Asrj 2015 v3n2 046-057
Asrj 2015 v3n2 046-057
Asrj 2015 v3n2 046-057
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ARLY J O App.Sci.Res. J Original Research Paper
2015 Vol 3 (2)
ISSN: 2354-256X
Background and Aim: The quality of a given water body is controlled by its physical,
chemical and biological factors. Physicochemical Parameters and Heavy Metals of Surface
water in downstream Kaduna River, Zungeru, Niger State, Nigeria were evaluated to develop a
baseline data on the pollution status of the water.
Method: Physicochemical Parameters and Heavy Metals of the water were determined monthly
for a period of five months (April – August, 2015) using standard methods Three study sites
were selected along the river course designated as Sites A, B, and C.
Results: The concentrations of the parameters ranged as follows: pH (5.90 – 6.80), air and water
temperatures (25.00 – 31.00 ºC), electrical conductivity (32.00 – 72.00 µS cm-1), dissolved
oxygen (3.5 – 8.2 mg L-1), biological oxygen demand (1.00 – 5.00 mg L-1), phosphate (0.06 –
1.13 mg L-1), nitrates (0.44 – 1.44 mg L-1), alkalinity (8.00 – 16.00 mg L-1), transparency (36.00
– 40. 00 m), manganese (0.03 - 0.70 mg L-1), Iron (2.00 – 3.80 mg L-1), zinc (0.04 – 0.35 mg L-
), and copper (0.01 - -0.07 mg L-1). There was no record of lead detected throughout the time of
the study. Anaysis of Variance (ANOVA) calculated for the parameters showed that there was
no significant difference (P > 0.05) in all the physicochemical parameters sampled among the
sampling Sites, except for the air surface temperature. Linear correlation among temperature,
conductivity, DO, and phosphates revealed that the water quality deteriorated increasingly as the
water traveled from the upper reaches (Site A) down to the lower reaches (Site C). Most of the
physicochemical parameters – pH, surface water temperatures, conductivity, BOD, phosphates,
and nitrates were within the recommended limits for survival of aquatic organisms. However, the
values of DO and transparency fell outside these limits. Data obtained for heavy metals showed
that Manganese (Mn) and Iron (Fe) were above the maximum contaminant levels
Conclusion: Based on the extremely high values of Mn and Fe, the waters of Kaduna River is
therefore, declared unfit for human consumption as this may lead to Fe and Mn related illnesses,
therefore posing potential risk of bio-magnification for inhabitants that depend on the river. We
therefore advocate proper surveillance as a tool for monitoring anthropogenic (human) activities
in order to ensure minimized effects on these parameters of Kaduna River.
The vegetation reflects that of savannah zone, meters from site A and site C is another 3
dominated by grass but with scattered trees. meters away from site B (Fig 1.1 &1.2).
For the purpose of this study, the river was
divided into 3 study sites. Site A is located at
the upstream of the sampling site, site B at 3
Table 1: Physicochemical parameters of water samples collected from Kaduna River, Zungeru from April to August, 2015.
Sampled Sites
Parameters Site A Site B Site B P value WHO (2004) NESREA
Table 2: Heavy metals of water samples collected from Kaduna River, Zungeru from April to August, 2015.
Sampled Sites
Parameters Site A Site B Site C P value WHO (2004) USEPA
Manganese (mg L-1) 0.15±0.03 0.19±0.50 0.26±0.22 0.88 0.4
(0.11-0.20) (0.03-0.50) (0.04-0.70)
Iron (mg L-1) 2.25±0.22 3.66±0.08 2.33±0.19 0.001 0.03
(2.0-2.70) (3.54-3.80) (2.10-2.70)
Zinc (mg L-1) 0.06±0.015 0.12±0.02 0.29±0.06 0.01 3
(0.04-0.09) (0.10-0.16) (0.18-0.35)
Copper (mg L-1) 0.02±0.01 0.04±0.01 0.04±0.01 0.43
(0.01-0.03) (0.02-0.06) (0.03-0.07)
Lead (mg L-1) 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.01
(0.00-0.00) (0.00-0.00) (0.00-0.00)
1 a
Data are the means ± SE of triplicate determinations with minimum and maximum values in parenthesis. indicates
significantly calculated P value detected by ANOVA.
due to higher rate of decomposition of Nitrate and phosphates can reach both
organic matter at higher temperatures. This surface water and groundwater as a
also corroborated with Umeham (1992), consequence of agricultural activities
who observed that organic matter from (including excess application of inorganic
increased weed decomposition within lake nitrogenous fertilizers and manures),
water and domestic sewage increased the wastewater disposal and from oxidation of
biological oxygen demand. The present nitrogenous waste products in human and
values were within acceptable limits animal excreta, including septic tanks
prescribed by the World Health (Where latrines and septic tanks are poorly
Organization, (WHO, 2004). sited, these can lead to contamination of
drinking-water sources with nitrate)
Electrical conductivity is the normalized (Umeham and Elekwa, 2005). The
measure of the water’s ability to conduct concentrations of nitrates recorded in this
electric current. This is mostly influenced by study were very low for primary
dissolved salts such as sodium chloride and productivity, since the concentrations did
potassium chloride (SIT, 2008). The sources not fall within the range recommended by
of conductivity may be an abundance of Beadle (1981), who observed that nitrate-
dissolved salts due to poor irrigation, nitrogen range of 9.8- 49 mg L-1 is required
minerals from rain water run-offs, or other for more production in lakes of Africa. This
discharges. Generally, the conductivity low nitrate level of River Kaduna might be
levels measured in this study were far below linked to dearth of significant farming
the maximum contamination levels (MCL) activities around the sites. This corroborated
of WHO (2004). The generally low the study of Yakubu et al. (2014) on the
conductivity levels indicated low dissolved assessment of the water quality parameters
salts in the study Sites. Higher mean of Agaie/Lapai dam in Niger State, Nigeria.
conductivity values of 60.00 and 62.00 µS The low nitrates level might as well be
cm-1 were observed for Sites A and B, attributed to high photosynthetic activities
respectively. This could be as a result of by aquatic plants since the vegetation of the
dissolved solutes from decaying organic study sites vegetation reflected that of
materials deposited at these sites form savannah zone, dominated by grass but with
surface run-offs. Conductivity levels below scattered trees. This is similar to the findings
50 µS cm-1 are regarded as low; those of Akponine and Ugwumba (2014) on the
between 50 µS cm-1 to 600 µS cm-1 are physico-chemical parameters and heavy
medium, while those above 600 µS cm-1 are metal contents of Ibuya River in old
high conductivity levels (Umeham and National Park, Sepeteri, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Elekwa, 2005). The mean conductivity level The overall mean values of phosphates
of 57.07 µS cm-1 for the three sites might recorded (0.40 mg L-1) were generally low
have placed this River Kaduna as portable when compared to the standard of 3.2 to 630
water. The mean conductivity level of 57.07 mg L-1 recommended by Beadle (1981), and
µS cm-1 also fell within the range of inland this could also be attributed to same dearth
waters. Transparency values recorded during of significant farming activities around the
the research were within the range reported study sites. It could also be due to dilution
by Kemdirim (1990) who stated that the and movement of water which could not
recommended range for transparency is allow aquatic sedimentation and decay of
between 11.0cm-108.5cm for productive organic matter. The studies of Yakubu et al.
waters. (2014) and Ojutiku and Kolo (2011) in
Nigerian water bodies corroborated this other aquatic organisms either through direct
present study. Meanwhile, phosphates drainage or atmospheric deposition.
concentrations decreased as from the water
moves from Site A through Site C, and this Copper (Cu) is an essential substance to
could be attributed to the impact of human life, but chronic exposure to
anthropogenic activities that were more contaminant drinking water with Cu can
evident and increased from Site A through result in the development of anemia, liver
Site C. and kidney damage (Madsen, et al., 1990;
Bent and Bohm, 1995). On the other hand,
Metal levels in the three sites existed in the lack of copper intake causes anemia, growth
order Fe >Mn>Zn >Cu >Pb. Lead (Pb) was inhibition, and blood circulation problems
not detected at all. Similar result was also (Jennings, et. al., 1996). Zn is present in
observed by Khan, et al. (1998) in Ganga- large amounts in natural water (USEPA,
Brahamputra-Meghna Estuary. The mean 2010). The mean concentrations of 0.03 mg
concentration of Mn in this study was 2.0 L-1 and 0.16 mg L-1 for Cu and Zn,
mg L-1. In all the sampled sites, Mn was respectively, were far below the MCL of
found to be higher than 0.01 mg L-1 WHO (2004) and USEPA (2010). Pb was
recommended limit for Mn in drinking water not detected at all in all the sampled sites.
(USEPA, 2010). The waters of River Exposure to lead is cumulative over time.
Kaduna is therefore, declared unfit for High concentrations of lead in the body can
human consumption as this would lead to cause death or permanent damage to the
Mn related illnesses. Adoption of adequate central nervous system, the brain, and
measures to remove this Mn load is kidneys (Jennings et. al., 1996). This
necessary to avoid further deterioration of damage commonly results in behavior and
the river water quality. River Kaduna is learning problems (such as hyperactivity),
contaminated by Fe. The mean value of 2.73 memory and concentration problems, high
mg L-1 recorded in this study exceeded the blood pressure, hearing problems,
maximum contamination level (MCL) of < headaches, slowed growth, reproductive
0.03 and <0.3 recommended by WHO problems in men and women, digestive
(2004) and USEPA (2010), respectively. problems, muscle and joint pain. Studies on
The high concentrations of Fe in the lead are numerous because of its hazardous
sediment had no identifiable point source effects (Salem et al., 2000). Lead is
discharge rather than lithological or crustal considered the number one health threat to
origin. This may also be linked to the fact children, and the effects of lead poisoning
that River Kaduna and its tributaries is can last a lifetime. Not only does lead
surrounded by high concentration of poisoning stunt a child’s growth, damage the
industries and factories such as nervous system, and cause learning
petrochemical plants, battery factory, disabilities, but also it is now linked to crime
fertilizer and pesticides factory as well as and anti-social behavior in children (Salem
Defense Industrial Corporation (DIC) base et al., 2000).
in Kaduna town. These factories including
household and sewage waste constitute Conclusion and Recommendations
potential sources of Iron (Fe+) and other
There was linear correlation among
heavy metals which might be transported in
temperature, conductivity, DO, and
large volumes that could reach fish and
phosphates, and this correlation revealed
that, due to anthropogenic activities, the
water quality deteriorated increasingly as the comments that greatly improved the
water traveled from Site A to Site B. The manuscript.
physicochemical parameters – pH, surface
and water temperatures, conductivity, BOD, Author’s Contributions:
phosphates, and nitrates were within the UNK and FOA designed the study,
limits recommended by USEPA (2010) and performed the statistical analysis and wrote
FEPA (1991) for survival of aquatic the draft of the manuscript. SMA did the
organisms, as well as WHO (2004) for sample collection and analysis while AVA
drinking purposes. However, the values of managed the literature searches and heavy
DO and transparency fell outside these metal analysis. All authors read and
limits. Data obtained for heavy metals approved the final manuscript.
showed that Mn and Fe were above the
maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) of References
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FOA is highly appreciated. Further Hydrobiologia 379:145.
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in the Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger water, sediment and periwinkle
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Shamsiyat, Hamdallah, Henry Ebuka and from the Elechi creek, Niger Delta.
Babawachiko for the laboratory and field African journal of Biotechnology, 5:
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