JAETS Template
JAETS Template
JAETS Template
*Coresponding Author
1. Introduction
Introduction contains brief and concise research backgrounds, and objectives.
Theoretical support is included in this section, similar research that has been done can be
Note : Manuscript typed with computer using Times New Roman font (Doc) one Column, on
paper size 21 cm x 29.7 cm (A4), 1 spaced and in 11 point Times New Roman font. There
should be a top and a bottom margin of 3.0 cm, with right and left margins of length 3 cm.
2. Literature Review
A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources (such as books, journal articles, and
theses) on a particular topic. It gives an overview of key findings, concepts and developments in
relation to a research problem or question.
All tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Every table should have a
caption. Headings should be placed above tables, left justified. Only horizontal lines should be
used within a table, to distinguish the column headings from the body of the table, and
immediately above and below the table. Tables must be embedded into the text and not supplied
separately. Below is an example which the authors may find useful.
All figures is copying in the format of jpg or png. Below is an example of the figure :
Authors …. JAETS, xx(x) 201x: xx-xx
Fig. 1. Magnetization as a function of applied field. (Note that “Fig.” is abbreviated and there is a period
after the figure number followed by two spaces.)
3. Research Methods
This section contains a complete and detailed description of the steps undertaken in
conducting of research. In addition, the research step also needs to be shown in the form of
flowchart of research or framework step in complete and detailed including reflected algorithm,
rule, modeling, design and others related to system design aspect.
5. Conclusion
This section contains conclusions and suggestions. Conclusion is a brief, clear, and
precise statement of what is obtained contains advantages and disadvantages, can be proven,
and directly related to the purpose of research. Suggestion is a follow-up study that is still
needed to refine the results of research in order to be efficient.
Acknowledgement - optional
Acknowledgements enable you to thank all those who have helped in carrying out the
research. Careful thought needs to be given concerning those whose help should be
acknowledged and in what order. The general advice is to express your appreciation in a concise
manner and to avoid strong emotive language.
The References list contains only the literature that is really referred to in Times New
Roman 11 point paper. The style of APA (American Psychological Association) using in-text
and reference list citations. The use of Mendeley, end note or other citation tools are very
Referencing example :
Authors …. JAETS, xx(x) 201x: xx-xx
Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (2017). A guide to citation. London, England: My
Journal Article
Mitchell, J.A. (2017). Citation: Why is it so important. Mendeley Journal, 67(2), 81-95
Mitchell, J.A. (2017). Citation: Why is it so important. Mendeley Journal, 67(2), 81-95.
Retrieved from https://www.mendeley.com/reference-management/reference-manager