Mahatma Gandhi

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2 October 1869 1882 1888 1893

Birth at Porbandar, Marriage with Reached He landed at
Gujarat. Kasturbai, aged 13. England. Durban(South Africa)
to sort out the legal
problems of his client
Dada Abdullah.

1903 1899 1894 1893

The newspaper Established Founded ∙ Gandhi himself faced
'Indian Opinion' Indian the 'Natal racial discrimination &
started by Ambulance Indian humiliation in South
Gandhiji in Corp during Congress'. Africa.
South Africa. the Boer War. ∙ He was thrown off
the first class carriage of the
train at Pietermartizburg Station. Vision IAS 1
1904 1906 1908 1909
Established 'Phoenix Took the The term 'Satyagraha' Wrote 'Hind
Settlement' in Natal. vow of adopted based on Swarajya'
It was a precursor Brahmacharya. Maganlal Gandhi's aboard the ship
to the Tolstoy Farm. fomulation 'Sadagraha' 'Kildonan

9 January 1915 1915 1912 1910

Gandhi returned Awarded the Gopal krishna Established
to India from 'Kaiser i Hind' Gokhale's South Tolstoy Farm.
South Africa. medal. Africa tour commenced.
Gopala Krishna Gokhale
was the political
mentor of Gandhi.

1917 1917 1918 1918

Sabarmati Ashram Champaran Ahmedabad Mill Kheda
established. Satyagraha Strike (1918) — Satyagraha
(1917)—First Civil First Hunger (1918)—First
Disobedience. Strike. Non-Cooperation.

1920 1920 1919 1919

Commencement Hunter Commission Massacre at Satyagraha against
of Non-Co-operation of 1920 appointed Jallianwala Bagh the Rowlatt Act-
Movement. to investigate the or Massacre of ∙ Gandhiji called for a
Jallianwala Bagh Amritsar. countrywide campaign
or Massacre of against the “Rowlatt Act”.
Amritsar. ∙ Civil disobedience against
specific laws, and courting
arrest & imprisonment. Vision IAS 2

1922 1922 1924 1925
Bardoli Taluka Policemen at Chauri- Presided over 'All India Spinners'
resolved against Chaura killed. Due to the Belgaum Association'
payment of land this incident Mahatma Congress. established by
revenue and Civil- Gandhi called off the Gandhiji.
Disobedience. Non-Cooperation

1931 1930 1929 1925

Gandhi-Irwin Dandi March Purna Swaraj The publication of
pact signed. commences Resolution Autobiography -
from Satyagraha adopted The Story of My
Ashram. at Lahore Experiments with Truth'.
Congress. ( 'Satyana Prayogo
athava Atmakatha')

1931 1932 1932 1932

In London as the Premier Ramsay Poona Pact signed. 'Harijan Sevak
sole representative Macdonald (It gave depressed Sangh'
of the Congress at announced classes reserved established.
the Second Round the Communal seats in the
Table Conference. Award. It was to provincial and
grant separate central legislative
electorates for councils but to be
different communities voted in by the
including the general
depressed classes. It electorate)
is also known as
'McDonald Award'.

Copyright © by Vision IAS

All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior permission of Vision IAS. Vision IAS 3

1946 1942 1936 1933
Three member British 'Quit India' Travancore Commenced
delegation reaches resolution temples publication
Delhi. (Stafford Cripps, adopted; gave opened to of 'Harijan', 'Harijan
Pethick-Lawrence the call 'Do o Harijans. Sevak' (Hindi), and
and A.V. Alexander) Die'. 'Harijanbandhu'

1946 30 January 1948 1948

The Congress Working Godse Cremated on the
Committee adopted assassinates banks of the
resolution to accept Gandhi. Yamuna by Ramdas.
the formation of the Raj Ghat is a
Constituent Assembly. memorial dedicated
to Gandhi in Delhi.


Khadi - In 1918 Mahatma Gandhi started his movement
for Khadi as relief programme for the poor masses living
in India's villages. He saw it as the end of dependency on
foreign materials (symbolizing foreign rule) and thus
giving a first lesson or real independence.

Charka - Mahatma Gandhi was critical of the modern

age in which machines enslaved humans and
displaced labour. He saw the Charkha as a symbol of
a human society that would not glorify machines
and technology. The spinning wheel could also provide
the poor with supplementary income and make them

Two phases of
Moderate phase of struggle by Passive resistance phase
struggle(1894-1906) Gandhiji in or Satyagraha(1906-14)
South Africa Vision IAS 4

MODERATE PHASE (1894-1906)
» In this phase, he concentrated on sending petitions, memorials to the South African legislature,
the Colonial secretary in London & the British Parliament.
» In expectation of fair play he also supported the British in the Second Boer War by creating
Ambulance Corps of Indians.
» After the war, as a token of gratitude, Gandhi was conferred the title of Kaisar-i-Hind
» (He renounced this title after the Jalianwallah Bagh massacre)
» In this phase, Gandhi set up Natal Indian Congress & released his newspaper, Indian Opinion.


» 2nd phase Gandhi used Satyagraha- Passive resistance or Civil Disobedience;
» Gandhi formed the Passive Resistance Association.
» With the help of his German friend Kallenbach, he created Tolstoy farm to house the
satyagrahis & give them away to sustain themselves.
» Tolstoy Farm was a precursor to the Gandhian ashrams in India.

Who is Satyagrahi according

to Gandhi?

A He will
satyagrahi was He was to
never bow
not to submit remain truthful,
down before
what he non-violent &
evil law or
wrong unjust law.


Masses had immense capacity to participate &

sacrifice for a cause that moved them.

He was able to unite Indians from different

classes & religions under his leadership.

He realised that leaders have to take unpopular

decisions at times.

He evolved his own leadership style &

techniques of struggle. Vision IAS 5

Gandhi ran four publications

Indian Young Navajivan Harijan

Opinion India

He was not in favour of Home Rule

agitation. (Britain was participating
in WW1)

Gandhi's Rowlatt
early movements Satyagraha
in India Rowlatt satyagraha made
Localised struggles & Gandhiji a truly national
9th Jan-1915 identification with the leader
Gandhi's return masses.
to India
Rowlatt Act also known as
• This day is celebrated as Champaran Satyagraha Anarchical & Revolutionary
Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas (1917): crimes Act, 1919
in India since 2003. • First Civil Disobedience;
• PBD 2021 Theme :- • Rajkumar Shukla
Contributing to requested Gandhiji to look It allowed detention of
Athmanirbhar Bharat. into the issues faced by political prisoners
Indigo planters. without trial for two years.
• Tinkathia system This act was met by wide
whereby European spread anger and discontent
planters forced Indian among Indians, especially in
peasants to grow Indigo the Punjab region.
on 3/20 of the total land. Vision IAS 6

Ahmedabad Mill Strike • Massacre at Jallianwala
(1918): Bagh or Massacre of
• First Hunger Strike. Amritsar-1919
• Dispute between the • General Dyer opened fire
mill owners & workers on unarmed crowd killing
over the issue of thousands;
discontinuation of the • People had gathered on
Plague bonus. Baisakhi day to protest -
against the arrest of their
leaders (Saifuddin
Kheda Satyagraha (1918): Kitchlew & Satyapal)
First Non-Cooperation.
• The authorities refused
to grant remission due Rabindranath Tagore
to crop failure. renounced his knighthood in
• Crops failed due to protest.
droughts in Kheda

Gandhi withdrew
the movement(satyagraha
against Rowlett) after this
incident. He called it. He also
Himalayan Blunder
returned the Kaiser-i-Hind
Gold medal.

Hunter commission of 1920

appointed to investigate
Jallianwala Bagh incident.

Copyright © by Vision IAS

All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior permission of Vision IAS.



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