Img 0089
Img 0089
Img 0089
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SpeciolNotes Stirrups are well padded to avoid nerve damage. Lift both legs at the same time when putting the patient in stirrups to prevent postoperative lumbosacral
Raise and lower legs slowly to prevent disturbances caused by rapid alterations in venous return. Instruments are set up on back table for the surgeon; usually a scrub person is not required. CONIZATION OF THE UTERINE CERVIX
Preparation may
!9 omitted
The excision oftissue about the cervical os.
Hectrosurgical unit
This procedure is performed to diagnose and"/or treat conditions such as cervicitis, epithelial dysplasia, and carcinoma in situ. Cold conization. refers to scalpel and
scissors dissection. Hot cone refers to tissue removal by use of electrocautery.
I)ilatation and curettage (D & C) tray Cervical cone tray
ulum. Dilatation and Curettage (see pp. 156-157) is performed. The cervix may be stained with Schiller's or Lugol's solution. Sutures are placed at 3 o'clock and 9
o'clock positions. The cervix may be injected circumfer-
entially with a phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine) solution. The uterine canal is carefully sounded. An incision is made circumferentially around the cervical os using a knife or cautery. Alternatively, a cervical cyst may be electrodesicated with a needle electrode. Bleeding may be controlled with sutures and/or ball electrode
desiccation or a hemostatic agent.
Snall lasin(s) S*iller's or Lugol's solution (optional) flong_cotton-tipped applicators loptional) lko-Synephrine 1:20,000 (reduces bleeding) with nee_ _dle and syringe (optional) ft-mostatic agent (e.g.. Surgicel, Thrombostat), optional
Eectrosurgical pencil (with blade, needle, and/or ball tip) Hade No. 11
Following the admirristration of regional or general anesthesia, the patient is positioned in a lithotomy-