Mapeh 9 1ST QUARTER 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Depart of Education


SY 2022-2023
NAME: ________________________ SECTION:_______________ SCORE:__________
I. Multiple Choice: Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer
and write on the space provided before the number.
_____ 1. Vocal music that form of sacred musical compositions that sets texts of the Eucharistic Liturgy
into music.
A. choral B. fugue C. madrigal D. mass
_____ 2 Which of the following period is looking back to the Golden age of Greece and Rome?
A. Ancient B. Baroque C. Medieval D. Renaissance
_____ 3. Which of the following period that the Christian influenced Europe’s culture and political affairs.
A. Ancient B. Baroque C. Medieval D. Renaissance
_____ 4. Who was the famous composers of Baroque period taught to play Violin by his father?
A. Bach B. Handel C. Morley D. Palestrina
_____ 5. In what language used the selection written in the mass of Renaissance?
A. English B. Greek C. Latin D. Spanish
_____ 6. What is the Texture of Baroque music?
A. Heptatonic B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic
_____ 7. Baroque music is known for its grandiose and elaborate ornamentation. Which of the following
Baroque music forms was developed through imitative counterpoint?
A. Concerto B. Chorale C. Fugue D. Oratorio
_____ 8. Identify the composers of the Fire, Fire My Heart?
A. Handel B. Morley C. Palestrina D. Vivaldi
_____ 9. Refers to the extended musical setting of sacred music.
A. Chorale B. Fugue C. Madrigal D. Oratorio
_____ 10. There are five main section of the mass which of the following is the only section of mass with
Greek text?
A. Agnus dei B. Gloria C. Kyrie D. Sanctus
_____11. Which of the following period uses the neumatic style?
A. Ancient B. Baroque C. Medieval D. Renaissance
_____12. In the Gregoriant chant, Which text setting style was used?
A. melismatic B. neumatic C. notes D. syllabic
_____13. Why Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina is considered the greatest master of Roman Catholic
A. because majority of his compositions are sacred
B. because he works most famous composers of secular
C. because he is the oldest secular composers
D. because he was a singer in the local Cathedral
_____14. Which of the following materials can be used in the creation of chorale?
I. Rock II. Plastic bottle III. Piano IV. Guitar
A. I & II B. I & III C. II & IV D. III & IV
_____15. Based on the song Gregorian chant , Identify the characteristics used.
A. Heptatonic, Free meter, Modal C. Monophonic, Free meter, modal
B. Homophonic,, 4/4, modal D. Polyphonic, 4/4, Modal

_____16. What paintings were found inside the caves which may have been their way of communicating
with each other?
A. Ancient B. Greek C. Pre historic D. Roman
_____17. Based on the Ancient Egypt paintings, what are the style used?
A. highly stylized, symbolic, shows profile view of an animal or a person
B. religious or ceremonial purposes more an artefact
C. small, single-pierce
D. uses method frescos or tempera or encaustic
_____18. Which of the following paintings were copied or imitated from Hellenic Greek paintings.
A. Greek B. Panel C. Roman D. Tomb/wall
_____19. Who was the painter of the Fresco from the Villa of Mysteries?
A. Gothic manuscript B. Pompei C. Saint Clemente, Tanull D. San Vitale, Ravena
_____20. It is an art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of colored
glass, stones or other materials.
A. architecture B. mosaic C. painting D. sculpture
_____21. Which of the following materials can be used in mosaic making?
1. Paper 2. Egg shell 3. Seeds 4. Rocks
A. 1, 2 B. 1, 4 C. 1, 2, 3, D. 1, 3
_____22. What pyramid are the most substantial ancient structures of the world?
A. Giza B. Khafa C. Khufu D. Menkaura
_____23. Characteristics of Egyptian Architecture is significant events like solstices come from the latin
word ‘Sol ‘Meaning?
A. page B. stop C. stoppage D. sun
_____24. This architecture is made of huge stone blocks and intended for burial.
A. Giza B. megaliths C. Parthenon D. Tomb
_____25. What is the purpose of the Egyptian paintings?
A. for their daughter/son’s life will be pleasant
B. to have a wonderful life for the next generation
C. to make deceased afterlife place pleasant
D. will be pleasant their life before and after their death
_____26. A sculpture of a lady with the hood
A. Brassempouy B. Discobulus C. Nefertiti D. Willemdorf
_____27. Most Roman sculptures are made of?
A. Ivory B. Marble C. Stone D. Terra –cotta
_____28. The dominant themes in Byzantine sculptures are;
I. Religious, everyday life scenes, motifs from nature
II. Mythological, religious significance
III. Reliquaries, altar frontals, crucifixes
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I. II, III
_____29. The best known and most elaborate of all Sarcophagus, it depicts battle scenes between
Romans and Germans.
A. Last Judgment C. The Barberini Diptych
B. Sarcophagus, from servetiri D. The Portonacio Sarcophagus
_____30. The most common materials used for sculptures are;
I. Wood II. Ivory III. Stones IV. Marble
A. I, II B. II, III, IV C. I, II, III, D. I, II, IV

_____31. An immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill.
A. Aider B. First aid C. First aider D. Patient
_____32. What injury of the ligament, the band of connective tissues that joins the end of one bone with
A. Fracture B. Knee C. Sprain D. Strains
_____33. What is the reason why some people have difficulty in gaining weight?
A. because of a higher than normal basal metabolic rate or higher physical activity level
B. because of increasing exercise and decreasing calorie intake
C. because of manipulated between calories consumed and calories expended
D. because they consume three snacks per day

_____34. What is meaning of the acronym R.I.C.E in first aid?

A. Rise, Injured, Compress, Elevation
B. Rise, Injured, Compression, Elevation
C. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
D. Rest, Injured, Compress, Elevation
_____35. How to gain weight?
1. Focus on gaining muscle and not to fat weight
2. Consume more frequent meals with healthy snacks
3. Manipulate between calories consumed and calories expended
4. Involves a negative energy balance
A. 1, 4 B. 2, 4 C. 1, 2, 3 D. 1, 3
_____36. Which of this is an example of injury that response to heat characterized by fatigue, weakness
and collapse due to inadequate intake of water to compensate for loss of fluids during
A. Fracture B. Heat exhaustion C. Sprains D. Strains
_____37. In the computation for your THR (Target Heart Rate) if moderate is 40-55%, How about in
vigorous activity?
A. 60-75% B. 60-85% C. 60-95% D. 60-100%
_____38. These are the Dynamic Stretching Exercises EXCPET ONE.
A. back pedal B. Cariocas C. Jogging D. squats
_____39. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes. Sports
officials do not have the luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body, what’s the best
drink to take?
A. Energy drinks B. Softdrinks C. Sports drink D. Water
_____40. In games which require the official to run continuously, what fitness component should the
official to possess?
A. Balance B. Endurance C. Power D. Strength
_____41. What is the BEST value that a sports official must possess?
A. Fairness B. Punctuality C. Unjust D. All of the above
_____42. Aside from improper eating habits, what habit also causes diabetes?
A. Environment B. Genetics C. Jogging D. Sedentary lifestyle
_____43. Officiating has a high physical demand, especially in sports like basketball, volleyball and
combative sports. What should the referee do PRIOR in doing his/her officiating task?
A. Dynamic stretching C. Static Stretching
B. Immediately proceed with officiating D. Warm-up
_____44. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our community?
A. Reduces the ease of delinquent youth in the community
B. Save money during sports competition
C. Train youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports official
D. All of the above
_____45. Sports official s mostly used their arms for signaling. What fitness components will be
developed with this regular movement?
A. Cardio-vascular endurance C. Muscular endurance
B. Flexibility D. Muscular strength

_____46. Which best described a community health programs?

A. it maintains, protects and improves the health of all members
B. it maintains and improves the health of all members of the community through organized
and sustained community efforts.
C. it protects and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and
sustained community efforts.
D. it maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community
_____47. Which does not describe a healthy community?
A. a clean and safe environment
B. an environment that meets everyone’s basic needs
C. an environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone
D. an environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities

_____48. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy environment?

A. less disease, less health care costs
B. active community involvement
C. more budget for health problems, increased supply of medicines
D. more community projects for community development
_____49. Which of the following problems is a leading cause of environmental destruction/.
A. deforestation B. illegal mining C. oil spill D. soil erosion
_____50. What environmental problem reduces the ability of soil to store water and support plant growth?
A. deforestation B. illegal mining C. oil spill D. soil erosion
_____51. What environmental problem does effect of the Guimaras long ago?
A. deforestation B. flash floods C. improper waste disposal D. water pollution
_____52. Which is NOT an effect of climate change?
A. dead tress from oil spillage
B. economic losses
C. increased risk of drought, fire and floods
D. more health related illness and disease
_____53. Which of the following environmental problems causes Climate change?
A. deforestation B. Flash flood C. pollution D. oil spill
_____54. Which of the following programs of the Department of Health promotes community health/
A. Child health care C. primary health care
B. Control of communicable diseases D. maternal health
_____55. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community development?
A. to attain luxury of life
B. to keep the safety of the community
C. to live in a clean, safe, and comfortable home
D. to maintain an enjoy lifestyle.
_____56. The following statements are the effects of Climate Change, except one:
A. Kills tress if soil reaches the roots C. More health related illness and disease
B. Increase risk of drought, fire and floods D. Economic loses
_____57. Which basic method of Refuse Disposal is the next step after storage?
A. Burning C. Collection
B. Climate Change D. Final Disposal
_____58. Which best describe s the value acquired having a healthy environment?
A. Active community involvement
B. Less disease, less health care cost
C. More budget on health problems, increase supply of medicines
D. More community projects in the community development
_____59. Primary health care is an approach launched by Department of Health, which is not part of
the services given by the PHC?
A. Blood Pressure Screening C. Provisions of Free Medicines
B. Inspections of Food Establishments D. Road Safety
_____60. Which service is given by Maternal Health Care unit in your community?
A. Control of Diarrheal Disease C. Provisions on Free Medicine
B. Post-Natal D. Tooth Extraction

Prepared by: Noted by:

Subject Teacher Master Teacher I

Further Noted by:

MT-II/Secondary Principal I

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