Wind Load Pressures

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Structural Design STD307B

Mr J Moroathsehla

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind load pressures

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind Loads

Wind loads, like rain snow and hail, are environmentally induced loads.
This act outside the structure and as such, the structure must carry these loads.

 Unlike other environmentally induced loads, wind loads act perpendicular to the
walls or roof surface of a building;

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind loads
Standards and Calculation Methodology

 SANS 10160-3 :2011 (Or latest) provides methodology for calculating wind loads

 The load calculation procedure is summarized in table 5 of SANS 10160-3 :2011

given below;

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind loads
Calculation Methodology as per table 5 SANS10160-3: 2011
• Fundamental basic wind speed
• Basic wind speed
• Terrain category
• Reference height
• Topography coefficient
• Roughness/ height coefficient
• Peak wind speed
• Peak wind speed pressure
• Internal pressure coefficient
• External pressure coefficient
• Internal wind pressure
• External wind pressure
• Wind force calculated from force coefficient
• Internal force
• External force
• Frictional force/drag force

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind loads
Determining the basic wind speed

 Figure 1 (Figure 2.5 in

 (basic wind speed)

• K= shape parameter =0.2

• n=0.5
• p= probability of annual
exceedance (p=0.02 for a
mean return period of 50

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind loads
Determining the Terrain Category

 SANS 10160-3: 2011 table 2 defines the four terrain categories

 The four terrain categories are defined as follows;

• Category A-flat, open countryside or sea
• Category B-Small scattered buildings, low vegetation or trees
• Category C-Suburban and light industrial areas with closely spaced small
to medium buildings and large trees
• Category D-Area in which at least 15% of the surface is covered with
buildings with average height greater than 15m

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind loads
Determining reference height topography and roughness coefficient
 SANS 10160-3: 2011 table 1 and clause 7.3.2 facilitates the
determination of -the roughness factor;

 All the heights are defined in clause, these are dependant on
the terrain category,
 Reference height is given by clause
 The topography factor is taken as one unless the terrain topography
increases the wind speed by more than 5%, then is calculated in
accordance to Annexure A.3 of SANS 10160-3: 2011
 The basic peak wind speed, is given by the expression
 From this coefficients or factors, we can now calculate the peak wind speed
at elevation z using the expression;

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind Loads
Peak wind pressure

 The wind pressure is dependant on the square of the wind speed and the air density

 The air density,ρ, depends on the height above sea level as given by table 4 in SANS
10160-3: 2011

 The peak wind speed pressure , is given by the expression below;

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind Loads

Pressures on Structural elements

 The pressure exerted on part of a structure is a function of the peak wind speed
pressure, the geometry of the structure and the orientation towards the flow
 The relationship between the peak wind speed pressure and the pressure
exerted at a particular point of the structure is represented by the pressure
 The pressure coefficients are multiplied by the wind pressure to obtain the actual
wind pressure for any particular building surface
 The two coefficients introduced by the code are the external pressure ( and the
internal pressure coefficient (–found in clause 8 of SANS 10160-3
 The coefficients are dependant on the type of roof and on the direction of the wind
 Sign Convention-A positive pressure coefficient indicates a pressure towards
a surface and a negative pressure coefficient indicates a pressure away from
the surface, or a suction

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind Loads

Internal pressure and internal pressure Coefficient ()

 The internal pressure coefficient is used to determine the pressure on the internal
surface elements
 To have internal pressures, an air passage is necessary to allow the flow between the
inside and the outside of the structure
 Internal pressures tend to adjust to external pressures at the position of air leakage
 Opening on the windward side tend to produce positive internal pressures and those
in the side or end walls negative internal pressure
 In case where there are several openings on various sides of buildings , the
internal pressure tend to equalise towards a weighted average
 The approach adopted by SANS 10160-3: 2011 is based on whether a building has a
dominant wall – figure 16 illustrates the determination of ( without a dominant
opening, based on the opening ratio
 SANS 10160-3: 2011 also stipulates that where it is not possible to estimate the
opening ratio, ( should be taken as the more onerous of 0.2 and -0.3

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind Loads

Resultant force
 The wind pressures on the internal and external surfaces are respectively
given by the following equations;

 The force acting on a structural element is determined as a product of the net

pressure (i.e difference between pressure on the internal and the external
surface, taking into account their signs) and the area of the element
 For the determination of the wind force for the whole structure , force
coefficients must be used as presented in Clause 7.5.3 of SANS 10160-3:
 This force is used for the determination of the overturning moments or total
drag force on a structure in the wind, it is given by the expression below;

 NB: it is never possible to define the wind direction for design

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Wind Loads

Example E2.3 (Mahachi)

Case (a) To de done in class
Case (b) To be done as a practice problem by the student

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering

Wind loads
 Wind load calculation procedure is summarized in table 5 of SANS 10160-3 :2011

 The topography factor is taken as one unless the terrain topography increases
the wind speed by more than 5%

 The force acting on a structural element is determined as a product of the net

pressure (i.e difference between pressure on the internal and the external
surface, taking into account their signs) and the area of the element

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering
Load Takedown

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Engineering and the built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering

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