88 Baqra 162

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Shaikh Jalilu Issah

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful

English Transliteration

[002:162 Khalideena (they shall abide) feeha (in it) la (neither) yukhaffafu (will be
lightened) AAanhumu (from them) alAAathabu (the punishment) wala (nor) hum
(they) yuntharoona (will be reprieved)]


[002:162 They will abide therein (under the curse in Hell), their punishment will neither
be lightened, nor will they be reprieved.]


In the previous verse Allah told us that there are some disbelievers who did not change
the course of the life and they died with the same non-Muslim attitude. The torments for
them would be higher. Allah, and the angels, and the Ummah together with sane person
would curse them. Because, in their affairs of life they tried, with their evil motives, to
hide the truth.
And now in the holy verse mentioned above Allah is telling us that what would be
their condition on the Day of Judgment. We read in the previous verse the punishment of
them in this world that they would be cursed perpetually. And now we are being told that
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

there punishment would be in the hereafter. On the Day of Judgment their punishment
would be Khalideena feeha. On the Day of Judgment they would be thrown in the fires
of the hell forever. Allah is telling us about it. Oh! My God how great is the torment!!.
May Allah protect us from it. There would be no end of their punishment.
It is mentioned for your information that on the Day of Judgment there would be
two groups of people who would be going to the hell punished by Allah in accordance
with the Law of Requital. Some would be punished for a few days according to the
account of their sins and bad deeds. Allah knows perfectly who would be given
punishment for how much time. It might be one day, two weeks, and some people would
be punished for years. This would base on the account of our sins. And the people died
in the state of Kufer, there is no time limit of the punishment of them in the hell.
And the people who would get the punishment for their Kafir life there would be
no concession or some kind of relief or reduction in their punishment. They would set
ablaze in the torments of the fire in the hell. There is no relief for them. And if the
people think that there would be some kind of mercy on them. They are under the false
Yes relief would come to the people but according to the accounts of the sins of
them. There would be a measurement of the kinds of sins and deeds. All the decision
would be given in accordance with what we did in this mortal world. Allah is telling us
in open words that for the people who committed the kind of the sin in which they tried to
hide the truth and lived a life of Kufer, and did not bring any Quranic change in their
thought pattern and life pattern, there would be no concession in their punishment. And
their punishment in the hell would and is forever. This is the last word of Allah in this
Further Allah is saying that no attention would be paid to them. How tormented
is the period of them!. It means that they would be in the hell forever and no attention
would be given on them that what is the condition of them in the hellish fires. It gives us
this meaning. They would be ignored forever by Allah and His angels.
In the previous verse we can understand three different punishments those come
from different ways. First is the curse of Allah. Second is curse from the angels. And
third course of curse is from the entire people.
Now when you come in the Hereafter State there Allah tells about three
punishments. There become six punishments in the life of the disbelievers. First
punishment is that the happiness would be taken away. Second punishment would be
permanent and perpetual in the hell. An example can be quoted in this regard. Take a
man who lost his eyes. Without eyes he would live in the world without sight.
There arose a question from the minds of different walk of life that if the sinners
did some kind of sin in the world for a limited time, or for a specific time, the punishment
should be given to them according to the time period for what they committed sin. First
of all we have to see that what is justice. Let me try to explain it. To do justice is to keep
all things at their right and perfect places. Here justice would mean the action or reward
or regard in accordance the actions and maneuvers done in the world.
These kinds of questions are asked by the people who are not willing to act upon
the holiest possible teachings of the holy Quran, they never think about the life pattern of
Shaikh Jalilu Issah

the infallible. They have got no idea that what was the practical life of Imam Ali (AS)
and the family members of the Ahlul Bayt. They have no concept of what were the
practical beautiful lives of the holy Imams far from any kind of sin. Such people are the
naggers and carpers. They do have no concern on being serious with the Din. They
follow their own religion. Allah has granted us the senses better than the angels. Allah
has given us the holy Quran, a complete code of life better than other systems. Allah sent
us Muhammad (Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam) the noblest messenger in the line of
messengers. We were given the company and intellect of Imam Ali (AS) the door of the
city of knowledge, acknowledged by the last prophet (Salla 'Llahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
We have the holy family and twelve Imams. We have the biggest and purest possible
Din with the doers of it. They there remains no lacuna in this regard. But, if despite the
fact, people ask such kinds of irrelevant and trivial questions, may Allah show them the
light of right.
Sin is an entity which not only affects the doer of it but it also leaves effects on
the surroundings of the sinner. That’s why the sin is dealt with iron hand in the Law of
Requital of Allah. And the forms of the sins are punished according to their categories.
We have been ever asked to avoid committing sins. Because we are disturbing others.
And our sins are the pollution, which is destroying the surroundings of the actions of
others. So that’s why there is no compromisation on the sins. These are dealt according
the accounts of the sins and their situations and their effects.

Further would be discussed in detail in next session Inshallah!

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