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A Review of Thermochemical Energy Storage Systems
for Power Grid Support
Girolama Airò Farulla 1, *, Maurizio Cellura 1,2 , Francesco Guarino 1 and Marco Ferraro 2
1 Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze Ed.9, 90128 Palermo, Italy; (M.C.); (F.G.)
2 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Energia “Nicola Giordano”,
via S. Lucia sopra Contesse 5, 98126 Messina, Italy;
* Correspondence:

Received: 26 March 2020; Accepted: 17 April 2020; Published: 30 April 2020 

Abstract: Power systems in the future are expected to be characterized by an increasing penetration
of renewable energy sources systems. To achieve the ambitious goals of the “clean energy
transition”, energy storage is a key factor, needed in power system design and operation as well
as power-to-heat, allowing more flexibility linking the power networks and the heating/cooling
demands. Thermochemical systems coupled to power-to-heat are receiving an increasing attention
due to their better performance in comparison with sensible and latent heat storage technologies,
in particular, in terms of storage time dynamics and energy density. In this work, a comprehensive
review of the state of art of theoretical, experimental and numerical studies available in literature
on thermochemical thermal energy storage systems and their use in power-to-heat applications is
presented with a focus on applications with renewable energy sources. The paper shows that a series
of advantages such as additional flexibility, load management, power quality, continuous power
supply and a better use of variable renewable energy sources could be crucial elements to increase
the commercial profitability of these storage systems. Moreover, specific challenges, i.e., life span
and stability of storage material and high cost of power-to-heat/thermochemical systems must be
taken in consideration to increase the technology readiness level of this emerging concept of energy
systems integration.

Keywords: thermochemical storage; sorption heat storage; power-to-heat; power grid support

1. Introduction
Decarbonization of the power sector, increase of energy efficiency and energy security are the major
focus of several policies to achieve ambitious climate targets in the next years [1,2]. In the evolution
of the energy systems, renewable energy sources (RES) play a major role towards the achievement
of environmental sustainability [3–5]. Due to their stochastic nature, however, renewable energies
are not programmable so their energy generation is usually not adjusted in order to match electricity
demands [6,7]. To guarantee the stability of the power grids, the instant balance of temporal and spatial
mismatch between generation and loads can be achieved introducing flexible elements in the power
networks [8–13]. Flexibility is defined as the capability to balance rapid changes in power generation
according to Bertsch et al. [14] or variation and uncertainty in net load according to Denholm et al. [15].
Several definitions of flexibility can be found in the literature [15–18].
Power-to-heat (PtH), based on the conversion of electricity into heat and its reverse process
Heat-to-Power (HtP), are well recognized processes among the most mature demand-side management
(DSM) options [19–21].

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These techniques are particularly promising to provide renewable energy integration, power grid
flexibility [12,13,22,23] and power sector decarbonization contributing to a better utilization of existing
assets supporting the RES penetration into the electricity supply mix [24–29].
Thermal energy storage systems (TESs) can be effective in improving the mismatch between
energy generation and use in terms of time, temperature, power or site leading to an increase of the
overall efficiency and reliability [30–34]. Reduced investment and running costs, lower pollution and
less greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions are some of the advantages connected to the use of these
technologies [35,36] including: sensible, latent and thermochemical storage [37–41].
Coupling thermal energy storage to a PtH technology to provide flexibility to the power system
is a promising option of the demand-side management strategies currently investigated [42,43]. In
particular, turning surplus of variable renewable electricity (VRE) into heat to be stored as thermal energy
offers a significant additional flexibility with a great potential in stabilizing the grid voltage [42,44]. In
particular, during off-peak times, heating or cooling can be generated by thermal energy and then used
during peak-hours flattening the customer’s load profile [45]. In this way, customers can have a more
efficient system and also be cost-efficient. They can take advantage of different electricity prices during
peak and off-peak hours and for utilities that can spread the demand over the whole day [46,47].
Several studies examine the coupling of thermal storage with power-to-heat systems (PtHs) for
several purposes, e.g., buffering, heating and cooling, transport of residual heat [48–50]. In general,
small-scale PtH and TES applications can be applied in the residential and commercial sectors while
large scale are mainly focus on industrial applications such as district heating grids [51,52].
Storage devices have great advantages not only in terms of flexibility of the entire power
system [53,54] but also in terms of economic profitability with higher efficiency and cost effectiveness
of the power grid as shown in the studies of Christidis et al. [55] and Jamshid et al. [56]. In a recent
study (2020) Meroueh and Chen [57] provided a detailed analysis on the potential from TESs to provide
a cost-effective solution for grid level integration in the near term for renewable-based plants. Several
studies show the potential of heat pumps and thermal energy storages in terms of load shifting, energy
consumption and increasing self-sufficiency [58–62].
This work is focused on thermochemical thermal energy storage (TCTES) systems coupled with
PtH technologies. In particular, the aim is to provide a comprehensive review on the state of art of
thermochemical thermal energy storage systems (TCTESs) and their applications in PtH technologies,
including theoretical, experimental and numerical studies. Recent advancements and their potential
perspectives will be discussed.
This review is structured as follows. In Section 2 a classification of storage system is reported.
Section 3 is a review of the state of art of both sorption and chemical reaction TCES processes and the
related main operation processes. Section 4 includes a general description of PtH technologies and an
analysis of recent case studies on the application of TCTES systems. Section 5 presents the conclusions
of this paper.

Power-to-Heat Technologies: Classification

Power-to-heat (PtH) is the classification including all devices that perform the conversion of
electricity into heat. It is one of the most relevant flexibility options of the DSM [63,64]. With the aim to
ensure the integration of the renewables, PtH technologies (PtHs) are considered crucial sources of
system flexibility [65]. PtHs contribute to both a better utilization of existing assets and use of temporary
renewable surplus generation [65]. When there is an excess of generation, electricity is converted into
heat, in this way, additional power in the situations of increased load, is provided contributing, in the
same time, to peak shaving, load shifting and energy conservation [66]. Turning surplus of electricity
into heat, including thermal energy storage, offers a significant additional flexibility with a great
potential in stabilizing the power grid [67,68]. The conversion into thermal energy can be performed
through centralized and decentralized options. According to Olsthoorn et al. [69] in the centralized
option the electricity is converted into heat at a location far from the point of actual heat demand. By
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Appl. Sci.heating
2020, 10, xsystems
REVIEW heat is distributed through pipelines to its use. In contrast, according
3 of 35
to Lund et al. [70] in the decentralized approach the conversion is in a point right or very close the
use. In contrast,
location according
of heat demand. to isLund
Heat et al. [70]
distributed in the
without decentralized
districting approach
networks. the conversion
A schematic example isof in
point right or very close the location
power-to-heat concept is shown in Figure 1: of heat demand. Heat is distributed without districting
networks. A schematic example of the power-to-heat concept is shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1. Schematic
Figure1. Schematic concept
concept of
of power-to-heat
power-to-heat technologies.

DHS are considered particularly promising due to several advantages in energy production,
DHS are considered particularly promising due to several advantages in energy production,
distribution and consumption, especially for space heating applications [71,72]. In particular, the
distribution and consumption, especially for space heating applications [71,72]. In particular, the
systems using RES have the advantage that renewable technologies can be placed on the energy
systems using RES have the advantage that renewable technologies can be placed on the energy
supplier side in the actual distribution network or be installed on individual buildings [73–75]. In
supplier side in the actual distribution network or be installed on individual buildings [73–75]. In
literature, district heating networks are commonly described as one of the most effective solution
literature, district heating networks are commonly described as one of the most effective solution
towards a low-carbon feature [76–81]. Lund et al. [12] in a review of nearly four hundred studies on
towards a low-carbon feature [76–81]. Lund et al. [12] in a review of nearly four hundred studies on
energy flexibility showed that the interaction between the electricity and district heating sectors is a
energy flexibility showed that the interaction between the electricity and district heating sectors is a
promising option for increasing energy system flexibility. Heat pumps (HPs) and resistive heaters are
promising option for increasing energy system flexibility. Heat pumps (HPs) and resistive heaters
the main centralized technologies to draw electricity from the grid to generate heat to be connected to
are the main centralized technologies to draw electricity from the grid to generate heat to be
the thermal storage [73].
connected to the thermal storage [73].
According to Lund et al. [70] in the decentralized approach the conversion occurs at a site very close
According to Lund et al. [70] in the decentralized approach the conversion occurs at a site very
to the location of heat demand without networks, grids and piping. The decentralized technologies
close to the location of heat demand without networks, grids and piping. The decentralized
have several advantages in energy production, distribution and consumption, in particular, providing
technologies have several advantages in energy production, distribution and consumption, in
a sustainable, economical and future-proof solution for heating large spaces [82,83]. A common
particular, providing a sustainable, economical and future-proof solution for heating large spaces
classification of the decentralized options is among technologies combined with thermal energy,
[82,83]. A common classification of the decentralized options is among technologies combined with
referred as thermal energy storage coupled heating, and technologies without energy storage, referred
thermal energy, referred as thermal energy storage coupled heating, and technologies without energy
as direct heating [26]. Heat pumps, resistive boilers, smart electric thermal storage, fans, radiators are
storage, referred as direct heating [26]. Heat pumps, resistive boilers, smart electric thermal storage,
examples of the more widely used decentralized power-to-heat technologies [63,84–87]. Electric boilers
fans, radiators are examples of the more widely used decentralized power-to-heat technologies
are the cheapest alternative due to their low investment costs and can be switched on and off at low
[63,84–87]. Electric boilers are the cheapest alternative due to their low investment costs and can be
cost [88]. HPs enable flexibility in smart grid operations [59,85,89]. However, HPs usually function as
switched on and off at low cost [88]. HPs enable flexibility in smart grid operations [59,85,89].
a base load technology due to their higher efficiencies [90–92]. To further reduce energy use during
However, HPs usually function as a base load technology due to their higher efficiencies [90–92]. To
operation, waste heat from industrial processes or renewable heat sources can be used as heat source
further reduce energy use during operation, waste heat from industrial processes or renewable heat
with the advantage that they are not dependent from weather conditions and temperature fluctuations,
sources can be used as heat source with the advantage that they are not dependent from weather
like for example solar and ground sources. In this way heat generation is more stable and better suited
conditions and temperature fluctuations, like for example solar and ground sources. In this way heat
as input for HPs [93,94].
generation is more stable and better suited as input for HPs [93,94].
HPs used for power-to-heat applications are electrically driven because electricity is used to
HPs used for power-to-heat applications are electrically driven because electricity is used to lift
lift low exergetic heat to a higher temperature and consequently higher exergy level by running a
low exergetic heat to a higher temperature and consequently higher exergy level by running a vapor
vapor compression cycle [89,95,96]. Electricity renewable is an option to reduce the use of fossil
compression cycle [89,95,96]. Electricity renewable is an option to reduce the use of fossil fuel [97,98].
fuel [97,98]. During periods of low demand and high renewable energy generation, the excess of
During periods of low demand and high renewable energy generation, the excess of electricity can
be convertedcan into
be converted into heat
heat and stored and stored
in TESs [99]. Inincontrast,
TESs [99].
theIn contrast,
stored the is
energy stored energy
released whenis released
when demand is high and renewable power production is low [100–102]. In this
is high and renewable power production is low [100–102]. In this way, HPs contribute to peak way, HPs contribute
to peak shaving,
shaving, load shifting
load shifting and energy
and energy conservation
conservation with benefits
with benefits not only
not only to theto decarbonizing
the decarbonizing of
of the
heating sector but also in the improving the capacity utilization of renewable power generation
infrastructures [87,103]. In literature several examples of heat pumps coupled to TES systems, mainly
sensible storage systems, are proposed [104–109]. These devices can both provide flexibility to the
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the heating sector but also in the improving the capacity utilization of renewable power generation
infrastructures [87,103]. In literature several examples of heat pumps coupled to TES systems, mainly
sensible storage systems, are proposed [104–108]. These devices can both provide flexibility to the
power system and increase the use of electricity from renewables plants [108–110]. The capacity of the
thermal storage is limited by the maximum condenser temperature of the heat pump coupled. Thus,
the maximum state of charge is attained when a predefined temperature in the storage is reached [87].

2. Classification of Thermal Storage Systems

Storage technologies can be classified with respect to underlining heat storage principle into:
sensible, latent and thermochemical [82,111].
Sensible thermal energy storage (STES) is based on storing thermal energy by cooling or heating
of a liquid/solid storage medium. Sensible heat determines a temperature linear change (increase
or decrease) in the thermal storage material, without changing its chemical composition or phase.
Sensible heat Qs depends on the temperature change and the specific heat capacity of the storage
material. The amount of energy stored (J) is as followed (1):

Qs = mcp ∆T (1)


• m is the mass of the storage medium (kg);

• cp is the heat capacity of the storage medium (J/(kg K));
• ∆T is the temperature difference (◦ C).

It is important for sensible heat storage systems to use a heat storage material having high specific
heat, good thermal conductivity, long-term stability under thermal cycling, compatibility with its
containment, recyclability, a low CO2 footprint and low cost [112]. Sensible heat storage is most widely
used in building applications [30].
Latent thermal energy storage (LTES) is based on storing heat into a storage medium undergoing
a phase transition [113]. Thermal storage materials store their latent heat during phase change from
solid to liquid. The latent heat is stored without a temperature change. The amount of energy stored (J)
is as followed (2):
Ql = m∆h (2)


• ∆h is the melting or phase change enthalpy (J/kg).

Micro-encapsulated paraffin based phase change materials PCMs or water-based ice-storage are
among methods most suitable can be used [114].
Thermochemical or sorption thermal energy storage (TCTES) recovers the reaction enthalpy
involved in a reversible chemical/adsorption reaction [115]. According to Scapino et al. [36] the
chemical reaction takes place between a sorbent, which is typically a liquid or solid, and a sorbate,
which is, e.g., a vapor. During the charging process, a heat source is used to induce an endothermic
reaction, the sorbent and sorbate are separated. The chemical/physical energy of the two components
can then be stored separately. During the discharging process, an exothermic reaction occurs and heat
stored is recovered.

Characteristics of Thermal Storage Systems

The following features can be used to characterize an energy storage system [21,116,117]:

• Storage period defines how long the energy is stored (i.e., hours, days, weeks);
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• Power defines how fast the energy stored in the system can be charged and discharged. In
particular, power capacity (W) is the maximum amount of power that can be delivered by the
storage system during discharging while Power density (W/l) is the ratio between the power
capacity and the capacity of the energy storage system;
• Energy storage capacity or energy capacity is defined as the amount of energy absorbed in the
storage system during the charging process under nominal conditions. The quantity of stored
energy in the system after it is charged depends on the storage process, storage medium and size
of the system;
• Energy density or volumetric heat capacity is defined as the ratio between the stored energy and
the volume of the energy storage system;
• Charge and discharge time defines how much time is needed to charge or discharge the system.
The maximum number of charge-discharge cycles in the specified conditions is defined as the
cycling capacity or number of cycles;
• Self-discharge is the amount of energy initially stored and dissipated over a specified non-use time;
• Efficiency is the ratio of the energy provided to the user to the energy needed to charge the storage
system. It accounts for the energy losses during the storage period and the charge/discharge cycle;
• Response time is defined as the speed with which the energy is absorbed or released [h];
• Cycle life refers to how many times the storage system releases the energy after each recharge;
• Costs are indicators to define the overall cost normalized on the total amount of capacity (€/kWh)
or power (€/kW). They are capital costs, and operation and maintenance costs of the storage
equipment during its lifetime;
• Cost per output (useful) energy is the ratio of the cost per unit energy divided by the
storage efficiency;
• Cost per cycle is defined as the cost per unit energy divided by the cycle life.

Typical values of the above-cited parameters for thermal energy storage technologies are reported
in Table 1. With respect to the storage period, TES methods are referred as short-term when heat input
and output occur within an interval of several hours or days and, instead, as long-term if the time
frame is within an interval of few months or even a whole season [118]. In contrast to STES and LTES,
TCTES are particularly suitable for long term storage [119]. The reason is that during the storage
phase there are no significant energy losses (no self-discharge) [23]. STES and LTES require insulation
systems during storage and thus, to avoid thermal losses, heat cannot be stored for a long time [21].
Despite its seasonal storage potential, TCTES for hot/cold demand is still in early development with
few prototype set-ups [120].
Storage energy density is a crucial factor to select a thermal energy storage system for a particular
application [121]. Because of its potentially higher energy storage density—5 to 10 times higher than
latent heat storage system and sensible heat storage system respectively [112]—TCTES is receiving an
increasing attention in several domains [122]. High energy density makes thermochemical thermal
energy storage systems (TCTESs) such more compact energy systems so their use, reducing the volume
of the system, could be very effective in the situations whereas space constraints are significant [123].

Table 1. Parameters of thermal energy storage systems (TESs) [122,123].

TES System Capacity (kWh/t) Power (MW) Efficiency (%) Storage Period Cost (€/kWh)
Sensible 10–50 0.001–10.0 50–90 days/months 0.1–10
Latent 50–100 0.001–1.0 75–90 hours/months 10–50
Thermochemical 120–250 0.01–1.0 75–100 hours/days 8–100

A further simplified economic comparison shows that STES is less expensive than LTES and
TCTES. High capital costs are among disadvantages that make TCTESs not widely available in the
market [119].
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3. Thermochemical Heat Storage: Description of Materials and Processes
A schematic classification of thermochemical heat storage principles is shown in Figure 2. With
3. Thermochemical Heat Storage: Description of Materials and Processes
respect to type of reaction, thermochemical processes are divided into reversible chemical reactions
A schematic
and sorption classification
processes of thermochemical
[125]. The heatofstorage
fixation or capture principles
a gas or a vapor is
byshown in Figure
a sorbent 2. With
is referred as
respect to type of reaction, thermochemical processes are divided into reversible chemical
sorption (adsorption and absorption) [126]. In contrast, chemical reactions (solid–gas, solid–liquid) reactions
and sorption processes
are characterized [124]. in
by a change The fixation
the or capture
molecular of a gasoforthe
configuration a vapor by a sorbent
compound involvedis[127].
referred as
Some(adsorption andYu
authors, e.g. absorption)
et al. [128],[125]. In contrast,
use the chemical
definition sorptionreactions
to indicatesolid–liquid) are
both reversible
characterized by a change in the molecular
chemical reactions and sorption processes. configuration of the compound involved [125].

Figure 2.
Figure 2. Thermochemical
Thermochemical Heat
Heat Storage
Storage principles
principles classification.

The authors, e.g., Yu
thermochemical et al. [126],
process consistsuseofthe definitionstorage
desorption, sorption storage
and to indicate
sorption both reversible
[129]. Desorption is the
charging reactions and sorption
process during processes.
which heat, supplied to the storage material, is stored in the form of chemical
The thermochemical
potential by breaking the process
betweenofthe desorption,
sorbent andstorage and sorption
the sorbate [124].[127]. Desorption
Storage is the
is the phase in
charging process during which heat, supplied to the storage material, is stored in
which the sorbent and the sorbate are separated [124]. Sorption is the discharging process aimed atthe form of chemical
recovering byheat
breaking the binders
by contacting betweenand
the sorbent the the
the sorbate [128]. Storage is the phase in
which thedesorbing
For sorbent and the the sorbate
storage are separated
material, any system[129]. Sorption
can be usedisas
the discharging
heat process
source. Solar aimed
energy at
recovering heat by contacting the sorbent and the sorbate [130].
133] or micro combined heat and power (CHP) [134–136] are examples of heat sources.
For desorbing
As an example, the storage material,
Lass-Seyoum at al. any
[137]system can be used
used industrial as heat
waste heatsource. Solar
and heat energy
from CHP[131–133]
or microatcombined
Helden heat andcollectors,
al. [138] thermal power (CHP) Zondag [134,135] are[139]
H. at al. examples of heat
exhaust sources.
air from buildings. Li et al. [140]
As an example,
developed Lass-Seyoum
a thermochemical et al. [136]
(sorption) used
storage industrial
system basedwaste heat
on use and heat from
of methanol CHP systems,
to recover the heat
Helden et al. [137] thermal
from photovoltaic collectors, Zondag H. et al. [138] exhaust air from buildings. Li et al. [139]
(PV) panels.
developed a thermochemical (sorption) storage system based on use of methanol to recover the heat
3.1. Thermochemical
from photovoltaic (PV) Processes and Materials
According to Y.Processes
3.1. Thermochemical Ding [141],
and sorption
Materialsis the phenomenon of fixation or capture of a gas or a vapor
by a substance in a condensed state. As shown in Figure 2, sorption processes are classified into
absorption and to Y. Ding [125],
adsorption. sorptiontoisNic
According the phenomenon of fixationisor
et al. [142] absorption captureasof‘‘the
defined a gasprocess
or a vapor by
of one
substance in a condensed
(absorbate) being state.
retainedAs shown in Figure
by another 2, sorption
(absorbent)”. processes to
According areYuclassified into adsorption
et al. [127], absorption
and adsorption [140]. According to Nic et al. [141] absorption is defined as
is defined as “a phenomenon occurring at the interface between two phases, in which cohesive “the process of one material
act betweenbeing retained by
the molecules of another (absorbent)”.
all substances According
irrespective of theirto state
Yu etofal.aggregation”.
[126], adsorption is defined
An important
as “a phenomenon
difference occurring atoccurs
is that absorption the interface betweenmolecular
at the sorbent two phases, in which
level cohesive
by altering itsforces act between
composition and
the molecules of all substances irrespective of their state of aggregation”. An
morphological structure, adsorption occurs at the surface of the adsorbent [34,143]. As shown in important difference is
that absorption
Figure 2, solid/gasoccurs
and at the sorbent
liquid/gas molecular
systems level byofaltering
are example working itspairs
used for and morphological
sorption processes.
structure, adsorption occurs at the surface of the adsorbent [34,142]. As
These processes are used to store both low-grade heat (<100°C) and medium-grade heat shown in Figure 2, solid/gas
and liquid/gas systems are example of working pairs used for sorption processes.
400 °C) [144–146]. High kinetics at low temperatures make the sorption processes particularly
Theseforprocesses are usedapplications
to store both low-grade heat (<100 ◦ C) and medium-grade heat
attractive low-temperature such as space heating, domestic hot water preparation or

(100–400 C) [143–145]. High kinetics at low temperatures make the sorption processes particularly
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3142 7 of 35

attractive for low-temperature applications such as space heating, domestic hot water preparation or
other low-grade and medium-grade heat uses [7,146–152]. Usually sorption materials are liquid, solid
and composite sorbents [35,153]. Example of working pairs are:

• LiBr solution/H2 O [154,155];

• LiCl solution/H2 O [156–158];
• LiCl/activated alumina [159,160];
• LiCl/expanded graphite [161];
• LiCl2 solution/H2 O [162];
• CaCl2 solution/H2 O [163–165];
• Binary sales [166–174];
• Zeolite 13X [175–182], Zeolite 4A [183–189], Zeolite 5A [190,191];
• Aluminophosphates (ALPOs) [192] and Silico-aluminophosphates (SAPOs) [193–195];
• Composite materials made up by the combination of a salt hydrate and an additive with a porous
structure and high thermal conductivity (expanded graphite [196,197], metal foam [198], carbon
fiber [199] and activated carbon [199]).

(ALPOs) and (SAPOs) are among promising examples of sorption materials, in particular,
for low temperature heat storage [200,201]. Among zeolites, Zeolite 13X is one of the most
common thermochemical material in current research due to its hydrothermal and mechanical
stability and corrosion behavior [190]. Example of composite materials are CaCl2 -Silica
gel/H2 O [202], CaCl2 -FeKIL2 /H2 O [203,204], LiBr-Silica gel/H2 O [205], MgSO4 -Zeolite/H2 O [206,207],
MgSO4 -MgCl2 -/H2 O [208,209].
Chemical reactions are used to store medium (100–400 ◦ C) and high (>400 ◦ C) grade heat [210–212].
Example of chemical reactions are:

• dehydration of metal hydroxides [213–218];

• dehydration of metal hydrides [219–224];
• dehydration of salt hydrates [151,225–230];
• deammoniation of ammonium chlorides [172,231–233];
• decarboxylation of metal carbonates [121,234–239];
• methane steam reforming [240–242];
• catalytic dissociation [243–245];
• metal oxide redox [246–248].

The interest towards dehydration of metal hydroxides is not recent, e.g., the hydration of MgO
has been extensively studied as early as 1960 [249,250], the dehydration of Ca(OH)2 has found wide
attention as early as 1988. In particular, under support of the National Energy Administration, the
American Pacific Northwest National Laboratory started the research on Ca(OH)2 /CaO as energy
storage system [251]. In this context, Liu et al. [251] developed an experimental set up to investigate
thermal cycling stability of the Ca(OH)2 /CaO system laying the foundation of applying this system to
practical. A similar experimental set up was developed by Schaube et al. [252].
Ca(OH)2 /CaO is among more used systems in chemical processes [253–256]. This system
has numerous advantages, e.g., efficient reaction kinetics [257] and high reaction enthalpy
(104.4 KJ/mol) [258]. It is a very suitable material in thermal storage systems [259], in particular
for high-temperatures (400–600 ◦ C) applications [260]. In the context of power-to-heat applications the
usage of Ca(OH)2 /CaO thermochemical systems coupled to heat pumps is arousing great investigation
with a particular focus on heat and mass transfer process [261–263].
Also the interest towards metal hydrides is not recent, these thermochemical storage systems
were explored since the mid-1970s [264]. Several applications and different metal hydrides systems
were explored for thermochemical heat storage [265–269]. Among metal hydrides, Mg-based systems
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are promising as thermochemical storage materials owing to high reaction enthalpy as shown in
the studies of Gigantino et al. [223] and Shkatulov et al. [53]. Mg-based metal systems show cyclic
stability over a temperature range from 250 ◦ C to 550 ◦ C in which high thermal energy densities
of up to 2257 kJ/kg are reached [130]. The abundance of metal hydrides, low cost, high reaction
enthalpy, high storage density are among characteristics attracting extensive investigations [219].
These systems, are suitable for both low and high temperature applications [270]. As an example,
Sheppard et al. [270] investigated the potential of metal hydrides for low temperature applications
while Ronnebro et al. [220] investigated their use for high temperatures applications, in particular
based on experimental and modelling results they designed and fabricated a prototype to store both
hydrogen and heat with solar technologies. In accordance to other studies, they showed that metal
hydrides show both good reversibility and cycling stability combined with high enthalpies. A study
about the future perspectives of thermochemical storage based on use of metal hydrides for solar
technologies have been developed by Manickam et al. [271].
High energy density and desorption temperatures make salt hydrates fitting with the use of
power-to-heat technologies, waste heat sources, solar thermal collectors, particularly investigated
and proposed for seasonal heat storage of solar energy in the built environment [150,272,273].
N’Tsoukope et al. [274] investigated 125 salt hydrates for low temperatures heat storage and found
that SrBr2 ·6H2 O and MgCl2 ·6H2 O are among the most promising choices for thermochemical storage
applications. To investigate the potential energy storage density and the storage efficiency of salt
hydrates, a micro-combined heat and power system was developed for the storage of heat generated.
They found that for applications requiring lower discharging temperatures like 35 ◦ C, the expectable
efficiency and net energy storage density was low. Their results are in accordance to [275–279]. Salt
hydrates are considered the most suitable materials for residential applications owing to their high
energy density (400-870 kWh·m−3 ) and low turning temperature [280].
Metal carbonates have several advantages, e.g., high energy density, nontoxicity, low costs
and widespread availability. All these properties make them suitable for thermochemical storage
applications [281–284]. Among suitable alternatives, the combined use of CaO/CaCO3 (density
0.49 kWh/kg), proposed by Barker in 1973 [283], is largely investigated. In a recent study
Fernandez et al. [235] used the working pair CaO/CaCO3 to develop a system referred as
Photovoltaic-Calcium looping (PV-CaL) as large scale storage system. They showed that the high
turning temperatures of the exothermic carbonation reaction allows using high-efficiency power
cycles. CaCO3 is one of the most abundant materials in nature. Its use circumventing the risk of
resource scarcity may not compromise the economic and technical viability of a thermochemical storage
system [236].
The performances of a storage system based on chemical reactions or sorption processes are
strongly dependent on the nature of the storage material chosen [125,285,286]. High heat storage
capacity and good heat transfer are important characteristics affecting the performance of the heat
storage systems. In the choice of the storage materials, parameters such as the cost, environmental
impact, and safety conditions should be also taken into account [54,287,288]. Despite many materials
being widely investigated, research is always under development to increase material performance
with respect to storage density and heat transfer properties [288,289].
Note that among the various thermochemical storage materials described in this section, only
few of them have been used so far in power-to-heat applications, as will be shown in more detail in
Section 4.1.

3.2. Thermochemical Heat Storage Systems

Thermochemical heat storage systems with respect to system configuration can be divided in
open and closed systems [274,290,291]. Open systems work at atmospheric pressure in contact with
the environment while closed ones work with pure vapor, circulating in hermetically closed loops, at
vacuum pressure [292]. A schematic sketch of a closed and open system is shown in Figure 3.
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Figure Figure 3. Schematic

3. Schematic sketchsketch of closed
of (a) (a) closed
andand (b)open
(b) openthermochemical
thermochemical system.

A closed A system
closed system is usually
is usually basedbased
on aonsorption
a sorption reactor(heat
reactor (heat exchanger),
exchanger), a acondenser
condenser andand
an an
evaporator. During the charge process (desorption), heat must be supplied to the storage material at
evaporator. During the charge process (desorption), heat must be supplied to the storage material
high temperature in the sorption reactor. Desorbed water vapor, released from the sorbent, is
at high temperature
condensed at low in the sorptionThe
temperature. reactor.
liquid Desorbed
is stored in water vapor,while
the reservoir released
the heatfrom the sorbent, is
of condensation
condensed can be used either as a low-temperature source or rejected to the environment. After the can
at low temperature. The liquid is stored in the reservoir while the heat of condensation
be used either as a low-temperature
accomplishment of the charging source
the environment.
and componentsAfter will
the accomplishment
cool down to
of the charging
ambientmode, the storage
temperature materials
so during storageand
no components
further energywill cool
losses downWhen
occurs. to ambient
heat is temperature
needed, the so
valve between
during storage the evaporator
no further and sorption
energy losses occurs. reactor
When is turned
heat on and discharging
is needed, mode occurs.
the valve between During
the evaporator
and sorption reactor is turned on and discharging mode occurs. During the dischargingat process
the discharging process (adsorption), heat is supplied to the liquid stored in the evaporator low
temperature; the resulting steam is adsorbed in the adsorber releasing heat. Adsorption is a
(adsorption), heat is supplied to the liquid stored in the evaporator at low temperature; the resulting
completely reversible process so heat supplied for desorption is equal to the heat gained back during
steam is adsorption.
adsorbed inLiu theetadsorber releasing heat. Adsorption is a completely reversible process so heat
al. [157] developed a seasonal storage system and evaluated that the storage
for desorption
increasesis equal
with the to the heattemperature
evaporator gained back during
and adsorption.
decreases Liu et temperature.
with desorption al. [156] developed
a seasonal storage system and evaluated that the storage capacity increases
As shown in Figure 3b an open system is less complex in its design. It can be directly with theconnected
to theand decreases
ambient withthe
air where desorption
moisture fortemperature.
sorption process is obtained; there are no evaporator or
As shown During 3b
in Figure theancharging mode hot
open system air flows
is less into the
complex sorption
in its design.reactor
It canreleasing waterconnected
be directly vapor
into the air
to the ambient air where
itself. Output is saturated
the moisture warm air.
for sorption When is
process heat is needed,
obtained; coldare
there wetnoairevaporator
from the or
condenser. During the charging mode hot air flows into the sorption reactor releasing water vapor into
the air itself. Output is saturated warm air. When heat is needed, cold wet air from the environment is
blown into the sorption reactor. Open systems are usually equipped with one or more fans to ensure
the ambient air flow into the sorption reactor [129].
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3142 10 of 35

The key component of the above described systems is the thermochemical reactor. The reactor can
be integrated [293] or separated [294]. In an integrated reactor, the material is stored in the tank where it
reacts, while the chamber where the reaction takes place is separated from the thermochemical material
storage tank. In a separate reactor the dissociation between the thermal power and the installation
storage capacity increases the storage density of the process since there is no need for vapor diffusers
and heat exchangers are integrated into the reactor. Moreover, this kind of reactor can also work in
steady-state conditions, providing a constant thermal power output [295].
Energy and exergy methods to assess the performances of closed and open systems have been
carried by Abedin and Rosen [294]. The authors compared open and closed systems based on use
of zeolites 13X. 50% and 9% are the values obtained for energy and exergy efficiency, respectively, in
closed systems, 69% and 23% in open ones. Since the exergy efficiencies of both systems are lower than
the energy efficiencies it means that there is a margin for loss reduction and efficiency for TCTESs [119].
From a numerical comparison between the two designs, Michel et al. [290] concluded that heat transfer
is the main limitation in closed systems while it is mass transfer (vapor transfer to the adsorbent during
discharging) in open ones.
Many prototypes of both type of systems have been developed. One of the first open prototypes, in
operation since 1996, is the zeolite 13X storage system built in a school in Munich by ZAE Bayern [295].
The system was designed for peak shaving of the heating load in order to be operated jointly with
district heating in winter to supply it during the off-peak in summer. The charging temperature is
about 130 ◦ C while the storage capacity is 1300–1400 kWh. Heat released during the discharging mode
is used to produce water vapor. A more recent prototype of ZAE Bayern was developed in 2015 [129].
It is an open system based on zeolite 13X for transportable sorption heat storage purposes. Waste heat
from an incineration plant at 130 ◦ C is used as thermal source during discharging mode. The charging
temperature was 60 ◦ C and a storage capacity of 0.6 MJ/kg was measured.
Among closed prototypes, one of the first was developed within the HYDES (High Energy Density
Sorption Heat Storage) project [296]. The prototype in function from 1998 to 2001 was a solar thermal
energy storage system for space heating purposes based on silica gel/H2 O. Solar thermal collectors
were used as low temperature heat source for the evaporator. The charging temperature was about
82 ◦ C, the sorption one 32 ◦ C, a power output of about 2.87 kW and 1.7 kW were measured during
discharging and charging phase.
A prototype of closed system is currently being developed at GEPASUD laboratory (French
Polynesia) [173]. It is a conventional mechanical vapor compression (MVC) driven by grid and PV
electricity integrated with a thermochemical reactor based on the use of BaCl2 /NH3 as working fluids
pair. The prototype has the aim to demonstrate that a thermochemical reactor coupled with a PV-driven
mechanical compressor is an effective innovative solution offering energy storage capabilities for
cooling purposes. The prototype uses ammonia not only as thermochemical material but also as
refrigerant liquid. Among thermochemical storage materials, ammonia is expected to be established in
the market for small and medium refrigeration [297–299].
The existing prototypes show a mature development of the TCTESs in heat-to-heat and
heat-to-power applications. Collectors and concentrating solar plants (CSP) are mainly used as
a heat source for the evaporator of the thermochemical devices. In particular, coupling storage into
CSP systems enables dispatchable generation, whereby utilities produce power to match demand
overcoming intermittency challenges faced by renewable energy production. Another field of wide
application of TCTESs is the recovery of industrial waste heat [300–303]. Kuwata et al. [302] investigated
the potential of the ammonium chloride SrCl2 in applications based on utilization of industrial waste
heat. Thermochemical energy storage could be a key technology able to bridge the gap between the
wasted heat as the source and provided to customers at the time and place they need it [267,268]. A
more detailed review on this field was developed in [304]. A list of some prototypes is given in Table 2
and in Table 3 for open and closed thermochemical systems respectively.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3142 11 of 35

Table 2. Example of prototypes of open systems for thermochemical storage.

Project Name/Institution Description Storage System

• Storage system for space heating
MONOSORP [305] (2006) • Charging temperature Tc = 20 ◦ C Zeolite 4A
• Discharging temperature Td = 180 ◦ C

# Storage system for space heating.

Institute for Solar
# Tc = 20 ◦ C Zeolite 13X
Technology SPF [241] (2006)
# Td = 180 ◦ C

• Lab scale packed bed reactor for seasonal

1 storage of solar heat
ECN [227] (2010) MgCl2 ·6H2 O
• Discharge time about 25 h
• Storage energy density measured 0.14 MJ/kg

# System integrated with a water tank (STES) for

heating purposes LiCl with Zeolite 13X
CWS 2 [306] (2011)
# Tc = 35 ◦ C used as additive
# Td = 180 ◦ C

• Lab scale packed bed reactor for heating

purposes (Heat Power 150 W)
ECN [211] (2013) MgCl2 · H2 O
• Tc = 10 ◦ C
• Td = 50 ◦ C

# Lab scale two packed bed modules for

heating purposes
Energy hub-ECN [178,179]
# Tc = 70 ◦ C Zeolite 13X
# Td = 185 ◦ C
# Heat Power 400 W

• Storage system for space heating and domestic

hot water
ASIC 3 [176] (2014) Zeolite 4A (Zeolite 13X)
• Tc = 25 ◦ C
• Td = 180 (230) ◦ C

# Storage system integrated in a domestic

ventilation system for space heating during
peak hours
STAID 4 [180] (2015) # Tc = 57 ◦ C
Zeolite 13X
# Td = 120–180 ◦ C
# Storage energy density 0.41 GJ/m3

• Packed bed reactor for house heating

• Tc = 25 ◦ C
• Td = 80 ◦ C
ESSI 5 [276] (2016) • Thermal power measured during sorption SrBr2 ·6H2 O
mode 0.3–0.8 kW
• Thermal power measured during desorption
mode 0.4–1.6 kW

# Storage system for space heating

STAID [181] (2016) # Tc = 20 ◦ C Zeolite 13X
# Td = 120–180 ◦ C

• Lab-scale prototype experimentally investigated

to store low-temperature heat for space heating
NSFC 6 [159] (2017–2018) • Tc = 20 ◦ C Activated alumina/LiCl
• Td = 30 ◦ C
• Thermal power (56.7–136) W
1 Energy Research Center of The Netherlands. 2 Chemische WarmeSpeicherung. 3 Austrian Solar Innovation Center.
4 Stockage Inter Saisonnier de l’Energie Thermique dans les Batiments. 5 European. Support to Social Innovation.
6 Natural National Science Foundation of China.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3142 12 of 35

Table 3. Example of prototypes of closed systems for thermochemical storage.

Project Name/Institution Description Storage System

• Solid sorption storage for cooling purposes.
• Tc = 15–25 ◦ C
• Td = 77–86 ◦ C
SWEAT 1 /ECN [229] (2004) • Thermal power measured in discharging mode Na2 S/H2 O
0.5–0.7 kW
• Thermal power measured in charging mode 1.2 kW.

# Solid sorption storage for cooling and

heating purposes. Na2 S·9H2 O and
MCES 2 [242] (2004) # Tc = 65 ◦ C graphite used as
# Td = 80–95 ◦ C additive
# Storage energy density 8 MJ/kg.

• Storage system for heating purposes

• Tc = 25 ◦ C
MODESTORE [141,307] • Td = 88 ◦ C
Silica gel
(2006) • Thermal power measured during discharging mode
0.5 kW
• Thermal power measured during charging mode 1 kW.

# Solid sorption storage for heating and

cooling purposes.
# Tc = 35 ◦ C SrBr2 with expanded
SOLAR-STORE [308] (2006) # Td = 80 ◦ C natural graphite
# Heating density power 47–49 kWh/m3
# Cooling density power 27–36 kWh/m3

• Solid sorption storage for heating and

cooling purposes.
• Tc = 35 ◦ C
SOLAR-STORE [278] (2008) SrBr2
• Td = 80 ◦ C
• Heating power 60 kW
• Cooling power 40 kW

# Solid sorption storage for waste heat

industrial recovery
Fraunhofher [136] (2012) # Tc = 30 ◦ C Zeolite/CaCl2
# Td = 9–200 ◦ C
# Heat storage capacity 0.54–0.79 MJ/kg

• Storage system for dwellings

E-hub/Project [190] (2012) • Tc = 85–88 ◦ C Zeolite
• Heat density power 164 W/kg.

# Lab-scale prototype for space heating

# Tc = 20–30 ◦ C
E-hub/Project [189] (2014) Zeolite 5A
# Td = 80–120 ◦ C
# Storage energy density 0.045 GJ/m3

• Solid sorption system for space heating and domestic

heat water.
COMTES [309] (2015) Zeolite 13XBF
• Td = 75 ◦ C
• Storage energy density 0.4 GJ/m3

# Liquid sorption system for diurnal storage

COMTES [163] (2015) # Td > 50 ◦ C NaOH/H2 O
# Power output approximately 1 kW
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3142 13 of 35

Table 3. Cont.

Project Name/Institution Description Storage System

• Solid sorption system for space heating and domestic

heat water.
LiCl with expanded
SJTU 4 [160] (2016) • Tc = 40 ◦ C
• Td = 85 ◦ C
• Storage energy density 0.873 kWh/kg.

Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW

# Liquid seasonal thermal storage system 13 of 35
HSR-SPF 5 [164] (2018) # Tc = 22 ◦ C NaOH/H2 O
• # Td = 50system
Solid sorption
for seasonal thermal storage for
Heat STRESS [171] domestic application
• Solid sorption system for seasonal thermal storage for CaCl2/NH3
(2019) • Tc = 40°C
domestic application
Heat STRESS [170] (2019) CaCl2 /NH3
• Tc = 40 ◦ C
T•d = 70°C
d = 70 storage
• Tenergy ◦C
University of ° Hybrid system to store energy from wind,
Newcastle [246] solar and/or off-peak electricity simultaneously. Co3O4/CoO
(2019) # Hybrid energy storage system to store energy from
University of ° Reaction take solar
a T > 800 °C electricity simultaneously.
wind, off-peak Co3 O4 /CoO
Newcastle [245] (2019)
• Pilot
# prototype
Reactionintegrated with
take places > 800 ◦ C
a TConcentrated Solar Power
RESTRUCTURE [248] (CSP) for power production
• Pilot prototype integrated with Concentrated Solar Co3O4/CoO
(2019) • Reaction take places in the temperature interval (800–1000)
RESTRUCTURE [247] (2019) °C Power (CSP) for power production Co3 O4 /CoO
• Reaction take places in the temperature interval
1 Salt Water Energy Accumulation and◦ Transformation. 2 Modular Chemical Energy Storage. 3
(800–1000) C
Combined Development
1 Salt Water Energy of Compact
Accumulation Thermal Energy
and Transformation. 2 Modular Storage
Energy Storage. Institute
3 Combinedof
4 Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics (China)
Development ofand Cryogenics
Compact Thermal(China) 5 Institute
Energy Storage fur Solartechnik.
5 Institute fur Solartechnik.
4. Thermochemical Storage in Power-to-Heat Applications
4. Thermochemical Storage in Power-to-Heat Applications
4.1. Thermochemical Storage Energy Systems in Power-to-Heat Applications: Case Studies
4.1. Thermochemical Storage Energy Systems in Power-to-Heat Applications: Case Studies
PtH technologies show a mature development with latent and sensible storage while only a
PtH technologies show a mature development with latent and sensible storage while only a
limited number of applications with thermochemical storage is available in literature [313–319].
limited number of applications with thermochemical storage is available in literature [310–317].
Existing applications focus on different aspects, hence a net comparison was not possible. Based on
Existing applications focus on different aspects, hence a net comparison was not possible. Based
the usage of the heat stored, in this work the applications were divided into power-to-heat and
on the usage of the heat stored, in this work the applications were divided into power-to-heat and
power-to-heat-to-power as shown in Figure 4. In the first case, heat stored is used in the form of
power-to-heat-to-power as shown in Figure 4. In the first case, heat stored is used in the form of thermal
thermal energy for heating and cooling purposes. In the second case, heat, released during the
energy for heating
discharging and
phase, is cooling
used purposes.
to generate In the when
electricity secondit case, heat, released during the discharging
is needed.
phase, is used to generate electricity when it is needed.

Figure 4. Thermochemical storage and power-to-heat uses.

Figure 4. Thermochemical storage and power-to-heat uses.
Cammarata et al. [139] developed a hybrid thermochemical storage device to store the excess
Cammarata et al. [140] developed a hybrid thermochemical storage device to store the excess of
of power generation. The system was developed for household applications for low to medium
power generation. The system was developed for household applications for low to medium
temperature range (50–100 ◦ C). The scheme of this case study is shown in Figure 5.
temperature range (50–100 °C). The scheme of this case study is shown in Figure 5.
The system is based on the reversible hydration/dehydration of SrBr2⋅6H2O and graphite as
additive material. The power converted into heat by a heat pump driven by solar and wind energy
is carried out to the tank storage where the endothermic dehydration reaction takes place at
temperature < 100 °C. From the reaction SrBr2 (sorbent) and H2O (sorbate) are formed
(SrBr2∙6H2O⇆SrBr2+6H2O), the sorbate is condensed for use in the discharging process in the case of
closed system or released in the environment in the case of open system. Heat stored is use both
heating demand and supply of electricity during the discharging phase. Their results showed that an
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Figure 5. PtH/TCTE

Ferrucci et al. [174] developed a

thermochemical system with an air co
Figure 5. PtH/TCTES
Figure 5. PtH/TCTES system
system developed
developed by
by Cammarata
Cammarata etet al.
al. [139].
[140] The cooling system is a conventional M
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14reactor
of 35
The system is based on the reversible hydration/dehydration of SrBr2 ·6His a packed-bed
2O and graphite as with eight com
Ferrucci et al. [174] developed a hybrid system for household applications. This integrates a
additive material. The power converted into heat by a heat pump driven by solar and wind energy isstudy is shown in
scheme of this case
thermochemical system with an air conditioning system driven by grid and photovoltaic electricity.
carried out to the tank storage where the endothermic dehydration reaction takes place at temperature
The cooling system is a conventional Mechanical Vapor Compression (MVC) while the storage device
< 100 ◦ C. From the reaction SrBr2 (sorbent) and H2 O (sorbate) are formed (SrBr2 ·6H2 O⇆SrBr2 +6H2 O),
is a packed-bed reactor with eight compartments based on the use of BaCl2/NH3 as working pair. The
the sorbate is condensed for use in the discharging process in the case of closed system or released
scheme of this case study is shown in Figure 6.
in the environment in the case of open system. Heat stored is use both heating demand and supply
of electricity during the discharging phase. Their results showed that an energy storage density of
500 kJ/kg can be achieved at a temperature of 80 ◦ C, a value of 600 kJ/kg by increasing the temperature
to 150 ◦ C. This study Figure shows 5.forPtH/TCTES system
the first time howdeveloped by Cammarata
the composite et al.of[140]
formulation SbBr2 affects the energy
density, heat and mass transfer and reaction kinetics.
Ferrucci et
Ferrucci et al.
al. [173]
[174] developed
developed aahybridhybridsystem
applications. ThisThis integrates
integrates aa
thermochemical system
thermochemical system with
with an an air
air conditioning
conditioning system
system driven
driven by
by grid
grid and
and photovoltaic
photovoltaic electricity.
The cooling system is a conventional Mechanical Vapor Compression (MVC)
The cooling system is a conventional Mechanical Vapor Compression (MVC) while the storage device while the storage device
is a packed-bed reactor with eight compartments based on the use of BaCl 2/NH3 as working pair. The
is a packed-bed reactor with eight compartments based on the use of BaCl2 /NH3 as working pair. The
scheme of
scheme of this
this case
case study
study is
is shown
shown in in Figure
Figure 6. PtH/TCTES system developed by Ferrucci et al. [174] and by Fitò et al. [320]
Figure 6. PtH/TCTES system

When there is a surplus of electricity generation and no cooling needs, the extraWhen powerthere is usedis a surplus of electr
to run the compressor in order to store energy for later use. By means of a smart controller, during
to run the compressor in order to stor
the storage process, the evaporator is disconnected from the circuit and the reactor is connected
the storage process, to the evaporator is
the compressor. The desorption heat is provided by a low grade waste heat source at 50 °C or by an
the compressor. The desorption heat i
electric heater in direct contact with the thermochemical reactor. BaCl2 reacts with ammonia
electric heater(NH3)in direct contact with t
to form BaCl2·8NH3 with an energy density estimated in an approximate valuetoofform 200 kJ BaClper2∙8NH
kg of3 with an energy d
reactor. The coefficient of performance, exergy efficiency and cooling capacity were used
reactor. The coefficient as of performa
indicators to compare
Figure 6. a traditional
PtH/TCTES system MVC cyclebywithout
developed Ferrucci thermochemical
et al. [173] and by storage
Fitò et al. and
indicators the hybrid
Figure 6. PtH/TCTES system developed by Ferrucci et al. [174] and by Fitò et al. [320] to compare a traditional M
system proposed. As example, the authors showed that the COP of the hybridsystem system,proposed.
for a given As example, the au
sourceWhen there is a is
temperature, surplus
higher of
the one generation
of a and no one.
conventional cooling
The needs,
hybrid the extra was
system power is used
When there is a surplus of electricity generation and no cooling needs, thesource extra power is used
temperature, is higher than the
to runalternative
with the compressor energy in storage
order to store energy In for later use.PbBy means of abatteries
smart controller, during
to run the compressor in order toprocesses.
store energy particular
for later use. Byand Li-ion
means of a smart with (electrochemical
alternative duringenergy storage proc
the storage
storage), iceprocess,
and chilled the water
evaporatorthermal is disconnected
storage was chosen from the as circuit and the reactor
alternative is connected to
the storage process, the evaporator is disconnected from the circuit and devicesthe reactorto thermochemical
storage), is connected
ice and
◦ C or by an
chilled water therma
the compressor.
reactor. Their results The desorption
showed that heattheis provided by aproposed
low grade waste heat source at 50
the compressor. The desorption heat ishybrid
provided system
by a low gradehas a cooling
waste capacity
heat source at (60
50 °CWh/L)
or by six
reactor. Their results showed that the
times heaterthan in direct
chilled contact
waterwith systemthe thermochemical
comparable reactor.
to that BaCl 22 reacts with ammonia (NH 3)
electric heater in direct contact with the but
thermochemical reactor. one
BaClof ice storage
reacts with
times systems.
larger than MVC
(NH3) chilled water syste
to form BaCl
systems ·8NH3 with an energy density estimated in an approximate value of 200MVC kJ per kgPb of
to form with
·8NH3 with an energy batteries have the
density highest in
estimated cooling capacity, 190
an approximate Wh/L
value of for
systems200 kJ with and
per kg of
electrochemical batteries
reactor. and
battery The coefficientWh/L of forperformance, and Liexergy efficiency and cooling capacity were used asthan
reactor. The420 coefficient ofMVC
performance, battery
exergy respectively,
efficiency but andmuchcooling shorter life
capacity spanwere usedMVC
battery and 420 Wh/L for MVC andas
to compare
with a traditional
thermochemical MVC cycle
storage. The COP without of thethermochemical
hybrid system storage
(4.8) is and the hybrid
comparable to Pbsystem proposed.
batteries (4.2), storage. The CO
indicators to compare a traditional MVC cycle without thermochemical storage
with and the hybrid
As example,
Li-ion batteries the(4.2)
authorsand showed
chiller that systems.
(4.2) the COP of the hybrid system, for a given source temperature, is
system proposed. As example, the authors showed that the COP of the hybridLi-ion system, for a given
batteries (4.2) and chiller (4.2) s
hybridthe onesystemof a is conventional
an example one.
of The hybrid systemmethod
compressor-driven was compared
for energy with alternative
storage and energy
source temperature, is higher than the one of a conventional one. The hybrid systemThe washybrid
compared system is an example
storage processes.
cooling. This applicationIn particular Pb and Li-ion batteries (electrochemical instorage), ice and chilled water
with alternative energy for space
storage cooling
processes. is not yet widely
In particular explored
Pb and Li-ion literature.
batteries (electrochemical
cooling. This application for space coo
et was analyzed
chosen as alternative devices to thermochemical reactor. Their resultshybridization
showed that
storage), iceal.and
[320]chilled wateranthermal ammonia-basedstorage was refrigeration
chosen as system
alternative consisting
devicesintothe thermochemical
Fitò et al. [318] analyzed an amm
of hybrid
compressionsystem proposed
refrigeration has a cooling capacity (60 Wh/L) six times larger than chilled water system
reactor. Their results showed with that the thermochemical
hybrid systemstorage. proposed The hasproposed
a coolinghybrid capacity system
(60 Wh/L)
of compression has the
refrigeration with th
but comparable
typical architecture to thatof one
a of icecycle
MVC storage systems. MVC
(evaporator, systemscondenser,
compressor, with electrochemical
reservoir batteries
and have
times larger than chilled water system but comparable to that one of ice storage typical systems.
architectureMVC of a MVC cycle
the highest
valve), cooling capacity, 190 Wh/Linstallation
for MVC and Pbabattery and 420 Wh/L for reactor. MVC and Lischeme
systemsa with
electrochemical photovoltaic
batteries have the highest and thermochemical
cooling capacity,storage 190 Wh/L for MVC The and Pb
of this case but
study much
is shown shorter
in life
Figure span
6. than MVC with thermochemical storage. The COP of the
battery and 420 Wh/L for MVC and Li battery respectively, but much shorter life span than MVC
hybrid system (4.8) is comparable to Pb batteriessystem (4.2), Li-ion
have batteries (4.2) and chiller (4.2) systems.
withMVC cycle
thermochemical and thermochemical
storage. The COPstorage of the hybrid system the same
(4.8) condenser,
is comparable to Pbevaporator
batteries (4.2), and
refrigerant fluid(4.2)
Li-ion batteries (NH3). andThe storage
chiller (4.2) device
systems. is a packed-bed reactor based on the use of BaCl2/NH3
as working pair. Both the PV installation
The hybrid system is an example of compressor-driven and the grid are used methodto meet the electricity
for energy storagerequirements
and deferred
cooling. This application for space cooling is not yet widely explored in literature.
Fitò et al. [320] analyzed an ammonia-based refrigeration system consisting in the hybridization
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 35

for cold production. When there is a surplus of power generation from RES and no cooling demand,
the power in excess is used to store energy in the form of heat driving the desorption phase of the
Appl. Thermochemical
Sci. 2020, 10, 3142 process enables the storage of energy in the form of chemical potential
15 offor
a deferred cold production without running the compressor. The heat of desorption is provided by
waste heat or solar collectors at about 50 °C. The authors demonstrated an overall thermochemical
The hybrid system is an example of compressor-driven method for energy storage and deferred
cycle has a COP (1-1.4) higher than a conventional MVC operating without thermochemical storage.
cooling. This application for space cooling is not yet widely explored in literature.
Finck et al. [176] developed a hybrid compression thermochemical refrigeration system (HCTSR)
Fitò et al. [315] analyzed an ammonia-based refrigeration system consisting in the hybridization of
to show the potential power flexibility of thermal storage and power-to-heat.
compression refrigeration with thermochemical storage. The proposed hybrid system has the typical
Power flexibility is in this specific case defined as the thermal response of TES tanks and related
architecture of a MVC cycle (evaporator, compressor, condenser, reservoir and throttling valve), a
electricity consumption of the heat pump during charging, discharging and store mode. The scheme
grid-connected photovoltaic installation and a thermochemical storage reactor. The scheme of this case
of this case study is shown in Figure 7.
study is shown in Figure 6.
HCTRS, consists of an MVC cycle and a thermochemical reactor. The heat pump and an electric
MVC cycle and thermochemical storage system have the same condenser, evaporator and
heater serve as power-to-heat conversion while the storage tank as the source of flexibility. The
refrigerant fluid (NH3 ). The storage device is a packed-bed reactor based on the use of BaCl2 /NH3 as
thermochemical storage device is a packed bed reactor based on zeolite 13X and water as working
working pair. Both the PV installation and the grid are used to meet the electricity requirements for
pair. During desorption, the electric heater serves as a dehydration source. During adsorption, the
cold production. When there is a surplus of power generation from RES and no cooling demand, the
heat stored is used for space heating or domestic hot water. The system with thermochemical storage
power in excess is used to store energy in the form of heat driving the desorption phase of the reactor.
was compared with the one obtained coupling the same MVC to a sensible and latent storage tank.
Thermochemical process enables the storage of energy in the form of chemical potential for a deferred
Water and CaCl2∙6H2O were used as sensible and latent material respectively. Results show that
cold production without running the compressor. The heat of desorption is provided by waste heat or
assuming the same dimensions for the storage tank (a cylindrical vessel of 0.5 m3 ) and a volume flow
solar collectors at about 50 ◦ C. The authors demonstrated an overall thermochemical cycle has a COP
of heat transfer medium of 1 m3/h, the thermochemical system has an energy capacity (0.05 GJ) lower
(1–1.4) higher than a conventional MVC operating without thermochemical storage.
than the other storage systems (0.15 GJ). The available storage capacity (COC) and storage efficiency
Finck et al. [175] developed a hybrid compression thermochemical refrigeration system (HCTSR)
(ηOC) were used to compare the energy flexibility of the three different thermal storage systems. COC
to show the potential power flexibility of thermal storage and power-to-heat.
is defined as the amount of energy that is shifted during the optimal control to minimize the
Power flexibility is in this specific case defined as the thermal response of TES tanks and related
electricity consumption costs for operating the heat pump and the electric heater. ηOC indicates the
electricity consumption of the heat pump during charging, discharging and store mode. The scheme of
effective use of the heat stored to compensate power-to-heat devices during optimal control. Results
this case study is shown in Figure 7.
show that the thermochemical storage has the lower values for both COC (5.6 kWh) and ηOC (0.96).

Figure 7.
Figure 7. PtH/TCTES system developed
PtH/TCTES system developed by
by Finck
Finck et
et al.
al. [175].

The following
HCTRS, consists studies
of an MVCare examples
cycle andofa power-to-heat-to-power
thermochemical reactor. applications
The heat pump in which
and anthe heat
stored is
heater converted
serve into electricity
as power-to-heat by a power
conversion whileplantthewhen it is tank
storage needed.
as the source of flexibility. The
Wu et al. [321]
thermochemical proposed
storage deviceaishybrid
a packed energy
bed system
reactor to storeonexcess
based zeoliteenergy
13X andfrom renewable
water sources.
as working pair.
The system
During consiststhe
desorption, of aelectric
heater air energy
serves as astorage (CAES)
dehydration integrated
source. Duringwith a thermochemical
adsorption, the heat
stored on the
used for spaceuseheating
of the ormetal oxide hot
domestic redox pairThe
water. Co3system
O4/CoOwith as sorption working storage
thermochemical material.wasIn
contrast to a conventional Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) [322] in
compared with the one obtained coupling the same MVC to a sensible and latent storage tank. Water which compressed air is
and CaCl2 ·6Hby 2 Omeans
were usedthe combustion
as sensible andof fossil
latentfuel, in therespectively.
material proposed hybridResultssystem
assuming is
the same by the sorption
dimensions for reactor. The tank
the storage scheme of this casevessel
(a cylindrical study of 0.5 m3 )in
is shown andFigure 8.
a volume flow of heat
transfer proposed 1 m3 /h,consists
ofsystem of five compressors
the thermochemical systempowered by electricity
has an energy capacityto (0.05
compress air and
GJ) lower an
the otherheater
storage assystems
heat source
(0.15 for
the thermochemical storage
(COC) and storage process.(ηThe
efficiency OC )
thermal charging phase takes place, in parallel with the CAES compression
were used to compare the energy flexibility of the three different thermal storage systems. COC isphase, with the reduction
of Co3O4asinto
defined theCO and CO
amount 2 (2Co3O
of energy 4 ⇆is
that 6CoO + Oduring
shifted 2) carried
the out at 870
optimal °C and
control to0.1 bar. Thethe
minimize discharging
consumption costs for operating the heat pump and the electric heater. ηOC indicates the effective use
of the heat stored to compensate power-to-heat devices during optimal control. Results show that the
thermochemical storage has the lower values for both COC (5.6 kWh) and ηOC (0.96).
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 35
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3142 16 of 35
phase takes place and the energy stored in the compressed air and metal oxide CoO (heat released
by the exothermic reaction is transferred to air) is converted back into electricity throw air turbines.
The following studies are examples of power-to-heat-to-power applications in which the heat
A value of 3.9 kWh/m3 was evaluated for the energy storage density, defined in this case as the total
stored is converted into electricity by a power plant when it is needed.
power output per unit volume of the stored air (the same as the volume of the storage cavern).
Wu et al. [245] proposed a hybrid energy system to store excess energy from renewable sources.
Moreover, it was estimated that 65% of the energy storage density relies on thermochemical part of
The system consists of a compressed air energy storage (CAES) integrated with a thermochemical
the system while the remaining 35% is achieved via the CAES. The authors demonstrated that, in
reactor based on the use of the metal oxide redox pair Co3 O4 /CoO as sorption working material. In
terms of storage energy density, the hybrid system has a value comparable to a conventional CAES
contrast to a 3conventional Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) [317] in which compressed air is
(3–6 kWh/m ) operating atSci.
Appl. the2020,
same 10,conditions. Based on a thermodynamic analysis it was estimated
superheated by means the combustion of fossil fuel, in the proposed hybrid system this function is
an efficiency of 56.4%. In comparison to conventional CAES plants, authors showed that this value is
replaced by the sorption reactor. The scheme of this case study is shown in Figure 8.
higher than the efficiency of the commercialized Huntfort (42%) and McIntosh (54%) CAES plants.

Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 35

phase takes place and the energy stored in the compressed air and metal oxide CoO (heat released
by the exothermic reaction is transferred toFigure air) is5.converted
PtH/TCTESback system into electricity
developed by throw
Cammarataair turbines.
et al. [140]
A value of 3.9 kWh/m was evaluated for the energy storage density, defined in this case as the total

power output per unit volume Ferrucci et al.

of the [174] air
stored developed
(the same a hybrid system for
as the volume of thehousehold
storage applications.
cavern). This integrat
Moreover, it was estimated thermochemical
that 65% of system
the with
energy an air
storage conditioning
density relies system
on driven
thermochemical by grid and
part photovoltaic
of electri
Figure 8. 8. PtH/TCTES
PtH/TCTES system system developed
developed by by WuWu etet al.
al. [245].
The cooling system is a conventional
the system while the remaining 35% is achieved via the CAES. The authors demonstrated that, in Mechanical Vapor Compression (MVC) while the storage de
termsThe of storage
Fernandez energy is adensity,
al. packed-bed
[236] the reactor
developed with
compressors eight acompartments
haspoweredvalue comparable
a power-to-heat-to-power based
by electricity toon the use
toa compress
system ofair
based BaClon 2/NH
and an 3 as working pair.
(3–6 kWh/m
electric heater 3) as
heat scheme
source the
for of
the case
charging studyphaseis shown
of the
calcination/carbonation of calcium carbonate as sorption process and a closed CO2 Brayton on in
a Figure
thermochemical 6. analysis
storage it
process. was The estimated
an efficiency
regenerative phaseof 56.4%.
cycle. The Inscheme
place, comparison of thisto
in parallel withconventional
case the CAES
study CAESin
is shown plants,
Figure authors
phase,9. with showed that thisofvalue
the reduction Co3 Ois4
into COthan
andthe COefficiency
2 (2Co O
3 4 of⇆ the
6CoO +
O 2 ) carried Huntfort
out at 870 ◦ C and
(42%) and McIntosh
0.1 bar. The(54%) CAES
discharging plants.
takes place and the energy stored in the compressed air and metal oxide CoO (heat released by the
exothermic reaction is transferred to air) is converted back into electricity throw air turbines. A value of
3.9 kWh/m3 was evaluated for the energy storage density, defined in this case as the total power output
per unit volume of the stored air (the same as the volume of the storage cavern). Moreover, it was
estimated that 65% of the energy storage density relies on thermochemical part of the system while the
Figure 9. PtH/TCTES system developed by Fernandez et al. [236].
remaining 35% is achieved via the CAES. The authors demonstrated that, in terms of storage energy
density, the hybrid system has a value comparable to a conventional CAES (3–6 kWh/m3 ) operating at
During the charging phase, the electric power is converted into thermal power by Appl. JouleSci. effect
2020,to 10, x FOR PEER REVIE
the same conditions. Based on a thermodynamic analysis it was estimated an efficiency of 56.4%. In
heat up the calciner (Fluidized bed thermochemical reactor). In the reactor the calcination
comparison to conventional CAES plants, authors showed that this value is higher than the efficiency
endothermic reaction takes Figure place under atmospheric
8. PtH/TCTES system developed pressure by Wu at 950
et al.°C, CaO and CO2 are formed
of the commercialized Huntfort (42%) and McIntosh (54%) CAES plants.
(CaCO3 ⇆ CaO + CO2). During the discharging phase, that takes place at 75 bar and 25 °C, power is
Fernandez et al. [235] developed a power-to-heat-to-power system based on the
generated in a COet2 turbine
Fernandez al. [236] connected developedto an asynchronous generator that converts
a power-to-heat-to-power systemmechanicalbased onpower the
calcination/carbonation of calcium carbonate as sorption process and a closed CO2 Brayton regenerative
into electricity. CaO and
calcination/carbonation of CO 2 are
calcium carried
carbonate out asin the
process reactor
and awhere
Figure 6. PtH/TCTES system developed by Ferrucci et al. [174] and by Fitò et al. [318]theCO exothermic
2 Brayton
cycle. The scheme of this case study is shown in Figure 9.
carbonation cycle.
regenerative reaction Theoccurs.
schemeThe presence
of this case study of a calciner
is shownand a carbonator
in Figure 9. is indicative that in the
system charging and discharging When there cycles is a aresurplus
well of electricity generation
differentiated and no cooling
and independent. The systemneeds, the is extra power is u
connected to the grid to torunexport
the compressor
electrical in ordergenerated
power to store energy duringforthe later use. By means
discharging phase. of aThesmart controller, du
Figure 5. Pt
proposed system was the storageunder
simulated process, the evaporator
different charging and is disconnected from the circuit
discharging operations modesand the reactor is connecte
to assess
its potential as large-scale the compressor.
electric energy Thestorage
desorptionsystem heat is provided
estimating by a low grade
a maximum reachablewaste heat source
Ferrucci et[174]
50 °Cdevel
or b
of 39%. electric heater in direct contact with the thermochemical reactor. BaCl
thermochemical system with(N
2 reacts with ammonia a
Wu et al. [321] developed to form BaCl 2∙8NH
a phase 3 withredox
change an energy (PCR)density
system estimated
to convertin an approximate
electricity The cooling system is a conventk
surplus value
into of 200 kJ per
Figure 9.
Figure 9. PtH/TCTES
PtH/TCTES system system developed
developed by by Fernandez
Fernandez et et al.
al. [235].
heat and to store it using reactor.
a CuO/Cu The 2coefficient
O cycle. The ofscheme
of this case exergystudyefficiency
is shown and in is acooling
Figure 10. capacity
packed-bed reactor were
When there is a indicators
surplus of to compare
electricity a
from traditional
grid or
During the charging phase, the electric power is converted into thermal power by Joule MVC
solar/wind cycle without
plants heat thermochemical
scheme by
of this and the
to case study is sho hy
heat up is used
upthethe for
calciner thesystem
(Fluidized proposed.
phase As
of theexample,
bed thermochemical
bed thermochemical sorption the authors
reactor).reactor). showed
In the reactorIn the that
this the
the reactor
CuO 2ofis the hybrid
calcination system, for a g
into CuO and O 2 (2CuO 2 ⇆ 2CuO
source temperature,
+ O 2). The is higher
molten than
CuO/CuO the one of a
requires conventional
a high one.
temperature The hybrid
of about system was comp
at 950 ◦pressure 3 ⇆formed
CaO +
reaction takesreaction
place under takes place under
atmospheric atmospheric
pressure C, CaO and at 950
CO°C, 2 areCaO formed and(CaCO
CO2 are
CO °C during
3 ⇆ CaO
+ CO with
2). During
phase. When energy
the discharging storage
phase, processes.
at that in
takes the
◦ particular
25 C,atpower the
75 barisand Pb and
25 °C, power batteries
in aphase is2 (electrochem
2 ). During the discharging phase, that takes place 75 bar generated CO
turbine During this
in a CO2toturbine
connected storage),
phase, the ice
connected to
an asynchronous and
exothermic chilled water
an asynchronous
generator thermal
that converts place storage
generator and
mechanical was
the chosen
that converts
power into as
molten alternative
electricity. devices
CaO 2 is to thermochem
and and cooled
CO CaOout reactor.
and in an Their
COoxidation results
are carried showed
reactorout using
in that the
theair. hybrid
carbonator system
air proposed
reactor used into athe
where has a
Brayton cooling
exothermic cycle capacity (60 Wh/L
2 are carried the 2carbonator reactor where the exothermic reaction occurs.
The with
presence ofaabottoming
reaction times
calciner and larger
The than
a carbonator chilled a water
is calciner system
(ORC). and
that inabut
Energy comparable
the system is to that
and round
that ofinice
discharging thestorage systems. M
system charging and discharging cycles are well differentiated and independent. The system isWh/L for MVC an
efficiency were the systems
indicators with
used electrochemical
to assess the energy batteries
storage have the highest
performances. cooling
Energy capacity,
storage 190
connected to the gridbattery to export and 420 Wh/L power
electrical for MVC and Li battery
generated duringrespectively,
the discharging but muchphase.shorter The life span than M
proposed system was simulated under different charging and discharging operations modes to assess to Pb batteries (
with thermochemical storage. The COP of the hybrid system (4.8) is comparable
its potential as large-scale Li-ion batteries
electric energy (4.2)storage
and chiller
system (4.2) systems. a maximum reachable efficiency
of 39%. The hybrid system is an example of compressor-driven method for energy storage and defe
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 35
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3142 17 of 35
is here defined as the heat stored per mass unit of the raw material CuO while the round trip
efficiency is the amount of electricity that can be recovered for a given energy input. The PCR system
cycles are well differentiated and independent. The system is connected to the grid to export electrical
coupled to the Brayton and Rankine power generation cycles is able to achieve a round trip efficiency
of aboutgenerated
50%. during the discharging phase. The proposed system was simulated under different
Sci. 2020, 10, xof
FORthe proposed
PEER REVIEWPCR system are high-energy storage density, high round 14 of 36
charging and discharging
trip efficiency, enhancement operations modes
of CuO/Cu to assess its potential as large-scale electric energy storage
2O reversibility, abundant and low-cost raw material and
system estimating a maximum reachable efficiency
oxygen as a valuable by-product. The main disadvantages of 39%. and potential limits can be summarized
Wu et al. [316] developed a phase change
as systems complexity, high-temperature heat source, redox (PCR) system to converttemperature
high operating electricity surplus into
and high
heat and to store
equipment, it using
operation anda maintenance
CuO/Cu2 O cycle.
costs.The scheme of this case study is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 5. PtH/TCTES system developed by Cammarata et al. [140]

Ferrucci et al. [174] developed a hybrid system for household applications. This integrates a
thermochemical system with an air conditioning system driven by grid and photovoltaic electricity.
The cooling system is aPtH/TCTES
conventional Mechanical
system developed
developed by
Compression (MVC) while the storage device
Figure 10.
10. PtH/TCTES by Wu
Wu etet al.
al. [316].
is a packed-bed reactor with eightsystem
compartments based on the[322].
use of BaCl2/NH3 as working pair. The
When scheme
there is aofsurplus
this case study is shown
of electricity in Figure
from grid 6.
or solar/wind plants heat provided by Joule heating
Rodriguez et al. [323] proposed an innovative hybrid absorption system based on the
is used for the charging phase of the sorption process. During this phase, CuO2 is reduced into CuO
thermochemical technology to store electrical energy at large scale. The system consists of two storage
and O2 (2CuO2 ⇆ 2CuO + O2 ). The molten CuO/CuO2 requires a high temperature of about 1200 ◦ C
tanks to accumulate a liquid solution at two different levels of pressure, a compressor powered by
during the charging phase. When electricity demand in the grid occurs the discharging phase starts.
the excess renewable energy, a thermochemical storage tank (using of NH3/LiNO3, where NH3 is the
During this phase, the exothermic reaction takes place and the stored molten CuO/CuO2 is oxidized
solute while LiNO3 is the sorbent) and an independent vapor expander/turbine (T) located between
and cooled into an oxidation reactor using air. Heated air is used into a Brayton cycle coupled with a
the high and low pressure tanks that drives an electrical generator. The scheme of this case study is
bottoming organic Rankine cycle (ORC). Energy storage density and round trip efficiency were the
shown in Figure 11.
indicators used to assess the energy storage performances. Energy storage density is here defined as
When there is an excess of renewable electricity generation, the charging phase takes place
the heat stored per mass unit of the raw material CuO while the round trip efficiency is the amount of
increasing the pressure difference between the two reservoirs. The authors highlighted that the
electricity that can be recovered for a given energy input. The PCR system coupled to the Brayton and
amount of energy required to pressurize the gas in the proposed hybrid cycle is lower than
Rankine power generation cycles is able to achieve a round trip efficiency of about 50%. Advantages of
pressurizing a gas with no phase change. During the discharging phase, the turbine transforms the
the proposed PCR system are high-energy storage density, high round trip efficiency, enhancement of
stored energy into mechanical energy driving a generator and returning the electricity into the grid.
CuO/Cu2 O reversibility, abundant and low-cost raw material and oxygen as a valuable by-product. The
Numerical simulations were carried out in order to evaluate the performance of the storage system.
main disadvantages and potential limits can be summarized as systems complexity, high-temperature
For a nominal renewable power of 18 kW and an energy output of 8 kW, 44.3% and 0.36 MWh were
heat source, high operating temperature and high equipment, operation and maintenance costs.
the values found for the efficiency
Figure and energy
6. PtH/TCTES storage respectively.
system developed by Ferrucci etThe viability
al. [174] and byof using
Fitò et al. of an
Rodriguez et al. [318] proposed an innovative hybrid absorption system based on the
absorption thermochemical energy stored system inherently combined with a gas compression cycle
thermochemical technology to store electrical energy at large scale. The system consists of two
was demonstrated Whenonly theoretically.
there is a surplus of electricity generation and no cooling needs, the extra power is used
storage tanks to accumulate a liquid solution at two different levels of pressure, a compressor powered
to run the compressor in order to store energy for later use. By means of a smart controller, during
by the excess renewable energy, a thermochemical storage tank (using of NH3 /LiNO3 , where NH3 is
the storage process, the evaporator is disconnected from the circuit and the reactor is connected to
the solute while LiNO3 is the sorbent) and an independent vapor expander/turbine (T) located between
the compressor. The desorption heat is provided by a low grade waste heat source at 50 °C or by an
the high and low pressure tanks that drives an electrical generator. The scheme of this case study is
electric heater in direct contact with the thermochemical reactor. BaCl2 reacts with ammonia (NH3)
shown in Figure 11.
to form BaCl2∙8NH3 with an energy density estimated in an approximate value of 200 kJ per kg of
When there is an excess of renewable electricity generation, the charging phase takes place
reactor. The coefficient of performance, exergy efficiency and cooling capacity were used as
increasing the pressure difference between the two reservoirs. The authors highlighted that the amount
indicators to compare a traditional MVC cycle without thermochemical storage and the hybrid
of energy required to pressurize the gas in the proposed hybrid cycle is lower than pressurizing a
system proposed. As example, the authors showed that the COP of the hybrid system, for a given
gas with no phase change. During the discharging phase, the turbine transforms the stored energy
source temperature, is higher than the one of a conventional one. The hybrid system was compared
into mechanical energy driving a generator and returning the electricity into the grid. Numerical
with alternative energy storage processes. In particular Pb and Li-ion batteries (electrochemical
simulations were carried out in order to evaluate the performance of the storage system. For a
storage), ice and chilled water thermal storage was chosen as alternative devices to thermochemical
nominal renewable power of 18 kW and an energy output of 8 kW, 44.3% and 0.36 MWh were
reactor. Their results showed that the hybrid system proposed has a cooling capacity (60 Wh/L) six
the values found for the efficiency and energy storage respectively. The viability of using of an
times larger than chilled water system but comparable to that one of ice storage systems. MVC
absorption thermochemical energy stored system inherently combined with a gas compression cycle
systems with electrochemical batteries have the highest cooling capacity, 190 Wh/L for MVC and Pb
was demonstrated only theoretically.
battery and 420 Wh/L for MVC and Li battery respectively, but much shorter life span than MVC
The features of the cases described in this section are summarized in Table 4.
with thermochemical storage. The COP of the hybrid system (4.8) is comparable to Pb batteries (4.2),
Figure Li-ion batteriessystem
11. PtH/TCTES (4.2) and chiller by
developed (4.2) al. [323]. *Heat is exchanged between the
two tanks inThe hybrid
order system isthe
to compensate anammonia
of compressor-drivencycle. method for energy storage and deferred
cooling. This application for space cooling is not yet widely explored in literature.
Fitò et al. [318] analyzed an ammonia-based refrigeration system consisting in the hybridization
of compression refrigeration with thermochemical storage. The proposed hybrid system has the
typical architecture of a MVC cycle (evaporator, compressor, condenser, reservoir and throttling
pressurizing a gas with no phase change. During the discharging phase, the turbine transforms the
stored energy into mechanical energy driving a generator and returning the electricity into the grid.
Numerical simulations were carried out in order to evaluate the performance of the storage system.
For a nominal renewable power of 18 kW and an energy output of 8 kW, 44.3% and 0.36 MWh were
the values found for the efficiency and energy storage respectively. The viability of using of an
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10,
absorption 3142
thermochemical 18 of 35
energy stored system inherently combined with a gas compression cycle
was demonstrated only theoretically.

Figure 11.11. PtH/TCTESsystem
PtH/TCTES systemdeveloped
Rodriguez et
et al.
al. [318].
[323]. *Heat
* Heatisisexchanged
exchangedbetween thethe
two tanks in order to compensate the ammonia expansion/compression
two tanks in order to compensate the ammonia expansion/compression cycle. cycle.

Table 4. Thermochemical storage in PtH and PtH/HtP applications.

References Application Storage Material Performance Indicators

Cammarata et al. [139] SrBr2 /H2 O Energy density: 500 kJ/kg
(household application)
Energy density: 200 kJ/kg
Ferrucci et al. [173] (integrated into electric BaCl2 /NH3
COP = 4.8
driven cooling system)
Capacity: 5.6 kWh
Finck et al. [175] (integrated into electric Zeolite 13X/H2 O
Efficiency: 0.96
driven cooling system)
Energy density: 3.9 kWh/m3
Wu et al. [245] Power-to-heat (to power) Co3 O4 /CoO
Efficiency: 56.4%
Fernandez et al. [235] Power-to-heat (to power) CaCO3 /CaO Overall plant Efficiency: 39%
Energy density: 1600 kJ/kg
Wu et al. [316] Power-to-heat (to power) CuO/Cu2 O
Efficiency: 50%
Capacity: 0.36 MWh
Rodriguez et al. [318] Power-to-heat (to power) NH3 /LiNO3
Efficiency: 44.3%

4.2. Discussion and Outlook

The articles reviewed show emerging power-to-heat/thermochemical applications as flexible
coupling systems to address both integration of renewable energies and additional grid flexibility.
High efficiency in balancing the excess of renewable generation is the key aspect that could led these
applications towards an increasing development in the next future.
Investigating the demand flexibility of power-to-heat conversion with thermochemical systems
was a common aim of all authors. All three dimensions of flexibility were investigated: size (energy),
time (power) and costs. A number of indicators were proposed to quantify the energy flexibility
in terms of available storage capacity and/or efficiency. The usage of a non-common quantification
method to estimate the energy flexibility makes difficult a straightforward comparison among the
reviewed studies. Despite this limit, important considerations can be argued as follows.
According to the thermodynamic and numerical analyses, the overall efficiency of the coupled
system range from 39% to 56%. The highest value is obtained in power-to-heat/thermochemical
applications coupled to power cycle [317], overcoming typical efficiencies of conventional power cycles.
The reason lies in the use of raw thermochemical materials requiring higher operating temperatures,
which increase the upper limit of the achievable thermodynamic efficiency according to Carnot
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3142 19 of 35

principles. This suggests that more efforts should be paid to the design and test of thermochemical
materials and related physical–chemical reactions, in order to boost further the process efficiency in
view of the development of optimized systems.
The studies reported in [246,317] suggest that the high efficiency and flexibility of these innovative
applications could be able to facilitate the integration in the power system not only of the photovoltaic
but also of the wind power. A development in the wind energy integration could be crucial in energy
systems characterized by a large share of wind power.
High storage density, low heat loss, long storage period, highly compact energy storage are
the main advantages common to all the power-to-heat/thermochemical technologies. Despite this, a
series of limits, such as the high costs of the materials and the complexity of the equipment, makes
these applications still not mature for large scale/market adoption as shown by the few prototypes
developed and tested so far. Costs abatement and process simplification in optimized systems require
further efforts for the development of techno-economically competitive applications. Moreover, the
deployment at large-scale of these potential low-carbon technologies will require significant investments
and the revision of the present infrastructures.

5. Conclusions
In this work, to provide a comprehensive review on the state of art of thermochemical storage
systems and their applications in power-to-heat technologies, theoretical, experimental and numerical
studies and their recent advancements and potential perspectives were discussed.
This paper reviews the current literature that refers to the development and exploitation of
thermochemical storage systems connected to power-to-heat technologies to power grid support. The
operation principles both of thermochemical and of power-to-heat are presented, thermochemical
materials and processes are compared. Power-to-heat conversion is likely the most mature and
favorable technology enabling power flexibility. It is particularly suitable in energy systems with high
shares of renewable generation. In order to increase the flexibility of the energy system, power-to-heat
technologies coupled to thermal storage devices are among the most promising alternatives. Thermal
storage is able to provide several benefits such as load management, power quality and continuous
power supply. When there is an excess of generation, electricity is converted into heat and stored for
subsequent use on demand. In this way, additional power in the situations of increased load is provided,
thus contributing to peak shaving, load shifting and energy conservation. The conversion of power
into heat is generally performed by electrical resistances or via heat pumps. Despite converting electric
power into heat is not convenient from a thermodynamic perspective, power-to-heat applications are
gaining an increasing attention due to the low prices of renewable electricity and the increasing surplus
of produced electricity that cannot be used. Several advantages, e.g., high efficiency for balancing
excess renewable generation and high potential on reduction of CO2 emissions and fossil fuels, could
be the key elements for a larger development in the future trends of these technologies.
There are several examples of sensible and latent thermal storage in power-to-heat applications,
while only a limited number of applications of thermochemical storage in the power-to-heat field are
available. High energy storage density, no heat loss during the storage, no self-discharge and long
charge/discharge, broad availability and suitable temperature ranges are some important advantages
of thermochemical storage systems.
However, the high complexity and costs of these technologies limit the real applications, while
only few prototype-scale systems have been studied. To improve their implementation, comprehensive
analyses and investigations are further required. In contrast, thermochemical storage is widely used
into heat-to-power sector. Heat-to-power and power-to-heat sectors are among the most relevant
options available to balance fluctuating renewable energy sources and hence power grid. This particular
interaction between electricity and heat sectors will play an important role towards the cost effective
transition to a low carbon energy system with a high penetration of renewable generation.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3142 20 of 35

Author Contributions: All authors conceived the research idea and the framework of this review. All authors
have read and approved the final manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: All authors declare no conflicts of interest.

AB Storage material
A,B Reaction products
ALPOs Aluminophosphates
CAES Compressed air energy storage
Cp Heat capacity (J/(kg K))
CHP Combined heat and power
COP Coefficient of Performance
CSP Collectors and Concentrating Solar Plant
DHS District heating systems
DSM Demand-side management
∆h Phase change enthalpy (◦ C)
∆H Standard reaction enthalpy (J/mol)
∆S Standard reaction entropy (J/(◦ C mol))
∆T Temperature difference (◦ C)
GHG Greenhouse gases
HCTSR Hybrid compression thermochemical refrigeration system
HPs Heat pumps
HtP Heat to power
LTES Latent thermal energy storage
m Mass (kg)
MVC Mechanical vapor compression
ORC Organic Rankine cycle
PCM Phase change materials
PCR Phase change redox
PtH Power-to-heat
PV Photovoltaic
PV-CaL Photovoltaic Calcium looping
Ql Latent energy stored (J)
Qs Sensible energy stored (J)
RES Renewable energy sources
SAPOs Silico-aluminophosphates
STES Sensible heat storage
T Turbine
Tc Charging temperature (◦ C)
Td Discharging temperature (◦ C)
TCTES Thermochemical thermal energy storage
TES Thermal energy storage
TESs Thermal energy storage systems
VRE Variable renewable electricity

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