NCSEA Recommended Structural Engineering Curriculum
NCSEA Recommended Structural Engineering Curriculum
NCSEA Recommended Structural Engineering Curriculum
The National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA) recommends that structural
engineering students receive instruction on the following twelve courses as part of their education. The
NCSEA structural engineering curriculum was developed by practitioners and educators to improve the
quality of structural engineering education.
1. Analysis 1
2. Analysis 2
3. Matrix Methods
4. Steel Design 1
5. Steel Design 2
6. Concrete 1
7. Concrete 2
8. Technical Writing
9. Timber
10. Dynamic Behavior (including seismic)
11. Foundation Design / Soil Mechanics
12. Masonry
1. Analysis 1
a. Introduction to Structures
b. Forces
c. Moments/couples
d. Equilibrium and stability
e. Concept of stress
f. Concept of strain
g. Stress-strain relationships
h. Plane trusses - method of section and method of joints
i. Frames
j. Shear and bending moment diagrams - focus on the relationship between load,
shear, moment and deflection
Analysis 1 Recommended Course Objectives:
2. Analysis 2
3. Matrix Methods
4. Steel Design 1
5. Steel Design 2
6. Concrete 1
a. Materials
b. Flexural behavior and design
c. Deflections
d. Shear
e. Development of reinforcement
f. Columns
7. Concrete 2
a. Understanding the reasons and process for selecting prestressed and precast
concrete for building systems/elements/architectural use
b. Understand prestressing and precast materials and manufacturing processes
c. Understand structural systems using prestress and precast concrete members and
the importance of connections
d. Design of basic structural members using both pre- and post-tensioning
e. Design of connections
8. Technical Writing
a. Craft a technical report/paper, well written and prepared for the target audience.
9. Timber
a. Kinematics of a particle
b. Kinetics of a particle: Force and acceleration
c. Kinetics of a particle: Work and Energy
d. Kinetics of a particle: Impulse and momentum
e. Planar kinematics of a rigid body
f. Planar kinetics of a rigid body: Force and acceleration
g. Planar kinetics of a rigid body: Work and energy
h. Planar kinetics of rigid body: Impulse and Momentum
i. Characteristics of earthquakes; causes, faults, seismic waves, plate-tectonics,
magnitude and intensity; strong ground motion, etc.
j. Response of single-D.O.F. structural systems to earthquake ground motion; concept
of response spectra; design spectra; damping, damping ratios
k. Response of multi-D.O.F. structural systems subjected to earthquake ground
motion; mode shapes and frequencies; earthquake response analysis by mode
l. Inelastic seismic behavior and design of structural systems; concept of ductility
m. Behavior of building structures under earthquake loading including reinforced
concrete, prestressed concrete, steel, masonry and timber structures.
12. Masonry
The National Council of Structural Engineers Associations values your opinion concerning the NCSEA
Recommended Structural Engineering Curriculum. Please provide your input to the NCSEA Basic
Education Committee by contacting Brent Perkins, NCSEA Basic Education Committee Chair, at