D Jacobsen Andres-Pohlenz
D Jacobsen Andres-Pohlenz
D Jacobsen Andres-Pohlenz
URL https://doi.org/10.14989/doctor.k15723
Textversion author
Kyoto University
Development of Steel Slit Wall Dampers
with Embedded Condition Assessment
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 Background 1-1
1.1.1 Steel shear walls 1-1
1.1.2 Condition Assessment – Health Monitoring 1-2
1.1.3 Online Test 1-2
1.2 Objective 1-3
1.3 Organization 1-4
3.3.3! Application to the developed example 3-14
3.4! Study on individual flexural links 3-14
3.4.1! Lateral-torsional buckling equations 3-15
3.4.2! Finite element model of individual flexural links 3-18
3.4.3! Cyclic loading of FEM models 3-19
3.4.4! Energy dissipation performance 3-20
3.5! Conclusions 3-21
- ii -
CHAPTER 6 Paint as a means for condition assessment
6.1! Introduction 6-1
6.1.1! Background 6-1
6.1.2! Organization 6-1
6.2! Coupon research on paint 6-1
6.2.1! Introduction 6-1
6.2.2! Measurement 6-5
6.2.3! Parametric study on different types of paint 6-5
6.2.4! Modifications to the paint composition and film mechanics 6-8
6.2.5! Compound stability 6-11
6.2.6! Comparison to FEM model 6-13
6.3! Performance of paint for strain recording in slit walls 6-14
6.3.1! Performance of paint flaking during tests 6-14
6.3.2! Accuracy of strain recording compared to FEM analysis 6-19
6.4! Conclusions 6-20
- iii -
1.1 Background
In seismic design of steel structures, passive dampers have gained popularity as a response to the
shortcomings of conventional structural design, for example [1], [2]. Their purpose is to concentrate
hysteretic behavior in specially designed zones that undergo interstory drift levels smaller than
those of other structural elements, thus delaying inelastic behavior in the gravity load-resisting
elements of the structure.
Steel plate shear walls (SPSW hereafter) are one kind of passive damper device. A SPSW
consists of steel plates which are connected to boundary beams and columns over the height of a
frame. As a damper device, the SPSW concentrates damage. The level of damage in SPSWs can be
used to evaluate the health of the structure after an earthquake.
1.1.1 Steel shear walls
Steel shear walls have been used for building design for both new constructions and seismic
upgrades of existing structures. Steel shear walls, provided with heavy stiffening, are able to resist
large lateral forces and dissipate earthquake-induced energy. Unstiffened thin plate steel shear walls
were proposed in response to the high costs of heavy stiffening. Thin plate steel shear walls provide
energy dissipation for small interstory drifts as the wall buckles [3]. This response is commonly
accompanied by significant pinching in the hysteresis, but strength deterioration is compensated for
by the development of a tension field. This approach was extended by experiments to investigate
the behavior and failure mode of steel plate shear walls with different slenderness ratios [4], and the
reduction of the earthquake-induced forces in beam-to-column connections when steel plate shear
walls are used [5].
Slitted shear walls were originally introduced as a means of improving the seismic behavior of
reinforced concrete walls [6], [7]. A type of passive damping device, that consists of a steel plate
shear wall with vertical slits (SW hereafter) have been previously devised [8] (Figure 1.1). In this
system, the steel plate segments between the slits behave as a series of flexural links, which undergo
large flexural deformations relative to their shear deformation, providing a ductile response without
significant out-of-plane stiffening of the wall. The stiffness and strength of the SWs can be
controlled fairly independently of one another by changing the slit design (i.e., slit length, number
of slit tiers, and distance between slits) [8], [9]. The introduction of slits in the SW limits the
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freedom can be implemented to provide accurate responses. The solution procedure for this large
model, however, is time-consuming, and the convergence of this solution procedure is always a
critical problem especially when material and geometric nonlinearities are considered
simultaneously. The experimental approach cannot handle full-scale structural models effectively. It
is very expensive and nearly impracticable to test a full-scale model of such a structural system, all
the while, a reduced-scale model is unable to duplicate the prototype behavior particularly when it
involves strong nonlinearities. Therefore, it is not necessarily easy to accurately simulate the
seismic responses of a large and complex structural system by using either a single analytical
method or a single experimental method.
The online hybrid test [13]-[15] (also called the pseudo dynamic test) is appealing since it can
make use of the benefits of both the analysis and test methods. In this test system, the equations of
motion are solved numerically in a computer, while the restoring forces are obtained from a
physical test. The online hybrid test has a history of more than thirty years, and many applications
have demonstrated its effectiveness. The test, when combined with substructuring techniques, is
called a substructure online hybrid test, and is particularly appealing for the earthquake response
simulation of large-scale structures [16]-[24].
1.2 Objective
Adding condition assessment capabilities to SWs has the benefit of extending their application to
monitoring purposes, whilst retaining their original function as damper devices. In this manner the
SW damper fulfills a double purpose. In this study, a modified slit design for SW is proposed to
include condition assessment capabilities. Unlike the conventional SWs in which the distance
between slits is constant, the proposed SW features slitting with unequal distances. This enables
strain patterns that vary significantly over the plate and an eventual gradual spread of yielding with
the increase of interstory drift. This gradual spread is the key for this application of condition
assessment, in which the correlation between the yield region and the maximum interstory drift is
employed. A reliable method is needed to identify of the yield region in the unequally slitted SWs.
In practice, the problem of recording the spreading of the maximum strains through the full extent
of a SW has not been solved for the application required in this study. Brittle paint offers an
inexpensive alternative to record the spreading of strains in the plate through flaking since the
flaking of brittle paint provides a permanent recording of the maximum strains experienced within
the SW. An evaluation of the viability of using commercially available paints is conducted,
focusing on the selection of a compound that flakes under strain, the evaluation is conducted
experimentally supported by analytical verifications.
The difference in the buckling drift angle between flexural links of different aspect ratios
presents an alternative to achieve condition assessment capabilities. The possibility of using link
rotation angles is explored for use as a parameter for the evaluation of damage sustained by an SW
with unequal slitting.
In an initial stage the monitoring system is intended to identify a number of drift angles that can
be considered as fundamental in the design stage of buildings with a small margin of error. The key
drift angles that need to be identified are: the limit state of elastic behavior of the structure, the limit
state for life safety condition and the limit state for heavy damage in the structure.
To summarize, the objectives of this study are to explore the possibility of introducing
condition assessment capabilities to SW dampers. Two alternatives to achieve this objective are
proposed, namely the correlation between the strain patterns developed in the SW with the
maximum drift angles achieved, and the correlation between the initiation of inelastic buckling of
the flexural link and the drift angles. A series of quasi-static and online tests were conducted to
investigate the seismic behavior of the proposed SW designs and provide information for engineers
to facilitate the implementation of these techniques.
1.3 Organization
This dissertation consists of eight chapters. Chapter 1 presents the introduction of this study and
Chapter 8 presents the conclusions. Chapters 2 to 7 constitute the main part of the dissertation: (1) a
summary of previous research on steel shear walls; (2) development of slit walls with unequal
slitting; (3) online test of a three-story building with slit walls; (4) buckling initiation as a means for
condition assessment; (5) paint as a means for condition assessment; and (6) distributed online test
to collapse. The contents of these six chapters are summarized as follows:
Chapter 2 presents a review of the most significant experimental and numerical research on
steel plate shear walls. Special attention is given to steel plate shear walls with perforations.
Perforations in the steel plates can significantly reduce the design forces on boundary elements by
weakening the shear walls. Several alternatives that have been considered to reduce the strength of
the infill plates are presented, comprising the introduction of circular openings and vertical slits.
Chapter 3 presents the conceptual work to introduce condition assessment capabilities in SWs
through the tracing of strains. Several modified slit designs are evaluated and compared to obtain
the most suitable for condition assessment purposes. Afterwards, the condition assessment
performance of the SWs is studied, and design equations are proposed to resolve the basic
properties (strength and stiffness) of the SW. A parametric study is conducted on isolated flexural
links to quantify their performance with regards to energy dissipation and out-of-plane buckling
initiation. Empirical equations based on geometric characteristics are developed to predict the
behavior of flexural links.
Chapter 4 presents a practical application of the SW design proposed in Chapter 3 and the
testing of a structure with an online testing scheme. The design of the prototype structure, and the
SW is examined. A brief description of the online test scheme and substructuring techniques is also
presented. The results from the online test are examined as the overall behavior of the structure
featuring unequally slitted SW, and also the local behavior of these SW is discussed. Finally the
results from cyclic tests that followed the online test are discussed to provide insight on the
behavior of SW under large lateral drift demands.
Chapter 5 presents an alternative method of achieving condition assessment capabilities through
the tracing of the inelastic buckling behavior of the flexural links in slit walls Two types of flexural
links, based on the independent behavior of flexural links, are introduced to achieve this objective:
(1) “Monitoring links” that develop inelastic buckling at predetermined drift angles and (2)
“Cushion links” that prevent the spreading of strains in between the monitoring links. An
experimental verification on scaled specimens of the design proposed follows. The hysteretic
performance, as well as the monitoring capabilities of the new design of SWs are evaluated.
Chapter 6 presents a means of recording through the flaking of paint the strain patterns that
develop in the SW presented in Chapter 3. A parametric study on different types of commercially
available paints is conducted. In the study, several compounds are tested under monotonic load. The
strain patterns developed in the paint are compared to finite element model results. Later in the
chapter, the performance of the spreading of the flaking of the paint is examined under experimental
conditions in three SW specimens subjected to the loadings described in Chapter 4.
Chapter 7 presents an extension of the online testing framework used in Chapter 4 in order to
geographically distribute the physical testing substructures. The proposed framework is then applied
to evaluate the seismic performance of large-scale steel structures from the onset of damage through
collapse. In this approach, only the critical subassemblies of the structural system leading to the
collapse mechanism are evaluated experimentally while the global response of the remaining
structure is captured numerically. The selection of the subassemblies and the sensitivity in enforcing
boundary conditions between experimental and numerical substructures in order to capture the
initiation of collapse is examined in detail. The hybrid test results are compared to a full scale
earthquake simulator test to examine both the global response and the distribution of stresses in the
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2.1 Introduction
Steel plate shear walls (SPSW hereafter) are lateral force resisting elements that can resist both
wind and earthquake induced forces. A SPSW consists of a steel plate, which is connected to
boundary beams and columns of a structure. The walls can be stiffened or unstiffened with respect
to the out-of-plane deformations. The main advantages of using SPSWs are their high ductility,
high initial stiffness, and high energy dissipation capacity. In comparison to reinforced concrete
shear walls, SPSWs are much lighter, which reduces the gravity loads to be transferred to the
foundation. Furthermore, the use of SPSWs allows for faster construction as it allows for
pre-fabricated assemblies and foregoes the curing time needed for proper concrete. These
considerations can significantly reduce construction costs.
The design philosophy for SPSWs varies. In North America prior to the 1980s, the philosophy
was to prevent shear buckling of the steel plate by using either thick plates or by adding stiffeners.
Heavily stiffened steel plates are used in Japan to ensure that the wall panel achieves its full plastic
strength prior to out-of-plane buckling. After the work of Thorburn et al. [1], the design philosophy
in North America moved towards the use of thin unstiffened plates. In this type of walls, the shear
is resisted primarily by a diagonal tension field that develops in the plates after they have buckled
and the overturning moment is resisted by axial coupling of column loads. This design philosophy
is adopted in the current American [2] steel design standards.
2.1.1 Organization
This chapter is divided into two sections. First, the research background on SPSW is presented.
A summary of the most significant experimental and numerical research conducted in Japan and the
United States since SPSWs were introduced.
In the second section of this chapter, a summary of the research on SPSW with perforations is
presented. Perforations in the steel plates can significantly reduce the design forces on boundary
elements by weakening the shear walls. Several alternatives that have been considered to reduce the
strength of the infill plates are presented, comprising the introduction of circular openings and
vertical slits.
2.2 Steel shear walls research background
During the past three decades, the research on SPSWs has been divided into two distinct categories:
those in which the steel plates are prevented from buckling and those that rely on the post-buckling
strength of the steel panels. Studies in Japan [3] and the United States have been conducted on
SPSWs that were designed not to buckle under extreme lateral loading. In the 1980s, however, the
idea of employing the post-buckling strength of the infill steel plates gained wide attention from
researchers in North America [1], [4]-[6] and England [7]-[9]. A number of quasi-static cyclic tests
have been reported since 1983 to address the issue of the post-buckling behavior of SPSWs. These
studies have examined the behavior of steel plates throughout the entire range of loading, from
elastic to plastic and from pre-buckling to post-buckling stages. A brief review of studies conducted
on SPSWs is presented in the following.
2.2.1 Takahashi et al. (1973)
Takahashi, et al. [3] conducted a series of experimental and analytical studies on stiffened thin
SPSWs. The objective of the tests was to investigate the behavior of thin stiffened SPSW systems
as an alternative to concrete shear walls.
In the first series of tests, twelve one-story specimens with overall dimensions of 2100 mm
width by 900 mm height were tested. The parameters considered for the study were:
(1) The spacing and width of stiffeners on both sides or one side of the steel panels, where three
arrangements were considered.
(2) The steel plate thickness, where thicknesses of 2.3, 3.2 and 4.5 mm were considered.
Each shear panel was attached with high-strength bolts to a very stiff rectangular pin jointed
frame. A compressive force was applied in one diagonal direction of the frame producing a state of
pure shear stresses on the specimens.
The test results showed that all the specimens underwent large deformations and exhibited a
very stable and ductile behavior. Some of the specimens with small transverse stiffeners showed
elastic buckling. Plastic buckling occurred in other specimens. After buckling the stiffness of the
panels gradually decreased as the tension field developed in the plate. In general, the hysteresis
curves were S-shaped for most of the specimens, except in those specimens that were heavily
reinforced with wide stiffeners. Shear deformations larger than 0.1 rad were reported for the heavily
stiffened specimens. Figure 2.1 shows the hysteretic curves of the two specimens made out of 2.3
mm thick steel plate, one with no stiffeners (Figure 2.1 (a)) and the other heavily reinforced with
horizontal and vertical stiffeners (Figure 2.1 (b)).
In the second series of tests, two full-scale one-bay two-story SPSW specimens, were tested
under cyclic horizontal load. The test specimens differed from one another in that one covered the
full beam span and the other considered a door size opening in each story. To provide similar shear
stiffness and strength, the specimen with openings was made of 6 mm thick steel plate while the
specimen without opening was made of 4.5 mm thick plate. The design of the test specimens was
based on the design principles obtained through the first series of tests. The design criteria ensured
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1(),73! -7*+! *.! 7! -.()*! .9! ,C671! 1.72! 7)2! 2,9.3A7*(.)! 7/! *+,! ,17/*(8! 0(,12! 2(/-178,A,)*5! ;6*! ()! *+,!
),47*(=,! 2(3,8*(.)! %IJ'?! K.72()4! 79*,3! *+(/! -.()*! 9.11.:/! :(*+! *+,! /7A,! -./*#0(,12! /*(99),//! 7/!
2,=,1.-,2! ()! *+,! -./(*(=,! 2(3,8*(.)?! L)1.72()4! 7*! 7)! 73;(*3730! -.()*! ()! *+,! ),47*(=,! 2(3,8*(.)! %&J'!
9.11.:/! *+,! ()(*(71! ,17/*(8! /*(99),//! 6)*(1! *+,! /+,73! ;68<1()4! 87-78(*0! (/! 3,78+,2! %>J'?! @+,! 1,)4*+!
-./(*(=,! %MN'! 7)2! ),47*(=,! 2(3,8*(.)/! %MNJ'! A()6/! .),! +719! *+,! -,3A7),)*! -17/*(8! 2,9.3A7*(.)!
/(A(173!A7)),3?! !
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B! A!
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2,=,1.-,2! ;0! S(A637! 7)2! I<(07A75! @+.3;63)! ,*! 71?! ;7/,2! *+,(3! A.2,1! ()! *+,! *+,.30! .9! -63,!
;0! *+,! -17*,! *+(8<),//?! @+,! 7)41,! .9! ()81()7*(.)! :7/! 8718617*,2! ;7/,2! .)! *+,! -3()8(-1,! .9! *+,! 1,7/*!
:.3<?! @+,! ,H-3,//(.)/! 9.3! *+,! ()81()7*(.)! .9! *+,! *,)/(1,! /*3,//,/! :,3,! .;*7(),2! 9.3! *:.! 87/,/\! %X'!
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! ! B!C'D(+!-+18++'!%&()>'/!.'*!1+'/2&'!/1627/!
! w ! B!E32%F'+//!&9!2'92((!7(.1+!
! L ! B!<2*13!&9!7.'+(!
! h ! B!G+2D31!&9!7.'+(!
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! Ab ! B!H6&//#/+%12&'.(!.6+.!&9!-+.>!
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MMU! .'*! $VU! .(&'D! 13+! %+'1+6(2'+! &9! 13+! 7(.1+=! C1! 13+! 02+(*! (&.*,! 13+! &O+6.((! >.D'21)*+! .'*!
! "#$!
distribution of the principal stresses were uniform and in good agreement with analytical results.
The specimen ultimately failed by tearing of the weldings between the steel plate and the fish
Timler and Kulak revised the equations proposed by Thorburn et al. (Eq. (2.1) and Eq. (2.2)) to
include the bending stiffness of the columns in the calculation of the angle of the tension field (Eq.
tan 4 ! = (2.3)
hw h4w
1+ +
Ab 360I c L
I c = Column moment of inertia
2.2.5 Elgaaly, Caccese, Chen and Du (1993)
Elgaaly et al. [5] conducted a series of tests where five quarter scale three story SPSW
specimens with different plate thicknesses and beam-to-column connections were tested under
cyclic and monotonic loading. No axial load was applied to the columns. The thicknesses of steel
plates were 0.076 mm, 1.90 mm and 2.66 mm. Three specimens were built with moment resisting
beam-to-column connections. The other two specimens were constructed with shear
beam-to-column connections.
The moment-resisting frame was tested as the baseline for the SPSW tests. The cyclic behavior
was characterized by an stable hysteretic behavior as shown in Figure 2.4 (a). The response of the
frame was essentially linear-elastic up to 0.5% drift levels. The cyclic behavior of the SPSW
specimens exhibited significant pinching (Figure 2.4 (b) through (f)). The predominant contribution
to the nonlinear behavior was attributed to the initial tension-field and yielding of the plate, which
started at a displacement of about 7.6 mm (0.3 in.). This yielding caused a permanent stretching and
subsequent bulging of the plate and a pinching of the hysteresis loops was the result.
The type of beam-to-column connections selected was found to have a minor effect on the
overall load-displacement curve of the specimens. The authors reasoned that the continuous
welding of the plates to surrounding beams and columns would induce the connections to act as
moment resisting even without welding the flanges of the beams to the columns.
The analytical model proposed by Thorburn et al. was used to predict the load-deformation
curves of the shear wall specimens. The authors found that the model was unable to replicate the
experimental results when an elastic-perfectly plastic stress-strain relationship curve for the plate
material was assumed. To overcome this difficulty a trilinear relationship was developed. In this
new relationship the secondary stiffness was selected in such a way to obtain a good agreement
between the analytical and experimental results.
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,/%! <2,0-(1! 3(/5(/5! ,-! -3&! &/%0! .6! ,22! =&,40! B&E1&<-! 6.'! -3&! -.<! ,/%! =.--.4! 0-.'&7! ;3&'&! <2,0-(1!
?3&! ,+-3.'0! 2,-&'! 1./%+1-&%! *+,0(#0-,-(1! -&0-(/5! .6! -3'&&! 0<&1(4&/0! +0(/5! 2(53-! 5,+5&!
.6-&/! 5'&,-&'! -3,/! -3,-! '&*+('&%! -.! '&0(0-! %&0(5/! 2,-&',2! 6.'1&0D>! G/&! 0<&1(4&/! 1./0(0-&%! .6!
(/6(22! <2,-&0! -.! -3&! =.+/%,'7! &2&4&/-0! (/! -3&! 6('0-! -;.! 0<&1(4&/0! ;,0! ,13(&)&%! -3'.+53! =.2-0! (/!
=,7! ;(%-3! ,/%! 0-.'7! 3&(53-! .6! -3&! 0<&1(4&/0! ;&'&! %&0(5/&%! -.! =&! IJJK! 44! ,/%! C$IK! 44@!
?3&! 1.''+5,-&%! 0<&1(4&/! '&,13&%! ,! %+1-(2(-7! .6! I! <'(.'! -.! 2.0(/5! 0+=0-,/-(,2! 0-'&/5-3>! ?3&!
-&/0(./! 6(&2%! ,1-(./! %&)&2.<&%! ./27! (/! -3&! %('&1-(./! <,',22&2! -.! -3&! 1.''+5,-(./0@! '&0+2-(/5! (/!
-3&! =.+/%,'7! 6',4&! .6! -3&! 0<&1(4&/! 1',1F&%! (/! 0.4&! 2.1,-(./0H! 3.;&)&'@! -3&! 1',1F(/5! %(%! /.-!
<'&)&/-!-3&!6+22!7(&2%(/5!.6!-3&!<2,-&>! !
0<&1(4&/! ;,0! 0(5/(6(1,/-27! 4.'&! %+1-(2&! -3,/! -3&! =.2-&%! 0<&1(4&/! ,/%! 6,(2+'&! ;,0! -3&! '&0+2-! .6!
(a) Corrugated specimen with bolted and epoxy (b) Flat specimen with welded connections
M(5+'&!">L>!Multi-storey SPSW specimen hysteresis and pushover curve
(Berman and Bruneau 2003)
! "#$!
2.3 Shear Walls with perforations
The research on shear walls with openings has gained attention from researchers. Since very often
the shear walls used are stronger than the design requirements, which introduce excessive forces to
the surrounding frame members. Perforations in the steel plates can significantly reduce the design
forces on boundary elements by weakening the shear walls. Several alternatives have been
considered to reduce the strength of the infill plates. Some of the alternatives that have been
considered include the use of low yield steel (LYS) instead of conventional steel for the steel plates
[13]-[16]. Another alternative that has been studied considers the introduction of circular openings
in the steel plate [7], [16]-[18]. The last alternative considered is the introduction of vertical slits
[19], [20].
2.3.1 Omori et al. (1966)
Omori et al. [19] motivated by the possibility of brittle failure of reinforced concrete (RC
hereafter) walls in lower stories, conducted a series of tests on reinforced concrete walls to
investigate the effect of introducing slits (Figure 2.6 (a)) with the aim of preventing brittle failure
and providing a persistent resistance after yielding (ductility). Eight tests were conducted where the
parameters studied were the slit location, the slit height and the numbers of slits introduced in the
walls. One of the specimens was designed without slits and was used as a control for the results of
the other specimens.
The specimens were laid horizontally in a hinged frame (Figure 2.6 (b)) and were loaded
diagonally to provide pure shear forces. Four specimens were loaded monotonically and the other
four were loaded cyclically. The authors found that the specimens with slits show both bending and
shear deformations, as opposed to pure shear in the base-line specimen. They concluded that by the
introduction of slits the RC walls can provide a relatively small initial stiffness and a more ductile
behavior can be achieved.
2.3.2 Mutoh et al. (1968)
Mutoh et al. [21] followed on the concerns expressed by Omori et al. regarding the brittle
failure of RC shear walls attempted to demonstrate the elastic characteristics of slitted RC walls.
One of the specimens was later used in the construction of one building in downtown Tokyo.
The authors conducted a series of elastic finite element analyses on the specimen shown in
Figure 2.7 (a). For the analyses, the wall was considered as a perfectly elastic body with infinitely
rigid boundary conditions, the width of the slit was considered to be zero. The average shear force
of the wall was calculated from the reaction forces at the top and bottom boundaries.
The authors conjectured that slitted RC walls subjected to lateral force could be assumed as two
symmetrical cantilever beams fixed along the ends of the wall where the unslitted section along the
height of the wall could be considered as rigid (Figure 2.7 (b)). The cantilever beam is subjected to
concentrated force along the centerline of the wall. The resultant stresses obtained based on this
conjecture were compared to the results of the finite element analysis (Figure 2.7 (c)) and were
found to agree on most locations with the exemption of the stresses nearest to the slit ends were the
stresses from the finite element model were much larger. The authors concluded that the slit ends
present a high concentration of stresses that cause the behavior of slitted walls to differ from that of
a cantilever beam. Nonetheless if the rigid zone is considered to extend to the slit end, the error in
the calculation of the wall stiffness incurred by this assumption is less than 2%.
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5+6500! 70&,(1! ,-(! &/,-*.'! 2&00()! ,-5'! )(H52(! IE05,! G&00'J! ;K54/.(! ">L=>! M+! ,-5'! ':',(31! ,-(! ',((0! 70&,(!
'(43(+,'! 8(,<((+! ,-(! '05,'! 8(-&H(! &'! &! '(.5('! *6! 60(9/.&0! 05+@'1! <-52-! /+)(.4*! 0&.4(! 60(9/.&0!
)(6*.3&,5*+'! .(0&,5H(! ,*! ,-(5.! '-(&.! )(6*.3&,5*+! ;'((! ,-(! 5+'(.,! 5+! K54/.(! ">L=1! 7.*H5)5+4! &! )/2,50(!
.('7*+'(! <5,-*/,! '54+5652&+,! */,#*6#70&+(! ',566(+5+4! *6! ,-(! <&00>! N-(! &/,-*.'! 7.*7*'()! &! )('54+!
7.*2()/.(! 8&'()! *+! '(7&.&,5+4! ,-(! 8(-&H5*.! *6! ,-(! <&00! 8(,<((+! ,-(! '-(&.! )(6*.3&,5*+! *6! <-*0(!
70&,(! &+)! )(6*.3&,5*+'! *6! 60(9/.&0! 05+@'>! N*! H&05)&,(! ,-(! )('54+! 7.*2()/.('! &! '(.5('! *6! ,(','! <(.(!
,(',' .(H(&0()!,-&,!,-(!'0(+)(.+(''!.&,5*!*6!,-(!60(9/.&0!05+@!;<5),-!)5H5)()!8:!70&,(!,-52@+(''=!<&'!
&+)! 3*.,&.! 7&+(0! ',566(+5+4>! N-(! 65+&0! '(.5('! *6! ,(','! (9&35+()! ,-(! '-(&.! <&00! 8(-&H5*.! /+)(.!
)566(.(+,!0*&)5+4!7.*,*2*0'>! !
Q00! '7(253(+'! <(.(! 2*+',./2,()! <5,-! ',((0! 70&,('! <5,-! )53(+'5*+'! *6! LCC! 9! LCC! 9 O>U! 331!
&H*5)!:5(0)5+4!)/(!,*!*H(.,/.+5+4!3*3(+,>! !
G5,-! &! 6(<! (92(7,5*+'1! &00! '7(253(+'! /+)(.<(+,! ',*.:! ).56,! &+40(! *6! 3*.(! ,-&+! TW! <5,-*/,!
! "#$$!
The response was elastic until yielding at one-third of the maximum strength. Strength degradation
was observed after the initiation of out-of-plane deformations, which occurred in all specimens after
achieving story drift angles of about 5%. The test results showed that the transverse buckling of the
plate is the main cause of strength degradation, and that the ductile fractures that were observed
later in the loading were of lesser concern.
Shear plates in all specimens with slenderness ratios of 10 remained in-plane up until drift
angles of more than 2.5%, whereas in most other specimens, transverse deformation took place
when the drift angle was less than 2%.. The authors noted, however, that the strain in the plate
exceeded yield before the horizontal force reached the calculated yield strength. Results from finite
element models indicated that there were stress concentrations at the edge of the slits, which
triggered yielding of the steel plate at a story drift smaller than previously expected.
2.3.5 Vian (2005)
Vian [16] conducted quasi-static cyclic tests on three single-story SPSW specimens. The first
specimen had rigid beam-to-column connection with reduced beam sections (RBS) on the beams,
and a solid plate of low yield steel. The remaining specimens had the same surrounding frame as the
first specimen, and either multiple regularly spaced circular perforations in the plate or reinforced
quarter-circle cut-outs in the upper corners of the plate. The two specimens, are shown in Figure 2.9
(a) and (b), respectively.
The SPSW specimens had a width of 4000 mm, and a height of 2000 mm. The plate used had a
thickness of 2.6 mm. The perforated specimen had staggered holes, with a diameter of 200 mm,
arranged at a 45° angle, and spaced at 300 mm. The cut-out corner specimen had 500 mm radius
quarter-circle cut-outs at the upper corners. The cut-out edges were reinforced with arch sections
160 mm wide by 19 mm thick. The specimens were tested under quasi-static cyclic load. The
perforated specimens were tested to a maximum drift of 3%, while the SPSW specimen was tested
to a maximum drift of 4%.
The results of the cyclic test for the perforated specimen and the cut-out specimen are presented
in Figure 2.10 (a) and (b), respectively. The perforated specimen began with three cycles each at
&'()*! +,-.(*/&01! 2)! 34$! +5&! 34"64! 7.+1*(8! 9/8:.(5;! 2)! *<0! -+50.! +5&! .(50+'! )2'80#&(1-.+80,05*!
90<+=(2'! >+1! 2910'=0&! )2'! *<010! 8?8.014! @+50.! ?(0.&(5;! >+1! )('1*! 2910'=0&! +)*0'! *<0! +,-.(*/&0!
8258./&0&! +)*0'! +5! +/&(9.0! 9+5;! >+1! <0+'&! +5&! +! &'2-! 288/''0&! (5! *<0! 1*'05;*<! 2)! *<0! 1-08(,05!
&/'(5;! *<0! 10825&! -21(*(=0! &(1-.+80,05*! 0H8/'1(25! *2! %6! &'()*! +5;.04! E/910I/05*! (51-08*(25!
>+1! 2910'=0&! (5! *<0! 92**2,! ).+5;0! 2)! *<0! )+'! 92**2,! 90+,! CDE! 825508*(254! D?! *<0! 05&! 2)! *<0!
G<0! 8/*#2/*! 1-08(,05! 90<+=0&! 0.+1*(8+..?! )2'! &'()*! +5;.01! 2)! 34$6B! >(*<! 52! =(1(9.0! 1(;51! 2)!
2)! *<0! CDE! 825508*(254! A! .+';0! '0&/8*(25! 2)! *<0! ,+H(,/,! 1*'05;*<! >+1! 2910'=0&! 25! *<0! 10825&!
8?8.0! *2! %6! &'()*! +5;.0B! ><05! *<0! ).+5;0! 2)! *<0! CDE! 90+,! )'+8*/'0&! +*! *>2! -2(5*14! A)*0'! *<(1! *<0!
"K!+5&!"F6!>0'0!2910'=0&!(5!*<0!-21(*(=0!+5&!50;+*(=0!&('08*(251B!'01-08*(=0.?4! !
Drift angle Drift angle
-4% -3% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% -4% -3% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4%
2500 2500
2000 2000
1500 1500
Total Force (kN)
Total Force (kN)
1000 1000
500 500
0 0
-500 -500
-1000 -1000
-1500 -1500
-2000 -2000
-2500 -2500
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Displacement, ) (mm) Displacement, ) (mm) !
L+M!@0')2'+*0&!1-08(,05! ! L9M!N/*#2/*!1-08(,05! !
!"#"$! %&'()*+!,,$-*
@/'9+! Q$RS! 825&/8*0&! +! 10'(01! 2)! )(5(*0! 0.0,05*! +5+.?101! *2! (5=01*(;+*0! *<0! 90<+=(2'! 2)!
/51*())050&! *<(5! E@ET1! >(*<! 2-05(5;1! (5! *<0! -.+*04! G<0! *>2! &01(;51B! 5+,0.?! *<0! -0')2'+*0&! (5)(..!
-.+*0! +5&! *<0! 8/*#2/*! 82'50'! E@ET! -'2-210&! 9?! P(+5! L"33FMB! >0'0! (5=01*(;+*0&4! E(,(.+'! *2! P(+5!
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2'/(:+#201*@! 3+*.1*70+9! ABA42! 578'/(! ?):0'3:+! 3+*.1*70'1/2! <+*+! ?19+:+9,! A5+::! +:+?+/02! <+*+!
3:70+! 05'D;/+22! <+*+! D1/2'9+*+9! '/! 05+! 7/7:@2+2,! F5+! 7)051*! .1)/9! 0570! 05+! *+2):02! .*1?! 05+!
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ABA4!3*18'9+9!05+!51:+2!9'7?+0+*!'2!:+22!057/!G>H!1.!05+!20*'3!<'905! D Sdiag
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B)*67! L">>GM! 7:21! +J7?'/+9! 05+! 733:'D76':'0@! 1.! )2'/(! 05+! *+9)D0'1/! ?+0519! 3*1312+9! 6@!
N16+*02! 7/9! A761)*'#O51?'! L$PP"M! 01! 733*1J'?70+! 05+! 20*+/(05! 1.! 7! 3+*.1*70+9! '/.'::! 3:70+! <'05!
3:70+! 1.! 7! ABA4! <'05! ?):0'3:+! *+():7*:@! 237D+9! D'*D):7*! 3+*.1*70'1/2! D1):9! 6+! D7:D):70+9 6@!
!"# ! W! ?7J'?)?! /)?6+*! 1.! 9'7(1/7:! 20*'32! L70! 7/@! 2+D0'1/=! D)0! 37*7::+:! 01! :+/(05! $%=! 18+*! 05+!
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<',4=3*=(.18! >+,! <'(<(1,4! ,?2-*=(.! @-1! 6(2.4! *(! ;=5,! ;((4! <',4=3*=(.1! (6! *+,! ',423,4! 1+,-'!
1*',.;*+1! (6! ABAC1! @=*+! 4=66,',.*! <-**,'.1! (6! <,'6('-*=(.1D! 4=66,',.*! <,'6('-*=(.! 4=-),*,'1D! -.4!
Type 4
Type 1
45 45
Type 5
o o
1000 582
Type 6 o
Type 3 45
45 o (h)
!"#! $%&&'()*'+,*-.+/0%12.+1*
<(11,11,1! +=;+! =.=*=-/! 1*=66.,11D! 2/*=)-*,! 1*',.;*+D! -.4! 423*=/=*0D! -1! @,//! -1! 1*-:/,! +01*,',1=1! 32'5,1!
-.4! -! /-';,! ,.,';0! 4=11=<-*=(.! 3-<-3=*08! G*! +-1! :,,.! ',3,.*/0! 4,)(.1*'-*,4! *+-*! *+,! 21,! (6!
>@(! 4=66,',.*! -<<'(-3+,1! +-5,! :,,.! 3(.1=4,',4! *(! ,1*=)-*,! *+,! 1*',.;*+! -.4! 1*=66.,11! (6!
! "#$%!
has to occupy the full beam span, no space is left for window or door openings, reducing the
possible locations where SPSWs can be installed. Recently some studies have considered the
inclusion of openings for utilities but these applications still require the SPSW to be attached to the
frame members. A second issue refers to the extension of the research on SPSWs. The research has
been focused on element tests, whether simple SPSW specimen or frame assemblies, and FEM
analyses. There is yet no record of research of the application of these walls in actual frame
buildings subjected to seismic demands.
[1] Thorburn, L.J., Kulak, G.L., and Montgomery, C.J., 1983, "Analysis of Steel Plate Shear
Walls", Structural Engineering Report No. 107, Department of Civil Engineering, University
of Alberta, Edmonton, A B .
[2] AISC. 2005. Seismic provisions for structural steel buildings. American Institute of Steel
Construction, Chicago, IL.
[3] Takahashi, Y , Takemoto, Y , Takeda, T. and Takagi, M., 1973, "Experimental Study on Thin
Steel Shear Walls and Particular Bracings Under Alternative Horizontal Load", Preliminary
Report, IABSE Symposium on Resistance and Ultimate Deformability of Structures Acted on
by Well-defined Repeated Loads, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 185-191.
[4] Timler, PA. and Kulak, G.L., 1983, "Experimental Study of Steel Plate Shear Walls",
Structural Engineering Report No. 114, Department of Civil Engineering, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, A B .
[5] Elgaaly, M., Caccese, V. and Du, C , 1993, "Postbuckling Behaviour of Steel-Plate Shear
Walls under Cyclic Loads", Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 2, pp.
588-605, February.
[6] Driver, R.G., 1997, "Seismic Behaviour of Steel Plate Shear Walls", Ph.D. Dissertation,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
[7] Roberts, T.M. and Sabouri-Ghomi, S., 1991a "Hysteretic Characteristics of Unstiffened Plate
Shear Panels", Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 145-162.
[8] Sabouri-Ghomi, S. and Roberts, T.M, 1991b, "Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Steel Plate
Shear Walls", Computers & Structures, Vol. 39, No. 1/2, pp. 121-127.
[9] Sabouri-Ghomi, S. and Roberts, T . M , 1992, "Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Steel Plate
Shear Walls Including Shear and Bending Deformations", Engineering Structures, Vol. 14,
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[10] Mimura, H. and Akiyama, FL, 1977, "Load-Deflection Relationship of Earthquake- Resistant
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Japan, 543–544 (in Japanese).
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Overview
In this chapter the development of a new kind of damper device, known as slit walls (SW
hereafter) is presented. Slit walls are special kind of steel shear walls in which slits are cut on the
plate with the aim of reducing the strength and stiffness of the wall [1], [2]. The number and length
of the slits control the stiffness of the wall. Modifications to the distribution of the slits in the steel
plate are introduced to add condition assessment capabilities.
3.1.2 Addition of condition assessment capabilities to slit walls
Structural condition assessment [3] focuses on techniques for evaluating the integrity of a
structure after an earthquake event to ascertain the danger that it represents for re-occupation of the
building. This evaluation can be performed through health-monitoring (for example [4], [5]), or
through performance-evaluation analyses that rely on detailed computer models of the structure.
Unfortunately, the required technologies remains untested against actual large earthquakes, and the
cost of implementing it restricts its use to important structures, such as large spatial structures,
bridges, dams and high-rise buildings. The small number of sensors used in these structures is only
sufficient to identify the existence of damage by observing global changes in the vibration modes
and frequencies. These restrictions encourage the development of a method of estimating the
damage sustained by a structure that is more straightforward and easier to implement.
Adding condition assessment capabilities to SWs has the benefit of extending their application
to monitoring purposes, whilst retaining their original function as damper devices [6], [7]. In this
chapter, a modified slit design for SW is proposed to include condition assessment capabilities.
Unlike the conventional SWs in which the distance between slits is constant, the proposed SW
features slitting with unequal distances. This enables strain patterns that vary significantly over the
plate and an eventual gradual spread of yielding with the increase of interstory drift. This gradual
spread is the key for the condition assessment, in which the correlation between the yield region and
the maximum interstory drift is employed. For the identification of the yield region, brittle paint is
considered in this study, since the flaking of brittle paint provides a permanent recording of the
maximum strains experienced within the SW [8].
3.1.3 Organization
This chapter is divided into two sections. First, the conceptual work for achieving the
introduction of condition assessment capabilities is presented. Several modified slit designs are
evaluated and compared to obtain the most suitable for condition assessment purposes. Afterwards,
the condition assessment performance of the walls is studied, and design equations to establish the
basic properties (strength and stiffness) of the slit wall. The obtained characteristics are later used in
the design stage of buildings.
In the second section of this chapter, a parametric study is conducted on individual slits to
determine their individual performance, characteristics such as energy dissipation, out-of-plane
buckling initiation are established. Empirical equations based on geometric characteristics are
developed to predict the behavior of flexural links.
(specially the yield strength). Therefore, two types of initial imperfections of the plates were
considered in the finite element model. For the first type of initial imperfection, the infill plate was
taken to have an initial imperfection pattern corresponding to half of a sinusoidal wave. The
magnitude of initial imperfections was selected to be 0.01B at its maximum, where B is the plate
width. This type of imperfection will be used for the models in Chapter 4. For the second type of
initial imperfection, a pressure load equivalent to a 0.5% of the theoretical maximum force of the
shear wall was applied on the surface of the plate. This second type of imperfection was selected
because in Chapter 5, the out-of-plane rotations of the flexural links will be used to estimate the
maximum drift angle of the wall. The models with a sinusoidal initial imperfection did not develop
out-of-plane deformations in the way that was observed in the experiment, whereas the pressure
imperfection managed to replicate these results.
Element selection and meshing
The plates were modeled using a general-purpose four-node doubly-curved shell element with
reduced integration (ABAQUS element S4R). The element S4R accounts for finite membrane
strains and large rotations. This element has six degrees of freedom per node: three translations (!! ,
!! , !! ) and three rotations (!! , !! , !! ) defined in a global coordinate system.
The S4R element is based on an isoparametric formulation. This element uses one integration
point on its mid-surface to form the element internal force vector. Reduced integration elements are
used as they give accurate results and significantly reduce running time if the elements are not
distorted locally. The element size was selected from a mesh refinement study.
A structured meshing pattern was selected for most of the wall with the exception of the
vicinity of the slit ends where a free meshing pattern was used. Where the structured mesh was used,
the elements were arranged in a grid pattern, with this the number of elements was minimized, and
the stability of the model was improved by maintaining the square angles and small aspect ratio of
the elements. In the vicinity of the slit ends, the size of the elements was reduced to capture the
local strain behavior that rapidly changes in these locations.
Simplified stress versus strain responses obtained from tension coupon tests were used to
identify the Young’s modulus and yield strength of the steel used for the models. The von Mises
yield criterion was adopted for the analyses presented in this study. The associated flow rule was
used to obtain the plastic strain increment.
A displacement control solution strategy is used in this study for all analyses. The displacement
at the top of the plate is used as the control parameter and the analysis is stopped when the
displacement reaches a specified limit.
3.2.2 Alternative slit designs
As a starting point in the search for a suitable slit design that would emphasize the strain
patterns a conceptual study was carried out on simplified slit wall models. The models considered
for the conceptual study were built in ABAQUS where only the in-plane behavior of the walls is
using for the tracing of the strain patterns. For this purpose, a conventional slit wall (Figure 3.1 on
the left) was selected as a starting point for the search of a suitable modified slit pattern. This
pattern defines a slit wall with a stiffness of 136 kN/mm and maximum strength of 252 kN when
*/,$ &.+<($ -.,$ &-/*'(&$ -.*-$ ,@1,,0$ -.,$ A',20$ &-/*'($ +3$ &-,,2$ BC5:DEF5$ G-/*'($ 1+(1,(-/*-'+(&$ */,$
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O%47,/$+3$&2'-&$ M$ $
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$ $ :&'()$
$ $ !" #$ $$ %$ &$
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Model A
Model B
Model C
Model D
9.$ -6*$ .-)0&1$ /0--*)1.$ *:07(0-*8$ &1$ -6*$ /)*:&3(.$ .*2-&31$ 0)*$ )*70-*8$ -3$ 2;27&2$ 7308&1'<$ &-$ &.$
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in 3.2.2 for Models C and D. In the previous section, Model C was selected as the better design for
their increased size of the strain areas developed, but in this example a Model D type wall is also
employed to present a contrasting example. By carefully adjusting the geometry of each flexural
link, the properties of the SWs were fine-tuned to attain a hysteretic performance that is similar to
conventional SWs while providing more freedom to the slit design.
The two variable slit designs are shown in Figure 3.7 (a), and their respective yield patterns are
shown in Figure 3.7 (b). The slitting used for “Type A” design (Figure 3.7 (a) (center)) presents a
uniform width of the flexural links (180 mm) and slits whose length diminishes from 1800 mm at
the edge of the plate to 600 mm at the center of the plate. It is apparent from comparing the yield
region of this SW and the conventional slit design in Figure 3.7 (b) that larger yield regions can be
achieved by this design. The slitting used in “Type B” design (Figure 3.2 (a) (bottom)) presents slits
of a uniform length of 1800 mm, but the width of the flexural links varies from 125 mm at the edge
of the plate to 375 mm at the center of the plate. In this case the wider flexural link generates higher
stresses at the ends of the slits and therefore larger yield regions than the conventional design. In the
“Type B” design, the behavior was separated into two zones: one with uniform slitting at the edges
of the plate, and the other with variable width at the center. By doing this, the strength and stiffness
of the wall was adjusted to match that of the conventional design. Figure 3.7 (c) shows a
comparison in the hysteretic response between the conventional and the modified slit walls. The
two walls were made of steel plates of an identical width (3900 mm), height (3000 mm) and plate
thickness (18 mm), and they were subjected to a cyclic load of a single cycle at amplitudes of 0.5, 1,
2 and 3% drift angle. It can be observed that the responses closely match for “Type A” design
whereas “Type B” design presents a similar initial stiffness but a maximum strength 10% higher
than that of the “Conventional” design. The increased hardening experienced by “Type B” design is
attributed to the larger yield region that effectively increases the area of steel that undergoes
hardening. Independent of the slit design adopted, the hysteretic curves show a stable behavior, and
with strength deterioration only apparent after drift angles reach 3%. In the same manner as in
section 3.2.2, “Type B” design is chosen for this study, since “Type B” design shows larger yield
regions than that of the “Conventional” or “Type A” design.
789 7=9
'!!! '!!!
#!! #!!
! !
í#!! í#!!
A0+B-+,30+57 A0+B-+,30+57
í'!!! í'!!!
í) í& í' ! ' & ) í) í& í' ! ' & )
*+,-./,0.1$2.34,$5+67-$8%9 *+,-./,0.1$2.34,$5+67-$8%9
7>9 %
&'()*+%!,-,%./0'1'+0%23'4%0+2'(526%789%:3'4%;844+*52<% %
3.3 Design Equations
3.3.1 Initial Stiffness
To estimate the initial stiffness of a slit wall, the behavior is separated into the behavior of the
unslitted section of the plate and that of the slit row, and their corresponding stiffnesses are added in
series. The unslitted section provides lateral stiffness through shear deformations. A single flexural
links provides lateral stiffness through both shear and flexural deformations. Equations (3.1) and
(3.2) provide the formulas for calculating each of the corresponding stiffnesses.
!!"#$%&&'( ! (3.1)
! !!!
!!"#$ ! (3.2)
!" !!
!"# !"! !
! is the shear deformation shape factor (equals to 1.2 for rectangular sections),
G: the shear modulus,
B: the total plate width,
b: the flexural link width
h: the full height of the plate
E: the Young’s modulus of steel
t: the plate thickness and,
l: the length of the slits
The notation for both the conventional and alternative designs is summarized in Figure 3.8. The
flexural links in the shear wall are connected in parallel, thus the stiffness participation can be
expressed as the summation of the all the stiffnesses of the links.
! !
!!"#$!!"# ! !!"#!! ! (3.3)
!" !!
!!! !!! !
!!! ! !"!!!
Conventional design Alternative design
" $ " $
# #ΐ #Α #Β
! !
% 1
h l 1
n 1 >!,A?%
i"1 l l3
Gbi t Etbi3
B3% 06+% :43C+30'432/% 7/'0% 92//7D% 2//% 06+% 8/+E)*2/% /'3F7% 62C+% 06+% 72=+% 9'<06G% 06+*+84*+% 06+%
K conventional "
h l 1 l l 3 >!,K?%
GBt n Gbt Etb
06+%+70'=20'43%48%06+%70'883+77,%L6+*+84*+%06+%0+*=% k
l, b '7%'30*4<):+<%'3%+I)20'43%>!,$?%04%*+8/+:0%
M#N,%B3%406+*%94*<7D%06+%0+*=% k
l, b 627%06+%+88+:0%48%+E0+3<'3(%06+%8/+E)*2/%/'3F%;+543<%06+%2*+2%
K link "
% h l3 >!,O?%
l, b
GBt Etb3
16+*+D% %
1 3
% k
l, b " 1 >!,P?%
L6+% *+7)/07% 8*4=% &HQ% 232/57+7% '3<':20+% 0620% 06+% :4+88':'+30% k
l, b :2/:)/20+<% 9'06% HI)20'43%
:437'<+*20'43% 06+% +88+:0% 0620% 06+% 3+'(6;4*'3(% 8/+E)*2/% /'3F7% 62C+% 43% 06+% *+70*2'3'3(% 48% 06+%
deformation of the unslitted section of the plate, i.e, if a narrow link is next to a wide one, the wide
link will deform more because the boundary forces on the narrow link are much smaller. Equation
(3.8) is an alternative to Equation (3.7) that provides a more accurate approximation, but does not
consider the effect of neighboring links.
!! !
! !! ! ! ! ! (3.8)
In the case of the conventional slit design Eq. (3.12) is simplified to:
!"! !
!!!!"#$%#&'"#() ! ! (3.13)
!! !
The yield shear force is used for design. In the case of slit walls, the yield shear force is calculated
with the yield moment that can be approximated by !!!!! . Thus,
!!!" ! !
!! !
!!! (3.14)
!"! !
!!!! ! !
!"#$%#&'"#() !! !
In the previous section, with the exception of the example in Section 3.2.4, the models considered
only the in-plane behavior of slit walls. When out of plane deformations are introduced, the
analytical formulation become more complicated as out-of-plane deformations introduce pinching
in the hysteretic curves. Out-of-plane deformations are inherent to the behavior of slit walls. The
importance of introducing slits resides on the prevention of global plate buckling by driving the
buckling to the flexural links. Also, if the buckling behavior of flexural links can be accurately
predicted it would provide an alternative to the strains pattern method for condition assessment
applications (described in Section 3.2).
This section presents an analytical formulation to predict the drift angle that induces buckling in
the flexural links. A parametric study is conducted on individual flexural links to verify the
analytical results and provide insight into the accuracy of the equations developed in Sections 3.3.1
and 3.3.2 as well as an estimation on the effect that pinching has on the energy dissipation capacity
of the slit walls.
3.4.1 Lateral-torsional buckling equations
The original premises established in section 3.3 dictate that the behavior of each flexural link
can be considered as independent, and the design of the slit walls is done based on this assumption.
Unfortunately, the equations developed in the previous section also assume that the flexural links do
not buckle before developing the plastic hinges. This assumption was validated experimentally [1]
when the aspect ratio of the flexural links (height/width) is larger than 10. The validity of the
assumption should be checked for flexural links with aspect ratios smaller than 10.
In slit walls, the boundary conditions of the flexural links are not strictly fixed or free. To
simplify the problem, the buckling behavior will be studied assuming that the flexural link is
equivalent to a simply supported beam; the loading is assumed to be double-curvature bending.
Simply supported beam under moment gradient
The energy equation for flexural-torsional buckling of an elastic beam [11] is given by
! !
! !! ! !! ! ! !
!!! ! ! !!! ! ! !" ! !" ! !! !!!!! ! !! ! ! !
! ! ! !
! !
! !! !! ! !! ! ! !" ! !! !! ! !! ! ! ! !
! ! !
!: the length of the beam
Iy: the second moment of area of the beam
u: the deflection at the shear center in the longest direction
Iw: the warping section constant
!: the twist rotation
G: the shear modulus
J: the torsion section constant
Mx: the applied moment
"x: the monosymmetric section constant
qy: the distributed load applied on the beam
yq: the distance of the distributed force from the centroid
Qy: the concentrated force on the beam
yQ: the distance of the concentrated force from the centroid
y0: the coordinates of the shear center
z: the longitudinal axis through the centroid
As the flexural link is doubly symmetric, !! ! !! ! !. Furthermore, as a narrow rectangular
section !! ! !. Also, no loads are applied along the span of the link, !! ! !! ! !. Thus, equation
(3.15) is reduced to:
! !
! !
!!! !!! !
! !" ! ! !
!" ! !!! !!!! !" ! ! (3.16)
! ! ! !
In this case, we assume that flexural link is simply supported at the boundaries. Thus, the
kinematic boundary conditions are
!! ! ! !! ! !
!! ! ! !! ! !
Where !! and !! are the deflection and the twist rotation at point ! along the length of the
flexural link. The moment gradient applied on the flexural link follows the equation !! ! !!! !
!!!!!. As the flexural links bends in double curvature, the deflected shape ! is antisymmetrical,
whereas the twist shape ! is symmetrical with respect to ! ! !!!. Therefore the buckled shaped
may be approximated by,
! ! ! !"#
!!" (3.18)
! ! ! !"!
Replacing the buckled shaped defined in equation (3.18) in (3.16), leads to
! !
! !! !
! ! ! !!! !!"
!!! ! !" ! !! !"# !"
! ! !! !
! !
! !! ! ! !!! !
!!! !"! ! !
! !! !! !
! ! !! !
!" ! ! ! !" ! !" ! ! (3.19)
! ! !! !
! !
! ! !! !! !" !!"
!! !!!!! !" ! ! !!" ! !! !! !"# !"# !"!
! ! ! ! ! !
! !
! !! !"!"
!! !
!!" !
! ! !! !
When applying the boundary conditions established in equation (3.17) on equation (3.19), the
energy equation becomes
!!! !"#!
! !! ! ! ! !"! ! !
!! !! ! !
!! (3.20)
! !! ! ! !"#! !
! !"
!! !
Equation (3.20) is satisfied when
!" !!!
!" ! (3.21)
!! ! !"! ! !!! !!! !
9 2 EI y
32 L2
% >!?@@A%
9 2
B'()(% Py " 2
EI y / L2 % 10%-'(%C4.()%3425.167%.+/;%+*%-'(%*.(94)/.%.165?% %
-'10% 2/0(% -'(% 516(8/-12% 3+46;/)=% 2+6;1-1+60% +*% CE4/-1+6% >!?#$A% /)(% )(<./2(;% 3=% -'+0(% 16% (E4/-1+6%
u0 " 0 uL " 0
% >!?@!A%
u'0 " 0 u' L " 0
9 2 EI y
16 L2
% >!?@FA%
8+8(6-0% 2/.24./-(;% :1-'% CE4/-1+60% >!?@@A% /6;% >!?@FA,% 6+)8/.1I(;% 3=% -'(% <./0-12% 8+8(6-% +*% -'(%
.165%/0<(2-%)/-1+% l / b,%+6%-'(%)17'-%'/6;%01;(%-'(%L/.4(0%/)(%<.+--(;%/7/160-%-'(%16L()0(%/0<(2-%)/-1+%
l / b 1 -+% <)+L1;(% /% 8+)(% 2+88+6% )(<)(0(6-/-1+6% +*% -'(% )(04.-0?% M+-'% <.+-0% 0'+:% -'(% 2)1-12/.%
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8 2
p 1.6
6 Critical Moment
Normalized M /M
Normalized M /M
4 1
0.2 p
Critical Moment
0 0
0 5 10 15
link aspect ration [l/b]
20 25 30 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
% 0.7
link inverse aspect ration [l/b]
26-% ./.019+9<% 26-% 40-@8).0% 0+/A% +9% 0'3.2-,% H-2B--/% 2B'% 9-32+'/9% '4% 92--0% (0.2-% 26.2% )-()-9-/2% 26-%
8/90+22-,% 9-32+'/% '4% 26-% B.00% IG+?8)-% !;#JK;% &6-9-% (0.2-% -@2-/9+'/9% .00'B-,% 26-% ()'(.?.2+'/% '4% 26-%
)-(')2-,% +/% N6.(2-)% OK% ./,% 26-+)% B+,26% *.)+-9% H-2B--/% =O% 55% ./,% =JJ% 55;% C% M% 55% (0.2-% +9%
,-4')5.2+'/9%.)-%)-92).+/-,%.2%26-%6-+?62%B6-)-%26-%40-@8).0%0+/A% 3'//-329%2'%26-%(0.2-<%+/%'),-)%2'%
3'/3-/2).2-% 26-% H83A0+/?% +/% 26-% 40-@8).0% 0+/A% B+26'82% +/*'0*+/?% 26-% (0.2-% -@2-/9+'/9;% C% 3'/92./2%
98)4.3-% '4% 26-% 40-@8).0% 0+/A% 2'% +/,83-% '82"'4"(0./-% ,-4')5.2+'/9;% &6-% 5',-0% +9% ./.01R-,% 8/,-)%
5'/'2'/+3%0'.,%2'%-92+5.2-%26-%92+44/-99%./,%5.@+585%92)-/?26%'4%26-%40-@8).0%0+/A9;% %
/85-)+3.0% ./,% ./.012+3.0% )-98029% 4)'5% T78.2+'/9% I!;=K<% I!;MK<% I!;UK<% I!;$K<% ./,% I!;##K% B.9% 'H9-)*-,%
.3)'99%26-%4800%)./?-%'4%.9(-32%).2+'9;% %
30 50
Numerical (FEM) Numerical (FEM)
Maximum strength [kN]
5 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
link aspect ratio [l/b] link aspect ratio [l/b]
% % % % IHK%V.@+585%92)-/?26
(7)%8+-('+2)%'(%,7827%:42908+>%8+8(8'()3%8+%(7)%/0)H4*'0%08+9-%34*8+>%(7)%0.'38+>5% %
3 3
2 2
1 1 4.4 5.8
Drift angle [%]
ï ï
0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10
Protocol step Protocol step %
% %
K'L%M.4:0)%2120)%<)*%'?<08(43)% % K:L%N8+>0)%2120)%<)*%'?<08(43)%
I8>4*)%!5#F5%J42908+>%8+-('+2)%'(%0.'38+>=%(7)%?'*9)*-%8+382'()% %
O'*)/40% 8+-<)2(8.+% ./% I8>4*)% !5#F% *)B)'0-% (7'(% /0)H4*'0% 08+9-% ./% 2)*('8+% '-<)2(% *'(8.-% :4290)% '(%
2120)%<)*%'?<08(43)%0.'38+>%KI8>4*)%!5#F%K:LLE%(7)%08+9%:4290)-%8+%(7)%2120)%(.%FG5% %
Q% :)(()*% B8-4'08R'(8.+% ./% (7)% *)-40(-% 8-% <*)-)+()3% 8+% I8>4*)% !5#!5% I8>4*)% !5#!% K'L% -7.,-% (7)%
08?8(% 2.+38(8.+-% )-(':08-7)3% :1% (7)% 0'()*'0"(.*-8.+'0% :42908+>% )A4'(8.+-% 2'0240'()3% 8+% -)2(8.+% !5S5#E%
'+'01-)-5% T'27% /0)H4*'0% 08+9% 3)B)0.<-% :42908+>% /.*% '% -<)28/82% 0'()*'0% 3*8/(% '+>0)E% :4(% 8/% 0'()*'0%
(.*-8.+'0% :42908+>% ,)*)% (.% :)% '<<082':0)% /.*% 2.+38(8.+% '--)--?)+(% '<<082'(8.+-E% .+01% (7)% *)-834'0%
:42908+>% ,.403% :)% .:-)*B)3% 34*8+>% '+% 8+-<)2(8.+5% @7)*)/.*)% (78-% /8>4*)% *)2.*3-% (7)% 3*8/(% '+>0)-%
'278)B)3% :)/.*)% *)-834'0% :42908+>% ,'-% .:-)*B)3% ,7)+% (7)% 0.'3% *)(4*+)3% (.% R)*.5% I.*% )H'?<0)E% '%
(,.%2120)-% <)*% '?<08(43)E%:4(%:4290)-% '(%#5DG%,7)+%0.'3)3% ,8(7%'%<*.(.2.0%(7'(%2.+-83)*-%.+01% '%
&'()*+% ,-,*+% .+/% 01.*'234+% 526+% /+&3*2&% ./+&+(2+4% '(% 7')3/+% !89!% 50::8% ;6+% ,<//+&.<(4'()% /+&'430*%
2602% 26+/+% 0/+% ,+/20'(% 0&.+,2% /02'<&% 2602% 4+B+*<.% =3,>*'()% ?</% =<26% *<04'()% ./<2<,<*&D% 26+&+% 0&.+,2%
)/0-% 0/+0% <?% 26+% .*<28% ;6+/+?</+D% 26+&+% 0/+% 26+% 0&.+,2% /02'<&% 2<% =+% 3&+4% 2<% 0,6'+B+% ,<(4'2'<(%
5 5
Single cycle protocol Single cycle protocol
(T (T
Drift angle [%]
2 2
1 (T
0 0
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
link aspect ratio [height/width] link aspect ratio [height/width] %
% % 50:%E(&20(,+%<?%=3,>*'()%'('2'02'<(% % 5=:%F+,</4+4%,-,*+%?</%/+&'430*%=3,>*'()%
;6+% '(,*3&'<(% <?% <32"<?".*0(+% 4+?</102'<(&% '(% 26+% 0(0*-&'&% '(2/<43,+&% 4+)/0402'<(% '(% 26+%
5'(,*34+&% ,-,*+&% 2<% $8ICD% 9CD% #C% 0(4% !C:8% ;6+% .+/?</10(,+% /02'<% '&% 4+?'(+4% 0&% 26+% H3<2'+(2%
=+2A++(% 26+% 0/+0% +(,*<&+4% =-% 26+% ?*+@3/0*% *'(>% 0(4% 26+% 0/+0% +(,*<&+4% =-% 26+% +*0&2<.*0&2',% 401.+/8%
Single cycle
Performance ratio
In the figure we notice that the performance of the flexural links is constant and very close to
1.0 for links with aspect ratios below 1/10. For those links with aspect ratios larger than 1/10, the
performance is reduced following an exponential trend that stabilized around 0.4 for aspect ratios
beyond 3/10. The performance curve can be approximated by equation (3.25).
! !
!!! !"!!!!
! !"
!! !! (3.25)
! ! !
!!!" ! ! !!! !"!!!!! !
! ! !"
3.5 Conclusions
This chapter presented the conceptual work and analytical formulation of unequally slitted steel
shear walls. The slit walls featured an innovative slitting pattern to add condition assessment
capabilities without reducing the energy dissipation characteristics of the walls. A parametric study
was conducted on individual flexural links to determine their performance. The major findings are
summarized as follows:
(1) Unequally slitted steel shear walls retain the damping characteristics of conventional slit walls.
Altering the slit configuration generates strain patterns that are unique to specific drift angles.
(2) The strength and stiffness of slit walls can be accurately predicted using a traditional
formulation. The behavior of the slit walls can be separated into the behavior of the unslitted
and slitted sections and the total behavior of the wall can be computed as the aggregation of the
behavior of these sections. The predictions obtained from the equations developed show good
agreement with finite element models.
(3) The out-of-plane deformations that take place in the flexural links can be predicted using the
flexural-torsional equations of elastic beams. Furthermore, the drift angle at which buckling
develops for specific aspect ratios can be predicted by these equations. Results from finite
element models confirm the validity of the aforementioned equations.
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4.1 Introduction
In the previous chapter, two alternatives to achieve condition assessment applications were
presented and demonstrated with FEM analyses. In this chapter an online hybrid test is conducted
on a three story steel frame building installed with slit walls with unequal slitting pattern. The
online test method has the potential to test large-scale structures since it does not require to
physically simulate the inertial effect and a takes advantage from the extensibility associated with
the substructure technique. In particular, the experimental substructures can be strategically selected
and tested to capture the behavior of structural elements with complex hysteretic behavior while
other, better-understood parts of the structure, can be modeled analytically.
4.1.1 Organization
This chapter is divided in three sections. In the first section, the design of the prototype
structure, and the slit walls is examined. A brief description of the online test scheme and
substructuring techniques is given. The second section presents the results from the online test: first
on the overall behavior of the structure, followed by the local behavior of the slit walls. Finally the
results from cyclic tests that followed the online test are discussed.
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reaction forces were measured and sent to the coordinator, and the response was corrected
according to the forces obtained after loading. The procedure was repeated up to the end of the
online test.
4.2.5 Measurement
A load cell attached to the head of each jack measured the horizontal load applied by the jack.
Digital displacement transducers that had a resolution of 0.01 mm were used to measure the
displacements of the jacks. In addition to those transducers, three displacement transducers were
attached to the other end of the specimen to measure the lateral displacement achieved in the frame.
Four strain gauges were glued to each column flange at each story level and at two cross-sections,
each located at a distance equal to one third of the story height. It was assumed that the steel at the
middle third of the column would remain elastic even to large deformation levels. Using the strain
data from these portions, the curvatures of the sections were calculated. The corresponding bending
moment and the shear responses of the columns were calculated using the curvatures, moment of
inertia, and Young’s modulus of the column steel. The shear force carried by the SW was obtained
by subtracting the column shear force from the total shear force applied by the jacks. Displacement
transducers having a variety of gauge lengths measured displacements of various locations,
including shear deformations of the SW, column shrinkage and any possible slip at the column
bases. Furthermore, fifty-six strain gauges were glued to the condition assessment zone of the SW
to study the local strain behavior at the end of the slits that would sustain plastification. A total of
95 data channels were connected to the measuring system. A brittle lacquer compound [14] was
applied to one side the condition assessment zone of the SW of each story to record the spreading of
strain throughout the testing.
4.2.6 Test procedure
A time interval of 0.01 s was adopted for the online hybrid simulation of the structure. The
fault-normal ground motion recorded at the JR Takatori station during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu
earthquake was used (Figure 4.7). The ground motion was the largest recorded in the earthquake,
with the maximum ground acceleration and velocity as 6.66 m/s2 and 1.69 m/s, respectively. The
ground motion was scaled in two levels to make it commensurate with but somewhat larger than the
design earthquake force stipulated in the Japanese seismic design [1], [4]. Note that in the Japanese
seismic design, the PGV of 0.5 m/s is adopted for the large earthquake force, and half the force is
used for serviceability check. In this study, the motion was reduced by a factor of 0.2 and 0.4,
respectively, and the corresponding PGVs were 0.34 m/s and 0.68 m/s for the first and second
levels. The first ten seconds of the ground motion records, containing the largest components of the
acceleration, were considered. After each application of the ground motion, the load applied to the
experimental substructure was released. The residual deformations were taken as the initial state for
the subsequent application of the ground motion.
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7)!G;T(;! !
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(a) Condition assessment flexural links (b) Exterior flexural links
Figure 4.9. Out-of-plane bucking of the first story SW
Data obtained from strain gauges placed near the slit ends indicate that flexural links began to
plastify at 0.2% drift angles. This plastification is due to the stress concentration generated at the slit
ends, and represents a local strain concentration rather than the formation of a plastic hinge at the
ends of the flexural links.
4.3.2 Structure performance
Both online tests were performed satisfactorily without any malfunction of the test control and
operating system. The error between the target displacement signal sent to the jack and the achieved
displacement is not greater than 0.1 mm for most of the steps. The error shows isolated peaks, at 11
steps for the second-story SW, and 4 steps for the third-story SW, that reach 0.2 mm for target
displacements that correspond to zero lateral force, as the oil pressure in the jacks is very low in that
The specimen frame behaved in a stable manner during the online tests. The roof displacement
responses obtained during the online test are plotted in Figure 4.10 (a) and (b), and are compared
with the results when the entire structure is analyzed numerically in OpenSees. The model used for
the pushover analysis was used for the numerical analysis of the entire structure. The responses are
similar to each other in amplitude, with differences of 10.5 and 5.9 mm in the maximum roof
displacement for the 20% and 40% scales of the JR Takatori ground motion, respectively. A slight
shift in the response period was observed in the Level 1 response. According to an associated
frequency analysis, the shift was about 0.06 s in the dominant frequency, and it was likely caused
by the flexibility of the beam extensions attached to the jacks. Figure 4.11 shows the maximum
interstory drifts obtained for the two levels of ground motions studied in the test. A uniform story
drift distribution was observed for both intensities of the ground motion, while the second story
sustained 12% larger drift relative to the other stories. The results indicate that the structure
complied with the maximum drift limits of the Building Standard Law of Japan [2] for Level 1
earthquakes. The peak velocity of the ground motion was 0.34 m/s, whilst the peak velocity
established for Level 1 was 0.25 m/s. If the ratio, i.e., 0.74 was applied, the maximum story drift
would be 0.45%, which is smaller than the limit of 0.5%.
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Story hysteresis Column hysteresis Wall hysteresis
ï ï ï
ï ï ï
ï ï ï
Shear force (kN)
ï ï ï
ï ï ï
ï ï ï
ï ï ï
ï ï ï
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Lateral interstory drift (mm) !
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5)-()*./-)! ,'! (+)! 25(>2(,*! /34./)8! 2-! )55)-(*/5/(7! (,! (+)! 04)5/3)-6! 3)20>*)8! $N%O! 33! (,! (+)!
5)-()*./-)! ,'! (+)! 04)5/3)-?! &! '*))#*>-! ,'! (+)! 0)(>4! H/?)?! 9/(+,>(! (+)! 04)5/3)-! /-0(2..)8I! 920!
400 398 215
Top Beam
Bottom Beam
! !
E+)! ',5>0! ,'! (+/0! 0(21)! ,'! ()0(/-1! 920! (,! 0(>87! (+)! :)+2;/,*! ,'! 0./(! 92..0! >-8)*! +)2;7! 8)32-80?!
E+)*)',*)6! (9,! 575.)0! 2(! 234./(>8)0! 5,**)04,-8/-1! (,! 8*/'(! 2-1.)0! ,'! $6! S6! %6! "6! G! 2-8! OT! 9)*)!
! "#$%!
Displacements of the specimens were measured independently by an LVDTs, attached to the
top of the loading frame and two additional LVDTs placed diagonally across the specimen
connecting the top and bottom beam. A load cell attached to the head of each jack measured the
horizontal load applied by the jack. Digital displacement transducers that had a resolution of 0.01
mm were used to measure the displacements of the jacks. In addition to those transducers, three
displacement transducers were attached to the other end of the specimen to measure the lateral
displacement achieved in the frame. Four strain gauges were glued on each column flange at each
story level and at two cross-sections, each located at a distance equal to one third of the story height.
It was assumed that the steel at the middle third of the column would remain elastic even to large
deformation levels.
4.4.2 Hysteretic characteristics
For the first series of tests, stable load deformation envelopes were achieved for each test
specimen for drift angles below 0.03 rad. For loadings above this drift angle, the hysteresis loops
were spindle shaped, and stable. A narrow elastic region is observed in the test results, in
accordance to the original deterioration that the specimens suffered during the online test. OA in
Figure 4.15 denotes the initial elastic stiffness obtained during the test (9.9 kN/mm in the case of
the first specimen). The initial elastic stiffness degrades to approximately a 30% (3.24 kN/mm for
the same specimen) when the drift angle reaches 0.005, and this later stiffness is maintained
throughout the loading (AB in Figure 4.15). As the load reversed after the end of each cycle, the
unloading stiffness started as parallel to the initial elastic stiffness (CD), but smoothly transitioned
to the reduced stiffness as the specimen started taking force in the negative direction (DE). Figure
4.15 shows the results from the online test in the dotted line. In this test the calculated initial
stiffness was 21 kN/mm and the yield strength was 100 kN when the drift angle reached 0.0047 rad,
compared to these results the specimen tested under cyclic load shows approximately a 50%
reduction in both elastic stiffness and yield strength. In the post-yield region (Figure 4.16), several
well-defined segments of the load deformation curves represented the various stages of loading,
unloading, and the segment with zero stiffness, i.e., where the flexural links did not carry lateral
load since they were buckled. Increased energy dissipation was achieved with each drift angle
increment in the post-yield region. A 20% decrease in energy dissipation between subsequent cycles
at the same load level was noted for drift angles on excess of 0.03 rad, due to buckling in the
flexural links.
Force [kN]
0 O
ï D
ï E
-3% ï ï 0 3% 4%
Drift [rad] !
Force [kN]
ï ï ï ï 0 4%
Drift [rad] !
=*'A2! 41(5+,! 9:+! 50..+.! '.! 4//*0F'342+57! BGC! D+2H++1! 601.+6)2'<+! 6765+.! 42! 2:+! .43+! 43/5'2)=+,!
41(5+.! 42! 2:+! .43+! 43/5'2)=+! >$C! 0*! BC@J! 452:0)(:! 2:+! 015'1+! 2+.2! *+.)52.! .:0H! :'(:+*! <45)+.! 0A!
0 3 4 7
drift angle [%] !
! "#$%!
4.4.3 Out-of-plane deformations
During the cyclic tests, all flexural links presented out-of-plane deformations, although the
initiation took place at different drift angles. For the smaller cycles up to 3.0% drift angles, only the
condition assessment zone (painted in white) sustained out-of-plane deformations (Figure 4.18 (a)).
At 4.0% drift angle, pinching appeared in the restoring force, which matched the beginning of the
buckling of the flexural links located outside the condition assessment zone (Figure 4.18 (b) shows
the slit wall at 6% drift angle to make the buckling of the flexural links more evident). As the
loading progressed through larger drift angles, the buckling extended to the exterior flexural links.
Chapter 5 will introduce the means that allow condition assessment capabilities to slit wall by
means of the prediction of the buckling behavior of flexural links.
Concentration of
shear forces
! ! !
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[1] M. Midorikawa, I. Okawa, M. Iiba, and M. Teshigawara, “Performance-based seismic design
code for buildings in Japan,” Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, vol. 4,
2003, pp. 15-25.
[2] Building Center of Japan, The Building Standard Law of Japan, Tokyo, Japan: Building Center
of Japan, 2004.
[3] Architectural Institute of Japan, Recommendation for Limit State Design of Steel Structures,
Tokyo, Japan: Architectural Institute of Japan, 1998.
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Earthquake Engineering, 2008.
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Background
Out-of-plane deformations are inherent to the behavior of slit walls. By introducing slits in the
plate, global plate buckling is prevented by concentrating the out-of-plane deformations in the
flexural links [1]. Following this premise, out-of-plane deformations of the flexural links were
experienced during the online test [2], and it was noticed that thicker links buckled whereas the
conventional design zone did not for the drift angles experienced during the online test (up to 3%
story drift angles). In the cyclic tests that followed, the flexural links located in the conventional
design zone buckled for drift angles above 4.0%. The difference in the buckling drift angle between
these two types of links presents the alternative of using the buckling behavior of flexural links as
an application for condition assessment.
5.1.2 Organization
This chapter is divided in two part. In the first part the inclusion of condition assessment
capabilities by following the buckling behavior of flexural links is proposed. Two types of flexural
links, based on the independent behavior of flexural links, are introduced to achieve this objective:
(1) “Monitoring links” that develop inelastic buckling at predetermined drift angles and (2)
“Cushion links” that prevent the spreading of strains in between the monitoring links.
In the second part of this chapter, an experimental verification of the design proposed in the
previous part is carried out on scaled specimens. The hysteretic performance, as well as the
monitoring capabilities of the new design of slit walls are evaluated.
+*-3'/;! <*3*<'(AB! C2,! @*0'*('./! .6! (2,&,! 30.3,0(',&! '/! ,*<2! .6! (2,! 67,890*7! 7'/:&! +,(,0-'/,&! (2,!
7*(,0*7! +,6.0-*('./! *(! )2'<2! *! ;'@,/! 67,890*7! 7'/:! +,@,7.3&! 37*&('<! 2'/;,&! *(! (2,! ,/+&! D(2'&! '&! (2,!
<./<,3(! =,2'/+! (2,! ,&('-*('./! .6! (2,! -*8'-9-! &(0,/;(2! .6! *! &7'(! )*77EB! F/! (2,! &*-,! -*//,0! (2,&,!
30.3,0(',&! )'77! +,(,0-'/,! *(! )2'<2! 7*(,0*7! +,6.0-*('./&! (2,! 67,890*7! 7'/:&! )'77! +,@,7.3! '/,7*&('<!
+,@,7.3,+! *(! *! +0'6(! */;7,! .6! KM! '/! (2,! (2'0+! &(.0A! &7'(! )*77! &3,<'-,/! (,&(,+! '/! (2,! ./7'/,! (,&(!
)*&!'/(,/('./*77A!+,&';/,+!(.!30.3*;*(,!(2,!&(0*'/&!(.!(2,!-*8'-9-!3.&&'=7,!*0,*B! !
C2,! +.)/&'+,! .6! ,8(,/+'/;! (2,! &(0*'/! *0,*&! '&! (2*(! (2,! =,2*@'.0! .6! ,*<2! 67,890*7! 7'/:! '&!
! "#$!
the plate: the flexural links located in the conventional design zone stop the propagation of strain.
Although not shown in the picture, the strains developed in the conventional design zone remain
concentrated in each of the flexural links and do not expand to their neighboring links.
Based on the behavior observed in these specimens it was concluded that strain spreading to
adjacent links can be prevented by introducing thinner links between the wider ones. Therefore two
different types of flexural links are introduced in this chapter: the flexural links intended for
monitoring purposes are referred as “monitoring links” and those intended for the prevention of
strain propagation between monitoring links are known as “cushion links”.
5.2.2 Cushion Links
As observed in the bottom left corner of the strains shown in Figure 5.1, spreading of the strains
outside the wider flexural links might extend beyond the smaller flexural links immediately next to
it. Thus, several cushion links might be needed to isolate a monitoring link. To ensure the
independence in the behavior of the monitoring links, a cluster of cushion links arranged
side-by-side is used to separate the monitoring links.
Cushion links are intended to prevent the spreading of the strains generated by monitoring links.
To achieve this, the strains generated at the end of the cushion links should be significantly smaller
than those generated by the monitoring links.
The monitoring range encompasses the drift angles at which the monitoring links are expected
to develop out-of-plane buckling. In other words, if the monitoring links were designed to detect
drift angles of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%, the monitoring range would extend up to 2% drift angles. Hitaka
and Matsui [1] observed that for flexural links with aspect ratios (!!!) larger than 3 and slenderness
rations (!!!) of less than 10 the flexural links remained in-plane for drift angles up to 2.5%. The
basic design of cushion links is based on this observation.
A parametric analysis was conducted in a finite element software [4] to establish the size of the
cushion link cluster as well as the effects of the introduction of cushion links. For the analysis six
simplified models of a slit wall were constructed. The baseline model consists of a 6 mm thick steel
plate with dimensions of 1050 mm in height and 485 mm in width (Figure 5.2 on the left). Four slits
are cut in the wall, creating a flexural link at the center with a width of 175 mm, and two flexural
links on the sides with widths of 130 mm. The difference in widths of the flexural links will insure
that the drift angle for which the links develop out-of-plane buckling is sufficiently different to
function as an example. The flexural links in the baseline model have aspect ratios (!!!) of 3.65 and
4.92 for the 175 mm wide link and 130 mm wide link, respectively, which are compliant with the
requirements stated above. The slenderness ratios (!!!) were 29.6 and 21.6 and did not comply with
the slenderness required for in-plane behavior. The model was subjected to cyclic loading
consisting of two cycles to a 0.5% drift angle followed by two cycles to 1.0%. The loading is
intended to generate buckling in the wider flexural link for the smaller cycles (0.5% drift angle)
without inducing buckling in the narrower flexural links, which would later buckle for the larger
cycles to 1.0% drift angle.
!"#$%&'("! )#*#+,#-- +*#+,#-- .#*#+,#-- /#*#+,#-- 0#*#+,#--
2 3 2 !
>4*! .94*)! 8./*01! ;1**! %&'()*! "+,=! 3.51&/*)*/! &5! 94*! 67)78*9)&3! 7570:1&1! &59)./(3*! 7! ?7)&7@0*!
0&5B1! &59)./(3*/! @*9A**5! 94*! A&/*)! 20*C()70! 0&5B1D! 94(1! 94*! 8./*01! 3.51&/*)*/! 94*! &59)./(39&.5! .2!
94*! 19)7&51! 6).67'79*/! 9.! 94*! 5*&'4@.)&5'! 20*C()70! 0&5B1+! >4*! &59)./(39&.5! .2! 7! 1&5'0*! 3(14&.5! 0&5B!
.2!3(14&.5!0&5B1!94*!19)7&5!H.5*1!7)*!30*7)0:!1*67)79*/+! !
75'0*+! J5! 94*! @71*#0&5*! 8./*0! 94*! )*1&/(70! 19)7&51! '*5*)79*/! &5! 94*! 94&55*)! 8.5&9.)&5'! 0&5B1! ;KEF!
@(3B0&5'+! L1! 94*! 5(8@*)! .2! 3(14&.5! 0&5B1! &53)*71*/! ;8.?&5'! 9.A7)/1! 94*! )&'49! &5! 94*! 2&'()*=! 94*!
19)7&51! &5! 94*! 94&55*)! 8.5&9.)&5'! 0&5B! @*378*! 8.)*! (5&2.)8! A4&0*! 94*! 19)7&51! &5! 94*! 3*59*)!
8.5&9.)&5'!0&5B!)*87&5*/!71:88*9)&370!;71!94*!20*C()70!0&5B!47/!70)*7/:!@(3B0*/=+! !
94*! @71*#0&5*! 8./*0! 94*! 6079*! @(3B0&5'! 375! @*! .@1*)?*/! /&?&/&5'! 94*! 6079*! /&7'.5700:D! 6(00&5'! 94*!
18700*)!7860&9(/*1+! !
! "#$!
!"#$%&'("! )#*#+,#-- +*#+,#-- .#*#+,#-- /#*#+,#-- 0#*#+,#--
For the following cycles to 1% drift angles (see Figure 5.4), the spreading of the strains
changed as the number of cushion links increased. In the base-line model the maximum strains
spread towards the unslitted section of the plate, whereas on the model with two cushion links the
strain concentrations are displaced towards the inside of the flexural links. For those walls with
more than two cushion links the strains follow a more clear asymmetrical pattern that agrees with
the out-of-plane deformations of the flexural links. The pictures at the bottom row in Figure 5.4
show the residual out-of-plane deformations after the cycles to 1.0% drift angles, in all cases the
deformations are clear on both the wider (175 mm) and narrower (130 mm) monitoring links. The
out-of-plane deformation in the wider monitoring link increase at this amplitude.
In conclusion, the effect of the cushion links can be appreciated in those models with 6 and 8
cushion links. The cluster of cushion links in these two models have a total width of 150 and 200
mm, respectively. The minimum cluster width (150 mm) amounts to approximately the average of
the widths of the monitoring links ((130+175)/2=152.5 !!) that surround the cluster. Therefore,
for design purposes, the width of the cushion cluster should be equal to this value.
5.2.3 Monitoring links
In the previous section the application of cushion links was demonstrated as a means to insulate
the behavior of those flexural links whose out-of-plane deformations are used for monitoring
purposes. In this section the buckling behavior of the monitoring links is established.
Buckling in the flexural links occurs after the formation of plastic hinges at the ends. Thus, it
can be construed as inelastic buckling. Inelastic buckling is difficult to predict using elastic
buckling equations [5]. In Chapter 3 a parametric numerical analysis was conducted under cyclic
loading to establish the buckling drift angles of flexural links of different widths. Two loading
protocols were considered for the analysis: 1) a single cycle per amplitude and 2) a double cycle per
amplitude. These two protocols reflect the effect that the loading history has on the buckling
The drift angles at which the links buckled were obtained by visual inspection of the analysis
results. Initiation of the buckling by visual inspection was defined by the buckling shape, as the link
sustains double curvature deformation, i.e., the upper left of the link rises out-of-plane whereas, the
lower left dips. The drift angle for which each flexural link buckles are summarized in Table 5.1. As
it can be noted from the data presented in the table, some of the link widths buckle at different
loading instances. This phenomenon requires further study on the effect of the loading history in the
buckling behavior of flexural links.
Table 5.1. Drift angle and buckle initiation relationship
Aspect ratio !!!!!
Drift angle
Single cycle Double cycle
0.5% 3.2 – 3.8 3.2 – 4.6
1.0% 3.9 – 5.8 4.7 – 6.7
2.0% 6.0 – 8.0 7.1 – 9.1
3.0% 8.5 – 9.8 9.8 – 10.6
More than 3.0% 10.5 and less 11.6 and less
0.7 0.7
Link rotation (rad)
0.0 0.0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Wall drift (%) Wall drift (%)
B3D!Q;<*./!)3/&0!R!G+E B6D!Q;<*./!)3/&0!R!N+I
Link rotation (rad)
1 cycle
2 cycles
10 cycles
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Wall drift (%)
B.D!Q;<*./!)3/&0!R!I+" !
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B%&'()*! "+C! 05! /8*! )&'8/D! 834! =05&/0)&5'! 2&57;! ?&4/8;! 0-! AIF>! AAF! 354! I"! ==+! :(.72&5'! 0-! /8*!
=05&/0)&5'! 2&57;>! 4*/*)=&5*4! 61! 9&;(32! &5;<*./&05! 0-! /8*! -&5&/*! *2*=*5/! =04*2>! ?3;! *J<*./*4! /0!
5*3)! /8*! .*5/*)! 0-! /8*! <23/*+! %0)! @<*.&=*5! E>! 322! .(;8&05! 2&57;! ?*)*! E"! ==! ?&4*+! O5! 344&/&05>! &5!
6*8&54! /8*! (;*! 0-! /8&;! "F! ==! 2&57! ?3;! /0! )*4(.*! /8*! *--*./! 0-! /8*! 9*)/&.32! -0).*;! .3(;*4! 61!
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('6-,.0('2! /&'.! (&'! 26,5(! 0.41'! 6'0+&'2! I9I:! 602! 0.2! (&'.! (&'! A0+B! /0)! 6'(86.'2! (3! (&'! +'.('6!
%&'! ;0),+! &=)('6'(,+!+&060+('6,)(,+)! 35!(&'!(/3! )*'+,-'.)!(')('2!,.!(&,)! )'6,')! 06'!*6')'.('2! ,.!
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,2*@.?>+! +,*-./*0+'! A9+?! ;?2! 4).+! +*2.*+<! 4)*! +,.069*! +)3,*! ?;! 4)*! ->2@*+! 7*-3/*! ,2?0?>0-*6! 34!
3+,*-4!234.?+!>+*6!4?!3-).*@*!?>4#?;#,930*!7>-F9.0:!34!*3298!62.;4!30:9*+'! !
Force [kN]
Force [kN]
0 0
ï ï
ï ï
ï 0 ï 0
Drift angle [%] Drift angle [%] !
B3E!G,*-./*0!$!H!+/399!-8-9*+! B7E!G,*-./*0!%!H!+/399!-8-9*+! !
Force [kN]
Force [kN]
0 0
ï ï
ï ï
ï 0 ï 0
Drift angle [%] Drift angle [%] !
B-E!G,*-./*0!$!H!932:*!-8-9*+! B6E!G,*-./*0!%!H!932:*!-8-9*+! !
A! 0>/*2.-39! ILM! +4>68! ?0! G,*-./*0! $! 13+! -?06>-4*6! .0! 30! 344*/,4! 4?! 2*,9.-34*! 4)*! 2*+>94+!
?743.0*6! ;2?/! 4)*! 4*+4'! ()*! 2*+>94+! ?743.0*6! ;2?/! 4)*! ILM! 30398+.+! B73+*6! ?0! 4)*! :>.6*9.0*+!
32*! ./,?+*6! ?0! 4)*! ILM! /?6*9! 4)*! )8+4*2*4.-! ->2@*! ,2*+*04*6! .0! I.:>2*! "'$P! .0! +?9.6! 9.0*! .+!
?743.0*6'! I?2! -?/,32.+?0! 4)*! *=,*2./*0439! 2*+>94! .+! ,2*+*04*6! .0! 6?44*6! 9.0*'! Q0! 4).+! -3+*<! 4)*!
30398+.+! 2*,2?6>-*+! 4)*! /3=./>/! +42*0:4)! 306! 4)*! .0.4.39! +4.;;0*++! ?;! 4)*! 4*+4! 3-->234*98'!
30398+.+'! ! !
! "#$%!
Specimen 1
Specimen 2
0 2 4 6 8
Wall drift angle [%] !
! "#$%!
for both specimens. Pictures of Specimen 1 at the end of each first cycle are presented in Figure
5.12. In Figure 5.12(a) and (b), the 200 mm link (l/b=3.2) rises out-of-plane in the upper left of the
link and the lower right dips, as evidence of initiation of buckling caused by the double curvature
deformation of the flexural link. In Figure 5.12(c), the buckling of two 135 mm links (l/b=4.7) is
clearly visible. At this instance, the 85 mm links (l/b=7.5) looked slightly bent, but the buckling
shape did not correspond to the inelastic buckling intended for condition assessment. Compression
due to vertical forces as a result of the overturning moment caused this bending. In the cycle to
1.5% drift, one of the 85 mm links appeared to buckle, but when the load was released at the end of
the cycle, it returned to the plane of the wall, thus no residual buckling was observed for the cycle
to 1.5% drift angle. In Figure 5.12(d), all of the monitoring links have developed buckling.
Moreover, after inelastic buckling took place at the designated drift angle, residual out-of-plane
deformations remained clearly visible. Evidence of this can be found in the pictures, as they were
taken after the lateral load was released.
98.:7%(8!8)*;,4! !
'1.! 8)*;! %&'(')&*! (*=8.,! 2%.3.0.0! '1.! &/.%(88! -73;8)*=4! <'! ),! ,2.378('.0! '1('! '1.! 8)*;! %&'(')&*! (*=8.!
"#! ! "#! ! "$! ! "$! ! #"! ! #"! ! #"$! #"$ ! %"! ! %"! ! &"! ! &"! "#! ! "#! ! "$! ! "$! ! #"! ! #"! ! #"$! #"$ ! %"! ! %"! ! &"! ! &"!
'()*+!,-./01(!234 '()*+!,-./01(!234 !
@(A!B2.3)>.*!$! @-A!B2.3)>.*!C!
!"#! $%&'()*+%&*,
G1),! 31(2'.%! 2%.,.*'.0! (*! )**&/(')/.! (228)3(')&*! &9! ,8)'! +(88,! 9&%! 3&*0)')&*! (,,.,,>.*'4! <*! '1),!
(*0! @CA! I>&*)'&%)*=! 8)*;,J! +1&,.! 27%2&,.! +(,! '&! 0./.8&2! &7'#&9#28(*.! -73;8)*=! (9'.%! ,2.3)9)3!
@$A! G1.!-73;8)*=!-.1(/)&%!&9!98.:7%(8!8)*;,!07.!'&!8('.%(8!0.9&%>(')&*,!3(*!-.!2%.0)3'.0!-?!>.(*,!
&9! 9)*)'.! .8.>.*'! (*(8?,),! +)'1! (*! (337%(3?! &9! L4"M! )*! -.'+..*! 0%)9'! 8./.8,4! P&*0)')&*!
@CA! G1.! ,2%.(0)*=! &9! ,'%()*! )*! -.'+..*! *.)=1-&%)*=! >&*)'&%)*=! 8)*;,! 3(*! -.! (/&)0.0! -?! '1.!
&9!'1.!8)*;,4! !
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&-'()*.0! 9&%! 0%)9'! (*=8.,! &9! 72! '&! S4LM4! D&%! /.%?! 8(%=.! 8('.%(8! 0.9&%>(')&*,! @72! '&! TM! 0%)9'!
! "#$"!
(4) Visual inspection proved to be a fast and accurate method to identify the initiation of buckling
behavior in the monitoring links. In the experimental results, visual inspection proved accurate
to detect lateral deformations of 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0%. However, the results obtained from
visual inspection did not fully match those obtained from measured out of plane deformations
by displacement transducers.
[1] T. Hitaka and C. Matsui, “Experimental study on steel shear wall with slits,” J. Struct.
Eng.-ASCE, vol. 129, 2003, pp. 586 - 595.
[2] Jacobsen, A., Hitaka, T., and Nakashima, M., “Online Test of Building Frame with Slit-Wall
Dampers Capable of Condition Assessment”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 66,
2010, pp.1320 – 1329
[3] Timoshenko, S., and Gere, J. M. (1961). Theory of elastic stability, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill,
New York, 239–250.
[4] Abaqus Inc., “ABAQUS Version 6.7 User’s Manual,” http://www.abaqus.com, 2007.
[5] Trahair NS. Flexural-torsional buckling of structures. London: E&FN SPON-Chapman and
Hall, 1993.
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Background
The study of paint is commonly associated to rheology and chemical engineering, and it is
mostly restricted to areas such as coloring, resistance to weathering, toxicity, and so on. Only a very
limited number of studies have been carried out in order to ascertain the mechanical characteristics
of paint, and most of those studies focus on improving characteristics such as elasticity or durability.
Although these studies provide a valuable reference [1]-[3], their objectives differ from that of this
6.1.2 Organization
This chapter is divided in two parts: The first part focuses on the search for a suitable paint
compound that allows for the recording of the spreading of strains throughout a steel plate. This
study is carried out in three phases:
(1) A parametric study on different types of commercially available paints, in which several
compounds were tested under monotonic load. This stage provides a number of compound
candidates that flake when subjected to strain.
(2) A parametric study on the effectiveness of fillers and gridlines. Fillers and gridlines modify the
composition and geometry of the film of paint. This stage defines the final compound to be
used for the second part of the study.
(3) A study on the stability of the behavior of the compound selected, in which several identical
coupons are tested.
The second part examines the performance of the spreading of the flaking of the paint
compound under experimental conditions. The paint compound selected in the previous part was
applied on the surface of three reduced-scale slit wall specimens. The flaking of the paint was
recorded throughout the loading of the specimens.
premise that the patterns defined in slit walls by different levels of strains represent an accurate
indicator of the lateral drift angle was demonstrated in Chapter 3. In practice, the problem of
recording the spreading of the maximum strains through the full extent of a shear wall has not been
solved for the application required in this study. Several alternative methods have been proposed,
e.g. ultrasound [4], x-rays [5], [6], brittle coatings [7]-[9], and nanotube films [10]. These methods
provide accurate measurements of the levels of strains but lack crucial characteristics such as the
possibility of covering large surfaces and resistance to corrosion (strain gauges) or require
expensive equipment and trained operators (ultrasound and x-rays fall into this category). A brief
summary of these non-destructive techniques for measuring strains is presented in Table 6.1.
constants of the material. surface of the material, coating indicates the can be encoded i.e. films
while the neutron direction and magnitude that exhibit changes in
diffraction method of stress. Information on their electrical properties
measures the strain the direction of the to strain.
within a volume of the principal strain is also
sample. given (coating cracks are
perpendicular to the
principal tensile strain)
determination of
structural properties, etc.
%&'()! *++,-.! &(! '(,/0,(.'1,! &2),-(&)'1,! )*! -,3*-4! )5,! .0-,&4'(6! *+! .)-&'(.! '(! )5,! 02&),! )5-*765!
0&'()! 5&.! +2&8,4?! )5,! &-,&.! 4,1,2*0,4! &-,! 0,-@&(,()9! ;A=! :5,! &-,&! ,(3*@0&..,4! BC! )5,! @&/'@7@!
:5,! *BG,3)'1,! *+! )5'.! .)&6,! *+! )5,! -,.,&-35! '.! )*! ,.)'@&),! )5,! 1'&B'2')C! *+! 7.'(6! 3*@@,-3'&22C!
&..,..@,()9! :5,! *BG,3)'1,.! 3&(! B,! .7@@&-'H,4! &.I! ;<=! &! .)&B2,! .)-&'(J.)-,..! B,5&1'*-! '(! *-4,-! )*!
2,1,2.! *+! .)-&'(! )*! @&8,! )5,! .)-&'(! -,3*-4'(6! 3*@0&)'B2,! D')5! .)-&'(! 2,1,2.! 4,1,2*0,4! '(! .),,2?! )5,!
H*(,.9! !
)5,.,! 3*70*(.! &! <LL! @@! .)-'0! *+! 0&'()! D&.! &002',4! '(! )5,! 3,()-&2! H*(,9! P&35! 0&'(),4! 3*70*(!
@@! .),&4C#.)-&'(! H*(,?! &(4! ;B=! &! 3*70*(! *+! )5,! .&@,! 35&-&3),-'.)'3! D')5! &! $L! @@! .2')! '(! )5,! @'4!
H*(,!'(),(4,4!)*!.)74C!)5,!B,5&1'*-!*+!0&'()!7(4,-! .)-&'(!3*(3,()-&)'*(.!&(4!1,-'+C!)5&)!)5,!.)-&'(!
,2,@,()!@*4,2.9! !
100 mm
150 mm
150 mm
60 mm 30 mm
;&=!R)&(4&-4!3*70*(! ;B=!R2')),4!3*70*(!
Two different methods were considered for the application of the paint. The first method uses
an applicator (Figure 6.2 (a)), which consists of a 100 mm long stainless steel rod with two guides
at the ends; these guides are oversized with respect to the diameter of the rod, leaving a fixed height
separation between the rod and the surface of the coupon. This application method was adequate for
either high or low viscosity paints, although the width limit of 100 mm was seen as a shortcoming
when the area to be applied was larger than a single coupon.
The second application method considered was a spray gun (Figure 6.2 (b)). In this method the
paint was applied on the surface of the coupon by pressurized air blown through a nozzle. The spray
gun method provided less control on the thickness of the layer of paint than the applicator described
above, but it allowed for the application of paint in larger areas. However, only low viscosity paints
could be applied using this technique since the paint had to go through small ducts to reach the
The paint thickness was estimated as the average of nine measurements taken at different
locations in a grid pattern throughout the painted area. The thickness of the paint was measured
through electromagnetic induction. In these instruments, a soft, ferromagnetic rod wound with a coil
of fine wire is used to produce a magnetic field. A second coil of wire is used to detect changes in
magnetic flux. These instruments measure the change in magnetic flux density at the surface of a
magnetic probe as it nears a metal surface. The magnitude of the flux density at the probe surface is
directly related to the distance from the metal substrate. By measuring flux density, the thickness of
the coating can be determined. The instrument uses a constant pressure probe to provide consistent
readings that are not influenced by different operators. The tolerance of the readings is ±1%.
The thickness of the coating was measured seven days after the application of the paint, and the
tests were conducted within 10 days of the application of the paint. The procedure was respected in
order to avoid differences in the properties of the paint caused by allowing for different drying
times between the specimens. External factors such as temperature and atmospheric humidity were
not controlled during the tests. However, all the specimens were allowed to dry indoors and under
the same atmospheric conditions. The thickness of the coating varied between 10 µm and 480 µm,
the average thickness was 70 µm.
The tests were conducted in a universal testing machine (Figure 6.3). The machine consisted of
three parts, i.e., the top crosshead, the bottom crosshead and the loading platform. The bottom
crosshead was fixed during the loading, while the loading platform and the top crosshead moved up
to provide tension or compression. The coupons were placed between the top and bottom
crossheads and fixed in position through clamps.
a thin film of paint reduces the variation of the strains along the thickness and should induce earlier
flaking than a thick film.
For each of the paint compounds selected, four different thicknesses were tested. The paint was
applied with a spray gun, and the number of layers of paint applied (from 1 to 4 layers) controlled
the thickness of the film. The application method described above was reliable with an average
coefficient of variation (ratio of standard deviation to the mean) of 14%.
Nine of the 27 specimens tested in this stage presented visible reactions under strain, whereas
the other 18 specimens remained attached to the plate until the coupons failed in tension at
approximately 30% strains. The results for these specimens are summarized in Table 6.2. Seven of
these specimens were lacquer without resin, one of them was lacquer with resin and one with poster
color. The strain levels required for visible effects in the paint ranged between 1.7% and 12%. The
strains at which the paint flaked were larger than the original target of approximately 0.15%
(approximately the yield strain of steel). However, these results demonstrate the viability of using
paint as a method of recording strains.
Figure 6.4 illustrates the general behavior of paint observed during this series of tests. In the
figure, four sequential images of one of the poster color specimens are shown. The thickness of the
paint was 112 µm. The first effect that can be observed in the pictures (Figure 6.4 (a)) is the
appearance of small cracks in the center of the specimen. As the strain increased (Figure 6.4 (b)),
the cracks developed into small stretch marks along the width of the specimen. When the strain
reached 25% (Figure 6.4 (c)) the stretch marks detached from the surface of the steel plate. Finally
for a strain of 30% (Figure 6.4 (d)) the paint fell off.
Figure 6.5 illustrates the behavior of a lacquer specimen. The thickness of the paint was 20 µm.
As opposed to the poster color specimen (Figure 6.4) where effects on the paint developed
gradually for strains between 12% and 30%, in these specimens the cracks developed quickly
throughout the painted area for strains between 5.6% and 6%. After the cracks developed, there
were no further distinguishable effects on the paint for larger strains.
It was apparent that the most adequate paint was the combination of lacquer and thinner, as
these specimens were the most successful in flaking when subjected to strain. It was recognized
from these set of experiments that a trend exists (Figure 6.6), suggesting that as the average
thickness of the film of paint increased, the minimum strain required for the paint to present visible
effect decreased. This was contrary to our earlier assumption based on [11], in which a thinner film
would induce earlier flaking in the paint than a thicker one. It was reasoned that a minimum
threshold level exists for which the bonds that give the film of paint a uniform quality do not form.
In other words, the Van der Waals bonds that attach the paint to the steel plate are stronger than the
strains generated within the paint film and thus the paint film loses its uniformity and behaves as
independent “islands” of paint that appear uniform to the naked eye. This observation was also
supported by the fact that the specimen with the thinnest layer of paint ( 9.8 µm) did not flake for
any strain level.
Among the lacquer specimens with thinner, the higher concentration of thinner (60%) produced
better results than the lower concentration of thinner (30%). The reason behind this probably lies in
that thinner is the medium in which the pigments reside, and a higher concentration of thinner
permits a more uniform spreading of the pigment particles. The downside of using high
concentrations of thinner is that the paint has to be applied in many layers with a wait time of
approximately 20 minutes in between applications to prevent the paint from running. From this
series of tests it is recognized that the ideal range for thickness of the layer of paint lies between 50
µm and 125 µm, although the upper limit could be higher.
(a) 12% strain (b) 20% strain (c) 25% strain (d) 30% strain
Figure 6.4. Response of poster color under different levels of strain
lacquer (30% thinner)
8 lacquer (60% thinner)
0 25 50 75 100 125
Paint thickness (Rm)
/0&3!3/-'*B! !
C?D! <7!3/(;E!/0*!@*0-4&7)!-.;!4&-@&6&/E!75!*:7FE!:-&./G! !
C>D! <7! 3/(;E! /0*! (3*! 75! -;;&/&4*3! C5&66*)D! &.! /0*! :-&./+! %&66*)! &3! -! 5&.*! ')-.(679*/)E! :7=;*)! /0-/! &3!
-;;*;!/7!/0*!:-&./!179:7(.;G!-.;! !
CHD! <7!*4-6(-/*!/0*!&.16(3&7.!75!-)/&5&1&-6!@7(.;-)E!17.;&/&7.3!/7!/0*!:-&./!17-/&.'+!<0&3!&3!-10&*4*;!
@E! -;;&.'! ')&;6&.*3! /7! /0*! 17-/&.'! =&/0! -! 1-);@7-);! 1(//*)! -5/*)! /0*! :-&./! 0-3! ;)&*;+! I)&;6&.*3!
6&9&/!/0*!30*-)!3/)-&.!:)7:-'-/&7.!=&/0&.!/0*!17-/!75!:-&./!/7!-!5&F*;!3/)&:+! !
(3*! 75! /0*! 3:)-E! '(.G! /0*)*57)*! /0*! -::6&1-/7)! =-3! (3*;! 57)! /0*! 3:*1&9*.3! =&/0! *:7FE! :-&./+! N66!
J.! /0*3*! 3:*1&9*.3G! /=7#9&66&9*/*)! =&;*! ')&;6&.*3! =*)*! &./)7;(1*;! C%&'()*! "+Q! C-DD+! RE! -;;&.'!
')&;6&.*3G! /0*! 3/)-&.! :)7:-'-/&7.! =&/0&.! /0*! :-&./! &3! )*3/)&1/*;! /7! -! 4*)E! /0&.! 3/)&:G! /0(3! /0*! 3/)-&.3!
?+QO! 7@/-&.*;! &.! /0*! :)*4&7(3! 3/-'*! /7! -.! -4*)-'*! 75! L+QO! 7@/-&.*;! &.! /0&3! 3/-'*+! %&'()*! "+Q! C@D!
and 33 mg/100 ml of paint. The granulometry of the talc filler (T) is larger than that of the silica
fillers, thus the concentrations used for talc were 3 and 5 mg/100 ml of paint. It can be observed
from the data in Table 6.3 that the thickness of the specimens including filler is between 2 and 5
times larger than that applied in the previous stage of testing despite using the same application
procedure for both stages. The average thickness of the lacquer specimens in the previous stage was
52 µm, compared to 260 µm in this stage. This increase in the thickness of the film is recognized as
an effect of adding filler to the paint because filler did not evaporate when the paint dried. Some
problems with the spray gun occurred when the lacquer compound with filler was used, it was
difficult to apply the paint on the steel plate and usually clumps of filler would form instead of a
uniform film. Another drawback of adding filler is that the paint is more likely to be damaged
during the cutting of the grid, and as a result, the flaking of the paint might be hastened, i.e., take
place for lower strains than it would if the film was undamaged. When lacquer with filler was
subjected to strain, the paint behaved in a similar fashion as poster color (shown in Figure 6.4),
although the cracking strain was significantly reduced (20% of the strain levels obtained for poster
color), and the results appear to be more stable than the aforementioned paint.
Filler and gridlines
The specimens that combined filler and gridlines considered several concentrations of filler A
(the concentration is mg/100 ml is noted next to the filler type in Table 6.3). Fillers E and T were
also tested. The amount of filler added to the paint for the tests with gridlines was reduced in an
attempt to maintain the uniform quality of the paint. It is apparent that a quantity of 10 mg/100 ml is
most appropriate if filler is to be used. It is also worth of notice that for the initial tests of paint with
filler, 17 mg/100 ml were used and the flaking strain was 2.1% in average; therefore it is noted that
10 mg/100 ml is more appropriate than a higher concentration since this concentration maintains the
uniformity of the film of paint. Unfortunately, the results were not stable and no trend was observed
with regard to the paint thickness, amount of filler, and flaking strain. In conclusion: (1) The good
result, i.e., flaking at 0.47% strain (highlighted in light gray in Table 6.3) obtained for the lacquer
specimen with 10 mg/100 ml concentration of filler A could not be replicated. The lower flaking
strain observed could be associated to the thicker layer of paint applied, but it is more likely to be
associated to other factors e.g. humidity or temperature at the time of testing. 2) When the results
with a reduced amount of filler are compared, none of the different fillers is clearly better than the
other. Therefore, there is no conclusive evidence that suggests an improvement of the performance
of the paint by using filler. On the other hand, the results obtained in this stage indicate that the
inclusion of gridlines reduces the flaking strain of lacquer (without the inclusion of fillers) from an
average of 5.86% obtained in the previous phase to an average of 0.74% (highlighted in dark gray
in Table 6.3), which makes it a suitable improvement for recording strains.
When the flaking performance and the ease of use of the different compounds were taken into
consideration, it was apparent that using lacquer with a 50% concentration of thinner was the best
alternative to record the spreading of strains. The preparation of the compound by mixing two fluids
was straightforward and easy to replicate. Furthermore, the durability of the paint coating without
filler was far superior to the quality of the coating when filler was added.
6.2.5 Compound stability
The last stage of the study consisted of two control specimens and 9 specimens of lacquer with
a 50% concentration of thinner and similar thickness (68.5 µm in average). Five of these specimens
were standard coupons (Figure 6.1 (a)), and the other four were slitted coupons (Figure 6.1 (b)).
This last series of tests were intended to determine the stability and reliability of the selected paint.
The following list summarizes the conclusions from the previous series of tests and
characterizes the final choice of compound:
(1) The ideal thickness of the film of paint ranges between 50 µm and 125 µm.
(2) There is no substantial benefit of adding filler. Furthermore, the disadvantages of adding filler
to the compound outweigh any reductions in the flaking strain that filler might provide
(3) Lacquer with a 50% concentration of thinner presented the lowest flaking strain throughout the
(4) The introduction of gridlines reduces the flaking strain of paint.
The average thickness of the paint layer for this stage was 68.5 µm and the average flaking
strain was 0.31% with a standard deviation of 0.23% (0.10% if the second test is counted as an
outlier). These results provide a concrete confirmation of the viability of this compound for
recording strains. The flaking strains and the corresponding thickness of the film are shown in Table
Table 6.4. Results of third stage of tests
Paint Average thickness (Rm) Visible effect minimum strain
Lacquer grid 119.3 1.18%
Lacquer (50% thinner) resin grid 26.3 2.00%
Lacquer (50% thinner) grid 58.2 0.14%
134.1 0.76%
79.0 0.86%
68.0 0.27%
64.6 0.14%
60.8 0.15%
Lacquer (50% thinner) grid (Slitted coupon) 67.7 0.34%
74.7 0.26%
72.1 0.43%
72.1 0.23%
Figure 6.8 shows the flaking progress of one of the standard coupon tests. Figure 6.8 (a) shows
a picture taken when the strains reached 0.10%, at this point no flaking is apparent. Figure 6.8 (b)
shows the initiation of flaking in the lower left corner, where five strips began to crack (left arrow)
and one of the strips began detaching itself from the steel plate (right arrow);; when the strains
reached 0.20% (Figure 6.8 (c)) cracking was apparent in all the lower section of the painted zone.
Figure 6.8 (d) shows cracking throughout the painted zone for strains of 0.30%.
(a) 0.10% (b) 0.15% (c) 0.20% (d) 0.30%
Figure 6.8. Paint flaking induced by strain: lacquer (50% thinner) grid (60.8 Rm thickness)
The slitted coupon specimens were intended to study the ability of paint to represent strain
patterns and to study the behavior of paint under strain concentration. The responses of all four tests
showed a clear indication of the strain zones (Figure 6.9 (a)), furthermore, the cracking did not
propagate to zones that experienced lower strain levels (Figure 6.9 (b)).
(a) Specimen 1 (b) Specimen 2 (c) FEM model (d) Specimen 3 (e) Specimen 4
Figure 6.10. Strain pattern comparison
6.3 Performance of paint for strain recording in slit walls
The paint selected in Section 6.2 was applied to slit walls that were tested under an online hybrid
test on a first stage, and afterwards, under statically applied cyclic load. The results regarding the
structural performance of the slit walls have been discussed in Chapter 4. The lacquer compound
with a 50% concentration of thinner was applied on the slit walls with a spray gun in three
successive layers. The paint was applied directly on top of the steel plate on the condition
assessment section of the walls ( Figure 6.11). The surface of the steel plate was sanded with a fine
grain sand paper and cleaned with acetone to remove any remainders of the oil in which steel plates
are coated to avoid corrosion.
Figure 6.11. General view of the online test specimen (see Chapter 4)
Two standard coupon tests were conducted following the same protocols as during the
parametric study to achieve a twofold objective: (1) determine the elastic modulus and yield strain
of the steel used for the experiment and (2) establish the flaking strain of the paint compound. The
results from these tests indicate that the flaking of the paint used for the online-hybrid test flaked for
an average strain of 2.5%. Unfortunately, this larger flaking strain reduced the extension of the area
where flaking took place, and thus decreased the drift identification capabilities in the element.
6.3.1 Performance of paint flaking during tests
Three digital cameras were placed in a scaffold located opposite to the experimental test
specimen to record the progress of the flaking of the paint in the walls. Pictures were taken at the
positive and negative displacement peaks throughout the test. Before the pictures were taken, the
painted areas of the walls were scraped with a metal brush to remove the paint that had already
detached. A similar procedure was implemented during the cyclic tests that followed the online test.
The pictures taken during the two experiments generated a total of 168 high-resolution color
images. To extract the flaking area, the pictures were post processed using ImageJ [13], [14] after
the following procedure:
(1) A mask was applied to the color image to isolate the painted area in the picture. This step was
necessary, because it eliminated false white areas introduced by lights reflecting on the surface
of the steel plate. Figure 6.12 (a) shows an original image and Figure 6.12 (b) shows an
example of the image if it were converted directly to black and white. The mask that is detected
for the picture is shown in Figure 6.12 (c) and the result from applying the mask is shown in
Figure 6.12 (d).
(2) The color image was then transformed into a black and white image. Digital color images are
composed from the addition of three grayscale images that represent the level of darkness in a
particular spectrum, e.g. red, green and blue, known as channels. The rest of the chromatic
spectra can be represented by different combinations of these three basic colors. Separating
color images into each of these channels has been and operating between them is a common
technique to identify colored object in an image. However, there was little advantage in
separating and operating the three channels in the spectrum, as the color of the paint used was
white, and it appeared identical in either channel. The threshold for the conversion was set at a
level of 100 out of 256. In practical terms it means that all color values below 100 were turned
into black and all color values above 100 were turned into white. This procedure generated
images with a white background and only the flaked area and the slits in black as shown in
Figure 6.12 (e).
(3) The black areas defined by the slits are removed manually. For small deformations, the black
areas defined by the slits represented only a small fraction of the total dark areas, but as the
lateral drift sustained by the slit wall increased, the flexural links separated due to inelastic
lateral-torsional buckling. The separation of the flexural links was also shown as dark areas in
the pictures, which distorted the readings from the flake areas of the paint. An image where the
slits have been removed is shown in Figure 6.12 (f).
(4) Scale images. As the pictures were taken with cameras at different locations and with different
levels of magnification, the images were all resized to the same scale. The length of the slits
was used as a reference parameter to obtain a good approximation of the scale of each image.
(5) Calculate area. One of the features of the software used for post-processing of the images
(ImageJ) is the analysis of particles within an image. This feature was used after removing all
the dark areas in the image that did not represent the flaking of paint. The areas obtained by this
method were later exported to text files.
?/A!D)&'&4/6!&./'* ?<A!B9)*3916;*;!&./'*
?2A!./3C ?;A!/=7*)!/006&2/7&14!1=!./3C
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&.06*.*47*;! <:! &316/7&4'! 2&)2(6/)! 0/77*)43! ?79/7! )*0)*3*47! 79*! =6/C&4'! 1=! 0/&47A! 8&79&4! 79*! &./'*3+!
<9*8(113+,! *=! -! )-9,(! +607(9! *=! 30-,(1! -+/! 3.! 8-+! (-13)>! 7(! (?.(+/(/! .*! .'(! <9*8(113+,! *=! ;3/(*!
(?<(930(+.! 5(9(! *7.-3+(/:! &'(! .303+,! *=! .'(! (?<(930(+.! 31! 8*0<-9(/! -,-3+1.! .'(! 0(.-/-.-! *=! .'(!
<38.69(1! .*! 8*+=390! .'(! 3+1.-+.! -.! 5'38'! .'(! <38.69(1! 5(9(! .-B(+! -+/! .'61! .'(! 8*99(1<*+/3+,! /93=.!
-+,)(1! 8-+! 7(! 8-)86)-.(/:! @3,69(! ":$C! 1'*51! .'(! <(-B1! 3/(+.3=3(/! =*9! .'(! =391.! 1.*9>! 1)3.! 5-))A! .'(!
+607(91! 3+! 7*)/! =*+.! 9(<9(1(+.! <(-B1! 3+! .'(! <*13.3;(! /39(8.3*+! -+/! .'(! +607(91! 3+! +*90-)! =*+.!
9(<9(1(+.! <(-B1! 3+! .'(! +(,-.3;(! /39(8.3*+:! &'(! 0(.-/-.-! -;-3)-7)(! =9*0! .'(! <38.69(1! 31! <)*..(/! -1!
"! #
" & !*
(A )
! $ B "!
! @
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! " # $ % & '
)*+,-./0123.0-245.016.0-1+71089016.0.:,.723.410;67< !
-))! .'9((! 1)3.! 5-))! 1<(830(+1A! 3.! 8-+! 7(! *71(9;(/! .'-.! .'(! ,(+(9-)! <9*,9(113*+! *=! .'(! =)-B3+,! /-.-!
<*3+.1! .(+/1! .*! ,9*5! -1! .'(! /93=.! -+,)(! 3+89(-1(1:! G3.'! .'(! (?8(<.3*+! *=! 1<(83=38! *6.)3(91! .'-.! -9(!
1 story SW 2 story SW 3 story SW
300 300 800
250 250
flake area [mm 2]
200 200
100 100
50 50
0 0 0
experiment time experiment time experiment time
&! '()*! )*+)*,*-./.01*! 0-.*)+)*./.0(-! (2! .3*! 4/./! 0,! ,3(5-! 0-! 6078)*! "9$:! ;/<=! 3*)*! .3*! 2>/?0-7!
/,+*B.,!(2!.30,!2078)*!/)*!0-.*)*,.0-7G! !
;$<! H3*!2>/?0-7!(2!.3*!+/0-.!0,!B>8,.*)*4!0-!)*>/.01*>@!5*>>!4*20-*4!A(-*,!2()!*/B3!(2!.3*!4)02.!/-7>*!
,.840*49! H3*! >/)7*! 1/)0/E0>0.@! 0-! .3*! $9:I! E/-4! 0,! +)(E/E>@! *C+>/0-*4! E@! .3*! >/)7*! -8'E*)! (2!
+)(B*48)*! 2(>>(5*4! .(! )*'(1*! .3*! +/0-.! .3/.! 3/4! 4*./B3*4! 0-1(>1*4! ,B)/+0-7! .3*! +/0-.! 50.3! /!
'*./>! E)8,3=! 530B3! />,(! )*'(1*4! ,'/>>! /)*/,! 2)('! .3*! *47*,! (2! .3*! 2>/?*4! /)*/9! H30,! 5/,!
.3*! /)*/9! H30,! +)(E>*'! 5(8>4! -(.! E*! *C+*)0*-B*4! 0-! /! )*/>! /++>0B/.0(-! ,0.8/.0(-=! E*B/8,*! .3*!
;J<! H3*!'/C0'8'!4)02.!/-7>*!/B30*1*4!48)0-7!.3*!20-/>!>(/40-7!0-!.3*!(->0-*!.*,.!5/,!K9J:I9!D-!.3*!
B@B>0B! >(/40-7!.*,.=! .3*! >(/40-7!+)(.(B(>!,./).*4!50.3! B@B>*,! .(! /! 4)02.!/-7>*!(2! $I9H3*! ! +/0-.!
;K<! 6()!.3*!>/)7*,.!>/.*)/>!4*2()'/.0(-,!0-!.3*!B@B>0B!.*,.!;/E(1*!KI!4)02.!/-7>*<!/!,0-7>*!4/./!+(0-.!
2/>>,! 50.30-! ,/'*! )/-7*! /,! 2()! ,'/>>*)! 4*2()'/.0(-,9! H30,! +(0-.! B())*,+(-4,! .(! .3*! 20),.! +*/?!
0.! '073.! E*! /)78*4! .3/.! .3*! 2>/?0-7! /)*/,! 5*)*! -(.! )*+)*,*-./.01*! (2! .3*! E*3/10()! 48)0-7! .3*!
B('+>*.*! B@B>*=! ,0-B*! .3*! 5/>>! 3/4! E**-! >(/4*4! (->@! 0-! /! ,0-7>*! 40)*B.0(-! /-4! .3*! +/0-.! 5/,!
;L<! M3*-! .3*! (8.>0*)! +(0-.,! 4*,B)0E*4! /E(1*! 5*)*! )*'(1*4=! 4)02.! E/-4,! )*+)*,*-.0-7! */B3! (2! .3*!
4 4
10 10
flake area [mm 2 ]
flake area [mm 2 ]
10 3.!/0#1
2 2
10 10 567.!/0#1
Online Test "#$%#&!'&()!
*+,$%,!'&()! 869.!/0#1
Cyclic Test 1
10 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
maximum displacement for picture [%]
7 8
! maximum displacement for picture [%] !
;/<!&>>!4/./!+(0-.,! ;E<!N/-4*4!)*,8>.,!O!(8.>0*),!)*'(1*4!
Table 6.5. Statistical summary of paint flake results
All data points Without outliers
Drift Average Std. deviation Coeff. of Average Std. deviation Coeff. of
2 2 2 2
angle (mm ) (mm ) variation (mm ) (mm ) variation
1.7% 86 12 14% 87 12 13%
3.0% 455 67 15% 457 70 15%
4.0% 1041 406 39% 1163 397 34%
6.0% 3822 1264 33% 4429 432 10%
8.0% 7405 1295 17% 8035 366 5%
6.4 Conclusions
This chapter presented the development of a method to record the spreading of the maximum
strains through the surface of a steel plate. A series of tests were conducted on steel coupons under
tensile strain in order to identify a strain sensitive paint for condition assessment purposes.
Afterwards the paint compound was applied on the surface of three reduced-scale slit wall
specimens and tested in an online-hybrid test and under a static loading protocol. The main finding
of this chapter can be summarized as follows:
(1) A reliable paint compound, composed of lacquer with a 50% concentration of thinner and with
2 mm wide gridlines cut into the film, was identified as presenting visible responses to strain.
The response initiates at strains not higher than 0.4%
(2) The flaking of the paint takes place only in those areas that exceed the flaking strain and does
not propagate to lower strain areas. Thus, preserving the maximum strains experienced.
(3) The extension of the strain areas determined by the flaking of the strains agree with the
extension of strain areas determined by finite element models.When paint is applied to slit
walls, the flaking areas develop in the zones with high strain concentrations. This strain areas
can be recorded and later associated to different levels of drift angle.
(4) Pictures of the flaking of paint can be analyzed to determine the extension of the areas where
flaking has taken place. Larger areas of flaking represent larger drift angles to which the slit
wall has been subjected. Thus identification of maximum drift angles by means of paint flaking
can be achieved.
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coatings using a three-point flexure test and acoustic emission”, Journal of Applied Polymer
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flaw detectors”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 71(9), pp. 3464 - 3469
[5] Hilley, M., (1971), “Residual Stress Measurement by X- Ray Diffraction” , SAE J784a,
Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, 1971, pp. 21-24
[6] Prevéy, P.S., (1986), “X-Ray Diffraction Residual Stress Techniques,” Metals Handbook , 10,
(Metals Park, OH: ASM), pp. 380-392
[7] Alexopoulos, P., and O'Sullivan, T. (1990), “Mechanical Properties of Thin Films”, Annu.
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[8] Evans, H., Crumley, G., and Demaray, R., (1983), “On the Mechanical Behavior of Brittle
Coatings and Layers”, Oxidation of Metals, 20(5/6), pp. 193 – 216
[9] Strawbridge, A., and Evans, H., (1995), “Mechanical Failure of Thin Brittle Coatings”,
Engineering Failure Analysis, 2(2), pp. 85 – 103
[10] Loh, K., Kim, J., Lynch, J., Kam, N., amd Kotov, N., (2007), “Multifunctional layer-by-layer
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7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Online testing to collapse
In Chapter 4 a conventional hybrid test method [1]-[3] was used to study the earthquake
response behavior of a steel moment frame equipped with unequally slitted steel shear walls. This
chapter explores the extensibility of the testing scheme on the simulation of collapse. The hybrid
test method has great potential to test large scale structural systems to collapse as it is not required
to physically simulate the inertial effect and gains from the extensibility associated with the
substructure technique. In particular, the experimental substructures can be strategically selected
and tested at large scales to capture the sequence of local failures leading to collapse.
In the past decade, various geographically distributed hybrid tests have been conducted
between different laboratories including remote experimental and numerical substructures [4], [5]
[6]-[9]. Watanabe et al. [4] conducted several rounds of distributed tests on a base-isolated bridge
with multiple piers. Two rubber bearings were tested at two distributed laboratories, each bearing
loaded by two hydraulic actuators. More recent efforts have focused on developing a general
software framework for hybrid experimental-computational simulation such as OpenFresco at the
University of California, Berkeley [5]. Demonstration tests included a base-isolated bridge pier
tested collaboratively between Japan and U.S with only one rubber bearing tested using three
quasi-static jacks. Another hybrid test framework, Internet-based Simulation for Earthquake
Engineering ( ISEE), was developed at National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering
(NCREE), Taiwan [6]. A three-site hybrid test was conducted on three piers of a multi-span
continuous bridge. Each laboratory handled one pier using two hydraulic actuators. Mosqueda et al.
[7] conducted a five-site collaborative test within the NEES [8] laboratories in the U.S. Five piers of
a six-span bridge were taken as the substructures, in which two were physically tested, each using
one hydraulic actuator, while the others were numerically simulated. Also as part of the NEES, a
hybrid test framework UI-SIMCOR was developed at the University at Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign [9]. Recently, a three-site large scale bridge hybrid test was conducted with two
experimental sites, each loading one pier by two hydraulic actuators.. Most past distributed hybrid
tests have been on multi-span bridges with the piers as substructures. This model provides relatively
simple boundary conditions that could be controlled by limited number of actuators. Further, few
hybrid tests have examined structures up to collapse with significant geometric and material
nonlinearities [10], [11]. A key step in a hybrid test to collapse is partitioning the structure to
capture the collapse mechanism experimentally while properly enforcing boundary conditions.
Schneider and Roeder [12] examined typical substructuring assumptions that simplify inflection
point is expected. Although the numerical global response compares well between the original
model and a model that includes moment releases, larger differences have been observed in the
local behavior near the hinges [13]. Moreover, at the partition, stiff degrees of freedom such as axial
deformations in columns may emerge at the boundaries. Modern testing facilities have limited
control tolerance which may introduce large experimental errors into the whole hybrid test system,
particularly when controlling the stiff degrees of freedom, such as axial and rotational deformations.
Thus, the exactness of the boundaries requires a compromise between the overall simulation
accuracy and the facility control capabilities.
In this chapter, the seismic response of a four-story steel moment frame to collapse is examined
using an extensible hybrid test framework for collaborative testing. Two experimental substructures
located in Japan and the U.S. are each loaded with four actuators to properly simulate boundary
forces including varying axial loads on the columns. The prototype structure is based on the
full-scale specimen tested to collapse at the Hyogo Earthquake Engineering Research Center of
Japan (E-Defense) in September 2007 [14], which provides a benchmark for the expected results.
The substructure hybrid test framework used in these experiments is extensible for various types of
finite element programs and the laboratories with different software and hardware environment [15].
A new flexible test scheme associated with open- and closed-loop control was implemented at the
boundary degrees of freedom to compromise with the difficulties in controlling stiff degrees of
freedom. In this study, particular attention was given to the substructuring approach in order to
minimize related errors while enabling a realistic simulation within laboratory capabilities. An
innovative substructuring approach with overlapping domains between the experimental and
numerical substructures is explored to apply complex boundary conditions.
7.1.2 Organization
This chapter first describes the hybrid test framework and numerical studies conducted to select
the substructures. The proposed framework is then applied to evaluate the seismic performance of
large-scale steel structures from the onset of damage through collapse. In this approach, only the
critical subassemblies of the structural system leading to the collapse mechanism are evaluated
experimentally while the global response of the remaining structure is captured numerically. The
selection of the subassemblies and the sensitivity in enforcing boundary conditions between
experimental and numerical substructures in order to capture the initiation of collapse is examined
in detail. Further, the hybrid test results are compared to the full scale earthquake simulator test to
examine both the global response and the distribution of stresses in the frame.
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Substructure A Substructure C
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Substructure B Substructure D
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physical loading using force controlled actuators. The axial deformations of the columns of the
tested substructure were not fed back to the numerical substructure. This simplification avoids
iterations in the axial direction, at the expense of not explicitly satisfying compatibility with the
column axial deformations.
The laboratory loading mechanism is further simplified through an innovative substructuring
approach with overlapping domains between the numerical and experimental substructures. The
boundaries of the physical substructures are extended to the mid-height of the second story columns,
as shown in Figure 7.4 (c). Hinges are assumed at the mid-height of the second story columns only
for the experiment. Note that the experimental and numerical substructures have overlapping
members at the lower half of the second story. The behavior of the second story is obtained from
the numerical model only since numerical studies indicate that when hinges are assumed at the
substructure boundaries, the distribution of stresses and strains have large localized errors near the
assumed hinges [13]. Thus, the experimental response of the half-story columns at the second floor
may not be reliable. The supplemental members such as beams and second story half columns in the
specimen have the same sections as those in the numerical substructure and serve an important role
in transferring the shear and moment at the top end of the panel zone to the first story specimen. By
applying the displacements obtained from the numerical substructure to the corresponding second
story mid-nodes in the tested substructure, the rotation at the top ends of the first story columns can
be approximated to account for other flexibilities in the system. Further, the actual panel zone and
beam behavior can be observed experimentally to capture other potential collapse mechanisms
within the frame.
7.4.2 Interaction between substructures
The interaction between substructures is summarized as Figure 7.5, where the iterative
predictor-and-corrector method associated with the flexible test scheme is illustrated. The predicting
procedure predicts the horizontal displacement at the first story level only, assuming the tested
substructure behaves linearly in the current increment. Once a force balance is achieved at this
degree of freedom, does the physical loading initiate while the numerical substructure waits. The
target horizontal displacements, including the first story level and the mid-point of the second story
columns, and the target axial forces are collected from the numerical substructure output and sent to
the tested substructure. Once the physical loading is completed, the restoring forces of the first story
columns are measured and fed back to the “Coordinator” to examine equilibrium, where the
correcting procedure is applied to minimize the unbalance caused by the nonlinearity of the tested
Coordinator predict displacement of 1
Balanced or not?
axial forces of 2, 4, 6, & Physical loading
horizontal displ. of 1, 3, 5, 7
I-Modification to erase undershoot
Balanced or not?
Next step !
=()/9*)! :0)/&/&2.*7! &./2! /42! :0)/8! 0/! /9*! 5&7#8:0.! 2=! /9*! )&'9/! 3*05+! The complete frame and
locations where hinges are assumed are shown in %&'()*! "+? (a). A supplemental link shown in
%&'()*! "+? (a) and (b) at the assumed hinge between two substructures enforces vertical
compatibility, through a mechanical rather than an actuated device. The use of this supplemented
link was examined to provide acceptable results in a numerical study @AB]+! -.! 2)7*)! /2! =()/9*)!
*C05&.*! /9*! 9&.'*! 088(5:/&2.8! 0.7! 0::)2C&50/*! =6*C&36*! /*8/! 819*5*>! 0! )2(.7! 2=! :()*! .(5*)&106!
=622)! 8603! 12./)&3(/&2.>! /9*! 8/&==.*88! 0.7! 8/)*.'/9! 2=! *019! 3*05! 408! )*J&8*7! 308*7! 2.! /9*!
8(38/)(1/()*! 408! 01/(066D! 0! 8/0/&1! :)21*88+! I9*! NO! I0K0/2)&! ')2(.7! 52/&2.! 0/! J0)&2(8! 05:6&/(7*!
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08*! 27*A&.7*! 0*/0! /18*5*! ?%&'()*! "+,! ?.@@+! B3! C(640&29! *))3)/! 2)35! 08*/*! 6//(5<0&34/>>! 08*! <*6D!
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18! W)4416.! 135! 8L+! 28*)78)*16! 61:.*18.*=! .4! X'2128+*! Y*+B+38'.3! C+2+1*7L! Z328'8)8+! .4! [=.8.!
V3'B+*2'8=,! 9L+! 8+28! *+2)682! >+*+! 7./01*+5! >'8L! 8L.2+! .:81'3+5! 4*./! 8L+! 4)66#2716+!
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18! VW! 7.32'28+5! .4! .3+! 135! L164! :1=! :=! .3+! 135! L164! 28.*=Q! >L'6+! 8L+! [V! 20+7'/+3! 7.32'28+5! .4!
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>'58L! .4! 8L+! *+5)7+5! 2+78'.3! 2+6+78+5! 8.! /187L! 8L+! /+12)*+5! 28*+3(8L! .4! 8L+! 7./0.2'8+! :+1/! 135!
261:! 4*./! 8L+! 2L1T'3(! 81:6+! 8+28,! 9L+! *+/1'35+*! .4! 8L+! :+1/! 2+78'.3! >12! 2+6+78+5! 8.! /187L! 8L+!
composite stiffness. A link controlled the deflections of the hanging beam ends considering the
assumed point of inflection [13]. All member sections are listed in Table 7.3, and the specimens are
shown in Figure 7.8.
Figure 7.8. Specimens at University at Buffalo (left) and at Kyoto University (Right)
For the specimen located at UB, a support structure was set around the specimen to avoid
out-of-plane deformation and provide reactions for actuators. Figure 7.9 (a) illustrates the test setup
at UB. The top beam supported by four hinged columns supports two vertical actuators applying
gravity loads. The lower beam in the loading plane applied the same horizontal displacements to the
top of both second story half-columns. A second horizontal actuator was attached directly to the
first story level of the frame. In total, four actuators were used, the lower horizontal one was used to
achieve the closed-loop control for the horizontal deformation of the columns; the upper horizontal
one was used to control the rotation by means of the extended half column, while the others in
open-loop force control provided axial forces for columns considering overturning moments and the
P-Delta effects. The photo of the completed setup is shown in Figure 7.9 (c).
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realistic collapse behavior of a structure. With these two objectives, both numerical and
experimental studies were conducted to examine the boundary implementation and to explore the
collapse behavior by comparison to a four-story steel moment frame which was tested at E-Defense,
Japan. Several observations were summarized as follows:
(1) The boundary implementation is a key issue in the distributed hybrid test. In order to achieve
the highest precision, both equilibrium and compatibility shall be satisfied at all of the boundary
degrees of freedom. The reality, however, is that it is difficult to control stiff degrees of
freedom, and the loading facilities and test space are sometimes limited to control all degrees of
freedom. Therefore, the simplified implementation is often adopted. The flexible boundary
implementation proposed in this study was verified effective and accurate enough through both
numerical and experimental examinations.
(2) The distributed hybrid test frame used in this study encapsulated each substructure with a
standard interface. A significant advantage of this is to increase compatibility with numerical
substructures using different finite element programs and more important, laboratories with
different hardware equipment. In this distributed test, two different types of facilities:
servo-controlled hydraulic actuators and simply-controlled jack system, were employed. Each
laboratory developed its control software separately, but collaborated smoothly without any
(3) Even though the hybrid test included several simplifications such as unidirectional loading and
boundary assumptions, a similar response and collapse mechanism was observed in the
distributed hybrid test. Examination of the local distribution of stresses in the experimental
substructure reveals that the substructuring assumptions were adequate in capturing the
distribution of forces in the frame. While the hybrid test approach cannot match the realism of
full-scale earthquake simulator testing, it can provide a cost-effective method for evaluating the
seismic performance of buildings at large scales with the capabilities available in many
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[15] Pan P, Tomofuji H, Wang T, Nakashima M, Ohsaki M, Mosalam KM. (2006). “Development
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In seismic design of steel structures, passive dampers have gained popularity as a response to the
shortcomings of conventional structural design. Thin steel-plate shear walls may serve as passive
dampers in both new construction and seismic upgrade of existing structures. However, unless
heavily stiffened, the response of thin steel-plate shear walls is commonly accompanied by
significant pinching in their hysteretic response, although the strength deterioration is compensated
for by the development of a tension field. An passive damping device that consists of a steel plate
shear wall with vertical slits (SW hereafter) has been previously devised as an extension of
thin-plate shear walls. In this system, the steel plate segments between the slits behave as a series of
flexural links, which undergo large flexural deformations relative to their shear deformation,
providing a ductile response without significant out-of-plane stiffening of the wall.
This study tries to extend the unique capacity of SWs so that they can also serve as a tool for
structural condition assessment. Structural condition assessment focuses on techniques for
evaluating the integrity of a structure after an earthquake event to ascertain the danger that it
represents for re-occupation of the building. Since its introduction, this evaluation has been
performed through health-monitoring or through performance-evaluation analyses that rely on
detailed computer models of the structure. Unfortunately, the required technologies remain untested
against actual large earthquakes, and the cost of implementing this technique restricts its use to
important structures, such as large spatial structures, bridges, dams, and high-rise buildings. The
small number of sensors used in these structures is only sufficient to identify the existence of
damage by observing global changes in the vibration modes and frequencies. These restrictions
encourage the development of a simpler method of estimating the damage sustained by a structure.
This dissertation consists of eight chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction, including the
background and objectives of the dissertation. Chapter 2 presents a summary of the previous
research conducted on steel shear walls up to date, and Chapter 3 presents the conceptual work to
achieve condition assessment capabilities through the tracing of strains. Design equations and a
numerical verification of the equations are also presented. Chapter 4 presents a practical application
of the slit wall design and the testing of a structure with an online testing scheme, Chapter 5
presents an alternative method of achieving condition assessment capabilities through the tracing of
the inelastic buckling behavior of the flexural links in slit walls. Chapter 6 presents a means of
recording through the flaking of paint the strain patterns that develop in the slit walls presented in
Chapter 3. Chapter 7 presents an extension of the online testing system used in Chapter 4 in order to
geographically distribute the physical testing substructures and the application of this system to the
reproduction of the collapse of a steel frame building. A summary and major findings obtained from
each component of this dissertation is presented below.
behavior of these sections. The predictions obtained from the equations developed show good
agreement with finite element models.
(3) The out-of-plane deformations that take place in the flexural links can be predicted using the
flexural-torsional equations of elastic beams. Furthermore, the drift angle at which buckling
develops for specific aspect ratios can be predicted by these equations. Results from finite
element models confirm the validity of the aforementioned equations.
“cushion links”, whose purpose was to act as buffers against the propagation of strains throughout
the wall, and (2) “monitoring links” whose purpose was to develop out-of-plane buckling after
specific lateral drift angles had been achieved. An experimental verification was carried out on two
scaled specimens designed to develop out-of-plane deformations at drift angles of 0.5%, 1%, 2%,
and 3%. The major findings are summarized as follows:
(1) The buckling behavior of flexural links due to lateral deformations can be predicted by means
of finite element analysis with an accuracy of 0.5% in between drift levels. Condition
assessment capabilities can be achieved based on the buckling behavior of flexural links.
(2) The spreading of strain in between neighboring monitoring links can be avoided by the
inclusion of clusters of cushion links. The width of the cushion cluster should be at least equal
to the average width of the monitoring links that the cluster separates. Furthermore, the aspect
ratio of the cushion links should be larger than 10 to insure low strain concentrations at the end
of the links.
(3) The slit distribution for condition assessment presented in this chapter does not deteriorate the
hysteretic performance of the slit wall as a damper device. Damping coefficients up to 0.2 were
obtained for drift angles of up to 4.0%. For very large lateral deformations (up to 8% drift
angle) the damping coefficient remain above 0.15.
(4) Visual inspection proved to be a fast and accurate method to identify the initiation of buckling
behavior in the monitoring links. In the experimental results, visual inspection proved accurate
to detect lateral deformations of 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0%. However, the results obtained from
visual inspection did not fully match those obtained from measured out of plane deformations
by displacement transducers.
flaking has taken place. Larger areas of flaking represent larger drift angles to which the slit
wall has been subjected. Thus identification of maximum drift angles by means of paint flaking
can be achieved.
First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis advisor, Professor Masayoshi
Nakashima. Throughout the course of my doctoral studies, his knowledge, foresight and
ingenuity were fundamental to the completion of my research. His devotion to his work and to
his students are an example to follow. I consider myself fortunate to have had such a kind,
generous, and intelligent person as my advisor.
Due gratitude to Professor Yoshio Kaneko and Professor Keiichiro Suita for their
kindness to be the members of the dissertation committee, and for their thorough reviews and
helpful comments on this dissertation.
Special thanks are due to Professor Toko Hitaka for her readiness to share her extensive
knowledge on slit walls. Her kindness and cheerful disposition brought joy to my life in Japan.
I wish to thank Dr. Tao Wang, Dr. Jason Mc Cormick and Dr. Masahiro Kurata, for their
insightful comments and their great help with my research.
I wish to thank Dr. Yao Cui, Dr. Yulin Chung and Dr. Dimitrios Lignos for their
friendship and support during my years as a graduate student.
I am grateful to Mrs. Chisato Gamou, Mrs. Mieko Kimura and Mrs. Tomomi Shinagawa
for their kind assistance regarding office matters.
I would also like to show my thanks to my group members, Mr. Takuya Okamura, and Mr.
Yosuke Murata for their great assistance on preparing and conducting physical experiments.
I am also grateful to my other colleagues, Dr. Masahiro Ikenaga, Mr. Ryuta Enokida, Mr.
Toru Tai, Mr. Shuhai Song, and Miss. Sachi Furukawa for their kindness and help with the
daily life in Japan.
Finally, I would also like to thank my family for their love, support, and encouragement
during my studies. I would also like to show my sincere gratitude to my wife, for her
understanding and selfless support through these years. Without them, this dissertation would
not have been possible.