Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Sec Perambalur - 621212

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1. Define the term Avionics systems.
All electronic and electromechanical systems and subsystems (hardware and software)
installed in an aircraft that are dependent on flight crew to carry out the aircraft mission safely
and to meet the mission requirements with minimum flight crew.
2. Explain briefly Flight management system (FMS)
Outputs from the GNSS sensors, air data sensors and other on-board sensors are used
by FMS to perform the necessary navigation calculations and provide information to the
flight crew via a range of display units. The flight management system provides the primary
navigation, flight planning, and optimized route determination and en route guidance for the
aircraft and is typically comprised of the following interrelated functions: navigation, flight
planning, trajectory prediction, performance computations, and guidance. To accomplish
these functions the flight management system must interface with several other avionics
3. Explain FBW control system.
Enables a lighter, higher performance aircraft designed with relaxed stability. Good
consistent handling which is sensibly constant over a wide flight envelope and range of load
conditions Continuous automatic stabilization of the aircraft by computer control of the
control surfaces. Auto pilot integration Care free maneuvering characteristics:
 Ability to integrate additional controls automatically such as
 Leading edge slats/flaps and trailing edge flaps to generate additional lift o Variable
wing sweep.
 Thrust vector control nozzles and engine thrust Elimination of
mechanical controls runs - friction, backlash Small control stick.
 Ability to exploit aerodynamically unstable configuration Aerodynamics versus
stealth - the concept of reducing the radar cross section
 Very high integrity, a failure survival system.
4. What do you mean by House keeping management?
The term 'house keeping' management has been used to cover the automation of the
background tasks which are essential for the aircraft's
 safe and efficient operation
 Such tasks include
 Fuel management
 Electrical power supply system management
 Cabin/cockpit pressurization systems
 Environmental control system
 Warning systems
 Maintenance and monitoring systems.
5. What is the function of inertial sensor systems? What are the various inertial sensor
systems used in aircraft?
They provide attitude and heading information which are essential for a/c mission.
Various inertial sensor systems are- Gyros - mechanical - electromechanical - RLG-FOG
Accelerometer. AHRS (Attitude Heading Reference Systems)
1. Strap Down 2. Gimbaled systems
6. Explain Radar systems.
Installed in all civil airliners & in many general aviation aircraft.
 To detect water droplets and provide warning of storms, cloud turbulence and severe
precipitation-aircraft can alter course and avoid such turbulent conditions.
 It should be noted that in severe turbulence, the violence of the vertical gusts can
subject the aircraft structure to very high loads and stresses
 These radars can also generally operate in ground mapping and terrain avoidance
 In the airborne interception mode, the radar, must be able to detect aircraft upto 100
miles away and track while scanning and keeping tabs on several aircraft
 The radar must also have a 'look down' capability and be able to track low flying
aircraft below it.
7. What are the different methods of navigation?
Classic dead-reckoning navigation using air data and magnetic, together with Doppler
or LORAN-C; Radio navigation using navigation aids ground-based radio-frequency
beacons and airborne receiving and processing equipment;
Barometric inertial navigation using a combination of air data and inertial
navigations (IN) or Doppler; Satellite navigation using a global navigation satellite system
(GNSS), more usually a global positioning system (GPS); Multiple-sensor navigation
using a combination of all the above.
8. Explain briefly radio navigation.
The primary means of navigation over land was by means of radio navigation routes
defined by VHF Omni ranging/distance measuring equipment (VOR/DME) beacons. By
arranging the location of these beacons at major navigation or crossing points, it was possible
to construct an entire airway network that could be used by the flight crew to define the
aircraft flight from take-off to touchdown. Other radio frequency aids include distance
measuring equipment (DME) and non- distance beacons (NDB).
9. Describe briefly inertial navigation
Using inertial navigation systems (INS), flight crew are able to navigate by
autonomous means using an on-board INS with inertial sensors. By aligning the platform to
earth-referenced coordinates and present position during initialization, it is possible to fly for
long distances without relying upon LORAN, VOR/DME or TACAN beacons. Waypoints
could be specified in terms of latitude and longitude as arbitrary points on the globe, more
suited to the aircrafts intended flight path rather than a specific geographic feature or point in
a radio beacon network.
10.What are the major drivers for Avionics systems in a typical civil transport aircraft?
The avionics systems are essential to enable the flight crew to carry out the aircraft
mission safely and efficiently. The mission is the carrying of the passengers to their
destination in the case of a civil airliner. Other important drivers for avionics systems are
increased safety, air traffic control requirements, all weather operation, reduction in fuel
consumption, improved aircraft performance and control and handling and reduction in
maintenance costs.

11. What are the top level requirements for designing avionics systems in a civil aircraft?
 The aircraft manufacturer makes a very careful analysis of the p structure,
image, and operating philosophies to determine the customer future operating
 The manufacturer then designs an aircraft that provides an optimum, balance response
to the integrated set of needs
 Safety is always the highest priority need and economical operation is a close second
12. What are the steps involved in Avionics system design?
 Requirement Analysis
 Preliminary design
 Detailed design
 Testing and maintenance
13. List the functions carried out by the FMS(Flight Management System)
 Flight Planning
 Navigation Management
 Engine control to maintain the planned speed of mach number
 Control of the aircraft flight path to follow the optimised planned route.
 Minimising fuel consumption
14. Briefly describe about the communication systems used in aircraft.
The communication radio suite on modern aircraft is a very comprehensive one and
covers several operating frequency bands. Long range communication is provided by
high frequency radios operating in the band 2 30 Mhz. Near to medium range
communication is provided in civil aircraft by very high frequency (VHF) radios
operating in the band 30-100 Mhz,.

15. Define the term LRU?

Line Replacement Unit, a single stand-alone unit with a unique part number that can be
installed or removed from an aircraft by line maintenance personnel while the aircraft is on
the flight line

1. List few advantages of digital systems over analog systems
Hardware Economy Reduction in weight and volume is of the order of 5:1 for a
system of modest complexity Flexibility Control laws and gains can be changed
Reduced nuisance disconnects Sophisticated voting and consolidation algorithms enable
unwanted disconnections of redundant systems Built in test capability Comprehensive
self test capabilities Digital data buses Large reduction in weight, high integrity data

2. Discuss the problems encountered in digital data.

 Quantization Noise
3. Give some features of 8085 microprocessor.
 It is an 8-bit Microprocessor.
 It has 16 address lines, hence it can access 64 Kbytes of memory.
 It provides 8 bit I/O addresses to access 256 I/0 ports
 It supports 74 instructions with the following addressing modes:
a) Immediate addressing
b) Register addressing
c)Direct addressing
d)Indirect addressing
e) Implied addressing

4. What is the function of Program Counter?

The program Counter is a special purpose register which, at a given time stores the
address of the next instruction to be fetched. Program counter acts as a pointer to the next
5. Explain the function of interrupts.
A more desirable method would be the one that allows the microprocessor to be
executing its main program and only stop to service peripheral devices when it is told to do so
by the device itself, In effect, the method, would provide an external asynchronous input that
would inform the processer that it should complete whatever instruction that is currently being

executed and fetch a new routine that will service the requesting device. Once this servicing is
completed, the processer would resume exactly where it left off. This method is called
interrupt method.

6. What is the difference between Microprocessors and Microcontrollers?

1. Microprocessor contains ALU, general purpose registers, stack pointer, program counter,
clock timing circuit and interrupt circuit.
 Microcontroller contains the circuitry of microprocessor and in addition it has builtin ROM, RAM, I/O devices, timers and counters
 Less flexible in design point of view.
 Microcontroller based system requires less hardware reducing PCB size and
increasing the reliability.
7. What is memory mapping?
Memory mapping is a process of connecting external memory to the microprocessor. It
gives the starting address and ending address of the connected memories
8. What are the needs of memory address lines?
The memory capacity is directly proportional to the no of address lines. If memory is
having 12 address lines and data lines, then Number of registers/memory locations = 4096.
Microprocessor 8085 can access 64Kbytes memory since address bus is 16-bit. But it is not
always necessary to use full 64Kbytes address space. The total memory size depends upon the
9. What is memory word size?
1 word = 8 bits
10. What are the classifications of memories? Memory
 Read Only Memory(ROM)
 Masked ROM
 Read/write memory(RAM)
 Static RAM
 Dynamic RAM
11. What is aliasing affect?
When, the spectrum of the samples overlapping with each other. This is called aliasing
effect = maximum frequency component present on the signal

12. What is the difference between volatile and non-volatile memory?

The volatile memory retains its contents after switch off the power supply. But the
non-volatile memory losses its contents when the power is switched off.

13. What is the function of multiplexer?

A multiplexer is a digital switch which routes inputs from several sources to only one
sink. The selection of input is achieved by suitable bit combinations of selection lines.

14. What is the purpose of accumulator in Intel 8085 microprocessor?

Registers are small memories within the CPU. They are used by the
microprocessor for temporary storage and manipulation of data and instructions.
The register A is the accumulator in Intel 8085 microprocessor. This is for
temporary storage used during the execution of a program. It holds one of the operands.
The other operand may be either in the memory or in one of the registers.

15. What are the status flags in 8085 microprocessor?

The following status flags have been provided in Intel 8085:
(i) Carry(CS):- If there is a carry from addition or a borrow from subtraction or comparison,
the carry flag CS is set to 1; otherwise 0.
(ii) Zero(Z):- The zero status flag Z is set to 1 if the result of an arithmetic or
(iii) Sign(S):- The sign status flag is set to 1 if the most significant bit of the result of an
arithmetic or logical operation is 1, otherwise 0.
(iv) Parity(P):- The parity status flag is set to 1 when the result of the operation
contains even number of 1s. It is set to 0 when there is odd number of 1s.
(v) Auxillary Carry(AC):- The auxillary carry status flag holds carry out of bit
3 to 4 resulting from the execution of an arithmetic operation.

16. State the functions of the following lines in 8085 P chip, (i) SOD, SID (ii) READY
(i) Some times, I/O devices work with serial data rather than parallel. SOD stands for serial
out data. This serial data comes out of pin 4, can be connected to a serial output device. SID
stands for serial in data.
(ii) Some peripheral devices are slow; they are unable to run at the same speed as 8085. One
way to slow down the 8085 is with the READY signal. If the device is not ready, it will
return a low READY bit to the 8085. The 8085 then generates a number of WAIT states.
When the peripheral device is ready, it will send a high READY signal to P. Then P can
complete the
data transfer.
17. Define Opcode and Operand, and specify the Opcode and the Operand in the instruction
Each instruction contains two parts: operation code(opcode) and operand. The first
part of an instruction which specifies the task to be performed by the computer is called
opcode. The second part of the instruction is the data to be operated on, and it is called
operand. The operand given in the instruction may be in various forms such as 8-bit or
16-bit data, 8-bit or 16-bit address, internal registers or a register or memory location. In the
instruction, MOV A, B, MOV is the opcode and A & B are operands.
18. Explain (i) One byte instruction (ii) Two byte instruction
A digital computer understands instructions written in binary codes or machine codes.
The machine codes of all instructions are not of the same length. The instructions whose word
size is of one byte (8 bits) are called one byte instructions. Eg:- MOV A,B
The instructions whose word size is of two bytes (16 bits) are called two byte instructions.
Eg:- MVI A, 05
19. Differentiate between Direct and indirect addressing.
In direct addressing mode, the address of the operand is given in the instruction
Eg: STA 2400H--------Store the content of accumulator in location 2400H. In indirect
addressing mode, the address of the operand is not given in the instruction explicitly.
Eg: RST 4----------------This instruction takes the program to the address
0020(4x8=32)-------> (0020)hex.

20. What operations can be performed with the following instructions, (i) DAA (ii)
(i) DAA instruction is used in the program after ADD or ADC
hexadecimal and it is placed in the accumulator. DAA instruction operates on this result
and gives the final result in decimal system.
(ii) During the execution of DAD B instruction, the contents of B-C register pair are added to
the contents of H-L pair and the sum is placed in H-L pair.
21. What is WAIT state?
Some peripheral devices are slow; they are unable to run at the same speed as 8085. One
way to slow down the 8085 is with the READY signal. If the device is not ready, it will
return a low READY bit to the 8085. The 8085 then generates a number of WAIT states.
When the peripheral device is ready, it will send a high READY signal to P. Then P can
complete the data transfer.
22. What are the major components of a CPU? The major
components of CPU are: Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU):- The function of ALU is to perform arithmetic
operations such as addition and subtraction; logical operations such as AND, OR
and EX-OR.
 Timing and control unit:- It generates timing signals for the execution of instruction
and control of peripheral devices.

 Accumulator and General purpose registers:- The accumulator is a register which

contains one of the operands and stores results of most arithmetic and logical
operations. General purpose registers are used for temporary storage of data and
intermediate results while computer is making execution of a program.
 Data transfer group:- Instructions which are used to transfer data from one register to
another register, from a memory location to a register or register to memory,
between an I/O device and accumulator or between a register pair and stack come
under this group.
 Arithmetic group: The instructions of this group perform arithmetic operation
such as addition, subtraction, increment or decrement data in register or memory.
 Logical group:- The instructions under this group perform logic operations such as
AND, OR, compare, rotate etc.
 Branch Control group:- It includes the instructions for conditional and
unconditional jump, subroutine call and return and restart.
 I/O and machine control group:- This group includes the instructions for
input/output ports, stack and machine control.
23. Explain subroutines
While writing a program, certain operations may occur several times and they are not
available as individual instruction. The program of such operations is repeated again and
again in the main program. The concept of subroutines is used to avoid the repetition of
smaller programs. The small programs for particular tasks are called subroutines. They are

written separately and stored in the memory. They are called at various points of the main
program by CALL instruction where they are required. After the completion of a subroutine,
the main program begins from the instruction immediately following the CALL instruction.

24. Differentiate between maskable and non-maskable interrupts.

At many occasions, the programmer may like to prevent the occurrence of a
few of several interrupts while P is performing certain tasks. This is done by
masking off those interrupts which are not required to occur when certain task is being
performed. The interrupts which can be masked off are called maskable interrupts.
Eg:- RST 7.5, RST 6.5 & RST 5.5. The TRAP is a non-maskable interrupt. It need not
be enabled. It cannot be disabled.It is not accessible to user. It is used for emergency
situation such as power failure and energy shut off.
25. What is memory mapped I/O scheme?
In this scheme, the addresses for I/O devices are different from the addresses which
have been assigned to memories. The memory addresses which have not been assigned to
memories can be assigned to I/O devices.
Eg:- MOV A,M will be valid for data transfer from the memory location or
I/O device whose address is in H-L pair. If the H-L pair contains the address of a memory
location data will be transferred from the memory location to the accumulator. If the H-L pair
contains the address of an I/O device, data will be moved from the I/O device to the
1. What is the need for two different speeds in ARINC429?
ARINC429 operates at two different speeds. There are 1. Low Speed(12 14 kbps)
For general purpose low critical applications High Speed(100Kbps) For flight critical
2. Differentiate between centralized, Federated and Distributed architectures
Centralized Signal conditioning and computation take place in one
or more Computers in a LRU located in an avionics bay, with signals
transmitted over one way data bus
Federated Data conversion occurs at the system level and the data digital form
called Digital Avionics Information Systems (DAIS)
Distributed It has multiple processors throughout the aircraft that are designed for
computing takes on a real-time basis as a function of mission phase and/or system
status. Data Processing is performed in the sensors and actuators.

3.What is the need for Manchester II Bi-phase encoding?

It provides a self-clocking waveform with equal positive and negative values and
suitable for transformer coupling.
4.What is distributed architecture?
It has multiple processors throughout the aircraft that are designed for computing
takes on a real-time basis as a function of mission phase and/or system status. Data
Processing is performed in the sensors and actuators.
5.What are the similarity between ARINC 629 and MIL-STD-1553B?
Both buses are operating in ---Half-Duplex mode of operation ---Manchester II Biphase Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA). Each and
every terminal on the bus transmits the data autonomously without a Bus Controller.

6.What is the difference between Simplex bus and Duplex bus?

In simplex mode, the communication is unidirectional, as on a one way street. Only
one of the two stations on a link can transmit; the other can only receive. Keyboards
and traditional monitors are both examples of simplex devices. The keyboard can
only introduce input; the monitor can only accept output. In half duplex mode, each
station can both transmit and receive, but not at the same time. When one device is
sending, the other can only receive, and vice versa. Walkie-talkies and
7. What are the couplings methods used in MIL-STD-1553B and write the difference
between them?
1. Transformer Coupling
2. Direct Coupling
Differences The primary difference between the two beings that the transformer
coupled method uses an isolation transformer for connecting the stub cable to the
main bus cable. In the direct-coupled method, the resistors are typically located within
the terminal, whereas in the transformer-coupled method, the resistors are typically
located with the coupling transformer in boxes called data bus couplers. Another
difference between the two coupling methods is the length of the stub. For the directcoupled method, the stub length is limited to a maximum of one foot. For the
transformer-coupled method, the stub can be up to a maximum of twenty feet long.

8.What are the disadvantages of MIL-STD-1533B Data bus?

Certification is a biggest problem present in MIL-STD-1533B.Single point
failure in 1553B leads to certificability problem in civil aircraft and Addition of remote
terminal requires changes in BC software which requires frequent certification standard

9.What is centralized architecture?

A system design characterized by signal conditioning and computations are taking
place in one computer or several very tightly coupled computers in (usually) one
line replaceable unit located in the avionics bay, with signals transmitted over one-way
data bus.
10.What is Time division Multiplexing Access?
TDM enables information from several signal channels to be transmitted through
one communication system by staggering the different channel samples in time to form a
composite pulse train. Each signal channel is transmitted as a serial digital pulse train at a
given time slot in a clock cycle. Thus given the clock time information and the address of the
signal (suitably pulse coded), the receiver can then decode and distribute the
individual signals. Hence if there are, say, 30 different signals to be transmitted between
two units, only two wires are required in principle when the data is multiplexed compared
with 60 wires.
11. What is protocol?
Protocol is a set of formal rules and conventions governing the control of
interaction among the systems. It deals with the data formatting, including the syntax of
messages and its format.
12. What is the function of instrumentation bit?
The instrumentation bit, in position 10, always shall be set to a logical 0 to allow
distinction of a status word from a command word. (In a command word bit 10 is always set
to a logical 1 if the instrumentation bit is being used.)

13. Explain Manchester-II-bi-phase encoding?

A bi-phase method of encoding binary digits. A binary 1 begins with a positive
voltage and swings negative at mid-bit. A binary O begins with a negative voltage and
swings positive at mid-bit.

14. What is the function of mode code 00000

Dynamic Bus Control. Dynamic bus control is used in MIL-STD-1553B. The
operation of a data bus system in which designated terminals is offered control of the data
bus. (The bus controller gives permission to another t







15. Why MIL-STD 1553 is not used in civil aircrafts?

Getting certification for civil aircraft is very difficult comparing to military aircraft.
Single point failure in 1553B leads to certificability problem in civil aircraft. Addition of
remote terminal requires changes in BC software which requires frequent certification.

16. What are the disadvantages of Centralized architecture?

 Vulnerability all the eggs in one basket computer affected all the
subsystems sharing its computing facilities.
 Inflexibility changes in an individual sub system could involve changes in
the main computer software with possible ramifications and knock on sub
systems sharing the computing facility.
 Cost and weight of redundant central computer configurations was
17. What are the functions of Mode codes in MIL-STD1553B data bus?
Mode codes are used only to communicate with the bus hardware and
to manage information flow, not to transfer data.

18. Differentiate between MIL and ARINC 429 standard in terms of RT?
All the remote terminals can able to transmit and receive the data Maximum no of
remote terminals is 31
All the remote terminals can only receive the data Maximum no of remote terminals
is 20

19. What is the function of status word in MIL-STD-1553B?

The status words are used to give information about the status of the subsystems

20. What is the function of Source destination Identifier (SDI) bit in ARINC429?
 ARINC429 is a Simplex Data Bus using only one transmitter and up to 20 data

To identify which source in the multisystem is transmitting the data

To direct which sink in the multisystem should recognize the data

21. What is the need for Manchester II bi-phase encoding?

In MIL-STD 1553 data bus, all words are constructed using Manchester coding. A
logical 1 begins +ve and transitions to -ve at mid-bit and a logical 0 begins ve and
transitions to +ve at mid-bit. Manchester coding is chosen since it is compatible with
transformer coupling and is self clocking.
22. Differentiate between Disjoint and Centralized Architectures.
In disjoint architecture, the system was integrated by the air-crew who had to look at
various dials and displays connected to disjoint sensors, correlate the data provided by
them, apply error corrections, orchestrate the functions of the sensors and perform mode
and failure management in addition to flying the aircraft. In centralized architecture, a
central computer was added to integrate the information from the sensors and subsystems.
Data is transmitted from the systems to the central computer and the data conversion takes
place at the central computer.

23. What are the three types of terminals in MIL-STD 1553 data bus?
The three terminals in MIL-STD 1553 data bus are Bus Controller, Remote
Terminal and Bus monitor.
bus controller is responsible for directing the flow
of data on the bus.It initiates all information transfers. Bus controller also monitors
the status of the system. A bus monitor receives and stores selected bus traffic. It
will not respond to any traffic received, unless the traffic is specifically addressed
to it. They are generally used to receive and extract data for off-line purposes such
as flight test, maintenance or mission analysis. Remote terminals (RTs) are the
largest fraction of units in a 1553 bus system. Because of the 5-bit address field,
there can be only upto 31 RTs on a given bus. RTs respond only to valid
commands specifically addressed to them or to valid broadcast commands.(all RTs
simultaneously addressed)
24. Differentiate between command word and status word.
A command word is always the first word in a message and is transmitted only by
the bus controller. Following the synchronization code, which is a + 112 bit times
followed by a -112 bit times, there are 5 address bits. Every RT must have a unique
address. The transmit/receive bit is set to logical 0 if the RT is to receive and to logical 1 if
the RT is to transmit. The next 5 bits(10-14) are used to designate a subaddress to the RT
or use of mode codes to the equipment on the bus.
If bits 10 through 14 are subaddresses, bits 15 through 19 are the data word count. f
bits 10 through 14 are either 00000 or 11111, bits 15 through 19 are mode codes. Bit 20 is
parity bit. A status word is always the first word in a response by a remote terminal. Bit
positions 1 through 3 are the synchronization code that is identical to that of a command
word. Bits 4 through 8 are the address of the terminal transmitting the status word. Bits 9
through 19 are the RT status field. If the instrumentation bit in the status word is used, the
available subaddresses are reduced to 15. Bit 20 is parity bit.
25. What is the function of bus controller in MIL-STD 1553 data bus?
The bus controller is responsible for directing the flow of data on the bus. It
initiates all information transfers. Bus controller also monitors the status of the system.

26. What is the function of bus monitor in MIL-STD 1553 data bus?
A bus monitor receives and stores selected bus traffic. It will not respond to any
traffic received, unless the traffic is specifically addressed to it. They are generally used to
receive and extract data for off-line purposes such as flight test, maintenance or mission
27. What is the need of two different data rates in ARINC 429?
Two different data rates are used in ARINC-429. They are 12-14.5
is used for general-purpose, low criticality applications. High speed bus is used for
transmitting large quantities of data or flight critical information.

28. Differentiate between Manchester encoding and bipolar-RZ encoding. Which

encoding format is used in ARINC-429?
In Manchester coding, a logical 1 begins +ve and transitions to -ve at mid-bit and a
logical 0 begins ve and transitions to +ve at mid-bit. In bipolar return-to-zero encoding
format, the voltage levels are used for representing logic 1 and 0 as shown in the figure.
29. What are the five primary fields in ARINC 429 word format?
ARINC-429 word format includes five primary fields, namely Parity, SSM, Data,
SDI, and Label.
Parity:- The MSB is always the parity bit for ARINC 429. Parity is normally set to odd
except for certain tests.
SSM:- Bits 31 and 30 contain the Sign/Status Matrix or SSM. This field contains
hardware equipment condition, operational mode, or validity of data content.
Data:- Bits 29 through 11 contain the data, which may be in a number of different
formats such as BCD, BNR etc.
SDI:- Bits 10 and 9 provide a Source/Destination Identifier or SDI. This is used for
multiple receivers to identify the receiver for which the data is destined.
Label:- The label is an important part of the message. It is used to determine the data type of
the remainder of the word. All BCD and BNR data words have a five- character label
assigned in 429.
30. How is ARINC-629 different from MIL-STD 1553?
ARINC-629 uses word formats that are very similar to those in MIL- STD- 1553, but
it does not have a bus controller. Instead, ARINC-629 gives each terminal autonomous
access to the bus based upon meeting three timing conditions stored in a Transmit
Personality programmable read-only memory, or PROM (XPP) in the host terminal. One of
these timing conditions is unique to the terminal. Another difference from MIL-STD-1553
is the use of a Receive Personality PROM (RPP) to identify the labels of messages to be
recorded from the bus.
31. Why we need different standards for military and civil aircraft data buses?
Once the equipments are standardized, equipments are easily Also safety measure is
different for military and civil aircrafts. So we need different standards for military and civil
aircrafts. Standardization of equipments are based on the document Military Standard (MILSTD) and Aeronautical Radio Inc. (ARINC) specifications and Reports.
32. What are the functions of Serial Interface Module (SIM)?
Convert between Manchester < ----- > Doublets Transmit /Receive
Doublets to/from Coupler Power Management
- Apply /remove/reverse power
- Over current detection and shutdown
Fault Monitoring and Management
- Checks its own output waveform
- Checks received waveform - Causes/verifies coupler channel switching - Inhibits
coupler transmission, if necessary - Outputs fault information to Terminal Controller
33. Explain Synchronization gap.
The unique feature of ARINC 629 is that access to the bus to transmit by a given
terminal is based on meeting three timing conditions. They are Transmit Interval (TI),
Terminal Gap (TG) and Synchronization Gap (SG). Synchronization Gap is a Global
Access Parameter. It is the second longest timer and is set to the same value in all
terminals. SG starts the moment the bus is quiet, it is reset if a carrier appears on the bus
before it has elapsed.
34. What do you mean by SID(Source channel identification)?
In ARINC-629, messages are composed of a series of word strings. The first word of
any word string is the label word with its unique synchronization pattern followed by the
Source channel identification (CID), the word string label and the parity bit. CID is used to
identify a unique unit when there are two or more identical, redundant units on the same
bus such as triple redundant inertial reference units
1. What is a function of combiner in HUD?
The optical element of the HUD through which the pilot views the outside world and
which combines the collimated display image with the outside world scene is called

2. What is instantaneous field of View?

The angular coverage of the imagery which can be seen by the

observer at any

specific instant is called instantaneous field of View.

3. What is Total field of view?

The total angular coverage of the display imagery which can be seen by moving
the observer.

4. What are the advantages of HUDs?

A HUD basically projects a collimated display in the pilots head up forward line of
sight so that he can view both the display information and the outside world scene at the
same time. There is no parallax errors and aiming symbols for either a flight path
director, or for weapon aiming I the pilot
1. Increased safety in landing the aircraft in conditions of severe wind shear.
2. To display automatic landing guidance to enable the pilot to land the aircraft
safely in conditions of very low visibility due to fog, as a back up and monitor for
the automatic landing system.
5. Explain briefly about Light Emitting Diode (LED).
An LED is a solid- state device comprising a forward biased p-n junction
transistor formed from a slice or chip of gallium arsenide phosphate (GaAsP)
mounted into a transparent covering. When the current flows through the chip it emits
light which is in direct proportion to the current flow. Light emission in different
colors of spectrum can be obtained by varying the proportions of the elements
comprising the chip, and can also be obtained by using the technique called doping
with other elements, e.g. Nitrogen.
6. What do you know about Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)?
LCD consists of two glass plates coated on their inner surfaces
oxide. The material on
front plate is etched to form the seven segments, each of
which forms an electrode. A mirror image is also etched into the oxide coating of the
back glass plate. The space between the plates is filled with a liquid crystal
compound, and the complete assembly is hermitically sealed with a special
thermoplastic material to prevent contamination.
7. What are the properties of a Combiner? How it is constructed?
The combiner is a mirror with several unusual properties: The reflective coating is
highly wavelength selective, centered on the wavelength of the emission from the CRT
phosphor and clear to other wavelengths, and the coating is also highly selective in angle of
incidence so that only that light impinging within a very narrow range of angles will be
reflected. Combiners are constructed photographically by exposing a film of dichromated
gelatin to crossed laser beams and then developing the resulting diffraction pattern image.
Since the gelatin is organic, it must be protected from the environment, especially from high

8. Designing an HMD requires careful consideration of two factors. What are they?
Two factors are:- Weight and Helmet aerodynamics. During high vertical
acceleration maneuvers such as tight turns and ejection from the aircraft, the helmet can
become a very heavy object, which leads to the mandate to design absolutely minimumweight helmet mounted optics. Immediately following ejection, the helmet is exposed to a
high-speed airflow which can generate substantial lift when flowing over a properly shaped
object. Thus, the designer must ensure that the helmet is poorly designed any lift and
thereby suddenly pull on the pilots neck immediately following ejection.
9. Explain multifunction displays (MFD).
In multifunction displays, CRT displays serve as MFKs. The most common way is
for the CRT face to contain function labels correlated with adjacent switches mounted in
the bezel surrounding the CRT. It is easy through software to change the switch function
and the associated label on the CRT. The second method of implementing MFKs on CRTs
is to overlay the CRT face with a touch-sensitive screen. The CRT face contains various
switch function legends and the corresponding function is selected by touching that
portion of the screen over the switch label.
10. Explain DVI concept in cockpit.
Speech recognition systems are capable of performing non-critical tasks such as
requesting system status, tuning radios, and requesting maps to be displayed on a CRT. The
most important figure of merit in a speech recognition system is the fraction of correct word
recognitions. When a word
spoken, there are three possible responses by the system:
correct recognition, confusion with a rhyming word and rejection. Most systems can
achieve correct recognition rates in the mid-90 percent in the case of a pilot experienced in
interacting with a speech recognition system in a benign flight environment. As acceleration
increases, the recognition rate decreases to less than 80% for a 9-g load on the pilot.
Another important consideration individually, with a pause between successive words.

1. Explain Weather radar.
 Installed in all civil airliners & in many general aviation aircraft.
 To detect water droplets and provide warning of storms, cloud turbulence and
 severe precipitation-aircraft can alter course and avoid such turbulent conditions.
 It should be noted that in severe turbulence, the violence of the vertical gusts can subject
the aircraft structure to very high loads and stresses.
 These radars can also generally operate in ground mapping and terrain avoidance modes.
 In the airborne interception mode, the radar, must be able to detect aircraft upto 100 miles
away and track while scanning and keeping tabs on several aircraft simultaneously
(typically at least 12 aircraft).
 The radar must also have a 'look down' capability and be able to track low flying.
 bands. The main role of electronic warfare is to search these radio-frequency bands in
order to gather information that can be used by intelligence analysts or by front- line
operators. The information gained may be put to immediate effect to gain a tactical
advantage on the battlefield; it may be used to picture the strategic scenario in peace
time, in transition to war, or during a conflict. It may also be used to devise
countermeasures to avoid a direct threat or to deny communications to an enemy. The
cycle of intelligence begins with a requirement to gather information on a particular
scenario. Intelligence is collected from a number of different sources to form a strategic

2. Explain the need of accurate navigation. Ans: Effective operation of any a/c Automatic because of speed.
 Density of air traffic on major air routes to fly in a specified corridor defined by ATC
authorities - high accuracy NAV is essential & forms part of FMS.
 For military operation - to enable the a/c to fly low & take advantage of terrain
screening from enemy radar.
 Use of weapon - released from several Kms away from target also requires an accurate
knowledge of the a/c position in order to indicate the mid course inertial guidance of
the missile.

3. Describe the various dead reckoning navigation systems used in aircraft.

DR navigation systems used in aircraft are
 Air data/heading reference system - lower accuracy.
 Doppler/heading reference systems - widely used in helicopters.
 Inertial Navigation systems - most accurate and widely used systems .
4. Explain radio navigation systems
Two types of radio navigation systems are position fixing systems and
hyperbolic radio navigation systems
Range and bearing (R/q) radio navigation aids VOR/DME
TACAN- Accuracy of 1-2 miles
LORAN C - positional accuracy of around 150 m 8 LORAN C chains comprising 34
5. Explain the various communication systems used in aircraft.

High-frequency (HF) communications;

 Very high-frequency (VHF) communications;

 Ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) communications;
 Satellite communications (SATCOM);
 Data links.
6. Differentiate between HF and VHF communication systems.
High frequency (HF) covers the communications band between 3 and 30 MHz and is a
very common communications means for land, sea and air. The utilized band is HF SSB/AM
over the frequency range 2.00029.999 MHz using a 1 kHz (0.001 MHz) channel spacing. The
primary advantage of HF communications is that this system offers communication beyond the
line of sight. The VHF band for aeronautical applications operates in the frequency range
118.000 135.975 MHz with channel spacing in past decades of 25 kHz (0.025 MHz).
In recent years, to overcome frequency congestion and taking advantage of digital radio
technology, channel spacing has been reduced to 8.33 kHz (0.00833 MHz) which permits 3

times more radio channels in the available spectrum. VHF signals will only propagate over line
of sight. That is, the signal will only be detected by the receiver when it has line of sight or can
see the transmitter. This line-of-sight property is affected by the relative heights of the radio
tower and aircraft.
7. Explain satellite communication systems.
Satellite communications provide a more reliable method of communications using the
International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) satellite constellation. The aircraft
communicates via the INMARSAT constellation and remote ground earth station by means of
C-band uplinks and downlinks to/from the ground stations and L-band links to/from the
aircraft. In this way, communications are routed from the aircraft via the satellite to the ground
station and on to the destination. Conversely, communications to the aircraft are routed in the
reverse fashion. The airborne SATCOM terminal transmits on frequencies in the range 1626.5
1660.5 MHz and receives messages on frequencies in the range 1530.0 1559.0 MHz. The
coverage offered by the INMARSAT constellation was a total of four satellites in 2001. Further
satellites are planned to be launched in the near future. The INMARSAT satellites are placed in
earth geostationary orbit above
8. What are the advantages of Inertial Navigation Systems?
 It is completely self-contained navigation system.
 High accuracy.
 It doesnt affected by external radiation.
9.What is electronic warfare?
Electronic Warfare encompasses all actions involving the use of electromagnetic
of the electromagnetic Spectrum
10. What is data fusion?
It is the name given to the process of combining data from number of different
sources to provide information which is not present in the individual sources

11. What are the different types of communication systems in Aircraft?

High-frequency (HF) communications; 2. Very high-frequency (VHF) communications;

Ultrahigh- frequency (UHF)



Satellite communications

(SATCOM); 5. Data links

12. What are the various classification of Navigation system?.
1. Navigation by Pilotage
2. Celestial Navigation
3. Navigation by Dead-Reckoning
4. Radio Navigation
5. Satellite Navigation

13. Justify the need for certification.

Certification is a critical element in the safety-conscious culture on which civil aviation
is based. The legal purpose of avionics certification is to document a regulatory
judgment that a device meets all applicable regulatory requirements and can be
manufactured properly.

14. Describe Fly-by-Wire flight control systems?

A flight control system where all the command and control signals are
transmitted electrically and the aerodynamic control surfaces are operated through
computers which are supplied with the pilots command signals and the aircraft state
from appropriate motion sensors.

15. Explain Electromagnetic Interference.

1. Any electromagnetic energy which interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degrades or
otherwise degrades or limits the effective performance of telecommunicating
(communication-electronic) equipment.
2. What is navigation?

Navigation is an art of finding the position of the vehicle with respect to some

reference frame.

16. What is Celestial Navigation?

Celestial Navigation is accomplished by measuring the angular position of celestial
bodies. Almanacs giving the position of celestial bodies at various times are readily available.
The navigator measures the elevation of the celestial body with a sextant and notes the precise
time at which the measurement is made with a chronometer. These two measurements are
enough to fix the position of the vehicle on a circle on the face of the globe.

17. What is satellite Navigation?

The satellite navigation system depends on the measurement of the exact distance of the
receiver from the satellite and the locus is the intersection of a spherical surface with the earth
(or a concentric sphere in the case of aircraft flying over the earth). And again the intersection
of two or more loci establishes the position of the receiver. 14. What is the difference between
Navigation and Guidance? A navigation system is one that automatically determines the
position of the vehicle with respect to some reference frame.

PART B (16 marks)

1. i) Explain the need of avionics in Civil and military aircrafts.
ii) Explain few Integrated Avionics system and weapon system.
2. i) What are the major design drivers for avionics system?
ii) Describe the various illities in Avionics systems.
3. With a neat block diagram explain the integration of different avionics system.
4. i) Explain clearly the top down design procedure that is adopted in Avionics system
ii) List the factor on which Avionics design is evaluated and explain each factor in
5. Explain the various layers of Avionics systems used in a typical airplane with a neat
6. Explain the design and technologies involved in avionics system and the standards
used for it.
1. With a neat sketch explain 8085 microprocessor architecture in detail.
2. i) Draw the functional representation of ROM memory cell and explain the concept
underlying the ROM.
ii) Describe with a block schematic how a digital computer can be used to measure
analog signal
3. Explain the interference of seven segment LED with the microprocessor to display a
binary data.
4. Compare the memory mapped I/O and peripheral mapped I/O in Microprocessor.

Discuss the various avionics architecture in detail.

2. Explain the ARINC 429 data bus in detail.

3. Explain the ARINC 629 data bus in detail.
4. Explain MIL STD 1553 B data bus in detail bring out clearly the bus architecture,
protocol, word ad message formats and coupling methods.

5. i) List the evolution of avionics architecture starting from first generation to fourth
ii) Describe in detail about one of the third generation Avionics Architecture with
block schematics.
1. a) Compare and contrast the display technologies CRT,LED,LCD,EL and plasma
b) What are the various types of CRTs used in civil and military aircraft and explain
them in detail.
2. a) Explain the basic principle of HUD and what are its limitations?
How are they overcome in HMD?
b) what are special features of DVI?
3. a) Describe the layout of a cockpit.
b) Describe voice recognition & speech synthesis technology.
4. What is navigation system and explain the various types of navigation with examples.
5. Explain MFKs, HMD, HUD and HDD in detail.
1. Describe a FBW flight control system and its characteristics and redundancy concept in
2. Explain the operation of inertial navigation system and explain its two types of
3. What is FBW explain its salient features with the block diagram in comparison with
the conventional flight control system.
4. What is FBL and explain its salient features with block diagram in comparison with
6. a) what is the need for a communication system in aircraft?
b) Explain one of the most modern reliable communication systems used in aircraft
with a block schematic.

6. What is GPS and explain the working of it with codes of communication used for
locating the object.
7. Explain in detail about Radar Electronic war fare and its salient features and its usage.
8. Explain Certification and explain the various steps involved in certification of
avionics system.

9. What is Dead reckoning navigation system and explain any one type in detail.
10. Explain Conventional Flight control system and advantage of FBW to overcome the
disadvantage of Conventional FCS.

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