Flow Past Immersed Objects: Drag and Drag Coefficients

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Unit Operations Flow Past Immersed Objects

Flow Past Immersed Objects

Drag and Drag Coefficients
* Drag
: The force in the direction of flow exerted by the fluid on the solid

. wall drag: drag from wall shear

. form drag: “ pressure

* Drag coefficient, CD
for immersed solids
cf.) friction factor, f
for flow
through conduits
FD: total drag
C D  FD / Ap
u02 / 2 Ap: projected area
approaching velocity
cf.) f  w
V 2 / 2
Unit Operations Flow Past Immersed Objects

Particle Reynolds number (Re for a particle in a fluid):

Re p  Dp u0

Dp: characteristic length ( particle diameter)

* Drag coefficient of typical shapes

CD vs. Rep
for spheres, disks
and cylinders
Unit Operations Flow Past Immersed Objects

. For low Re (Rep << 1)

€ Creeping flow

FD  3   u 0 for a sphere (Stokes’ law)

CD 
Re p

. For Rep > 20

€ Separation occurs

. For high Re (103 < Rep < 3×105)

laminar flow in boundary layer (Rep=105)
€ CD  0.40  0.45

Front boundary layer is still laminar

. For high Re (Rep > 3×105)

€ CD  0.10
turbulent flow in boundary layer (Rep=3×105)
Front boundary layer becomes turbulent
(B: stagnation pt., C: separation pt.)
cf.) Rep= 3×105 : critical Reynolds number for drag
Unit Operations Flow Past Immersed Objects

. CD vs. Rep for a cylinder

€ similar to that for a sphere, but CD is not exactly proportional to Rep-1
. CD vs. Rep for a disk
€ does not show CD drop at Rep, crit (“bluff body”)
CD for a disk is nearly 1 at Rep > 2,000.

* Form drag and streamlining

Minimizing the from drag
€ streamlined body (ex.,

Pressure at stagnation
point, ps : 2

€ by Bernoulli equation (from A to B)

p s  p0 u 0 2
 B: stagnation point
u0: velocity of undisturbed fluid
p0: pressure in undisturbed fluid
Unit Operations Flow Past Immersed Objects

Flow through Beds of Solids

: filtration, flow of liquid and gas through packed towers, ion-exchange reactor,
catalytic reactor)

“actual channels” “uniform circular channels”

(irregular, tortuous channels)

So n channels
cross-sectional channel length L
area of the

Dp Deq
particle diameter equivalent channel diameter
Unit Operations Flow Past Immersed Objects

Surface-volume ratio for particles

s p  4 R p 2   D p 2
sp 6 4 
For spheres, 
3 3
vp Dp v p   Rp  Dp
3 6

sp 6 6 / Dp
For other spheres,  or s 
vp s Dp sp / vp


Porosity , or void fraction:

particle volume fraction in the bed: 1  

Total surface area: n Deq L  S0 L (1  
)  s Dp
total particle volume

Void volume in the bed: 1

S0 L  4 n Deq 2 L
Unit Operations Flow Past Immersed Objects

Combining the above two equations,

2 
Deq  3 s D p 1 

ex.)   0.4, Deq  0.44s D p
 Deq  2 Dp

superficial (or empty-tower) velocity

Average velocity in the channels: V0
V 

321V0 (1   )
. Pressure drop at low Re p( < 1) : p L 32V  4 2 2
D2  s D p  2
1 : correction factor
Hagen-Poiseuille equation “channels are tortuous”
(1  2.1)
p 150V0 (1   )2 : Kozeny-Carman equation
L 
s 2 Dp 2  3

Darcy’s law 를 따름 ( q   )
Unit Operations Flow Past Immersed Objects

. Pressure drop at high Rep ( > 1000) :

p 1.75V02 (1  : Burke-Plummer equation

L 
) s Dp 3

An equation covering the entire range of the flow rates

Viscous losses & kinetic energy losses are additive.

p 150V0 (1   )2 1.75V02 (1   ) --- Eq. (7.22)

L  2 2 3

s Dp  s Dp 3

: Ergun equation
Unit Operations Flow Past Immersed Objects

* Terminal velocity

2g(  p   )
ut 
m Ap  p C D

Motion of spherical particles

1 1
m  6  Dp 3  p Ap  4  D p 2

4g ( p   )D p
 ut 
3CD 
Unit Operations Flow Past Immersed Objects

At low Rep ( << 1 ) € Stokes’ law range

CD  FD  3  ut D p
Re p

gD p 2 ( p 
Stokes’ law --- Eq. (7.40)
ut 
For 1,000 < Rep < 200,000 € Newton’s law range

CD  0.44 FD  0.055 D p 2ut 2

g ( p   )D p
ut  1.75 Newton’s law --- Eq. (7.43)

Unit Operations Flow Past Immersed Objects

* Settling and rise of bubbles and drops

Drops of liquid or bubbles of gas

€ change their shapes
Form drag € flattens drops
Surface tension €
keeps spherical shapes
Drop size ↓ €
surface energy per
volume ↑
but not or
Drop exactly the< same.
bubble 7)
0.5 mm € nearly
(Q circulation of fluid inside a drop)
€ Total drag is somewhat less than
 CD & ut are about
the sameaasrigid sphere
solid sphere,
Rise velocity of air bubbles in water
Large drops become flattened ellipsoids
or may oscillate from oblate to prolate
Drops larger than about 10 mm in diameter usually break apart.

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