Consti 11 17 21
Consti 11 17 21
Consti 11 17 21
1.2. Revisit the Constitutional provisions of the 1935, 1973 and 1987 Constitution
regarding judicial power.
4. Appointments
15.Tenure of Judges
18.Salaries of Judges
20. Cases
a) Villavicencio vs. Lukban, 39 Phil. 778
b) Daza vs. Singson, GR NO. 86344 (Dec. 21, 1989)
c) Bengzon vs. Drilon, 208 SCRA 133
d) Fortich vs. Corona, GR NO. 131457 (April 24, 1998)
e) Dumlao vs. COMELEC, 95 SCRA 392
f) Sanidad vs. COMELEC, 73 SCRA 333
g) Cordillera Broad Coalition vs. COA, 181 SCRA 495
h) Buscayno vs. Enrile, 102 SCRA 7
i) Lozada vs. COMELEC, GR NO. L-59068
j) Marvin Cruz and Francisco Cruz vs. People of the Phil., GR NO. 224974
(July 3, 2017)