Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies Grade 10

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
A. Defined the concept and recognized the responsibilities of government to its constituents.
B. Distinguished the different forms of government.
C. Formulated a reflection regarding the significance of government in society.

II. Subject Matter:

A. The concept of Government
a. The definition, responsibilities, and different forms of the Government.
B. Reference
C. Materials
Computer, Power Point Presentation, Video Clip, and Pictures
III. Developmental Activity
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Good morning, Class! Good morning, Sir Melvin!

How are you today? We’re fine, Sir!

Great! Are you ready to learn a new lesson Yes, Sir!

this morning?

Before we start our lesson, let us pray first.

Who among you wants to volunteer? (One of the students volunteer in prayer)

Thank you, Sir.

Thank you and now, you may have your

(The leaders will stand up and report the

Leaders, I want you to kindly stand up and members who are absent)
report who among your classmates are
absent for today.
Thank you, Sir!
Again, thank you, Leaders.
You may have your seats.
Yes, Sir!

Before we start our discussion, I want you

to raise your hands every time you want to
answer and do not answer in Chorus.

A. Activity

Now, our lesson for today is all about the

concept of Government particularly, the
definition, responsibilities, and different Justin
forms of Governments. Sir. A Government is an institution or a
system made of a group of people that
takes care of or manages a country or a
Anyone in the class who knows the state. Every government has its own
definition of Government? constitution or a set of fundamental
principles that it follows to ensure
effective governance.

Sir. Once the Government leaders were
appointed or formed, the government is
responsible for the social welfare, law
Great! Okay now, when we say and order, defense, and financial affairs
governance, what does that entail? How of the country.
does it work?

Okay, very good!

Sir. A Government must ensure the
security of its people through the means
So now, we already know the definition of of effective legislation. A government
the Government, can anyone here give the must form and manage an efficient police
responsibilities of the Government to its force, a fair court justice system, and a
constituents? robust defense force.

Okay, very well said! Sir. A Government must also provide
civic amenities and build infrastructure
Any other answer? for the social welfare, health, and
development of its people.

Okay, very good!

It seems that you already know and

understand the definition and
responsibilities of the Government to its

None, Sir.
Can anyone here know the different forms
of Government?

(Students will watch and take notes with

Okay, I have here a video clip that shows regards on the video.)
the different forms of Government and I
want you to observe and list down the
various Government that you have seen in
the video.

B. Analysis
(Students will recite about the things they
take down notes)
Okay, what are the things you take down
on your notes regarding the video?

(Students will answer briefly)

Now that you know the different forms of
Government. What are the concepts and
definitions of different forms of
Government that you have seen in the

C. Abstraction
Sir. Communism in China Justin
Sir. Constitutional Monarchy in Great
Another thing we also need to know is that Britain and the United Kingdom. Marlon
every country has its own way of Sir. Democratic in Philippines Charlie
Governance. Now, can you please name Sir. Republic in United States of America
some of the countries having their Jasper
corresponding form of Governments? Sir. Theocracy in Iran and Afghanistan
(So on and so forth). Dawson

Okay, very good!

Why do you think every country needs to Sir. The Government needs to make rules
have a particular government? for everyone in the form of laws. The
government wants to give advantages to
the people of the welfare measures to all
without discrimination. To provide
equality and justice to all. To maintain
peace and order.

Okay, very well said!

D. Application

Now for you, why do you think every Sir. Governments are necessary because
country needs a government? they maintain law and order. Laws are
necessary for society to function. Life in
a society without laws would be unsafe
and unpredictable.

Okay, great!

Any other answers?
Sir. A Government serves as a central
governing authority for the people who
form a country. People need a centralized
regulating authority that is the driving
force in the growth and development of
their nation thus, it plays a major role in
developing and maintaining economic
security in society.

Okay, very well said!

So, class do you understand our lesson?

Yes, Sir!
Do have any questions?
None, Sir.
E. Evaluation

Get ½ sheet of yellow pad paper and make

a reflection regarding the significance of
government in our society.

F. Assignment

In a ½ sheet of yellow pad paper, list down

the 5 forms of government that you have
seen in the video, and in every form of
government that you have listed, you must
provide 2 countries that execute that kind
of governance.
None, Sir.

Do you have any questions?

No more questions?

So, see you at the next meeting.

Prepared by: Submitted to:
Pagunsan, Melvin F. Ma’am Andly Soldevilla
BSEd – Social Studies 3-A

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