Nor in the world will monotheism shine,Nor thy heart beat in thee;
Englighten you the groping world with dear Muhammad’s (SAW) Name
Today’s session has become historic with reference to the subject of Protection of the honor of
Prophet saww. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan trust have organised this session. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan(R.A) is
not only a great name in Pakistan’s movement and endeavour for freedom, but also among the struggle
for protection of the honor of Prophet(SAW).The righteousness of Maulana Zafar Ali Khan(R.A) and his
eminent national role is evident from the statement of Quaid-e-Azam (R.A). Once Quaid-e-Azam (R.A)
visited Lahore and he said; “If I have one or two individuals like Maulana Zafar Ali Khan in Punjab,I will
create revolution and avow the world that no one can dethrome Muslims.”
It means that,Maulana Zafar Ali Khan(R.A) was a leader on whom Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali
Jinnah(R.A) was proud.
Today’s event at Maulana Zafar Ali Khan(R.A) Trust is certainly commendable as we are not only
remembering great national hero but also carrying forward the mission of Maulana Zafar Ali Khan’s
life.The aura of freedom in which we are breathing today is due to the great personalities like
Maulana Zafar Ali Khan(R.A).Their sacrifices,hard days spent in jail and relentless struggles are all
part of our freedom fight. His newspaper, “Zamindar” was banned at times. He suffered financially
but he did not back off from his struggles towards independence. The source of his steadfastness
was the belief; “ O Messenger of Allah(PBUH)!
Today, we have gathered to discuss an important topic, God willing, our assemblage will not be
without blessings and rewards. Once Fakir Syed Wahiduddin visited Allama Iqbal (R.A) and while
talking to him, Allama Iqbal (R.A) said that if a few like-minded people come along they can become
source of great revolution in the world. But these people are unaware of this fact.
This statement of Allama Iqbal (R.A) was not only for his period but for prevalent era as well. If some
patriots come together to beautify the future of this country and to safeguard the faith and belief of
the nation’s present and future, success will knock at their door. It is a pity that we are neither
aware of this secret nor have we realized the worth of this fact.
Our tragedy is that in our individual and collective life, we take decisions subject to our personal
interests instead of higher national goals. Our ideology has changed nowadays. We have seen great
people who came into the limelight with the name of Islam, but when worldly interests came before
them, they changed their manifesto. I don’t doubt anyone’s intentions but history is in front of us.
There’s a whole series of events. You will see that there are many people who came to the field in
the name of protecting the Honor of noble Prophet (SAW) but later found out that their vision was
something else. When they obtain fame, reputation, projection, donations, worldly wealth and
status, they compromise on their main goal. Whatever I am saying, Mr. Rauf Tahir, who is present
here , have witnessed it.I have spent my entire life in these matters and have seen them as closely as
few have had the opportunity. By the grace and mercy of Allah Almighty,I am privileged to play a key
role in all big cases in Pakistan for the Honor of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and we did not lose
even single of them and history bears witness:
It is mournful that the case which was won by me, had eventually lost was the case of none other
than Mumtaz Qadri martyred.. I was excluded from the case at the very first stage.Thecase was so
compelling that if it was fully persuade; They would have never lost it.But circumstances and events
have proved that when leadership goes into incompetent hands, and self-interest overwhelmed
people, it results in regretful history. If we keep approaching this path like this, we will face serious
Here I would also like to point out that these problems are not only at local level but their effects are
unraveled at global level. Once I returned from Europe’s trip, Justice Pir Muhammad Karam Shah
Al-Azhari asked ,”What is the obstacle in the way of ascension of Islam in Europe? Since the
principles of islam are in concord with intrinsic human nature, it should spread in the world very
quickly. Then why is the religion of Islam not being publicized at global level?” I replied, “Sir, there is
no foreign obstacle in the promotion of Islam at global level, but the main barrier in this way is
ourselves. If the clerics and mashaikhs who go to Europe and America with the slogan of preaching
from Pakistan are barred from going there, Islam will escalate expeditiously.The reason is that these
people go there and do nothing but create a hateful atmosphere and talk about Islam in the most
ridiculous and superficial way.Their sole purpose is to formulate their own groups and earn worldly
wealth.A cleric came back from a trip to Europe. I met him. I asked, how did you preach Islam there
and what consequences eventuated from it?When I asked him two or three questions, he got
exhausted of my questioning and said, “Sir, it’s very simple. I went there and made the people of my
religion Buddha. I used the word Buddha to explain to you. Otherwise, I cannot speak the Punjabi
word they used in front of me”, that is, they made their people Buddhist there, abused people of
other religions, collected currency and threatened to come back to Pakistan.
There are two reasons for hatred being created against Islam and Muslims on worldwide level: one
is our external enemies and the other is our internal incompetent people who conscious or
unconsciously harming Islam for worldly interests. Now the ambience of malevolence has grown so
much and hate speech is being spread among people that previously people were divided into sects,
now they are divided into many groups and sub-sects and this approach is very destructive. It
reminded me of Allama Iqbal (R.A):
I always try to inculcate the sensitivity of the matter with regard to protection of the honor of
Prophet(SAW) and loyalty to this country is a sign of purity and good intentions.Every person with
good nature, whose birth is legal and mother is virtuous, will hold the slogan of “Pakistan means La
ilaha illallahu Muhammad-ur-Rasoolullah” more dearer than his life, because this slogan is the
ideology of Islam and in reality the ideology of Pakistan.If the person who hates this slogan or who
does not like the unconditional love and unlimited loyalty to the Holy Prophet(PBUH) should do a
DNA test to reveal the issues of his lineage. They will come forward otherwise no person of pure
nature can even think against the ideology of Pakistan.But we have a strange behavior rather
unfortunate that today in Pakistan, those who abuse Islam and speak against the ideology of
Pakistan are considered intellectuals,their words are given importance and they are allotted high
positions to further encourage their efforts .This rattle brained group is completely oblivious of this
eternal reality
The intellectuals should understand why there are evermore attacks on the Holy Prophet(PBUH) in
the West.Is it not because we have not been able to present our case effectively to the world and
those who propagandize against Islam have prevailed there and the advocates of Islam have no
power there and are suppressed by force. In the subcontinent, when Tipu Sultan was martyred in
1799 and since than the Muslims faced defeat in the War of Independence in 1857, great atrocities
were committed on the Muslims and various kinds of violence was inflicted on them and
Majority of Muslim leaders and scholars were hanged on the gallows.It is an extensive anecdote of
persecution.William Muir, a Deputy Governor at that time, wrote a letter to his British masters that
they had temporarily won the war of independence and defeated the Muslims, but the defeat was
momentary.Now the Muslims are impermanently suppressed, they will rise again.If we want to have
future and lasting victory, we must realize that we have three great enemies here:
These Muslims cannot entertain against their Prophet. If we succeed in driving the Muslims away
from them by working on these three fronts, then our victory can be lasting, otherwise it will remain
incomplete and transient .After that, the West started working on the same agenda.In order to
shake the faith of Muslims on the Holy Qur’an and create doubts, 42,000 copies of the Holy Qur’an
were collected in the Munich University of Germany.All this work was done before the Second
World War and millions of dollars were spent on it in order to find contradictions and differences in
the Qur’an, that is from the first century to ongoing century, that it was possible to see where the
text of the Qur’an had been remodeled and distorted, God forbid. The well-known German scholar
Theodor Noldeke, who was considered the world’s authority on Quranic studies, formally admitted
his defeat after all this research and published in the eighth edition of Encyclopedia Britannica,he
“All our efforts have failed to find the interpolation in Qur’an”.
He said, “We tried hard to find any contradiction in the Holy Qur’an, but we failed to find a single
This Qur’an which is being recited by today’s Muslim is the same Qur’an which Siddique Akbar(R.A)
used to recite. After that,the people of the West began to kill the sword of Muhammad (PBUH) i.e.
Jihad and the love relationship of the Muhammad Ummah with the Holy Prophet (PBUH).They
propagated to introduce a new prophet in non-Arab domains and Prophethood can be claimed by
him and people should be told to accept this new Prophet of their country and homeland instead of
accepting the Prophet of Arabia.Under this conspiracy, when they selected a person and made him
claim false prophecy, he himself said that he was a cultivated plant of the British Empire, they were
patroning and permitting him. After God, at this time the shadow of these Western masters was
over his head.The books and writings of this false claimant of Prophethood were full of praise of the
Europeans. The attempt of the West was to distance the Muslim from the Holy Prophet(PBUH), as
Allama Iqbal (R.A) had unveiled this devilish conspiracy of anti-Islamic elements a long time ago that:
Today,we have to understand this intrigue of the West and to effectively convey the teachings and
introduction of Islam and the Messenger of Allah(SAW) to our future generations in the West.We
should understand this fact well that the wisdom and goodness of the entire universe is
encompassed in the sixty-three years of the Holy life of the Rasool Allah(SAW) There is no specimen
of practicality, wisdom and prudence beyond it and whatever good is after Rasool Allah(SAW) is the
charity of the fluorescing of this illuminating lamp.
ة ِّلَم ن َك اَن َي ۡر ُج وْا ٱَهَّلل َو ٱۡل َي ۡو َم ٱٓأۡلِخَر َو َذ َك َر ٱَهَّلل َك ِثيٗر اٞ َّلَقۡد َك اَن َلُك ۡم ِفي َر ُسوِل ٱِهَّلل ُأۡس َو ٌة َح َس َن
“Surely there is an excellent model for you in the being of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), for
anyone who hopes for Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah often.”
In the light of this blessed verse, it is certain that Allah the Exalted has sent His beloved Prophet
(PBUH) as a perfect example, that is He(SAW) is the person who is the best role model for all
mankind. Here the human thought and imagination falls that all the qualities, virtues and greatness
that may be possible have been accumulated by Allah Almighty in the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and their
manifestation is his sixty-three years of life. And Ummah Muhammadiyah is proud that:
The beauty of Yousaf(A.S), the breath of Isa (A.S), the bright hand of Mosa (A.S)
Whatever good attributes the greats all have, You(SAW) alone possession
Holy Prophet (PBUH) Mercy for all the worlds remodeled a society which is a specimen and a model
for every nation of the world until they Day of Resurrection. He(SAW) knows and understands every
human being more than his parents.
As many aspects of human psychology as there can be, Allah, the Most High, has given Him(SAW)
the awareness of the nuances of all these aspects.Due to this characteristics,the extreme corrupt
society of the Arab was refashioned as the lighthouse and the first pillar of the greatest civilization
that even Pandit Harichand Akhtar had to admit:
Before the arrival of this Teacher of humanity and the Reformer of mankind, the human civilization
had sunk into the depths of darkness that those people who thirsted for each other’s lives over the
slightest thing, and there was no value of human life in front of them,then with the blessing and
training of the eyes of the Prophet (PBUH), they reached such a height of human elevation that they
were afraid of wronging any animal, even a bird. Because now the consciousness of accountability to
their creator and the feeling of being caught for doing injustice was created in them. Those whose
profession was to rob caravans became so honest and trustworthy. As a result of this training of
Holy Prophet (SAW),that a person hiding in the darkness of the night with a crown worth millions of
rupees in his blanket.
He presents to his army commander that his name should not be mentioned and the aspect of
hypocrisy should not prevail over his sincerity.The Holy Prophet (SAW) edified the society
consequencing in transition of their deed, opinions and affairs even the frame of reference and the
state of hearts as well.
We have many references from the West that we can present as proof of the authenticity of Islam.
John William Draper, a great intellectual of America, wrote a book called “The History of Intellectual
Development of Europe” which ruled the universities of Europe for several decades. In this book,
Draper writes:
“The man, who of all men, had exercised the greatest influence upon human race”
Similarly, a French writer, Lamartan, wrote in his book History De-le Tauriky:
“Greatness of purpose, smallness of means and astounding results are the three criteria to judge
the human genius. We may well ask if there is any other person in history of mankind who can be
compared to Muhammad (SAW)”
That is, the loftiness of ambitions, scarcity of resources and startling results are the three scales of
measuring human greatness.The Holy Prophet (PBUH) achieved his great goals with limited
resources and produced stunning results.
No example of this can be presented in human history.The fact is that a person of any time, region,
language or race of the world, if he wants to get the alchemy recipe for success, he should go to the
court of Sayyid-ul-Aalimeen (PBUH)
(Paraphrasing: whatever number of worlds exist either have already been gleamed by the Holy
radiance of Muhammad (SAW) or if any of the worlds is yet deprived of the beacon of Mustafa
(SAW) is actually in search of the Holy radiance for its completion and meaningfulness. In other
words, it is only the glitter of Mustafa (SAW) that is blessing for all spheres).
Sometime ago this humble was invited as a guest speaker at an event held in Hong Kong.American
ambassadors had also come there and the topic of conversation was more or less what we are
talking about that day.When I talked and we got together for dinner,the ambassador admitted that
the face of Islam that we have shown them that day, was not known to them. They were never told
that the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) loved humanity profusely and is the benefactor of humanity and
no rule or system for the welfare of humanity can be beyond of the system of the Messenger of
Allah(PBUH) because every system and principle of human welfare was invented by Him.I told him
that by 1958 there was a phrase written outside clubs and on trains in America:
Rather,the trains had certain special compartments and only black people could travel in them. But
today in the West in the form of Obama, a black man became the President of the United States. A
country where blacks and dogs were considered equal, it is a matter of thinking, how this revolution
came about. Surely, this revolution is the result of the Farewell Sermon delivered by the Messenger
of Allah (PBUH).
It laid the foundation for building the best society for humanity in the coming era, which was
illustrated in the form of consequently a black appointed as president in the United States.
Pakistan’s famous nuclear scientist Sultan Bashir Mehmood is not only a World-renowned scientist
but also a great researcher and writer of Islam. He has written 37 books in Urdu and English,in his 90
years of life. In a meeting, he told me that he had come to know that the sermons of Holy Prophet
(PBUH) had been recorded and research was being done on them. As the different sounds are
mixing together, it is not possible to hear them separately at present. It is possible that our future
generations will be able to see and listen to the sermons of the Prophet (PBUH) due to the
advancement of technology that Prophet (PBUH) saying:
َو ِإَّن، َي ا َأُّيَه االَّن اُس ! َااَل ِإَّن َر َّب ُك ْم َو اِح ٌد: َفَقاَل، َع ْن َأِبى َن َض َر َة َح َّد َث ِنى َم ْن َس ِمَع ُخ ْط َب َة َر ُسْو ِل ِهّٰللا صلى عليه وآله وسلم َو ْس َط َأَّياِم الَّتْش ِر ْي ِق
َو اَل َأِلْس َو َد َع ٰل ى َأْح َمَر ِإاَّل، َو اَل َأِلْح َمَر َع ٰل ى َأْس َو َد، َأاَل اَل َف ْض َل ِلَع َر ِبِّي َع ٰل ى َأْع َج ِمِّى َو اَل َاِلْع َج ِمِّي َع ٰل ى َع َر ِبِّي، َأَب أُك ْم َو اِح ٌد
َب َّلَغ َر ُسْو ُل ِهّٰللا صلى هللا عليه وآله وسلم:َأَب َّلْغ ُت ؟َقاُلْو ا،ِبالَّتْق ٰو ى
(مسند احمد:٢٣٨٨٥)
Translation: Abu Nazara says: “It was narrated to me by this man who heard the sermon of the
Messenger of Allah in the middle of the days of Tashriq, he said:” People! Your Lord is also one,
your father is also one, beware!An Arab has no superiority over a non-arab and a non-arab over
an Arab, a white over a black and a black over a white, except with piety”.
Have I conveyed the message of Allah to you?The Companions affirmed: The Messenger of Allah
(PBUH), conveyed the message of Allah.
Referring to the problems and temptations that the Western world is facing today, the well-known
British historian and intellectual Arnolld J.Toynbee said that:
“There are two great evils in the West: racism and alcoholism. Islam alone has the solution to
these problems. If you wish to control these problems, then the world has to return to Islam.”
The well-known British writer Hertbert George wells who has also written many slanderous things
about the Holy Prophet (PBUH),writes:
“Although the sermons of human freedom, fraternity and equality were delivered before, the
sermon we find in Syyeduna Essa’s, but it is admitted fact that Muhammad(PBUH) was the only
person in the world history who created a society which was established on these principles.”
In other words, all the Reformers, character builders and leaders of humanity who came before the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) kept talking about brotherhood and equality, they kept giving advice, but they
could not materialize The high values like brotherhood, humanity and equality were only shown by
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) by establishing a society based on these values and principles.
Such references may be given here of twenty other writers and Orientalists.I have put before you
the statements of some intellectuals as an example. But the tragedy is that we could not effectively
present our religion and conscience to the West. When I went to give a lecture in London, a
minister was also attending my lecture. He said that Muslims are terrorists. He said that Muslims
committed terrorism in such and such place and I digesting his comments that Muslims are very
cruel people I asked did Muslims drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? In Iraq they bombed,
they created havoc in Vietnam and they also destroyed Afghanistan because they had the latest
weapons, army and the support of the whole world, then they bathed Afghanistan in dust and
blood.I told them that I had accepted his point that all the terrorism in the whole world is on
Muslims account, but he should answer one question that was that a civilized act to abuse in any
culture of the world? He was very embarrassed and mute. Those who are respectable people do not
consider abuse well. I asked if anyone stands here and abuses the king or abuses the queen when
one’s constitution says:
So will one bear it?He told that it won’t be tolerated. So I asked if it should be permissible to insult
the most beloved person in the world. He nullified. Then I told him that the law of Prophethood only
says not to abuse the Holy beings of the universe.We do not say that he should not speak against
the Prophet of Islam only, but our religion teaches that one hundred and twenty-four thousand
Prophets who came into the world should not be insulted even by pointing to the glory of any
Prophet.If a Muslim insults the glory of one of these Prophets,then he is expelled from the circle of
We respect Hazrat Musa (AS),Hazrat Yaqub (AS),Hazrat Ibrahim (AS),Hazrat Ismail (AS),Hazrat Jesus
(AS) and all the Prophets whom you acknowledge, and we are far from being arrogant in their
honor. They consider it a crime to even speak against them and cannot even think of acting on this
temptation. Now, decide honestly whether such people can be called terrorists! While Islam is a
religion of mercy, as Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali said:
Tor Andrae, a professor of comparative religion at the University of Sweden, wrote the book:
“Muhammad The Man And His Faith”.
In this book,he wrote that when they used to go to their places of worship and churches, their
religious leaders used to tell them very poisonous and hateful things against Islam and the Prophet
of Islam. But when Allah guided him and he himself read the biographies of the Prophet of Islam and
the Caliphs of the Righteous,he came to know that he is a Prophet of mercy and there is no other
religion in the world that teaches brotherhood, peace , love and fraternity more than Islam.
You can see that there were 82 combats in the actual life of the Prophet of Allah(PBUH) in which 19
battles were those in which Muhammad (PBUH) Himself led as the commander-in-chief. And in ten
years, the Islamic government spread over one million square miles. It is noteworthy that the
Muslims who were martyred in these wars were 259 and the non-Muslims who were killed during
the war were 759. This makes a total of 1018.While in the first and second world wars, you see that
about 60 million people died, then you look at the history of the revolution that happened in Russia,
how many people died in it? Then see the details of the wars that have taken place in different
countries of the world. Let’s pay attention to how many people died in Hiroshima? How many
people died in Nagasaki? How many people died in the Holocaust? How many people died in
Guantanamo Bay? How many people died in Belgram prison? How many people died in Abu Ghrer?
How many people were killed in Iraq? How many people were killed in Palestine? How many people
were burnt alive in Kashmir, in Afghanistan,in Gujarat (India)? How many people were exposed to
state terrorism? What happened to Muslims in Burma? Despite this, the anti-Islamic forces left a
trail of “Islamophobia” and portrayed Islam as a religion of violence and Muslims as terrorists.
When Maulana Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddiqui-ul-Qadri went to Europe, he met George Bernard
Shaw. The conversation between them has been printed in a book. The name of this book is: “A
Shavian and Theologian”
Nobel Prize winning Irish writer George Bernard Shaw was deeply moved by his conversation with
Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui-ul-Qadri and after learning about the teachings of Islam, he said:
“Europe in general and England in particular will embrace Islam or some religion like Islam in the
next century.”When people asked him if he considered Islam to be such a great religion, why he
didn’t accept Islam himself.He replied, “I like Islam, but I don’t like Muslims.”
You should review the laws of the whole world, the honor of a person and his personal dignity has
been declared by Islam as a fundamental right that cannot be suspended in any situation even in
war. That is, no matter what the situation is, whether it is famine, disease, war or chaos, you cannot
suspend the right to human dignity. If we adopt the same principle, that the right of a person to
respect and sanctity is such a fundamental right that cannot be waived in any case.Then the greatest
being of the human universe, who gave honor and dignity to all human beings, to every class and
the rights were given to subordinates, women, human beings, animals, birds, trees, water,
environment and land, can their right to sanctity be suspended in any case? Can there be any
freedom of expression that violates the sanctity of the benefactor of humanity, the Prophet (PBUH)
and His companions? The point is to set limits on freedom of expression, and that limit is how long
you can move your hand until it reaches my cheek. If your hand reaches my cheek, you have no right
to move your hand to that extent. As if such a right of freedom of expression which affects any of
my rights, it cannot be declared as legal.
The European Court of Human Rights also gave a decision that any words said against the honor of a
holy person which hurts people’s feelings, will be considered a “crime”. Now look at the West,
according to their laws you
Cannot talk about the Holocaust because talking about the Holocaust hurts the sentiments of a
community. If so, in order to dignify one and a half billion Muslims in the world, how insolence in
prestige of their most beloved person, the Prophet (PBUH) can be justified. While here the tragedy
is, that the person who came as a mercy for everything in the universe, who gave Noah the
consciousness of humanity, gave him rights, esteem and dignity, the West has been declared
legitimate to impertinent His glory.Rather, by giving it the title of freedom of expression, they made
heroes by such insolence and awarded them with prizes and great tributes. Here I would like to
quote Pope French. He declared in January 15, 2015 that one can express one’s opinion as long as
one does not hurt other people’s feelings. One have no right to express opinions where other
people’s feelings are hurt. He gave an example and said that if someone abuses his mother, he will
smash his face and would never tolerate that abuse.
Now the question arises, how to demolish the propaganda against Islam and the Prophet of Islam in
the West today.For this, we not only have to present an effective academic argument to the West,
but we have to take concrete practical measures for it, and the most effective concrete steps are
economic. If the 57 Islamic countries of the world make an economic boycott of all the impudent
countries, within a few days these people will repent of such heinous acts because the West can
never afford to suffer monetary losses.
At the end of my discussion, I would also like to point out a spiritual dimension of the Prophethood.
Allah, the Exalted, said:
ِإَّن ٱَّلِذيَن ُيۡؤ ُذ وَن ٱَهَّلل َو َر ُسوَلُهۥ َلَع َن ُهُم ٱُهَّلل ِفي ٱلُّد ۡن َي ا َو ٱٓأۡلِخَر ِة َو َأَع َّد َلُهۡم َع َذ اٗب ا ُّم ِه يٗن ا
Translation: “Verily, those who annoy Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) will be cursed by Allah in
this world and in the Hereafter, and Allah has prepared for them a humiliating torment”
From the outside, if we look at the curse, it has many forms which are imposed on the human
society even in the form of displeasure and grip of Allah.When the corona virus started off in the
world, I said in my lectures that the corona virus could be eliminated from the world within 24 hours
if the steps I mentioned were followed. If not, I was ready for all kinds of punishment.Among the
steps that could be taken to eliminate the Corona virus from all over the world, the first task was to
defend the glory and honor of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Let us resolve that:
The second task is that the people who insulted the honor of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and those
who gave such offensive awards should also be introduced to law of protection of Honor of the
Prophet (SAW) and those unjustly presented awards should be taken back from them and this action
should be declared as a crime. Because this is such a big transgression that stings the feelings of one
and a half billion people.
The third thing to do is that for the future too, through the platform of the United Nations, such
legislation should be made at the global level that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Jesus (AS),
Hazrat Musa (AS), Hazrat Dawood (AS), Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) , Hazrat Yusuf (AS) and speaking against
all other prophets should be declared as a serious crime and should be given the same punishments
for this crime as the European Court of Justice has written in the judgment to protect their rights.
At the same time, today we have to take practical steps to strengthen the love relationship with the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) for reformation at the internal level as well, and at the global level, with
effective reasoning, we have to make such legislation that the dignity, honor and sanctity of the Holy
Prophet and Islam can be ensured.By clarifying my belief, I conclude the discussion on these faith-
inspiring poem of Hafeez Jalandhri
At the time, it was felt that there was a dire need for such a monastery to come into existence
where the continuity of the Companions of Suffah was visible and practical steps should be taken to
enlighten the new generation with the teachings of the predecessors. Alhamdulillah! Under the
patronage of Justice (R) Nazir Ahmad Ghazi Sahib,keeping in mind the requirements of the modern
era, such a model monastery came into existence in the name of Daira Mukhliseen, whose priority
increase the adroitness rather than the number so that not only the present generation but also the
future generation be blessed with prosperity. It is for this reason that the steps taken to implement
the teaching of Suffah on the existence of the state before the building of the Khanqah (a vast
University of Sufism in Lahore covering an area of 11 kanals in Lahore, the construction of which is
about to begin soon) are taking place in associates and loyals . It is where the contemplative class of
belongings to different walks of life, adorned with the teachings of Sufism and the ancestors, are
playing their role in practice for the betterment of society in different countries of the world. Soon,
God willing, a great university and center (which has already been mentioned) will be established in
Pakistan, in which young people will be regularly trained in religious and contemporary education
and Sufism.