Good Helth Services
Good Helth Services
Good Helth Services
To better understand one of the most heated U.S. policy debates, we created a tournament to
judge which of these nations has the best health system: Canada, Britain, Singapore, Germany,
Switzerland, France, Australia and the U.S. Related Article
Case Jernigan
This is often accompanied by calls to match the health care coverage of "the rest of the world."
But this overlooks a crucial fact: The “rest of the world” is not all alike.
The commonality is universal coverage, but wealthy nations have taken varying approaches to it,
some relying heavily on the government (as with single-payer); some relying more on private
insurers; others in between.
Experts don’t agree on which is best; a lot depends on perspective. But we thought it would be
fun to stage a small tournament.
We selected eight countries, representing a range of health care systems, and established a
bracket by randomly assigning seeds.
To select the winner of each matchup, we gathered a small judging panel, which includes us:
So that you can play along at home and make your own picks, we’ll describe each system along
with our choices (the experts' selections will decide who advances). When we cite hard data, they
come from the Commonwealth Fund’s International Country Comparison in 2017.
In Canada, the government finances health insurance, and the private sector delivers a lot of the
care. Insurance is run at the province level. Many Canadians have supplemental private
insurance through their jobs to help pay for prescription drugs, dentists and optometry. The
government ends up paying for about 70 percent of health care spending in all.
Britain has truly socialized medicine: The government not only finances care, but also provides it
through the National Health Service. Coverage is broad, and most services are free to citizens,
with the system financed by taxes, though there is a private system that runs alongside the public
one. About 10 percent buy private insurance. Government spending accounts for more than 80
percent of all health care spending.
U.S. analogues are Medicare (more like Canada) and the Veterans Health Administration (more
like Britain).
Canada and Britain are pretty similar in terms of spending — both spend just over 10 percent of
G.D.P. on health care. They also have reasonably similar results on quality, although neither
ranks near the top in the usual international comparisons. In terms of access, though, Britain
excels, with shorter wait times and fewer access barriers due to cost.
Aaron: Britain. It’s efficient. Given the rather low spending, it provides great access with
acceptable outcomes.
Craig: Britain. Patients in Britain have a greater ability to shop across providers (using
additional private insurance). This, combined with reforms within the N.H.S., helped increase
competition and quality.
Austin: Britain. While the countries are close in spending and quality, Britain has much lower
cost-based barriers to access.
Ashish: Britain. Access problems can be profound in Canada — nearly one in five Canadians
report waiting four months or more for elective surgery, which can be more than just an
Uwe: Canada. The Canadian system is simpler for citizens to understand and highly equitable.
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What’s your pick?
Case Jernigan
Singapore has a unique approach. Basic care in government-run hospital wards is cheap,
sometimes free, with more deluxe care in private rooms available for those paying extra.
Singapore’s workers contribute around 37 percent of their wages to mandated savings accounts
that may be spent on health care, housing, insurance, investment or education, with part of that
being an employer contribution. The government, which helps control costs, is involved in
decisions about investing in new technology. It also uses bulk purchasing power to spend less on
drugs, controls the number of medical students and physicians in the country, and helps decide
how much they can earn.
Singapore’s system costs far less than America's (4.9 percent of G.D.P. versus 17.2 percent).
Singapore doesn’t release the same data as most other advanced nations, although it’s widely
thought that it provides pretty good care for a small amount of spending. Others counter that
access and quality vary, with wide disparities between those at the top and bottom of the
socioeconomic ladder.
Aaron: United States. Singapore is intriguing, because it’s so different from other systems. But
its huge mandatory savings requirement would be a nonstarter for many in the United States.
Craig: United States. Singapore, a scrappy underdog, has become a fan favorite of
conservatives. But its reliance on health savings accounts is problematic: When people are
spending more of their own money on health care, they tend to forgo both effective and
ineffective care in equal measure.
Austin: United States. It’s hard for me to overlook Singapore's lack of openness with data.
Ashish: United States. The lack of data in Singapore is a problem, and it had higher rates of
unnecessary hospitalizations and far higher heart attack and stroke mortality rates than the
United States. Plus, the U.S. has a highly dynamic and innovative health care system. It is the
engine for new diagnostics and treatments from which Singapore and other nations benefit.
Uwe: Singapore. It’s hard to defend the messy American health system, with its mixture of
unbridled compassion and unbridled cruelty.
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United States
Case Jernigan
Australia provides free inpatient care in public hospitals, access to most medical services and
prescription drugs. There is also voluntary private health insurance, giving access to private
hospitals and to some services the public system does not cover.
The government pays for at least 85 percent of outpatient services, and for 75 percent of the
medical fee schedule for private patients who use public hospitals. Patients must pay out of
pocket for whatever isn’t covered. Most doctors are self-employed, work in groups and are paid
fee-for-service. More than half of hospitals are public.
Everyone in France must buy health insurance, sold by a small number of nonprofit funds, which
are largely financed through taxes. Public insurance covers between 70 percent and 80 percent of
costs. Voluntary health insurance can cover the rest, leaving out-of-pocket payments relatively
low. About 95 percent of the population has voluntary coverage, through jobs or with the help of
means-tested vouchers. The Ministry of Health sets funds and budgets; it also regulates the
number of hospital beds, what equipment is purchased and how many medical students are
trained. The ministry sets prices for procedures and drugs.
The French health system is relatively expensive at 11.8 percent of G.D.P., while Australia’s is at
9 percent. Access and quality are excellent in both systems.
Aaron: France. It provides almost everything you’d want, and it’s expensive only compared
with countries other than the United States. (Compared with the U.S., it’s a bargain.)
Craig: France. It has seemingly done a better job of using markets to create competition across
public and private hospitals — which provides incentives for quality provision and innovation.
Austin: Australia. It was a close call. Australia achieves good outcomes (by some but not all
measures better than France) with a lot less spending, making it a better value.
Ashish: France. Both countries cover everyone, but people in France report somewhat fewer
problems getting access to care, as well as shorter waiting times.
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Case Jernigan
Like every country here except the U.S., Switzerland has a universal health care system,
requiring all to buy insurance. The plans resemble those in the United States under the
Affordable Care Act: offered by private insurance companies, community rated and guaranteed-
issue, with prices varying by things like breadth of network, size of deductible and ease of seeing
a specialist. Almost 30 percent of people get subsidies offsetting the cost of premiums, on a
sliding scale pegged to income. Although these plans are offered on a nonprofit basis, insurers
can also offer coverage on a for-profit basis, providing additional services and more choice in
hospitals. For these voluntary plans, insurance companies may vary benefits and premiums; they
also can deny coverage to people with chronic conditions. Most doctors work on a national fee-
for-service scale, and patients have considerable choice of doctors, unless they've selected a
managed-care plan.
A majority of Germans (86 percent) get their coverage primarily though the national public
system, with others choosing voluntary private health insurance. Most premiums for the public
system are based on income and paid for by employers and employees, with subsidies available
but capped at earnings of about $65,000. Patients have a lot of choice among doctors and
hospitals, and cost sharing is quite low. It's capped for low-income people, reduced for care of
those with chronic illnesses, and nonexistent for services to children. There are no subsidies for
private health insurance, but the government regulates premiums, which can be higher for people
with pre-existing conditions. Private insurers charge premiums on an actuarial basis when they
first enroll a customer, and subsequently raise premiums only as a function of age — not health
status. Most physicians work in a fee-for-service setting based on negotiated rates, and there are
limits on what they can be paid annually.
Aaron: Switzerland. It has superior outcomes. It’s worth noting that its system is very similar to
the Obamacare exchanges.
Craig: Switzerland. The Swiss system looks a lot like a better-functioning version of the
Affordable Care Act. There’s heavy, but quite regulated, competition among insurers and an
individual mandate.
Austin: Germany. Germany has a low level of cost-based access barriers — tied with Britain for
the lowest among our competitors.
Uwe: Germany. The Swiss social insurance system — a late comer, enacted only in the 1990s,
and financed by per-capita premiums — is less equitable than many other European systems,
including Germany’s.
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Case Jernigan
Aaron: Switzerland. It has better quality, and perhaps access, but those come at a higher cost.
I’m willing to make that trade-off.
Craig: Britain. Switzerland’s system — privately funded with private insurers — is often held
up as a bastion of competition. But it is not necessarily more of a market than Britain; it just
hides the heavy hand of government a bit more. In reality, the insurance and provider market is
heavily regulated.
The U.K. system is almost entirely publicly funded, but it has done a lot to try to increase the
competition between facilities, which has increased the quality of service.
Austin: Britain. It systematically incorporates cost effectiveness into coverage decisions.
Ashish: Switzerland. These are two countries with high-performing health systems, but
Switzerland has better access and quality, albeit at somewhat higher costs.
Uwe: Switzerland. Switzerland has better facilities and speed of access to care.
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Case Jernigan
Aaron: France. France provides an amazing level of access and quality for the cost. The U.S. is
considered the driver of health care innovation, which comes at a high price. But there are other
ways to incentivize innovation in the private sector besides how we pay for and deliver care.
Craig: United States. The U.S. system is a bit of a mess in that it is quite expensive and doesn’t
offer complete coverage to its populace. But the system really does have the strongest incentives
for innovation on medical technology — which provides an amazing amount of welfare for
citizens around the globe.
Austin: France. It’s hard to justify the very high level of U.S. spending based on innovation
alone, particularly without mechanisms to steer innovation toward technologies that are cost-
Ashish: United States. France has a far more equitable system, with few delays and reasonably
good outcomes. However, the U.S. delivers a superior quality of care on the measures that matter
most to patients, and the system is far more dynamic and innovative. It was close, but I picked
the United States.
Uwe: France. The U.S. is just too expensive for what it delivers, and includes too much financial
insecurity to boot. At international health care conferences, arguing that a certain proposed
policy would drive some country’s system closer to the U.S. model usually is the kiss of death.
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United States
Case Jernigan
Aaron: Switzerland. This is a tough call. Switzerland does a good job of combining conservative
and progressive beliefs about health care systems into a workable model providing top-notch
access and quality at a reasonable cost. It doesn't hurt that it does so through private (although
heavily regulated) insurance.
Craig: France. Its system has more competition among providers than Switzerland’s does.
Austin: Switzerland. The Swiss system is so close to the A.C.A.’s structure (which, to date, has
survived all manner of political attacks) that something like it could work in the U.S.
Ashish: Switzerland Both of these countries spend a lot on health care, outpacing the average
among high-income countries, and both perform comparably on measures of access to care.
However, in general, the Swiss health care system delivers a higher quality of care across a range
of measures and invests more in innovation that fuels new knowledge and, ultimately, better
treatments that we all benefit from.
Uwe: France. It is cheaper, its financing is more equitable, and its system is simpler.
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Case Jernigan
Germany would have tied Switzerland had we averaged our rankings of the nations instead of
using head-to-head matchups in a bracket system (Switzerland eliminated Germany in the first
round). It’s an example of how close the voting was. Not one vote was unanimous among the
judges, and all the semifinal and final votes were 3-2. Clearly, there is room for disagreement
about the relative merits of health systems, and different experts would surely reach different
Some judges took a global view, giving the edge to countries, like the United States, that
promoted innovation that benefited the rest of the world. In other cases, how health systems
treated the poorest of society was paramount.
To nobody’s surprise, the United States could do better at balancing health care costs with
access, quality and outcomes. But there are many ways to reach that goal, and there will always
be trade-offs. Learning about them from other systems and debating them honestly would
probably do us a lot of good.
We hope that readers will consider this to be merely the beginning of a discussion, not the end.
We welcome your questions or comments. In fact, we look forward to writing articles in which
we answer those questions and ask other experts with different views to weigh in.
Have you experienced a health system outside the United States? Tell us its best or worst feature.
And what advice would you give Americans?
Discuss your ideas in the comments.
The panel:
Craig Garthwaite is a conservative economist who believes that well-regulated markets offer the
best means of providing quality and innovation. He’s a lifelong Republican but has been broadly
supportive of the market-based A.C.A.
Uwe Reinhardt, who has analyzed health care systems around the world for half a century, has
been a longtime supporter of single-payer, although he has said he doesn’t believe the United
States could manage that system well because it’s captured by special interests.
Ashish Jha and Aaron Carroll believe in universal coverage. Austin Frakt is less invested in
universal coverage than universal access to affordable coverage. All three pay less attention to
whether a system is more government-run or more market-based because they think either
approach can succeed if devised well. Aaron and Austin blog at The Incidental Economist. For
more information on health care systems, you can view Aaron's Healthcare Triage playlist of
videos. Ashish blogs at an Ounce of Evidence.
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