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Tle He HK9 W1

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Learning Area TLE - Housekeeping 9

W1 Quarter Third Week 1

I. LESSON TITLE Basic roles of valet and butler service within the Philippine hospitality industry
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Discuss basic roles of valet and butler service within the Philippine hospitality
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a
valet / butler service.
Code: TLE_HEHK9- 12VS-IIIa-j-1 - Curriculum Guide May 2016 p. 13
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Learning Module for Grade 7 & 8_
Household Services
IV. LEARNING Suggested
Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
A. Introduction 40 minutes A valet, sometimes also known as a 'butler', is employed by a hotel to
Panimula provide a personalized and specialist service to guests for the duration of their stay.
They add a degree of service, class and style many people associate with
indulgence and opulence.
Butler is a servant in a wealthy, large household and “Servant” is an
older English term for "Domestic Worker". A “Domestic Worker” is someone
who works within the employer's household and perform a variety of household
services for an individual or a family, from providing care for children and
elderly dependents to cleaning and household maintenance, known as
Valet or Varlet is a “French Term” which means “male servants”. In Valet,
the “T” is being silent. As the Valet termed for “male servants” and its meaning
is the “Housekeeper” is for “Woman” who is in charge for caring for the entire
house and its appearance.

Valet is also used for people performing specific services:

 Parking Valet - a service employee who parks cars for guests.
 Car Valet - an employee who is paid to clean people's cars professionally.
 Valet - a professional wrestling term for a person who accompanies a wrestler to
the ring - originally a beefy man but now usually a busty woman.
Butler Service is a personalized service given to guest who request for special
service to attend his needs.
The main duties of a valet:
Services can include, but are not limited to:
 Professionally and confidentially communicating – with the guest and
on behalf of the guest
 Unpacking and storing guest luggage
 Preparing guest clothes and footwear – ready for use
 Light pressing of garments – as required or requested
 Packing guest luggage – for their departure
 Cleaning and polishing shoes – as required or requested
 Repairing, or organizing the repair of, clothes and other guest belongings
 Helping in relation to organization of guest needs and requests
including wake up calls, newspaper, coffee, and tea
 Recording services that have been delivered – for quality control and
accounting procedures
 Preparing room before guest arrives – by providing various items such as
fruit bowls, complimentary gifts, bathrobes, chocolates, or flowers
 Looking after guest laundry and dry-cleaning needs – on an ongoing
basis for the duration of their stay
Roles of a valet:
Many regards the valet as providing a combination of roles each with its own
demanding level of personalized and individualized services.
The various roles include:
 Housekeeper – performing a range of services normally provided by
room attendants in other rooms
IV. LEARNING Suggested
Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
 Confidant – being a trusted person whom the guest can confide in
when they need to talk or share an idea, experience, or opinion
 Guide – informing the guest of what is available both within and outside
the venue, when it is available, how to get there and how to obtain
entry, tickets, preferential treatment
 Concierge – while all valets work together with the concierge in a
venue, many valets often take the role of concierge for the guests they are
looking after
 Organizer – organizing activities including reservations, tickets to
shows, entry to events, meetings with people, daily schedules, on
behalf of and under the direction of the guest
 Supervisor – overseeing the work of other people (venue employees
and outside workers) who provide products and service to the guest
 Guest relations – ensuring the guest has a pleasant stay in the venue,
ensuring their expectations are met and dealing with any problems that
arise during the stay.
The Basic Services Offered by a Hotel Butlers are:
 Laundry and ironing.
 Shoeshine.
 Packing and unpacking of guest luggage.
 In-room breakfast and beverages.
 And other personalized services
B. Development 20 minutes Learning Task 1: PRE-TEST
Pagpapaunlad Directions: Read the following statement. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. The following are the main duties of a valet EXCEPT:
A. Light pressing of garments – as required or requested.
B.Preparing guest clothes and footwear – ready for use.
C. Unpacking and storing guest luggage.
D. Providing assistance which not related to organization of guest needs
and requests including wake up calls, newspaper, coffee, and tea.
2. Which of the following is NOT the roles of a valet?
A. Cashier C. Guest relations
B.Concierge D. Supervisor
3. A professional wrestling term for a person who accompanies a wrestler to the ring

originally a beefy man but now usually a busty woman.
A. Chief C. Housekeeper
B. Dishwasher D. Valet
4. What do you call a valet which roles is to perform a range of services normally
provided by room attendants in other rooms?
A. Chief C. Housekeeper
B.Dishwasher D. Valet
5. How long did the valet should look after guest laundry and dry-cleaning needs?
A. after 3-5 days
B.every weekend
C. On an ongoing basis for the duration of their stay.
D. On the first and last day of their vacation.
Learning Task 2: TRUE OR FALSE PATH
Directions: Write VALET if the statement is true and BUTLER if it is incorrect. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.
1. A valet, is also known as a butler, is employed by a hotel to provide a
personalized and specialist service to guests for the duration of their stay.
2. The male and female valet usually is the front-of-house member of the
staff, a guest contact staffs member and a service provider.
3. The main duties of a valet refer to the services they provide to their
4. Depending on the organizational structure of the venue, vendor may
be in Housekeeping, Front Office, or another appropriate department such as
Finance or Sales and Marketing.
IV. LEARNING Suggested
Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
5. The valet should not respond to the needs of individual guests who may
all have widely diverse demands. It is a challenging position but, without doubt,
extremely rewarding one.
C. Engagement 1 hour & Learning Task 3: LET’S PRACTICE!
Pakikipagpalihan 30 minutes If you were a Valet/Butler how often do you practice the following preventive
measures? Put a check (/) in the column that fits your answer.

Learning Task 4: DO IT YOURSELF

Make a handbook by compiling of pictures or by drawing of the different Roles of
a valet or butler. Provide a summary or brief discussion in each picture. A
sample guide or drawing is provided for you.
Name Classification
Sample picture / drawing of roles of a Looking after guest laundry and dry-
valet/ butler cleaning needs – on an ongoing
basis for the duration of their stay

• Apply your creativity
• Be guided in neatness of work

5 4 3 2 1
1. The content of The content of the The content of the The content of the No output
the handbook is handbook is handbook is handbook is
well organized. Organized. moderately Inorganized.
2. The handbook The handbook is The handbook is The handbook No output
is very Attractive. Attractive. not attractive needs
3.The handbook is The handbook is The handbook is The handbook is No output
very cleaned. cleaned. slightly cleaned not cleaned.
D. Assimilation 1 hour Learning Task 5: HOUSE CLEANING
Paglalapat Create a video presentation while you are cleaning your house following the
rubrics below and send your video in our messenger.

Always Sometimes Never

Know potential hazards of your workplace
and the activities you perform.

Learn and use safe lifting techniques.

Provide training on bloodborne pathogens
and practices to follow if needles or bodily
fluids are encountered in the hotel room.
Have a sharps disposal container on the cart
for needles and sharps.
Review safety data sheet (SDS) for
cleaning products and follow instructions
for safe use and storage.
Use long handled tools such as dusters and
mops to avoid bending and stretching.
Keep carts in good repair, check wheels
and weight distribution of supplies.

Know emergency contact numbers and keep

them immediately available.

Wear proper protective equipment when

handling cleaning products.

Always wear appropriate personal protective

equipment for the task.

Wash your hands frequently -- an important

step in preventing infection.
IV. LEARNING Suggested
Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
Criteria Highly Skilled Skilled Moderately Unskilled No Attempt
(5) (4) Skilled (3) (2) (1)
Use of tools Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Never selects, No attempt
equipment selection, selection, selection, prepares and to use tools/
and materials preparation preparation preparation use equipment
and use of and use of and use of appropriate
materials and materials and materials and materials and
tools/ tools/ tools/ tools/
equipment all equipment equipment equipment
the time most of the some of the
time time
Application Systematic Systematic Systematic Never follows No attempt
of procedure application of application application of systematic to apply
procedure all of procedure procedure application of procedure to
the time most of the some of the procedure project
without time with time with and highly
supervision minimum constant development
supervision supervision on supervision
Safety Work Highly self- Self- Self-motivated Needs to be No motivation
Habits motivated and motivated and observes motivated and totally
always and observes sometimes and does not disregards
observes all most safety some safety observe safety precautions
safety precautions precautions precaution
precautions most of the
Speed /Time Work finished Work finished Work finished Work finished No concept
ahead of time on time close to given beyond the of time
time given time
V. ASSESSMENT 25 minutes Learning Task 6: MATCH ME!
(Learning Activity Sheets Directions: Match column A to column B. Write the correct answer on your
for Enrichment,
Remediation or
answer sheet.
Assessment to be given A B
on Weeks 3 and 6) 1. Valet A. a personalized service given to guest who
2. Car Valet request for special service to attend his needs.
3. Butler B. a service employee who parks cars for guests.
4. Butler service C. male servant
5. Parking Valet D. an employee who is paid to clean people's
cars professionally.
E. “Personal Assistant of Guest” or (P.A.)
Learning Task 7: THINK WELL
Enumerate the following. Write your answer on your
notebook. 1-5. The roles of Valet/ Butler
6-10. The main duties of Valet/ Butler
VI. REFLECTION The learner communicates the explanation of their personal assessment as
5 minutes indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal insights about
the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that

. I realize that

. I need to learn more about

EPS, Batangas City
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety. (2020 January 2). Hotel Housekeeping. Retrieved
from http://bit.ly/3seqKhO
William Angliss Institute of TAFE. (2012). Provide valet services to guests (Trainee Manual). Retrieved from
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the des
- I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
🗸 - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson .
? - I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this task.

Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP

Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6

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