Science - July 8, 2022 USA
Science - July 8, 2022 USA
Science - July 8, 2022 USA
he cultural wars raging across the United States The most corrosive aspect of faculty members’ resis-
have sadly found their way into the world of tance to change is their response to students’ requests
science. Some university science faculty and for the use of inclusive language and terminology:
administrators are resistant to making changes “Can you believe this student asked me not to say
that would allow more students from under- this?” Apparently, faculty cannot be inconvenienced
represented groups to participate and thrive in to modify language in a way that creates a supportive
the sciences. The rationale for this opposition is learning environment. Rather than mocking the stu-
often that “accommodating” legitimate social and peda- dents for asking, educators should be inspired to learn H. Holden Thorp
gogical needs of marginalized groups will lower the new ways of communicating that make it easier for all
standards of mastery and excellence in these fields. But students to learn. Institutions need to take responsi-
Science journals.
this concern is just a crutch that protects faculty and bility for the needed changes and not put the burden;
institutions from having to do the work of correcting on students. Some proposed solutions have even in-
social injustices in higher education. volved sending all the students to cognitive behavioral @hholdenthorp
It’s common to hear that improving student diversity therapy to make them less sensitive. Why should they
in higher education requires lowering the bar to admis- be the ones to do the work needed to fix a dysfunc-
sion and watering down the curric- tional world they did not create?
ulum so that all students can pass The University of Chicago has
the course of study. I’m not aware engaged in a very effective public
of anyone who is advocating such a
trade-off. There are known methods
“...everyone relations campaign over the past
several years to brand itself as the
of teaching that allow more people
from different backgrounds to mas-
should have more “free-speech university.” It has is-
sued many bold statements from
ter scientific material without com-
promising the quality of education.
optimism about faculty and administrators that
welcome all ideas about contro-
These include a greater use of active
learning methods that engage stu-
who can become versial issues and create a space
for conservative ideas to be shared
dents with course material through
discussions and problem solving (as
a scientist.” freely. Many faculty opposed to di-
versity initiatives have praised the
opposed to passively taking in infor- stance and assume that the univer-
mation). Making such reforms may sity does not favor diversity initia-
require faculty to learn new ways of teaching. But isn’t tives or staff who are devoted to equity and inclusion.
that the job—to foster education for everyone? But the institution’s website for the division of student
Another common refrain is that understanding sci- affairs reveals many identity-based resources, such
ence requires a high degree of skill in mathematics. I’ve as a team that helps students report and respond to
heard firsthand from faculty that students can’t pass bias incidents, a center for identity and inclusion, and
their classes unless they have previously achieved a much more. The University of Chicago understands
high score on standardized tests in math such as the that all students need support and resources to learn.
SAT or ACT. That is a breathtakingly pessimistic view. I don’t think anyone would accuse this institution of
These high scorers are often students who’ve had the lowering its standards.
opportunities and resources to prepare for pre-college Opening the doors to science for everyone requires
exams, which vast numbers of students have difficulty that faculty learn the most effective methods for teaching
accessing. Isn’t the whole point of teaching to provide a a diverse student body. Yes, it’s more work on top of the
pathway to achievement? many other faculty duties, so universities must provide
Social psychologist Claude Steele and others have dem- resources to make the adjustments, such as revamping
onstrated repeatedly that stereotype threat—in which classrooms for active learning, providing time for faculty
symbols and signals of exclusion create negative psycho- to redo their curricula, and doing the hard work involved
logical effects—measurably impairs learning. Names of in having the faculty and institution make the cultural
buildings and sports teams that honor racism and racists changes that students need. And everyone should have
send a discouraging message to marginalized groups. If more optimism about who can become a scientist.
cience has learned that the U.S. National Science Foundation More than 100 other countries have signed
(NSF) has asked the National Academies to take a fresh look the pledge to protect 30% of both Earth’s
this fall at a Cold War-era presidential directive that regards ocean area and land area by 2030. To reach
that proportion of protected ocean area in
openness in basic research as a boon to both innovation and Colombia 8 years before the deadline, Duque
national security. Advocates of classifying as little informa- designated three new marine protected
tion as possible say additional restrictions would harm U.S. areas and expanded the existing Malpelo
research without deterring countries seen as adversaries. China’s Fauna and Flora Sanctuary in the Eastern
Pacific Ocean to include a 1400 kilometer
aggressive pursuit of several emerging technologies with both com- underwater ridge that acts as a highway for
mercial and military uses, however, has prompted calls from many sharks and other marine life. Duque has
lawmakers to cordon off the results of basic research on a range of also announced a $245 million initiative
sensitive technologies. A 2019 report to NSF backed the current pol- that aims to protect 32 million hectares of
Colombian land and ocean.
icy, issued in 1985 and known as NSDD-189. But NSF officials say the
world has changed enough for experts across academia, government,
and industry to reexamine the issue. Germany military research urged
RESEARCH FUNDING | German universities
should undertake more military research,
the German national academy of engineer-
wide as a pingpong table is long—are the ing, Acatech, said in a white paper released
Court limits EPA’s climate power world’s largest, they report in Frontiers in last month. The Russian attack on Ukraine
| Siding with a group
C L I M AT E P O L I C Y Plant Science. Victoria boliviana, so named has prompted a shift in Germany’s restrained
of Republican-led states and the electric because it grows the biggest in Bolivia, was approach to defense, predominant since
power industry, the U.S. Supreme Court shown to be a distinct species with genetic World War II, with the legislature recently
last week limited the Environmental analysis and detailed morphological approving €100 billion in new military fund-
Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) ability to observations of specimens at the National ing. Many German universities have long
regulate carbon emissions from existing Herbarium of Bolivia and at the Royal had a voluntary ban on military and dual-use
power plants. Analysts say the 6-3 deci- Botanic Gardens Kew in England, where research, but that position is out of date
sion in West Virginia v. EPA will hamper the new species is on display. since the war in Ukraine, the 24 June report
President Joe Biden’s efforts to achieve his
goal of substantially reducing U.S. carbon
emissions and give more power to states.
Notably, however, the court’s conservative
majority did not use the case to challenge
EPA’s underlying authority to regulate
greenhouse gases, especially carbon
dioxide, the primary planet-warming gas.
But federal courts are still considering
he plumage of hummingbirds has more color diversity than the
feathers of all other birds combined, a recent study finds. Researchers
from Yale University collected feathers from specimens of 114 humming-
bird species and, using a spectrometer, documented the wavelengths
of light they reflected. These wavelengths were then compared with those
found in a previous study of 111 other bird species, including penguins and parrots.
The researchers were surprised to find new colors in the hummers, which widened the
known avian color gamut by 56% and included rarely seen saturated greens and blues,
they report in Communications Biology. The newfound variation largely includes colors
in the ultraviolet scale that are invisible to humans and probably only seen by humming-
birds themselves. Researchers note the variation is likely due to the reflective qualities of
nanostructures present in the small barbs that protrude from the end of each humming-
bird feather. The new colors were mostly found on the crowns and throats of the birds,
suggesting a role in mating displays and communication.
says. It calls for German science to focus at-risk species. Among the most vulnerable
equally on security, resilience, and sustain- trees worldwide are the Magnolia ekmanii Airline ends monkey transports
ability and for a broad debate about what from Haiti and the Diospyros egrettarum, ANIMAL MODELS | Air France will stop
research is needed for the country’s security. which has fewer than 10 specimens left in transporting nonhuman primates once its
its native Mauritius. current contracts end. The airline was the
last major holdout on carrying nonhuman
Protections overlook at-risk trees primates as cargo. People for the Ethical
BIODIVERSITY | Initiatives to conserve Next-gen COVID-19 jabs coming Treatment of Animals lauded the deci-
trees largely focus on nonthreatened spe- | Redesigned COVID-19 booster
C OV I D -1 9 sion, but the European Animal Research
cies, according to an analysis presented shots are expected this fall, after advisers Association cautions it will restrict research,
last week at the World Biodiversity Forum. to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration especially as the European Union prepares
The work is an update to the State of the (FDA) voted 19-2 last week in favor of to introduce further limits on primate stud-
World’s Trees report, originally published incorporating an Omicron strain into exist- ies later this year. The U.S. already faces
in September 2021, that showed one-third ing vaccines. FDA concurred, announcing shortages of monkeys for research, in part
of the 60,000 tree species in the world are on 30 June that it’s asking manufacturers because of a Chinese ban on monkey exports.
at risk of extinction, fueled by clearing land to retool their shots for a spike protein
for agriculture, logging, and climate change. component shared by Omicron BA.4 and
The new analysis reveals that areas marked BA.5, which are currently gaining ground
for conservation, such as national parks, worldwide. The new vaccines, which Pfizer
protect 85% of nonthreatened tree species,
compared with only 56% of threatened
ones. The same is true for trees in scien-
tific collections, such as botanical gardens
and Moderna say they can make available
by about October, will have the same mes-
senger RNA dose as previous boosters but
will target both Omicron and the original
Google searches in the United States
and seed banks; only 21% of threatened coronavirus strain first detected in 2019. for “abortion pill” and names of specific
species are safeguarded there versus 45% Pfizer and Moderna have reported data abortion medications between 1 May
of nonthreatened ones. Researchers worry from ongoing trials of vaccines against an and 8 May, the week the U.S. Supreme
the lack of threatened trees in collections earlier Omicron strain, BA.1, and FDA says Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s
might hinder conservation and restoration it expects to consider these data in evaluat- Health Organization draft ruling was
programs aimed at growing and preserving ing fall boosters. leaked. (JAMA Internal Medicine)
By Katie Langin become pregnant. “I really worry that it’s go- “you don’t have a ton of choice about where
ing to affect people’s ability to write their own you end up in the first place, and now there’s
hen the U.S. Supreme Court over- destiny,” says an M.D.-Ph.D. student in Texas even less choice if you cut out half the states
turned Roe v. Wade on 24 June, who requested anonymity. and say, ‘Well, I’m not willing to live there.”
eliminating the constitutional The Supreme Court’s reversal will likely be But ultimately, she doesn’t think she’d feel
right to an abortion and hand- felt most strongly in groups that are already comfortable recruiting trainees to join her in
ing decisions about access to state underrepresented in science, says Nicole a state that doesn’t grant them reproductive
legislators, the response across Williams, the outreach director for the non- autonomy. As a second-year Ph.D. student,
the polarized country was swift and divided. profit 500 Women Scientists. “Being an she became pregnant unexpectedly after
Abortion opponents cheered the culmination African-American woman, and just knowing her contraception failed. Her subsequent
of a long quest to restrict the practice. But the stats—that Black birthing persons already decision to end the pregnancy was relatively
large swaths of the public, including many experience high levels of pregnancy-related easy, she says, because she wanted to focus
scientists, decried the decision as a poten- mortality—the overturning of Roe versus on her education—and she wants that same
tially deadly violation of human rights. “Abor- Wade is a death sentence for Black women freedom for others. “Being forced to carry an
tion bans will kill people in lots of different scientists and birthing persons,” including unwanted pregnancy to term during gradu-
horrible ways,” tweeted Amanda Stevenson transgender men and nonbinary people. ate school would have posed a significant
of the University of Colorado, Boulder, a re- These concerns have some scientists recon- burden on me and potentially derailed my
searcher who studies abortion. sidering their career plans and where they’re career plans,” she says.
Some scientists also worried about direct willing to live and work. The Texas M.D.- Faculty members already established in af-
effects on the research community. “It’s go- Ph.D. student, for example, might leave the fected states are wrestling with similar ques-
ing to really negatively impact science … if we state once she finishes her program because tions. “I had to take a mental health day just
have scientists actively avoiding half of this of Texas’s strict abortion laws. “It’s really to process everything that happened and deal
country, or all of it entirely,” says Rosa Lafer- hard. … I love Texas,” she says. Researchers with the emotions,” says an assistant profes-
Sousa, a neuroscience postdoc in the Wash- across genders and career stages shared simi- sor in a biomedical field who is based in a
ington, D.C., area who is considering how the lar stories on social media, saying they would southern state where abortion is now illegal
ruling will influence her upcoming faculty be leaving or not pursuing professional op- in nearly all cases. Speaking with Science on
job search. She and others fear that the lack portunities in abortion-restricting states. the condition she remain anonymous, she
of an abortion option in many states will cre- Those seeking faculty positions face par- says she’s particularly concerned about stu-
ate hardship for some aspiring scientists who ticular challenges, Lafer-Sousa says, because dents at her university who come from dis-
vide the underrepresented minority trainees he viruses that cause Zika and dengue infected rodents, the researchers identified
that exist here,” she says. “I’m Latina. I’m a fever can’t get from person to person the ingredients in eau de Zika or dengue.
woman. And in science, both of those identi- on their own—they need to hitchhike Mice gave off larger quantities of 11 poten-
ties are not well represented.” But come fall, inside a mosquito. A study last week tial odorants when they got sick, and one,
she’ll likely apply for faculty positions else- in Cell suggests they hail these rides acetophenone, was a mosquito attractant.
where. “The fear for my safety and my well- by making their victims smell more at- Rodents that were ill exuded about 10 times
being—and even more so than that, that of tractive to the blood-suckers. more acetophenone than their uninfected
my students—it weighs really heavily on me.” It’s “a big advance,” says mosquito neuro- counterparts. Dengue patients also emitted
Some universities have issued statements scientist Laura Duvall of Columbia Univer- more of the molecule than healthy people.
expressing support for their students’ and sity. The work shows that “infection with Certain bacteria that dwell on the skin
employees’ reproductive rights. The M.D.- these mosquito-borne viruses can alter the are the main source of acetophenone. Skin
Ph.D. student, for instance, says her school way some people smell … to make them more cells normally keep their numbers in check
administrators sent out an email assuring likely to be bitten.” with a protein called RELMa that kills the
trainees and faculty they will be supported Malaria parasites were already known to microbes. However, Cheng and colleagues
to the extent possible. But other universities make human hosts smell irresistible to mos- found that mice infected with the Zika or
have remained silent, frustrating those who quitoes. Whether the viruses dengue viruses cranked out
want to know their employer is paying at-
tention. The southern professor, for example,
that cause Zika fever and den-
gue fever, which together infect
“These much less RELMa, which
might allow the bacteria to
hasn’t received any emails or statements from up to 400 million people every mosquito-borne proliferate and change the an-
her university. It “pisses me off,” she says. year, also meddle with a per- imals’ scent. And mosquitoes
Some scientists have also called on their son’s odor was unclear, however. viruses can alter were less fond of mice that
professional societies to take action, par-
ticularly regarding conference locations,
These pathogens travel from
person to person in Aedes ae-
the way some had consumed isotretinoin, a
derivative of vitamin A that
with some proposing boycotting meetings in gypti mosquitoes, which trans- people smell.” increases RELMa synthesis
states that ban abortion. Others have pushed mit other viruses as well. “It’s a very compelling pa-
Laura Duvall,
back on that idea, saying it will only harm sci- To determine whether the per,” says Ring Cardé of the
Columbia University
entists in those states. But safety of attendees insects are partial to individu- University of California, Riv-
is at stake, boycott advocates say. “Any person als with Zika or dengue, microbiologist Gong erside, who studies chemical ecology and
capable of childbearing could have an emer- Cheng of Tsinghua University and colleagues insect behavior. But he cautions that other
gency related to pregnancy at your confer- set up three interconnected cages for a mouse research teams have uncovered numerous
ence,” Northwestern University neuroscience experiment. Into one cage they piped air that odor molecules that draw A. aegypti mos-
postdoc Ana Vlasits tweeted. “Your event had blown across mice that were sick with quitoes to their victims, including lactic acid
should not be held in a place where your the Zika virus. A second cage received air that and ammonia. “It’s not clear how this com-
childbearing colleagues might be put at risk.” had flowed over healthy mice. The team then pound fits in with the known attractants.”
Those concerns make sense to Catherine added hungry mosquitoes to the third cage Still, the results could “revolutionize”
Alves, a social scientist based in Rhode Island and let them choose where to hang out. diagnosis of dengue and Zika, says James
who is currently pregnant. Last year, she had Seventy percent of the mosquitoes Logan of the London School of Hygiene
a miscarriage and took the drug misoprostol crowded into the cage receiving air from the & Tropical Medicine, who was part of the
to help her body expel the fetal tissue. Her Zika-infected rodents. The insects’ distribu- team that showed malaria parasites change
situation wasn’t an emergency, but other tion was equally lopsided when the air came people’s skin chemistry. Instead of a blood
pregnancy-related complications that are of- from rodents with dengue fever rather than test, an electronic “nose” that detects ace-
ten treated with abortion drugs, such as ec- Zika. However, the mosquitoes didn’t favor tophenone could provide a diagnosis much
topic pregnancies, can be fatal if they aren’t a particular cage when air from the infected more quickly and easily, Logan suggests. A
addressed quickly. It’s not clear whether animals’ cages went through a filtration ap- company he founded is already developing
those drugs will continue to be prescribed paratus that trapped chemicals, suggesting sensors to identify malaria from body odor.
in emergency situations in all states. “As a the odor of the sick mice was key. The findings suggest “a novel avenue” to
pregnant person,” Alves says, she wouldn’t Cheng’s team also wiped the armpits battle these diseases by reducing human
feel comfortable attending conferences in of healthy people and dengue fever pa- attractiveness to mosquitoes, Cheng says.
locations where, if something went awry, “I tients with an absorbent material, isolated For example, he and colleagues are test-
couldn’t get medical care that I needed and molecules that could become airborne, ing isotretinoin and related compounds in
that reflects my values.” j and dabbed them onto filter paper. Mos- dengue fever patients. j
rescriptions for Pfizer’s blockbuster The resistance studies come on the heels independently cultured the coronavirus with
drug Paxlovid have skyrocketed in of other recent concerns about Paxlovid, low levels of nirmatrelvir, killing some but
recent weeks. That’s good news for which in the United States remains re- not all of the virus. Such tests are meant to
many COVID-19 patients, as the pill stricted to use in people with risk factors simulate what might happen in an infected
has been proven to reduce severe making them more likely to develop severe person who doesn’t take the whole regimen
disease. But a bevy of new lab studies COVID-19. Confirming anecdotal reports of the drug or an immunocompromised pa-
show SARS-CoV-2 can mutate in ways that widely reported by media, several studies tient who has trouble clearing the virus.
make it less susceptible to the drug, by far have found a small percentage of infected One of those studies, led by Dirk
the more widely used of the two oral anti- people who receive the normal 5-day Jochmans, a virologist at KU Leuven in
viral drugs authorized to treat COVID-19 course initially feel better, only to have Belgium, found that after 12 rounds of
in the United States. Researchers have their symptoms rebound. And questions nirmatrelvir treatment, SARS-CoV-2 accu-
found some of those mutations in variants have grown about whether Paxlovid helps mulated three mutations—at positions 50,
already circulating in infected people, rais- those who aren’t at high risk of serious 166, and 167 in the string of amino acids
ing fears that physicians could soon lose disease—Pfizer earlier this month halted that make up Mpro–that reduced the virus’
one of their best tools for fighting the virus. a large trial of the drug in standard risk susceptibility to nirmatrelvir 20-fold, as
Taken together, the studies show that COVID-19 patients because it was failing determined by the dose of drug required
“when you put pressure on the virus it es- to show statistically significant protection to kill half the virus in a sample. The other
capes,” says David Ho, a virologist at Co- against death or hospitalization. study, led by Judith Margarete Gottwein,
lumbia University who was among the first The U.S. Food and Drug Administration a virologist at the University of Copenha-
to document drug resistance mutations in (FDA) granted emergency use authorization gen, also spotted potential resistance-con-
HIV some 3 decades ago. Ho was not in- for Paxlovid in December 2021. The drug con- ferring mutations at positions 50 and 166
volved with the new studies but is conduct- sists of nirmatrelvir, the active antiviral, and in Mpro. When those mutations occurred
ing similar work on SARS-CoV-2. Although ritonavir, a compound that slows the break- together, the virus was 80 times less sus-
the newly identified mutations have yet to down of nirmatrelvir in the body. Because of ceptible to nirmatrelvir. “This tells us what
become widespread, Ho and many other bottlenecks in manufacturing nirmatrelvir, mutations we should be looking for [in pa-
scientists think it’s only a matter of time. Paxlovid’s rollout was slow—doctors in the tients],” Gottwein says.
at these positions that could help the virus other viruses, including HIV and hepatitis very summer, surges of toxic green
work around the drug. C, Ho says. Two other SARS- muck plague lakes worldwide, sicken-
And the list of potential
resistance mutations keeps
“When you put CoV-2 antivirals are autho-
rized in the United States,
ing hikers who fail to purify drinking
water, closing favorite swimming holes,
growing. In a paper posted pressure on the but they have drawbacks. The and killing fish. The most feared—and
last week on bioRxiv, Jun other oral drug, molnupiravir, studied—cause of these freshwater “al-
Wang, a medicinal chemist at virus, it escapes.” has proven considerably less gal” blooms is a genus of cyanobacterium
Rutgers University, and col- David Ho, effective than Paxlovid, and called Microcystis. Its explosive summer
leagues report 66 common Columbia University has raised safety concerns growth is thought to be spurred by rising lev-
mutations to Mpro near the because it induces random ge- els of phosphorus, nitrogen, and other nutri-
nirmatrelvir binding site. Like Godzik’s netic mutations in the virus—that typically ents, perhaps from fertilizer run off or other
team, they scanned the GISAID database stops it from replicating but could also pollution sources. But new research, driven
to find altered versions of the protease, spawn dangerous new variants, some sci- by advances in DNA sequencing, suggests
but then went a step further. Adding the entists caution. And remdesivir, which in- other types of microbes also play key roles in
gene for each of these variants of Mpro to terferes with the ability of the virus to copy these massive overgrowths.
Escherichia coli bacteria, they created its genome, is approved for use in patients According to one study, viruses killing off
supplies of the mutated enzymes for ad- with mild to moderate symptoms who are a main competitor of toxic Microcystis may
ditional tests: first to determine whether at risk of severe disease, but it must be de- help pave the way for blooms; another indi-
each variant still carried out the essential livered intravenously. A preprint posted on cates nitrogen fixation by other bacteria may
duties of cutting viral proteins, and sec- bioRxiv last week suggests combining mol- provide the needed boost. The results suggest
ond to determine whether the mutations nupiravir and nirmatrelvir is more effective that reducing nutrients may not be enough to
allowed Mpro to resist nirmatrelvir. Eleven in combating SARS-CoV-2 infections than stop these slimy explosions, some scientists
of the 66 variants retained the protease’s either antiviral given alone, at least in mice. say. That doesn’t mean curbing pollution is
function (it was impaired in most of the But the strategy has yet to be widely em- unimportant, they stress, but ecological fac-
others), and five of the 11 were resistant braced by doctors. tors must be considered.
to nirmatrelvir, requiring at least a 10-fold Meanwhile, pharmaceutical compa- “Interspecies biological interactions help
increase in the drug to kill half the virus nies are racing to complete clinical tri- determine blooms,” says Kevin Johnson,
in the sample. One of those variants had als on additional SARS-CoV-2 antivirals, a marine scientist at the Florida Institute
a previously seen resistance mutation, at some targeting Mpro at different sites. But of Technology who was not involved in the
position 166, but the other four had novel those aren’t available yet. And numerous work. “The more details we understand of
workarounds at positions 144, 165, 172, and researchers, including representatives of bloom creation, the better our knowledge of
192. The bottom line from all this work, the nonprofit Drugs for Neglected Diseases how they might be prevented or controlled.”
Wang says: “It’s just a matter of time be- Initiative, have complained that Pfizer has With the warming climate and continuing
fore we see resistance emerge.” not made Paxlovid easily available for tri- inflows of pollution, harmful algal blooms
So, why is Paxlovid still working? One als of combination therapies. The company are on the rise, becoming more frequent and
possibility is that not enough people have has said it plans to do those studies itself, longer lasting in ever more places across the
taken the drug yet to force the virus to mu- although some are skeptical. globe. They are “a pretty wicked problem,”
tate. Another explanation, Wang says, is Until more antiviral drugs become says Ariane Peralta, a microbial ecologist at
that it may take multiple mutations in Mpro available, Paxlovid will remain essentially Eastern Carolina University.
for the virus to get around Paxlovid while alone, raising fears that sooner or later In some lakes, reducing fertilizer runoff
remaining both fully functional and easily it will lose its punch. When pressed by a at first seemed to thwart blooms—then they
transmissible. Thus far, adds Aditya Shah, single antiviral, viruses usually find a way came back. Similar plans for bloom-choked
an infectious disease specialist at the Mayo around the drug, Gottwein says. “If it can Lake Erie might backfire, a team of academic
Clinic, studies show that when symptoms happen it will happen.” j microbiologists and water quality experts
average ones called picocyanobacteria. skyrocket. An analysis of its genome sug- to keep watching for them in his metage-
“Everyone glosses over them as not of gested why: Microcystis contains several nomic studies.
managerial concern,” says Cody Sheik, a antiviral defenses, such as the system that How the microbial dynamics that drive
microbial ecologist at the University of spawned the genome editor CRISPR, that blooms can be interrupted is still un-
Minnesota, Duluth. picocyanobacterial lack. In addition, the known, and the picture is getting more
Part of the problem has been that it’s bloom-forming cyanobacterium has genes complicated all the time. “We are grappling
been difficult to sort out which microbes that enable it to store nitrogen, a key nu- with understanding what parts of complex
are doing what in a lake. But Lauren trient, which may provide another com- microbial communities are changing and
Krausfeldt, a microbiologist at Nova petitive advantage over the many lake what we can change to produce a different
Southeastern University, recently turned microbes that did not. outcome,” Peralta says. But she’s optimistic
to metagenomics, a strategy of sequencing Krausfeldt suspects the phages lie dor- that in time, “we can figure out what levers
all the DNA in samples of water and other mant until some unknown environmental we can move.” j
By Dennis Normile fixed-term employees. Today RIKEN has in 2016 retroactively to those who have
programs in brain science, quantum com- already worked under contract for 10 or
housands of researchers at Japanese puting, and preventive medicine scattered more years, is “illegal,” says Yasuyuki Ka-
institutes and universities may see among 10 branches and campuses, and it nai, the executive committee chairman of
their jobs disappear by next spring, runs a powerful synchrotron and a peta- RIKEN’s labor union. He says the research-
an unintended result of labor legisla- scale supercomputer. But 77% of its 2893 ers have a right to continued employment.
tion adopted a decade ago that gave current researchers are fixed-term workers. Unhappy with the way RIKEN negotiated,
researchers who have worked under Legislation adopted in 2013 and amended the union on 20 June formally asked a gov-
fixed-term contracts for more than 10 years in 2014 gave most contract employees the ernmental labor relations board to order
the right to permanent employment. Japan’s right to request permanent employment the agency to bargain in good faith. With
science system has many such temporary after working for the same employer for union support, “researchers are now pre-
workers—but rather than fully hire them, in- 5 years; for researchers, the term was set to paring to take the matter to court,” Kanai
stitutions are terminating their jobs. 10 years. Many employers have responded says. The union notes that fresh cohorts
Scientists are trying to head off the lay- by making sure contract workers never ac- of several dozen fixed-term researchers
offs; the union for RIKEN, Japan’s net- cumulate that duration of service. annually will reach the term limit in the
work of nationally supported years ahead.
laboratories, filed a protest with Other institutions face similar
a Tokyo labor board last month problems, although few have as
and may take legal action. Re- many temporary contracts as
gardless of the outcome, the dis- RIKEN. Some are trying to find
pute could create more upheaval ways to retain their workers. The
in a research system whose National Institute of Advanced
global impact is already waning Industrial Science and Technol-
(Science, 27 May, p. 903.) “We ogy has converted to permanent
are on the verge of seeing a pos- status all 245 fixed-term con-
sible mass dismissal of research- tractors who applied for it, ac-
ers this year,” Tomoko Tamura, cording to press reports. Tohoku
a member of the legislature’s University is reportedly screen-
upper house, said during a May ing 275 fixed-term researchers
parliamentary question time on for possible permanent employ-
the issue. Tamura’s analysis of ment. At the University of To-
government data suggests up kyo, which has 588 fixed-term
to 4500 researchers are at risk, employees approaching 10 years
which “could have a serious long- SPring 8, one of the world’s most powerful synchrotrons, is among of service, some might be moved
term impact on Japan’s research the cutting-edge facilities RIKEN brought online during 3 decades of growth. to new projects, a spokesperson
and development,” she said. says, without providing details.
Japan’s R&D funding grew rapidly in RIKEN took that step in 2016, specifying The broader problem is a scarcity of op-
the 1990s and 2000s, but many newly that the count of years served starts in 2013. portunities for researchers to change jobs
recruited researchers were hired under That means contract researchers who have in Japan, says Eisuke Enoki, who heads
fixed-term contracts, which offer lower already worked for RIKEN for more than an Osaka-based organization that studies
pay, fewer benefits, and less job security 10 years may face termination next year. In science policy. “The originally envisioned
than permanent jobs. The scheme gave an email to Science, RIKEN says 203 fixed- ideal was for academics to become assis-
research institutions more flexibility—but term researchers will reach the end of their tant professors after one or two postdocs
in practice, most fixed-term contracts were final contracts before the end of March and to gain a permanent position if tenure
renewed indefinitely. 2023. The institute is currently screening is approved,” he says. But a tenure system
RIKEN is a prime example. Thirty years them and expects to make an unspecified has never taken hold, and there are few
ago, it had about 400 researchers, most of number permanent employees, but many permanent positions, even for team lead-
them permanent employees working on will have to leave. Among the vulner- ers with good track records, Enoki says.
basic physics and chemistry at the main able scientists are 42 team leaders whose A senior scientist at RIKEN who asked
campus near Tokyo. In the mid-1990s, Ja- groups will be disbanded if they go, which not to be identified agrees. His final con-
pan set out to roughly double government puts another 177 positions at risk. RIKEN tract is ending and it’s “very difficult to
spending on research within 5 years, but says it hopes those who are forced out “will find a new position,” he says: “If I get a job
the National Personnel Authority resisted be able to continue their research activi- in China, Korea, or Taiwan, I will move.”
increasing the number of employees on ties at universities, research institutes, and The crisis underscores that for young peo-
the national government payroll. Instead, private companies in Japan and overseas.” ple, in Japan “being a researcher is not an
RIKEN used project funds to hire many Applying an employment policy adopted attractive profession,” he adds. j
s a motley medley of mycologists of the Chile expedition. “We have to figure
climbed the basalt slopes of the out where they are and what they’re doing.”
Lanín volcano earlier this year, the SPUN’s approach is bold—even bombas-
green foliage at lower elevations tic. The project launched last fall with a
gave way to autumnal golds and media-savvy campaign, including slick
reds. Chile’s famed Araucaria— videos, arguing that society must do more
commonly called monkey puzzle to study and protect fungi to safeguard
trees—soon appeared, their spiny biodiversity and curb climate change.
branches curving jauntily upward SPUN researchers describe themselves as
like so many cats’ tails. “myconauts” heading into the unknown.
Beneath the majestic trees, the scien- They wear customized blue jumpsuits
tists were focused on something far less emblazoned with “PROTECT THE UN-
glamorous—indeed, mostly invisible: mycor- DERGROUND” for publicity photos and
rhizal fungi, tiny organisms that intertwine when working in the field. (“I really love
with roots of the Araucaria and jumpsuits,” Kiers says.) A docu-
nearly all the other plants in this mentary video crew followed
forest. The multinational re- “Up to 50% SPUN scientists on their first
search team had come to collect
soil samples they hoped would,
of the living expedition, into Chile. Celebri-
ties such as primatologist Jane
with help from DNA testing, biomass of Goodall and best-selling author
reveal exactly which fungi live Michael Pollan have signed on
here, and how they support this soils are these as SPUN advisers.
complex assemblage of flora.
By the end of an exhausting
networks” Some researchers, however,
harbor doubts that SPUN’s
day that included bushwhack- Toby Kiers, mapping effort will have much
ing through heavy brush, the Free University of practical impact, noting that
fungi hunters had filled seven Amsterdam conservationists are already
small plastic sacks with dirt protecting forests and other
from different locations. “I wouldn’t be ecosystems that harbor fungi and store
surprised if there are 100 undescribed spe- planet-warming carbon. Others question
cies” of fungi in each bag, said mycologist whether the surveys will appreciably add
Giuliana Furci, founder of the Chilean non- to what scientists already know, in part be-
profit Fungi Foundation and one of the ex- cause SPUN is only studying one segment
pedition leaders. of the fungal community: those that form
The April ascent was also a road test of associations with plant roots.
sorts: the first of many surveys that the Mapping “a single class of microorganism
Society for the Protection of Underground seems to me too limited to come to an under-
Networks (SPUN), a new fungus-focused standing of the big picture,” says Heribert
nonprofit, hopes to conduct. It has raised Hirt, a plant scientist at the King Abdullah
some $3.5 million for an ambitious effort to University of Science and Technology. “I am
map the global distribution of mycorrhizal rather skeptical that we will really learn a
fungi, which can create subterranean net- lot from this big science project.”
works that are thought to play a key, but of- But SPUN’s effort to make soil fungi more
ten overlooked, role in shaping ecosystems. visible is being welcomed by most mycolo-
Mycologist Toby Kiers marks “Up to 50% of the living biomass of soils gists, who often feel as overlooked as the or-
a fungi sampling plot in are these networks,” says ecologist Toby ganisms they study. “I don’t think anything
Chile’s Valdivia National Reserve. Kiers of the Free University of Amsterdam, like this has ever happened before,” says
a co-founder of SPUN and one of the leaders Kabir Peay, a mycologist at Stanford Univer-
ways mirror that of plants. In other words, of the material themselves, but they also The potential hot spots identified by
protecting just the richest aboveground plan to fund and train a far-flung network SPUN include places such as the high
ecosystems might fail to safeguard the full of myconauts to sample their own regions. steppes of Mongolia and the lowlands of the
diversity of belowground life. The SPUN data, which will be combined Congo River Basin. The modeling also high-
That survey effort “was just the very tip with Tedersoo’s in an open repository, will lighted another candidate: the old-growth
of the iceberg,” says Tedersoo, who now help fill a key gap, Averill says: “There’s forests of Chile.
SPUN LEADERS CHOSE the South American exotic species imported from Australia— with a rubber mallet, then extracted it.
nation for their inaugural expedition for that hid their destination. Every step re- Once the dirt core was safely deposited
two reasons. One is that Chile holds ancient quired negotiating thickets of bamboo and into a plastic ziplock bag, he and Kiers
and globally unique forests. The Villarrica thorny blackberries that caught on hair trekked further to collect eight additional
foothills, for example, are dominated by and clothes. “She emerges from the deep,” samples, forming a three-by-three grid
a mix of Araucaria and southern beech Furci joked as Kiers used a GPS to navigate 30 meters on a side.
trees, whose roots could host unique as- through a particularly treacherous stretch. Once analyzed, these samples could con-
semblages of mycorrhizal fungi. “F*** the computer!” Kiers retorted. firm or refute a hypothesis based on the
The other is that Chile is home to Furci, To gather their treasure, the research- computer modeling: that the eucalyptus
who has extensively surveyed the country’s ers donned blue plastic gloves to avoid grove is a “cold spot” with relatively few
mushrooms. She is also the founder of the contaminating the soil and swung into fungal species. But the researchers were
Fungi Foundation, one of the world’s first action. Merlin pounded a roughly quarter- eager to collect the soil anyway, because
charities devoted to protecting the under- meter-long metal cylinder into the ground they wanted to see whether the roots of the
ground kingdom. “A sense of in- tall, almost comically skinny
justice” spurred her to start the eucalyptus trees hosted for-
organization in 2012, Furci says. eign fungi that had hitchhiked
“At the time, there was nobody in with the Australian trees.
advocating for fungi in Chile.” Understanding how human-
For the trip, Kiers assem- altered ecosystems like this
bled a team that included one function is as important
Furci, independent mycologist as understanding more natural
Merlin Sheldrake, and his forests, Kiers says.
brother Cosmo Sheldrake, The expedition featured
a U.K. musician and sound some unconventional epi-
recorder. (Furci and Merlin sodes. Before taking samples
are both on SPUN’s advisory on the volcano, for example,
board.) The morning after the the researchers asked Cosmo
researchers trekked across the Sheldrake to play a song, in-
volcano, they clambered into spired by an Indigenous elder
a van and bumped up a dirt they had met the day before
road toward a constellation of who advised offering music to
sampling spots identified by fungi. The group fell quiet as
SPUN’s modeling. Pulling over he produced a penny whistle
near a gap in a barbed wire and played a haunting, ethe-
fence, the team plunged into a Mycologists Toby Kiers and Merlin Sheldrake real melody followed by Cool-
grove of eucalyptus trees—an sample along the rocky coast of Chile earlier this year. ey’s Reel, a popular Celtic tune.
were exchanged all around. She even of- ould adding certain kinds of fungi to soil help curb climate change by enabling
fered the couple a handful of dirt to smell. trees to grow faster and suck more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere? That’s a
“I love it,” the man said rapturously. question that researchers with the new Society for the Protection of Underground
The next morning, the team headed Networks (SPUN) are trying to answer.
west toward the Pacific coast to sample In the spring of 2021, in an abandoned pasture in southwestern Wales, a
in Alerce Costero National Park, home to forestry company planted 25,000 trees over 11 hectares for an experiment designed
another old-growth forest dominated by a by mycologist Colin Averill, a co-founder of SPUN (see main story, p. 142). The planta-
rare tree species, the alerce. In all, the re- tions include sitka spruce, a common timber tree in the United Kingdom, and a mix of
searchers collected some 30 soil samples in native deciduous trees. To half of the seedlings’ roots, researchers added mycorrhizal
just over a week of fieldwork. They handed fungi—microorganisms that help provide plants with nutrients by associating their
them over to César Marín, a mycologist at roots—that were sourced from mature forests of the same type. Now, the researchers
Santo Tomás University in Chile, for DNA are waiting to see whether the treated trees grow faster and absorb more carbon than
analysis. The results—including some from those that didn’t get the treatment. A similar trial is ongoing in Yucatán, and a third will
additional samples collected by Marín— be planted this fall in Ireland.
will be fed back into SPUN’s modeling in The effort builds on research suggesting the right fungi can give arboreal growth
order to improve its predictions. a powerful boost. In a January paper published in The ISME Journal, Averill and col-
leagues reported growth rates of trees in forests across Europe vary by up to a factor
SPUN’S EFFORTS to map fungi in understud- of three depending on their fungal partners.
ied places reflect a “pragmatic” approach But just how much fungi can supercharge saplings is an open question. Companies
that could help scientists better under- have long sold mycorrhizae that tree planters can dab onto roots. But such commer-
stand how complex ecosystems like for- cial mixes are not adapted to specific tree species or locations, Averill says, and there
ests work, says mycologist Justine Karst of is little evidence they help. For success, he believes “you need to get the right organ-
the University of Alberta, Edmonton. She isms in the right place.”
also lauds the team’s efforts to excite the The Wales experiment is testing that hypothesis. Averill visited the site in April to
public—something she says most scientists measure the trees and found the inoculated saplings are growing faster than ones
don’t prioritize. “I’m looking forward to grown without added fungi. He’s awaiting a second year of data before publishing
seeing what they produce.” them, “but the effect sizes are large enough that I’d be surprised if they go away.”
SPUN, meanwhile, hopes its analyses Even if bespoke fungi enhance tree growth in field studies, however, it’s not clear
will also help bolster emerging efforts to whether they can be deployed cheaply and conveniently enough to broadly appeal to
protect fungi—and Furci’s advocacy work forest owners. Averill will investigate that this fall through a company he’s created, Funga,
in Chile could provide a template. Largely that will inoculate pines being commercially planted in the southeastern United States.
because of her lobbying, Chilean lawmak- The idea of tailoring fungi to boost tree growth “is something many of us write
ers a decade ago passed the world’s first about in our grants,” says Kabir Peay, a mycologist at Stanford University who advises
law formally protecting fungi nationwide. SPUN. “It’s nice to see that someone’s actually out there trying. —G.P.
Elsewhere, fungi are also beginning to
capture official attention. Several Euro-
pean countries have taken steps to protect protecting fungi. And although SPUN “is mapping and demonstrating patterns of
endangered fungal species, and Estonia not the only game in town” when it comes biodiversity, and demonstrating a connec-
has created a small preserve where several to lobbying for fungi, Mueller believes its tion to conservation,” Peay says.
red-listed fungi live. (In the United States, well-funded public outreach could aid such Still, SPUN’s leaders believe they can
by contrast, fungi have relatively low sta- efforts. “Having this bright light shining on add a new, subterranean dimension to
tus; just two fungi—both lichens—are pro- the issue,” he says, “will move a lot of ini- global conservation efforts. Kiers points
tected under the Endangered Species Act.) tiatives forward.” to recent research suggesting that, over
Last fall, the International Union for Some influential groups, however, have nearly one-third of Earth’s land area,
the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which yet to afford fungi as much consideration aboveground biological diversity doesn’t
maintains the global “red list” of threat- as flora and fauna. The Nature Conser- match what’s found beneath the surface.
ened and endangered species, explicitly vancy—one of the world’s largest conserva- That means habitats often seen as rela-
called for fungi to be given the same con- tion groups—“does not specifically target tively species-poor—such as boreal forests
sideration as plants and animals, as did the fungi” when prioritizing ecosystems for and drylands—could harbor far greater un-
conservation organization Re:wild. And in protection, says David Banks, the group’s derground diversity than is currently rec-
December 2021, the United Nations’s Food chief conservation officer. “But because ognized. Better maps of fungal diversity,
and Agriculture Organization launched an we’re working in these bigger [ecosys- she adds, could aid forestry, farming, and
International Network on Soil Biodiversity tems], we can capture them.” (The conser- efforts to curb climate change.
that includes research on fungi. vancy is nevertheless funding a SPUN-led Kiers recognizes, however, that the onus
Mueller, who chairs IUCN’s fungal con- trip to sample mycorrhizal networks on a is now on SPUN to show its value before its
servation committee, and other advocates remote Pacific island.) first flush of funding runs out. “There has
are now working to have the Convention Even SPUN supporters acknowledge to be a demonstrable benefit to building
on Biological Diversity—a multinational that a more complete picture of fungi an organization dedicated to protecting
pact that helps set the global conserva- won’t automatically lead to better real- underground ecosystems,” she says. “The
tion agenda—explicitly embrace the goal of world outcomes. “There is a gap between clock is ticking.” j
were exchanged all around. She even of- ould adding certain kinds of fungi to soil help curb climate change by enabling
fered the couple a handful of dirt to smell. trees to grow faster and suck more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere? That’s a
“I love it,” the man said rapturously. question that researchers with the new Society for the Protection of Underground
The next morning, the team headed Networks (SPUN) are trying to answer.
west toward the Pacific coast to sample In the spring of 2021, in an abandoned pasture in southwestern Wales, a
in Alerce Costero National Park, home to forestry company planted 25,000 trees over 11 hectares for an experiment designed
another old-growth forest dominated by a by mycologist Colin Averill, a co-founder of SPUN (see main story, p. 142). The planta-
rare tree species, the alerce. In all, the re- tions include sitka spruce, a common timber tree in the United Kingdom, and a mix of
searchers collected some 30 soil samples in native deciduous trees. To half of the seedlings’ roots, researchers added mycorrhizal
just over a week of fieldwork. They handed fungi—microorganisms that help provide plants with nutrients by associating their
them over to César Marín, a mycologist at roots—that were sourced from mature forests of the same type. Now, the researchers
Santo Tomás University in Chile, for DNA are waiting to see whether the treated trees grow faster and absorb more carbon than
analysis. The results—including some from those that didn’t get the treatment. A similar trial is ongoing in Yucatán, and a third will
additional samples collected by Marín— be planted this fall in Ireland.
will be fed back into SPUN’s modeling in The effort builds on research suggesting the right fungi can give arboreal growth
order to improve its predictions. a powerful boost. In a January paper published in The ISME Journal, Averill and col-
leagues reported growth rates of trees in forests across Europe vary by up to a factor
SPUN’S EFFORTS to map fungi in understud- of three depending on their fungal partners.
ied places reflect a “pragmatic” approach But just how much fungi can supercharge saplings is an open question. Companies
that could help scientists better under- have long sold mycorrhizae that tree planters can dab onto roots. But such commer-
stand how complex ecosystems like for- cial mixes are not adapted to specific tree species or locations, Averill says, and there
ests work, says mycologist Justine Karst of is little evidence they help. For success, he believes “you need to get the right organ-
the University of Alberta, Edmonton. She isms in the right place.”
also lauds the team’s efforts to excite the The Wales experiment is testing that hypothesis. Averill visited the site in April to
public—something she says most scientists measure the trees and found the inoculated saplings are growing faster than ones
don’t prioritize. “I’m looking forward to grown without added fungi. He’s awaiting a second year of data before publishing
seeing what they produce.” them, “but the effect sizes are large enough that I’d be surprised if they go away.”
SPUN, meanwhile, hopes its analyses Even if bespoke fungi enhance tree growth in field studies, however, it’s not clear
will also help bolster emerging efforts to whether they can be deployed cheaply and conveniently enough to broadly appeal to
protect fungi—and Furci’s advocacy work forest owners. Averill will investigate that this fall through a company he’s created, Funga,
in Chile could provide a template. Largely that will inoculate pines being commercially planted in the southeastern United States.
because of her lobbying, Chilean lawmak- The idea of tailoring fungi to boost tree growth “is something many of us write
ers a decade ago passed the world’s first about in our grants,” says Kabir Peay, a mycologist at Stanford University who advises
law formally protecting fungi nationwide. SPUN. “It’s nice to see that someone’s actually out there trying. —G.P.
Elsewhere, fungi are also beginning to
capture official attention. Several Euro-
pean countries have taken steps to protect protecting fungi. And although SPUN “is mapping and demonstrating patterns of
endangered fungal species, and Estonia not the only game in town” when it comes biodiversity, and demonstrating a connec-
has created a small preserve where several to lobbying for fungi, Mueller believes its tion to conservation,” Peay says.
red-listed fungi live. (In the United States, well-funded public outreach could aid such Still, SPUN’s leaders believe they can
by contrast, fungi have relatively low sta- efforts. “Having this bright light shining on add a new, subterranean dimension to
tus; just two fungi—both lichens—are pro- the issue,” he says, “will move a lot of ini- global conservation efforts. Kiers points
tected under the Endangered Species Act.) tiatives forward.” to recent research suggesting that, over
Last fall, the International Union for Some influential groups, however, have nearly one-third of Earth’s land area,
the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which yet to afford fungi as much consideration aboveground biological diversity doesn’t
maintains the global “red list” of threat- as flora and fauna. The Nature Conser- match what’s found beneath the surface.
ened and endangered species, explicitly vancy—one of the world’s largest conserva- That means habitats often seen as rela-
called for fungi to be given the same con- tion groups—“does not specifically target tively species-poor—such as boreal forests
sideration as plants and animals, as did the fungi” when prioritizing ecosystems for and drylands—could harbor far greater un-
conservation organization Re:wild. And in protection, says David Banks, the group’s derground diversity than is currently rec-
December 2021, the United Nations’s Food chief conservation officer. “But because ognized. Better maps of fungal diversity,
and Agriculture Organization launched an we’re working in these bigger [ecosys- she adds, could aid forestry, farming, and
International Network on Soil Biodiversity tems], we can capture them.” (The conser- efforts to curb climate change.
that includes research on fungi. vancy is nevertheless funding a SPUN-led Kiers recognizes, however, that the onus
Mueller, who chairs IUCN’s fungal con- trip to sample mycorrhizal networks on a is now on SPUN to show its value before its
servation committee, and other advocates remote Pacific island.) first flush of funding runs out. “There has
are now working to have the Convention Even SPUN supporters acknowledge to be a demonstrable benefit to building
on Biological Diversity—a multinational that a more complete picture of fungi an organization dedicated to protecting
pact that helps set the global conserva- won’t automatically lead to better real- underground ecosystems,” she says. “The
tion agenda—explicitly embrace the goal of world outcomes. “There is a gap between clock is ticking.” j
Hearts by design
Scalable biofabrication of heart helical
tissue pattern augments pumping function
By Michael V. Sefton1 and Craig A. Simmons2 100 mmHg. Cardiomyocytes are organized Regenerative medicine approaches to fix
as helical fibers that enwrap the ventricles. damaged hearts are promising (1), but design
he pumping action of the heart comes Orchestrated, electrically paced contraction principles are needed to recapitulate native
from cardiomyocytes, the micrometer- of the helical fibers causes constriction of the
sized muscle cells of the heart, which heart chamber to eject blood, but also twist- 1
Medicine by Design, Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
generate centimeter-sized mechani- ing (torsion). From a mechanical perspective, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. 2Ted Rogers
Centre for Heart Research, Institute of Biomedical
cal contraction and pumping of 70 ml heart failure is a consequence of inadequate Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
from a ventricle against a pressure of pumping or the heart being too stiff to fill. Email:
As early as the mid-17th century, the func- sion of four individual chambers (see the first electromechanical coupling, which is nec-
tional importance of torsion to the heart’s photo). Monolithic hearts can be bioprinted essary to avoid arrhythmias, was not dem-
pumping efficiency (analogous to wringing by means of 3D extrusion (6), but this does onstrated, the dual-ventricle models seeded
of a wet cloth) was speculated (3). Further not offer the throughput or spatial resolution with cardiomyocytes contracted and dem-
circumstantial evidence for the importance of FRJS. FRJS also improves on electrospin- onstrated calcium wave propagation in the
of the helical structure comes from failing ning and other fiber-spinning methods that direction of the surface fibers. This experi-
hearts in which structural abnormalities due cannot create 3D structures with the same mentally demonstrates the dependency of
to congenital defects, hypertension, ischemia, geometric complexity or fabrication speed. electrical wave propagation and mechanical
or fibrosis alter left ventricle twist and are Chang et al. capitalized on the distinct contraction on myocardial fiber orientation
associated with hindered pumping capac- capabilities of FRJS to revisit whether heli- that was predicted and incorporated into
ity (4). However, it is difficult to specifically cal muscle architecture improves ventricle computational models of the heart (8).
assess the extent to which the heart’s heli- function. They fabricated ellipsoid-shaped Although the study of Chang et al. con-
cal structure contributes to its function (or ventricles with a single layer of helically or tributes important advances to tissue biofab-
dysfunction) because heart fail- rication and understanding of
ure is a multifaceted disease, cardiac structure-function rela-
and medical treatments manage tionships, these proof-of-concept
symptoms rather than fixing models fall short of native heart
underlying deficits. The limited function. In particular, ejection
ability of the heart to regenerate fractions of the engineered sin-
leads to tissue engineering solu- gle ventricles are much less (at
tions. To that end, understanding best, ~6% of native) than those of
and replicating the heart’s helical healthy human hearts. Efficient
structure-function relationship is heart contraction involves in-
thought to be an important step. terplay between the multiscale
FRJS is based on rotary jet architecture of the heart, the me-
spinning, in which centrifugal chanical properties of the tissue,
force expels polymer solution and the contraction of embed-
through a fine nozzle to form ded cardiomyocytes, all of which
free-floating fibers that solidify were likely limiting factors in
as the polymer solvent evapo- this study. Despite their helical
rates (5). In an innovation re- architecture, the engineered ven-
ported by Chang et al., air jet tricles twisted and shortened less
streams align and focus the ex- than in native hearts. Greater
truded fibers to deposit them torsional contraction may be
on collecting structures (molds) possible with further optimiza-
(see the second photo). By con- Microfibers are precisely deposited onto a rotating tion of the fiber architecture,
trolling the shape and rotation heart ventricle mold by using focused rotary jet spinning. guided by greater understanding
as melt electrowriting can produce soft tis- ne in three women has survived physi- and policewomen, as well as through a role-
sue–like mechanics through precise control cal or sexual violence in her lifetime. In model effect. On the separated end, govern-
of single-fiber microarchitecture (15), but not a wave of reforms designed in part to ments establish women-only police stations.
in complex 3D tissue geometries or with the increase women’s access to justice for This may empower policewomen by reducing
speed of FRJS. This remains a challenge: Can such crimes, governments around the contact with sexist policemen, and encourage
hierarchical organization over spatial scales world instituted gender quotas in po- complainants to report in spaces supposedly
beyond that demonstrated by Chang et al. be lice hiring (see the photo), policewomen-run removed from patriarchal norms. Such “en-
achieved while maintaining the versatility counseling centers, women-only stations, and claves” also imply occupational separation:
and throughput of FRJS? legal mandates that women officers exclu- Policewomen are tasked solely with the com-
To achieve a bioengineered heart, a blood- sively handle cases of gender-based violence. plaints of other women, often based on es-
compatible vasculature, an electrical conduc- On page 191 of this issue, Sukhtankar et al. sentialist assumptions that they are innately
tion system, and means for avoiding immune (1) report results of the first randomized trial suited for such roles. Separated institutions
responses are still needed. Large metaboli- on these reforms. The researchers partnered are an implicit acknowledgment of the limits
cally active, cell-dense organs need lots of with the state police in Madhya Pradesh, In- of integration: if gender norms are unlikely
cells (of different types) and lots of oxygen. dia, in the Hindi heartland with a reputation to change in the short term, the state must
The heart is more than a simple pump. for deep-rooted patriarchy, to randomize the resign itself to the segregation of women of-
Nonetheless, Chang et al. have taken a step introduction of “women’s help desks”—spaces ficers and complainants.
toward making biomechanically equivalent, within police stations where women officers Previous studies have examined the ex-
functional structures. j can interface with women complainants. tremes of the reform spectrum, with more
The results are mixed: More incident reports evidence about separation than integration.
were filed and some police officer attitudes Research on separated institutions finds
1. R. Z. Zhuang, R. Lock, B. Liu, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, Nat.
Biomed. Eng. 6, 327 (2022). toward violence against women changed, but mixed results. Women-only police stations
2. H. Chang et al. Science 377, 180 (2022) women were no more likely to report crimes improved police legitimacy and attitudes to-
3. J. I. E. Hoffman, Physiol. Rep. 5, e13404 (2017). and the arrest rate was unaffected. ward violence against women in Brazil (2).
4. A. M. S. Omar, S. Vallabhajosyula, P. P. Sengupta, Circ.
Cardiovasc. Imaging. 8, e003029 (2015). Gender-based reforms in policing share “Women’s justice centers” in Peru that com-
5. M. R. Badrossamay, H. A. McIlwee, J. A. Goss, K. K. similar goals but differ in design and un- bine police services with legal and medical
Parker, Nano Lett. 10, 2257 (2010). derlying motivation. They can be viewed as aid increased police filings and arrests (3).
6. A. Lee et al., Science 365, 482 (2019).
7. E. A. Sallin, Biophys. J. 9, 954 (1969). falling on a spectrum from integration to However, women-only stations in India led
8. P. H. M. Bovendeerd et al., J. Biomech. 25, 1129 (1992). separation. On the integrated end, quotas policemen in regular police stations to refer
9. S. Nielles-Vallespin et al., J. Magn. Reson. Imaging. 52, and affirmative action increase the repre- survivors to alternate sites, forcing victims
348 (2020).
10. R. Avazmohammadi et al., Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 21,
sentation of women in the police. Typically, to travel longer distances to access justice
417 (2019). women officers are then assigned the same (4, 5). Women officers staffing these sites
11. G. Sommer et al., Acta Biomater. 24, 172 (2015). tasks and roles as men officers. This may shift may not necessarily be more accommodat-
12. J. G. Jacot, A. D. McCulloch, J. H. Omens, Biophys. J. 95, ing to women complainants either, because
3479 (2008).
13. D. A. M. Feyen et al., Cell Rep. 32, 107925 (2020).
Department of Political Science, University of California, policewomen are not immune from exhibit-
14. W. Dhahri et al., Circulation. 145, 1412 (2022). Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 2Department of ing gender bias (6, 7). By contrast, the inte-
15. N. T. Saidy et al., Small. 15, 1900873 (2019). Government, London School of Economics and Political
Science, London, UK. Email:; gration of women officers into mainstream
10.1126/science.add0829 law enforcement through affirmative action
as melt electrowriting can produce soft tis- ne in three women has survived physi- and policewomen, as well as through a role-
sue–like mechanics through precise control cal or sexual violence in her lifetime. In model effect. On the separated end, govern-
of single-fiber microarchitecture (15), but not a wave of reforms designed in part to ments establish women-only police stations.
in complex 3D tissue geometries or with the increase women’s access to justice for This may empower policewomen by reducing
speed of FRJS. This remains a challenge: Can such crimes, governments around the contact with sexist policemen, and encourage
hierarchical organization over spatial scales world instituted gender quotas in po- complainants to report in spaces supposedly
beyond that demonstrated by Chang et al. be lice hiring (see the photo), policewomen-run removed from patriarchal norms. Such “en-
achieved while maintaining the versatility counseling centers, women-only stations, and claves” also imply occupational separation:
and throughput of FRJS? legal mandates that women officers exclu- Policewomen are tasked solely with the com-
To achieve a bioengineered heart, a blood- sively handle cases of gender-based violence. plaints of other women, often based on es-
compatible vasculature, an electrical conduc- On page 191 of this issue, Sukhtankar et al. sentialist assumptions that they are innately
tion system, and means for avoiding immune (1) report results of the first randomized trial suited for such roles. Separated institutions
responses are still needed. Large metaboli- on these reforms. The researchers partnered are an implicit acknowledgment of the limits
cally active, cell-dense organs need lots of with the state police in Madhya Pradesh, In- of integration: if gender norms are unlikely
cells (of different types) and lots of oxygen. dia, in the Hindi heartland with a reputation to change in the short term, the state must
The heart is more than a simple pump. for deep-rooted patriarchy, to randomize the resign itself to the segregation of women of-
Nonetheless, Chang et al. have taken a step introduction of “women’s help desks”—spaces ficers and complainants.
toward making biomechanically equivalent, within police stations where women officers Previous studies have examined the ex-
functional structures. j can interface with women complainants. tremes of the reform spectrum, with more
The results are mixed: More incident reports evidence about separation than integration.
were filed and some police officer attitudes Research on separated institutions finds
1. R. Z. Zhuang, R. Lock, B. Liu, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, Nat.
Biomed. Eng. 6, 327 (2022). toward violence against women changed, but mixed results. Women-only police stations
2. H. Chang et al. Science 377, 180 (2022) women were no more likely to report crimes improved police legitimacy and attitudes to-
3. J. I. E. Hoffman, Physiol. Rep. 5, e13404 (2017). and the arrest rate was unaffected. ward violence against women in Brazil (2).
4. A. M. S. Omar, S. Vallabhajosyula, P. P. Sengupta, Circ.
Cardiovasc. Imaging. 8, e003029 (2015). Gender-based reforms in policing share “Women’s justice centers” in Peru that com-
5. M. R. Badrossamay, H. A. McIlwee, J. A. Goss, K. K. similar goals but differ in design and un- bine police services with legal and medical
Parker, Nano Lett. 10, 2257 (2010). derlying motivation. They can be viewed as aid increased police filings and arrests (3).
6. A. Lee et al., Science 365, 482 (2019).
7. E. A. Sallin, Biophys. J. 9, 954 (1969). falling on a spectrum from integration to However, women-only stations in India led
8. P. H. M. Bovendeerd et al., J. Biomech. 25, 1129 (1992). separation. On the integrated end, quotas policemen in regular police stations to refer
9. S. Nielles-Vallespin et al., J. Magn. Reson. Imaging. 52, and affirmative action increase the repre- survivors to alternate sites, forcing victims
348 (2020).
10. R. Avazmohammadi et al., Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 21,
sentation of women in the police. Typically, to travel longer distances to access justice
417 (2019). women officers are then assigned the same (4, 5). Women officers staffing these sites
11. G. Sommer et al., Acta Biomater. 24, 172 (2015). tasks and roles as men officers. This may shift may not necessarily be more accommodat-
12. J. G. Jacot, A. D. McCulloch, J. H. Omens, Biophys. J. 95, ing to women complainants either, because
3479 (2008).
13. D. A. M. Feyen et al., Cell Rep. 32, 107925 (2020).
Department of Political Science, University of California, policewomen are not immune from exhibit-
14. W. Dhahri et al., Circulation. 145, 1412 (2022). Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 2Department of ing gender bias (6, 7). By contrast, the inte-
15. N. T. Saidy et al., Small. 15, 1900873 (2019). Government, London School of Economics and Political
Science, London, UK. Email:; gration of women officers into mainstream
10.1126/science.add0829 law enforcement through affirmative action
he movement of small molecules and ultimately extend transport model- ances in the fluid-solid model and the con-
(e.g., water, organic solvents, gases) ing through an application of conservation tinuity equation permits the description of
through polymeric membrane mate- of mass and momentum for solvent and solvent transport, to an order of approxima-
rials is critical for a wide range of ap- the polymer membrane. This approach, tion that is reasonable for many membrane
plications including water desalina- coupled with perturbation analysis, satis- applications, in terms of either a solvent
tion and filtration, crude oil refining, fyingly results in a quantitative agreement concentration or pressure gradient.
and some controlled-release devices (1–4). between the two modeling approaches and Hegde et al. also address the different
For decades, researchers have used two resolves apparent mechanistic discrepan- meanings of “pressure” in the two classi-
classical models to describe fluid passage cies between the two classical models. cal models. The pore-flow model considers
through membranes: solution diffusion and One of the core differences between the pressure to be the hydrodynamic pressure
pore flow (1). Although each model is gen- solution-diffusion and pore-flow models is of the solvent phase. The solution-diffusion
erally accepted to describe certain materi- the treatment of concentration and pres- model, by contrast, considers the solvent
als, the mechanism of how solvent passes sure within the membrane. The solution- and polymer mixture as a single phase.
through materials whose structure falls Therefore, pressure in the solution-diffu-
between the two models, such as swollen sion context includes all of the mechani-
polymers, has been debated since the 1960s. “…the solution-diffusion model cal stresses associated with the swollen
On page 186 of this issue, Hegde et al. (5)
present a two-phase fluid-solid model and
and the pore-flow material. Mechanical equilibrium in the
fluid-solid model is consistent with the ap-
perturbation analysis to demonstrate that
both the solution-diffusion model and the
model ultimately describe propriate analogs in the classical models,
and the extension provided by Hegde et al.
pore-flow model ultimately describe the the same driving provides clarity to inform the usage of the
same driving force for solvent passage in term “pressure.”
swollen polymers. force for solvent passage…” The debate over the mechanism of trans-
Transport in dense polymer gas separa- port in swollen polymers has been sug-
tion membranes can be described appro- diffusion model is based on the existence gested to have implications for the design
priately using the solution-diffusion model, of a concentration gradient, whereas the of advanced materials. The realization that
where gas molecules enter the material pore-flow model is based on a pressure both the solution-diffusion and pore-flow
on one side of the membrane and diffuse gradient. The pressure difference–induced approaches are complementary through the
through the polymer before emerging on concentration gradient, suggested by the extension provided by the fluid-solid model
the other side. Alternatively, micro- or ultra- solution-diffusion model, was experimen- suggests interesting new ways to character-
filtration membranes are often porous poly- tally observed decades ago (6), but the ize and understand materials. This advance
mers, where the polymer supports a rigid application of this observation to highly in modeling transport in swollen polymers
tortuous network of pores that works more swollen polymers has been questioned. An supports and expands a more holistic view
like a sieve, and this mechanism of trans- argument can be made that highly swollen of materials design with a more productive
port can be described using the pore-flow polymers (e.g., hydrogels) have continuous focus on uncovering structure–property re-
model. solvent pathways through which transport lationships needed to engineer advanced
An intermediate case arises when the can occur by means of hydraulic pressure– membranes. j
membrane is a swollen polymer. Central driven flow, in the absence of a solvent
to the debate of how to model these inter- concentration gradient. This argument is
1. J. G. Wijmans, R. W. Baker, J. Membr. Sci. 107, 1 (1995).
mediate cases are the different mecha- resolved by Hegde et al. by recognizing 2. G. M. Geise, D. R. Paul, B. D. Freeman, Prog. Polym. Sci.
nisms described by each model for how that the use of either model does not ne- 39, 1 (2014).
molecules pass through the material. The gate the other and that the resulting sol- 3. K. P. Bye, M. Galizia, J. Membr. Sci. 603, 118020 (2020).
4. R. W. Baker, Membrane Technology and Applications
pore-flow model describes solvent passage vent flux relationships are equivalent. (Wiley, ed. 3, 2012).
as driven by a hydraulic pressure, whereas Solution-diffusion transport in gas sepa- 5. V. H. Hegde, M. F. Doherty, T. M. Squires, Science 377,
the solution-diffusion model describes ration membranes is considered to be gated 186 (2022).
6. S. Rosenbaum, O. Cotton, J. Polym. Sci. A1 7, 101 (1969).
solvent passage as driven by a diffusive by polymer chain motions needed for gases 7. B. D. Freeman, Macromolecules 32, 375 (1999).
process. Hegde et al. resolve the apparent to execute diffusional jumps—that is, the 8. K. Chang et al., Macromolecules 51, 9222 (2018).
steps that a molecule takes while navigat- 9. A. G. Korovich, K. Chang, G. M. Geise, L. A. Madsen,
Macromolecules 54, 11187 (2021).
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia, ing through a material (7). In other words,
Charlottesville, VA, USA. Email: the polymer must move out of the way for 10.1126/science.abn5485
By Matthew J. Webber association. Surfactants have broad applica- tions between the surfactant and BTA-EG4
tions as detergents and interface stabilizers are weakened, allowing BTA-EG4 to resume
oft materials that change form or func- (4) and in lipid nanoparticle vaccines. its preferred filamentous assembly. The sol
tion in response to environmental or When molecules prepared from differ- and the gel phases both exist at the same
user-applied stimuli have a wide range ent motifs are mixed, self-assembly typically relative composition of these two orthogonal
of biomedical applications (1). Gels can obeys a thermodynamic preference for self- motifs and require only a change in the total
form in water from weakly interacting sorting, meaning that each species forms its overall concentration for the system to oscil-
molecules but can return to the state own segregated structures. However, realiz- late between its sol and gel states. This sol-
of a flowing liquid suspension, known as a ing pure self-sorting can be a challenge be- to-gel transition proved to be a robust phe-
sol, upon changes in the concentration of the cause of common driving forces shared by nomenon, arising when combining a suite of
molecules or the applied temperature. This the different molecular motifs (5). Interesting different common surfactants with BTA-EG4.
behavior is known as a reentrant phase tran- phenomena emerge from multicomponent The gel phase that forms upon dilution is a
sition. A gel-to-sol phase transition typically co-assembly when underlying driving forces, transient state. Further dilution crosses the
arises from a reduction in concentration, such as hydrophobic association, are con- critical gelation threshold of the BTA-EG4 su-
meaning that a gel becomes a sol upon dilu- served between different motifs. In this case, pramolecular filaments and restores the sol.
tion and a sol becomes a gel with increased minor adjustments in the strength of the in- In demonstrating even more complex gel-
concentration. On page 213 of this issue, Su teractions between molecules can dictate the -sol-gel-sol dilution cascades, Su et al. pre-
et al. (2) demonstrate a system that exhibits emergence of different self-assembled struc- pared two different protocols based on mul-
a sol-to-gel transition when diluted, inverting tures (6). Because these same interactions are ticomponent and orthogonal self-assemblies.
the common behavior of gels. Their observa- governed by parameters such as concentra- The system prepared from BTA-EG4 and sur-
tions offer insight into systems that undergo tion, temperature, and salt or pH levels of factant can begin from the state of a robust
reentrant phase transitions in biology. the solution, the resulting assemblies can be gel at a very high starting concentration at
Self-assembly is a process in which mol- tuned by controlling these parameters to cre- a molar ratio of 2 to 3 for supramolecular
ecules form specific structures either as a ate responsive material platforms. motif to surfactant. At this high initial con-
consequence of their properties or the con- The concentration-dependent interaction centration, spherical assemblies consisting of
ditions to which they are exposed. Several of two self-assembly motifs—here being those both motifs become fused to form a network.
self-assembly motifs have been used to pre- that assemble through disparate mechanisms Upon dilution, a sol emerges that is com-
pare soft materials. One such motif leverages of supramolecular polymerization or surfac- posed of similar spherical assemblies but at
molecules with certain supramolecular inter- tant micelle formation—is key to the phe- a concentration below that necessary to form
actions, such as directional hydrogen bond- nomena reported by Su et al. (see the figure). the fused network. Continued dilution from
ing units, to form supramolecular polymers. The primary supramolecular polymer motif this point restores the gel state through for-
This type of filamentous assembly is reminis- is a disk-like molecule known as BTA-EG4 (7), mation of the supramolecular filaments pre-
cent of high persistence-length polymers (3). which is prone to stack in water into elon- ferred by the BTA-EG4 motif. Yet additional
Another common motif is that of simple sur- gated nanoscale filaments that can entangle dilution reduces entanglement of these fila-
factants, which assemble into spherical ob- to form a gel. However, when this supramo- ments below the threshold for gel formation,
jects known as micelles through hydrophobic lecular motif is combined with a surfactant, restoring the sol once again.
the formation of supramolecular filaments is An alternate protocol enabling a different
inhibited as the surfactant disrupts the stack- gel-sol-gel-sol cascade is also demonstrated
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA. ing. Upon dilution, however, the unexpected by Su et al. by including a third molecule
Email: sol-to-gel transition is observed as interac- capable of forming another orthogonal su-
Balancing the interactions of two different self-assembly motifs, Su et al. designed a mixture that Supramolecular polymer Surfactant
goes from gel to sol to gel to sol upon continued dilution.
Gel Gel
Sol Sol
At high concentration, the two motifs Upon dilution, the network of spherical Upon further dilution, altered interaction Upon even further dilution, the supra-
interact to form spherical assemblies assemblies is disrupted to produce a of the two motifs form supramolecular molecular polymer network passes its
that fuse into a gel network. flowing colloidal suspension (sol). polymers that entangle into a gel network. gel point to restore the sol.
fibrillar structures. Dilution from this ini- cientists have long been searching unmistakable vertebrate trait—a pharyngeal
tial point surpasses the gelation capacity of for fossils of distant vertebrate an- skeleton made of cellular cartilage.
the UPy network while not yet reaching the cestors. In the 1990s, mysterious Interpreting organic stains on a shale slab
point of inducing BTA-EG4 filament forma- fishlike forms—now known as yun- is both a science and an art. Wielding scan-
tion, yielding a sol. Continued dilution acti- nanozoans—were discovered at a ning electron microscopy and computed mi-
vates BTA-EG4 filament formation, which in 520-million-year-old Cambrian fossil crotomography scans to yield unprecedented
combination with the remaining UPy fiber site in the Yunnan province of China (1–3). details, Tian et al. reveal cellular and subcel-
bundles restores a gel state comprising two More fishlike forms (e.g., Haikouichthys and lular structures of the skeletal bars that best
orthogonal networks of supramolecular poly- Myllokunmingia) were reported from the compare to cartilaginous gill arches of mod-
mers: the BTA-EG4 and UPy networks. Upon same locality shortly thereafter (4, 5), while ern vertebrates. These bars in yunnanozoans
further dilution, the system transitions back the 508-million-year-old Burgess Shale in the are patterned in a series, each associated with
to a sol once again. Canadian Rockies yielded Metaspriggina (6). gill filaments and connected by horizontal
The tunable nature of molecular-scale self- Having eyes and a brain at the front end of an rods. The morphology closely approximates
assembly in these materials offers simple otherwise wormlike soft body, these animals various predictions for vertebrate ancestors.
synthetic analogues of more complex phe- appear to have branched off the phylogenetic Of all the internal structures of the earli-
nomena observed in nature. For example, tree before the last common ancestor of all est vertebrates, pharyngeal skeletons perhaps
membraneless organelles—distinct compart- living vertebrates. However, there is ongoing stand the best chance for fossilization given
ments within a cell that are not enclosed by controversy about precisely how close to their robustness. Nonetheless, the complex
a traditional lipid membrane—are thought vertebrates these Cambrian forms were. On evolutionary history of the pharynx has
to arise from liquid-liquid phase separation
because of concentration gradients of as-
sociating multicomponent systems forming Of gills and jaws
these assemblies in a water environment (9). Cambrian vertebrates each evolved distinct pharyngeal anatomy with a series of gill-supporting skeletons.
The roles of membraneless organelles in bio- The yunnanozoan has a cartilaginous basket and the Haikouichthys has unjoined bars, whereas the
logical signaling during both normal and dis- Metaspriggina has upper and lower rods. However, it remains an open question whether their gill anatomies
eased states are increasingly appreciated (10). represent any evolutionary link to the jaws of modern vertebrates.
The behavior of the simple systems described
by Su et al. is therefore reminiscent of more Pharyngeal skeleton Gill filaments Myomeres
complex self-assembly phenomena in biol-
ogy, illuminating the importance of subtle
thermodynamic driving forces that give rise C-shaped
to concentration-dependent phase separa- element
tion. This new paradigm in self-assembled
materials consisting of highly adaptive and Pharynx
dilution-triggered hydrogels may further-
more lead to the design of stimuli-responsive
material platforms for in situ modulation of
function in therapeutic biomedicine. j
1. M. A. Stuart et al., Nat. Mater. 9, 101 (2010).
2. L. Su et al., Science 377, 213 (2022).
3. T. Aida, E. W. Meijer, S. I. Stupp, Science 335, 813 (2012).
4. M. J. Rosen, J. T. Kunjappu, Surfactants and Interfacial
Phenomena (Wiley, ed. 4, 2012).
5. K. L. Morris et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 1480 (2013).
6. W. M. Jacobs, D. Frenkel, Biophys. J. 112, 683 (2017).
7. C. M. Leenders et al., Chem. Commun. 49, 1963 (2013).
8. S. I. S. Hendrikse et al., Chem. Commun. 53, 2279 (2017). Metaspriggina
may (9–11) or may not (12–14) share an evolu- Metaspriggina has skeletal bars segmented he perception of physical pain is sub-
tionary origin with gill-supporting skeletons. into upper and lower halves (6). Hagfish and ject to variation depending on the
New information from yunnanozoans pre- lampreys evolved from the common ances- context and which other sensory in-
sents an opportunity to clarify these issues. tor with a cartilaginous basket around the puts are being received, including
Tian et al. avoided jumping to conclusions, gill pouches and a specialized oral skeleton sound. The emerging field of music
as they did not explicitly identify which gill (15). Similar pharyngeal skeletons also occur therapy (1)—which is applied to con-
bar in a yunnanozoan corresponds to which in successive out-groups of jawed vertebrates trol postoperative, pediatric, postpartum,
arch in a modern vertebrate. But they did (12). And jawed vertebrates have a series of and cancer pain and is being increasingly
signal their favored interpretation that yun- jointed skeletal arches, the first of which dif- tested in chronic pain disorders—capital-
nanozoans, with each gill bar identical to the ferentiate as jaws. These different patterns izes on the interactions between sound and
next, represent the ancestral vertebrate con- are as anatomically disconnected from each pain perception to attenuate pain. Given
dition. This view is in line with the belief that other as they are phylogenetically distant. that music and natural sounds can posi-
all pharyngeal arches originally supported Given such a complex distribution of char- tively affect mood, relieve stress, and relax
gills and that one of them evolved into a jaw acters, it seems premature to assume any sin- the body, it is not unreasonable to think
(9–11). At face value, yunnanozoans could gle form as the ancestral phenotype on a lin- that these factors underlie pain relief. On
serve as long-awaited evidence for the gill- ear path toward modern vertebrates. In the page 198 of this issue, Zhou et al. (2) demon-
arch hypothesis of jaw origins. phylogenetic analysis by Tian et al., yunnano- strate that pain relief by sound is not purely
However, this jaw-origin narrative relies zoans are an out-group to all other vertebrate attributable to stress reduction and distrac-
solely on how one chooses to identify the gill branches. This suggests differential evolution tion. They interrogate neural circuits to un-
bars of yunnanozoans—that is, whether the of pharyngeal patterning among early ver- ravel a specific pathway for sound-induced
first gill bar in yunnanozoans corresponds tebrate lineages. By the time yunnanozoans analgesia in the brains of mice.
to the mandibular arch in jawed vertebrates. were sloshing about in the Cambrian sea, Using rodents to study how music and
Historically, one or more additional arches other primitive fishes had evolved to slurp sound are related to pain presents major
were postulated in front of the mandibu- food differently with their uniquely derived challenges, not least because it is unknown
lar arch for vertebrate ancestors (11). Other pharyngeal anatomy. Although evolutionary how animals perceive music. Zhou et al. car-
views posit no such extra arches and consider biologists have been busy chasing the mythi- ried out behavioral tests addressing pain
the mandibular arch as distinct from the gill cal ancestor that explains everything about sensitivity and found that mice did not show
arches (12–14). Yunnanozoan morphology the vertebrate body plan, perhaps the oppo- differential responses to melodic classical
excludes none of these ideas. Their first gill site is a sensible approach. In other words, music (consonant sounds), dissonant mu-
bar could be the elusive arch that was later the meandering journey toward modern sic, or white noise. Notably, they found that
lost in vertebrates, or, conversely, the man- vertebrates may be best understood by popu- the decisive factor in eliciting pain relief is
dibular region might not have formed a full lating the family tree with divergent and dis- a 5-dB increase in sound intensity in any of
skeletal arch. Consistent with the latter sce- continuous anatomical forms, guided by phy- these three types of sound relative to ambi-
nario, the snout and lips either appear di- logenetic inference rather than by theory. j ent sound levels, whereas 10-, 15-, or 20-dB
minutive or are absent in yunnanozoans and increases were ineffective. In mouse mod-
other Cambrian forms (5–7). Specifically, one els, a 5-dB increase in sound intensity led
1. J.-Y. Chen et al., Nature 377, 720 (1995).
C-shaped oral structure, as identified by Tian 2. J.-Y. Chen et al., Nature 402, 518 (1999). to inhibition of both sensory-discriminative
et al., may represent what might be a slim 3. D. Shu et al., Science 299, 1380 (2003). aspects of pain, such as evoked responses
4. D.-G. Shu et al., Nature 402, 42 (1999).
mandibular arch of yunnanozoans. If this is 5. D.-G. Shu et al., Nature 421, 526 (2003). aiding escape from noxious stimuli (nocicep-
true, then a prominent snout and lips, which 6. S. Conway Morris, J.-B. Caron, Nature 512, 419 (2014). tion), and affective behaviors that are linked
arise from the neural crest, are a later innova- 7. Q. Tian et al., Science 377, 218 (2022). to suffering and negative emotions associated
8. D. Jandzik et al., Nature 518, 534 (2015).
tion of the living vertebrate group. 9. J. A. Gillis et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 1436 (2013). with acute and chronic pain. Therapeutically
To discriminate between different hypoth- 10. C. Hirschberger et al., Mol. Biol. Evol. 38, 4187 (2021). relevant findings were that repetitive ap-
11. J. Mallatt, Zoolog. J. Linn. Soc. 117, 329 (2008).
eses, unequivocal correlates of arch identities 12. P. Janvier, Early Vertebrates (Oxford Monographs on plication of 5-dB sound over ambient levels
are needed. A mandibular arch is not defined Geology and Geophysics, Clarendon Press, 1996).
by being the most anterior pharyngeal arch. 13. S. Kuratani, Evol. Dev. 14, 76 (2012). 1
Institute of Pharmacology, Heidelberg University,
14. T. Miyashita, Biol. Rev. Camb. Philos. Soc. 91, 611 (2016). Heidelberg, Germany. 2Department of Functional
15. T. Miyashita, Can. J. Zool. 98, 850 (2020). Neuroanatomy, Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology,
Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6P4, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany.
Canada. Email: 10.1126/science.adc9198 Email:
led to analgesia lasting multiple days How can sound affect pain perception? liculus, or association areas where
and that ongoing pain and inflam- Sounds reach the brain via the auditory pathway, signaling through the gustatory (taste), olfactory, visual,
matory hypersensitivity were sup- thalamus into the auditory cortex (A1; light red arrows). External pain auditory, and somatosensory inputs
pressed. Although this experimental stimuli activate a subset of peripheral sensory neurons, creating signals converge, such as the insula cortex.
paradigm is not equivalent to using that are processed in, and travel along, the spinal cord and thalamic Previous concepts on using mu-
music and pleasant sounds to evoke nuclei before being conveyed to neocortical areas that generate the sic and sounds for pain relief at-
analgesia in humans, the study of perception of pain (blue arrows). Zhou et al. identified a circuit (red tributed their effects to distraction-
Zhou et al. opens up new directions arrow) that mediates sound-induced analgesia. Other possible circuitry associated analgesia and reduction
for research on sound-induced anal- is shown using dashed arrows. of anxiety (8). Although sound likely
gesia by creating a model in which contributes to distraction, the study
the mechanistic underpinnings can Neocortical level by Zhou et al. reveals that sound-
be investigated. induced analgesia is a specific
Prefrontal, S1 and S2 Association A1
Neuroimaging studies on the hu- cingulate somatosensory cortices auditory mechanistic entity in its own right,
man brain suggest that a variety supported by the observation that
of pain-associated regions show suppression of pain outlasted the
changes in activity during music or application of sound by several days.
sound therapy, such as the prefron- Thalamic level Similarly, neither a 5-dB change over
tal, cingulate, and insular cortices; Mediodorsal
Posterior and Medial ambient noise nor manipulations of
the thalamic relay nuclei; and the ventral posterior geniculate the auditory cortex–thalamic path-
nuclei nucleus
brainstem centers gating descending way led to any changes in anxiety or
pathways (3). Moreover, recent stud- stress levels. The lack of redundancy
ies point to a key role for the insular of sound-induced analgesia with
and prefrontal cortices in integrat- Somatic mechanisms of analgesia elicited by
noxious Brainstem level
ing auditory inputs with pleasant inputs Spinal cord/
distraction, stress, or anxiolysis, as
or negative affective emotions (4). Superior Auditory well as by opioids, have important
colliculus nuclei
Analyses of how sound is encoded nucleus clinical implications. In particular,
have recently revealed a rapid tran- sound-induced analgesia could be
sition of brain activity from the pri- implemented in parallel to these
mary auditory cortex to higher-order cortical of the auditory cortex to the somatosensory approaches to additively, and perhaps even
association areas—including the insula cor- thalamus is surprising. Furthermore, the synergistically, enhance pain relief and to
tex—within 220 ms of the onset of the audi- involvement of the higher-order PO, which reduce opioid dosage. These attractive pos-
tory stimulus, suggesting direct connectivity receives a strong corticothalamic input sibilities need rigorous experimental testing
(5). However, contrary to the expected corti- from the primary somatosensory cortex (6), and translation to humans.
cocortical interaction, Zhou et al. found that is unexpected because it mostly contributes The interaction between sound and pain
a corticothalamic pathway mediates sound- to corticothalamocortical processing and, to is a double-edged sword, so caution in in-
induced analgesia (see the figure). This was a lesser extent, receives input from the spi- terpreting these data is warranted. Certain
achieved using high-resolution tracing of nal cord (6). However, the auditory cortex sounds can trigger pain, such as headaches,
anatomical connections originating from could influence pain processing by modu- or intensify the pain experience, such as pho-
the auditory cortex and live monitoring of lating the relay of nociceptive signals from nophobia, which is common to migraines.
cellular activity in their projection areas in the periphery as well as by affecting corti- Nonpreferred music associated with in-
awake mice. When Zhou et al. systematically cothalamocortical processing of somato- creased pain ratings has been reported to
manipulated efferent projections from the sensory signals, a system that is currently further enhance gamma band neural oscil-
auditory cortex to diverse brain regions using poorly understood. Burst and tonic firing lations that are evoked by painful stimuli in
light-induced inhibition of neuronal activity modes of thalamic relay neurons are im- the somatosensory cortex, whereas this was
(optogenetic silencing), they found that only portant in the modulation of pain, and de- not true for preferred music (9). The study
the connectivity between the auditory cortex ciphering the cellular mechanisms through by Zhou et al. lays a path for testing the neu-
and the thalamic posterior nucleus (PO) and which auditory inputs affect these will help robiological basis of these interesting asso-
ventral posterior nucleus (VP) is function- further elucidate how sound-induced anal- ciations in rodent circuitry and manipulating
ally important for sound-induced analgesia. gesia comes about. them for optimizing pain relief, which may
Conversely, selective activation of this path- What is special about sound that is 5 dB be translated to humans. j
way in the absence of sound was sufficient to above ambient noise? This is an intriguing
recapitulate sound-induced analgesia. question that might be best studied in an
1. L. C. Cole, G. LoBiondo-Wood, Pain Manag. Nurs. 15, 406
What makes the thalamus such an impor- interdisciplinary manner. Detecting a small (2014).
tant target for audio-somatosensory interac- increase over ambient noise would permit 2. W. Zhuo et al., Science 377, 198 (2022).
3. C. E. Dobek et al., J. Pain 15, 1057 (2014).
tions? All somatosensory inputs—i.e., those animals to engage innate defense behav- 4. M. E. Sachs et al., Neuroimage 218, 116512 (2020).
leading to the perception of touch, pressure, iors, which have been shown to be driven 5. L. Bonetti et al., Neuroimage 245, 118735 (2021).
6. R. Kuner, T. Kuner, Physiol. Rev. 101, 213 (2021).
Noise from deep-sea mining great distances. Our model predicts that min-
ing noise from a single operation will exceed
ambient noise levels experienced in gentle
espite increasing interest in deep-sea abyssal region where Nauru’s and 16 other (see the figure) (9). Some acoustically sen-
mining, there are long-standing con- nodule-mining exploration contract areas are sitive whales show behavioral responses to
cerns about environmental impacts concentrated, to illustrate the broad issue of low-frequency continuous noise <120 dB re
on vulnerable and poorly understood potential ocean noise from mining. Many ce- 1 µPa (10). Most species in the deep sea have
ecosystems (1–3). These concerns took tacean species occur throughout the CCZ, in- yet to be described, and sensitivities to noise
on new urgency in June 2021, when the cluding endangered migratory baleen whales have not been studied for even the most
Republic of Nauru notified the International and deep-diving toothed whales (6). common deep-sea species, so no informa-
Seabed Authority [ISA, the intergovernmen- In the absence of empirical data on sound- tion is available on their responses to noise.
tal body erected by the UN Convention on source characteristics, we used reasonable However, without sunlight, many species use
the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) responsible for analogs to estimate potential noise levels sound and vibrations in their ecology and
managing seabed resources in areas beyond from nodule mining equipment. For mining thus are likely to be relatively vulnerable to
national jurisdiction] of intent to sponsor tools that remove nodules from the seabed, noise from human activities (4, 11).
an exploitation application for polymetallic we used coastal dredges that remove seafloor Our prediction that noise from one mine
nodule mining in the Pacific in 2 years. This gravel and sediment (181 dB re 1 µPa m, 20 will exceed gentle-weather background levels
triggered a provision in the 1994 Agreement Hz to 20 kHz) (7). Noise generated by each to distances of hundreds of kilometers ap-
related to UNCLOS, leaving 2 years for the booster pump along the riser was approxi- pears to be problematic under the require-
ISA to adopt its first set of exploitation regu- mated by pump-out operations from coastal ments of UNCLOS and for the ISA’s draft ex-
lations or, failing that, consider Nauru’s ap- dredging (183 dB re 1 µPa m, 20 Hz to 20 ploitation guidelines to assess environmental
plication under existing international law. kHz) (7). For the mining vessel, we took re- impacts of nodule mining. The UNCLOS
We argue that a critical source of potential cordings from floating production storage framework requires sufficient protection
environmental harm is understudied and and offloading (FPSO) vessels used by the oil against harmful effects through precaution-
largely overlooked: underwater noise gener- and gas industry (188 dB re 1 µPa m, 20 Hz to ary management. Under ISA guidelines,
ated by mining activities, which can disrupt 2 kHz) (8). We then applied common sound ecological metrics in areas affected by min-
ecosystems in many ways. propagation models (see supplementary ma- ing will be compared to similar metrics in
Environmental concerns about deep-sea terials) to predict how noisy full-scale opera- zones within contractor areas required to be
mining include removal and burial of critical tions may be. Our predictions are expected unimpacted, called preservation reference
seafloor habitat and large suspended sedi- to be underestimates. Shallow-water sur- zones (PRZs). However, to fit within contrac-
ment plumes, but underwater noise gener- rogates likely missed acoustic energy below tor areas, PRZs are expected to be within 100
ated by mining activities has received little 100 Hz that will be particularly important for to 300 km of mining sites, causing PRZs to
study, with limited modeling and measure- heavier machinery required by seabed min- be ensonified by mining activities and thus
ment in environmental impact assessments ing. Sonars, support vessels, and additional of limited value as controls for understand-
(4). For example, although sound was con- pipes and pumps for discharge of dewatering ing impacts of mining noise (3, 12) (see the
sidered in the environmental impact state- plumes represent additional sound sources figure). To be within ambient levels, it may
ment for the Solwara 1 project (5), informa- that we have not yet considered. be necessary to place PRZs outside the entire
tion was so scarce 15 years ago that only the Our predictive model shows that the CCZ; however, this would likely cause the
topside vessel was modeled. Sound is the pri- acoustic environment surrounding a mining PRZs to be ecologically unrepresentative of
mary modality for many marine organisms operation in the CCZ will likely be substan- the areas mined (13).
to probe their environment and to communi- tially altered by even the incomplete list of Given the costs and logistical challenges
cate. Noise from human activities can affect activities modeled. Noise will be distributed to answering basic questions about sound
organisms ranging from plankton to whales throughout the water column from ships at impacts on deep-sea ecosystems, it seems
the surface, risers with pumps every ~1 km unlikely that adequate data to assess eco-
Oceans Initiative, Seattle, WA, USA. 2Centre for Marine in depth, and mining tools on the seabed, ul- logical risks from mining noise will be col-
Science and Technology, Curtin University, Perth, WA, timately creating a cylinder of sound gradu- lected within ~18 months, or even within
Australia. 3National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science ally decreasing in amplitude while propagat- a 10-year mining moratorium proposed in
and Technology, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. 4Department of
Oceanography, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI, ing outward. Mid-water pumps will couple 2019 (12, 14). Risk assessments will be even
USA. Email: with the Sound Fixing And Ranging (SOFAR) more challenging without access to empiri-
Deep-sea mining noise from surface to seabed
A depth section along a line due north from one mine operating in the western Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ)
1000 threshold
for cetaceans
shows the model-derived root-mean-square sound pressure level (SPL) over 20 Hz to 20 kHz (left).
(120 dB re 1 µPa) A map shows the maximum SPL (20 Hz to 1 kHz) over all water depths for the combined sound field from
2000 17 simultaneously operating mines, with one in the area of each exploration contract most likely to be mined
Depth (m)
first (i.e., area of highest nodule density) (bottom). The maximum modeled range is 1000 km from each
3000 source. The 120 dB re 1 µPa behavioral threshold for cetaceans corresponds to the yellow line. Gentle ambient
noise of 94 dB re 1 µPa is exceeded within the white line.
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Noise level (dB re 1 µPa)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Distance from source (km) Pacific Ocean MEXICO
Areas reserved
for future mining
Exploration areas
of current mining
0 1000
Areas of Particular Environmental Interest Behavioral threshold for cetaceans (120 dB re 1 µPa)
cal data on sound-source characteristics of plications within the next 18 months without be coupled with intensive, independent stud-
nodule-mining equipment. Testing of re- data transparency and rigorous standards ies of regional baselines and environmental
duced-scale, incomplete, prototype mining and guidelines in place would represent the impacts, as well as with the ability to alter
machines is underway; however, contrac- start of a large-scale, uncontrolled experi- or halt operations quickly if newly acquired
tors, thus far, have not published sound- ment. If this industry does proceed through data indicate notable unexpected effects. j
source characteristics from internal risk Nauru’s claim or elsewhere, we recommend
assessments or pilot studies. We urge con- application of the precautionary principle (in
1. J. Halfar, R. M. Fujita, Science 316, 987 (2007).
tractors to release in a timely manner in- keeping with the ISA’s duty to provide for ef- 2. K. J. Mengerink et al., Science 344, 696 (2014).
formation on sound-source characteristics fective environmental protection) such that 3. C. R. Smith et al., Trends Ecol. Evol. 35, 853 (2020).
4. C. Martin, L. Weilgart, D. J. Amon, J. Müller, Deep-Sea
of all seabed-mining components (e.g., from the ISA allows only one or two mining opera- Mining: A noisy affair (2021); https://www.oceancare.
lifting pumps on riser pipes, and rattling of tions to proceed until the long-term cumula- org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/DeepSeaMining_a-
nodules in lifting pipes and on barges). tive environmental impacts from noise (and noisy-affair_report_OceanCare_2021.pdf.
5. Coffey Natural Systems: Environmental Impact
Transparency from industry, agencies, other stressors) are well documented (13). Statement: Nautilus Minerals Niugini Limited, Solwara
and scientists related to the acoustic energy The ISA is expected to require that noise 1 Project, Vol. A, Coffey Natural Systems, Queensland,
Australia (2008).
produced from mining is urgent. We need impact be considered in environmental im- 6. R. Williams et al., Ecography 37, 212 (2014).
to learn about mining systems and their pact assessments for future exploitation con- 7. K. J. Reine, D. Clarke, C. Dickerson, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
impacts iteratively, through real-world ex- tracts, but noise impacts will be very difficult 135, 3280 (2014).
8. C. Erbe et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133, EL465 (2013).
perience (15). As such, the regulatory regime to assess without substantially more data on 9. F. Niu et al., Mar. Pollut. Bull. 173, 113057 (2021).
should start with cautious thresholds for mining noise and ecosystem sensitivities. 10. B. L. Southall et al., Aquat. Mamm. 33, 411 (2007).
11. M. A. Wale, R. A. Briers, K. Diele, Mar. Pollut. Bull. 173,
noise, enable rapid management responses The ISA is tasked with protecting the marine 112958 (2021).
should thresholds be approached, and in- environment from “serious harm” from sea- 12. D. J. Amon et al., Mar. Policy 138, 105006 (2022).
clude regular review of thresholds as more bed mining, but it has yet to define what con- 13. C. R. Smith, M. R. Clark, E. Goetze, A. G. Glover, K. L.
Howell, Front. Mar. Sci. 8, 797516 (2021).
data about noise impacts are reported. Our stitutes serious harm, including unaccept- 14. A. Kung et al., J. Environ. Manage. 279, 111593 (2021).
first approximation of noise generated by able noise levels. Thresholds should be set at 15. C. S. Holling, Adaptive Environmental Assessment and
Management (Wiley, 1978).
polymetallic nodule mining highlights both precautionary levels, and contractors should
the potential extent and uncertainty of this be required to collect environmental and ACK N OW LE D G M E N TS
noise and its ecological impacts. mining noise data and make them publicly R.W. and C.E. contributed equally to this work.
Moving forward with nodule mining ap- available. We recommend that mining should 10.1126/science.abo2804
t the dawn of the space age, it was With China now operating a station of its robotic exploration, systems engineering,
assumed that humans would be own, and commercial firms vying to build the experts who make robotics possible, or
necessary for planetary exploration. new stations, these activities show no sign the sites where this expertise is produced
Computers were large and limited, of slowing. NASA now plans to return hu- or practiced. While the authors do provide
robots stiff and clunky. Humans, mans to the Moon, as do other examples of robotic spacecraft
meanwhile, were versatile and cre- national programs. Even so, the accomplishments, they offer only
ative manipulators of their environment history of space exploration has vague projections about how
whose eyes and brains would be needed largely left humans safely in con- advancements in artificial intel-
to make discoveries in situ. Early popular trol rooms on Earth, operating ligence (AI) will continue to im-
depictions of space exploration featured the robotic craft that explore the prove robotic capabilities.
ships filled with people performing space Solar System. Another notable absence is any
heroics. Robots, in television shows like That humans should leave the discussion of the human work be-
Star Trek, were few and far between; even exploration of space to robots is The End of Astronauts hind robotic exploration. Aside
the starship Enterprise’s computer, as pow- the central argument of science Donald Goldsmith from the design and production of
erful as it was, required a human interface. writer Donald Goldsmith and as- and Martin Rees spacecraft, teams of humans oper-
These visions of spaceflight may yet tronomer Martin Rees in The End Belknap Press, 2022. ate these craft, while other teams
192 pp.
come true—humans may eventually start of Astronauts. We may want to set science goals and analyze re-
taking to space in large numbers, building see astronauts exploring new worlds, and we turned data. The AI integrated into robotic
larger ships and space stations and living may wish to be among them, they acknowl- spacecraft today is minimal. People operate
entire lifetimes in space. We have continu- edge, but humans—at least physically—do spacecraft, even as spacecraft have facilitated
ously occupied low Earth orbit through- not make ideal space explorers. The human the emergence of the interdisciplinary fields
out the entire 21st century, thanks to the body is far too vulnerable to the hazards of of planetary science and robotic exploration.
International Space Station (ISS), the space space and the traumas of spaceflight. And In leaving the people out, the authors
shuttle, and the various Russian and com- as much as spacecraft and space suits have make it seem as though the spacecraft can—
improved, they remain insufficient to keep or someday will—do everything on their
humans safe during long journeys. own. But space exploration, no matter how
The reviewer is a space history curator at the
Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, Much of the research done by humans in it is conducted, is human exploration. j
Washington, DC, USA. Email: space thus far has been related to human 10.1126/science.abq7394
n the animated film Inside Out, 11-year- Taken as a whole, however, the book
Batja Mesquita
old Riley’s emotions are personified as contributes much to the discussion of the Norton, 2022. 304 pp.
brightly colored internal figures that origins of emotions, presenting a dazzling
drive her behaviors. The same five emo- array of cross-cultural studies interspersed
tions—anger, fear, disgust, sadness, and with personal anecdotes about immigrants’
joy—appear in every other character’s struggles to reconcile diverse emotional leaves hanging some questions. If emotional
head as well, functioning in much the same and social worlds. In chapter 8, for exam- worlds are truly constructed on the fly ac-
way in each individual. In Western cultures, ple, Mesquita describes an incident where cording to individual histories and identities,
this is the case, argues psychologist Batja she—a Dutch native living in the United for example, then how is intersubjectivity
Mesquita in Between Us. Emotions in such States—bumped into the eminent American possible? Mesquita claims that emotion lexi-
contexts, she writes, are considered “MINE,” psychologist Hazel Markus at a conference cons differ radically and are not amenable to
or “Mental, INside the person, and Essen- Markus helped organize. Wishing to express direct translation, so language cannot serve
tialist,” the latter defined in the book as al- empathy with Markus’s workload, Mesquita as a bridge between cultures.
ways having the same properties. declared “You look a little tired.” The re- But differences in words do not necessar-
This conception of emotion is not uni- mark appeared to fluster Markus but was ily entail differences in emotion concepts.
versal, however. Emotions else- There can be shared prototypes
where, she argues, are thought of despite variations around the
as “OURS”—“OUtside the person, periphery, distinct nonlinguistic
Relational, and Situated.” Using concepts represented by a single
this distinction, Mesquita sets label, and mental content where
about contrasting emotions in there are lexical gaps. Mesquita’s
“the West,” where the individual is theory also fails to account for the
the top concern, with “the Rest,” possibility that we can be wrong
where community is prioritized. about our own emotions—for ex-
Mesquita describes amae as ample, I thought I was scared, but
a central emotion in Japanese now I realize I was actually anx-
culture, where it builds interde- ious—because, in her view, there
pendence by fostering nurturing is no emotional truth to be known,
indulgence, and hasham—which only one to be constructed. And it
encompasses shame, embarrass- is unclear how to incorporate ev-
ment, and social respectability— idence from prelinguistic infants
as a fundamental emotion for or nonhuman primates into this
Egyptian Bedouins. Such obser- particular theory of emotions, or
vations provide a backdrop for how to account for the recurrent
her to explore a range of issues, emotional motifs that appear
including childhood socializa- Sociocultural influences underlie our emotions, argues Mesquita. across cultures—grief at the loss
tion, the nature of friendship, the of a loved one, for example, or dis-
role of language in shaping emotions, and intended as an expression of sympathy— gust upon smelling something rancid.
cross-cultural communication in a glo- to sympathize in Dutch is to acknowledge Sociocultural and biological factors both
balized world. suffering, not offer a silver lining as in the contribute to emotions, but exactly how
Despite Mesquita’s emphasis on US. Navigating emotional worlds across cul- large a role is played by either remains
cross-cultural emotions, there is little tures is full of hidden pitfalls, we learn. controversial. Mesquita emphasizes the
discussion of whether the MINE-OURS The book’s take-home message is radical: importance of the larger social context
dichotomy accurately articulates global There are no natural emotions, no innate in shaping emotions and urges empathy
cultural variation. Other scholars have emotions, no universal emotions. Mesquita and understanding of cultural differences.
noted, for example, that hunter-gatherer argues that emotions are “meaning mak- These are valuable lessons, whatever the-
societies simultaneously emphasize both ing” and “a preparation for action” and that ory of emotion one subscribes to. j
individual autonomy and social coopera- the idea of “emotions as inner states” is a
tion (1, 2). And in an apparent contradic- Western construct. Instead, she suggests
1. K. M. Endicott, in Anarchic Solidarity: Autonomy,
tion to her earlier arguments, Mesquita that emotions are a “dance” cocreated be- Equality, and Fellowship in Southeast Asia, T. Gibson,
tween people who live in a specific cultural K. Sillander, Eds. (Yale Univ. Southeast Asia Studies,
context at a particular historical moment. 2011), pp. 62–87.
The reviewer is at the Department of Experimental 2. E. Wnuk, Y. Ito, Cogn. Linguist. 32, 195 (2021).
Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK. By pushing a strongly social construction-
Email: ist account of emotions, Mesquita raises but 10.1126/science.abq8098
1. Sveriges Riksdag,“Committees want to see changes in
species protection and in the management of wolves”
LET TERS utskott-vill-se-andringar-i-artskyddet-och-i-
forvaltningen-av-varg/ [in Swedish].
2. M. M. Hansen et al.,“Evaluation of the conservation
genetic basis of management of grey wolves in Sweden”
Immigration and population growth are crucial to making Sweden’s inbred wolf population sustainable. (Swedish Government Investigation SOU 2011:37, 2011).
3. L. Laikre et al., Heredity 117, 279 (2016).
4. O. Liberg et al., Biol. Lett. 1, 17 (2005).
5. M. Åkesson et al., Conserv. Genet. 23, 359 (2022).
Edited by Jennifer Sills population (6). The genetic base is thus 6. M. Åkesson, L. Svensson,“The pedigree of the
extremely narrow, and genomic erosion Scandinavian wolf population up until 2021: Report from
Planned cull endangers has been confirmed (7, 8). The average
level of inbreeding is similar to the level
the Swedish Wildlife Damage Centre 2022–3” (Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences, 2022)
[in Swedish].
Swedish wolf population found in the offspring of two full siblings
(6). Inbreeding in this population has
7. M. Kardos et al., Nat. Ecol. Evol. 2, 124 (2018).
8. A. Viluma et al., Genome Res. 32, 1 (2022).
9. J. Räikkönen et al., PLOS ONE 8, e67218 (2013).
In May, the Swedish Parliament announced been shown to reduce litter size (4). Also, 10. Swedish National Veterinary Institute (SVA),“License hun-
a goal to reduce the Swedish wolf popula- high frequencies of anatomical defects (9) ting of wolves 2021, report 65/2021” (2021) [in Swedish].
tion from about 400 to about 200 individu- and male reproductive disorders (10) have 11. P. W. Hedrick et al., Anim. Conserv. 22, 302 (2019).
12. CBD,“Recommendation adopted by the Subsidiary Body
als (1). This action further threatens this been observed. on Scientific, Technical, and Technological Advice” (2021),
highly endangered population, which is To make this population viable, popula- p. 10, Headline Indicator A.0.4;
genetically isolated and inbred. Scientific tion size and immigration must increase. So recommendations/sbstta-24/sbstta-24-rec-02-en.pdf.
advice for improvements has not been far, the population has been too small, and COM P E T IN G IN T E RESTS
implemented (2, 3). limited immigration followed by inbreeding This work is the view of the authors and not necessarily that of
The Swedish Parliament proposed this could lead to extinction, similar to the Isle the agencies they represent.
drastic cull at a time when biodiversity is a Royale wolf population (11). The goal should 10.1126/science.add5299
global focus. The 50-year anniversary of the be to recreate a well-connected metapopula-
first UN conference on the environment was
celebrated in June, and the UN Convention
tion spanning Scandinavia and Finland with
a genetically effective population size of over
End animal testing for
on Biological Diversity (CBD) will soon final-
ize its global biodiversity framework for
500, in line with the proposed CBD indicator
(12). Considerably more genetic exchange
biosimilar approval
2020 to 2050. Sweden’s actions are inconsis- than the current one-migrant-per-generation Drug toxicology testing in animals has long
tent with the country’s obligations under the aim is needed (3). been a standard requirement for establish-
CBD and European Union law. Linda Laikre1*, Fred W. Allendorf2, Jouni ing the safety of both new drugs (1) and
Few wild populations are as well studied Aspi3, Carlos Carroll4, Love Dalén1,5,6, Richard copies of biological drugs coming off pat-
as the Scandinavian wolf. Genetic monitor- Fredrickson7, Christina Hansen Wheat8, Philip ent, known as biosimilars (2). Recently, the
ing has provided a full pedigree since the Hedrick9, Kerstin Johannesson10, Marty Kardos11, international community has acknowledged
population was reestablished in the 1980s Rolf O. Peterson12, Mike Phillips13, Nils Ryman1, that this type of test may not be necessary
after extinction, and the data confirm per- Jannikke Räikkönen14, Carles Vilà15, Christopher W. or useful. Although policies for new drug
sisting genetic isolation (4–6). Hunting, Wheat1, Cristiano Vernesi16, John A.Vucetich12 approval are in the process of changing,
Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, SE
conducted both legally and illegally, has pre- biosimilar approval policies have been over-
10691 Stockholm, Sweden. 2Division of Biological
vented population expansion and the influx Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula, MT looked. Regulatory agencies should update
of genetic variation. 59812, USA. 3Ecology and Genetics Research these policies to streamline the biosimilars
Three founders comprised the popula- Unit, University of Oulu, FIN-90014 Oulu, Finland. approval process and to prevent unneces-
Klamath Center for Conservation Research,
tion’s genetic origin until 2007, and only sary, and thus unethical, animal testing.
Orleans, CA 95556, USA. 5Centre for Palaeogenetics,
three more wolves have subsequently SE 10691 Stockholm, Sweden. 6Department of Policies requiring animal toxicology stud-
contributed genetically to the present Bioinformatics and Genetics, Swedish Museum ies to test biosimilars often stipulate the
The emergence of
cumulative culture
xperimental research has found that individ-
uals with no prior knowledge spontaneously
produce the types of stone tools associated
with early hominins. One of the hallmarksrks
of modern humans is the capacity for
cumulative culture: the ability for knowledgege to
accumulate across generations through cultural
transmission. Archaeologists have thoughtt that
this capacity first emerged with the appear- r-
ance of the Oldowan stone tool industry about
2.6 million years ago. Snyder et al. tested this
supposition by presenting naïve individuals s with
a puzzle that could be solved by making simple
core and flake tools, finding that individuals
taught themselves to make artifacts that match
Oldowan industry examples. These results sug-
gest that the capacity for cumulative culturere is
more recent than the Oldowan industry. —SGO
Sci. Adv. 10.1126/sciadv.abo2894 (2022).
memory. Liu et al. found an Sci. Signal. 15, eabo1857 (2022). translated more than 100 popular are often made from silicone
endogenous ligand for PPARa in protocols into formats execut- or acrylic elastomers. Silicone
the brain that may promote these able on a synthesis machine, materials are easier to process
effects. 7(S)-HDHA, a hydroxyl- ORGANIC CHEMISTRY half of which they then validated but have lower strains, whereas
ated derivative of the omega-3 experimentally. The authors also acrylics require prestretching
fatty acid DHA, bound to PPARa
Toward automation of set up an open database to which to achieve high strains. Shi et al.
with high affinity. Treating common chemistry new executable protocols can be designed a dielectric elastomer
primary cortical neurons with Most experiments in modern added. —JSY based on acrylates in which
7(S)-HDHA promoted dendritic organic chemistry require prior Science, abo0058, this issue p. 172 the selection of monomers, the
Dynamic control of GPCRs
Arrestins are a group of proteins Better on the outside
that regulate signaling through One way to maximize the activ-
G protein–coupled receptors ity of scarce and costly noble
(GPCRs). They are best known metals in catalysis is to use
as an off switch in signaling small cluster or even single
through G proteins, but they atoms on metal oxide sup-
also coordinate G protein–inde- ports. Bifunctional platinum
pendent signaling. Kleist et al. and zeolite catalysts are used
took advantage of an intrinsi- industrially in alkane hydrocon-
cally b-arrestin–biased GPCR, version. Cheng et al. show that
atypical chemokine receptor 3 the amount of platinum used DEVELOPMENT
(ACKR3), to study b-arrestin could be reduced and isomer
recruitment. Nuclear mag- selectivity improved when the Tissue fusion aided by migration
netic resonance spectroscopy catalyst preparation created
uring development, tissues sometimes need to fuse to
experiments support a role for platinum clusters on the surface build structure. Failure of fusion in the human lip and
conformational selection. The of zeolite or its alumina binder, palate can result in cleft lip and/or palate, one of the most
inactive state shows confor- rather than in the interior of the common congenital abnormalities. The palate forms as
mational heterogeneity at the zeolite channels. Preparations precursor tissue grows to meet at the midline, above the
ligand-binding pocket. Ligand that would have formed tongue. Edges of the growing tissues are covered by squamous
binding can cause stabiliza- single-atom catalysts were less periderm cells that prevent premature fusion. Teng et al. show
tion of an active state that in active because the platinum that apoptosis plays a part in the removal of the periderm cells
turn tunes the dynamics at the ions adsorbed on the alumina but is dispensable; removal of fusion-resistant surface cells
intracellular region to allow surface were more difficult to depends crucially on epithelial migration. The epithelial surface
b-arrestin recruitment. —VV reduce. —PDS breaks up as the cells converge into migrating streams that
Science, abj4922, this issue p. 222 Science, abn8289, this issue p. 204 sweep away the surface of the developing palate precursors
before midline fusion. —PJH Development 149, dev200181 (2022).
GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE Cell migration, rather than apoptosis, is crucial for correct antenatal
Tools to improve police Disordered but efficient closure of the palate.
Thermoelectric materials,
responsiveness many having relative simple
Violence against women is a compositions, convert heat
problem of global concern, and into electricity. However, Jiang CELL BIOLOGY interaction between the two
inadequate police responsive- et al. found that adding more actin-binding domains, ABD1 and
ness in many settings is a factor cations into a germanium
Organizing actin bundles ABD2. Initial binding to actin fila-
Plastins are actin-bundling pro-
in its persistence. Sukhtankar tellurium–based material ments weakens the interaction
teins that are involved in cellular
et al. undertook a randomized stabilized a phase with excellent between ABD1 and ABD2, and
processes from cell migration to
controlled trial of police reform thermoelectric properties. This this may be sufficient to allow
measures in India that was high-entropy material has low endocytosis. In the extensions cross-linking of aligned actin fila-
designed to improve reporting thermal conductivity due to the of migrating cells called filipodia, ments. Phosphorylation further
rates of incidences of violence cation disordering but improved actin filaments form aligned weakens the ABD1–ABD2 inter-
against women in a context symmetry that helps to maintain bundles, but in the endocytic action, which may be required
where such violence is wide- good electrical properties. The machinery, they form branched to cross-link meshed networks
spread and where getting the material was used in several networks. Schwebach et al. of actin filaments. A structure of
police to take action has been devices that showed a high ther- suggest that the ability of plastin ABD1 bound to F actin supports
historically difficult (see the moelectric efficiency. —BG to remodel actin into a range of this model of a tunable interac-
Perspective by Blair and Jassal). Science, abq5815, this issue p. 208 structures comes from a tunable tion between ABD1 and ABD2
wo meters of DNA are packed within the nucleus of every Sebé-Pedrós et al. shed new light on histones by reconstructing
cell in our bodies. The DNA is first wrapped around nucleo- the evolutionary history of histone marks and their modify-
somes consisting of eight histone proteins, and together ing enzymes and regulators. Histone modifications do occur
these form chromatin. Nucleosomes also contain spac- in Archaea, but they are rare. Although the proteins that mark
ing information, and the tails of histones carry chemical histones have a pre-eukaryotic origin, the proteins that read
modifications including methylation, acetylation, and ubiquity- marks and chaperones are eukaryotic innovations. Further
lation. These modifications, or marks, instruct the cells about chromatin evolution has been characterized by diversification
what genes should be expressed and what genes should be kept among reader proteins, including by “capture” and transfer by
silent. Myriad proteins have evolved to write, read, and erase transposable elements and viruses among eukaryotes. —DJ
the histone marks, in concert with remodelers and chaperones. Nat. Ecol. Evol. 10.1038/s41559-022-01771-6 (2022).
Reconstructing the evolution of histone proteins reveals that they have a dual origin.
that allows plastins to modulate that this technique can be themselves at about $85,000, offers an efficient mechanism
the strength of actin cross- used as a source of heralded the assistance program provided that enables rapid cell expansion.
linking. —VV single photons in quantum $16 of value for every dollar spent —SMH
Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 29, 519 (2022). networks.—ISO by the government. —BW eLife 11, e75945 (2022).
Opt. Lett. 47, 2830 (2022). Q. J. Econ. 10.1093/qje/
qjac017 (2022).
Designed for separation SOCIAL POLICY
PLANT BIOLOGY Nanoscale vibrational
Thin film lithium niobate is a
versatile platform across a
Welfare payments, Rapid cell expansion mapping
range of classical and quantum crime-reduction payback When root cells grow, they often Complex microscopic structures
optoelectronic applications. Removing low-income young need to extend rapidly. This is have been developed to modulate
One requirement for quan- adults with disabilities from a done by expanding the vacuole, thermal transport for a variety of
tum optics is the need for an US cash assistance program which means that the volume applications. However, vibrational
efficient source of heralded when they turned 18 increased of the cytosol does not need to mapping for understanding this
single photons. However, the number of criminal charges expand at the same rate. Dunser transport has spatial resolution
the spontaneous parametric against them over the next 20 et al. developed a small molecule limits. Gadre et al. show how to
down-conversion process that years by 20%. Deshpande and that inhibits vacuole membrane, circumvent this issue by using
occurs in lithium niobate typi- Mueller-Smith show that as a or tonoplast, expansion. The electron energy loss spectros-
cally results in the emission of result of those charges, primarily authors used this small molecule copy for phonon mapping of
entangled photon pairs, and for crimes to generate income, to show that endocytosis-derived silicon-germanium quantum dots.
untangling them compromises the annual likelihood of incarcera- vesicles contribute to the rapid The mapping allowed the authors
the purity of the single photons. tion in these subjects increased expansion of the tonoplast during to get a clear picture of how
Xin et al. demonstrate that by by 60%. The per-removal costs root cell expansion. Endocytosis atomic structure and interfaces
engineering the dispersion of courts, police, and incar- is required for plasma mem- affect phonon dynamics and ther-
and phase-matching condi- ceration alone, about $41,000, brane and cell wall remodeling. mal transport. This strategy can
tions of the lithium niobate nearly eliminated the savings A potential change in membrane be used to better understand and
thin film, they could produce from removing these young recycling after endocytosis, as develop thermoelectrics, thermal
photon pairs that are spectrally adults from the program (about well as increased secretion of new barriers, phase-change memory,
separable. The high purity of $49,000). When also factoring in membrane during plasma mem- and other materials. —BG
the separated photons suggests the per-victim costs of the crimes brane and cell wall biosynthesis, Nature 606, 292 (2022).
Type 1
Th/Tc 2 (286) 5.0
Th/Tc 3 (352) Tnfa 7.5
γδT/MAIT 1 (138) Il4 10.0
Type 2
γδT/MAIT 2 (476)
Il13 12.5
NK 1 (428)
NK 2/NKT (429) Il5
Treg Type 17
ILCs (242) Il17a 1.2
Treg 1 (595)
Il17f 0.9
Treg 2 (502)
Il22 0.6
Treg 3 (260)
UMAP-1 Treg 4 (431) Il10
Ctrl D3 D5
C Control skin Wound edge
0.0233 E D3 splinted wound
Human K14 Integrin α5 EdU DAPI
0 w.b. 0
Ctrl D1 D7
D Control skin Wound edge 600
0.0101 D3 unsplinted wound
0.0040 GFP-KI 1600
400 <0.0001
200 1200
100 800
60 400
40 w.b.
20 0
Ctrl D1 D3 D5 D7
F Percent
Cdk1 FTY720 FTY720
Average A1
Top2a Day 3
0.50 Analysis 400
-D1 D0 D1 Veh FTY
Ctrl Wd 0.25
Fig. 1. Skin-resident RORgt cells direct wound re-epithelialization. (A) UMAP beginning and end of migrating tongue, respectively. White, EdU; blue, DAPI
visualization of individual samples (control, n = 1443 cells; D3, n = 1997 cells; nuclei; w.b., wound bed (n ≥ 7, N = 3). (F) Wound lymphocytes have a higher
D5, n = 1486 cells). (B) Dot plot of cytokine expression in control and wounded frequency (percentage) and expression of proliferation genes (Mki67, Cdk1, and
lymphocytes. Shown is the frequency of cells expressing gene (percentage) Top2a) than control skin. (G) Wound RORgt cells actively proliferate. Shown is an
and average expression per cluster (average). RORgt+ cells (yellow) are enriched immunofluorescence image of D3 wounded Rorc-EGFPTg mice after a 24-hour
at the edge of human (C) (n = 3, N = 1) and murine (D) (n ≥ 4, N = 3) acute EdU pulse. White, EdU; blue, DAPI nuclei; green, RORgt+ cells; red, keratin
wounds. Magenta, keratin (K)14; cyan, DAPI nuclei. White arrows mark RORgt (K)14 (n = 3, N = 3). (H) FTY720 treatment does not alter wound re-epithelialization
cells. (E) Impaired re-epithelialization in RORgt-deficient (GFP-KI) compared (n ≥ 7, N = 3). In (C), (D), and (G), white dashed lines denote dermo-epidermal
with WT animals. Shown are images and quantifications of integrin a5+ (green), borders and yellow boxes define magnified areas. Scale bars in (C), (D), and
K14+ (red) migrating epidermal tongue from full-thickness silicone-splinted (top) (E), 100 mm; scale bar in (G), 50 mm. Significance was determined using a
and unsplinted (bottom) D3 wounds. The dashed lines and arrows mark the two-tailed t test and a 95% confidence interval.
into the wound bed. By contrast, mice heal dent RORgt lymphocytes locally expand to RORgt cells or epithelial migration (Fig. 1H
by re-epithelialization and myofibroblast- fuel repair. Indeed, wound RORgt+ cells had and fig. S3G). Thus, the expansion of pre-
mediated dermal contraction (17). We there- heightened expression of cell-cycle genes existing skin RORgt+ cells is sufficient to drive
fore secured murine wounds with silicone (Mki67, Cdk1, and Top2a) and 5-ethynyl-2′- re-epithelialization.
splints to eliminate dermal contraction. Micro- deoxyuridine (EdU) incorporation relative to
scopic visualization revealed a specific impair- unwounded skin and to their systemic lymph IL-17RC–mediated gd T cell–epithelial cross-talk
ment of the keratin 14+ (K14+) integrin a5+ node counterparts (Fig. 1, F and G, and fig. controls re-epithelization
migrating epithelial tongue, but not epithelial S3E). To determine whether skin RORgt+ lym- We mapped the dynamics of skin RORgt sub-
proliferation, in GFP-KI splinted wounds (Fig. 1E phocytes were sufficient to instigate repair, sets over the course of repair using multi-
and fig. S3D). Similarly, epithelial migration was we treated mice with FTY720, a sphingosine-1 parameter flow cytometry. Innate-like gd
markedly compromised in unsplinted GFP-KI phosphate receptor agonist that inhibits lym- T cells, MAIT (MR1 tetramer+), and invariant
wounds relative to controls (Fig. 1E). phocyte egress into blood by “trapping” them NKT (iNKT) cells (CD1d tetramer+) expanded
Given the rapid enrichment of RORgt lym- within lymph nodes (fig. S3F) (18). FTY720 first at D1 after wounding (fig. S4, A to C).
phocytes in wounds, we postulated that resi- blockade did not alter the frequency of wound Adaptive TH 17, TC17, and RORgt+ Treg cells
Consistent with our CITE-seq analysis, the
5-H lium ge
4-W elium tal
proportions of RORgt+ type 3 innate lymph-
is dge
epit und e
deromund e
epit nd d
oid cells (ILC3s) were unchanged by injury,
air f
suggesting that in the presence of adaptive
immunity, ILC3s may not play a dominant
role in repair (figs. S2D and S4, A to C). ILCs
a technology that enables spatially resolved 0-Reticular dermis 4
γδT/MAIT 1
transcriptional profiling of tissues at 50-mm 1-Hypodermis 1
2-Panniculus carnosus
resolution (8) (fig. S5, A to C, and table S4). 3-Epidermis/
2 Th/Tc 3
Papillary dermis
PCA and UMAP projections distinguished 4-Hypodermis 2 Th/Tc 2
seven clusters (tissue regions) in unwounded 5-Hair follicle
Th/Tc 1
skin and six clusters in wounded skin (Fig. 2, 7-Fascia Day 3 wounded ST clusters
A and B). The identified clusters were con- UMAP-1
sistent with histological regions and genes D E F
that typified tissue architecture (Fig. 2, A Day 3 wounded skin cluster annotation TcrdCreER;Rorcfl/fl Mr1–/– Cd4Cre;Rorcfl/fl
and B, and fig. S5, D and E). Wound-edge epi- 1200 1200 1200
c fl/f
R re ER
c fl/f
r1 –
r1 H
c fl/f
scRNA-seq dataset (19), which defined wounded
of total cells
epithelium as growth arrest cells and wound γδT/MAIT 1
0 H
distal epithelium as Col17a1+ cells, with our ST 20 Intradermal
1000 0.0369
fied by our CITE-seq data (Fig. 1A). MIA of the
top 300 up-regulated genes (≥0.25 log FC)
I Il17rc Il17ra J 0.0015
MAIT cluster 1 (P = 7.9 × 10−6) and cluster 2
(P = 1.9 × 10−5) within wound-edge epithelial
cluster 4 (Fig. 2C and fig. S6D). 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 WT Il17rcEKO
0 0.4 0.8 1.6
Both gd T cells and MAIT cells have been
implicated in wound repair (20). However,
systematic comparisons between these and Fig. 2. RORgt+ gdT cells drive re-epithelialization through epidermal IL-17RC. (A) Hematoxylin and
other RORgt+ cell subsets in the context of eosin–stained tissue image (top) and ST plot of microarray spots (bottom) of unwounded and D3
re-epithelialization are lacking. We therefore wounded skin (unwounded, n = 1; wounded, n = 2). Scale bars, 200 mm. (B) UMAP plot and cluster
analyzed mice specifically lacking RORgt+ gd annotation of ST spots based on marker genes in fig. S5. (C) gd T/MAIT clusters are enriched in wound
T cells (TcrdCreER;Rorcfl/fl), MAIT cells (Mr1–/–), edge epithelium. P-value score table from MIA of D3 wounded ST clusters and CITE-seq effector
and TH17/TC17/MAIT/iNKT cells (Cd4Cre;Rorcfl/fl) lymphocyte clusters. Integrin a5+, K14+ migrating epidermal tongue length in unsplinted D3 wounds
(fig. S6E). After tamoxifen-induced depletion, from TcrdCreER;Rorcfl/fl and Rorcfl/fl (D) (n ≥ 7, N = 3). Mr1–/– and Mr1Het (E) (n ≥ 4, N = 3). Cd4Cre/–;
TcrdCreER;Rorcfl/fl mice exhibited a shorter Rorcfl/fl and Cd4Cre/– (F) (n = 5, N = 3). (G) gd T/MAIT cell clusters dominantly express Il17a and
migrating tongue than control animals, in- Il17f. Dot plot of genes from D3 wounded skin CITE-seq analysis. Frequency of cells expressing stated
dicating a nonredundant role for RORgt+ gd gene (percent) and average expression per cluster (average). (H) rmIL-17A administration augments the
T cells in wound re-epithelialization (Fig. re-epithelialization in GFP-KI mice. Experimental schematic (left) and quantification of D3 migrating
2D). Wounds from both Mr1–/– and Cd4Cre; tongue length of GFP-KI skin intradermally injected with rmIL-17A or PBS (right) (n = 4, N = 2). (I) Spatial
Rorcfl/fl mice had migrating tongues com- plots of Il17rc and Il17ra reveal an up-regulation of these receptors at the wound’s edge. (J) IL-17RC
parable to their respective controls, under- expression on epithelial cells drives re-epithelialization. Quantification of migrating tongue length from
scoring the unicity of RORgt+ gd T cells in splinted D3 wounds Krt14Cre; Il17rcfl/fl mice (n ≥ 5, N = 2). Significance was determined using a two-tailed
directing re-epithelialization (Fig. 2, E and F). t test and a 95% confidence interval.
RORgt+ gd T cells exert potent effector func- wound distal epithelium (fig. S8C). By con- associated cytokines [rmIL-1, rmIL-6, and
tion by producing the cytokines IL-17A and trast, WT and GFP-KI migrating tongue cells recombinant murine tumor necrosis factor a
IL-17F, which provide instructive signals to the had 1548 differentially expressed transcripts (rmTNFa)] did not activate HIF1a (fig. S10G).
surrounding parenchyma (14, 21). Of all the (adjusted P < 0.1) (fig. S8D). HIF1a signaling Epidermal growth factor also failed to augment
effector lymphocytes analyzed by CITE-seq, and associated glycolysis pathways were sig- HIF1a to the levels observed after rmIL-17A
gd T/MAIT cell clusters expressed the highest nificantly enriched in WT samples (fig. S8E). treatment, underscoring the specificity of
level of these cytokines at D3 after wounding, Consistent with the enrichment of Hif1a IL-17 in amplifying this pathway (fig. S10H).
hinting at their role in the RORgt+ gd T cell– transcripts, WT migrating epithelial tongue IL-17RA and IL-7RC were robustly expressed
epithelial cross-talk at the wound’s edge (Fig. robustly expressed nuclear HIF1a, which was in our epithelial organoids and wound-edge
2G). Accordingly, intradermal recombinant absent from GFP-KI wound fronts (Fig. 3E and integrin a5+ cells (fig. S10I) (14, 22). Epithelial-
murine IL-17A (rmIL-17A) administration re- fig. S9, A and B). GFP-KI mice did not com- specific loss of Il17rc abrogated the ability of
versed the re-epithelization defect of GFP-KI pensate for the loss of HIF1a by up-regulating rmIL-17A to activate HIF1a both in vivo and
mice (Fig. 2H). HIF2a (fig. S9D). Furthermore, Il17rcEKO mice in vitro, excluding a role for accessory cells in
IL-17A/F signaling is mediated by an IL-17 phenocopied the HIF1a defect observed in this cross-talk (Fig. 4, C and D, and fig. S10, J
receptor A (IL-17RA)–IL-17RC heterodimer, GFP-KI wounds (Fig. 3F). Nuclear HIF1a was and K). To delineate how epithelial IL-17RC
whereas IL-17F can also bind an IL-17RC/RC also robustly expressed in the migrating epi- signaling resulted in HIF1a activation, we re-
homodimeric complex (14, 22). ST plots showed thelial front of human wounds, suggesting a turned to our comparative GFP-KI and WT
increased Il17ra and Il17rc transcripts at the highly conserved role for this transcription wound transcriptomics (Fig. 3, A to C). mTOR
wound’s edge, with the most prominent ex- factor in re-epithelialization (fig. S9C). signaling, which is implicated in HIF1a reg-
pression being Il17rc (Fig. 2I). We therefore HIFs ubiquitously mediate cellular adapta- ulation, was salient as a key differentially
generated and wounded epithelial-specific tion to low-oxygen environments (23). There- expressed pathway (24, 25). We therefore
IL-17RC–deficient mice (Krt14Cre;Il17rcfl/fl la- fore, we measured hypoxia in WT and GFP-KI evaluated ribosomal protein S6S240/244 phos-
beled Il17rcEKO) (fig. S6F). Compared with wounds using both a fluorescent hypoxia phorylation, a major downstream substrate of
IL-17RC–sufficient mice, epithelial-specific loss marker, pimonidazole (PIM), and a fiber probe mTOR complex 1. rmIL-17A robustly increased
of Il17rc mirrored the re-epithelialization defect to directly measure tissue O2. WT and GFP-KI epithelial pS6S240/244 in WT but not Il17rcEKO
of GFP-KI and TcrdCreER;Rorcfl/fl mice (Fig. 2J). wounds had equivalent PIM signals and O2 mice and organoids (Fig. 4, E and F, and fig.
Thus, IL-17A/F supplied by RORgt+ gd T cells levels (~10 to 12 mmHg or 2% O2) (Fig. 3, G S10L). rmIL-17A–treated organoids also showed
directly engages epithelial IL-17RC to induce and H). Moreover, WT and GFP-KI epithelia enhanced activation of the upstream kinase
migration and re-epithelialization. expressed comparable levels of prolyl hydrox- phosphorylated S6 kinaseT389 (p-S6KT389) and
ylases (Egln1, Egln2, and Egln3) and Vhl phosphorylated mTORS2448 (p-mTORS2448)
HIF1a is a re-epithelialization factor controlled ubiquitin ligase (fig. S9D). Thus, wound-edge (Fig. 5, A and B). Inhibition of mTOR with
by RORgt+ cells epithelium failed to sustain HIF1a without rapamycin significantly reduced HIF1a protein
PCA and UMAP plots integrating wild-type RORgt+ cell–derived signals even in the pres- downstream of IL-17A (Fig. 5, A to C, and fig.
(WT) and GFP-KI tissue sections from D3 ence of tissue hypoxia and while having the S11, A and B). Additionally, Hif1aEKO and con-
wounds discerned 15 clusters with high re- necessary regulatory machinery. trol organoids had comparable sizes and mTOR
producibility between biological replicates We next generated and wounded epithelial- activation (p-S6S240/244) after rmIL-17A stimu-
(Fig. 3, A and B, and fig. S7, A and B). We specific HIF1a-deficient mice (Krt14Cre; Hif1afl/fl lation, confirming that mTOR is upstream of
focused on wound edge clusters 7 and 8 on labeled Hif1aEKO) (fig. S9E). Loss of epithe- HIF1a (fig. S11, C and D).
the basis of histology and expression of the lial HIF1a impaired the development of mi- In addition to augmenting HIF1a protein,
re-epithelialization factors Gjb2, Lamc2, Mmp9, grating tongue (Fig. 3I). Additionally, unlike rmIL-17A stimulation also induced Hif1a
Mmp13, and Stfa1 (fig. S7A). We further de- GFP-KI mice, rmIL-17A failed to rescue the re- gene expression in an mTOR-dependent man-
lineated cluster 7 as wound-edge basal epi- epithelialization defect of Hif1aEKO mice (Fig. ner (Fig. 5D). Increased Hif1a transcripts in
thelium (Krt5, Krt6, Krt14, and Krt17) and 2H and fig. S9F). Thus, epithelial HIF1a is nec- rmIL-17A–treated organoids were not caused
cluster 8 as wound-edge differentiated epithe- essary to respond to IL-17A signals and activate by enhanced mRNA stability, and HIF1a pro-
lium (Krt10, Lce1a1, and Lor). Pathway analy- a program of migration. tein was more rapidly degraded in the pres-
sis of WT and GFP-KI cluster 7 differentially ence of rmIL-17A (fig. S11, E and F). Thus,
expressed genes revealed enrichment of IL-17 IL-17RC signaling induces HIF1a through mTOR controls HIF1a transcription and pro-
signaling, skin/epidermal development, epi- extracellular signal–regulated kinase 1/2 tein levels, but not stability, downstream
dermal differentiation, epithelial cell/tissue (ERK 1/2)-AKT–mammalian target of IL-17A.
migration, and T cell activation pathways in of rapamycin (mTOR) To determine whether and how IL-17RC
WT (Fig. 3C and fig. S8A). HIF1 signaling, To test our hypothesis that gd T cell–derived proximal signaling links to mTOR, we next
which is typically associated with tissue hy- IL-17 serves as a second signal to activate measured early (≤1 hour) mTOR activation
poxia, also emerged as a differentially expressed HIF1a, we intradermally injected rmIL-17A, after rmIL-17A stimulation and found enrich-
pathway (Fig. 3C) (10), with Hif1a transcripts rmIL-17F, or rmIL-22 into unwounded skin. ment of p-S6KT389 and p-S6S240/244 (fig. S11G).
higher in WT compared with GFP-KI wound Administration of rmIL-17A and, to a lesser Working our way upstream, we detected ac-
edges (Fig. 3D). degree, rmIL-17F was sufficient to induce epi- tivation of p-ERK1/2 T202/Y204 , a canonical
To validate this finding, we analyzed the dermal HIF1a activation and hyperplasia (Fig. mediator of IL-17RC signaling, and protein
transcriptomes of integrin a5 and integrin 4A and fig. S10, A and B). IL-22 marginally kinase B (p-AKT S473), an upstream mTOR
a6 double-positive wound-edge epithelium increased epidermal thickness but did not kinase, after IL-17A stimulation (Fig. 5E). In-
(migrating tongue) and integrin a6 + -only up-regulate HIF1a (fig. S10, A and B). Skin hibition of either ERK1/2 (U0126) or AKT
wound distal epithelium, from WT and GFP-KI epithelial organoids cultured for 5 days in the (MK-2206) after long- and short-term rmIL-17A
wounds (fig. S8B). We observed very modest presence of rmIL-17A were significantly larger treatment (5 days and 30 min, respectively),
differences (62 differentially expressed genes, than controls and robustly expressed HIF1a diminished p-S6KT389, p-S6S240/244, and HIF1a
adjusted P < 0.1) between WT and GFP-KI (Fig. 4B and fig. S10, C to F). Other damage- expression (Fig. 5E and fig. S11H). However,
12- Distal epidermis 2
HIF-1 signaling pathway
13- Panniculus carnosus 2
14- Hair follicle 3 IL-17 signaling pathway: HIF-1 signaling pathway:
UMAP-1 Il17rc, S100a9, Mapk3, Ldha, Egfr, Stat3, Hk2,
Cebpb, Nfkb1, Jun Eif4e, Cdkn1b
D Hif1a E Migrating tongue
0.0004 F 150
0 0
* * * High
O 2 (mmHg)
6 30 ns
4 20
Low 2 10
0 0
I 1200 <0.0001
K14 Integrin α5 DAPI
w.b. w.b.
Fig. 3. RORgt+ cells control wound edge epithelial HIF1a. ST spots (A) and PIM staining in D3 WT and GFP-KI wounds (n = 4, N = 2). (H) Fiber probe
UMAP plot (B) of annotated clusters (marker genes in fig. S7) from WT and measurement of unwounded and D3 wounded tissue oxygen (n ≥ 3, N = 2).
GFP-KI D3 wounded skin samples (WT, n = 2; GFP-KI, n = 3). (C) KEGG pathways (I) Impaired re-epithelialization in epithelial HIF1a-deficient animals (Hif1aEKO)
enriched in WT versus GFP-KI cluster 7 spots. (D) Spatial plots of Hif1a compared with WT. Confocal images and corresponding quantifications of
expression in D3 WT and GFP-KI wounds. (E) WT migrating tongues have higher integrin a5+ (yellow), K14+ (red) migrating epidermal tongue from splinted
HIF1a expression than GFP-KI migrating tongues. Red, top, K14; yellow, D3 wounds. The dashed line and arrows mark the beginning and end of migrating
top, HIF1a (pseudocolor fire, bottom); cyan, top, DAPI nuclei. Quantification of tongue, respectively. Cyan, DAPI nuclei; w.b., wound bed (n ≥ 5, N = 3). Scale
HIF1a in integrin a5+ cells from GFP-KI and WT D3 wounds (n = 6, N = 3). bars in (E), 50 mm; scale bars in (G) and (I), 100 mm. For (E), (G), and (I),
(F) Quantification of HIF1a in integrin a5+cells from WT and Krt14Cre; Il17rcfl/fl D3 two-tailed t test at a 95% confidence interval was used. For (H), one-way ANOVA
wounds (n = 5, N = 2). (G) Pseudocolor fire view images and quantification of multiple-comparisons test was used.
blocking ERK also resulted in a compensatory Given the prominence of hypoxia at the and in agreement with our in vivo wounding
increase in p-AKTS473. Dual inhibition of ERK wound edge, we next examined the IL-17A– data, p-S6S240/244 and HIF1a levels were mark-
and AKT ablated the mTOR-HIF1a response mTOR–HIF1a axis in organoids cultured under edly reduced by long-term hypoxic exposure
downstream of rmIL-17A stimulation (Fig. 5E acute (5 hours) or chronic (5 days) hypoxic and rescued by the presence of rmIL-17A (Fig.
and fig. S11H). Thus, IL-17RC–proximal AKT and conditions (2% O2). Acute hypoxia was suf- 5F). Rapamycin treatment abrogated the ability
ERK signaling directly activates mTOR and ficient to stabilize HIF1a, and IL-17A further of IL-17A to augment HIF1a in chronic hypoxic
consequently induces HIF1a. augmented this response (Fig. 5F). By contrast, cultures (Fig. 5G and fig. S11, I and J). Thus,
PBS K14 HIF1α Phalloidin DAPI
* 100
Ctrl rmIL-17A
Nuclear intensity
rmIL-17A 40
0 0
PBS rmIL-17A Ctrl rmIL-17A
Low High
C D Organoids
E F rmIL-17A
* WT
Il17rcEKO PBS rmIL-17A
p-S6(S240/244) DAPI
p-S6(S240/244) DAPI
100 0.0030 4
0.0013 0.0015
Nuclear intensity
No. nuclear HIF1
Il17rcEKO 2 rmIL-17A Il17rcEKO
* 40 ns
0 0
rmIL-17A WT Il17rcEKO
Fig. 4. IL-17A induces HIF1a through epidermal IL-17RC. (A) Intradermal as in (A). (D) IL-17A–induced HIF1a in organoids is dependent on epidermal
injection of rmIL-17A in unwounded skin induces epidermal hyperplasia IL-17RC (n = 4, N = 2). (E) Epidermal response to rmIL-17A is accompanied by
and HIF1a. Magenta, K14; yellow, HIF1a; cyan, DAPI nuclei (n = 5, N = 3). increased phosphorylation of S6 (p-S6Ser240/244, green) (n = 3, N = 2).
(B) Epidermal organoids cultured for 6 days at 21% O2, ± rmIL-17A stimulation (F) rmIL-17A–induced p-S6Ser240/244 (green) requires epidermal IL-17RC (n = 3,
for 5 days (see experimental schematic in fig. S10C) robustly up-regulate N = 2). In (E) and (F), blue, DAPI nuclei. In (A) and (C), white asterisks label
HIF1a. Quantification of HIF1a staining normalized to controls. Red, K14; green, autofluorescence. In (A) to (C) and (E) and (F), white dashed lines demarcate
HIF1a; white, phalloidin F actin; blue, DAPI nuclei (n = 3, N = 3). (C) rmIL-17A dermo-epidermal junction or organoid boundaries. Scale bars, 50 mm. For
induced nuclear HIF1a in WT mice but not epidermal IL-17RC–deficient (A) to (C), two-tailed t test at a 95% confidence interval was used. For (D),
(Il17rcEKO) mice (n = 3, N = 2). Staining and color scheme are the same two-way ANOVA multiple-comparisons test was used.
IL-17A directly and potently induces mTOR to and E, and fig. S12, E and F). GKP-KI, Il17rcEKO, Discussion
up-regulate HIF1a under both normoxic and and Hif1aEKO wound-edge epithelia expressed Collectively, our results illustrate that IL-17A
hypoxic conditions (Fig. 5H). significantly lower glucose transporter 1 levels supplied by RORgt+ gd T cells is necessary for
than their respective controls (Fig. 6, F and G, optimal HIF1a activation in the wound-edge
IL-17A–dependent metabolic reprogramming is and fig. S12G). rmIL-17A administration res- epithelium. HIFs are an ancient class of tran-
vital for re-epithelialization cued glucose transporter 1 levels in GKP-KI scription factors that are present in all meta-
Migration, a cardinal feature of re-epithelialization, wounds (fig. S12H). Thus, the IL-17A–HIF1a zoan cells and are stabilized in response to
requires cells to expend energy. However, exactly axis induces a program of glycolytic metab- low microenvironmental oxygen (27). Previ-
how migrating epithelial cells meet their energy olism in epithelial cells. ous studies attributed the increased expres-
demands in a hypoxic wound microenviron- Our findings raised the possibility that the sion of HIF1a in injured skin and intestinal
ment is unclear (Fig. 3, G and H). Glycolysis and IL-17A–HIF1a–dependent program of glucose epithelium to tissue hypoxia (28, 29). Thus,
oxidative phosphorylation are the two major metabolism fuels epithelial migration. We our discovery that the chronic hypoxic envi-
cellular energy–producing pathways (26). Of topically treated mice with 2-deoxy-D-glucose ronment of the wound edge is insufficient to
these, HIF1a is known to control a transcrip- (2-DG), a glucose analog that inhibits glycolysis. activate HIF1a prompts investigation into IL-17,
tional program of glycolysis (10). Accordingly, 2-DG–treated mice had significantly shorter and other secondary activators of HIF1a, in
the WT wound front expressed higher levels integrin a5+ migrating tongues than their con- nonhealing wounds and conditions involving
of glycolysis-associated genes [hexokinase 2 trol counterparts (fig. S12I). Blocking glycol- chronic hypoxia.
(hk2), phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (Pgk1), and ysis did not alter epithelial cell proliferation, Consistent with published reports, we found
glucose transporter protein 1 (Slc2a1)] than indicating that glycolysis is dispensable for that acute hypoxia robustly induces HIF1a
did that of GFP-KI (Fig. 6A). expanding the epithelial cell pool at the wound (25). By contrast, exposure to chronic hypoxia
rmIL-17A treatment significantly increased front (fig. S12J). 2-DG treatment also led to a (reminiscent of the wound microenvironment)
glucose transporter 1 (Slc2a1) and glycolytic reduction in wound-edge type 17 cells (fig. S12K). leads to a reduction in mTOR and consequently
enzyme expression in epithelial organoids We therefore turned to an in vitro epithelial HIF1a. The reasons for down-modulation of
(Fig. 6B and fig. S12, A and B). rmIL-17A–treated scratch assay to control for the immune effects mTOR in chronic hypoxia are unclear and
organoids had heightened glycolysis activity of topical 2-DG treatment. 2-DG or HIF1a in- warrant further investigation. Nevertheless,
and glycolytic capacity and secreted higher hibitor (BAY872243) hindered the ability of IL-17A acts as a “second signal” to activate
levels of lactate, an end product of glycolysis, human epithelial cells to migrate and seal the mTOR in this context through ERK1/2 and
compared with controls (Fig. 6C and fig. S12, in vitro “wound” both in the presence and ab- AKT kinases. We found that IL-17A–induced
C and D). Consistent with a role for mTOR sence of recombinant human IL-17A (rhIL-17A) mTOR controls HIF1a gene transcription and
in regulating HIF1a, rapamycin-treated or (Fig. 6H). Thus, IL-17A augments glycolysis, an protein levels but not stability. Thus, our results
Hif1aEKO organoids expressed lower levels of essential bioenergetic pathway powering epi- suggest that adaptation to hypoxia in com-
glycolysis enzymes than did controls (Fig. 6, D thelial cell migration, to expedite healing. plex tissue microenvironments requires second
Nuclear intensity
Ctrl rmIL-17A
3 p-AKT(S473)
Veh Rapa Veh Rapa kDa 60
0.52 0.33 1.51 0.50 0.92 0.41 1.68 0.52
p-mTOR(S2448) 180 2 ns AKT(Pan) 60
0.35 0.24 1.03 0.63
1 0.79 0.75 0.75 0.81 0.89 0.83 0.97 1.03
mTOR 180
Veh p-S6K(T389)
0.73 0.46 0.95 0.76 Rapa (12hrs) 70
p-S6K(T389) 70 Ctrl rmIL-17A 0.86 0.70 1.65 1.13 1.59 1.18 1.42 0.72
β-actin 40 2.0
Chronic Hypoxia mTORC1
ns HIF1α
HIF1α 120
0.40 0.43 0.84 2.13 2.46 1.01 1.93
β-actin 40 Veh
Rapa (12hrs)
0.0 Hif1a
Ctrl rmIL-17A
Fig. 5. ERK/AKT signaling downstream of IL-17RC controls mTOR and HIF1a. p-S6 S240/244, and HIF1a (N = 2). (F) IL-17A stimulates p-S6 S240/244 and
(A) Experimental schematic of inhibitor treatment in control and rmIL-17A– HIF1a in organoids cultured under normoxic or hypoxic (2% O2 ) conditions
stimulated organoids. (B) rmIL-17A–treated organoids (D5) have increased (N = 3). (G) Rapamycin abrogates IL-17A–mediated HIF1a expression
pmTORS2448, p-S6KT389, and p-S6S240/244 that is diminished after 12 hours of in hypoxia (n = 4, N = 3). (H) Schematic of proposed mechanism illustrating
rapamycin (Rapa) treatment. Vehicle (Veh), N = 2. (C) Rapamycin abrogates that AKT and ERK activation proximal of IL-17RC induces mTOR and HIFa.
rmIL-17A–mediated HIF1a expression in normoxia (21% O2). Quantification Chronic hypoxia inhibits mTOR and consequently HIF1a. Significance was
of HIF1a staining normalized to controls (n ≥ 5, N = 4). (D) IL-17A up-regulates determined using a two-way ANOVA multiple-comparisons test. In (B),
Hif1a transcripts through mTOR (n = 5, N = 2). (E) Inhibiting AKT (MK-2206) (E), (F), and (G), protein quantifications are relative to the presented internal
and/or ERK (U0126) for 3 hours blocks rmIL-17A–induced p-S6KT389, b-actin controls.
signals from accessory cells in addition to cell- conditions, including psoriasis, inflammatory Tcrdtm1.1(cre/ERT2)Zhu/J, B6(Cg)-Rorctm3Litt/J,
autonomous oxygen monitoring. bowel disease, and spondyloarthropathies (14). B6.129-Hif1atm3Rsjo/J. Mr1 tm1(KOMP)Vlcg mice
IL-17A directed the metabolic rewiring of In addition to glycolysis, other HIF1a tran- were generated from the KOMP ES cell line
wound-edge epithelium toward a program of scriptional targets may fuel IL-17–mediated Mr1tm1(KOMP)Vlcg, RRID:MMRRC_058774-UCD,
glycolysis. In contrast to recent work high- epithelial pathologies. Thus, the IL-17A–HIF1a obtained from the Mutant Mouse Resource
lighting a role for IL-17A–induced glycolysis in axis that we uncovered here may provide ther- and Research Center (MMRRC) at University
fibroblast survival and proliferation, wound- apeutic opportunities for a wide range of in- of California, Davis. Tg(Rorc-EGFP)1Ebe mice
edge epithelia did not require glycolysis to flammatory and metastatic diseases. were a gift from Dr. G. Eberl (Institut Pasteur).
proliferate (21). Instead, this mechanism of All animal studies were approved by the institu-
energy production was vital for epithelial mi- Materials and Methods tional animal care and use committee (IACUC).
gration at the wound front. HIF1a and glycol- Animals Mice were bred and maintained under specific-
ysis are drivers of tumor progression and The following mouse strains were purchased pathogen-free conditions at the Association for
metastasis, raising the possibility that IL-17A from The Jackson Laboratory: C57BL/6J, Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory
or other immune-derived signals could drive B6.129P2(Cg)-Rorctm2Litt/J (Rorgt-EGFP), B6N.Cg- Animal Care (AAALAC)–accredited facilities
these pathways in cancer (30, 31). IL-17A is also Tg(KRT14-cre)1Amc/J, B6.Cg-Il17rctm1.1Koll/ at the New York University Langone Health
central to the pathology of many autoimmune J, B6.Cg-Tg(Cd4-cre)1Cwi/BfluJ, B6.129S- Center and housed in accordance with the
Expression (ddCT)
2 0.0027
Slc2a1 Pfkl Aldoa Tpi1 Pgam1 Eno1 Ldha
D 4 Veh Veh+rmIL-17A
C 80
Ctrl rmIL-17A Glycolysis Glycolytic Capacity
Rapa Rapa+rmIL-17A
Expression (ddCT)
2-DG 50 80 <0.0001 3 <0.0001
Oligomycin <0.0001 <0.0001
ECAR (mpH/min)
ECAR (mpH/min)
ECAR (mpH/min)
60 40 <0.0001
60 <0.0001 <0.0001
Glucose 2 <0.0001
40 30
40 0.0054 <0.0001 0.0007 <0.0001 0.0024 0.0001
20 1
10 20
0 0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 Ctrl rmIL-17A Ctrl rmIL-17A Slc2a1 Pfkl Aldoa Tpi1 Pgam1 Eno1 Ldha
Time (minutes)
E Migrating tongue
2.5 WT
Hif1aEKO+rmIL-17A <0.0001
F WT 1.5
2.0 0.0003
Glucose transporter 1
<0.0001 0.0003
<0.0001 0.0003
1.5 ns
0.0004 1.0 1.0
0.0321 0.0017 ns
0.0001 0.0008 0.0486 0.0113
1.0 Il17rcEKO 0.5 Hif1aEKO 0.5
0.0 0.0
0.0 WT Il17rcEKO WT Hif1aEKO
Slc2a1 Pfkl Aldoa Tpi1 Pgam1 Eno1 Ldha Low High Low High
H Veh rhIL-17A 2-DG 2-DG+rhIL-17A BAY872243 BAY872243+rhIL-17A
100 <0.0001ns
0 hours
24 hours
24 hours
Veh 2-DG
rhIL-17A 2-DG+rhIL-17A
BAY872243 BAY872243+rhIL-17A
Fig. 6. IL-17A–HIF1a-mediated metabolic reprograming fuels re-epithelialization. transporter 1 staining in D3 WT and Il17rcEKO (n ≥ 5, N = 2) (F) and WT and
(A) ST plots of hk2, Pgk1, and Slc2a1 expression in GFP-KI (n = 3) and WT Hif1aEKO (n ≥ 4, N = 2) (G) migrating tongue. Scale bars, 100 mm. (H) Inhibition of
(n = 2) wounds. (B) Increased expression of glycolytic enzymes after rmIL-17A HIF1a (BAY872243) and glycolysis (2-DG) impairs the migration of primary
treatment (normalized to control) (n = 6, N = 4). (C) rmIL-17A stimulation human keratinocytes in the presence and absence of rhIL-17A. Yellow dashed line
results in functional enhancement of glycolysis. Representative ECAR of marks scratch wound edges. Scratched areas were quantified as a percentage
organoids cultured in the presence or absence of rmIL-17A. There were relative to the start area at 0 hours (n = 5, N = 3). Scale bars, 500 mm. In (B),
22 technical replicates. (D and E) IL-17A–induced expression of glycolytic (C), (F), and (G), two-tailed t test at a 95% confidence interval was used. In (D)
enzymes is abrogated in rapamycin-treated (D) and Hif1aEKO (E) organoids and (E), two-way ANOVA multiple-comparisons test was used. In (H), one-way
(n ≥ 5, N = 2). (F and G) pseudocolor fire images and quantifications of glucose ANOVA was used.
procedures outlined in the National Institutes a 27-year-old male) at Karolinska University and conducted according to the Declaration
of Health’s Guide for the Care and Use of Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden. After local lido- of Helsinki’s principles.
Laboratory Animals. Experiments were per- caine injection, two full-thickness excisional
formed with IACUC-approved protocols. Age- wounds were created using a 4-mm biopsy Skin wound-healing models
and sex-matched controls were used in all punch at the upper buttock area of each donor. Full-thickness wounds
experiments presented. Central excised skin was used as unwounded Seven- to 8-week-old mice in the telogen
control. Wound-edge skin was collected using (resting) phase of the hair cycle were used for
Human wound samples a 6-mm biopsy punch 1 and 7 days later. All wounding studies. After hair removal, a 4-mm
Normal and wounded human skin samples donors consented to the collection and use of biopsy punch (Miltex) was used to make full-
were collected from three healthy donors (a clinical samples. The study was approved by thickness wounds on dorsal skin. Wound clo-
48-year-old female, a 24-year-old female, and the Stockholm Regional Ethics Committee sure was assessed macroscopically with an
engineer’s caliper, and the wound-healing shown with the pseudocolor Fire from ImageJ Recombinant cytokines
area and rate were calculated as previously after they were contrasted equally and back- The wound edge was intradermally injected
described (9). ground was uniformly removed. with either rmIL-17A (500 ng in 20 ml of PBS,
Epithelial organoids were released from carrier-free; PeproTech) or PBS control im-
Splinted full-thickness wounds basement membrane matrix (BME) with or- mediately after a 4-mm biopsy. The following
Four-millimeter full-thickness wounds were ganoid harvesting solution (Cultrex), fixed in cytokine concentrations were used for daily
stented open by a 10-mm-diameter silicone 4% paraformaldehyde for 2 hours at 4°C, and intradermal injections for 7 days in unwounded
ring and secured with skin glue and eight then incubated in acetone at –20°C. Organoids ear pinnae and compared with the PBS-only
simple, interrupted 6-0 sutures. Wounds were were stained with conditions similar to tissue vehicle control: IL-17A (500 ng in 20 ml of PBS,
dressed immediately after splinting and dress- sections and embedded in agarose for imaging. carrier-free; PeproTech), IL-17F (1 mg in 20 ml
ings were changed every other day thereafter. Data were analyzed using ImageJ. Organoid of PBS, carrier-free; PeproTech), or IL-22 (500 ng
Animals were singly housed to limit disrup- HIF1a intensity was determined using the in 20 ml of PBS, carrier-free; PeproTech).
tion to splint. Single Target Translocation Assay from HSC
studio (Thermo Fisher). For the complete list 2-DG
Skin tissue digest of immunofluorescence antibodies and con- 2-DG (40 mg/ml; Cayman Chemical) was first
Unwounded or 0.25 mm of skin around the centrations used, see table S2. dissolved in PBS and then diluted in a water-
wound edge was excised and digested in based gel. This gel was topically applied to
Liberase TL (Sigma-Aldrich) as previously Microscopy and image processing dorsal skin 2 days before wounding and then
described (9). Images were acquired with a Zeiss Axioplan2 at the wound perimeter daily until analysis.
using a Plan-Apochromat 20×/0.8 air objec-
Flow cytometry and fluorescence-activated cell tive or Zeiss LSM 710 laser scanning confocal CITE-seq
sorting (FACS) microscope using Plan-Apochromat 20×/0.75 FACS-purified live CD45.2+CD90.2+ TCRVg3–
Single-cell suspensions were preincubated air and Plan-Apochromat 63×/1.40 oil objec- cells from unwounded skin at D3 and D5
with anti-CD16/32 before staining with sur- tives. Tiled and stitched images of sagittal sec- after wounding were prelabeled with surface-
face fluorescent conjugated antibodies and/or tions were collected using a Plan-Apochromat epitope-marking oligo-tagged antibodies and
oligo-tagged antibodies (table S1) at predeter- 20×/0.75 air objective, controlled by Zen soft- sample-specific oligo-tagged Totalseq-A anti-
mined concentrations in a 100 ml of staining ware (Zeiss). bodies (BioLegend; see table S1). Hashed sam-
buffer [phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) con- Organoids were imaged using Cell Insight ples were pooled at a 1:1.5:1 ratio of control:
taining 5% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 1% CX7-LZR (Thermo Scientific), and images were D3:D5 before library preparation (Chromium
HEPES] per 107 cells. Stained cells were re- processed with HCS Studio Cell Analysis soft- Single Cell 3′ Library, 10X Genomics) and
suspended in 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole ware (Thermo Scientific). Maximal projection sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 4000 as
(DAPI) in FACS buffer before purification or z-stacks are presented, and co-localization was 150-bp paired-end reads. Sequencing results
analysis. For intracellular staining, fixable Live/ interpreted only in single z-stacks. z-stacks were demultiplexed and converted to FASTQ
Dead dye was added before surface antibody were projected using ImageJ. Images were format using Illumina bcl2fastq software. The
incubation, which was performed according to assembled in Adobe Illustrator CC2015.3. Cell Ranger Single-Cell Software Suite was used
the manufacturer’s instructions for the Foxp3/ to perform sample demultiplexing, barcode
Transcription Factor Staining Buffer Set (BD Animal drug treatments processing, and single-cell 3′ gene counting.
Biosciences). Flow cytometry data were ac- EdU pulse The cDNA insert was aligned to the mm10/
quired on LSRII Analyzers (BD Biosciences) Mice were injected intraperitoneally with EdU GRCm38 reference genome. Only confidently
and then analyzed with FlowJo program. FACS (50 mg/g) (Thermo Scientific) either 3 hours mapped, non–polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
was performed using FACSAria Cell Sorters (epithelial cells) or 24 hours (lymphocytes) duplicates with valid barcodes and unique
(BD Biosciences). before analysis. molecular identifiers (UMIs) were used to
generate the gene-barcode matrix. Cell Ranger
Immunofluorescence and image analysis FTY720 output was further analyzed in R using the
Tissue was fixed, processed, and stained as Mice were intraperitoneally injected with Seurat package (32). Surface epitope oligo
previously described (9). EdU reactions were 2 mg/kg of FTY720 or vehicle control for sequences were merged with cell transcriptome
performed according to the manufacturer’s 3 consecutive days before wounding and data by matching the cell barcode IDs.
directions (Life Technologies). Migrating then throughout the wound repair response.
tongues were determined by measuring the Ten microliters of blood were collected through Sample demultiplexing and quality controls
length of K14+ integrin a5+ cells. The number the jugular vein to test FTY70 treatment effi- Further analysis including quality filtering,
of wound-edge proliferating epithelial cells was cacy before wound analysis. the identification of highly variable genes,
determined by counting EdU+ K14+ cells from dimensionality reduction, standard unsuper-
the first hair follicle adjacent to the wound until Tamoxifen vised clustering algorithms, and the discovery
the wound’s leading edge. To detect PIM, slides To activate Cre recombinase, 7- to 8-week-old mice of differentially expressed genes was per-
were pretreated with a mouse-on-mouse im- were treated with 7.5 mg of 4-hydroxytamoxifen formed using the Seurat R package. Samples
munodetection kit (Vector Laboratories) and (Sigma-Aldrich) dissolved in 250 ml of corn oil were demultiplexed to filter out multiplets
then stained with biotin–anti-PIM adduct every other day by oral gavage three times be- (cells mapping to multiple hashtags) and
antibodies per the manufacturer’s guidelines fore wounding and continuously during wound negative cells (cells missing hashtags) with a
(Hydroxyprobe). ImageJ was used to quantify repair. positive quantile threshold of 0.99 between
PIM and glucose transporter 1 integrated den- samples. Individual samples were further
sity, a well-established method of measuring PIM HCl processed to remove cells with >20% mito-
fluorescence intensity that accounts for dif- PIM HCl (hypoxyprobe) was intraperitoneally chondrial gene expression. To exclude low-
ferences in the area of the signal in K14+ and injected into mice at the dose of 60 mg/kg quality cells and remaining multiplets or cells
integrin a5+ migrating tongue. Images are 2 hours before sacrifice. that were extreme outliers, the distribution of
total genes per cell was calculated. Then, con- ually aligned with Adobe Photoshop CS6 to rank sum test and a non-batch-transformed
trol parameters were applied to filter out cells identify the array of spots beneath the tissue. spatial assay was used for this test. The results
with <200 detected genes and >3800 detected were filtered to only include genes with ad-
genes. After removing unwanted cells from Sequence alignment and annotation justed P values <0.1 and natural log (fold-
the dataset, we normalized the data by the Sequencing output and the histology images change) >0.25 for up-regulated genes. The
total expression, multiplied by a scale factor of were processed using space ranger software pathway analysis was performed using the
10,000, and log-transformed the result. (10X Genomics). The space ranger mkfastq cluster Profiler package in R (35).
function was used for sample demultiplex-
Cell clustering and annotation for ing and to converting spatial barcodes and Multimodal integration analysis
CITE-seq data reads into FASTQ format. The space ranger The significance of the overlap between ST
Clustering was performed using the Seurat count function was used to align reads from genes and cell type marker genes from CITE-
R package. PCA was performed to generate FATSQ files to the mouse genome (mm10/ seq and published scRNA-seq data [Gene
graph-based cell clusters, and the top seven GRCm38) and then align the microscopic Expression Omnibus (GEO) accession number
PCs with a resolution of 0.6 were used. This slide image and transcriptome to generate GSE142471] were queried using the hyper-
yielded 16 unique cell clusters, which were barcode/UMI counts, feature spot matrices, geometric cumulative distribution, with all
further plotted on the UMAP. Next, contam- cluster data, and perform gene-expression genes as the background to compute the
inating nonlymphoid clusters were removed: analysis. P value. All genes were calculated as the num-
macrophages (Cd74, Fcgr1a, and Mrc1), fibro- ber of common genes detected between ST
blasts (Col1a2, Pdgfra, and Thy1), and den- Clustering analysis of ST data and CITE-seq in raw data.
dritic cells (Cd74, Cd207, and Itgax). Dendritic The data were then further analyzed using
epidermal T cells (Cd3ehi, Tcrdhi), which are the Seurat R package. To account for var- Low-input bulk-RNA sequencing of
unique to mice and are not found in human iance in sequencing depth across tissue spots wound-edge epithelium
skin, were also excluded. PCA was performed (biological variance driven by heterogeneity in A ring width of 0.25 mm skin around the
again, and the top seven PCs with a resolution cell density and transcriptional activity) while wound edge from control and Rorc-deficient
of 0.5 were used to generate a UMAP with controlling for technical artifacts, scTransform GFP-KI (two or three mice pooled per group
12 unique clusters. Each of these clusters was was used for normalization of gene expression per sequencing run) was excised and digested
then defined and labeled for cell types using by spots (34). Dimensionality reduction and as described in the skin tissue digest section
marker genes obtained by performing differ- clustering of sequencing data were run using above. Would-edge epithelium was FACS pu-
ential gene expression analysis between the the same workflow as CITE-seq. Before clus- rified from live Epcam+ cells on the basis of
clusters using Wilcoxon rank sum test with tering analysis, scab regions were filtered out integrin a6 and integrin a5 expression while
an adjusted P value < 0.1 and natural log (fold- from each ST sample using subset function in excluding CD45+ immune cells, CD31+ endo-
change) >0.25 as cutoff and parallel analysis of the Seurat R package. thelial cells, and CD117+ melanocytes. Total
surface epitope enrichment. Violin plots of For the WT control (unwounded) skin sam- RNA was extracted from FACS-purified integ-
marker genes and surface epitopes in fig. S1 ple, PCA was performed and the top 10 PCs rin a6+ integrin a5+ (migrating tongue) and
generated using the scanpy and seaborn pack- with a resolution of 1 were used to identify integrin a6+ integrin a5– (wound edge) sam-
ages in Python (33). spatial clusters. For the WT-wounded D3 skin ples using the RNeasy Plus Micro Kit (Life
sample, PCA was performed and the top 20 Technologies). Libraries were generated with
Spatial transcriptomics PCs with a resolution of 1 were used to identify the SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit
Sample processing spatial clusters. UMAP dimensionality reduc- for Sequencing and the SMARTer ThruPLEX
Tissues were embedded in optimal cutting tion was performed (Fig. 2B) and then overlaid DNA-Seq Kit (Takara Bio). Libraries were se-
temperature medium and frozen in liquid on a histology image for spatial interpretation quenced on Nova 6000 system with 50-bp
nitrogen–chilled isopentane within 15 min of (Fig. 2A). Clusters were annotated on the basis paired-end reads.
harvesting. Ten-micrometer cryosections were of top differentially expressed genes and lo- Sequencing results were demultiplexed and
mounted onto the ST arrays (10X Genomics calization in tissue as revealed by histology. To converted to FASTQ format using Illumina
Visium) and stored at −80°C until use. Tissue combine and batch align multiple ST samples, bcl2fastq software. The reads were trimmed
sections were fixed in methanol at –20°C and the scTranform pipeline from the Seurat vi- for adapter sequences using trimmomatic
then stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Bright- gnette was used. After batch alignment, PCA (version 0.36) in paired end mode with the
field images were taken on a Leica SCN400F was performed and the top 18 PCs with reso- minimal read length option set to 35 base
slide scanner at 20× resolution. Slides were lution of 0.9 were used to identify spatial pairs, trailing set to 5, and the sliding window
permeabilized with permeabilization enzyme clusters, followed by UMAP dimensionality set to 4:15. The sequencing reads were aligned
for 5 min, as determined by the tissue optimi- reduction (Fig. 3, A and B). The data were to the mouse genome (mm10/GRCm38) using
zation protocol. Polyadenylated RNAs captured normalized using scTransform after batch the splice-aware STAR aligner (36). The feature
on the underlying arrays were resuspended in alignment to regress for replicates, and the Counts program was used to generate counts
1.2 ml of 0.1 N HCl for 5 min and reverse number of genes per spot and the spatial fea- for each gene on the basis of how many aligned
transcribed at 53°C for 45 min, followed by ture expression visualizations were performed reads overlap its exons (37). The raw counts
second-strand synthesis at 65°C for 5 min. After using the normalized data. were further converted to TPM counts to filter
library preparation, samples were sequenced for genes with a minimal TPM value ≥10 be-
on a Novaseq 600 (Illumina) Differential expression analysis for ST data fore differential expression analysis. The raw
The markers genes were determined using gene counts were then subset using these TPM-
Spot selection and image alignment FindAllMarkers function in Seurat, and the filtered genes (n = 9412) and used to test for
After probe cleavage, fluorescent images were Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used for differen- differential expression using negative binomial
taken on a Hamamatsu NanoZoomer whole- tial testing. The differential expression analysis generalized linear models implemented by
slide fluorescence scanner. Bright-field images between the wounded GFP-KI and wounded the DESeq2 R package (38). Volcano plots of
of the tissue and fluorescent images were man- WT group was also performed using Wilcoxon differentially expressed genes (log2-fold change
≥0.25, adjusted P value <0.1) were generated b-mercaptoethanol supplemented with the Halt monolayer with a 1-ml pipette tip. Cells were
using the Enhanced Volcano package in R. Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail treated with rhIL-17A (100 ng/ml, Peprotech).
Pathways analysis of differentially expressed (Thermo Fisher)] and dissociated by passing The scratch area was imaged at 0 and 24 hours
and up-regulated genes (log2-fold change ≥0.25, through a 30-gauge needle. Organoids cultured using EVOS (Thermo Fisher) and quantified
adjusted P value <0.1) was performed using in a hypoxia chamber were lysed directly in using ImageJ.
the cluster Profiler package in R with the Gene the wells without releasing with organoid-
Ontology (GO) (39) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of harvesting solution. After incubation at 100°C Statistics
Genes and Genomes (KEGG) (40) databases. for 10 min, protein concentration was measured Data are presented as mean ± SEM. Group
with the DC Protein Assay Kit (Bio-Rad). XT sizes were determined on the basis of the re-
In vivo oxygen measurements sample buffer was added to the protein lysate sults of preliminary experiments. Mice were
Tissue oxygen levels were measured using (Bio-Rad) and incubated in 95°C for 5 min assigned at random to groups. Experiments
OxyLite probes (Oxford Optronix). The OxyLite before being resolved in SDS–polyacrylamide were not performed in a blinded fashion. Sta-
NXpO2 Barer Fiber Sensor with a ∼250-mm tip gel electrophoresis and analyzed with immu- tistical significance for each experiment was
was directly inserted into wounded or healthy noblot. Antibodies used for immunoblots are determined as shown in the figure legends,
skin of an anesthetized mouse to continuously listed in table S2. Figures present represent- where n = the number of independent biologi-
monitor oxygen pressure (pO2) for 15 to 20 min. ative immunoblots quantified with ImageJ; cal replicates (animals, unless noted as cells)
pO2 levels were recorded and analyzed with a integrated density for each band was normal- per group, and N = the number of indepen-
data-acquisition system (LabChart Reader, Chart ized with internal b-actin. dent experimental replicates. Statistical signif-
version 8 for Windows; AD Instruments) icance of bulk RNA-seq data was calculated
Seahorse extracellular acidification using an adjusted P value cutoff <0.1 in the
Organoid culture rate analysis DESeq2 R package. Statistical analyses were
Epithelial organoids were generated as pre- Extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) mea- performed in Prism (GraphPad), DESeq2, or
viously described from the dorsal skin of surements were performed using an XFe96 R. No data points were excluded.
C56BL/6 mice (ages postnatal days 46 to 50) analyzer (Agilent Technologies). Seahorse
(41). One day after culturing in normoxia XFe96 plates (Agilent Technologies) were
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EM image datasets in cortical L2/3 using either
he human brain, with its 86 billion nerve 25%, (3, 4, 31–37), thus potentially on par with serial blockface EM (SBEM) (50) [macaque
cells (1) forming a network of unparal- data from primates (range 15 to 37%) (38–42). primary somatosensory cortex (S1) dataset
leled complexity, is of special interest for Recent transcriptomic data substantiates an at sized 176 by 224 by 100 mm; superior temporal
neuroscience. Yet over the past 50 years, least twofold increase (4, 9), suggesting the gyrus (STG) sized 175 by 225 by 108 mm; human
rodents (in particular, the mouse) have balance between inhibitory and excitatory (H5) STG sized 166 by 216 by 112 mm, and human
emerged as key research subjects, offering synapses to be substantially shifted toward (H6) inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) sized 170 by
methodological opportunities not available inhibition. Furthermore, on the basis of the 215 by 79 mm, all at a voxel size of 11.24 by 11.24
for the study of the human brain. Because at about threefold larger extent of the dendritic by (28 to 30) nm] or automated tape-collecting
the molecular level evolutionary homology is trees of human pyramidal cells, it has been ultramicrotome multiple scanning EM (ATUM-
substantial for ion channels, synaptic recep- assumed that human cortical neurons receive multiSEM) (51–53) [dataset human (H5) STG
tors, and other key molecular constituents of substantially more synapses than those of ro- spanning all cortical layers, sized 1.7 mm by
the brain, similar homology has been assumed dents (for example, 10,000 in rodents versus 2.1 mm by 28.3 mm and dataset from the same
for neuronal circuits, especially in the cerebral 30,000 in human) (29, 43–46). sample focused on L2/3 sized 1.1 mm by 1.1 mm
cortex. However, comparative synaptic-resolution However, a circuit-level analysis of the by 82 mm (total 0.41 PB of data) both at a voxel
connectomic studies of mouse and human human cortex that addresses the potential size of 4 by 4 by (35 to 40) nm]. For comparison
cortex are required to determine the degree to effect of multifold increased inhibitory cir- with mouse cortex, we densely reconstructed
which circuit structure may have evolved be- cuit elements is still missing. Would, as a (49, 54) previously published 3D EM datasets
tween species. result, the inhibitory-to-excitatory synaptic from L2/3 of S1, secondary visual (V2), posterior
Detailed studies of the human cerebral cor- balance be increased in the human cortex? parietal (PPC), and anterior cingulate (ACC)
tex have provided data on cellular composi- Because inhibitory-to-excitatory synaptic bal- cortical areas (55) and acquired an additional
tion of the neuropil (1–14), synaptic properties ance has emerged as a key set point that might dataset from mouse secondary auditory cor-
(15–25), and neuronal morphology (14, 26–28), be altered in neuropsychiatric diseases [studied tex (A2) sized 115 by 175 by 109 mm, approx-
yielding a comparative description with refer- primarily in mouse models (47, 48)], this imately corresponding to the location of the
ence to rodents that indicates a larger number of question is relevant for the healthy and diseased STG datasets from macaque and human. In the
glial cells (2), larger synapses (20, 29, 30), and human brain. following, we report effects that were multi-
more inhibitory interneurons (INs) (4, 9) to form We used three-dimensional (3D) electron fold between mouse (n = 5 individuals, n = 5
the neuronal network of the human cortex. microscopy (EM) followed by sparse and cortical regions) and macaque or human (n = 3
This latter comparison had been confounded dense circuit reconstruction (49) to map the individuals, n = 4 cortical regions).
by rodent data reporting an IN fraction of 8 to synaptic and cellular composition of layer 2/3
(L2/3) in mouse, macaque, and human cortex. Inhibitory versus excitatory neuronal composition
Department of Connectomics, Max Planck Institute for Brain Sampling from multiple individuals and corti- The fraction of nerve cells that were INs in-
Research, Frankfurt, Germany. 2Faculty of Science, Radboud cal regions, we screened for key connectomic creased 2.5-fold between mouse and macaque
University, Nijmegen, Netherlands. 3Department of
Neurosurgery, Klinikum rechts der Isar, School of Medicine,
alterations between mouse and human cortex, or human [n = 88 of 734 versus 278 of 914
Technical University of Munich, Germany. which a single dataset from a given human neurons from n = 5 mouse and n = 4 macaque
*Corresponding author. Email: individual and disease condition would not and human datasets pooled, P < 0.001 (Mate-
†These authors contributed equally to this work.
have allowed (10). Although our human data rials and methods)] (Fig. 2, A and B), which is
‡Present address: Department of Neurosurgery, University Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany. was from diseased individuals who underwent consistent with recent reports from transcrip-
§Present address: Berta-Ottenstein Clinician Scientist Program, neurosurgical interventions, the patients had tomic cell type analyses (4, 9). This change
Faculty of Medicine, University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. not undergone yearlong treatment for epi- in the neuronal composition of cortical tissue
¶Present address: Institute for Vascular and Islet Cell Biology, German
Diabetes Center, Leibniz Center for Diabetes Research at Heinrich leptic disorders that could have substantially could have profound effects on the synaptic in-
Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany. altered the synaptic network. By including put to pyramidal (excitatory) neurons (ExNs)
215 µm
the dendritic shafts of pyramidal cells (out of
all input synapses to these dendrites) was
panzee increased 2.7-fold (n = 1111 synapses, mouse
~5-6 M and n = 1638 synapses macaque and human,
166 µm 112 µm P < 0.001, KS test) (Fig. 2, F and H). Synaptic
Superior Inferior frontal 170
1 µmµm inputs to spine necks, stubs, or double inner-
temporal gyrus (IFG)
gyrus (STG) 79 µm
vation of dendritic spines were rare but slightly
increased in macaque and human (Fig. 2G;
statistics are provided in the caption).
In mouse, synapses onto dendritic spines
have been reported to be predominantly ex-
citatory (49, 56) and synapses onto dendritic
shafts predominantly inhibitory (55, 57, 58).
219 µm
218 µm
134 µm
0.01%; stub synapses, 1.44 ± *
0.00 versus 2.17 ± 0.01 and *
Double spine innervation Synapse onto dendritic Synapse onto spine neck
4.71 ± 0.01%; spine neck innerva- stub
tions, 0.26 ± 0.00 versus 60
Fraction of synapses onto
Synapse Double 20
In the dense cortical neuropil, only a frac- not reproduce the soma-based axonal proper- bias axonal reconstructions toward local (not
tion of axons originates from neurons whose ties but showed a broader distribution of spine distally located) neurons and to the proximal
cell body is located in close proximity, whereas innervation from 0 to 80% spine preference parts of these neurons’ axons. When analyzing
most have more distal origins. To study the (here and in the following, spine preference the distance-dependence of axonal targeting
target properties of all axons in the neuropil, implies fraction of an axon’s synapses estab- properties for pyramidal axons from human
also those without their cell body of origin lished as single spine innervations, not con- (Fig. 3, G to I), we found evidence for a sub-
in the dataset, we next analyzed the dense sidering doubly innervated spines). stantial change from proximal axonal preference
population of axons in mouse versus macaque What could yield this difference in axonal of shaft innervation (64–66) to distal preference
and human that we obtained from the dense properties between soma-based and dense for spine innervation along the axon’s path [see
automated reconstructions (n = 202,954 axons reconstructions in macaque and human? In (67) for a first report of such a path length–
total with n = 1,618,129 output synapses) (Fig. particular, we needed to understand the origin dependent synaptic sorting phenomenon along
3, D to F). Mouse axons predominantly in- of axons with >40% spine targeting in ma- axons in the mammalian cerebral cortex, and
nervated spines (Fig. 3E), as expected from the caque and human (Fig. 3E) that we had rarely (68, 69) for earlier reports on the bird brain].
soma-based reconstructions (Fig. 3B) and the observed in the soma-based reconstructions We had to take this effect (Fig. 3, B, E, and I)
small fraction of INs (Fig. 2B). Densely sam- (Fig. 3B). Soma-based reconstructions in data- into account when comparing the axonal
pled macaque and human axons, however, did sets smaller than the complete axonal arbor properties in these species (Fig. 4).
Excitatory versus inhibitory synaptic input balance and human (Fig. 4A; compared with Fig. 3, B has to be composed by the intermixing of the
We first identified synapses onto a dendritic and E). Because this data did not allow the spine preference of the various axon types
shaft of distal pyramidal cell dendrites and simple threshold-based classification of axons present in the neuropil and similarly for other
reconstructed the presynaptic axon from these into inhibitory versus excitatory that can be types of synapses. Because dense 3D EM
synapses (“shaft-seeded” axons). Then we de- used in mouse, we needed a more rigorous data allowed us to concomitantly measure the
termined these axons’ synaptic target proper- approach for axon type determination (Fig. properties of extended stretches of axons and
ties on the basis of their other output synapses 4, C to E). dendrites together with the dense volumetric
(Fig. 4A). Whereas in mouse, as expected, axons We used the notion that the various types synaptic composition of the neuropil, we could
were clearly identifiable as excitatory versus of axons and dendrites and their synaptic determine the occurrence and target proper-
inhibitory on the basis of their dichotomy in output and input properties in dense cortical ties of excitatory and inhibitory axons without
spine targeting preference (Fig. 4A), the dis- neuropil are ultimately constrained by the syn- having to make prior assumptions about their
tributions of axonal properties were much less aptic composition of this neuropil volume relative prevalence (Materials and methods).
distinct in human, recapitulating the proper- (Fig. 4B). The volumetric density of synapses We built a model in which the synaptic
ties of densely reconstructed axons in macaque onto dendritic spines in the neuropil, for example, properties of excitatory and inhibitory axons
Fraction of
ExN dendrite
A Axon seeded at .. B 1 volume
input data
Fraction of
ExN dendrite .. Shaft spine synapses .. ..along ExN 1 0 1
2 dendrites 100
Fraction of spine
synapses (%)
2 µm 3 spine-seeded
.. Spine
Mouse Human 4 ..along ExN shaft-
seeded axons
5 IN dendrite
5 4 3 0
80 100 100
40 at spine
20 seeded 0 0 S1A2V2ACC S1 STG
Mouse MQ Mouse MQ Mouse MQ Mouse MQ
0 Human
Human Human Human
C Mouse D Human E
Synaptic preference of axons (model fit)
ExN axons IN axons Axons seeded ExN axons IN axons Axons seeded
Fraction of synapses (%)
Shaft & Spine only
0 0
..ExN shaft 20
Spine synapses
.. IN
shafts ..ExN 10 Max
.. ExN 0 0
.. IN ..IN shaft shafts ..IN shaft
shafts 10 .. ExN 10
0 0 0
..IN shafts
..Spines 0 ..Spines 0
0 0 10
Shaft synapses
0 0 10 Mouse Macaque
0 PDF 15 0 PDF 4 Shaft synapses Human
Fig. 4. Detailed analysis of i/e balance onto ExN dendrites. (A) Target and black line indicates IN shaft targeting by ExN axons. Shown is a broadening
properties of axons seeded at dendritic spines and shafts of ExN dendrites in of ExN axons’ spine targeting fraction and shift of excitatory and inhibitory
mouse and human. (Top) Example reconstruction (macaque STG). (Bottom) shaft targeting from mouse to human. MQ, macaque. (E) Resulting estimates of
Data from expert reconstructions in mouse S1 and human STG (n = 53 axons, inhibitory input fraction [i/(i+e) balance] onto ExN dendrites in mouse, macaque,
n = 626 output synapses) showing shift of axonal targeting analogous to densely and human. Violin plots indicate expected inhibitory input synapse fraction along
reconstructed axons in mouse versus human (compared with Fig. 3E). (B to ExN dendrites (distribution across n = 1000 bootstrap samples per dataset).
D) Model incorporating dense volumetric synapse densities together with Open shading indicates only shaft and single spine inputs considered; gray
dendritic and axonal targeting properties, but not using any assumption about shading indicates that multiply innervated spines and other inputs are included
excitatory versus inhibitory synapses or axons. (B) Input data from expert (Fig. 2G). Synaptic input balance does not approach the inhibitory bias predicted
annotations (n = 754 axons, n = 11,308 synapses total) that [(C) and (D)] fully by the increased fraction of INs in macaque and human. Blue shading indicates
constrain the model (Results and Materials and methods) (model validation is prediction from mouse to macaque and human (24.9 ± 3.2%, mean ± SD;
provided in fig. S2). Shaded magenta curve indicates distribution of spine P < 0.001, by bootstrap sampling) (Materials and methods). All data are
targeting by ExN axons; magenta line indicates ExN shaft targeting by ExN axons; from expert reconstructions.
and their relative prevalence were determined spiny (ExN) dendrites, (iii) fraction of output STG datasets): point estimates for the fraction
(Fig. 4, C and D): Inhibitory axons were synapses onto spines along axons seeded from of synapses made onto ExN spines, ExN shafts,
modeled with a multinomial distribution ExN dendritic spines, (iv) fraction of output and IN shafts for inhibitory axons (Fig. 4, C
based on point estimates for their synaptic synapses onto spines along axons seeded from and D) and distributions of these target frac-
target preferences, whereas for excitatory ExN dendritic shafts, and (v) fraction of output tions for excitatory axons. Together with the
axons, a distribution of target preference synapses onto spines along axons seeded from modeled relative prevalence of inhibitory ver-
was modeled with a Dirichlet-multinomial IN (smooth) dendritic shafts. These input data sus excitatory synapses, for any axonal stretch
to account for the effects of broadened synap- did not require a pre hoc classification of the with any combination of x synapses onto shaft
tic preference shown in Fig. 3 (Materials and synapses or axons as inhibitory versus excit- and y synapses onto spine, we obtained a
methods). The model was fully constrained by atory and did not contain the axons recon- probability of this axon to be excitatory versus
the following input data, which we obtained structed from identified cell bodies (Fig. 3, A to inhibitory (Fig. 4, C and D, right). For valida-
from carefully curated expert reconstructions C). With this input data, we obtained fits of tion of the model, we used the soma-based
in all datasets (n = 11,308 synapses annotated) the synaptic target properties of excitatory axon reconstructions (Fig. 3, A to C) for which
(Fig. 4B): (i) volumetric fraction of spine synapses, and inhibitory axons in each dataset (Fig. 4, we had certainty about their excitatory versus
(ii) fraction of input synapses onto spines along C and D, shown for mouse S1 and human inhibitory property, sampled local stretches
from these ground truth axons, and asked the axons increased from 56% (Fig. 5, F and G) (70 sity in the human cortex (Fig. 2E), we won-
model to predict their excitatory versus inhib- IN targets out of 126 synapses, n = 4 axons) to dered what the quantitative input structure of
itory character (E→I and I→E misclassification 72% (Fig. 5G) (225 IN targets out of 314 syn- human pyramidal cells would be (Fig. 6, A and
rates: 0 and 0% for mouse, 6.9 and 8.4% for apses, n = 9 axons, P = 0.018) (Materials and B, and figs. S1 and S4).
primates, respectively) (fig. S2 and supplemen- methods) (63). The changed IN pool compo- We used our large-scale 3D EM datasets ob-
tary materials, materials and methods). sition together with the changed distribution tained in one human individual that spanned
We then applied the model to determine of IN targeting properties would predict a the entire depth of cortical gray matter to re-
the expected inhibitory versus excitatory syn- substantial increase of IN-preferring inhibitory construct a substantial portion of L2/3 pyrami-
aptic properties of ExN dendrites in all data- axons in the dense neuropil of human versus dal cells. On the basis of these reconstructions,
sets (bootstrapped to account for sample size in mouse (Fig. 5F). When analyzing the target we extrapolated to the full extent of the dendritic
input data and controlled for initial conditions; preferences of inhibitory axons for smooth (IN) tree. The large dataset extent in-plane allowed
Materials and methods) (Fig. 4E). We found that dendrites in mouse versus macaque and human us to map some pyramidal cell dendrites in their
the inhibitory input balance increased only from the dense automated reconstructions (Fig. full extent from soma to dendritic tip and to
moderately from 9.3 ± 0.8% (mean ± SD) in 5H), we found a substantial shift toward IN-to- use the properties of these completely mapped
mouse to 13.8 ± 1.4% (P = 0.001, bootstrap IN connectivity that can account for the in- dendrites for estimating the total path length
sampling) in macaque and human, revoking hibitory synapses contributed by the expanded of pyramidal cell dendrites in human (Materials
a setting in which the inhibitory-to-excitatory IN pool in macaque and human (average and methods). The resulting estimates of total
input balance were to change in proportion to smooth dendrite targeting probability of dendritic path length (about 9 to 20 mm path
the 2.5-fold increase in IN fraction from mouse inhibitory axons, 8.0 ± 15.0% in mouse versus length) (Fig. 6B and fig. S4) were consistent
to macaque and human (Fig. 4E; compared 21.4 ± 29.0% in human; n = 6565 versus with light-microscopic reconstructions (43, 45).
with Fig. 3C) (P = 0.003; when also consider- n = 2048 axons; P = 2.2 × 10−104, one-sided KS Because we measured synaptic input density
ing all other types of input synapses, P < 0.001; test). Together with the increased IN fraction in parallel, we could exclude a compensation
bootstrap sampling; Materials and methods). (Fig. 2B), this would estimate the IN-to-IN of lower dendritic path length by higher spine-
Rather, the increased fraction of shaft input network to expand 6.7-fold from mouse to targeting synapse density for individual pyram-
synapses coincided with a change in axonal human. On the basis of the model (Fig. 4), we idal cells. Together, total synaptic input to
targeting properties: Excitatory axons made estimated the expansion to be 8.6-fold (from pyramidal cells was 12,000 to 17,000 in human
0.7 ± 0.3% of their synapses onto ExN shafts in 1.0 ± 0.2% IN-IN connectivity in mouse to L2/3, which is far below an increase correspond-
mouse, but 12.0 ± 1.1% in macaque and human 8.6 ± 1.4% in macaque and human) (fig. S2F ing to the about threefold thicker cerebral cor-
(P < 0.001, bootstrap), and their IN shaft tar- and supplementary materials, materials and tex yielding about threefold larger pyramidal
geting changed from 4.4 ± 0.7% to 17.3 ± 1.7% methods). cell dendritic trees compared with those of
(P < 0.001, bootstrap), which is consistent with To better understand the contributions of mouse (Fig. 6B).
the automated axon reconstructions. types of INs to this enhanced network, we
This lack of enhanced inhibition onto ExN then analyzed the synaptic input balance onto Discussion
dendrites was also found for the proximal in- IN dendrites in MP and BP INs in mouse, The comparative analysis of mouse, macaque,
put domains of pyramidal cells [axon initial macaque, and human (Fig. 5, I to K). To our and human cortical neuronal networks revealed
segment (AIS), soma, and proximal dendrites] surprise, already in mouse, MP INs and BP INs that the most substantial changes in neuronal
(fig. S1), excluding the possibility that inhibi- have different inhibitory input balance (Fig. 5, architecture—the increase of pyramidal cell size
tory synapses had been redistributed toward I and K): Whereas MP INs receive 7.6 ± 2.5% and the numeric expansion of the IN pool—have
the perisomatic domains. inhibitory input (bootstrapped mean ± SD; not resulted in the most immediate possible
These data yielded the question of where n = 105 axons from n = 5 mouse datasets, circuit changes: neither an increase of total
the expanded inhibitory population in human n = 977 synapses total), BP INs receive 26.2 ± 5.0% synaptic input on pyramidal cells nor an over-
is establishing its synapses. (n = 88 axons, n = 694 synapses, P = 0.001). In all shift of their synaptic input balance toward
macaque and human, MP INs receive inhib- inhibition. Rather, we found an at least six- to
Properties of the expanded inhibitory neuronal itory input that is commensurate to the frac- eightfold expanded IN-to-IN network in the
network in human tion of INs in the cortex (24.2 ± 6.4%, n = 69 macaque and human cortex (Fig. 6C and fig.
To determine the inhibitory network proper- axons from n = 4 datasets, n = 514 synapses; S2F). These circuit alterations point toward IN-
ties in mouse versus human, we first applied a P = 0.6 for scaling by IN fraction increase), to-IN connectivity as a key evolutionary change
simple IN classification based on the config- whereas BP INs receive further enhanced from mouse to primates, including human.
uration of IN dendrites as multipolar (MP) ver- inhibition (44.3 ± 7.8%, n = 71 axons, n = 506
sus non-MP [which included bipolar, bitufted, synapses, P = 0.026). These data indicate dif- Dependence of spine densities on age
and vertically oriented dendritic trees (Fig. 5, A ferential inhibitory targeting across species and Our finding of an almost constant total syn-
to D), labeled as “bipolar” (BP) for simplicity]. may imply separate IN-to-IN circuits to be sub- aptic input to human pyramidal cells when
The IN pool changed from dominated by MP stantially enhanced in macaque and human. compared with those of mouse may be af-
INs in mouse (about 70 to 82% MP versus 18 fected by a reported age-dependent decline of
to 30% BP, n = 52 versus 17) (Fig. 5D) to a Excitatory synaptic network dendritic spines in cortex (70–72), which could
majority of BP INs in macaque and human Last, we wanted to determine the magnitude of amount to a reduction in spine density of 45 to
(53% BP; n = 122 MP versus n = 135 BP, P < 0.01; the synaptic input to pyramidal cells in human 48% during puberty (72). The human samples
a test is described in Materials and meth- cortex. With the expanded size of pyramidal were from individuals in the upper quarter of
ods) (Fig. 5D). When mapping the synaptic cell dendritic trees, it has been assumed that expected life length. However, we found low
target properties of these classes of INs in human pyramidal cells receive a larger num- spine densities in macaque as well, at about
mouse versus human (Fig. 5, E and F), we ber of input synapses than that of mouse py- 50% life expectancy. Similarly, rodents of 50
found a fraction of BP INs with almost ex- ramidal cells (from about 10,000 to about to 80% life expectancy show spine densities
clusive innervation of other INs in human that 30,000) (15, 29, 43, 44, 46). Because we found a comparable with those reported here for youn-
was not found in mouse. IN targeting by BP IN strongly reduced spine-targeting synapse den- ger mice (55, 67). It is therefore unlikely that
Multipolar 0
Interneurons A2 PPC STG IFG
Mouse Macaque
e in
inin e e e
ee e
in in
in e
ee ee Inhibitory axons
E F Macaque/ G H
ee eein
in in
in inein
in in inin
in inin inin
in ee e e
ee ein
e eee
eee ee e e e
Macaque/ (dense, measured)
in ee
MQ inin
in in
e eeeeein
e in
e e in e
(% per interneuron)
in e ee eee in
IN e e e e
IN-to-IN synapses
ee e
inin e
S1 e
e in
IN-IN synapses
ine e
in e in
eeeeeee e ee
ExN e e
eee ee
50 µm e
in in
in e in in
Inhibitory axons
in e e
Mouse 40
in e
in e
in e
ee e
20 MP
Hum in
in e
e e
in e e
e e
in in
0 0.6 0 0.6 0 0.4 0 0.2 0 0.6 65 81 74 78 71 29 29 48 49 0
e e in
Inhibitory axons
in e
in e
e e
(STG) 20 20
1 Excitatory
0 Inhibitory
Mouse Macaque &
Mouse Macaque Human
Fig. 5. Selective expansion of IN types and its effect on the inhibitory- of IN dendrites (n = 94,391 synapses, n = 11,384 axons) by inference of
to-inhibitory network. (A to C) Dense reconstruction of all INs in (A) the most likely smooth dendrite targeting probability under consideration of
mouse and (C) human with (B) labeling of MP (purple) versus BP (cyan) INs the error rates of automated synapse detection. (F) Expansion of IN-to-IN
showing sparsity of BP INs in (A) mouse compared with (C) human. connectivity as predicted from soma-based reconstructions. (I to K) Detailed
(D) Proportion of BP INs 2.3-fold expanded from mouse to macaque and analysis of inhibitory input balance to MP versus BP IN subtypes across
human. (E) Synaptic targets of BP versus MP INs in macaque and human species. (I) Example reconstructions of input synapses onto IN dendrites.
show selectivity for (left) inhibitory (93% of synaptic targets) versus (right) (J) Inhibitory input determined from the model in Fig. 4 for IN
excitatory (87% of synaptic targets) postsynaptic partners. (F) Broader dendrites. The 2.35-fold increase from mouse to human (18.9 ± 2.5%
distribution of IN innervation selectivity in macaque and human versus to 44.5 ± 7.3%, mean ± SD) is consistent with the prediction from IN
mouse from soma-based axon reconstructions. This predicts expansion of expansion for IN dendrites (P = 0.662). [(J) and (K)] Separate analysis of
inhibitory-to-inhibitory connectivity in macaque and human versus mouse inhibitory input to MP versus BP INs reveals a difference in inhibitory
(right). (G) Within the BP INs, IN targeting is further enhanced (from input already in mouse (7.6 versus 26.2%; P = 0.001) that is further
56.63 ± 4.46% to 71.67 ± 2.48%; P < 0.05, bootstrapped from 126 and enhanced in macaque and human (24.2 versus 44.3%; P = 0.026). Data
314 synapses, respectively, for mouse versus macaque and human). in (H) are from dense reconstructions; all other data are from expert
(H) Analysis of densely reconstructed inhibitory axons and their targeting reconstructions.
age-related effects have dominated the finding of working memory through enhanced IN- All patients had given their written informed
of reduced spine densities in human com- to-IN connectivity and the ensuing network consent.
pared with mouse. Also, although temperature- dynamics (83). Our data indicate that a de- The macaque brain tissue sample was col-
dependent changes in spine densities have tailed investigation of such phenomena is re- lected at German Primate Center (DPZ) GmbH,
been reported (73), these are unlikely the cause of quired for an understanding of the human Göttingen.
our measured spine densities (Fig. 2E and sup- cortex. In particular, alterations in IN-to-IN
plementary materials) (29, 44, 46, 55, 66, 74–77). connectivity should become a focus of study in Tissue extraction and preparation
the context of possible pathological alterations Mouse tissue was processed and imaged as
Synaptic strength versus synaptic number of human cortex. described previously (49, 55, 84). These con-
Our data indicate the maintenance of the rel- sisted of four 3D-EM datasets from layers 2/3
ative number of inhibitory versus excitatory Materials and methods of mouse S1, V2, PPC and ACC sized between
input synapses on the dendrites of pyramidal Animal experiments and human tissue samples 72 by 93 by 141 mm and 88 by 56 by 213 mm
cells in human versus mouse. The effective bal- All animal-related experimental procedures were (Fig. 1) acquired at a voxel size of 11.24 to 12 ×
ance between inhibition and excitation could performed according to the law of animal ex- 11.24 to 12 by 28 to 30 nm the present study
be altered by different strengths of synapses. perimentation issued by the German Federal densely reconstructed and reanalyzed these
Evidence for larger unitary excitatory post- Government under the supervision of local published datasets from mouse, together with
synaptic potentials and for larger synapses and ethics committees and according to the guidelines a newly acquired dataset from mouse A2 cor-
presynaptic vesicle pools has been found in ex- of the Max Planck Society. Experimental proce- tex. The published mouse dataset “PPC-2” (55)
periments on human cortical slices (16, 30, 78, 79). dures were approved by Regierungspräsidium covering layers 1 to 5 was also used for expert
At the same time, the impact of single inhibitory Darmstadt, AZ: F 126/1002 (mouse) and reconstructions.
synapses is enhanced (19, 20). Whether synaptic Regierungspräsidium Marburg AZ: V54 -19c The human and macaque samples were
number is a proper indicator of overall synaptic 20 15 hours 01 MR 13/1 Nr. 78/2012 (macaque). processed as follows. All tissue specimen were
impact is a matter of investigation, with evi- The human brain tissue samples were col- fixed by either immersion (human) or transcar-
dence in ferret (80) pointing toward a dominant lected during neurosurgical procedures that dial perfusion (macaque) using an EM fixative
effect of synapse number, as we quantified in were indicated for medical reasons and inde- composed of 2.5% paraformaldehyde (Sigma),
this work. pendently from this research project at the 1.25% glutaraldehyde (Serva) and 2 mM calcium
Department of Neurosurgery at the Klinikum chloride (Sigma) in 80 mM cacodylate buffer
Increased complexity of inhibitory networks rechts der Isar of the Technical University of adjusted to pH 7.4 with an osmolarity ranging
The IN-to-IN network expansion found in ma- Munich. They were obtained from access tissue from 700 to 800 mOsmol/kg (85).
caque and human could have a multitude of (presumably healthy brain parenchyma that The human “H5” tissue was obtained from
dynamic effects. Although the most immedi- had to be removed as part of the procedure the right superior temporal gyrus of an 80 year
ate consequence could be a more evolved dis- and would have been discarded otherwise) old male patient during resection of a tempo-
inhibitory network capability—for example, before removal of the respective target lesions, ral mass lesion (final diagnosis: glioblastoma
for the gating of otherwise inhibited excitatory as approved by the Ethics Committee of the multiforme). After removal the sample was im-
activity (81, 82)—theoretical studies have also Technical University of Munich School of Med- mersed in cold (13°C) EM fixative and trans-
indicated possible effects on the maintenance icine (Ethikvotum 184/16S and 273/21 S-EB). ported to a nearby laboratory (transport time
about 6 min). Partially submerged in cold fix- coronal sections. The sections were subsequently Image alignment for the two multiSEM
ative the sample was manually trimmed along immersed in cold EM fixative, transported to the datasets from sample H5 were performed sim-
the pia-WM axis and mounted on a vibratome research laboratory and kept at 4°C over night. ilar to (55), following the alignment routines in
stage. Then, submerged in cold EM fixative, the Within 48 hours the tissue was further dissected (89) and
sample was cut into 500 mm thick slices with a (with storage in 4°C EM fixative between pro- Projects, with modifications.
vibratome (Leica VT 1200S). The slices were cessing steps). A ~5 mm wide tissue block cen-
then transported in 8 to 12°C cooled fixative tered on the anatomically defined arm/finger Cell type classification
and stored over night at 4°C. The next day, region of the left postcentral gyrus (Area 3a/b) For analyses in Fig. 2, A and B, cell bodies were
samples spanning the entire cortical depth medially adjacent to the rostral end of the manually annotated by an expert annotator in
and about 1.5 to 1.7 mm in width were cut out intraparietal sulcus was dissected. The block webKnossos (87). All cell bodies were identi-
and prepared for electron microscopy as de- was placed in 0.15 M cacodylate buffer and fied and classified into pyramidal cell, IN and
scribed in (55) with the modification that the cut along the medio-lateral axis into 600 mm glia. Pyramidal cells were identified based on
sample was embedded in Epon Hard for sec- thick slices using a vibratome (Microm HM650V, presence of an apical dendrite directed toward
tioning in the ATUM. For this, samples were Thermo Scientific). Using a medical biopsy the pia, an AIS directed toward the white matter,
infiltrated through a graded series (3:1 for punch (KAI medicals, USA), a 1.5-mm-wide and spiny dendrites. INs were identified based
4 hours, 1:1 12h/overnight, 1:3 for 4 hours) of sample spanning almost the entire thickness on their large somata, which contained large
aceton and Epon resin (Epon hard mixture: of the cortex was cut and subsequently pre- numbers of mitochondria, an axon often exit-
5.9 g Epoxy, 2.25 g DDSA, 3.7 g NMA, 205 ml pared according to the methods described in ing from a dendrite, lack of a clear apical den-
DMP; Sigma-Aldrich). Samples were then in- (55) using an automated tissue processor (Leica drite or, if presence of an apical-like dendrite,
cubated in pure resin for 4 hours at room tem- EM AMW). lack of basal dendrites and WM-directed AIS,
perature, 12 hours/overnight at 4°, and another and smooth dendrites. Non-neuronal cells were
4 to 5 hours at room temperature. Samples were 3D EM imaging and image alignment distinguished primarily by their smaller cell
directly embedded in pure resin on aluminum SBEM datasets of the human (H5, H6), macaque bodies and different nuclear shapes.
pins and kept in a pre-warmed oven (60°) for and mouse (A2) samples were acquired using a For distinction of MP versus BP INs (Fig. 5,
2 to 3 days. Fresh resin was prepared for each custom-built SBEM microtome [(50) courtesy A to D), the dendrites of all identified INs were
incubation step. of W. Denk] mounted inside the chamber of a reconstructed and inspected in the coronal
The cured sample was trimmed into a hex- scanning electron microscope (FEI Verios, and tangential plane (90–98). INs with short
agonal shape (size 3.1 by 1.8 mm) with a dia- Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). The image dendritic lengths were excluded from this
mond milling head using an EM trimmer (Leica acquisition and SBEM microtome were con- classification.
EM TRIM2, Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, trolled using custom written software (55).
Germany). Next, the sample was cut into 35- Focus and stigmation were adjusted using cus- Dendrite reconstructions
to 40-nm-thick slices at 0.3 mm s−1 cutting tom written auto-correction routines. Imaging Pyramidal and IN dendrites (Fig. 2, D to G)
speed using a 4 mm ultra35° knife (DiATOME, parameters were as follows: 4 by 6 (macaque, were reconstructed by an expert annotator by
Nidau, Switzerland). The ultrathin sections were H5, H6) or 3 by 4 (mouse A2) mosaic tiles of following their trajectory throughout the dataset
collected on plasma-treated, carbon coated images sized 4096 by 3536 voxels with an in- volume and placing nodes as described previ-
Kapton tape (custom-processed) with a cus- plane voxel size of (11.24 nm)2 and 30 nm nom- ously in (55, 84). From these dendrites for which
tomized ATUM-tome (RMC Boeckeler, Tucson, inal cutting thickness at 400 ns (macaque) or the identity of the originating cell body had
USA) (51, 52). The tape was then mounted on 700 ns (H5, H6, A2) dwell time with a nominal been determined, a distal stretch of 3 to 49 mm
silicon wafers using double-sided adhesive car- beam current of 800 pA (macaque) or 400 pA length (mouse) and 7 to 44 mm length (macaque
bon tape (P77819-25, Science Services GmbH, (H5, H6, A2). and human) was used for annotation of all input
Munich, Germany). In total, 7009 slices (corre- Two multi-SEM datasets of sample H5 were synapses.
sponding to an extent of 270.25 mm) were cut. acquired as follows. In one experiment, 767
The human “H6” sample was obtained from slices (476 at 35 nm, 291 at 40 nm) were im- Annotation of input synapses on dendrite,
inferior frontal gyrus from a 69 year old female aged with a 61-beam multiSEM (multiSEM soma, AISs
patient during surgical removal of frontal mass 505, Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Oberkochen, Analyses reported in Fig. 2, D to G, and fig. S1
lesion (final diagnosis: glioblastoma multi- Germany) at a landing energy of 1.5 kV, a pixel were conducted as follows. For a given post-
forme). Following surgical removal, tissue was size of 4 nm and a pixel dwell time of 50 ns with synaptic target class (dendrites, somata, or AIS),
directly collected in fix solution kept at 4°C. an FOV per slice of 1.7 by 2.1 mm. In a second all input synapses were identified based on
The tissue was immediately sliced into 500 mm experiment (H5_ext), 1342 additional slices the presence of a presynaptic vesicle cloud
thin slices in cold fixative using vibratome. (thickness 35 to 40 nm, corresponding to about and postsynaptic density [as described in
Slices were kept at 4°C overnight. Samples were 54 mm extent) were imaged with a smaller FOV (55, 67, 84); see following section]. These
then collected using 1mm circular medical per slice (1.1 by 1.1 mm) and aligned together synapses were labeled as single spine when
biopsy punch (covering L2/3) and prepared with the previous experiment resulting in a only one presynaptic bouton was found for a
for SBEM as described in (55). total of 82 mm depth. dendritic spine; double spine when two input
The macaque sample was acquired from Image alignment for SBEM datasets was synapses were found for which a clear dis-
a 15.6 year old right handed male animal. performed using global 3D relaxation of shift tinction into primary (excitatory) and secondary
Transcardial perfusion was performed under vectors calculated by SURF feature detection (inhibitory) was not possible; primary spine and
anesthesia (Ketamin, Xylazin) after an addi- as in (86) followed by subimage alignment as in secondary spine when two input synapses were
tional lethal dose of Barbituate (90 to 120 mg/kg (49). The aligned image volume was then saved found for which this distinction was possible;
intravenously). After flushing with ~2 l of 0.15 M in the webKnossos (87) three-dimensional image neck for spine neck innervations, stubby spine
cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4, duration 15 min) the format. Human H5 (STG), H6 (IFG), macaque synapses when a short dendritic protrusion of
perfusion solution was changed to ~2 l of EM (STG), and mouse (A2) SBEM datasets were larger diameter than a spine neck and without
fixative. The brain was removed and the anterior aligned by scalable minds, Postdam (supplemen- clear diameter change at the end (no clear spine
half of the brain was sectioned into 5-mm-thick tary materials, materials and methods) (88). head) was synaptically innervated, and shaft
synapses when the synapse was clearly placed an expert annotator; for unclear cases, these The estimations for the lengths of the above
on the main dendritic process without noticeable were re-annotated for expert consensus be- compartments were done as follows. The length
protrusion. Distances of synapses from the soma tween two or three experts. for apical dendrite trunk compartment was
were measured using minimum spanning tree estimated by averaging the lengths over all
on the annotated nodes of the dendrites (see Volumetric model of synapse and axon types, the samples from their soma exit until the
“skeleton” class in code repository). inference of synapse and axon types, automated main bifurcation. For each of the remaining
reconstruction, and error analysis compartments (i.e., apical tufts, oblique and
Soma based axon reconstructions These methods are reported in the supplemen- basal dendrites), the path lengths (PLs) be-
Analyses reported in Figs. 3, A to C and G to tary materials. tween consecutive branch points (BPs) were
I, and 5, E and F, were conducted as follows. measured until a true end was reached. The
The axons of identified pyramidal cell and INs Estimates of total dendritic path length of order of a branch point (“order”) was defined
were reconstructed by first identifying the exit human pyramidal cells as the number of edges along the unique path
at the AIS. Then the trajectory of the axon was For the estimation of the complete synaptic between it and the cell body node (for exam-
followed throughout the dataset and com- input onto a L2/3 pyramidal cell (Fig. 6, A and ple, order is 0 at the cell body node, 1 at first
ments were added at the outgoing synapses. B, and fig. S4), all dendrites of 10 L2/3 py- branch point, 2 at second branch point and so
The post-target of each synapse was further ramidal cells were reconstructed until their on). Then for the entire compartment (apical
classified into excitatory or inhibitory class end in dataset H5, which was either the actual tuft, oblique or a basal dendrite), the total length
based on their spine-targeting synapse den- ending of the dendrite in the neuropil, or the was calculated by summing the path lengths
sity (when target was dendritic) or cell body end of the dendrite at the dataset boundary of each segment times 2 to the power X order of
type (when target was a soma or an AIS). (Fig. 6A). In addition, nine pyramidal cells in the corresponding branch point:
Axons with fewer than 10 synapses were ex- the extended dataset H5_ext were analyzed PLsego rder 2 order
where order = order of a
cluded to allow higher signal-to-noise ratio with a larger fraction of in-dataset dendrite branch point, BP = mean number of branch
per axon. endings. Results from both datasets yielded points for each compartment and PLseg_order =
similar ranges for total dendritic path length path length of the succeeding segment at the
Synapse-seeded axon reconstructions estimates, as detailed in the following. corresponding branch point order. Then, the
Analyses reported in Fig. 4, A and B, were For the following calculations, only dendrites resulting total length of each compartment
conducted as follows. For a given postsynaptic with actual in-dataset endings were used (one was multiplied with the average number of
target with identified input synapses, a skele- exception were apical tuft dendrites in which basal, oblique or apical tuft exits to estimate
ton node was placed in the presynaptic axon’s some dendrites without in-dataset endings had lengths for all basal, oblique and apical tufts
vesicle cloud and commented as “seed” synapse. more branch points and were therefore in- respectively. The model of the branching as
The presynaptic axon was then reconstructed cluded in the estimate). This approach could binary to the final branch point order would
throughout the entire dataset volume, and all correspond to an underestimation of dendrite likely overestimate total dendritic path length,
of the axons’ other output synapses and their length; therefore, in addition to the length thus not affecting the conclusion about low
corresponding postsynaptic targets were iden- measurements described here, we also used total input synapse numbers in human.
tified as described in the following section. The length reports from light-microscopically im- To estimate the number of input synapses
“seed“ synapse was excluded when quantifying aged human L3 pyramidal neurons, which for each of the dendritic compartments, we
axonal spine target properties in Fig. 4A. provided similar path length measurements proceeded as follows. For each compartment
(ranges in Fig. 6B) (45). (apical trunk, apical tuft, oblique or basal den-
Synapse identification for reconstructed axons For each pyramidal cell, the following den- drite), dendritic segments of path length 10 to
For analyses reported in Figs. 3, A to C and G dritic compartments were distinguished: (i) 50 mm were sampled and all input synapses
to I; 4, A and B; and 5, E and F, the following apical dendrite trunk (measured from the exit were annotated. For computing the spine-
synapse identification was applied. For each at the cell body toward pia along the cortical targeting synapse density per dendritic shaft
reconstructed axon, synapses were identified axis, until the main bifurcation), (ii) apical tuft path length, both single spine head and pri-
manually when following the trajectory of axon. (measured from the main bifurcation point of mary spine head synapses were included. For
First, vesicle clouds in the axon were identified the apical dendrite), (iii) oblique dendrites shaft synapse density, only the shaft synapses
as accumulations of vesicles. Subsequently, the (measured from the exit at the apical dendritic were included. For total synapse density, ad-
most likely postsynaptic target was identified by trunk), and (iv) basal dendrites (all dendrites ditionally secondary spine head, spine neck
the following criteria: direct apposition with exiting at the cell body except the apical den- and dendrite “stub” synapses were included
vesicle cloud; presence of a darkening and slight drite) (55). (total fraction of these additional synapses:
broadening of the synaptic membrane; vesicles For the basal, oblique and apical tuft com- less than 10%). The average spine, shaft and
at close proximity to the plasma membrane at partment n = 226, 211, and 167 dendrites were total synapse densities were then multiplied
the site of potential synaptic contact. Synapses reconstructed of which n = 25, 28, and 32 with the total path lengths of the corresponding
were marked as uncertain whenever the signs dendrites with in-dataset endings were found compartments. The apical dendrite trunk was
of darkened postsynaptic density could not be (n = 21 cells). additionally distinguished into a proximal seg-
clearly identified. All analysis in this study were For the estimation of the average number of ment (up to 50 mm from cell body) and a distal
conducted only on synapses that had been branch points for the apical tuft compartment segment (50 mm from soma until the main
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by thalamocortical afferents. J. Neurosci. 27, 1139–1150 (2007). mechanism for associative learning and memory. Neuron 88, L. Bezzenberger, R. Jakoby, R. Kneisl, and M. Kronawitter for
doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3846-06.2007; pmid: 17267569 264–276 (2015). doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.09.024; annotator training and task management; D. Werner, V. Pinkau,
62. M. R. del Río, J. DeFelipe, A light and electron microscopic study pmid: 26494276 G. Wiese, F. Meinel, J. Striebel, P. Otto, T. Herold, and N. Rzepka at
of calbindin D-28k immunoreactive double bouquet cells in the 83. R. Kim, T. J. Sejnowski, Strong inhibitory signaling underlies scalable minds, Potsdam, Germany for collaboration on automated
human temporal cortex. Brain Res. 690, 133–140 (1995). stable temporal dynamics and working memory in spiking data analysis; T. Garbowski and D. Lechner (Zeiss) for help with
doi: 10.1016/0006-8993(95)00641-3; pmid: 7496800 neural networks. Nat. Neurosci. 24, 129–139 (2021). setting up multiSEM; M. Fahland and N. Prager (Fraunhofer FEP,
63. I. P. Lukacs et al., Differential effects of group III doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-00753-w; pmid: 33288909 Dresden) for collaboration on Kapton tape; R. Schalek and J. Lichtman
metabotropic glutamate receptors on spontaneous inhibitory 84. A. Gour et al., Postnatal connectomic development of for initial advice on setting up ATUM; G. Tushev, A. Kotowicz,
synaptic currents in spine-innervating double bouquet and inhibition in mouse barrel cortex. Science 371, eabb4534 T. Zeller, and C. Guggenberger for IT support; S. Soworka, I. Wolf,
parvalbumin-expressing dendrite-targeting GABAergic (2021). doi: 10.1126/science.abb4534; pmid: 33273061 S. Horn and L Dadashev for excellent technical support; and three
interneurons in human neocortex. bioRxiv, 483105 [Preprint] 85. Y. Hua, P. Laserstein, M. Helmstaedter, Large-volume en-bloc anonymous reviewers for helpful advice. Additional methodological
(2022). doi: 10.1101/2022.03.05.483105 staining for electron microscopy-based connectomics. acknowledgments are provided in the supplementary materials.
Funding: Funding was provided by the Max-Planck Society. Data and materials availability: All image data and reconstructions SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
S.L. was partly funded by Neuronex2 grant (DFG, German Research are publicly available through under
Foundation–HE 7321/1-1). Author contributions: M.H. conceived, the links at the end of the Materials and methods section. All Materials and Methods
initiated and supervised the study. J.S., N.H., A.M.K., V.G., and software used for analysis is available at the following address Supplementary Text
N.J. carried out experiments. H.S.M. and J.G. provided human tissue. and have been made publicly available under the MIT license: Figs. S1 to S4
M.S. provided ATUM-multiSEM methodology. A.M. developed and MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
applied analysis methodology. S.L., J.S., N.H., A.M.K., V.G., and License information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights
M.H. provided reconstructions and analyzed data. S.L. and M.H. wrote reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Submitted 13 January 2022; accepted 30 May 2022
the manuscript, with contributions from all authors. Competing Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government works. Published online 23 June 2022
interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests. 10.1126/science.abo0924
set of validated cDLs covers a substantial
o replicate a known chemical reaction flow, but even these have bespoke instruction range of common reactions and constitutes an
the protocol must be obtained from sets with no simple semantic link among entry point to automation of the entire organic
either the literature or a database so them or to the literature. To fully exploit the synthesis toolbox. Further, through perform-
that it can be run manually in the lab- potential of automation in chemical synthesis ing 53 procedures of highly diverse chemistry,
oratory (1). However, not all literature and ensure reproducibility of procedures, prog- the hardware and software of the ChemPU
or database entries can be easily reproduced ress is needed on two fronts (31, 32). First, a has been pushed to the limit and a path to full
(2). This is a barrier not only to the synthesis truly universal automation platform is required universality demonstrated. To do this, key ad-
of new molecules but also to accumulation that can perform all unit operations (14, 16); vances have been made by incorporating a
of high-quality data for machine learning (3–6) second, a standardized and precise syntax to cDL-enabled flash column chromatography
and is exacerbated by the fact that there is describe these chemical processes is essential system in the hardware library. This means
also no open standard for coding the pro- to reliably capture all the critical details of a that the ChemPU can perform not only the
cedures or a way to widely report and correct given chemical process (15). Such a code must reaction, work up, and concentration, but also
failed experiments (7, 8). An approach that also be independent of the type of hardware the chromatographic separation of the pro-
unambiguously captures and codes a chemi- employed for automation and thus be com- duct to directly deliver the purified compound
cal synthesis protocol for use by an automated piled to work flawlessly on any compatible on demand. To achieve this, we show that the
system (9–16) with capacity to be versioned hardware system. platform can react in a dynamic manner, re-
similar to software and record failed experi- We present the design, construction, and sponding to detection of the product to collect
ments would transform the field. Organic validation of a workflow that allows us to cap- the appropriate fractions.
synthesis currently requires intensive, highly ture the chemical synthesis literature from The workflow starting from a literature pro-
skilled labor (17) and a typical synthesis can manual operation to a fully described and cedure to a validated entry in our Chemify
require multiple complex unit operations that universal Chemical Description Language (cDL) database is illustrated in Fig. 1. By contrast
are difficult to explicitly encode. This is be- (15, 33) to be run automatically in the Chem- to earlier work on cDL, the focus was not on
cause the tacit knowledge required is often ical Processing Unit or ChemPU. The process an exact translation of the original procedure
context-dependent, resulting in ambiguities of running the cDL on the ChemPU we text to cDL but rather on the implementation
in the published literature that limit reprodu- call chemputation (similar to computation) of a chemical process providing the target
cibility, automation, or data mining (18). and is the reliable conversion of code and molecule. Following this approach allowed us
These limits have been overcome in some reagents into products. We not only show not only to reproduce the literature but also to
specific areas such as oligopeptide (19), oli- that the cDL can be compiled to run on many improve the processes in several instances.
gosaccharide (20), and oligonucleotide (21) different ChemPU configurations but also Chemical reactions can be captured in cDL,
chemistry, and in recent years much progress demonstrate the capacity of the cDL language which represents synthetic steps as sequen-
has been made in automating chemical reac- to encode a wide range of synthetic proce- ces of physical processes such as Add, Dissolve,
tions more broadly (22–30). However, most dures, which are representative of the organic Evaporate, and more. There are currently 44
automated synthetic chemistry platforms re- chemistry toolbox. Overall, 103 different reac- steps within the cDL framework with each
main task-specific or represent islands of tions of highly varied chemistry have been step having a fully customizable set of param-
automation (10) in an otherwise manual work- translated from the literature to reliable cDL eters. All often-used tasks in organic syntheses
codes, and 53 of these programs have been have a boilerplate cDL step to represent them,
School of Chemistry, the University of Glasgow, University validated on the hardware with yields and such as EvacuateAndRefill to establish an
Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK.
*Corresponding author. Email: purities comparable to that in the literature. inert atmosphere or Separate to perform a
†These authors contributed equally to this work. This increased synthesis throughput would liquid-liquid separation and extraction. The
Suzuki-Miyaura v2.7
cDL steps help enforce precise descriptions of intangible is now captured in the cDL. At this Further, the database also contains cDL en-
the process and eliminate any ambiguity such stage the protocol can be added to the data- tries that have been translated but not yet
as the number of cycles of evacuation and inert base as a validated process, backed up by the executed on a suitable automation platform.
gas refill or process-critical addition speeds. To full characterization of the target product and Users interested in unvalidated cDL files can
achieve this, we used our web-based Chemis- process development history. Inclusion of pro- access these and have the option to validate
try Development Environment (ChemIDE) (33) cess development history is a distinguishing them. The cDL procedures reported here have
which aids the quick generation of cDL pro- feature of the Chemify database; by showing been validated on a ChemPU, a chemistry
cedures by providing a text-to-cDL translation the results of less successful experiments and automation platform that emulates the man-
tool. This works by using a template library of contrasting them with the final successful run, ual operations of a bench chemist. Although
all available cDL steps and an editor in which critical aspects of the process are highlighted operationally simple and intuitive, the rigor-
individual cDL steps are represented as graph- and can be quantified. ous implementation means that the platform
ical elements, which can be edited and ar- The Chemify database persistently stores in- operates as a finite state machine (Fig. 2). It
ranged as needed (33). ChemIDE was used in formation for cDL procedures, experimental can be in one of a finite number of states and
the generation of all cDL procedures detailed results, and relevant analyses. It is a locally transitions from one state to the next based on
in this work. hosted PostgreSQL database server containing well-defined operations. These operations are
Expression of a chemical procedure in cDL all validated cDL scripts as described above, defined by the program—the cDL synthesis
does not immediately solve the problem of which can be accessed through ChemIDE (the protocol—as well as the sensor feedback [e.g.,
missing information or ambiguity present in web-based cDL development environment) or temperature, conductivity, pressure, or ultra-
the original prose instructions but it does pro- by using a Python 3–based API for automated violet (UV) absorbance]. The direct mapping
vide an unambiguous path to close it. To do database querying. Moreover, for end user of the cDL synthesis instructions to state tran-
this, some process development and iteration experience, ChemIDE is equipped to display sitions or “unit operations” highlights the
may still be required to maximize yields and characterization parameters of each experiment rigorous abstraction of synthesis processes
purity. After appropriate analysis [Nuclear such as product scale, yield, status (translated, in cDL. Moreover, the clear definition of state
magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), liq- validated, failed) and process duration. Users transitions as defined in the cDL procedure is
uid chromatography mass spectrometry, or gas can submit, search, download, and reproduce critical to ensuring the reproducibility of the
chromatography mass spectrometry] of the trusted syntheses. The database contains final cDL synthesis, including on different layouts
target compound from the ChemPU execu- validated synthesis scripts as well as previous of the ChemPU and potentially entirely dif-
tion of the cDL code, an assessment of the developmental versions, which may work to a ferent qualified hardware setups.
quality and purity of the product is made. If varying degree, affording the desired products The ChemPU state machine consists of
necessary the cDL is improved to increase the in lower yields, insufficient purities, or leading three logical parts: the physical input or out-
yield and purity and then executed again. The to process failures (for example, causing block- put (I/O), digital I/O, and the processing unit.
key advantage of cDL is that once a successful ages or formation of emulsions during liquid- The processing unit can transition through
process has been encoded, all subsequent users liquid separations) as a result of insufficient or several states based on either the initial con-
who execute the code on compatible hardware incorrect description of the necessary process ditions of the ChemPU or a combination of the
can expect identical results, with no further parameters for automation. Comparing failed physical and digital I/O, that is, the current
requirements for process development. All or lower-yield experiments to successful at- conditions as defined by the sensors, the pro-
critical knowledge needed to execute the pro- tempts of a given specific reaction or reaction cess variables, and the cDL step being executed.
cess on qualified hardware both tangible and class can unveil critical aspects of the process. The execution of the cDL step according to the
scheduler gives rise to a new state to be acted parts of the process). The liquid-handling back- medicinal chemistry, process chemistry, and
upon in later steps and results in a physical bone consists of a series of syringe pumps and total synthesis (35–38). There are some nota-
change to the physical I/O, e.g., a change of valves. A typical backbone consists of six of ble differences in the distribution of reaction
location of reagents, a change in temperature, each; however, the backbone is readily con- classes used in synthesis, depending on the
the phase boundary in a liquid-liquid separation, tracted or expanded to accommodate the re- primary goal; for example, medicinal chem-
or the peak elution during chromatography. quirements of the desired chemical process. istry researchers may prefer transition metal–
The scheduler resorts to a graph representation The valves have six positions and seven ports catalyzed C-C bond-forming reactions which
of the hardware (abstract layer) to interpret the each. Each valve in the liquid-handling back- allow for convenient generation of large num-
cDL script and orchestrate the hardware for bone is connected to a pump, its nearest neigh- bers of related compounds for biological assays,
concerted tasks (e.g., moving liquid through boring valves, and a waste container, and can whereas modern total synthesis relies more
the liquid-handling backbone). The abstract connect to three to four different reagents, heavily on elaborate ring-forming reactions
layer defines the locations and connections of solvents, or hardware modules. The connec- for assembly of complex molecular scaffolds
the hardware devices as nodes and contains tivity of the modules to the backbone is re- in the fewest number of steps possible (39).
specific information on each node such as the presented in an abstract manner by a graph as Additionally, although protecting-group
IP address and temperature limits of the device described above. Cleaning of the backbone is chemistry is the cornerstone of some syn-
in question. The graph file together with the carried out through an automated cleaning thesis fields such as peptide synthesis (40)
cDL file can be compiled into an execution file routine that can be defined by the user to ac- or carbohydrate chemistry (41), researchers
(executable cDL or xdlexe), which is platform- count for different types of contamination working on total syntheses often prefer more
specific. The strict separation of the description present after different procedures. In addition elegant protecting-group–free approaches (42).
of the chemical process into the cDL file and to the liquid-handling backbone, the ChemPU Despite the minor variations, these categories
the hardware platform description into the systems used to execute the syntheses re- embody the varied toolbox of modern organic
graph file ensures that the cDL file remains ported here incorporated a reaction module chemistry. To represent these categories with
platform-independent. It also allows for flexi- consisting of a standard hotplate controlled the examples from all types of reactions we
bility in how the platform is designed and through an Ethernet-to-serial convertor, a sep- chose to translate the cDLs of these procedures
what its exact physical layout is. This means arator for liquid-liquid extractions equipped and validate them with the ChemPU (Fig. 4).
that each cDL can be versioned and compiled with an overhead stirrer for agitation, as well The carbon-carbon bond-forming reaction class
to run on any suitable platform and that the as a conductivity sensor for phase boundary was further separated into transition metal–
ChemPU system is highly modular, flexible, detection; it also includes a jacketed filter for catalyzed and transition metal–free reactions.
and extensible (Fig. 3). precipitation and recrystallization of products, Furthermore, a separate multicomponent reac-
By mirroring the unit operations of batch a number of reagent flasks, a rotary evapora- tion class was introduced as these reactions
synthetic chemistry, the ChemPU represents a tor, and an optional chromatography system. generally accomplish multiple chemical trans-
universal, programmable hardware platform formations in one synthetic operation. The
for execution of synthetic chemistry as previ- Validation of literature procedures initial reactions were chosen from the most
ously demonstrated (14–16). The platform can on the ChemPU cited papers in the journal Organic Syntheses
be readily expanded as a result of its modular With the abstraction of chemputation, the (43). This journal is notable in the organic
nature, with individual modules being con- cDL language, and the ChemPU platform, chemistry field in that it publishes practical
nected through the liquid-handling backbone, we set out to translate and automate the typ- methods for either synthesis of notable com-
analogous to the bus of a conventional com- ical reactions from the organic chemistry tool- pounds or execution of important synthetic
puter. Connection to the liquid-handling back- box. Organic chemistry encompasses an methods, and the submitted procedures have
bone (consisting of pumps and valves) is immense diversity of transformations. Despite been repeated at least once by expert chemists
through a single piece of flexible tubing, which a large degree of variety, most reactions can be independent of those who submitted the orig-
allows modules to be easily removed for main- classified succinctly with fewer than ten cat- inal synthesis. Although the procedures from
tenance or rearranged to optimize operations egories. Several studies have analyzed the re- this journal generally have a high level of de-
(e.g., by segregating aqueous and water-sensitive action frequencies in different fields, e.g., tail there was still a need for some process
development, highlighting the difficulty of classical reactions as the Wittig reaction, prehensive list of all validated and translated
capturing all necessary information in an un- Friedel-Crafts alkylation, and the Aldol and reactions, see supplementary materials figs. S140
structured prose text format as opposed to Claisen condensations. Different types of and S143, respectively) covers the standard orga-
cDL. Selecting these highly cited papers from heteroatom alkylations are represented by nic chemistry toolbox. Crucially, automating fur-
Organic Syntheses covered the top reaction palladium-catalyzed Buchwald-Hartwig cou- ther reactions simply requires translation of the
classes but provided an uneven distribution. pling, copper-catalyzed alkylation, SNAr reac- original synthesis procedure to cDL.
Hence, further examples were manually selec- tion of heteroarenes, and reductive amination The average procedure consists of 20 dis-
ted from notable literature sources to achieve reactions. Functional group interconversions crete, high-level instructions such as Add, Sep-
a more balanced representation of the organic include a Mitsunobu reaction, nitrile forma- arate, and Evaporate with some procedures
chemistry toolbox with our dataset. tion, and esterifications, among others. Mani- having up to 40 such instructions (Fig. 4C).
The reactions chosen for each of the cat- pulations of protecting groups include common Unpacking these high-level cDL steps into the
egories include well-established classical reac- boc, benzyl, and tosyl groups. Ring and hetero- corresponding unit operation—e.g., StartStir,
tions and important contemporary reactions, cycle formations include both classical synthe- WaitForTemp, ApplyVacuum—gives an aver-
as well as some more unconventional synthetic ses such as the Fischer indole synthesis and age of 266 operations that have been executed.
transformations (Fig. 4); for a comprehensive a more exotic formation of a trisubstituted The successful executions of all cDL scripts
list of all translated reactions, see supplement- pyrylium salt. Reduction and oxidation reac- took >1000 hours of chemputation across
ary materials fig. S143. The selected transition tions span conventional hydride reduction, seven different systems. This figure only in-
metal–catalyzed carbon-carbon bond form- Jones oxidation, and a palladium-catalyzed cludes the operations from the final iteration of
ing reactions included commonly used Suzuki, hydrogen transfer reaction. Finally, the multi- each cDL protocol and includes the reaction
Heck, and Sonogashira couplings, as well as a component reactions include the well-known time but does not account for asynchronous
stereoselective Carroll rearrangement. Ugi reaction as well as other more unusual steps, i.e., steps in which two processes are
The transition metal–free carbon-carbon cascade reactions and one-pot multistep man- running in parallel on the same ChemPU
bond-forming reaction class encompasses such ifolds. This diverse set of reactions (for a com- hardware, such as a cleaning step for a rotary
Fig. 4. A representative selection of most-used reaction classes have been translated to cDL and validated on a ChemPU. (A) Number of examples per reaction
class. Once a literature procedure has been captured by cDL it is marked as “translated.” When a translated procedure is successfully executed on a ChemPU it is moved to the
“validated” class of cDL scripts. For reference, the average frequency of reactions over the fields of medicinal chemistry, process chemistry, and total syntheses are shown
(35–38). (B) The distribution of validated reactions and a specific example for illustration is shown. (C) Chemical operations, unit operations, and total runtime per procedure.
evaporator running at the same time as a re- boron trifluoride used in a Friedel-Crafts alkyl- zation cascade has been used for rapid gen-
action. The yields of the reactions performed on ation of a steroid estrone to afford derivative eration of a scaffold containing multiple stereo-
the ChemPU were in general comparable to 4, or Eaton’s reagent (10% phosphorus pent- genic centers 7, with potential for further
that of the literature yields after a period of oxide solution in methanesulfonic acid) used derivatization in a library synthesis. Similarly,
process development. This could be required in a Fischer indole synthesis of 6. Additionally, a copper(I)-catalyzed three-component coupling/
to fill the gaps in the original protocol and is reactions requiring inert atmosphere were suc- palladium(0)-catalyzed annulation cascade was
common to all synthetic development whether cessfully executed on the platform including a also successfully applied, affording product 8
manual or automated, or to adapt elements of palladium-catalyzed enantioselective Carroll re- which contains the indenoisoquinoline scaffold.
the protocol not amenable to automation, such arrangement to give 5. Procedures of up to
as unexpected formation of precipitates that 90 mmol scale were efficiently executed on Expanding the substrate scope
lead to blocked lines. A selection of reactions is our ChemPU platform. Conveniently, once a The substrate scope of validated cDL pro-
shown in Fig. 5 to illustrate the performance of cDL script is produced, a particular reaction cedures can be expanded by generating a
the platforms and give specific examples to can be scaled up or down within the constraints compound library with the ChemPU. One
show the breadth of chemistry that has been of the available vessel sizes and the chemical particularly attractive prospect is the use of
performed. process, such as safety considerations or heat validated cDL procedures for the construction
and mass transfer (see supplementary mate- of large libraries of compounds for biological
Automation of a diverse set of reactions on rials section 3, fig. S141, for the full distribution screening. Such libraries could conveniently
the ChemPU of reaction scales). The cDL procedures for the be accessed simply by changing the starting
The system is tolerant of moisture-sensitive or generation of more complex products arising materials without major modifications to the
highly reactive reagents such as potassium bis from multicomponent and cascade reactions synthesis scripts; i.e., once a process has been
(trimethylsilyl)amide (KHMDS) used in a copper- were also successfully executed on the plat- established it can be applied to many differ-
mediated alkynylation of a carbamate to afford 3, form. For example, a Petasi/Diels-Alder cycli- ent substrates as a general procedure by only
Fig. 5. Representative examples of cDL procedures validated on the ChemPU. Transformations from all the main reaction classes afforded products in yields
comparable to those reported in the literature for manual synthesis. Additionally, multicomponent reactions were performed and a small library of compounds was prepared
by varying the starting materials of one of the multicomponent reactions. Finally, the reproducibility of a validated cDL procedure has been examined and a cDL procedure
of a multistep synthetic sequence has been validated. The counts for total steps and total unit operations include all examples in a given category.
varying key parameters such as the substrates, through a multicomponent Ugi reaction. To combinations from two different isocyanide
reaction solvent, and reaction time. To show- do this, we conducted simultaneous execution and two aldehyde starting materials affording
case such an approach, a small library of of multiple or “multithreaded” reactions in four structurally related a-acylamino amide pro-
a-acylamino amides 9a to 9d was synthesized parallel on the ChemPU by using reactant ducts. Further expansion of the set of reactants
used would rapidly expand the number of script was obtained and the reaction protocol or repeating the same reaction with different
products generated and allow for swift gener- was successfully replicated 10 times in 12 at- substrates once the initial protocol has been
ation of larger libraries. tempted runs. The two failures were caused set up.
by incorrect phase boundary determination
Reproducibility of the ChemPU synthesis during liquid-liquid separations; product could Multistep synthesis
To examine the consistency and reliability of have been recovered through manually restart- The versatility of the platform is further dem-
executing the curated cDL procedures, we set ing the system, but that was not done here. onstrated by the ability to execute multistep
out to repeat the same reaction protocol mul- Crucially, execution of the curated cDL pro- synthetic sequences. Atropine 13, an anticho-
tiple times on the ChemPU platform. An cedure reliably afforded the product in con- linergic medication used in treatment of nerve
alkylation of malonate ester (affording 10) sistent yields (avg. 94%, min 89%, std: 2%) agent poisoning, was synthesized in four steps
was chosen as a suitable reaction for the re- and purities (avg. 96%, min 94%, std: 1%). from simple commercially available starting
producibility study, as accurate temperature Together with the ability to generate libraries materials. Synthetic protocols for individual
control and rate of addition are key to the of compounds, the ChemPU can be used to steps from multiple sources—as well as a re-
success of the process. After the initial pro- automate the highly repetitive work of gen- duction protocol that was previously reported
cess development, a validated cDL procedure erating multiple batches of the same material for related substrates but not for the synthesis
Run preparation
Material transfers
Fig. 6. The chromatography module. This component stands out from the correction over the gradient, and column equilibration) are performed. Next
ChemPU hardware library in terms of the complexity of the information and the sample is injected onto the column. During the gradient run the chromatography
material flow between the module and the controller and the other hardware. The machine sends the detector signals to the ChemPU controller in real time.
chromatography method consists of two crucial parts: the sample injection The controller performs the peak detection and triggers the fraction collection
protocol and the solvent gradient. Once these parameters have been optimized mechanism of the chromatography machine. When the separation run is
the separation run can be initiated. The ChemPU defines the run parameters on complete the product peak is identified and transferred to the next module
the commercial chromatography unit. Then the run preparations (baseline (usually the rotary evaporator).
of 12—were successfully converted to cDL pro- Once the method is developed and coded that potentially many different robotic ap-
cedures. The ability to efficiently execute multi- in cDL it can be executed on the ChemPU or proaches will be able to use identical cDL
step reaction protocols combined with the equivalent automation system as shown in codes to produce identical results. The use of a
reliability offered by reproducible execution Fig. 6. The platform controller starts the chro- cDL Chemify database will not only facilitate
of a well-defined synthesis script reaffirms matography process by defining the run pa- reproduction of published procedures but also
the universality of the platform toward the rameters on the commercial chromatography provide the community with a rich source of
breadth of synthetic organic chemistry. unit (central hub), such as flowrate and de- validated data amenable to state-of-the-art
tector settings. The actual run preparations, machine learning for reaction optimization,
Fully automated purification on the ChemPU such as baseline corrections and the equilibra- route planning, increased safety, and reduced
Chromatographic separation of the product tion of the column, are then executed. Next, environmental impact of synthesis while subs-
compound from a reaction is the go-to method the sample of crude material is dissolved, tran- tantially reducing labor for bench chemists
of purification for small- and medium-scale sferred to the chromatography machine, and repeating well-known procedures.
organic syntheses. Many commercially avail- injected onto the column. The sample injec-
able chromatography systems exist for assist- tion process also includes a rinsing sequence REFERENCES AND NOTES
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8569–8590 (2020). 17-1-0316, and HR001119S0003). Author contributions: L.C. License information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some
43. W. R. Roush et al., Organic Syntheses (2021); http://www. conceived the concept, architecture, and programming approach. rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the S.R., M.Š., A.P., M.S., H.M.M., E.T., A.I.L., and A.H. configured Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government
44. S. Rohrbach synthesis literature database in the Chemputer, the robots, ran the synthetic protocols, and characterized the works.
Zenodo (2022); doi:10.5281/zenodo.6534009. products. G.K. and A.K. helped with the development of journal-article-reuse
the database and integration with the ChemIDE. L.C. wrote the
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS paper together with S.R., M.Š., and G.C. with help from all SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
We thank BUCHI for supplying us with a pure C-815 authors. Competing interests: L.C. is the founder of Chemify Ltd.
chromatography system and API to interface it with the Chemputer L.C. is listed as an inventor on the UK patent GB 2209476.7., which
Materials and Methods
software package. The authors gratefully acknowledge the describes this system. Data and materials availability:
Figs. S1 to S143
assistance of D. Doran and V. Sandoval in the preparation of and Supplementary materials include full details to reproduce this
Tables S1 to S34
interfacing with the cDL Chemify database. Funding: We gratefully work, including instructions for how to build and run the
References (45–101)
acknowledge financial support from the EPSRC (EP/L023652/1, platform. Additional details of the electronic and mechanical
EP/R020914/1, EP/S030603/1, EP/R01308X/1, EP/S017046/1, components of the platform, videos of the platform working, and Submitted 6 January 2022; accepted 26 May 2022
and EP/S019472/1), the ERC (670467 SMART-POM), the EC the software to produce and run the cDL files, and the raw 10.1126/science.abo0058
puts than those achieved by 3D extrusion
he heart’s musculature is organized in a helical alignments are supported by extra- printing (30). However, fiber-spinning meth-
helical fashion, with cardiomyocytes in cellular matrix (ECM) proteins such as collagen ods are often less precise, failing to accurately
the left ventricle smoothly transitioning fibrils (8, 16), the diameters of which are on the recreate complex 3D geometries and align-
transmurally from a left- to right-handed order of a single micrometer. Approaches that ments. This lack of precision is partly be-
helix (1). This helical alignment results in use 3D extrusion printing have demonstrated cause fiber formation and patterning are
a “wringing motion” that was first described in important milestones toward replicating such traditionally interrelated during fiber pro-
1669 by Lower (2). Over the past half-century, it structures, including the production of micro- duction. In FRJS, decoupling the fiber forma-
has been argued that this helical arrangement physiological devices (17, 18), microvasculature tion and patterning processes is realized by
represents a fundamental structural design crit- systems (19), and spontaneously beating heart creating a focused stream of preformed fibers
ical to achieving large ejection fractions (EFs) models (20, 21). However, reproducing the fine (Fig. 1, A to C; fig. S1, and movie S1). Rotary jet
(1, 3–6). Although in vivo studies have proven spatial features required to potentiate muscu- spinning produces fibers by centrifugal force,
to be a powerful tool, both in defining these lar alignment while retaining practical produc- pushing polymer solutions through a small ori-
structural features (7–9) and in correlating mis- tion rates is difficult. This is the result of a fice in the spinneret. Subsequent jet elongation
alignments with cardiac disease and reduced fundamental limitation in 3D extrusion print- results in free-floating single-micrometer fibers
ventricle function (5, 9, 10), they are often char- ing, whereby throughput declines rapidly with (29). This allows for a formation period that is
acterized by concomitant changes in protein respect to feature size. Consider a full-size hu- independent of fiber patterning, generating a
expression and metabolism (11) and are limited man heart. Printing the ECM components at cloud of fibers that surrounds the spinneret.
by their ability to control cardiac alignments current resolutions (~250 mm feature sizes) Next, in a phenomenon known as entrainment
(12, 13). This makes it difficult to distinguish takes hours to days (22), but at native feature (31), fibers are pulled into a jet stream blown
between biomolecular and biomechanical con- sizes (1 mm) could take hundreds of years if from the center of the spinneret. Because air
tributions to cardiac dysfunction. However, current scaling trends are followed (eq. S1). speeds are orders of magnitude slower outside
understanding how helical structures contrib- Because fiber-spinning techniques can repro- of the jet (fig. S2), this entrainment process
ute to cardiac function is important, as some duce these fine spatial features with higher minimally perturbs fiber formation (fig. S3).
cardiomyopathies can exhibit maladaptive tis- throughputs, they offer a potential solution The jet stream then allows for fibers to become
sue remodeling (14, 15), which may result in and have been used previously to engineer aligned and confined in a small region, focus-
more circumferential alignments of the mus- tissue scaffolds, such as heart valves (23) and ing them for patterning.
culature (12, 13, 15). ventricle models (24). However, unlike 3D Focusing the fibers in this manner enables
To study the role of helical muscular align- printing, fiber-spinning approaches often fail them to be conformally deposited, meaning
ment on cardiac function, it is necessary to to recreate complex 3D geometries while main- that fibers will adhere well to convex struc-
recreate the multiscale architectures of the taining controlled alignments. tures or features with curvature radii that
heart, with both controlled alignments and We developed focused rotary jet spinning exceed the focal spot size (fig. S4). To dem-
three-dimensional (3D) geometries. In the heart, (FRJS), an additive manufacturing method onstrate this focusing effect in FRJS, poly-
that uses centrifugal jet spinning to rapidly caprolactone fibers were collected at regular
Disease Biophysics Group, John A. Paulson School of form polymeric micro/nanofibers, which are intervals from within the airstream to mea-
Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University, Boston, then focused and spatially patterned by sure deposition profiles. This showed that, at
MA 02134, USA. 2Department of Mechanical Engineering and means of a controlled airstream. This approach the narrowest point, 95% of fiber deposition
Materials Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
15261, USA. 3Department of Chemical and Biomolecular allows for the rapid manufacturing of fiber occurred within a spot size of 5.0 ± 0.3 cm (2s
Engineering, Samueli School of Engineering, University of constructs with programmable fiber alignments of Gaussian distribution) (Fig. 1B, ii, and fig. S4).
California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA. 4Institute for Regenerative in three dimensions. Because fibers can be used To demonstrate conformal deposition, fibers
Medicine, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
*Corresponding author. Email: to direct tissue formation, it is possible to re- were then spun onto both a rotating collection
†These authors contributed equally to this work. create complex anatomies that were hitherto mandrel (movie S2) and a 1-cm ventricle model
(Fig. 1D). In each case, targets were coated in and randomly aligned (q = 90°, OOP = 0.18 ± hypothesis (3) and the advantages of helically
~5 min, forming standalone structures that 0.03) fiber distributions, respectively. versus circumferentially aligned ventricular
could be removed and manipulated. Addition- This ability to control fiber orientation sug- geometries. Basing our experimental approach
ally, we showed that this approach could be gested that more complex patterning could be Sallin’s analytical model of the heart (3), we
used with a variety of material compositions, achieved by moving the target relative to the then used FRJS to produce both CA (a = 0°)
such as nylon, polyurethane, and gelatin, while stream. To test whether FRJS could recreate and HA (a = 30°) (60° with respect to the ven-
maintaining single-micrometer fiber diame- key geometric features of the heart, such as the tricle’s long axis) single-layer models of the
ters (fig. S5). helical alignments and laminar tissue struc- left ventricle (Fig. 2A). HA fiber orientations
tures identified in a rodent model (fig. S6, A were selected on the basis of energy minimi-
Controlled distribution of fiber alignment and B), fibers were collected on an inclined zation constraints, with angles between 20°
Envisioning that micro/nanofibers could mimic rotating cylinder to generate helical align- and 45° predicted to be the most energy ef-
the structural features of ECM proteins, we ments (Fig. 1F and movie S3) and on an ficient for pumping fluids (4). Fiber scaffolds
examined how FRJS could be used to control incrementally rotating disk to generate mul- were designed to have mechanical proper-
the anisotropic distribution of fiber align- tilayered fiber sheets (fig. S6C and movie S4). ties consistent with those of human heart
ments. We hypothesized that the alignment of We observed that FRJS was able to accurately tissues (fig. S7 and table S2).
fibers in the air stream could enable controlled reproduce these structures, as confirmed by After fiber manufacture, gelatin fiber scaf-
deposition, in which tangential collection (q = x-ray micro–computed tomography (mCT). folds were then seeded with either primary
0°) should minimally perturb airflow, while This suggested that FRJS could be effectively neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVMs)
head-on deposition (q = 90°) would enable employed in hierarchical biofabrication, in or human induced pluripotent stem cell–
divergent patterning. To test this hypothesis, which the focused air stream provides gross derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs), result-
the collector angle relative to the fiber stream structural morphology (centimeter scale), ing in confluent tissues with depths between
was modulated during deposition (Fig. 1E), whereas fibers provide fine structural (single- one to three layers of cardiomyocytes (fig. S8).
with the orientation order parameter (OOP) micrometer scale) cues to promote tissue hiPSC-CMs were differentiated in vitro for
used as a metric of subsequent fiber organi- morphogenesis. 15 days total before seeding, forming visible
zation (32). The resulting fibers displayed spontaneous contractions after 7 days and
angle-dependent anisotropy, with tangential, Building helically aligned models of the staining positive for sarcomeric a-actinin
intermediate, and perpendicular collection lead- left ventricle (fig. S9). To ensure that FRJS fiber spinning
ing to highly anisotropic (q = 0°, OOP = 0.60 ± We reasoned that the ability of FRJS to control could be used to direct tissue alignment, we
0.15), intermediate (q = 60°, OOP = 0.50 ± 0.08), fiber alignment could be used to test Sallin’s first examined NRVMs seeded onto laminar
tissue constructs. This resulted in tissues with spect to transverse CVs (TCVs), with LCVs systole, while connecting transversely as a bulk
a highly anisotropic distribution and cell align- and TCVs of 14.9 ± 5.8 cm/s and 9.0 ± 3.7 cm/s, material (37), they generate forces primarily
ment that conformed to the underlying fiber respectively (n = 9 samples) at ratios of ~1.5 to along the length of the fibers. This means that
orientation (Fig. 2B and fig. S10). Next, after 2.0. These values were consistent with previ- longer fibers should result in greater total dis-
seeding 3D scaffolds with either NRVMs ous reports of in vitro tissues composed of im- placements. For CA ventricles, which are made
(movie S5) or hiPSC-CMs (movie S6), spon- mature cardiomyocytes, where factors such as up of concentric rings, fiber length is greatest
taneous contractions were observed after 3 to geometry, calcium handling, and gap junction at the base, where the radius is largest, and
5 days. These data demonstrate that FRJS could expression can influence CV (24, 34, 35). Turn- smallest at the apex (Fig. 2D). This should re-
be used to form 3D contractile cardiac models. ing to 3D models, ventricles with extended sult in nonuniform deformations, with greater
basal regions, allowing for increased travel dis- displacements in the basal region and negligible
Calcium wave propagation tances, were apically stimulated. Isochrones displacements at the apex. For HA ventricles,
To demonstrate syncytium formation, we exam- of the calcium propagation revealed that CA however, fiber length should vary minimally, as
ined the ability of the model ventricles to sustain scaffolds displayed only modest CVs (8.3 cm/s) fibers extend uniformly from the apex to the
uniform calcium wave propagation. In healthy along the ventricle’s long axis, whereas HA base of the ventricle. Overall, this should result
tissues, action potentials propagate faster in the ventricles showed increased CVs (19.1 cm/s) in more homogenous deformations for HA ven-
direction of cell alignment, with myocytes show- with respect to CA ventricles (Fig. 2C and tricles, with increased apical shortening.
ing slower conduction velocities (CVs) in the movie S7). Together, these findings dem- Examining how CA and HA models deformed
transverse direction (33). Given this insight, onstrated that our tissues maintained their during contraction, we visualized displacement
we reasoned that electrical signal propaga- alignment and confluence over the length of by submerging these ventricles into a solution
tion should vary depending on the ventricle’s the ventricle (~1 cm) and further suggested containing nonspecifically adherent fluorescent
fiber alignment and could be used to confirm the importance of cardiomyocyte alignment beads. Using digital image cross-correlation,
long-range tissue formation and directional in regulating the spatiotemporal control of we performed deformation mapping across
alignment in these model systems. To mea- excitation-contraction coupling. the ventricle’s surface during 1-Hz field stim-
sure directional signal conduction in tissue ulation (movie S8). As predicted, CA ventri-
scaffolds, laminar tissues were electrically stim- Ventricular deformation cles displayed greater deformations near the
ulated (corner point stimulation), and the re- It has been hypothesized that HA ventricles base of the ventricle, whereas HA scaffolds
sulting calcium propagation was measured would display increased apical shortening (3, 36) showed more-uniform deformations (Fig. 2E).
with an optical mapping system (fig. S11). We and reduced basal displacement (9, 36), owing to Probing further, we measured changes in the
observed higher CVs in the direction of fiber differences in myofiber lengths. Because cardio- boundary shape using an elliptical fit, indi-
alignment [longitudinal CVs (LCVs)] with re- myocytes contract along their long axis during cating substantial differences in deformation
between each alignment. CA samples showed In a healthy heart, kinetic energy is stored lowed for the construction of 2D velocity fields
greater basal and minimal longitudinal con- during contraction in the sarcomeric protein surrounding the basal opening, as shown for a
striction, whereas HA ventricles displayed sig- titin and is subsequently released during re- HA ventricle model (Fig. 3, A and B). Using PIV,
nificant apical shortening with reduced basal laxation (38), giving rise to rotational displace- we then evaluated the instantaneous mass flux
deformation (n ≥ 5 ventricles for each condition) ments, or ventricular twist (1, 38). HA and CA resulting from ventricle contraction (fig. S15 and
(fig. S12). Overall, these results were consistent scaffolds were sutured at the base to a fixed movie S10) and observed cyclic outputs, with
with the projections of previous analytical support, allowing the apex to move freely, and fluid being expelled during systole and refill
and computational models (3, 25, 36) in that were monitored from below during field stim- occurring during diastole (Fig. 3, C and D).
they showed more-homogeneous deformations ulation. Using edge features to detect rotation This was performed for ventricles with both
for HA ventricles. (fig. S13, C to E), we observed that CA scaf- varying fiber alignments and fibroblast com-
These changes in ventricular contraction folds showed minimal twist (1.35 ± 1.1°, n = 7 positions (fig. S16). Summation of the fluid dis-
were also suggestive of further functional dif- ventricles). Conversely, HA scaffolds displayed placement over systole yields the total CO, with
ferences between myofiber alignments. For approximately four times as much twist (5.4 ± values of 11.7 ± 8.9 ml/s and 24.3 ± 13.5 ml/s (n =
instance, apical shortening indicated the 3.6°, n = 7 ventricles) (movie S9), modeling phys- 8 samples each) for CA and HA ventricle scaf-
potential for a wringing motion or ventricle iological ventricular twist in an in vitro system. folds, respectively (fig. S15G). This observation
twist to occur in HA ventricles. Additionally, represented a significant (P < 0.05) CO increase
this suggested the possibility for variable EFs Cardiac output and ejection fractions based purely on ventricular tissue alignment.
on the basis of fiber alignment, as these dif- To determine whether these structural changes Normalizing the CO by diastolic ventricle vol-
ferences in deformation could result in dis- in alignment and deformation lead to altered ume and fluid density, we calculated the result-
tinct volumetric displacements. It has been function, we then used cardiac output (CO) and ing EFs. This yielded average EFs of 1.6 ± 1.1%
predicted that EFs should scale as 1 – k2 for EF as quantitative metrics of cardiac perform- and 3.3 ± 1.7% in the CA and HA case, respec-
CA ventricles (eq. S5) and 1 k2 q H ðaÞ for ance. To measure these values, we first used tively (n = 8 samples each), with a maximum
HA ventricles (eq. S15) (Fig. 2D) (3), with k catheterization to monitor pressure-volume EF of 5.9% observed in the helical case (Fig. 3E).
being the strain along the fiber axis, q being changes in the ventricle scaffolds, observing This indicated that helical alignments confer a
the apical shortening, and H ðaÞ being the the formation of complete oblate loops (fig. relative increase in ventricle output. To compare
radial shortening based on the fiber’s helical S14). However, submerged gelatin fibers are our findings with Sallin’s analytical model of
angle (eqs. S5 to S15). q and H ðaÞ are defined a poor dielectric, making it difficult to ob- ventricle contraction (3), we then normalized
as ≤1, which suggests that HA ventricles could tain consistent results in our synthetic scaf- our results on the basis of relative contractile
produce larger EFs. folds by means of conductance catheterization. strain (eqs. S5 to S15). Sallin’s model predicted
Consequently, particle imaging velocimetry an EF increase of 54 to 64% for HA ventricles,
Ventricular twist (PIV) was used to further quantify cardiac which was consistent with our experimental
To determine whether ventricular twist was performance. observations (within the standard error of the
preserved in our model system, we measured Model ventricles were suspended in a bath mean; Fig. 3E). This indicated that our model
rotational displacement at the apex of sus- containing neutrally buoyant fluorescent beads, system was capable of preserving these fun-
pended ventricle scaffolds (fig. S13, A to B). and bead displacement was tracked. This al- damental scaling laws, signifying that helical
alignments of the ventricular myocardium re- aligned tissues (fig. S18B). Additionally, cal- terning micro/nanofibers onto dissolvable
sult in increased EFs. cium imaging revealed sustained wave propa- collectors in the shape of each of the heart’s
gation across the ventricle surface, primarily four chambers (fig. S20). Individual chambers
Dual-chambered ventricles and full-scale in the direction of fiber alignment, indicating were then connected by chemical annealing
heart models the formation of a continuous cardiac syncytium before the interior supports were dissolved,
Scaling Sallin’s model to physiological relevant (n ≥3 samples for each condition) (fig. S18, C resulting in standalone fiber scaffolds (Fig.
strains (~15 to 20%) (3), we noted that single- and D). Overall, these observations indicated 4F). Although full-size anatomical models
angle ventricles could achieve EFs of only up that fiber scaffolds can also support human stem have previously been produced with thermo-
to ~43% (a = 30°) (see supplementary mate- cell–derived tissues in complex geometries. plastics and hydrogels (22), these systems
rials for details). This EF is comparable to We then spun fibers onto ventricle-shaped typically lack the micrometer-scale features
values experienced during borderline heart fail- targets of varying size, ranging from ~1 to 20 cm needed to direct myocyte alignment. With our
ure and underscores the importance of multi- in diameter (fig. S19 and movie S16). In each fiber-based approach, these local structures
ple helical alignments in maintaining healthy case, targets were coated in <35 min with can be preserved across entire tissue volumes,
cardiac function. To examine whether we could micro/nanofibers, generating conformal coat- allowing for the hierarchical assembly of tis-
mimic these architectures using FRJS, we man- ings on the exterior. Throughout this process, sues. These proof-of-concept 3D organ mod-
ufactured both a dual-chambered ventricle fibers were produced with a total through- els demonstrate that FRJS scaffolds support
(DCV) with multiple helical angles and a full- put rate of 0.1 g/min, or 0.03 ghm (grams per human-derived tissues and allow for rapid
scale human heart model (Fig. 4). DCVs were hole per minute). This throughput is compa- assembly of full-size models of the muscu-
fabricated using a multistage process, creat- rable to those of melt-blowing processes (27) lature. These key features mark fiber-based
ing inner and outer helical layers, with an inter- but is orders of magnitude greater (~106) than manufacturing as a promising approach for
mediate circumferential sheet reminiscent of that of 3D extrusion printing, the speed of achieving whole-organ biofabrication, which
the native myocardium (fig. S17, Fig. 4, A and which declines rapidly at single-micrometer can be used as an alternative to or in conjunc-
B, and movie S11). These competing helical features (as a power law, with a scaling factor tion with emerging biomanufacturing plat-
structures were confirmed with mCT, indicat- of ~2.8) (Fig. 4, D and E, and eq. S1). Collectively, forms such as 3D extrusion printing.
ing three distinct transmural layers along the these observations demonstrated that FRJS
septal wall (Fig. 4B and movies S12 and S13). is amenable to rapidly manufacturing fiber Discussion
DCVs were then seeded with either hiPSC- scaffolds spanning multiple length scales and Biofabrication using FRJS allowed for the rapid
CMs or NRVMs, forming contractile tissue con- can be adapted to different geometries. assembly of functional 3D ventricle models
structs (Fig. 4C, fig. S18A, and movies S14 to To demonstrate the ability of FRJS to enable capable of recapitulating emergent pheno-
S15). Examining excised segments of the left hierarchical biofabrication, a full-size model of mena in vitro, including ventricular twist,
ventricle, cultured with hiPSC-CMs, we ob- the human heart musculature was constructed. strain displacement, and myocardial angle-
served that cells adhered to the fibers, forming This model was assembled by individually pat- dependent EFs. Although the metrics presented
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ented here provides an initial pathway toward (1979). responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent
achieving hierarchical patterning while main- 17. J. U. Lind et al., Nat. Mater. 16, 303–308 (2017). the official views of the National Institutes of Health. Author
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taining 3D cell alignment. Q.L., J.F.Z., and L.A.M. designed the study. Q.L. and H.C.
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In addition to biofabrication, FRJS may serve 20. A. Lee et al., Science 365, 482–487 (2019). designed and produced the fiber-spinning platform. H.C. and
an important role in other additive manufac- 21. N. Noor et al., Adv. Sci. 6, 1900344 (2019). J.F.Z. manufactured, cultured, and performed the ventricle
turing applications, as it provides production 22. E. Mirdamadi, J. W. Tashman, D. J. Shiwarski, R. N. Palchesko, experiments. K.Y.L. performed optical mapping experiments.
A. W. Feinberg, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 6, 6453–6459 H.C., Q.L., J.F.Z., and K.Y.L. analyzed the data. Q.L. performed
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surface area–to–volume ratio of micro- and 27. Y. Kara, K. Molnár, J. Ind. Text. 10.1177/15280837211019488 property relevant to this manuscript, listing J.F.Z., Q.L., H.C.,
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for the controlled absorbance and release 28. L. F. Deravi et al., Macromol. Mater. Eng. 302, 1600404 US Provisional Patent Application 63/234,287). Data and
(2017). materials availability: All data are available in the manuscript,
of chemical species. This suggests that FRJS 29. M. R. Badrossamay, H. A. McIlwee, J. A. Goss, K. K. Parker, the supplementary materials, or Zenodo (40). License
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scopic permeance measurements. Explicit hydro-
olymer membranes play an essential role persistent diffusive motion relative to the per- dynamic calculations for simplified geometries
in both classic and emerging technolo- meating fluid, consistent with the SD mecha- [see the supplementary materials (SM)] relate x
gies, including water treatment, gas sep- nism (7–9). At the same time, solvent within to pore size Rp and solvent viscosity h, typically
arations, fuel cells, and flow batteries the permeating fluid networks may traverse via x ∼ h=R2p (18, 19).
(1, 2). Membranes generally fall into two such membranes without ever encountering The SD model describes solvent transport
broad classes, on the basis of morphological polymer, and so it would be described by fluid through nonporous membranes, whose uni-
structure and mechanism of action. Porous dynamics, consistent with the PF model (10–12). form structure and composition lack clear,
membranes (e.g., Fig. 1, A to C) are permeated Decades ago, a spirited debate emerged over continuous pores. This model assumes solvent
by fixed pores that permit the passage of some which approach is appropriate for swollen to diffuse down concentration gradients with-
species but not others, typically by means of membranes (7–12), which persists to this day. in the matrix, with flux
size exclusion and/or electrostatics (3). Exam- Variants of both models continue to be dis-
ples include the micro-, nano-, and ultrafiltration cussed and criticized, for example, in treating D Dfs
Js ¼ ð2Þ
of contaminated water (3). By contrast, non- reverse osmosis membranes (13, 14), with on- 1 fs L
porous membranes (e.g., Fig. 1D) are structurally going reframing of the classical models (15, 16).
homogeneous, with permeability and selectivity For example, recent neutron scattering studies where D is the binary diffusivity between solvent
determined by solubility and diffusivity within of water transport in polyamide reverse osmosis and polymer, and Dfs is the drop in solvent
the membrane. Examples include gas separation (PARO) membranes suggested SD to be invalid volume fraction between the feed and per-
membranes (3), organic solvent nanofiltration and motivated a proposed change in the stra- meate sides of the membrane (see the SM).
(4, 5), and reverse osmosis desalination (6). tegic design of future PARO membranes, toward Equation 2 is difficult to apply directly, be-
Two types of models are used to describe reducing tortuosity rather than enhancing selec- cause the solvent volume fraction profile fs is
transport through these two classes of mem- tive solubility and diffusivity (17). generally not known within the membrane.
branes. Porous membranes are treated using Here, we introduce a two-phase fluid-solid Instead, Dfs is related to the transmembrane
pore-flow (PF) models, in which pressure gra- (FS) model for solvent transport through swol- pressure drop Dp. Imposing contact equilib-
dients force fluid to flow within the membrane len, homogeneous membranes that reconciles rium for solvent molecules at the feed and
pores. Nonporous membranes are described the PF and SD mechanisms, revealing them to permeate boundaries of the membrane (de-
using solution-diffusion (SD) models, wherein be entirely consistent with one another, mean- scribed in the SM) gives
solute and solvent dissolve into the membrane ing that they make quantitatively identical pre- !
and diffuse down concentration gradients. dictions. Moreover, the FS model predicts the PF Dp Df0s V s @lnfs Dp
Each approach is built on a distinct transport and SD parameters to be connected through the Js ¼ kSD ≡
L 1 f0s RT @lnas f¼f0 L
mechanism: PF involves the mechanical forc- longitudinal osmotic modulus of the mem-
ing of fluid through porous membranes by brane, which can be independently measured. ð3Þ
means of a momentum balance, whereas SD In fact, FS model predictions are consistent with
describes the thermodynamic forcing down neutron scattering measurements of PARO where V s and as are the molar volume and
concentration gradients, as described by a mass membranes (17), indicating that neither PF activity of the solvent, respectively (2, 8).
balance (3). nor SD is inappropriate for these membranes. Both SD and PF approaches have been used
However, some membranes exhibit features to treat solvent transport through highly swol-
common to both SD and PF mechanisms. Background len membranes, and reasonable arguments
Swollen polymer membranes consist of statis- The PF model treats solvent flux through a can be made to support either. The fundamen-
tically homogeneous polymer meshes, in membrane as a pressure-driven flow through tally diffusive nature of even equilibrium swol-
a porous network with fixed geometry. In prin- len membranes, along with the lack of any
ciple, the Navier-Stokes equations could be clear pores, suggests the stochastic, diffusive
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California,
Santa Barbara, CA, USA. solved to relate the solvent flux to the pressure approach of SD. However, polymer-free “tubes”
*Corresponding author. Email: gradient, if the particular morphology of the of solvent permeate highly swollen membranes,
but interpenetrating phases. The solvent phase that is compressed, rather than the polymer Tanaka and co-workers verified Eq. 8 experimen-
is a Newtonian liquid with local velocity field itself, with solvent flowing in or out as needed tally, using dynamic light scattering to measure
vs(r,t) and pressure p and occupies volume frac- to conserve volume. The final term represents D within swollen gels, macroscopic permeation
tion fs. The polymer phase, which occupies the drag force (per unit volume) exerted on the measurements to determine x, mechanical ex-
volume fraction fp, is treated as a homoge- network by the solvent, with friction coefficient periments to measure elastic moduli (K and G,
neous elastic network with displacement field x. The network exerts an equal and opposite and therefore M), and swelling experiments to
up(r,t) that describes local deformations from force on the fluid phase, which is treated as measure fs (28).
the equilibrium state. Together, the solvent and Darcy flow driven by a hydrodynamic pres- The second key relation connects the me-
matrix phases fill space—meaning fs + fp = 1. sure p. chanical response properties (moduli) of the
Even though the physical solvent and matrix Two important relations emerge from the matrix to the equilibrium thermodynamics of
materials are themselves assumed to be in- FS model that play a key role in the PF–SD swollen membranes (see the SM). Figure 3A
compressible, the matrix network may itself be bridge. The first relates the mutual diffusivity shows a gel initially swollen to thickness L in
compressed or dilated, because solvent flows D to the Darcy friction coefficient x, and the pure solvent, which deswells when an osmo-
into or out of the network to satisfy the space- second relates the thermodynamic proper- lyte (e.g., a polymer excluded from the swollen
filling requirement. The volumetric flux of the ties of a swollen membrane to its mechanical gel) reduces the solvent activity as outside the
FS composite is given by the local volume- properties. membrane (Fig. 3B). The osmotic pressure
averaged velocity, v = fp v p + fs v s , where Solving the polymer momentum equation difference exerts a stress dp on the membrane,
up = @up/@t is the local polymer velocity field (33). (Eq. 5) for vs, inserting into Eq. 4, and relat-
ð5Þ where M = K + 4G/3 is the longitudinal in terms of the thermodynamic relation be-
osmotic modulus, associated with free-draining tween solvent swelling (fs) and solvent ac-
uniaxial compression. Concentration fluctua- tivity (as).
tions of polymer and solvent diffuse relative to Even without explicitly solving the FS equa-
∇ ss ¼ ∇p ¼ xðv s up Þ ð6Þ
one another with mutual diffusivity tions (Eqs. 4 to 6), Eqs. 8 and 9 reveal three
enforce conservation of volume, polymer mo- Mfs distinct expressions for the permeability
mentum, and solvent momentum, respectively. D¼ ≡ MkPF ð8Þ
x !
Polymer and fluid inertia are neglected in both D fs V s @lnfs D
Eq. 5 and Eq. 6, owing to the small length and which is called the collective diffusivity by the kSD ¼ ¼
gel dynamics community (27–29, 35). The 1 fs RT @lnas T ;f0s M
long time scales of membrane permeation.
relationship between the collective diffusivity, f
The first two terms in the polymer momen- ¼ s ¼ kPF ð10Þ
tum balance (Eq. 5) represent the elastic forces which follows from deterministic arguments, x
exerted by a deformed, isotropic elastic solid and the stochastic solvent-polymer mutual
with shear and compressive moduli G and K, diffusivity, is a consequence of the fluctuation- to be quantitatively identical and to all follow
respectively (34). In the gel context, K is called dissipation theorem, analogous to the Stokes- from the FS model. The equality between the
the osmotic modulus, rather than the bulk Einstein relation. Indeed, Paul and Ebra‐Lima first two relates the thermodynamic factor in
modulus, because it is the swollen network suggested a relation of this sort should exist (5). the general solution-diffusive flux (Eq. 3) to
the compressional stiffness of the matrix using
Eq. 9. The second equality relates the binary
A B diffusivity to the mechanical membrane prop-
erties M and x (Eq. 8) to reproduce the PF
permeability (Eq. 1). Although these perme-
ability expressions appear very different, they
simply reflect different ways of expressing the
same, fundamental driving force—in purely
thermodynamic terms (Eq. 3), in purely me-
chanical terms (Eq. 1), or in hybrid terms (Eq. 10).
Figure 4 shows FS model predictions (solu-
tions to Eqs. 4 to 6) for a swollen membrane
of equilibrium thickness L, through which a
transmembrane pressure drop Dp drives a sol-
vent flux Js that is gentle enough to maintain a
linear pressure-flux relationship. The polymer
displacement up is highest [LDp/(2M)] on the
upstream side and vanishes at the rigid support
L δL L – δL
on the permeate side. The corresponding sol-
vent concentration
profile fs decreases linearly
Fig. 3. Hydrogel deswelling. (A) A gel initially swollen to thickness L in pure solvent (B) de-swells by dL by 1 f0s Dp=M over the membrane thick-
when an osmolyte lowers the osmotic pressure by dp. ness L, consistent with SD. Equal and opposite
gradients in fp, not shown, are required by Eq. 8 to eliminate M and x reproduces the both hydraulic permeance Pw ~ 1.6 liters per
space filling. The fluid-phase pressure p de- general SD flux (Eq. 2). Finally, combining m2·hour·bar and reduced Young’s moduli
creases continuously within the membrane, the fluid and solid momentum equations (Er ~ 1.6 GPa) of water-swollen PA membranes
with constant gradient −Dp/L, while the com- relates ∇fp directly to ∇p, without explicit of thickness L ~ 330 ± 75 nm (38). Using these
pressive normal stress s xxp on the polymer reference to J s. measurements as characteristic of PARO films,
phase grows linearly from zero on the (un- the FS model predicts diffusivities D = MPwL ~
compressed) feed side, to a maximum at the Consequences 2 × 10−9 to 4 × 10−9 m2/s. While the relatively
permeate side, with gradient equal and op- In addition to bridging the two distinct models, large experimental uncertainties may be re-
posite to the fluid pressure. the FS model brings qualitative and quantita- sponsible for the aphysically high end of this
tive insight to experimental results that affect range, the diffusivities measured by QENS
Resolving discrepancies the research workflows in next-generation has the magnitude expected for a membrane
The normal stress profiles in Fig. 4 clarify the membranes. Recently, for example, the struc- this stiff, with quantitative values consistent
different pressure profiles predicted by PF and tural and dynamic properties of dry and swol- with FS predictions. Moreover, Shin et al. con-
SD—the key distinction ultimately reflects dif- len PARO membranes were studied using ditioned PARO membranes with a series of
ferences in how the two models define pres- neutron scattering, with the explicit goal of solvents, finding higher permeance Pw with
sure. PF focuses exclusively on the mechanics identifying whether SD or PF correctly treated softer moduli, as expected from Eq. 8, owing
of the solvent phase and uses p to refer to the water permeation (17). Small-angle neutron to the higher volume fraction fs and larger
hydrodynamic pressure within the solvent scattering (SANS) found structural length scales pore sizes (lower x) (38).
phase. SD, by contrast, combines solvent and to not change appreciably when swelling, and The FS model highlights the fundamentally
polymer as one composite phase and uses p quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) sug- interrelated nature of the mechanical (hydro-
to mean the composite stress sT = ss + sp of gested water diffusivity D ~ 2 × 10−9 m2/s, dynamic) and thermodynamic (diffusive) mech-
both fluid and solid components. Given that comparable to its self-diffusivity in bulk. Both anisms of solvent transport in osmotically
no other forces are exerted within the mem- results seemed inconsistent with SD, which active membranes. Collective diffusivity in
brane, mechanical equilibrium requires sT to requires coupled solvent/matrix diffusion driven PARO membranes is high because the swol-
be constant—indeed, adding the polymer and by concentration gradients. Moreover, recent len membrane is very stiff, owing to its high
solvent momentum equations (Eqs. 5 and advances in microscopy revealed nanoscale cross-link diffusivity, low swelling ratio, and
6) gives density variations in PARO membranes (36), therefore large thermodynamic factor. High
which could violate the homogeneity assumed cross-link densities give small mesh spacing
@sT @ss @sp
¼ þ ¼ xvs xvs ¼ 0 ð11Þ by SD. These results motivated an argument (akin to pore size Rp), increasing the friction
@x @x @x
that future PARO membranes should be de- factor x and decreasing permeability k.
Equation 11 holds irrespective of the specific veloped to reduce tortuosity—as appropriate Any case in which the FS connection fails to
form of the constitutive relations ss and sp or for PF—rather than working to enhance se- be made directly signals a breakdown in the
the solvent-polymer friction x. Treating the lective solubility. universality of the mechanism governing sol-
solvent and polymer phases separately, as in Reassessing these results using the FS model, vent transport in the membrane. For example,
FS, gives a nonzero solvent-phase pressure however, reveals no inconsistency. Namely, dense polymer membranes for gas separation
gradient that is balanced by the elastic stress Eq. 8 connects the collective diffusivity D to do not swell appreciably with added gas; rather,
of the compressed network. hydraulic permeability k through the longi- gas molecules dissolve into the free volume of
The FS profiles in Fig. 4 resolve the ap- tudinal osmotic modulus M0, which can be the polymer network. Moreover, the pressure-
parent discrepancies between PF and SD pre- measured independently, for example, using driven flow of bulk gasses looks nothing like the
dictions of concentration and pressure fields. a swelling pressure apparatus (22) or nano- molecular hopping of dissolved gas molecules.
In particular, nonzero gradients arise for both indentation (37, 38). Shin et al. measured The elastic moduli of such membranes reflect
concentration fs and fluid pressure p. Con-
centration gradients are required by SD but
are assumed not to exist in PF. Likewise, the Fig. 4. Steady-state FS profiles
pressure gradient is required by PF but as- across a solvent-swollen non- Feed Membrane Permeate
sumed to be zero in SD. In this regard, SD and porous membrane bound to a per-
PF are both correct in treating their respective meable support at the permeate Δp L
gradient but incorrect in assuming the other boundary. Polymer network
M 2
gradient to be zero. Notably, the PF model displacement, purple (SM, eq. S73);
does not require fs to be constant; it simply normal solvent stress, red (eq. S63); xx
σT (x)
does not rely on a nonzero ∇fs. Similarly, no normal polymer stress, green
pressure gradient is needed to drive a SD flux; (eq. S75); normal composite stress, pf
instead, mechanical equilibrium requires a pink (Eq. 11); and solvent volume Js p(x) Δp
constant normal stress. fraction, blue (eq. S76). A constant
Three small quantities arise in the linear- solvent flux Js compresses the poly- σpxx(x)
response limit of solvent permeation of a swol- mer network. Compression of the
len gel: the solvent flux Js, the solvent pressure polymer network is dictated by the
gradient ∇p, and the solvent (or polymer) con-
φ0s Δp
imposed pressure drop Dp and
(1 – φ0s) M
centration gradient ∇fs. Each quantity is pro- the modulus of uniaxial compression
portional to one of the others while neglecting M. The sum of the solvent and
the third. Solving the solvent equation alone polymer stress, that is, the normal
relates Js to ∇p, while ignoring ∇fs, giving the composite stress, is constant x = –L x=0
PF flux (Eq. 1). Enforcing polymer momentum throughout the membrane, with a
alone relates Js to ∇fs and ignores ∇p; using discontinuity at the permeate boundary.
the compressibility of the polymer itself, with flux develops a nonlinear dependence on Dp, and toughness. Combining these two networks
negligible influence of the gas phase. Likewise, and material properties (e.g., M, x, fp, fs, and provides orthogonal control over permeabil-
the moduli of rigid, phase-separated, porous D) deviate substantially from their equilib- ity and mechanical stiffness and thus greater
membranes (e.g., zeolites, macroporous poly- rium values. A systematic perturbation solution control over the limiting flux.
mers, or track-etched membranes) are not set to the unidirectional permeation problem, de- The FS model is primed to determine the
by balancing the elastic stresses of the network scribed in the SM, reveals the general first dynamics of solutes and solvents in hydrogel
against the mixing and solvating stresses of the correction to the flux relation to be systems placed under mechanical stresses
solvent but instead reflect the stiffness of its or pressures—for example, hydrogels injected
elements and the morphology of the network. M0 L
into the human body for drug delivery (45, 46),
In both cases, the osmotic (free-draining) moduli Js ¼ h i ð12Þ tissue scaffolds (47), and chemomechanic
1 þ 2M
f0p ðlnx0 Þ′ þ fp0 1
of the networks are little affected by the presence 0 s sensors (48, 49). The FS description of these
(or absence) of solvent, breaking the inter- bioengineered hydrogels connects system
relation between hydraulic and diffusive trans- where ðlnx0 Þ′ ¼ dlnx=dfs jf0s < 0 captures the performance with material chemistry. Al-
port captured by the FS model. Whether the decrease in friction with solvent swelling. The though we have specifically focused on binary
nanoscale heterogeneities observed in PARO second term in brackets reflects changes in solvent-polymer systems here, it is natural to
membranes (36) violate the homogeneity as- flow velocity due to increased (compressed) expand the FS formulation to account for ad-
sumed by SD and FS depends on whether they polymer fraction fp, and the third reflects ditional solute or solvent concentration fields,
are osmotically active when hydrated and can the decreased thickness of the compressed which occur both in membranes and more
therefore be treated as a swellable elastic membrane. generally.
network that is statistically homogeneous The FS limiting flux relation (Eq. 12) justifies More broadly, the FS model lays out a frame-
on length scales that are larger than the the empirical expression aDp/(1 + bDp) found work for the design of membrane materials on
heterogeneities but smaller than membrane by Paul and Ebra-Lima to fit nonlinear flux the basis of ex
characterizations. The degree
dimensions. measurements (5). Additionally, Eq. 12 predicts of swelling f0s and mechanical moduli (G, K,
Another process involves high-pressure mem- the physical form of the fitting parameters and M) may be measured macroscopically for a
brane performance under extreme pressures, as a and b and thus provides design guidance swollen gel of interest, and the collective dif-
found in organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) for future membranes. A key feature is that fusivity may be measured using dynamic light
(4, 5) and high-pressure reverse osmosis, for the longitudinal osmotic modulus M0 sets scattering, following Tanaka et al. (28), to give
example, as is used for brine treatment (39–41). the pressure scale above which the permeation all the needed parameters for FS description.
In these and other cases, membrane permeance flux starts to saturate. Although M0 was not Moreover, performing such experiments while
decreases at high pressures, which has been measured alongside the flux measurements, varying the osmotic pressure of the swelling
hypothesized to result from membrane compac- FS predicts the limiting (ceiling) flux at large solution could elucidate the dependence of
tion (4, 39, 41). pressure M, x, and fs on osmotic or transmembrane
Our analysis thus far has focused on lower- 1 pressure, providing a complete set of parame-
pressure permeation, where flux grows linearly 2D f0p ters for nonlinear flux relations such as Eq. 12.
Jsceiling ∼ f0p ðlnx0 Þ′ þ 0 1 ð13Þ
with applied pressure. In this linear-response L fs Finally, measuring these parameters as func-
limit, the physical properties of the membrane tions of the composition of the swelling solu-
change very little and are well approximated to be independent of M0, which can be compared tion (solvent mixtures, solute concentrations)
by their equilibrium values. Because the local to the measured ratio a/b. Paul and Ebra-Lima would provide the parameters needed to
friction coefficient x, longitudinal osmotic mod- tabulated a, b, D, L, fp, and fs for 12 organic predict multicomponent transport through
ulus M, and solvent velocity vs = js/fs all solvents in cross-linked rubber membranes (5); membranes.
depend on fs, concentration gradients can af- only (lnx0)′ was not determined. Basing x on Here, we have shown that the pore-flow
fect the flux expressions beyond their linear- Zick and Homsy’s calculation of fluid flow and solution-diffusion approaches both provide
response forms (Eq. 10). through periodic arrays of rigid spheres (19) correct and consistent descriptions of solvent
The FS model provides a natural framework reveals Eq. 13 to predict measurements to transport through nonporous, swollen mem-
to understand, analyze, and predict nonlinear within a factor of four for all 12 solvents (SM). branes, despite the apparent discrepancies in
pressure-flux relations that are expected to Furthermore, the fluid-solid model lays out their predictions of pressure and concentration
arise in high-pressure reverse osmosis brine a path to treat membranes for which neither profiles. These two approaches represent com-
treatment (39–41) and OSN (4, 5). Namely, the PF nor the SD approach is appropriate. For plementary descriptions of the same process
the permeation flux stops increasing linearly example, hydrogel pore-filled composite mem- and ultimately yield identical predictions. Nei-
at sufficiently high pressures, asymptotically branes (42) immobilize a homogeneous, non- ther approach is incorrect; instead, the predic-
approaching a limiting flux, as identified ex- porous polymer matrix within the pores of a tions of one model are in perfect quantitative
perimentally by Paul and Ebra-Lima (5) and in rigid membrane support. The rigid pore walls agreement with those of the other. After all,
the OSN context (4). Hints of a limiting flux constrain the deformations of the nonporous momentum and mass must both be conserved,
already appear in the leading-order FS solu- gel in a way that would be difficult to capture mechanical and thermodynamic balances must
tions (Fig. 4), because up →L once
Dp ~ M. The with SD, yet straightforward with FS. More both be respected. A subtle distinction between
weak compression limit dfp ≪f0p is therefore generally, the FS approach provides a natural the two approaches lies in the phases they treat:
only valid when Dp is much smaller than the framework to treat mechanically heteroge- Pore flow focuses exclusively on the liquid
longitudinal osmotic modulus M, which emerges neous membranes with rigid structural ele- phase, whereas solution diffusion treats the
as a natural scale for the transmembrane pres- ments that pin or restrict the deformation of polymer and solvent as a single, inseparable
sure. When Dp ≪ M, polymer and solvent con- nonporous networks. Double network hydro- continuum phase. The fluid-solid model is
centrations are perturbed only slightly, and gels (43, 44), composed of an expanded rigid general enough to enable transport modeling
the solvent flux varies linearly with Dp. When polymer mesh interpenetrated by an elastic for membrane materials that neither of the
Dp approaches or exceeds M, however, the swollen polymer network, have both high classical models can handle. Given the central
network compresses more substantially, the water content and high mechanical strength role of the longitudinal osmotic modulus M0
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explore the conditions under which these
ountries worldwide grapple with the dual like their male counterparts, often blame victims changes occurred, as well as the limits of the
problems of rising gender-based violence or dismiss their claims (12, 13). reform—which influenced officer behaviors
(GBV) and weak law enforcement. The A second set of reforms involve gender- and interactions with complainants but had
ability to register crimes with the police segregated services such as all-women police little observable effect on the overall rates at
is one essential step in accessing the jus- stations, established in countries as diverse as which women turn to the police.
tice system and promoting women’s security. Brazil, Ghana, India, Kosovo, and the Philippines.
Yet social barriers, including stigma, can deter These women-only stations, like other gender- Reforming police under patriarchy
women from reporting crimes, as can low segregated spaces such as women’s train car- India, which was recently labeled the “world’s
trust in the police (1, 2). The police, moreover, riages or girls’ schools (14, 15), operate on the most dangerous country for women” owing to
are often unresponsive to women’s concerns, theory that women may be more comfortable high rates of sexual violence (19), is an in-
leading to both under-reporting and under- in the absence of men. The assumption is that structive place to study gender-targeted police
recording of crime and violence (3). The result female victims of crime will be more likely to reforms. India ranks 140 of 156 countries on
is a pronounced gap between the incidence report cases in women-only police stations, the Global Gender Gap Index—an international
of crime and the rates at which such crime is and that female officers in those stations will measure of gender inequality. This inequality
formally recognized. be less constrained by patriarchal policing is visible in India’s skewed sex ratio at birth
Gender-targeted police reforms, which seek cultures (16). However, recent research sug- (929 girls/1000 boys), low female labor force
to increase the accessibility and accountabil- gests that separating women’s cases from other participation rate (22.3%) (20), and high rates
ity of the police to women, are regularly pro- police work makes it less likely that officers in of GBV. An estimated 4 in 10 Indian women
posed to tackle these problems. One set of regular, mixed-gender police stations will file report experiencing domestic violence in their
reforms have worked to increase women’s cases related to GBV, creating barriers to access lifetimes (21).
representation within police forces. These that further marginalize women (11, 13, 17). GBV is a deeply rooted problem reflecting
initiatives build on theories of representa- In this article, we examine a large-scale a nexus of social, economic, and political fac-
tive bureaucracy, which hold that the pres- gender-targeted police intervention that seeks tors, and state-led interventions—including
ence of members of marginalized groups within to mainstream rather than segregate attention policing—are only one slice of the necessary
a public agency improves performance with to women’s cases within routine police work, responses. Policing is a particularly crucial
respect to those groups (4, 5). Evidence on while also testing whether increased represen- but fraught arena in which to consider efforts
the efficacy of these reforms, however, re- tation of female officers better meets wom- to address GBV. The police are the primary
mains mixed. Some studies find that reporting en’s needs. Our setting is India, a country institution for public security, as well as the
and arrests for sexual assault increase with plagued by some of the world’s highest rates of most visible arm of the state’s coercive ap-
the presence of female officers (6, 7). Other violence against women. Home to entrenched paratus. The police are charged with protecting
research suggests that gender differentials patriarchal norms and chronically weak state women at the same time that law enforce-
in police behavior are diminished as female capacity (18), India is both a critical case and ment itself can play a role in perpetrating
officers operate within male-dominated policing a representative one, given the prevalence of violence—including violence against women
cultures (8, 9), noting a lack of increased gender such conditions in settings throughout the (22). The police are also critical gatekeepers
sensitivity among female officers (10, 11) who, Global South. Theoretical predictions about to the broader justice system, yet where em-
whether an intervention of this kind ought bedded in patriarchal norms can serve to deter
to have an impact are ambiguous, given the or block women’s legal claims. We focus on
Department of Economics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, mixed evidence of existing research, in addi- police registration of cases of GBV as a pre-
VA 22904, USA. 2Abdul Lateef Jameel Poverty Action Lab tion to the difficulty of implementing such liminary step in a long chain to justice, in-
(J-PAL), Cambridge, MA, USA. 3Department of Politics, reforms. Moreover, efforts to mainstream cluding case investigation, arrests, judicial
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA. 4Saïd
Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 1HP, UK. rather than segregate attention to women’s action, and referrals to social services. Although
*Corresponding author. Email: cases have not been rigorously studied. case registration is just one step, it is a critical
one: If police cases are not filed, further legal of a bundle of gender-targeted reforms de- four largest cities and selecting the remainder
action cannot occur. signed to make the police both more accessible to be representative of geography, demograph-
In India, registration takes the form of a and accountable to female complainants (35). ics, and socioeconomic conditions across the
First Information Report (FIR). Lodged at a Our study setting is Madhya Pradesh, a large state (39). We excluded specialized police sta-
police station, the FIR records information (population 81 million) and ethnically diverse tions (state or district headquarters, cyber cells,
about a “cognizable” offense (classified in the state in north-central India. Madhya Pradesh or all-women stations), as well as outposts
Indian Penal Code as offenses of a serious is representative, in socioeconomic indicators (smaller than a station). MPP also excluded
nature for which a police officer has authority and gender norms, of much of northern India. stations that were remote, servicing entirely
to make an arrest without a warrant and to It is also an illustrative setting in which to rural populations, because they did not con-
start investigation without permission from explore the problem of under-reported GBV. A sider traffic to those stations high enough to
a court) (23). The FIR initiates case investiga- report from the state’s four largest cities, for justify a continuously staffed desk. The result-
tion and criminal proceedings, as stipulated example, found that only 1% of women who ing sample of 180 police stations should thus
under the Indian Penal Code. Domestic vio- had experienced violence had reported it to be viewed as being representative of primarily
lence can also be registered in a Domestic the police (36). (although not exclusively) urban and large
Incident Report (DIR), a complaint mechanism India’s federal architecture assigns state police stations. Within each district, we strati-
created under the Domestic Violence Act of governments the responsibility for policing, fied these 180 stations by geography (those that
2005. Filing a DIR initiates civil proceedings as well as social programming for women’s were fully urban, and those that also included
and referrals to social services, allows for pro- health and security. The WHD intervention rural areas) and by the first principal com-
tection orders and economic support, and may was designed by the Madhya Pradesh Police ponent of a vector of police station size char-
also lead to criminal proceedings. Unlike FIRs, (MPP) Research and Training Department, in acteristics (35). Within each of these strata,
which are filed at police stations, the DIR is consultation with our research team, lawyers, we then randomly assigned the stations into
filed with the local magistrate (judge). In the and GBV experts from civil society, with the three groups: 61 to the first treatment arm
latter instance, the police can serve as de- goal of overcoming barriers to both the report- (regular WHDs), 59 to the second (woman-run
signated Protection Officers who compile the ing of crimes by women and the recording of WHDs), and 60 to the control arm, which
DIR and bring it before the magistrate. More such cases by the police. received no help desk intervention.
details on FIRs and DIRs are in Appendix S1. Undertaking research on GBV and policing is We consider May 2019 as the start date of the
Women face major obstacles to case reg- a fraught endeavor, which requires careful full intervention. Training began as early as July
istration, reflecting barriers to both demand ethical consideration. We recognize that our 2018, although state elections in December 2018
(that inhibit the reporting of crime) and sup- roles as researchers are not and never can be meant that training did not fully ramp up
ply (that inhibit officers from recording cases) fully neutral and that there is the potential, until March 2019. Our field teams monitored
(24–26). Even when a woman overcomes so- through research, to introduce risk, activate implementation in December 2019, by which
cial and familial pressures to report a case, trauma, and create harm. We discuss our point all treatment stations had at least some
officers often resist officially recording it— efforts to minimize such risks in Appendix S2. training, 94% had set aside requisite space,
despite their legal obligation to do so (27). We are guided by recommendations devel- 87% had conducted a community outreach
The police’s hesitancy to file cases is driven oped specifically for research on GBV (37, 38), event, and 90% of women-run WHDs had a
in part by acute resource and capacity con- as well as by the insights of our local partners, female officer assigned. However, only 67% had
straints, which push officers to lessen their which enabled us to ground global best practices full training at the station level, and community
caseloads (28), as well as by political pres- in our study context. outreach was limited overall given the huge
sure to show lower official crime rates (29). The WHD intervention consists of four com- jurisdictions these stations served. Appendix S4
Patriarchal policing norms also push against ponents: (i) private spaces (such as a room or details implementation efforts and timelines.
case registration: Officers are encouraged cubicle) for female complaints within police
to “protect families” by promoting reconcil- stations; (ii) standard operating procedures Data sources
iation rather than the legal rights of women on how to register cases and assist women Our aim was to evaluate whether the estab-
(27, 30–32) and often blame victims of sex- visitors, along with officer training on those lishment of the WHDs, as well as assignment
ual assault or question the validity of their procedures and routine implementation moni- of female personnel to the WHDs, improved
claims. A recent report, for example, found toring; (iii) outreach to local women’s and com- the responsiveness of police officers to women
that 39% of officers believe that complaints munity safety networks; and (iv) assignment (40). To that end, we gathered data from five
of GBV are unfounded (33). The same report of female officers (at the rank of Assistant Sub- main sources.
also highlighted patriarchy within India’s Inspector or higher) to run the WHDs. 1) Administrative data on crimes registered
police stations. Women make up just 7% of Police stations—the unit of randomization— by the police at study police stations from
the force nationally and face heavy work bur- assigned to the first treatment arm (“regular” May 2018 through March 2020. Our data are
dens, as well as workplace discrimination. Fe- WHDs) received the first three components, aggregated with no individual or identifia-
male officers, operating in these highly masculine whereas those assigned to the second arm ble case details, but FIR categories indicate
settings, may feel pressure to act as “one of (woman-run WHDs) received all four com- (i) the number of “crimes against women”
the boys,” replicating and expressing patri- ponents. WHDs in the second treatment arm (CAW) cases, which include officially desig-
archal norms (34). These factors push against were directed to have designated female of- nated cases of GBV such as sexual assault, rape,
case registration: Indeed, there were fewer than ficers (with 90% compliance). Although there dowry, and other cases (details in Appendix S1);
four GBV-related FIRs registered per police was no prohibition on assigning female officers and (ii) whether the case was filed by a woman,
station (serving 130,000 people on average) to WHDs in the first treatment arm, most (72%) the latter also incorporating nonviolent crimes.
per month at baseline in our data. were run by male officers. The control group 2) CCTV data from the video feeds of
continued with business as usual. cameras, present in all police stations, focused
Intervention and randomization For the study, the MPP purposively selected on the station entrance. MPP provided us with
With these barriers to case registration in mind, 12 districts (out of 51) across the state, auto- a week’s worth of data from each study station,
we conducted an experiment to test the impact matically including those home to the state’s for the hours of 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day, at
Table 1. Primary outcomes from administrative data. Each observation represents data at the police station–month level. DIRs are Domestic Incident
Reports representing civil complaints of domestic violence (columns 1 and 5). FIRs are First Information Reports, either in cases of Crimes Against
Women (CAW) filed by anyone (columns 2 and 6) or in all criminal cases filed by women (columns 3 and 7). Arrests correspond to arrests in CAW cases
in a given month (columns 4 and 8). Regular WHD refers to Women's Help Desks without an assigned female officer; woman-run WHDs include an
assigned female officer. Strata FE refers to fixed effects for district × urban/rural strata. Standard errors clustered by police station are in parentheses.
*p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.
baseline outcomes, we find no more imbal- increase in DIRs after the official launch of efficient is positive but standard errors are large
ances across treatment groups than would the program in May 2019, although some cases [95% confidence interval (CI) −0.58, 1.11] (43).
be expected by chance (tables S1 to S3) (42). were registered soon after training started Separating the analysis by treatment group,
in treatment stations as early as July 2018. we see that officers in stations with both reg-
Results Second, we also observe sizable increases in ular and woman-run WHDs filed increased
The WHD intervention led to increased reg- the number of FIRs filed in CAW cases (14.1%, numbers of DIRs, with the coefficients statis-
istration of women’s cases (Table 1). First, we p = 0.08), as well as FIRs filed by women tically indistinguishable from each other. How-
observe an increase in the number of DIRs (10.4%, p = 0.1). These results reflect an addi- ever, the increase in FIRs is entirely driven
filed, from practically zero in the control group tional 1905 DIRs and 3360 FIRs registered in by the woman-run WHDs (Fig. 2). In regular
(where officers had little to no knowledge of treatment stations over the 11 months of the WHDs, the treatment effects are small and
the DIR) to 1.5 monthly cases in the treatment intervention. There were no significant changes statistically indistinguishable from zero. In the
group (p < 0.01). Figure 1 shows the sharp in the number of arrests in CAW cases; the co- stations with woman-run WHDs, by contrast,
FIRs in CAW cases increased by 26.4%, whereas
FIRs filed by women rose by 18.5%; these treat-
ment effects are statistically distinguishable
from those in regular WHDs (p = 0.03, 0.06;
Table 1). Meanwhile, implementation quality
and officer training both have a strong and
significant impact on the number of cases
registered for all outcomes (table S4). Finally,
increases in registration of CAW cases do not
come at the cost of reductions in other cases,
with no discernible spillover effect on the over-
all number of FIRs or on other kinds of police
reports (table S5).
These results are driven by changes in police
behavior, reflected in a greater likelihood of
registering a case once a woman has reported
it, but not by any observable changes in the
rates at which women report cases or approach
the police. There is no impact on the overall
CAW rates reported by women in our citizen
survey (table S17). Neither is there an observ-
Fig. 2. Registration of crimes against women increased in women-run WHDs. Source: Raw official able impact on the rates at which women vis-
administrative data. ited police stations, based on analysis of CCTV
Table 2. Primary outcomes from CCTV data. Observations are at time window–day–police station level, as described in Appendix S1. The number of female
visitors is the per-hour count of all women who entered a police station at any time between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. (columns 1 and 3). The proportion of female visitors is the
number of female visitors divided by the number of all visitors captured by CCTV camera in the same hourly durations (columns 2 and 4). Regular WHD refers to
Women's Help Desks without an assigned female officer; woman-run WHDs include an assigned female officer. We use district FE instead of strata FE owing to the
unavailability of data from 41 police stations, which results in an unbalanced distribution of treatment and control police stations across some strata. Though not shown in
the table, the regressions control for the number of female officers in each police station at endline; fixed effects for time window of day and day of week; the average
number of frames per second in the video; and the average number of pixels in the video.
WHD training, officers gained knowledge of Second, the WHD intervention worked to police, moreover, did not shift, although this
the DIR and learned to coordinate with other mainstream gender-responsive policing practices. may reflect the short duration of the inter-
state and civil society agencies. By locating the help desks in regular police vention; beliefs about the police may shift
The increase in FIRs for women’s cases is stations, and by training both male and female over time if the intervention becomes insti-
also notable, as is the fact that it is driven almost officers on the mission and operation of the tutionalized and more visible to citizens. This,
entirely by woman-run WHDs. This is not sim- desks, the WHDs helped to give visibility and however, will depend not only on the ease with
ply a function of increased personnel assigned ascribe value to work on women’s cases, rather which women are able to register cases, but
to the woman-run WHDs: Both woman-run than casting such work as peripheral to and also on the functioning of the broader crim-
WHDs and regular WHDs received additional therefore of lesser importance than other crime inal justice system. Last, the WHD interven-
high-ranked officers to operate the help desk prevention tasks. Further study is required tion did little to address deep-seated social
(table S9). It appears, then, that the presence to examine the effects of this mainstreaming, and economic structures that both drive vio-
of additional female officers is critical for over- which—in creating an enabling environment lence against women and inhibit women’s
coming barriers to FIR registration. This gender- in which to focus on women’s cases—may help access to justice. Efforts to address GBV nec-
differentiated effect for FIRs but not DIRs, us understand why female officers were partic- essarily require broader, multipronged ap-
we suggest, reflects the higher costs to officers ularly receptive to WHD training and protocols. proaches that extend beyond police reforms.
of filing an FIR. Unlike the DIR, the FIR auto- These observations carry important insights
matically initiates a criminal case, requiring for debates over representative bureaucracy Conclusion
substantial investments of police time for in- and the question of whether the presence of The urgent challenge of women’s security has
vestigation and in court proceedings. More- members of marginalized groups within a prompted police reform proposals worldwide,
over, to file an FIR, officers must push against public agency, such as the police, improves calling for increased female representation
strong norms within the police—articulated in performance (4, 5, 30). Our findings suggest among officers, gender-sensitization training,
our qualitative research—that prioritize “pro- that descriptive representation does matter; and specialized services for women. To date,
tecting families” by avoiding legal proceedings, female officers played a critical role in shaping however, the limited evidence available on the
in addition to dismissive narratives about “false the impact of the help desks. This, however, efficacy of these reforms has been mixed, if not
cases.” The DIR, though certainly not trivial, re- was not simply a matter of “feminizing” a po- pessimistic, especially within patriarchal set-
quires less from officers, in part because it ini- lice station by adding female officers. Far from it tings. Moreover, efforts aimed at mainstream-
tiates a civil rather than criminal case, and in the agency of female officers must be under- ing (rather than segregating) these reforms
part because it passes some of the burden to stood as part of the full WHD bundle, including have not been rigorously studied. Our exper-
other government agencies. It is also a relatively training, infrastructure, and higher-level sup- iment suggests that cautious optimism may
new practice that does not have the same norms ports that enabled those officers to work—both be warranted, providing evidence that gender-
pushing against it. Filing an FIR, in sum, requires as women and for women. Efforts to enhance targeted reforms can, under certain conditions,
higher levels of officer commitment, which we bureaucratic representation, this suggests, may improve police responsiveness to women.
see primarily within woman-run WHDs. hinge on institutional supports that activate the In addition to furthering our understanding
Questions remain about the sources of com- agency of underrepresented public personnel. In of police reform and representative bureauc-
mitment and the agency of female officers. the case of the WHDs, the mainstreamed nature racy, our results also carry policy implications
More research is required to explore the mech- of the intervention (housed in regular, mixed- as governments in India and elsewhere con-
anisms through which female officers affected gender police stations) may have played a cri- sider gender-targeted reforms. Indeed, informed
change through the WHDs, as well as on how tical role. Although we are not able to directly in part by these results, MPP has begun scaling
the WHD bundle affected female officers. How- compare the WHDs to all-women stations, up the WHD intervention to 700 police stations
ever, our qualitative research suggests two recent research suggests that the act of “seg- across the state. Studying this scale-up may help
avenues that, together, appear to empower regating” women’s cases may have the perverse us understand whether the observed changes in
female officers and increase their responsive- effect of marginalizing female complainants police behavior can be sustained, as well as
ness to women. First, the intervention worked (creating barriers and displacing cases) as well whether and how attitudinal change among
to build station-level capacity for action on as female officers (who are isolated and both police and citizens can take hold.
women’s cases, channeling resources to treat- sidelined from broader policing structures)
ment stations, while also introducing manuals (13, 30, 46). Locating women’s help desks in REFERENCES AND NOTES
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and Justice in São Paulo, Brazil (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005).
concerning “false cases” (significant for female women in our citizen survey aware of WHDs 13. N. Jassal, Am. Polit. Sci. Rev. 114, 1035–1054 (2020).
but not male officers). (table S20). Citizens’ attitudes toward the 14. C. Jackson, J. Public Econ. 96, 173–187 (2012).
15. V. Ceccato, A. Loukaitou-Sideris, Transit Crime and Sexual 38. World Health Organization, Putting Women First: Ethical and AC KNOWL ED GME NTS
Violence in Cities: International Evidence and Prevention Safety Recommendations for Research on Domestic Violence This study would not have been possible without the cooperation
(Routledge, 2020). Against Women (WHO, 2003). of the Madhya Pradesh Police department and its officials, in
16. E. Perova, S. A. Reynolds, Soc. Sci. Med. 174, 188–196 (2017). 39. Bhopal, Gwalior, Indore, and Jabalpur districts contain the particular V. Kapoor, A. Shankar, R. Kumar Shukla, S. Rana, and
17. S. Amaral, S. Bhalotra, N. Prakash, “Gender, crime and (eponymous) four largest cities in MP; the other districts are R. Tiwari; as well as the enormous efforts of the JPAL-SA research
punishment: Evidence from women police stations in India” Baitul, Balaghat, Morena, Panna, Ratlam, Rewa, Seoni, and Vidisha. team, in particular S. Bhattacharya, S. Suganya, S. Chandrasekhar,
Working paper, 2021. 40. The registration of crime must be distinguished from the M. Tikku, M. Walia, P. Kumar, P. Baruah, K. Ravishankar,
18. D. Kapur, J. Econ. Perspect. 34, 31–54 (2020). actual incidence of crime which, by nature, is not observable L. Diaz-Martin, S. Ramesh, and A. Bhargava; and the analysis team
19. Thomas Reuters Foundation, “The World’s Most Dangerous through official data given the many deterrents to both of J. Le, E. Robertson, and A. Kumar at UVA. We thank J. Doleac,
Countries for Women – 2018”; reporting and recording cases (1). O. Dube, S. Karim, S. Lakhtakia, A. Miller, P. Niehaus, S. Ostermann,
article/us-women-dangerous-poll-exclusive/exclusive-india- 41. Interviews took place over repeated station visits during a N. Prakash, S. Sekhri, M. Williams, four anonymous referees,
most-dangerous-country-for-women-with-sexual-violence-rife- 10-month period and were carried out by two Research and participants in various seminars and conferences for
global-poll-idUSKBN1JM01X. Assistants (RAs) trained in qualitative methods. RAs visited comments. IRB: The study received IRB approval from the
20. The Global Gender Gap Report 2021 (World Economic Forum, each station approximately twice per month. Each visit lasted University of Virginia (#2548), the Institute for Financial
2021). for a full day, yielding an average of 21.25 day-long visits per Management and Research in India (#7107), and Oxford University
21. A. Kalokhe et al., Glob. Public Health 12, 498–513 (2017). station. RAs interviewed four to six officers of different ranks in (SSH_SBS_C1A_18_065). Registration: The trial is registered (with
22. M. Berry, M. Lake, To End Violence Against Women, We Need to each station (including station chiefs, assigned help desk Pre-Analysis Plans) in the American Economic Association’s
Imagine New Futures (IPI Global Observatory, 2021). officers, and female officers where present). Interviews lasted randomized control trial registry under ID AEARCTR-0003357.
23. Noncognizable offences, by contrast, require police officers to for 1 hour on average, and most officers were interviewed Funding: This study was funded primarily by the Crime and
obtain warrants before arrests and court orders before multiple times. The qualitative research design is described in Violence Initiative (CVI) of the Jameel Poverty Action Lab (JPAL),
initiating investigation. our Pre-Analysis Plan, Section 8 (35). as well as the World Bank’s Sexual Violence Research Initiative
24. P. Roychowdhury, Capable Women, Incapable States: Negotiating (SVRI), with supplemental funding provided by the University of
42. DIRs filed are significantly higher if data until April 2019
Violence and Rights in India (Oxford Univ. Press. 2020). Virginia’s Center for Global Inquiry and Innovation (CGII) and the
are considered, which is not surprising because many
25. A. Banerjee, R. Chattopadhyay, E. Duflo, D. Keniston, N. Singh, University of Oxford. Author contributions: Authors contributed
treatment stations had received training by that time. There is
Am. Econ. J. Econ. Policy 13, 36–66 (2021). equally to conceptualization, design, and writing. S.S. was
no difference in DIRs when including only data before
26. L. Iyer, A. Mani, P. Mishra, P. Topalova, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. responsible for randomization and data analysis. Competing
July 2018 (prior to training). Excluding DIRs, out of 45
4, 165–193 (2012). interests: Authors declare that they have no competing interests.
coefficients only one is significant at the 5% and one at the
27. Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, Barriers in Accessing Data and materials availability: A Pre-Analysis Plan was
10% level.
Justice (CHRI, 2020). registered with the American Economic Association’s RCT Registry
43. This lack of movement on arrests is unsurprising given
28. Nationally, there are just 1.2 officers per 1000 people in India. at: All code,
the complex mix of factors that shape whether an arrest is
The United States, by comparison, has 2.3 police officers per and survey and administrative data used in the analysis are
appropriate (given the nature of a case), as well as the fact that
1000 people, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. available (with PII and police station names extracted to preserve
some complainants, facing family pressure, may not want
29. On politicization of the police in India, see (47). anonymity as required by IRB) on the JPAL dataverse hosted by
perpetrators arrested. Lack of increased arrests, therefore,
30. N. Jassal, J. Asian Stud. 80, 631–661 (2021). Harvard University (48). The raw CCTV videos will not be available
should not be interpreted solely as an indicator of police inaction.
31. CSDS, Status of Policing in India Report 2018: A Study of given privacy issues, but the final data used for analysis are
Performance and Perceptions (Centre for the Study of 44. Because of data collection issues (COVID-related and other-
available. All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are
Development Societies, New Delhi, 2018). wise) with the CCTV data, nearly one-third (55) of our study
present in the paper or the Supplementary Materials. License
32. The practice of reconciliation builds on Indian legislation, including stations are not included in our endline analysis of these
information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights reserved;
the 1984 Family Courts Act, and various Supreme Court directives, outcomes, so these results must be interpreted with caution.
exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of
which advise officers to provide “counseling” to preserve families. 45. The relatively tight standard error bounds visible in the figure
Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www.
33. Common Cause et al., Status of Policing in India 2019: Police suggest that these are precise null effects, which is
Adequacy and Working Conditions (Common Cause and Lokniti, unsurprising given deep-rooted attitudes.
2019). 46. Our aim and empirical strategy did not include a direct
34. Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, Rough Roads to comparison of the WHD intervention and all-women stations, SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
Equality: Women Police in South Asia (CHRI, 2015). which are entirely different models of policing. Moreover, there
35. Our Pre-Analysis Plans were registered with the American were only six all-women police stations in our study districts in Appendix S1: Clarifications and further background
Economic Association’s RCT Registry at https://www. MP during our study period. Appendix S2: Ethics statement 47. S. K. Mitra, “Policing and strategic reform” in The puzzle of Appendix S3: Tables S1 to S24
36. S. Neville et al., “Evaluation of the Madhya Pradesh Safe Cities India's Governance: Culture, Context and Comparative Theory
Appendix S4: Implementation timeline and details, table S25, and
Initiative. Baseline Report” (DFID, London, 2015). (Routledge, 2007).
figs. S1 to S6
37. C. Bradbury-Jones et al., Best Practice Guidelines in Relation to 48. S. Sukhtankar, G. Kruks-Wisner, A. Mangla, ‘Policing in
References (49–65)
Gender-Based Violence Research in Low- and Middle-Income patriarchy: An experimental evaluation of reforms to improve
Countries (Univ. of Birmingham/Institute for Global Innovation, police responsiveness to women in India,’ Harvard Dataverse, Submitted 7 October 2021; accepted 4 May 2022
2020). Version 2 (2022). 10.1126/science.abm7387
less otherwise stated.
s early as 1960, there were accounts from associated regions to process sensory dis- We next conducted conditioned place aver-
dental operations showing that music crimination and affective-motivation of pain sion (CPA) and conditioned place preference
and noise can induce analgesic effects through diverse subregions (16–19). Notably, (CPP) tests to assay the potential effects of
(1). Music delivered as an intervention the activity of the somatosensory thalamus can sound on the affective component of pain.
can alleviate postoperative and procedu- be affected by music and innocuous salient au- Five-dB, but not 15-dB, SNR white noise abol-
ral pain (2–4) and even refractory pain in the ditory stimuli (15, 20). Thus, the thalamus might ished the subthreshold von Frey (0.04 g) stimuli-
clinic (5, 6). Because diverse genres of music function as a bridge for audio-somatosensory induced place aversion in the CPA test and
and even nature sounds can relieve pain to an processing. However, the precise cell type– evoked a preference for the sound-delivery
equal extent (7), the inherent characteristics specific organization and the function(s) of the side in the CPP test (Fig. 1, G to J, and fig. S5).
of music or contextual factors—that is, not only thalamic circuits mediating sound-induced an- Taken together, these findings support that
to music per se—have been hypothesized to algesia remain largely unknown. low-SNR sound induces analgesia.
drive these analgesic effects (8). However, it is Pain perception is affected by emotion and
still unknown how it works. Sound-induced analgesia depends on a low stress (22, 23). Behavioral tests, including open
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) relative to ambient field, light-dark box, and elevated plus maze,
studies have implicated changes in the activity noise in mice showed that neither 5-dB nor 15-dB SNR
of multiple brain areas mediating pain process- Inspired by findings in humans, we investi- white noise evoked anxiety-like behaviors in
ing in humans exposed to music (9–12). To date, gated whether consonant sound (e.g., pleasant mice under acute pain conditions (CFA 3 days
the neural substrates underpinning cross-modal music for humans) may elicit analgesic effects or SNI 7 days) (fig. S6, A to F), and neither
audio-somatosensory interactions remain unclear. in mice with inflammatory pain induced by sound reduced anxiety under chronic pain
The thalamus relays multimodal sensory infor- hindpaw injection of complete Freund’s adju- conditions (CFA 21 days or SNI 42 days) (fig. S6,
mation (including auditory and somatosensory) vant (CFA) (Fig. 1A and fig. S1A). Because loud G to L). Moreover, no stress effects were in-
(13–15) and reciprocally connects with pain- noises (above ~75 dB) induce escape behavior volved in the sound-induced analgesia: (i) The
in mice (21), we delivered consonant sound to serum corticosterone level was unaffected by
1 CFA mice at a sound pressure level (SPL) of 5-dB SNR sound exposure (fig. S7), and (ii)
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, The First
Affiliated Hospital of USTC, Hefei National Laboratory for ~50 or ~60 dB through a closely positioned intrathecal application of the m opioid recep-
Physical Sciences at the Microscale, Division of Life Sciences audio speaker (ambient noise at 45-dB SPL). tor antagonist naloxone had no effect on 5-dB
and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China, Using von Frey filaments to assess me- SNR sound–induced increase in nociceptive
Hefei, PR China. 2Auditory Research Laboratory, Department of
Neurobiology and Biophysics, Division of Life Sciences and chanical sensitivity, we found that delivery thresholds (fig. S8).
Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, of consonant sound at a SPL of ~50 dB, but
PR China. 3School of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, not of ~60 dB, elevated the inflamed hindpaw Glutamatergic neurons in the auditory cortex
Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei, PR China. (ACx) are functionally connected to the
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, The
nociceptive threshold compared with CFA mice
First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei, PR exposed only to ambient noise (Fig. 1B). Not- thalamic posterior (PO) and ventral posterior
China. 5Department of Physiology, School of Basic Medical ably, this effect lasted for at least 2 days after (VP) nuclei
Sciences, Anhui Medical University, Hefei, PR China.
Somatosensation and Pain Unit, National Institute of Dental
repeated exposure to ~50-dB SPL consonant We next investigated the neural circuit(s) un-
and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), National Center for sound for 3 days (20 min per day). Notably, no derlying the observed low-SNR sound–induced
Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), National difference was detected in the nociceptive analgesia. In the brain, sound signals are gated
Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, USA. 7Department of thresholds among CFA mice exposed to ~50-dB by the medial geniculate body (MGB) before
Otolaryngology, The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC, Division of
Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and SPL consonant sound, dissonant sound, or reaching the ACx, which serves as the conver-
Technology of China, Hefei, PR China. white noise (Fig. 1, C and D, and fig. S1B). gence point for detailed analysis of sound
*Corresponding author. Email: (Z.Z.); Music-induced analgesia in humans may be (24, 25). Because both of these nuclei are pri- (W.T.); (Y.L.)
†These authors contributed equally to this work. attributable to the treatment environment (8). marily composed of glutamatergic neurons (26),
‡These authors contributed equally to this work. To test whether 50-dB SPL or the intensity we examined the presynaptic outputs from the
10 BL
20 in
30 in
40 in
50 in
indicated SPLs. (B to D) The Saline or CFA
mechanical nociceptive threshold
in CFA mice treated with or
10 BL
20 in
30 in
40 in
50 in
10 BL
20 in
30 in
40 in
50 in
in an environment with an ambient
noise at 45-dB SPL. BL, baseline. E Ambient noise at 57 dB SPL F
Ambient noise 5-dB SNR WN
Paw withdrawal threshold (g)
10 BL
20 in
30 in
40 in
50 in
Du e
Du e
Du e
Du e
assessed by the Hargreaves test in
CFA mice exposed to different G Sound H Ambient noise I J Ambient noise
SNR white noise (n = 10 mice Pre During 5-dB SNR WN Sound 5-dB SNR WN
each group; P < 0.0001). 3.0 15-dB SNR WN 2.5 15-dB SNR WN
(G) Schematic for the CPA test. Time (min) n.s. 2.0
(H) Summarized data for the von
l le
SNR, n = 9 mice; 15-dB SNR, CPP
0.04 g von Frey 0 0
n = 11 mice; P = 0.0165).
(I) Schematic for the CPP test.
(J) Summarized data for preference ratio for the sound-delivery side in CFA mice from the indicated group (ambient noise, n = 11 mice; 5-dB SNR, n = 10 mice;
15-dB SNR, n = 8 mice; P = 0.0015). The data are expressed as the means ± SEMs. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; n.s., not significant. Details of the
statistical analyses are presented in table S1.
ACxGlu and MGBGlu neurons into the brain re- gulate cortices, the primary and secondary neurons in any of these nuclei (fig. S10). Be-
gions tightly linked to pain processing (27–29). somatosensory cortices, the nucleus accumbens, cause the PO and VP receive prominent inputs
Specifically, we injected an adeno-associated the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray, the dorsal from the ACx and are known to relay noci-
viral vector (AAV)–DIO–membrane-bound green raphe nucleus, the rostroventral medulla, the ceptive information (30–32), we subsequently
fluorescent protein (mGFP)–Synaptophysin-mRuby parabrachial nucleus, and the basolateral and focused on the role of ACx→PO and ACx→VP
into these nuclei in Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent central amygdala, and no signals were de- circuits in sound-induced analgesia.
protein kinase II (CaMKII)–Cre mice (fig. S9, A tected in the spinal cord (fig. S9). We de- In vivo multitetrode recordings in freely
and B, and fig. S10, A and B). tected abundant mRuby signals in thalamic moving CFA mice showed that the spontane-
mRuby+ terminals originating from ACxGlu nuclei, including the PO and VP, but not in ous neuronal activity in the ACx was decreased
neurons were observed in the insular cortex the mediodorsal and central medial nuclei in response to white noise at 5-dB, but not 15-dB,
(ICx) but were very scarce in the medial pre- (fig. S9, M to P and R). Notably, we detected SNR (Fig. 2, A to C). Five-dB SNR white noise–
frontal cortex, the anterior and posterior cin- no mRuby signals originating from MGBGlu induced neuronal inhibition was mimicked on
the basis of (i) ACx infusion of Cre-dependent von Frey, Hargraves, CPA, and CPP tests. This neuronal activity was significantly increased
chemogenetic inhibitory hM4Di-mCherry vi- selective inhibition mimicked the effects from in CFA mice (fig. S17, I and J), and this ele-
ruses (AAV-DIO-hM4Di-mCherry) and (ii) intra- the 5-dB SNR white noise in both male and vation in neuronal activity was attenuated by
peritoneal injection with the hM4Di-agent female mice (Fig. 3, G to J; fig. S13J; and fig. exposure to 5-dB SNR white noise, but not
clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) in CaMKII-Cre mice. S14). By contrast, optical activation of the 15-dB SNR (Fig. 4, D and E, and fig. S17K).
The nociceptive thresholds were elevated upon ACxGlu→PO circuit abolished both neuronal In both male and female mice, bilateral
selective inactivation of ACxGlu neurons; condi- inhibition in the PO and analgesia induced optical inhibition of the eNpHR3.0-EYFP–
tioned aversion was abolished upon such in- by 5-dB SNR sound (fig. S15). containing ACxGlu terminals in the VP mimicked
hibition (Fig. 2, D and E). Conversely, bilateral To selectively monitor the response of PO- 5-dB SNR white noise–induced VP neuronal in-
optical activation of ACxGlu neurons expressing projecting ACx neurons to 5-dB SNR sound at hibition (Fig. 4, F and G) and analgesia (Fig. 4,
AAV-DIO-ChR2-mCherry abolished the 5-dB single-neuron resolution, we infused a retroAAV- H to J; fig. S17, L and M; and fig. S18). Optical
SNR white noise–induced analgesia in CaMKII- Cre virus into the PO and an AAV expressing activation of the ACxGlu→VP circuit abolished
Cre mice (fig. S11). Cre-dependent fluorescent Ca2+ indicator both elevation of nociceptive thresholds (fig.
We then characterized both ACx→PO and GCaMP6m (AAV-DIO-GCaMP6m) into the ipsi- S19, A to C) and neuronal inhibition in the VP
ACx→VP circuits in greater detail. We per- lateral ACx, accompanied with the mounting of induced by 5-dB SNR sound (fig. S19, D to F).
formed anterograde monosynaptic tracing by a microendoscopic gradient index (GRIN) lens Microendoscopic calcium imaging showed
ACx injection with AAV1-Cre–enhanced green at the top of the ACx (fig. S16A). The Ca2+ that the spontaneous Ca2+ transient frequency
fluorescent protein (EGFP) virus along with transient frequency of these ACx neurons was of VP-projecting ACx neurons was attenuated
ipsilateral PO and VP injection of Cre-dependent decreased after exposure to 5-dB, but not 15-dB, during exposure to 5-dB, but not 15-dB, SNR
DIO-EGFP, which revealed numerous EGFP+ SNR white noise in freely moving CFA mice white noise (fig. S20, A to D). In contrast to
neurons in the PO and VP (Fig. 2F). These PO (fig. S16, B and C). The activity of PO neurons that of POACx neurons, the Ca2+ transient fre-
and VP EGFP+ neurons colocalized with gluta- receiving ACx projections (POACx) was mea- quency of VP neurons receiving ACx projec-
matergic neurons but not with g-aminobutyric sured in mice with ACx infusion of AAV1-Cre tions (VPACx) was rapidly increased by punctate
acid–releasing (GABAergic) neurons (Fig. 2, G virus and ipsilateral PO infusion of AAV-DIO- mechanical stimulation of inflamed forepaws,
and H, and fig. S12, A to C). GCaMP6m (Fig. 3, K and L). The Ca2+ tran- but not hindpaws (movies S7 and S8). The
Retrograde tracing by PO injection with sient frequency of POACx neurons was rapidly spontaneous Ca2+ transient frequency of these
a retroAAV expressing tdTomato (retroAAV- increased by punctate mechanical stimuli neurons was enhanced in CFA mice compared
tdTomato) and VP injection with a retroAAV (movies S3 and S4). The spontaneous Ca 2+ with saline mice (fig. S20, E and F), which was
expressing EGFP (retroAAV-EGFP) showed transient frequency of these neurons was ele- attenuated by exposure to 5-dB, but not 15-dB,
that retrogradely labeled tdTomato+ neurons vated in CFA mice compared with saline mice SNR white noise (Fig. 4, K to M).
were abundant in ACx layer 6 (L6), whereas (fig. S16, D to F), and the increased frequency The 5-dB SNR sound–induced elevation of
EGFP+ neurons were abundant in ACx L5 was attenuated during exposure to 5-dB, but the forepaw nociceptive threshold was mimicked
(Fig. 2, I and J). Both the PO- and VP-projecting not 15-dB, SNR white noise (Fig. 3, M and N). upon chemogenetic inhibition of VPACx neu-
ACx neurons colocalized with glutamatergic The POACx neurons were then selectively rons and was blocked upon activation of these
rather than GABAergic neurons (Fig. 2, K and manipulated to experimentally validate their neurons (fig. S20, G to I). Notably, the hindpaw
L, and fig. S12, D to F). Whole-cell recordings participation in sound-induced analgesia. We nociceptive threshold was not affected by op-
combined with optogenetics in brain slices injected AAV1-Cre virus into the ACx while tical activation or inhibition of the ACxGlu→VP
showed that brief light stimulation of ChR2- concurrently injecting a viral vector express- circuit, and neither optical activation nor in-
containing ACxGlu terminals in the PO or VP ing either Cre-dependent hM3Dq-mCherry or hibition of the ACxGlu→PO circuit affected the
reliably elicited glutamate-mediated excitatory hM4Di-mCherry into the PO (fig. S16G). We forepaw nociceptive threshold (fig. S21). Com-
postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) (Fig. 2, M to P). found bilateral chemogenetic inhibition of parable results were obtained upon chemo-
POACx neurons recapitulated 5-dB SNR sound– genetic manipulations of VPACx or POACx neurons
Inhibition of the ACxGlu→PO circuit mediates induced analgesia (fig. S16H). By contrast, chemo- (fig. S22).
sound-induced hindpaw analgesia genetic activation of these neurons blocked the Given that the ICx, a higher-order cortex
We conducted in vivo multitetrode and fiber 5-dB SNR sound–induced analgesia (fig. S16I). influenced by music in humans (9–11), receives
photometry recordings in freely moving CFA ACx projections (fig. S9C), we examined the
mice. PO rather than VP neurons were rapidly Sound-induced forepaw analgesia mediated by potential role of the ACxGlu→ICx circuit in
activated by punctate mechanical stimulation inhibition of the ACxGlu→VP circuit sound-induced analgesia. Optical activation of
of inflamed hindpaws (Fig. 3, A to C; fig. S13, A The VP mediates somatosensation of the upper ACxGlu terminals in the ICx did not affect 5-dB
to D; and movies S1 and S2). PO neuronal ac- limbs (33). Given our findings of a functional SNR sound–induced elevation of nociceptive
tivity was significantly enhanced in CFA mice ACxGlu→VP connection, we further investi- thresholds of inflamed paws, whereas optical
compared with saline-treated controls (fig. S13, gated whether this circuit participates in 5-dB inhibition of this circuit in the absence of sound
E and F), which was attenuated by 5-dB, but SNR sound–induced analgesia. We observed a had no effects on pain hypersensitivity (fig. S23).
not 15-dB, SNR white noise (Fig. 3, D and E, significant increase in nociceptive thresholds Taken together, our results demonstrate that the
and fig. S13G). Similar sound-induced inhib- of the CFA-injected forepaw along with a observed analgesia from 5-dB SNR sound is me-
itory effects on PO neurons were observed reduction in place aversion upon 5-dB, but diated by the ACx→PO circuit for hindpaws and
after optical inhibition of the ACxGlu termi- not 15-dB, SNR white noise (fig. S17, A to E). by the ACx→VP circuit for forepaws (fig. S24).
nals in the PO of CaMKII-Cre mice treated Both in vivo multitetrode and fiber photome-
with ACx infusion of a Cre-dependent AAV try recordings in freely moving mice revealed Discussion
carrying eNpHR3.0–enhanced yellow fluores- that neuronal activity in the VP—but not the The neural circuit responsible for processing
cent protein (EYFP) (AAV-DIO–eNpHR3.0– PO—was rapidly enhanced by punctate me- sound-induced analgesia has long remained
EYFP) (Fig. 3F and fig. S13, H and I). chanical stimulation of inflamed forepaws elusive. Here, we describe the analgesic effects
We then performed bilateral optical inhibi- (Fig. 4, A to C; fig. S17, F to H; and movies S5 of sound at low SNR through inhibition of
tion of the ACxGlu→PO circuit and conducted and S6). Compared with saline mice, the VP audio-somatosensory corticothalamic circuits.
A Amplifier B C D
ACx in vivo recording 5-dB SNR ACxGlu inactivation
60 n.s.
15-dB SNR
1.5 1.5
0.1 mV
1.0 1.0
1 100 ms 20
0.5 0.5
0 n.s.
Du e
Du re
0.0 0
mCherry Thalamus : EGFP PO : EGFP/Glu/DAPI VP : EGFP/Glu/DAPI
hM4Di-mCherry AAV1-Cre 100
LP 90
PO 80
10 n.s. VP
PO/VP 70
5 st
rAAV2/2-tdTomato 100
rAAV2/2-EGFP 50
DIO-ChR2-mCherry SF Q S Q ACx
Light evoked response (pA)
Light evoked response (pA)
0 0
R ACx 0 mV 0 mV -100
-100 -70 mV
-70 mV
PO -200 PO L5
VP -300
50 pA
50 pA 20 ms
-300 -400
20 ms
CaMKII-Cre mice -400 -500 VP
Fig. 2. ACxGlu neurons project to VPGlu and POGlu neurons. (A) Schematic DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. (I) Schematic for retrograde tracing.
for multitetrode recording in freely moving mice. (B and C) Raster plots (J) Representative images showing EGFP+ and tdTomato+ neurons in
and voltage traces of the spontaneous firings recorded in the ACx (B) the ACx. Scale bars, 100 mm. (K and L) Representative images of the
and summarized data (5-dB SNR, n = 25 cells from four mice; 15-dB SNR, colocalization of EGFP-labeled PO- and VP-projecting ACx neurons
n = 22 cells from four mice; P = 0.0053) (C). (D and E) Summarized with glutamate immunofluorescence (K) and summarized data
data for the mechanical nociceptive threshold (mCherry, n = 10 mice; (n = 4 slices) (L). Scale bars, 50 mm. (M) Schematic for viral injection
hM4Di-mCherry, n = 8 mice; BL, P = 0.3816; CNO, P < 0.0001) [(D), left], and whole-cell recordings. R, recording. (N and O) Representative traces
place aversion (n = 9 mice each group; P = 0.0006) [(D), right], and and summarized data for light-evoked postsynaptic currents recorded
thermal nociceptive threshold (n = 10 mice each group; P < 0.0001) (E) in CFA in PO neurons (n = 12 cells from four mice; P = 0.0002) (N) and VP
mice upon chemogenetic inhibition of ACxGlu neurons. (F) Schematic neurons (n = 14 cells from four mice; P < 0.0001) (O). ACSF, artificial
for anterograde tracing and representative image of EGFP-expressing cerebrospinal fluid; DNQX, 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione. (P) A
neurons in the PO and VP. Scale bar, 500 mm. LP, lateral posterior thalamic model of ACxGlu→PO and ACxGlu→VP circuits. GluRs, glutamate
nucleus; st, stria terminalis. (G and H) Representative images showing the receptors. The data are expressed as the means ± SEMs. ***P < 0.001;
colocalization of EGFP-labeled neurons with glutamate (Glu) immuno- n.s., not significant. Details of the statistical analyses are presented
fluorescence (G) and summarized data (n = 4 slices) (H). Scale bars, 50 mm. in table S1.
FR BL (Hz)
FR BL (Hz)
1 0 0
40 40
0.1 mV
0.1 mV
1 100 ms
von Frey von Frey 100 ms
20 20
0 0
von Frey 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
FR von Frey (Hz) FR von Frey (Hz)
D PO in vivo recording
E F 60 30
60 Control
5-dB SNR 20
Control 5-dB SNR
FR Light On (Hz)
Firing Rate (Hz) 40 10
40 n.s. 0
100 ms 20
100 ms 20
Light On
0.1 mV
0 0
Du e
Du e
0 20 40 60
FR Pre-light (Hz)
G H 15 eNpHR3.0-EYFP I 0.6 eNpHR3.0-EYFP J eNpHR3.0-EYFP
Paw withdrawal threshold (g)
ACx n.s.
5 0.2
PO 0.5
Lig e
Po t
Lig e
Lig e
Po t
Sound Scope DIO-GCaMP6m/DAPI Pre-noise During-noise 15 5-dB SNR
15-dB SNR
AAV1-Cre lens
1 min dF/F0
5-dB SNR
10 n.s.
ACx GRIN lens
15-dB SNR
Du e
Fig. 3. Low-SNR sound inhibits the ACxGlu→PO circuit to induce analgesia for optogenetic inhibition of the ACxGlu→PO circuit. (H to J) Summarized data
on hindpaws. (A) Schematic for multitetrode recording in freely moving for the thermal nociceptive threshold (EYFP, n = 10 mice; eNpHR3.0-EYFP, n = 9 mice;
mice with punctate mechanical stimulation (von Frey filament, 0.04 g). P < 0.0001) (H), mechanical nociceptive threshold (EYFP, n = 8 mice; eNpHR3.0-
(B and C) Raster plots, voltage traces, and summarized data for the EYFP, n = 9 mice; P < 0.0001) (I), and place aversion (n = 10 mice each group;
spontaneous firings recorded in VP neurons (n = 19 cells from four mice; P = 0.0001) (J) after optical inhibition of the ACxGlu→PO circuit in CFA mice.
P = 0.5079) (B) and in PO neurons (n = 27 cells from five mice; P = 0.0003) (K) Schematic for vial injection and microendoscopic calcium imaging. (L) A
(C) before and during punctate mechanical stimulation of CFA-injected typical image showing the GCaMP6m fluorescence and track of lens in
hindpaws. FR BL, firing rate baseline. (D and E) Raster plots and voltage the PO. Scale bar, 200 mm. rt, reticular thalamic nucleus. (M and N) Representative
traces of the spontaneous firings recorded in PO neurons in CFA mice traces of spontaneous Ca2+ signal transient recorded in PO neurons receiving
with or without 5-dB SNR white noise exposure (D) and summarized data ACx projections (M) and summarized data (5-dB SNR, n = 20 cells from four
(control, n = 24 cells from four mice; 5-dB SNR, n = 47 cells from eight mice; mice; 15-dB SNR, n = 15 cells from four mice; P < 0.0001) (N). dF/F0, the
P < 0.0001) (E). (F) Raster plots of the spontaneous firings recorded in PO change in fluorescence (dF) over the baseline fluorescence (F0) of calcium
neurons before and during optical inhibition of the ACxGlu→PO circuit (left) and spikes. The data are expressed as the means ± SEMs. **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001;
summarized data (n = 71 cells from seven mice; P < 0.0001) (right). (G) Schematic n.s., not significant. Details of the statistical analyses are presented in table S1.
60 10 50
FR BL (Hz)
FR BL (Hz)
0 0
0.1 mV
0.1 mV
0.1 mV
100 ms 100 ms
1 von Frey100 ms von Frey 50
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 50 100 150
von Frey FR von Frey (Hz) FR von Frey (Hz)
FR Light On (Hz)
n.s. 0.3
Firing Rate (Hz)
80 60 6 n.s.
100 ms 40 4
40 n.s.
Light On
20 2
0 0 0 0.0
Du e
Du re
0 20 40 60 80 100
Lig e
Po t
Lig e
Po t
Lig e
Lig e
Po t
Po t
FR Pre-light (Hz)
L Pre-noise During-noise
2.0 15 5-dB SNR 15-dB SNR
Aversion for dark side
5-dB SNR
lens n.s.
1 min 10
rt PO
VP 5
15-dB SNR
Fig. 4. Inhibition of the ACxGlu→VP circuit mediates low-SNR sound– data (n = 67 cells from seven mice; t66 = 12.14; P < 0.0001) (G). (H to J)
induced analgesia on forepaws. (A) Schematic for multitetrode recording in Summarized data for the thermal (EYFP, n = 10 mice; eNpHR3.0-EYFP, n = 9
the VP or PO of freely moving mice. (B and C) Raster plots, voltage traces, and mice; F2,34 = 20.98; P < 0.0001) (H) and mechanical (EYFP, n = 10 mice;
summarized data for the spontaneous firings recorded in PO neurons (n = 36 eNpHR3.0-EYFP, n = 9 mice; F2,34 = 13.25; P < 0.0001) (I) nociceptive thresholds
cells from four mice; t35 = 1.749; P = 0.089) (B) and VP neurons (n = 18 cells of CFA-injected forepaws and place aversion (EYFP, n = 10 mice; eNpHR3.0-
from four mice; t17 = 7.373; P < 0.0001) (C) before and during punctate EYFP, n = 9 mice; t17 = 5.648; P < 0.0001) (J) upon optical inhibition of the
mechanical stimulation (von Frey filament, 0.02 g) of inflamed forepaws. ACxGlu→VP circuit. (K) A typical image of GCaMP6m fluorescence and track of
(D and E) Raster plots and voltage traces of the spontaneous firings recorded in the lens in the VP. Scale bar, 200 mm. (L and M) Representative traces (L) of
VP neurons from CFA mice with or without 5-dB SNR white noise exposure spontaneous Ca2+ signals recorded in VP neurons receiving ACx projections and
(D) and summarized data (control, n = 21 cells from four mice; 5-dB SNR, n = 23 summarized data (5-dB SNR, n = 35 cells from four mice; 15-dB SNR, n = 36
cells from four mice; F1,42 = 24.18; P < 0.0001) (E). (F and G) Raster plots cells from four mice; F1,69 = 24.24; P < 0.0001) (M). The data are expressed as
of the spontaneous activity recorded in VP neurons before and during optical the means ± SEMs. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001; n.s., not significant. Details of
inhibition of the ACxGlu→VP circuit in CFA-treated mice (F) and summarized the statistical analyses are presented in table S1.
Specifically, we reveal that the distinct roles given that the analgesic effects persisted for cated in the effect of sound on pain processing
of the ACxGlu→PO and ACxGlu→VP circuits in at least 2 days after sound withdrawal. and could expedite the study of music-induced
sound-induced analgesia depend on the phys- The neural mechanisms underlying music- analgesia. In the future, these findings could
ical location of the pain. induced analgesia in humans are doubtlessly spur the development of alternative interven-
In mice, we found that sound-induced anal- more complicated than those revealed in mice tions for treating pain.
gesia depended on its low SNR rather than (34). In humans, multiple areas that are in-
harmony, which is supported by a previous volved in pain processing, including the ICx,
hypothesis that music-induced analgesia is striatum, and midbrain dopamine system, do REFERENCES AND NOTES
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ing pathway defined by the lattice spacing). in cuprate strange metals and their
In “strange metals,” by contrast, no satu- corresponding superfluid density, as
ration occurs, implying that the quasipar- revealed here, certainly hints at a fun-
ticle description breaks down and electrons damental link between the nature of
are no longer the primary charge carriers. re ( strange metallicity and superconduc-
When the particle picture breaks down, no
Te mp tivity in the cuprates. And as the gravity-
local entity carries the current. inspired theories mature and overcome
the challenge of projecting their power-
ADVANCES: A new classification of metal- ful mathematical machinery onto the
licity is not a purely academic exercise, appropriate crystallographic lattice,
however, as strange metals tend to be the Curved spacetime with a black hole in its interior and the so too will we hope to build with con-
high-temperature phase of some of the strange metal arising on the boundary. This picture is fidence a complete theory of strange
best superconductors available. Under- based on the string theory gauge-gravity duality conjecture by metals as they emerge from the horizon
standing high-temperature superconduc-
tivity stands as a grand challenge because
J. Maldacena, which states that some strongly interacting
quantum mechanical systems can be studied by replacing them
of a black hole.
its resolution is fundamentally rooted in with classical gravity in a spacetime in one higher dimension.
the physics of strong interactions, a re- The conjecture was made possible by thinking about some of the The list of author affiliations is available in the full article
gime where electrons no longer move inde- fundamental components of string theory, namely D-branes online.
*Corresponding author. Email:
pendently. Precisely what new emergent (the horseshoe-shaped object terminating on a flat surface in
Cite this article as P. W. Phillips et al., Science 377,
phenomena one obtains from the inter- the interior of the spacetime). A key surprise of this conjecture eabh4273 (2022). DOI: 10.1126/science.abh4273
actions that drive the electron dynamics is that aspects of condensed matter systems in which the
above the temperature where they super- electrons interact strongly—such as strange metals—can be READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT
conduct is one of the most urgent problems studied using gravity.
o understand the essential tension be- no system parameters enter tP, this quantity comes comparable with the interatomic spacing
tween quantum mechanics and gravity, occupies a similar fundamental role in anal- a or more generally the Fermi wavelength lF—
simply imagine two electrons impinging ogy to the Planck length and is referred to as the minimum length over which a Bloch wave
on the event horizon of a black hole. the Planckian dissipation time. Equation 2 has and its associated Fermi velocity and wave vec-
Whereas classical gravity predicts that had previous incarnations (1, 2); in the realm tor can be defined. In many correlated metals,
they meet at the center, quantum mechanics of charge transport, relevant to this article, it collectively referred to as “bad metals,” ‘ < a at
forbids this if the electrons have the same defines the time scale for scale-invariant or high T, which violates the so-called Mott-Ioffe-
spin. In essence, classical gravity has no way Planckian dissipation (3). Scale invariance fol- Regel (MIR) limit (5, 6, 1, 16–18). Remarkably,
of preserving Pauli exclusion. Replacing clas- lows because there is no scale other than tem- no saturation occurs in these bad metals across
sical general relativity with a quantum theory perature appearing in tP. Achieving such scale the MIR threshold, implying that the whole
of gravity at small enough scales resolves the invariance necessitates a highly entangled many- notion of a Fermi velocity of quasiparticles
problem, but what is this scale? body state. Such a state would lead to the break- breaks down at high T. In certain cases, an
In 1899, Planck formulated a universal length down of a local single-particle framework and example of which is shown in Fig. 1, there is no
now regarded as the scale below which a quan- the advent of new collective nonlocal entities as discernible change in slope as the MIR limit is
tum theory of gravity supplants its classical the charge carriers. Identifying the new prop- exceeded. Although this circumstance occurs
counterpart. The Planck scale, agating degrees of freedom constitutes the key only in a narrow doping window (in cuprates)
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi mystery of strange metals. (18), such continuity does suggest that, even
ħG Whereas the Planck scale ‘P requires high- at low T, quasiparticles (19) cannot be the
‘P ¼ ð1Þ
c3 energy accelerators much beyond anything
now in use, such is not the case with physics
obtains by pure dimensional analysis on three at the Planckian dissipation limit. Early tabletop
fundamental constants: the speed of light, experiments on cuprate superconductors, for
c, Newton’s gravitational constant, G, and the example, revealed a “strange metal” regime
quantum of uncertainty, ħ (Planck’s constant, h, defined by a robust T-linear resistivity extend-
divided by 2p). This leads naturally to a Planck ing to the highest temperatures measured (4–6)
time as the ratio of the Planck length to the (Fig. 1), a possible harbinger of Planckian dissi-
speed of light, ‘P/c. Such a Planckian analysis pation. Recall that in a Fermi liquid, the con-
can be extended to many-body systems in con- ductivity can be well described by a Drude
tact with a heat bath. All that is necessary is to formula,
include the temperature T. A similar dimen-
ne e2
sional analysis then leads to s¼ ttr ð3Þ
tP ¼ ð2Þ where ne is the charge carrier density, e is the
kB T
charge of an electron, m is its mass, and ttr is
as the shortest time for heat loss in a many- the transport lifetime, defined as
body system obeying quantum mechanics,
where kB is Boltzmann’s constant. Because ħEF EF
ttr ¼ 2 ¼ k T tP ð4Þ
ðkB T Þ B Fig. 1. T-linear resistivity in strange metals.
Shown is the in-plane resistivity of La2–xSrxCuO4
Department of Physics and Institute for Condensed Matter which contains the Fermi energy EF of the (x = 0.21). The dotted points are extrapolated from
Theory, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA. 2H. H.
Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 quasiparticles. No such energy scale appears high-field magnetoresistance data (8). The shaded
1TL, UK. 3High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML-EMFL) and in Eq. 2. If the scattering rate in cuprates is area shows the Mott-Ioffe-Regel (MIR) boundary
Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University, directly proportional to the resistivity, as it is defined here as when the mean free path becomes
6525 ED Nijmegen, Netherlands. 4Department of Physics,
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA. in simple metals, T-linear resistivity is equivalent comparable to the Fermi wavelength lF. [Adapted
*Corresponding author. Email: to scale-invariant Planckian dissipation only from (8, 18)]
effective propagating degrees of freedom. carry the current, and if not, does explicating Sr2RuO4 (36), exhibit T-linear resistivity at high
Evidently, in strongly correlated electron mat- the propagating degrees of freedom in the T with a magnitude that clearly violates the
ter, the current-carrying degrees of freedom in strange metal require a theory as novel as MIR limit, but as the system cools down, con-
the infrared (IR) need not have a particle quantum gravity? ventional Fermi-liquid behavior is restored
interpretation. (37, 63). Hence, although they are bona fide
Over time, the label “strange metal” has Is strange metallicity ubiquitous? bad metals—exhibiting metallic resistivity be-
seemingly become ubiquitous, used to describe A survey of the DC transport properties of yond the MIR limit—they do not classify as
any metallic system whose transport properties several strange metal candidates is presented strange (16, 64).
display behavior that is irreconcilable with in Table 1 (4, 6, 8, 10, 20–61). In addressing Another subset, identified here as quantum
conventional Fermi liquid or Boltzmann trans- the above question, we must first acknowl- critical metals, exhibit T-linear resistivity down
port theory. This catch-all phraseology, how- edge the many definitions of strange metallic to the lowest temperatures studied, but only at
ever, is unhelpful, as it fails to differentiate behavior that exist, the simplest being a ma- a singular quantum critical point (QCP) in their
between the various types of non–Fermi liquid terial hosting a metallic-like resistivity in the T versus tuning parameter g phase diagram at
behavior observed, some of which deserve spe- absence of quasiparticles. A more precise, if which a continuous quantum phase transition
cial deliberation on their own. We attempt empirical, definition centers on the T-linear to a symmetry-broken phase is suppressed to
to bring strange metal phenomenology into resistivity, specifically one that is distinguish- T = 0. Here, g can be pressure, magnetic field,
sharper focus by addressing a number of per- able from the resistivity manifested by simple doping level, or even strain. In most cases, the
tinent questions. Does the term refer to the metals (which is attributed to electron-phonon phase transition in question is associated with
resistive behavior of correlated electron sys- scattering). For a metal to be classified as finite-momentum antiferromagnetism [as in
tems at high or low temperatures, or both? strange, the T-linearity must extend far beyond pure YbRh2Si2 (49), CeCoIn5 (55), and BaFe2
Does it describe any T-linear resistivity asso- the typical bounds associated with phonon- (As1–xPx)2 (45)], although similar behavior has
ciated with the Planckian time scale, or some- mediated resistivity. At low T, this is typically recently been reported in systems exhibit-
thing unique? Does it describe the physics of one-third of the Debye temperature, whereas ing zero-momentum order, such as nematic
a doped Mott insulator or the physics associated at high T, it is the temperature at which the FeSe1–xSx (41) or ferromagnetic CeRh6Ge4
with quantum criticality (whose underlying magnitude of the resistivity is roughly half the (57). Away from the QCP, the low-T resistivity
origins may or may not include Mottness as value corresponding to the MIR limit. A subset recovers the canonical T2 Fermi liquid form,
a key ingredient)? Finally, does anything local of correlated metals, such as SrRuO3 (62) and albeit with a coefficient that is enhanced as the
Table 1. Summary of the DC transport properties of various strange finite region of the phase diagram. Fifth column: T2 dependence of the
metal candidates. First column: Candidate compound or family of inverse Hall angle cot QH in the same temperature range where r(T)
compounds. For the hole-doped cuprates, underdoped (UD), optimally is T-linear. Sixth column: Compounds satisfying the “Modified Kohler’s”
doped (OP) and overdoped (OD) compounds are treated separately; the label have a low-field magnetoresistance (MR), defined as [r(H, T) –
transport properties of individual compounds within each subset are r(0, T)]/r(0, T), that exhibits a T dependence similar to that of tan2 QH.
generic. For the electron-doped cuprates, only La2–xCexCuO4 is listed; Seventh and eighth columns: High-field MR behavior of strange metal
Pr- and Nd-based compounds show similar behavior. Second column: Bad candidates. The observation of an H-linear MR at high fields does not
metallic behavior; a check mark indicates T-linear resistivity beyond the imply that the MR exhibits quadrature scaling over all fields and
Mott-Ioffe-Regel (MIR) limit. A cross indicates either a tendency toward temperatures. *FeSe1–xSx H-linear/quadrature MR seen in this family
saturation or a marked reduction in slope near the MIR limit. Third coexists with a more conventional MR contribution, indicating the
column: A check mark identifies systems that at any point in their presence of both strange metal and Fermi liquid–like components in the
respective phase diagram(s) exhibit T-linear resistivity down to the lowest DC transport. **In YbBAl4, although T-linear resistivity is observed over a
temperatures studied. Fourth column: “Extended criticality” refers to wide pressure range, its limiting low-T dependence is T1.5. A dash
systems where a predominant T-linear resistivity at low T extends over a indicates no reports confirming or disproving the considered behavior.
QCP is approached and the order parameter scaling MR coexists with a more conventional (MATBG) (60)], pressure [for YbBAl4 (53) and
fluctuations soften. orbital MR (43). Both sets of behavior highlight the organics (58)], or magnetic field [for Ge-
By contrast, in overdoped cuprates [both once again the possible coexistence of two re- doped YbRh2Si2 (51)]. If quantum criticality is
hole- (8, 9) and electron-doped (31, 32)], Ge- laxation times or two distinct charge-carrying the cause, then it is difficult to fathom how a
doped YbRh2Si2 (51), YbBAl4 (53), and the sectors in real materials. Curiously, in single- thermodynamic quantity can be fashioned to
organic Bechgaard salts (58), r(T) is predom- band materials, quadrature scaling breaks diverge over an entire phase.
inantly T-linear down to low T not at a singular down inside the pseudogap regime (26, 27), Despite these difficulties, it is worth explor-
point in these materials’ respective phase dia- whereas modified Kohler’s scaling is recov- ing the connection T-linear resistivity has with
grams, but over an extended range of the ered (23, 25), suggesting that the two pheno- continuous quantum critical phenomena, which
relevant tuning parameter. At first sight, this mena may be mutually exclusive in such for the sake of argument we presume to be tied
“extended criticality” is difficult to reconcile materials. In multiband materials such as to a singular point in the phase diagram. Re-
with current theories of quantum criticality, FeSe1–xSx, on the other hand, these differ- gardless of the origin of the QCP, universality
which predict a crossover to a purely T2 resis- ent manifestations of strange metallic trans- allows us to answer a simple question: What
tivity and thus a recovery of Fermi liquid be- port appear side by side (42, 43). Irrespective constraints does quantum criticality place on
havior at low T everywhere except at the of these caveats and complexities, what is the T dependence of the resistivity? The answer
(singular) QCP. Arguably, it is this feature— striking about the quadrature-scaling MR is to this question should be governed only by the
incompatibility with both standard Fermi liquid that it occurs in systems with varied Fermi fundamental length scale for the correlations.
and quantum critical scenarios—that distin- surface topologies, dominant interactions, and The simplest formulation of quantum critical-
guishes a genuine strange metal. Intriguingly, energy scales, hinting at some universal but as ity is single-parameter scaling in which the
in many of these systems, a1 is found to scale yet unidentified organizing principle. spatial and temporal correlations are governed
with the superconducting transition temper- Restricting the strange metal moniker, as by the same diverging length (see Fig. 2).
ature Tc. Moreover, for La2–xCexCuO4 (31, 32) done here, to materials that exhibit low-T Making the additional assumption that the
and bis-(tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene) T-linear resistivity over an extended region of relevant charge carriers are formed from the
hexafluorophosphate [(TMTSF)2PF 6] (58), phase space likewise restricts strange metal- quantum critical fluctuations, we find that a
extended criticality emerges once the spin licity to a select “club.” The following sections simple scaling analysis on the singular part of
density wave transition has been fully sup- explore various possible attributes that they the free energy results in the scaling law
pressed, suggesting an intimate link between have in common.
q2 kB T ðd2Þ=z
the strange metal transport, superconductivity, sðw ¼ 0; T Þ ¼ f ðw ¼ 0Þ ð5Þ
and the presence of critical or long-wavelength Is it quantum criticality? ħ ħc
spin fluctuations. In hole-doped cuprates, how- Scale-free T-linear resistivity is highly sugges- (73) for the T dependence of the conductivity,
ever, the strange metal regime looks different, tive of some form of underlying quantum crit- where f(w = 0) is a nonzero constant, q is the
in the sense that the extended criticality em- icality in which the only relevant scale is the
erges beyond the end of the pseudogap regime temperature governing collisions between
that does not coincide with a magnetic quan- excitations of the order parameter (66). In
tum phase transition (65). Furthermore, al- fact, following the advent of marginal Fermi
though the pseudogap plays host to a multitude liquid (MFL) phenomenology and its associated
of broken-symmetry states, the jury is still out (T, w)-linear self energies (67), the common
as to whether any of these are responsible for interpretation of such T-linear resistivity was
pseudogap formation or are merely instabil- and still remains the nucleus of ideas centered
ities of it. on quantum criticality. The strict definition of
Besides T-linear resistivity, strange metals quantum criticality requires the divergence of
also exhibit anomalous behavior in their mag- a thermodynamic quantity. In heavy fermion
netotransport, including (i) a quadratic tem- metals, the electronic heat capacity ratio Cel/T
perature dependence of the inverse Hall angle indeed grows as ln(1/T) as the antiferromag-
cot QH = sxy/sxx (24), (ii) a transverse mag- netic correlations diverge (49, 55, 68). In cer-
netoresistance (MR) that at low field exhibits tain hole-doped cuprates, Cel/T also scales as
modified Kohler’s scaling [Dr/r(0) º tan2 ln(1/T) at doping levels close to the end of
QH º (1/T2)2 or 1/(A + BT2)2 (25)], and/or (iii) the pseudogap regime (69), although here,
an H-linear MR at high fields that may or evidence for a divergent length scale of an Fig. 2. Single-parameter scaling hypothesis.
may notqfollow quadrature
ffi scaling [whereby associated order parameter is currently lacking Depicted here is the collective scaling of a physical
Dr/T º 1 þ gðH=T Þ2] (43, 47). The combination (70). Moreover, photoemission suggests that at system near a critical point. The essential idea is
of a modified Kohler’s rule and T2 Hall angle a T-independent critical doping pc ≈ 0.19, all that the correlations within each of the blocks
has been interpreted to indicate the presence signatures of incoherent spectral features that shown are independent of one another. That is,
of distinct relaxation times, either for differ- define the strange metal cease, giving way to a spatial correlations in a volume smaller than the
ent loci in momentum space (22) or for relax- more conventional coherent response (71). The correlation volume, xd, and temporal correlations on
ation processes normal and tangential to the abruptness of the transition suggests that it is a time scale shorter than xt are small, and space-
underlying Fermi surface (24). The H-linear first-order, posing a challenge to interpreta- time regions of size xdxt behave as independent
MR, on the other hand, is inextricably tied to tions based solely on criticality. blocks. At the critical point, the correlation length
the T-linear zero-field resistivity via its H/T As mentioned above, another major hurdle diverges. The single-scaling parameter hypothesis
scaling relation, a relation that can also extend for the standard criticality scenario is that the assumes that temporal correlations diverge
over a broad range of the relevant tuning T-linear resistivity persists over a wide range also as a simple power of the spatial correlation
parameter (29). In some cases, this link can be of the relevant tuneable parameter, whether length, namely xt º xz, where z is known as the
obscured, either because r(T) itself is not strict- doping [as is the case for cuprates (8, 9, 31, 32, 72) dynamical critical exponent and by causality
ly T-linear (29) or because the quadrature- and magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene must exceed unity.
charge, and z is the dynamical exponent, which criticality beyond single-parameter scaling, such S—the imaginary part of the self energy—can
from causality must obey the inequality z ≥ 1. as a noncritical form of the entropy suggested be used to define a lifetime through
Absent from this expression is any dependence recently (81), is at work here (see below). ħ
ħvk Dk ¼ Im Sðk; wÞ ¼ 2 ð8Þ
on an ancillary energy scale—for example, EF or Another critical feature of the conductivity is t
the plasma frequency wp—as the only assump- its behavior at finite wave vector k, which may be where vk is the group velocity for momentum
tion is scale-invariant transport irrespective of quantified by the dynamic charge susceptibility, state k. Extracting the slope from the data in
the details of the system. The analogous ex- k2 Fig. 2 of (92) and using the experimentally
pression for the optical conductivity is c″ðk; wÞ ¼ 2 ℜsðk; wÞ ð7Þ reported Fermi velocity vF = 1.1 eV/Å, we find
that the single-particle scattering rate ħ/t ~
sðw; T ¼ 0Þºwðd2Þ=z ð6Þ 1.7kBT (i.e., on the order of the Planckian limit).
determined from electron energy-loss spec-
(74). In pure YbRh2Si2, for example, s–1(w) fol- troscopy (EELS). A restriction on EELS is that Similar results were obtained in subsequent
lows an w-linear dependence at low frequencies it measures the longitudinal charge response, ARPES studies (92–94) with a key extension
in the same region of the (T, H) phase diagram— whereas optics yields the transverse. At van- introduced in (88) whereby the width of nodal
the quantum critical “fan”—where r(T) is also ishing momentum they are expected to be equal. states was observed to obey a quadrature form
linear, consistent with this notion of single- Because optics has no momentum resolution, described by the expression [(ħw)2 + (bkBT)2]l,
parameter scaling (75). In cuprates, on the comparison with EELS can only be made as where l is a doping-dependent exponent equal
other hand, the situation is more nuanced. At k → 0. The primary charge excitation in strange to ½ at optimal doping.
intermediate frequencies—sometimes referred metals is a 1-eV plasmon that was long believed This extraction of the scattering rate from
to as the mid-IR response—s(w) exhibits a to exhibit the same behavior as in a normal ARPES, however, is not entirely problem-free,
ubiquitous w–2/3 dependence (7). Although this Fermi liquid (82, 83). Recent high-resolution as vF is hard to define in ARPES experiments
feature in s(w) has been interpreted in terms of momentum-resolved EELS (M-EELS) measure- at energies close to the Fermi level and where,
quantum critical scaling (7), it is inconsistent ments have called this belief into question, for the most part, the width of the state ex-
with the single-parameter scaling described showing that the large-k response is domi- ceeds its energy. Indeed, the integral of the
above. At any doping level, s(w) in the cuprates nated by a continuum that remains flat to density of states using as input the vF extracted
exhibits a minimum at roughly the charge high energies, roughly 2 eV (84–86). Such from APRES measurements is found to account
transfer scale of 1 eV. This is traditionally behavior is reminiscent of the MFL (67) sce- for only half of the as-measured electronic spe-
(76, 77) used as the energy scale demarcating nario except in that picture, the continuum cific heat coefficient (95). Furthermore, this
the separation between intraband and inter- persists up to a cutoff scale determined by reliance on Fermiology (fermion phenome-
band transitions and hence serves to separate the temperature, and not the Mott scale of nology), present also in (10), leaves open the
the low-energy from the high-energy continua. 2 eV. In addition, the continuum exhibits precise meaning of figure 2 of (10), in which
It has long been debated whether the broad scale-invariant features but with a dynamical the magnitude of the T-linear transport
sub-eV s(w) response in cuprates is best an- critical exponent, z ~ ∞, not possible from a scattering rate extracted from the DC
alyzed in terms of one or two components simple QCP. resistivity is found to scale as 1/vF for a
(77, 78). In the former case, the w–2/3 tail is We conclude, then, that no form of tradi- series of materials that violate the MIR limit
simply a consequence of the strong w-linear tional quantum criticality can account easily at intermediate to high temperatures. Despite
dependence in 1/ttr(w)—as in MFL—whereas for the power laws seen in strange metallic this, a similar extraction in (9), again using
in the latter, it forms part of an incoherent transport (although we recognize that T-linear Fermiology but focusing on the low-T resistiv-
response that is distinct from the coherent resistivity is observed above what appear to be ity, also found a transport scattering rate close
Drude weight centered at w = 0, which itself is genuine singular QCPs). The photoemission to the Planckian bound. This consistency be-
described with either a constant or w-dependent experiments (71) indicating a first-order transi- tween the two analyses reflects the curious
scattering rate. tion pose an additional problem exacerbated by fact that the T-linear slope of the DC resistivity
Returning to the DC resistivity, we find that the possibility that the criticality might be rele- does not vary markedly as the MIR threshold
in cuprates, where d = 3, an exponent z = –1 is vant to a whole region (8, 9, 51, 53, 58, 60, 65, 87, 88) is crossed. It does not, however, necessarily jus-
required to account for the T-linear depen- rather than a point. Such criticality over an tify either approach in validating T-linear scat-
dence; this value is strictly forbidden by cau- extended region is reminiscent of critical tering at the Planckian limit. Finally, although
sality (73). For d = 2, as in the case of MATBG, charged matter (89, 90) arising from dilatonic T-linearity and Planckian dissipation appear
the T dependence vanishes. This can be fixed models in gauge-gravity duality. These ideas synonymous in the cuprates, this is not uni-
with the replacement of d → d* = 1 for both have been the most successful thus far in versally the case. In YbRh2Si2 (75), for example,
materials. Although d* can be construed as the reproducing the various characteristics of the T-linear scattering rate is found to deviate
number of dimensions (79) transverse to the strange metal physics (see below and Table 2). strongly from the Planckian limit with ttr ~ 0.1tP
Fermi surface, it is difficult to justify such a (52), and in the electron-doped cuprates, the
procedure here, as the persistence of T-linearity Is it Planckian dissipation? notion of a Planckian limit to the scattering
with no change in slope above and below the Whereas the electrical resistivity in metals can rate has recently been challenged (96). This cer-
MIR requires a theory that does not rely on FL be measured directly, the scattering rate is tainly adds to the intrigue regarding quantum
concepts such as a Fermi velocity or energy. entirely an inferred quantity. Herein lies the criticality as the underlying cause of Planckian
Furthermore, it is well known that introducing catch with Planckian dissipation. Angle-resolved dissipation, for which several alternative pro-
d* yields a power law for the heat capacity, C º photoemission (ARPES) experiments on cup- posals have recently emerged (97, 98).
T3/2, which is not seen experimentally (80). On rates as early as 1999 reported that the width In principle, the optical conductivity per-
dimensional grounds, the z = –1 result in the of the momentum distribution curves (MDCs) mits an extraction of t without recourse to
context of the Drude formula is a consequence at optimal doping along the nodal direction Fermiology. Within a Drude model, the optical
of compensating the square power of the plasma [(0, 0) to (p, p)] scale as a linear function of conductivity
frequency with powers of T so that the scaling temperature and a0 + 0.75w for frequencies
form of Eq. 5 is maintained. A distinct possibility that exceed 2.5kBT (91). The momentum line- 1 w2p ttr
sðwÞ ¼ ð9Þ
is that perhaps some other form of quantum width, which in photoemission enters as Im 4p 1 þ iwttr
Table 2. Snapshot of current theoretical modeling of the strange metal ED, exact diagonalization; CA, cold atoms; DMFT/EDMFT, dynamical mean-
regime. Indicated are consistency with T-linear resistivity, w–2/3 scaling of field theory/embedded dynamical mean-field theory; A-B, Aharonov-Bohm
the mid-IR optical conductivity, quadrature-scaling magnetoresistance, effect; ECFL, extremely correlated Fermi liquid; QCP, quantum critical point.
extended quantum criticality, and what predictions are made in terms of *T-linear resistivity is an input. **A slope change occurs through the MIR.
experimental observables. Scenarios: MFL, marginal Fermi liquid; EFL, ersatz ***Quadrature scaling obtained only for a bivalued random resistor model
Fermi liquid; SYK, Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev; AdS/CFT, anti–de Sitter space/ (121) with equal weights (27). ****Although this scaling was thought to arise
conformal field theory conjecture; AD/EMD, anomalous dimensions/ in pure AdS with an inhomogeneous charge density (123), later studies
Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton; HM, Hubbard model; QMC, quantum Monte Carlo; (124, 125) found otherwise.
contains only ttr and wp = 4pne e2 =m. At zero spectral weight transfer from the UV to the IR Mottness (99–102), as it is ubiquitous in Mott
frequency, the Drude formula naturally yields is absent. On the other hand, hole or electron systems and strictly absent in weakly correlated
the DC conductivity sDC and an estimate for doping of the parent cuprate induces a marked metals. Even in many of the strange or quantum
the relaxation rate can be extracted from the transfer of spectral weight of roughly 1 to 2 eV. critical metals described in Table 1, there is little
width at half maximum of the full Drude re- As a result, the low-energy spectral weight or no evidence that Mottness is playing a notable
sponse. However, there is an important caveat: grows (77, 99–102) at the expense of the degrees role. Such a distinction may thus offer a hint
ttr is frequency-dependent in the cuprates, a of freedom at high energy, a trend that persists to the source of the uniqueness of the cuprate
condition that is consistent with various phys- (76) even inside the superconducting state. strange metal. In bad metals, on the other hand,
ical models including both the Fermi liquid This is an intrinsic feature of Mott systems, a gradual transfer of low-frequency spectral
and MFL scenarios as well as the large body namely that the number of low-energy degrees weight out to energies on the order of the Mott
(88, 91) of MDC analysis performed on the of freedom is derived from the high-energy scale is almost universally observed with in-
cuprates. Although this prevents a clean sep- spectral weight. As this physics is distinct creasing temperature (16), suggesting that
aration of the conductivity into coherent and from that of a Fermi liquid and intrinsic to Mottness is one of the key components of
incoherent parts, it was shown in (7) that in Mott physics, it is termed “Mottness” (102). bad metallic transport.
the low-frequency limit, w < 1.5kBT/ħ, ttr ~ 0.8tP, Notably, the mid-IR response with its charac-
in agreement with the DC analysis of (9). teristic w–2/3 scaling is absent from the parent
A second key issue remains: How can such Mott insulating state. Hence, it must reflect the
Drude analysis be justified for those strange doping-induced spectral weight transfer across
metals in which the MIR limit is violated and the Mott gap. It is perhaps not a surprise, then,
the Drude peak shifts to finite frequencies (16)? that no low-Tc material exhibits such a mid-
Indeed, in the high-T limit, “bad metallicity” IR feature. In fact, some theories of cuprate
can be ascribed to a transfer of spectral weight superconductivity (103) credit its origin to
from low to high w, rather than to an ever- the mid-IR scaling. We can quantify the total
increasing scattering rate (that within a Drude number of low-energy degrees of freedom that
picture results in a continuous broadening of arise from the UV-IR mixing across the Mott
the Lorentzian fixed at zero frequency). Given gap by integrating the optical conductivity,
the marked crossover in the form of s(w) at low
2mVcell W
frequencies, it is indeed mysterious that the Neff ðWÞ ¼
pe2 0
∫ sðwÞdw ð10Þ
slope of the T-linear resistivity continues un-
abated with no discernible change. up to the optical gap W ≈ 1.2 eV, where Vcell is Fig. 3. Integrated optical conductivity Neff
the unit cell volume. The energy scale of 1.2 eV exceeds dopant concentration. Shown is Neff for
Is it Mottness? corresponds to the minimum of the optical con- electron-doped Pr2–xCexCuO4–d (triangles) and hole-
Table 1 encompasses a series of ground states ductivity, as mentioned above. In a rigid-band doped La2–xSrxCuO4–d (circles) The dashed line
from which T-linear resistivity emerges. In some semiconductor model in which such spectral indicates what is expected for doping a semi-
of these materials, such as the heavy fermions, weight transfer is absent, Neff = x, where x is the conductor. The expectation is that each Ce or Sr
the high- and low-energy features of the spec- number of holes. In the cuprates, however, Neff atom contributes just a single charge carrier.
trum are relatively distinct in the sense that exceeds x (Fig. 3). This is the defining feature of [Reprinted with permission from (77)]
The optical response in cuprates tells us that interactions might seem initially unphysical, are at least conformally invariant in d dimen-
there are degrees of freedom that couple to SYK models are nonetheless natural candidates sions, are dual to a theory of gravity in a d +
electromagnetism that have no interpretation to destroy Fermi liquids, which, by their nature, 1 spacetime that is asymptotically AdS. The
in terms of doped holes. That is, they are not permit a purely local description in momen- radial direction represents the energy with the
local entities, as they arise from the mixing tum space. As a result, Fermi liquids are im- quantum theory residing at the UV boundary,
of UV and IR degrees of freedom. It is such pervious to generic repulsive local-in-space whereas the IR limit is deep in the interior at
mixing that could account for the lack of any interactions (134). Coupling a Fermi liquid to the black hole horizon. Hence, intrinsic to
distinctive energy scale (102)—that is, scale an array of disordered SYK islands, however, this construction is a separation between bulk
invariance—underlying the strange metal. leads (120, 121) to a nontrivial change in the (gravitational) and boundary (quantum me-
Additionally, optical conductivity studies showed electron Green function across the MIR, and chanical) degrees of freedom. That the boundary
(104) that throughout the underdoped regime of hence a change in slope of the resistivity is of a gravitational object has features distinct
the cuprate phase diagram, the effective mass unavoidable (121), although it can be mini- from the bulk dates back to the observations
remains constant. As a result, the Mott transition mized through fine tuning (120). of Beckenstein (141) and Hawking (142, 143)
proceeds by a vanishing of the carrier number An added feature of these disordered mod- that the information content of a black hole
rather than the mass divergence of the Brinkman- els is that in certain limits, they have a gravity scales with the area, not the volume. The re-
Rice scenario (105). [Note that although quan- dual (132, 133, 135, 136). This state of affairs quirement that the boundary theory be strongly
tum oscillation experiments on underdoped arises because the basic propagator (132, 133, 135) coupled then arises by maintaining that the
cuprates show evidence for mass enhancement in the SYK model in imaginary time describes AdS radius of curvature exceeds the Planck
(106), this is thought to be tied to the charge the motion of fermions, with appropriate bound- length ‘P. More explicitly, because the AdS ra-
order around 1/8 doping.] Such dynamical ary conditions, between two points of the as- dius and the coupling constant of the bound-
mixing between the UV and IR scales in Mott ymptotic boundary of a hyperbolic plane. In ary theory are proportional, the requirement
systems is well known to give rise to spectral real time, simply replacing the hyperbolic plane R >> ‘P translates into a boundary theory that
weight in the lower Hubbard band (100–102) with the spacetime equivalent, namely two- is strongly coupled.
that exceeds the number of electrons, strictly dimensional anti–de Sitter (AdS) space (a max- The first incarnation (122, 144, 145) of this
1 + x, that the band can hold. Consequently, imally symmetric Lorentzian manifold with duality in the context of fermion correlators
part of the electromagnetic response of strange constant negative curvature), accurately de- involved modeling fermions at finite density
metals at low energies has no interpretation scribes all the correlators. It is from this re- in 2 + 1 dimensions. From the duality, the con-
in terms of electron quasiparticles, as it arises alization that the dual description between a formally invariant vacuum of such a system
strictly from UV-IR mixing. Precisely how such random spin model and gravity in AdS2 lies corresponds to gravity in AdS4, the extra di-
mixing leads to scale-invariant T-linear resis- (132, 133, 137). Hence, although the origins of mension representing the radial direction
tivity remains unresolved. SYK were independent of gravity, its correla- along which identical copies of the boundary
tors can be deduced from the asymptotics of CFT lie (albeit with differing energy scales).
Is it about gravity? the corresponding spacetime. At the asymptote, Surprisingly, what was shown (122) is that
To frame the theoretical modeling of strange only the time coordinate survives and hence, the low-energy (IR) properties of such a sys-
metallicity, we group the work into three prin- ultimately, SYK dynamics is ultralocal in space tem in the presence of a charge density are
cipal categories: phenomenological, numerical, with correlations diverging only in time, an determined by an emergent AdS2 × R2 (with
and gravity-related. Table 2 lists some repre- instantiation of local quantum criticality. R2 representing a plane) spacetime at the black
sentative contributions (67, 90, 107–130); be- Such local quantum criticality is not a new hole horizon. The actual symmetry includes
cause of space limitations, it is not possible to concept in condensed matter systems and scale invariance and is denoted by SL(2, R) (a
cite all relevant work. Both phenomenological indeed lies at the heart of MFL phenome- special Lie group of real 2 × 2 matrices with a
models considered here require (such as the nology (67) as well as dynamical mean field unit determinant). Once again, the criticality
ersatz Fermi liquid or EFL) or predict (MFL) theory (DMFT) (116), and is consistent with of boundary fermions is determined entirely
loop currents, but they do so for fundamentally the momentum-independent continuum found by the fluctuations in time, that is, local quan-
different reasons. For EFL (108), such current in the M-EELS data discussed earlier (85). The tum criticality as seen in SYK. The temperature
order is needed to obtain a finite resistivity in deeper question is why gravity has anything and frequency dependence of the conductivity
the absence of momentum relaxation (certainly to do with a spin problem with nonlocal in- are then determined by the same exponent
not a natural choice given the Drude fit to teractions. The issue comes down to critical- (122) as expected from Eqs. 5 and 6 and, as a
the optical conductivity discussed previously), ity and to the structure of general relativity. result, a simultaneous description of T-linearity
whereas in MFL, loop currents (107) are thought The second equivalence principle on which and w–2/3 dependence is not possible, as noted
to underpin the local fluctuation spectrum (67). general relativity is based states that no local in Table 2.
The extremely correlated Fermi liquid theory measurement can detect a uniform gravita- This particular hurdle is overcome by the
(ECFL) (109) predicts a resistivity that interpo- tional field. A global measurement is required. anomalousdimensions/Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton
lates between Fermi liquid–like T2 at low T to The same is true for a critical system because (AD/EMD) theories (89, 90, 126, 146–149), which,
T-linear for T >> TFL. Quantum Monte Carlo no local measurement can discern criticality. as indicated in Table 2, have been the most
(QMC) simulations (110, 111, 113, 114) as well as Observables tied to the diverging correlation successful to date in describing the range of
cold atom experiments (112) on the Hubbard length are required. Hence, at least concep- physics observed in strange metals. What is
model have established that at high temper- tually, it is not unreasonable to expect a link new here is the introduction of extra fields,
atures, the resistivity is indeed T-linear. The between critical matter and gravity. The mod- dilatons for example, that permit hyperscal-
fermion-sign problem, however, prevents any ern mathematical machinery that makes it ing violation (79) and anomalous dimensions
definitive statement about the low-T behavior possible to relate the two is the gauge-gravity (89, 90, 126, 146–149) for all operators. Con-
in the presence of Mott physics. Non–Fermi duality or the AdS/CFT (anti–de Sitter/conformal sequently, under a scale change of the coordi-
liquid transport in Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK)– field theory) conjecture. The key claim of this nates, the metric is no longer unscathed. That
based models (131–133) is achieved by an duality (138–140) is that some strongly inter- is, the manifold is not fixed and it is the mat-
all-to-all random interaction. Although such acting quantum theories, namely ones that ter fields that determine the geometry. Such
systems have a covariance, rather than scale ing. To illustrate her first theorem, consider anomalous dimension for the underlying gauge
invariance indicative of pure AdS metrics. A Maxwellian electromagnetism, which is invar- field, offers a viable solution, but the price is
consequence of this covariance is that even iant under the transformation Am → Am + @ mL. abandoning locality (164) of the action.
the currents acquire anomalous dimensions. This theorem states that there must be a
But how is this possible given that a tenet of conservation law with the same number of Is it important?
field theory is that no amount of renormal- derivatives as in the gauge principle. Hence, Given the immense difficulty in constructing a
ization can change the dimension of the current the conservation law only involves a single theory of strange metals, one might ask why
(150) from d – 1? What makes this possible is derivative, namely @ mJm = 0. This is Nöther’s bother? To gauge the importance of strange
that in EMD theories, the extra radial di- First Theorem (160) in practice. metals, look no further than Fig. 4. This figure
mension allows physics beyond Maxwellian What Nöther (160) spent the second half shows that the coefficient a1 of the T-linear
electromagnetism. For example, the standard of her famous paper trying to rectify is that resistivity component in the strange metal
Maxwell action, S = ∫dVdF 2 where F = dA, re- the form of the gauge transformation is not regime of overdoped hole-doped cuprates tracks
quires that the dimension of the gauge field be unique; hence, the conservation law is arbi- the doping dependence of the T = 0 superfluid
fixed to unity, [A] = 1 (151). EMD theories use trary. It is for this reason that in the second density ns(0). As mentioned earlier, a similar
instead an action of the form S = ∫dVddyyaF 2 half (160) of her foundational paper, she re- correlation exists between a1 and Tc in electron-
where y is the radial coordinate of the d + tained all possible higher-order integer deriv- doped cuprates (31, 32), the Bechgaard salts
1 AdS spacetime. Comparing these two actions atives in the gauge principle. These higher- (58), and the iron pnictides (58), establishing a
leads immediately to the conclusion that the order derivatives both add constraints to and fundamental link between high-temperature
dimension of A now acquires the value [A] = change the dimension of the current. Stated superconductivity and strange metals.
1 – (a/2). Hence, even in the bulk of the ge- succinctly, NST (160) dictates that the full For a long time, the drop in ns(0) with doping
ometry, the dimension of the gauge field is family of generators of U(1) invariance deter- in cuprates was attributed to pair breaking, a
not unity. Depending on the value of a, a < 0 mines the dimension of the current. It is easy symptom of the demise of the dominant pair-
at the UV conformal boundary or a > 0 at the to see how this works. Suppose we can find a ing interaction within a disordered lattice.
IR at the black hole horizon, the equations of quantity Y^ that commutes with @ m. That is, Recent mutual inductance measurements,
motion are nonstandard and obey fractional @m Y^ ¼ Y^ @m . If this is so, then we can insert however, have challenged this view, arguing
electromagnetism (128, 152) consistent with a this into the conservation law with impu- that the limiting low-T behavior of ns(T) was
nontraditional dimension for the gauge field. nity. What this does is redefine the current: incompatible with conventional pair-breaking
@m Y^ J m ¼ @m J~ . The new current J~ acquires
m m
In EMD theories, it is precisely the anomalous scenarios (165). Certainly, the correlation be-
dimension (89, 90, 126, 146–148) for conserved whatever dimensions Y has, such that J~m ¼
^ tween a1 and ns(0) is unforeseen in such mod-
quantities that gives rise to the added freedom d 1 dY . But because of the first theorem, Y^ els. Moreover, if the strange metal regime is
for extended quantum criticality to occur, en- must have come from the gauge transforma- indeed populated with non-quasiparticle states,
abling the simultaneous fitting (130) of T- tion and hence must ultimately be a differen- then Fig. 4 indicates a pivotal role for these
linearity and w–2/3 of the optical conductivity, tial operator itself. That is, there is an equally states in the pairing condensate (166, 167). On
and establishing the basis for a proposal for valid class of electromagnetisms with gauge more general grounds, this result informs us
the strange metal based on [A] = 5/3 (127). transformations of the form Am →Am þ @m Y^ L. that the door to unlocking cuprate supercon-
Within these holographic systems, a Drude- For EMD theories (102, 128, 152), Y^ is given by ductivity is through the strange metal regime,
like peak in the optical conductivity can emerge the fractional Laplacian, D(g–1)/2 with [Am] = g and any theory that divorces superconductiv-
both from the coherent (quasiparticle-like) [with g = 1 – (a/2) to make contact with the ity from strange metals is unlikely to be a prom-
sector (153) as well as from the incoherent [“un- EMD theories introduced earlier]. For most ising avenue. To conclude, solving the strange
particle” (154)] sector (155–158). Application of matter as we know it, g = 1. The success of metal regime kills two birds with one stone.
EMD theory has also provided fresh insights EMD theories raises the possibility that the Perhaps there is some justice here. After all, we
into the phenomenon of “lifetime separa- strangeness of the strange metal hinges on know from Pippard’s (168) work, which can be
tion” seen in the DC and Hall conductivities the fact that g ≠ 1. This can be tested exper- reformulated (128, 152) in terms of fractional
of hole-doped cuprates (22, 24, 28) as well as imentally using the standard Aharonov-Bohm
in other candidate strange metals (52, 61). geometry (128, 129) in which a hole of radius r
For a system with broken translational invar- is punched into a cuprate strange metal. Be-
iance, the finite density conductivity com- cause [A] is no longer unity, the integral of
prises two distinct components (159). The DC A·d‘ is no longer the dimensionless flux. For
resistivity is dominated by the particle-hole physically realizable gauges, this ultimately
symmetric term—whose Hall conductivity is provides an obstruction to charge quantiza-
consequently zero—whereas the T dependence tion. As a result, deviations (128, 129) from
of the Hall angle is set by the more conven- the standard pr2 × B dependence for the flux
tional (umklapp) momentum relaxation that would be the key experimental feature that a
governs the response of the coherent charge nonlocal gauge principle is operative in the
density. strange metal. An alternative would be, as
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expose cross sections of zeolite crystals or
oble metals (NMs) are widely used in a alkanes to enhance the quality of liquid fuels shaped catalysts and enables the visualization
variety of commercial and emerging tech- (fig. S1), and its performance is influenced by of the spatial distribution of Al2O3 binder,
nologies, including catalytic converters in the Pt nanoparticle (NP) size and distribution, zeolite crystals, and Pt sites (29). The zeolite-
automobiles; electrocatalysts in hydrogen metal-support interactions, and acidic prop- Al2O3 composite, by use of acetic acid as a
fuel cells; and catalysts for petroleum, erties (20–23). To describe the required Pt peptizing agent in this work, exhibited a
biomass, and waste conversion (1–5). Increasing loading sufficient to maintain the bifunctional uniform distribution of zeolite crystals, which
demand for NMs in these applications is driving metal-acid balance in hydroconversion cata- were coated and stabilized by the Al2O3 binder
approaches that make more efficient use of lysts, Guisnet and coworkers proposed a widely (Fig. 1A). By contrast, large agglomerates of
NMs (6–9), including so-called single-atom applied parameter of the surface Pt sites to zeolites and Al2O3 were observed over zeolite+
catalysts (SACs) in which isolated single metal Brønsted acid sites ratio (npt/na) (24). To meet Al2O3 composite without acetic acid (fig. S5).
atoms or ions are stabilized by the support this criterion, the typical Pt loading for bi- Because the kinetic diameter of the Pt(NH3)42+
(10–13). However, strong metal-support inter- functional catalysts is in the range of 0.3 to (0.48 nm) is comparable with the HZSM-22
actions often lead to limited reducibility and 3 wt % (25–27). For integrating two functional pore size (0.45 by 0.55 nm) and HMOR pore size
in some cases low reactivity. Confinement of NMs components, Weisz’s intimacy criterion, which (0.67 by 0.70 nm), the diffusion of Pt(NH3)42+
inside zeolite channels or cages can benefit the is often interpreted as “the closer the better,” ions into the micropores during the IE process
adsorption of reagents and stabilization of has been applied to spatial organization (28). could be limited. The STEM images of Pt-
reaction intermediates to improve catalytic ac- Recently, we have shown at Pt loadings around HZSM-22 slices confirmed that after reduc-
tivity, product selectivity, or both (14–16). Suc- 0.5 wt % that separation of Pt and acid sites at tion, most Pt NPs were present on the external
cessful examples of confinement effects have the nanoscale enhanced the isomer selectivity crystal surfaces, regardless of the Pt loading,
been demonstrated for the conversion of small in hydroisomerization of linear alkanes, whereas and a small fraction was located inside the
molecules, including carbon monoxide (CO) placing Pt inside zeolite crystals with closest HZSM-22 crystals (Fig. 1B). The average sizes
oxidation, methane (CH4) oxidation, and the proximity promoted acid-catalyzed cracking of Pt NPs for 0.2Pt-HZSM-22 (where 0.2 is Pt
water-gas shift reaction (17–19). or overcracking reactions because of the high loading in weight percent) and 1.0Pt-HZSM-22
In the petrochemical industry, platinum (Pt) concentrations of intracrystalline carbenium were 1.5 and 1.7 nm, respectively. For 0.2Pt-
is frequently used in combination with acidic ions (29–31). With this concept of nanoscale HMOR and 1.0Pt-HMOR, the average diame-
zeolites for the hydroconversion of linear intimacy, we found that lowering the Pt loading ters of Pt NPs were 1.2 and 1.6 nm, respectively,
holds potential (30), which inspired us to and the Pt NPs were exclusively deposited in-
study the lower limit of NMs for catalysis as side HMOR crystals (Fig. 1C). The Pt NPs were
Materials Chemistry and Catalysis, Debye Institute for a function of the Pt NP location. larger than the micropores of the zeolite and
Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht University, 3584 CG Utrecht, We controlled the Pt location and loading were likely accommodated by the local destruc-
Netherlands. 2State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of
Solid Surfaces, College of Chemistry and Chemical
on industrially relevant platinum-zeolite- tion of micropores during NP growth, an effect
Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China. alumina (Al2O3) composite catalysts to de- confirmed in previous studies (33).
Electron Microscopy Centre, Utrecht University, 3584 CG crease the Pt loading for hydroisomerization The zeolite powders containing Pt NPs were
Utrecht, Netherlands. 4Applied Sciences, bp Innovation and
while maintaining optimal performance. We then mixed with boehmite and acetic acid to
Engineering, BP plc, Saltend, Hull HU12 8DS, UK. 5Applied
Sciences, bp Innovation and Engineering, BP plc, Naperville, used n-heptane as a model molecule relevant prepare bifunctional catalysts with a zeolite-
IL 60563, USA. 6The Institute of Scientific and Industrial to gasoline upgrading. We used the one- to-Al2O3 weight ratio of 1/1. The TEM imaging
Research, Osaka University, 8-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, dimensional (1D) zeolites HZSM-22 and HMOR revealed that for IE-prepared Pt-HZSM-22/
Osaka 567-0047, Japan.
*Corresponding author. Email: to construct bifunctional catalysts (tables S1 Al2O3, most Pt NPs remained on the HZSM-22
†These authors contributed equally to this work. and S2 and fig. S2). To provide mechanical crystal surfaces with only a few NPs inside the
Fig. 1. HAADF-STEM and STEM–energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) images of (C) (C1) 0.2Pt-HMOR, (C2) 1.0Pt-HMOR, and (C3) scheme for Pt distribution over
ultramicrotomed 70-nm-thick sections of catalysts. (A) HZSM-22/Al2O3 HMOR. (D and E) 0.01Pt-HZSM-22/Al2O3 and 0.01Pt-Al2O3/HZSM-22, respec-
composite by using acetic acid as a peptizing agent. The images (A1) to (A3) tively. (F and G) 0.5Pt-HZSM-22/Al2O3 and 0.5Pt-Al2O3/HZSM-22, respectively.
show the location of silicon (green) and aluminum (red), which is indicative of the (H and I) 0.5Pt-HMOR/Al2O3 and 0.5Pt-Al2O3/HMOR, respectively. In the
presence of the HZSM-22 and Al2O3 components. (B) (B1) 0.2Pt-HZSM-22, schematic representations, the red dots and blue hexagons indicate Pt NPs and
(B2) 1.0Pt-HZSM-22, and (B3) scheme for Pt distribution over HZSM-22. zeolite crystals, respectively.
HZSM-22 crystals, and those NPs were near cient to maintain the n-C7 conversion and Over HMOR-based catalysts, both the n-C7
NPs present on HZSM-22 surfaces; no NPs selectivity of C7 isomers (Fig. 2A). Such a conversion and the selectivity of C7 isomers
were observed on the mesoporous Al 2O 3 low Pt loading is usually insufficient for increased with the Pt loading, and overall,
binder (Fig. 1, D and F, and fig. S6A). Con- catalyzing this reaction. However, 0.01Pt- the performance of catalysts with Pt inside
versely, almost all of the Pt NPs were located Al2O3/HZSM-22 exhibited inferior activity HMOR crystals was more strongly influenced
on the Al2O3 binder for Pt-Al2O3/HZSM-22 and selectivity (Fig. 2B). The C7 isomers by the Pt loading (Fig. 2, C and D, and fig. S8).
prepared with the IA method (Fig. 1, E and G, consisted of monobranched and traces of At the same Pt loading, the specific n-C7 con-
and fig. S6B). Correspondingly, the Pt NPs dibranched C7 isomers (mono-C7 and di-C7, version over Pt-HMOR/Al2O3 was lower than
were still exclusively present inside the HMOR respectively), and the main side products the corresponding Pt-Al2O3/HMOR, probably
crystals for IE-prepared Pt-HMOR/Al2O3 (Fig. were propane, n-butane, and iso-butane from because of pore blockage or poor accessibility
1H), and all of the Pt NPs were deposited on acid-catalyzed hydrocracking (30). of Pt NPs (34). With a 10-fold increase of Pt
the Al2O3 binder for IA-prepared Pt-Al2O3/ At similar conversion levels, 0.01Pt-HZSM-22/ loading from 0.05 to 0.5%, the n-C7 conversion
HMOR (Fig. 1I). With this methodology, we Al2O3 also provided higher selectivity of C7 increased from 58 to 71% with a selectivity of
prepared a series of composite catalysts with isomers than did 0.01Pt-Al2O3/HZSM-22 (fig. C7 isomers ~80% over Pt-Al2O3/HMOR, whereas
different Pt loadings and locations (table S4). S9). Increasing the Pt loading >0.01 wt % de- the n-C7 conversion increased from 22 to 67%
The Pt loading in all cases had a minor effect creased the selectivity of C7 isomers, which and the selectivity of C7 isomers increased
on the catalyst acidity (fig. S7). was likely the result of more Pt NPs sited in from 28 to 72% over Pt-HMOR/Al2O3. Regard-
The catalytic performance of HZSM-22– the pore mouth region of HZSM-22, which less of the Pt loading and location over the
based catalysts in the hydroisomerization of would promote cracking reactions (30). For composite catalysts, after more than 100 hours,
n-C7 was strongly affected by the Pt loading Pt-Al2O3/HZSM-22 with Pt-on-Al2O3, both the we observed virtually no catalyst deactivation
and distribution, especially at loading of 0.005 n-C7 conversion and selectivity of C7 isomers for both HZSM-22– and HMOR-based catalysts
to 0.05 wt % (Fig. 2 and fig. S8). With an in- increased steadily and then reached a plateau (figs. S10 and S11).
crease of Pt loading, the n-C7 conversion com- as Pt loading increased to 0.05 wt % (Fig. 2B). The dependence of the maximum yield of C7
pared at identical temperature and weight With Pt-on-binder, therefore, a minimum load- isomers, an important performance indicator
hourly space velocity (WHSV) increased first ing of 0.05 wt % was required to sustain the in alkane hydroisomerization (26), on the plat-
and then reached a plateau. Unexpectedly, n-heptane conversion and the selectivity of inum loading is summarized in Fig. 3. The
with the Pt-on–HZSM-22 configuration, an C7 isomers, to ensure the equilibrium of the acid density of HMOR is much higher than
ultralow Pt loading of 0.01 wt % was suffi- dehydrogenation-hydrogenation reactions. that of HZSM-22. Therefore, HMOR-based
catalysts required more Pt sites to obtain the crease of Pt loading above 0.05 wt % maximized yields of C7 isomers (Fig. 3B). Disadvantageous
same nPt/na ratio (fig. S12). A composite cat- the yield of C7 isomers toward 68%. Likewise, for the yield of C7 isomers was to confine the Pt
alyst with Pt-on–HZSM-22 exhibited an opti- the maximum yield of C7 isomers for Pt-Al2O3/ inside HMOR crystals, which promoted the
mum loading of only 0.01 wt % for maximizing HMOR went up with Pt loading, and rela- cracking reaction and prevented the conver-
the yield of C7 isomers (≈64%) (Fig. 3A). For tive to HZSM-22, a much higher loading of Pt sion of n-C7. The maximum yield of C7 isomers
Pt-Al2O3/HZSM-22 with Pt-on-binder, the in- (≈0.1 wt %) was needed to provide maximum over 0.05Pt-Al2O3/HMOR was near that over
0.5Pt-HMOR/Al2O3, suggesting that a rational
placement of Pt could lead to a 10-fold re-
duction in its usage.
In the low loading range (≤0.01 wt %), Pt
placed on the Al2O3 binder was less effective
than on HZSM-22 crystals (Figs. 2, A and B,
and 3A). Highly dispersed Pt sites stabilized
by the alumina (Pt–O–Al) could be difficult to
reduce and not be sufficiently active for de-
hydrogenation of n-heptane. To investigate
this, we intentionally prepared a SAC-Pt-Al2O3/
HMOR catalyst with single-atom Pt dispersed
on Al2O3, which was almost inactive in n-heptane
hydroconversion (fig. S13). The x-ray absorp-
tion spectroscopy (XAS) shows the k2-weighted
(where k is photo-electron wave number), phase-
corrected extended x-ray absorption fine struc-
ture (EXAFS) spectra of reduced Pt catalysts
together with Pt standards (Fig. 4A). The
scattering from the first shell of Pt–O led to
the peak below 2.0 Å, whereas the scattering
Pt–Pt in the Pt foil resulted in peaks at 2.4
and 2.9 Å (7). The scattering peak at 2.2 Å
observed with a bond distance shorter than
that of Pt–Pt may indicate the formation of Pt
dimers (35).
Strong Pt–Pt scattering for 0.1Pt-HMOR and
Fig. 2. Hydroconversion of n-heptane over bifunctional catalysts with different Pt loadings and 0.1Pt-HZSM-22 with 0.1 wt % loadings could
locations. (A) Pt-HZSM-22/Al2O3 with Pt on the HZSM-22 crystals and (B) Pt-Al2O3/HZSM-22 with Pt on be observed (Fig. 4A), which is indicative of
the Al2O3 binder. Data are partly from (30). (C) Pt-HMOR/Al2O3 with Pt inside the HMOR crystals and the formation of metallic Pt NPs or clusters. A
(D) Pt-Al2O3/HMOR with Pt on the Al2O3 binder. Data are partly from (30). Reaction conditions were pressure Pt–O scattering peak was observed over 0.01Pt-
(P) = 10 bar, H2/n-C7 = 10/1, WHSV = 2.1 gn-C7 gcat–1 hour–1, and temperature (T) = 320°C for HZSM-22– HZSM-22/Al2O3 and 0.01Pt-Al2O3/HZSM-22,
based catalysts and T = 270°C for HMOR-based catalysts. indicating that single-atom Pt (ions) was
present within the two samples together with
Pt NPs observed with electron microscopy
(Fig. 1, D and E). More than half of Pt was
metallic over 0.01Pt-HZSM-22/Al2O3, which
exhibited higher reactivity in n-C7 conversion
than that of 0.01Pt-Al2O3/HZSM-22 that con-
tained mainly oxidized Pt (fig. S14 and table
S5). As the Pt loading on the Al2O3 binder in-
creased from 0.01 to 0.05 wt %, the Pt–O scat-
tering became negligible, and Pt–Pt scattering
appeared, which suggested the formation of
larger numbers of small Pt NPs or clusters in
line with electron microscopy results (Fig. 1).
The in situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
(Fig. 4B) further suggested reduced 0.1Pt-
HZSM-22/Al2O3 and 0.1Pt-Al2O3/HZSM-22 to
mainly contain metallic Pt (313.7 eV), whereas
the atomically dispersed Pt on Al2O3 (SAC-
0.2Pt-Al2O3) was in a partially oxidized state
(314.6 eV) (36). The weaker Pt signals of 0.1Pt-
Fig. 3. The effect of Pt loading on the maximum yield of C7 isomers. (A) Pt–HZSM-22–Al2O3 composite HZSM-22/Al2O3 than those of 0.1Pt-Al2O3/
catalysts, with Pt NPs placed either on Al2O3 binder or on HZSM-22 crystals, and (B) Pt-HMOR-Al2O3, HZSM-22 imply that a fraction of Pt NPs might
with Pt NPs placed either on Al2O3 binder or inside HMOR crystals. Reaction conditions were P = 10 bar, be confined in the micropores of HZSM-22,
H2/n-C7 = 10/1, and WHSV = 2.1 gn-C7 gcat–1 hour–1. The red dots and blue hexagons indicate Pt NPs and causing cracking reactions at high (≥0.1 wt %)
zeolite crystals, respectively. Pt loadings (Fig. 2A).
when the number of components was three,
nergy waste during the conversion and due to the entropy-driven structural stabiliza- and these peaks were indexed to PbTe, Ag2Te,
operation processes is a serious prob- tion also may strengthen phonon propagation. and Sb2Te3, respectively (Fig. 2A). When the
lem globally and has attracted increasing Therefore, the challenge is to avoid possible number of components increased to five,
attention (1–4). Thermoelectric (TE) tech- electron localization while achieving the lo- the second phases were eliminated in all of the
nology provides the prospect for harvest- calized distribution of phonons in high-entropy samples, indicating the stabilization phenom-
ing waste heat from scattered heat sources, materials. enon of the phase structure dominated by the
which suffer from low conversion efficiency GeTe belongs to the IV-VI chalcogenides and increasing entropy. The single phase was stable
(5–8). Conversion efficiency is related primar- stabilizes as a rhombohedral structure at room even when we further introduced Cd, Mn, and
ily to the dimensionless figure-of-merit [zT = temperature by distorting high-temperature Sn, which formed a more complicated com-
S2sT/(ke + kL)] of thermoelectric materials, cubic symmetry (20–22). IV-VI chalcogenides position with six components. These results
where S, s, T, ke, and kL denote the Seebeck with high TE performance typically exhibit proved that the high-entropy phenomenon
coefficient, electrical conductivity, absolute octahedral-like coordination, described as a could be used to obtain single-phase compo-
temperature, carrier, and lattice thermal con- cationic atom surrounded by six anionic atoms. sitions with stable structures, offering the
ductivities, respectively (9–12). To pursue high In these materials, however, each atom con- possibility of increasing the solubility limit.
TE performance, the electrical and thermal tains only three valence electrons on average The ternary chalcogenide Ge-Sb-Te is a typ-
transport properties should be simultaneously because of the small sp-hybridization result- ical phase-change material with an amorphous
decoupled and optimized. Generally, success- ing from the large energy difference between structure (23–25), which typically exhibits sub-
ful strategies for improving TE performance the s-orbitals and the p-orbitals (23, 24). The stantially deteriorated electrical transport prop-
require high electrical transport properties sharing of three valence electrons to form erties because of the damaged periodicity of
from the ordered band structure and low lat- six bonds results in delocalized electrons, un- its atomic arrangement. To further differentiate
tice thermal conductivity from the disordered like localized electron distribution in covalent the crystalline high-entropy composition from
atomic arrangement, following the phonon- bonding, which has been called metavalent or the amorphous form and to confirm the sites
glass electron-crystal concept (13–15). The re- resonant bonding (25, 26). We demonstrated of the alloyed elements, we conducted energy-
cently proposed high-entropy strategy provides that delocalized electrons from increased dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis at an
an extended composition range, in which a crystal symmetry and localized phonons from atomic scale using STEM. We performed EDS
stabilized crystalline structure and disordered entropy-induced disorder could coexist in high- mapping of Ge0.61Ag0.11Sb0.13Pb0.12Bi0.01Te and
atomic arrangement can be simultaneously entropy GeTe-based materials, resulting in a zT other samples (Fig. 2, B to G, and fig. S1). The
realized (4, 16–19). Possible Anderson localiza- value of 2.7 at 750 K (Fig. 1A) (11, 20–22, 27–33). atomic arrangements of all five elements
tion of the electrons in the disordered system, The atomic electric field and charge density showed good periodicity, indicating the intu-
however, may deteriorate the electrical trans- of the GeTe-based materials, which were deter- itive appearance of the crystalline high-entropy
port properties (6). Furthermore, the increased mined by differential phase contrast (DPC) composition. We found that the Ge, Ag, Sb,
crystal symmetry of low-symmetry materials imaging in scanning transmission electron and Pb atoms were located in the same site,
microscopy (STEM), clearly showed the in- whereas the Te atom was located solely in
creased delocalization of electrons from de- another site, demonstrating that possible anti-
Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Thermoelectric Materials, creasing rhombohedral distortion, which was site defects were absent even if Sb and Te
Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and responsible for improved band convergence had a similar nature (46). The homogeneous
Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China. 2School of Materials and power factor. Moreover, the localized distribution of all five elements further con-
and Energy, University of Electronic Science and Technology
of China, Chengdu 610054, China. 3Guangdong-Hong Kong- phonons from entropy-induced disorder largely firmed the single phase (fig. S2), illustrating
Macao Joint Laboratory for Photonic-Thermal-Electrical damped the propagation of transverse phonons that high entropy should provide the driving
Energy Materials and Devices, Southern University of and increased the anharmonicity, resulting in force for stabilizing different elements, with
Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China.
*Corresponding author. Email: ultralow lattice thermal conductivity. The high content that exceeded the solubility limit of
†These authors contributed equally to this work. performance of the GeTe-based materials one structure.
Fig. 3. TE performance of the GeTe-based materials and modules. (A to C) Temperature dependences of the power factor PF (A), lattice thermal conductivity kL
(B), and zT (C) values of all samples in this work. (D) Comparison of the average zT value in this work with the reported results for GeTe, SnSe, PbTe, FeNbSb,
Ce0.85Fe3CoSb12, Cu2Se, and SnTe in the literature (5, 11, 13, 17, 20–22, 29–35, 41, 61, 62). (E and F) Current dependences of the output voltage and output power (E)
and conversion efficiencies (F) for the fabricated 11, 7:3, 8:3, and 9:3 modules.
leg length due to the relation of h = P/(P + Q). tion. The atomic structures of the GeTe and tially caused redistribution and changes to
The conversion efficiency reached a maximum Ge0.61Ag0.11Sb0.13Pb0.12Bi0.01Te samples along electron localization. We further applied DPC-
value of 13.3% for the segmented 8:3 module the [110] zone axis were revealed by high-angle STEM imaging to obtain the atomic electric
at a hot-side temperature of 800 K, which was annular dark-field (HAADF) imaging in STEM field and charge density of the GeTe-based
much higher than 10.5% for the single 11 mod- (Fig. 4, A and B). With the Z-contrast nature materials (49). The electron probe deflected
ule (Fig. 3F). Compared with the high conver- of HAADF imaging (where Z indicates the by the electric field of the specimen caused a
sion efficiency in the literature (tables S2 and atomic number), the brighter spots in the shift in the center of mass of the diffraction
S3), our GeTe-based module realized a higher HAADF images of both samples indicated Te pattern, which was determined by the seg-
value than the others (PbTe, GeTe, Skutterudite, sites and thelower-intensity spots indicated mented detector in DPC-STEM (fig. S15) and
and half-Heusler). The origin of this high con- Ge sites. The Ge sites incorporated with alloy- used to calculate the projected electric field
version efficiency should be from the optimized ing elements in high-entropy sample exhibited with Ehrenfest’s theorem (50, 51). We observed
zT over the whole temperature range. higher intensity compared with the same pris- coupling between the electric field of the Ge
Strong alloying scattering and Anderson tine sites. We also found that the Ge atoms and Te sites in the pristine sample (Fig. 4D),
localization will always occur for electrons deviated from the geometric center of the although the coupling effect of the electric
in disordered materials, typically resulting in rhombus formed by Te atoms in the GeTe field in these two sites was largely reduced in
the deteriorated electrical transport properties sample, resulting in a polarized electric field the high-entropy sample (Fig. 4E). The pro-
(6). In our experiment, we introduced Ag, Sb, and the origin of ferroelectricity (48). The jected electric field images of the GeTe-based
and Pb atoms into the Ge sites to maintain the deviation of Ge atoms from the geometric cen- samples were further converted to projected
ordered Te sublattice. Because the contribu- ter is defined as a variable value of d (Fig. 4C). charge density maps according to Gauss’s law,
tion of Te-5p orbitals to the valence maximum The d value decreased with increasing ele- as shown in Fig. 4, G and H. In the octahedron
(S, h, Z, and L bands) is much higher than that mental species (Fig. 4F), as calculated from formed by one Ge atom and six Te atoms, we
of Ge-4p orbitals (fig. S13), Anderson localiza- atomic-resolution HAADF images of the four observed three shorter bonds and three longer
tion from disordered Ge sites would have less GeTe-based samples (fig. S14). This was con- bonds (Fig. 4J). The electrons were highly
effect on the electrical transport properties of sistent with the XRD results (Fig. 2A) where localized and formed shorter bonds because
p-type GeTe. The weakened scattering around the (2-10) and (104) peaks in the rhombohedral of symmetry breaking in the rhombohedral
the phase boundary and Anderson localiza- structure gradually converged into one (220) structure with a distorted lattice. The fair
tion of the electrons were the possible reasons peak in the cubic structure. The increased features in the gaps of the coupled Ge and Te
for the well-maintained PF in the high-entropy crystal symmetry from the rhombohedral atoms (shorter bonds) in the charge density
materials; however, the improved PF with in- to the cubic structure by the formation of map of the GeTe sample (Fig. 4G) provided
creasing entropy (Fig. 3A) was surprising. The high-entropy materials was the origin of the an indicator for the existence of localized
electrical transport properties were closely weakened ferroelectricity (48). electrons. By forming high-entropy mate-
related to the localization of electrons, and The tuned distortions quantified by the rials with more element species, the charge
were visualized by charge density distribu- variable d in the GeTe-based materials poten- density in the gaps between the Ge sites and
China (grant nos. 52002167, 11874194, and 11934007), the the Raman measurements. B.J., W.W., and J.H. wrote the SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
Science and Technology Innovation Committee Foundation manuscript, which was edited by all authors. Competing
of Shenzhen (grant nos. KQTD2016022619565991 and interests: The authors declare no competing interests. Data and Materials and Methods
ZDSYS20141118160434515), and special funds (grant no. materials availability: All data are available in the manuscript Figs. S1 to S19
G02206302). Author contributions: B.J. and J.H. designed or the supplementary materials. License information: Copyright Tables S1 to S3
this work. B.J. and S.L. synthesized the samples, fabricated the © 2022 the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee References (63–87)
modules, and performed the transport property measurements. American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to
W.W. performed the STEM observations and analysis. Y.W. and original US government works. Submitted 18 April 2022; accepted 1 June 2022
L.X. performed the calculations. C.W., Y.C., and M.H. performed science-licenses-journal-article-reuse 10.1126/science.abq5815
containing 250 mM CTAB showed sharp and
he design of interactive and adaptive soft transitions in molecular systems with many well-split peaks. CTAB peaks disappeared when
materials requires a complex composi- components under thermodynamic equilibrium mixed in equimolar ratio with BTA-EG4 in
tion of chemical components for which has been presented by Jacobs and Frenkel (18). NMR, and cryo-TEM confirmed the presence of
nature is often a source of inspiration (1). Their statement—that only minor adjustments micrometer-long aggregates (Fig. 2B). Together,
Multicomponent systems formed by to the strengths of intermolecular interactions these results indicate that all the surfactants
multiple associative and dissociative inter- are required to regulate the formation of dif- are integrated in the polymers. However, when
actions are key signatures of biological mat- ferent domains with specific compositions—is more equivalents of CTAB were applied, we
ter, but the competitive interplay of all these relevant for our current study. observed a gradual increase in intensity and
interactions makes the understanding of cer- Two frequently used units to construct resolution of the peaks associated with BTA-
tain natural processes difficult (2, 3). Synthetic aqueous synthetic supramolecular systems EG4. At 2 eq. of CTAB, the ethylene glycol peak
systems, because of their simplicity, can un- are surfactants and supramolecular mono- of BTA-EG4 appeared; 1H diffusion-ordered
ravel some of these challenges while yielding mers (6, 19–24). Monomer BTA-EG4 under- spectroscopy (DOSY) NMR (fig. S17) revealed
new functionalities (4–7). Although this field goes supramolecular polymerization in water that all the surfactants were still embedded,
is still in its infancy, several examples have to afford one-dimensional aggregates at micro- but in much smaller assemblies. These smaller
highlighted its potential for applications in molar concentration driven by hydrogen bonding aggregates were confirmed by cryo-TEM im-
catalysis, electronics, and medicine (8–11), with and hydrophobic effects, and is made water- ages showing fibers less than 500 nm in length.
the development of the lipid nanoparticle– soluble by hydrophilic tetraethylene glycol At 3 eq. of CTAB, both signals corresponding to
encapsulated mRNA vaccine as an obvious groups (Fig. 1A and fig. S6) (24). Dynamic the short BTA-EG4/CTAB fibers and BTA-
successful highlight in this respect (12). hydrogels are formed at concentrations above EG4/CTAB micelles were observed in DOSY
Liquid-liquid phase separations are often 8 mM (figs. S7 and S8) (25). The cationic surfactant NMR; cryo-TEM showed small spherical aggre-
accompanied by the occurrence of reentrant octyltrimethylammonium bromide (OTAB) gates and occasionally short fibers. Ultraviolet-
phase transitions (RPTs), which cause fasci- forms spherical micelles with a hydrodynamic visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy confirmed fiber
nating phenomena in these multicomponent diameter ~2 nm above its critical micelle con- disruption and the formation of small BTA
systems. Here, changes in temperature and/or centration (CMC = ~297 mM at 20°C) (26). An aggregates (Fig. 2C). This transition was de-
addition of one of the components give rise to unexpected finding sparked our attention pendent on the overall concentration as well
a recurrence of the original phase (11, 13, 14). when studying orthogonality by combining as the ratio of both components (Fig. 2D), with
This phenomenon was recently found to play these two units. We observed that the addition more surfactants needed at lower BTA con-
a critical role in the formation of intracellular of OTAB provoked the full disruption of the centrations. The saturation of the polymer
membraneless organelles, which are mainly BTA-EG4 hydrogel. Surprisingly, the result- with surfactants destabilized the structure
systems based on liquid-liquid phase sepa- ing solution was transformed into a trans- and destroyed the fibers at high concentra-
ration (15–17). A broader perspective on phase parent hydrogel upon dilution, followed by tions of surfactant, most probably as a result of
reentering the solution phase with further electrostatic and/or geometric constraints in
dilution, giving rise to a supramolecular sol- the structures formed (Fig. 2E).
Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, Laboratory of gel-sol RPT in water. The first two states were Studies with other surfactants revealed three
Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry, Eindhoven University visualized by cryogenic transmission electron relevant conclusions: (i) The affinity between
of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven, Netherlands. 2Leiden
microscopy (cryo-TEM) (Fig. 1B) and small- the surfactant and BTA-EG4 is determined
Academic Centre for Drug Research, Leiden University,
2333 CC Leiden, Netherlands. 3Centro de Investigacións angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) (fig. S9). This by the length of the aliphatic chain of the sur-
Científicas Avanzadas, Universidade da Coruña (CICA), A process was fully reversible by increasing the factant, (ii) BTA-EG4 fibers are unstable be-
Coruña, Spain. 4School of Chemistry and RNA Institute, concentration and led us to investigate the low the CMC of the surfactants, and (iii) the
University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.
*Corresponding author. Email: underlying mechanism of this hitherto unde- transition is dependent on both the overall
†These authors contributed equally to this work. scribed dilution-induced supramolecular poly- concentration and the ratio of the components.
takes advantage of an orthogonal supramo-
O lecular double network with a different gela-
CTAB tion concentration window.
UPy-EG11 The polymeric surfactant, octyl polyethylene
O glycol (OPEG, 2 kDa; Fig. 1A and figs. S22 and
HO S23) was synthesized with a C8-spacer. The
interaction of OPEG with BTA-EG4 at micro-
molar concentration was evaluated by UV-vis,
NMR, and cryo-TEM, showing a behavior sim-
ilar to that observed for CTAB (figs. S24 and
S25). Interestingly, an optimized BTA-EG4:
OPEG molar ratio of 2:3 ([BTA-EG4] = 80 mM)
B in Milli-Q (MQ)–H2O gave rise to an opaque
Gel 1 with a mesh size of ~10 to 20 nm as
indicated by cryo-TEM (Fig. 3A) and SAXS
(fig. S36). The densely packed network was
composed of wormlike fibers of fused BTA-
EG4/OPEG micelles. Rheological experiments
5 min
showed a storage modulus, G′, of up to 2 kPa
Dilution with a complex viscosity, h*, above 2 kPa·s, as
well as a fast and near-complete self-healing
behavior (Fig. 3, C to E). When diluting this gel
with water to [BTA-EG4] = 35 mM, a solution
was obtained after equilibrium, owing to the
50 nm 50 nm dissociation of the fused micelles as depicted
by cryo-TEM and SAXS. In line with the mor-
phology transition, h* dropped to ~1 Pa·s. When
Dilution this solution was further diluted to [BTA-EG4] =
27 mM, which is below the CMC of OPEG
Orthogonal (~42 mM; fig. S26), a transparent and dynamic
Strategy 1 Gel Sol Gel Sol Driving Forces Gel 2 was formed with G′ of ~5 Pa and h* of
~10 Pa·s. This gelation was triggered by the
Strategy 2 dissociation/release of OPEG from the BTA-
Sol Gel Sol Orthogonal EG4/OPEG micellar complex, which enabled
Networks the elongation of the BTA fibers and led to the
Gel Sol
formation of the typical, entangled BTA-EG4
fiber network. With further dilution to [BTA-
Fig. 1. Dilution-induced gelation in water. (A) Supramolecular components and their individual assemblies
EG4] = 0.8 mM and still the same BTA-EG4:
in water. (B) Cryo-TEM images of dilution-induced gelation in a BTA-EG4/OTAB system. Left: A solution
OPEG molar ratio of 2:3, the hydrogel changed
of BTA-EG4 (4 wt %, 31 mM) and OTAB (6.5 eq., 202 mM) shows small aggregates with a diameter of 5 to
into a viscous solution showing h* of ~0.4 Pa·s
8 nm, suggesting the presence of micellar BTA-EG4/OTAB complexes. Right: A transparent hydrogel
and micrometer-long individual fibers. A de-
of BTA-EG4 (2 wt %) and OTAB (101 mM), generated upon twofold dilution with MQ-H2O, shows an entangled
tailed characterization of this gel-sol-gel-sol sys-
BTA-EG4 fiber network. Scale bar, 50 nm. (C) Two strategies for dilution-induced gel-sol-gel-sol transitions
tem (cryo-TEM, SAXS, and rheology) is presented
by competitive supramolecular pathways in water.
in figs. S27 to S36.
The good biocompatibility of BTA-EG4 (27)
From these results, we hypothesize that the sol- characteristic peaks (211 and 227 nm) in UV- provides further opportunity for application
gel transition upon dilution is driven by the vis spectra related to fiber structure appeared of this multicomponent system in more com-
concentration-dependent complexation of sur- (Fig. 2H), as corroborated by cryo-TEM (fig. S21). plex media. Phosphate-buffered saline and
factants to BTA-EG4 polymers. To corroborate We hypothesize that CTAB is released when DMEM/F12 basal medium were used for the
this hypothesis, we constructed a thermody- the overall concentration decreases, there- whole process, showing RPT behavior iden-
namic mass-balance model that describes com- by enabling the elongation of the BTA fiber to tical to that observed in MQ-H2O (fig. S37). Ad-
petition among supramolecular polymerization, eventually achieve micrometer-long structures. ditionally, when physiological temperature
micellization, complexation of CTAB to the The dilution-induced supramolecular polym- was applied, G′ of Gel 1 became reduced
polymers, and polymer collapse (Fig. 2, E and erization became faster upon adding more by a factor of 8 (G′ ~ 250 Pa), probably owing
F, figs. S1 to S5, and supplementary text). We water (fig. S20). to a fastened dissociation of BTA-EG4/OPEG
subsequently studied the dilution-induced With an understanding of the mechanisms micelles (fig. S38).
effect of a solution of BTA-EG4 with 3 eq. of underlying the dilution-induced supramolec- The second strategy relies on an orthogonal
CTAB, in which only small aggregates exist. ular polymerization in water, an integration of supramolecular network formed by water-soluble
Upon dilution, peaks corresponding to both two RPTs was developed by introducing an supramolecular polymers based on the ureido-
BTA-EG4 and CTAB gradually broadened additional orthogonal interaction through two pyrimidinone unit (UPy-EG11, Fig. 1A), which
and weakened in NMR (Fig. 2G) while the different strategies (Fig. 1C). The first strategy is less dynamic than BTA-EG4 polymers (28).
100 nm 100 nm 100 nm 100 nm
3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
Chemical shift (ppm)
3 eq. CTAB
0.5 0.5
KMic Mic Ke
200 225 250 275 300 325 350 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mic S M P
Wavelength (nm) Surfactant equivalents
F 1.0 G H 1.0
Normalized Abs
M/S M/S 5-fold dilution 5-fold dilution
2-fold dilution
3 eq. 0.5
0.4 CTAB
No dilution
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 200 225 250 275 300 325 350
Surfactant equivalents Chemical shift (ppm) Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 2. Interaction and dilution-induced assembly of BTA-EG4 and CTAB in monomer, BTA-EG4 polymer, free surfactant, and surfactant micelle, respectively,
water. (A to C) 1H NMR spectra (400 MHz, D2O; peaks corresponding to BTA and and Ki and si the equilibrium constant and cooperativity parameter of process i.
CTAB are in blue and yellow zones, respectively) (A), cryo-TEM images (scale bar, (F) Simulated fraction curves of P/S and M/S with 1 eq. (model 1) and 2 eq.
100 nm) (B), and UV-vis spectra (C) of BTA-EG4 (250 mM) in the presence of (model 2) of [CTAB]/[BTA-EG4] accommodations, in which the concentration of
0, 1, 2, and 3 eq. of CTAB, respectively. (D) Experimental fraction curves of BTA-EG4 was held constant (250 mM) while the surfactant content was varied.
BTA-EG4/CTAB polymer obtained by normalizing the UV absorbance at 227 nm. The (G and H) 1H NMR spectra (400 MHz, D2O; peaks corresponding to BTA and
concentration of BTA-EG4 was held constant (500, 400, 250, or 100 mM, CTAB are in blue and yellow zones, respectively) (G) and UV-vis spectra
respectively) while CTAB content was varied. (E) Thermodynamic model for the (H) of [BTA-EG4]/[CTAB] (1/3) upon dilution, with [BTA-EG4]initial = 250 mM.
cooperative, competitive pathways, with M, P, S, and Mic representing BTA-EG4 CTAB absorption in all UV-vis spectra was removed for clarity.
In water, UPy-EG11 gives rise to micrometer- consisting of different gelation windows. As factant, a transparent solution with a low h*
long bundled fibers with a width of ~5 to 14 nm. depicted in Fig. 3B, F to H, an opaque hydrogel of ~1 Pa·s was accomplished. Further dilution
UPy-EG11/CTAB interactions were confirmed Gel 1′ was fabricated with a BTA-EG4:UPy- yielded the sol-gel-sol transition as in the first
by 1H NMR (fig. S39). However, UPy-EG11 and EG11:OTAB molar ratio of 3.2:1:21.2 at [BTA- strategy. All results of the detailed character-
UPy-EG11/CTAB mixtures (up to 5 eq. of CTAB) EG4] of 93 mM in MQ-H2O. Gel 1′ is mainly ization are presented in figs. S40 to S43.
showed almost identical UV spectra and cryo- stabilized by the UPy-EG11 network, whereas After exploring the different states at specific
TEM images, indicating that CTAB binds with BTA-EG4 exists as BTA-EG4/OTAB micelles. concentrations, we tested methods for tracking
UPy-EG11 bundles yet does not markedly dis- Upon dilution to [BTA-EG4] = 46.7 mM, the the formation of these polymers upon dilu-
rupt the supramolecular polymer. When mixed, UPy-EG11 network was not dense enough to tion. We used total internal reflection fluores-
BTA-EG4 and UPy-EG11 form self-sorted construct a three-dimensional network that cence microscopy (TIRFM) to trace the in situ
homopolymers. Hence, BTA-EG4, UPy-EG11, tightly held all the water. As the length of the formation of the supramolecular polymeric
and a surfactant make an ideal combination to BTA-EG4 fibers was not sufficient to form a fibers after the addition of droplets of con-
construct an interpenetrating double network network because of interaction with the sur- centrated solution to an aqueous film (Fig. 4).
1000 %
1000 %
(See figs. S44 to S46 for details of the experi- time. Some of the fibers became many tens respectively—a phenomenon similar to the
mental setup.) When an aqueous droplet of of micrometers long (Fig. 4A). In some cases, dynamic interconnected networks formed by
[BTA]:[CTAB] (1:3, [BTA] = 250 mM), contain- the fibers were connected to other droplets Marangoni flows in the mesoscale position-
ing 5% BTA-Cy3 for visualization, was pipetted (Fig. 4C). In other cases, the fibers both grew ing of amphiphiles when extruded from the
into the aqueous film and thus 100-fold diluted and shrank, and the pulling of droplets by the droplets (29). These results emphasize the crit-
in situ, supramolecular fibers started to grow contracting fibers could be observed (Fig. 4D ical role of concentrations in multicomponent
at several positions out of droplets (Fig. 4, A and movies S1 to S4). We ascribe the growth systems and are useful to understand several
to C). The relatively slow process in thin and the shrinkage to concentration gradients phenomena in biology, where RPTs are critically
films enabled us to follow the growth over from the droplet and against the droplet, important to understand cellular condensates.
(fig. S3, C and D).
ebate over the origin and early evolu- S1B) (10). The stacked discoid structures in the The seven branchial arches are aligned sub-
tion of vertebrates revolves around the bamboo-like bar were compared to those in parallel to each other and slightly inclined
pharynx (1–4), but there is little high- the cellular cartilages of embryonic verte- toward the rostral end (Fig. 1, C and F). The
resolution information available in the brates (8, 10), but this claim lacks further arches are connected by dorsoventrally curved,
critical part of the vertebrate tree—its anatomical support (12). The arches attach parenthesis-shaped horizontal rods at both
stem (5). Yunnanozoans from the early Cam- to slightly bent horizontal rods at both their ends (Fig. 1, F to H, and figs. S4 and S5; see
brian Chengjiang fauna (~518 million years dorsal and ventral ends (8, 11). The dorsal also figure 16 in (13); measurements are given
old) of China (6) are the oldest relatives of and ventral horizontal rods were previously in supplementary text). These dorsal and
crown-group vertebrates, although their phy- interpreted as blood vessels, margins of the ventral horizontal rods run subparallel to
logenetic position remains sharply debated— endostyle trough, or simply folds (8, 11, 12, 14). each other through most of the length of the
they have been variously classified as stem These debates call for further study based on pharynx then gradually converge between the
vertebrates, cephalochordates, hemichordates, new specimens. Here, we reexamine the pha- seventh pair of arches and the gonads (fig.
or even stem deuterostomes on the basis of ryngeal skeleton of yunnanozoans on the basis S5H). Locally, the rods show poorly preserved,
disputed anatomical interpretations (7–13). of 127 newly collected specimens and provide putative bamboo-like structures (figs. S4D and
Three species have been erected in the clade, high-resolution anatomical and ultrastructural S5, F and G). No gill filaments occur on the
Yunnanozoon lividum Hou, Ramsköld, and correlation with that of vertebrates. rods, but their matrix does contain microfib-
Bergström, 1991 (7), Haikouella lanceolata Chen, Newly collected specimens confirm that the rils, as in the branchial arches (fig. S3S). The
Huang, and Li, 1999 (10), and H. jianshanensis branchial arches comprise bamboo-like bars branchial bars articulate with the horizontal
Shu et al., 2003 (11), but the latter two species and lanceolate gill filaments (Fig. 1, D to F, rods at joints, evidenced by the common pres-
were subsequently revised as junior synonyms and fig. S1, A and B). Dorsoventrally preserved ence of disarticulation between the two struc-
of Y. lividum (13) (Fig. 1, A and B). This revised specimens show that the gill filaments are tures (figs. S1I and S5F). The horizontal rods
classification is adopted in this paper. Seven external to the bars (Fig. 1H and fig. S5, B, D, are not to be confused with nearby dark lines
pairs of bilaterally symmetrical branchial arches and G). All the bars consist of ~25 straight, called ventral and dorsal thin horizontal lines
have long been recognized in the pharynx of first-order septa that form a series of stacked (“vtl” in fig. S5, B, C, and G; and “dtl” in fig. S1,
yunnanozoans (Fig. 1C). The first pair of mouth- discoid structures measuring ~170 mm wide K and N). These thinner lines might be lon-
surrounding arches were once interpreted as and 140 mm thick (Fig. 1, D and E, and fig. gitudinal blood vessels, because they occur in
blood vessels in the upper and lower lips (10, 12) S1B). Each discoid structure is subdivided the regions of the aortae of vertebrates (10–12).
or oral skirts (11), but others have argued for into two to four cellular chambers by irreg- Our findings can be interpreted in a com-
their close similarity to the remaining arches ular second-order septa (N = 1 to 3) between parative biological context. In vertebrates,
(13). Each branchial arch consists of a bamboo- the two neighboring first-order septa, which chondrocytes are stacked parallel to the arch
like bar formed by evenly spaced, transverse are straight and regularly organized (Fig. 1, D axis during chondrogenesis, forming the clas-
septa and two rows of lanceolate gill filaments and E). X-ray computed microtomography sical stacked discoid structures of pharyngeal
that attach to both sides of each segment (fig. (micro-CT) of two different animals reveals arches in extant vertebrates (15, 16). The ar-
that the cellular chambers are 23 to 84 mm rangement, size, shape, and number of cellular
State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, School of
in diameter (N = 43) (Fig. 2 and fig. S2). chambers in the branchial bars of yunnanozoans
Earth Sciences and Engineering and Frontiers Science Center The arches are the most commonly pre- match the chondrocytes in the pharyngeal
for Critical Earth Material Cycling, Nanjing University, Nanjing served structures in yunnanozoans (11), with arches of embryonic and primitive vertebrates
210023, China. 2State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and abundant carbonaceous residues (Fig. 3I and and in the oral cirri of cephalochordates (Fig. 4D).
Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology
and Center for Excellence in Life and Palaeoenvironment, fig. S3, N, O, and Q). Under scanning elec- The microfibrils in the branchial arches of
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China. tron microscopy (SEM), these residues com- yunnanozoans have characteristics of fibrillin
College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese prise microfibrils that are thin, slightly wavy, microfibrils, including their diameter of ~12 nm
Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China.
*Corresponding author. Email: (F.Z.); largely parallel, and densely packed (Fig. 3, (17, 18), wavy appearance, parallel bundling, (B.J.) D and F, and fig. S3). Locally, the microfibrils and cross-linkages (19). They differ notably
f ba1
mo ba
gonads cs
ba2-r ba3-r ba4-r ba5-r ba6-r
ba3-l ba4-l ba5-l ba6-l ba7-l
ba6-r ba4-l
ba6-l ?ba2-l
cc fs
discoid lss
Fig. 1. Pharyngeal structures of yunnanozoans. (A and B) Line drawings of a (black arrows) sides in specimens NIGP 176267a (F), EC00086a (G), and
yunnanozoan (A) and its pharynx (B). (C to E) An overview of the branchial EC00308a (H). Abbreviations: ba1–7, branchial arches 1 to 7 (with “-r” and “-l”
arches in specimen NIGP 176256a (C). An enlargement (D) and line drawing (E) meaning right and left, respectively); cc, cellular chamber; cs, C-shaped
of the boxed area in (C) show detailed anatomy of each arch. (F to structure; f, filament; fs, first-order septa; lss, lobe-shaped structure; mo, mouth
H) Lateral [(F) and (G)] and ventral views (H) show the dorsoventrally curved, opening; us, U-shaped structure. Scale bars: 1 mm in (B), (C), and (F) to (H);
parenthesis-shaped, horizontal rods in both the dorsal (white arrows) and ventral and 200 mm in (D).
from collagen fibrils, which have thicker diam- The attached gill filaments with matrix mi- chial arches with stacked discoid structures,
eters ranging from 20 to 500 nm and repeat- crofibrils (fig. S3I) are possibly cartilaginous and presence of the horizontal bars at both
ing banding patterns (every ~67 nm) instead gill ray–like structures, as previously inter- ends of the branchial arches. We ran phyloge-
of beads (20). Unlike collagen fibrils that are preted (12). netic analyses on a newly combined set of
the major component of cartilages in jawed Turning next to the horizontal rods that characters, both without and with the char-
vertebrates (gnathostomes) (20, 21), fibrillin connect the branchial arches in yunnanozoans: acter modifications demanded by the findings
microfibrils are the dominant extracellular The presence of the microfibrils and putative of this study (fig. S6). These analyses support
matrix in some parts of cyclostome skeletons. septa again indicate their cartilaginous nature. that yunnanozoans are the earliest branching
The prominent examples occur in the first As skeletal elements, the horizontal rods perhaps stem vertebrates (Fig. 4A and fig. S6B).
two pharyngeal arches of larval lampreys (17) compare to the subchordal and hypobranchial The branchial arches of yunnanozoans also
and in the posterior lingual cartilage of a hag- bars in the branchial basket of lampreys (Fig. 4, B shed light on the early evolution of the ver-
fish (18). Similar matrix microfibrils also char- and C) (15). Comparable horizontal elements also tebrate pharyngeal arches. Because the first
acterize the pharyngeal skeletons of extant existed in the stem hagfish Myxinikela (22) arch in yunnanozoans is lateral to the circu-
cephalochordates (21). The common presence and the fossil jawless fish Euphanerops (23). moral structure and identical to the remain-
of microfibrils further confirms that yunna- These new findings reveal that the branchial ing arches, it completes a serial pattern of
nozoan branchial arches are cartilaginous, skeleton of yunnanozoans shares three char- similar arches that is also seen in another
and this cartilage shares both anatomical acteristics broadly present in crown-group stem vertebrate, Metaspriggina (Fig. 4) (5).
and ultrastructural characteristics with that vertebrates: dominance of microfibrils in the Yunnanozoans are consistent with the con-
of primitive vertebrates and cephalochordates. matrix of a cartilage with chondrocytes, bran- ventional hypothesis that every pharyngeal
A ba6-r D cc
ba1 fs
ba6-l ba5-l ba4-l ba3-l ba2-l
B ba5-r ba4-r
ba6-r ba3-r
ba1 E cc
ba7-l D, E
ba6-l ba5-l ba4-l ba2-l f
ba7-r f
ba1 cc
Fig. 2. X-ray computed microtomography of the branchial arches. (A to C) Photomicrographs of part (A) and mirrored counterpart (C) of specimen NIGP 176268
and its three-dimensional micro-CT reconstruction (B). (D and E) A selected slice and rendered image of the third left branchial arch show the cellular chambers.
Abbreviations as in Fig. 1. Scale bars: 1 mm in (A) to (C), and 100 mm in (D) and (E).
F brightness
D E G H 900 700
I 40 Si
Mg S K Fe
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Energy (keV)
Fig. 3. Ultrastructure of the branchial arches of yunnanozoans. (A) An overview between the microfibrils (white arrowheads). (G and H) Transmission electron images
of the branchial arches of specimen NIGP 176258a. Abbreviations as in Fig. 1. show the microfibrils and the possible beads at 50-nm intervals (white arrowheads,
(B) Enlarged view of the fifth arch [the boxed area in (A)]. (C) Backscattered scanning one bead is circled) in specimen NIGP 176263. The inset in (H) is the brightness
electron microscopy image of a straight septum [the boxed area in (B)]. profile between the two cyan crosses, with positions of the possible beads marked
(D) Secondary electron image shows that the carbon residues consist of bundles by orange bars. (I) Energy dispersive spectrometry spectrum based on SEM at the
of microfibrils. (E) An overview of the branchial arches of specimen NIGP 176255. white cross in (F). Scale bars: 1 mm in (A) and (E); 200 mm in (B); 50 mm in (C);
(F) Secondary electron image of the white point area in (E) shows the cross-linkages 100 nm in (D), (F), and (G); and 20 nm in (H).
nt -chordates
mo sb sr
dtl dtl vtl vhr
yunnanozoans †
yunnanozoans † ?nt
cs mo lss us
mo ba
lss us
vtl vhr
larval lampreys
† nt
t la mpre
eb a dul
ul hb
ul nt
mo ma hy
mo ma hy
c hb ba
† zebrafish
jawed eb
vertebrates †
mo cb
pharyngeal skeletons
ma hy mo
serial non-serial gill rays
with serially patterned bipartite units
Fig. 4. Phylogenetic relationships and morphological comparisons of pharyn- (D) Chondrocyte arrangement in the boxed areas of the pharyngeal skeletons in
geal skeletons among representative clades of chordates. (A) Simplified (B) and (C). The left half in cephalochordates is from oral cirri, whereas the right half
consensus tree from Bayesian analyses (from fig. S6B), with morphological state of is from pharyngeal skeletons. Abbreviations: ba, branchial arches; cb, ceratobran-
pharyngeal skeletons shown at the tips. This state is indicated as “serial” (green chials; dhr/vhr, dorsal/ventral horizontal rod in yunnanozoans; dtl/vtl, dorsal/ventral
box), meaning the first arch resembles the other arches to form a series, or as thin horizontal line in yunnanozoans; eb, epibranchials; hb, hypobranchial bars in
“nonserial” (purple box), meaning the first arch has extensive skeleton and distinct lamprey; hy, hyoid skeleton; ma, mandibular skeleton; nt, notochord; sc, subchordal
from other arches. Cephalochordates are colored in gray, indicating that they have bar in lamprey; sr/sb, skeleton in primary/secondary bar in cephalochordates; ul,
two alternate units of serially patterned arches. Encircled “V” indicates total-group upper lip cartilages in lamprey. For other abbreviations, see Fig. 1. Scale bars: 50 mm
vertebrates; encircled “C” means crown vertebrates. Fossil taxa are indicated with a in (D). Images in (B) and (C) are not scaled. References and additional explanation
single-dagger symbol. (B and C) Left and ventral views of the pharyngeal skeletons. of the drawings are available in supplementary text.
arch of the ancestral vertebrates was a typical gina acquired a pre-gnathostome condition, 14. X. Hou, P. Cong, Y. Li, Acta Palaeontol. Sin. 48, 402–413
branchial arch (24). having already lost the ancestral basket and (2009).
15. W. M. Martin, L. A. Bumm, D. W. McCauley, Dev. Dyn. 238,
The yunnanozoan basket, with its succes- gained the more separated arches. 3126–3138 (2009).
sive, unjointed branchial arches that are con- 16. C. B. Kimmel et al., Dev. Biol. 203, 245–263 (1998).
nected by dorsal and ventral horizontal rods, RE FERENCES AND NOTES 17. G. M. Wright, J. H. Youson, Am. J. Anat. 165, 39–51 (1982).
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arches seen in jawed fishes. This scenario, how- 5. S. C. Morris, J.-B. Caron, Nature 512, 419–422 (2014). R. P Mecham, Ed. (Biology of Extracellular Matrix Series,
6. C. Yang, X.-H. Li, M. Zhu, D. J. Condon, J. Chen, J. Geol. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011), pp. 77–115.
ever, is challenged by the isolated and bipartite Soc. London 175, 659–666 (2018). 21. G. M. Wright, F. W. Keeley, P. Robson, Cell Tissue Res. 304,
branchial bars in the higher stem verte- 7. X. Hou, L. Ramskold, J. A. N. Bergstrom, Zool. Scr. 20, 395–411 165–174 (2001).
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8. J.-Y. Chen, J. Dzik, G. Edgecombe, L. Ramsköld, G. Q. Zhou, 23. P. Janvier, M. Arsenault, Geodiversitas 29, 143–216 (2007).
its relatives, the branchial skeletons of which
Nature 377, 720–722 (1995). 24. G. De Beer, The Development of the Vertebrate Skull
are more gnathostome-like (Fig. 4) (5). This 9. D. Shu, X. Zhang, L. Chen, Nature 380, 428–430 (1996). (Clarendon Press, 1937).
either implies that the cyclostome basket was 10. J.-Y. Chen, D.-Y. Huang, C.-W. Li, Nature 402, 518–522
secondarily derived and thus is merely converg- (1999). AC KNOWL ED GME NTS
11. D. Shu et al., Science 299, 1380–1384 (2003). We acknowledge M. Benton for comments and Z. Yang and
ent on the original, yunnanozoan basket—
12. J. Mallatt, J. Y. Chen, J. Morphol. 258, 1–31 (2003). Y. Wang for discussion. We also acknowledge the following
which is unlikely, given the real similarities we 13. P.-Y. Cong, X.-G. Hou, R. J. Aldridge, M. A. Purnell, Y. Z. Li, individuals for their laboratory assistance: J. Tang, C. Wang,
found here—or else it implies that Metasprig- Palaeontology 58, 45–70 (2015). Y. Fang, and S. Wu at the Nanjing Institute of Geology and
Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS); J. Chen, Investigation: Q.T., F.Z., H.Z., and B.J. Funding acquisition: F.Z., SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
H. Liu, P. Jiang, and Z. Xia at the State Key Laboratory for Mineral M.Z., and B.J. Writing – original draft: Q.T., F.Z., and B.J. Writing –
Deposits Research, Nanjing University; G. Wang at Shanghai Jiao review & editing: Q.T., F.Z., H.Z., M.Z., and B.J. Competing interests: Materials and Methods
Tong University; and B. Wang, X. Lei, X. Chen, L. Hu, Z. Yin, The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data Supplementary Text
R. Wu, T. Zhao, W. Zhang, and X. Zhao. We are grateful to two and materials availability: The specimens studied here are all stored Figs. S1 to S6
anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and in NIGPAS. The measurements and datasets for the phylogenetic Tables S1 to S4
suggestions. Funding: Funding was provided by the Strategic analysis are available in the supplementary materials. Computed References (25–64)
Priority Research Program (B) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences tomography data are deposited in MorphoSource at https://www. MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
[XDB26000000 (B.J., F.Z., and M.Z.)], the National Science License Data S1 to S3
Foundation of China [42288201 (B.J.); 41921002 and 42072006 information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights reserved;
(F.Z. and M.Z.)], and the Fundamental Research Funds for the exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of
Central Universities [0206-14380137 (B.J.)]. Author contributions: Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www. Submitted 5 September 2021; accepted 17 May 2022
Conceptualization: F.Z. and B.J. Fossil collection: F.Z. and M.Z. 10.1126/science.abm2708
at multiple sites (21). We previously purified
nce thought of as G protein–coupled tural comparisons of GPCRs bound to antago- CH3-e-Met–labeled, ACKR3-bound CCX777
receptor (GPCR) off-switches, b-arrestins nists and b-arrestin–biased ligands suggest that in lauryl maltose neopentyl glycol/cholesteryl
are now known to coordinate diverse, ligand-specific conformational changes gov- hemisuccinate (MNG/CHS) micelles for NMR
G protein–independent signaling re- ern b-arrestin recruitment (12, 13). Despite this studies (22), and we used this method for other
sponses (1). In a phenomenon called progress, how ligand-binding pocket changes ACKR3-ligand complexes here (Fig. 1E, figs. S2
biased signaling,some GPCR ligands (biased are transmitted to the b-arrestin interface re- and S3, and materials and methods). As with
ligands) preferentially recruit b-arrestins or mains poorly understood. Other findings have other GPCRs, copurification with ligands was
G proteins (2). Because they select one pathway, complicated our understanding of b-arrestin necessary to produce sufficient quantities of
and therefore a specific functional outcome, recruitment by GPCRs. The identification of ACKR3 for NMR studies (23). Structural ho-
biased ligands have demonstrated advantages multiple, distinct b-arrestin–recruiting GPCR mology modeling of ACKR3 (fig. S4 and
over conventional ligands in preclinical (3–5) conformations suggests there may be multiple materials and methods) demonstrates eight
and clinical (6, 7) testing. More than 30% of conformational solutions to b-arrestin recruit- native Met residues (excluding the N-terminal
US Food & Drug Administration–approved ment (15), but raises the question of how such Met) distributed in ACKR3′s tertiary structure
drugs target GPCRs (8), so understanding the different conformations could elicit similar for NMR labeling. NMR labels serve as sensi-
mechanistic basis by which GPCRs recruit outcomes. Conversely, nearly identical confor- tive probes reporting on regional changes in
b-arrestins has important implications for mations of b-arrestin– and G protein–bound GPCR conformation and dynamics (24, 25). In
drug development. GPCRs (9–11) suggest that conformational this setting, Met2125x39 and Met1383x46 [where
Recent GPCR–b-arrestin structures (9–11) changes alone might not account for b-arrestin the superscripts indicate GPCRdb nomenclature
and biophysical studies of b-arrestin–biased recruitment. Finally, some studies of b-arrestin (26)] are well positioned to report on confor-
ligands (12–14) provide mechanistic insights recruitment use ligands that provoke re- mational changes associated with b-arrestin re-
into b-arrestin recruitment. For instance, struc- sidual signaling at G proteins (16), making it cruitment at ACKR3 because they are located
challenging to isolate the specific molecular in key regions of the ligand-binding pocket
Department of Biochemistry, Medical College of Wisconsin, changes leading to b-arrestin recruitment. (27, 28) and intracellular effector binding in-
Milwaukee, WI 53226, USA. 2Medical Scientist Training Given these complexities, studies of b-arrestin terface (29), respectively.
Program, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI recruitment could benefit from functionally Ligand interactions with TM5 play key roles
53226, USA. 3MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Cambridge CB2 0QH, UK. 4Department of Cell Biology, decoupled receptors that exclusively recruit in GPCR activation (27, 30), but how confor-
Neurobiology, and Anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin, b-arrestin. Atypical chemokine receptors (ACKRs) mational changes in TM5 lead to b-arrestin
Milwaukee, WI 53226, USA. 5Immuno-Pharmacology and represent one such naturally occurring system. recruitment is unclear. NMR spectra for the
Interactomics, Department of Infection and Immunity,
Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), L-4354 Esch-sur-
ACKR3 is an intrinsically b-arrestin–biased four ligand-bound states show chemical shift
Alzette, Luxembourg. 6Amsterdam Institute for Molecular GPCR that recruits b-arrestin but does not acti- perturbations (CSPs) for the Met2125x39 peak,
and Life Sciences, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of vate G protein (Fig. 1A) (17). Here, we performed which remains colinear along the 1H axis but
Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, 1081 HZ Amsterdam,
Netherlands. 7Department of Structural Biology, St. Jude
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies of variable along the 13C axis (Fig. 2, A and B).
Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN 38105, USA. ACKR3, showing that b-arrestin recruitment This indicates that ACKR3 exists along a two-
Center for Data Driven Discovery, St. Jude Children’s at an intrinsically biased GPCR is guided by state equilibrium, with the peaks at either ex-
Research Hospital, Memphis, TN 38105, USA. tuning its conformational equilibrium. treme defining the conformational end points
*Corresponding author. Email:
†These authors contributed equally to this work. ‡Present address: (31). In the CCX777-bound state, downfield
Harriet Lane Pediatric Residency Program, Johns Hopkins Child- RESULTS peak positions [~18.2 to 19 parts per million
ren’s Center, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA. §Present address: QVQ In agreement with prior studies, ACKR3 re- (p.p.m.)] indicate that 13CH3 is in a trans rota-
Holding BV, 3584 CL Utrecht, Netherlands. ¶Present address:
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Johns cruits b-arrestin but does not activate G pro- mer (end point 1), whereas in the CXCL12- and
Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA. tein signaling (Fig. 1, A and B; fig. S1A; and LIH383-bound states, upfield peak positions
Fig. 1. b-arrestin–biased signaling at ACKR3 and structural characterization recruitment. Structures are not to scale. CXCL12 PDB: 2KEC; nanobody from
by NMR. (A) CXCL12 activates b-arrestin but not G protein at ACKR3. (B) CXCL12- PDB 6KNM used to represent VUN701, and LIH383 and CCX777 were modeled
mediated cAMP inhibition of CXCR4 (positive control) and ACKR3 as shown by in PyMol. LIH383 sequence is FGGFMRRK (20). The chemical structure of CCX777 is
Glosensor assay (EC50 = 0.21 nM, CXCR4) (top). CXCL12-mediated b-arrestin-2 shown in (19). (E) 1H-13C heteronuclear single quantum coherence NMR spectra
recruitment to ACKR3 as shown by Tango assay (EC50 = 3.9 nM, ACKR3) (bottom). of WT-ACKR3 with various ligands at 310 K. Assigned Met residues are labeled.
N = 3 in triplicate in both assays. Error bars indicate SEM. (C) b-arrestin recruitment Asterisk denotes inferred assignments from other ligand-bound states (see the
to ACKR3 as shown by Nano-BiT assay. VUN701 dose response alone could not materials and methods). Negative contour peaks are shown in semitransparency and
be fit (black circles). Purple circles reflect VUN701 dose response with CXCL12 dashed lines. Peaks marked “a” encompass natural abundance peaks from buffer
at 3.2 nM . See text and table S1 for EC50 and Emax. All conditions, N = 3 in and detergent components (see also figs. S2G and S3). All spectra are shown at the
duplicate. Error bars indicate SEM. (D) Summary of ligand potency at b-arrestin same contour except LIH383, which was lowered to represent M2125x39.
(~16 to 16.5 p.p.m.) indicate that 13CH3 is in state is selected. Antagonists such as VUN701 has equivalent efficacy for b-arrestin recruit-
a gauche rotamer (end point 2) (Fig. 2B and may fail to constrain the region sampled by ment as wild type (WT) (fig. S5F), indicating
fig. S5, A and B) (22, 32–34). Met2125x39, preserving conformational hetero- that Met2125x39 reports on but does not itself
By contrast, in VUN701-bound ACKR3, the geneity (seen by increased exchange relative to mediate functional changes in the TM5 region.
Met2125x39 peak appears between the two end the active state) and precluding TM5-binding Does this occur in other GPCRs? We iden-
points at the random coil 13CH3 position, indi- pocket stabilization required for ACKR3 acti- tified all ligand-contacting residues among
cating fast conformational exchange between vation. Binding data show that Ala mutagen- structures of (i) GPCRs bound to b-arrestin–
gauche and trans rotamers in the inactive, esis of Met2125x39 similarly affects CXCL12 and biased ligands (or full-length b-arrestin; joint-
b-arrestin–nonrecruiting state (Fig. 2B). In- VUN701, suggesting that NMR changes be- ly called b-arresting–recruiting states) and
deed, CSPs of Met2125x39 from 13CH3 random tween inactive and active states likely represent (ii) inactive-state structures of the same GPCRs
coil vary by ligand type (fig. S5A), suggest- functionally important regional conformational (fig. S6, A and B). Using contact network analysis
ing that b-arrestin recruitment is associated changes, as opposed to differences in direct (29, 35), we found that ligands in b-arrestin–
with decreasing exchange among Met2125x39 ligand contacts at the probe residue (fig. S5, recruiting states make similar numbers of
rotamers irrespective of which c3 rotameric C to E, and table S1). Indeed, Met212Ala 5x39 contacts with residues in TM5 but significantly
Fig. 2. Conformational changes in the ligand-binding pocket and intracellular contacts with the ligand TRV023 (b-arrestin–biased; black outline) in TM5,
region characterize the b-arrestin–recruiting state. (A) ACKR3 model ECL2, and TM7 are shown as blue spheres (PDB 6OS1). The position of
depicting M2125x39 and M1383x46 probes. (B) Overlay of M2125x39 peaks from NMR probe 5x39 in AT1R is shown. Stabilization of TM5-ECL2-TM7 by biased
ligand-bound ACKR3 complexes at 310 K. The 16 to 16.5 and 18.5 to 19 p.p.m. ligands is depicted as a lock (right). (E) Met1383x46 peaks in all four ligand-
peaks (13C) correspond to gauche and trans rotameric states, respectively. bound states. Upfield peak positions (1H: ~1.3 p.p.m.) of M1383x46 among
Ligand-specific b-arrestin activity is depicted at right. Open and closed agonist-bound states supports ring-current shifts due to aromatic side chain
locks depict conformational sampling and restriction, respectively (bottom). interactions. Peaks are marked “a” as in Fig. 1. (F) 3x46 contact residues
(C) Ligand-residue interactions were compared between antagonist and at 2x43 and 7x53 exclusively in active-state complexes and 6x37 exclusively in
b-arrestin–biased ligand-bound GPCRs (see the materials and methods). inactive-state complexes (see the materials and methods). (G) b-arrestin
Shown is a comparison of the mean number of ligand contacts with TM5, recruitment of WT ACKR3 versus Ala mutants of 3x46-contacting mutants by
ECL2, and TM7 residues. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.005, unpaired t test. (D) AT1R NanoBiT (N = 3). See also table S1.
more contacts with residues in ECL2 and TM7 region (Fig. 2A) (29). In the three agonist- the b-arrestin–coupling region sampled by
than do antagonists (Fig. 2C). Thus, TM5 may bound states (CXCL12-, CCX777-, and LIH383- M1383x46.
anchor agonist interactions with ECL2 and bound), the Met1383x46 NMR peak has nearly By contrast, the inactive, VUN701-bound
TM7 (27, 36), creating a tripartite lock involving identical chemical shifts (Fig. 2E), indicating ACKR3 state is characterized by CSPs of the
the 5x39 region (Fig. 2D and fig. S6C), whereas that all three agonists elicit a shared confor- Met138 3x46 peak in both 1 H and 13C values
antagonists fail to stabilize all three lock points mation of Met1383x46. The upfield position (Fig. 2E), indicating diminished ring-current
(ECL2, TM5, and TM7) simultaneously. (~1.3 p.p.m.) of Met1383x46 in the 1H dimension shift (1H dimension), depletion of the gauche
Large-scale conformational changes underly- likely reflects ring current shifts caused by prox- rotamer (13C dimension), and more gauche/
ing GPCR activation are driven by local re- imity to an aromatic side chain (33, 38, 39). trans exchange ( 13C dimension). As in the
arrangements of residues at key positions in These data indicate that the agonist-specific binding pocket, VUN701 causes the smallest
the GPCR structure (so-called microswitch conformations of Met2125x39 (i.e., trans ver- CSP from random coil 13CH3-e-Met versus the
residues (37). We next examined Met1383x46, a sus gauche) in the TM5-binding pocket are three agonists, suggesting that agonists reg-
microswitch residue in the b-arrestin–coupling funneled into a common conformation at ulate b-arrestin recruitment by decreasing
Fig. 3. Mutational inactivation of b-arrestin recruitment through the Peaks are marked “a” as in Fig. 1. See fig. S8A and legend for the Met1383x46
conserved polar network. (A) Position of Asn1273x35 in the ACKR3 model assignment method. (E) Normalized CSPs for Met2125x39 in the 13C dimension
relative to Met2125x39 and Met1383x46. (B) b-arrestin-2 recruitment with CXCL12 (y axis) and Met1383x46 in the 1H dimension (x axis) from random coil for
for the ACKR3 mutants Asn127Lys3x35 and Asn127Ser3x35 as shown by the Asn1273x35 mutants and CXCL12- and VUN701-bound WT-ACKR3. Arrows depict
Tango assay. All conditions, N = 3 in triplicate. Error bars indicate SEM. See also transitions among CXCL12-bound WT-ACKR3 and mutant ACKR3. (F) Depiction of
table S1. (C) Close-up view of 1H-13C-HSQC in the Met2125x39 region (right), differences between WT-ACKR3 and Asn127Lys3x35 in CXCL12-bound states.
highlighting VUN701-WT-ACKR3 (first panel), CXCL12-ACKR3 Asn127Lys3x35 Despite being bound to CXCL12 (blue key), Asn127Lys3x35 locks ACKR3 in the
(second panel), CXCL12-WT-ACKR3 (third panel), and CXCL12-ACKR3 Asn127Ser3x35 inactive state, abrogating CXCL12’s effects on the Met2125x39 and Met1383x46
(fourth panel). (D) Overlay of 13C-HSQC in the Met1383x46 region for WT-ACKR3- probes. (G) Comparison of residue-residue interactions AT1R–b-arrestin–
VUN701, ACKR3-Asn127Lys3x35-CXCL12, ACKR3-Asn127Ser3x35-CXCL12, and biased ligand and AT1R-antagonist bound states (top) reveals the formation of
WT-ACKR3-CXCL12 complexes. A shaded triangle suggests peak noncolinearity. a 3x39–7x46 interaction in the b-arrestin state (bottom).
conformational heterogeneity in this region of and 7x53 and 6x37 have been shown to stabi- fig. S7, D to F) and the pronounced ring cur-
the b-arrestin–coupling region relative to the lize GPCRs in G protein signaling (7x53) and rent shift (1H) of Met1383x46 (Fig. 2E) in active
inactive state (fig. S7A). inactive states (6x37), respectively (29). but not inactive states of ACKR3 suggest that
What is the role of 3x46, a known micro- To investigate whether 3x46 and active- Met1383x46 reports on dynamic alterations in
switch involved in G protein activation (29), in state contacts from GPCR-b–arrestin complexes Tyr3157x53 associated with b-arrestin recruit-
b-arrestin recruitment among other GPCRs? (2x43 and 7x53) might play a role in b-arrestin ment (33, 38, 39). Active-state interactions be-
We calculated all intramolecular, residue- recruitment to ACKR3, we tested Met138Ala3x46, tween 3x46 and 7x53 may thus lock this region
residue interactions among structures of Ile84Ala2x43, and Tyr315Ala7x53 mutants for in place, decreasing local conformational het-
(i) b-arrestin-bound and (ii) inactive-state b-arrestin recruitment (Fig. 2G and table S1). erogeneity and increasing the likelihood of
structures of GPCRs with resolved side chains Although Met138Ala3x46 and Ile84Ala2x43 min- b-arrestin engagement. Indeed, receptors con-
(b1AR and rhodopsin) (fig. S7, B and C), finding imally affected ACKR3 function, Tyr315Ala7x53 tact the b-arrestin finger loop, a key structural
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bound structures and 6x37 in inactive structures cruitment, demonstrating the essential role directly at or in the vicinity of 3x46 and 7x53
(Fig. 2F and fig. S7, D to F). Of note 7x53 is a for this residue on ACKR3 activation. The in b1AR- and rhodopsin-arrestin complexes
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exchange between them (inactive). The same is
only partially true intracellularly: Met1383x46 engagement.
exists as a composite of trans/gauche rotamers In summary, our results show that coor- AC KNOWL ED GME NTS
in the inactive state that is narrowed to gauche- dinated, allosterically linked changes in recep- We thank A. Dishman for comments on the manuscript and
only rotamers in the active state. Nevertheless, tor dynamics regulate b-arrestin recruitment J. Campbell and colleagues at Chemocentryx for supplying CCX777.
Funding: This work was supported by the National Institutes of
Met1383x46 only experiences ring current shift to the intrinsically biased receptor ACKR3. Health (grant F30CA196040 to A.B.K.; grant R01AI058072 to B.F.V.;
effects in the active state. Although this might Our results provide a framework with which grant F30HL134253 to M.A.T.; grant R35GM133421 to J.D.M.; and
suggest that the active-state conformation of to understand the molecular changes re- grant T32 GM080202 to the Medical Scientist Training Program
at Medical College of Wisconsin to A.B.K. and M.A.T.); the State of
Met1383x46 is not accessible to ACKR3 in the quired for b-arrestin recruitment and provide Wisconsin Tax Check-Off Program for Cancer Research and
inactive state, it could also reflect sensitivity insights that may facilitate the design of biased the Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center (B.F.V.); the
limitations of 13C compared with other NMR therapeutics. Luxembourg National Research Fund (Pathfinder “LIH383,” INTER/
FWO “Nanokine” grant 15/10358798 to A.C.); INTER/FNRS grants
nuclei (45).
20/15084569, PoC “Megakine” 19/14209621, AFR-3004509,
How might different ligands enhance or and PRIDE 11012546 “NextImmune” to A.C.; F.R.S.-FNRS-Télévie
suppress changes in conformational plastic- grants 7.4593.19, 7.4529.19, and 7.8504.20 to A.C.; European
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8. A. S. Hauser, M. M. Attwood, M. Rask-Andersen, H. B. Schiöth, A.S. performed contact network analysis. A.B.K., A.S., and M.M.B.
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fasten these locks, leaving them open (or con- 13. C. M. Suomivuori et al., Science 367, 881–887 (2020). LIH383 and provided input on binding and functional assays. A.C.
formationally heterogeneous), which might 14. L. M. Wingler et al., Cell 176, 468–478.e11 (2019). and M.S. performed and analyzed fluorescence binding assays
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point to the association of b-arrestin recruit- 17. S. Rajagopal et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 628–632 manuscript. Competing interests: B.F.V. and F.C.P. have an
ment with increased stability, other studies (2010). ownership interest in Protein Foundry, LLC. R.H. is CSO of QVQ
18. J. M. Burns et al., J. Exp. Med. 203, 2201–2213 (2006). Holding BV. A patent application has been filed on “Novel Selective
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with conformational heterogeneity at the intra- 20. M. Meyrath et al., Nat. Commun. 11, 3033 (2020). Institute of Health; inventors: A.C. and M.S.; PCT application no.:
PCT/EP2020/061981). Data and materials availability: CCX777 exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Tables S1 and S2
was supplied through a materials transfer agreement (MTA) with Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www. References (50–91)
Chemocentryx. LIH383 was supplied to B.F.V. through a MTA with MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
A.C. VUN701 was supplied to B.F.V. through a MTA with M.J.S.
All data are available in the main text or the supplementary materials. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS View/request a protocol for this paper from Bio-protocol.
NMR peak assignments are deposited in the Biological Magnetic
Resonance Bank (BMRB) under entries 51451 to 51454. License Materials and Methods Submitted 16 May 2021; accepted 7 June 2022
information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights reserved; Figs. S1 to S7 10.1126/science.abj4922
chains were used to replace previously explored
ielectric elastomers (DEs) earned their resulting in progressively greater strain that short and stiff molecules, such as hexanediol
artificial muscle moniker because of proceeds until failure or induces unstable snap- diacrylate (HDDA), thus achieving more tun-
their large electrically induced actua- through. EMI on some DEs can be suppressed able stretchability and tensile strength (Fig. 1C
tion strain, high energy density, fast by applying a constant strain before actua- and figs. S2 and S3) (8). The cross-link density/
response speed, and mechanical com- tion, known as prestretching (8, 9). This, how- gel fraction (fig. S4) as well as the stress-strain
pliancy, all of which reproduce or in some ever, requires a rigid frame to maintain the responses were further controlled by changing
aspects exceed the multifunctional performance applied strain. the concentrations of the short-chain cross-
of natural muscles (1, 2). When a DE film is The contradiction between low driving volt- linker, PNPDA (Fig. 1C) (8). Without PNPDA,
sandwiched between compliant electrodes, it ages and high energy output also limits DEA the DE shows a similar long stress-strain
acts as a deformable capacitor and is known applications. Multilayer DEAs are able to scale plateau to that of non-prestretched VHB (fig.
as a dielectric elastomer actuator (DEA) (3). up force and energy outputs without increas- S5) (5, 6). With the bimodal network struc-
Under a voltage, the electric field across the ing voltages (2, 10, 11), but currently used wet ture, our DE stiffens after a critical stretch
DE generates a strong electrostatic interaction stacking methods—where an uncured DE film ratio in its non-Gaussian region (20), which
between the electrodes, known as a Maxwell is deposited on a cured DE—show low effi- can suppress EMI. This critical stretch ratio
stress, which compresses the film in the thick- ciency, poor scalability, low yield, and suboptimal shifts to a smaller value as the cross-link den-
ness direction and expands it in area. On the actuation performance as a result of layer non- sity increases. Second, the concentration of
basis of the working mechanisms, a high- uniformity. In addition, wet techniques are hydrogen bonds was optimized in the DE
performance DE should have sufficiently high not applicable for precured films, such as network to modify the viscoelasticity while
elastic strains, a large dielectric constant, high VHBs (12). maintaining its stress-strain relationship. A
dielectric strength, and an actuation stability There have been important advances in the small amount of acrylic acid (AA) comonomer
without premature failure. development of DE materials, including poly- (2.5 parts of weight) was added, which pro-
It has been challenging to tailor the electro- acrylates with optimized cross-linking networks vides side groups to form hydrogen bonds with
mechanical properties of an elastomer to meet (13), bottle-brush polymers (6), interpenetrating themselves, as well as with the –NH– groups
all these requirements, and the selection of DE networked elastomers (14), and high–dielectric on the CN9021 and PNPDA cross-linkers (fig.
materials is therefore limited (4). Commercial constant elastomers (15, 16). A bimodal-networked S6) (21). The mechanical loss factor of DE, a
3M very high bond (VHB) acrylate tapes and DE material was reported to suppress EMI with- measurement of the viscoelasticity, was then
silicone elastomer resins are the most widely out prestretching (8). However, it suffered from decreased from ~0.22 to ~0.11 at room temper-
used DE materials. VHBs, however, suffer from low maximum strains (<90% areal strain) and ature and low frequencies (fig. S7) without
high viscoelastic losses, whereas silicones tend high viscoelastic loss, which limited its energy changing the strain stiffening behavior (table
to exhibit low maximum strains and dielectric and power output. S2) and high elasticity (fig. S8). After AA is added,
strength (5). Additionally, many soft conven- We built a bimodal-networked elastomer hydrogen bonds partially replace covalent cross-
tional elastomers exhibit a long stress-strain using two cross-linkers with different chain links in the network. Hydrogen bonds act as
plateau (5, 6), and their performance is limited lengths and tailored its electromechanical weak, physical cross-links and can dynami-
by electromechanical instability (EMI) (3, 7). properties for high actuation performance. cally dissociate, leading to a lower glass transi-
Under constant voltage, the electric field in- DE films were fabricated through solution tion temperature (Tg) (fig. S9) and higher
creases as the DE film thickness decreases, processing and cured under ultraviolet (UV) chain mobility in the network (22). As more
light. The long chain segment in the bimodal AA is added, hydrogen bonds become highly
network ensures large elongation, and the sec- concentrated, and the density of covalent bonds
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University ond relatively short chain segment raises the decreases (fig. S7), which results in inhibited
of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 2ZJU-UIUC
Institute, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. 3SRI modulus at modest strains to resist the rapidly actuation performance (fig. S10). At frequen-
International, Menlo Park, CA, USA. increased Maxwell stress during actuation and cies above 20 Hz, the storage modulus and loss
*Corresponding author. Email: suppress EMI (Fig. 1A) (8, 17). Figure 1B shows factor of DE also increase rapidly (fig. S11).
†These authors contributed equally to this work.
‡Present address: Exponent, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA. the molecular structures of reactants. Detailed The static actuation performance of DEs was
§Present address: Pelrine Innovations, Longmont, CO, USA. formulations and nomenclature of samples tested in a diaphragm configuration (Fig. 1D)
Fig. 1. Synthesizing bimodal-networked DEs with soft cross-linkers and prestretching. The complete curves of PNPDA 0 and VHB 4905 are shown in
hydrogen bonds for high-performance actuation. (A) Schematic illustration fig. S5. (D) Static actuation of PHDE, bimodal DE materials with different
of the design rules for DE with bimodal network structure. (B) Molecular concentrations of PNPDA, and VHB 4905 with 300% biaxial prestretching,
structures of acrylates and diacrylates used for the synthesis of bimodal- measured on a diaphragm. Carbon grease was used as the compliant electrodes.
networked DE. (C) Stress-strain relationships of PHDE, bimodal DE materials with (E) Cyclic actuation of PHDE and bimodal DE without AA under a 2-Hz square
different concentrations (weight %) of PNPDA or HDDA, and VHB 4905 without wave voltage of 4.5 kV for 100 cycles.
Fig. 2. Energy density and power density properties of PHDE. (A) Energy density of single-layer PHDE films measured at specified loads. (B) Energy density at different
frequencies. The driving voltage is 2.5 kV. (C) Average power density of single-layer PHDE tested in pure-shear mode with different loads. (D) Performance comparison
of PHDE with natural muscles and other DEAs reported in the literature. (E) Ball toss by the PHDE actuator. (F) A jumping robot fabricated with a PHDE actuator.
(23). A moderate ratio of short-chain cross- an aluminum ball, which is 20 times as heavy precursor acting as a binding layer are sprayed
linker to long-chain cross-linker was found as itself, to 12.1 cm high (Fig. 2E and movie S3), on the glass/PHDE films. The PET/PHDE is
to be ideal for high actuation strains. The DE reaching an energy transfer efficiency of ~10% aligned onto a glass/PHDE/CNT/precursor
with 10 wt % of PNPDA exhibited a maximum (fig. S20). A miniature jumping robot based on and laminated in a vacuum laminator. After
strain of 189% with EMI fully suppressed, as a single-layer PHDE actuator reached a height UV curing the binding layer, the glass is re-
indicated by the modeling study (fig. S12). of 1.2 cm, which was ~67% of the theoretical moved and the two-layer PHDE stack, which
After the small amount of AA was added, the height of this jumping system (Fig. 2F, fig. S21, is now on PET, is aligned onto another glass/
DE maintained this high and stable actuation and movie S4). PHDE/CNT/precursor to add the third PHDE
and improved its response speed owing to To scale up the energy and power outputs layer. These processes are repeated until the
reduced viscoelasticity. Under a 2-Hz square of DEAs at low voltages, we developed a dry stack is fabricated. Figure 3B and fig. S22 show
wave voltage, the DE with AA exhibited an av- stacking method to fabricate multilayer DEAs. the pictures of a 10-layer PHDE stack with an
erage areal actuation of 110%, which is su- This method was demonstrated with PHDE array of 20 actuators. Its cross section was ex-
perior to those of the DE without AA and of but is applicable for other DEs, including pre- amined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
other previously reported DEs (Fig. 1E, movie formed DE films. As illustrated in Fig. 3A, to and the image in Fig. 3C shows uniform thick-
S1, and table S3). Thus, the DE with 10 wt % of fabricate an N-layer PHDE stack, N-1 films are ness of PHDE layers and solid sealing between
PNPDA and an additional 2.5 parts of AA is cast on glass, and one film is prepared on poly- them. The interfacial electrode with inter-
finalized as the processable, high-performance ethylene terephthalate (PET), with uniform penetrating structure allowed strong bonding
dielectric elastomer (PHDE) composition for thickness. Two substrates were selected to pro- between layers, which was proved by a swelling
film preparation and device fabrication. PHDE vide different mechanical properties and ad- test (fig. S23), and the stress-strain curve and
showed high dielectric strength with an ap- hesions, thus avoiding delamination during dynamic moduli of a 10-layer PHDE stack are
parent electrical breakdown field of 330 V/mm, stacking. Carbon nanotube (CNT) electrodes very close to those of single-layer films (fig.
low leakage currents (fig. S13), a high dielec- and a thin layer of uncured acrylic polymer S24). The dielectric constant of the PHDE
tric constant of 5.35, and a small dielectric
dissipation factor of 0.014 at 1 kHz (fig. S14).
The force output, energy density, and power
density of the single-layer PHDEs were tested
in a pure-shear mode (fig. S15) (23, 24). The
film measured 6 cm by 1 cm by 40 mm and
~0.030 g of active material. Under preloaded
isometric conditions, PHDE was able to output
a stable force of ~0.95 N (~0.40 MPa stress) at
2.5 kV with a 1.2 N preload without prestretch-
ing (fig. S16A). The force maintained ~0.67 N
at 2 Hz and ~0.4 N at 20 Hz (fig. S16B). Under
isotonic conditions, PHDE films performed a
specific work of ~35 J/kg with a 50-g load and
~88 J/kg with a 100-g load during contraction
at 2.5 kV (Fig. 2A and movie S2). This maxi-
mum energy density is more than twice that of
natural muscles (0.4 to 40 J/kg). PHDE films
maintained energy densities of ~67 J/kg at
5 Hz and ~16 J/kg at 20 Hz with a 100-g load
(Fig. 2B and movie S2), and the corresponding
power densities were calculated to be ~670 W/kg
and ~640 W/kg, respectively (Fig. 2C) (24).
The peak energy and power density at 10 Hz
was caused by resonant responses of planar
actuator systems (24, 25). These power den-
sities are about one order of magnitude as
high as those of natural muscles (26) and can
be achieved in the 101-Hz range or lower. At
frequencies greater than or equal to 50 Hz,
the films were not able to effectively perform
work. Notably, the blocked force and energy
density can be tuned by adjusting the con-
centration of short-chain cross-linkers for dif-
ferent applications (figs. S17 and S18). PHDE
exhibited high stability when performing work
(fig. S19). The maximum energy and power
output densities of PHDE are superior to Fig. 3. Multilayer PHDE actuators enabled by dry stacking method. (A) Diagram of dry stacking for
those of natural muscles and DEAs developed multilayer PHDE actuator fabrication. (B) Photo of a 10.16 cm by 12.7 cm (4 inch by 5 inch) 10-layer PHDE
in recent years (Fig. 2D) (2, 24, 27–31), which stack with 20 actuators. (C) SEM images of cross-sectional view of a PHDE stack. (D) Static actuation
enable lightweight, energy-dense actuation sys- of single-layer and 10-layer PHDE films, tested on a diaphragm. CNT was used as compliant electrodes.
tems. A PHDE film was demonstrated to toss (E) Frequency response of single-layer and 10-layer PHDE actuators under 3.5 kV (square wave).
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729–740 (2014). T.L. fabricated and tested spider actuators. K.Y., Z.P., and J.P. Accepted 1 June 2022
23. F. Carpi et al., Smart Mater. Struct. 24, 105025 (2015). helped with film fabrication and material characterizations. Q.P. 10.1126/science.abn0099
truggling Ph.D. student checklist, December 2021: Anxiety. Caffeine addiction. Depression.
Emotional support cat that then causes stress. Imposter syndrome. Stress twitches. Hair loss.”
When I recently came across these words, I couldn’t believe I had written them just 6 months
earlier. Since then, I have tried three different antidepressants and acquired an unruly num-
ber of pill cutters. I have experienced migraines, drowsiness, weight loss, weight gain, and
fatigue. At times I have still felt numb, lonely, and frustrated. But I have also felt hopeful and
reinvigorated, confident in the knowledge that I am on the path of healing.
My troubles started early in gradu- take the plunge and start on antide-
ate school. In addition to the typi- pressants. After the appointment, I
cal stressors of starting a Ph.D., felt hopeful—an emotion I hadn’t
my advisers decided to move to a experienced in months. I called my
new university. They wanted me parents and assured them I would
to go with them, whereas many of be all right.
my classmates and other profes- My optimism was temporar-
sors wanted me to stay. I felt pulled ily dampened when, shortly after
in two directions, and as a devout starting the medicines, I was hit
people-pleaser, my ever-present with intense migraines. But soon
anxiety began to rear its ugly head. I began to see real benefit. I was
I started seeing a therapist to sleeping again. My nausea dissi-
help unpack the loaded question of pated and my appetite returned.
what I wanted to do with my life. I My eyebrows grew back. My smile
shared my hesitancy about medica- felt more genuine and my laughter
tion, having lost a beloved family less forced. I no longer felt like an
member to suicide while they were imposter in my own body. I picked
taking antidepressants. My thera-
pist and I decided we would explore
“Antidepressants aren’t up my old hobbies of running, read-
ing, drawing, and doing puzzles,
every other option. We practiced
coping mechanisms for when I felt
magic pills … but they helped me and developed new ones, including
cleaning and being an obnoxious
particularly anxious. We discussed when nothing else could.” cat mom. I returned to therapy
how to respond to the never-ending with newfound light in my eyes. I
questions from colleagues about whether I was moving. I left began to work from local coffee shops, which helped keep
each session with a positive feeling in my stomach. me motivated, focused, mentally charged, and caffeinated.
But despite our efforts, anxiety and depression continued I visited my advisers’ new university and finally decided to
to creep up on me. With classes being held online due to move with them, lifting a massive weight off my shoulders.
the pandemic, I spent my days at a desk in the corner of my That isn’t to say everything was suddenly perfect. The first
bedroom, searching the familiar walls for any distraction medications made me feel emotionally numb, so my doc-
from reading papers. I spent nights lying awake with my tor and I tried a different one, which hit me with extreme
thoughts. When I did sleep, I woke to frightening anxiety. drowsiness and weight gain. But my doctor and I will keep
I battled nausea, appetite loss, fatigue, panic attacks, and working to find the medications that work best for me, and
lack of motivation. I lost my eyebrow hair. My period be- I will continue therapy as well. Antidepressants aren’t magic
came irregular to the point of spotting every day, with ane- pills, and the side effects are no joke. But they helped me
mia close behind. My friends and family were concerned when nothing else could.
about my rapid weight loss. When a panic attack forced me These days, I have a new checklist. Healing Ph.D. student
to miss an important meeting with my advisers, I sched- checklist, July 2022: Drowsiness. Caffeine addiction. Ap-
uled an emergency session with my therapist. She could tell petite changes. Weight fluctuations. Newfound motivation.
everything she needed to know from my eyes, glassy and Transparency. Hope. j
sunken with defeat. It was time to consider medication.
I went to a doctor, and with her support, I decided to Hannah Gurholt is a Ph.D. student at Washington University in St. Louis.
Jennifer Hampton Hill
Jennifer Hampton
Hill received an
degree from Cali-
fornia State Poly-
technic University
Humboldt and her
PhD in biology from the University
of Oregon in Eugene in Dr. Karen
Guillemin’s laboratory. She is
currently finishing a postdoctoral
fellowship at the University of Utah
in Salt Lake City in the laboratories
of Drs. June Round and Charles
Murtaugh. Her research focuses
on host-microbe interactions
that shape pancreatic develop-
ment and health.
Micrograph of mouse pancreatic islets composed of insulin-producing b cells and other hormone-secreting cells
ne-hundred years ago, the dis- However, a cure still evades discovery, and
covery of the hormone insulin by its realization will require a dual approach
Frederick Banting and Charles Best that tempers autoimmunity while simulta-
transformed the prognosis of type neously restoring endogenous insulin pro-
1 diabetes (T1D). Practically over- duction. Focusing on the latter, our work
night, a diagnosis of T1D went from revealed that the resident microbiome is a
meaning certain suffering and death to promising source of previously undiscov-
being a manageable, albeit difficult, condi- ered modulators of host b cells.
tion that could result in a long and full life. Animals evolved within a microbial
Over the century since that Nobel Prize– world, and it is plausible that early multi-
winning discovery, there has been monu- cellular life used microbial cues to gather
mental progress in the understanding of information about the environment, e.g.,
the basic etiology of diabetes, which is now local nutrient availability, to set their me-
known to be an autoimmune disease char- tabolisms (1, 2). Many animals, including
fruit flies and mice, have reduced meta-
bolic rates when grown in the absence
Departments of Pathology and Human Genetics,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. of microbes—an artificial situation that
Email: could be interpreted by these organisms
Although small microbial metabolites have at several predicted lipid-binding residues 2. T. C. G. Bosch, M. McFall-Ngai, Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 141,
frequently been shown to disseminate sys- in BefA. One of these substitutions de- 399 (2021).
3. G. Storelli et al., Cell Metab. 14, 403 (2011).
temically, this is the first observation of the creased BefA’s ability to both disrupt mem- 4. L. C. Murtaugh, Development 134, 427 (2007).
far-reaching effects of a much larger pro- branes and stimulate b cell turnover (7). 5. J. H. Hill, E. A. Franzosa, C. Huttenhower, K. Guillemin,
tein secreted by gut bacteria (8). Conversely, Reg3 was sufficient to induce eLife 5, e20145 (2016).
6. B. E. Gregg et al., J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 97, 3197
To better understand how BefA affects a potent increase in b cell turnover from (2012).
b cells, we resolved the protein’s crystal mouse islets, illustrating both the necessity 7. J. H. Hill et al., bioRxiv 10.1101/2022.03.24.485696
structure. This structure revealed a previ- and sufficiency of membrane perturbation (2022).
8. J. H. Hill, J. L. Round, Cell 184, 2796 (2021).
ously unknown protein fold for a putative in b cell expansion (7). 9. S. Mukherjee, L. V. Hooper, Immunity 42, 28 (2015).
lipid-binding domain that was sufficient The hygiene hypothesis posits that cer- 10. D. P. Strachan, BMJ 299, 1259 (1989).
for BefA’s activity (7). We next deter- tain skyrocketing diseases, such as T1D, 11. M. J. Blaser, S. Falkow, Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 7, 887 (2009).
12. A. D. Kostic et al., Cell Host Microbe 17, 260 (2015).
mined that BefA was capable of binding are the result of changing societal practices
13. P. Zheng, Z. Li, Z. Zhou, Diabetes Metab. Res. Rev. 34,
to membrane lipids and perturbing lipid that have reduced microbial exposures and e3043 (2018).
bilayers—a trait common to antimicrobial decreased microbiome diversity (10). As 14. C. J. Stewart et al., Nature 562, 583 (2018).
proteins (AMPs), like the Reg proteins, se- a result, humans may have lost microbes
creted in the gut to prevent incursion by that were relied on in the past to perform 10.1126/science.abq6051