Fluidic System Technologies UK May 2015

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Fluidic System Technologies

Parker Fluidic Solutions Division

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Parker Hannifin

Parker Hannifin is the world’s leading diversified manufacturer of motion

and control technologies and systems, providing precision-engineered
solutions for a wide variety of commercial, mobile, industrial, life science
and aerospace markets.

The company’s products are vital to virtually everything that moves

or requires control, including the manufacture and processing of raw
materials, durable goods, infrastructure development and all forms of

Automation Group

Parker Hannifin’s Automation Group is a market leader focused on the control and automation of fluids,
compressed air, motion and drive technologies.

Our global divisions provide industry with a single point for solutions in multiple fluid media, pneumatics, drive and
handling technologies.

Automation Group offer an extensive range of capabilities including, design and manufacture and assembly of
complete integrated systems.

Fluidic Solutions Division

Parker Fluidic Solutions Division (PFS) is a global designer and

manufacturer of bespoke integrated system solutions. Renowned globally
for solutions in high technology, fluid and motion control utilising advanced
design and manufacturing techniques. PFS is focused on incorporating the
best of Parker products into solutions designed for you.

At PFS we constantly strive to provide outstanding design and ground-

breaking innovation simultaneously. By developing partnerships with our
customers we deliver solutions allowing you to accelerate your product
development process, reduce your cost of acquisition and ownership.

Product Development ............................................................ Page 2

Integrated Solutions ............................................................ Page 3

Clean Technology ............................................................ Page 4

Aluminium Manifold Solutions ............................................................ Pages 5 - 9

Custom Manifold Solutions ............................................................ Pages 10 - 14

Fluidic Manifold Solutions ............................................................ Pages 15 - 19

Conventional Systems ............................................................ Pages 20 - 23

Core Components ............................................................ Pages 24 - 25

Chemical Compatibility Chart ............................................................ Pages 26 - 27

Product Development

Rapid ... Manufacture

Idea ... Modelling
... Prototyping
... Tooling

With the increasing pressure to

develop new products in shorter
Feasibility time frames, more and more
companies are taking advantage of
the benefits of PFS Rapid production

Our suite of modelling tools provides

the opportunity ‘to try before you In addition to the tools we use, Parker
Concept buy’. Having physical models also offer a variety of materials from
created from your ideas, developed which to choose. Different applications
into concepts and realised into require a careful selection of materials,
prototypes demonstrates a unique from polycarbonate or aluminium
Product Development offer from filled polyurethane to selected alloys.
Parker Hannifin. For either prototyping or production
Prototype Parker have a wide range of solutions.

From a variety of CAD file extensions

Parker translate your work into
physical reality. Our design engineers
will work with your ideas and develop
components, interfaces and devices
Test & Our experience in performance to meet your specifications.
Development enhancement is a benefit to
the leading Formula 1 teams, Contact your local Parker Hannifin
medical device manufacturers and representative to request PFS Rapid.
instrument designers. The suite
of tools includes Selective Laser
Sintering, Stereolithography and
Manufacture Fused Deposition Modelling among
other Rapid technology tools
which give you access to a host of
capabilities without the on-site

Accelerate your time to market with Rapid!

a rke Reduced product development time rke


utP hP
ho = wit
£$€ £$€
Faster return on investment

time time

2 www.parker.com/pfs
Integrated Solutions

In today’s demanding, evolving and rapidly changing environment, the need for a reduction in complexity and
the efficient use of resource whilst maintaining technological and competitive edge ensures we stay alert to the
challenges in product development. Failure to challenge the current state means our competition move ahead, gain
market share and erode margins as we battle to retain business through pricing.

This brochure is designed to demonstrate the capability of Parker Hannifin in the reduction of hidden costs
associated with your product, its development, assembly and time to market. Parker Hannifin systems provide
increased efficiency, reliability and accuracy.

The philosophy of integrated systems is simple and demonstrated below and is the concept and innovation behind
Fluidic Solutions Division, Parker Hannifin’s low pressure multi-media system provider.

• Multiple component design
• Multiple individual components to
• Multiple different suppliers to
• Multiple administrative tasks
• Component stock holding and
• Component assembly
• Assembly testing
• Rework

• Functional Optimisation
• Design Partnership
• One single part number
• Single source supply, single
• One handling and storage location
or JIT
• Fully assembled and tested
• No Rework
• Reduced complexity and size

www.parker.com/pfs Together, we can reduce your manufacturing costs. 3

Clean Technology


Parker Fluidic Solutions houses one

of the largest cleanroom facilities
to be found in the pneumatics and
fluidics industry, a total floor area of
380 square metres (4092 sq.ft.)

It operates to ISO 14644-1, ISO Class

6 Standard, (FED Standard 209E,
Class 1000) over the working areas
and has its own dedicated material
handling area and store.
These components are then skillfully No organic sealants, adhesives
integrated with control equipment or lubricants are used in the
The cleanroom contains over 24
into top level sub-systems that manufacturing process.
square metres of Laminar
become an integral part of the OEM
Flow Cabinets operating to ISO
customer’s equipment. All system
14644-1, ISO Class 4 Standard (FED
solutions are manufactured, tested Component parts are lubricated
Standard 209E, Class 10).
and packed in a clean environment. with oxygen-compatible PFPE
(perfluoropolyether) grease, as
needed for assembly.
Our engineering team has a
wealth of experience in the design
of electro-pneumatic and fluidic
Each component is tested utilising
systems for OEM manufacturers
compressed Nitrogen and ultraviolet
in the semiconductor, medical and
analytical sectors.

All products are double bagged

PFS systems are designed for
in heat-sealed ESD packaging
optimum functionality and reliability
and draw on well-proven products
and components from the vast Parker
Hannifin range.
Oxygen Clean Capability

Components are ultrasonically

cleaned, assembled, inspected and
tested in a controlled area with a
state-of-the-art positive pressure
High Efficiency Particulate Air
(HEPA) filtration system. Alternative Applications
Both organic and inorganic
contaminants such as particulate Bio Chemistry
matter and hydrocarbon oils are Pharmaceutical
removed. Clinical Chemistry

4 www.parker.com/pfs
Aluminium Manifold Solutions

Life Science



Power Generation

Aluminium Manifold Solutions

Changeover Valve
A simple multi-technology manifold was designed for switching gas • Compact design fits into small
flow from N2O to Air. The manifold has been designed specifically for the space envelope
customer application and offers:
• High flow – ø5.5mm orifice

- Maximum flexibility • Flexible – manual/electrical

- Minimum components options
- Ease of assembly • Special porting configuration in
- Simple maintenance line with customer requirements

This product design allows for a variety of technical specifications to be

achieved through interchangeable components.
Alternative Applications
Media: Nitrous Oxide, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Air Automation
Components: AC/DC solenoid valves, electronic pressure switches, barbed
connections, fittings, oxygen clean.

6 www.parker.com/pfs
Aluminium Manifold Solutions

Door Control System

Fully automatic electro-pneumatic double door control system. • Easily identifiable port connections
• Compact design
Adjustable obstacle detection on each door with adjustable pneumatic dwell
time while door remains stationary and can be easily pushed back during • Ease of maintenance
dwell time.
• Reduced pipe work

Operator enabled: • Potential for leaks reduced

- Emergency access • Modular approach
- Emergency egress
- Active lock-release control. • Soft start
- Independent speed control of each door
Alternative Applications
Media: Compressed Air
Components: solenoid valves, flow controls, obstacle detection devices, logic Truck
elements, timers, fittings, electrical terminals and control valves. Industrial Doors
Safety Interlock Systems

www.parker.com/pfs Together, we can open doors. 7

Aluminium Manifold Solutions

Coupling Control System

The system controls the pneumatic actuators operating the coupling • Compact design
mechanism. It provides an adjustable time delay to give a time lapse in the
• 100% tested units
coupling engagement cycle.
• Special port configuration
• Custom system for the control of automatic rail coupling. • Fail safe actuation
• Material and component selection in line with the requirements of the rail
industry. • High flow

The system offers:

- Design based on required performance conducted with dynamic simulation
software package
- Adjustable duration of the coupling cycle
- Shock and vibration for EC61373:1999 Cat1
Alternative Applications

Media: Compressed Air Automation in control panels

Modular control panels
Components: ISO valves, shut-off valves, test points, gauges, solenoid valves,
timers, flow controllers.

8 www.parker.com/pfs
Aluminium Manifold Solutions

Door Control System

Our customer approached us to redesign a control that would offer more • Off-the-shelf components
safety features in a reduced space envelope. PFS designed a fully pneumatic • Custom-built and production
door system with double obstacle detection to fit within the existing space tested solution improving reliability
The design incorporated a number of Parker components which have been • Single point of supply for all
aspects reducing admin costs
approved for demanding and arduous operations.
• A fully integrated lightweight control
system using polymer products
A solution designed to fit within the customer’s space restraints.

Media: Compressed Air

Alternative Applications
Components: control valves, in-line pneumatic valves, fittings, logic Bus
elements and silencers. Truck
Industrial Doors
Safety Interlock Systems

www.parker.com/pfs Together, we can increase safety. 9

Custom Manifold Solutions

Life Science



Power Generation

Custom Manifold Solutions

Where space and weight are

considered as competitive
advantages, advanced
manufacturing techniques utilising
CAD, materials and moulding
technologies can provide you with
an edge in size reduction and
interfacing of your devices.
The design of custom manifold
shapes from lightweight materials
specific to your requirements is a
unique offer from Parker Hannifin.

Taking the lead from our

Rapid Prototype capability, the
development of Custom Solutions
is born from talents in creative
design and breaking convention
with traditional manufacturing
techniques. With limitless thinking
and ‘What if’ ideology Parker
Hannifin’s custom solutions in
fluidic manifolds can offer you
the next generation of machine
design, component integration and

Custom solutions are virtually With the popularity of 3D CAD, Using this principle, PFS are able
unlimited; Parker Hannifin the availability of materials and to supply complex sintered or
design special components with technologies such as SLA, SLS moulded parts, in metal or plastic,
unique characteristics, integrate and FDM, the capability to simply directly from the 3D model, in a
standard components with custom translate CAD data into a physical fraction of the time it would take to
electronics, construct complex 3D model is no longer a challenge. manufacture them using
shapes, combine and enable conventional techniques.
multiple media to be controlled
and monitored in one compact
These process technologies now Utilising the range of in-house
and repeatable customer specific
allow the optimum design of new services, Parker support customers
components using a ‘material on’ by getting their products to market,
rather than a ‘material off’ process, ahead of the competition.
removing the barriers of traditional
manufacturing techniques.

www.parker.com/pfs Together, we can invent bespoke solutions. 11

Custom Manifold Solutions

Vacuum Generating Pneumatic System

Presented with the challenges of integrating two systems into one, reducing • Compact design
weight, profiling and optimization, the power of Parker is demonstrated. • Custom built and production
tested solution
In order to achieve our goal, PFS utilised its custom design and moulding
capability to create a unique shape which maximised space and eliminated • High reliability
the need for pipework. The system is designed to generate and hold vacuum • Lightweight
in a fall arrest system.
• Leak free
All components are surface-mounted onto the lightweight custom moulded • Unique shape
reinforced manifold.

Media: Compressed Air - Vacuum

Alternative Applications
Custom moulded manifolds are
Components: Air operated pilot valves, filters, logic elements, test points, designed according to customer
flow controllers, push button switch valves and fittings requirements. Parker’s unique
ability to meet demanding
engineering challenges delivers
true competitive advantage.

12 www.parker.com/pfs
Custom Manifold Solutions

Mixing Control Module

This control module is designed to regulate the oscillation of a blood • Cost effective
handling table to ensure the continuous and consistent mixing of blood and • No pipework
blood products during both collection and dispensing.
• Leak free
The module is an aluminium filled polyurethane, designed specifically to • Compact
integrate standard and bespoke circuit components into a single control • Lightweight

Valves are both surface-mounted and embedded as appropriate to

incorporate a complex pneumatic circuit.

Media: Compressed Air, Nitrogen

Alternative Applications
Components: Cartridge fittings, valves, flow controllers, regulators and Diagnostics
selector switches. Wound therapy
Bio Fluid
Gas mixing

www.parker.com/pfs Together, we can generate a technical advantage. 13

Custom Manifold Solutions

Gas Control Module

This gas control system is designed to give a step control of gas flow to a • Supplied fully leak tested at very
burner head in a Chromatography System. low leak rates - better than 3m bar
min when using hydrogen
The module is an aluminium filled polyurethane, designed specifically for a
• Designed to integrate directly into
restricted space envelope.
the customer’s existing system
The module is based around a combination of standard solenoid valves and • Fully function-tested on customer
bespoke pneumatic control valves, giving precise, controllable and reliable specified, computer test equipment

Valves are either surface mounted or embedded to incorporate a complex

pneumatic circuit.
Alternative Applications
Media: Compressed Air, N2O
Liquid Chromatography
Components: Pressure switches, custom manifold, solenoid valves and
connectors. Applications with special interface

14 www.parker.com/pfs
Fluidic Manifold Solutions

Life Science



Power Generation

Fluidic Manifold Solutions

When your fluidic application toxicity and pressure.

requires transparency of flow, Parker
Hannifin provide you with process Fluidic solutions are offered as
visibility through our range of acrylic individual chips or as complete
and engineered plastic manifolds. modular systems incorporating
miniature control elements and
Our manifold materials are precision connectors.
CNC-machined and diffusion-bonded
in a rigorous and proven process. Manifold, seal and component
materials are selected according to
Parker produce a range of fluidic chemical compatibility (see chart)
liquid and gas handling manifolds for and applications. From polycarbonate
use in the biotech, clinical chemistry, to polyethermide, there is a fluidic
diagnostic and life science markets. manifold to satisfy most applications.

Material technology provides the Track sizes vary. Parker offer down
opportunity to control multiple to 150micron (0.006”) providing you
media regardless of concentration, with micro fluidic solutions.

‘Fluidic chips may utilise tracks down to 150 microns’

Our material selections are based upon your needs and address chemical compatibility, density, hardness, water
absorption and flammability. Of course consideration is given to thermal, electrical, electromagnetic, mechanical
and optical properties.

Utilising ISO, DIN, UL, IEC, NFP, FDA and ASTM ensure your system complies with the appropriate standard.

This enables us to provide you solutions specific to your application, the environment, industry standards and cost.

Our range of materials include:

PolyMethyl MethAcrylate Polyethylene (PE) PolyEtherImide (PEI - Ultem)

PMMA - Acrylic PolyOxyMethylene PolyEther Ether Ketone

(POM-Delrin) (PEEK)
PolyCarbonate (PC) PolyPropylene (PP) Aluminium (AL)

Polyester (PET) PolySulphone (PSU) Boron Carbide

With such a wide range of materials available the control of fluids has never
been more accessible. Alternative Applications
Parker Hannifin provide modular manifold fluid control solutions in food and Analytical
medical technology, electrical engineering, electronics, mechanical and Instrumentation
automotive engineering, vacuum technology, chemical industry, pump and
Clinical Chemistry
instrument technology, transport, conveyor technology, precision engineering,
jig construction, laboratory equipment, construction and many more. Biotech

16 www.parker.com/pfs
Fluidic Manifold Solutions

Assembled in a ISO Class 6

cleanroom, this manifold
demonstrates the capability of
PFS to develop and manufacture
sophisticated high technology
control systems.

This complex yet compact design

highlights an ability to integrate
electrical interfaces, with solid state
electronic control, instrumentation,
flow control, magnetic shielding and
pneumatically operated solenoid

The manifold material is PEEK

which is particularly resistant to
outgassing i.e. very resistant to
molecular emission, which is critical
in high technology cleanroom

Pneumatic connections are kept to

a minimum and the whole system
operates with CDA at a dew point of
-40ºC (40ºF).

This modular system is a plug-

and-play system enabling rapid and
easy access for maintenance and
manual override during set up and

The lightweight construction of

this module ensures that the
device is suitable for high G-force
applications without compromise
or excessive loads being applied to
guidance systems.

Alternative Applications

www.parker.com/pfs Together, we can design complex yet compact designs. 17

Fluidic Manifold Solutions

Electromechanical Pump Control Systems

This system demonstrates the Power of Parker. This application is the heart of • Extremely compact
a biofluid management system. • Lightweight
• Multiple layer
The modular manifold system comprises surface-mounted Parker Hannifin
solenoid valves for vacuum and pressure. The solenoid valves contain surge • Multiple technology
protection, low power latching and are interfaced with a specially designed • Multiple media
pcb with connector for power and signals. • Profiled
• Robust
Using a profiled 3 layer acrylic substrate with multiple colours we have
incorporated the vacuum and pressure connections into the manifold thus • Electronic interface
removing all the tubing and fittings which are potential leak paths. • Electromechanical interface
The profile design and rigidity of the material also reduced overall device
weight by being part of the device chassis structure.
Alternative Application
Media: Compressed Air Clinical Chemistry
Components: solenoid valves, cartridge fittings, V3 electrical microswitches, Biotech
pressure sensors, vacuum & pressure regulators, location pins and electronic
stepper motors.

18 www.parker.com/pfs
Fluidic Manifold Solutions

Changeover Valve
Designed for switching gas flow from N2O to Air this valve offers: • Compact design fits into small
space envelope
- Maximum flexibility
• High flow – ø5.5mm orifice
- Minimum components
- Ease of assembly • Flexible – manual/electrical
- Simple maintenance options
• Special porting configuration in
This solution combines engineering plastics, aluminium manifolds and basic
line with customer requirements
components into a custom design.

This product design allows for a variety of technical specifications to be

achieved through interchangeable components.
Alternative Applications
Media: Air, Nitrous Oxide. Medical
Components: Rotary valve, barbed connections and electronic microswitches Automation

www.parker.com/pfs Together, we can help improve the lives of others. 19

Conventional Systems

Life Science



Power Generation

Conventional Systems

Pantograph System
Pantograph systems provide direct contact with the wire of the Overhead • Compact
Catenary Systems (OCS) and typically, this requires air cushioning and • Rail industry approved
precision pressure regulation to maintain consistent power connection, with
• Temperature and vibration tested
a variety of composite materials available for use in their construction.
• Pneumatic cylinders
• Precision air regulators
PFS designed an integrated solution with each of the major functions • Carbon connector
incorporated on a control module mounted on a back plate i.e. pantograph • Wear monitoring
raise/lower, carbon strip monitoring, compressor control, etc. This allowed
the customer to order the system with all or any combination of functions.

Media: Compressed Air

Alternative Applications
PFS develop a variety of electro-
pneumatic systems in partnership
Components: Shut-off valves, pressure switches, precision regulators,
with customers and their
electro-pneumatic valves, air reservoirs, obstacle detectors, filters, quick
release couplings, flow controllers, connections.

www.parker.com/pfs Together, we can help you reach new heights. 21

Conventional Systems

Gas and Pneumatic Control System

The engineering team at PFS worked closely with the customer to design an • Atex approved
electro-pneumatic circuit to operate within atex zones 1 or 2.
• 316l stainless
Special attention was paid to low pressure points and the best positioning
and connection to the final assembly. • Ip69 rated
• Fully integrated system solution
Housed in a 316L cabinet, this system is delivered fully tested on a special
mounting frame. As a safety-critical system operating in a challenging • Fully tested
environment, Parker have designed new components and modified off-the-
• Can be scaled up or down depending
shelf products to surpass customer expectations.
Incorporated into the design are low pressure diaphragm valves (3 mbar
and 15 mbar) which ensure this is a fully automated pressure management
system, a 1” direct acting outlet valve that is actuated with minimal pilot
pressure and a range of interchangeable jets were integrated into this Alternative Applications
System Solution for different sizes of machine.
All Atex and non-Atex cabinet
Media: Compressed Air applications.
Components: regulators, Atex solenoid valves, bulkheads, diaphragm valves,
electrical terminal strips

22 www.parker.com/pfs
Conventional Systems

Air / Vacuum Conditioning Unit

The regulation system for the CDA (Clean Dry Air) System was designed • Compact
using specially modified standard components. • Clean
• Controllable
To ensure the output was to the required standard of cleanliness the output • Multiple pressure
was filtered. Both pressure and vacuum input and output pressures were
monitored by pressure sensors providing balanced outputs using a bespoke
printed circuit board.

All components were washed in a dedicated washer and assembled in an

ISO 14644 class 6 cleanroom.
Alternative Applications
PFS provide solutions for high
Media: Clean Dry Compressed Air (CDA) technology applications where
control, size and performance
Components: Ball, valves, regulators, flow controllers, valves, electronic are critical. Fluidic control in any
interfaces, mass flow controllers, vacuum regulators, pressure sensors and environment is demonstrated by the
transducers Power of Parker Fluidic Solutions.

www.parker.com/pfs Together, we can separate the good from the bad. 23

Core Components

X-Valve® Ten-X® Mini Regulators

Universal Style Solenoid Valve Digital Solenoid Valve • Diaphragm operated for fast
X-Valve® is a 2- or 3-way universal Ten-X® is a 10mm solenoid valve • Large diaphragm to valve area
solenoid valve measuring just 8mm with a 2- or 3-way NO/NC and ratio for precise regulation and
in width. distributor design. Ten-X delivers high flow capacity.
repeatable “energized” and “de- • Balanced valve design for precise
energized” response times, low regulation.
power, and flow capability to meet • Available in 2- or 4-port design.
the specific performance • Available with a manifold mount to
requirements of medical devices. minimize plumbing.
• Suitable for low temperature
• Non-rising adjusting knob.

Kay Valve
Sub-base & Manifold Mounted
Solenoid & Air Actuated Spool Valves

These have been developed for the

widest use in general industrial
applications as well as for specific BTC-IIS
use in industries such as Medical
Automation and Instrumentation. Mini Pumps (air/gas)
Up to 11 LPM Free Flow Viking Extreme
BTC-IIS Single Body Dual Head High Performance Directional
Miniature Diaphragm Pumps Control Valves
and Compressors are a series of
brush and brushless DC motor The Viking Xtreme series valve range
driven pumps which are tailored is robust, versatile and combines
to meet the specific performance high performance with compact
requirements of your applications. installation dimensions. Large flow
Logic Elements capacity, short change-over times
These pumps are designed to and low change-over pressure are
Parker have a wide range of handle both gases and liquids. important characteristics of this
pneumatic logic elements which are valve.
ideal for purely pneumatic controlled
circuits. Intrinsically safe.

24 www.parker.com/pfs
T2-05 Proportional Valves Isys Micro Valves

Micro Pumps (air/gas) Medical and analytical OEMs The Isys Micro Valve is a compact
Up to 650 mLPM Free Flow around the globe choose Parker valve manifold offering high flow;
Precision Fluidics’ patented Industrial communication with
Designed to fit where other pumps thermal compensation miniature Fieldbus DeviceNet and Profibus
can’t, the T2-05 DC motor-driven proportional valve technology for the DP protocoles & Industrial Ethernet
pump’s extra small size and high most demanding precision gas flow IP compatibility including Preferred
efficiency reduce footprints and applications. When performance, Connectivity to Rockwell Logix™
extend battery life. The motor, pump quality and reliability are critical Architecture.
head, and valve combination to your instrument, go with the
provide reliable, long life operation. proportional valve professionals,
Parker Precision Fluidics Division.
Our smallest pump was designed
for applications where low power,
small size, and light weight are

Unique valve design minimizes

leakage to maximize flow.

Ironless Core P3X Series Moduflex Lite

The Moduflex Lite FRL system is
constructed from ultra light weigh
Vacuum Products technopolymers instead of the
traditional aluminium or zinc die
Parker’s range of vacuum
cast, this means that it is up to 45%
products includes a wide variety of
lighter than conventional units. This
conventional vacuum components,
non-metal construction also means
as well as more specialised
that the Moduflex Lite is corrosion-
items such as variable vacuum
free enabling it to be used in harsh
Lucifer Valves pumps, material transfer and air
industrial environments where anti
amplification units. Parker is also
freeze or aggressive synthetic oils
The functional construction of the able to offer a comprehensive range
are present.
solenoid valves is such that either DC of vacuum cups.
or AC coils can be used with the same
basic valve. The fact that the electrical
components can be interchanged
facilitates stock reduction.

www.parker.com/pfs Together, we can all be part of the power of Parker. 25

Chemical Compatibility Chart
Material ABS Acetal Acrylic Nylon 66 PEEK Polycarbonate Polyester Polyethylene Polyimide Polystyrene Polysulphone Polyvinylidene PTFE Polypropylene PVC

Density (g/cu cm) 1.05 1.42 1.18 1.14 1.3 1.2 1.35 0.94 1.27 1.05 1.37 1.76 2.2 0.9 1.4
Upper Temperature 70 80 85 100 250 128 170 75 175 93 200 140 220 105 75
Lower Temperature -40 -40 -30 -135 -40 -40 -110 -40 -260 -40 -30
Thermal Expansion (x10-6 K-1) 80 122 75 90 60 68 45 165 56 90 55 110 130 140 190
Hardness R100 M94 M98 M89 M99 M70 M97 R60 R125 R115 M88 R80 53 Shore R123 R120
Tensile Strength ‘Mpa 41 70 80 82 85 70 80 30 85 60 85 40 30 28 55
Tensile Modules Gpa 2.2 3 3.2 3.3 3.9 2.3 3 0.7 2.9 1.65 2.5 2.1 0.6 1.2 3
Refractive Index 1.49 1.59 1.61 1.59 1.65 1.42 1.49 1.54

Acid Resist üü ü ü û üü üü üü üü üü üü üü üü üü üü üü
Acetal Acid Aq ü ü üü û üü
Alkali Resist ü û ü üü üü û üü üü ü ü üü üü üü üü üü
Alcohol Resist ü üü ü üü üü üü üü üü ü üü üü üü üü üü üü
Ketone Resist û ü û üü üü û üü üü üü û û û üü üü û

Acetalddehyde û üü û üü ü
Acetic adcid üü ü üü
Acetic anhydride ü
Acetone û ü û û ü ü ü üü û
Acetonitrile û
Acetophenone û
Alcohol, allyl üü û üü üü
amyl û
benzyl û
n-butyl û
ethyl ü
isopropyl ü
methyl ü
Aluminium Chloride Aq üü üü üü üü
Aluminium potassium sulphate üü üü üü
Aluminium Sulphate Aq üü üü üü üü
Ammonia üü üü üü
Ammonia Gas üü üü üü
Ammonium Carbonate Aq üü û üü üü
Ammonium chloride üü üü ü üü üü
Amyl acetate û û üü û û
Aniline üü û üü ü ü ü
Anthracene üü
Antimony Trichloride Aq üü üü üü üü
Barium Chloride Aq üü üü üü üü
Barium Sulphate Aq üü üü üü
Benzaldehyde û
Benzene û üü û üü û û û û
Benzene Sulphuric Acid üü
Benzoyl chloride û
Bleaching Lye û üü ü üü
Boric Acid Aq üü üü üü
Boron Trifluoride üü üü
Bromine Aq ü û üü
Butanol üü ü üü
n-Butyric acid û üü û
Butyl acetate û
Butyraldehyde û
Butyl acetyl ricinoleate ü
n-Butyric chloride û
Butyl stearate ü
Calcium chloride üü
Calcium Hypochlorite üü ü üü üü
Camphor üü
Carbon disulphide û
Carbon tetrachloride û ü û üü üü û û
Chloral Hydrate üü û üü
Chloride Aq üü û ü üü
Chlorine ü
Chloroform û û üü û û û û
Chlorosulphonic Acid Aq û üü ü ü
Chrome Alum Aq üü üü
Chromic acid üü üü ü û üü ü
Citric acid ü üü üü üü üü üü üü
Creosote üü û ü
Cresylic Acid üü
meta-Cresol û
Cyclo-hexanol û üü û û
Cyclo-hexanone û üü û û
Decahydronaphthalene û
Detergents, Organic üü üü
Diesel Oil üü üü
Di-alkylphthalate ü
Di-butylphthalate ü üü
Di-nonylphthalate ü
Di-octylphthalate ü
Dioxan üü üü
Di-alkyl sebacate ü
Di-butyl sebacate ü
Di-octyl sebacate ü
Di-ethyl ether û
Edible Oils üü üü
Ether. Diethyl üü üü
Ethylene di-bromide û
Ethylene glycol üü üü ü
Ethylene di-chloride û û üü û û
Ethyl acetate û üü û üü û üü üü û
Epichlorhydrin û
Ferric chloride üü
Fluorine û ü üü
Fluosilicic Acid Aq üü
Formaldehyde üü üü üü ü üü ü
Formic acid û üü ü üü üü
Forrous Chloride Aq üü üü üü
Freon 12 (Arcton 12) üü üü üü üü
Fruit Juices üü üü ü üü üü
Glycerine üü üü üü üü üü üü üü
Glycerol üü
Heptane üü üü ü üü üü
Hexane üü
Hydrobromic Acid Aq üü û üü ü üü
Hydrochloric acid üü üü üü üü üü üü
Hydrocyanic acid û
Hydrofluoric acid û û û ü ü üü üü
Hydrofluoboric acid ü
Hydrogen peroxide üü üü üü üü üü üü
Hydrogenated Veg. Oils üü
Hydrogen Sulphide Aq ü üü üü üü
Hydroquinone üü üü üü

26 www.parker.com/pfs
Material ABS Acetal Acrylic Nylon 66 PEEK Polycarbonate Polyester Polyethylene Polyimide Polystyrene Polysulphone Polyvinylidene PTFE Polypropylene PVC

Iodine (in Alcohol) üü üü ü

Iodine (in Pot Iodine) Aq üü ü
Iron perchloride ü ü
Isopropylalcohol ü üü üü üü ü
Lactic acid ü üü üü ü üü üü
Lanoline üü üü
Lead Acetate Aq üü üü üü
Linseed Oil üü üü üü üü
Lubrication Oils (Petroleum) üü üü ü üü
Magnesium chloride Aq üü üü üü üü
Maleics Acid üü üü üü
Malonic Acid Aq üü üü
Mercuric Chloride Aq ü üü üü û üü üü
Mercury üü û
Metol quinone üü
Methyl Acetate ü üü
Methyl Ethyl Kelone û ü û üü û û û
Methyl Chloride ü üü û û û
Methylamine üü
Methyl benzoate û
Methyl cyclohexanol û üü
Methylene dichloride û ü
Methyl naphthaene û
Methyl salicylate û
Milk ü üü üü üü üü
Mineral Oils üü üü üü ü üü
Monochlorobenzene û üü
Naphtha û
Naphthalene û ü üü ü ü û
Nickel Sulphate Aq üü üü üü üü
Nitric acid ü û üü üü üü üü üü
Nitrobenzene û
Oleic Acid ü üü üü ü üü
n-Octane ü
100-octane aviation fule ü
transformer üü
diesel üü
olive üü
silicone R220 ü
F130 ü û
M441 û
F110 ü
Oxalic acid ü üü üü üü üü üü
Ozone ü üü üü ü üü
Paraffin, medicinal üü üü üü üü
Perchloric Acid Aq ü üü ü üü
Perchloroethylene û ü
Petrol üü üü
Petroleum ether 100 - 120 üü
Phenol û û û
Phosphoric acid üü üü üü üü üü
Piperidine û
Phthalic Acid Aq üü
Potassium Bicarb Aq üü üü üü
Potassium Chloride Aq üü üü üü
Potassium chlorate üü üü
dichromate üü
hydroxide üü
Potassium üü
Potassium Ferrocyanide Aq üü üü üü üü üü
adipate üü
laurate üü
sebacate üü
Propane Gas üü üü
Salicylic Acid ü ü üü
Sebacia acid üü
Silicone Fluids üü ü
Silver Nitrate û üü
Soap Solutions üü üü üü üü üü
Sodium Acetate Aq ü ü üü üü üü
Sodium carbonate üü
Sodium chlorate üü üü
Sodium Bicarbonate Aq üü üü üü ü üü
hydroxide üü
hypochlorite ü üü üü üü üü üü
Sodium Nitrate Aq üü üü üü üü üü
thiosulphate üü
Stannic Chloride Aq üü üü üü
Stearic Acid üü üü üü
Styrene (Monomer) üü
Sulphur Dioxide (dry Gas) û ü üü üü üü üü
Sulphuric acid ü û üü üü üü üü üü
Sulphurous Acid Aq ü üü üü û üü üü
Tartaric acid üü
Tetra-hydro furan û
Tetra-hydro naphthalene û
Toluene û ü û û û û û
Trichloroethane û
Trichloroethylene û üü üü üü
Tricresyl phosphate û û
Triethanolamine üü üü üü
Trisodium Phosphate Aq üü üü üü üü
Trixylenyl phosphate û
Turpentine û üü üü ü û üü
Urea üü üü üü üü
Vaseline ü üü üü üü
Vegetable Oil ü üü üü
Vinegar üü ü üü üü üü
Water üü üü üü üü üü üü
Wax (Molten) ü üü üü
Wines and Spirits ü ü üü
White spirit üü üü
Xylene û û û û û
Xylenol üü
Zinc Chloride Aq üü üü üü üü üü

üü Good ü Fair û Poor
* Please note this is only and a guide. Before ordering please check suitability and compatibility.

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