Geotechnical Formulas

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Index and Classification Properties of Soils

Unit weight :  W 

Gs γ w
Dry unit weight : d =
1+ e
Moist unit weight :  = dry  1 + 
(Gs + e) γ w
Saturated unit weight: sat =
1+ e
Zero air void unit weight: MOIST H2
Gsγ w
zav = G.W.T.
1+ e
Moisture content (water content)
  SATURATED
ωG s
Degree of saturation : s =
Porosity : n = Phases of Soil
1+ e
Air void ratio = n (1 – s)
G.W.T. = ground water table
where : W = total weight
V = volume
Gs = specific gravity
e = void ratio
w = unit weight of water
= 9.81 kN/m3 ( 1gram/cm3 )

Relative density ( Density index ) Soil Characteristic Liquidity Index

brittle solid <0
emax - e plastic <1
Dr = or
emax - emin liquid >1
1/  d min -1/  d
Dr =
1/  d min -1/  d max Shrinkage Ratio : S.R.

e = in-situ void ratio m2

S.R. =
emax = void ratio in loosest condition V2 ρw
emin = void ratio in densest condition Specific Gravity: Gs
d = dry unit weight in the field
d(max) = dry unit weight in densest condition 1
Gs =
d(min) = dry unit weight in loosest condition 1 SL
SR 100
Shrinkage limit : S.L.
(m1 - m2 ) (V1 - V2 )
S.L. = - ρw in %
m2 m2
m1 = initial mass in saturated state SOIL CLASSIFICATION
m2 = final mass in dry state
V1 = initial volume in saturated state U.S. Dept of Agriculture (USDA Method)
V2 = final volume in dry state Gravel Sand Silt Clay
> 2 mm 2 to 0.05mm 0.05 to 0.002mm < 0.002 mm
Plasticity Index : P.I.
P.I. = L.L. - P.L. AASHTO Method
L.L. = liquid limit Gravel Sand Silt Clay
P.L. = plastic limit 76.2 to 2mm 2 to 0.075mm 0.075 to 0.002mm < 0.002 mm

Liquidity Index : L.I.

ω - P.L. Unified Soil Classification System
L.I. = Gravel Sand Fines (Silt & Clay)
76.2 to 4.75 mm 4.75 to 0.075 mm < 0.075 mm
 = in-situ moisture content
P.L. = plastic limit
P.I. = plasticity index

Consistency Index : C.I.

L.L. - ω
C.I. =
L.L. - P.I.
Particle Size Distribution SOIL COMPACTION

Effective Size, D10

Compaction – is the densification of soils by
- is the diameter in the particle size
the application of mechanical energy. It may
distirbution curve corresponding to 10%
also involve a modification of the water
content as well as gradation of the soil.

Uniformity coefficient, Cu
Some methods for determining density of
Cu = 60 soil in the field:

1. Sand Cone Method

Coefficient of gradation or curvature, Cc 2. Balloon Method
(D30 ) 2
Cc = 3. Oil Method
D60 • D10
D30 = particle diameter corresponding to 30% finer To determine the dry unit weight of
D60 = particle diameter corresponding to 60% finer compaction in the field:
dry unit weight excavated from the hole
Sorting Coefficient, So  d =
volume of the hole
So =
D25 W -W
Volume of hole, V = s c
D75 = particle diameter corresponding to 75% finer  d ( sand )
D25 = particle diameter corresponding to 25% finer Ws = weight of sand to fill the hole and cone
Wc = weight of sand to fill the cone only
AASHTO Classification System
Relative Compaction, R
Group Index, G.I.
= (F – 35)[ 0.2 + 0.005(LL – 40)] + 0.01(F – 15)(PI – 10)  d ( field )
 d (max -lab)
Partial Group Index d(field) = compacted field dry unit weight
= 0.01(F – 15)(PI – 10) d(max-lab) = maximum dry unit weight
determined in the laboratory by Proctor
F = % passing sieve # 200 Test
LL = liquid limit
PI = plasticity index

Group index must be whole and positive, if the

computed value is negative use zero. If the group
classification is A-2-6 & A-2-7 attached Partial
Group Index only.
Absolute Permeability, K

Coefficient of Permeability, k γw
( Laboratory Test) k = coefficient of permeability
QL  = viscosity of water
Constant Head Test : k =
Ah t w = unit weight of water
Q = volume of water collected
A = area of cross section of soil specimen Transmissibilty of Soil Stratum, T
t = duration of water collection T=Kb
h K = average coefficient of permeability
i = hydraulic gradient = b = thickness of aquifer

a L h1 Equivalent Coefficient of Permeability in

Falling Head Test: k = ln
A t h2 Layered Soil:
a = cross-sectional area of the stand pipe
A = cross-sectional area of soil specimen
t = duration of water collection k1 H1
h1 = initial head when t1 = 0
h2 = final head when t2 = t
k2 H2
L = length of soil specimen
h h2
i = hydraulic gradient = 1

Rate of water flow in soil, Q Equivalent Horizontal Coeffient, KH(eq)

KH (eq) = (k1H1 + k2H2 + … + knHn)

Equivalent Vertical Coefficient, KV(eq)

k = coefficient of permeability
i = hydraulic gradient KV(eq) =
H1 H2 H
A = cross-sectinal area of soil sample + + ... + n
k k2 kn

Discharge velocity, V

Seepage velocity, Vs
Vs =
n = porosity
Vertical Stresses in Soil Compressibility of Soil

A Settlement – the total vertical deformation at

the surface resulting from the load. When a soil
Dry, d deposit is loaded (by a structure or a man-made
B G.W.T. fill) deformation will occur. The movement may be
downward with an increase in load or upward
h2 Saturated, sat (called swelling) with a decrease in load.

1. Total stress at C : c = d h1 + sat h2

2. Pore water pressure at C : uc = w h2 S
3. Effective stress at C = Total stress – Pore pressure
c’ = cuc

Dry, d
B G.W.T.
h Components of Settlement:
h2 Saturated, sat
S = S1 + S2 + S3

S = total settlement
1. Total stress at C : c = d h1 + sat h2
S1 = immediate or distortion settlement
2. Pore water pressure at C : uc = w h
S2 = primary consolidation settlement
3. Effective stress at C = Total stress – Pore pressure
c’ = cuc S3 = secondary consolidation settlement

A Primary Consolidation Settlement, S2

Normally Consolidated Clays
Dry, d CcH P + ΔP
B S2 = log o
1 + e0 Po
Cc = compression index
Moist, 
h2 zone of capillary rise eo = in-situ void ratio
Degree of saturation, S
C G.W.T. Po = effective overburden pressure at the
middle of the clay layer
1. Total stress at C : c = d h1 + h2 P = average increase of stress on clay layer
B = d h1 H = thickness of clay layer
2. Pore water pressure at C : uB = -S w h2
uc = 0
3. Effective stress at C = Total stress – Pore pressure
c’ = cuc
B’ = BuB)

Over – Consolidated Clays Compression Index, Cc

1. when Po + P < Pc Cc = 0.009 (LL -10) remolded clays
C sH P + ΔP e1 - e 2
S2 = log o Cc =
1 + e0 Po P
log 2
Cs = swell index P1
= ranges from 1/5 to 1/10 of Cc Coefficient of Compressibility, av
Pc = preconsolidation pressure e1 - e 2
av =
P2 - P1
2. when Po + P > Pc Coefficient of Volume Compressibility, mv
C sH P CH P + ΔP
S2 = log c + c log o av
1 + e0 Po 1 + e 0 Pc mv =
1 + e ave

Secondary Consolidation Settlement, S3 Time Rate of Consolidation, t

t2 open open
S3 = C’a H log
t1 Hdr
Ca H Hdr
C’a =
1 + ep
Ca = open closed
log 2 Cv t
t1 Tv =
Ca = secondary compression index H2 dr
ep = void ratio at the end of primary consolidation Cv = coefficient of consolidation
= eo - e Tv = time factor
Po + ΔP Hdr = drainage distance of water
e = Cc log
Preconsolidation Pressure, Pc
t1 = time for completion of primary consolidation
t2 = time after completion of primary
consolidation OCR =
Immediate Settlement, S1 OCR = overconsolidation ratio
Pc = preconsolidation pressure
(1 - μ2 ) Po = soil overburden pressure
S1 = Cs q B
Cs = shape and foundation rigidity factor
q = pressure due to load
B = width of foundation or diameter of circular
 = Poisson’s ratio of soil
Es = modulus of elasticity of soil

Bearing Capacity of Foundations Case 2: the water table is located at the bottom
of the foundation

Terzaghi’s Bearing-Capacity

Ultimate Bearing Capacity, qult

A. General Shear Failure (Dense sand and Stiffclay)
1. Square Footing
qult = 1.3c Nc + q Nq + 0.4  B N G.W.T.
2. Circular Footing
qult = 1.3c Nc + q Nq + 0.3  B N sat - w

c = cohesion Case 3: the water table is located so that d < B
q = effective pressure at the bottom of the
B = width of footing or diameter of footing
Nc Nq Nbearing capacity factors

Bearing Capacity Factors

1. see Tables
2. If no table available
Nc = (Nq – 1) cot 
Nq = e tan 
tan (45 +
2 1
N= (Nq + 1) tan 1.4   γdry (d) + γ (B - d) 
Modification of  value in the 3rd term of the  sat - w

ultimate bearing capacity equation:

Case 4: the water table is located so that d > B
Case 1: the water table is located above the
bottom of the foundation



 dry
sat - w

Shear Strength of Soil

Unconfined Compression Test Method
Normal Force
Direct Shear Test Method
 Shear Force


 c
 

 = angle of internal friction

c = cohesion c
= 0 if normally consolidated clay
= normal stress
 = shearing stress
Tri-Axial Test Method 
deviator stress

Unconsolidated - Undrained Test Method

 


 
 c 

 deviator stress

 deviator stress 

cu = undrained shear strength

3 = chamber confining pressure, cell pressure
= minor principal stress
1 = major principal stress
 = deviator stress

Lateral Earth Pressure Pressure diagram due to water:

v s = unit weight of soil


h = k v

v = vertical pressure at depth z

h = lateral pressure at depth z
k = coefficient of lateral earth pressure
Pressure diagram due to surcharge:

Lateral Earth Pressure on Retaining Wall with

Horizontal Backfill

At rest earth pressure coefficient, ko

(normally consolidated soil)
ko = 1 – sin  angle of internal friction

Rankine active earth pressure, ka
1 - sin 
ka =
 + sin 

Rankine passive earth pressure, kp

1 + sin  Pressure diagram due to cohesion of soil:
kp =
 - sin 

Pressure diagram due to effective unit weight of

Braced Sheetings Piles on Clay
Cuts in Sand  method

End bearing capacity

Qb = C Nc Atip
hinge Frictional capcity
Qf =  CPL
C = cohesion of soil
Nc = bearing capacity factor
Pa= 0.65  ka H
Atip = area of plie at the tip
 = adhesion factor
 Qb
Cuts in Clay when >4 P = perimeter of pile
L = length of pile
0.25 H
Qb + Qf
assumed Design Load : Qall =
hinge F.S.
 method Qall

End bearing capacity

Pa= H – 4C Qb = C Nc Atip

 Frictional capcity
Cuts in Clay when <4
C Qf = PL (Qv + 2C )

0.25 H area of Pv diagram Qf

Qv = L
assumed L

0.25 H Qb Pv diagram

Pa= 0.3 H
Qb + Qf
Design Load : Qall =
ka = Rankine active pressure coefficient F.S.
C = cohesion of clay
 = unit weight of soil
H = depth of cut
Piles on Sand Qall Drilled Piles on Clay


Dc 1.5 m

Qf L1 L


Qb Pv diagram

End bearing capacity Qb
Qb = Pv Nq Atip End bearing capacity
Qb = qp Atip
Frictional capcity
Qf = P ( area of Pv diagram ) K  L1 + L2
qp = 6C [ 1 + 0.2 ] but not greater than CNc
Qb + Qf
Design Load : Qall = Db = bell diameter
Ds = shaft diameter

Pv = vertical soil pressure at the tip Frictional capcity

Nq = bearing capacity factor Qf =   C P L
K = coef of lateral bet pile and sand earth
pressure factor  = adhesion factor
 = tan  = 0 for the top 1.5 m and diameter Ds above
 = angle of friction bet pile and sand the bottom of the drilled shaft or above the top
of the bell.
Critical Depth, Dc P = perimeter of pile
i. Dc = 20 x diameter of pile for dense sand L = effective length of pile that resist friction
ii. Dc = 10 x diameter of pile for loose sand
Qb + Qf
Note : The pressure below the critical depth, Dc Design Load : Qall =
is assumed to be uniform.
Drilled Piles on Sand Group of Piles
Qall Efficiency of Group of Piles, Eg

L Qf

Converse – Labarre Equation:

θ [(n - 1) m + (m - 1) n]
Eg = 1 -
90 m n
End bearing capacity Bowles :
Qb = qp Atip 2 ( m + n - 2) S + 4D
Eg =
πD m n
a. Nvalue < 50 m = number of rows of piles
qp = 57.5 Nvalue < 2900 kPa n = number of piles in a row
b. Nvalue > 50 D
tan  =
qp = 0.59[ Nvalue ( a )]0.8
Pvb D = diameter of pile
Pa = 100 kPa S = spacing of piles center to center
Pvb = effective vertical pressure at base elevation
Settlement of Piles
Frictional capcity : Qf =   Pv P L
a. Nvalue  15 Se = Se1 + Se2 + Se3
 = 1.5 – n (z)0.5 (drilled on sand)
 = 2 – 0.15 (z)0.5 (drilled on gravel) Elastic Settlement of Pile, Se1
b. Nvalue  15 (Qw p + ξ Qw s ) L
N Se1 =
 = value [ 1.5 – n (z)0.5 ] ApEp
Qwp = load carried at the pile point under working
Pv = effective vertical overburden pressure at
load condition
depth z.
Qws = load carried by frictional resistance under
z = height from ground surface to mid-height of a
working load condition
given layer
Ap = cross sectional area of pile
n = 0.245
L = length of pile
P = perimeter of pile
L = length of pile

Settlement of Pile caused by the Load at the Pile Settlement of Group of Piles
Tip , Se2

qwp D
Se2 = (1 - s2 ) Iwp
qwp =
Es = modulus of elasticity of soil
s = Poisson’s ratio of soil
Iwp = influence factor

Settlement of Pile caused by the Load

transmitted along of the pile shaft , Se3

Qw s D
Se3 = (1 - s2 ) Iws
Iws = 2 + 0.35

P = perimeter of pile
CcH P + ΔP
L = length of pile S= Σ log o
1 + eo Po
Iws = influence factor
D = diameter of pile
Cc = compression index
H = thickness of clay layer
eo = initial void ratio
P = average increase in pressure on clay
Po = effective overburden pressure at the mid-
height of the clay layer

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