DLP Math-8 Balaba-1

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Date & Time:

October 1, 2022
Name of Teacher: GRAZEL A. BALABA Grade Level &

School: BUHISAN NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL Division: Cebu City

Learning Area: MATHEMATICS Quarter: Fourth Quarter

Learning  Finds the probability of a simple event. M8GE

Competency(ies):  Solves problems involving probabilities of IVh-1
(Taken from the simple events.
Curriculum Guide) IVi-j-1


Content Title:
Key Concepts /

Understandings to The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of probability.

be developed

Objectives Adapted Cognitive Process Dimensions (D.O. 8, s. 2015)

Knowledge: Define the probability of an event.


Find the probability of an event.

Solve problems involving probabilities of simple events.

Attitude: Exercise good judgment. Reliable and credible.

Values: Value the importance of probability in real-life situation.

Learning o SLM
Resources/ o Powerpoint Presentation
o Quizizz.com


Activity o The class will start with daily classroom routines.
1. Prayer
2. Attendance check
3. Classroom Rules

o The teacher will conduct an activity called ‘Pump it or Pop it’.

1. Each partner will receive one balloon to inflate.
2. Please note that each balloon has powder inside.
3. One must blow air into the balloon until it reaches its maximum air capacity.

o The teacher asks the following questions after the game activity.
Guide Questions:
1. How did you know that there was already an excessive air inside the balloon?
2. What happened when too much air was inflated in to the balloon?
3. How did each partner react the moment that the balloon was about to explode?
Indicator #4: Establish safe and secure learning environments to enhance learning through the
consistent implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures)

Indicator #5: Maintain learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to
encourage learning.

Activity o The teacher will ask the students about their ideas and prior knowledge about ‘prediction’ and
‘inference’. Then, she will let them differentiate the two terms: prediction and inference.

o The teacher will present pictures to the class and ask about the possible outcome of each
given situation.

Indicator #3: Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to
support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement.

Indicator #7: Apply a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments
that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own

o The teacher will ask the following questions.
 When we infer, we deduce ________.
(Possible answers: chance, possibility)
 In Mathematics, what word is synonymous to these terms?

o The teacher will discuss the lesson to deepen students’ understanding regarding the topic.

In this module, you will know the number of possible outcomes of a simple chance
situation. In order to master the pattern of uncertainty of things in nature and in our daily
lives, a branch of Mathematics called “probability” was developed.

Probability is the branch of mathematics concerned with analyzing the chance that a
particular event will occur. Its purpose is to attempt to predict the likelihood that
something will or will not happen.

o The teacher will present the three forms of answering probability.

1. Fraction
2. Decimal
3. Percentage

In a sample space of equally likely outcomes, the probability of an event, denoted as P(E), is
computed on the basis of favorable outcomes and the number of possible outcomes.
o The teacher will give examples of sample space .

Indicator #2: Display proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate

Indicator #6: Maintain learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to
participate, cooperative and collaborative in continued learning.

Indicator #7: Apply a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments
that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own


Indicator #2: Display proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate

o The teacher will divide the students into 2 groups for board work activity. The group

who will get the highest points will receive a prize.

Indicator #6: Maintain learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to
participate, cooperative and collaborative in continued learning.

o The teacher will give the assessment through quizizz.com.
Indicator #1: Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas.

Indicator #6: Maintain learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to
participate, cooperative and collaborative in continued learning.


Indicator #6: Maintain learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to
participate, cooperative and collaborative in continued learning.

Indicator #7: Apply a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments
that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own
o The teacher will end the lesson by giving a takeaway through a quote from Philip




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