Fluidic System Technologies UK May 2015
Fluidic System Technologies UK May 2015
Fluidic System Technologies UK May 2015
Parker Hannifin
Automation Group
Parker Hannifin’s Automation Group is a market leader focused on the control and automation of fluids,
compressed air, motion and drive technologies.
Our global divisions provide industry with a single point for solutions in multiple fluid media, pneumatics, drive and
handling technologies.
Automation Group offer an extensive range of capabilities including, design and manufacture and assembly of
complete integrated systems.
a rke Reduced product development time rke
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Integrated Solutions
In today’s demanding, evolving and rapidly changing environment, the need for a reduction in complexity and
the efficient use of resource whilst maintaining technological and competitive edge ensures we stay alert to the
challenges in product development. Failure to challenge the current state means our competition move ahead, gain
market share and erode margins as we battle to retain business through pricing.
This brochure is designed to demonstrate the capability of Parker Hannifin in the reduction of hidden costs
associated with your product, its development, assembly and time to market. Parker Hannifin systems provide
increased efficiency, reliability and accuracy.
The philosophy of integrated systems is simple and demonstrated below and is the concept and innovation behind
Fluidic Solutions Division, Parker Hannifin’s low pressure multi-media system provider.
• Multiple component design
• Multiple individual components to
• Multiple different suppliers to
• Multiple administrative tasks
• Component stock holding and
• Component assembly
• Assembly testing
• Rework
• Functional Optimisation
• Design Partnership
• One single part number
• Single source supply, single
• One handling and storage location
or JIT
• Fully assembled and tested
• No Rework
• Reduced complexity and size
4 www.parker.com/pfs
Aluminium Manifold Solutions
Life Science
Power Generation
Aluminium Manifold Solutions
Changeover Valve
A simple multi-technology manifold was designed for switching gas • Compact design fits into small
flow from N2O to Air. The manifold has been designed specifically for the space envelope
customer application and offers:
• High flow – ø5.5mm orifice
6 www.parker.com/pfs
Aluminium Manifold Solutions
8 www.parker.com/pfs
Aluminium Manifold Solutions
Life Science
Power Generation
Custom Manifold Solutions
Custom solutions are virtually With the popularity of 3D CAD, Using this principle, PFS are able
unlimited; Parker Hannifin the availability of materials and to supply complex sintered or
design special components with technologies such as SLA, SLS moulded parts, in metal or plastic,
unique characteristics, integrate and FDM, the capability to simply directly from the 3D model, in a
standard components with custom translate CAD data into a physical fraction of the time it would take to
electronics, construct complex 3D model is no longer a challenge. manufacture them using
shapes, combine and enable conventional techniques.
multiple media to be controlled
and monitored in one compact
These process technologies now Utilising the range of in-house
and repeatable customer specific
allow the optimum design of new services, Parker support customers
components using a ‘material on’ by getting their products to market,
rather than a ‘material off’ process, ahead of the competition.
removing the barriers of traditional
manufacturing techniques.
12 www.parker.com/pfs
Custom Manifold Solutions
14 www.parker.com/pfs
Fluidic Manifold Solutions
Life Science
Power Generation
Fluidic Manifold Solutions
Material technology provides the Track sizes vary. Parker offer down
opportunity to control multiple to 150micron (0.006”) providing you
media regardless of concentration, with micro fluidic solutions.
Utilising ISO, DIN, UL, IEC, NFP, FDA and ASTM ensure your system complies with the appropriate standard.
This enables us to provide you solutions specific to your application, the environment, industry standards and cost.
With such a wide range of materials available the control of fluids has never
been more accessible. Alternative Applications
Parker Hannifin provide modular manifold fluid control solutions in food and Analytical
medical technology, electrical engineering, electronics, mechanical and Instrumentation
automotive engineering, vacuum technology, chemical industry, pump and
Clinical Chemistry
instrument technology, transport, conveyor technology, precision engineering,
jig construction, laboratory equipment, construction and many more. Biotech
16 www.parker.com/pfs
Fluidic Manifold Solutions
Alternative Applications
18 www.parker.com/pfs
Fluidic Manifold Solutions
Changeover Valve
Designed for switching gas flow from N2O to Air this valve offers: • Compact design fits into small
space envelope
- Maximum flexibility
• High flow – ø5.5mm orifice
- Minimum components
- Ease of assembly • Flexible – manual/electrical
- Simple maintenance options
• Special porting configuration in
This solution combines engineering plastics, aluminium manifolds and basic
line with customer requirements
components into a custom design.
Life Science
Power Generation
Conventional Systems
Pantograph System
Pantograph systems provide direct contact with the wire of the Overhead • Compact
Catenary Systems (OCS) and typically, this requires air cushioning and • Rail industry approved
precision pressure regulation to maintain consistent power connection, with
• Temperature and vibration tested
a variety of composite materials available for use in their construction.
• Pneumatic cylinders
• Precision air regulators
PFS designed an integrated solution with each of the major functions • Carbon connector
incorporated on a control module mounted on a back plate i.e. pantograph • Wear monitoring
raise/lower, carbon strip monitoring, compressor control, etc. This allowed
the customer to order the system with all or any combination of functions.
22 www.parker.com/pfs
Conventional Systems
Kay Valve
Sub-base & Manifold Mounted
Solenoid & Air Actuated Spool Valves
24 www.parker.com/pfs
T2-05 Proportional Valves Isys Micro Valves
Micro Pumps (air/gas) Medical and analytical OEMs The Isys Micro Valve is a compact
Up to 650 mLPM Free Flow around the globe choose Parker valve manifold offering high flow;
Precision Fluidics’ patented Industrial communication with
Designed to fit where other pumps thermal compensation miniature Fieldbus DeviceNet and Profibus
can’t, the T2-05 DC motor-driven proportional valve technology for the DP protocoles & Industrial Ethernet
pump’s extra small size and high most demanding precision gas flow IP compatibility including Preferred
efficiency reduce footprints and applications. When performance, Connectivity to Rockwell Logix™
extend battery life. The motor, pump quality and reliability are critical Architecture.
head, and valve combination to your instrument, go with the
provide reliable, long life operation. proportional valve professionals,
Parker Precision Fluidics Division.
Our smallest pump was designed
for applications where low power,
small size, and light weight are
Density (g/cu cm) 1.05 1.42 1.18 1.14 1.3 1.2 1.35 0.94 1.27 1.05 1.37 1.76 2.2 0.9 1.4
Upper Temperature 70 80 85 100 250 128 170 75 175 93 200 140 220 105 75
Lower Temperature -40 -40 -30 -135 -40 -40 -110 -40 -260 -40 -30
Thermal Expansion (x10-6 K-1) 80 122 75 90 60 68 45 165 56 90 55 110 130 140 190
Hardness R100 M94 M98 M89 M99 M70 M97 R60 R125 R115 M88 R80 53 Shore R123 R120
Tensile Strength ‘Mpa 41 70 80 82 85 70 80 30 85 60 85 40 30 28 55
Tensile Modules Gpa 2.2 3 3.2 3.3 3.9 2.3 3 0.7 2.9 1.65 2.5 2.1 0.6 1.2 3
Refractive Index 1.49 1.59 1.61 1.59 1.65 1.42 1.49 1.54
Acid Resist üü ü ü û üü üü üü üü üü üü üü üü üü üü üü
Acetal Acid Aq ü ü üü û üü
Alkali Resist ü û ü üü üü û üü üü ü ü üü üü üü üü üü
Alcohol Resist ü üü ü üü üü üü üü üü ü üü üü üü üü üü üü
Ketone Resist û ü û üü üü û üü üü üü û û û üü üü û
Acetalddehyde û üü û üü ü
Acetic adcid üü ü üü
Acetic anhydride ü
Acetone û ü û û ü ü ü üü û
Acetonitrile û
Acetophenone û
Alcohol, allyl üü û üü üü
amyl û
benzyl û
n-butyl û
ethyl ü
isopropyl ü
methyl ü
Aluminium Chloride Aq üü üü üü üü
Aluminium potassium sulphate üü üü üü
Aluminium Sulphate Aq üü üü üü üü
Ammonia üü üü üü
Ammonia Gas üü üü üü
Ammonium Carbonate Aq üü û üü üü
Ammonium chloride üü üü ü üü üü
Amyl acetate û û üü û û
Aniline üü û üü ü ü ü
Anthracene üü
Antimony Trichloride Aq üü üü üü üü
Barium Chloride Aq üü üü üü üü
Barium Sulphate Aq üü üü üü
Benzaldehyde û
Benzene û üü û üü û û û û
Benzene Sulphuric Acid üü
Benzoyl chloride û
Bleaching Lye û üü ü üü
Boric Acid Aq üü üü üü
Boron Trifluoride üü üü
Bromine Aq ü û üü
Butanol üü ü üü
n-Butyric acid û üü û
Butyl acetate û
Butyraldehyde û
Butyl acetyl ricinoleate ü
n-Butyric chloride û
Butyl stearate ü
Calcium chloride üü
Calcium Hypochlorite üü ü üü üü
Camphor üü
Carbon disulphide û
Carbon tetrachloride û ü û üü üü û û
Chloral Hydrate üü û üü
Chloride Aq üü û ü üü
Chlorine ü
Chloroform û û üü û û û û
Chlorosulphonic Acid Aq û üü ü ü
Chrome Alum Aq üü üü
Chromic acid üü üü ü û üü ü
Citric acid ü üü üü üü üü üü üü
Creosote üü û ü
Cresylic Acid üü
meta-Cresol û
Cyclo-hexanol û üü û û
Cyclo-hexanone û üü û û
Decahydronaphthalene û
Detergents, Organic üü üü
Diesel Oil üü üü
Di-alkylphthalate ü
Di-butylphthalate ü üü
Di-nonylphthalate ü
Di-octylphthalate ü
Dioxan üü üü
Di-alkyl sebacate ü
Di-butyl sebacate ü
Di-octyl sebacate ü
Di-ethyl ether û
Edible Oils üü üü
Ether. Diethyl üü üü
Ethylene di-bromide û
Ethylene glycol üü üü ü
Ethylene di-chloride û û üü û û
Ethyl acetate û üü û üü û üü üü û
Epichlorhydrin û
Ferric chloride üü
Fluorine û ü üü
Fluosilicic Acid Aq üü
Formaldehyde üü üü üü ü üü ü
Formic acid û üü ü üü üü
Forrous Chloride Aq üü üü üü
Freon 12 (Arcton 12) üü üü üü üü
Fruit Juices üü üü ü üü üü
Glycerine üü üü üü üü üü üü üü
Glycerol üü
Heptane üü üü ü üü üü
Hexane üü
Hydrobromic Acid Aq üü û üü ü üü
Hydrochloric acid üü üü üü üü üü üü
Hydrocyanic acid û
Hydrofluoric acid û û û ü ü üü üü
Hydrofluoboric acid ü
Hydrogen peroxide üü üü üü üü üü üü
Hydrogenated Veg. Oils üü
Hydrogen Sulphide Aq ü üü üü üü
Hydroquinone üü üü üü
26 www.parker.com/pfs
Material ABS Acetal Acrylic Nylon 66 PEEK Polycarbonate Polyester Polyethylene Polyimide Polystyrene Polysulphone Polyvinylidene PTFE Polypropylene PVC
üü Good ü Fair û Poor
* Please note this is only and a guide. Before ordering please check suitability and compatibility.
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Parker Worldwide
© 2015 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved. PFS0017UK-br. UK May 2015