Apao 5
Apao 5
Apao 5
This topic explores the key concepts of Earth’s structure as they relate to:
• the structure of Earth
• movement of Earth’s crust
• earthquakes
• tsunamis • volcanoes
• rocks.
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Students’ alternative conceptions of Earth’s structure
Research into students’ ideas about this topic has identified the following non-
scientific conceptions:
• The location of earthquakes is random.
• Continents don’t move.
• Earth is molten, except for its crust.
• Most of the world’s most spectacular scenery was created by cataclysmic
• An earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale is one time more
powerful than an earthquake measuring 5.5.
• Rocks stay the same forever.
• Earthquakes cannot happen where I live.
• The biggest danger of a volcano such as Mount St Helens is the hot lava.
• Any crystal that scratches glass is a diamond.
• Rocks must be heavy.
• Soil must have always been in its present form.
• Mountains are created rapidly.
• Earth’s gravitational attraction is drastically reduced on mountaintops.
• Boiling or burning radioactive material can reduce the radiation emanating
from the material.
• All radioactivity is man-made.
Everything you wanted to know about earthquakes, and more. This is the best
site for clear explanations, with good graphics and animations.
Volcanoes online
Covers plate tectonics and volcanoes, and has games, lesson plans, comics and
links to related sites.
Volcano World
Describes itself as the Web’s premier source of volcano information. Sponsored
by NASA, Volcano World has all you wanted to know about volcanoes, and
Earth’s inside structure is quite different to its hard, crusty shell. We sometimes
get a glimpse of Earth’s interior through the action of active volcanoes. Earth’s
rocky crust is by no means stationary and we regularly see evidence of crust
movement in the form of earthquakes. Earthquakes in ocean regions produce
destructive ocean waves called ‘tsunamis’.
Earth is made of three concentric layers: the core, mantle and crust. Each layer
has its own chemical composition and properties (see Figure 1).
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The core has two layers: an inner core that is solid and an outer core that is
liquid. The core is mostly iron, with some nickel and takes up 16% of Earth’s
total volume. The metallic core accounts for Earth’s magnetic field. Earth
behaves as though it has a simple straight bar magnet at its centre, with the
‘south’ pole just below Canada and the ‘north’ pole opposite, not quite
coincident with the geographical poles (see Figure 2). A compass needle’s
‘north’ pole points northwards; because ‘unlike’ poles attract, Earth’s magnetic
pole in the Arctic must be the opposite type, ‘south’. It is thought that streams
of liquid metal within the outer core, combined with Earth’s rotation, cause the
magnetism. The strength of the magnetism may change from decade to decade
and, over the period of 500 000 years, the magnetism reverses completely. This
means that over the next 500 000 years, compasses will point south!
The mantle is the thickest of Earth’s
layers and takes up 83% of Earth’s
volume. It extends down to about 2900
km from the crust to Earth’s core and is
largely composed of a dark, dense,
igneous rock called ‘peridotite’,
containing iron and magnesium. The
mantle has three distinct layers: a
lower, solid layer; the asthenosphere,
which behaves plastically and flows slowly; and a solid upper layer. Partial
melting within the asthenosphere generates magma (molten material), some of
which rises to the surface because it is less dense than the surrounding material.
The upper mantle and the crust make up the lithosphere, which is broken up
6 S C I E N C E C O N C E PTS :YEAR S 5 – 1 0 EARTH ’S STR U C TU R E © Deakin University
into pieces called ‘plates’, which move over the asthenosphere. The interaction
of these plates is responsible for earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the
formation of mountain ranges and ocean basins. The section on plate tectonic
theory later in this topic explains the occurrence of these events further.
The Earth’s crust is the outermost layer, consisting mainly of the chemical
elements silicon and aluminium. The crust has two types: a continental crust
that varies in thickness between 20 km and 90 km, and an oceanic crust that
varies in thickness between 5 km and 10 km. The oceanic crust is denser than
the continental crust.
The following activity provides a picture of the relative size of Earth’s interior
and atmospheric components.
ACTIVITY: This activity creates a linear model to help you get some idea of the size of Earth,
FROM THE the thickness of its interior layers and the various layers of its atmosphere.
EARTH TO You will need:
OUTER SPACE • a roll of toilet paper
• some Post-it notes.
In this activity, 1 cm on the toilet paper represents a distance of 10 km. A sheet of
toilet paper is about 11 cm long, so this represents a distance of 110 km.
Lay the toilet paper out on the floor. At one end of the paper place a label for the
centre of Earth. Place labels along the paper according to the table below.
Layer of Earth
Distance (sheets of
Distance (km)
toilet paper)
centre of Earth 0 0
edge of inner core 635 6
edge of outer core 2200 20.5
edge of mantle 2900 25
surface of Earth 2940 25 + 4 cm
edge of troposphere 2955 25 + 5.5 cm
edge of stratosphere 2990 25 + 9 cm
edge of ionosphere 3640 33
edge of exosphere 4290 39
outer space > 4290 place next to last note
The space shuttle and the international space station orbit Earth at a height of
about 700 km above Earth’s surface. Are these spacecraft in outer space? I find it
surprising that the thickness of Earth’s crust and atmosphere are quite small in
comparison to the size of Earth.
The temperature of the material in Earth’s interior increases with depth, as the
table below illustrates. Heat is transferred to Earth’s surface by convection
(liquid layers) and conduction (solid layers). Convection is where the hot
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material, in this case the liquid magma, moves from a lower layer to a higher
one. Conduction is heat transfer where the actual hot material, in this case the
rock, does not move. For example, conduction occurs along a metal bar if one
end is held in a flame.
According to plate tectonic theory, the lithosphere is divided into about a dozen
rigid sections, called ‘plates’, which move over the asthenosphere, the part of
the mantle that behaves plastically and flows slowly (imagine bricks moving
over freshly laid mortar). Refer to one of the websites listed in the section
‘Resources’ in this topic to view how Earth’s surface divides into plates and
why they are referred to as ‘continental plates’.
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Under different conditions, instead of bending, rock can break and change
position. Continued pressure causes movement along some cracks. Such cracks,
along which the rocks move, are called ‘faults’. Faults can vary in the way
blocks of earth move relative to each other. Blocks can move over or under each
other, or move sideways to each other (see Figure 6).
10 S C I E N C E C O N C E PTS :YEAR S 5 – 1 0 EARTH ’S STR U C TU R E © Deakin University
ACTIVITY: Mountains are formed when plates slowly push together and cause layers of rock
MAKING A to fold upwards. You will need three or four flat rectangles of modelling clay
FOLD (alternatively, you could use layers of dishcloths). Press the rectangles of clay on
MOUNTAIN top of each other. Now push the ends inwards and observe what happens (see the
figure below). What mountain ranges of the world do you think formed when
tectonic plates bumped into each other?
Seismic waves
Earthquakes send out vibrations, called ‘seismic waves’, within Earth in all directions.
Some vibrations can be detected many kilometres away, even on the other side of Earth.
There are three main types of travelling disturbances, or waves, that travel out from the
site, or epicentre, of an earthquake: surface waves, P (primary) waves and S (secondary)
waves. A wave is a disturbance, or vibration, that travels through a material (solid,
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ACTIVITY: liquid or gas) without the actual material moving along with the travelling disturbance.
INVESTIGATING Waves in a material can be generated in two basic ways: as a longitudinal wave and a
WAVES ON A transverse wave. In a longitudinal wave the material in which the wave travels moves
SLINKY forwards and backwards to the direction of the wave. In a transverse wave the material
moves perpendicularly to the wave direction (see the activity Investigating waves on a
You will need a long helical spring, sometimes called a ‘slinky’. On a linoleum or
wooden floor, stretch the slinky between two people. One person holds the slinky
steady and the other person makes a vibration. The vibration can be either a
sideways motion or a forwards-and-backwards motion. Observe the different types
of waves that travel along the spring. Where a sideways movement occurs in the
spring the wave is a transverse wave. Where the movement of the spring is
forwards and backwards, the wave produced is a longitudinal wave (see the figure
Types of waves). Sound is a phenomenon that produces longitudinal waves, whereas
waves on the surface of water are transverse waves.
P waves
These waves are longitudinal waves and are similar to sound waves. P waves
can move through solids, liquids and gases. P waves are primary waves and are
the fastest of the seismic wave types.
S waves
These waves are transverse waves. S waves are slower than P waves and can
only move through solids. S waves are secondary waves, as they are slower
than primary waves.
Surface waves
As their name suggests, these waves travel on the surface of a material rather
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than through it. They are transverse waves. There are several types of surface
waves; the most common are called ‘R (Raleigh) waves’ and ‘L (Love) waves’.
R waves travel like surface water waves, where the material moves up and
down (vertically) as the wave passes, whereas in L waves material moves
sideways (horizontally) to the wave motion. Surface waves are slower than both
P waves and S waves.
The speed of seismic waves varies according to the pressure and elasticity (or
springiness) of the material they move through. For example, seismic waves
travel slower through rocks of greater density, but faster through rocks of
greater elasticity.
ACTIVITY: This activity demonstrates how shock waves travel through solid materials.
SHOCK WAVES You will need:
• a large sheet of paper
• sugar
• a ruler.
Place the paper on a table near the edge. Put a little sugar near the centre of the
paper and slip the end of the ruler under the paper (see the figure Making shock
waves). Hold the ruler gently to the table and flick the end. Observe what happens
to the sugar when you flick the ruler.
To demonstrate that even small vibrations can travel long distances in solids, find
a long length of wood or metal such as the top railing of the school fence. Have one
person tap the fence with a stick. Have another person move some distance along
the fence and place his/her ear on the railing. How far along the fence can the
vibration be heard?
The Richter Magnitude Scale measures the total amount of energy released by
an earthquake at its source, or epicentre. The Richter Magnitude Scale is an
open-ended scale that begins with 1. The largest magnitude recorded is 8.6 (the
earthquake in India in 2001 registered 7.9).
The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale measures the kinds of damage done by
an earthquake. Table 1 gives some of the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale.
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PART OF THE Scale Damage
I Not felt except by a few people under especially favourable conditions
III Noticeable indoors, especially in upper rooms. Standing cars rock noticeably.
V Felt by nearly everyone. Some dishes, windows broken, maybe cracked plaster.
Disturbance of trees, poles and tall objects noticeable.
VII Everybody runs outdoors. Damage negligible in good design buildings but
considerable in poorly built structures; some chimneys broken.
Noticed by people driving cars.
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• sticky tape
• strips of graph paper.
Tape a strip of graph paper to the table. Now slowly move your pen down the
central line of the graph paper strip while keeping your other hand off the table.
Have your partner bump or shake the table from the side, first gently and then
harder as you are drawing the line.
The line drawn on the graph paper strip becomes your model seismogram.
Tsunamis are sometimes called ‘tidal waves’, but they have no connection with
the tides. Tsunamis are caused mainly by earthquakes, but also by underwater
landslides and volcanic eruptions. They are seismic ocean waves that travel at
hundreds of kilometres per hour over very long distances. These seismic waves
have enormous energies. While in deep water the crest of the waves is low at
sea (ships may not even notice them in the other waves) but they travel at fast
speeds. As these seismic waves reach shallower water, their speed slows and
their energy is converted into an increase in the height of the wave. The waves,
on reaching shore, may be 38 m or more in height and can therefore be very
Volcanoes are cone-shaped mountains around an opening where lava, gases and ash are
erupted. They come in many shapes and sizes but most have a crater at their top.
Volcanoes occur in well-defined zones or belts. Sixty per cent of all active volcanoes
surround the Pacific Ocean and 20% are part of the
Mediterranean belt. Most volcanoes occur at spreading oceanic ridges where plates
diverge, or along subduction zones where plates converge (refer to the section ‘Plate
tectonic theory’ earlier in this topic).
You will need a photocopied map of the world. Based on an Internet search of
ACTIVITY: volcano websites, mark the location of as many volcanoes as you can. Make up a
WHERE ON symbol to represent a volcano. You may wish to colour the most recently active
EARTH DO VOLCANOES volcanoes in a different colour. Outline maps suitable for hand plotting volcano
OCCUR? locations can be obtained at <http://wwwneic.cr.usgs.gov/neis/education/
The dynamic nature of Earth’s crust means that as new rock is formed at one
location it deteriorates at other locations; this is the rock cycle. There is an
enormous variety of rocks, and their constituent minerals, present in Earth’s
crust, but all rock varieties are classified as one of three basic types: igneous,
sedimentary or metamorphic. These basic types of rock relate to the manner in
which the rocks were formed. The mining of rocks and minerals from Earth’s
crust has provided humankind with many benefits, including building materials,
fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas), and precious metals and minerals for cosmetic
and industrial uses.
All rocks in Earth’s crust, with the exception of meteorites, were formed from
magma (molten rock material) pushed up from the mantle. While the original
rock material comes from the mantle, geologists (scientists who study rocks)
distinguish three distinct processes of rock formation; every rock is then
generally classified according to its mode of formation. The three major groups
of rocks are: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.
Plate movement (see the section on plate tectonic theory earlier in this topic) is
the mechanism responsible for recycling rock materials and therefore drives the
rock cycle. The following sections include more details about the rock cycle.
Igneous rocks
Igneous rocks are formed through the crystallisation of magma as it cools either
in the mantle or on the surface after a volcanic eruption. The components of
rock are minerals, and each mineral forms, or crystallises, under a certain
temperature and pressure. Therefore, considering that the variation in pressures
and temperatures is great when one extends from the mantle to the surface, it is
not surprising that a huge variety of minerals exist. Crystallisation is the process
whereby the mineral particles form tight bonds in a well-defined
threedimensional shape. As an exercise, look at the crystal shapes of sugar and
salt under a magnifying glass. The size of the crystal is determined by the time
that it takes to cool. If cooled slowly, the crystal shapes are large.
Common volcanic rocks include tuff, rhyolite, andesite and basalt. Common
plutonic rocks include granite, diorite and gabbro.
ACTIVITY: Search the Internet to:
• investigate the characteristics of igneous rocks
• find pictures of the common volcanic and plutonic rocks; can you easily
18 S C I E N C E C O N C E PTS :YEAR S 5 – 1 0 EARTH ’S STR U C TU R E © Deakin University
Chemical weathering includes all the chemical changes that take place when air
and water attack the rocks. Chemicals in the water break down the rocks. As
mechanical weathering breaks apart the rocks, there is more surface area on the
rocks for chemical weathering to occur.
Weathering yields the raw materials for both soils and sedimentary rocks. The
small particles of rock are called ‘sediment’, which is generally transported to
another site, where it accumulates. The method of transportation varies.
Glaciers can move particles of any size, whereas wind transports only sand-
sized and smaller sediment. Waves and marine currents also transport
sediments, but by far the most common method of transportation is by running
water (rivers and streams). Any geographical area in which sediment is
deposited is a depositional environment.
Soils are sediments that combine with humus. Humus gives many soils their
dark colour and is derived by bacterial decay of organic matter.
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Collect a bottle of water from a nearby lake or river. Ideally, water should be
SEDIMENTS IN collected from moving water near the shore of the lake or from the current in the
LAKE AND river. Don’t stir up the bottom sediment when collecting the samples.
Let your sample of water stand quietly. How long does it take for the sediment to
settle and the water to clear? Is there any scum or pollution collected on top of the
If possible, collect water from a stream after it has rained, and collect water when
there has been a dry spell. Which samples had more sediment? Why?
Pour off most of the water, and let the rest evaporate. Study the sediment under a
microscope? What do you see?
ACTIVITY: SOIL Collect some soil from different parts of the garden. Mix with plenty of water into
FACTORY a glass jar or beaker, shake and let settle. Note the sand/silt/clay/humus
composition. Which particles settle first? Can you make some soil to match, using
crushed sedimentary rock and compost?
ACTIVITY: Place a teaspoon of soil in the palm of your hand. Add water drop by drop until it
MANIPULATING is thoroughly wet but there is no excess waste in your hand.
SCIENTIFICALLY Record what happens when you try to:
• use your finger to press the soil flat on your palm
• roll it into a long thin ‘worm’ • mould it into a tiny bowl
• make it into a cube.
Sedimentary rocks
Following the weathering of rocks, the sediment formed is transported and
deposited at a depositional environment. These deposits may become
compacted and/or cemented and thereby converted into sedimentary rock. The
process by which sediment is transformed into sediment is ‘lithification’.
About 95% of Earth’s crust is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks, but
sedimentary rocks are most common at or near the surface. Approximately 75%
of the surfaces exposed on continents consist of sediments or sedimentary
SEDIMENTARY • investigate the features of at least ten sedimentary rocks (both detrital an
ROCKS chemical)
• find and name any sedimentary rocks that are located in your local area.
Metamorphic rocks
Metamorphic rocks result from the transformation of
other rocks by metamorphic processes that occur below
Earth’s surface. Through heat and pressure, igneous and
sedimentary rocks are transformed into metamorphic
rocks. In the metamorphic process the change in the rock
may be minor, where the features of the parent rock are
still recognisable. The change may also be a major one
that results in the formation of new minerals and/or a
change in texture of the rock. In this situation any
features of the parent rock may be unrecognisable.
Search the Internet to:
INVESTIGATING • investigate the characteristics of metamorphic rocks; what is a foliated and
METAMORPHIC unfoliated texture?
• investigate the features of at least ten metamorphic rocks. Find out the parent
rock in each case. Choose rocks that were originally igneous and sedimentary.
Select rocks that underwent a slight metamorphosis and others that changed
• find and name any metamorphic rocks that you can find and name that are
located in your local area.
Properties of minerals
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. They are substances that have narrowly
defined chemical compositions and characteristic physical properties such as density,
colour and hardness. Minerals include gemstones such as diamonds and rubies, as well
as metals such as iron, gold and copper. Some of the distinguishing characteristics of
minerals are:
• chemical composition
• crystal shape
• colour and lustre
• hardness
• specific gravity and density.
Crush some sandstone, some mudstone and some limestone. Examine the materials
ACTIVITY: formed. In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different? Compare
BREAKING UP your crushed samples with soil. In what ways are they different?
Examine a small piece of coarse-grained granite. How many different minerals are
present? Estimate the relative amounts of the three main components. Crush the
granite with a hammer, to pieces about the size of a grain of rice, and separate into
the different mineral components (quartz, felspar and a little mica). How close was
your initial estimate?
TY: etcetera. Survey the classroom, the building and grounds for a list of materials
FACTORY manufactured by humans from mineral/metal origins and now used in
construction. Include the gardens, nature strip and roadway in your list.
Make a sedimentary rock, using crushed sandstone and water. Investigate what
works best as binding (plaster, clay, etc.)
Make bricks using clay (metamorphic). Try adding various materials that could
affect the strength (for example, straw).
10 diamond
9 corundum
8 topaz
7 quartz
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6 orthoclase steel file (6.5)
5 apatite glass (5.5–6)
4 fluorite
3 calcite copper coin (3)
2 gypsum fingernail (2.5)
1 talc
Next, weigh your rock in grams. Now you can determine the density of your rock
(just divide the weight in grams by the volume in cubic centimetres). What is the
density of your rock? What is the specific gravity of your rock?
Eocene 57.8 Formation of
Palaeocene 66 Extinction of
Earth from a geological time perspective.
S C I E N C E C O N C E PT S : YEAR S 5 – 1 0 EAR T H ’S S T R U C T U R E © Deakin University
The following is an extract from the introduction to the website ‘The uses of
rocks and minerals’ <http://www.nswmin.com.au/minerals/az-minerals.shtml>.
Rocks and minerals that occur naturally, though sporadically, in Earth’s crust
perform vital roles in our everyday lives. But few of us ever make the
connection between the objects, appliances and materials we use and which
help to make life easier, and their source in a mine or quarry somewhere in
Australia. It has been estimated that a hole of about 12 cubic metres in size
needs to be dug every year to provide for the mineral and energy needs of the
average Australian household.
ACTIVITY: Access the website ‘The uses of rocks and minerals’ <http://www.nswmin.com.au/
USES OF minerals/az-minerals.shtml to answer the following:
• list ten major uses of rocks and minerals; list the rocks/minerals used
• list five rocks/minerals that do not require extraction from other materials
when they are obtained from the ground
• list five minerals that require a significant amount of extraction from other
materials when obtained from the ground.
Mining is the extraction of minerals from Earth’s crust. Based on the activity Uses of
rocks and minerals, you should realise that there is a great variety of uses for rocks and
minerals. The extraction of minerals for use varies widely. In the activity The mining of
minerals the choice of exploring information about mining specific mineral types is left
open to you.
Search the Internet to explore the mining of one or two minerals of your choice. In
your exploration find out:
MINERALS • the technique(s) used by geologists to determine the location of your selected
• how your selected mineral is mined; does this present any environmental
• how your selected mineral is processed; does this present any environmental
problems in terms of the waste produced?
Australia is fortunate in having a relative abundance of a wide variety of
minerals, sufficient to meet our own needs and also to sell to other less
wellendowed countries, thereby producing wealth and employment and
helping to pay for the enormous variety of imported manufactured goods.
Some rocks and minerals can be used virtually in the condition they are dug
from the earth, with only some grading and blending to assure consistent
quality. Examples are sand, gravel and clay used for construction of buildings,
road and bridges and for brick manufacture. Others require only some
‘dressing up’ to make them suitable for their intended uses, such as faceting of
gemstones and the sawing of sandstone into blocks and sheets for building
construction, or the polishing of granite for decorative cladding and
benchtops. Yet others require complex refinement and a purification process,
such as aluminium, which needs large amounts of electricity to separate the
metal from its parent oxide, but once separated is highly resistant to corrosion
and lasts a very long time. Some, such as gold, platinum, sulphur and
occasionally copper and silver, occur in the earth as native elements, requiring
no treatment other than separation from their host rocks.
(NSW Minerals Council 2005, http://www.nswmin.com.au/minerals/az-minerals.shtml)
• what uses your selected mineral has for humankind (assuming that this has
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Further resources