DBMS Lab File Rohit
DBMS Lab File Rohit
DBMS Lab File Rohit
Submitted To : Submitted By
Prof.Snehlata Mishra Rohit Malviya
S.N Name of the Experiment Date of Page no. Remark
SQL is a database computer language designed for the retrieval and management of data in a
relational database. SQL stands for Structured Query Language. This tutorial will give you a
quick start to SQL. It covers most of the topics required for a basic understanding of SQL and to
get afeel of how it works.
Data Definition language statements work with the structure of the database table.
DDL Commands
* Truncate − It is used to delete the records or data from the table, but its structure
remains as it is.
DML Commands
* REVOKE -It is employed to remove a privilege from a user. REVOKE helps the
owner to cancel previously granted permissions.
DQL Commands
* SELECT: This is the same as the projection operation of relational algebra. It is used
to select the attribute based on the condition described by WHERE clause.
SELECT expressions
WHERE conditions;
Experiment No. 2
Apply create, insert and select command on table student with output.
Experiment No. 3
create table student1(
rollno number(10),
sname char(30),
sec char(20),
city char(10)
select rollno, sname, sec, fees, fees+1000 from student1;
select rollno, sname, sec, fees, fees-1000 as "2023 fees" from
select rollno, sname, sec, fees, fees*2000 as "extra fees" from
select rollno, sname, sec, fees, fees/2 as "sch amount" from
Experiment No. 5
Apply AND,OR,NOT operations on table student with output.
create table student1(
rollno number(10),
sname char(30),
sec char(20),
city char(10),
fees number(10)
⮚Use of OR operation.
select sname, fees from student1 where rollno=103 OR
; Output:-
⮚Use of NOT operation.
select sname from student1 where NOT city='dhar';
Experiment No. 6
There are many kinds of data models. Some of the most common
ones include:
● Hierarchical database model
● Relational model
● Network model
● Object-oriented database model