We Only Should Be Passionate For Allah BY Shaikh Jalilu Issah

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Shaikh Jalilu Issah

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful

English Transliteration

[002:165 Wamina (yet of) alnnasi (people) man (are some who) yattakhithu (take
others) min dooni (besides) Allahi (Allah) andadan (as rivals with Allah)
yuhibboonahum (they love them) kahubbi (like the love) Allahi (of Allah) waallatheena
(but those who) amanoo (believed) ashaddu (are stauncher) hubban (in their love)
lillahi (for Allah) walaw (and if only would that) yara (could see) allatheena (those
who) thalamoo (did wrong) ith (when) yarawna (they will see) alAAathaba (the
torment) anna (that) alquwwata (all power) lillahi (belongs to Allah) jameeAAan
(wholly) waanna (and that) Allaha (Allah) shadeedu (is severe) alAAathabi (in


[002:165 Yet there are men who take (for worship) others besides Allah, as equal (with
Allah.: They love them as they should love Allah. But those of Faith are overflowing in
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

their love for Allah. If only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the penalty:
that to Allah belongs all power, and Allah will strongly enforce the penalty.

1. In the previous holy verse Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala mentioned about the signs of
His existence and sound proofs that He does exist. And it was clear in the verse that
no one is in the universe to be worshiped but Him only. These two holy verses also
provide the proof of the existence of Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala. After that Allah
Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala is telling about the people who turned away from the holy
Quran and this gigantic undeniable truth.
Allah says in the holy verse mentioned above there are some people who consider
other powers equal to Allah with the niyyah to worship them. This is the proof that
Allah gives in the proof that no human can say that he does not worship Allah
Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala. Since from the very first day of the birth of use we have to
follow the system of the holy Quran only, it means that we have to worship Allah
only. And it was the purpose of Allah to create the mankind to serve Him only in this
high-energy universe. But when a man is born then he gets the guidance for other
lords. And they start worshiping other powers other than Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala.
But in any case a man has to worship something. This is the need of the human
approach to be affiliated with some kind of power, which should be worshiped. And
if there are some people who don’t worship Allah or some other power they worship
their own desires and thought what they think fit, and deem to worship.
The inception of the holy verse is telling us that: Allah keeps His divine eye is on the
minorities. That’s why Allah said there are some people. It means there is a small
group of particular people. They worship other power other than Allah. They also
pray to Allah and love Allah but at the same time they worship other power too in
addition to Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala and they love that power from the core of
their heart. If a person is worshiping some other power other than Allah it means that
he is giving importance to the entity lower than Allah in status. It is sheerly wrong
and inappropriate. So Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala in the holy verse is saying they
love their God and also they love the power other than Allah.
For example: People take their work supreme and they love it. And they love their
work in very same pattern as they love their God - Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala.
People love and give the importance to their job as they should give importance to the
worship of Allah. Nothing comes first in their life but only their work or job comes
first in their priority. Whereas the same spirit should be given to the remembrance of
Some people love their wife or their children just as one should love Allah Subhana-
Wa-Ta’aala. The world comes for them only their wife. The only thing comes in
their mind is their wife. And nothing comes after that. It is wrong. They love their
wife as one should love Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala. They are ready to do anything
to please their wife, but not Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala.
Some people love this world immensely. As they should love Allah Subhana-Wa-
Ta’aala. They love the world with the equal passion what should be given to the love of
Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala. This is also wrong. They forget that they would leave this
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

world ultimately. And they forget that they would go to Allah ultimately. But they love
world only. Islam does not forbid you to love your wife, children or job or even this
world. But it should be within the moderate scale. More passion should be given to
Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala.

Allah says that the strong and firm believers love their Lord Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala
with the deepest possible core of their heart. Such people have their wife and children
too. But they love Allah more strongly as compare to their wife and children. Their love
for other people would never be more passionate than the love for Allah Subhana-Wa-
Ta’aala. Subhan Allah (all glory to Allah). We can say them the true believers. The
staunch believers.
The first example is the prophet Ibrahim. When Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala
tested him in slaughtering his child, he became ready to do it. Literally he sacrificed his
son in the name of Allah. Allah wanted to see and test the great noble prophet. Allah
found him great and passionate in the love for Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala.
The same thing applied on Imam Hussain (AS) on the day of Ashura. There from
we get a practical lesson. The children are so more important for any person in this
world. For the sake of Allah Imam Hussain (AS) did not give priority to the children.
We should learn from Imam Hussain (AS) that the personal desires possess no value for
the values of Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala.
Dear readers put a litmus paper on you and see whom you love the most. Allah
Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala or your desires? The judicious decision is in your hand. I don’t
have to tell you. Allah tells Muhammad (Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam)

(if a man truly loves Allah Subhana-

So if you want to show that you are on the path of Allah then you should love
Muhammad (Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam). Muhammad (Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa

sallam) said I don’t want any

reward from this mission the only thing I want is to love my progeny, to love my Ahlul
Bayt. So the result we got that if we want to love Allah we have to love Muhammad
(Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam). And our love for Muhammad (Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa
sallam) shows from the love of us for Ahlul Bayt. Now we have to see that what is love?

We do have we have love in heart. This love is not exhibited in our actions
through tongue. Other love is I love Allah. Third love is is to love Allah
Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala with your entire body. We express our love for Allah Subhana-
Wa-Ta’aala in our actions.
The first step of love is through tongue. The love expressed through the tongue
makes it firm root in our heart. And from heart it travels to our whole body. The body of
us then expresses our love for Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala. This is the practical form of
us to love Allah. And this is the demand of the holy Quran to be practical in the love of
Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala. But if love is in our heart, but not in action, then what is use
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

of our having the love in our heart? It may produce no result. Din is the name of action
and reactions and the results of the efforts. The true love for Allah should be in practical
form. Our ever breath should be soaked in the love of Allah. If the entire world is happy
from me and if Allah is not pleased with me then there is no purpose of my breathes in
my body. My life would become useless and trivial. So we should please Allah. And
that is only possible if we act upon the holy teachings of the holy Quran in practical form
not in theoretical form.
So if someone is giving extra passionate love to some other power or personality
then they are unjust and doing wrong to them only. Nothing is going of Allah. They are
collecting fire for them in the hell. The people would get their torments for the wrong
done to them and others. There would be nothing for them but only fire in hell. How
great is the end of them!. May Allah protect us from the evil fires of the hell. They
would realize that actually the real power was Allah. They would come know that
actually they should have given their strong passionate love to Allah. They would come
to know that all powers belong to Allah Subhana-Wa-Ta’aala.
So it is very important for a man to realize the true light of the Quran and real
power of Allah. On the Day of Judgment their regret would not be in their favor. Allah
is severe in granting punishment according to the Law of Requital. For them there is a
great torment in hell.

Further would be discussed in detail in next session Inshallah!

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