Region I
Candon City (Ilocos Sur)
Communicative Styles Communicative Styles
Communicative Styles Communicative Styles
(Casual) (consultative)
(Frozen) (Intimate)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide None None None None None
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages None None None None None
4. Additional Materials None None None None None
from Learning
Resource Portal
B. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
A. Reviewing the Let the students answer the Have a review of the Have a review of the Have a review of the Have a review of
previous lesson or question: discussed lesson last discussed lesson last discussed lesson last the discussed
presenting the new How do you communicate meeting by letting the meeting. meeting. lesson last meeting.
lesson with the following people? students recall what
communication is and the
-authority process of communication.
-love one In addition, let the students
-professionals define frozen style and
-stranger examples under it.
-best friends
B. Establishing a Connect the answers of the Let the students give Let the students answer the Let the students answer the
purpose for the lesson students in presenting the examples of endearment question: question:
lesson. words or love calls that they
have experienced using. How do we communicate How do we communicate
with people whom we have with people whom we meet
known for quite some time? and interact with within
professional transactions?
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C. Presenting Present communication and Present an intimate style Let the students give Have you ever tried talking
examples/instances of the reason why we and let the students give an jargons or expressions they to a doctor on duty? How Why do we need
the new lesson communicate. idea of what the topic is. use when communicating about a car sales agent? conversations with other
Show that there are different with friends, classmates, A pharmacist in a people?
communicative styles. etc. pharmacy? Why do you
communicate with them?
D. Discussing new Let the students give an
concepts and idea of what communication Discuss the intimate style of Discuss the casual style of Discuss what the Discuss what
practicing skills #1 is and then connect the communication. communication. consultative style is and its conversational style is and
answers in discussing the Give characteristics of this characteristics. its features.
topic. style.
E. Discussing new Introduce the different Show examples of intimate Present examples of a Show the benefits of
concepts and communicative styles and style and when to use the Show the slang words or situation under the conversational style and let
practicing skills #2 let the students identify style. jargon we usually use in a consultative style and let the the students explain the
which communicative style casual style of students give the benefits.
is used in the given communication. appropriate titles for
examples. professionals that are likely
used in the consultative
F. Developing After the discussion on Let the students Ask some volunteers and let Let the students analyze a Identify what topic would
mastery frozen style, let the students demonstrate how they them demonstrate how they dialogue showing you like to talk about with
give examples under the communicate with their best communicate using the consultative style and let the given person and
said style. friends, close friends, family, casual style. them tell what they have explain why would you
etc. using the intimate style. observed about the have this kind of topic in
conversation your conversation.
G. Finding practical Let the students answer the Let the students answer the Let the students answer
applications of question: question: Why do we need to address the questions:
concepts and skills in the title/s of professionals Are conversations
daily living Why do we need to be Why do we need to have an appropriately? beneficial to us?
formal when using the intimate style of What do you think are the
frozen style? communication? limitations of a
H. Making Let the students give a Let the students give a Let the students give a Let the students give a Let the students give a
generalizations and general idea of the general idea of the general idea of the general idea of the general idea of the
abstractions discussed topic. discussed topic. discussed topic. discussed topic. discussed topic.
I. Evaluating learning Let the students determine Write 5 scenarios where you Fill in the box with the Directions: Analyze the
whether the given examples can apply an intimate style indicated terms that are conversation and answer
Page 3
are forms of frozen style. of communication. being used in a casual style the questions that follow.
of communication. Write at Write your answer in your
least 5 slang words, 3 notebook.
elliptical sentences, and 5
informal contractions.
J. Additional activities
for application or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the Pine:_____________________ Pine:_____________________ Pine:_____________________ Pine:_____________________ Pine:_____________________
formative assessment Yakal: ____________________ Yakal: ____________________ Yakal: ____________________ Yakal: ____________________ Yakal: ____________________
Acacia: Acacia:______________________ Acacia:______________________ Acacia:_____________________ Acacia:_____________________
______________________ Marie Curie: _________________ Marie Curie: _________________ MarieCurie: _________________ MarieCurie: _________________
Marie Curie: _________________ John Dalton _______________ John Dalton _______________ John Dalton _______________ John Dalton _______________
John Dalton _______________ Narra:_____________________ Narra:_____________________ Narra:_____________________ Narra:_____________________
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover that I
wish to share with
other teachers?
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