Grade 2 Life Skills Assessment Term 4
Grade 2 Life Skills Assessment Term 4
Grade 2 Life Skills Assessment Term 4
Grade 2 Term 4
Total: _____/50
Learner Name:
Learner ID Number:
___________________________________________________________________( /.5)
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___________________________________________________________________( /2.5)
( /.5)
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9. How would you communicate with your friend who is with you? ( /.5)
10. How many ways of communication can you see in this picture?
_____________________ ( /.5)
____________________________________________________________________( /.5)
12. Which of the forms of communication in the picture do you use the most?
____________________________________________________________________( /.5)
______________________________________________________________________( /1)
Life at night
( /1)
( /1)
______________________________________________________________________( /1)
Child to complete each practical task. Parent/ facilitator to use rating scales
to assess
2. Use of colour and patterns (choosing colours and using patterns that would
be visually appealing)
Rate 1 if child did not pay attention to this (very little detail)
Rate 2 if child paid some attention to this (some detail).
Rate 3 if child used a great deal of colour and patterns(A lot of detail)
1 2 3 ( /2)
3. Effort/engagement
Rate 1 if the learner completed project reluctantly/ did not complete.
Rate 2 if the learner engaged somewhat in the creative process but needed
Rate 3 if the learner engaged fully in the creative process, using the materials
to create a unique artwork.
1 2 3 ( /2)
4.Self reflection: Ask the child if they are happy with their artwork, or if they
would do something differently next time. Why did they design it the way they
1. Stretch arms high, count to ten, then stretch arms out wide and count to
2. Hop across the room and back with feet together (kangaroo hop)
3. Run on the spot for 1 minute
6.The learner must think about what the soundscape would be in a jungle.
They must then list all the sounds that would be heard and recreate the
soundscape with their voice/ body (eg. stomp like an elephant, squawk like a
bird etc).
Rate 1 if: The learner participated, but did not adequately engage in the
activity and used very limited sounds.
Rate 2 if: The learner engaged in the activity and used a 1-3 sounds to depict
the soundscape
Rate 3 if: The learner engaged in the activity and used 3 or more sounds to
depict the soundscape.
1 2 3 ( /6)
Child to complete each practical task. Parent/ facilitator to use rating scales
to assess:
1 2 3 ( /3)
2.Rhythm: Child must step up and down from a small step for 1 minute
1 2 3 ( /3)
3.Laterality: Child must stretch up, then to the left, then to the right. Repeat
three times.
1 2 3 ( /3)
4.Balance: The child must run and jump over a distance of 1 metre, landing
on feet.
1 2 3 ( /3)
5.Co-ordination: Child must lie on their back and cycle their legs as they
would riding a bicycle
1 2 3 ( /3)
Total BKPSW_______/ 20