In The Heart of The Delve and Dangerous v1.1 (Default)
In The Heart of The Delve and Dangerous v1.1 (Default)
In The Heart of The Delve and Dangerous v1.1 (Default)
Procedural point crawl adventure engine for exploring a network of interconnected spaces - e.g. dungeons, space stations or eldritch structures
Navigation Hex
1. Connectivity Engine having 6 Navigation
1,2 Directions
= Start / special (e.g. chasm, lava, statue, lever, altar, 9 D10 3
10 Some sample encounters
portcullis, bridge, ‘Jaquaying’ etc.); +1 insight point
+2 7, 8 D10 4, 5 Roll a D10 + D6 + modifiers every turn
= Level change (e.g. stairs, chimney, chute, etc.) 6 to generate the location encounter.
+2 -2 The modifiers are superscripted above
= End / blocked / ‘Jaquay’ to unexplored exit +5 P +5
the icons. A blank template is available
so you can add your encounters.
/ site entrance (esp. from a level change)
C +5 J +5 C
P = Passageway (e.g. tunnel, conduit etc.)
-2 C +10 C 2 (-) Empty / detritus
repeat until a failed roll occurs. For a smaller 5
complex use 7+, for a ‘mega-dungeon’ use 5+ or 4+. C Unpleasant reek
Make exits thematically appropriate, e.g. doors vs openings
6 Runaway / cadaver
Procedural point crawl ‘dungeon’ Navigation of Hex Flower 1. (Connectivity)
This setup could be used for any network of Each turn, roll a D10 and move in the indicated 7 D4 Armed toughs
connected room-like spaces e.g. dungeon, Navigation Direction, e.g. a 6 means move down.
abandoned space station, caves etc. It’s for
creating a ‘point crawl’ on the fly, and no If the roll leads off the edge of the Hex Flower 8 D4 Cultist supplicants
regard is given to scale and dimensions. Any (HF), wrap around to the opposite edge following
overlapping areas are assumed not to be. the same row or column. D4 Zombified supplicants
Starting area Navigation of Hex Flower 2. (Contents)
10 D2 Skeletons
Ideally, the start location should have 3 to 6 Use just like the navigation of the other HF, but
exits. Directly adjacent locations should have in this case use 2D6 (in place of the D10). Note,
at least one exit (if not generated, add one). the ‘×’ on an edge indicates stay in current Hex. 11 D4 Skeletons + Zombi-cultists
2. Content Engine 12
14 D2 Giant Necro-spiders
= Goal / reward (e.g. treasure, hostages, goal etc.) 10, 11 2, 3
× 2D6 15 D2 Carrion creepy-crawlers
+10 8, 9 4, 5
> > = Heightened threat area
+6 +8
6, 7
16 Gangrene-grub infested zombie
= Wandered encounters -10 -5 +4