Division B
11» Except as provided in Sentence (4), the specified load, S, due to the
accumulation of rainwater on a surface whose position, shape and deflection under
load make such an accumulation possible, is that resulting from the one-day rainfall
determined in conformance with Subsection 1.1.3. and applied over the horizontal
projection of the surface and all tributary surfaces. (See Appendix A)
2) The provisions of Sentence (1) apply whether or not the surface is provided
with a means of drainage, such as rainwater leaders.
3) Except as provided in Sentence, loads due to rain need not be
considered to act simultaneously with loads due to snow. (See Appendix A)
4) Where scuppers are provided and where the position, shape and deflection
of the loaded surface make an accumulation of rainwater possible, the loads due to
rain shall be the lesser of either the one-day rainfall determined in conformance
with Subsection 1.1.3. or a depth of rainwater equal to 30 mm above the level of the
scuppers, applied over the horizontal projection of the surface and tributary areas.
11 ) The specified external pressure or suction due to wind on part or all of a surface
of a building shall be calculated using the formula
p = specified external pressure acting statically and in a direction normal to the
surface, either as a pressure directed towards the surface or as a suction
directed away from the surface,
Iw = importance factor for wind load, as provided in Table,
q = reference velocity pressure, as provided in Sentence (4),
C e = exposure factor, as provided in Sentence (5),
Cg = gust effect factor, as provided in Sentence (6), and
C p = external pressure coefficient, averaged over the area of the surface
(See Appendix A)
Importance Factor for Wind Load, Iw
Forming Part of Sentences and (3)
Importance Factor, Iw
Importance Category
Low 0.8 0.75
Normal 1 0.75
High 1.15 0.75
Post-disaster 1.25 0.75
2) The net wind load for the building as a whole shall be the algebraic difference of
the loads on the windward and leeward surfaces, and in some cases, may be calculated
as the sum of the products of the external pressures or suctions and the areas of the
surfaces over which they are averaged as provided in Sentence (1). (See Appendix A.)
3) The net specified pressure due to wind on part or all of a surface of a building
shall be the algebraic difference of the external pressure or suction as provided in
Sentence (1) and the specified internal pressure or suction due to wind calculated
using the following formula:
Pi = specified internal pressure acting statically and in a direction normal to the
surface, either as a pressure directed towards the surface or as a suction
directed away from the surface,
Iw = importance factor for wind load, as provided in Table,
q = reference velocity pressure, as provided in Sentence (4),
C e = exposure factor, as provided in Sentence (5),
C gi = internal gust effect factor, as provided in Sentence (6), and
Cpi = internal pressure coefficient.
(See Appendix A.)
4) The reference velocity pressure, q, shall be the appropriate value determined
in conformance with Subsection 1.1.3., based on a probability of being exceeded in
anyone year of 1 in 50.
5) The exposure factor, Ce , shall be
a) (h/10)0.2 but not less than 0.9 for open terrain, where open terrain is level
terrain with only scattered buildings, trees or other obstructions, open water
or shorelines thereof, h being the reference height above grade in metres for
the surface or part of the surface (see Appendix A),
b) 0.7(h/12)0.3 but not less than 0.7 for rough terrain, where rough terrain is
suburban, urban or wooded terrain extending upwind from the building
uninterrupted for at least 1 km or 10 times the building height, whichever is
greater, h being the reference height above grade in metres for the surface or
part of the surface (see Appendix A),
c) an intermediate value between the two exposures defined in Clauses (a)
and (b) in cases where the site is less than 1 km or 10 times the building
height from a change in terrain conditions, whichever is greater, provided an
appropriate interpolation method is used (see Appendix A), or
d) if a dynamic approach to the action of wind gusts is used, an appropriate
value depending on both height and shielding (see Appendix A).
6) The gust effect factor, C g, shall be one of the following values:
a) for the building as a whole and main structural members, C g = 2.0 (see
Appendix A),
where the summations are over the height of the building for a given wind direction, hi
is the height above grade to level i, as defined in Sentence, and Wi is the width
normal to the wind direction at height hi; the minimum effective width is the lowest
value of the effective width considering all possible wind directions.