497 1283 1283 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 59187 tx_bad 21 rx_good
804053 tx_retry 19183
01-01 07:35:03.044 1283 1283 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 35145 tx_bad 73 rx_good
1240536 tx_retry 31617
01-01 08:04:32.213 1283 1283 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 7189 tx_bad 138 rx_good
1374053 tx_retry 36141
01-01 09:31:22.172 1283 1283 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 40539 tx_bad 157
rx_good 1686502 tx_retry 37164
01-01 11:52:10.036 1283 1283 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 38104 tx_bad 191
rx_good 1877543 tx_retry 40539
01-02 08:55:50.092 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[27].onEnded()
01-02 08:55:52.047 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 08:55:52.132 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 08:55:52.141 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 08:55:52.295 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=sxzYH143Bu9Go5sI transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[10] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 08:55:56.384 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=223608KB
01-02 08:56:50.263 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[55].onEnded()
01-02 08:56:51.355 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 08:56:51.459 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 08:56:51.475 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 08:56:51.661 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=hil5PxYlQzLOxJyI transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[84] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 08:57:06.615 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[10].onEnded()
01-02 08:57:07.926 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 08:57:08.027 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 08:57:08.052 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 08:57:08.295 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=K82_diRFh5V71D8J transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[8] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 08:57:40.551 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 08:57:41.455 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 08:57:41.456 4053 4053 I chatty : uid=10182(com.google.android.youtube)
identical 7 lines
01-02 08:57:41.460 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 08:57:41.462 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 08:57:41.518 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 08:57:42.144 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=re40tSIBLs6Enub6 playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[69] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 08:57:42.702 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=F6WPsuqU-UfpseZu transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[35] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 08:57:56.735 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=221262KB
01-02 08:57:57.367 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[69].onEnded()
01-02 08:57:59.049 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 08:57:59.493 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 08:57:59.519 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 08:58:01.400 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=1bfG4CmPSKTHVUSM transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[10] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 08:58:58.585 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 08:58:58.858 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 08:58:58.865 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 08:58:59.886 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=S2EYWR7Q5R6cMw_M transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[89] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 08:59:25.139 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 08:59:25.512 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 08:59:25.558 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 08:59:26.673 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=clel4__v4Xk7ZAQL transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[49] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 08:59:31.797 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 08:59:34.448 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 08:59:34.460 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 08:59:36.476 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=pFLgWkWcbk1JrPud transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[0] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 08:59:57.511 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=224550KB
01-02 09:00:09.853 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[49].onEnded()
01-02 09:00:11.442 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:00:12.157 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:00:12.164 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:00:13.906 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=H6TsppL6_HWCIwZg transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[82] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:00:50.769 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:00:51.093 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:00:51.105 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:00:52.782 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=FTqhLrRSkiEdRncu transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[56] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:00:53.208 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:00:53.209 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:00:53.249 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:00:53.251 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:00:53.265 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:00:53.342 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=Nk4Hbd0qKsYL45DT playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[7] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:00:53.391 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=o5NCCXj1qkMmAcuZ transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[76] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:01:05.920 4053 4579 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 31 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:01:06.930 4053 4579 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 17 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 17 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:01:07.931 4053 4579 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 30 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:01:31.125 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:01:31.342 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:01:31.345 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:01:31.416 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=pmMLhDHnhMLEy1_V transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[40] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:01:32.224 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:01:34.258 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:01:34.270 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:01:34.340 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:01:35.269 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:01:35.270 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:01:35.273 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:01:35.300 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:01:35.791 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=p3R9ElZtT8QejhQU playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[31] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:01:36.648 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=vBaJGBuc0XP3uDkS transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[83] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:01:43.194 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:01:44.685 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:01:44.685 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:01:45.882 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=J7qU8rJAkJh_Aw78 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[80] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:01:58.093 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=219325KB
01-02 09:02:44.392 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[83].onEnded()
01-02 09:02:46.202 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:02:46.799 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:02:46.801 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:02:48.820 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=jmPA-
3T8CW6Upsue transitionPositionMs=-1 position=Position(positionMillis=0)
playerEvents=[99] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:02:53.606 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:02:57.314 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:02:57.322 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:02:57.345 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:02:57.841 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=8Kxws138tv5JTEck playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[5] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:02:58.493 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=CXnlyvHNZtWIwRh_ transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[87] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:02:59.947 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:03:01.171 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:03:01.172 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:03:01.307 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:03:01.309 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:03:01.321 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:03:02.407 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:03:02.585 4053 4131 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:03:02.611 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=jPfYZk1qkVJDK-MJ playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[9] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:03:02.743 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=uKGZPtVM5Dn952Be transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[95] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:03:07.429 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:03:07.434 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:03:07.464 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:03:07.466 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:03:07.548 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:03:07.581 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=E46qQQK0ndd5RJE- playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[28] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:03:07.630 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=-
93VZn2KpTRDkA2e transitionPositionMs=-1 position=Position(positionMillis=0)
playerEvents=[39] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:03:10.990 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:03:10.994 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:03:11.064 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:03:11.221 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=TO8FmUmMd_TD_nM2 playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[77] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:03:11.265 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=7meg8E4eM_LvqCvX transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[96] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:03:20.844 4053 4579 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:03:24.856 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:03:24.856 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Error sending M-search:
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: java.io.IOException:
sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at wao.run(PG:7)
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeya.a(PG:1)
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aexg.run(PG:4)
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeyb.run(PG:1)
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at sfk.run(PG:69)
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
libcore.io.Linux.sendtoBytes(Native Method)
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.858 4053 4270 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: ... 14 more
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Error sending M-search:
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: java.io.IOException:
sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at wao.run(PG:7)
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeya.a(PG:1)
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aexg.run(PG:4)
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeyb.run(PG:1)
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at sfk.run(PG:69)
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
libcore.io.Linux.sendtoBytes(Native Method)
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.860 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: ... 14 more
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Error sending M-search:
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: java.io.IOException:
sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at wao.run(PG:7)
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeya.a(PG:1)
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aexg.run(PG:4)
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeyb.run(PG:1)
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at sfk.run(PG:69)
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
libcore.io.Linux.sendtoBytes(Native Method)
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:03:24.889 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: ... 14 more
01-02 09:03:25.665 4053 4053 E YouTube : Trying to detachMediaView when it wasn't
the most recent MediaView Setter
01-02 09:03:26.107 4053 4053 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
01-02 09:03:26.838 2878 3055 E _V_SchedWaitSched:
01-02 09:03:26.954 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:03:27.021 4053 4579 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:03:27.264 4053 4053 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl num: 0
01-02 09:03:27.369 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=TO8FmUmMd_TD_nM2 playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[5] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:03:27.389 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=7meg8E4eM_LvqCvX transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[27] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:03:27.432 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:03:48.836 2878 3055 E _V_SchedWaitSched:
01-02 09:03:48.897 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:03:50.915 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:03:50.927 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:03:50.961 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:03:50.983 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=TtJ-
OE6pN7ylZnak playWhenReady=true positionMs=0 playerEvents=[4] videoId=scrubbed
01-02 09:03:51.047 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=geY1vCz4ZXTIBA8n transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[62] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:03:52.734 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:03:58.667 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:03:58.680 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:03:58.752 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:03:58.805 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=1An2kq1iA-CsW3BF transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[82] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:04:16.687 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:04:16.713 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:04:16.729 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:04:16.809 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=QH5sDaPPaTuV3c-2 playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[9] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:04:16.840 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=NDtvqNNfJo5HU6HX transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[90] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:04:17.652 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:04:20.373 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:04:20.382 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:04:20.509 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:04:20.653 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=PmQ_FREIoJF8iq76 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[29] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:04:45.013 4053 6980 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:04:45.372 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:04:45.383 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:04:47.507 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:04:47.561 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:04:47.599 4053 4053 E YouTube : Media progress reported outside media
01-02 09:04:47.905 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=XC_wBSQGWHnYyYgs playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[66] videoId=scrubbed volume=0.0)
01-02 09:04:48.755 4053 6980 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:05:08.593 2878 3055 E _V_SchedWaitSched:
01-02 09:05:17.768 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:05:17.819 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:05:17.826 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:05:18.193 4053 6980 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:05:18.206 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:05:18.230 4053 4131 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:05:19.776 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=0_Fr_GdN69mpVCTg playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[61] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:05:19.934 4053 6980 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:05:22.105 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=f6xWZLqWRxXX9VN7 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[71] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:05:39.300 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[61].onEnded()
01-02 09:05:54.582 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:05:54.918 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:05:54.922 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:05:55.785 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=CcFnAOFp000bmO-p transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[12] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:06:31.698 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[71].onEnded()
01-02 09:06:33.563 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:06:34.068 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:06:34.096 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:06:35.266 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=iqCmcW1JX9BTLINI transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[20] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:07:00.369 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[12].onEnded()
01-02 09:07:08.055 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:07:08.394 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:07:08.420 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:07:09.425 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=ZVZ04UznXL_sBHDA transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[20] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:07:21.565 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:07:21.864 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:07:21.875 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:07:21.914 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:07:22.993 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=yXCBTLU8tggkzVJu transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[70] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:07:29.444 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:07:46.887 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[20].onEnded()
01-02 09:07:50.060 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:07:50.428 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:07:50.440 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:08:01.867 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:08:01.868 4053 4053 I chatty : uid=10182(com.google.android.youtube)
identical 3 lines
01-02 09:08:01.914 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:08:01.937 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:08:03.046 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=z-
dhoUl6nslhJhi7 playWhenReady=true positionMs=0 playerEvents=[79] videoId=scrubbed
01-02 09:08:03.516 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=b7t57jwVjtazwmzB transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[82] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:08:28.720 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[79].onEnded()
01-02 09:08:37.982 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:08:38.249 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:08:38.256 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:08:39.294 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=sthyMQTsQj6UnLDV transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[25] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:08:51.148 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[82].onEnded()
01-02 09:08:54.787 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:08:55.013 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:08:55.017 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:08:55.824 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=wC21w1DhuLLH9Kx- transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[47] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:09:05.445 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[25].onEnded()
01-02 09:09:13.576 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:09:13.746 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:09:13.754 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:09:14.692 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=KwnLFAAKj9vgy21v transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[95] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:09:34.254 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[47].onEnded()
01-02 09:09:54.751 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[47].onEnded()
01-02 09:09:55.820 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:09:56.378 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:09:56.407 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:09:56.791 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:09:56.793 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:09:56.829 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:09:56.831 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:09:56.850 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:09:58.003 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=uTVKgrHS0DV43hAT playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[19] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:09:58.778 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=6yLlSVR1QOsuhjOm transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[62] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:10:01.200 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:10:01.240 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:10:01.296 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:10:01.331 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=8CSf6RvMWtBBAaCY playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[95] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:10:01.387 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=EUHy2IxPzIy4iHA5 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[19] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:10:08.024 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:10:08.252 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:10:08.265 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:10:08.273 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:10:08.331 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=E6MBcPRg1FgDN5qh transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[30] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:10:09.507 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:10:12.258 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:10:12.278 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:10:13.182 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=MWt7jNfuoniBa0kI transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[81] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:11:05.345 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[30].onEnded()
01-02 09:11:18.118 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:11:18.122 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:11:18.483 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:11:18.522 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=I30nRIRea73Amxk7 playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[76] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:11:18.570 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=8798kikbKWGrb02C transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[35] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:11:21.845 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:11:30.698 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:11:31.171 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:11:31.171 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:11:31.238 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=ntaxLDTq539xXCm_ transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[2] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:11:35.041 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:11:35.422 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:11:35.422 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:11:36.272 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=Rcf44R7FTo6DlNRY transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[83] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:12:03.691 4053 6980 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:12:08.885 4053 4053 E YouTube : Trying to detachMediaView when it wasn't
the most recent MediaView Setter
01-02 09:12:08.924 4053 4053 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
01-02 09:12:09.003 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:12:09.003 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:12:10.313 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:12:10.313 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:12:10.322 4053 6980 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:12:10.704 4053 4053 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl num: 0
01-02 09:12:11.917 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=ntaxLDTq539xXCm_ playWhenReady=true positionMs=26673
playerEvents=[65] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:12:11.961 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=Rcf44R7FTo6DlNRY transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[0] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:12:12.035 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:12:12.035 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:12:15.770 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:12:24.755 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:12:29.861 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:12:29.942 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:12:34.707 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:12:34.717 4053 4053 I chatty : uid=10182(com.google.android.youtube)
identical 2 lines
01-02 09:12:34.737 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:12:34.832 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:12:38.761 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=E1js5EjwnZO0rnvX playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[20] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:12:45.258 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=HLlsJ5TXLT5Epzz6 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[60] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:12:52.650 1821 8484 E ActivityManager: 28%
4053/com.google.android.youtube: 23% user + 5.2% kernel / faults: 7080 minor 4
01-02 09:12:54.380 2878 3055 E _V_SchedWaitSched:
01-02 09:12:57.821 1821 8573 E ActivityManager: 32%
4053/com.google.android.youtube: 26% user + 5.2% kernel / faults: 5908 minor
01-02 09:12:58.350 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:12:58.356 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:12:58.421 1821 8584 E ActivityManager: 32%
4053/com.google.android.youtube: 26% user + 5.2% kernel / faults: 5908 minor
01-02 09:13:22.479 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=276405KB
01-02 09:13:35.286 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:13:53.968 2878 3055 E _V_SchedWaitSched:
01-02 09:14:28.627 2878 3055 E _V_SchedWaitSched:
01-02 09:14:34.670 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[68].onEnded()
01-02 09:14:37.260 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:14:39.326 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:14:39.906 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:14:39.922 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:14:39.956 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=iCTkcofw6aL5-Wog transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[47] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:15:09.861 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[68].onEnded()
01-02 09:15:20.483 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=214882KB
01-02 09:15:36.599 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:15:36.985 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:15:36.986 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:15:37.018 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=vrgc5zMLf2XCJXcQ transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[70] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:16:36.422 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:16:36.996 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:16:37.006 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:16:39.458 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=d7_x313Jm6YMFjKc transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[68] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:17:11.961 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[70].onEnded()
01-02 09:17:20.549 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=231590KB
01-02 09:17:40.329 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:17:40.551 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:17:40.612 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:17:41.113 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:17:41.118 4053 4053 I chatty : uid=10182(com.google.android.youtube)
identical 2 lines
01-02 09:17:41.123 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:17:41.165 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:17:41.182 4053 4129 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:17:43.098 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=Zu6vgw3Z9X9_kf7J playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[67] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:17:44.190 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=-
x3fWZeFObu4XbfS transitionPositionMs=-1 position=Position(positionMillis=0)
playerEvents=[67] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:18:10.450 4053 8221 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:18:10.842 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:18:11.624 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:18:11.639 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:18:13.130 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:18:13.156 4053 4131 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:18:13.254 4053 4053 E YouTube : Media progress reported outside media
01-02 09:18:14.487 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: Warning message: OnesieQoeReporter: No
Qoe Client.
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: java.lang.Exception
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at xqu.f(PG:1)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at xqr.a(PG:3)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at xnt.c(PG:4)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at xno.e(PG:4)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at xvk.ap(PG:13)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at xvk.L(PG:9)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at ybj.L(PG:1)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at ybj.L(PG:1)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at ybv.L(PG:2)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at ybj.L(PG:1)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at ybr.L(PG:2)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at xrf.E(PG:3)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at aazn.P(PG:4)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at aazm.a(PG:2)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at afmt.p(PG:2)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at aaum.e(PG:2)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at aatm.e(PG:33)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at hdt.j(PG:9)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at hfb.onGlobalLayout(PG:44)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.580 4053 4053 E YT.onesie: at
01-02 09:18:14.589 4053 4130 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:18:16.823 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=U3SD2p1x01BTRAYw playWhenReady=true positionMs=21779
playerEvents=[36] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:18:19.142 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=0nyz_MtuZituMCEe transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[41] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:18:19.779 4053 8221 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:18:22.360 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:18:24.403 4053 4130 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:18:24.426 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:18:27.520 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=EyEw-
rVSPvv4_9Nh transitionPositionMs=-1 position=Position(positionMillis=0)
playerEvents=[42] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:18:52.986 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:18:57.762 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[41].onEnded()
01-02 09:19:03.434 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:19:03.641 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:19:04.197 4053 4130 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:19:04.263 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:19:07.717 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=XSXbMZeIxb7cQBFU transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[31] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:19:24.231 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=269173KB
01-02 09:19:27.318 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:19:28.660 4053 4130 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:19:28.680 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:19:31.454 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=tWCMQpe5f-qtc-_m transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[12] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:19:47.031 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:19:54.402 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:19:55.305 2878 3055 E _V_SchedWaitSched:
01-02 09:19:57.057 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:20:02.242 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:20:02.243 4053 4130 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:20:03.180 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=cVKquKFwK6BlDCmT transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[25] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:20:03.926 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:20:10.668 4053 8221 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:20:13.615 4053 4053 E YouTube : Trying to detachMediaView when it wasn't
the most recent MediaView Setter
01-02 09:20:14.133 4053 4053 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
01-02 09:20:14.494 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:20:14.494 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:20:14.552 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:20:14.552 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:20:14.587 4053 8221 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: Failed to download video
(IOException): OvKN0ZqP37s
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: avx:
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at avz.b(PG:19)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at xnk.b(PG:20)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at ygb.b(PG:1)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at xmw.b(PG:2)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at lob.b(PG:16)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at ygb.b(PG:1)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at xna.b(PG:22)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at ygb.b(PG:1)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at xlo.b(PG:54)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at avp.b(PG:48)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at zfx.b(PG:10)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at avr.b(PG:1)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at llv.i(PG:19)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at llv.b(PG:17)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at avl.b(PG:2)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at xje.b(PG:19)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at xjf.run(PG:44)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at nrq.run(PG:5)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at nru.run(PG:23)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at nwd.run(PG:65)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at naw.run(PG:24)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: Caused by:
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: at avz.b(PG:18)
01-02 09:21:51.836 4053 4139 E YT.mediacache: ... 22 more
01-02 09:30:23.674 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:30:23.675 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:30:55.965 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:30:56.077 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:30:56.116 4053 4053 I chatty : uid=10182(com.google.android.youtube)
identical 12 lines
01-02 09:30:56.116 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:30:56.725 4053 4053 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl num: 0
01-02 09:30:56.947 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=tWCMQpe5f-qtc-_m playWhenReady=true positionMs=653
playerEvents=[98] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:30:56.976 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=cVKquKFwK6BlDCmT transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[41] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:30:57.172 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:30:57.172 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:31:45.145 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:31:45.206 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:31:45.215 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:31:45.258 4053 4130 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:31:45.775 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:31:45.806 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:31:48.622 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=hUxorrgxe4o1VTex playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[51] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:31:51.133 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=oFkooh1_WpzjhDhF transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[65] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:32:44.540 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=285002KB
01-02 09:33:12.879 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[51].onEnded()
01-02 09:33:14.460 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:33:15.942 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:33:15.951 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:33:16.877 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=LRfEa4n2ayiuT5Pq transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[34] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:33:47.204 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[65].onEnded()
01-02 09:33:54.024 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:33:54.311 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:33:54.348 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:33:56.426 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=AvsIL2cwUokYVDKh transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[74] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:33:59.734 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:33:59.754 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:33:59.770 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:33:59.830 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:33:59.867 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=VlTvxlMKbpe4cAcq playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[4] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:33:59.903 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=VHRgVtzhLOEs2lFk transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[84] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:34:01.209 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:34:01.649 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:34:01.680 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:34:01.716 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=IpxMyLiPJRibGvY_ transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[87] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:34:19.284 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:34:20.570 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:34:20.598 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:34:20.638 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:34:21.517 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=zbPqf9TJZ5XFKwL0 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[22] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:34:23.480 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:34:44.868 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=269283KB
01-02 09:35:00.762 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:35:02.237 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:35:02.246 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
01-02 09:35:02.277 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:35:03.348 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=BqPgOYCurgLEr0YK playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[41] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
01-02 09:35:04.533 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=iA0a_La8_O-9vkPq transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[84] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:35:22.887 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:35:25.682 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[41].onEnded()
01-02 09:35:29.041 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213470): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:29.041 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213471): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:29.386 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 31 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:35:30.392 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 30 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:35:31.096 4053 4053 W Settings: Setting animator_duration_scale has
moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at swb.n(PG:1)
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at swb.h(PG:3)
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at swb.j(PG:1)
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at swb.a(PG:7)
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at svf.run(PG:10)
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at nrq.run(PG:5)
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at nru.run(PG:23)
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at nwd.run(PG:65)
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at naw.run(PG:24)
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.106 4053 4248 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.197 4053 4053 D _V_startPhysical: mEnableFlingEffect=false
01-02 09:35:31.217 4053 4359 V _V_VivoStats: updateSurfaceByChanged pkgName :
com.google.android.youtube, surfaceWidth : 736, surfaceHeight: 1308, surfaceId :
01-02 09:35:31.218 4053 4359 D _V_VivoStats: noteWhich, what = 49, arg1 = 736,
arg2 = 1308, arg3 = 4053, arg4 = 10928, name = com.google.android.youtube
01-02 09:35:31.218 1821 4963 D BatteryStatsService: notePemString noteWhich:
49,arg1: 736, arg2: 1308, arg3: 4053, arg4: 10928, name: com.google.android.youtube
01-02 09:35:31.321 4053 4053 W Settings: Setting animator_duration_scale has
moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global,
returning read-only value.
01-02 09:35:31.368 684 28977 V AF::Track: pause(4865): calling pid 4053
01-02 09:35:31.375 4053 4053 W YT.mlplayer: Stayawake OFF
01-02 09:35:31.378 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:35:31.390 4053 4053 W YT.mlplayer: Stayawake ON
01-02 09:35:31.393 4053 4053 W YT.mlplayer: Stayawake ON
01-02 09:35:31.402 4053 4360 V _V_VivoStats: updateSurfaceByChanged pkgName :
com.google.android.youtube, surfaceWidth : 736, surfaceHeight: 1308, surfaceId :
01-02 09:35:31.403 4053 4360 D _V_VivoStats: noteWhich, what = 49, arg1 = 736,
arg2 = 1308, arg3 = 4053, arg4 = 10928, name = com.google.android.youtube
01-02 09:35:31.403 1821 4963 D BatteryStatsService: notePemString noteWhich:
49,arg1: 736, arg2: 1308, arg3: 4053, arg4: 10928, name: com.google.android.youtube
01-02 09:35:31.404 4053 4226 V PlayerBase: basePause() piid=39543
01-02 09:35:31.404 4053 4226 D _V_PlayerBase: updateState piid 39543 state 3
01-02 09:35:31.421 4053 4053 W YouTube : CueRangeManger state error:
currentPosition=0 lastPositionTracked=4848
01-02 09:35:31.461 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213472): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:31.478 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 30 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 29 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:35:31.502 4053 12149 V PlayerBase: baseStop() piid=39543
01-02 09:35:31.502 4053 12149 W _V_PlayerBase: baseStop state not match:4
01-02 09:35:31.502 4053 12149 D _V_PlayerBase: updateState piid 39543 state 4
01-02 09:35:31.503 4053 12149 V PlayerBase: baseRelease() piid=39543 state=4
01-02 09:35:31.503 4053 12149 W _V_PlayerBase: baseStop state not match:0
01-02 09:35:31.506 4053 11321 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0x76528e7010 for
480x864, color 0x7fa30c04, rotation 0, usage 0x20002900
01-02 09:35:31.510 4053 4053 W YT.codecreuse: Codec reused by ExoPlayer:
01-02 09:35:31.539 4053 4053 W YouTube : CueRangeManger state error:
currentPosition=0 lastPositionTracked=4848
01-02 09:35:31.564 684 1332 D _V_AudioFlinger: handlePlayTrackNotifyEvent
pid:4053 uid:10182 stream:3 state:0
01-02 09:35:31.564 684 1332 D _V_FeatureManager: NOTIFY_EVENT_PLAYTRACK_UPDATE,
pid:4053, state:3
01-02 09:35:31.564 684 1332 D _V_AudioFlinger: audioRestorationEvent pid 4053,
sessionid 37281
01-02 09:35:31.583 4053 11321 I _V_ACodec: setParameters :AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
01-02 09:35:31.583 4053 11321 I _V_ACodec: int32_t android._video-scaling = 1
01-02 09:35:31.583 4053 11321 I _V_ACodec: }
01-02 09:35:31.589 684 1332 D _V_AudioFlinger: handlePOMEvent pid:4053 sid:37281
01-02 09:35:31.589 684 1332 D _V_FeatureManager: NOTIFY_EVENT_POM, pid:4053,
01-02 09:35:31.612 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:35:31.625 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:35:31.645 4053 4053 W YouTube : Missing Vss3Config
01-02 09:35:31.665 4053 4053 V _V_VivoStats: updateSurfaceByChanged pkgName :
com.google.android.youtube, surfaceWidth : 480, surfaceHeight: 854, surfaceId :
01-02 09:35:31.666 4053 4053 D _V_VivoStats: noteWhich, what = 49, arg1 = 480,
arg2 = 854, arg3 = 4053, arg4 = 10928, name = com.google.android.youtube
01-02 09:35:31.667 1821 4963 D BatteryStatsService: notePemString noteWhich:
49,arg1: 480, arg2: 854, arg3: 4053, arg4: 10928, name: com.google.android.youtube
01-02 09:35:31.672 4053 4359 V _V_VivoStats: updateSurfaceByChanged pkgName :
com.google.android.youtube, surfaceWidth : 735, surfaceHeight: 1308, surfaceId :
01-02 09:35:31.673 4053 4359 D _V_VivoStats: noteWhich, what = 49, arg1 = 735,
arg2 = 1308, arg3 = 4053, arg4 = 10928, name = com.google.android.youtube
01-02 09:35:31.673 1821 4963 D BatteryStatsService: notePemString noteWhich:
49,arg1: 735, arg2: 1308, arg3: 4053, arg4: 10928, name: com.google.android.youtube
01-02 09:35:31.693 1821 4958 D InputMethodManagerService: ---
calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? calling uid = 10182 system uid = 1000
calling userId = 0, foreground user id = 0, calling pid =
01-02 09:35:31.741 4053 4226 D AudioSystem: getFrameCount() ioHandle 21,
frameCount 1920
01-02 09:35:31.742 4053 4226 D AudioTrack: getMinFrameCount(): streamType -1
getMinFrameCount=3844: afFrameCount=1920, afSampleRate=48000, afLatency=80
01-02 09:35:31.771 4053 4053 W YouTube : Warning: Sending VSS ping without a
format parameter.
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at sng.write(PG:1)
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at swb.l(PG:3)
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at swb.m(PG:2)
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at swb.d(PG:10)
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at svf.e(PG:15)
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at svf.c(PG:1)
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at qrx.run(PG:41)
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at nrq.run(PG:5)
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at nru.run(PG:23)
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at nwd.run(PG:65)
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at naw.run(PG:24)
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.851 4053 4139 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:31.869 4053 4164 W YouTube : Pinging
01-02 09:35:31.870 4053 4140 W YouTube : Pinging
01-02 09:35:31.874 1821 4963 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver newState:1
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10182 callingPid:4053
01-02 09:35:31.904 4053 4226 D AudioTrack: set(): streamType -1, sampleRate
48000, format 0x1, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 15376, flags #0, notificationFrames
0, sessionId 37281, transferType 3, uid -1, pid -1
01-02 09:35:31.905 4053 4226 D AudioTrack: client name
01-02 09:35:31.905 4053 4226 D AudioTrack: getpackName client name
01-02 09:35:31.905 4053 4226 I chatty : uid=10182(com.google.android.youtube)
ExoPlayer:Playb identical 2 lines
01-02 09:35:31.908 4053 4226 D AudioTrack: getpackName client name
01-02 09:35:31.908 684 28977 D _V_AudioFlinger: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue
PlaybackCaptureProtectSupport=com.google.android.youtube, calling pid 4053 calling
uid 10182
01-02 09:35:31.908 4053 4226 D _V_AudioTrack: app sdk version 31, remote_status -
01-02 09:35:31.909 4053 4226 D AudioTrack: get APPSharePck , clientName
com.google.android.youtube appSharePck NULL
01-02 09:35:31.920 684 28977 D AudioFlinger: getpackName client name
01-02 09:35:31.922 684 28977 V _V_FeatureService_Native: player pkg
01-02 09:35:31.922 684 28977 D _V_FeatureService_Native: Player(4053,10182,37281)
01-02 09:35:31.922 684 28977 D AudioFlinger: getpackName client name
01-02 09:35:31.922 684 28977 D _V_AudioFlinger: createTrack_l, pid:4053,
01-02 09:35:31.922 684 28977 V _V_FeatureService_Native: player pkg
01-02 09:35:31.922 684 28977 D _V_FeatureService_Native: Player(4053,10182,37281)
01-02 09:35:31.922 684 28977 D _V_AudioFlinger: audioRestorationEvent pid 4053,
sessionid 37281
01-02 09:35:31.922 684 28977 D _V_FeatureService_Native:
appSupportAudioRestoration, pkg name:com.google.android.youtube(4053)
01-02 09:35:31.922 684 28977 D AudioFlinger: getpackName client name
01-02 09:35:31.934 4053 4226 V PlayerBase: baseStart() piid=39551
01-02 09:35:31.934 4053 4226 D _V_PlayerBase: updateState piid 39551 state 2
01-02 09:35:31.935 684 779 V AF::Track: start(4866): calling pid 4053 session
01-02 09:35:31.941 684 779 D AudioFlinger: getpackName client name
01-02 09:35:31.942 684 779 D _V_AudioFlinger: handlePlayTrackNotifyEvent
pid:4053 uid:10182 stream:3 state:1
01-02 09:35:31.942 684 779 D _V_FeatureManager: NOTIFY_EVENT_PLAYTRACK_UPDATE,
pid:4053, state:3
01-02 09:35:31.942 684 779 D _V_AudioFlinger: handlePOMEvent pid:4053 sid:37281
01-02 09:35:31.942 684 779 D _V_FeatureManager: NOTIFY_EVENT_POM, pid:4053,
01-02 09:35:31.942 684 779 D AudioFlinger: handleTrackInfoNotifyEvent pid:4053
isOut:1 state:1
01-02 09:35:31.942 684 779 D FeatureManager: NOTIFY_EVENT_NEWTRACK_INFO,
pid:4053, state:1
01-02 09:35:31.942 684 779 D _V_AudioFlinger: audioRestorationEvent pid 4053,
sessionid 37281
01-02 09:35:31.942 684 779 D _V_FeatureService_Native:
appSupportAudioRestoration, pkg name:com.google.android.youtube(4053)
01-02 09:35:31.953 4053 4053 V MediaRouter: Selecting route:
RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null,
category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO
ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO
ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
01-02 09:35:32.181 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213473): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:32.209 4053 4226 D AudioTrack: getTimestamp_l(4882): device stall
time corrected using current time 54796471366750
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at sng.write(PG:1)
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at swb.l(PG:3)
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at swb.m(PG:2)
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at swb.d(PG:10)
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at svf.e(PG:15)
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at svf.c(PG:1)
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at qrx.run(PG:41)
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at nrq.run(PG:5)
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at nru.run(PG:23)
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at nwd.run(PG:65)
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at naw.run(PG:24)
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:32.264 4053 4141 D StrictMode: at
01-02 09:35:32.381 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213474): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:32.461 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213475): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:32.485 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 16 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 8 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:35:32.654 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=i38hFXkIHAtOvl59 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[3] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:35:33.101 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213476): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:33.500 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 30 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 29 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 1 fps
01-02 09:35:33.661 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213477): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:33.730 1821 6407 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver newState:1
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10182 callingPid:4053
01-02 09:35:34.021 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213478): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:34.021 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213479): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:34.361 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213481): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:34.503 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 30 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:35:34.673 4053 4065 I android.youtub: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 359191(19MB) AllocSpace objects, 85(3472KB) LOS objects, 17% free,
112MB/136MB, paused 130us total 5.986s
01-02 09:35:34.695 4053 4067 V PlayerBase: baseRelease() piid=39535 state=0
01-02 09:35:34.695 4053 4067 V PlayerBase: baseRelease() piid=39527 state=0
01-02 09:35:34.695 4053 4067 V PlayerBase: baseRelease() piid=39519 state=0
01-02 09:35:34.731 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213482): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:35.311 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213490): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:35.515 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 30 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:35:35.571 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213491): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:36.521 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 31 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:35:36.839 4053 4053 W YouTube : Warning: Sending VSS ping without a
format parameter.
01-02 09:35:37.191 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213494): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:37.221 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213495): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:37.281 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213496): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:37.321 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213497): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:37.526 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 30 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:35:37.871 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213498): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:38.528 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 30 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:35:38.631 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213499): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:39.532 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 29 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:35:39.971 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213500): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:40.141 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213502): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:40.291 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213503): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:40.501 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213504): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:35:40.533 4053 11320 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.qcom.video.decoder.avc,
mInputBufferCount = 31 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 0 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30 fps,
mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
01-02 09:35:40.541 4053 4053 W ExoPlayer:Loade: type=1400 audit(0.0:213508): avc:
denied { search } for name="bbkcore" dev="dm-3" ino=613201
tcontext=u:object_r:vivo_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-02 09:36:19.466 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[84].onEnded()
01-02 09:36:23.766 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:36:24.091 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:36:24.128 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:36:25.310 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=p1zZkim9_uBrmT8A transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[67] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:36:44.567 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=298057KB
01-02 09:36:46.705 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[3].onEnded()
01-02 09:36:46.971 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:36:47.458 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:36:47.539 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:36:48.514 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=3mUkSED2KDbNZjwb transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[7] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:37:04.745 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:37:05.644 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:37:05.717 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:37:08.144 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=1PeSW-
vtZEkPb_XQ transitionPositionMs=-1 position=Position(positionMillis=0)
playerEvents=[31] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:37:15.523 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
01-02 09:37:16.160 4053 4053 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
01-02 09:37:16.162 4053 4133 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
01-02 09:37:16.175 4053 4053 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
01-02 09:37:17.719 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=5EX8QMCP8S_oPH7u transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[32] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:37:50.449 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[31].onEnded()
01-02 09:38:00.835 4053 11320 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:38:01.505 4053 4053 E ShortsProject: Project State has 0 duration:
01-02 09:38:02.597 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:38:02.626 4053 4053 I chatty : uid=10182(com.google.android.youtube)
identical 3 lines
01-02 09:38:02.630 4053 4053 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:38:03.563 4053 4260 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:38:04.160 4053 12392 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
01-02 09:38:04.160 4053 12392 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
01-02 09:38:04.178 4053 12392 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
01-02 09:38:04.205 4053 4260 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:38:04.243 4053 12392 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
01-02 09:38:04.330 4053 4581 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
01-02 09:38:05.048 4053 12393 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
01-02 09:38:05.049 4053 12393 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
01-02 09:38:05.055 4053 12393 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
01-02 09:38:05.418 4053 4581 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
01-02 09:38:06.413 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:06.414 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:06.474 4053 4053 E YouTube : Trying to detachMediaView when it wasn't
the most recent MediaView Setter
01-02 09:38:06.478 4053 4053 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
01-02 09:38:06.496 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:06.497 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:06.925 4053 11320 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:38:07.397 4053 12386 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:38:07.400 4053 12386 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:38:07.538 4053 4260 E libc : Access denied finding property
01-02 09:38:08.957 4053 4053 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl num: 0
01-02 09:38:09.043 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=1PeSW-
vtZEkPb_XQ playWhenReady=true positionMs=10028 playerEvents=[35] videoId=scrubbed
01-02 09:38:09.068 4053 4053 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=5EX8QMCP8S_oPH7u transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[51] videoId=scrubbed)
01-02 09:38:09.093 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:09.093 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:09.738 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:09.744 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:28.781 4053 12526 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Error sending M-search:
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: java.io.IOException:
sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at wao.run(PG:7)
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeya.a(PG:1)
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aexg.run(PG:4)
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeyb.run(PG:1)
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at sfk.run(PG:69)
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
libcore.io.Linux.sendtoBytes(Native Method)
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.312 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: ... 14 more
01-02 09:38:30.385 4053 4053 E YouTube : Trying to detachMediaView when it wasn't
the most recent MediaView Setter
01-02 09:38:30.424 4053 4053 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
01-02 09:38:30.480 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:30.481 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Error sending M-search:
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: java.io.IOException:
sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at wao.run(PG:7)
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeya.a(PG:1)
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aexg.run(PG:4)
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeyb.run(PG:1)
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at sfk.run(PG:69)
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
libcore.io.Linux.sendtoBytes(Native Method)
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:38:30.490 4053 4265 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: ... 14 more
01-02 09:38:30.513 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:30.513 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:38:30.543 4053 12526 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
01-02 09:39:02.990 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:39:02.992 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:40:54.940 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:40:55.054 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:44:17.400 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:44:17.400 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:45:02.882 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:45:02.882 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:45:42.751 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:45:42.752 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:45:59.900 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:45:59.901 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:46:11.302 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:46:11.302 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:46:22.763 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:46:22.763 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:47:14.240 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:47:14.241 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:47:48.396 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:47:48.396 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:48:35.932 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=225326KB
01-02 09:49:54.359 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:49:54.360 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:50:17.171 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:50:17.173 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:50:35.314 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=236737KB
01-02 09:50:51.242 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:50:51.243 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:52:35.831 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=230410KB
01-02 09:53:31.001 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:53:31.001 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Error sending M-search:
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: java.io.IOException:
sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at wao.run(PG:7)
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeya.a(PG:1)
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aexg.run(PG:4)
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at aeyb.run(PG:1)
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at sfk.run(PG:69)
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: sendto failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
libcore.io.Linux.sendtoBytes(Native Method)
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: at
01-02 09:53:38.743 4053 4269 E YT.MDX.DialDeviceFinder: ... 14 more
01-02 09:54:05.123 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:54:05.124 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:54:35.362 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=234057KB
01-02 09:54:39.232 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:54:39.232 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:54:56.499 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:54:56.499 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:55:19.219 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:55:19.220 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:55:36.142 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:55:36.143 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:56:04.613 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:56:04.614 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:56:15.960 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:56:15.960 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:56:27.308 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:56:27.308 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:56:35.446 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=233700KB
01-02 09:56:49.419 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:56:49.419 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:57:03.473 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:57:03.473 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:57:42.931 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:57:42.931 4053 4053 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
01-02 09:58:35.527 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=210495KB
01-02 10:00:35.544 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=211314KB
01-02 10:02:35.584 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=213083KB
01-02 10:04:35.686 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=219969KB
01-02 10:06:35.739 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=223624KB
01-02 10:08:35.834 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=224436KB
01-02 10:10:35.840 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=225287KB
01-02 10:12:35.863 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=226115KB
01-02 10:14:35.938 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=212273KB
01-02 10:16:35.987 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=213106KB
01-02 10:18:36.102 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=217966KB
01-02 10:20:36.141 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=218633KB
01-02 10:22:36.182 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=219460KB
01-02 10:24:36.265 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=212669KB
01-02 10:26:36.328 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=213506KB
01-02 10:28:36.362 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=214333KB
01-02 10:30:36.368 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=214869KB
01-02 10:32:36.463 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=216734KB
01-02 10:34:36.560 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=212922KB
01-02 10:36:36.658 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=213300KB
01-02 10:38:36.735 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=214142KB
01-02 10:40:36.746 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=214907KB
01-02 10:42:36.762 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=215759KB
01-02 10:43:15.999 4053 22218 E GEL_DELAYED_EVENT_DEBUG: Cannot resolve Identity
from identityId. Dispatching as Identities.PSEUDONYMOUS.
01-02 10:44:36.857 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=267994KB
01-02 10:46:36.985 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=267936KB
01-02 10:48:37.039 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=263003KB
01-02 10:50:37.177 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=280573KB
01-02 10:52:37.133 2166 8246 E _V_RMS-Leak: RELEASED!!! physical-memory
process=com.google.android.youtube pid=4053 size=185240KB
01-02 10:53:49.021 2878 3183 E _V_DataItemUploader: add to LogSystem
01-02 10:53:49.021 2878 3183 E _V_DataItemUploader: add to LogSystem
01-02 10:53:49.022 2878 3183 E _V_DataItemUploader: add to LogSystem
01-02 10:53:49.026 2878 3183 E _V_DataItemUploader: add to LogSystem
01-02 11:06:19.183 24053 24053 E cessService0:1: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
01-02 11:06:19.266 24053 24071 E _V_NightModeController: can't get NightModeService
01-02 11:06:19.269 24053 24053 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
01-02 11:06:19.270 24053 24053 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
01-02 11:06:19.328 1821 1936 E libprocessgroup: AddTidToCgroup failed to write
'24053'; fd=518: No space left on device
01-02 11:06:56.937 1821 1923 E libprocessgroup: Error encountered killing process
cgroup uid 90001 pid 24053: Permission denied
01-02 11:06:56.967 1821 1905 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
24053,uid: 10184