2018 Entrance Exam GENERAL KNOWLEDGE

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Hillrange Secondary School

Centenary City, Enugu.


SUBJECT: Mathematics

TIME ALLOWED: 60 minutes

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SHADE neatly, the correct option from letter(s) A – E, in the objective sheet

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Submit this question paper with the objective sheet at end of the exam.


FULL NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

EXAM NO: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

DATE: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Shade the correct option in the objective sheet 7. Who was the slave boy who later became
provided. the first African Bishop?
A. Lord Steven
1. Enugu state was popular for the B. Bishop Shaw cross
production of________ C. Bishop Abayomi
A. cocoa D. Bishop Okorie
B. coal E. Bishop Ajayi Crowther
C. groundnut
D. timber 8. The fastest land animal is the
E. tobacco A. cheetah
B. lion
2. In what year did Nigeria become a
C. tiger
republic? D. dog
A. 1960 E. jaguar
B. 1971
C. 1989 9. The government of the people for the
D. 1956 people and by the people is known as
E. 1963 _______.
A. democracy
3. Which of these is not a human resource? B. aristocracy
A. teacher C. oligarchy
B. doctor D. monarchy
C. lawyer E. theocracy
D. automobile
E. pilot 10. Which of these women fought against the
killing of twins?
4. How old will The Federal Republic of A. Mary Slessor
Nigeria be when it celebrates her B. Mary Magdalen
independence this year? C. Mary Anne
A. 55 D. Mary Jones
B. 60 E. Virgin Mary
C. 59
D. 58 11. Which of these countries has French as
E. 57 her official language?
A. Liberia
5. Which of these states is popularly known B. Cameroun
as ‘The Food Basket of the Nation’? C. Algeria
A. Benue D. Ghana
B. Ondo E. Egypt
C. Delta
D. Kogi 12. Which of these countries won the 2017
E. Imo edition of African Cup of Nations?
A. Cameroun
6. The Nigerian that win the peace prize for B. Egypt
Literature is _______. C. Ghana
A. Professor Wole Soyinka D. Togo
B. Professor Ambrose Ali E. Gambia
C. Professor Babatunde Fafunwa
D. Professor Jibril Aminu
E. Professor Chinua Achebe
13. Barack Obama, the 44thand former 19. The picture displayed on the ten Naira
President of U.S.A., is a descendant of note is that of________.
which of these African countries? A. Alvan Ikoku
A. Libya B. Murtala Muhammed
B. Liberia. C. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
C. Kenya D. Aliko Dangote
D. Ghana E. Obafemi Awolowo
E. Egypt
20. In what year were the Southern and
14. Under what political party did President Northern Protectorates of Nigeria
Buhari win the last presidential election? amalgamated?
A. A.P.C A. 1922
B. P.D.P. B. 1907
C. A.D. C. 1960
D. A.P.G.A. D. 1957
E. Fresh Party E. 1914

15. What is full meaning of UNO? 21. Which of these results from insufficiency
A. Union Nations Organization of vitamin D?
B. United Nations Order A. malaria
C. United Nigeria Organization B. dysentery
D. United Nations Organization C. rickets
E. United National Order D. diarrhea
E. small pox
16. Which of these is the world Soccer Ruling
Body? 22. One who can see only near objects very
A. NFA clearly is suffering from _____.
B. NFL A. short sightedness
C. EPL B. long sightedness
D. UEFA C. night blindness
E. FIFA D. colour blindness
E. oblique blindness
17. Which of these countries in Africa was
noted for its Apartheid Policy? 23. What is the full meaning of AIDS?
A. South Africa A. Association of International Doctors
B. Cameroun Society
C. Zambia B. America International Domestic
D. Nigeria Science
E. Libya C. Acquires Immune Deficiency
18. Who is the current Vice-President of D. Acquired Immune Disease Situation
Nigeria? E. Acquired Immune Disaster Situation
A. Professor Yemi Osibanjo
B. Mr. Akinwumi Abode 24. The blood pumping station of the body is
C. Professor Wole Soyinka the _______
D. Dr. John Adisa A. kidney
E. Barrister Tunde Fashola B. heart
C. bladder
D. lungs
E. abdomen 31. The process by which plants manufacture
their food in the presence of sunlight is
25. An animal that is responsible for the called_____
spread of disease is known as _____ of A. photosynthesis
that disease. B. production
A. vector C. animal husbandry
B. protractor D. botany
C. contractor E. nutrition
D. infector
E. raider 32. What is a healthy body?
A. One free of diseases and is of sound
26. Which of these is a water-borne disease? mental state
A. tuberculosis B. One who is quite tall and fat
B. diarrhea C. One who can jog a long distance
C. tetanus D. One who eats three times in a day
D. guinea worm E. One who is free from constipation
E. colour blindness
33. The opening through which sweat gets
27. An adult human being should naturally out our body is called _____
have _____ set of teeth. A. sweat pore
A. 28 B. sweat hole
B. 32 C. stomata
C. 30 D. skin discharge
D. 36 E. sweat dispenser
E. 40
34. Which would you administer as first aid
28. Which of these substances generates to one who has drunk kerosene?
energy for the body? A. potato leaves
A. carbohydrate B. palm-oil
B. protein C. salt solution
C. vitamins D. sugar solution
D. fats and oil E. orange juice
E. water
35. During digestion, starch is changed into
29. What does exercise do to the human _____.
body? A. acid
A. It generates heat B. glucose
B. It builds body tissues C. sugar
C. It frees all the joints in the body D. bread
D. It cools down the body E. salt
E. All of the above
36. How long does a developing baby remain
30. Which of these is a respiratory organ? in the mother’s womb?
A. tongue A. nine years
B. eye B. fifty-two weeks
C. lungs C. nine months
D. kidney D. eighteen months
E. skin E. one year
37. Which of these can be found in a first-aid B. park
box? C. station
A. syringe D. runway
B. hammer E. hanger
C. bandages
D. mirror 44. Dead bodies are kept in______ before
E. nails they are buried.
A. cold rooms
38. Which of these is the organ of taste? B. fridges
A. lips C. mortuaries
B. tongue D. graves
C. teeth E. asylums
D. stomach
E. gullet 45. The guitar is an example of the _____
39. It is best to eat fruits ______. A. wind
A. fresh B. string
B. canned C. percussion
C. frozen D. keyboard
D. boiled E. local
E. dried
46. Fish is a source of _______
40. Which of the following would indigestion A. mineral and protein
cause? B. vitamin and salt
A. dysentery C. starch and mineral salts
B. diarrhea D. energy and vitamin
C. constipation E. heat and energy
D. cholera
E. sleeping sickness 47. What is the name of the place where
timber is sawn into wood?
41. Which of these tools is mainly used for A. woodhouse
digging the soil? B. milling shop
A. hoe C. furniture shop
B. cutlass D. carpenter’s shop
C. axe E. saw mill
D. wheel barrow
E. cutting knife 48. Which of these is not a raw material for
42. Which of the following does a A. malt
confectioner do? B. yeast
A. Builds ships C. sugar
B. Makes and sells cakes and pies D. flour
C. Hawks goods from one place to E. butter
D. Manufactures cars 49. The part of the building underground that
E. Sells goods to smaller business men supports the walls is known as ______.
A. pillars
43. Aircrafts are kept in a _______. B. foundation
A. garage C. lintel
D. german floor
E. P.O.P 56. The Williams sisters, Serena and Venus
are associated with _______
50. Which of these materials will not be A. basketball
needed when making a foundation for a B. rugby
building? C. football
A. cement D. table tennis
B. sand E. lawn tennis
C. granite
D. iron 57. Usain Bolt is one of the fastest sprinters in
E. roofing sheet the world. Which of these countries does
he come from?
51. How many players make a football team? A. USA
A. fifteen B. Jamaica
B. twelve C. India
C. ten D. Kenya
D. nineteen E. France
E. eleven
58. Which of these musicians comes from
52. Which English team is popular with the Jamaica?
slogan: ‘Never Walk Alone’? A. Bob Marley
A. Liverpool B. Drake
B. Manchester City C. Fela Kuti
C. Manchester United D. Don Williams
D. Chelsea E. Michael Jackson
E. Arsenal
59. An unmarried man is a bachelor. What is
53. Which English team won last season’s an unmarried woman called?
(2016/2017) EPL cup? A. girl
A. Liverpool B. lady
B. Leicester City C. spinster
C. Chelsea D. spouse
D. Man City E. fiancé
E. Arsenal
60. The term, ‘fortnight’ describes one of the
54. Christian Ronaldo, a very popular following.
footballer, plays currently with ______ A. a period of two weeks
A. Manchester United B. a period of four nights
B. Barcelona C. a period of one month and two days
C. Real Madrid D. a period seven days, four nights
D. Chelsea E. a period
E. Liverpool
61. The monthly environmental sanitation
55. How many weeks are there in a year? exercise in Enugu holds
A. fifty-two A. every Saturday
B. fifty-eight B. every second Saturday of the month
C. forty-six C. every last Saturday of the month
D. fifty-six D. every fourth Saturday of the month
E. sixty-three
E. every fourth Saturday and Sunday of D. Togo
the month E. Benin Republic

62. When does the monthly Environmental 68. The first point of socialization is the
Sanitation in Enugu start and end? A. church
A. 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. B. school
B. 7 a.m. – 10 a.m. C. family
C. 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. D. club
D. 7 a.m. – 12 noon E. playground
E. 7 a.m. – 1 p.m.
69. Enugu State shares a common boundary
63. The first lady of Enugu state is with
A. Mrs Monica Ugwuanyi A. Lagos State
B. Mrs Martha Ezigbo B. Kano State
C. Mrs Angel Okoroafor C. Anambra State
D. Mrs Helen Umeh D. Delta State
E. Mrs Theresa Joshua E. Ogun State

64. Which of these is one way of ensuring 70. The quality of being truthful is called
that one does not contract lassa ferver? A. cooperation
A. constant sanitation of one’s B. generosity
environment C. humility
B. drying of one’s food outside without D. honesty
monitoring E. order
C. regular consumption of bush meat
D. not reporting strange illnesses to 71. The young of a whale is called a/an
health authorities A. whaling
E. Keeping stray rats at home as pets B. calf
C. kid
65. Which of these forms of food is more D. dolphin
likely to give one energy? E. drake
A. fish
B. vegetable 72. The largest land animal is the
C. egg A. lion
D. fruits B. elephant
E. bread C. hippopotamus
D. giraffe
66. Which of these animals is venomous? E. buffalo
A. lion
B. tiger 73. The largest bird which cannot fly is the
C. scorpion A. cockerel
D. lizard B. ostrich
E. crocodile C. turkey
D. eagle
67. Which of these African countries did the E. hawk
Jewish nation reside in many years ago?
A. Egypt
B. Cameroon
C. Nigeria
74. The writer of the famous Things Fall 78. Which of these is not a natural disaster?
Apart is A. overgrazing
A. Wole Soyinka B. earthquake
B. Chimamanda Adigwe C. flood
C. Chinua Achebe D. typhoon
D. John P. Clark E. hurricane
E. Ifeoma Okoye
79. Which of these is not a root crop?
75. Which of these techniques is primarily A. yam
employed in poetry? B. potato
A. chapters C. cocoyam
B. Acts and Scenes D. maize
C. dialogue E. carrot
D. epilogue
E. stanza 80. Which of these is not a state in the
Federal Republic of Nigeria?
76. Drama works should mainly be A. Benin
A. read aloud B. Delta
B. acted on stage C. Ondo
C. read silently D. Osun
D. read in public E. Ekiti
E. written in verses

77. The totality of a people’s way of life is

referred to as
A. idiom
B. culture
C. belief
D. norm
E. society

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