SEMI Detiled LP in Math 5

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(Radio-based Instruction)

School Mac Mariano Elementary School Grade Level Grade V

Name Monica Magistrado-Laniog Learning Area
(Radio-based Instruction)
Time and Date March 22, 2021 Quarter Third Quarter, WEEK 7

(ANNOTATIONS) RPMS objectives based on the

I. OBJECTIVES PPST priority indicator
The learner demonstrates
A. Content Standards understanding of time and
The learner is able to apply knowledge
of time and circumference in
B. Performance Standards
mathematical problems and real-life
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
The learner measures time using a
12-hour and a 24-hour clock.
K – Express a 12 hr-clock time to 24
K-U-D Competency Level
hr clock time and vice versa
U- Differentiate the 24-hr clock
system from the 12 hr clock
D- Measure time using 12-hour
and 24-hour clock.

II. CONTENT Measuring 12-hour and 24-hour clock


Mathematics Grade 5
ADM- Quarter 3-Module 7: Time
A. References First Edition, 2021
Lesson 1-12 and 24-hour clocks
pp. 5-10

B. Materials
PPT, RBI Script,Audio/Video Lesson

(Inductive Method)

Teacher’s Activity

Before the Lesson: Good morning Grade V learners! Please be reminded of the OBJ.1
following: Apply knowledge and content within and across
Please make yourself comfortable. Find a place where you curriculum teaching areas.
able to listen and focus to our new lesson. Prepare your OBJ 5
notebook and your ballpen. Get your module in Establish safe and secure learning environments to
Mathematics 5 for Quarter 3, week 7. So, what are we enhance learning through the consistent
waiting for? Sit down and listen to another day of fun implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures.

Now, let us first recall some time units and the OBJ.3
conversion of one unit to another. Display proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and
English to facilitate teaching and learning.
So, what are the basic units we use in measuring time?
We use seconds, minutes, hour and day as time units. Use effective verbal and non verbal classroom
communication strategies to support learner
Second as our base units, how many seconds are there in understanding, participation, engagement and
1 minute? achievement.
Very good. How about minutes in 1 hour?
How many hours in a day? OBJ.6
Maintain learning environments that promote fairness,
If you spent 120 minutes studying your module in Math, respect and care to encourage learning
then how many hours did you study?
You studied your module in Math for 2 hours. Apply a range of successful strategies that maintain
learning environments that motivate learners to work
What things help you tell time? productively by
assuming responsibility for their own learning
There are several things that help us tell time. They are
Analog clock, digital clock, our watches and other
electronic devices.

How do you tell time?

We tell time by the format of Hours: Minutes.

During the lesson Earlier, you’ve shown the different things that help to tell
time. Don’t you know that there are also ways on how to
tell and measure time? OBJ.1
Apply knowledge and content within and across
Today, we are learning about measuring time using 12 hr curriculum teaching areas.
and 24 hr clock. OBJ 5
Normally, time is shown as Hours: Minutes . There are 24 Establish safe and secure learning environments to
hours in a day and 60 minutes in each hour. enhance learning through the consistent
implementation of policies, guidelines and
There are two main ways to show time. One is the 12 hr procedures.
clock system and the 24-hr clock system.
Display proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and
English to facilitate teaching and learning.

Use effective verbal and non verbal classroom
What is a 12-hr clock system?
communication strategies to support learner
understanding, participation, engagement and
12-hr clock system is commonly used in telling time.
A.M and P.M. are placed at the end to denote whether the
time is in the morning or afternoon.
Ante meridiem(a.m.) means this time is after 12 midnight Maintain learning environments that promote fairness,
and before 12 noon, so 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 a.m. respect and care to encourage learning

Post meridiem(p.m.) means this time is after 12 noon and OBJ 8

before midnight, so 12:01 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. Apply a range of successful strategies that maintain
learning environments that motivate learners to work
Ante meridiem(a.m.) and Post meridiem(p.m.) productively by
are abbreviations used in a 12 hr clock system. assuming responsibility for their own learning

How about the 24 hr clock system?

24 hr clock system is oftentimes called as Military clock

since soldiers are the ones mostly use it. It does not require
a.m. and p.m.
To be written after the time as it starts at 00:00 , which is 12
midnight ,then back to 00:00 after 23:59 (11:59 p.m.)

H or Hours is placed at the end to indicate the use of the 24

hr clock format.

We have 12 hr clock and its equivalent to 24 hr clock.

(Teacher reads the 24-hour clock and its equivalent to 12-
hour clock.)

12 hour clock 24-hour clock

12:00 midnight 00:00 H
12:01 a.m.-11:59 00:01 – 11:59 H
12:01 n.n.-11:59 12:00 – 23:59 H

How do we change time from 12-hour clock to 24-hour


To understand better, lets remember the following:

1. Starting from 1:00 a.m. to 11:59 a.m. is done in a OBJ.2
straightforward manner in which the a.m. notation is Use research-based and principles of teaching and
just removed from the 24-hour time. learning to enhance professional practice.
Example: *The teacher use Deductive Method as a research-
1:00 a.m. is equivalent to 01:00H based and principle of learning and teaching where
7:36 am. is equivalent to 07:36H she first tell the rule, principal or law to the students
with the help of specific examples. First of all the
2.From 12 midnight to 12:59 a.m., you just have to rules are given and then students are asked to apply
subtract 12:00 from the given time, then write H. these rules to solve more problems..
12:00 a.m - 12:00 = 00: 00H
12:07 a.m. – 12:00 = 00:07H
3. From 1:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m., add 12 to the given
1:05 p.m. + 12:00 = 13:05 H
4:49 p.m. + 12:00 = 16:49 H

Those are ways on changing 12 hr to 24 hr clock system.

Now, try to convert these 12 hr time to 24-hr time
12 hr clock 24 hr clock
1. 11:58 a.m.
2. 12:03 a.m.
3. 7:42 p.m.
How about changing 24 hr to 12 hr?
Here are the ways.

1.01:00H to 11:59 H is written as it is in a.m.

2:56H = 2:56 a.m.
9:18H = 9:18 a.m.

2.12:00 H to 12:59 H, is written as it in pm.

12:45 H = 12:45 P.M
12:39 H =12:39 P.M

3.13:00 H to 23:59 H, subtract 12:00 from the given time

and write it in p.m
13:04 H -12:00=1:04 p.m
22:07 H -12:00=10:07p.m.

Try to convert these 24 hr time to 12-hr time

24 hr clock 12 hr clock
1. 3:01H
2. 12:03H
3. 23:05 H

Now, please answer the following questions.

1. What is the difference between 12-hour clock system and
24-hour clock system?

2. Which time is in the morning? Or in the afternoon? a.

00:45 b. 12:37

3. How would you know if a 24-hour clock time is in the

afternoon or in the morning?
After the Lesson: Fill in the table by converting 12-hour clock to 24-hour
clock and vice versa.
(The teacher will read the table and facilitate the
EVALUATION learners on answering the activity.)
12-hour clock system 24-hour clock system
2:20 p.m.
10:15 a.m.
11:52 a.m.
14:20 H
03:18 H

How many score did you get? Let’s take a look on this
to interpret your scores.
Score Interpretation Use effective verbal and non verbal classroom
Score Meaning communication strategies to support learner
You are very familiar and have
5 pts. Excellent understanding, participation, engagement and
some mastery of the topic.
You can further improve your achievement.
knowledge and mastery by
doingyour best to learn more about
Very the lessons through accomplishing OBJ.6
4 pts.
satisfacory the activities and answering the
exercises Maintain learning environments that promote fairness,
respect and care to encourage learning
You have some knowledge about
3 pts. Satisfactory
the topic.
You need to exert more effort and
0-2 pts. allot much time to study this

Write a reflection about what you have learned, and
what are the things you want to learn more about
today’s learning episode. Write them on your Math


Prepared by:
Radio Teacher/ Teacher I
Mac Mariano Elementary School
Noted by:


Principal I OIC, Public Schools District Supervisor
Naga District VII
Recommending Approval:

JARME D. TAUMATORGO, JD ___________________________

EPS- Araling Panlipunan EPS – Mathematics
Division RBI Coordinator
Officer -In- Charge, Chief
Curriculum Implementation Division


Officer -In- Charge
Schools Division Superintendent

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