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Attachment 1

SUAS Airworthiness Assessment Template

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SUAS Airworthiness Assessment


[SUAS Make/Model]


[Project/Program Title]

Prepared By: Date:


Reviewed By: Date:


Approved: Date:

[TAA or DTA]
Section 1: Program Information
Section 2: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Information
Section 3: Causes of Loss of Control
Section 4: Common Safeguards
Section 5: Vehicle Safety History and Reliability
Section 6: Risk Assessment


An airworthiness assessment was conducted on the [insert system name] and the results are
captured in this report.

This report is focused on hazards that may result in the following consequences:
• Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) crashes which may result in death or injury, or damage to
• Mid-air collision between UAV and other aircraft causing death or injury, or damage.

This document also describes the following:

• Key system vulnerabilities have been identified
• Safeguards are adequate for these system vulnerabilities
• Deficiencies or inadequacies of the proposed safeguards have been recognized
This list of topics is not intended to be all-inclusive. Please replace all red font with
assessment information.

1.1. Program/Project Name:
1.2. Program/Project POC: Name, Office, Phone (DSN or commercial), email
1.3. Program Objective:
1.4. Previous AW Approval(s):
1.5. Operating Environment:
___Flight Test
1.6. Operator:
1.7. Airspace:
___DoD Test or Training Range
___Other DoD Controlled Airspace
___Other Airspace: ______________________
1.8. References used in this document:
1.8.1. [list as applicable]

2.1. General Description
2.1.1. Model/Nomenclature:
2.1.2. Manufacturer:
2.1.3. Air Vehicle Type:
___Fixed Wing
___Rotary Wing
___Other: ______________________

2.1.4 Replacement cost of UAV:

2.2. UAV Physical Characteristics Insert picture(s) and/or 3-view drawing
2.2.1. Length
2.2.2. Wingspan
2.2.3. Max Weight
2.2.4. Empty Weight
2.2.5. Material Composition
2.2.6. Structural Elements
2.3. Flight Envelope/Performance
2.3.1. Cruise Speed
2.3.2. Max Speed
2.3.3. Max Altitude/Ceiling
2.3.4. Max Endurance
2.3.5. Max Range
2.3.6. Glide Ratio (L/D)
2.4. Weather Limitations.
2.4.1. Winds. List headwind, crosswind and gust limits for: Flight Launch Recovery
2.4.2. Temperature
2.4.3. Precipitation
2.5. Avionics. Describe accuracy, latency and redundancy in the avionics system.
2.5.1. Datalinks
2.5.2. Air Data Systems
2.5.3. Navigation Sources
2.5.4. Navigation Modes
2.6. Propulsion and Power. Describe power rating, power requirements, circuit protection
and redundancy in the propulsion and power system.
2.6.1. Engine/Motor Make/Model Engine Type/Fuel Power Rating Power Requirements
2.6.2. Electrical Generation/Distribution Electrical Loads Analysis Load Shedding Battery Backup Capacity
2.7. Air Vehicle Computer Processing.
2.7.1. Architecture: Describe the air vehicle computer processing architecture and
interfaces with flight critical components. Identify any Contractor Off-the-Shelf
(COTS), modified COTS, or Government Off-the-Shelf (GOTS) computer hardware
and/or software that execute flight critical and safety critical functions for the air
2.7.2. Design: Describe any unique flight modes, redundant processing, and monitoring
implemented in the air vehicle design.
2.7.3. Development Process: Describe the procedures used to develop, integrate, and
verify computer-supported functionality.
2.8. Ground Control Station (GCS). Provide a description of the GCS (i.e.,
manufacturer/model, fixed vs mobile, datalink architectures, UAV control method, Air
Traffic Control (ATC) communications, backup GCS). Describe any unique user
interfaces or configuration files tailored for the ground station.
2.9. Lasers. Describe any lasers (i.e., class, power) installed on the platform and include
any Laser System Safety Review Board approvals.
2.10. Lithium batteries. If used, list type, size, chemistry, and any certifications (i.e., UL3030,
US Navy TM S9310).
2.11. Launch Method. Describe the launching method.
2.12. Recovery Method. Describe the recovery method.
2.13. Safety Hazard Keepout Zones. Provide launch, recovery keepout zones for ground
operations and flight.
2.14. Manual Control. Describe conditions under which manual piloting is allowed.
2.15. Controls and Displays. What indication does the Operator have that they are in control
of the aircraft? How accurately can the Operator determine the attitude and position of
the aircraft? What alarms, warnings, cautions or advisories does the system provide to
the operator (for example, low fuel or battery, failure of critical systems, departure
from operational boundary)?


3.1. Loss of Command Links. Describe the UAS functions that satisfy these questions:
What happens when command link is lost? How does vehicle respond if link is never
re-established? How does the vehicle recognize that loss of command link has
occurred? How does the UAS operator at the ground control station recognize loss of
command link has occurred? Is there a backup command transmitter and receiver?
What is the effect of Electromagnetic Interference on the command and control system?
3.2. Loss of Vehicle Position Information. Describe the UAS functions that satisfy these
questions: What are the sources of vehicle navigation position information to the UAS
operator? Are there redundant sources so the UAS operator can tell if there is a
discrepancy? If the UAS operator loses primary position information, is control also
lost? Does the UAS operator have access to any external sources of position
information that could serve as a backup (radar, transponder, binoculars)? How does
the vehicle autopilot respond to loss of primary internal navigation source? Is there a
backup? What are the indications in the ground station to the UAS operator?
3.3. Loss of Flight Reference Data. Describe the UAS functions that satisfy these questions:
What are the onboard sources of position, attitude, heading, altitude, and airspeed
information to the UAS operator and/or autopilot? How does the vehicle autopilot
respond to loss of primary attitude source? Is there a backup? What are the
indications to the UAS operator?
3.4. Unresponsive Flight Controls. Describe any potential failure modes and corresponding
mitigations. How does the system respond to an actuator failure, including stuck
throttle, and what indications alert the operator that a failure has occurred?
3.5. Loss of Propulsion. Describe the UAS functions that satisfy these questions: What
happens to the vehicle when propulsion stops? Will sufficient velocity and electrical
power remain for “controlled ditch” or “dead stick landing”? Can the engine be
restarted in flight? Is the propulsion system affected by environmental conditions
(temperature, icing, dust, etc.)? What are the limits? Are the limits and failure modes
confirmed by test data? Are limits considered in test plan? How is fuel volume or fuel
utilization monitored?
3.6. Loss of Electrical Power. Describe the UAS functions that satisfy these questions:
What happens when primary electrical power is lost? Is there a separate battery bus?
What does battery bus power? Does automatic system load shedding occur if power is
reduced? Are there "essential busses" for reduced power operations? Are all flight
essential systems on an essential bus? Is there a battery power available time limit
associated with loss of electrical power? How long? What if the UAS is too far from
base to get back before power runs out? Does flight termination system (FTS) activate
if battery backup fails (i.e., fails “safe”)? How is backup battery checked prior to
takeoff? Safety backup system battery lifetime is a critical issue. How do you know
how much emergency battery power is left? Is battery usage data available on
telemetry? Is a battery use log kept?
3.7. Loss of Ground Control Station. Describe the UAS functions that satisfy these
questions: What is the source of electrical power for the ground control station? Is
there an un-interruptible backup power source? What happens if electrical power is
lost? Do backup command transmitter and emergency systems have adequate
protection from loss of electrical power? If power to the ground station is lost, does it
affect the air vehicle performance? Do all flight parameters get reset to zero? If a
ground station processor crashes, what is the system response?

This section describes the capabilities inherent to this system and mitigation procedures.
4.1. Degraded modes of flight. What failures or conditions will cause the flight to be
aborted (i.e., precautionary return to base)?
4.2. Return Home Modes. Describe the Return Home Mode and what triggers it. Does
Return Home Mode work without GPS?
4.3. Containment and Geofence. Does the system have "Geofence" capability? If so,
describe. Describe UAS containment procedures and methods of containment in
requested area in the event of a "fly-away"
4.4. Flight Termination System. Is a FTS installed? Describe the FTS. Can FTS be self-
activated, if so, what causes self-activation of the flight termination system? Electrical
power loss? Loss of flight critical function? Loss of FTS signal? What are the criteria
for activation of the FTS or flight termination maneuver? Does FTS activate if battery
backup fails (i.e., fails “safe”)? Does FTS operate on an independent battery circuit?
4.5. Fail Safe Mode. Is there a “fail safe” mode? What conditions cause it to activate?
What happens when it is activated (engine shut off, flight controls to “turn” or
“tumble”)? Is there a specified time delay between what triggers fail safe mode and
actions taken to cause the vehicle to stop flying?
4.6. In Flight Restarts. Can the system be restarted in flight? What conditions would lead to
a restart? How long does it take to return to full capability? Does it return in the same
state or revert to a set of defaults? Can the air vehicle maintain flight during the
4.7. Collision Avoidance. How is the risk of mid-air collision with manned aircraft
mitigated? How does the UAS Operator “see and avoid” other aircraft that may be
nearby (radar, transponder, visual)?
4.8. Parachute. Does the UAS have a parachute recovery system? How is it activated? At
what altitude will the chute deploy and what is the impact and drift rate? Is there a
minimum deployment altitude? Are there altitude, airspeed, or attitude limits on
deploying the parachute?
4.9. Other. Include any other safeguards not addressed above.

5. VEHICLE SAFETY HISTORY AND RELIABILITY Include references to existing

documentation for the below items.
5.1. System Flight History: Include flight hours (from Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) or by operator if COTS) and operating environments (i.e., company range, DoD
Test and Training ranges, operational locations)
5.2. System Safety Program: How does the program/OEM track mishap history?
5.3. System Safety Hazard Analysis: How does the program/OEM identify
Mishap History and Corrective Actions?
5.4. Failure Modes Effects Analysis, Mean Time Between Failure: If known or available
5.5. Hazardous Materials: Are there hazardous materials in the system (flammable, toxic,
energy storage, ordnance)? Can a crash start a fire?
6.1. Severity Categories, Probability Levels and Risk Assessment Matrix per AWB-150.

Table 6.1. Severity Categories

Descript ion Category Mishap Result Criteria

C04Ad rest.II in one or more oi the fd lowl'lg: death, permanent total disabiity, irre-versible
Catast rophi c 1 sigiificant enVl"Onmental impact. or monetary loss equal to or exceeding S 10M.

C04Ad rest.II in one or more oi the fd lOWl'lg: pennanent partial disability.injuries or

oocupational ilness that m ay result in hospitalization of at least three personnel, reversb le
Critical 2 sigiifiCJnt env.-Onmental impact. or monetary loss equal to or exceeding S 1M but less than
$ 10 M.

C04Ad rest.II in one or more oi the fd lowl'lg: injury or occupational illness resutting in one or
Marginal 3 more Sost wOlk dav(s). reversible moderate environmentll impact, or monetary bss eaual to or
exceedi,g $ 100K but less than SIM.

C04Ad rest.II in one or more oi the fd lOWl'lg: injury or occupational illness not resultng in a lost
Negligib l e
• wOlk day. minimal env.-Onmental inpact. or monetary loss less than $ I 00K.

Table 6.2. Probability Levels

Description Level Specific Individual It em Fleet or Invent ory

Frequen t A Likely to occur often in the life of an item. Contfluously experienced.

Probable B WI occur several ti'nes in the life of an item. Will occur frequently.

Occas iona.l C Likely to occur sometime in the life oi an item. Will occur several times.

Unlikely, but can reasonably be

Remote D Unlikefy". bul possb le to oocur in lhe life of an item.
e:q,ected to occur.

So unlikely, it can be assumed oocurrence may not be

Improbable E Unlikely to occur. bu! possible.
e.xperienced in lhe life of an item.

Incapable of occurence. This level

lnC.Jpable of oocuenoe. This level is used when potential
Eliminate.d F hazards are identified and later eliminated.
is used Ylohen POtential hazards are
identified and later elim.inated.
Table 6.3 - Risk Assessment Matrix

Severity Catastrophic Critical Marginal Negligible

Probability (1) (2) (3) (4)
Frequent (A)
Probable (B)
Occasional (C)
Remote (D)
Improbable (E)
Eliminated (F) Eliminated
Legend: Risk Acceptance Authority (RAA) per organizational RM policy
High [insert RAA]
Serious [insert RAA]
Medium [insert RAA]
Low [insert RAA]

6.2. Risk Assessment

Assessment information documented in the previous sections is used to identify hazards and
associated severities using Table 6.1 based on the repair or replacement cost of the air
vehicle. Probabilities of individual hazards occurring are then qualitatively assessed using
Table 6.2. It is important to develop viable mitigating actions where possible to reduce the
risk level to the lowest possible. The resulting residual risks are summarized in Table 6.4
with a detailed analysis presented in Table 6.5 (examples included).

If historical mishap data is available and risks are aggregated at the system level, use the
equation below to determine the Aggregate Probability of Mishap. The Quantitative
Probability Level is determined by finding the range associated with the Aggregate
Probability of Mishap per flight hour (FH) or Sortie / 10 in AWB-150, Table 2: Quantitative
Probability Level Thresholds. (The division by 10 is appropriate to transform the
Quantitative Probability Level Thresholds table from dealing with individual hazard types to
handling the aggregate risk to the system.)

Aggregate Probability of Mishap per FH or Sortie = (Total Aircraft Losses + 1) / Total FH

The Risk Assessment Matrix in Table 6.3 is used to determine appropriate risk acceptance
authorities (RAAs) based on residual risk levels. The residual risk from each hazard is used
to set the overall risk level to be accepted for the intended usage of the system. The overall
risk level will be no lower than the highest residual risk level from any of the hazards. The
requiring activity determines the appropriate RAAs in accordance with DoD and AF policy.
Table 6.4 –Example Risk Summary
Hazard Residual Risk
Lithium Battery Fire/Explosion 3-E, MED
Unsuccessful Launch 3-E, MED
Unsuccessful Recovery 4-E, LOW
Loss of Command Link 4-D, LOW
Loss of Vehicle Position Information 4-D, LOW
Loss of Flight Reference Data 4-E, LOW
Control surface failure 3-E, MED
Loss of Propulsion 4-D, LOW
Loss of Aircraft Power 4-E, LOW
Loss of Ground Station Eliminated
Airspace violation 4-E, LOW
Mid-air Collision 4-E, LOW
Table 6.5 – Example Risk Assessment


Damage; inappropriate storage or Loss of A/C Pre-flight procedure checks battery health; Mx
Lithium Battery
charging of batteries 3-C manual describes proper storage and charging 3-E
Fire/Explosion procedures
Propulsion failure during launch Loss of lift and impact Pre-flight procedure checks engine functionality;
Unsuccessful Launch with ground 3-D displays provide health and status, vertical speed 3-E
Net capture failure Impact with ground at Displays provide landing point deviations, vertical
Unsuccessful Recovery high speed 4-D speed indicator; ground observers provide cross 4-E
Complete failure of primary and A/C executes Lost Lost Comms plan returns A/C home along pre-
Loss of Command Link secondary radios or tracking Comms flight plan 4-C programmed route. Flight Termination conditions 4-D
antenna are set during pre-flight.
Lost/degraded GPS A/C reverts to Displays provide health and status; Emergency
Loss of Vehicle Position
Information magnetometer, gyros 4-C procedures reduce probability of loss of A/C. 4-D
and IMU; returns home
Improper pitot-static assembly Uncontrolled loss of Warnings/Caution in Mech Ops Manual and
Loss of Flight Reference Data aircraft 3-C positive Pre-flight checks reduce risk of in-flight 4-E
Stuck controller Uncontrolled loss of Positive Pre-flight checks reduce risk of in-flight
Control surface failure aircraft 3-C failure. 3-E
Mechanical failure Controlled loss of Displays provide health and status; Emergency
Loss of Propulsion aircraft-Loss of altitude 4-C procedures sufficiently reduce probability of loss of 4-D
Mechanical failure Uncontrolled loss of Emergency procedures sufficiently reduce
aircraft probability of loss of A/C including VTOL
Loss of Alternator or PMU 4-D landing.45-60 min backup battery for control 4-E
Electrical failure Loss of UAV C2 Handoff to backup control station on separate
Loss of Ground Station 3-D electrical circuit Eliminated
Autopilot failure results in fly- Fuel exhaustion and Autopilot mfr has mature SW development process
Airspace violation away belly landing 4-D (10+ yrs) incorporating bug fixes from operational 4-E
Loss of situational awareness Loss of A/C Operations under FAA COA w/ airspace de-
Mid-air Collision and/or anti-collision lights 4-C confliction, use of observers 4-E
Make/Model 20,000 10 5.5E-04 $500k 3-C

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