Chopper-Stabilized Operational Amplifiers

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Chopper-stabilized opamps are in many
cases the only feasible alternative when
we want to amplify very small direct
voltages. In this article we will explore
why chopper opamps have such
excellent d.c. characteristics. A
theoretical background to the operation
of interesting new devices is given,
followed by a discussion of some
inherent problems (and, of course,
proposed solutions). The article is
closed off with an overview of the most
popular chopper opamps currently available.

by J. Ruffell, with contributions voltages andrheirstabiluy is discussed in an original waveforrn (with u higher umpli-
from B. Marshali (Texas Instru- earlier arricle on new opamps, see Ref. I. rude) rnust be recovered from/o. The recov-
ments) and G.J. van Os (Acal Au- Although convenrional operatiönal aJ11- ering, or demodulation. 01' 11) is cffecred by
riema) plifiers such as the OP07 and the OP77 are xwitch S1. This eleetronically operared
good choices for d.c. signal condirioning. switch connecrs the riglu-hand side of ca-
rhere are devices whose exrrernely low drift pacitor C:! 10 ground on every secend half-
F OR a lang time ro come. instrumenration
arnpllfiers will be required ro operate ar
the highest possible accuracy. This expecra-
arid off-sei voltage make thern far bener
suited 10 rhe application. The type of opera-
eycle of rhe osci llator signal. The waveform
of 1/4 indicaies thar the swirching results in a
rional ampl ifier we have in rni nd is generally shift of the direct voltage level. Finally. an
tion is based on fhe trend towards ever referred ro as a chopper opamp. or. more ac- inregrating fiher recovers the arnplified
higher resolurion of DACs (digiial-to-ana- cururely, a chopper-stubilized opamp, voltage. Uo, Irom ll-!.
logue conveners) and ADes (analogue-to- Although this type of amplifier allows
digital conveners). lr will be clear rhat high Chopping: the classic good drift specifications to be achieved. it
resolution in measurement is not achieved
Cl sufferx from a number of inherenr shortcorn-
just by the use of converters with a high res-
ings. The chopper. for instance. orten irnro-
olution. After all. it makes liule sense 10 per- During the valve era. the rerrns chopper arn- duces glitches at the output. Also. the
form a measurement at an nccuracy of plifier und indirect d.c. amplifier were ta- amplifier lucks a differential output. while
18 bits when the analogue arnplifier used miliar 10 almest anybody in the field of its bandwidth is limited to a few hundred
has a rnaximum resolution of. say, 16 birs. electronics, At thai time. chopping was hertz.
In praciice. rhe accuracy of the hardware for taken very liierally. A kind of elecrronic
anaJogue signal ccndirioning rnust be dou- guillotine was used 1"0 convert the low-fre-
bled for every additional bit to be measured. quency ahernating voltage (or the direct
Analogue signals are preferably condi- voltage) tO be amplified. iruo a signal with a Modern chopper opamps no Ionger work as
tioned and/or amplified by a.c.-coupled cir- higher frequency. Next. this 'high- described above. These days, the signal ro
cuits. mainly because rhese can be built by frequency signal was raised in an a.c, cou- be arnplified is no longer chopped 1Opieces
relatively simple rneans and at low cost. pled amplifier, and subsequently resrored 10 and then rebuilt. Instead. use is made of a
There are, however, many applications its original frequency by a synchronous de- control Ioop wh ich compensares the input
where the wanted signal is applied in the tecror. In practice. the chopping element off-sei voltage of a normal differential am-
form 01' u direct vorrage or a direct current. used 10 be a relay Of. a little later. abipolar plifier. As a result. these new eireuns look
Devices used in such applicarions include transistor or a FET. quite sirnilar [Q the standard oparnps you
thermocouples. photodiodes and. on a larger Figures la and Ib show the basic sehe- have grown accusrorned to in many eireuns
scale.jhe digiral rnulumerer. which is an ex- matic of a etassie chopper amplifier and the in this magazine,
ample of a data acquisition systern. Since associated waveforrns. The input voltage. Chopper opamps. like standard opamps.
these devices and circuits ean only be Ui. is converted ro a pulsating waveforrn. "1, have CI differeruial input circuit. Because of
d.c. ccupled, the designer is faced with off- by switch SI. The d.c. component is re- this likeness. and because their principle of
sei voltages and drift 01' the linear arnplifier rnoved before 111 is amplified by H.C. cou- operanon is based 0111he old ehoppermodel.
he imends to use. The origins of input off-sei pled amplifier AI. It will be clear that the the new devices are generally called chop

can bc shown that the input off-sei vorrage is

best measured between the input terminals
of the oparnp in question. Figure 5 shows
demodutalor liller
chopper how this is done in an invening amplifier set
r------, r-----. r----' up areund the ideal oparnp rnodel. Equa-
I 1 I I I I
I I t I I "2 I Uo tion I describes the voltage berween the
u, I
S1 Cl
us I
I U4 I I
tU1 non-inverring and the inverting input 01' the

I 1 1 oparnp, True, the equation looks fairly COI11-

1 ' 1
I 1 52 I I
1 1 plex. However. assuming for the moment
I Rl I I

1 1 I rha: Ui does not coruuin an alremating volt-
I I 1 I 1 age cornponent. you wi 11easily discover that
I 1 1 I 1
IL 1 __ J1 1L ___ ...JI
the expression in equation I is virtually
equal 10 -Um .. This is because the open-Ioop
gain. Aol. is high (say. 100.000). so ihat E
(see equation1) approaches I. The upsher is
osc 1-4------1JJ>O----' that equation I can be simplified 10 give
equation 3. The outpur voltage is upproxi-
900105 - 11
rruued as described by equation -I..
The schematic in Fig. 6 shows H circuit
designed on the basis 01' the abovc discus-
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram .01 a classic sion. An uuxiliury arnplifier is used 10 IllC(1-
chopper amplilier (1 a), and the waveforms sure and cornpensute the inpui off-set
pertaining 10 this type 01 circuit (1 b). voluige of the main opamp. Equation S.
which describes the OUIPU! vouage. incli-
Automatie off-set eures that rhe effect of the input off-sei volt-
eompensation age is reduced by u fuctor of I~E. Assuming
an open-loop guin of 100.000. und R I :::: R.::!.

The off-sei compensation corurol applicd the reduction arnounts LO no less than50.000
with chupper opamps is in rnany ways vim- umes. Compared tO ihe off-sei error of about
ilur ro a rechnique used 10 compensaie the ?.uo .... in the OUlpUI signal 01' the circuit in
input off-sei voltage. Um ... 01' u siandard Fig. S. a specificaticn of the order 01'
opamp, This rechnique enrails off-sei eOI11- 1(25.000Uo ....i:.. quite impressive for the cir-
pensanon by fitting u voltuge source that cuit in Fig. 6. Thus. equaiion 6 l1lay be ap-
supplies -Um in se ries with the non-invert- plied with confidence ford.c. appficarions.
ing input 01' the opamp (sce Figs. 3 und 4). It should be noied thut the off-sei of the
Automatie input off-sei voltage compensa- opamp cun only be compens.ucd success-
tion ihus requires u circuit capable of mea- Iully i f the aux iliary arnpl ifiel' is, sufficienuy
suring Uo". arid supplying an accurate ccmpensated. Thb, is why we have shown
'negative copy. -Ue«. at rhe non-inverring the aux iliary arnplitier as an ideal device, i.e.
input. an opump without input oft-sei. 11 will be
YOLI may start wendering at this point clear that such a device does not exist. Arid
how Um. can be rneasurcd when the oparnp yei. the circuit ean be exiended in n way Ihal
is al ready pan of an existing circuit. Assuni- does allow automatic otr-ser compensation
ing tha; a simple elecironic circuit is used. it to be achieved. ßusically. the uuxiliary <1111-


"ctl n n n n DOn n n 90010$-12 Note

o.!"f o.!I'F

Q1 aoo connection terminals must be at the same ternpereture

Note 2: varues in parentheses are for type K tharmocoupfe.
Note 3: ccrmecttcns 10 invert!ng input 01 op-amp sncuto be kept as sncrt
as possible 10 recuce notse plckup.
Note 4: All circuit power ts :!15V.

per-stabilized operational arnplifiers. or

chopper oparnps, A typical application cir- Fig. 2. Typical application 01 a chopper-stabilized opamp in a thermocouple amplifier with
cuit of a chopper oparnp is shown in Fig. 2. cold-junction compensation (illustration courtesy Maxirn).



(1-E)· R,.
(Up-Uro)=- Ui+E·Uos Eq. [1]
R, + R2

E Eq. [2]

(Up-Uro)= -u; [A,! --? =) Eq. [3]

u, = E· {[ 1 + :~ ). U" - :~ . u, } Eq. [4]

Fig. 3. Operational amplifier model with

input ott-set voltage Uos. u, = E { (1 + :~) (1 - E) U" - :: (2 - E) u, } Eq. [5]

uo= [A,! --? =l Eq. [6]

operaiionul amplifier. while the term null

I al11)J is meant 10 ideruify the auxiliary ampli-
----l~P' + fiel'. The swirches and the osciiintor should
-Uos : Uo~.... 1101 surprise you by now. The rwo sarnple-
,/ und-hold circuits are not' so easily discov-
900105· 15 , "'
ered. because rhey appear in the form of rwo
capacitors. CA und Ca. The only new blocks
"I are a clarnping circuit and a circuii 10 sup-
Fig. 4. The input off-set voltage may be press inrermodulation. These two sub-
compensated by placing a voltage source circuits ure of vital imponance to a good
-Uos in series with the non-inverting input. 'lOO'05·1&
chopper oparnp. and their function will
iherefore be reverted 10 a little further on in
pli fiel' musr measure and cornpensaie its this article.
own input off-ser volrage be fore handling During the firsr phase. also called tbe
rhe off-sei of the main opamp. The neces- Fig. 5. This basic circuit allows us to
prove, by calculation, that the voltage differ- clock phase. thc null arnp compensates it-
sary extensions are shown schenuuically in self. Switch SI is closed. and shon-circuits
ence between the inverting and the non-in-
Fig.7. the amplifier inputs. The outpur voltage is
verting input of the opamp is practically
Off-sei cornpensation rhus ccnsists of equal to -Uos if Uj does not contain an alter- stcred in external capacitor CA via switch
rwo successive phases. During rhe First nating voltage component. Si«, Since there is no input signal, the volt-
phase. the clectronic swirch. SI. is ser 10 po- age on Ce is equal 10 the input off-sei volr-
sition A. This causes rhe inputs ofrhe auxil- age 01' the null amp. Furthermore. the
iary oparnp LObe short-circuired. so thar the capaeuer volmge i~ fed back to an additional
output voliage of this arnplifier is virtually inverting irrpur. so that rhe off-ser error 01'
equal 10 its own irrpur off-ser voltage. Uosl.
,maln opamp the null amp is eliminated. Ollring rhe sec-
Just before SI switches LO position B. a sarn- I"'
ond period of the clock signal. switch S~ is
ple-and-hold circuit. S&H-l. connects Uo.,,1 "
closed. and SI is open. The null amp ihen
in se ries with the invening input of the uu x-
iliary arnplifier. This results in compensa- 1 "I measures the input off-set voltage of the
rnain opamp. and siores it in capacitor CH.
tion 01' the off-sei error of this amplifier at AI the sarne time. the rneasured vohuge is
rhe starr ofthe second phase, During the sec- applied to the non-inverting input of the
ond phase, SI connects the positive input 01' main arnp, so uuu the input off-sei vo1tage is
rhe auxiliary arnplifier to the positive irrpur compensared. Thus. rhe system cornpen-
01' the main oparnp. This, in fact, creates the sates UO\ of both amplifiers at rhe rate of rhe
circuit in Fig. 6. The sarnple-and-hold cir- c1ock- or chopper-frequency.j-.
cuit still cornpensates the off-set of the aux- Ir will be nored thar the chopping opera-
iliary amplifier. whose output is at a Fig. 6. First design 01 a control circult tor rion is effected only by tbe main opamp. The
potential of practically -UoQ. To retain this automatie compensation of the ott-set volt- gl irches meruioned at rhe elose of the section
voltage, a secend sample-and-hold, S&H-2. age. on the classic chopping arnplifier are virtu-
is introduced. As shown in Fig. 7. this ally abseilt with chopper oparnps because
causes -Uoa LObe connected in se ries with affecting the stability of the instrumentation the amplified signal is always passed via the
the non-inverting input of the main oparnp amplifier, coruinuously operaring main opamp.
At least in theory, the result is as may be ex-
pected: the irrpur off-sei voltage is autornati-
cally compensated. Main amps and null amps Recovery time
The off-set compensation of the two arn- The above infonnation will. no doubt. en- The decision 10 use chopper opamps in a
plifiers may be optimized by repeating the able you 10 take a well-prepared look at the practical circuit instead of standard cpamps
two phases. Depending on the repeat rate, block sehemaue diagram of a chopper- may lead 10 some surprising problems. First.
input off-set drift as a result of temperature stabilized opamp. The functional diagram chopper oparnps typically require a rnuch
changes or supply voltage fluctuations may used by rnost manufacturers is shown in longer time 10 recover Irom an overdrive
be eliminated, preveruing these factors from Fig. 8. The tenn main amp refers 10 the main condition, wh ich may occur. for instance.

when the outpur circuii is driven into sarura-

rion. Saturation occurs readily and is per-
fectly normal in. Ior instunce. Cl cornpararor
" circuit.
--------------------- --, After an overdrive condition. the rnain
arnp 110 longer works as u linear amplifier.
i Al
As a resuh. the voltage difference between
the inverting and the non-inverring input is
f--., S8.H.1
pi + large relative to Vos. The auxiliary opamp
I responds 10 this condition by eherging the
i""",I-----~ IUos2,...
1,. ...... maln opamp two capacirors. CA and CB. 10 the maximum
level. i.e .. the supply voltage.Jnevitably, the
ClKl I' aux. opamp <, 58.H·2
main opamp requires some time 10 remove
01 these capacitor charges when the overdrive
I condition is passed. In the datasheets. the

sr ":, ...... -""p"'-I-I discharge time is referred to as the overload
recovery time. For a converuional opamp.
: 1.,.. ..... this time is abour 10 us. A chopper opamp.
,, ClK2
however. may need up 10 4 S to recover.

: [J:'"
~--- csc
900105 - 16

CL..l .. P

Fig. 7. In this circuit, the Input ott-set of the main opamp is automatically compensated
during two phases of the clock signal.


~---------------, Fig. 9. This clamp circuit reduces the

overload recovery time of the ICL7650.





I, .n..n.. nulling

[3: ose

900105 - 19 Fig. 10. The ctamp circuit is actuated by
connecting the clamp input to the inverting
input of the opamp. Figure 10a shows a com-
parator with very low ctt-set, and Fig. 1Ob an
Fig. 6. Typical bleck diagram of a chopper-stabilized operational amplifier. inverting direct volta ge amplifier.




1 ....

" '\~


'\ Fig. 13. Resistor R4 Is normally superflu-

0,1 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M
'\ ous, but it is Iitted here 10 ensure a thermal
balance at the input of the circuit.

Next problem:
f (Hz) ---l~~ intermodulation
A further problern \.\I1[h chopper opamps
rnay not be noticed until you are dealing
Fig. 11. Open-Ioop gain, AOI. as a function of frequency. with ulrernating volrages. Unfortunately. an
alternating input voltuge may cause un-
The clamp circuit provided in the latest close ro the supply vohuge. When rhar hap- wanted sum and diffcrence Irequencies be-
chopper opumps scrves (Q reduce ihe recov- pens. the swiich shunts the extern ..illy COI1- cause it is rnixed with the clock signal. The
ery time. The ICL7650, manutactured by nccted feedback resisror. so th.u rbe cuuse of this annoying effect. culled inter-
Maxim and Teledyne, for instance. has u re- amplificarion is reduced. The clamp ihus ef- moduiation. can be traced back 10 the Iact
covery time of only 300 ms, The clurnp cir- fectively preverus the arnplifier being driven that rhe voirage berween the inverting und
cuit used in rhis chip is shown in Fig. 9. The il110 saruration. The very Iatest chopper op- the non-i nverting i nputs of I he oparnp corre.
circuit is actuated by connecring the clamp umps have an additional circuii rha: limus sponds closely 10 the off-sei voltuge. It
terminal to the inverting input 01' the ampli- the volrage across rhe sarnple-and-hold ca- should be nored. however. that this is valid
fier. Figurc 10 shows rwo circuirs ihat make pucitors. The resuh is an even shorrer recov- for direct voltages only. when rhe main
use of this option. ery time-Texas Instruments' TLC2652. oparnp has a very high open loop gain. and
The clamp circuit is really quite simple. Ior instance. has a recovery time of only cquation I muy be replaced by cquation 3.
and COIlSiSIS ot' a mere switch Ihm closes au- 40 rns. As soon as an nltcrnating volrage is applied
tomatically when the output vohage is too 10the oparnp. the opcn-loop guin drops rap-
idly. as shown by the graph in Fig. J I.
Equation I ullows us to decJuceihat the
Iirnired value of Aol in (IIp-UIl) also includes
a pan of the inpui signal:
( I - E ) . R2
. 11 i
s, +R-:.
<IN ----r---;-;=-=-=;::::;::::t==;-i
-IN ---+-"f--T-~ol Funhermore. this part increases with fre-
o quency since variable E deviate , more and





Fig. 14. leakage currents may be kept to
a minimum by providing a guard area around
Fig. 12. Simplified interna I diagram of the lMC688. the opamp inputs.



and ureund the circuii. Componerus which

Table 1. Electrical specifications at T = 25 "C form connections without soldering. such as
switches. relays and connectors. rnust noi be
dU,,IdT INPUT NOISE(1) SUPPLY SUPPLY used in the input circuit. Where pans are 501-
(~V) (nV/K) BIAS (mV,,) CURRENT VOLTAGE(3) dered. h is besr 10 use solder tin with a low
max. typ. (pA) typ. typ. (mA) typ. (V) max. thermoelectric specificurion. such as LI tin-
cudmiurn alloy, Errors brougbt aboui by
ICL7650 5 100 1.5 2.0 2.0
thermoelectric effects may nlso be kept to a
TLC2652C 3 3 4 2.8 1.5 16 minimurrt by artanging a symmetrical cir-
TLC2654C 20 4 50 1.5 1.5 16 cuit at the cpamp inputs, The mosi sensitive
pan 01' the amplifier is thermally balanced
LMC668 10 50 20 2.0 2.5 18
by using the same components in the two
MAX420C 10 20 10 1.1 1.3 36 branches (even if they are really superflucus
Ior ihe function 01' the circuii, see Fig. 13).
TSC900BC 15 100 80 4.0 0.2 18
and by forcing an equal number of solder
LTC1049C 10 20 15 3.0 0.2 18 joirus. Funhermore. ternperaiure differences
as a result of. say. veruilaricn er power dis-
sipation. must be kept as srnnl l as possible.
LM741C 6000 5000 80.000 - 1.7 36

OPI778 55 100 2400 0.3312) 2.0 44

An additional udvantage of chopper-srabi-
(1) 0 - 10Hz (2) 1 - 100 Hz (3) V+ to V- lized oparnps is the exrremely low input CLJr-
rerus. The TLC2652. For instunce. has an
avetage input blas current of 4 pA ut an am-
Table 1. Overview of the most popular chopper opamps, and their main technical charac- bieru iemperarure 01' 25 oe. In practice.
teristics. The 741 and the OP177B are not choppers - they are included he re for reference. however. liule use is made of this cburacter-
istic becuuse the external leakage currents
more trom the ideal value of I when the Semiconductcr) ur 400 Hz. the TLC2652 at are much higher. Nonetheless. thcse leukage
open-loop gain becomes smaller (see equa- 450 Hz. and the TLC2654 at 10 kHz. In currents are fairly easily kept in check. The
tion 2). Hence. this alternaiing voltage com- sorne cases. I1 is possible 10 apply an exter- necessury rnensures may al ready be iaken
ponent appears also at rhe outpur of ihe nally generared clock signal to the chip, during the printed-circuit board design
auxiliary arnplifier und nt the input of S&H- phase. Far insrance, the solder spots near ihe
2 (see Fig. 7). These cornponenrs are gener- inveuing und the non-inverring inputs of the
Practical notes oparnp can be surrounded by a screening
ated as a result 01' the sampling operarion.
which causes surn and difference frequen- Chopper-stabilizcd opamps usually have the copper area. called a guard. The principle is
cies. To prevenr ihese frequencies rising 10 same pinning as standard types. This allows illustnued in Fig. 14.11 is desirable that rhe
an unacceptably high level in the outpur sig- them ro be used as upgrades in existing cir- guard be held at abour the same potential as
nal, the chip conteins a special suppressor cuirs, replacing opamps with worse d.c. the inputs of the cparnp, Thus. the guard is
circuit. As shown in Fig. 8, rhe anti-inter- specificutions. Tbe only componerus 10 be connectcd to ground in an invening circuit,
rnodulation circuit injects a compensation added are the two exrernal capacitors. CA und connected to the=-input of the cpamp in
signal into the null arnp. This also results in and Ca. This is 1101 required. however. with u non-inverring circuit. lr will be clear thar
additional suppression of harrnonics of the some arnplifiers. The LTC I049 und guards must be providcd at both siele . , of the
chopper frequency. L TC I 050 from Linear Technology. for in- PCB. Finally. the PCB is cleaned with alco-
Unfortunately, the suppressor circuit is siance. have on-chip capacuors. Unfortu- hol be fore fitring the componerns.
not capable of resolving all problerns. When naiely. production techniques limit the
the input frequency approachcs the chopper rnnxirnum capacitance of such inregrated ca-
The differences
frequency. a low-frequency beat signal is pacirors to about 450 pF. which gives rhese
generared. T'his componeru is inevitably oparnps u low performance in regard [0 From the above discussion you will have
treated as off-sei during the nulling of the noise. The usuul values of rhe externul ca- gutbered that there are many rypes 01' chop-
main arnp, and thus causes Cl ccrnplete dis- paciiors lie berween 0.1 ~F und 1.0 pF In al per oparnps availuble. A selection of the
ruption of the chopper arnplifier. This an- cases. high-grade capacitors are required to most populur types. along wiih their main
noying problern rnay be solved to Cl [arge bring out rhe specific qualnies 01' a chopper specificaiions. may be found in Tuble I. The
extent by using a chopper frequency which opamp, Film capacuors like polystyrene und good old 741 oparnp, which is uni a chopper.
is at least twice as high as the highest arnic- polypropylene types are weil worth using. is also included for your umusernenr. The
ipated frequency in the amplified signal. Unfortunately. the use of high-grade Ca- OPI77B at the end of lhe list represents the
In many applications that rely on high pacitors is 110 guarantee that a d.c. amplifier lalest in bipolar technalagy, anel is a compct-
d.c. accuracy (e.g.. IhemlOcouples) the is obtained with a s111:.111 off-set and a low it ive alternalive to chopper opamps. accord-
bandwidth of the input signal is 110 more drift. There is another factor. wh ich has not ing to the manufacturer. PM!.
than a few hertz. Ir will be clear timt such been mel1liolled so far: lhemlOvoltages. Finally. Clward of warning 10 those or
low freqllencies prevent interference prob- Thermovoltages occur where (WO different yau who want to start il11Jl1ediately replacing
lems with the chopper frequency before- mctals are in conlact. As indicated by Ihe ~tandard opamps by chopper types: as yet.
hand. In a number of cases. however. the name of the phenomenon. Ihe voltage is Ihese devices are quite expensive (expeci 10
signal bandwidth will have to be limiled by temperature-dependent. 111 praclice. a !"Ile- pay around EID per ampliller) "mi difficult
a low-pass filter. When it is not possible. for rmovoltage readily amounts to a few micro- 10 obtain as olle-offs. •
whatever reason. to limit the bandwidth. the volt per kelvin. The average drift of a gooel
designer still has the possibility to apply an- ehopper-stabilized opalllp is of the order of Reference:
other chopper mnplifier rated for a higher 10 nV{K. However. Ihis value is not usually I. ··Introducing OP-series opamps'. Eh'klO"
clock frequency. The ICL 7650, for inSlance. achievable in a praclical amplifier wilhout EleClrollics February 1990.
·chops' al 200 Hz, the LMC688 (National paying allention to thermoelectric effects in


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