Reading WeeklyTest Luna
Reading WeeklyTest Luna
Reading WeeklyTest Luna
General Directions: This test consists of two sections: (1) multiple-choice question section
and (2)
1. What is the world’s slowest animal. 10. Gladiator fights lasted __________.
A. Turtle A. All day
B. Rabbit B. In the afternoon
C. Sloth C. In the morning
D. Dog D. At night
2. They need one minute to move ______ meters. 11. A champion gladiator received lots of _______.
A. One A. Gold
B. Two B. Women
C. Three C. Money
D. Four D. Fame
3. Sloth lives upside down in ______. 12. They got a lot of attention like ________
A. Grass nowadays.
B. Sea A. Artist
C. Trees B. Movie Star
D. Sand C. Musician
4. Sharply curved _____ help them not to fall out of D. Director
the tree. 13. Ancient means _______-
A. Teeth A. Old
B. Claws B. Young
C. Foot C. New
D. Tail D. Average
5. How many hours does a sloth sleeps?
B. 18 14. What do you call a baby cat ?
C. 20 A. Meow
D. 22 B. Mew
6. ________ and eagles like to eat sloths. C. Kittens
A. Lion D. Kitties
B. Tiger 15. What do you call a baby kangaroo?
C. Jaguar A. Joey
D. Leopard B. Roo
C. Kang
7. Where does a gladiator fight happen? 16. The mother’s _______ becomes it’s first home.
A. Stadium A. Bag
B. Palace B. Pouch
C. Pyramind C. Back
D. Dessert D. Belly
8. The fighters were called _______. 17. What is the fur of a male kangaroo?
A. Lancers A. White
B. Gladiators B. Brown
C. Guards C. Gray
D. Criminals D. Red
9. Gladiators wore _________ and ________ in the 18. What is the fur of a female kangaroo?
stadium. A. Gray
A. Bow , Arrow B. White
B. Spear , Shield C. Brown
C. Sword . Shield D. Red
D. Sword , Armor
19. How long does a baby kangaroo stays to it’s 31. Mayonnaise is made by ______________
mother. A. Water , egg yolk and oil
A. About a month B. Water , flour and oil
B. About 1 month C. Oil , flour and egg yolk
C. About a year D. Egg white , flour and oil
D. About 1 year 32. What country the mayonnaise originated from?
20. How long does a baby kangaroo grows its legs? A. Britain
A. Few months B. France
B. 1 month C. USA
C. About 6 month D. Thailand
D. 1 year 33. In what year did the French and the British were
having a war?
21. Which fruit tastes sour? B. 1756
A. Apple C. 1656
B. Coconut D. 1956
C. Banana 34. The chef usually used _______ and eggs to make
D. Orange his sauce.
22. Which fruit tastes sweet? A. Butter
A. Lemon B. Cream
B. Kiwi C. Egg white
C. Tamarind D. Sugar
D. Apples 35. Which ingredient attracts the other 2 ingredients?
23. What was the fruit in the story? A. Egg white
A. Miracle fruit B. Sugar
B. Mango C. Oil
C. Grapes D. Egg Yolk
D. Banana 36. What kind of oil did the chef used?
24. How long will you chew the fruit? A. Cooking oil
A. 1 minute B. Olive Oil
B. About a minute C. Petroleum
C. 2 minutes D. Diesel
D. Few minutes 37. Mayonnaise was a _______ accident.
25. What is the magic of the fruit? A. Exciting
A. Sweet B. Sad
B. Sour C. Happy
C. Tasteless D. Dull
D. Salty 38. Attracts means _______
26. Which part of your tongue does the fruit tricks? A. Stick together
A. Papilloe B. Stick out
B. Taste buds C. Stuck in
C. Tonsils D. Stuck out
D. Epiglottis 39. Who won the war between the French and the
27. How long does the magic last? British?
A. 1 hour A. French
B. Few hours B. British
C. About an hour 40. Write your teacher’s name _______________
D. All day
28. Where does the fruit comes from?
A. Africa
B. America
C. Asia
D. Europe
29. What kind of fruit is in the story
A. Citrus fruits ( sour)
B. Berries
C. Drupes
D. Vegetables
30. The taste buds will tell the _______ that
everything you eat is sweet.
A. Brain
B. Tonge
C. Spine
D. Body