Ballast Inspection Tool Using Seismic Surface Waves
Ballast Inspection Tool Using Seismic Surface Waves
Ballast Inspection Tool Using Seismic Surface Waves
April 19-21, 20206, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
A man-portable seismic instrument has been developed for A man-portable seismic instrument has been developed for
assessing the elastic properties of railroad ballast. The Seismic assessing the elastic properties of railroad ballast. The Seismic
Ballast Inspection Tool (SeiBIT) is based on the multi-channel Ballast Inspection Tool (SeiBIT) uses seismic surface waves to
analysis of surface waves (MASW) method and is designed to resolve the seismic properties such as shear modulus at depths
resolve the ballast properties as shallow as 1 foot (30 cm) and as shallow as 1 foot (30 cm) and up to 16 feet (5 m). The
to depths greater than 16 feet (5 m). The SeiBIT consists of a system is man-portable and can be operated by a single
seismic source and five seismic receivers – each packaged inspector. It uses a tablet computer that contains all data
independently. The system uses GPS time synchronization and acquisition and processing software. A survey can be
localization so that each unit can be placed individually on the completed in about 10 minutes including a complete analysis of
track ballast surface with no location constraints other than the data. The SeiBIT builds on the earlier work in ballast
lying on the survey line. The computer controlled seismic seismic properties by [1-3].
source can generate horizontal displacements in the in-line or
cross-line directions so that either Rayleigh or Love waves can BACGROUND
be preferentially generated (respectively). The receivers use Seismic surface waves can be classified as either Rayleigh
three-component accelerometers and 24 bit digitizers. The waves which have both vertical displacements and horizontal
entire system is controlled wirelessly via WiFi using a tablet displacements in the direction of propagation, or Love waves
computer. which have horizontal displacements perpendicular to the
After field data have been collected, Love and Rayleigh propagation direction (see Figure 1). Surface wave amplitudes
wave dispersion curves (i.e., wave velocity versus frequency) decay with depth from the surface and penetrate to a depth of
are generated from survey data, which are then inverted for about a wavelength (depending on the velocity structure of the
seismic properties (e.g., shear wave velocity and layer medium), and therefore low frequency waves are used to
thickness) using a one-dimensional model. The result is a investigate deep regions while high frequency waves sample
vertical section of properties that represent the ballast and shallower regions. In layered media, surface waves are
subgrade. Software has been created for the tablet computer for dispersive meaning that wave velocities change with frequency
wireless data acquisition, MASW analysis, and dispersion [4, 5]. Figure 2 shows calculated surface wave dispersion
curve inversion. Complete results can be obtained in minutes. curves for various hypothetical layered velocity structures. For
The system response has been assessed with MASW each layered model there are multiple Rayleigh and Love wave
experiments in both the laboratory and in the field. Preliminary dispersion curves corresponding to fundamental mode (slowest)
results of surveys on railroads indicate that the Rayleigh wave and to higher order modes. The higher order modes have cutoff
method produces expected results in clean and fouled ballasts. frequencies below which they cannot be excited and always
In future testing, the MASW results will be compared with have velocities faster than lower order modes.
other methods of measuring subsurface engineering properties
in railroad environments.
The SeiBIT consists of a seismic source and five seismic
receivers. The system components are shown in Figures 3 and
4. The source and receivers can use cleats to couple to soil and
ballast, and in some cases skid runners might be used. For the
case of railroad ballast some surfaces can be very rough or very
well compacted, and a better approach is to use coupling plates
that are attached to the ballast with lag screws and the source
and receivers are then attached to the coupling plates. The
SeiBIT system is compatible with both impulse and stepped- Figure 3. Top row: SeiBIT seismic source and drive plate.
frequency sources. The system contains a computer-controlled Center row: receiver and bottom plate. Bottom row: coupling
source to drive horizontal displacements using a forceful plates (shown upside down) can be used for very hard and/or
magnetostrictive driver that can be programmed to generate rough surfaces. Receivers magnetically attach to the coupling
impulses or drive a fixed frequency. For a standard SeiBIT plates.
survey, the source steps through a number of discrete
frequencies and separate receiver records are obtained for each
frequency. This stepped-frequency approach provides good
signal-to-noise ratios at high frequencies (above 100 Hz),
which in turn provides the shallow resolution needed for
railroad ballast surveys. Alternatively, a hammer and a strike
plate can be used which makes the systems more portable. In
some cases it may be difficult to obtain shallow resolution
when using an impulsive source because their spectral content
emphasizes lower frequencies and there is less energy at higher
frequencies (e.g., above 100 Hz, [7]). The receivers use three-
component accelerometers to sense motion in all directions.
The entire system is wireless and controlled by a tablet
computer. The system also has an integrated GPS system that
can measure the location of the receivers to within 1 cm relative
to a GPS base station – which can be a separate unit, one of the
receivers, or the source. The tablet PC has software for
controlling the system and conducting a survey, as well as data
analysis and inversion routines for calculating layered seismic
properties. The entire system has been designed to be man-
portable and easy to use.
Figure 7. Receiver data recorded by the SeiBIT system. Note FIELD TESTS
the phase offset between receivers. There are several test methods that can provide comparison
data for evaluating MASW surveys. Perhaps the easiest
the transmitter while testing. At certain excitation frequencies method is the dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) whose
it seems that the source cleats may not maintain continuous measurements can be used to estimate both shear strength and
The first field test with the SeiBIT was in an open field as
shown in Figure 6. This site was used to vet the
instrumentation, acquisition software, and analysis routines
before any work was conducted on a rail line. A stepped-
frequency survey was performed and the inversion results using
Rayleigh wave data. These results are reasonable for dry
unconsolidated sediments. When calculating the dispersion
diagrams, the receiver pair closest to the source was omitted
from the stack for frequencies less than 80 Hz to reduce near
field effects, and the farthest pair was omitted for frequencies
above 180 Hz to reduce higher order mode effects. Note also
that there is a kink in the Rayleigh wave dispersion curve at
about 160 Hz that could be due to the presence of a higher
order mode. Including Love wave data above 80 Hz increased
the misfit between the modeled and measured dispersion
curves. Love waves require a continuously increasing velocity Figure 9. Pictures of SeiBIT survey at TTCI and near
profile and it is likely that this assumption is violated in many Hickman, NE. Top: using human operator with source, center:
shallow subsurface environments. If higher order mode curves using fixed weights with source, and right: using a hammer
are to be included in the inversion, their mode number must be source at the clean ballast site.
properly identified. With such a small receiver spread (i.e. 5
receivers) the ability to resolve higher order modes is limited. A second field test was conducted on the FAST track at the
Similar results were obtained when using either cleats or lag- Transportation Technology Center near Pueblo, CO. In an
screwed mounting plates, and when using a human reaction effort to obtain ground, truth deflection data were taken at three
mass versus weight plates. locations using mechanical displacement device that records the
[6] Athanasopoulos, G., Pelekis, P., and Anagnostopoulos, [16] Widess, M., 1973. “How Thin is a Thin Bed”.
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[7] Anbazhagan, P., Indraratna, B., and Amarajeevi, G., Administration, SBIR Final Report, June 2020, 46 p.
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