity attacks and leave a
conjure a Deep Terror in place of your normal
10-foot radius cloud of suspended ink that slowly falls
familiar. You choose its base shape, choosing from any
to the ground over 1 minute. The area within the
underwater dwelling beast of CR 0, and then you
cloud is heavily obscured.
select what mutations it has, choosing two options
After you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
from below, gaining the feature described.
you complete a short rest.
Additionally, the familiar gains additional hit points
Stinging Tassels. You grow a set of long tassels that equal to 2 + half your Warlock level. While your Deep
float from your body, not unlike that of a jellyfish. Terror is within 60 feet of you, it can swim in the air
When you are hit by a creature, you can use your around you as if it were water.
reaction to deal 1d8 lightning damage to them and
Camouflage Membrane. Your deep terror becomes
cause them to lose their ability to take reactions until
able to alter the cells its skin to mimic the colours of
the start of their next turn.
its surroundings. If it does not move or act for 1
Tentacles. You sprout a tentacle from your torso, round, it becomes invisible. Acting or moving ends the
which you can manipulate and use as an arm. When effect on it.
you make the attack action on your turn, you can
Crustacean Plates. Your terror develops a shell of
make an additional attack as a bonus action, so long as
hard chitin that plates areas of your body. Its AC
you are wielding another weapon in one of your
equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
Escape Cloud. Your familiar becomes able to expel
Unhinged Jaw. Your jaw dislocates, and your teeth
ink out of its body, propelling itself to safety. As a
become serrated and sharp. You can use your action
reaction to taking damage, it can fly 15 feet in any
to make a melee attack against a creature within 5
direction without provoking opportunity attacks and
feet. On a hit, the creature takes 2d6 + your Strength
leaves a 5-foot radius cloud of suspended ink that
modifier piercing damage and becomes grappled in
slowly falls to the ground over 1 minute. The area
your jaws.
within the cloud is heavily obscured.
After your terror uses this feature, it can’t use it again
until it completes a short rest.
At 6th level, your patron permanently alters your
body, preparing it for a life in the depths. Light Lure. Your deep terror grows a long appendage
Your skin warps and changes, developing patches of that has a bioluminescent light on its tip. It can switch
scales and membranes. You gain resistance to cold this light on and off as a bonus action, and it gives off
damage, and you become able to breathe underwater, bright light in a 20-foot radius, and dim light in a 20-
and gain a swimming speed equal to your walking foot radius.

Stinging Tendrils. Your deep terror grows long Second Tentacle. You sprout a second tentacle from
stingers that drift out like a net from it. When a your torso, which you can manipulate and use
creature moves within 5 feet of your familiar for the as an arm. When you make the attack action on your
first time on the turn, they must make a Dexterity turn, you can make two attacks as a bonus action, so
saving throw against your spell save DC or they take long as you are wielding a light weapon in both of
1d8 lightning damage. your tentacles.

ABYSSAL GRIMOIRE Paralyzing Tassels. Your whiskers now exude a

If you chose Pact of the Tome, you find a passage in horrid poison which paralyzes those that touch
the tome that details various terrifying watery magics. them. When a creature takes damage from your
You can select three spells from any spell list of a level tassels, they must succeed on a Constitution saving
that you can cast that either deal cold damage or throw against your spell save DC or they are
manipulate water. You immediately learn these spells, paralyzed until the end of their next turn.
which become warlock spells for you but don’t count Powerful Unhinged Maw. Your jaw dislocates, and
against your total spells known. your teeth become serrated and sharp. You can use
your action to make a melee attack against a creature
PELAGIC NIGHTMARE within 5 feet. On a hit, the creature takes 3d8 + your
At 14th level, you undergo another considerable strength modifier piercing damage and becomes
change in your physical form. You have two choices; grappled in your jaws.
either you can choose to gain another Pelagic Horror
feature from the list above, different to the one you
chose at 1st level, or you can choose to heighten the OTHERWORLDLY PATRON: THE
effects of the feature you chose at 1st level instead. PUPPETEER
If you choose to heighten the feature, it changes Unlike most other patrons, the puppeteer takes a
to become the one described below. If you choose to much closer interest in the actions of its subjects,
take a secondary feature, you gain the version of the controlling most of their movement and speech, and
feature detailed in the Pelagic Horror feature above. dominating completely over their minds. When you
create a warlock whose patron is the puppeteer, be
Invisibility Membrane. You become able to alter the aware that the body of the character is merely a shell;
cells in your skin to become completely invisible. If a vessel through which the patron shows itself in the
you do not move or act for 1 round, or as a bonus mortal realm.
action on your turn, you become invisible. Attacking
an enemy or casting a spell ends this effect, but You as the player, roleplay the character as a puppet,
otherwise, you stay invisible until a whole minute has and can, if the DM permits it, roleplay as the patron
passed where you are acting and moving also, using the character as a conduit for furthering
consistently. its own cosmic plans. Other than the abilities granted
by this patron, the patron has little influence over
Crustacean Armour. You develop a shell of hard the immediate world around the warlock, and as such,
chitin that plates areas of your body. When you aren’t can serve to be an enriching roleplay experience for
wearing armour, your AC equals 17 + your Dexterity the player.
Such patrons are often creatures of weaker ilk than
Quick Escape Cloud. You become able to expel ink those of their almighty cousins. Common options for
out of your body, propelling yourself to safety. As a patrons of this type are horned devils looking to
reaction to being targeted by an attack, or as a further their rank, fey creatures with a distinct and
reaction to being placed into an area-of-effect morbid curiosity for the mortal realm, or deva that
ability, you can fly 30 feet in any direction without have a specific goal to achieve on the mortal realm,
provoking opportunity attacks and leave a 10-foot whilst avoiding the scrutiny of evils that seek to
radius cloud of suspended ink that slowly falls to the hinder it.
ground over 1 minute. The area within the cloud is
heavily obscured.
After you use this feature twice, you can’t use it again
until you complete a short rest.

EXPANDED SPELL LIST Additionally, if your puppet dies, you can use your
reaction to attempt to enslave another humanoid
Being a puppeteer lets you choose from an expanded
within 30 feet of the puppet, provided they are of a
list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The
character level lower than yours. When you do so,
following spells are added to the warlock spell list for
they must succeed on a Charisma saving throw
against DC 10.
Spell Level Spells
On a failure, they become your new puppet. Your class
1st bane, comprehend languages
level remains the same, and all your expended Hit
2nd levitate, phantasmal force
Dice and spell slots stay the same. However, your
3rd nondetection, haste
racial abilities change in a similar way to the
4th compulsion, freedom of movement
reincarnate spell.
5th dominate person, telekinesis
If they succeed against the saving throw, your
connection to the material plane withers and breaks,
NOTES ON "THE PUPPETEER" AS A and the only way you can exert control again is if your
WARLOCK PATRON original puppet is raised from the dead within 24
The Puppeteer is a different take on the Warlock class. Instead hours of its death.
of a warlock slowly gaining power given to them by their
patron, it is the patron that slowly gains power. The patron
completely controls their warlock, and is essentially the
player character, slowly improving their control over the Also, at 1st level, you become able to tug on the
puppet and in turn their influence over the world. strings of your puppet, pulling it out of harm’s
way. Twice per short rest, you can use your reaction
All the class features, class levels and spell slots are features
that the patron possesses. The patron, influencing the material to impose disadvantage on an attack roll that
plane from a distant interplanar location, needs time to targets your puppet. If the attack then misses, you can
improve and strengthen their bond with the vessel and their move it 5 feet in any direction without imposing
ability to manipulate the material plane. They gain experience opportunity attacks.
just like a normal player character, but that experience is
directly channelled into their Warlock level, which directly
reflects their "puppeteering" skill. EXTEND GRASP
At 6th level, you become able to extend your grasp
However, the puppeteer also has a puppet. The puppet you
beyond your puppet, forcing creatures to make moves
chose probably has a backstory and a family, and eventually
some sort of eldritch occurrence led them to becoming your they wouldn’t ordinarily make. As a bonus action on
puppet. All the racial features and ability scores of the your turn, you can force a creature you can see within
character belong to the puppet, not the puppeteer. The 30 feet of the puppet make a Charisma saving throw
puppet's Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are guidelines for against your spell save DC. A creature can choose to
how you should roleplay them to remain believable to other
characters in the world, and their Charisma specifically fail this save if it wishes. On a failure, you force it to
represents how effectively you can channel your power move up to its speed in any direction, and then it loses
through them (as it affects your spellcasting bonus and spell its movement action on its next turn.
save DC).
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
The only exception to this is when you use an ability score
half of your Charisma modifier (rounded up,
improvement. When you do this, it is a magical improvement
to the puppet's base abilities granted by your power. There is minimum of 1), and then must complete a short rest
a chance your puppet will change over the course of play, and before being able to use it again.
if this happens, your ability score improvement choices
remain the same, and are applied to your new puppet. All your OCCULT MANIPULATOR
racial traits and base ability scores however change
completely to reflect the new puppet's race and capabilities.
At 10th level, your ability to charm and coerce
becomes increasingly reliable. When you cast a spell
that threatens to charm a creature, or when you use
EMPTY VESSEL your Extend Grasp or Marionette in Chains feature,
At 1st level, due to your puppet being an instrument you can use your reaction to give the creature
rather than a conscious being, it has advantage disadvantage on the roll.
against effects that threaten it to be charmed or
frightened, and against effects would put it to sleep. You can do this once, and then you can’t do it again
until you finish a long rest.

Once you reach 14th level, your ability to shackle Wizards who spend their time researching the
beings to your will becomes infallible, and you kinetics of magic are known as members of the School
become able to apply chain-like threads to creatures of Kinesis. These wizards are masters of object
your puppet touches, controlling them completely. manipulation; they can move objects from afar and lift
As an action, your puppet can touch a creature. That great weights with a mere incantation.
creature must make a Charisma saving throw versus Their ability to affect their surroundings, and their
your Spell Save DC. enemies is a result of careful calculation and intricate
movements; their magic is as much mathematics as it
On a failure, the creature completely surrenders itself
to you, allowing you to control its actions accurately is arcane.
and without restriction. Until the end of its next turn,
you control it. The chains linger on the target. As an
At 2nd level when you choose this school, you learn
action on each of your subsequent turns for 1 minute,
the mage hand cantrip, or another cantrip of your
you can attempt to enslave the creature again. When
choice from the wizard spell list if you already
you do so, they can repeat the saving throw. On a
know mage hand. Your mage hand can be used
failure, you are able to control their actions entirely
as more than just an extra limb, becoming an "anchor"
on their next turn. On a success however, the chains
for your kinetic spellcasting.
are broken, and the effect ends entirely.
The hand can become invisible if
Once you have used this feature, you can’t use it again
you wish and can carry a number of pounds equal to
until you finish a long rest.
your Intelligence score multiplied by 5 (minimum of

10). When you manipulate your mage hand using
your action, you can order it to attack a creature
The wizard stands there, arms crossed, as he within 5 feet of it. When you do so, you can make a
manipulates a dagger with his mage hand; cutting melee spell attack against the creature.
down enemy after enemy as they charge towards him. On a hit, the creature takes 1d6 + your Intelligence
As an ogre turns the corner, he changes tactic, and modifier force damage (plus an additional 1d6 at 5th,
lifts the ogre high above the ground before dropping 11th and 17th level). The hand can also attack using
it to its death. tools, and when it does so, it is considered both a
Orc after orc falls as they attempt to charge the melee spell attack, and a melee weapon attack. The
wizened old man. His sallowed skin taught and his damage you deal is altered by the tool used; a sword
hair greying, he slowly siphons the life from each of would deal slashing damage, while hot coals may deal
them, and makes their attacks futile. Just a few more fire damage. When the tool is a weapon, you can only
souls, he thinks, before he can finally become add your Intelligence modifier to the damage dealt if
immortal. you are proficient with the weapon type.

The two archetypes here are both quite fantastical. If the tool would deal more damage than the hand
The first is the School of Kinesis, a wizard archetype itself (like in the case of a longsword), use the tool's
that focuses on the manipulation of objects, damage dice instead of the hand’s, still adding your
specifically, the relocation of them. Their mage hand Intelligence modifier as a bonus to the damage you
is massively changed, allowing it to use tools and deal. The additional damage dealt by the hand when
wield weapons, and their ability to move creatures you reach higher levels is added to the damage you
and objects is second to none. The School of Lichdom deal with the tool. For example, if you are 5th-level
is special; every so often a player will want to become and make an attack with a longsword, it deals 1d8 +
a lich, but it can be difficult to make it feel like a Intelligence slashing damage, plus 1d6 force damage.
process for them. The School of Lichdom slowly Alternatively, you can attempt to grapple a medium or
transforms the wizard into a lich, albeit a weaker smaller target using the hand, forgoing the attack roll
version of the monster, through the use of rituals and and instead making a spellcasting ability check
other requirements. This option allows players to against their Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
pursue that goal in a streamlined way if needed. (Acrobatics) check. You can use your bonus action to
move the mage hand, but you can't perform any other
action when you do so, and the mage hand is unable with embalming fluid and complete an unholy ritual,
to rise upward unless the creature it has grappled is setting you on the path to immortality.
lighter than its maximum carrying capacity.
You have resistance to necrotic damage, and
SWIFT RELOCATION whenever you cast mage armour, you can sacrifice up
to your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier hit
At 6th level, you can use the momentum of your own
points (minimum of 5) to enhance the spell, causing
magic to reposition yourself. Whenever you force
the spell to increase your base AC to 13 + an
another creature or object to move using a spell of
additional 1 AC for every 5 hit points you sacrifice.
1st-level or higher, you can use your reaction to push
yourself a number of feet equal to 10ft for each spell
slot level of the spell.
At 6th level, you complete the second unholy ritual,
FOCUSED TELEKINESIS which transforms the nature of your soul into that of a
parasite. You can use your action on your turn to
At 10th level, you add the telekinesis spell to
your spell book if it isn't there already. While siphon the lifeforce from nearby creatures.
maintaining concentration on the telekinesis spell, you Up to 3 creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you
can also maintain concentration on another spell of must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed
3rd level or lower, but if you fail concentration on a save, they take 3d6 necrotic damage, and on a
check or lose concentration some other way, you lose successful save, they take half as much damage. You
concentration on both spells. Whenever you lose regain hit points equal to the total damage dealt. You
concentration in this way, you become can use this ability once, and then must finish a short
incapacitated until the end of your next turn. rest or cast a spell of 3rd-level or higher use it again.

INCOMPARABLE FORCE The damage dealt by this ability increases to 6d6 once
At 14th level, you learn of a magical technique to you reach 14th level.
allow you to channel far more force into your kinetic
spellcasting. Whenever a creature has to make a UNDEATHLY CONSTITUTION
saving throw against one of your spells to avoid being Once you reach 10th level, the effects of the first and
moved, they have disadvantage on the saving throw. second rites have allowed you to gain resistance to
attacks. As a bonus action, you can expend a spell slot
Additionally, if a spell notes that it can only force a of 1st level or higher to gain resistance to either
creature or object of a certain size to move, it can now bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage or fire,
move a creature or object of one size class larger, and cold and lightning damage until the start of your next
whenever a spell notes it has a limit on how much turn.
weight it can handle, it can now handle three-times as
At 14th level, you can conduct the final ritual, which
SCHOOL OF LICHDOM begins your slow ascension into lichdom. You must
The school of lichdom is the ultimate in evil; pursuing find a fit receptacle to place your soul into. This can be
immortality through the desecrated rituals of undeath a vial, a chest, a book, or any other vessel. The only
is horribly immoral, and often the end that most restriction is that the item must be worth at least
wizards come to. Lichdom wizards are able to harden 1000 gold pieces. You must also prepare a selection of
their skin to mirror their abjuration magic, gain reagents including embalming fluid, unguent, and
resistance to a range of damage types due to their incense that is worth at least another 1000 gold
almost-undead form, and drain the souls of their pieces.
enemies to regain vitality. You then must take the item to a
desecrated place or desecrate a place yourself
DESCENT TO UNDEATH wherein you can perform the ritual. You spend 1 week
At 2nd level when you choose this school, you begin channelling your soul into the receptacle, creating
your descent into the darkness that is undeath. By your phylactery. Once the ritual is complete, your
some development, you’ve discovered the secrets normal form crumbles to dust, and over the next
behind lichdom. You imbibe your skin week, you slowly reform in your lich form.

You change in the following ways when you ascend  You have advantage on saving throws against
to lichdom: spells that threaten to Charm, Frighten, or
Paralyze you.
 You gain immunity to poison damage and the
 If you die, you reform after 1d10 days, provided
poisoned condition.
your phylactery is still intact. You regain all your
 You are classed as undead, instead of humanoid.
hit points and become active again. Your new
This means you can no longer be healed by most
body reforms next to your phylactery. If your
healing spells.
phylactery is destroyed, you fail to reform, and die
 You have advantage on saves against Turn forever. You cannot be resurrected by any sort
Undead and other similar abilities. of magic and die eternally.
 You gain proficiency in Constitution saving
 You no longer need to sleep.

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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by Ocean John Martinez and
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