Boq 135
Boq 135
Boq 135
Item No. Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) Remarks
(a) Drains having cross sectional area upto 0.3 Sqm RM. 37400 188.00 7,031,200.00 Rate approved by RO
(b) Drains having cross sectional area more than 0.3 Sqm RM. 108960 188.00 20,484,480.00 for NH-28C.
1.4 Clearing slab/ box type culverts and pipe culverts including
clearing, cleaning and reshapping of upstream and down
stream faces of these culverts with in right of way. The job
includes disposal of excess material recovered from site
including vegetation outside ROW with all leads and lifts
complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
(Frequency of cleaning will be one time in six months i.e.
before and after of monsoon).
(a) Abadi Portion (Frequency of cleaning once in a month) Km. 564 5,097.00 2,874,708.00
Rate approved by RO
for NH-28C.
Item No. Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) Remarks
Rate approved by RO
(b) Remaining area (Frequency of cleaning will be once in two
months period). Km. 332 5,097.00 1,692,204.00 for NH-28C.
(b)- Providing and applying low viscosity bitumen emulsion UP PWD SOR 2020-
for sealing cracks less then 3mm wide or incipient fretting or 2021, Page No. 51 S.No.
disintegration in an existing bitumenous surfacing complete 29
as per MORTH Specificaions Section 518 and as per direction Sqm. 302127 26.00 7,855,289.00
of the Engineer-in-harge (Fog spray).
1.15 Full depth repair of PQC slab by removing the entire slab &
DLC & underneath layers if required. Placing separation
membrane, dowel bars 32mm dia X 500mm long & tie bars
16mm dia X 750 mm long, placing DLC if removed & PQC M- Rate Analysis as per
40 grade complete as per the provision of IRC-15 and as per Sqm. 210 9,787.00 2,055,270.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
directions of Engineer-In-Charge. 2020
Cement concrete M:20 grade for repair of concrete work. Cum. 884 7,213.00 6,376,292.00
1.19 Replacement of damaged pre moulded inter locking paver
tiles of 80 mm thick over 20 cm compacted GSB including 3
cm thick local sand bed over prepared surface including all UP PWD SOR 2020-21,
Sqm. 4500 981.00 4,414,500.00
labour T&P etc. as directed by the Engineer. Page-52, S.No. 24
(A) Road sign Boards mounted on single post. No. 312 207.00 64,584.00 Rate approved by RO
(B) Road sign Boards mounted on double post. No. 132 415.00 54,780.00 for NH-28C.
(C) Overhead gantry road sign boards Already approved rate
No. 11 1,515.00 16,665.00 with escaltion 5% (1010
x 50%)
2.4 Painting two coats on old surface after minor repairs to give
an even and smooth surface and printing letters and figures
with 1st quality synthetic enamel paint of approved brand
and manufacture complete in all respect conforming to
respective IRC Specification.
(A) Hectometre stones No. 250 795.00 198,750.00 Rate Analysis as per
(B) Kilometre stones No. 45 2,902.00 130,590.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
(C) 5th Kilometre stones No. 10 4,989.00 49,890.00 2020
2.6 Painting two coats on median kerb & parapet wall with first
quality enamel paint of approved make & quality to give an
even shade including writing, letter & figure etc. complete in
all respect as per IRC standard.
(A) Median and Parapets including printing letters on parapet Rate Analysis as per
ends Sqm. 38030 87.00 3,308,610.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
2.7 Strengthening and repairing of partially damaged M.S.
pedestrian Railing/pipe railing complete including welding,
repairing / replacement of damaged parts/portions (salvage
material will be contrctors property) as per existing pattern Per Rmt. Of Already approved rate
complete in all respect including painting of the damaged full height for year 2011-12 with
555 1,827.00 1,013,985.00
portions to match with the existing railing and as per of railing escaltion 5% (1218 x
direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 50%)
Item No. Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) Remarks
iii) Facility information Sign 800 x 600 No. 45 3,047.00 137,115.00 As per UP PWD SOR
(b) Cautionary / Warning sign 2020-21, Page-59, S.No.
i) Triangular 900 mm side No. 40 4,095.00 163,800.00 17
Item No. Description of Items 2020-21, Page-59, S.No.
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) 17 Remarks
4.4 Provision of Ambulance with GPS System as per Clause 4.4 of Each
scope of work and as per clause 4.8 'Performance Standard' of vehicle per 36 178,398.00 6,422,328.00 Rate Analysis
scope of work. Month
4.5 Submission of Monthly Progress Report including colour
photographs of day-to-day work with GPS System (latitude,
longitude & date) in three copies and two CDs complete as
Per set 36 1,000.00 36,000.00 Lump-sum
per Technical Specification Clause 125.
a. On 5 ROBs (Km. 21, 84, 124, 125 & 134 on old NH-28) [On Rate Analysed on the
basis of Diesel] for 12 motnhs i.e. 12 x 5 = 60 months. basis of current
Per Month 60 227,920.00 13,675,200.00
consumption charges for
one ROB.
4.9 Providing and placing in proper position empty cement bags
filled with local earth to control erosion/damage of the side of
the road or bank of the river/nallaha at required locations
UP PWD SOR-2020-21,
including cost of material, labour equipment transporation etc Nos. 500 20.00 10,000.00
Page-53, S.No. 41
complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
% in Figures