With Such An Elevated Status They Met Allah!: Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Laden
With Such An Elevated Status They Met Allah!: Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Laden
With Such An Elevated Status They Met Allah!: Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Laden
The Statement of
All praise is due to Allah, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. To proceed: First and foremost, I would like to congratulate and condole my Muslim Ummah on the martyrdom of our beloved sheikh, leader, commander-in-chief, and guide, Sheikh Usama bin Muhammad bin Laden, may Allah have mercy on him. I ask Allah that He acceptsthis great figure of Islamic history, rather of world history, into the highest ranks of Paradise, amongst the Prophets and Companions. May Allah grant him the companionship of the Prophet whose Ummahs pains and tribulations consumed his life and energies. May the Lord for whose religion he spent his entire wealth, sacrificed his children, withstood the hardships of emigration in the way of Allah along with his family, may Hecomfort his eyes by granting him the honor of seeing His Face, and announcing His Pleasure with him in a manner that He will never again be unpleased. I also humbly ask Allah that He makes every believers love of Sheikh Usama purely for Him alone, and that He grant us his company in the highest ranks of Paradise. Ameen, O Lord of all the worlds! My beloved Muslim Brothers! Few people have received such an honorable end aftersuch a blessed life, may Allah accept his martyrdom! Pay attention for a while - how many rulers, generals, and politicians have been imposed over this Ummah since the fall of the Caliphate? How many famous personalities and professionals excelling in various fields have been born in this Ummah? How many scholars, righteous men, and leaders of Islamic movements have been serving this religion? But have the infidels ever been pleased with the death of any figure other than Sheikh Usama to such an uncontrollable extent that they got drunk and danced on the streets? Has there ever been a name since the fall of the Caliphate that has been such a source of pain for the Christian West, the pagan East and the reviled and damned Jews? Indeed this blessed martyrdom is in itself a clear proof and argument that the liberation of the Ummah, the defeat of infidelity, the empowerment of the religion and the establishment of the Caliphate is not possible without choosing the blessed path of Jihad; and that whoever sticks strictly to this path, as our Sheikh Usama, may Allah have mercy on him, did for almost thirty years, he will be a source of pain
With Such An Elevated Status They Met Allah! for the infidels just like Sheikh Usama, for they are not averse to his name, but rather to his deeds! This blessed martyrdom is evidence that the infidels themselves know well that if there is one thing that truly poses a threat to their false strength and position, their superiority and oppression, and their hegemony and dominance, it is these youth of the Islamic Ummah who, having placed their trust in their Lord, are fighting the infidels on various Jihadi fronts. This blessed martyrdom is also a proof that the leadership of the global Jihad, as a whole, did not choose this path due to any hunger for wealth, status or leadership. It was the pleasure of their Lord, desire for Paradise, and the love of this Ummah which drove them to this path.Thus we see that from Indonesia to Algeria, they sacrificed their blood time after time without any hesitation, rejuvenating this movement with new life. And this time, it was the supreme leader of Al Qaeda himself, the crown of the Mujahideen, the heartbeat of the Ummah, Sheikh Usama, may Allah have mercy on him, who made hisUmmahproud by his practical display of courage and love for martyrdom. Contraryto any expectations of the American military, he engaged them in a fierce battle, destroying an enemy helicopter, and decisively choosingmartyrdom overbeing captured alive by the enemies. This is how we reckon him and Allah is the Best of Reckoners, and we do not exonerate anyone before Allah. As for the joy of the infidels, it is merely a hollow and temporary joy. Western analysts themselves know well that by Allahs Grace, Sheikh Usama, may Allah have mercy on him, planted such a pure seed of the love of Jihad and martyrdom in the hearts of the Ummah, that its roots have by now become firm and deep; and the treeitself has become so tall and strong that, Allah willing, the whole infidel world combined cannot uproot it. The global Zionist-Crusader alliance and their obedient beggars should bear in mind that we follow a religion whose strength is based on its heavenly teachings and its pure monotheistic creed.This divine faith is enough in itself to give this Ummah the strength to rise, keep it standing firm, and inspire it to crush infidelity. This religion is the religion of Allah, and Allah Himself has promised to guard it. The rise and demise of personalities, no matter how great they may be, was never a cause of enfeeblingthis Ummah, nor will it ever be. We are theUmmah whose Prophet, the leader of all the Prophets, may peace and blessing be upon him,thelike of whom this world did not seebefore him,nor shall it ever seeafter him; the one who left clear teachings and a pure and powerful creed; even when he passed away, his companion
With Such An Elevated Status They Met Allah! of the cave, his true friend and foremost believer, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him uttered in that time of great agony and pain these historical words from the pulpit in an unequivocal manner:
Indeed, whoever worshipped Muhammad, sallallahualaihiwasallam, let him know that Muhammad has indeed died. And whoever worshipped Allah, he should know that indeed Allah is alive and does not die. (Al Bukhari)
Here I would like to direct some words to my Muslim brothersin Pakistan. Dear brothers! These significant events which have occurred in our homeland are a test for each and every Muslim, and Allah Most High is all-aware of each individuals condition, deeds and words. This is not the first timethat the Pakistani armed forces and its intelligence agencies havebetrayed the Ummah, the religion and the global Jihadi movement. One mere glance at the crimeswhich these money-worshippers & slaves of the Westhave committed during the last ten years is enough to understand their evilness, heresy and moral depravity. After the fall of the Islamic Emirate, when Mujahideen from all over the world were leaving Afghanistan and arriving in Pakistan, the Muslims of Pakistan were there every step of the way, opening their doors in aid of the Mujahideen, while the despicable Pakistani army and its secret agencies were also there on every step of the way, but onlyin betrayal of the Mujahideen and their helpers. There arecountless number of cases, but I will only mention a few as an example. The Muslims of Baluchistan gave shelter to the great Mujahid, preacher, and intellectual of Sham, Sheikh Abu Musab; but this army and its secret agencies arrested him in Quetta and handed him over to their American masters. The Muslims of Punjab gave shelter to the great military commander and mastermind of September 11, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, and the great military commander and genius knight, Sheikh Abu Zubaidah; but this army and its secret
With Such An Elevated Status They Met Allah! agencies arrested them from Rawalpindi and Faisalabad, respectively, and handed them over to their American masters.
The Muslims of Sind gave shelter to the distinguished military commander, Sheikh Ramzi bin Al Shaybah, but these American slaves arrested him from Karachi and handed him over to the Americans. The Muslims of Frontier Province (NWFP) gave shelter to the important leader, the unique military commander, Sheikh Abul-Faraj of Libya, but this wretched army arrested him from Mardan and handed him over to the Americans. The zealous people of the tribal agencies opened their houses and hearts for the blessed guests from all over the world, shelteringthem and fighting in their defense. However, this despicable army and its secret agencies did not cease to follow their trail even in the tribal areas. They launched one military operation after another, and then started to target them in drone attacks. They stained their impure and filthy hands with the pure blood of these pure and blessed Mujahideen who had gathered here from around the globe; from the Arab world, Africa, Central Asia, East Turkistan (China), Indonesia, and other areas in order to fulfill the obligation of Jihad in the path of Allah and to defend the Ummah from the modern Crusade. And now, in continuation of this series of betrayals and treachery, this army of Dajjaal and its wretched intelligence agencies, void of any semblance of jealousy, principles, morals or shame, sold the blood of this great leader, the comfort of the eyes of the believers, Sheikh Usama bin Muhammad bin Laden - may Allah have mercy on him-who was being sheltered by the Muslims of Abottabad,for the sake of a petty sum of dollars and leftover crumbs of this lowly world. These traitors finally led them to this great leader of the global Jihadi movement whohad remained undetected for the last ten years despite utmost efforts by America and its allies, all to earn a few dollars. They directly participated in this vile operation. The American helicopters took off from their air bases. These traitors arrested the chaste family, women and children of this chaste individual, who spent his life in the defense of the mothers, sisters and daughters of this Ummah. The damned Prime Minister of Pakistan, without any shame, proudly declared their participation in this operation. Obama and Hillary Clinton reciprocally showed theirappreciation. Despite these facts, due to the fear of the reaction of the Pakistani people and the revenge operations of the Mujahideen, the army and government are
With Such An Elevated Status They Met Allah! trying to show that they had no knowledge of the operation! May Allah destroy them! How shamelessly they lie and fabricate! My dear Muslim brothers of Pakistan! The time has come to turn words into deeds,and intent into action. The Pakistani army and its intelligence agencies are an ugly stain on the foreheads of the Muslims of Pakistan. They are not the protectors of the Muslims living here; rather they are thirsty for their blood. They are the enemies of their wealth and desecrators of their honor and dignity. Whenever they have had the chance, they have not refrained from spilling the blood of Muslims for appeasingtheir Western masters. This is the same damned army which desecrated the honor of thousands of Muslims women in Bangladesh, lined up Bengali youth,group after group, for mass-executions and used heavy artillery against the general population of Dhaka and other cities! They used jets, helicopters, cannons and other heavy weaponry,which is meant to be used only against conventional armies, against ordinary Muslims of Baluchistan. How many times have they sent armies to the tribal areas, destroying everything in sight, beginning from the time of IppiFaqeer, may Allah have mercy on him, tothis very day in order to extinguish the flames ofIslamic jealousy and determination of faith. In the last thirty years, every now and then they have launched brutal military campaigns in Malakand and Swat, spilling innocent blood, and oppressingand looting the ordinary people in order to silence the voices of those who call for the implementation of the Shariah. They are the ones who desecrated the honor of the Red Mosque, desecrated the honor of the Quran, carried out systematic extermination of scholars and students, and spilt the blood of our innocent and chaste sisters. They sold the chaste daughter of their own nation, AafiaSiddiqui, along with her innocent children to the infidels. They arrested MullahAbdus-Salam Zaeef, UstadhYasir, Mullah Abdul-LateefHakeemi, MullahBrader, and Mullah Mansour Dadullah, along with numerous other officials of the Islamic Emirate. These are the same damned people who, whenever they got the chance, arrested and martyred emigrant Mujahideen for the sake of their Western Masters.
With Such An Elevated Status They Met Allah! Therefore you should know for sure that the matter cannot be solved by merely replacing some army officials or generals. The matter is not about changing faces, but rather changing the system. As long as this army, as an organization, is based upon the principles laid down by Clausewitz& other infidel thinkers; as long as their ideology, instead of being derived from the Quranic chapters of Al Tawbahand Al Anfal andthe Chapters of Jihad in the books of hadeeth,is being derived from the books of Western philosophers; as long as this army is being raised in accordance with the British curriculum, in academies set up by the British;as long as this state of affairs continues, thisorganizationwill continue toproduce such officers &sepoys who give precedenceto the nation-state over religion, salaryoverfaith, promotion over jealousy, and their seniors orders over the orders of Allah, and they will continueto inflict harm to the Ummah in critical situationsjust as their forefathers did during the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate and on the occasion of the fall of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan. My honorable Muslim brothers in Pakistan! Allah willing, Shariahis the future of Pakistan, and Shariah is brought about through Jihad alone. Whenever a serious effort to implement the rule of Shariah in this country is made, the armed protectors of this infidel system will themselves step forward to fight; and there will be no option but to fight them. Islam is a natural religion. With the verse And muster all the strength you can against them, it commands us to battle power with power. With the verseAnd fight in the Cause of Allah those who fight you, it commands that we fight those who fight us. Thus, any individual, group or party which is true in its claim that it wants to see Islam supreme and dominant in Pakistan, it is incumbent upon it that it preparesthe required material strength, and opts the methodology of facing steel with steel, and facing the materialistic ideologies of the infidels with purity of Islamic faith. My dear brothers! It is incumbent that we cast aside the cloak of fear and pragmatismand be among those who prefer the Hereafter to this life. In the Noble Quran, Allah Most Exalted asks us this question which itchesthe soul:
With Such An Elevated Status They Met Allah! Do you fear them?
If so, then know that Allah is more deserving of fear, if indeed you are true Believers. Thus it is the obligation of all believing Muslims in this country that they strive to liberate themselves from this American enslavement; that they involve themselves in this pure struggle for the implementation of the Shariah, and become a source of support for the Mujahideen in this blessed Jihad. They must open the doors of their houses for the Mujahideen, support them with their wealth, send their children forth in this cause, provide information to them about the enemy, support them with their advice, with their knowledge and with their technical skills, and they should remember the Mujahideen in their prayers. It is an obligation upon every Muslim in this region that they play their utmost part in toppling this British system enforced on the Muslims of Pakistan, so that we can compensatefor thecrimes committed on our soil over the last ten years against the emigrant Mujahideen, against our Arab and non-Arab guests, and so that this region once again becomes a safe haven for Muslims and Mujahideenfrom all over the world and turns into a strong launching pad for the global Jihadist movement against the Jews and Christians. If we still do not rise, then Allah is not in need of us. Our Lord is not in need of us to avenge His beloved slaves and punish His enemies. It has been reported in an authentic hadeeth:
Indeed Allah has said, Whoever shows enmity to a beloved servant of Mine, I have declared war upon him. (Al Bukhari) If we do not rise, then Allah will bring forth His unseen armies which appear in the form of floods, earthquakes, and other divine punishments. May Allah keep us in His safety. Here I address all individuals in the Pakistan army, police, security forces, and secret agencies who still have even a grains worth of faith& jealousy left in their hearts:
With Such An Elevated Status They Met Allah! You still have time to distance yourselves from this army of Dajjaal who fight for America, patriotism, and salaries and instead support those who fight for Islam, Paradise and the Hereafter. It is incumbent upon you that you provide the Mujahideen information about these secret agencies, that you spread the call of the Mujahideen in them, that you turn your weapons against the leaders of these organizations, and that you do all that leads to the weakening of this system and strengthening of the Mujahideen. And if any member of the army, police or secret agencies still does not heed this advice, then let him hear these words carefully: the blood of Sheikh Usama, may Allah have mercy on him, the blood of the martyred female students of the Red Mosque, the blood of the thousands of Muslims from the tribal agencies to Swat, and the blood of the women, children, and elders who were killed in drone strikes is a debt upon us. And by Allah! We will spill your blood to avenge theirs. We will instill your hatred in the hearts of our coming generations, and until our hearts continue to beat, we will pursue you, and when we pass away, our children and those after them will continue on this path, and you will have no option but to regret, Allah willing. Here, I would also like to send my condolences to the Leader of the Believers, the Mujahid, Mullah Muhammad Umar, may Allah grant him victory, upon the parting of his great commander, companion and friend. I would like to reassure Ameer-ulMumineen, may Allah protect him, that we still abide by thepledge which Sheikh Usama, may Allah have mercy on him, made upon your hands. We are proud of our affiliation to a figure such as yourself, and we still regard sacrificing everything in your defense as well as in defense of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan to be our religious obligation. In conclusion, I would like to address all the emigrant Mujahid brothers, all our leaders and commanders, and all our scholars and elders, especially Sheikh Ayman Al Zawahiri, Sheikh Atiyyatullah and Sheikh Abu Yahya Al-Libi, may Allah protect them all, that I and all the Mujahideen of Pakistan have no other words to say but those which were spoken by UstadhYasir, may Allah release him, in his interview with Al Jazeerah TV, when he was asked if they regretted giving shelter to Sheikh Usama and his comrades. He answered in an emotional voice, Ashamed?! Ashamed of what!?!
With Such An Elevated Status They Met Allah! Rather, we apologize to our respected guests forwhat they suffered at the hands of the fools from amongst our people. I swear by Allah! We are ashamed that we could not defend our guests as they ought to be defended, and that you were harmed by people of our color, race and tongue. But placingour trust in Allah and firm hope in Him alone, we promise you and the entire Ummah, that by Allahs permission, we will only rest after we avenge the blood of Sheikh Usama and every single guest that the Pakistan army has martyred; and onlyafter we avenge each sigh of every single emigrant Mujahid, male or female, in the prisons of the secret agencies. We will sooth the heart of every emigrant mother whose child was imprisoned or martyred by the army; we will comfort the eyes of every emigrant sister whose husband was martyred or imprisoned by this damned army, and we will purify this land from the filth of these apostates and establish a true Pakistan (land of the pure) where all Mujahideen and emigrants, Arab and non-Arab, will walk freely on the streets of Islamabad, fearing none other than Allah alone. O Allah! Give us success in fulfilling this oath of ours, and grant us that strength and the rule which will dignify the believers and humiliate the infidels and hypocrites, and which will make the Indian subcontinent a center for Jihad against the ZionistCrusader alliance! Ameen, O Lord of all the worlds! And may peace and blessings be upon our leader, Muhammad, and upon all his family and companions.