Boq 135

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Operation & Maintenance of Lucknow-Ayodhya Section from Km. 8+000 to Km.

137+970 Stretch of NH-27 (Old NH-28) Total Length 129.970 Km

in the State of Uttar Pradesh-3rd Call.

Name of the Firm/Bidder

Item No. Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) Remarks

1.1 Blading/grading the unpaved shoulder and slopes using

motor grader at the required camber as directed by the
Engineer in charge conforming to Technical Specifications
Clause no. 3003. The work also include disposal of surplus Rate Analysis as per
material outside ROW and addition of selected soil Sqm. 145005 103.00 14,935,515.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
conforming to Technical Specifications Clause no. 305 brought 2020
from borrow areas located outside ROW.

1.2 Providing spot reconditioning, reconstruction and

regravelling to repair specific erosion or other damages for
restoring the eroded area to originally constructed cross
section on cuts and fills slopes/ shoulders conforming to
Technical Specifications Clause no. 3002. Fill material should
be brought from borrow areas located outside ROW
conforming to Technical Specification no. 305. Watered and
well compacted with plate compactor or power rammer with UP PWD SOR 2020-21,
Cum. 566 242.00 136,972.00
all leads and lifts as directed by the Engineer (Quantity of Page No. 55 S.No. 51
compacted Fill material to be measured on cross sectional area

1.3 Cleaning, clearing road side lined/pucca drains to revive

them to initial drainage capacity including disposal of
recovered material with all leads and lifts complete in all
respect as directed by the Engineer and as per Additional
maintenance Standard Clause no. 5.5.1 as applicable.
(Frequency of cleaning will be twice in year i.e. before & after

(a) Drains having cross sectional area upto 0.3 Sqm RM. 37400 188.00 7,031,200.00 Rate approved by RO
(b) Drains having cross sectional area more than 0.3 Sqm RM. 108960 188.00 20,484,480.00 for NH-28C.
1.4 Clearing slab/ box type culverts and pipe culverts including
clearing, cleaning and reshapping of upstream and down
stream faces of these culverts with in right of way. The job
includes disposal of excess material recovered from site
including vegetation outside ROW with all leads and lifts
complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
(Frequency of cleaning will be one time in six months i.e.
before and after of monsoon).

(A) Slab/Box Type Culverts No. 58 3,938.00 228,404.00 Rate approved by RO

(B) Pipe Culverts No. 85 1,969.00 167,365.00 for NH-28C.
1.5 Carrying out proper cleaning of carriageways, footpaths,
verges, expansion joints (for free movement), drainage spouts
of bridge including removal and disposal of trash, plastic,
vegetation etc. from site outside ROW complete as per Rmt. Of the Rate approved by RO
direction of Engineer. (Frequency of cleaning will be two 5337 51.00 272,187.00
Bridge for NH-28C.
times in a year i.e. before and after the monsoon).

1.6 Loading, unloading, transportation & disposal of surplus

material left over by accidental vehicle or otherwise lying on UP PWD SOR 2020-
road (on carriageway) with all lead & lifts complete as Cum. 400 51.00 20,400.00 2021, Page No. 51, S.No.
directed by Engineer-in-charge. 25

1.7 Carrying out proper cleaning, and removing of

dust/silt/thrash /plastic/rubbish/garbage/waste from the
carriageway, foothpaths, verges (including the verges of
central median) by mechanical means or manually and from
shoulders upto Toe line of the embankment including side
slopes manually and disposing of the waste material at a
suitable place outside ROW as directed by the Engineer. The
job includes cleaning of road studs and delineators also.

(a) Abadi Portion (Frequency of cleaning once in a month) Km. 564 5,097.00 2,874,708.00
Rate approved by RO
for NH-28C.
Item No. Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) Remarks
Rate approved by RO
(b) Remaining area (Frequency of cleaning will be once in two
months period). Km. 332 5,097.00 1,692,204.00 for NH-28C.

1.8 Removal of rank vegetation/weeds and undesirable

vegetation from shoulders, embankment slopes upto ROW
(both sides) complete in all respect including breaking of
clods,rough dressing and disposal of waste material and
vegetation at a place outside ROW as per direction of

(a) Shoulders including side slopes of embankment up to toe line

on both sides of the carriageway. (Frequency of cleaning will UP PWD SOR 2020-21,
Sqm. 279000 3.00 837,000.00
be two times in a year. Page-12, S.No. 11

(b) From Toe line of embankment slopes to ROW on both sides

of the carriageway (Frequency of cleaning will be two times in UP PWD SOR 2020-21,
a year however limited to only areas prone to growth of Sqm. 120000 3.00 360,000.00
Page-12, S.No. 11
rank / undesirable vegetation and weeds).

1.9 Providing localised repair to rutted portion of bituminous

surface at scattered locations by applying tack coat as per
Technical Specification Clause 503 and then filling the
depression with bituminous concrete by using paving grade
bitumen conforming to Technical Specification Clause no. 509, Cum. 376 13,798.00 5,188,048.00 As pe Rate Analysis
complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer.

1.10 Providing localised repair to broken eges of carriageway at

scattered locations by applying tack coat as per Technical
Specification Clause 503 and then repairing the broken edges
with bituminous concrete by using paving grade bitumen
conforming to Technical Specification Clause no. 509, Cum. 25 13,798.00 344,950.00 As per Rate Analysis
complete in all respect as per direction of the Engineer.

1.11 Providing treatment for sealing of road surface/isolated

cracks at scattered locations with application of liquid
bituminous @ 1 kg/sqm or bitumen emulsion/cut back @ 1.5
kg/sqm on clean and dry surface to follow line of cracks,
covered with aggregates as under the surface shall be rolled
properly and excess material shall be broomed off complete in
all respect.

(a)- Covered with dry coarse sand passing through 2.36mm

sieve and retained on 180 micron sieve @ 0.03 cum/10 sqm, Sqm. 70496 59.00 4,159,264.00
heated at 600 Co (cracks > 3 mm).

(b)- Providing and applying low viscosity bitumen emulsion UP PWD SOR 2020-
for sealing cracks less then 3mm wide or incipient fretting or 2021, Page No. 51 S.No.
disintegration in an existing bitumenous surfacing complete 29
as per MORTH Specificaions Section 518 and as per direction Sqm. 302127 26.00 7,855,289.00
of the Engineer-in-harge (Fog spray).

1.12 Providing treatment and repair to pot holes/ patch repair of

all types of bitumen pavement complete as per Technical
Specification Clause 3004.2, and as per direction of Engineer.

(a) Carrying out patch repair with bituminous concrete up to 25

mm thickness after removal of all failed material, trimming of
completed excavation to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning
of surface, painting of tack coat on the sides & base of
excavation as per clause no. 503, back filling the patch with Rate Analysis as per
hot bituminous concrete as per clause no. 509. Compacting Sqm. 7000 235.00 1,645,000.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
trimming & finishing the surface to form a smooth continuous 2020
surface all as per clause no. 3004.2 of Technical Specification.

(b) Carrying out patch repair with bituminous concrete up to 40

mm thickness after removal of all failed material, trimming of
completed excavation to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning
of surface, painting of tack coat on the sides & base of
excavation asper clause no. 503 back filling the patch with hot Rate Analysis as per
bitumenous material as per clause no. 509. Compacting Sqm. 70496 617.00 43,496,032.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
trimming & finishing the surface to form a smooth continuous 2020
surface all as per clause no. 3004.2 of Technical Specification.
Item No. Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) Remarks

(c) Filling potholes and patch repair beyond 40 mm thickness

after removal of all failed material, trimming of completed
excavation to provide firm vertical faces cleaning of surface,
painting of tack coat on the sides & base of excavation as per
clause no. 503, back filling the potholes/patch with hot
bitumenous concrete as per clause 509. Compacting trimming Cum. 282 13,798.00 3,891,036.00 As per Rate Analysis
and finishing the surface to form a smooth continuous surface
all as per Clause no. 3004.2.

1.16 Carrying out patch repair with bituminous concrete up to 25

mm thickness after removal of all failed material, trimming of
completed excavation to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning
of surface, painting of tack coat on the sides & base of
excavation as per clause no. 503, back filling the patch with
bituminous concrete prepared by using bitumen emulsion
complying with IS 8887 and other material detailed as per Sqm. 3040 -
clause no. 509. Compacting trimming & finishing the surface
to form a smooth continuous surface all as per Clause no.
3004.2 of Technical Specification also including scarification.

1.13 Repair of localised failed areas of PQC/ Removal of defective

concrete, cleaning the surface thoroughly, applying the
shotcrete mixture mechanically with compressed air under
pressure, comprising of cement, sand, coarse aggregates,
water and quick setting compound in the proportion as per
clause 2807.1., sand and coarse aggregates conforming to IS: Rate Analysis as per
383 and table 1 of IS: 9012 respectively, water cement ratio Sqm. 3402 494.00 1,680,588.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
ranging from 0.35 to 0.50, density of gunite not less than 2000 2020
kg/cum, strength not less than 25 Mpa and workmanship
conforming to clause 2807.6.

1.14 Repair of transverse joints of cement concrete pavement/

Repair of spalled joint grooves of contraction joints,
Rate Analysis as per
longitudinal joints and expansion joints in concrete
Rmt. 6587 802.00 5,282,774.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
pavements using epoxy mortar or epoxy concrete.

1.15 Full depth repair of PQC slab by removing the entire slab &
DLC & underneath layers if required. Placing separation
membrane, dowel bars 32mm dia X 500mm long & tie bars
16mm dia X 750 mm long, placing DLC if removed & PQC M- Rate Analysis as per
40 grade complete as per the provision of IRC-15 and as per Sqm. 210 9,787.00 2,055,270.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
directions of Engineer-In-Charge. 2020

1.16 Sealing of crack/porous concrete with Epoxy grout by

injection through nipples complete as per clause 2803 of Rate Analysis as per
Technical Specification and as per approval of Engineer. Sqm. 2162 422.00 912,153.00 Morth Data Book 2019-

1.17 Applying Epoxy mortar over leached honey combed and

spalled concrete surface and exposed steel reinforcement Rate Analysis as per
complete as per Technical Specification clause 2804 and as per Sqm. 270 340.00 91,800.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
approval of Engineer. 2020

1.18 Cement concrete of specified mix as under with stone

aggregates 20mm nominal size mechanically mixed and
vibrated in foundation, sub-structure and superstructure UP PWD SOR 2020-21,
including shuttering/ formwork conforming to MOST Page No. 13, S.No. 4.1.3
Specification Clause no. 1000, 1500 & 1700.

Cement concrete M:20 grade for repair of concrete work. Cum. 884 7,213.00 6,376,292.00
1.19 Replacement of damaged pre moulded inter locking paver
tiles of 80 mm thick over 20 cm compacted GSB including 3
cm thick local sand bed over prepared surface including all UP PWD SOR 2020-21,
Sqm. 4500 981.00 4,414,500.00
labour T&P etc. as directed by the Engineer. Page-52, S.No. 24

1.20 Removal of rank vegetation/plant growth from joints of

panels of reinforced earth wall, repeat process after 06 (six)
months, including their disposal outside ROW as directed by
the Engineer, including all tools and plants such as ladder, UP PWD SOR 2020-21,
ropes, cutting tools, use of glacial liquid etc., as may be Sqm. 65000 2.00 130,000.00
Page-53, S.No. 42(III)
required for proper completion of work as directed by the

Sub Total-A 136,563,431.00

Item No. Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) Remarks


2.1 Painting all types of M.S/GI railing as when required with
two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved brand after Rate Analysis as per
cleaning the surface complete in all respect as directed by the Sqm. 3700 75.00 277,500.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
Engineer. 2020

2.2 Cleaning, removing, clearing of dust and dirt from the

existing metal crash barrier and pedestrian guard rail by
Rate already approved
washing with water & detergent etc. complete as directed by
for 2011-12 (Rs. 10/-)
Engineer. RM. 30735 15.00 461,025.00
with escalation @ 5% per
year = 10 x 50% = Rs. 15.

2.3 Carrying out routine maintenance and repair to all types of

road signs complete as directed by the Engineer and as per
Additional Maintenance Standard Clause 5.5.3 of the bid

(A) Road sign Boards mounted on single post. No. 312 207.00 64,584.00 Rate approved by RO
(B) Road sign Boards mounted on double post. No. 132 415.00 54,780.00 for NH-28C.
(C) Overhead gantry road sign boards Already approved rate
No. 11 1,515.00 16,665.00 with escaltion 5% (1010
x 50%)
2.4 Painting two coats on old surface after minor repairs to give
an even and smooth surface and printing letters and figures
with 1st quality synthetic enamel paint of approved brand
and manufacture complete in all respect conforming to
respective IRC Specification.

(A) Hectometre stones No. 250 175.00 43,750.00

Already approved rate
(B) Kilometre stones No. 100 459.00 45,900.00
for year 2011-12.
(C) 5 Kilometre stones
No. 25 980.00 24,500.00
2.5 Providing and fixing reinforced cement concrete M:15 grade
5th kilometer stones, kilometer stones and hectometer stones
of standard design as per IRC-8-1980 & MORTH Specification
Clause 804 including two coat painting with synthetic enamel
paint after applying approved quality cement primer and
printing letters with approved quality synthetic enamel paint
on both sides as per MORTH Specification Clause 804 and as
per drawing and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. The job
includes fixing of these distance measuring stones at places
after dismantling of existing damaged stones, and further
disposing of dismentaled material outside ROW. Rates quoted
to be inclusive of the salvage value of the useful material
obtained during the course of dismantling. The fixing of these
stones shall be done with M:10 cement concrete as per
drawing and approval of the Engineer-in-charge.

(A) Hectometre stones No. 250 795.00 198,750.00 Rate Analysis as per
(B) Kilometre stones No. 45 2,902.00 130,590.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
(C) 5th Kilometre stones No. 10 4,989.00 49,890.00 2020
2.6 Painting two coats on median kerb & parapet wall with first
quality enamel paint of approved make & quality to give an
even shade including writing, letter & figure etc. complete in
all respect as per IRC standard.

(A) Median and Parapets including printing letters on parapet Rate Analysis as per
ends Sqm. 38030 87.00 3,308,610.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
2.7 Strengthening and repairing of partially damaged M.S.
pedestrian Railing/pipe railing complete including welding,
repairing / replacement of damaged parts/portions (salvage
material will be contrctors property) as per existing pattern Per Rmt. Of Already approved rate
complete in all respect including painting of the damaged full height for year 2011-12 with
555 1,827.00 1,013,985.00
portions to match with the existing railing and as per of railing escaltion 5% (1218 x
direction of the Engineer-in-charge. 50%)
Item No. Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) Remarks

2.8 Repair of damaged single faced W-Beam Metal Crash Barrier

made out of members. Job includes repair of old damaged
members by straightening the members and removing &
repairing all the existing dents as well as other defects and Per Rmt.of Already approved rate
neatly refixing the repaired members as directed by Engineer crash 2100 198.00 415,800.00 for year 2011-12 with
in charge including fasteners and fixing etc complete in all barrier escaltion 5% (132 x 50%)

2.9 Replacement of damaged single faced W-Beam Metal Crash

Barrier made out of the following members. Job includes
taking out old damaged member and neatly refixing the new
member (with cement concrete foundation in M:20 for Post)
complete in all respects as per MOST Clause 810 and as
directed by Engineer in charge including Fasteners and fixing
etc complete in all respect. The rates quoted shall account for
the rebate for cost of salvage value for old member to be

(a) Beam made out of cold rolled steel strip W profile of 3 MM

thick having a minimum yield strength of 2400 kg/sqcm
Already approved rate
having width of 313 mm and depth of corrugation as 83 mm
RM. 1400 1,021.00 1,429,400.00 for year 2011-12 with
hot dip galvanised of zinc coating @ 550 gm/sqm
escaltion 5% (681 x 50%)

(b) Post consisting of cold rolled channel 150 x 75 x 5 mm having

minimum yield strength of 2400 kg/sqcm. The total length of
post shall be 1900 mm and minimum height of post above
concrete fundation shall be 800 mm or as per existing post at
site to match with the existing posts, hot dip galvanised of
Already approved rate
zinc coating @ 550 gm /Sqm. The post shall be fixed in M:20
No. 465 157.00 73,005.00 for year 2011-12 with
grade of cement contrete in a pit of size 350 X 350 X 1200 mm
escaltion 5% (105 x 50%)
as per drawing and instructions of the Engineer. No separate
payment would be made for concreting.

(c) Spacer channels or brackets made out of CRP steel channel

section 150 x 75 x 5 mm having an yield strength of 2400
Already approved rate
kg/sqcm. The length of spacer channel shall be 330 mm and
No. 465 157.00 73,005.00 for year 2011-12 with
hot dip galvanised having zinc coating @ 550 gm/Sqm.
escaltion 5% (105 x 50%)

2.10 Construction of new RCC drain of average depth of 1.50

meter with M:20 grade concrete mechanically mixed and
vibrated with required reinforcement steel, shuttering of
required shape and size, excavation and backfilling of earth
including all leads and lifts complete in all respects
conforming to relevant MOST Clauses and as directed by the

Length of drain Approved Rate for 2021-

Rmt. 1690.4 9,042.00 15,284,280.33 22 (Anmol Associates
foe Sohramau)
Sub Total-B 22,966,019.33
3.1 Replacement of stolen/missing retro-reflectorised traffic sign
boards by providing and fixing new retro-reflectorised
cautionary, mandatory signs made of Super High intensity
micro-prismatic grade sheeting, fixed over aluminium
sheeting 2.0 mm thick supported on a MS Angle Iron Frame
comprising of 40mm X 40mm X 4mm. This frame is further
welded to MS Angle 75mm X 75mm X 6 mm size, 3.5 meter
high vertical post complete as per drawing. This vertical post
shall be embeded in M-15 grade cement concrete in a pit of
size 450mm X 450mm X 600 mm, 600 mm below ground level
complete in all respect as per direction of the Engineer and
technical specification 801.3.6.

(a) Informatory sign

i) No Parking Sign 900 mm X 900 mm No. 30 4,095.00 122,850.00
ii) Advance Direction, Destination, Reassurance and place
identification sign (size 2100 mm X 1700mm) as per drawing
with two vertical posts embeded in M15 cement concrete
Sqm. 70 6,996.00 489,720.00
details as per description given above and as per drawing.

iii) Facility information Sign 800 x 600 No. 45 3,047.00 137,115.00 As per UP PWD SOR
(b) Cautionary / Warning sign 2020-21, Page-59, S.No.
i) Triangular 900 mm side No. 40 4,095.00 163,800.00 17
Item No. Description of Items 2020-21, Page-59, S.No.
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) 17 Remarks

(c) Mandatory/ Regulatory sign

i) Octagon "STOP" sign No. 50 4,851.00 242,550.00
ii) 600 mm dia Circular sign No. 30 3,845.00 115,350.00
iii) Give way sign 900 mm triangular side. No. 30 4,095.00 122,850.00
iv) Chevron sign No. 140 3,460.00 484,400.00
v) Object Hazards sign 300 mm 900 mm No. 80 3,345.00 267,600.00
3.2 Supplying and installation of delineators (Roadway
indicators) 95 cm high above ground level of total length 135
cm. painted black and white in 15cm wide strips fitted with 3
nos. rectangular super high intensity micro-prismatic grade
sheeting fixed on 2 mm thick aluminum sheet of size 80 mm X
100 mm one in each black strip duly riveted in the rectangular
tubular section facing direction of traffic. Rectangular Tubular
section of size 100 mm X 50 mm X 3 mm (thickness). The
Tubular section of the delineator is encased all around with
steel welded wire mesh of thickness 2.5 mm, in size 120 mm X
70 mm X 760 mm as shown in the drawing. The welded wire As per UP PWD SOR
Nos. 350 828.00 289,800.00
mesh is painted with two coats synthetic enamel white paint 2020-21, Page-56, S.No. 1
after applying two coat red oxide primer. The delineator is
embedded in M-15 cement concrete in pit size 300 mm X 300
mm X 450 mm. The rate quoted is for the complete job as per
Drawing and direction of Engineer and technical specification
no. 801.3.6.

3.3 Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete (BC-VG-40)

wearing course bitumen (overlay) complete as per drawing
and Technical Specification Clause 509 and 521.

Total 47.352 Km. overlay on bituminous surface has been

A)- Providing and laying Tack Coat complete as per Technical
Specifications Clause 503.
On normal bituminous surface @ 2 kg per 10 sqm. Rate Analysis as per
Sqm. 426168 13.00 5,540,184.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
B)- Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete (BC-VG-40) Rate Analysis as per
wearing course bitumen (overlay) complete as per drawing Cum. 15342 13,798.00 211,688,916.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
and Technical Specification. 2020
C)- Milling the area upto 50mm. Sqm. 19998 140.00 2,799,720.00
3.4 Supply and fixing of Cats Eye/Pavement Marker (NMC nail
Less) made out of Acrylic-strene-Acrylonitril or Hi-Impect
polysterene fitted with Moulded of Methacrylate (NMC)
reflector cube corner reflector design; Filled with tightly
adhering potting compound as per ASTM D788 size 11.5 cms
X 7cms X 1.6 cms or 10 cms X 10 cms X 1.75 provided with No. 24569 324.00 7,960,356.00
bituminous adhesive in sufficient quantity with each unit for
fixing. No nail should be allowed for fixing.

3.5 Providing and marking of hot applied thermoplastic

compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @
250 gms/ sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of
surface applied glass beads as per IRC 35. The finished
Surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes
complete in all respect. The job includes marking of centre As per UP PWD SOR
line, shoulder line, edge line, zebra crossing marking, arrows Sqm. 40466 618.00 25,007,988.00 2020-21, Page-56,
and dashes marking at the junctions as per Technical S.No. 2
Specifications Clause 803.4 complete in all respect and as per
approval of Engineer-in-charge.

3.6 Providing & fixing New MS railing/pipe railing in medians /

horizontal curves @ 19 Kg. per Rmt. including foundation
concrete (45 cm x 45 cm x 75 cm in M:15) and two coat
painting after applying two coat mettalic primer of approved
quality. The job includes dismantling of existing damaged
Latest Approved rate
railing and the rate quoted should be inclusive of the salvage
Rmt. 740.00 2,309.00 1,708,660.00 (Anmol Associates for
value of dismentaled material if any, complete as per
Shaheed Path)
Technical Specification Section 300, 1500, 1700 & 1900,
drawing and direction of Engineer.
Item No. Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) Remarks

3.7 Construction and laying Cast in situ cement concrete kerb in

M:20 grade and matching with the existing kerb section
complete including dismantling and disposal of existing
damaged broken kerbs as per technical Specifications Clause As per UP PWD SOR
408 for kerbs (M:20 grade) The job includes jointing of RM. 14730 420.00 6,186,720.00 2020-21, Page-59,
adjacent kerbs and carrying out pointing as per existing S.No. 16

3.8 Providing and fixing single faced W-Beam Metal Crash

Barrier (W-profile safety gaurd rails) made out of the
following members. Job includes erection complete in all
respect as per MOST clause 810 and using M:20 grade cement
concrete wherever required as directed by Engineer.

Beam made out of cold rolled steel strip W profile double of 3

MM thick having a minimum yield strength of 2400 kg/sqcm
having width of 313 mm and depth of corrugation as 83 mm
Rmt. 3289 3,107.00 10,220,395.00 2020-21, Page-60,
hot dip galvanised of zinc coating @ 550 gm/sqm.
S.No. 26
Post consisting of cold rolled channel 150 x 75 x 5 mm and
spaced 2 mtr centre to centre having minimum yield strength
of 2400 kg/sqcm. The length of post shall be 1900 mm and
minimum height of post above concrete foundation shall be
800 mm, hot dip galvanised of zinc coating @ 550 gm /Sqm,
the post shall be fixed in required.

3.9 Removal of unauthorised boards within ROW and stacking

etc complete in all respect including transportation from site Approved rate for NH-
to the nearest store/suitable location as per direction of Nos. 6000 265.00 1,590,000.00

3.10 Providing and erecting signs with corrosion resistant 2 mm

thick aluminium alloy sheet with very high intensity micro-
prismatic grade sheeting as per clause 801.3.7 on already
Sqm. 225 6,990.00 1,572,750.00 2020-21, Page-59,
existing trusses for over head gantry as per direction of
S.No. 19

3.11 Supply and fixing of diamond grade Aluminum backed

Flexible Prismatic sheeting (AFP) shall consist of yellow
colored flexible prismatic sheeting with non metallic prismatic
sheeting shall be of one ft. width and Laminated with the back
with a 50 micron Aluminum (AI) foil with pressure sensitive
adhesive and loner. Further, this flexible prismatic sheeting
shall have screen printed arrow/slant line pattern in black
color in a continuous roll format. The product specified
herein, with the liner removed, shall be applied with a
neoprene contact adhesive with polychloroprene as base, a As per UP PWD SOR
viscosity of 200-450 cps and solid content of 20-30%. Once Sqm. 594 5,217.00 3,098,898.00 2020-21, Page-60,
applied, the edges of the product shall be sealed all around S.No. 23
with a two-part epoxy based structural adhesive with epoxy
having viscosity of 8000-14000 mpa.s when measured as per
ISO 12058, so that it becomes Extremely difficult to peel off.

3.12 Median/Parapet Markers with Lense Reflector - Providing

and fixing of Median Marker made of tough, high impact
resistant, injection molded, thermoplastic outer body with
isosceles trapezoidal structure of length, width and height not
less than 120mm, 100mm, 100mm respectively and thickness
not less than 1.8mm . The median marker shall have
fluorescent yellow color retro-reflective micro prismatic as its
retro-reflective elements meet ASTM D4956 type IX As per UP PWD SOR
specification. The retro reflective sheeting shall be produced Nos. 356 312.00 111,072.00 2020-21, Page-57,
with no exposed edges that prevent edge lifting, vandalism, S.No. 6
sheeting damage etc. The median marker shall be fixed by a
combination of epoxy adhesive and grouting etc.

3.13 Provision of rumble strips with premix bituminous concrete

on cross roads as per IRC specification and direction of As per Rate Analysis
Cum. 13.50 13,798.00 186,273.00
Engineer. 2019-20

Sub Total-C 280107967.00

Item No. Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) Remarks

4.1 Removing all types of broken down/vehicles which have met

with accidents from the carriageway and toeing the same to
proper locations i.e. nearest Police stations or some suitable
location by using 15 tonne or of more capacity pick and carry
crane with GPS System, as per clause 4.4 of Scope of Work Per Month 36 162,030.00 5,833,080.00 Rate Analysis
and as per Clause 4.8 'Performance Standard' of scope of

4.2 Providing and supply of Following manpower for misc. work

as when required basis as per instruction of the Engineer. UP PWD SOR-2020-11,
Man days
Page-7 to 9

(A) Mate/ Supervisor Per Day 45 335.00 15,075.00

(B) Helper/Beldar/ Coolie Per Day 150 325.00 48,750.00
(C) Security Guard Per Day 15 390.00 5,850.00
4.3 Providing, running and maintaining route patrol vehicle with
GPS System as per clause 4.4 of scope of work and as per Each
clause 4.8 'Performance Standard' of scope of work. vehicle per 36 90,914.00 3,272,904.00 Rate Analysis

4.4 Provision of Ambulance with GPS System as per Clause 4.4 of Each
scope of work and as per clause 4.8 'Performance Standard' of vehicle per 36 178,398.00 6,422,328.00 Rate Analysis
scope of work. Month
4.5 Submission of Monthly Progress Report including colour
photographs of day-to-day work with GPS System (latitude,
longitude & date) in three copies and two CDs complete as
Per set 36 1,000.00 36,000.00 Lump-sum
per Technical Specification Clause 125.

4.6 Supply of Vedio Cassette (CD) in three copies including

videography of complete stretch at three stages in O&M
period (starting, mid & end period) complete as per Technical Per set 3 6,000.00 18,000.00 Lump-sum
specification clause 126.

4.7 Maintenance of Toll Plaza booth/building for Nawabganj Toll

Nos. 2 1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 Lump-sum
4.8 Electrical/diesel consumption charges for lighting on ROBs
including maintenance of pole/lighting/painting in all

a. On 5 ROBs (Km. 21, 84, 124, 125 & 134 on old NH-28) [On Rate Analysed on the
basis of Diesel] for 12 motnhs i.e. 12 x 5 = 60 months. basis of current
Per Month 60 227,920.00 13,675,200.00
consumption charges for
one ROB.
4.9 Providing and placing in proper position empty cement bags
filled with local earth to control erosion/damage of the side of
the road or bank of the river/nallaha at required locations
UP PWD SOR-2020-21,
including cost of material, labour equipment transporation etc Nos. 500 20.00 10,000.00
Page-53, S.No. 41
complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Sub Total-D 31,337,187.00

5.1 Providing, planting healthy, well-developed saplings of
ornamental/flowering shrubs of specified species (yellow
Kaner, Bauganvillia) and varieties, 1-2 years of age in 25 cm-
30cm Poly bags or pots, height and spread 0.60 mt-0.90 mt
above ground, with 3-4 branches, in well prepared pits of
minimum 60 cm. dia and minimum 60 cm deep refilled with
good earth-mixed with 1/3rd volume of organic, farm yard,
manure/sludge and antitermite insecticdes & water
conserving polymergel. Development period for planting the
new plants will be two months during which watering, Rate Analysis as per
weeding, hoeing, manuring, spraying of insecticides/ No. 27850 192.66 5,365,442.00 Morth Data Book 2019-
fungicide, training and pruning, replacement of casualties, if 2020
any, will be carried out by the contractor and the expenditure
in this period will be incidental to the main work of planting
new plants.
Item No. Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount Rs.) Remarks

5.2 Maintenance of median and the existing plants in it (with a

density of 666 plants per km.) by basin making, weeding-
hoeing, cleaning, leveling and dressing of median, uprooting
and removal of weeds, cutting grass, disposal of all muck
outside ROW regularly to keep the median clean and
plantation in healthy and good condition. The job also
includes the cleaning and removal of spilled over earth from
median to main carriageway in the portion adjacent to the
kerbs all along the median besides cleaning of longitudinal
and cross drains in the median. The operation of maintenance
in addition to above will also cover and include the following

a). Watering of each plant as and when required depending

upon the climatic conditions of the locality/ region/ season/
strictly as per direction of Engineer in Charge. The main
requirement is to keep the plants/ shrubs in healthy, good
and surviving condition. The casuality / damage to any
plant/shrubs during the maintenance period will be the entire
responsiblity of the contractor and the contractor shall replace Per Km per
the dead & damaged plants/shrubs at his own cost with new month @
plants of the same species, varieties, age and size etc. 1194.00 23,159.00 27,651,846.00
99.480 Km.
Per Month Rate Analysis as per
Morth Data Book 2019-
b). Application of FYM or Sludge @ 1/2 cuft or 10 Kg/Plant
two times a year during February / March and October/
November plus 20 grams of NPK (12:32:16) or Bonemeal per
plants two times a year as detailed above.

c). Application of insecticide / pesticide/ fungicide etc for

control of insects pests and diseases as and when required as
per direction of Engineer.

d). Training and pruning of all shrubs /plants as and when

required to give them required shape, size and spread.

e). Replacement of dead, damaged plants from the median by

healthy & well developed plant of similar species, varieties,
age and size etc within 10 days of occurrence of casuality as
noticed/ reported or as directed by the Engineer.

Note: The quoted rates shall be adjusted as per actual density

of plants per Km. at site while incuding the maintenance of
newly planted plants (under item 6.1) after the development

Sub Total-E 33,017,288.00

Grand Total [Sub-Total (A+B+C+D+E)] 503,991,892.00

Percentage above or below the estimated cost

% in Figures

Total Cost (Rs.) -

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