Angela H. Perez (English LP)

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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Alfelor Sr. Memorial College Inc.
Poblacion Zone 2, Del Gallego Camarines Sur


Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American
literature and other text types serve as means of valuing other people; also how to use
processing information strategies, different forms of adverbs and conditionals for him/her to
play an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic
texts, the contents of which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral
speech featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for
opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
Learning Competencies: Listen to get important information from argumentative/ persuasive
texts. EN9LC-IIb-11.1

I. Objectives;
At the end of the lesson students would be able to;
 Familiarize the difference between Argumentative and Persuasive texts.
 Perform an action about Argumentative and Persuasive texts.
 Appreciate the ideas of Argumentative and Persuasive texts.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Argumentative & Persuasive texts.
Materials: Laptop, projector, chalk, paper, and chocolates.
Values Integration: Participation and teamwork.

III. Procedure
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am.

How’s your day? It’s fine ma’am.


Everybody stands up for the prayer.
(The students will stand to pray)
Please lead the prayer.
Okay class, who are absent for today? Ms.
Secretary kindly check the attendance and
(Ms. Secretary will check the attendance)
gave it to me after our session.


For your assignments, leaders of the group (The leaders of the group will collect all the
kindly collect all the assignments and I will assignments).
record those assignments later.
Okay class, yesterday we discussed about Ma’am, a speech is communication through
speech and who among you can define what talking or a talk given to an audience. It is a
is speech? formal address or discourse delivered to an

Very Good!

Any questions and clarrifications? None ma'am.

As you can see, I have here a mouth and an

Mouth is probably one of the source of

What can you say about a mouth? information. We speak to give and share

Excellent your answer is correct!

As a student, What is the most important
information have you shared? For me the most important information that I have
shared to my classmates is that it's better to use
facemask to prevent me from being infected, than
to be sick and confine in the hospital. So I'm
always reminding them to use personal protective
equipment for their safety.
Thank you so much for sharing! Very good!

How about the ear? What can you say about All I can say that through the use of ears we can
it? listen to different kinds of sounds, music and the
most important thing is we can listen and learn
different kinds of informations.

Okay thank you so much!

The most important information I've heard is the
What is the most important information have you most commonly-reported events with COVID-19,
heard from news?
vaccines are expected vaccine side effects, such as
headache, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, fever
and chills and pain at the site of injection. The
occurrence of these adverse events is consistent
with what is already known about the vaccines
from clinical trials.
Okay thank you so much! Very good!

Mouth is used for sharing important informations

while ears is used to listen & analyze important

So now I will be the MOUTH in this class and

ofcourse all of you will be the EAR.

So class kindly please close your eyes to be able

for you to focus on what you hear from me.

Analyze it carefully because after this I prepared

questions for the recitation.

Are you ready to listen class?

Yes ma'am, we're ready!

Disinfects to kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria,
including the COVID-19 virus.
Clorox Expert Disinfecting Wipes helps you with
quick cleanup for items like gadgets and toys.
And to put the ribbon on top, use Clorox Expert
Disinfectant Spray for a 30-second sanitization of
the soft and hard surfaces for a germ-free and
odor-free home.

So What are you waiting for Buy now!

Now open your eyes class!

What's your opinion about what you've heard? It is a form of advertising often focuses on the
benefits, the product or service can offer the
end-user. Leverages the desires and interests
of consumers to convince them to purchase a
product or service.

Yes that's correct! Very good!

This advertising method attempts to frame
products in a positive light and convince
consumers about its benefits. Persuasive
advertising uses emotional responses instead of
facts to motivate consumers.
Advertisers use persuasive techniques such as
appeals to emotion, peer pressure, social proof,
and repetition to convince customers to buy
products or services.
Again! Close your eyes class! Focus!

Do you believe in love at first sight?

I don't believe in love at first sight! Just face the
fact that it doesn't exist! Because you need a lot of
time for you to be able to truely love someone.

No! You're wrong! Love at first sight do exist!

Because I personally experienced it. The moment
I saw him it feels like I'm already seeing my
future with him.

You're just imagining things. It is just an

attraction or should I say an infatuation. Just
believe me because I know better than you.

No! I won't believe you!

You just can't accept the reality that it's difficult to Ma'am they have a different opinion so
identify if its love or just an infatuation. So love at they're having an argument to prove their
first sight don't exist!
Okay class you may open your eyes now.
What can you say about it?

That's correct! Very good!

7.) Presentation of the Lesson

The activity you did has something to
do with our topic for today. Because
today we will be discussing about
Argumentative & Persuasive texts. At
the end of the lesson students would
be able to Familiarize the difference
between Argumentative and
Persuasive texts. Perform an action
about Argumentative and Persuasive
texts. Appreciate the ideas of
Argumentative and Persuasive texts.
“All right class, before I formally
introduced our topic, let’s have first an
activity. “Yes ma'am!”
I will group you into two. All you need to do
is listen carefully to the statement and identify if
the statement is an Argumentative Speech or 1.) Argumentative Speech
Persuasive Speech.
Reminder! The Fastest and smartest group will be
the winner!
Are you ready class?”

1.) Anti-Maskers and the face mask debate |

COVID-19 Special.

2.) Persuasive Speech

2.) Toothpaste Product Endorsement.

3.) Argumentative Speech

3.) The moment this transgender debate got


4.) Argumentative Speech

4.) E learning vs Classroom learning |Online

learning boon or bane. 5.) Persuasive Speech.

5.) Green Cross Alcohol Commercial |

Performance Task | Mary Louey Cruz.
Now, let me introduce to you first the
Argumentative and Persuasive essay
which is use on speech.

An Argumentative Essay attempts to convince

reader's that the author’s idea is true. This is a
genre of writing that is used to defend or prove a

A writer should do a thorough research; gather

accurate facts and figures before writing an
argumentative essay.

This is more like a debate written on paper. While

writing an argumentative essay.

A writer should be aware of both pros and cons of

the argument, and should try to discredit the
opposing view by using evidence.

While a Persuasive Essay is a piece of writing

that attempts to convince the readers to agree with
author’s ideas.

In this type of essay, the writer can use his own

ideas, opinions and evoke the emotions in the
reader in order to convince them to agree to his

A writer of a persuasive essay needs to do

research, gather evidence, but a clever writer can
create a successful essay without knowing much.

This is because; a persuasive writing appeals more

to reader’s emotions rather than minds. In
persuasive writing, the writer should have certain
awareness about the audience.

For example, opinions and ideas that could appeal

to teenagers may not have the same effect on
adults. First person narration and Second person
narration (Ex: In my opinion, I believe, etc.,) are
commonly used as the writer is addressing the
audience directly.

When we look at both types of essays in the

perspective of the reader's; an argumentative “Yes ma'am!”
essay appeals to the minds of the readers whereas,
a persuasive essay appeals to the hearts of the “None ma'am!”
readers. Also, an argumentative essay
acknowledges opposing views, but a persuasive
essay may not acknowledge opposing views.


“Yes ma'am!”
Any questions and clarifications?

Persuasive speaking is the type of speaking

C. ABSTRACTION that most people engage in the most. This
I'm so glad that you understand our discussion. So type of speech can involve everything from
now It's time for the hot questions! arguing about politics to talking about what to
eat for dinner. Persuasive speaking is very
“Are you ready class?” connected to the audience, as the speaker
must, in a sense, meet the audience halfway.
“What is persuasive speaking?”

Articulate the goals of the speech. Does the

speaker want the audience to sign a petition,
write their legislator, boycott a product, talk
to their friends, buy a certain product, or take
some other tangible action? Oftentimes, the
conclusion enables a speaker to make a call to
What tips you ca advice on having a action that is the culmination of a persuasive
Persuasive speech? speech.

As discussed before, argumentative essays are

a genre of writing that attempts to convince
the readers to accept the writer’s idea as true,
by using statistics, facts and figures, etc.
while persuasive essays are a genre of writing
Yes! Very good that's correct! that attempts to convince the readers to agree
with the writer, by using emotions, personal
What is the Difference Between Argumentative ideas, etc. In other words, an argumentative
and Persuasive Essay. essay is based on logic and reasons while a
persuasive essay is based on emotions and
personal opinions. When it comes
preparations, before writing an argumentative
essay, the writer needs to do a thorough
research on the subject but does not need to
have the knowledge about the audience. On
the other hand, the writer can write a
persuasive essay even without doing much
research, but he should have certain
knowledge about the audience.

Very good! I'm so glad that you understand our


Count 1-2 because I will group you into 2.
There are different tasks to be performed. Each
group will be going to bench mark with their
members about the given task.
The Group 1 will perform an act about “Yes ma'am!”
The Group 2 will perform an act about

You only have 5 minutes to prepare and the (The Group 1 performed an act about
timer starts now. Argumentative.)

(After 5 minutes)

Group 1 start your performance about (The Group 2 performed an act about
Argumentative. Persuasive).

Very good I love your performance group 1.

Are you ready Group 2? Start now.

The performace was so good. I love it.

III. Evaluation
Direction: Write (T) if the statement is true, and write (F) if the statement is false.
____ 1. A persuasive essay appeals to the hearts of the readers.
____2. An argumentative essay appeals to the minds of the readers.
____3. The definition of persuasive is someone or something with the power to
____4. Persuasive and Argumentative essay are two different types of essay.
____5. Argumentative essay depends on opinions and emotions while a Persuasive
speech uses logic and reason.

IV. Assignment
1.) Make a video presentation of an Argumentative and Persuasive speech that you
like, use some special effects and be creative on making it clear and better.

Content (connection with the listener) 30%
Creativity (clarity of the voice & gestures) 40%

Originality (make it unique) 30%

TOTAL 100%.

2.) What is Drama?


Angela H. Perez
Demo Teacher

Critique Teacher

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