Machine Mannual - 2
Machine Mannual - 2
Machine Mannual - 2
Electrical Machines
Lab Manual
Semester 4th
The laboratory of each and every subject taught in the degree of Bachelors in Electrical
Engineering is of very much importance in every University. Fully equipped laboratory meeting
the industrial demands under the supervision of qualified, talented and practically motivated lab
assistants and lab engineers is also a basic criterion of the Pakistan Engineering Council. This
Manual has been formulated considering all these above mentioned points.
This manual is according to the equipment supplied by the Mechanical Engineering Services,
Faisalabad and meets the requirements of all the course of Electrical Workshop as per the
With Regards
Muzammil Hayat
Lab Engineer
• Computer System Software:Matlab.
What is Simulink
Simulink is a software package for modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamic
systems. It supports linear and nonlinear systems, modeled in continuous time, sampled
time, or a hybrid of the two. Systems can also be multirate, i.e., have different parts that
are sampled or updated at different rates. Simulink encourages you to try things out. You
can easily build models from scratch, or take an existing model and add to it. Simulations
are interactive, so you can change parameters on the fly and immediately see what
happens. You have instant access to all the analysis tools in MATLAB, so you can take
the results and analyze and visualize them. A goal of Simulink is to give you a sense of
the fun of modeling and simulation, through an environment that encourages you to pose
a question, model it, and see what happens. With Simulink, you can move beyond
idealized linear models to explore more realistic nonlinear models, factoring in friction,
air resistance, gear slippage, hard stops, and the other things that describe real-world
phenomena. Simulink turns your computer into a lab for modeling and analyzing systems
that simply wouldn't be possible or practical otherwise, whether the behavior of an
automotive clutch system, the flutter of an airplane wing, the dynamics of a predator-prey
model, or the effect of the monetary supply on the economy. Simulink is also practical.
For modeling, Simulink provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for building models as
block diagrams, using click-and-drag mouse operations. With this interface, you can draw
the models just as you would with pencil and paper (or as most textbooks depict them).
This is a far cry from previous simulation packages that require you to formulate
differential equations and difference equations in a language or program. Simulink
includes a comprehensive block library of sinks, sources, linear and nonlinear
components, and connectors. You can also customize and create your own blocks. For
information on creating your own blocks, see the separate Writing S-Functions guide.
• Enter the name of the model (without the .mdl extension) in the MATLAB
Command Window. The model must be in the current directory or on the
Show the value of the input.
The Display block shows the value of its input on its icon.
Scope, Floating Scope, Signal Viewer Scope
Display signals generated during a simulation
Starting SimulinkTo start Simulink, you must first start MATLAB. You can then start
Simulink in two ways: Click the Simulink icon on the MATLAB toolbar. Enter the
simulink command at the MATLAB prompt.
• Connect all the circuit as shown above with resistive load.
• First of all before connecting the load to the transformer, measure the no-load voltage, E2
for the transformer. At this stage I2 will be zero.
• Now connect the load and measure the load voltage, V2 and the current I2.
• Now gradually increase the load and take on measuring the values of V2 and I2.
• Now replace the resistive load with inductive load and repeat the above procedure.
• Now replace the inductive load with capacitive load and repeat the above procedure.
• In case of lagging power factor i.e. resistive and inductive load, the load voltage will
decrease as the load current increases. We will be getting positive voltage regulation.
• In case of leading power factor i.e. capacitive load, the load voltage will increase as the
load current increases. We will be getting negative voltage regulation.
I connect the circuit according to above diagram .Then I noted that the out put voltage is zero so its mean
the parallel operation of transformer is correct or we can say that its polarity is correct.beacause the
voltmeter which we connect across the secondary winding showing its 0 value’s mean its polarity is
correct. Then I connect the secondary winding in parallel and noted that same output voltage at the end like
input is peak tp peak 100v and its out put approximately near by 90 peak to peak its mean in parallel
operation the current is add uo and the voltage has no effect.
VL = √ 3 V P
VL = 11.91KV
In Star, VL = √ 3 VP
In Delta, VL = VP
This result shows that .in delta connection phase voltage or delta voltage are equals. But other connections
do not show this result because in star connection line voltage is equal to the under root 3 phase voltage .
In the table I use peak +ev value and the according to the formulas I solved that.
Current, voltage and power are measured at the primary winding to ascertain the admittance and
power factor angle
No-Load Current, I0 =
5 * 10(-11)
In open circuit test a very small amount of current like 5*10(-11) pass through the circuit or the core
This current is flow due to flux leakage in the core .so we can say that our core is not proper core because
in open circuit it has miner losses this is called our core losses
1 Simulink diagram
1. Connect the primary supply to the primary of the transformer as shown and keep the
secondary as open.
2. Measure the voltage and current at the primary side.
3. If available, read the power shown by the wattmeter.
4. The above power will be the constant/core losses of the transformer measured at open
circuit as constant/core losses are independent of load.
5. Now connect the circuit for the short circuit test i.e. apply only 1-2% of the rated
voltage at the primary terminal and short the secondary of the transformer.
6. Now measure the voltage and current. Or if available, read the power measured by the
• This power will be the full load copper losses for this transformer.
When we short the secondary winding of transformer our short circuit current goes into amperes
• Connect all the circuit as shown above.
• Connect the two DC machine windings with the correct polarity.
• Connect a demux to machenical output terminal..
• Connect four scopes to the output of demux.
• Then vary the armature voltage.
• Verify by checking the reading of scope of speed.
1 150 v 200
2 100 v 133.4
3 180 v 240
200 v 266.7
220 v 285
250 v 332
280 v 375
9 300 v 400
10 50 v 66.7
350 v 467
The result shows that the speed of dc motor is directly proportional to the armature voltage. Because
The speed of motor increase by increasing voltage and decrease by decreasing armature voltage .it has
high starting torque.
1 100 v 133.5
2 150 v 88.8
3 200 v 66.7
220 v 60.6
250 v 53.4
280 v 47.65
300 v 45
9 50 v 242
10 350 v 37
380 v 35
The result shows that the speed of dc motor is inversely proportional to the field voltage. Because speed of
dc motor decrease by increasing the field voltage and increase by decreasing field voltage. And it
has high starting torque.
Same above
A motor at rest has no back starting starting therefore armature current is limited only by the
resistance of armature circuit. The armature resistance is very low, however, and if full voltage were
imposed upon the motor terminal at stand still, the resulting armature current would be many times full
load value, usually sufficient to damage the machine. For this reason, additional resistance into the
armature circuit at starting. So at the starting position three step resistance are add in the series of armature
Due to this a v.low current pass through the motor therefor motor run at slow speed or we can said that the
motor is at starting position. Simply as we cut off resistance from series of motor stator the amount of
current or voltage\s of the stator will be increase as the result motor will run its full speed. .it is safe
method of starting of dc motor.
Circuit diagram
1 = speed graph
3= torque graph
1 150 v 300
2 100 v -660
3 80 V -900
60 V -1100
50V -1150
40V -1200
8 180V 1366
200 V 1700
220V 1720
When we changed the values of stator voltage the speed of motor is also be changed. for example
When we increase the value of stator voltages the speed of motor increase. And when we decrease the
value of voltages the speed of induction motor also be decrease. This result shows that the speed of
induction motor is directly proportional to stator we can control the speed of induction
Motor by changing the stator voltages.
1. V = 200v
( speed) = 1700N
3. V = 100v
SPEED = -660N
1 10 HZ 300
2 20 HZ 520
3 30 HZ 580
40 HZ 600
60 HZ 673
80 HZ 800
90 HZ 870
9 1100
100 HZ
110 HZ 1500
when we increase the values of frequency the speed of motor is increased .and when we decrease
the values of frequency the speed of induction motor this result shows that. The speed
of induction motor is directly proportional to the applied frequency.e.g at the 20 HZ speed of
induction motor is 520 N .AND another side at the 10 HZ the speed of motor is 300 N. .
No Number of Speed
Of obs Poles
1 2 1738
2 4 885
3 6 595
4 8 448
5 10 26
6 12 23
7 14 18
8 16 16
9 20 13
10 22 11
the above result shows that the number of poles of motor is inversely proportional to the speed.
Because when we increase the number of poles the speed of motor decrease and when we decrease the
number of poles of motor the speed of motor increase.