Material Rate
Material Rate
Material Rate
Current Transformers
Steel Items
1 H.T.Stay Set Set 598.00
2 L.T. Stay sets Set 472.00
3 Earthing Sets H.T Set 342.00
4 Earthing Sets L.T. Set 166.00
5 DTC Metering Cabinet ( Box ) No 4114.00
6 Three Phase Meter Box 1791.00
Non Magnetic stainless steel nut bolt with plain
7 washer 122.00
8 Marshalling Box No 4284.00
Wedge Connector
1 Ant To Ant or equivalent AAAC No. 114.00
2 GNAT To GNAT or equivalent AAAC No. 114.00
3 WEASEL TO WEASEL or equivalent AAAC No. 114.00
5 RABIT To RABIT or equivalent AAAC No. 114.00
6 RACCON TO RACCON or equivalent AAAC No. 439.00
7 DOG TO DOG or equivalent AAAC No. 559.00
8 PANTHER TO PANTHER or equivalent AAAC No. 718.00
6 SSN Hardware for 0.1 Dog or AAAC 100 Set 225.00
Strain Hardware for 30 Sq mm ACSR Conductor Set
7 136.00
8 Strain Hardware for 55 AAAC Set 140.00
9 Strain Hardware for 34 AAAC Set 140.00
10 Strain Hardware for 80 Sq mm Set 252.00
11 Tension Hardware for 100 Conductor. No. 341.00
12 Tension Hardware for 200 Conductor. No. 590.00
Strain Hardware for 0.2 ACSR or equivalent
13 AAAC for twin conductor 463.00
14 Suspension Hardware for 55 sq mm Condr. No. 150.00
Jointing Kits
11 kV heat shrinkable Indoor termination joint kit
1 Kit
for 3 C X 300 sqmm 1662.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Indoor termination joint kit
2 Kit
for 3 C X 240 sqmm 1582.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Indoor termination joint kit
3 Kit
for 3 C X 185 sqmm 1538.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Indoor termination joint kit
4 Kit
for 3 C X 120 sqmm 1538.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Indoor termination joint kit
5 Kit
for 3 C X 95 sqmm 1169.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Outdoor termination joint kit
6 Kit
for 3 C X 300 sqmm 2030.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Outdoor termination joint kit
7 Kit
for 3 C X 240 sqmm 2030.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Outdoor termination joint kit
8 Kit
for 3 C X 185 sqmm 1907.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Outdoor termination joint kit
9 Kit
for 3 C X 120 sqmm 1907.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Outdoor termination joint kit
10 Kit
for 3 C X 95 sqmm 1459.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Straight through joint kit for
11 Kit
3 C X 300 sqmm 5289.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Straight through joint kit for
12 Kit
3 C X 240 sqmm 5289.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Straight through joint kit for
13 Kit
3 C X 185 sqmm 5043.00
11 kV heat shrinkable Straight through joint kit for
14 Kit
3 C X 95 sqmm 4182.00
22 kV Heat shrik Indoor termination joint (Al) kit for
15 Kit
XLPE 3 C X 300 sqmm 12874.00
22 kV Heat shrik Indoor termination joint (Al) kit for
16 Kit
XLPE 3 C X 240 sqmm 9023.00
22 kV Heat shrik Indoor termination joint (Al) kit for
17 Kit
XLPE 3 C X 95 sqmm 9023.00
22 kV Heat shrik Outdoor termination joint (Al) kit
18 Kit
for XLPE 3 C X 300 sqmm 13715.00
22 KV OD for 240 Sqmm cable (End
19 Termination Joint) Nos
20 22 KV Termination joint (OD) for 3 C / 95 mm sq. No.
21 22 KV st. through joints for 3 C / 300 mm sq. No. 14272.00
22 kV Heat shrik Straight through joint (Al) kit for
22 Kit
XLPE 3 C X 300 sqmm 24600.00
23 22 KV Str Thr Joints for 240 Sqmm cable Nos 24600.00
24 22 KV st. through joints for 3 C / 95 mm sq. No 12077.00
33 kV Heat shrik Indoor termination joint (Al) kit for
25 Kit
XLPE 3 C X 300 sqmm 14145.00
33 kV Heat shrik Outdoor termination joint (Al) kit
26 Kit
for XLPE 3 C X 300 sqmm 19028.00
33 kV Heat shrik Straight through joint (Al) kit for
27 Kit
XLPE 3 C X 300 sqmm 36900.00
28 LT St.through joints for 300 sqmm Nos 1254.00
29 LT St.through joints for 240 sqmm No. 1254.00
30 LT St.through joints for 185 sqmm No. 864.00
31 L.T. jointing kits for 120 Sqmm No 560.00
32 L.T. jointing kits for 95 Sqmm No 504.00
33 L.T. jointing kits for 70 Sqmm No 448.00
Lightning Arrestor
1 33 KV LA 9 KA Set 10248
2 33 KV Lightning Arrestors (Station type) Set 13571
3 22 KV Lightning Arrestors (Screw type) Set 8568
4 22 KV Lightning Arrestors (Station type) set 11884
5 11 KV Lightning Arrestors (Station type) set 10260
6 L.A.s 22KV (Gapless type) with disconnector Set 2280
7 L.As. 11 KV (Gapless type) with disconector Set 1268
8 9 KV, 10 KA, 1 Ph. Metal Oxide (Gapless)
Set 9062
Lightning Arresters with terminal connectors.
Clamps / Sleeves
Aluminium Jointing Sleeve for 100 Sq mm AAAC No
Aluminium Jointing Sleeve for 55 Sq mm AAAC No
2 118.00
Aluminium Jointing Sleeve for 30 Sq mm ACSR No
3 118.00
4 Jointing Sleeves for AAC No. 32.00
5 Jointing Sleeves for Conductor. No 37.00
6 Sleve Joints No 115.00
7 Clamps for 33 KV C.T. No 1450.00
8 Clamps for 33 KV Isolator No 992.00
9 Clamps for 33 KV P.T. No 1450.00
10 Clamps for 33 KV V.C.B. No 2100.00
11 Clamp for 22 KV VCB No 2040.00
12 Clamps for 22 KV C.T. No 1425.00
13 Clamps for 22 KV Isolator No 1020.00
14 Clamps for 22 KV P.T. No 1425.00
15 Clamp for PT No 1450.00
16 Clamp for CT No 1450.00
17 Breaker Clamps Nos. 1688.00
18 clamps for Isolator Nos. 845.00
19 Clamps for CTs Nos. 1180.00
20 Cable Glands,rerules and tape etc. L.S. 524.00
21 Palm Type Clamp (Compression Type) Nos. 928.00
22 PG Clamp Nos. 27.00
23 T-Connector for 100 sq mm conductor No 733.00
T-Connector for 200 sq mm
24 conductor(Compression type) 3352.00
25 T Connectors suitable for 200 sqmm twin
conductor Nos.
26 Crimping of jumpers at cut points No. 1475.00
0.2 ACSR or equivalent AAAC Loop Connector No.
27 820.00
28 Special type lugs for 100 sqmm Nos. 529.00
29 Connectors for T/F Bushing Nos. 3783.00
Clamp for T/F Bushing special type with tinned
30 copper and Al Palm 4163.00
31 Connectors for T/F Bushing Nos. 3783.00
32 Transformer Clamps No. 721.00
33 Aluminium Bobbins for neutral No. 32.00
34 All Lugs (Assorted) Nos. 23.00
35 Binding Tape Kg 43.00
36 Binding Wire Kg 70.00
37 Cable Trays 2.5 Mtr. X 6" W Nos. 333.00
1 G.I.Wire 8 SWG/ 6 SWG Kg. 57.4
2 G.I.Wire 8 SWG/ 6 SWG Kg. 57.4
3 G.I.Wire 3.15mm (10 SWG) Kg. 57.4
4 G.I.Stay Wire 7/4mm(8 SWG) Kg. 57.45
5 G.I.Stay Wire 7/3.15mm(10SWG) Kg. 57.45
6 G.I.Barbed Wire `A' type. Kg. 64.27
7 Guard Loops 5 wire Kg. 56.26
1 Transformer Oil KL 60000
2 Black bituminus paint Ltr 85
3 Coal Kg. 15
4 Danger Board in yard. No 50
5 Electron Powder Kg 13
6 Red Oxide Paint for 2 coats Ltr 85
7 Salt Kg 7
8 Silver paint Ltr 113
9 L.Board with clamp No 241
10 Oil paint Kg 360
11 Hiring of Welding machine Nos. 238
Painting/Hardware & support with numbering of
L.S. 225
12 pole
13 Painting of Supports & fabricated materials L.S. 155
14 Backfilling of supports with Boulders. No. 50
16 Brick & Masonary works for earthing pit Nos. 1750
17 Earthing Replenishment for DTC Set 12511
19 Earthing materials L.S. 395
20 PVC pipe 110 mm dia 4Kg/sqcm pressure Rmt 106
1” PVC pipe for laying control cable Rmt 73
21 Re - earthing No 70050
Earthing to equipment with Salt ,Coke, earthing
No 13000
22 strip Etc.
23 Aluminium Paint for 1 coat Ltrs 113
24 Bentonite clay Kg. 13
25 Red Bricks No. 5.5
26 Sand Cum 222
27 Hand Gloves Pairs 700
28 L.T.Spacers Nos. 110
29 PVC Pipe 110 mm Dia 4 Kg/sqmm Mtr. 110
30 Welding Rods Nos. 3.5
Permanent earthing system by use of Pipe in pipe
arrangment, with earthing materials Bentonite Set 6607
clay, salt, coal etc
DTC Metring with Box, single core L.T. XLPE
1 cable (16, 120 mtr length) and other allied LS
material. 7514.00
DTC Metring with Box, single core L.T. XLPE
2 cable (35, 120 mtr length) and other allied LS
material. 7514.00
DTC Metring with Box, single core L.T. XLPE
3 cable (70, 120 mtr length) and other allied LS
material. 7529.20
DTC Metring with Box, single core L.T. XLPE
4 cable (185, 200 mtr length) and other LS
allied material. 7613.00
DTC Metring with Box, single core L.T. XLPE
5 cable (300, 280 mtr length) and other LS
allied material. 7676.00
DTC Metring with Box, single core L.T. XLPE
6 cable (300, 320 mtr length) and other LS
allied material for 630 KVA 8076.00
DTC Metring with Box, single core L.T. XLPE
7 cable (300, 320 mtr length) and other LS
allied material for 995 KVA 8476.00