Circ20 2000

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Corporate Communications Office
17tl' Fir. City State Centre Building
# 709 Shaw Boulevard, Pasig City Tel. 637-6262
I N6~ series of 2000

TO All National Health Insurance Progra1~ (NHIP) members,

National Government Agencies, Local Government Units,.

I Government-Owned and/ or Contrail d Corporations, Self-

Governing Bodies, State Colleges and }Jniversities,

Constitutional Offices, Private Sector Employers Including
Household Employers, Accredited Comecting Banks and All

I , __ I
SUBJECT Policies on National Health Insurance 1. rogranl. (NHIPI
premiums erroneouslv• remitted by emMovers I members to
I •

the Social Security System (SSS) after uhe turnover of

I collection function to PhilHealth

I DATE July 12, 2000

IN order to address the confusion affecting members and employers as a result of payments of
premium contribution made to the Social Security System (SSS) after the turnover of collection
function to this Corporation, the following policies / guidelines are hereby issued:

I. Treatment of NHIP Premiums paid to the SSS after July 1, 1999

I The Corporation shall not credit NHIP premium payments erroneously re1TJitted to the SSS
after July 1, 1999. Hence, employers / members are required to pay PhilHealth through its
Accredited Collecting Banks (ACEs) such premium contributions tha were i:l.advertently paid
I to SSS as mentioned above.

I In correcting such erroneous payments, the employer / member may not include payments
for penalties, pending resolution of the issue on whether or not such ~ayments shall be treated
as late payments. Employers I members may inc.luire from the sss w:r· th regard to the refund

I of their erroneous payment.

II. Treatment of NHIP Premiums paid prior to July 1, 1999 but apricable for July 1999
and onwards I.



Employers / members who paid their NHIP premiums to the SSS p1iot to the turnover
covering the second quartet of 1999 and onwards shall not be required! to repay their premium
contributions since these were presumed to have been remitted to Pl-illHealth by the SSS.

\ · .... 1

III. Eligibility to NHIP Benefits

For purposes of determining benefit eligiblity, NHIP contributions remit ed to ::he SSS prior
to July 1, 1999 regardless of period coverage shall be presumed to be included in the
remittances forwarded by the SSS to PhilHealth. Hence, members who dan show proofs of
payments to the SSS prior to the turnover are considered eligible for NHIP benefits.

For thooe who erroneouoly paid their NHIP premium contribution to thj SSS a"ter the
tur~over, their eli?ib~ty to av_ail of the,.,benefits shall not be affe~te~ pw+ded they shall p~y
thett NHIP contr1butwns until August .J 1, 2000. Failure to pay w1tlun the reglementary penod
may affect a member's benefit availment eligibility

Please be guided accordingly.

President and CEO

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