Plant Pathological Methods Fungi & Bacteria
Plant Pathological Methods Fungi & Bacteria
Plant Pathological Methods Fungi & Bacteria
Department of Botany and Plant Pathoiogy
Purdue University
Lafayette, Indiana
Copyright O 1969 by Bilrgess Publishing Con~pany
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress Catalog Card N ~ t n ~ b c69-1
r 7858
AiTectionately Dedicated
Table 1 The Relationship of Density of Sulphuric Acid
and Relative Humidity ................................................... 228
Table 2 The Relationship of Specific Gravity o r Refractive Index of
Aqueous Clyccrinc Solutions and Relative Humidity
Tablc 3 The Relative Humidities of Various Saturated Salt
Solutions at Various Temperatures .......................................... 230
List of Figures
Figure I. Arnold Sterlllzer ....................................................... 83
Figure 2. Sintered Class Filter ...................................................85
Figure 3. Swrnny FJter Adapter ................................................ 87
Figure 4. Microspatula ......................................................... 105
Figure 5. Biscuit Cutter ........................................................105
Figure 6. Micro-spear ...........................................................105
Figure 7 .Darley Isolator ...................................................... 105
Figure 8. Keyworth lsoldtor ......................................................105
Figure 9. Rukngs of the Spenser Hemacytometer wrth the
..................................... 184
Improved Form of the Neubauer Ruling
Figure 10. Plastic Bag Supported by W~reFrame to
Give a Moist Chamber...................................................185
Figure 11.Metal Moist Chamber ................................................... 185
. ....................................... 185
Figure 12 Moist Chamber Used for Large Areas
Figure 1 3 Homemade Dew Chamber ................................................185
. ...........................................137
Figure 14 Class Lyophllrzation Apparatus
........................................... 199
Figure 15.Metal Lyophilization Apparatus
. .......................................... 217
Flgure 16 Van Tieghem Cells in a Petri Dish
Figure 17 Thm Culture Cell ......................................................217
Media and Nutrient Solutions
Used by Plant Pathologists and .Mycologists
Suggestions on Preparation of Media and Related Subjects
Table 1. Luting of media by u s
A. I o h t e , culture, andlor identify Actinornycetes
B. Isolate andlor culture bacteria
C. l o k t e and culturr: of dermatophydc or other &d pathogenic fungi
D. Imlate and culture from wil andlor water
E. I r ~ l a t efungi from plant m a t e d
F. Induce sporulation in fungi
C. Culture and/or for the study of the nutrition of fungi and some bacteria
H. Media to aid in the identification of fungi
1. MedL t o aid in the identifiation of bacteria
J. Culture plant tissue or intact plants
K. Pknt nutrknt solutions
Table 2. Ltterature on culture media
GLtnvare Cleaning
P d c a t i o n of Agar
Literature Cited
Media and Their Ingredients
Since Micheli, many substrates have been used for the culture of microorganisms. As Thom points
out (24), investigators often develop a medium optimum for a particular organism but with no real
attempt to devix one that would support growth of a number of organisms, or gne that could be easily
duplicated. Some of the media listed here are not of this kind but they are extremely useful. The media
ue grouped in table I according t o their use in:
A. The isolation, culture and/or identification of Actinomycetes
B. The isolation and/or culture of bacteria
C. The isolation and culture of dermatophytic fungi and other animal pathogens
D. The isolation and culture of fungi from soil and/or water
E. The isolation of fungi from plant material
F. The sporulation of fungi
G. The culture and/or the study of the nutrition of fungi and some bacteria
H. The identfication of fungi
I. The identification of bacteria
J. The culture of plant tissue
K. The nutrient culture of piants
Media and Nutrient Solutions
For sources of commercial media, references on media, and the nutrition of particular groups of
microorganisms see table 2,
Purification of inorganic chemicals is difficult and somewhat controversial, thus the following
references should be consulted prior to research in mineral nutrition (2, 5, 13, 18, 19, 23). Growth
rubstances can be removed from glucose (8) and casein hydrolysate (1 2) by treating acid solutions (pH
3) t w i a with Norit A charcoal and filtering with the aid of supercel (1 part of glucose to 20 parts
Norit and 1 part of casein hydrolysate to 10 parts Norit).
If pure water is required, it should be freshly prepared and be either twice glass distilled water or
glaw distilleddeionized water. Deionized water, although extremely low in ions, may contain organic
eontaminants from resins or bacteria. Addition of charcoal (0.5%) to water containing toxic heavy
metals is often valuable.
As cotton plugs may add minute amounts of contaminating substances to media, it may be
desirable to substitute one of the following, meanwhile recognizing changes in aeration rates.
Apparently preautoclaving reduces amounts of contaminants given off by cotton plugs.
1. Squares of cellophane (Dupont type 450 PT) held in place with a rubber band (9).
2. Squares of washed aluminum foil. Air may be limiting in some cases.
3. Stainless steel caps (morton enclosures), available from Bellco Glass Co., Vineland, N J .
4. Polypropylene enclosures. (hlfg, by Biological Research Inc., St. Louis 21, Mo.)
5. Polyurethane foam plugs (apparently gives off a volatile substance which is inhibitory to some
6. For static cultures and short experiments, cap flasks with inverted glass jars or beakers.
7. In limited instances an organism may be grown in petri dishes without agar.
8. Milk fiiter discs are used primarily to increase air exchange.
Most of the recipes are given in g r m s per liter. The following are some frequently found units:
milligram (mg) @ .OOl g
microgram (pg) = .000001 g
gamma (7)= .000001 g
One milligram of a substance in a 1 = 1 ppm. A Molar (hi) contains one gram-molecular weight in
1 I of solution. A normal solution contains one equivalent of the active reagent in grams in 1 1 of
solution. Percentage solutions: Percent means parts in 100 parts. Solutions may be made up according
to weight, volume or any combination. Small percentages - less than 3% are usually made up on a wt/wt
basis, for example 3 dl00 g of solution. If the concentration is critical the method used shouid be
""*' r(
Bean meal aga Phytophthora cinnamoni)
Bean pod agar
Maltose tartrate medium (hfeektnconim fulig-
BPSM A (Diplocmpon earlia~u) Neapeptone glucose medium (Cblletornmchum
Bilai medium (Fusaria) Indemt flianum)
Bonner Addicott medium (P/~matotriclutm Neurospora sex synthetic agar
ornnivorum) Nutramigen agai (Ceratorysrisfagaceurn)
Carrot agar (Pythium spp.)
Carrot decotion gar (Cerwspora spp.)
Oat meal agar Phytophtfwra spp.)
Oat grain agar (Phytop/rthoracinnamornt)
Charcoal wa t e Pltytophthora pmasitica) '
Cerelose ammonium nitrate medium (F.
Oak wilt agar (See Barnett maltosecaamino-
biotin medium)
oxysparum'$ Orchard grass agar (Scolecotrichm g m h i s )
Chickpea sucro (Phytophthora infestans) Paddy rice medium 4'
CMC medium (Gibberella zeae) Pea brat h (Pythium and Phytophthora)
Corn meal agar
Corn steep dextrose agar
Pea r e d (Pythiwn and ~ h ~ t o ~ l t t h o r ~
Petri medium (Pythium and Phytophrhora)
Diet food medium Peat percolate (Phytophthora erytivoseptica
Dung agar vaf. pi$
Dung oatmeal agar (Pilobolus) Phytone dextrose agar (StemphyEim bobli'cki)
Elm extract agar (Ceratocystis ulmi) Plant parts
Emerson YpSs agar (AIlomyces) Pon tecorvo minimal medium (Aspegilhs
Filter paper yeast extract (SorcSarirr) niduhs)
Gnin Potato carrot agar
Glucose alanine agar (Copinus lagopus) Potato dextrose agar
Glucose casamino acid medium (Fusarium Potato ma1t agar (Chaetomiwn)
0xysPQwm) 'd Potato marmite agar ( R h i w c t o n ~
Glucose nitrate rterol {~hyto~hthoraand Prune agar
Pythhrm) Radish agar (A phomyces raphano
Glucose yeast agar (Copniuts Ibgopus) Rape seed agar (Phytophthora)J
G l w s e peptone agar (Gbeospltum mztsrmrm) Rice polish agar (Pirim&& orpae. H e m -
Glucose pept one medium (Apftorwmyces thosporium oryzae)
euteiches) Rye seed medium ( ~ h ~ t o ~ h t~~~~~)
Green bean agar (Col&totrichumbgenarfum) Sach's agar (Hetmhthos~riumspp.)
Harrold medium (Eremsars) Schizophyllum fruiting medtum
Hcmp seed J Soil extract agar ,
Hemp seed decotion (Phyrophrhoro spp.) Soil extract (Phytophthora spp,)
6 Mcdia and Nutrient Solutions
Soybean agar (Phytophthora infestans) Vegetable oil nitrate agar (Phytophthora and
Sucrose poline (Drechskra spp.) Pythium )
Timothy agar (see orchard grass agar) Vogel medium N (.l'eumspra)
Tochinai solution (F~tsariurnoxysplnrrn) Water agar J
Trione mked cereal agar (Tilletia controversp) Wills mineral nlts medium (Phytophtliora sp)
Trione Dwarf bunt synthetic (Tilletia contra- Yeast extract agar (Cluetomiurn)
vem) Yeast glucose (Aphnomyces sp)
V-8 juice agar
In addition, a variety of natural products are used
Seeds other plant parts -other
bean, corn carrot slices filter paper
oat ,pea grass leaves snake &in
sorghum potato slices
wheat sweet clover stems
soybean stems
C. Culture and/or for the study of the nutrition of Machilis medium A
fungi and some bacteria Maltose-tartrate medium
Amino acid substitute for casein hydrolysate Microelement solution
Amino acid substitute for yeast extract Neurospora complete medium
Aphanomyces synthetic Ncurospora minimal medium
Armstrong Fusarium medium Neurospora sex medium
Asthana and Hawker medium A Park medium
A-Z solutions (3 versions) Pectin medium
Barne tt maltose casamino medium Pectin polypectate medium
Carbon utilization medium (For actinomycetes) Petri medium
Cellulose asparagine medium Pfeffer medium
Corn steep dextrose Pontecorvo minimal med~um
Cutter host rust medium Rautella and Cowling cellulose medium
Czapekdox agar Richard solution
Czapek sblut ion agar Sach's agar
Elliott agar Sea water agar
Fothergill sucrose ammonium sulphate medium Starch agar
Fries medium Steinberg unit optima dibasl medium
Fungus resistance testing medium Stan pectate medium
Clllcose asparagine medium (2 versions) Starr spirit blue agar
Glucose casamino acid medium Starr Xanthomonas synthetic
Clucase casein hydrolysate medium Sucrose ammonium tartrate nitrate medium
Glucose nitrate agar Sucrose proline agar
Glucose nitrate sterol medium Tochinai solution
CIyccrol asparaginate medium Trace element salution
Hugh and Leifson carbohydrate medium (For Trione dwarf bunt synthetic
bacteria) Van Cundy and Walker medlum (modified)
Kennedy and Erwin EDTA medium , Vogel medium N
K ~ O Pagar Wieringa pectate gel
Lukem and Sisler synthetic medium Wills mineral salts medium
H d h a d Nutriurt Solutions 7
Fries, N. 196 1. Growth factors: metabolic factors limiting growth, bacteria and fungi. In Encyclopedia
of Plant Phys. 14:332400.
Lilly, V. G. and H. L. Barnett. 1951. Physiology of the fungi. McGraw-Hill, N.Y.
Riker, A. J. and Regina S. Riker. 1936. Introduction to research on plant diseases. John Swift @.,St.
Higher Plant Nutrient Culture
Hewitt, E. J. 1952. Sand and water culture methods used in the study of plant nutrition.
Commonwealth. Bur. Hort. Tech. Com. 22, East Malling.
Hoagland, D.R. and D. I. Arnon. 1950. (Rev.) The water culture method for growing plants without
soil. California Agr. Exp. Cir. 347.
Withrow, R. D.and Alice P. Withrow. 1948. Nutriculture. Purdue Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 328.
Insect Mimobial Paraates
Steinhaus, E. A. '1963. Insect pathology. Academic Press, New York.
Microbiological Assays for Amino Acids, Antibiotics and Vitamins
Kavanaugh, F. 1963. Analytical microbiology. Academic Press, New York.
Plant Tissue Culture
Butcher, D.N. and H. E. Street. 1964. Excised root culture. Bot, Rev. 3 0 5 13-586.
' Gautheret, R. J. 1955. The nutrition of plant tissue cultures. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 6:433484.
Cautheret, R. J. 1959. La culture des tissus vegetaux. Masson and Cie,Paris. ,
Hildebrandt, A. C. W. Tulecke, G.Cuinn, E. Ball ,nd A. H. Haber, and J. C. O'Kelley (ed). 1963. Plant
tissue culture and morphogensis. Scholar's Library. New York.
Narayanaswami, S. and K.Norstog. 1964. Plant embryo culture. Bot. Rev. 30:587-628.
Paul, J. 1960. Cell and tissue culture. \\'illiams and Wilkens, Baltimore.
White, P. R. 1963. The cultivation of animal and plant cells. Ronald Press, New York.
Soil Nematodes
Sasser, J. W. and W, R. Jenkins. 1960. Nematology. Univ. of N. Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
Cook,A. H. 1958. Chemistry and biology of yeasts. Academic Press, New York.
Wickerham, L. J. and K. A, Burton. 1948. Carbon arjimilation tests for the classification of yeasts. J.
Bacteriol. 56:363-371.
Of the solutions commonly used in the cleatling of glassware, each has its supporters and
detractors. The argument is that although the traditional dichrornate-acid solution does the p b ,
extremely small amounts of residue are toxic and are difficult to remove.'~lso,handling s ~ c ha &on&
mrrosive solution is undesirable, But on the other hand it is claimed that the other materials do not
give biological purity (some vigorous dissenters). Whatever the cleaning agent, all glassware should be
rinsed thoroughly and should be visibly clean no droplets of water a?pearing a t sides upon draining.
1. Sulfuric adddichromate
Despite the stated disadvantages of dichromate-acid it is widely used, but it should n& be used
on sintered glass ftlters. The following method by White (28) overcomes the toxic residue problem.
1. Soak glassware in 100 rnl. of saturateu sodium dichromate and 1 gallon of concentrated
sulfuric acid for at least 4 hr.
2. Rinse in hot ~ ~ i tapn waterg at least 10 times.
3. Rinse twice in single distilled water.
4. Rinse once in double glass distilled water.
Medh and Nutrient Solutions
1. Place glassuare in equal parts of concentrated H2S04 and HNOj in a pyrex dish.
2. Heat for 30 to 60 rnin. in a hood. Cool.
3. Wash several times in tap w t e r and rinse twice with distilled water (5).
4. H N O ~
1. One part of concentrated H N 0 3 to 9 parts of water will oxidne organic matter without
having a residue (1).
5. Detergents
1. Imrnerot in a solution of Kelvar 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. (bryandotte Chem. Corp.,
Wyandot te, hi ichigan)
2. Boil gently for 15 min.
3. Rinse several times with tap water and twice with distilled water. Thir procedure is supposed
not to etch glass (25). Other detergents recommended are Alconox. Haem-sol and sodium
bury1 sulfate. The latter may be followed by a 1-2 min. rinse of 75% sulfuric acid. Other
detergents, particularly alkaline ones, are alx, probably suitable.
If agar is nsessiuy to a growth study and the purity or price of commerchlly purified agar is not
suitable, the following methods are suggested: Elimination of all impurities is not claimed.
Robbim, W. 1. & Annette Hervey (1 5)
1. Difco agar is percolated with several volumes of 5% aqueous pyridine. Use pyridine under a
2. FoUow by 1% HCI.
3. The agar is then neutralized with calcium hydrdxide.
4. Wash free of excess calnum.
5. T n a t with 95%ethanol and dry at a low temperature.
3. Imert 1 piece of 6 mm glass tubing of sufficient length to admit air, tie a piece of cheesecloth
over the neck of the flask,invert flask and drain.
4. Wash the agar 3X with distiUcd water,
5. Wash the agar 2X with 95% ethanol and anow alcohol to stand overnight.
6. Dry agar in thin layers between washed cheesecloth.
Rocedure takes about 10 days.
1. Cavanaugh, Gail hl. 1956. Formula and methods IV.of the marine biological laboratory chemical
room. hfiirine Biol. Lab., Woods Hole.
2. Cochrane, V. W. 1958. Physiology of fungi. J. Wiley, Sew York.
3. Crascman, Jean M. 1954. The nutrition of Chynidiwn and ,~lacrochybium.Amer. J. Bot.
4 1 :302-3 10.
4. Dimond, k E. and G. L. Peltier. 1945. Controlling the pH of cultures of PenicilBum notatum
through its carbon and nitrogen nutrition. Amer. J. Bot. 32:46-50.
5. Donald, Catherine, Beverly I. Passey and R. J. Swaby. 1952. A comparison of methods for
r e m o w trace metals from microbiological media. J. Gen. hlicrobiol. 7:211-220.
6. Dowson, Mr.J. 1957. Plant diseases due to bacteria. Cambridge Univ. Press, London.
7. Gomori, G. 1955. Preparation of buffers for use in enzyme studies in S. P. Colowick and N. 0.
Kaplan (ed). Xiethods in enzymology. Vol. 1. Academic Press, Sew York.
8. Hutner, S. 11. 1944. Growth of the photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodospirillum rubnun. Arch.
Biochcm. 3:439444.
9. Jemnison, bI. W., Mciva D. Newcomb and R. Henderson. 1955. Physiology of the wood rotting
Basidiornyrcies 1. hlycologia 47 :275-304.
10. Kavulaugh. F. (ed.). 1963. Analytical microbiology. Academic Press, N. Y.
11. Klein, R 51. and Georgia E. Manos. 1960. Use of metal chelates for plant tisue cultures. Ann.
New York Acad. Sci. 88:41-25.
12. Landy, M. and D. M. Dicken. 1942. A microbial assay method for 6 B vitamins using kctobcilIus
cosci and a medium of essentially known composition. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 27:10861092.
13. Lilly, V. G. and H. L. Barnett. 1951. Physiology of the fungi. SlcGraw-Hill, N. Y.
14. McKeen, W. E. 1956. Interaction product of glycine and dextrose toxic to Phyrophtbra fraarirre.
Science 123:509.
15. Robbins, W. J. and Annette Hervey. 1%0. Growth substances for Polypoms schweinitzii.
Myoologia 52:94&957.
16. Robbins, W. J. and Annette Hmey. 1963. Unidentif~dfiftrate growth SUbst,anCZS for several
fungi. Myalogia 55:59,-64.
17, Spector, W. S. 1957. Handbook of toxicology. Vol. 11 Antibiotics. W. B. Sanders.
18. Steinberg, R. A. 1950. Trace element impurities in nutrient solutions for fungi. Arch. Biochem.
28: 111-1 16.
19, Stiks, W. 196 1. Trace elements in plants. Cambridge Univ.Press, b n d o n .
20. Stokes, J. L., Marion Gunncss and J. W. Foster. 1944. Vitamin content of microbblogial culture
mcdis, J. bctniol. 47:293-299.
12 Media and Nutrient Solutions
21. Street, H. E. 1957. Nutrition and metabolism of plant t i m e cultures. J. Nat. Canc. Inst.
22. Sykes, G. 1956. Constituents of bacteriological culture media. Cambridge Univ. Press, London.
23, Taber, W. A. 1957. The influence of inoculum on variability in comparative nutritional
experiments with fungi, Can. J. 5licrobiol. 3:803-812.
24. Thorn,C. 1954. The colony. blycologia 46: 1-8.
25. Umbreit, W. W., R. H. Burris, J. F. Stauffer. 1964. hfanometric techniques. Burgess Pub. Co.,
26. Ward, C. W. B. 1964. Stimulation of growth of a low temperature basidiomycete due to heat
sterilization of a culture medium. Can.J. Bot. 42:283-285.
27. Weinhold, A. R. and F. F, Hendrix, Jr, 1963. Inhibition of fungi by culture media exposed t o
light. Phytopathology 53: 1280.1284.
28, White, P. R. 1963. The cultivation of animal and plant cells. Ronald Press, N.Y.
2. Alcohol A p t
Agar 75 1
Streptomycin nitrate 100 ppm = 0.1 g
Water 11
90 ml are dispensed in 250 ml flasks and autoclaved, Suggest 11 Ib for I S min if Streptomycin
sulfate is used. After cooling to 44 C, add 0.5 ml absolute ethanol to each flask. The diluted soil
samples are added and the plates poured and incubated 10-15 Qys in the dark. Used t o detect
Verticillium in soils and according to R. J , Green ('personal communication) works well for isolation
from roots. See also soil extract isolation agar.
Nadakavukazen, M, J . and C. E. Horner. 1959. Phytopathology 49527-528.
5. Alphacel Medium
Alphacel (obtained from Nutritional 20 8
Biochemicals Corpora tion, Cleveland,
Ohio, a non-nutritive cellulose)
MgS04 Ig
KH2m4 1.5 g
NaN03 1g
Coconut Milk 50 ml
Agar 128
Water 11
Adjust pH t o 5.6 and sterilize 20 lb/20 min. Coconut milk filtered through several layers of
cheesecloth and autoclaved at 15 lb/lS min. Keep at 6 C until needed. A valuable medium for the
sporulation of fungi.
Sban, B. J., J. B. Routien and Virginia P. M i k , 1960. Mycob* 52:4763.
14 Media and Nutrient Solutions
9, Andrade Indicator
Acid fuchsin 05 g Dismhrc!fuchsin in dist. water and
NaOH 1N 16 rnl add NaOH. If after several hours
Distilled water 100 mf not decolorized, add 1 or 2 ml of
alkali, pH 5-8 pink-yellow.
Edwards, P. R. and W. H. Ewing. 1962. Identificatbn of Entcroblcteriaccae. Burgess Pub. Co, Minnerpohs.
Armstrong, G. hI. and Joanne K. Armstrong 1960. U. S. Dcp. Agr. Tech. Bull. 1219.
Distilled water
A mediwn intensively used to study perithecia formation of Afehnospora destruens, now Sordmia
dcsmtens (Shear) Hawker,requires thiamine and biotin depending on strain.
Arthurr. R. P.and LiKYr E. Hawker. 1936. Ann. k t . 50:325-t43.
17. A-ZSolution
CuS04 S H 2 0
MnC12 4H20
Ca(N0& 6ti20
BaC12 2 H 2 0
(NH4)6 h f 0 7 0 / c ,
Use 1 ml per 1 of culture medium, commonly used for fungi.
For I8 l redistilled m t a .
Robbins, W. J. and F. K3ranaugh- 1938. Phnt PhysioL 13:611-619.
Mn 1
Fe (as sulphates)
Biotin (0.5 g yeast extnct may be
substituted for sont isolates)
0.2 mg
0.2 mg
0.1 mg
5 4%
I see miaonutrient solution No. 143
Distilkd water 11
Agar 20%
Adjust pll to 6.0, autoclave at 15 Ib 15 rnin. Used for the production of perithecia of Ceratoc~rstis
21. Bean A p r
Great Northern white beans Autoclave beans in 500 ml water
Ghrcose and add melted agar and glucose.
AB~= Used for zoospore production of
Distilled water Phytophrlara cactoruttt.
25. BeefPeptone Agar (nutrient agar, meat infusion)
Beef extract
Medk and Nutrient Solutions
Ferric tartrate
Bomer. J. and F. Addicott. 1937. Bot. Gaz. 99:144-170.
Woods,R., H. E. Bloss and C . A. Cries. 1967. Phytopathology 57:228.
40. m o t Agar
Carrot (grated)
Soak tissue in water for 1 hr then boil for 5 min. Filter through cotton-wool.
Media and Nutrient Solutions
Grated carrot
Agar 17 1
Add grated carrot to a depth of 2.5 crn in a test tube and add 10 rnl of water agar. Encourages sexual
reproduction of species of Pytiu'um. String beans was a good substitute for carrot.
Jolunn, Hekn. 1929. Phy lopathology. 18:710.
Gently boil elm shavings in 1500 ml water for 10 min. Srrain through screen wire. Remaining
material washed with distilled water and strained into f i s t fdtrate ro bring to final volume of 2400
d.Add 240 ml to each of ten 500 ml flasks, add 4 g of agar, steam until melted and then autoclave
at 15 lb for 15 min. If no elm sawdust is available, water agar may prove a satisfactory substitute.
Used t o detect Cerotocystis ultni. Wood chips 0.5 cm thick from branches 0.5 to I.? cm used,
Coremia were produced at 22-25 C in 5 to 7 days,
2 ppm
Add sterile phosphate solution
a f t a autoclaving to avoid possible
Fothergill, P. G. and M. hf. Yeoman. 1957. I. Gen hlicmbiol. 17:631639.
L U y , V. G. and 11.1. Barnett. 1951. Physiology o f the fun$. h1cC;raw-Hill. Ncw York.
1 ml each
of a 10%
150 1OW1001.) pH adjusted to 7.
34 Media and Nutrient Solutions
86. G h r c o Nitrate
~ Agar (modified)
Addition of 40 ~g Actidone, previously sterilized by Ntration through an ultrafine sintered glass
filter, eliminates growth of a number of fungi while Actinomycetes grow well. See Corke, C. T, and
F. E. Chast. 1956. Can.J. Microbiol. 2:12-16. For most purposes Actidione can be added directly to
the medium and sterilized with it.
89, G l u c o Peptone
~ Medium
Glucose For zoospores of Aplutanornyces
Peptonc euteiches. Grow for 2 days at 24 C,
replace with Apllanoniyces wasting
solution no. 1 1.
Mitchell, J. E. and C. Y. Yang. 1966. Phytopathology 56:917-922.
93. Grain
Corn, lima bean, oat, pea, sorghum, wheat, etc.
Seed usually soaked in water and in case of pea (Thurston, 11. D. 1957. Phytopathology 47: 186) and
white seeded sorghutn (\!111tehead, 51. D, 1957. i'hytopathology 17:450) soaked overnight, rinsed
with water, and autoclaved intact in flasks. hlixture of cereal grains are often used. It is
recommended that these grains be autockved in small amounts at 121 C for 40 m i l or at 121 C for
20 min on 2 successive days.
Add 1 ml of solution A to either solution 1 or 2 and bring to a 1. Add solution B or its alternate.
Adjust pH t o 6 with 0.1N Il2SO4.
Hoaghnd. D. R. and D. 1. A+ &1950. California A p . Exp. Cir. 347.
102. Hoaghnd & Knop Solution (modified)
Macroelement s Ferric citrate sol.
Ca(N03)2 4H20 0.95 g FeC60sH7 5 H 2 0 10.0 g
KN03 0.61 g m1 (in I 00 ml)
M W 4 7H20 0.49 g Agar 5.0 8
NH42l2PO4 0.12g Distilled water to make I I
Microelements (in I000 ml water) Used in sterile culture of plants.
MnS04 4 H 2 0 3.0g *
7H20 0.5 g
H3PO3 0.5 g
CuS04 5 H 2 0 0.025 1
Na2Mo04 2H20 0.025 g
H1S04( 1.83) 0.5 ml J
Qn, T, R. A. Kilpaftick and A. E. Rich. 1961. Phylopathology 51:799-800.
Media and Nutrient Solutions
114. h n i a n Agar
Peptane 0.625 g According to W. Cooke, useful for
Maltose 6.25 g developing fruiting structures of
Malt extract 6.25 g some fungi and is a standard medium
KH2 P04 1.25 g for the study of cultures of
MgS04 7H20 0.625 g Ascomycetes and Splueropsidales.
A w 20.0 g Neopeptone or polypeptone may be
Distilled water 11 substituted for peptone.
Cook, Wm. 8. 1%3. A laboratory guide to fungi in polluted waters, sewage and sewage treatment systcmr Public
Herlth Ser. Pub. 999-Wpl,Cincinnati.
Media and Nutrient Solutions
(Al),S03 a 121.120 0.0186 For use with highly purified
G ~ ( N O ~ )1%~ solution
' of Ga. 0.05 ml salutiolu.
C0S04 7 t I 2 0 0.0028
NiS04 7 H 2 0 0.0028
'The gallium nltiate solution is obtained from hleous. hlatrhy Ltd. and is o r r of the EtMldard L L ~ p e ~ pgrade
Hswitt, E. J. 1962. S a d and water culture methods uwd m the study of plwt nutition. Commonwealth Bur.
Hort, Tech. Com. no. 22. East Mdling.
Mcdh and Nutrient Solutions 43
127. Malachite Green Captain Medium
Sodium nitrate 2.0 g After autoclaving add fresh solutions
Dipotassium monohydrogen phosphate 1 .O g of malachjte green, captan and
htagnesium sulfate 0.5 g dicysticin (Singh & Nene). Used to
Potassium chloride 05 4I selectively isolate F~rsaritrmfrom
Ferrous sulfate 0.01 g soil. IIorton and Keen used it to
Sucrose 3og selectively isolate P}lrenoclzueta
Distilled water t o make a I terrest is.
hfakchite SO mg
Captan 100 mg
Dicrysticin (mixture of Streptomycin sulfate, put %g in 3 ml sterile water, and add
Pmcain penicillin C; and Sodium penicillin G) 1 ml to 200 ml of medium before
Singh, R. S.and Y. L.Stne. 1965. Pknr Ois. Reptr. 49: 114-1 18.
Horton, J. C. and S . T. Keen. 1966. Phytopathology 56:908.916.
128. Malt A p r
Malt extract Do not "over" sterilize as agar will
Asar be hydrolized.
hfalt extract 3g
Yeast extract 2g
Dihydrogen potassium phosphate 05 g
hlagnesium sulplutc 0 5 !k
Agar mg
Distilled water 11
b n i a n , L. H. 1934. West l'irginia. A g . Exp. 5La. BuIL 262.
0.2 mg For amount of cation see no. 119
0.1 mg
Distilled water
167. PDA
Peeled, sliced potatoes A widely used and valuable mediun
Can be acidified with 25% lactic
Dextrose -
acid 3-5 drops1 100rnl melted aga
(Cerelose a crude form of when used for isolation of fungi
dextrose is sometimes used) from plant parts. Do not remelt
after acidifying. Agar will be too
169. PDASV
PDA Useful isolation medium which is
Streptomycin sulfate 100 ~ g l m l less inhibitory to fungi than hiartin
Vancomycin 50 ~(gtml media.
Latham, A.J. and hl, tl. Linlr. 1951. Plant [)is. Rcptr. 45:866-867.
170. PDTA
Potato dextrose agar I have found this medium to be
(with 5 g of dextrosell) valuable in the isolation of nonstora
Tergito1 NPX (Union Cwbide) 200 ppm fungi from seed. It does not, hower
Aureomycin 30 PPm effectively inhiiit all species of
Rhizopus. The addition of Botran,
about 8 ppm, seems to do the latter
Add Tergitol and Aureomycin just
prior to pouring.
187. Potato A p r
Potato 20 8 Repare like Potato Carrot Agar,
Agar 20 g
Water 11
bnpron, M. 1945. Pdcis de mycologie. Chronica Botanica, Wdtham, hlass.
Riker, A. J. and Regina S. Riker. 1936. Introduction to research on phnt diseases. John S. Swlft lnc. St. Louis.
KH2po4 5.9 g Dissolve separately MzP04 3.9 g
Ca(N03) 4H20 20.1 g in about 230 ml of NaN03 6.4 g
MgS04 72i20 10.7 g water. hlix together MgS04 7H20 1 0 3g
(N114)1S04 1.8 g and bring to 5 gal. CaC12 (anhydrous) 3.2 g
Trace elements
MnS04 4H20
ZnSO, 7H20
0.8 g
Dissolve together
in 230 ml of water.
Add 10 ml of trace element solution
to 5 gal of either Formula I or 11,
Then add 5 ml of iron solution
FeS04 7H20 0.8 g ] Dissolve in 236 ml before adding to plants.
of water.
Shive, J. W. and W. R. Robbinr. 1948. Ncw Jnwy Agr. Exp. Str. Bull. 636.
64 Mcdia and Nutrient Solutions
Sh~cmJ;cr,R.A. 1962. Can. J. Bot. 40:809-836.
232. T a b y Medium
Prune extract Simmer 50 g chopped prunes in a 1
Loaore of Water until soft, strain through
Difoo yeast extract muslin,filter and make up to a 1.
Agar Can be stored sterile and cold until
DiFtihd water to make a 1 needed. Used to aid in the identifi-
ation of Verticilliurna004rum
and K &hliae.
Tabny, P. W. 1960. Phnt Path. 9:57-58.
Media and Nutrient Solutions
Heinz baby oatmeal 20.0 g
Contadina fancy tomato paste 20.0 g Add to 500 ml boiling tap water.
Difco agar 15.0 g
Mix tomato pasteoatmeal decotion with melted agar, then steam for 10 rnin. Dispense and sterilize,
Final pH varies with brand of tomato paste. Recommended for maintenance and determination of
morphology and spore color of S ~ e p t o n ~ y c e s .
Pridham, T,G., ct al. Antibiotic Ann. 1956/1957:947.953.
K2 m 4
h@O4 7H20
Dirtillcd water
Roib, H 1965. Phytopathology 55:317-319.
Requirements of most Laboratories
Methods and Uses
1. Steam under pressure (autoclaving)
Tabk 3. Recornmcndcd timo in an autoclave for sterilization o f various volumes
2. Stoam without pressure (Tyndiliz~tion)Arnold Sterilizer
3. Hot dry air
4. Gas sterilization
Table 4. Recammcndod time and t e m p e r ~ t u r rfor stcrilization with dry air
5. Disinfectants and preservatives
6. Liquid sterilization by fdtration
Table 5. Antiseptics and disinfectants and their uses
7. Air filters
Table 6 . Sornc rums that sell bactcriolopical air filters
8. Radiation
Sail "Sterilization" and Greenhousr: Practices
Literature Cited
There are several extensive treatments on sterilization (36,40,48). They should be consulted for
theoretical aspects and fuller details. If there is concern about human infection or the loosening of
harmful microorganisms, see (16) for relevant sterilization and laboratory techniques. With the
demonstration that many fungi are allcr~enicand some have toxic products in their spores more
attention needs to be given t o the prevention of inhalation of fungus spores. Culture of microorganisms
for most purposes requires consistent sterile techniques, Contamination costs time and money and
confuses results. Selection of a method of sterilization is largely determined by cost, efficiency and
applicability, To choose a method only because ofits convenience or to expend effort on an unneeded
elaborate method of sterilization seerns unwise. It is helpful to any method to prevent or reduce the
inoculum load so that minimum periods of time, temperatures or doses result in a sterile product that
is changed as slightly as the method wid permit. Recommendations of dosages and times given
subsequently are conservative, but they ensure sterility except for the presence of large numbers of
highly resistant bacterial spores.
82 Disinfection and Sterilization
1. Autoclave heat stable liquids usually the common media ingredients, dry bulk materials
with difficulty, heat resistant instruments and equipment, glassware, rubber
products with some damage.
2. Arnold Sterilizer very few materials, of more use in the elimination of fungal contaminants from
media, etc. prior to wash up, also used in melting media and its pr'eparation.
3. Oven glassware, metal instruments resistant to high temperature and oil.
4. Gas sterilants heat sensitive equipment and substrates.
5. Liquid disinfectants
and sterilants working surfaces, instrumer~ts,tools, and air and heat labile substances.
6. Liquid filters heat sensitive solutions.
7. Air filters air for cultures and transfer chambers.
Other specialized equipment and chemicals valuable for specific needs will be
discussed later in this chapter. See for information on freeing nematodes (14) and plants (5,7, 18) from
12-15min at 121 C followed by immediate cooling (12). Also, considerable b r e d down of sugars docs
occur with tyndilizathn (33). Its main use is for freeing substances of funpl contalninants and for
and melting of a p r media.
Table 4. Recommended time and temperature for sierilimtion with dry air.
(After Reddish (40))
Required for Sterilization
Temp. C Time in hfinutes
4. Gas sterilization
Considered here are three compounds: ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, and peracetic acid. See
(1 1) for a review of other gaseous sterilants. They are used in treatment of heat labile substances, plant
tissue, and bulky materials or where steam is n i t available. They may effect, however, some adverse
changes (1 I ) and are slow acting.
Propylene oxidz (PO) - Although not as efficient a sterilant as ethylene oxide, it is more easily
handled. Placc moistened materials in a jar, add 1.3 ,mlof PO (use a bulb on pipette) per 1 capacity of
the sterilizing container, seal jar (mason jar with a gaskct is suitable) and leave overnight (24). It may
not successfully eliminate all bacteria from seeds (51). Seeds obtained from the dry western areas of the
United States may be more successfully treated.
Propylene oxide can also be used to sterilize agar-filled petri dishes (50). Add 1 ml t o hardened
media in petri dishes and leave at room temperature under a h o d . After 23 hr plates may be used. Ten
ml of PO may be added t o a polypropylene plastic bag containing plastic petri dishes with ordinary agar
media. If the media is acidified or has bacterial antibiotics, 3 ml of PO may be used. Add the PO to a
cotton wad in an empty glass petri dish (54). Some fungi may be subsequently inhibited. Keep
propylene oxide refrigerated, tightly sealed, and handle carefully.
Ethylene oxide - Ethylene oxide with a carrierCOz or fluorinated methane (usually Freon)
eliminates inflammability. It usually is not handled as a liquid, but its use in this form is described at
the end of the paragraph. If the carrier is C 0 2 , the mixture is cheaper but must be kept m a heavy steel
container. Aerosol-bomb type cans containhg ethylene oxide and fluorinated methanes are available
from American Sterilizer Co., Erie, Pa., and the Wilrnot Castle Co., Rochester, N. Y. They also sell
adapters for controlled release of the material. Simple improvised sterilizing chambers, such as
polyethylene bags 5 t o 6 rnl thick or 55 gal drums may be used (42). A dosage of about 112 g per 1 of
chamber capacity for 6 hr at 25 C will sterilize heavily contaminated material (42). For ordinary
materials, in a commercial unit, time may be reduced to 2 t o 4 hr (46). Sterilizing is affected by
humidity, a range of 30 t o 50% is preferred (46); increased temperatures increased the rate of
derilization (46). Readiiy penetrated t h h layers of certain plastics, tg., polyethylene and pliafim (42),
Disinfection and Sterilization 85
allows sterilization of packaged materials; however, certain plastics, e.g., styron and tenite, however, are
damaged (49). Ethykne oxide is toxic and should be handled in an aerated room and not auowed to
contact the skin. As it temporarily leaves a heavy residue, anow 12 hr or more before handling treated
Liquid ethylene oxide sterilization (27)
1. Coal carbohydrate solution t o be sterilized t o 3-5 C using an ice bath.
2. Add 1 per k t by volume of chilled liquid ethylene oxide using a chilled pipette and agitate.
3. Kepsblutioninicebathfor 1 hr.
4. Transfer t o a water bath of 45 C and allow t o volatilize under a hood.
Peracetic acid (obtained from Becco Chern. Div.) This substance is effective in both liquid and
vapor phase. Its use in the laboratory seems to be mostly for sterilizing plastic (polyethylene, tenon,
polystyrene) chambers and connections by atomization of a 2.3% solution. It is corrosive to skin and
will attack most metals, except stainless steel and some plastics. Fumes must not be inhaled.
distilled water; pH of the last wash should be close to neutral. A general cleaning schedule is suggested
by the manufacturers.
1. Set up a trap to prevent accidental suckjng of cleaning materials into vacuum line, if other than a
water aspirator is used.
2. A mixture of concentrated H2SOq and HNO3 is sucked through the filter. Transfer this mixture
to another container for future use.
3. Flush with &stilled water.
4. Follow with acetone, if material is high in fatty compounds, also use it before acid mixture.
Never run different solvents into the same container.
Seitz filter - This filter has an advantage in that a new pad is used for each filtration, thus
eliminating laborious cleaning. It docs absorb certain materials, may add iron, may increase tho pH and,
rarely, add toxic substances (26, 34). These effects can be lessened, if sufficient liquid is available, by
discarding the first volumes passing through the filter. A gentle vacuum pressure should be used,
otherwise contaminating organisms may be pulled through.
.Membrane filter (hlill~porefllter). hilllipore filters in the United States arc almost synonymous
with membrane cellulose ester filters, available through the Millipore Fllter Corp., Dedford, Mass., but
other firms such as the Consolidated Lab., Inc., Chicago Helghts, 111.;Gelrnan Instrument, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48106, and Schleicher and Schuell Co., Keene, H. H., also sell membrane fdters. They are
about double the cost of Seitz pads. The HA grade, pore slze 0.45 1,may be used, although a finer
grade 0.2 C( is recommended. Varlous holders are made. The pyrex filter holder,although not generally
recommended for steriliz~ngfiltration, is commonly used because it costs less than the stainless pressure
filter holder (2). There is also available an autoclavable plastic filter holder. The entire unit w ~ t hthe
filter in place can be autoclaved, although a rubber cap designed to equalize pressure when autoclaving
is recommended with the pyrex filter holder. When sterilizing the membrane it should not become wet,
Filters, if not purchased in autoclave hts, and filters and absorbent pads packaged in h a f t envelopes
should be separated by filter paper, placed in a petri dish, and then wrapped in h a f t paper. Autoclave
at 121 C for 15 minutes and do not exhaust the autoclave rapidly. The filter is placed asceptically into
the filter holder. Tlrese filters are believed to have neglipble absorption and do not contarnmate a
filtrate if the ordinary solvents - water, &lute acids and alkalines - are used. Because of these
properties and a high flow rate with relatively clear kquids, they are highly recommended. These filters
give good results when used m their own holders, successive filtration through 2 filters increases
assurance of sterlllty (39). They are also useful m analysis of water and other liquids, isolation of
specific organisms, medical and clinical analysis, and aerobiological analysis (2, 19). But they are
soluble in ketones, esters,ether-alcohols and mtroparaffins, and are attacked by strong alkalies, More
resistant filters are avallable (2).
Swimy filter adapter (Fig. 3). This filter attaches to a luerlok hypodermic needle and is of use
with both the seitz filter and the membrane filter, although the latter is preferred by me. The larger
Pig, 3: -
Swlnny filter adaptor can be 6tted with r wiQ Nlrr pad or mmbmnb type fillen.
COU-Q d MUU pon Co.
&ace swinny filter is preferred as it is easier t o use. Wrap the adapter, with either filter in place, in
b d p a p r a d autoclave it. With the membrane filter do not go above 121 C ar over 15 minuter, and
exhaust the autoclave slowly. This adapter is easily used and is fine for volumes of 20 ml or less which
relatively free of plugging materials. Be sure the adapter with the filter is screwed tightly in place to
bypass of non-sterile iiquid,
7. Air fdters
Drying tubes filled with cotton wool (nonabsorbent cotton) are usually sufficient, provided they
art kept dry, for forced aeration of cultures. For the filtration of large volumes of air in conjunction
with air conditioning or transfer chambers, commercial fdters are necessary, They usually consist of
glass fibers. Companies that supply "high-efficient" and "ultra-high efficient" filters for removing
almost aU microorganisms are listed in Table 6.
For specific recommendations of air filtration of microbial particles see (17). Portable transfer
hoods equipped with a filter and a blower are available from Air Control Inc., Narberth, Pennsylvania.
There are a number of other firms that offer similar equipment.
Anonymous. 1960. Germicidal lamps and application. LS-179,General Electric Co., Nela Park,
Cleveland 1 2,0tuo.
Anonymous. 1963. Sterilizing filtration and sterility testing. ADM-20.Millipore Filter Corp.,
Bedford, hlass.
Bakcr, K. F. (Ed.). 1957.The U. C. system for producing healthy container grown plants. Calif,
Agr. Exp. Sta. 31anual No. 23.
Baker, K. F. 1962.Principles of heat treatment of soil and planting material. J. Australian Inst.
Agr. Sci. 28: 118-1 26.
Baker, K. F. 1962. Thermotherapy of planting material. Phytopathology 52:1244-1255.
Baker, K. F. and C. M. O l x ~1960. Aerated steam for soil treatment. Phytopatholr~gy50:82
Baker, R and D. J. Phillips. 1962. Obtaining pathogen-free stock by shoot tip culture.
Phytopathology 52:1242-1 244.
Ball, E. 1953. Hydrolysis of sucrose by autochving media, a neglected aspect in the technique of
culture of plant tissues. Bull. Toney Bot. Club. 80:409411.
Beadle, B. W., D. A. Greenwood and H. R Kraybill. 1943. The stability of thiamine to heat. J.
Biol. Chem. 149:339-557.
Btazis, A. R, J. E. Leslie, P. W. Kabler and R. L. Woodward. 1958. The inactivation ofBaciII1s
@bigii, and B. ortthrucis by free abxiIable chlorine. Appl. Microbial. 6:33&342.
Bruch, C. W. 1961.G a s e ~ u s t e r h t i o n . .bRev. hlicrobiol. 15:245-262.
Burnett, G. W., 51. f. Pelczar, Jr. and H. J. Conn. 1957. Preparation of media. In Manual of
Microbiological .\lethob. .\icC;raw-Hill, S. Y .
Buttolph, L. J. and H. Haynes. 1950. Lltraviolet air sanitation. Pamphlet Ld-11. General Electric
Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Cairns, E. 1. 1960. Methods in nemrology: a review. In J. N. Sasser and W. R Jenkins (Ed)
Nrmrtology. Univ. of N. Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
Challinor, S. W. 1943. Bacteriological obseservations on the air of occupied premises. I. Air
W b c t i o n with 'hypochlorites"; a simple practical method of disinfecting the air of occupied
pmmiur. J. Hyg. 43: 1654.
Disinfection and Sterilization
Chatigny, M. A. 1961. Protection against infection in the microbiological laboratory: devices and
procedures. Adv. in Appl. llicrobiology Vol. 3. Academic Press, S. Y .
~ e c k e r H.
, M., L. M. Buchannan, L. B. Hall and K. R. Goddard. 1962. Air fdtration of microbial
particles. Public Health Serv. Pub. No. 953.
Dimock, A. W. 1962. Obtaining pathogen-free stock by cultured cutting techniques. Phytopathol-
OW 52:1239-1241.
Ehrlich, R. 1960. Application of membrane fdten. Adv. in Appl. .\licrobiol. Vol. 2. W. W.
Umbreit (Ed.) Academic Press, N. Y.
Englis, D, T. and D. J. tianahan. 1945. Changes in autoclaved glucose. J. Amer. Chem. Soc.
67:s 1-54.
Gillies, R. A. and L. L. Kcmpe. 1957. Comparison of gamma radiation and heat for sterilization
of fermentation washes. J. Agr. Food Chem. 5:706-708.
Greene, C. L. 1966. Response of conidia and appressoria of Cloeosporiu~nrnlrsanrm to
hypochlorous acid. Phytopatholoy 56: 1201-1 203.
Hall, Angella hi. 1959. The culture of Pl~ytopittltorairzfesta~is. Brit. Slycol. Soc., Trans..42: 15-26.
Hansen, H. N. and W. C. Snyder. 1947. Gaseous sterilization of biological materials for use as
culture media. Phytopathology 37:369-371.
Hill, E. G. and A. R. Patton. 1947. The Malllard reaction in microbiological assay. Science
House, W. 1964. Toxicity of cell culture medium due to fdtration through asbestos pads. Nature
201 :1242.
Judge, L. F,, Jr. and 51. J. Pelczar. 1955. The sterilization of carbohydrates with liquid ethylene
oxide for microbiological fcrrnentation tests. Appl. 11icrobiol. 3:142-245.
Kreutzer, W. A. 1963. Selective toxicity of chemicals to soil microorganisms. Ann. Rev.
Phytopathology 1:lOl-126.
Lawrence, W. J. C. 1955. Soil Sterilization. SIac51illan Co., N. Y.
Lockwood, L. B, and C. E. N. Nelson. 1946. The oxidation of pentoses by Psetrdomonas. J.
Bacteriol, 52:581-586.
Merchant, D. I., R. D. Stewart, L. L. Kempe and J. T. Graikiski. 1954. Use of tissue culture
mediums sterilized with Gamma radiation from Cobalt 60. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med.
Miller, 0. T., R. F. Schrnitt and G. B. Phillips. 1955. Applications of germicidal ultraviolet in
infectious diseases of laboratories. I. Sterilization of small volumes of air by ultraviolet
irradiation. Amer. J. Pub. Health. 45: 1420-1423.
Mudge, C. S. 1917. The effect of sterilization upon sugars in culture media. J. Bacteriol.
Papavizas, C. C. and W. A. Ayers. 1964. Effect of various carbon sources on growth and sexual
reproduction of Aphunomyces euteicher .\lycologia 56:816-830.
Patton, A. R., R C. Salances and M. Piano. 1954. Lysine destruction in casein-glucose interaction
measure by quantitative paper chromatography. Food Res. 1 9 : W S O .
Perkins, 3. I. 1963. Principles and methods of sterilization. Charles Thomas, Springfield.
Peterson, G. H. 1962. Microbial activity in heat-and electron sterilized soil seeded with
microorganisms. Can. J. Slicrobiol. 8:s 19-523.
Peterson, G. H. 1962. Respiration of soil sterilized by ionizing radiations. Soil Sci. 94:71-74.
Portner, Dorothy, C. R. Phillips and R. R. Hoffman. 1967. Certification of probability of
sterilization of liquid by fdtration. Appl. Microbiol. 15:800-807.
Reddish, G. F. 1957. Antiseptics, Disinfectants, Fungicides, and Chemical and Physical Sterili-
zation. Loa and Febiger, Philadelphia.
Robbins, W. J. and Llda McVeigh. 1951. Observations on the inhibitory action of hydrolyzed
agar. Mycologia 43: 11-1 5.
Disinfection md Sterilization 91
Schley, D. G., R. F. Hoffman and C. R. Phillips. 1960. Simple improvised chambers for gas
d c d k a t i o n and ethylene oxide. Appl. .\licrobiol. 8: 15-19.
Shirling, E. 8. and D. Gottlieb. ,1966. Slethodr for characterization ofSrreptomyces species. Int,
J. Syst. Bactcriol. 16:3 13-340.
Shurtleff, M. C., D. P. Taylor, J. W. Courter and H,B. Petty, Jr. 1964. Soil disinfestation. Illinois
Agr. Ext. Serv. Circ. 893.
Silver, I. H. 1963. Explosion in an autoclave caused by cellulose nitrate tubes. Nature 199: 102.
Stierli, H., L. I. Reed and I. ti. Billickc. 1962, Evaluation of sterilization by gaseous ethylene
oxide. Pub. Health Man. So. 68.
Street, H. E. 1957. Nutrition and metabolism of plant tissue cultures. J. Nat. Cancer Ins,
Sykes,G. 1958. Disinfection and sterilization. D. Van Nostrand, Princeton, N. J.
Tessler, J. 1961. Reaction of the sterilant ethylene oxide on plastics. Appl. ~licrobiol.9:256.
Thompson, H. C. and J. W. Gerdemann. 1962. An improved method for sterilization of agar
media with propylene oxide. Phytopathology 52: 167-168.
Tyncr, L. E. 1957. Effect of moisture in partial-sterilization procedures. Phytopathology 47:536.
Virgin, W. J. and Jean C. Sldoit. 1937. The use of triethylcne glycol vapor as an aid in the control
of airborne contaminants. Phytopathology 37:365.(Abstr.)
Ward, E. W. B. 1964. Stimulation of growth of a low temperature. Basidiomycete due to heat
sterilization of a culture medium. Can. 1. Bot. 42:283-285.
Watson, R. D., H . E.Carley and D. M. Huber. 1966. Storage of culture media for lab and field
use. Phytopathology 56:352.
Wedum, A. G., E. Hanel and C. Phillips. 1956. Ultraviolet sterilization in microbiological
laboratories. Public Health Reports 71 ~331-336.
Isolation of Bacteriophage and Plant
Pathogenic Actinomycetes, Bacteria and Fungi
Facton Invoked in Isolation
1. Ihe condition of the diseased material
2. Surface disinfectants
3. Incubation temperature
4. The medium used for isolation
Table 7. Compounds commonly added to media to inhibit fungi or bacteria or both
5. Technique of isolation
Methods of Isolation
1. Induce spomlatjon
11. Induce mycclial growth
IU.Dilution techniques
N.1solation by host inoculation
V. Isolation by baitbg
M.Dltect isolation
F m h g Fungus Cultules of Bacterial Contaminants
The Isolation of Single Cells
Isolation of fungus spores
Methods using the stereoscopic microscope
Methods using an ordinary light microscope
lwlation of single cells of bacteria
Some Tools Used in Isolating Single S p o m
bolation of Bactcrioph~gts
Literature Cited
Mostly treated here is the isolation of microbial plant pathogens from their hosts and soil. See
(129) for details on the isolation and culture of host tissue, (24) host tissue and parasite, (31)
pathogen-free clones, (10, 34, 42, 44, 58, 61, 79, 126, 128) for detailed treatment on the isolation of
microorganisms from soil, (62, 108, 115) for the isolation of aquatic fungi, (19) for the isolation of
fungi from sewage and polluted water, (3) for the isolation of Myxomycetes, (15) for the isolation of
rctasieae, (40, 81) for the isolation of yeasts, and (14, 50, 73, 120) for the detection of antibiotic
First, it is well to know what the obligate parasites look like to avoid needless attempts to culture
them on ordinary artificial media. The rusts, powdely and downy mildews, constitute the majority of
obligates and arc fortunately easy to recognize.
Some of the factors influencing the outcome of isolation of microorganisms from their hosts and
from other material are:
1, The condition of the diseased material. Success in isolation depends upon the proper selection
and usually rather quick use of diseased host material, Isolation from badly decayed or from oldel
portions of diseased tissue is difficult, as faster growing secondary organisms may be present or the
pathogen has died. Frequently, storage of even prime material in plastic bags at room temperature
rapidly results in an urgently disposable mess, Collections if not used soon should be refrigerated and
stored dried if possible.
2. The kind of "surface disinfectants" uscd to eliminate contaminating and superficial micro.
organisms. Several workers have shown (27, 124) that HgCI2, CaCIO, and AgNOj preferentially isolated
certain fungi. Rl~ync~iosporiurn seculis was very sensitive to HgCI2 while not t o NaCIO (102). In
addition, HgClz is not removed by washing in water (84). A 1% solution of NaCIO, although reputed to
be harmful t o the isolation of Pythiutn (47, 1171, is generally suitable. Some workers, particularly in
first isolation attempts, wash the tissue, with or without sand or detergents, in running tap water or
sterile water (47, 63) to avoid damage. Soaking tissues in solutions of antibiotics prior to plating seems
t o be discontinued in favor of incorporating thew materials into the plating medium (94).
3. Temperatures at which materials are incubated. An expected example of this is the difficulty
of isolation of a low temperature basidiomycete at normal temperatures (9, 71). There are enough
other examples (12) t o be mindful of this requirement. In general temperatures of 20-24 C
are suitable.
4. The medium used for isolation. All media are selective t o some extent, even the brand of agar
may have same influence (76). Generally, media of pH 4 5 favor isolation of fungi, as most bacteria and
actinomycetes are intolerant of acid conditions. In initial attempts to isolate an unknown plan!
pathogen, "standard isolation media" are often used; for bacteria: beef peptone agar (nutrient agar); for
fungi: corn meal, malt agar, PDA (often acidified), and water agar; and failing, media rnade up of the
host that is being isolated from or more specialized media. bficroscopic examination of infected tissue
often indicates the "kind" of pathogen involved - fungus, bacterium or actinomycete- thus suggesting
likely media. More numbers and kinds of certain groups of microorganisms, particularly from soil, are
obtained by adding selectively inhibitory (Table 7) and or enriching materials to culture media.
Enrichment materials such as pectin (32), chitin (73) or alcohol (75, 120) arc usually the sole source of
carbon in the media and are utilized by limited numbers of microorganisms, including the desired
organism. Alcohol may be effective more for its inhibitory value than differential utilization. Inhibitors
w e d are: antibiotics, commercial fungicides, dyes, detergents and certain naturally occurring products
such as oxgall and sodium propionate. Subject to their concentration, they may inhibit some organisms
completely or slow the growth of fast-spreading fungi such as Trichoderma and Rhizopus, thus
permitting the slower growers to be detected. Commonly used materials are listed in Table 7 with
references on their value and use. Some general references are (2,69,89,90, 116,122). It is important
t o know something about their solubility, stability, compatibility and inhibitory spectrum before use.
'Zheir properties may also vary in different media, pH often being important. A list of specific isolation
media is in the chapter on media.
S. Technique of Isolation. The growth habits, the mode of reproduction, and the ecology of a
microorganism largely determine how it can be isolated. For example, as bacteria produce large
numbers of reproductive units, they are more efficiently isolated by culturing dilutions of infected
plant tissue than by culturing intact pieces of tissue. Slow growing organisms are often more readily
obtained by the direct isolation of spores than by culturing tissue o n a nutrient agar. Certain grain
storage fungi: members of the Aspergillus g h c u s group that grow under conditions of physiologicd
drought are best isolated on high osmotic media which duplicates their environment in part (8).
Before isolating from plant materials, particularly when seeking an organism or organisms
ipvolved in a disease, the tissue should be examined for fmiting bodies, mycelium and bacterial cells.
k t d s of procedures may be found in the section dealing with microscopic techniques. The methods of
d a t i o n and recommendations are:
Induce sporulation
Primarily for leaf spotting fungi
11, Induce mycelkd growth For deep seated infections and poorly spodsring fungi
Ill. Dilution technique For bacteria and microorganisms present in luge numbers of repre
ductive units
IV. Host inoculation Obligate parasites, badly contaminated and/or very slow growing
V. Baiting Qrtain organisms, usually occurring in the soil, that are able to grow
more competitively in certain bait substrates
VI. Direct isolation Organisms that may be found in pure colonies and some slow grow-
ing organisms
I. Induce sporulation: (fungal lesion producers). Most micro fungi attacking aeri31 parts of the plant
mll sporulate on the host if kept moist at a suitable temperature, permitting subsequent transfer. One,
however, should be prepared for the occasional sterile fungus or one that produces nonviable spores.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Cut across lesions, including some healthy tissue, to give pieces of 114 t o 3/4", If a pathogen is
known to be very slow growing and there are contaminants, cutting very srndl pieces after the tissue
has been disinfected and dried on sterile filter paper is helpful (96).
2. Submerge pieces in 1% sodium hypochlorite or other disinfectant for different times from 5 seconds
t o 1-2 minutes. If tissue is hard t o wet, either dip momentarily into 7m ethanol or add a drop of
Tween 20 or 80 or a suitable detergent to the NaC10.
3. Using a forceps, shake off excess and place 5 or 6 pieces, well separated, on sterile moist fiiter paper
or on water agar, in petri dishes. The latter maintains a more uniform supply of moisture and can be
acidified if bacteria are a problem. In any case, this low nutrient medium is u x d t o encourage
sporulation and discourage secondary organisms.
4. Observe for spores-fruit bodies from the w a n d day on. If no organisms appear after 1.2 weeks, or if
the immature fruit bodiespreviously present fail to produce spores, repeat step 1 but wash the tissue
in a screened wide mouth jar under running tap water for IGtO minutes, followed by a rinse in
sterile water, and repeat step 3. You may wish to do this concurrently with S d l O treatment. In the
event of continuing immature fruit bodies special environmental treatments may be necessary. See
chapter on increase of incxlllurn for details.
5. When fruiting occurs, spores are usually transferred t o acidified PDA, PDA or V-8 juice agar (the
latter often encourages sparulation). For details see method VI (Direct Isolation) and section on
iodation of single spores. Species of Colletom'churn, Cercospom, Phorrra {Pfri~llosticta),Ascoclryta,
Stemphylium, Septorh, fflelminrhosporium.St~gonosporaare common leaf spotters and should be
familiar. Alternu&, CLadosporiurn, Epicoccum, Tnkhoderma. Choetomium and Penicillium are
commonly present, but usually they are saprophytes. (Use some caution before dismissing them.)
Some Ascomycctes, e.g. Pseudopezzia medicagrnis, Leptosphaenrlina briosiena, and many Basidio-
mycetes, forceably discharge their spores, thus facilitating their isolation. Their fruiting bodies n a y
be placed on the inside of the lid of a petri dish and allowed to shoot spores onto the agar. If plates
ue inverted during shooting, less contaminants occur. This method only works with those organisms
able to shoot spores several em. The lid is rotated to distribute spores. Light of a few hundred ft* is
necessary to induce spore discharge of many Ascomycetes.
U. Induce mycelial growth: (Deep-seated infections and poor sporulating fungi) organisms, such as
wood rotting fungi, stem and root parasites that do not fruit readily on host t i w e and/or are found
primarily in internal tissues, are generally isolated by culturing pieces of internal tissue on a nutrient
agar or on water agar. The procedures are as follows:
For Woody Tissue - Fruits. etc.
1. If roots, wash thoroughly with running tap water -- shake dry.
2. Dip material in 1% sodium hypochlorite or wipe with a cotton swab dipped in the disinfectant.
Ethanol, is often used, followed by lightly flaming the tissue. This must be done with care to
avoid ignition of tishe or overheating.
3, Using a flamed knife or razor blade, peel back outside layer of tissue. Flame instrument each time a
cut is made. With fruits some workers prefer to score with instrument and then force open by
4. Dig out small pieces of tissue 118 to 1/2" with a flamed knife or forceps at margin of infected tissue.
Organism may have died out or be contaminated in badly rotted tissue.
5. Place 3 or 4 pieces, well separated, on acidified PDA, PDA, m d t agar, corn meal, or other desirable
6, After growth, transfer bits of agar containing mycelium from the edge of developing colonjes to test
tubes or plates. Also look for spores on plated out host tissue.
For Fine Roots and Damped-off Seedlings
1. Wash root thoroughly for 10 to 20 minutes with running tap water using a wide mouth jar fitted
with a screen top or covered with chcesc cloth.
2. Rjnsc twice in sterile water, shake dry, and plate on water agar ~ith a dry surface. Dip others in 1%
sodium hypochlorite for 10 seconds to 2 minutes, shake off excess, and place on water agar, no
more than 3 per plate, An alternative method is to cut a thin longitudinal section, place on a
coverslip, and add a few drops of water agar containing 0.2% aureomycin. Incubate on a glass ring
sealed to a slide (47), permitting microscopic determination of origin of mycelium.
3. Transfer bits of agar containing mycelium from the outermost edge of developing colonies to
separate tubes or plates of PDA. Do this 2-4 days after plating and do not acidify the medium. Also
examine for fruiting bodies in tissue. If bacteria are present, see purification procedures. Genera
most commonly isolated from damped-off ssedlings are Pythium, Rhizoctonk, Aphanorn,vces,
Fuwium, and Phytoptlrhora, particularly the first two. Apltattonlyces is more effectively isolated by
placing washed seedlings in sterile water with frequent changes for 12-24 hr, then placing firmly on
corn meal,
III. Diution techniques: (usually with organisms producing many reproductive units). Dilution
techniques favor the organisms that produce large numbers of reproductive units - heavy sporulating
fungi, yeast, bacteria and actinomycetes. Dilution also proved useful for the detection of a nonparasitic,
but pathogenic species of Pcnicillium that grew on the surface of peach roots, produced a toxin and
caused a wilt disease (30). Because dilution physically separates organisms, slower growing organisms
that normally are overrun in tissue platings occasionally may be detected by this method.
For the Isolation of a Leaf Spotting Bacterium
1, Cut out younger portions of lesions, cut one in half in a drop of water and after several minutes
examine under oil immersion. if bacteria are streaming from the lesion, proceed.
2. A surface treatment u w d y is unnecessary because the relatively fewer contaminants are left behind.
If disinfection is desirable, dip lesions briefly in either 1% NaClO or 70% ethanol and rinse 3 times
with sterile water.
3. Place several lesions in 0.5 to 1.0 ml of sterife water in a petri dish, mince finely with a flamed razor
blade and wdt several minutes.
4. Transfer several loopfuls of the suspensions t o another plate containing 0.5 to 1.0 ml of sterile
water, mix thoroughly, and repeat this for 2 or 3 more plates.
5. Add cooled molten (45-50 C) beef peptone agar or other desirable media to the 3 plates and mix
gently but thoroughly by rotation. Invert the plates after the agar is hardened to lessen the chance of
bacterial colonies running together. Select prevalent colonies for transfer.
For the Isolation of Microorganisms from Soil
Recision and perhaps accuracy of the dilution plate technique can be increased by: pooling of a
number of original samples (58, 59), immediate use of the sample or storage at I15 C for a week or less,
use of large sample aliquots, use of dilutions yielding around 30 colonies per plate (achieved by varying
amount of soil used than by varying dilution procedure (58)), use of mechanical aids to achieve
unifonn dispersion, use of wide aperture pipettes, use of fresh pipettes for each dilution (59), use of a
diluent of sufficient viscocity (57, 58). use of media that inhibit spreading organisms (SP), and use of
10 or more plates for a dilution (105).
Two simplified dilution plate methods are suggested here. For others see Clark (16), Watson
(128), and Johnson (60). Common to both are that a lo4 dilution is usually satisfactory for fungi, 10'
for actinomycetes and lo5 to 10' for bacteria. Bacteria are often isolated on a soil extract medium or
nutrient agar. Fungi with OAES, Martins modified V-8 juice or PDA-tergitol and Actinotnycetes are
usually isolated on water agar or Casein glycerol medium. The number of colonies that appear are
averaged and multiplied by the dilution factor to give the number per gram of soil. For critical work it
may be necessary to determine the moisture content for a sample of the soil and convert to dry basis
(10 g sample at 105 C for 24 hr).
The fust procedure is modified from Hornby (58) and is much less precise than his original
1. Aseptically collect and pass soil sample through a 2mm sieve,
2. Add 10 g of soil t o 200 rnl of 1% sodium carboxymethy cellulose' (CMC) or 0.2% water agar
in a 16 oz flat sided screw cap bottle.
3. Shake bottle horizontally on a reciprocating shaker for 20 min.
4. Transfer 1 d aliquot to 9 rnl of CMC diluent in a 4 oz bottle and shake for 4 min.
5. Transfer a 1 ml aliquot to 49 rnl of ChlC and shake for 2 minutes on the shaker.
6. Transfer 1 ml t o each of 5 sterile petri dishes. Agitate bottles between each pipetting.
7. Add 17 ml of a suitable precooled medium (45 C) and dispense inoculum with circular and
aide to tide movements of the petri dish.
A second soil dilution technique is modified from Maciejowska (75).
1. Add boning water to the Waringt~lendorfor a minutes; treat the lid similarly.
2. Add 300 ml of sterile 0.1% water agar and 30 g of soil,
3. Blend for 1 minute.
4. Transfer 1 ml t o 99 ml of 0.1% sterile water agar contained in either milk dilution bottles or
screwcapped prescription bottles; this gives a dilution of 1: 1000 (lo3).
5. Shake bottle vigorously and repeat step 4 for a dilution of 1: 1000,000 (10').
6. Two dilutions are selected for culturing on agar. Transfer 1.0 ml from the selected dilutions to
each of usually 5 plates.
7. To obtain a 1; 10,000 (104) dilution with fewer dilution bottles, 0.1 ml instead of l,0 rnl is
taken from the 1:1000 dilution bottle and added t o a petri dish. This procedure, although
time saving, decreases precision.
8. Add cooled agar (45-50 C) (bottle barely cbmfortable when held to the cheek) and rotate. If
bacteria are expected, invert plate after the agar has har&ned.
Soil plate method (Warcup ( I 25))
A less complicative method which tends to yield more kinds of fungi than those obtained from
the dilution plate-technique.
1. Fashion a flattened nichrome wire into a microspatula so it will pick up about 0,005 g to 0.15
g of soil.
2. Transfer the soil to a sterile petri dish and crush and mix the particles in a drop of water. The
latter step may be omitted for light textured soils.
3. Add 8-10 ml of melted and cooled (45 C) Czapek's agar plus 0.5% yeast extract which is
acidified with phosphoric acid to pH 4. (Other media may be desirable.)
This technique usualty reveals a greater variety of fungi than the soil dilution technique. See
Garrett's (44) for an evaluation of the numerous method of isolating fungi from soil and Johnson's et a1
(61) for details of many of the methods.
N. Isolation by host inoculation: (for obligate parasites and difficult cases). When diseased materials
are badly contaminated or the organism is difficult t o isolate by ordinary means from field ,plant
material, the contaminated source of the organism can be purified by direct inoculation of the host,
This screens out the non-parasitic organisms and usually allows isolation with methods not previously
feasible. Xarrt/~omonastranshicerrs is isolated from soil by this method (7) as is Apllanomyces euteiches
from roil and host material (63). This method overlaps the following one.
V. lsalation by baiting: (for difficult cases and for organisms in soil that do not show in dilution
plates). A variety of microorganisms may be isolated from soil and water by the use of some
preferential substrate. The desired organism is able to develop on the bait to the exclusion of other
organism, thus allowing isolation by ordinary methods. Agrobacterilrm tumefaciens (4) and Thiclaviop
sis bashla (131) are isolated from soil by the use of carrot discs (for details see media section).
Rhizoctonfa with cellophane (251, a number of water molds, are isolated by the addition of boiled
hemp seed t o pond water or soil-water mixtures (36). The insertion of diseased materials (121) or soil
(13) inside thc "baitw-apple is used to isolate many but not all species of Phytophtho~.Lemon fruits
are used for the Phytophthoras that cause diseases of citrus (I 19). Planting susceptible plants in infested
soil is often considered a form of baiting. For details of baiting and other methods of isolation of
Rhiz4ctonia from soil see (25,261.
W. Direct &lation: (fungi already fruiting). If an organlsm is sporulating on diseased material, the
spores or fruiting bodies may with the aid of a stereoscopic microscope be picked up with a f i e needle,
micro-spatula, or loop. The spores can be streaked on agar or added t o 1-2 drops of sterile water on the
surface of acidified agar and streaked from the drops. Fruit bodies not oozing spores are usually
handerred through 3 or 4 adjoining drops of sterile water on a previously flamed slide to reduce
contaminants before being crushed. Spores thus released may be strcaked on agar. Frequently, fun@
arch as C m s p o r a , Septoria, and Kabatielo that are not fast growing organisms are isolated from the
host by direct isolation.
The contamination of funs& cultures with bacteria is frequently encountered, occurring in many
initial isolations as well as in the routine handling or increase of the organism. "Hidden" bacterial
art usually reveded by areaking the culture on a medium a p suitable for bacterial
growth - PDA or beef peptone agar. Here are same suggestions for purifying the fungus culture:
1. Make single spore isolations. particularly of fund that fruit on aerial hyphae.
2. Use bacterial inhibitors in medium, particularly broad spectrum antibiotics like streptomycin
and aureomycin.
3. Use low temperature incubation. It may allow the fungus to free itself of bacteria, at least at
the edges from where transfers may be made.
4. Use of a low pH if the fungus can tolerate it.
5. If a pathogen, in~culatethe host.
6. Use an agar cleansing technique (62, 112). This is especially good for fast growing fungi such
as&thium which cannot tolcrate a low pH.
a. Pour a 2.0-3.03water a p r plate.
b. Cut agar into several trimplar pieces.
c. Insert a piece of contaminated culture under each section.
d. Schmitthenner and Hi!ty (104) recommend shaking contaminated tissue-bearing spores of
Cercospora bericob or Seprurio glycines in a solution of streptomycin sulfate and
chloromycetin (both 25 rnp'l). Then add suspension of spores to agar surface and invert.
They also recommend isolation of certain species of Ph~~rophtl~oru, Aphunomyces and
Pythium via their zoospores by this inverted agar technique in conjunction with selective
media. Single spores can be located at bottom surface of petri dish without opening dish
and thereby decreasing the chances of contamination with nutrient agar.
e. After 48-96 hr bacteriaI-iree mycelium usually can be isolated at top surface of agar.
f. A J. Ullstrup (personal communication) prefers to put a small block of a nutrient agar on
top of water agar, allowing the fungus to grow into it. This is then transferred to another
g. Confirm purity by streaking organism on PDA or beef yeptone agar.
Fig. 4. Micrwpatula
Fig. 6. Micro-Spear
Isolation of bacteriophages, (modification of 23,43,54,64) with suggestions from DeVay (29).
1. Inoculate a flask of 50 ml of beef peptone broth with host bacterium (2 rnl of a 24 hr culture).
2. Add 100 g of coil or supernatant liquid from plant tissue. (Grind latter in a mortar or blendor
with broth.)
3. Incubate for 48 hr.
4. Centrifuge at 200 g for 15-30 minutes.
5. Filter suspension through sterile millipore filter (0.45 C( pore size) or a UF sinitered glass frlter.
(Or you may wish to kill bacteria by adding 0.1 rnl of chloroform to 5 rnl of suspension in a
stoppered bottle. Shake vigorously.)
6. Add an aliquot of treated suspension to freshly inoculated broth. If chloroform is used, be sure it
has settled out and none is transferred to broth culture.
7. After 24 hr, culture containing phage should be clearer than turbid controls.
8. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6. Many prefer to omit the following steps and go to the soft agar
technique described later.
9. To demonstrate plaques, spread a 24 hr broth culture on solid nutrient a p .
10. Spread a smaller loopful of the Nter-sterilized suspension over the center portion of the area
coveted by the culture.
11. After 24 hrs phage-containing fdtrate is indicated by a clear area on the agar surrounded by
bact erial growth.
If unsuccessful d o the following:
1. Collect samples from where the disease occurs.
2. Repeat for a given sample steps 4 , 5 and 6, five or six times successively.
3. Adjust pH of supernatant liquid t o 7.0 or above before filtering.
4. Use the enrichment technique of C r o s s (23) as follows: Add a 48 hr culture of host bacterium
to 150 g of soil placed in a sterile glass jar, periodically mix for 48 hr, and follow procedures
listed above using decanted liquid frorn soil mixture.
To purify and quantitate phages use the soft agar technique (1,43). Use sterile technique throughout.
I. Dilute original phage stock lo4, l o s , l o 6 or other more suitable dilutions in 1% peptone
water. Can be stored at 4 C.
2. Fill small tubes with 1.5 rnl of beef peptone broth containing 0.5% agar. Maintain at 46 C.
3. Add 5 drops af 3 broth bacterial culture, 24 hr old, to small tubes.
4. Add 0.1 rnl of diluted phage suspension. (Note another 10 fold dilution.)
5. Mix thoroughly and pour immediately over the surface of nutrient agar in a petri dish. Surface
of agar should be dry.
6. Within 24 to 48 hr plaques, usually clear areas, will be distinct enough to count and to
7. Individual separated plaques can be selected and their area rubbed with a glass needle and
transferred to a freshly (bacterial) inoculated plate of agar (23). Or you may wish to purify
a. Scraping off the soft agar layer of a plaque.
b. Mixing with 5 ml of nutrient broth.
c. Centrifuge at 2000 g for 15-30 minutes.
d. Treat with chloroform as previously described.
How t o detect plant pathogenic bacteria in plant tissue using phages is reported in several reports (17,
64). improvements have been offered (9 1).
Adams, M. H. 1950. Methods of study of bacterial viruses. In J. H. Comroe, Jr., Methods in
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108 Isolation
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36. Eckert, J. W. and P. H. Tsao. 1962. A selective antibiotic medium for isolation ofPi~jlrophthoru
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Schnathorst, W. C. 1958. An efficient method of obtaining single conidial isolates of powdery
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Isolation 111
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Mycologia 38:346348.
Diagnosing the Causes of Plant Diseases
Table 8. Diagnostic characters and associations o f same causes o f plant di-s
Table 9. Hosts m d references on culture, pests and diseases
Dbase Diagnosis Check List
Table 10, References which consider diseases of many hosts
Idcnti5cation of Fungal Pathogens (by George B. Cummins)
The Host Plant
The Pathogen
The Host Index and Other Resource hlntedals and hlethods
Table 11. Culture collections
Quarantine Rcquiremants
The Preparation of Phnt Herbarium Specirnenq
Identitition of Plant Pathogenic Bactetia
Table 12. Some diagnostic features of genera of plant pathogenic bacteria
Identifying Nematodes and Diagnosing the D ~ s c ~ s w
e sh ~ c hThcy Cause (by Glenn Bergeson)
Utemture Cited
It is often difficult t o determine the cause of a disease. Some of the different entities that cause
plant diseases may cause similar symptoms, upsetting the same physiologic processes in the plant. For
example, cenain fungi cause a wet rot of tissue, a symptom usually associated with bacterial plant
pathogens; genetic abnormalities and mineral defjciencies frequently cause virudike symptoms. Also,
several agents, successively or simultaneously involved, may be overrun by saprophytes; or infectious
diseases may be obscured or emphasized by climatic or culturd factors.
For diagnosis, it is helpful to narrow the areas of confusion by being acquainted with: (1) the
common diseases of the host in question, (2) the sorts of troubles peculiar to the locale, and (3) the
sorts of troubles expected at the particular time of year or under the prevalent weather. These facts
help one to determine the common ills, thus leaving time and effort to the more unusual. This
procedure should not encourage snap judgment and untested opinions.
It b basic t o know what is abnormal and to be able t o recognize the significance of signs and
symptoms. Knowing the common symptom types, distribution, and prevalence of diseases If used
Czmthurly, i s helpful (see Table 8). In Table 9 are references of the culture and diseases of most
economic crops. There are outstanding treatment of the diseases of some crops; others have o d y
Cursory or semi-technical compilations. General host treatments are included because they help to
integrate disease with the culture and other problems of the crop. To be a good diagnostician one must
know much more than the strict pathology of a host. The assembled team of experts is ideal but rorely
Chum of Plant Disuses 113
SOP conditions
Fertilizer treatment
Nutrient levels of soil or tissue respond to spraying or injection with suspected deficient
elemen ts
pH -may make nutrients in soil unavailable, e.g., iron chlorosis
Soil type and site poor aeration, poor drainage, shallow soit
Saline soil (usually arid or semi-arid soils)
Air pollution
Smog areas
Near industrial factories
Gas leaks usually manufactured gas is more toxic
Activities of animals and man
Grower's remarks - (Question closely to get all the facts)
&in&, specialized trichomes, or conspicuous lenticels that may be mistaken for "pustules" or "sorim.
The tissue involved, e.g., phloem or xylem, is important and so may be the color of the affected tissue.
The Pathogen. Not all fungi produce fruiting structures readily, but many do. Classifications,
keys, and descriptions are mostly based on the morphology of the reproductive structures of the fungi
(mycelial characters (229, 230) and chemical tests (270) may also be used in some groups), If fruiting
structures are associated with diseased tissue, they may be sufficient t o permit identification. Such is
uarally the case with the smut, rust, powdery mildew, downy mildew fungi, and frequently with many
other pathogens. In the absence of fruiting structures, isolation and growth on specialized media and in
controlled environment may induce reproduction. Fulfillment of Koch's Postulates, or modifications
thereof, may be necessary t o establish the cause of the disease.
Given fruiting structures, (well described in (2,7, 26)) one would need answers to the following:
1. Is the mycelium nonseptate (a Phycomycete) or septate (an Ascomycete or a Basidiomycete)?
There are exceptions. Spore structure may make this question unnecessary.
2. Are the reproductive structures one of these common ones? (a) sporangia, zygospores,
antheridia, oogonia, oospores (Phycomycetes); (b) conidia on free sporophores (5loniliales),
conidia within pycnidia (Sphaeropsidales), conidia in a c e m l i (melanconiales), or ascocarps,
where the spores are born in asci (Ascomycetes); (c) basidiocarps (Hymenomycetes) or
basidia on the host surface (Exobasidium) or produced by germinating teliospores (Uredinales
and Ustilaginaceae) of the Basidiomycetes.
3. What is the detailed morphology of the sporocarp or sporophore and what is their relation to
host tissues?
4. Are the spores colored or colorless, smooth or sculptured, wptate or nonscptate, sessile or
podicellate, borne singly or in chains, etc.? How conidia are formed may have an increasing
value in separating species and genera. (1 95)
5. Using these facts, "key" the pathogen to the order or family in Martin (201) and t o the genus
in Clements and Shear (63), Bessey (26) or Sprague (281). Many plant pathologists have been
frustrated by this route. If the conidia are produced in acemli, it is only logical to start
keying in the blelanconkles (18, 26) or to check the host index for melanconhceous
pathogens. Other short cuts may be taken as you gain experience. If you know that the
pathogen is a rust fungus, you would go directly to Arthur (14) and Curnmins (76, 77); if a
smut, to Fischer (101). Most such monographs have their own host indexes. For pathogens
other tlun rust and smut fungi - of grasses, one might consult Sprague (281) immediately.
6. Monographs. You may continue to identify the fungus by its morphology, using increasingly
specialized monographs - for Alterturia (155, 227, 302, 330), Arrhrinum (Y7), Aspergillus
(253), AphP~tottytces(269), Ceplulosp9rium (88, 293), Ceratocysris (1 46, 336), Cercospora
(60), Choetomilinl (S), Cochliobolus ( I 96), Colletotrichum ( l S), Corynespow (96), Curvrtbria
(96), Cylindrocarpon (35), Cylirtdrocladium (30), Diaporthe (321), Enronwphtltora (147),
Fusunirml (34. 1 1 1,207). Gloeosporiirnr ( 13), kfeterusporiurn (1 5 l), Hj~poxylon (2 IS),
Monoclraettrr (1 19), Penicilfium (254), Perunspom ( 122), PestaQtla (1 19), Plgvsodcrnza (I S8),
Phytopltthora (301, 319), Pleospora (322), P~tltirrrrl (205, 214, 320B), Sclcrospora (320A),
Selenophoma (282), Stsn~phylilirn( 2 2 7), Sy~tcliytrium( 1 59), Taphrirta (2 17), Tltiekzvia (36),
or consult a host index t o fmd what species parasitize the host that you have.
The Host Index. The Index of Plant Diseases in the United States (306) provides a good example.
Host plmt families are arranged alphabetically, beginning with Acanthaceae and ending with
Zygophyllaceae. Genera arc alphabetized under each family and, in general, the native species are
grouped under each genus by geographical regions. Introduced species are grouped separately. There are
regular indexes to the families and genera of hosts and to common names. Under each genus and under
ocrtlin species are listed, alphabetically, the pathogens often with a statement as t o type of disease, e.g.,
powdery mildew or the part of plant attacked, and the states where each has been recorded.
' -
A ,ant publicrlion Toussoun. T. A. and P. E. N c h n . 1969. It pictorial guide to the idcntificatlon of Fuwium
species. P ~ MState Univ. Prcu. Univ. Park. Pa.
120 Causes or Plant Diseases
A less professional but often expedient approach is the "matching method." For example, if the
disease occurred on a leaf, the leaf pathogens recorded in the host index are compared with the
organism involved. Descriptions of the unfamiliar organisms listed may often be found in a treatment
a& as S p r a p e (281), Besuy (26) or Alexopoulos 17). If not thereIVtheDictionary of the Fungi (1)
may reveal what group the fungus is located in and often cite a monographic treatment. Your task is
much easier if an economic host and a common disease are involved, as well-illustrated details of fungus -
and symptoms usually are available.
After determining the genus of a pathogen, one refers to the host index to find what species of
that genus are recorded for the host plant. Next, the morphology of the pathogen in question is
compared with that of the species recorded in the host index. This may be done by collsulting Saccardo
(260), or specialized monograptis. A valuable guide to the literature of specific fungus pathogens is
Moore (220). If the Commonwealth Mycological Institute continues to publish descriptions of
pathogenic fungi, initiated in 1964, they will make an extremely useful reference. In most situations
these procedures will suffice.
Using Illustrations, It may be less "scientific" to attempt identification by looking at pictures,
but illustrations ae made to be used and much can be learned rather quickly by using them. Genera rnay
be more readily recognized from illustrations than species because distinctions are greater. But one
needs t o be sure that the fungus rei~llycorresponds to the illustration. A visual comparison should be
followed by referring to the description of the fungus and to the symptoms 01the discase that i t causes.
If you have access t o an herbarium, or if the curator is willing to send specimens (a list of herbaria
may be found in (179)), you may be able to compare with previously identified specimens or with
living cultures available from type culture collections (Table 1 I),
The Unusual Fungus. Occasionally routine procedure brings no satisfactory answer, The fungus
may be:
1. Known but previously reported only on other hosts. If a monograph of the genus is available,
compare the morphology of the fungus with that of the species described in the monograph. If
there is no monograph, solicit help from someone with special competence in the particular
group of fungi or follow the procedure detailed under number 3.
2. The pathogen may be recently introduced from some foreign area. Most areas have literature
and descriptive manuals. If these are not available, you may again consult some specialist or
follow the procedures under number 3.
3. After routine sources of information have been consulted without success, the procedure to
follow is about as follows:
A. If there is a world-wide monograph of the genus, you may assume that it is dependable. But
because of publication tine, subtract five years from the date of issue and start the
checking accordingly.
B. Consult Saccardo "Sylloge Fungorum" (260), using first, of course, the index volumes.
Descriptions are provided in the "Syllogc Fungorum."
C. Consult the socalled Petrak "Lists" (242). These publications list new species, the host,
country of origin, and the places of publication. Descriptions are not included. For theu,
the original publications must be consulted. The Petrak "Lists" cover the period
192Cb1939, thus begin before the date (1931) of publication of the last volume of "SyUoge
D. Consult the Index of Fungi (lo), 1940 t o date. The Index is a continuation of the Petrak
"Listsw and is now issued twice each year.
E. Consult current issues of periodicals in the fields of mycology and plant patholow for the
past 12 months or more, abstracting journals, e.g., Review of Applied Mycology, and lbts
of titles, c.g., The Taxonomic Index.
Table 11. Culture collections.' (Some of these laboratories published catalogs.)
(All requests for pathogenic cultum must be cleared
through the Plant Quarantine Division.
See below for regulations in the United States.)
The New Species. If you are convinced that the disease or the fungus or both are new and you
wish t o publish, acquaint yourself with the following publications (4,5, 29, 142,54,286). In as far as
possible the conclusion that a species is new should be based on a study of variation and variability of
roveral isolates or collections.
I For other culture coUcctions see Cktk, W. A, and W. Q. Loegcring. 1967. Functions md maintcnrnce of(
m l t u n colkstion. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 5:3 19-342.
I. C a m Out Koch's Postulates or, for obligate parasites, acceptable modifications thereof. C r o s
inoculations t o other hosts are highly desirable.
2, When describing a new species, follow the stipulations of the International Code of
Nomenclature (29), noting especially that:
A. The description must be in Latin. Two references (54, 286) are helpful. An English
description may be provided but is not required. If color is significant in the description of
the organism (in the speciation ofSrrvptunyces it is an open question (248)) consult color
standards (79, 92, 199, 224, 258, 308). An objective measurement of color using a
reflectance attachment t o a calorimeter may be vrrluable (197). The dictionary of colors
(224) is said to have plates that are light resistant and to contain a larger number of colors
than Ridgway (258). To obtain precision in terms check with standard treatments (2, 275,
295), as terms such as flask or bottle-shaped are usolcss.
B. A type specimen must be designated and it must bear the "perfect" or sexual state, unless
the pathogen belongs to the fungi It~~pcrfecti or the Phycomycetes; in any case, the state
that is described. (If an imperfect fungus, vigorous attempts to obtain the perfect stage
should be made.)
C. State tho place where the type is deposited, e.g., The National Fungus Collections (22).
Type specimens should be deposited in established herbaria where permanence is reason-
ably assured. A properly labelled and dried specimen is necessary. For details see the
section on preparation of plant specimens. Accompanying the specimen with drawings and
photographs and in some cases microscopic mounts is desirable but not required.
United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Plant Quarantine Division
Washington 25, D.C.
organisms by the host may contniute t o success, as there are often cross reactions between species and
in some cases between different genera of bacteria.
Of the serological techniques the fluorescent antibody and bentonite flocculation tests require
little preparation of infected host material r i d are rapid (222). Microagglutination tests required more
preparation of infected host sap, and gel diffusion takes more time for the reaction t o occur (123,223,
The latter, as it distinguishes different antigens, is suggested for more definitive and taxonomic studies
(192, 225, 265). Much of the early serological work used agglutination tests and probably needs
P h a p reactions help identify Xanrhomonas vesicuroriu (91, 192) or detect bacterial pathogens in
wed (Xantltonwnus phaseoli (3 17 ) P. atrofuciens (294)) or in other plant material (Coryrrebacterizrm
Lrsldiosurn (69)). Phage typing can also identify ecotypes in epidemiological studies (75). As phages are
not species specific (they may be narrower or broader in host range than a particular bacteria species
(289, 290, 291)), they are used in sets. Individually they may not distinguish saprophytic species from
pathogens (28,289).
Biochemical and physiological tests, although stressed (43), seem to be of little use in separating
species in Xanrhomonas (90) and Pserrdomnnas (298), the most populus of plant pathogenic genera,
They are of modest help in separating genera.
Suggested procedure for identifying bacterial plant pathogens.
1. After isolation purify the organism by successive single colony transfers.
2. Immediately preserve the organism by lyophilization or other acceptable means.
3. Characterize colonies on PDA and beef peptone agar, particularly'in regard to color and rate of
4. Determine gram reaction and cell morphology.
5. If possible, determine arrangement and number of flagella (255). See Chapter 8 on
microscopic technique. Carefully interpret preparations whether viewed with the light or
electron microscope.
6. If original host symptoms are sufficiently clear, compare with those described in available host
or bacterial disease treatments. See list in Tables 8 and 9. For many purposes, diagnosis may
k complete.
7. If step 6 is negative or confirmation is needed, inoculate with several levels of inoculurn
Suspensions of 10' and 10' are recommended (162, 183, 190) with and witllout prior water
making,and at two temperatures. Age of the host, variety and its condition also should be
8. Perform pertinent bacteriological determinative tests durir.g standardized procedures (66,74,
273), and with other information identify See Table 12 for diagnostic features of
phytopathogenic genera.
9. If lacking host treatments, attempt to find species in Bergy (43) and Elliott (95) relying on
10. If step 9 is negative, consider species occuring on related hosts or those organisms that produce
a similar symptom on other hosts. You may have an "old species" on a new host.
11. If step 10 reveals the chance of a species previously unreported on this host, inoculate
additional appropriate hosts and compare with inoculations of authenic cultures obtained
from culture collections (Table 11). To completc comparison, it may be necessary to
determine reactions with phage and antiserum and to run additional determinative tests if an
"old species" is proved to be on a new host report after a thorough literature search.
' S u m that you include organism with known reactions for evaluation of test (107).
128 Causes of Plant Diseases
12. If no likely species is revealed by considering Berg, (43) and Elliott (95) in steps 9 and 10, or
11, consult the indexes of the Review of Applied Mycology from 1955 to date. Look for new
species of the p n u s and new bacterial diseases of the host in question. tf reports are located,
d o step 11.
13. If no likely species is revealed by the literature search of step 12, you apparently have a new
taxon. You may wish to consider a varietal or forma status if pathogenicity is the only
distinction. For example, Sabet (26) included in X. pltaseoli a number of bacteria that caused
leaf blights of different legumes, designating most as forma spccialis.
The following additiol~aladvice is offered before a "new" species is described.
Consult a specialist of the genus. If he agrees that the isolate is 3 new taxon or his reasons for
disagreeing are unsatisfactory, fulfill the requirements of the International Code of Nomenclature
(148). It would be desirable to describe procedures and conditions of inoculation and disease
developmetlt. Include tho results of inoculation of a variety of hosts within the family of the original
host and a number of other families. Also attempt to characterize the orginistn as fully as possible in
relation to its morphological, phage, serological and biochemicd properties. If you are not competent
in these areas, attempt to cooperate with someone who is.
by Dr.Glenn Bergeson
Positive diagnosis of nematode injury on a plant showing typical symptoms is most easily made
when the nematode can be found in or around the diseased tissue. This will normally occur if the
nematode is an end- or semi-endosporastic type. Members of this type that migrate in the plant will
often be found midway between healthy and diseased tissue. If the nematode is non-migratory, it will
be in the diseased tissue which, in this case, usually consists of modified rather than killed cells.
Nematodes within plants can usually be detected by carefully teasing apart the diseased tissue
under the binocular microscope. Non-migratory nematodes enlarge to about the size of a pin head and
have distinctive shapes that are helpful for identification. Migratory nematodes retain their filiform
shape and are harder to identify.
Diseases caused by ectoparasitic nematodes are considerably harder t o diagnose because the
association between the plant and nematode is circumstantial, i t , , nematodes are found only in the
roil. Rarely do they adhere t o root surfaces that are pulled to be examined. The presence of
microscopic root lesions gives some support for a pathogenic relationship, but is not conclusive
evidence. Even if pathogenic nematodes are found in the soil, it is dangerous to make any assumptions
if more than one plant species is present in the immediate area.
Nematodes collected from either the plant or the soil should be examined for the presence of a
stylet. If abxnt, they can be eliminated as pathogens. If present, the next step depends on how much
taxonomy the investigator knows. A person with a course in plant nematoloa should be able to key
?ny plant parasitic nematode t o genus. In many cases, this is far enough to give the worker a hint as to
the pathogenic potential of the nematode. Adequate keys or descriptions can be found in Thorne (297)
or Goodey's Soil and Fresh Water Nematodes ( I lOA). If species identification is desired, the specimens
should be placed in a 5% fortnaldehyde and sent to a nematologist.
After identification has been made, it is advisable to search the literature to find what is known
about the relationship of the nematode and the host. A nematode may parasitize some plants but cause
little or no injury, yet in other plants it may be a high grade pathogen. The nematode may also be doing
its major injury by predisposing the plant to attack by other pathogens either by wound openings or by
tnodifying the tissue t o make i t a better substrate for other pathogens. One should aim be aware that
environmental factors such as soil nutrients, moisture, texture and temperature can influence the
Wcrity of nematode diseases.
of Plant isa am
~ a u m 129
Host range listings for nematode species are available for only a few of the well-known species. A
partial host range of economic hosts can be found in (59, 110). For Little known species, it is often
necessary t o find the original species description t o get some idea of its host range. One disadvantage of
using host ranges and host indices is that nematode taxonomy has not yet stabilized. Many important
goups are undergoing almost yearly revisions; consequently, listings older than 5 years could be
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Increase of Inoculum
Facton Involved in Increase of lnoculum
Physical Environment
Table 13. Some fungi that require or sue stimulated by "Light" to sponrlatc (reported since 1959)
Spedal Techniques
Various Blter paper techniques
Cellophane technique
Ground and Dried Inoculurn
Ways of obtaining large amounts of inoculum
Table 14. Check list for inducing spwlation of fungi
Incrurlng Obligate Parasites
Increase of Specific Fungi
Table IS. hfedia and procedures t o induce utsual reproduction of Pyrhfum and Phyrophtkora
Table 16. Ways o f producing asexual stages of various species of Pyrhium and Pityraplirhora
Literature Cited
Increasing inoculum means producing large numbers of infective units, usually spores in the cast
of fungi. Although mycelial fragments may be substituted (21, techniques for their use are leu
quantitative than those employed with spores. They are usually less readily separated from the medium
on which they are grown, may give a different disease reaction (120) and be l e u infective (267).
Mycelium i s often used as inoculum for soil-borne diseases and may be stiperior to spores.
Perhaps more consideration should be given to the quality than t o the quantity of i n ~ u l u mthat
a method and medium produces because the medium may significantly influence viability (52h
longevity (52), virulence (130, 230, 272, 310) and other physiolo@4 aspects (52, 222). A h , the
environment under which the organisms are increased can be important for both culturable organ*$
(140) and obligate parasites (125). Another consideration is the growth period, particularly for
bacteria, as they may die rapidly on some media. For example, species of Xantltomonus are more
short-lived on beef peptone than on PDA,and the reverse is true for PsezIdomorurs (32).
bssening the amount of media and culture products mixed with the inoculum is recommended,
as the addition of nutrients may influence subsequent host-pathogen relationships (1 I , 287) and offed
the behavior of the organism in soil (1 52). A cellophane agar technique is valuable with nompotulatinl
142 Increase of Inoculum
cultures, as it avoids the blending of agar with the organisn~s.It is described later in the chapter. Using
on inert material or one low in nutrients such as perlite, vermiculite, or sand-soil as a f i e r in a nonagar
medium lessens the nutrients when the inoculum and substrate are mixed with soil.
Light, temperature, aeration and moisture are often not measured or'precisely contrulled when
inoculum is increased because adequate inoculum is obtained with ordinary procedures and conditions.
For example, "grown at room temperature" implies n o measurement, little control, and that constant
or fluctuating temperatures are suitable. But reports indicate the importance of temperature, light, gas
content and moisture on sporulation of many fungi.
Temperature. Fungi spomlate within narrower ranges of temperatures than they grow (43,106,.
170). In relation t o growth-temperature curves the respons is variable, some sporulating towards the
maximum temperature permitting growth, others toward the minimum, and still others about the
optimum (43, 106, 170). Occasionally fungi sporulate best when grown at a temperature optimum for
growth followed by transfer t o a substantially lower or higher temperature. It is impossible to
characterize taxonomic groups in their response t o temperature although there are a number of
k m y c e t e s (Clathrospom diplospom (27 1), Pyrenophora bromi (39), Pleospora pltaeocontes (86), P.
tdchostoma (307), V e n t u inaequalis
~ (146, 246, 247)) and particularly many of the Sclerotiniaceae
(93,94, 95) that form perfect stages only after prolonged exposure tb low temperatures. Most species
of &thium and Phytophtliom form and release zoospores when the temperature under which they ore
&Qwn is decreased.
Increase of lnoculurn 143
Caution should be exercised for the following reasons when applying published temperature
1. Isolates within a species may respond differently t o temperature.
2. Media may affect response to temperature.
3. Light and temperature may interact (discussed in the section on radiation).
4. Temperature of incubation may vary with the amount of solid media as the latter will influence the
degree of transfer of heat of respiration.
Extrapolation of temperature response in artificial culture t o field situations also should be done
cautiously because :
1. Temperatures in the field fluctuate much more than in the laboratory.
2. Effects of temperature on sporulation may be as profound as they are on growth (274).
3. Biotic factors of the environment may influence an organism's reaction to temperature.
Aeration. Adequate aeration is critical in determining mycelial yields and metabolic products in
deep tank fermentation and is probably as important in liquid cultures in the laboratory (174). There
are few reports of the influence of aeration on sporulation on solid media. Some reports indicate:
decreased sporuiation of Pirimlo* otyzac due to accumulation of ammonia (1 13), decreased conidial
and sporangial production of Ciwatrephora cunrrbitanrrrl (IS), and sporophores of Schizoph)~llum
commune (220) due to carbon dioxide. Low concentration of O2 probably decreased sporulation of
Mumr hiemalir, Cylindrclcarport radicicola and P a p ~ b f i aaru~tdi~lisa(300). k c k of aeration decreased
the numbers of perithecia of Vctttrrria itueqttalis (248) and conidk of Borr)tris citterea (209). One of
these studies clearly showed the effect of relative humidity independent of gas content (14). Scarcity of
information prevents generalizations on whether sporulation is routinely inhibited by lack of aeration
in culture. Most studies have dealt with the effect of constant and artificial gas environment on growth
(203, 269), and they have shown differences in C 0 2 tolerance and oxygen requirements for different
funpi. One would expect sporulation to be more affected. With the availability of gas chromatographic
instruments, atmospheric contents of small containers can be readily determined. Also, sensors small
enough t o be kept in culture dishes permit oxygen and carbon dioxide to be monitored.
If sporulation appears depressed or absent, the following may be pert'inent:
1. Check to see that screw caps are loosely fitted on containers.
2. Milk filter discs permit more gas exchange than cotton plugs (47).
3. Evaluate the box type plastic dishes before using extensively; some apparently reduce gas
exchange more than glass dishes (248).
4. large amounts of substrate and containers with narrow openings may prevent gas exchange
and inhibit sporulation.
5. If addition of 5 % KOH in vials to culture dishes results in increase sporulation, C02 inhibition
is suggested (220).
W t l o n . Many fungi require radiation to sporulate or d o so more abundantly when exposed to
light, as shown by a 1959 compilation (1 87); Table 13 lists some species added since 1959. In addition,
some fungi are indifferent to light (6), some sporulate better in darkness (270) or require a dark period
(6, 14,40, 164, 179, 283). Some isolates within a light-requiring species do not require light (88), nor
m y d spore types of a fungus require light (14, 102, 184).
Near ultraviolet radiation (310400 mp) is of particular importance for induction of fruiting in
artGcial culture (165,168) and probably in nature. It is transmitted through pyrox better than through
window glass (313). Although shorter wave lengths may be more efficient, they may produce damage
(168) and are not transmitted through ordinary glass (316) nor are they found at the earth's surface.
Visible light, usually the bluegreen region of the spectern, is also stirnulatory (7, go), although some
of the older work is questioned because of inadequate filtering of radiation. Near UV and the short
wave kngths of the visible part of the spectrum are produced by ordinary fluorescent lamps. As
incandescent lamps produce little UV and are poor in the blue region, they arc of l e u or little value in
inducing sporulation of most fungi.
144 Increase of InocuIum
Table 13. Some fungi that require or are stimulated by "light" to sporulate
(reported since 1959).
Altenurio brassicae (40), A. brassicoh (40), A, raphani (40),A. chqtsarithemi (1 65, 168), A. tenuls
(1 65), A. zinniae (1 65), Ascobulirs itrttnersus (3 1 9), Ascoclrjtra catilicola ( 1631, A. pitvrodella (1 6S), A.
pisI (165, 166). Blakeslea trispom [116), Botryosphaeria ribis c77, 260), Butrytis citterea (165),
Cercosporu bericok (34), C. zebrina (la), Choa~tephumcucurbirarilinr (1 16), C. conjutlcta (1 16),
Cbchliobolics honrurphus (1 84), C. kusarroi (1 84), Cor~.tteumsp. (165). Epicoccunl nigtrrm (1 65), E. sp
(165). Fusarfum trivale (1 6S), F. oxyspunrm f. lycopersici (300), F. rosetrm (1 651, F. rofani (1 65).
Gliochdium sp. (1 65), Gulgrzardia bidbvellii (35). Helminrllosporittni avetiae (1 65), H, oryzae (1 64),
Hypomyces sularii /: cucurbitae ( 5 1 ), Leptodiscus renestris ( 196, 22 1), Leptosplurerulirta arachidicolo
(BB), L. briosiana (88), L. rrifolii (88), hlacruphomirtia plaaseoli ( 2 2 l), iMycosphaerelkr pillodes ( I 65).
Necrrh galllgena (1 76), N. glicladiulder (1 Ol), iV. peziza (1 01). Ophiobolus grantinis (1 65, 307).
Pestalotin theae (Y2), Phorna llerbantrri var. nzedicagirtis (165), P. spp, (165), P. trifolii (165),
Phomopsis juniperovora (257), Pltyllosticta sp, (1 65), Physantrrr gyruntm (7 I), Pltytoplrthura cactorum
(102), P. cupsici (102, 199), P. drechslen (199), P. er)lthroseptica (P.itinwhyensis) (102), P. heveae
(102), P. palt?rivora (7, 199), P. parasirfca (7, 199), P, nicorbtrae (199), Piricularia oryzae (165),
Pleospom herbarum (1 67), Poria arribigua (24 l), Pyrenoclzuera rerrestris ( 1 15, 16S), Pyre/$ophom
bromi (39), Sclerotinh trifoliorum (134), Scolecortichum grantittis (89), Septoria nodomnr (239),
Septoria tritici (l65), Spluerobohrs stellatics (1), Stcmpliyliutn burryosum (1 65), S, floridatiuni (l26),
S. trifolii (165). Trichoderrna sp. (201, T. lignomm (204). Verticillium albo-atrum (144, 16S), K
lateriturn (1 36). Wojitiowicica gtontinis ( 1 65)
Temperature, media and the length of photoperiod may profoundly affect the response to
radiation. At temperatures of 26 C and above, radiation may not be stimulatory but inhibitory (6).
Some media can substitute for light (5, 7, 163). The latter media often consist of portions of the host
plant or are made up of plant decotions, e.g., V-8 juice.
Suggestions for inducing sporulation using radiation include the following:
1. OK standard or cool white fluorescent lamps to give 200 f t c or more. (Many fungi will be
stimulated by lower intensities.)
2. Attempt to keep temperatures below 24 C if facilities will not permit the uw of a range of
temperatures with light. A temperature gradient plate with rapidly sporulating fungi is an
efficient way to assess temperatures effects (99, 162).
3. Use a 8-12 hr photoperiod initially, although other regimes may be better upon subsequent
4. Natural media and media of host plant parts may be desirable initially; consult lists of media
that have been valuable for similar fungi.
5. If determining whether light is required, cultures left in the dark should be aerated or the
experiment so designed that inhibitory gases do not accumulate.
6. Exposures of few seconds to germicidial LW with the petri dish lid off may be stimulatory
(35,55,28B), although the above procedures are usually more applicable.
Of the media used to induce sporulation (listed on page 4) a few have wide applicability. Some
are: alphacel, corn meal, lima bean, fdter paper yeast extract, oatmeal, malt, potato dextrose or sucrose
(either carbohydrate usually in lower concentrations than ordinarily recommended, or for mme
Increase of lnoculum 145
rscomycetes, higher concentrations (101, 108)), V-8 juice, water agar and mixtures of intact
grains. These media consist of natural materials in whole or in part. Generally media that do not
encourage excessive vegetative growth are desirable and should be tried first if there is no specific
recommendation in the literature. If these fail under varied environments, the use of host plant parts or
decotions of the host should be tried, Success may be enhanced by the use of non-heat-sterilized plant
tissue (sterility achieved by aseptic remove1 of internal tissue or by less drastic forms of sterilization
such as surface disinfection or gas sterilization). It may be necessary to tolerate some contamination.
The usual efficacy of natural media does not preclude synthetic media as some synthetics are as
good and have the advantage of precision and reproducibility. They may require more time to prepare
and be more costly. Choice ought to be determined by the intent and requirements of the experiment.
A synthetic medium that will support sporulation may be devised in various ways. However, the
literature should be consulted first for defrned media that support growth and sporulation of the
species, or related species, or fungi that occupy the same host-substrate. In testing, a natural medium
should be employed for comparison. Isolates may be more variable in their reaction to synthetic media
than to natural media. Fungi on synthetic media may require additional stimuli, such as light, to
Some approaches are given and may be used in combination.
1. Devise, a medium that resembles the natural substrate. Information on the nutrient composition
, of various agricultural products is available (23, 15 1, 20 1, 318). Systematically eliminate
unnecessary ingredients (26). This is a historical approach usually less followed today.
2. Test a number of partially defined media such as lactose-casein-hydrolysate, no. 1 13, Leonian
agar, no. 114 (see list page 4,6). If successful, the natural ingredients such as yeast extract,
peptone, or casein hydrolysate may be replaced by their known components. Unfortunately, the
complete composition of these materials is not known and the known components may vary in
amount. Auxanographic techniques (37, 229) and amino acid "block techniques" (263) arc
useful in efficiently screening compounds involved.
3. Test a number of diverse synthetic media (see page 6), varying in complexity, that induce
sporulation of some fungi. If successful, attemtp to refine, particularly if sporulation is not equal
t o that obtained on natural media, testing various compounds and their concentrations. A
factorial test (195) or the triangle system (314) may be used. The latter enables testing of 3
compounds to determine optimal concentrations. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, as well as
mineral salts are often evaluated by this method.
4. Add to a basal synthetic medium, extracts of the host or materials that are stirnulatory (tomato
paste, coconut milk, etc.). If successful, substitute known components of these '
materials or
attempt to separate and characterize active portions (usually a difficult task).
Without attempting to give many details on the nutritional requirements for sporulation some
nlient points are presented which should also aid in designing a synthetic medium. Further detail may
be found elsewhere (43, 106, 170).
1. Carbon sources and their concentrations are of extreme importance, Frequently compounds that
do not give maximum vegetative growth are desirable. Althou& there is considerable specificity,
some generally recommended carbon sources are: sucrose, celulpse,'lactose, maltose, and starch.
Mixtures may be desirable (108).
has a complex but important effect, and the C:N ratio is usually critical. Apparently
t h e n are species that either require or sporulate more abundantly on an organic source of
nitrogen (142) such as an amino acid (1 1 1). In these, purity should be verified as contaminating
growth substances may be involved (106). There may be a difference in the purity of the amino
acids that companies supply.
3. As sporulation is more sensitive to trace elements than is growth, it is desirable to,@d specific
mixtures t o supplement those found as contaminants in the main constituents of the medium.
Lilly and Bamett's solution, no. 143, or a modification of the A to Z solution (the latter when
extremely pure chemicals are used) are suggested. Chelates may help to keep available important
trace elements, particularly hon, which is readily precipitated at high pH.
4. Calcium often appears to a critical clement for sporulation of some organisms (37, 319) and
should be supplied.
5. As pH may be critical, it should be measured at least at the start and end of the experiment. A pH
gradient agar plate may be useful (250). Initial adjustment of pH or periodic adjustment to assure
the desired pH may be desirable.
6. Certain kinds of fungi may have unusual nutritive requirements, such as organic or reduced sulfur
for many of the water molds (53, 226), sterols for Plrytophrkora and Pythium (63, 103, 104,
lM,l lo).
7. Amounts and kind of vitamins needed for sporulation may be specific and should be tested to
obtain maximum production of sporea 5iethods of sterilization of these and other growth
substances should be adapted to prevent their breakdown.
8. Source of water and cleanliness of glassware is important, because sporulation is often sensitive to
toxic materials. Sterilization by filtration through seitz pads may add substances inhibitory to
p r u l a t i o n (234).
Various filter paper techniques for encouraging fungi to sporulate
Lukens' technique (178): Developed for Helrnintlwsporium vagans and AlternarL solaai. Bean and
Wilcoxson found it suitable for H. sativurn and H. dictyoides but not for their isolate of H. vagans
1. The fungus i s grown in synthetic medium no. 123 for several days on a shaker,
2. The mycetial pellets are fragmented with a wring blendor for 2 minutes without using sterile
3. Centrifuge the fragments and suspend in 0.02 51 phosphate buffer (pH 6.4).
4. Add 2 ml of the suspension to dry filter paper in petri dishes.
5. Keep plates in dark or alternating dark and fluorescent light, depending on the fungus.
McDonald and Martens' version (193) (used with Aftenlarin zinniae).
1. Dip fdter paper circles into V-8 juice, place a number of them in a petri dish and then autoclave.
2. Add water to agar to cover the discs.
3. Flood plates with inoculum
Many authors recommend placing filter paper, lens papcr or blotting paper on the surfacc of various
Cenophane technique (73,261) (To separate fungus from agar medium)
I. Cut moisture permeable cellophane discs 85 crn in d i m e ter.
2. Autoclave discs between sheets of filter paper or in water in petri dishes.
3. Transfer to the surface of hardened agar, attempting to prevent air spaces.
4. Inoculate in the usual manner.
5. After sufficient growrh, cellophane discs are puUed off arid may be blended in water or transferred
to another container, and the spores washed off.
h u n d mnd bicd inoculum (160)(Useful for fungi that do not sporulate readily and where mycelium
may substitute for spmn)
This technique has worked with a number of f o b pathogens.
1. Add 2 parts of wheat and 1 part of oat reed t o flasks.
2. Add distilled water at intervals to keep grain submerged. After 2 hr, water level in the flask usuay
remains const&?t .
3. Autoclave for 1 hr at 15 Ib.
4. Inoculate seed and keep at suitable temperature (21 days at 15 C for Sclemtinia nifolionrm (160)
5. Spread grain on screens and air dry using a fan. (Those producing spores should be covered with
paper to prevent quantities of spores being spread around.)
6. Grind grainculture in one of the following:
A wiley mill using a 14 mesh screen.
A food chopper fitted with a coarse disc.
A bamrnermill fitted with a %" screen.
7. Inoculum can be stored at 0-5 C in open cans until ready for use, (Storage for S. rrifoliomm is as
long as 24 months,)
Ways of obtaining large amounts of inoculum Used to increase inoculum of species of Fusariurn and
1. Soak seed and vermiculite 24 hr in cold water or 2-3hr in hot water.
2, Seed mixtures are: 2:l mixture of oats and wheat ur barley and wheat or, 2:1:2 oats, wheat,
vermiculite (latter advised for soil inoculation but not for sprayins as particles may clog sprayer).
3. Fill flats )c, full with media (flat has coarse wire mesh bottom).
4. Cover flats with brown paper (Kraft) and autoclave on two successive days for 1!4 hr at 15 Ib.
5. AUow to cool.
6. Blend I or more petri dish cultures in 500 rnl of sterile water for 45 sec in a Waring Blendor.
7. Lift one side of the paper cover and pour the suspension evenly over the medium.
8, Stack flats with sterile spacers.
Large amounts of inoculum can be grown on agar media without using large numbers of petri
dishes by substituting aluminurn (173) or Pyrex cooking pans fitted with 1/8" thick "transite"
(asbestos board) lids. The lids are held in place with fold back type paper clips. Ten x 10'' spores of
Glomerelh cingulatu were obtained in 3 days on PDA in thcx containers. The method also worked well
to obtain quantities of spores of A l r e r ~ r i asolarli and Muniliru fnrficolu (240).
Multipoint inoculation of the substrate (usually on agar medium) often induces fungi to sporulate
faster and more abundantly than single point inoculation. Flooding with spores is recommended and
mycelial fragments often can be substituted successfully (282). Reasons given for the value of
multipoint inoculation conflict, but differences between fungi may partly account for thc lack of
The main explanations that have been proposed are:
1. Rapid and uniform depletion of nutrients occurs and encourages sporulation (282).
2. Presence of stimulating substances in the spore matrix ( 1 88).
3. Presence of stimulatory substances in the spores ( 1 94).
Wounding of mycelium by scraping often encourages localized spore production, Alternod soloni
(190) and a number of other dcmataceous fungi respond well to wounding.
Other techniques may be found in Lilly and Barnett (170).
148 Increase of h x u l u m
Consult literature for recommendations on the fungus or related species. If none, or initial trials
apparently fail to induce sporulation, consider the following:
Are spores present but hidden by mycelium or buried in the substrate?
When (the time of day, the season and the associated weather) and where does the fungus sponrlatc
naturally? Are there any unusual circumstances?
Are sufficient isolates being used that at least some would be expected to sporulate if environmental
and nutritive requirements are met? If the sexual stage is sought, is the fungus heterothsllic? Are
known mating types available?
Has the organism been grown with other species?
Has the fungus been grown on a wide number of natural media under a variety of temperatures in
continuous light, alternating light, and continuous darkness?
Does the fungus sporulate on infected host tissue when taken into the lab? If so, under what
conditions? Is sporulation associated with contaminating organisms?
Has plant tissue, variously treated, been tried as a substrate?
Have decotions of host tissue been tried?
Is aeration limiting?
Has agar of various depths been used?
Has the substrate been inoculated by flooding or streaking of the inoculum?
Are the glassware, closures, water, and in~redientsof the media free of toxic compounds?
Has the mycelium been injured by scraping, exposure to germicidial UV or freezing?
Has the culture been allowed to dry and then wetted or exposed t o high humidity?
Have cultures been transferred from rich t o lean media?
Is the hngus parasitized or badly contaminated?
11. Harvest spores using a cyclone collector' or other vacuum device to minimize spore liberation
and dispersal.
12. Promptly harvest and use freshly produced spores.
13. If increase in the greenhouse is unsatisfactory because of contamination, consider using plant
growth chambers and/or detached leaf culture, the latter described in the chapter on
'Available: from the Instrument Shop of the P h y d o Dcpnrtrnent, Iowa State University.
150 Increase of Inoculum
Table 15.
Media and procedures to induce asexual reproduction of Pythiuni and Pltytophtltora.
(See Table 16 for recommendations for specific fungi)
A (Medium) B (Procedure) C (Replacement Liquid) q3
Grow organism on one or more After growth, on A do one of the (See section on media for details
of the following media, usually following. on preparation)
for 3-7 days (see section on media
for details on preparation).
Boiled young leaves of 1,Transfer agar discs or Tap water
Agrostis atbu or A. semi- infected tissue to a Distilled water
verticillata 1" long in C6 replacement liquid Glass distilled water
Alfalfa stems 2. Cut out colonies from agar Water deionized, then
Bean agar without injuring tips of glass distilled
Corn meal agar hyphae and transfer to a Charcoal water, no. 48
Malt-broth, no. 142 replacement liquid 1 pt pond water and 3 pt
Infected host tissue 3. Add a replacement liquid glass distilled water, Nter
Oat meal agar to agar culture so it is partly and autoclave, add young
Potato dextrose or completely submerged boiled leaves of Agrostis
(fresh potatoes) 4. Wash mycelium in sterile albu or A. semi-tferticilhta
A. Broth distilled water, then Stream water (non-sterile)
B. Agar transfer to a replacement Pond water
Lima bean agar liquid Soil extract
A. regular strength 5. Transfer mycelium to a A. Mehrlichs (1 98)
B. dilute replacement liquid B. Wills no. 218
Seeds 6. Transfer mycelium that C. Tomlinson (286)
A. ern^^ is growing on cellophane Lima bean steep, 1 g lima
Be POPPY previously overlaid on bean11 autoclave 30 min
C. petunia culture medium .Ol M KNOj (1 69)
D. Calceolaria Petri solutionJ no. 181
E. corn Humid atmosphere
F. sunflower (90-100% RH)
G. squash Machilis dilute salt
H. pea solution no. 126
I. soybean 5% peat percolate no. 175
J. oat 4% sucrose solution
V-8 Juice agar Will salt solution no. 265
A. normal strength
B. 10% V-8 juice
Vermiculite 3 pt soaked
with one pt of the following:
A. lima bean extract
B. potato dextrose broth
C. V-8 juice
Pea broth no. 172
Boiled carrot discs
Pea broth no. 1 73
Wheat root tips (continued on next page)
156 lnncuc of lnoculum
Table 16.
Ways of producing asexual stages of various species of bthiurn and Phytophthora.
Funkus Media and procedurrs References
Phytophthoru spp. (See Table 15 for meaning of symbols)
I, *I
A 6 o r A 3 o r A l 0 , b I c , o r d - B 1 -C12 12-20C,when
sporangia start to form replace with C1.
See this older reference for a variety of techniques for
numerous species.
Race a hemp seed (10a) on a 5 mm2 block of a 7 day A4
agar culture Bl(and a x e d without agar block) C14,-
4 days later transfer seeds to C6.
- -
A7, several days 7-24 C B3 Cl? lower temperature
A1 lb, 25 C, light not stimulatory.
A9a, (frozen) 20.24 C, fluorescent light stimulatory.
- -
A13 B4 C2,2448 hr, chill to 1CL15 C for zoospores.
A9a (frozen), 2G24 C , fluorescent light stimulatory.
AS, 4 days 25-27 C B4 - C9a 21-25 C.
Al l a or A8b B1- C9a 23 C for 48 hr.
A3,8 &yr B1- C9b, 20 C change after 48 hr,
- -
A2 B1 C1, running and well aerated at 24 C sporangia
stimulated by light (68). For large quantities of
i n d u m see (1 58).
" colocasiae Allb.
" drechsled A9a, alternating dark and fluorescent li-& stimulatory.
" crythosepticu - -
A3 02 CIS or C 1, or C9 or compost, percolate 2-3
var. pisi days at 18 C.
" hurike - -
A9a 3 3 wk B2 C7,2448 hr at 13 C.
cl **
- -
A3 u n t l isolate almost reaches edge of plate B2 C8,
10-15 C 2448 hr.
A12a,borc-B1 -CI?
- -
A7? for 2-3 wk B1 A1 0 f, h, or i autoclaved in tap
- -
water 2-3 wks Bl C1 (shallow) at 20 C, rinse daily
for es days.
A9a (frozen) 20-24 C, fluorescent light stimulatory.
See separate section.
A15,20 C, B4 C2 (sterile).
AlOj, 21 C Bl Cl?, sterile.
A4 day-B1 -C12 thenC2.
A9 (5 glima beans/l)- B1 C10,25 C 72 hr, then
c w d to 14-3 5 C for 8-10 hr for zoospore
Set separate section.
A9a, fluomcent light stirnulatory .
- -
M a (fresh) 3 to 5 days, B4 C9b 20.25 C C17 or
ptrhrpr C39,
Fungus Media and procedures References
Phytophthora nicotianae -
A7,1120 days, 24-25 C B5,C l 1 mats just arrted, 6-10 83
days at 2426 C to obtain zoospores &er
8 C for 25 min then return to 26 C.
t o C2 at
Soil Methods
A (280)
1. Crow Isolate on Potato marmite agar no. 190 for 7-10 days.
2. Remove lids and cover with 1 cm of soil (previously heated by steam at 70 C for 30 min).
3. Expose to 12-16 hr light of 10440 f t e at about 4MW rh and between 20-30C.
4. Water 1-3 times daily to keep soil moist.
5. Fruiting usually occurs after 3-11 days.
B (280)
1. ,Grow isolate on PIIA no. 190 for 7-1 0 days.
2. Macerate culture with a scalpel and incorporate into soil (previously heated by steam to 70 C for
30 min), using 30 cm2 cuIture/300 g soil.
3. Place soil in waxed or plastic coated paper drinking cups and water 1-3 times a day.
4. Light and relative humidity as in method A.
Agar Technique (309)
1. Grow isolates on P31A no. 190 for 7 days.
2. Transfer a small piece of mycelium to edge of a 6 crn petri dish containing 6 ml of water agar,
3. Keep cultures at 20-24 C for 10 days in the dark. Aeration may be desirable, Several authors
consider light of consequence (75,107,159).
Increm of Septoria triticj
A (208)
1. Inoculate 2%Difco malt extract broth with conidia obtained from a yeast-like colony (I50 rnl in
500 rnl flasks).
2. Crow 4-8 days on shaker at 70-75 F.
For inoculation, dilute 1: 1 with water containing 1% gelatin. A detached leaf technique has been
used successfully (265).
1. Inoculate slants of Elliot - V-8 medium. (Distilled water of Elliot medium substituted with the
filtrate of 1:S dilution of V-8 juice.)
Production of fruiting bodies of Schizophyllum commune
1. Place small agar blocks containing mycelia of the appropriate strains about 2-3 mm apart on medium
no. 209 in petri dishes.
2. Grow at 24 C f 2 C under a fluorescent lamp 175 f SO f t (220).
3. Fnriting usually occurs within 7 days.
For additional details on genetic and environmental aspects of fruiting see (235).
lacrease of Sclerotinia frutioola ( 191)
1. Inoculate PDA slants.
2. Grow at 21 C for 7 days.
3. For uniform inoculum harvest as follows:
a. Add distilled water t o sIant.
b. UghtIy rub the spores off a mbber poticeman.
c. Filter through cheesecloth.
d. Centrifuge and decant off supernatant.
Froduction of Apotbtcia of Various Genera of the Sclerotinhxae Botryotinia, Sclerotinia, Ciborinia
1. Crow the fungus on PDA for 2 4 days at room temperature.
2. Transfer freshly growing mycelium to petri dishes containing autoclaved soft wheat seed (8 g wheat
and 25 ml water).
Increase of f noculum 161
3. Keep at room temperature for 2-3 days and transfer t o 5 C or 14 C. Keep in dark for 4.6 weeks or
until rclerotia are well developed,
4. Place sclerotia on moist sterile quartz sand in 100 mm preparation dishes fitted with lids. Keep at 0
C in the dark for at least 1 month.
5. Transfer to 5 C in the dark for 2 weeks.
6. Spermatite (use either spermatial suspension in sterilized moist soil or water and apply to the surface
of sclerotia with a sterilized camel hair brush). In any event sclerotia should be covered with a thin
layer of moist soil.
7. Transfer t o 14 C for one month.
8. Place cultures in the greenhouse exposed t o north light and shaded from direct sunlight.
Temperatures should be at 10-14 C. Add sterile water at intervals to keep the sand moist.
Condial increase of Venturia inaequalis (312)
1. Make up the following:
4% solution of Difco malt extract.
single thickness cheesecloth, 6 by 10 cm.
2. Add 2030 ml of malt extract solution to 8 oz flat sided prescription bottles fitted with screw caps.
3, Pkce chcesecloth against inside of the front face of the prescription bottle (a rubber policeman
4, Autoclave for 20 min at 1 S Ib.
5. Inoculate with 2 ml of a spore suspension or streak frotn a PDA slant 'A" above line of medium when
the bottle is placed on its side.
6. Place bottle flat with cheesecloth surface immersed in the malt broth for 4 days at 20 C plus or
minus 2 degrees (light not needed).
7. Turn bottle on side for an additional 10 &ys.
To harvest Conidia of If. itracquolis without contamination (31 1)
1. Make up the following:
125 hl er~enrne~erflasks fitted with 6 by 6 crn cheesecloth squares covering their mouths, in turn
covered by an inverted beaker .- autoclave.
2. After 14 days of growth in wick cultures pour off and discard broth.
3. Add 20 ml of sterile water to bottles aqd discard this liquid.
4. Again add 25 rnl of sterile distilled water, tighten caps and agitate.
5. Partially lift inverted beaker and pour suspel~sionthrough cheesecloth into sterile erlenmeyer flasks,
Reduction of ascocarps of V. inaequalis
A (24)
1. Make an aqueous suspension of conidia and/or myccliurr. of 2 compatibile types.
2. Transfer t o Petri dish and add cooled PDA fortified with apple decotion, medium no. 13.
3. E. B. Williams (31 2) prefers to make a conidial suspension of 2 compatibile types, mix them with
an equal volume of double strength agar and slant in a sterile test tube.
4. Grow at 16-20 C for 10-14 days,
5. Place cultures at 8 C until asci form. This usually takes 3-4 months and does not require light.
Above medium can be replaced by discs of apple leaves sterilized by propylene oxide and placed
1.7% water agar (247) or by a semi-synthetic medium (246). Seal dishes with parafdm and avoid
using square plastic dishes (248).
Innease of Vcrticillium albo-atrum
(Production of Microwlerotia and conidia)
I. Cut out discs of permeable cellophane slightly smaller than size of a Petri dish.
2. Autoclave in Petri dishes containing water. .
3. Add a single sheet of cellophane to the surface of Czapek agar. If ingredients of medium a n
highly purified, it may be desirable to add 50 & biotin11 for increased numbers of spores and
microsclerotia (1 43).
4. Flood plate with 1 ml of a conidid suspension.
- conidia
For For microsclerotia (261)
1. Grow under continuous or alternating 1. Grow in partial or complete darkness
fluorescent light at about 72 F (144, 165). at about 72 F.
2. Conidia are produced in sufficient quantity 2. Microsclerotia are numerous in about
in about 5 days. 4 weeks.
Use of the cellophane technique avoids incorporation of the culture medium when soil is to be
inoculated. If only conidia are desired they are more easily harvested, making the use of cellophane less
necessary. Microsclerotia are harvested by peeling the cellophane off and macerating it in water in a
Waring blendor.
Larger sclerotia of a more natural size are often obtairled from infected potato stems in certain
areas of the U.S. (R. J. Green personal commun~cation).
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hmcase of lnoculurn 175
Inoculation Transfer of inoculum from the source of production to infection court.
Infection Includes germination or growth and penetration by the pathogen until it is in organic union
vith the host (or obtains nutrients from the host). This period is called incubation by Whetzel(l36)
md Yorwood (1 41).
Establishment of Disease 177
Incubation - The period of development of the pathogen in the host until disease symptoms are
expressed. (Called infection period by Whetzel(I36) and Yanvood (141).)
As it is difficult to separate precisely the processes of infection and incubation, many use
"incubation period" t o include the time between inoculation and the development of symtpoms (1,
80). However, the separate terms are useful as for many organisms the environmental requirements for
these two processes are different (141). Prepenetration, penetration and postpenetration are being used
increasingly by rust workers (1 17).
The duration of light and its intensity may affect the reaction of Puccftiia sthiformis (P.
gZumu~mjon wheat (6). Low light intensity increased the disease severity of 3 foliar pathogens of
sweet clover (79), while high light intensity favored lesion development of Leptosphaemliana bn'osiuna
on alfalfa (128), Cercospom beticola on sugarbeet (20), and ~~lycosplurerellt musicoh on banana (19).
The quality of light may change the reaction of Helmir~rltospohur?~ gramirrezlm on barley ( 4 7 ) .
Temperature is of extreme importance in expression of disease symptoms, as it controls the time
for expression of symtpoms and may also affect the type of reaction. Data on the effect of temperature
on stem rust of cereals is especiaLly extensive (105, 125).
Relatively new is the use of Frwn 113 (trichlotrifluroethane) for inocuttion of rusts (92).
Urediospores of P. ptaminfs f. sp. tritici should be below 15% in moisture and should not be suspended
in the Freon more than 2 hr. Spraying at a distance of 18" or more from the plants will avoid toxicity.
Another fluorochemical, perflurotniutylamine (Minnesota Mining Corp.) was u ~ t do suspend the
canidia of Erysiphe graminis uith the help of a low intensity ultrasonic cleaner (17). Previously
controlled inoculation work was prohibited by short lived conidia and the 5eII.Sit~tyof the conidia to
water, although the cotton swab method of Sair and Ellingboe has merit (96).
3. Application of inoculum to inaccmible infection courts.
Special methods are necessary t o obtain sufficient infection with organisms that do not readily
reach their infection courts. These may be less aggressive organisms or bacterial pathogens which have
little motility. They usually gain entrance by natural openings, by insect punctures, and other wounds,
or rarely with the aid of other microorganisms (23,41,47,82).
A. Partial vacuum method
The host, usually see& or seedlings, is submerged in a suspension of the inoculum, and air is
exhausted from the container (a desiccator or a pressure cooker supplied with screw clamps can be
used). After this the vacuum is abruptly broken and the inoculum is drawn into openings of the
host, Examples of diseases inoculated by this method are covered smut of barley, loose and covered
smut of oats (431, corn smut (106), and black chaff of wheat ( I I).
B. Air blast method
Air, containing carborundum dust and inoculum, may be blown againrt plant parts. The stigmas
of wheat are effectively inoculated with Ustilago tritici by blowing the dry chlamydospores at a
pressure of 60 Ib into the wheat florets at about anthesis (93).
C. Wounding and insertion technique
One type of drastic inoculstion is the incorporation of carborundum (300 Mesh) into a
suspension of the firsblight bacteria which is sprayed at 15 Ib pressure on and into the floral parts
(21). Rubbing a mixture of carborundum (300 Mesh) and inoculum across leaf sur!*aces assists
infection of many bacteria and some fungal pathogens (8,9,34). Many bacterial pathogens (22,23,
85) are inoculated by pricking the host tissue with needles that are dipped into suspensions of
bacteria or by injections of suspensions with a hypodermic needle. Tissues may be scraped (bacterial
wilt of alfalfa (29)) or cut (Stewart's wilt of corn (85)) before dipping or swabing with inoculum.
Many root rotting and wilt pathogens are introduced by dipping wounded roots (includes natural
wounds and those incurred by the process of transplanting) into the inoculum
The insertion of an infected tooth pick (30, 121, 142) into the host i s used especially with
weakly parasitic organisms. In a breeding program this method must be considered carefully (64), as
corn plants that were resistant under natural epidemics in the field were susceptible when inoculated
with tooth picks.
4. Infistation of soil.
Rootparasitizing fungi and wilt organisms may be inoculated by infesting sterile soil with a pure
culture of the organism in compliance with Koch's postulates. But according to Garrett (a), sterile sod
is not suitable for the study of environmental phases of root diseases, as the most important factor of
the soil environment, the microflora, is deliberately excluded. Garrett suggests the following for m y
root disease investigations:
1. Seedlings to be used instead of older plants.
2. Nonsterile soil free of pathogens.
3. Glass or other moisture proof container.
4. Soil moisture and soil and air temperature controlled.
Chi et d(25) and Hdpin et al(58) described the results of a somewhat s-r cxpcrimental e N P
out with sterile soil or sand in determining pathogenicity of Pythium on red clover as influenced by
environment md age of the host.
182 Establishment of Disuse
To avoid the preemergence phase of damping off, khmitthenner and Hilty (1 12) placed
inoculum 2 cm below soybean seed at the time of planting.
There are several ways to infest or inoculate soil with pathogens. Most investigators consider that
large amounts of tho culture filtrate should not be used when applying inoculum, as serious
abnormalities might occur. It has been shown for a number of diseases (63), and recently with
Hetminthosporium surtvrtm (87), that the source of the inoculum can greatly influence the kind and the
amount of infection obtained. A cornmeal-sand-nutrient medium, plus the inoculurn thoroughly mived
with the soil, resulted in a more uniform and a higher infection than obtained with imperfect mixing or
the use of culture filtrates.
A number o f parasites are soil inhabitants, and once the soil is infested, hidl infection may occur
for many years. Flax grown on flax-sick soil has been selected for resistance to Fusarium wilt disease
since 1919. By this method resistance has been obtained to a number of other diseases such as club root
of cabbage and potato scab (1 27).
Fig. 9 Rulings of the Spenser Hemocytometer with the improved form of the Neubaucr ruling.
(Courtesy of the American Optical Co.)
maximum absorption. Then construct a standard curve by charting percent transmittance or percent
absorbance at the wave length of maximum absorption with known concentrations on linear graph
paper. The original suspension can be determined with the use of a counting chamber and subsequent
appropriate dilutions made. Some organisms and tho wave lengths that have been used are: Fusarium
oxyspomm f: batatas 600 rnp (45), Saccharornyccs pasrorianus 450 rng (89), Verticillium alboatnrm
650 m p (1 14), Xanthonronas vesicaroria 600 m p ( 1 26).
Moist chambers.
A moist chamber may be any container of suitable size that is relatively moisture-proof. These
containers include supported plastic bags (Figure lo), metal cylhiders set in metal trays ~ ( ~ i ~ IuI),r e
plastic and metal cans, glass chimney lamps, wooden frames covered with plastic or muslin cloth
(Figure 12), and specidy con'structed dew chambers.
Leaves can be kept wet overnight by wetting the inside of the container (may be lined with
muslin cloth) and having standing water in the bottom or moistened sand, vermiculite or fiberglass
mats. Fiberglass does not support mold growth (67). A heating coil, a warmed stone placed in the water
or adding warmed water encourages saturation of the air. If moisture is to be maintained for several
days, usually some exposure to sun or artificial light is desirable; however, such exposure makes
periodic misting necessary, Misting can be accomplished by fogging devices that spin water into tiny
particles or by water lines fitted with nozzles such as used in oil burners, fine chemical spray n o d e s , or
deflection type nozzles designed for propagation benches. Nozzles that give extremely fine spnys
require a pump to maintain elevated pressures. Excess runoff is prevented by intermittent operation.
Kteitlow (74) recommends using a model 42 humidifier (Standard Engineering Works) 15 min out of
every hour from 7 am to 7 pm, while Howett and Grainger (67) recommend using a spray n o d e ,
atomized for periods of 15 t o 60 wc at intervals t o obtain 0.7 of rain per day. Humidistats are available
md may be more deshble than timers, as the latter do not take into account fluctuations in weather.
For sources of equipment see Table 17.
Establishment of Dimar 185
5. If sucrose is used, a concentration around 2% is recommended. Do not heat sterilize, and avoid
adding minerals, if possible (both favor secondary organisms) (1 39).
6. Skoropad (120) used 10 ppm of a u r e o s a to inhibit bacteria in a kinetin solution maintaining
barley leaves.
7. h v e s or leaf discs placed on moistened filter paper are easier t o handle.
8. Grass leaves are frequently placed in open test tuber or the basal portions submerged in a divided
petri dish placed in a slanted rack (1 16).
For the literature up to 1946 and s o m basic remarks see Yarwood (1 39).
Ainsworth, G. C. and C. R,Bisby. 1950. A Dictionary of the Fungi. Commonwealth Mycological
Institute, Kew, Surrey.
Allington, W. B., C. V. Feaster. 1946.The relation of stomata1 behavior at the time of inoculation
t o the severity of infection of soybeans by Xanthonlonas pluseoli var. sofetrse. Phytopathology
Andersen, A. 1.and 0. W. Henry. 1946.The use of wetting and adhesive agents to increase the
effectiveness of condial suspensions for plant inoculations. Phytopathology 36: 105G1057.
Banttari, E. E. and R. D. Wilcoxson. 1964. Relation of nutrients in inoculum and inoculum
concentration to severity of spring black stem of alfalfa. Phytopathology 54:1048-1052.
Bell, F. H., G. C. Schmidt, W. B. hfillcr and C. H. Kingsolver. 1952. A technique of obtaining
uniform deposition of uredospores on cereal leaves. Phytopathology 42:340.(Abstr.)
Bever, W. M. 1934. The effect of light on the development of the uredial stage of Pucchia
glurnantm Phytopathology 24:507-516.
Bcver, W. M, and R E. Ohms. 1956. Effect of time of inoculation of winter wheat with Ustifugo
tritici on the percentage of embryos infected and on the abundance of hyphae. Phytopathology
46: 157-158.
Blodgett, E. C. 1936.The anthracnov of currant and gooseberry causes by Pseudopezzia ribis.
Phytopathology 26:1 15-152.
Bohn, G. W. and J. C. Slaloit. 1945. Inoculation e:cj.teriments with Pseudomoms ribicola
Phytopathology 35:100&1016.
Bonner, J. and J. E. Varner. 1967.P l a t Biochemistry. Academic Press, New York.
Boosatis, M. G. 1952. The epidemiology of Xatrriwmo~srramlucens in cereals and grasses.
Phytopathology 42:387-395.
Boyd, A. E. W. 1952.Dry-rot disease of the potato. Ann. Appl. Biol. 39:331)338.
Bromfield, K. R 1967. Some uredospore characteristics of importance in experimental epidemi-
ology. Plant Dis. Reptr. 5 1 :24&252.
Browder, L. E. 1964. A modified detached-leaf culture technique for study of cereal rusts. Plant
Dis. Reptr. 48:90&908.
Browder, L. E. 1965. An atomizer for inoculating plants with sporeoil suspension. Plant Dis.
Reptr. 49:455.
Brown, W. 1922. On the germination and growth of fungi at various temperatures and in various
concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide. A n n Bot. Lond. 36:257-283.
Bushncll, W. R and J. B. Rowell. 1967. Fluorochemical liquid as a carrier for spores of Egtsiphe
gmnJnis and Pucclnio graminis. Plant Dis. Reptr. 5I :447#8.
Caldwell, R. hi., J. F. Schafer, L. E. Compton, F. L. Patterson. 1958.Tolerance to cereal leaf
msts. Science 128:7/4715.
Calpuzos, L. 1966. Action of oil in the control of plant di-. Ann. Rev. Phytophthol.
Establishment of Disusc
Fulton, N. D. and E. W. Hanson. 1960. Studies on root rots of red clover in Wisconsin.
Phytopathology 50:541-550.
Gaurnann, E. 1950. Principles of plant infection. Hafner Co., New York.
Garrett, S. D. 1956, Biology of root infecting fungi. Cambridge Univ. Press.
Gerhold, N. R. 1957. Artificial field inoculation of potatoes with Alternaria r o l n i Plant Dis.
Reptr. 41 :135-136.
Givan, C. V, and K. R. Bromfield. 1964. Light inhibition of uredospore germination in Puccinicr
remndita. Phytopathology 54: 116-1 17,
Givan, C. V. and K, B. Bromfield. 1964. Light inhibition of uredospore germination in Puccinia
gramminis var. tritici Phytopathology 54:382-384.
Coos, R. D. and Marylou Tschirsch. 1962. Effect of environmental factors on spore germination,
spore survival and growth of Gloeosporium nusorum Mycologia 54:353-367.
Goth, R. W. 1966, A quasi-parasite of bean pods: Fusarium oxysponrrn Phytopathology
Graham, I. H. and V. G. Sprague. 1953. The effects of controlled periods of high and low
humidities on the development of purple leaf spot of orchard grass, Phytopathology 43:642-643.
Grainger, J. 1956. Host nutrition and attack by fungal parasites. Phytopathology 46A45-456.
Green, C. J. and J, G. Dickson. 1957. Pathological histology and varietal reactions in Septoria leaf
blotch of barley. Phytopathology 47:73-79.
Grijseels, A. J., E. B. Williams and J. Kuc. 1964. Hypersensitive response in selections of hlalus to
fungi nonpathogenic to apple. Phytopathology 54: 1152-1153.
Halpin, J. E., E, W. Hansen and J. G, Dickson. 1952. Studies on the pathogenicity of seven
species ofPythiurn on red clover seedlings. Phytopathology 42:245-249.
Heald, F. D. 1921. The relation of the spore-load to the percentage of smut appearing in the crop.
Phytopathology 11:269-278.
Hendrix, F. F., Jr. and T. A. Toussoun. 1964. lnfluence of nutrition on sporulation of the banana
Sitterly, W. R and J. R. Shay. 1960, Physiological factors affecting the onset of susceptib%ry of
apple fruit to rotting by fungus pathogens, Phytopathology 50:9 1-93.
Skoropod, W. P. 1967, Effect of temperature on the ability ofCulletotn'cIturngranrinimt to form
appresoria and penetrate barley leaves. Can. 1. Plant Sci. 47:431-434.
Smith, A. D., P. E. Hoppe and Ja R. Holbert. 1938. Development of a differential inomhtion
technique for Diplodia Stalk rot of corn. Phytopathology 28:497-504.
Sobers, E. K. and C. P. Seymour. 1967. C'litldroclodlun~ ftoridatlrrm sp, n. associated with
decline of peach trees in Florida. Phytopathology 57:389-393.
Spector, W. S. 1956. Handbook of biological data. Nat. Res. Council, Saunders, Philadelphia.
Srivastava, 0, I. and C.Ware. 196S.The effect of kinetin on nucleic acids and nucleases of escied
barley leaves. Plant Physiol. 4036244.
Stakman, E. C. 1954. Recent studies of wheat stem rust inrelation to breeding resistant varieties.
Phytopathology 44:34435 1.
Stall, R. E. and H, H. Cook. 1966. hlultiplication of Xanilromotras vwicaroria and lesion
development in resistant and susceptible pepper. Phytopathology 56: 1152-1 154.
Stevenson, F. J., L. A, Schall, C. F. Clark, R. V. Akeley and Cooperators. 1942. Pot;ltcwc;rb
gardens in the United States. Phytopathology 32965-971,
Sundheim, L, and R. D. Wilcoxson. 1965. Leptospluerrtlina briosiurta on alfalfa: infection and
disease development, host-parasite relationships, ascospore germination and disscminatjon. Phyto-
pathology 55:54&553.
Thomas, H. E. and P. A. Ark. 1939. Some factors affecting the susceptibility of plants to fire
bli@t. Hilgardia 1 2:301-322.
Touwun, T. A., Shirley M. Nash and W. C. Snyder. 1960. The effect of nitrogen sources and
glucose on the pathogenesis of Fusarium solani f: phaseoli, Phytopathology 50:137-140.
T s o , H.and M. J, Garbcr. 1960. Methods of soil infestation, watering, and assessing the degree of
root infection for greenhouse in situ studies with citrus PI~ytophrhoras. Plant Dis. Reptr.
Vakilii, N. 1967, Importance of wounds in bacterial spot (Xanrhomoturs vesicaroria) of tomatoes
in the field. Phytopathology 57: 1099-1103.
Van Der Plank, J. E. 1963. Plant diseases: Epidemjcs and control. Academic Press, New York.
Walker, I. C. 1965. Use of environmental factors in screening for disease resistance. Ann. Rev.
Phytopathol. 3: 197-208.
Ward, C. H. 1959. The detached-leaf technique for testing alfalfa clones for resistance to bbck
stem Phytopathology 49:690-696.
Whetzel, H. H. 1929, The terminology of Phytopathology, Proc. Int, Cong. Plant. Sci. 2:2@335.
Wilson, P. W. and S. G. Knight. 1952. Experiments in bacterial physiolop. Burgess Pub. Co.,
Yarwood, C. E. 1934. The comparative behavior of four clover leaf parasites on excised l e a v ~
Phytopathology 24:797-806.
Yanvood, C. E. 1946. Detached leaf culture. Bot. Rev. 12: 1-56.
Yanvood, C. E. 1959. Predisposition in, J. C. Horsfall and A. E. Dimond. Plant Patholagy Vol.1.
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Young, H. C., Jr. 1943. The toothpick method of inoculating corn for ear and stalk rot.
Phytopathdogy 33: 16. (Abstr.)
Preservation of Microorganisms
.. of Methods
Table 18. Recommended methods of preserving various goups of microorganisms
Periodic tmldez
on overiry
A. Decptreezc
B. Gyopnic
A Rcfrrtbng
B. Centrifugarion technique
C Hlgh-v~cuurndrying
Soil arlt.Um
Ddod bust tissue and dded media cultures
Orha methods
h S i t b gel technique
B. Water prtrmation
Litn;lNre cited
Cbangcs in virulence, culture characteristics and decreases in sporulation occur in routine culture.
To p m e n t or lessen these adverse changes and to minimize contamination, the original culture can be
prtoerved by techniques which reduce or stop growth. Preservation also eliminates the necessity of
frequent transfer. The variety of methais given here and elsewhere (15, 46) reflect the lack of one
satisfactory and convenient method for all microorganisms and perhaps the rugged individualism of
maarch workers. It may be desirable to preserve valuable cr.ltures differently, or at least to keep
duplicates in different locations. Regardless of the methods used, organisms should be grown on media
that produce large numbers of viable cells that are longlived (1 2). High post-infection temperature and
Mted plants decreased original germination of urediospores of Puccinia coronafa and influence
storabfity (28). AU cultures should be checked for purity before preservation; streaking of cultures or
growing in broth is useful in detecting contaminants. For more information on preservation see (15,46,
47) theoretical aspects (46,47,53) and needs and procedures used by culture collcction establishment5
(62). Tabk 18 lists methods recommended for the preservation of various microorganisms.
R e c o m m e n d e d methods of preserving various groups of microorganisms.
Lyophiliza tion
Oil overlay
Lyophilizat ion
Deep freeze
Water (promising)
Oil overlay
Most Fungi
(having spores that are relatively Lyophilization
small and nondelicate) Oil overlay
Water (promising)
Mildew fungi - cleinothecia Dried host tissue
Rust fungi urediospores
Periodic transfer
Vacuum drying
Deep freeze
Smut fungi tcliospores
myceiial or sporidial cultures
Oil overlay
Aquatic fungi (including Oil overlay
Phyfophthora and P)*titium Cryogenic
Slow freezing
Non-sporulating fungi Oil overlay
Soil cultures
Spomlating fungi that do not survive Cryogenic
lyophilization (large spore fungi,
and those having delicate spores:
B o t ~ t i sChoa~ephom)
PERIODIC TRAYSFER (Active Culture) - A method widely used but not widely recommended.
It consists generally of transferring cultures on agar slants twice a year. After suitable growth and
Wrulation, the slants are kept at 4-5 C. Spores, rather than only mycelial transfers, tend to maintajn
btegrity of organism Weak strength natural media are advised, with no or only low concentrations of
m@r. Potatocarrot agar, V-8 juice agar, hay infusion agar, and PDA are commonly used for fun@ (62).
Some prefer t o alternate media (78). Periodic transfer works we1 with a few stable organisms, is
convenient and allows ready access and checking of organisms. It is laborious when a large number of
cultures are involved, for they invite undesirable changes of most organisms and contamination. Test
?reservation of Microorganisms 195
tube plugs "Scoated" have been used t o lessen contamination (1). Poisoned plugs (71) and capping
tubes with cigarette paper (66) prevent contamination by mites. Addition of Cyprol or Kelthane2 to
culture media gives control of mites with apparently negligible fungicidal effects (63) Screwcapped
vials hinder desiccation and mites, but Raper (57) finds more failures with them than with
cottonplugged slants. If used, I find them valuable. Cultures should not be kept tightly capped at room
Conidial cultures of Erysiphe grarninis, like most powdery mildews, are not readily preserved aqd
arc maintained by transfer at 4-6 wk intervals keeping the culture at a low temperature of 12 C and low
light intensity (49).
OIL OVERLAY - A simple but relatively effective method, particularly valuable as an adjunct t o
other methods. With some non-sporulating organisms it may substitute for lyophilization. Allow the
fungus (bacteria are sometimes preserved by this method (34)) t o grow vigorously on slants preferably
equipped with screw caps. Cover the slant with high purity mineral oil (medicinal grade) t o a depth of 1
cm above the uppermost edge, being careful not to get oil on the necks, plugs or caps. The oil is
sterilized by autoclaving for 45 minutes at 121 C in 125 nd amounts. A large number of cultures can be
handled using a soparatory funnel connected to a bell-shaped pyrex filling attachment. Most cultures
are stored successfully for a year or more at 5 to 10 C. Mites are no problem, but occasionally species
of Penicillium give trouble, as they can grow in the oil at these temperatures. Members of all classes of
fungi have been stored by this method (8). Pyrhitrrn and Phyruphtliura are amenable (73) (1 have not
been successful with some species) as are most of the water molds (32) which are not readily
lyophilized. It was rated poorer than lyophilization and storage in soil for preservation of filamentous
molds (1 5).
FREEZING May be arbitrarily separated into L'deep free~ing" - temperatures t o -100 C,
although temperatures usually are from -10 to -60C, and "cryogenic" temperatures from -100 to -196
C. These techniques are valuable, but they require ~naintenanceof continuous low temperatures.
Thawing and refreezing is harmful. Cost for refrigerators maintaining temperatures of -60 C and below
may also be prohibitive. Generally, culturable microorganisms are suspended in a 10% glycerol solution
t o lessen freezing damage and are recovered on a complex medium.
A. Deep freeze - Certain pathogens, particularly bacteria and some obligate parasites, are
maintained by freezing infected plant parts. Xarrrltort~omspkaseoli var. sojense survlved in infected
minced bean leaves for 2 years at 0 to -20 F (33) as did Albugu occirlenralis and Peronospora effusa in
infected spinach leaves at -10 C for 5 t o 6 months (52). Some other organi,ms prearved in frozen tissue
are: Phytupilrhora phaseoli (77), Co~~nebacterirtm insklionrm (37) and Psertdumunas glycinea (1 7,36),
Freezing fungus cultures on agar appears useful. Carmichacl (10) recommends that aluminum
capped vials fitted with rubber gaskets bc used. Caps were loose during growth of organism and
tightened when placed in the freezer, approximately -20 C.
Freezing bacteria in a phosphate buffer with glycerol appears superior to lyophilization in
maintaining high viability for 2. years of storage. This technique, as developed by Tanguay (70) and
others (65), preserves a number of different bacteria. The technique is as follows (70):
1. Inoculate 100 ml of media with 10 ml of a 16-1 8 hr culture.
2. After 24 hours centrifuge and wash culture in MI15 pkosphate buffer pH 7 (KH2P04 7 9 mg,
K 2 W 4100 mg, distffled water 100 ml), volume for volume.
3. Suspend washed cells t o 407i original volume in phosphate buffer containing 15% glycerol.
4. Fill ampoules % full.
5, Carefully heat seal ampoules.
6. Place in deep freeze at 4 0 C.
7. Thaw out inoculum in water bath a t 25 C.
' 1.8%
1.18%pynthrln and 11.87% piperonyl butoxide
af d).(pchlorophenyl) tdchloromethylcubinal
196 R c ~ m t i o nof Microorpnismr
A rimplified version used by Quadling (56) for Xanthomonas pluseoli is as follows:
1. Mix equal volumes of sterile broth containing 30% W/V of dycerol with culture in the late
logarithmic phase (10' ml).
2. Place 1 or 10 ml aliquots in a screw-capped vial and tighten.
3. Store at -20 C.
4. Thaw culture in air of 25 C.
He a h suggests that small colonies can be picked directly from agar and placed in small volumes
of glyc~rolbroth. Clement (11) suggests aqueous glycerol (15% W/V) and rapid prefreezing before
storage at 4 0 C.
Schein reported (60) substantial viability of urediospores of Vronyces phaseoli var. t,pico after
almost 2 years at -60 C in gelatin capsules, without amendments or pretreatment. After storage,
hydration of spores (24 hours in a moist environment or spores floated on water for 2 hours) increased
germination considerably.
B. Cryogenic Storage - Cryogenic storage is increasing as small commercial liquid nitrogen
refrigerators are now available costing from $250-300(Lindc Division, Union Carbide, Tonawanda,
New York and Cryogenic Engineering Co., Denver, Colorado 80216). They require filling about every
month. Mechanical refrigerators now generally available approach the cryogenic range, -96 C. Cryogenic
storage is suggested particularly for organisms not successfully preserved by lyophilization (29,30) or
where there is a concern that the usually low percentage of survivors by lyophilization may not
represent the original genetic population.
Muggelton (51) suggests the following for cryogenic storage of living cells.
1. Cultures should be kept in small volumes: 0.25rnl in 2.0ml thin glass ampoules.
2. One of these: Glycerol (10-2m), dimethyl sulfoxide (It%), glucose or sucrose (Im) usually
aids survival.
3. Freezing should be "slow", about a 1 C decrease per minute down to -20, or -35 C (30). Linde
and Canal Industrial Corp., Bethesda, Maryland, have equipment to accomplish this process,
but it can be roughly approximated by putting ampules at -20 C in a deep freeze for 1-2hr (7).
Species of Pythium and Phytophthora and certain other organisms seem to require this rate.
Cultures should then be quickly transferred without thawing directly to the liquid in
refrigerator (7).
4. When activating cultures, thawing of cultures should be rapid. Generally they are immersed in
a water bath at 38-40 C for 1-2 minutes (20, 30). Hwang (30) has, using essentially t h e a
recommen&tions, successfully stored spores or mycelia of a number of organisms for 5 yr.
A p r slants (75) have also been successfuUy stored,
Tht preparation of bacteria for cryogenic storage is about the same as for "deep freeze"
temperatures. Some workers prefer to wash cells and to quick freeze and t o thaw quickly. Storing test
organisms for microbiological assays in the concentrated assay medium appears feasible (64).
The original percentage germination of uredoispores of fucciniagrarninis f. tririci was maintained in
liquid Nitropn without amendments (44), and the induced "dormancy" broken by thawing at 40 t o 50
C for 2 minutes (43). According to Loegering (40), a vial of spores may be stored for less than 10 cents
per year permitting its use by the American Type Culture Collection. See (41) for details of the type
culture collection of mst fungi and (39, 42) for systems for rapid location and retrieval of frozen
Lagering et d (42) stresses these safety precautions in using liquid N.
1. Do not work or store liquid, N in a nonaerated room.
2. ~ eimprfect
t in ampoules by placing them in a dye solution for H hr prior to freezing.
3. Bt extremely cautious when removing ampoules from refrigerator as they may explode. use a
fb mask.'
4. Handle objects kept in refrigerator with asbestos gloves.
1 hvo found r pdytrtct f j , Scotch Pak (Kapak induotricc.,Minneapolb, M i n 55416)
~ to be a qfa subrtitutc. It is
rutoclnrabb md cpn k hest reded. Tuite, J. 1968. Liquld nltropn storwe of fungi scaled m a p o l y c ~ r ~ ~ .
Mycolofi 60:591494.
LYOPHILIZATION A highly recommended and increasingly popular-way of preserring many
microorganisms, particularly for long periods (77% of fungi tested survived 17 yeard(27)). Almost all of
the large culture collections depend on this method (45). The majority of bacteria., actinomycetes (25),
and many fungi, including yeasts(9), respond well to lyophilization, although total numbers of surviving
cells may be relatively low. Fungi that do not sporulate or have spores that are delicate or unusually
large respond poorly.
Lyophiiization usually consists of drying spores or cells from the frozen state and storing in
vacuo. There are three methods in general use: ( I ) prefreezing, (2) freezearying centrifugation, and (3)
vacuum drying (where freezing may not occur). Drying from the frozen state is believed to be
advantageous because removal of water from the rigid framework that freezing maintains does not
allow proteins to come in contact with high concentrations of other proteins or salts which would lead
to protein denaturation (18, 21). Meryrnan (47) mentions the importance of prevention of shrinkage
and maintenance of solubility by freezing, but also that freezing is incidental to reduction in
temperature, which slows the adverse chemical reactions responsible for death.
Reprdless of the method used, one of the newly lyophilized tubes for each organism should be
checked for viability t o avoid "dead" storage.
U s u ~ ythe spores or cells or the organism are suspended in a colloid, e.g., 10.12% skim milk
(14), beef serum, or in a solution of 1% lactose, glucose, or sucrose. "hlist desiccans" (3 part serum,I
part broth, and 7.5% glucose) is a popular menstruum. Spores of Puccinia coronata, however, did not
survive lyophilitation when suspended in a number of these media, but they did survive well alone (61).
P. strwormis and ~llelamspornlhi (1 6) are also preserved successfully without media (31). Hemin is
reported t o aid preservation of spores ofPuccinio gramirlis (69). Twenty per cent sucrose or glucose was
superior for Aspegillus nker (24) to the beef serum generally recommended. Certain species of
Pyrhiurn were preserved only by lyophilization of invaded wheat straw (67, 68). Thus, the particular
suspending medium appears t o be important and needs more study. A list of suspending media used for
bacteria may be found in Heckly (26).
Whatever the suspending vehicle, its original sterility should be verified by streaking on broad
spectrum media. Beef serum is usually sterilized by filtration, and Weiss (74) advises autoclaving 5 4 ml
of skim milk for 1 3 minutes at 115 C to avoid caramelization.
Lyophil cultures are best stored at a temperature of 0-4 C (26, 38). They can be opened with a
minimum of danger to the culture and the
worker by the following method. Wipe a large - Outlet to
area of the tube near the top with 70% ethanol, Vacuum Pump
makc a deep mark with a file, cover mark with a
gcnerous piece of sterile cotton and apply prec
sure. There are ampoules available marked with a
gold ring that are prefcored and open readily.
Bacterial cultures are usually reconstituted by
adding r portion t o a broth culture and streaking Freezing Trap
a portion on a complex agar medium
A. Prefreezing - According to Raper and
Alexahder (58) (SRRL Method), this method
uses an apparatus that permits simultaneous tem-
perature treatment of organism. Tubes contain-
ing suspensions of microorganisms hang down
from a g h manifold which can be raised or
lowered above a cooling bath. The procedure Ampoules
follows yith various modifications pertinent t o
this and the three following procedures.
198 Pmcw@ionof Microotpnbms
Pi#. IS. A m o w IyophiUzatiun apparatus manufactured by Virtir Co, (Courtesy of Virtis Co.)
Xn) Prarerv8tion of Microorganisms
26, England, and also from companies in the United States. Apparatus is not expensive. This proadurn
has worked well for me and it obviates the need for dry ice,
C. High-vacuum drying Spores of rust fungi without a suspending medium or prior freezing
survived well after 1 to 3 hours of vacuum of 5 0 to 100 C( lig. They did not survive well with a snap
freering. It i s not known whether freeze drying occurred (61). hfe&t?tpsoralitli uredospores have
mrvived 9 yr of storage in sealed tubes containing CaC12 at 3 C (16). They were evacuated for 15-30
rnin before they were sealed. To avoid possible heat injury the bottom 1 cm of the tube was immersed
ia cool water while sealing.
A gradual hydration of the spores was beneficial to lyophilized rust spores (61), cultures of
fithiurn (68), and spores of Ustilago averiae (38).
SOIL CULTURES - The numbers of fungi preserved in soil is considerable (4, 22). The soil is
generally used to absorb the organism. Stcrile loam soil is inoculated with a suspension of the organism
t o bring the moisture t o about 25% of the water l~oldingcapacity (WIiCX3). (To determine WHC place
a known weight of oven dried soil on a moist fdter paper in a funnel, add water slowly until a drop of
water appears at the apex of the cone of paper. The amount of water is approximately equal to the
WHC.) Five g of a soil is added to test tubes and autoclaved for 1 hr at 121 C. Tubes may be stored at
room temperature or refrigerated, but they should be protected from dust and mites. This method has
the advantage of one tube supplying a continuirlg source of inoculum.
DRIED HOST TISSUE AND DRlED MEDIA-CULTURES - Many plant pathogens survive long
periods when in contact with host tissue. Diseased plant material such as leaf tissue may be dried in a
plant press and kept for a year or more. The fungi causing northern and southern leaf blights of corn
are efficiently preserved in this way (72). Cleistothecia of Erysiphcgrarrtitlis f. sp. hordei on leaves were
viable after 13 yrs at 10 C (SO). Leaf rust collections on wheat leaves placed between blotter paper,
dried over calcium chloride for 3 0 days in test tubes at 2.4 C, and stored in manilla envelopes were kept
viable for 7 months (79). Bacterial pathogens, obl~gateparasites, and organisms usually difficult to
maintain are often successfully stored by freezing the infected host tissue as mentioned earlier. Bagga
(2) reports 19 fungi and 4 species of bacteria survived sealed storage at 1&13 C for 12 montl~swhen
a p t cultures or rice seed cultures were first dried between sterile blotting paper and over CaC12 at 20 C
or lower (2a).
OTHER METHODS - These techniques are included because of their simplicity and their
effectiveness, at least, for the few organisms so far tested.
A. Silica gel technique (after Perkins (54))
1. Small test tubes are preferable with screw-caps and are 'A fded with non-indicating (no dye) silica
gel, 6-1 2 mesh.
2. Sterilize at 180 C for 1% hr (use immediately after cooling or keep in a tightly sealed container),
3. Add 0.5 ml of sterile water to a fresh agar culture to be preserved - loosen spores.
4. If only mycelium present, transfer mycelium t o a sterile test tube containing sterile water and
crush with a glass rod.
5. Add an equal amount of sterile skim milk to water suspension.
6. Using a Pastcur pipette (drawn out of 4 mm glass tubing) add 0.5 d of suspension per 4 g silica
gal, drop by drop. Tap particles to one side and add suspension starting at bottom. Distribute
b p s uniformly. Sitica gel tubes can be chilled or kept in an ice bath t o lessen heat production.
7. After 1 week ample by shaking a few gel particles on agar medium.
8. If viable, screw cap on tightly and wrap tubes in pliafdm and store at 5 C in a tight container.
B. Water preservation Consists of placing small pieces of mycelium, spores and agar or 3-5 loopfuls
of bacteria into small capped test tubes containing water. The fungi tested include dermatophytic fungi
(6) m d Ascmhyta and Colletotn'chum (55). There were kept refrigerated while virulent isolates of
Puudomnns w & ~ c e m msurvived for 18-24 months at 22 C (35). The latter is remakable but well
docunrented. B V a y and Schnathorst (13) stored their bacterial ruspenrrions at 10 C.
Prcwmtion of Microorganisms 201
1. Bache-wiig, Sara. 1954. The fungistatic barrier effect of "xoated" cotton used as vial plugs.
Mycologia 46:457462.
2a. Bagga, H. S. 1967. Effect of sealed and unsealed containers on longevity of dried cultures of
microorganisms. Plant Dis. Reptr. 5 1 :747-750.
2b. Bagga, H. S. 1967. Effect of different drying temperatures and levels of relative humidity during
storage and on longevity of dried cultures of pathogenic and industrial microorganisms. Plant Dis.
Reptr. 51 :1055-1058.
3. Bakerspigel, A. 1953. Soils as a storage medium for fungi. llycologia 45:596404.
4. Bakerspigel, A. 1954. A further report of the soil storage of fungi, Mycologia.46:680-681.
5. Barratt, R. W. and E,'L. Tatum. 1950. A simplified method for lyophilizing microorganisms.
Science 1 12: 122-123.
6. Benedek, T. 1962. Fragmenta mycologia. 11. On Castellani's "Water Cultures" and Bencdek's
"Mycotheca" in Chloralactophenol. hlycopathol. et 51ycol. Appl. 17:155-260.
7. Brornfield, K. R. and C, C.Schrnitt. 1967. Cryogenic storage of conidia of Peror~osporatabacina.
Phytopathology 57:1133.
8. Buell, Caroline and W. H. Weston. 1947. Application of the mineral oil conservation method to
maintaining collections of fungus cultures. Amer. J. Bot. 34555-561.
9. Burns, M. E. 1962. Survival of lyophilized yeasts. Sabouradia 1 :203-213.
10. Carmichael, J. W. 1964. Viability of mold cultures stored at -20 C, Mycologia 54:432-436.
11. Clement, Mary T. 1964. A simple method of maintaining stock cultures by low temperature
storage. Can. J. Microbiol. 10:613-615.
12. Darby, R. T. and C. R, hiandels. 1955, Effects of spomlation n~ediumand age on fungus spore
physiologv. Plant Physiol. 30:360-366.
13. DeVay, I. E. and W. C. Schnathorst. 1963. Single-cell isolation and preservation of bacterial
cultures. Nature 199:775-777.
14. Fennel, Dorothy. 1960. Conservation of fungous cultures. Bot. Rev. 26:79-14 1.
15. Fennel, Dorothy, K. B. Raper and M. H. Flickinger. 1950. Further investigations on the
preservation of mold cultures. Mycologia 42: 135-147.
16, Flor, H. H. 1967. Preservation of urediospores of Jlelantspora lini. Phytopathology 57:320-321.
17. Frosheiser, F. 1. 1956. Storing inoculum of Pseudomorras g~lcineain host tissue by freezing.
Phytopathology 46:526.
18. Fry, R. M. 1954. Chapter 10. The preservation of bacteria. In Biological Applications of Freezing
and Drying, edited by R. J. C. Harris. Academic Press, E. Y.
19. Fry, R. M. and R. I. Greaves. 1951. The survival of bacteria during and after drying. J. Hyg.
20. Coos, R D., E, E. Davis and Winfred Butterfield. 1967. Effect of wanning rates on the viability
of frozen fungous spores. Mycologia 59:58-66.
21. Greaves, R. 1. 1943. Chapter 3. Theoretical aspects of drying by vacuum sublimation. In
Biological Applications of Freezing and Drying, edited by R I. C. Harris. Academic Press, S. Y.
22. Creene, H. C. and E. B. Fred. 1934. Maintenance of vigorous mold stock cultures. Ind. Eng.
C h m 26: 1297-1298.
23. Graham, S. 0. 1956. Germination responses of Ustilago trirlcf Res. Studies State CoU.
Washington 24:307-3 17.
24. Haskins, R. H. and Joan Anastasiou. 1953. Comparisons of the survivals of Asperpillus niger
spores lyophilized by various methods. Mycologia 45:523-532.
25. Haynes, W. C., L. I. Wickerham and C. W. Hesxltine. 1955. Maintenance of cultures of
industrially important microorganisms. AppL Microbiol 3:361-368.
H e c k l ~R.
fa 1961. Preservation of bacteria by lyophilization. Adv. Appl. Microbial. 3: 1-76.
Heswltine, C* W., Barbara J. Bradle and C. R. Benjamin. 1960. Further investigations on the
preservation of molds. Mycologia 52:762-774.
Hobbs, E. L 1962. Factors affecting fienninability of uredospores of Puccinia mrorrara.
Phytopathology 52: 1223-1225.
Hwang, So W. 1960. Effects of ultra-low temperatures on the viability of selected fungus strains.
Mycologia 52:527-529.
Hwang, S. W. 1966. Long-term preservation of fungus cultures with liquid nitrogen refrigeration.
Appl. ~;crobiol.3 33784-788.
Hughes, H. P. and R. C. F. 5laccr. 1964. The preservation of Puccirtia striifonrlis and other
obligate cereal pathogens by vacuum drying. Brit. Myc. Soc., Tnns. 47:477484.
Johnson, T. W., Jr. and F. K. Sparrow, Jr. 1961. Fungi in oceans and estuaries. J. Cramer,
Jones, J. R. and E. E. Hartwig. 1959. A simplified method for field inoculation of soybeans with
bacteria. Plant Dis. Reptr. 43:946.
Kelrnan, A. and J. H,Jensen. 195 1. Maintaining virulence in isolates of Pseudonwnas sola,urce-
arum Phytopathology 41: 185-186.
Kelman, A. and L. H. Person. 1961. Strains of Psezrdunioruls sohttacearum differing in
pathogenicity of tobacco and peanut. Phytopathology 5 1 :158-161.
Kennedy, B. W. 1965. Tolerance of Pseudomor~usglyci~reu to freezing. Phytopathology
Kernkamp, M. F. and G. Hemerick. 1952. A "deepfreeze" method of maintaining virulent
inoculum of the alfalfa wilt bacterium, Cuqjnebacterium insicliontm Phytopathology 42: 13.
Kondo, W. T. 1961. Effect of storage temperatures on the viability of lyophilized L'srilogo ar7etrae
rellospores Phytopathology 5 1 :407.
Leath, K. T., R. W. Romig and J. B, Rowell. 1966. A system for storing rust spores in liquid
nitrogen. Phytopathology 56: 570.
Loegering, W, Q. 1962. Personal communication,
Loegering, W. Q. 1965. A type culture collection of plant rust fungi. Phytopathology 55:247.
Loegering, W. Q., D. L. Harmon and W. A. Clark. 1966. Storage of uredosporcs of Pucclnh
graminis rritici in liquid nitrogen. Plant Dis. Reptr. 50:502-506.
L o e g e ~ g W., Q. and D. L. Iiarmon. 1962, Effect of thawing temperature on uredospores of
Pucclnia gra~tlirtisf. sp. tritlci frozen in liquid nitrogen. Plant Dis. Reptr?vYu:299-302.
Loegering, W. Q., H. H,McKinney, D,L. Harmon and W. A. Clark. 196 1. A long term experiment
for preservation of uredospores of Puccinia gratnirris nitici in liquid nitrogen. Plant Dis. Repu.
Martin, S. M. 1963. Culture Collections: Perspectives and Problems. Univ. of Toronto Pres,
Martin, S. hl. 1964. Conservation of microorganisms. Ann. Rev. MicrobioL 18: 1-1 6.
Meryman, H. T. (ed). 1966. Cryobiology. Academic Press, Sew York.
Mehrota, B. S. and C. W. Hesselrine. 1958. Further evaluation of the lyophil procesr for the
preservation of Asperpillli and Penicillia. Appl. Microbiol. 6:179-183.
Moseman, J. G. 1956. Physiological races of Erysiplie gramiris f. sp. hordei in Sorth America.
Phytopathology 46:3 18-322.
Moeman, J. G. and H. R. Powers, Jr. 1957. Function and longevity of c~cirtotheciaof Eg's@hs
gruminis f, sp. hordei Phytopathology 47:53-56.
M u a c t o n , p. W. 1964, he prewwation of cultures. Pro, Ind. MicmbioL 4:19@214-
O'Brien, Muriel J. md R. 8. Webb. 1958. Preservation of conidia of Albugo o c c h r a k s
pmpwspom effuu, obligate parasites of spinach. Plant Dir Rcptr. 42: 1312-1315-
Resenation of Microorganisms 203
Parker, A. S., A. V. Smith. 1960.. Recent research in freezing and freezedrying. Blackwell Publ.,
Perkins, D. D. 1962. Preservation of Neumspora stock cultures with anhydrous silica gel. Can. J.
Microbiol. 8:591-594.
Person, L. H. 1961. A method of maintaining viability and ability to sporulate in isolates of
Ascochyta. Phytopathology 5 1 :797-798.
Quadling, C. 1961. Preservation of Xa~rthonwtusby freezing in glycerol broth. Can. J. Microbiol.
Raper, K. B. 1962. General methods for presenting cultures. fn Culture Collections: Perspectives
and Problems. U. of Toronto Press.
Raper, K. B. and D. F. ~lcxander.1945. Preservation of molds by the lyophd proses. Mycologia
Rowell, J. B. 1956. Rehydration injury of dried uredospores of Pucciniu graminis var. tririci
Phytopathology 45:24. (Abstr.)
Sfhein, R. D. 1962. Storage viability of bean rust uredospores. Phytopathology 52:653-656.
Sharp, E. L. and F. G. Smith. 1957. Further study on the preservation ofPucci~riauredospores.
Phytopathology 47:423429.
Simmons, E, G. 1962. Fungus cultures: Conservation and taxonomic responsibility. In Culture
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Smith, R. S. 1967. Control of Tarsonemid mites in fungal cultures. Mycologia 59:600-609.
Sokolski, W. T. and E. M. Stapert. 1964. Liquid nitrogen freezing in microbiolgoical assay
systems. Appl. hlicrobiol. 6: 178-184.
Squires, R. W, and S. E. Hartsell. 1955. Survival and growth initiation of defrosted Escherfchia
cob as affected by frozen storage menstrua. Appl. hlicrobiol: 3:4045.
Snyder, W. C. and H. N. Hansen. 1946. Control of culture mites by cigarette paper barriers.
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Phytopathology 5 1 :259.
Staffeldt, E. E, and E. L. Sharp. 1954. Modified lyophil method for preservation of Pythiunz
species. Phytopathology 44:213-215.
Stewart, D. M. 1956. A vacuurn drying process for preservation of Pucciniu graminis Phytopa-
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Microscopic Techniques
Observing Host-Pathogen Rebtionships
U n c h d intact host tissue
Epidermal impression-coIloidin technique
C k h g of host tissueand staining of fungus mycelium
Fm h m d sections
Mounting and Staining Media for Semi-permanent Slounts of fungi
Nuclear staining
Cram stain or gram method
Staining bacterkl flngelh
Cement recipes for sealing liquid mounts
Ways of Prcparinp Fungi for Slicroropic Examination and/or Herbarium Prevwation
Microculturr techniques
Doubk cover slip technique
Cellophane mounts
Dried reference c u l t u ~
Cellophane method
Literature Cited
Included here is information on handling disease host tissue and microorganisms for viewing
under the light microscope. Preparing material for sectioning with microtomes is not included.
lactrophenol cotton blue solution for several weeks. The authors found this method especially useful
for phase microscopy.
6. Erysiphe graminis in barley, lactophenol-cotton bllre (93). Fresh specimens are immersed in 10 ml of
lactophenol containing 17A.l% cotton blue and then brought to boiling over a low bunsen flame
and allowed to simmer for 3 min. The solution is allowed to cool, leaves removed and gently rinsed
in clear lactophenol. According t o White and Baker (93), the material can be kept without
deterioration for at least 6 wk.
7. Cercospora in banana, lactophenol-trypan blue (38). Place free hand sections in trypan blue-
lactophenol (see in mounting and staining media), gently heat, then replace with clear lactophenol.
The mycelium of Cercospora is stained while the host cells remained unstained.
8. ~ o t r ~ in& onion, chloral hydrate-lactophenol-acid fuchsin (83). Clear leaf fragntents in chloral
hydrate for 12 to 24 hr and stain in 0.05% acid fuchsin in lactophcnol for 12 hr.
9. Stemphy/ium in lotus, chloral hydrate-acid fuchsin-bismark brown (30). Place 4 or 5 leaflets in
stender dish 113 full with solution A (see below) for 4-5 days (until leaves are transparent), Transfer
leaflets t o solution C for 2-1 2 hr until staining is satisfactory (younger more succulent tissues are
harder to stain). Transfer to solution A and allow to destain until good differentiation between host
cells and pathogen is obtained. Counter stain in solution D until the stomata and geminating spores
are stained.
Dehydrate leaves by passing through a series of 85%, 95% and absolute alcohol, IS min in lower
grades and 3 changes in absolute, 10 minlchanges.
Clear leaves in synthetic oil of wintergreen for 5-15 min. Leaves are then mounted in damar balsam
or Permount. Spores, germ tubes, and stomata are stained brown, and tile fungus hyphae and the
leaf cells stained pink to red.
Solution A. Chloral hydrate 250 g
Water 100 ml
Solution B. Acid fuchsin *%
used to make up solution C
70% alcohol
Solution C. 95%alcohol 8 ml
Solution A 12 ml
Solution B 1 ml
Solution D. Bismark Brown 2%
70% alcohol
10. Hyphae in roots, chloral hydrate-acid fuchsin (36). Boil roots in a saturated solution of chloral
hydrate containing 0.01% acid fuchsin, and examine in clear lactophenol. Also good fur detecting
nematodes, but sl~ouldbe destained by autoclaving in clear lactophenol for 10 min at 121 C (2).
11. Hyphae in various hosts, chloral hydrate-lactophenol-cotton blue or aniline blue. Place material
overnight in 5 pt chloral hydrate, 2 pt water ana u.15'0 of aniline biue. Airer s~uningmount the leaf
pieces in chloral hydrate for several hours. According to Bell (6) better clearing and staining was
obtained by twice subjecting the leaves to vacuum in the staining solution followed by about 4 hr at
60 C.
12. Bremia lactucae in lettuce (62).
Necrotic tissue whole mount
Place tissue for 30 rnin in 7% NaOH.
Transfer to 5% NaClO for 15 min or until brown disappears.
~ o u n int water or in 0.4% KOH. No stain is needed.
L M ~tissue -
R whole mount
Place tissue in one pt glacial acetic acid and 3 pt of 95%ethanol for at feast 3 hr.
Transfer to lactophcnol containing 0.01% orseillin BB (Allied Chemical Corp.) that is, at 95 C.
Seedlings in the cotyledon stage are left in the solution 4-5 min, ~cedlingswith 2 t o 3 leaves
Microscopic Techniques 207
require 6 7 min.
~ o u n tissue
t in lactophenol. If over-stained, soak the tissue in hot lactophenol for several min.
Fresh sections (about 5 0 p thick)
Mount sections in lactophenol-orseillin BB (as above).
Cover with a dip and keep on a 95 C hot plate until all bubbles cease to boil from the specimen.
OrseiUin BB stains the fungus mycelium bright red and host cell walls light pink.
13. Ustlhgo nuda in barley embryo &OH-sodium silicate-trypan blue-lactophenol (64,65,73),
Extraction and staining of embryos
Using a 1 1 beaker vigorously boil 6 W 7 0 0 barley kernels in 500 ml of water containing 25 g of
NaOH, 70 ml of liquid glass (sodium silicate), 1 drop of liquid detergent (prevents foaming), and
0.5 t o .25 g trypan blue, for 45-60 min, stirring occasionally. Add water to replace water
Pour the hot gelatinous mass on a series of screens of 4, 6, 8 and 14 mesheslsq inch spraying
warm water gently on the mass to aid separation.
Transfer embryos from lowest and finest mesh screen into a pan, then into a beaker decanting off
excess water.
Embryos are further separated by centrifugation or by flotation,
A. Place embryos in 50 ml tubes rnd fill 314 full with a 50% aqueous liquid glass solution. Spin at
4500 RPhi for 5-15 min in an International Clinical Centrifuge with a 4 bucket head. The
embryos form a layer at the top of the 5Wa liquid glass. Pour off embryos and wash twice in
Or do B.
B. (51) Transfer embryos and debris t o a 5" high 250 ml jar containing sufficient sodium silicate
to float the embryos t o the top - usually SO rnl of sodium silicate is added to 200 ml of water.
They may then be poured off, skimmed off, picked up by a perforated spatula or by a pipette
with a rubber teat (63).
Transfer embryos t o petri dishes 112 to 213 full with lactophenol: 1:1:1 :5-lactic acid, phenol,
glycerine, and water.
Boil several minutes until water has evaporated and fuming of remaining liquid commences. Do
this under a hood or very well aerated room. Remove quickly from heat, allow to cool and
examine at 15-60 X. The mycelium will be bright blue. High magnification may be desired to
confirm that the mycelium is typical of the loose smut fungus (73).
For alternative procedures without heat or stain see (63, 67), and for using pressure cooker (73)
or autoclave see (5 1).
Vstihgo nu& in plant tissue (65)
Boil tissue in 5% SaOH for about 20 A n and pour into an enameled pan. Separate nodes from
oheathes with tweezers. Place nodes in lactophenol containing 0.001-0.005% trypan blue.
14. Haustoria of Peronsporales, Resorcin (35). Place sections cut free hand or with a freezing microtome
in 1% aqueous Resorcin blue. Sections can also be treated with a 2% solution of "Pectoenzyne," a
commerEia1 enzyme in citrate buffer at pH 4 prior to stain for 4-6hr so that the relative of
the fungus and host elements are more readily ken.
15. Hyphae in various hosts, dioxan-propionic acid-haemgum mountant (47). Place leaf actions in a
mixture 95:s of dioxan and propionic acid (reagent grade). Allow 5 ml of solution per 5 mm2 of
time. Leave at 60 C until leaves are colorless.
Be careful of vapors. Wash in distilled water at least 3 hr. Transfer specimens to slide and add a few
drops of haemgum staining mountan t (46).
16. Hyphae in oak, holly and birch Litter, sodium chlorite safranin (41). This technique was used with a
aurabet of species of trees including oak, holly and birch t o observe fungal hyphae in and on leaves
208 Mkroropk Techniques
from litter.
Cut 0.5 g of leaves into pieces 0.5-1 cm across.
Bleach in r solution of 0.3 g sodium chlorite in 40 ml water acidified by the addition of0.S ml of
10% acetic acid for 4-6 hr at 60 C.
Pour off bleaching solution and dehydrate with SO, 70,95% and absolute alcohol (3 changes) under
reduced pressure of 1/3 atmosphere, Twenty min in each is enough.
. Replace absolute alcohol with methyl salicylatz; the material will be transparent in a few minutes.
Stlin m a t e d by placing it in 0.25 rafranin in methyl salicylate for I5 sec.
Warhin methyl salicylate and mount in Canada b a l m
17. Hyphae in wood, safranin picrmniline blue (13). Sections are usually 15 to 20 p thick, u u r d y cut
on a sliding microtome.
Stain the section in 1% aqueous safranin for about 30 sec. Wash off the superfluous stain in water
leaving the section slightly over-stained.
Cover with picro-aniline blue (25 ml of saturated aniline blue, 100 ml of saturated aqueous picric
acid) and warm gently to the point of simmering.
Wash out all the blue that comes out easily with water.
Wash several times in alcohol, 70 and 95% and dehydrate is absolute,
Clear in clove oil, wash in cedar wood oil or xylol and mount in Canada balsam. The lignified cell
walls are stained red and the fungus mycelium a clear blue.
Free Hand Sections
Elderberry pith or carrot root can be used for free hand sectioning. Elderberry pith can be kept in
70% ethyl alcohol prior to sectioning. Enclose small portiom of the materials to be sectioned between
split halves of the pith or carrot root. Section using a new razor blade across the m a t e d . Transfer
suitably thin sections directly to a drop of mounting media on a microscope slide.
Sections can also be made by rhe "chop method," with much less skill, advises Cummins (18). A
mall portion of a leaf is placed on a slide, and u s i q a razor blade in a chopping manner a luge number
of sections are made. Usually some of these will be thin enough for viewing. If a stereoscopic binocular
is available, materials can be sectioned while being vjewed through the microscope. This technique is
particularly useful when fruiting bodies are present on firm host tissue.
Several machines that section tissue with little or no tissue preparation are now available and
appear very pr~mising.
have any mountant outside of the coverslip t o ensure a good seal, use minimum amounts. Use c l e ~
dissecting needles as well as clean glasmvare t o get a presentable slide. A preliminary mounting in 7Wo
alcohol combined with separating out masses of mycelium tends to eliminate air bubbles when the final
mountant k subsequently added.
Glycerinealcohol mixture (1 8)
50.50 mixture of 95%alcohol and glycerine
Spores may be cleared in a weak solution of chloral hydrate prior to mounting (18).
A freshly prepared solution 2 to 1Wo KOH filtered to remove the flocculent precipitate is
recommended. It is generally used when mounts are t o be made from dried specimens. PREVENT
ONCE (3).
KOH Phloxine
Cooke (17) prefers to use with the sphaetopsidaceous fungi.
7Wo alcohol 1. Make up these 3 separate solutions.
5% KOH 2. Tease bits of mycelium - fruiting structures in a drop of alcohol to
05%aqueous phloxine remove air bubbles.
3. Remove m o a of alcohol by blotting or by evaporation.
4. Add a drop of KOH.
5. Add a drop of phyloxine avoiding contamination of dropper 4 thK
6. Add a cover slip.
7. A Kmi-permanent mount can be made by replacing with lactopbm
210 Miaoscopie Techniques
Acid fuchsin 0.1 g Gives brilliantly stained specimens. Seems to be incompatible with
Lacticacid 100ml fmgernail polish. If mixed half and half with Gurr's water mounting
medium, will harden.
Glycerinejelly (49)
Gelatin 1.0 g Blue label Karo according to Johansen, D. (49).
Glycerine 7.0 g Makes a good substitute.
Water 6.0 rnl with the addition of 1% phenol
Glycerine-jelly-methyl green (79)
Methyl green 3%in SWGethanol Saturate glycerine jel!;! with methyl green by
Patterson's mounting medium A adding the latter dlopwise to melted jelly.
Glycerine-jelly (see above)
Mount material in a drop of Patterson's medium. Heat gently over a flame until the water and
alcohol have evaporated. Place a small block of GJMG on the material and melt over a flame. Stir the
fungus with a needle and add a cover slip. After the glycerine jelly is removed from the outside edges of
the cover slip, seal with fingernail polish, balsam or a synthetic resin.
Hoyer's mounting medium (1)
Distilled water 5 0 ml Soak arabic gum in water for 24 hr. Add the chloral hydrate and let
Arabic gum, lump 30 g the solution stand until all the material dissolves. This may require
Chloral hydrate 200 g several days before the glycerine is added and the solution is ready tu
Glycerine 20 8 use. For mounting Myxo~nycetesor Ascomycetes, wet the specimen
with absolute alcohol for about one minute, treat with 2% KOH for
a similar period of time, wash in 70% alcohol and place in a drop of
mounting fluid.
Wallerite (21)
Clear gelatin 10 0 Dissolve phenol in acid without heat, digest gelatin until com-
Phenol crystals 28 8 pletely dissolved (takes about 2 days), add 10 drops of glycerol
Glacial acetic acid 28 g and incorporate thoroughly by stirring. Store in brown bottle,
may be thinned with glacial acetic acid. This medium will harden
pemanently after 24 hours. For very wet prcp2rations dehydrate
fust in gIacial acetic acid for a few minutes, then drain off.
Location and enumeration of fungus nuclei may be done through careful phase microscopy, but
m y prefer staining of f w d material. Good results have been obtained with a variety of stains
preeeded by a variety of fwatives. For details involving iron hematoxylin see (26,74,75) Giemsa stain
(45, 52), acetorcein (26), basic fuchsin (Feulgen reaction) (26), propionocarmine (60), trypm blue
(55). The details of a method recommended to me by Roth (80) using basic fuchsin is given here. It
Vwus that certain details of nuclear division in fungi will be more likely unequivocally resolved by the
electron and not the light microscope.
Microscopic Techniques 213
Aqueous Safranin
Safranin 0, 2.5% solution
in95%ethanol ............... 10ml
Distilled water .................. 100rnl
The determination of the number and the arrangement of bacteria flagella are important
taxonomically. Regardless of whether bactcrid e l l s are viewed by the electron or light microscope,
careFul interpretation is necessary, and bscterw species of knoun flagella arrangement should be
included for comparison in every determination (42). Becaure of the apparent difficulties encountered
in successful staining of flagella, several techniques are included here. Two of them are similar.
Common to all is the agreement with Leifwn (58, 59) that cultures must be in the log or early
stationary phase usually grown at temperatures of 20 C, and slides must be scrupulously clean. Rhodes
(76) also stresses the importance of focusing and centering of the microxope condenser. (For derails of
staining fungus flagella see Koch (S3).)
Modifmtion of Fontana's met hod for staining spirochaetes-Silver Plating Method (76).
1. Add 1-2 ml of sterile distilled water to slant usually 18-24 hr old.
2. Two 4 mrn loopfuls are inoculated into 5 rnl of sterile distilled water and left for 1 hr at 25 C.
3. Transfer drop to slide cleaned in a chromic and sulphuric acid mixture. bifson's suggests (59)
ckaning o ~ r n i g h with
t a hot s l u t i o n - 71180 C or at least several days at room temperatures.
Wash slides thoroughly with tap followed by distilled water.
4. Allow drop to dry and cover with iron tannate reagent for 3-5 min.
5. Wash very thoroughly with distilled water.
6. Add silver reagent (almost boiling), leave for 3-5 min.
7. Wash thoroughly and examine directly or under cover slip sealed with Canada balsam
Exposure to air causes disintegration of these silver plated preparations after about a week.
Udoserl(Edward Gurr)'
A quickdrying, synthetic, transparent, colorless cement for sealing lactophenol, glycerine and
other aqueous mounts. It sets within a few s w n d s and is hard within a few minutes.
Wder's cement (2 1)
Melt refrned bees-wax and damrnar separately in a glass container on a water bath. Pour melted
wax slowly into dammar stirring thoroughly. Five percent gold size may be added and thoroughly
stirred in. The mixture is placed in ointment thins and may be applied with a heated bent brass rod
3/32" in diameter. A more elaborate tool is described by Dade and Wder (21).
ZPt (Thorne's ccment) (37'91)
Archer Daniels Midland 100, polymerized oil 31.75 ml
Industrial methylated spirit 4.76 ml
Butyl acetate 20.41 ml
Toluol (sulphur-free) 20.41 rnl
Use butyl acetate as sr thinner. A tinted zut suitable for ~ g i n coverslips
g is made by adding a
little oil-soluble pigment, such as Scarlet R. (37). Zut is best applied in two layers. It can be purchased
from George T. GUK' or Bennett Paint and Glas Co., 2131 S. 2nd St., Salt Lake City, Utah.
1. Pour 50 ml of agar containing 5% (w/v) glycerine and 1%(wlv) agar at 50 C into a square plastic
pctd dish (100 mm2). Other size dishes can be used.
2. Place 3 sterile microscope slides on surface of agar after it has set.
3. Remove a cover slip (12 x 12 mm) from 95% ethanol, drain and flame lightly.
4. Dip the cover slip into the desired melted agar medium near 100 C and transfer to the center of one
of the slides in the petri dish.
5. Inoculate the 4 edges of the agar coated cover dip.
6. Place a large cover slip that has been removed from the ethanol (drain off alcohol and flame)
squarely on top of smaller cover slip. Replace cover of petri dish.
7. After incubation remove the larger cover slip and place with fungus growth upward.
8. Remove smaller cover slip and discard.
9. Place a drop of 95%ethanol on fungus growth on the large cover slip and the slide.
10. Just before the alcohol is evaporated add a drop of liquid mountant.
11. Lower clean slide on to cover slip preparation and a clean cover slip on to slide preparation.
Fb 16. Van Tieghem odlr in r petri dish. 17. Thin culture con.
218 Microscopic Techniques
4. Add agar to the semicirculat chamber formed by the card on the side of the card away from the slot.
5. Inoculate agar.
6. Seal second 60 x 24 mm cover slip over the hole and slot.
7. Support chamber in petri dish by a V.shaped glass rod laid horizontally on top of filter paper
moistened with 5m glycerol.
There are several methods (1 2, 50, 54) using a cellophane as a vehicle for reference cultures and
also for cytological work (52, 78). The major problems with this material is to get the cellophane in
complete and smooth contact with the agar medium, and after suitable fungus growth, to'dry the
cultureceIlophane without excessive distortion. Uniform contact is usually accomplished by soaking
the sterile cellophane (sterilized dry between sheets of filter paper) in water or alcohol before applying
t o the surface of the medium Less distortion is accomplished either by drying in a specially designed
press (12) or by drying on glass plates (discarded 9 x 12 cm Kodak M plates (54)). The cultures are
afflxed to the @ass plates by a mixture of glycerine 3.0 rnl, gelatin 3.0 g, phenol 0.2 g, and 100 ml
Alexopoulos, C. T. and E. S. Beneke. 1952. Laboratory manual for introductory mycology.
Burgess Pub. Co., Minneapolis.
Alves, L. M. and C. B. Bergeson. 1967. A quick destaining procedure for showing contrast
between nematodes and root tissue. Plant Dis. Reptr. 51 :5 11.
Anon. 1965. Some plant pathological techniques, Dept. Plant Pathology, Comell.
Anthony, E. H. and A. C. Walkes. 1962. An improvement in slide culture technique. Can. f.
Microbial. 8:929=930.
Aronson, J. M. 1965. The cell wall In G. C. Ainsworth and A. S. Sussman. The Fungi, Vol. 1.
Academic Press, New York.
Bell, F. H. 1951. Distribution of hyphae of several plant pathogenic fungi in leaf tissue.
Phytopathology 41 :3 (Abstr.).
Blenden, D. C. and H. S. Goldberg. 1965. Silver impregnation stain for Leptaspira and flagella. J.
Bacterial. 89:899-900.
Boedijn, K. B. 1965. Trypan blue as a stain for fungi. Stain Technol. 31:115-1 16.
Bushong, f, W. and J. W. Gerdemann. 1959, The relationship of culture substrate t o staining of
Phytophthom species with zinc-chloriodide. Phytopathology 49:455-456.
Butler, E. E. and Margery P. Mann. 1959. Use of cellophane tape for mounting and phot*
graphing phytopathogenic fungi. Phy topathology 49:23 1-232.
Carmichael, J. W. 1955. Lacto-fuchsin: a new medium for mounting fungi. Mywlogia 47:611.
220 MLcroscopic Techniques
Parris, G. K. 194-4. A simple nuclear stain and staining technique for Helntintltosporia.
Phytopathology 34:700.702.
Peterson, C. W. 1967. Dothistrorna needle blight of Austrian and Ponderosa pines: epidetniology
and control. Phytopathology 57:43744 1.
Petersen, L. J. 1956. A method for observing stotnatal penetration by uredospore germ tubes of
Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Phytopathology 46: 581-582.
Pollack, Flora C. 1967. A simple method for preparing dried reference culturcs. hlycologia
Popp, W. 1958. An improved method of detecting loose-smut myceliurn in whole embryos of
wheat and barley. Phytopathology 48:641-645.
Rawlings, T. E. 1933. Phtopattlological and botanical research methods. Wiley and Sons, New
Robinow, C. 1948. On staining of nuclei in bacteria and fungi. Brit. Mycol. Soc., Trans, 31:354.
Rhodes, Muriel E. 1958. The cytology of Pseudor~tonusas revealed by a silver-plating staining
method. J. Cen. Xlicrobiol. 18:639-648.
Riddell, R. W. 1950. Permanent stained mycological preparations obtained by slide culture.
Mycologia 42:265-270.
Roane, C. W. 1952. A method of preparing fungi for cytological studies. Phytopathology 42:480.
Rogers, J. D, 1965. Methyl green in glycerin-jelly as a niounting medium for fungi. Phyto-
pathology 55: 246.
Roth, J. 1964. Pe~rcrnalcommunication.
Rowell, J. B. 1962. Exercise 52'. In Sourcebook of Laboratory Exercises in Plant Pathology. W.
H. Freeman, San Francisco.
Sampson, Joan, 1961. A method of replicating dry or moist surfaces for examination by light
microscopy. Nature 191:932-933.
Segall, R. H,and A. G. Newhall. 1960. Onion blast or leaf spotting caused by species of Botrytis.
Phytopathology S0:76-82.
Shipton, W, A. and J. F. Brown. 1962. A whole-leaf clearing and staining technique to
demonstrate host-pathogen relationships of wheat stein rust. Phgropatliology 52: 1313.
Shoemaker, R. N. 1950. A new microculture slide. Science 112:53.
Singleton, J. R. 1953, Chromosome morphokgy and the chrornoso~necycle in the ascus of
Neurosporu crasra. Amer. J. Bot .40: 124-1 44.
Skerman, V. B. D, 1967. A guide t o the identification of the genera of bacteria. Williams and
Wilkens Co., Maryland.
Swaebly, Mary A. 1951. The serial sectioning of dried mature cereal seeds. Stain Technol.
26: 153-156,
Taschijian, Claire L. 1954. Simplified technique for growing fungi in slide culture. blycologia
Thirumulachar, M. J. and M. J. Sarasirnhan. 1953. Notes on some mycological methods.
Mycologia 45;461468.
Thorne, G. 1935. Notes on free-living and plant-parasitic nematodes: 4. A new slide-ringing
material. Proc. Helrninth. Soc. Wash. 2:98.
Ullstrup, A. 3. 1952. Observations on crazy top of corn. Phytopathology 42:675-680.
White, N. H. and E. P. Baker. 1954. Host pathogen relations in powdery mildew of barley. I.
Histology of tissue reactions. Phytopathology 44:657-662,
Wiltshire, S. P. 1944. The organization of the study of systematic mycology, Brit. 5fywl. Soc.,
Trans, 27: 1-1 2.
Microscopic Techniques 223
95. Zelitch, 1. 1961. Biochemical control o f stornatal opening in leaves. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci,
47: 1423-1433.
96. Zuck,R. K. 1947. Simplified permanent aceto-carmine smears with a water-miscible mountant.
Stain Techno]. 22: 109-1 10.
97. Zuck, R. K. 1959. Double and triple glass mounting techniques. Turtox News 37:57.
Writing for Publication
by George B. Cun~mins
Manuscript Preparation
1. Prior to Preparation of the hfanuscript
2. The Plan of the Manuscript
3. The First Draft of the Manuscript
4. The Revivd >fanuscript
5. The Galley Proof
Research is done to advance the state of knowledge and add new truths, theories, and hypotheses
t o man's store of information. This goal has not been reached until the results of research are made
available. Research is not done merely to satisfy the curiosity of the individual. Hence, the publication
of significant results is an obligation that the scientist owes to society. It is his further obligation to
learn to write effectively; to present information logically, clearly and concisely.
There is an appropriate time t o publish. This is when a significant body of related information has
accumulated. It may be at the conclusion of the project, or it may be one or more times during the
course of the investigation. Premature publication, whether to "get it into print first" or to add to one's
list of titles, is to be deplored. Conversely, significant data may be indeftnitely filed away on the
assumption (commonly false) that one wiU someday get back to strengthen a weak p o h t or two.
1. Prior to Preparation of the Manuscript. Several matters should be considered before a
manuscript is written:
a. Do the data constitute a homogeneous unit? If not, withhold the discordant elements for separate
or later publication.
b. Select the periodical to which the manuscript will be submitted; it should be appropriate to the
subjsct matter.
c. If the journal is published by a society, membership is probably a prerequisite to pubfication
d. Dotennine per author page limitatiom and all matters of style, such as: heads and subheads,
illustrations and methods of numbering them, method of citing literature, whether numerals are
used beginning with 1 or only with 11 and above, whether italics are used for st a1 and similar
words and abbreviations, and whether abbreviations such as mm, cm, gm,F, and C are followed
by r period.
8. Before preparing illustratiom, measure the print line and plan illustrations to make effective use
of space. If the journal has a double column format, illustratiozu may occupy the width of only
Writing for Publication 225
3. The first draft of the manuscript will usually just be a start. Put it in a drawer for a week or so,
then reword it critically, word by word. Strive for brevity, eliminate all non-working words, and break
up long involved sentences. Make direct statements; do not qualify every statement with "it seems," "it
would appear," etc. Avoid the use of "very," "it is of interest to note," "it will be seen from," "as can
be seen in," and similar wordy statements. Uoe I or we instead of "the author(s)," which can be
misleading, as can also "this paper." Laboratory jargon should not be used.
4. The m k d manuscript should be reviewed by one or more neutral persons. Generally, their
suggestions should be taken. Retype the manuscript if the changes are extensive.
Get official approval if required by your institution. Send the ribbon copy, plus carbon copies if
required by the journal, t o the editor. The editor will have the manuscript reviewed and may return it
for revision. He may even reject it.
5. The Galley Proof. Somz weeks or months after your manuscript has been accepted you will
receive the manuscript, galley proof, and certain instructions. You should do the following promptly:
a. Read the proof with great care, giving close scrutiny especially to data figures, reference numbers,
dates, and measurements.
b. hfake no unnecessary changes - you pay for them! If you add a word, try to compensate by
removing one or using a shorter one. A change at the start of a paragraph may necessitate
resetting type for the entire paragraph. This is no time to revise your article.
c. Use appropriate proof readers signs and use them correctly,
d. Mark approximate location of illustrations.
e. Fill out the reprint orders - it is now or never.
f. Return the corrected galley, the original manuscript, unless instructed otherwise, and the
completed abstract for Biological Abstracts, if provided.
Humidity Control
Tabk I. The rcktionship ofdensity o f sulfuric acid and relative humidity
Tabk 2. The relationship of specific gravity or refractive index of aqueous glycerine solutions md rebtivc
Table 3. The relative humidities of various saturated salt solutions at various temperatures
It is frequently useful to be able to maintain a constant relative humidity (RH) for the purpose of
determining the effects of moisture on spore germination (5,6,7), spore longevity (15) or a multitude
of other processes. The effect of RH on the fungicidal activity of fumigants (I 2) emphasizes the nccd
for control of RH in fumigant tests and suggests its importance in other biological tests. It should be
recognized as Anderson points out (2) that moisture stress may be of more significance than relative
humidity. Vapor pressure deficit (VPD), a measure of moisture stress, is defined as the difference
between the actual amount of water vapor present and the amount present at the saturation point at
the same temperature (2). Thus, the higher the VPD, measured in units of pressure - inches or mm of
Hg the greater the rate of evaporation regardless of relative humidity. If the temperature and relative
humidity are known, WD can be determined. For example, according to the tables of Hodgman (9) the
vapor pressure at 100% RH at 20 C is 17.535 mm of Hg, 70% RH is 12.274 mm of Hg. The vapor
pressure deficit is therefore 5.261.
Schein (13) reminds us that we must exert careful temperature control with relative humidities of
90% and above as only a I C drop will result in dew formation.
Humidity can be maintained by basically two methods:
Air may be humidified t o the degree desired by the physical introduction of water (7, 10) or by
the az of aqueous chemical solutions. The fust method requires a considerable amount of equipment
and careful instnrmentation. It is the method of choice in large chambers. An excellent example is
deocnied by Delp (7). The second method using chemical solutions is of use in small cllambers where
control a n be achieved without elaborate equipment. Two groups of chemicals have been used in this
btter method
ChmumucaI solutions: Different humidities may be achieved by varying concentrations of the
chemical in water. Examples are: sulfuric acid (table I), glycerine (table 2), CaCI, arld NaOIi solutians.
Of the^ sulfuric acid and glycerins are recommended by the American Society for Testing klaterials
(1). These solutions will maintain approximately the same RH at different temperatures. However, as
humidity is related to concentration of the chemical in solution, any change such as that caused by
evaporation or by absorption by material piaced in the containcr will change the RH.This can be partly
overcome by using large quantities of the solution ~JI the container or by previously conditioning the air
to the desired RH by passing it fust through a saturated salt solution that gives the approximate desired
RH (I 1).
228 Appendix
Humidity may also be controlled by its use of saturated salt solutions (table 3) each of which
maintains a different RH. For additional solutions see (20). Saturated salt solutions arc valuable
because the concentration does not have t o be precisely maintained; the requirements being that the
solution remains saturated, and the chemical is pure. A substantial excess of the chemical is desirable,
some recommending a "slushy" solution. Unfortunately, most falt solutions do not effect the same
relative humidity at different temperatures.
Some recommendatlonr about chemical solutions used to maintain humidity:
I. Containers should be essentially mnisiure tight as to prevent creeping of salts or evaporation of
water from glycerine or sulfuric acid solutions. If using continuous flow, humidify the air by
first passing through water and a conditioning solution.
2, Sudden temperature fluctuations should be prevented. If they are unavoidable, insulation with
1" glass wool will negate temperature fluctuations of 3C (1). As changes in humidity come
about from differences between temperature of the solution and the air in the container, a
shaking mechanism is also of value. It can be specially constructed (S), or a Warburg apparatus
can LC utilized (6, 7). The smaller the container, the less chance of a temperature differential.
3. Over-all surface of the material ideally should be less than the surface area of the solution.
For considerable detail on the measurement and control of moisture in gases and in solids see
Table 1. The relationship of density of sulfuric acid and relative humidity.' (ASTM (1).
Percent Relative Hurnidity
Or@nlc matter must not come into contact with add. as toxic fumes will be liberated.
Daennined by hydrometer with o minimum scale division ,001, solution should be at 25 C. A temperature
conversion frctor may be needed to change specific gavity to density for very precise work Formula: denslty of
water at 2s C. (0.99707) x specific gravity.
Table 2. The relationship of specific gravity or refractive index of
aqueous glycerine soIutions and relative humidity.
Aqueous Glycerine Solution ASTM (1) Aqueous glycerine solutions (Braun and Braun (3))
Refractive Percent Relative Percent
Index at Humidity at Specific Temp. Relative
25 C.' 25 C, Gravity . -
C. Humidity
13463 98.0' 1 .0oO3m20) 23 100
13560 96.0 1.049 23 95
13602 95.O 1.082 24 90
13773 90.0 1.107 24 86
13905 85.O 1.130 23 81
1.4015 80.0 1.135 (1.137)4 24 80
1.4109 75.O 1 .I 56 24 74
1.4191 70.0 1.165 24 71
1.4264 65.O 1.168 (I -170) 23 70
1.4329 60.0 1.186 24 62
1.4387 55.0 1.192 (1.193) 24 60
1.a0 60.0 1.207 (1.209) 24 51
1 A486 45.O 1.216 25 47
1.227 24 39
1.243 20 27
1.255 20 17
1.260 24 3.7
1.261 e r e glycerine) -- 0
Determined by a Wertphd balanw.
Me-d by Hydrometer.
A good industrW grade of glycerine should be used with dittilIed water. Copper sulfate,O.l by wcight.9 added
to prevent mold growth. Four drops of a srturrted solution per 100 ml of glycerins solution will equal this
Appendix 23 1
Amer. Society for Testing Materids. 1958. Maintaining constant relative humidity by means of
aqueous solutions. ASTM standards part 9: 1947-195 1.
Anderson, D. B. 1936. Relative humidity or vapor presswe deficit. Ecology 17:277-282.
Braun, f. V. and J. D. Braun. 1958. The measurement and control of humidity for preparing
solutions of glycerol and water for humidity control. Corrosion 14: 17-19.
Corr, D. S. and B. L. Ilarris. 1949. Solutions for maintaining constant relative humidity. Ind. and
Eng. Chem. 4 1:20 14-2015 ,
Clayton, C. N. 1942. The germination of fungous spores in relation t o controlled humidity.
Phytopathology 32:921-943.
Cochran, V. W. 1945. The common leaf rust of cultivated roses caused by PhragmIdium
mucmnatunr (Fr.) Schlecht. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. 3femoir 268.
Delp, C. J. 1954. Effects of temperature and humidity on the grape powdery muucw fungus.
Phytopathology 44:615426.
Hart, M. P. and D. hi. MacLeod. 1955. An apparatus for determining the effects of temperature
and humidity on germination of fungous spores. Can. J. Bot. 33:289-297.
Hodgman, C. D. 1954. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Chemical Rubber Pub. Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Hopp, H. 1936. Control of atmospheric humidity in culture studies. Bot. Gaz. 98:25-44.
Hunter, J. 1968. Personal communication.
Munnecke, D. E., R. A. Ludwig and R E. Sampson. 1959. The fungicidal activity of methyl
bromide. Can. J. Res. 37:s 1-58,
Schein, R. D. 1964. Comments on the moisture requirements of fungus germination. Phyto-
pathology 54: 1427.
Stokes, R H. and R. A. Robinson. 1949. Standard solutions for humidity control at 25 C. Ind.
Eng. Chem 41:2013.
TeiteU, L. 1958. Effects of relative humidity on viability of conidia of Asperplh. Amer. J. Bot.
Wexier, A. (Ed.) 1962. Humidity and moisture (4 volumes). Reinhold Pub.Co., Sew York
Wexler, A. and S. Hosegawa. 1954. Relative humidity-temperature relationships of some
sturated salt solutions in the temperature range of 0' to 50' C. f. Rcs. Sat. Bur. Stand.
53: 19-26.
Wilson,R E. 1921. Humidity control by means of suIfilric acid solutions with active compilation
of vapor pressure data. J. lnd. Eng. Chem. 13:326.
Wink, W. A. and G. R. Sears. 1950. Instrumentation Studies LVlI. Equilibrium relative humidities
above saturated selt solutions at various temperatures. TAPPI. 33:96A-9YA.
Winston, P. W. and D. H. Bates. 1960. Saturated solutions for the control of humidity in
biological research. Ecology 4 1 :232-237.
List of Organisms
Actinomyces, 35,40,42,56,64,75,98 C. cunesccns. 150
Aflobucruium. 28.126 C alpsici, 1S0
A. nzdiobacter. 12, 126 C ementa. 150
A. fumcfuciens, 12, 99. 126, 178 C. do visil, 1 50
Albugo occidcntalis, 195 C. dubh. 150
AIIomyces. 30,43 C. fesruwe, 150
Aftemarh, 119 C. kikuchii, 142, 150
A. brassicue, 1 3. 144 C.niwthnue, 150
A. bmssicola. 144 C.penniseti, 150
A. chrysonthemi. 144 C.personata. 150
A. mphanf, 144 C. physalidis. 15 0
A. soloni, 43.52, 146,148 C. pueram'cob, 1 50
A. tenuis, 144 C.sesami, 150
A. zlnniae, 144,146 C. sorghi, 1 5 0
Aphanomyces. 64.80.97, 1 do, 101, 1 19. C. stizlobii, 150
A. tuteiches. C. rebnna, 144, 150
A. raphani. 59 Chnetomium, 57, 80, 1 19
Arthrinum, 1 19 23
ChaImopsiis thielrr~~bfdes,
Ascobolus imnrems, 144 Chwnephora, 194
Ascochytrr, 200 C. confuncra. 144
A. caulicolo, 1 26, 1 5 0 C. cucurbltonrm, 143, 144
A. imperfects, 154 Clborinia, 160
A. melilota, 150 Ckrhrospow diplcspora. 142
A. phuseolonrm, 149 Ctxcodioidcs immitfs,4 8
A. pinnodel&, 144 Cochliobolus, 1 19
A. p W 144 C. homorphus. 144
Aspergifus. 1 19 C. kusanoi, 144
A. fhvus, 20 C xativus. 153
A. ~ ~ 27,45,93
s . Cdlctorrichum. 1 19,200
A. ni&lons, 5 6 C. atramcnrurium. 15 1
A. nigu, 67, 197 C. coccqdes. 62. 151
Bkkeslea mkporu. 144 C. bgemrlum. 35
B&~toclndiellP, 2 2 C Ilndcmuth&num, 18.49, 15 1
B o fiyotinia. 160 C. phomoides. 1 5 1
Botrysphaeria ribis, 144 Coprinus &gopus. 3 2, 34, 15 1
Botrytis, 5 2. 194.206 Cwynebacterium, 126
5. ulli. 2 0 C. betoe, 126
B. cinerea, 20. 143. 144, 180 C facbns, 126
B. fake, 180,182 C.ficcum faden, 1 26
Brrmh &ctucue. 206 ' C ilicis. 126
Cephalosporium, 1 19 . C. Insidiosum. 125, 126, 195
C#tocystis, 1 19 C michageneirse, 126
C faguccc~urn,50,150 C poinsettke, 126
C flmbrkta, 23 C. rathuyi, 1 26
C. ulmi, 29.30.150 C. xcpedonicum, 2 1.6 1. 126
Cefospd*o, 99.1 19,206 Cbrynesporu. 1 19
C. ubelioe. 150 Coryneum. 144
C apfi, 150 Ckonurtium ribicoh. 1 23
C kfhh. 100.144,l50,180 arvularh, 1 19
C brochlrcr. 1SO C #enhbta, 153
List of Organisms