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Master of Technology

Curriculum, Syllabus and Course Plan

Cluster : 01

Branch : Civil Engineering

Stream : Geoinformatics

Year : 2015

No. of Credits : 67
Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


End Semester
Examination Slot

Course Number

Internal Marks
Name L-T-P


A 01MA6003 Applied Probability and Statistics 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
B 01CE6601 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 3-1-0 40 60 3 4
Introduction to Geographic Information
C 01CE6603 3-1-0 40 60 3 4
D 01CE6605 Applied Earth Systems 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
E Elective I 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
S 01CE6999 Research Methodology 0-2-0 100 2
T 01CE6691 Seminar I 0-0-2 100 2
U 01CE6693 Geoinformatics Lab I 0-0-2 100 1
TOTAL 15-4-4 500 300 - 22



Elective I
01CE6611 Data Acquisition in Geoinformatics

01CE6613 GPS Satellite Surveying

01CE6615 Fundamentals of Cartography

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


End Semester
Examination Slot

Course Number Examination

Internal Marks
Name L-T-P


A 01CE6602 Digital Image Processing 3-1-0 40 60 3 4
B 01CE6604 Advanced GIS 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
C 01CE6606 Geoinformatics in disaster analysis 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
D Elective II 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
E Elective III 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
V 01CE6692 Mini Project 0-0-4 100 2
U 01CE6694 Geoinformatics Lab II 0-0-2 100 1
TOTAL 15-1-6 400 300 - 19



Elective II
01CE6612 Applied Hydrology

01CE6614 Hydroinformatics

01CE6616 Thermal and Microwave Remote Sensing

Elective III

01CE6618 Satellite Oceanography

01CE6622 Geoinformatics in Transportation Engineering

01CE6624 Urban spatial planning and analysis

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


End Semester
Examination Slot

Course Number Examination

Internal Marks
Name L-T-P


A Elective IV 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
B Elective V 3-0-0 40 60 3 3

T 01CE7691 Seminar II 0-0-2 100 2

W 01CE7693 Project (Phase 1) 0-0-12 50 6

TOTAL 6-0-14 230 120 - 14



Elective IV
01CE7611 Digital Photogrammetry

01CE7613 Advanced Techniques in Image Processing

01CE7615 Remote Sensing and GIS for Environmental Engineering

Elective V
01CE7617 Digital Terrain Modelling
01CE7619 Remote Sensing & GIS applications in Water Resources
01CE7621 Introduction to Web mapping

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


End Semester
Examination Slot

Course Number


Internal Marks
Name L-T-P


W 01CE7694 Project (Phase 2) 0-0-23 70 30 12

TOTAL 0-0-23 70 30 - 12




Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Syllabus and Course Plan

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Applied Probability and
01MA6003 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives
To equip the students with the basic concepts in probability distributions, statistical inference,
Correlation and regression analysis, design of experiments and time series


Probability distributions-discrete and continuous-standard distributions-fitting of distributions-

Sampling techniques-statistical inference-estimation and testing of hypothesis-regression analysis-
Analysis of variance - Completely randomized designs -Randomized block designs. Latin Squares,
Factorial experiments, Graphical presentation techniques. Time series models-covariance matrix
and principal components

Expected Outcome

After successful completion of the course , students should make use of the statistical procedures
in the modelling of data in their field of study.

1. Gupta S.C. and Kapoor V.K, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons,
2. Benjamin Jack R. and ComellC.Allin, Probability Statistics and Decision for Civil Engineers, Mc-
Graw Hill, 1997
3. Richard A. Johnson, Miller and Freunds, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Prentice Hall of
India, 2007
4. Dallas E Johnson, Applied multivariate methods for data analysis, Thomson &Duxbburg Press,
Singapore, 2002
5. Jay L. Devore, Probability and statistics for Engineering and Sciences, Thomson and Duxbburg
Press, Singapore, 2002
6. Richard A Johnson and Dean W. Wichern, Applied multivariate statistical analysis, Pearson
Education, 2002
7.Irwin Miller&Marylees Miller: Mathematical Statistics :Pearson Education Inc 2004

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Probability mass functions and probability density function,

distribution functions mean and variance. Binomial, Poisson,
I Exponential, Gamma, and Normal distribution, Mean and variance- 15
Fitting of distributions (brief overview only)-computing probability
using the above distributions.

Statistical Inference: Sampling distributions- Interval estimation,

Confidence interval for mean, variance and regression coefficients, test
of significance of (i) Mean (ii) Mean of two samples (iii)Proportions (iv)
Variance (v) Two variance (vi) Paired t-test (vii) Chi-square test of 7 15
goodness of fit (viii) Chi-square test for independence


Linear regression and correlation, method of least squares, normal
III regression analysis, normal correlation analysis, multiple linear 15
regression, multiple correlation co-efficient.

Analysis of variance – One way designs, randomized block designs -

IV Factorial experiments -Latin Square designs, applications. Graphical 15
presentation techniques.


Time Series Models: Components of time series – smoothing –
V 20
measuring forecasting accuracy – testing of ARIMA models. 7

Multivariate Analysis: Co-variance matrix- correlation matrix-

VI multivariate normal density function, principal components- sample 20
variation by principal components-principal components by graphs.


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Photogrammetry and Remote
01CE6601 3-1-0 4 2015
Course Objectives

 Introduce the concept of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

 Develop an understanding of the types and variety of remote sensing systems available
 Develop an appreciation for the importance of remotely sensed images and
photogrammetric analysis in Civil Engineering


Photogrammetry: Geometric characteristics of aerial photographs-Vertical and tilted photograph;

Stereoscopy and Image Parallax; Mapping with aerial photographs; Ortho photos; Introduction to
Digital Photogrammetry.
Remote Sensing: Energy sources and radiation principles; Types of satellites, sensors, and data
products; Multispectral remote sensing; Geometric characteristics of satellite images; Thermal and
Microwave remote sensing
Visual image interpretation and Digital Image processing; Applications of Remote Sensing

Expected Outcome

 Students will acquire capability for quantitative assessment from aerial photographs
 Students will be in a position to understand various satellite images
 The course will help to develop ability for image interpretation and feature identification
from satellite data
1. T.M. Lillesand and R.W. Kiefer, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley and
Sons, 1979
2. F.F Sabins(Jr.), Remote Sensing : Principals and Interpretation, Freeman & Co., San
Francisco, 1978
3. R.N. Colwel (Ed.), Manual of Remote Sensing, Vol. I & II, American Society of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Falls Church, Va. (1983)
4. Moffit, Francis, Photogrammetry, 2ndEdn, International Textbook Co. Scranton, 1967
5. Paul, R.Wolf, Elements of Photogrammetry, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York 1974
6. Keith P.B., Thompson et. Al. (Ed.), Remote Sensing and Water Resources Management,
American Water Resources Association, Urbana Illinois, 1973.
7. Schowengerdt, R. A.,Remote sensing, Models and Methods for image processing, Academic
Press (2009)
8. Joseph, G., Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Universities Press (2003)
9. Kennie, T.J.M. and Matthews, M.C., Remote Sensing in Civil Engineering, Surrey University
Press (1985)

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


of Marks


in End-

Remote Sensing: Energy sources and radiation principles; Interaction of

EM energy with atmosphere and surface features, Spectral reflectance
I 15
patterns; Energy recording, Image resolutions, Multistage remote sensing 10

Types of satellites, sensors, orbits, and data products; Multispectral

remote sensing – Methods of scanning, Geometric characteristics of
satellite images; Thermal remote sensing - Radiation principles,
Interaction of thermal radiation with atmosphere and terrain elements, 9 15
Radiometric calibration of thermal scanners


Microwave remote sensing – Antenna, Passive microwave sensors,
Active microwave sensors, Side looking radar system – Real aperture
III 15
radar and Synthetic aperture radar – range resolution and azimuth 10
resolution, Geometric characteristics of SLR images.

Image Interpretation: Elements of visual image interpretation - Image

interpretation keys. Introduction to Digital Image processing: Image
IV preprocessing; Image enhancement- contrast manipulation, spatial 15
filtering, and edge enhancement; Spectral ratioing, Concepts of image
classification. Image histograms and scatter plots.


Photogrammetry: Geometric characteristics of aerial photographs;
Ground coverage of aerial photographs; Vertical and Tilted Photographs
V 20
- Photographic Scale, Photo coordinates and Ground co-ordinates, Relief 9
displacement, Tilt distortion.

Stereoscopy & Image Parallax: Ground coordinates and Object height

from parallax measurement; Mapping with aerial photographs - Ground
VI 20
control for aerial photography; Flight planning; Radial line method, 9
Ortho photos and photo mosaics.


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Introduction to Geographic
01CE6603 3-1-0 4 2015
Information Systems
Course Objectives

 Expose the students with the concept of GIS

 To provide exposure to data models and data structure used in GIS
 To introduce various Raster and Vector Analysis capabilities of GIS


Introduction To GIS: Geographical concepts, component of GIS, Types of Geo spatial data,
Coordinate systems, map projections, Raster and vector data models, geo relational data model,
object oriented geospatial data representation, data models for composite features

Data input and editing: methods of data input, geometric transformation methods, affine
transformation, RMS error, spatial data editing, Attribute data and measurement, geospatial data
quality, data standards

Data exploration and analysis, Vector data analysis, raster data analysis, buffering, view shed
analysis, operations on regions, map algebra concepts. Data visualization, map design, map

Expected Outcome

 The ability to understand various components of GIS

 The ability to do analysis of data using GIS
 The ability to prepare GIS output maps

1. Burrough P.P &McDonnel, R.A. Principles of GIS, Oxford University press, 1988
2. Chang.K, Introduction to Geographical information system, Tata Mc-Graw- Hill,2008
3. Panigrahi,N, Geographical information science, University Press,2008
4. Davis,B.E,GIS: a visual approach onward press 2001
5. Lo,C.P&Yeung,K.W, Concepts in techniques in Geographical information system, Second
Edition Pierson Prentice Hall,2007
6. M AnjiReddy, remote sensing and Geographical information systemB.S Publications
7. Heywood L Cornelius, S, Carver,S, &Raju S. An introduction to Geographical information
system, Pearson Education,2007

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


% of Marks


in End-

INTRODUCTION TO GIS: Geographical concepts and

terminology, component of GIS, various GIS packages and their
salient features, Applications of GIS. Maps and Geo spatial data:
characteristics of maps, Spatial and non spatial data, vector and
I raster data, primary and secondary data, Sources of spatial data, 15
attribute data. Coordinate systems: plane and geographic
coordinates, map projections- concepts and properties,
classification, The shape of the earth, Datum- geodetic and vertical,
UTM coordinate system, coordinate transformation

Raster and vector data models: data organization in a computer,

database management systems, relational DBMS, raster data
model-nature and elements, types, data compression, quad tree
data representation, vector data representation,-nature and
II characteristics, topological maps and relationships, geo relational 9 15
data model, object oriented geospatial data representation , data
conversion, raster versus vector, data models for composite
features-TIN, regions, routes


Data input and editing: methods of data input, file formats of
raster data, vector data input- map digitizing procedures, topology
building, geometric transformation – map to map and image to
III 15
map transformation, transformation methods, affine 9
transformation, RMS error, resampling, pyramiding, spatial data
editing- errors, topological and non topological editing.

Attribute data and measurement- type of attribute data, relational

model, normalization, types of relationships, attribute data entry,
geospatial data quality and standards: data quality- accuracy,
IV precision, errors, uncertainty , sources of errors, components and 15
assessment of data quality, managing errors, data standards-
classification of standards in GIS, components, international
geospatial data standards


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Data exploration and analysis: Data exploration, attribute data

query, spatial data query, Raster data query, Vector data analysis-
Non topological analysis, Topological analysis, network based geo
V 20
processing, Raster data analysiscategories, local operations, 9
operations on local neighborhood, operations on extended

Geospatial data visualization: Techniques, approaches,

visualization of uncertainties, principles of cartographic design in
VI 20
GIS, types of maps, map design, Generation of information 9
products, output functions of raster and vector geoprocessing


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits

Applied Earth
01CE6605 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

 Appreciation of the concept of earth as systems of interrelated components

 Awareness about the general ideas about the processes that characterise the subsystems of
 Understanding mechanisms that give rise to various landforms and features in specific geo-


Basic ideas of earth systems. Fundamental concepts of geomorphology, Weathering , soil profile,
global soil taxonomic orders, soil erosion and conservation methods.
Fluvial processes, fluvial landforms and their origin, Stages of stream development; Drainage
patterns and morphometric analysis. Groundwater, distribution, landforms formed by groundwater
Deserts. Glaciers. Erosional and depositional landforms by glacial action, Causes of ice ages. Plate
Tectonics, plates and plate boundaries, Tectonic landforms, plate tectonics and its relation to
earthquakes. Lineaments. Mass Wasting
Basics of oceanography, types of coast, mud banks. Outlines of ocean floor topography,
classification of marine environments, marine sediments, coral reefs, Basic ideas about primary
Basics of atmosphere and atmospheric processes,Heat budget and radiation balance, factors affecting
solar radiation. Fundamental concepts of precipitation, clouds. Storms– tropical Cyclones, anti-
cyclones Greenhouse effect and global warming, climate variability

1. Critchfield H. J.General Climatology Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1983
2. Fetter C. W.Applied Hydrogeology CBS New Delhi, 1990
3. Carlson, DH, Plummer, CC and McGreary, D Physical geology: Earth Revealed McGraw Hill New
York, 2006
4. Pinet PR Oceanography – An Introduction to the Planet Oceanus, West Publishing Co, 1992
5. Ritter, DF, Kochel, RC and Miller, JR. Process GeomorphologyWm.C. Brown Publishers New York,
6. Soman K Geology of Kerala Geological Society of India, Bangalore , 2001

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Basic ideas of earth systems, mass and energy interactions between

the systems. Fundamental concepts of equilibrium and feedback
I mechanisms. Geomorphic agents and processes. Weathering- 15
relevance, influence of and on earth systems, types and controlling
factors. Soil profile, soil erosion and conservation methods.

Fluvial processes-hydrological cycle, factors affecting erosion,

transportation and deposition, fluvial landforms and their origin
Stages of stream development, drainage patterns. Groundwater-
distribution of underground water, aquifers, geysers, springs, wells 7 15
and artesian systems, factors affecting groundwater storage and
Deserts-distribution and controls. Glaciers- formation, types and
III movement. Erosional and depositional landforms by glacial action, 15
glacio-fluvial features. Causes of ice ages. Mass Wasting- types,
controls and prevention.
Plate Tectonics- ideas of continental drift, seafloor spreading, plates
and plate boundaries, evidence of plate movements and their
IV 15
mechanisms. Tectonic landforms, plate tectonics and its relation to 7


Basics of oceanography: waves, currents and coastal landforms,
basic concepts of coastal upwelling and downwelling.
V Marine sediments– terrigenous, biogenous, chemogenous 20
components, turbidity currents, coral reefs- types and concepts
about their formation.

Basics of atmosphere and atmospheric processes: Structure and

VI composition of the atmosphere; role of ozone, water vapour and 20
carbon dioxide. Heat budget and radiation balance.


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Data Acquisition in
01CE6611 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

 To study about the modern survey equipments and their use in precision surveying.
 The ability to apply different data acquisition methods such as Total Station survey,
GPS etc. for field problems


Introduction to Geomatics, Geomatic model, Modern electronic survey measurements,

Topographical Surveying:- Indian topographical series, Geodesy Electronic Distance
Measurement:- principle, types, errors. Total station:-parts, functions,survey procedure, Field
experimentation using Total station and GPS. Global Navigational Satellite Systems:- Global
Positioning Systems, Basic concept and components of GPS, Satellite constellation and signal
structure, GPS measurements, errors and biases, GPS coordinate systems Surveying with GPS:-
Methods, DGPS, Planning and field observations, GIS and GPS integration

Expected Outcome

 Understand the principles of various modern survey methods

 Understand the concept of surveying using total station and GPS

Hoffman-Wellenhof B, H.Lichtenegger, J. Collins, GPS theory and Practice,
Springer, 2000
2. Wells D.E., Guide to GPS Positioning, Canadian GPS Association, 1988
3. Anderle R., The Global Positioning System, Royal Society of London, U.K., 1995
4. Kennedy M, Global Positioning System and GIS: Introduction, Ann Arbor Press,
5. Sickle J.V., GPS for Land Surveyors, Ann Arbor Press, Chelsea, 1996
6. SatheeshGopi, R. Sathikumar, N Madhu, Advanced surveying Total Station, GIS
and Remote sensing, Pearson Education, 2007

7. Paul R Wolf and Charles D Ghilani, Elementary Surveying- An Introduction to Geomatics,

Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction to Geomatics – Geomatics model, Data collection,

management and plotting. Modern electronic survey
I measurements - Use and principle of automatic and digital 15
levels, electronic theodolites. Geodesy-Introduction to geodesy-
Earth and its size and shape-co-ordinate systems-Earth and its
Electronic Distance Measurement- electro- magnetic energy-
Principles, modulation, types of EDM, errors in EDM.

Total station –characteristics, parts and its functions, handling

II 7 15
and setting up, servo-driven and remotely operated total station
-Field procedure for topographic survey using Total Station,
Field experimentation using Total Station and GPS.


Topographical surveying-Introduction to topographical
III mapping- scale of topographical maps-Indian topographical 15
series and their numbering system- topographical survey
Global Navigational Satellite Systems- Types, Global
Positioning Systems-Basic concept and components, GPS
IV satellite constellation and signals, Signal structure, 15
Pseudorandom noise, GPS measurements- Range and carrier
phase .
GPS coordinate systems, GPS time, GPS Accuracy, Errors and
biases, GPS orbital Geometry and Navigational solution,
V 20
Differencing Techniques. Position measurements, Continuously 7
Operating Reference stations (CORS)

Surveying with GPS: Surveying methods, DGPS, Planning and

VI field observations; Control surveys using GPS, Data post- 20
processing, GIS and GPS integration


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE6613 GPS Satellite Surveying 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

 To study about the working principle of GPS and other satellite positioning systems.
 The ability to process the data obtained by satellite positioning and Navigation systems.

Introduction; Geodetic aspects, Polar motion, Tectonic plate motion, Solid earth tides, Ocean
loading, Conventional celestial reference system, The 3D geodetic model, Satellite systems; Motion
of satellites, Kepler elements, Normal orbital theory, Satellite visibility and topocentric motion,
Global Positioning System

Least-Squares adjustments; Observational errors, Variance-Covariance propagation, Mixed

adjustment models, Linearization, Minimization and solution, Cofactor matrices, Observation and
condition equation models,

Statistics in Least-Square adjustment, Pseudo range and carrier phase observables, Differencing,
Initial evaluation, Satellite clock corrections, Satellite code offsets, Toposphere and ionosphere;
overview, The radiative transfer equations, Absorption line profiles, General statistical retrieval,
Caliberation of WVR, Ionospheric refraction, Ionospheric solutions, Single frequencies and the
broadcast ionospheric models, Generelizing the Dual frequency phase function, Global ionospheric

Processing pseudoranges and carrier phases; The IGS and its products, Multipath, Geometric free
solutions, Closed solution, Precise point positioning, Real-Time point positioning, Double
difference float and triple difference solution, Independent baselines, Ambiguity functions,
Initialization on the ground, GLONASS carrier phase processing, Relative positioning within
CORS, Ambiguity fixing; LAMBDA, Discernibility, Real-time relative positioning; Carrier phase
and pseudorange corrections,
Expected Outcome

 Understanding about the various global satellite positioning and navigation systems
 Ability to carry out survey works using GPS and other satellite positioning services.
1. Alfred Leick, GPS Satellite Surveying, John Wiley & sons, Inc, 2004
2. Rao, Global Navigation Satellite Systems with essentials of satellite communication, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education, 2010
3. BasudebBhatta, Global Navigation Satellite Systems: Insights into GPS, GLONASS, Galileo,
Compass, and Others

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction; Historic perspective, Geodetic aspects, Geodetic

reference systems; Conventional terrestrial reference system, Polar
motion, Tectonic plate motion, Solid earth tildes, Ocean loading,
Conventional celestial reference system; Transforming between ITRF
and ICRF, Time systems, Datum; Geoid, Ellipsoid of revolution, Geoid
I undulations and deflections of the vertical, Reductions to the ellipsoid, 15
The 3D geodetic model, Satellite systems; Motion of satellites, Kepler
elements, Normal orbital theory, Satellite visibility and topocentric
motion, Perturbed satellite motion, GPS Global Positioning System,
General description, Satellite transmissions at 2002, GPS
modernization, GLONASS, Galileo.

Least-Squares adjustments; Elements, Statistical nature of surveying

measurements, Elementary statistical concepts, Observational errors,
Accuracy and precision, stochastic and mathematical models,
Variance-Covariance propagation, Mixed adjustment models,
II Linearization, Minimization and solution, Cofactor matrices, A 7 15
posterior variance of unit weight, iterations, Observation and
condition equation models, Sequential solution, Weighted parameters
and conditions, Minimal and inner constrains.


Statistics in Least-Square adjustment, Multivariate normal
distribution, Distribution of vTPv, Testing vTPv and Δ vTPv, General
linear hypothesis, Ellipses as confidence regions, Properties of
standard ellipses, Other measures of precision, Reliability;
III 15
Redundancy numbers, Controlling type-II error for a single blunder, 7
Internal reliability, absorption, External reliability, Correlated cases,
Blunder detection; The τ test, Data snooping, Changing weights of
observation, Kalman filtering.

Pseudo range and carrier phase observables, Pseudorange and carrier

phases, Differencing, Initial evaluation, Satellite clock corrections,
IV Topocentric range, Cycle slips, Singularities, Impact of a priori 15
position erros, Cancellation of common mode errors, Satellite code
offsets, Toposhere and ionosphere; overview, Topographic refraction
Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

delay, Model zenith delay functions, Model mapping functions,

Horizontal gradient model Precipitable water vapour, Topospheric
absorption; The radiative transfer equations, Absorption line profiles,
General statistical retrieval, Caliberation of WVR, Ionospheric
refraction, Ionospheric code delays, and phase advances, Ionospheric
solutions, Single frequencies and the broadcast ionospheric models,
Ionospheric-free functions, Ionospheric functions, Discriminating
small cycle slips, Multipath equation, Generelizing the Dual frequency
phase function, Global ionospheric models.


Processing pseudoranges and carrier phases; The IGS and its
products, Antenna corrections, Phase windup correction, Satellite
V antenna phase centre offset, Receiver antenna phase centre offset and 20
variation, Multipath, Geometric free solutions, Point positioning,
Linearized solution and DOPs, Closed solution,

Precise point positioning, Real-Time point positioning, Relative

positioning,; using pseudoranges, Double difference float and triple
difference solution, Independent baselines, Ambiguity functions,
VI Initialization on the ground, GLONASS carrier phase processing, 20
Relative positioning within CORS, Ambiguity fixing; Early efforts,
LAMBDA, Discernibility, Real-time relative positioning; Carrier phase
and pseudorange corrections, Local network corrections, WADGPS.


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE6615 Fundamentals of Cartography 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives
To expose the students on various aspects of map making and its importance. It also aims to
provide information on Mechanics of map making.


Introduction-Maps-Types of maps, Uses, Nature and Scope of Cartography, Branches of

Cartography. Earth as a cartographic problem,Scales and their functions, directions and
coordinates, geographic coordinates, Map projections and their functions, Cartographic coverage of
the world

Interpretation of topographical and geological maps; Interpretation of topographical sheets,

Interpretation of geological maps, Collection and interpretation of statistical data

Compiling maps from other maps, Map Design and layout, Cartographic restrictions, Technical
restrictions, Resource restriction, Symbolization, Format of a map, Lettering and toponomy,
Mechanics of map construction

Mapping the terrain- Methods of representation, Tanaka Kitiro’s method, Morphographic type
maps, Terrain type maps, Field sketching, Block diagrams, Mechanical methods of making block
diagrams, Transformation formulae, Terrain representation and map functions

Thematic mapping, Complex thematic map, Problems in thematic mapping, Data and their
representation, Compilation of data, Design of maps, Reproduction of maps, Inter-disciplinary
coordination, International Cooperation

Expected Outcome

Enhance the capacity of students in the production of maps from available resources like
field survey data and satellite images.

1. Misra, R.P, Ramesh, A, Fundamentals of cartography, Concept publishing company, New
Delhi, 2002
2. Arthur H. Robinson, Joel L. Morrison Phillip C. Muehrcke , A.JonKimerling ,Stephen C.
Guptill, Elements of Cartography, Wiley India Pvt Ltd; Sixth edition, 2009
3. Menno-Jan Kraak, FerjanOrmeling, Cartography, Third Edition: Visualization of Spatial
Data, The Guilford Press

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction-Maps-Types of maps, Uses, Nature and Scope of

Cartography, Branches of Cartography. Earth as a cartographic
I problem- Shape, Gravity and Dimensions of the Earth, Scales and their 15
functions, directions and coordinates, geographic coordinates, Map
projections and their functions, Cartographic coverage of the world

Interpretation of topographical and geological maps; Interpretation of

topographical sheets, Identification, Physical details, cultural details,
Cartographic appreciation, Interpretation of geological maps, Methods
of drawing strike lines, and the determination of DIP, Collection and
II interpretation of statistical data- Socio-geographic survey, Methods, 7 15
Relative advantages, Sampling techniques, Library research,
Interpretation of statistical data, Automation in cartography, Mapping


Compiling maps from other maps- Enlargement and reduction of maps,
Geometrical methods, Similar triangles method, Similar square method,
Mechanical method, Procedure for compilation, Laying out the pullups,
General practices for physical and cultural details, Selection of details,
Generalization, Finalization, Make site, Labeling, Map Design and
III layout- Principle of map design, Theory of visual perception, Making 15
symbols visually significant, In the diffusion phase, In the
differentiation phase, in the integration phase, Constrains in map
design, Cartographic restrictions, Technical restrictions, Resource
restriction, Symbolization, Point symbols, Line symbols, Area symbols,
Format of a map

Lettering and toponomy= Style, size and Form of lettering, Colour and
background, positioning, Mechanics of lettering, Freehand lettering,
Stick up lettering, Mechanical lettering, Geographical names. Mechanics
IV 15
of map construction- Drawing materials and surfaces, Ink, Tints and 7
patterns, Pencils, Drawing equipments, Pens, Compasses and dividers,
Drawing and original

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Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Mapping the terrain- Methods of representation, Spot heights,
Hachuring, Contouring, Bases of contouring, Representation of slopes
by contour, Common landforms represented by contours, Intervisibility,
Plastic shading, Tanaka Kitiro’s method, Layer shading or tinting,
Morphographic type maps, Terrain type maps, Relative relief maps,
V 20
Slope value maps, Dot method, Profiles, Relief indication by curves, 7
Hypsometric curve, Clinographic curve, Field sketching, Block
diagrams, Isometric block diagrams, Perspective block diagrams,
panaromic sections, Mechanical methods of making block diagrams,
Transformation formulae, Terrain representation and map functions

Thematic mapping, Qualitative map, Semi-quantitative maps,

Quantitative maps, Complex thematic map, Problems in thematic
mapping, Data and their representation, Selection of map projections,
VI 20
Choice of base maps, Generalization of data, Standardization of 7
symbols, Compilation of data, Design of maps, Reproduction of maps,
Inter-disciplinary coordination, International Cooperation


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE6699 Research Methodology 0-2-0 2 2015

Course Objectives
1. To prepare the student to do the M. Tech project work with a research bias.
2. To formulate a viable research question.
3. To develop skill in the critical analysis of research articles and reports.
4. To analyze the benefits and drawbacks of different methodologies.
5. To understand how to write a technical paper based on research findings.


Introduction to Research Methodology-Types of research- Ethical issues- Copy right-

royaltyIntellectual property rights and patent law-Copyleft- Openacess-

Analysis of sample research papers to understand various aspects of research

methodology: Defining and formulating the research problem-Literature review-
Development of working hypothesis-Research design and methods- Data Collection and
analysis- Technical writing- Project work on a simple research problem

Course focuses on students' application of the course content to their unique research interests. The
various topics will be addressed through hands on sessions.

Expected Outcome
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
1. Understand research concepts in terms of identifying the research problem
2. Propose possible solutions based on research
3. Write a technical paper based on the findings.
4. Get a good exposure to a domain of interest.
5. Get a good domain and experience to pursue future research activities.

1. C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology, New Age International, 2004
2. Panneerselvam, Research Methodology, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2012.
3. J. W. Bames, Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists, Tata McGraw-Hill, New York.
4. Donald Cooper, Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
5. Leedy P. D., Practical Research: Planning and Design, McMillan Publishing Co.
6. Day R. A., How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
7. Manna, Chakraborti, Values and Ethics in Business Profession, Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 2012.
8. Sople, Managing Intellectual Property: The Strategic Imperative, Prentice Hall ofIndia, New
Delhi, 2012.

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Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction to Research Methodology: Motivation towards research -

Types of research: Find examples from literature. Professional ethics in
research - Ethical issues-ethical committees. Copy right - royalty -
I Intellectual property rights and patent law - Copyleft- Openacess - 5
Reproduction of published material - Plagiarism - Citation and
acknowledgement. Impact factor. Identifying major conferences and
important journals in the concerned area. Collection of at least 4 papers
in the area.
Defining and formulating the research problem - Literature Survey-
Analyze the chosen papers and understand how the authors have
undertaken literature review, identified the research gaps, arrived at 4
their objectives, formulated their problem and developed a hypothesis.
Research design and methods: Analyze the chosen papers to
understand formulation of research methods and analytical and No end
4 semester
experimental methods used. Study of how different it is from
previous works. written
Data Collection and analysis. Analyze the chosen papers and study the examinatio
IV methods of data collection used. - Data Processing and Analysis n
strategies used – Study the tools used for analyzing the data.
Technical writing - Structure and components, contents of a typical
technical paper, difference between abstract and conclusion, layout,
illustrations and tables, bibliography, referencing and footnotes- use of 5
tools like Latex.

Identification of a simple research problem – Literature survey-

VI Research design- Methodology –paper writing based on a hypothetical


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE6691 Seminar I 0-0-2 2 2015

Course Objectives
To make students
1. Identify the current topics in the specific stream.
2. Collect the recent publications related to the identified topics.
3. Do a detailed study of a selected topic based on current journals, published papers
and books.
4. Present a seminar on the selected topic on which a detailed study has been done.
5. Improve the writing and presentation skills.


Students shall make a presentation for 20-25 minutes based on the detailed study of
the topic and submit a report based on the study.

Expected Outcome

Upon successful completion of the seminar, the student should be able to

1. Get good exposure in the current topics in the specific stream.
2. Improve the writing and presentation skills.
3. Explore domains of interest so as to pursue the course project.

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE6693 Geoinformatics Laboratory 1 3-0-0 3 2015
Course Objectives

 To familiarise the students with maps and images

 To understand concepts of photogrammetry, remote sensing and GIS with practical

Exercise problems
SOI Toposheets: Map reading, Watershed delineation
Satellite Images: Introduction to Remote Sensing data products
Photogrammetry: Stereoscopy- practice and stereo model
Relief displacement and elevation
Orientation of stereo photographs
Parallax bar- practice and measurements
Heights from parallax measurements

GIS: Georeferencing
Adding attribute data
Data output and sMap Preparation
Introduction to open source GIS software packages
Remote Sensing: Reading and displaying satellite data
Data Import/Export
Generation of False Colour Composite (FCC)
Extracting area of interest (AOI)
Generating Histogram of various bands
Expected Outcome
 The ability to understand maps and remote sensing data products
 The ability to apply Remote Sensing and GIS concepts to practice
1. American Society of Photogrammetry, (1983). Manual of Remote Sensing, (2nd edition), ASP,
Falls Church, Virginia
2. Lillisand.T.M, and Kiefer, P.W., (1998). Remote Sensing And Image Interpretation,
John Wiley & Sons, New York.
3. Moffit, H.F., and Edward, M.M., (1980). Photogrammetry, Harperand Row
Publishers, New York.
4. Wolf.P.R.,(1974).Elements of Photogrammetry, McGraw Hill books Co., London.
5. NRSC Landuse Land cover manual

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Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Expt. No. Title
1 Study of SOI Toposheets and Map reading 2
2 Watershed delineation from SOI Toposheets 4
3 Photogrammetry:Stereoscopy- practice and stereo model 2
4 Photogrammetry:Relief displacement and elevation 2
5 Photogrammetry: Parallax bar- practice and measurements 2
6 Photogrammetry:Heights from parallax measurements 2
7 GIS: Georeferencing 2
8 GIS:Digitization 2
9 GIS:Adding attribute data 2
10 GIS: Data output and Map Preparation 2
11 RS Image: Data Import/Export 1
12 RS Image: Georeferencing 2
13 RS Image: Generation of False Colour Composite (FCC) 1
14 RS Image: Extracting area of interest (AOI) 1
15 RS Image: Generating Histogram of various bands 1

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Syllabus and Course Plan

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE6602 Digital Image Processing 3-1-0 4 2015

Course Objectives

 Introduce the concept of digital image acquisition, processing, display and analysis
 Develop an idea regarding the suitability of different satellite images for various
 Develop an understanding of potential applications of remotely sensed data, tools and
techniques for natural resource management

Satellite Images: Data storage and formats, Data products; Image rectification and restoration;
Image statistics, Histograms, and Scatter plots.
Image enhancement, Contrast enhancement; Spatial feature enhancement, Edge enhancement,
Texture enhancement; Multi image manipulation, Image resolution pyramids, Frequency
Image Classification: Supervised and Unsupervised classification; Sub-pixel classification, ANN
and Fuzzy approaches in image classification; Post classification smoothing; Evaluation of
accuracy; Change detection; Data compression techniques; Data scaling.
Expected Outcome

 Ability for enhancing and processing digital images

 Ability to understand the suitability of various satellite images
 Ability for feature identification and classification from satellite data

1. Robert A. Schowengerdt, Remote Sensing: Materials and Methods for Image processing,
Academic Press: Elsevier, 2007
2. Duda R. O. and Hart P.E., Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis, John Wiley and Sons,
N.Y., 1973.
3. Tou J. T. and Gonzalez R. C., Pattern Recognition Principles, Addison Wesly, 1974.
4. Swain P. H. and Davis S. M. (Ed.), Remote Sensing : The Quantitative Approach, McGraw-
Hill Book Co., N., 1978.
5. Lillesand T. M. and Kiefer R. W., Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley and
Sons, 1979
6. F.F Sabins(Jr.), Remote Sensing : Principles and Interpretation, Freeman & Co., San
Francisco, 1978
7. Jensen R., Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective, Upper
Saddle River, Prentice- Hall, 1996.
8. Mather M., Computer Processing of Remotely Sensed Images : An Introduction, New York,
John Wiley and Sons., 1988

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Hours Allotted
% of Marks in


I Satellite Images: Data collection, recording and handling, Data

9 15
storage and formats, Data products
Image rectification and restoration: Geometric and Radiometric
II corrections, Noise removal; Image statistics, Histograms, and Scatter 9
Image enhancement: Contrast enhancement; Spatial feature
enhancement - Spatial filtering, Edge enhancement, Texture
III 15
enhancement, Convolution, Morphological filters, Gradient filters, 9
Box-filter algorithm

Image resolution pyramids, Frequency transformation (Fourier

IV transforms); Multi image manipulation - Multispectral band ratios 15
and differencing, Principal component analysis, IHS transformation.


Image Classification: Supervised classification - Minimum distance to
mean, Parallelepiped, Maximum likelihood, and Baye’s methods;
V 20
Unsupervised classification - Single pass and Iterative; Non 10
parametric and parametric classifications,

spatial segmental classification, sub pixel classification, ANN and

Fuzzy approaches in image classification
VI 20
Post classification smoothing - Evaluation of accuracy 10

Change detection, Data compression techniques, Data scaling.


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

CE6604 Advanced GIS 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

 Expose the students with advanced concepts of GIS

 To provide exposure to terrain modelling and analysis
 To introduce modern trends such as web GIS, customisation etc.


Spatial interpolation, methods, density estimation, inverse distance weighting, splines , Optimal
interpolation using geostatistics- kriging.

Terrain mapping and analysis: Digital Elevation models Terrain mapping-contouring, vertical
profiling, hill shading, slope and aspect-computing algorithms for raster and TIN, surface curvature.

GIS modelling: design, cartographic modelling, project management, implementation problem, GIS
applications. Web mapping with open source tool kits.

Introduction to digital mapping - Map Server - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - Open source
tool kits. GIS customisation programming.

Expected Outcome

 The ability to select suitable interpolation techniques

 The ability to do terrain analysis
 Understand and do GIS customisation, programming

1. Burrough P.P. &McDonnel, R.A. Principles of GIS, Oxford University Press, 1998
2. Chang, K, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008
3. Panigrahi,N, Geographical Information Science, University Press, 2008
4. Davis, B. E., GIS: A visual approach, Onword Press, 2001
5. Lo, C. P. And Yeung K.W., Concepts and Techniques in Geographic Information
Systems, Second Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007
6. M Anji Reddy, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, B S
Publications, Hyderabad, 2001
7. Heywood, I., Cornelius, S., Carver, S., and Raju, S. An Introduction to
Geographic Information Systems, Pearson Education, 2007
8. Li, S., Dragicevic, S., and Veenendaal, B., Advances in web-based GIS, mapping
services and applications, CRC Press, 2011
9. Yang, C., Advanced geo information Science, CRC Press, 2011

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Spatial interpolation: Definition and necessity, methods of interpolation,

Global interpolation-classification models, regression methods, trend
I surface analysis, Local interpolation-nearest neighbours, density 15
estimation, inverse distance weighting, splines, comparison of
interpolation methods.

Optimal interpolation using geostatistics- regionalised variable theory,

variogram models, ordinary kriging, block kriging, nonlinear kriging,
probabilistic kriging. 7 15


Terrain mapping and analysis: Digital Elevation models- methods of
representation, TIN, DEM, conversion of TIN to altitude matrix and vice
III versa, characteristics of TIN and DEM, Delaunay triangulation, Terrain 15
mapping-contouring, vertical profiling, hill shading, slope and aspect-
computing algorithms for raster and TIN, surface curvature.

View sheds and watersheds: View shed analysis- parameters,

applications, Watershed analysis- operations to delineate watersheds
and to derive features such as stream network, applications. Path
IV analysis and network applications: Path analysis- cost distance 15
measures, least cost accumulative path, applications, Network-
geometry and attribute data of road network, putting together,
Applications - shortest path analysis, allocation.


GIS modelling: basic steps in GIS modelling, designing a data model,
cartographic modelling, project management, implementation problem,
Case study- optimum route for hazardous materials transportation. GIS
V 20
applications: GIS applications, railway route alignment, electricity 7
distribution management system, tourism information system using
WEBGIS. Web mapping with open source tool kits.

VI Introduction to digital mapping - Merits and demerits of web mapping -

7 20
Different kinds of web mapping - Map Server - Geospatial Data

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Abstraction Library - Open source tool kits. GIS customisation

programming: GIS Customisation - Needs – Scripting Language –
Advantage of Macro Scripting – Sample Case studies.


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Geoinformatics in Disaster
CE6606 3-0-0 3 2015
Course Objectives

 To teach about the various principles involved and also the various mitigation to be
adopted during the disasters.
 To illustrate the usage of remote sensing sensors, data and geographical information
system in disaster preparedness and evaluation.

Fundamental concepts of hazards and disasters: The interaction of Disasters, Earth system and
Human System, Resilience; Types of Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters I; Classification of
Disasters and nature of Impacts.

Types of Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters II; Disaster management cycle, concepts of disaster
preparedness and mitigation, hazard and disaster management plans for various disasters.
Disaster Risk Reduction and developmental efforts.

Utility of Remote sensing and communication systems in disaster management; Remote sensing in
Hazard evaluation – Zonation – Risk assessment –Damage assessment -Warning system – Post
disaster review Utility of GIS, GPS and Communication systems in mapping, modelling and
simulation of hazards and preparation of Zonation maps, Search and rescue.

Expected Outcome

 Understand the concepts disaster management. various communication architectures and

protocols in an embedded system
 Understand the application of RS, EOS, GIS, GPS tools for disaster management and

1. Bell, F.G., ―Geological Hazards: Their assessment, avoidance and mitigation‖, E & FN
SPON Routledge, London. 1999
2. David Alexander, ―Natural Disasters‖, Research Press, New Delhi, 1993
3. Nick Carter. W., ―Disaster Management - A Disaster Manager's Handbook‖. Asian
Development Bank, Philippines. 1991
4. ―Mitigating Natural Disasters, Phenomena, Effects and options‖, A Manual for policy
makers and planners, United Nations. New York, 1991
5. Andrew, S., ―Environmental Modeling with GIS and Remote Sensing‖, John Willey and
sons, 2002
6. Ariyabandu, M. and Sahni P. (Eds), ―Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia‖, Prentice-Hall
(India), 2003.
7. Bossler, J.D., ―Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology‖, Taylor and Francis, London,
8. Matthews, J.A., ―Natural hazards and Environmental Change‖, Bill McGuire, Ian Mason,

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Kerala Technological University
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Marks in


% of

Fundamental concepts of hazards and disasters: The interaction
between Disasters, Earth system and Human System.
I 15

Types of Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters I- Earth quakes,

II Mass wasting, Cyclones, Floods, Nuclear reactors.

7 15


Types of Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters II–Drought, soil
III 15
degradation, Fundamental concepts heavy metal pollution

Disaster management cycle, hazard and disaster management

IV 15
plans for drought, soil erosion floods and cyclones. 7


Utility of Remote sensing in disaster management –visible,

thermal and microwave sensors for mapping and monitoring

natural hazards- role of image resolutions in disaster mapping

V 20
and monitoring. Remote sensing in Hazard evaluation – 7

Zonation – Risk assessment –Damage assessment -Warning

system – Post disaster review

Utility of GIS, GPS and Communication systems : role of GIS in

mapping of hazards and preparation of Zonation maps - role of

GPS in disaster related studies – role of communication

VI 20
technology (radio, ham radio, wireless, satellite, internet based

solution etc.) for critical information dissemination- Search and



Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE6612 AppliedHydrology 3-0-0 3 2015
Course Objectives

 A good understanding of all the components of hydrologic cycle

 To understand the mechanics of rainfall, its spatial and temporal distribution.
 To understand the fitting of probability distribution and statistical analysis of rainfall
and runoff.
 To understand the real time data monitoring and management system.

Hydrologic cycle, precipitation , Graphical representation - Estimation of missing rainfall data

probable maximum precipitation - Analysis of rainfall data - correlation between intensity and
duration duration (DAD) curve.
Hydrologic abstractions , Infiltration, Evapotranspiration,
.Catchment characteristics - stream patterns - stream order – stream flow measurement
stage discharge curve
Runoff- Computation , SCS Rainfall runoff relation, Rational method - S-hydrograph, concept of
IUH, convolution integral, and conceptual models rainfall runoff correlation using
linear regression and multiple regression analysis.
Floods: Estimation of floods - methods, Flood frequency studies -
Flood routing: Flood routing through reservoirs
-flood control reservoirs - retarding basins - construction of levees - channel
improvement-soil conservation methods - Flood forecasting and warning - real time
monitoring system
Expected Outcome

 To understand the principles and applications of engineering hydrology.

 Provide the students with the tools for analysis, management and simulation used for the
design of hydrologic systems.
 Understand the modeling of the rainfall runoff process.

1. Warren Viesmann Jr. and Gary L Lewis, Introduction to Hydrology, Prentice Hall,2002
2. Chow.V.T. &Maidment R D, Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Mc Graw HillEducation 1988
3. Subramanya.K, Engineering Hydrology, Mc Graw Hill Education, 1984
4. Reghunath.H.M., Hydrology, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 1987
5. Linsley .R.K, Kohler.M.A&Palhus.J.L, Applied Hydrology, Mc Graw Hill, 1949
6. JayaramiReddy.P, A text book of Hydrology, Laxmi publications, 2005
7. Ghanshyam Das, Hydrology and soil conservation Engineering, Prentice-hall of India,
NewDelhi, 2004

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Hydrologic cycle, precipitation - types, distribution, Graphical

representation of rainfall - Estimation of missing rainfall data -
I consistency of rainfall records – Design storm, PMP - Analysis of rainfall 15
data - correlation between intensity and duration – IDF relationship,
DAD curve. - Hydrologic Abstractions – Infiltration,
Evapotranspiration. (No detailed computations necessary)
Catchment characteristics – Morphological parameters – computations-
stream patterns – description of basin- stream order - classification of
II streams – stream flow measurement - Area velocity method, Dilution 7 15
technique - stage discharge rating curve.


Runoff- Computation of runoff by curve number method - Rational
III method – Unit Hydrograph- S-hydrograph, concept of IUH - Derivation 15
of IUH using S-curve, convolution integral, and conceptual models -
linear reservoir - linear channel – Runoff simulation models .
Watershed Models – Types, concepts-Classification of Deterministic
Model – Black Box, Conceptual and Physically based Models – Rational
method, Models of IUH, Nash and Chow-Kulandaiswamy Models –
IV Lumped and Distributed Conceptual Models – Single event and 15
Continuous Conceptual Models – HEC HMS, Tank Model, WBNM and
other Models – Physically based Models – SWAT and MIKE SHE –
Model Calibration and Validation


Floods: Estimation of floods - methods, Flood frequency studies -
V Probabilistic method - Gumbel’s method - Stochastic method - Annual 20
duration series and partial duration series, Design flood and design
Flood routing: Flood routing through reservoirs - ISD method -
Modified Pulse method. Flood routing through channels - Muskingum
VI method – Flood control methods - flood control reservoirs - retarding 20
basins - construction of levees – channel improvement-soil conservation
methods - Flood forecasting and warning - real time monitoring system


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE6614 Hydroinformatics 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

 Aimed at introducing the techniques and tools developed in information technology

for rapid hydrological information analysis and modeling.
 To illustrate the concepts of soft computing techniques for modeling of


Hydrologic Data Models: geodata model, Arc Hydro data model. UML ModelshedGeodata model,
modelshed links, Dynamic model shed links, Dynamic modelshed, File format in data models-
Programming model application programming interfaces
Integration of Hydrologic and GIS models ,Embedding types, .Statistical data mining methods,
multivariable linear regression, Non-linear regression, tree based methods classification Trees
neighbourhood unsupervised learning Genetic Algorithms, Simple genetic algorithm, formulation
concepts for unconstrained problems, Constraint Handling- application
Artificial Neural networks, Back propagation neural networks, RBF networks, Recurrent networks-
Pruning techniques- application in hydro informatics. Fuzzy Logic- Fuzzy set- Fuzziness Vs
randomness, Fuzzy relation- max-min, max product composition – fuzzy reasoning – fuzzy logic
model formulation – types,
Hydro informatics application
Expected Outcome

 Ability to integrate hydrologic and GIS models

 To understand the different data integrative approaches in computation, analysis and
modelling in hydroinformatics
1, Han.J., and M.Kamber, Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufman,
San Francisco, 2001
2. Praveen Kumar, Jay Alameda, Peter Bajcsy, Mike Folk and Momcilo Markus,
Hydroinformatics :Data Integrative Approaches in Computation, Analysis and
Modelling, Taylor and Francis, 2006
3. Goldberg, D.E., Genetic Algorithm in search, optimization and machine learning,
Addison Wesley, 1999
4. Hertz, Krogh, Palmer, Introduction to the theory of Neural Computation, Addison
Wesley, 1991
5. Chin Teng Lin and George Lee, Neural Fuzzy Systems, Prentice Hall, 1995
6. Ross T J. Fuzzy logic with Engineering applications, Mc Graw Hill, 1995

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Marks in


% of

Spatial hydrologic Data Models: Data models - geodata model -
structure of Geodatabase - Arc Hydro data model. UML-frame
I 15
work, relationships, diagrams, object model diagrams- use in 7
modeling applications.

Modelshed Geodata model – structure - modeling of fluxes,

modelshed links, area link, orthogonal link, Dynamic model
shed links, area link, orthogonal link, Dynamic modelshed-
II features, applications. File format in data models- 7 15
Programming model application programming interfaces-
concept of data file formats- file access, file structure.


Integration of Hydrologic and GIS models – coupling - loose
and rigid type- Embedding types- Examples- case studies.
Statistical data mining- supervised learning - regression
III methods- multivariable linear regression, Non-linear 15
regression, tree based methods classification trees- regression
trees- Nearest neighbourhood methods – K nearest
neighbourhood unsupervised learning- cluster analysis -
Hierarchical clustering - K mean clustering.
Genetic Algorithms- Concepts, GA basics, Selection, cross over,
IV mutation, - Simple genetic algorithm, formulation concepts for 15
unconstrained problems, Constraint Handling- application to
Hydro informatics problems.
Artificial Neural networks- concept, architecture and types,
V transfer functions, training algorithms- Back propagation 20
neural networks, RBF networks, Recurrent networks- Pruning
techniques- application in hydro informatics.
Fuzzy Logic- Fuzzy set- Fuzziness Vs randomness- types of
uncertainty- linguistic variables and inference rules –
VI membership functions, basic operations- Fuzzy relation- max-
7 20
min, max product composition - fuzzy reasoning – fuzzy logic
model formulation – types, fuzzification, defuzification- Hydro
informatics application.

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Thermal and Microwave
01CE6616 3-0-0 3 2015
Remote Sensing
Course Objectives

 To cover the fundamentals of thermal and microwave remote sensing

 To provide a summary of the information needed for space based microwave remote
sensing systems

Thermal remote sensing: Radiation principles; Interpretation of thermal images; Estimation of land
surface temperature from thermal images; Applications of thermal remote sensing data
Microwave remote sensing - active and passive systems and their applications; Imaging systems -
Real Aperture radar (RAR), Synthetic Aperture radar (SAR), Microwave radiometer, Microwave
Scatterometer, and Microwave altimeter.
SAR imagery – characteristics, interpretation and their applications; SAR interferometry,
differential SAR interferometry and their uses; Polarimetry in radar remote sensing and their
Expected Outcome

 Students will develop knowledge about the various thermal and microwave sensors
operating in space
 Ability to apply thermal infrared models for various applications in the field of civil
 Ability to use microwave data for the analysis of various problems in land and water

1. Henderson, F.M. and Anthony, J.L., Principles and Applications of Imaging Radar,
Manual of Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons , 1998
2. Manual of Remote Sensing, Volumes 1 to 5, American Society of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing, 2003
3. Schowengerdt, R.A., Remote Sensing Models and Methods in Image Processing,
Academic Press, 2006
4. Ulaby,F.T.,Moore,K.R. and Fung, Microwave remote sensing vol-1,vol-2 and vol-
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,London,1986.
5. Philippe Lacomme,JeanclandeMarchais,Jean-Philippe Hardarge and Eric Normant, Air
and space borne radar systems-An introduction, Elsevier publications 2001.
6. Roger J Sullivan, Knovel, Radar foundations for Imaging and Advanced Concepts,
SciTech Pub, 2004.
7. Woodhouse, I.H., Introduction to microwave remote sensing, Taylor and Francis,
London, 2006.
8. Curlander J.C., and R.N. Mcdonough, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Systems And Signal
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Processing, John Wiley Sons Inc., New York, 1991

9. Elachi C, and F.T. Ulaby, Radar Polarimetry for Geoscience Applications, Artech House,
Norwood, MA, 1990.
10. Mott, H., Remote sensing with polarimetric radar, John Wiley and Sons, New York,
11. Lee, J.S. and Pottier, E., Polarimetric Radar Imaging: From Basics to Applications,
CRC Press, London, 2009


% of Marks


in End-

Thermal remote sensing: Introduction, Radiation principles,

I Interaction of thermal radiation with atmosphere and terrain 15
elements, thermal sensors and their characteristics, radiometric
calibration of thermal scanners.
Interpretation of thermal images - day and night images,
emissivity consideration, thermal inertia considerations.
Estimation of land surface temperature from thermal images.
Application of thermal remote sensing data in crop health 7 15
monitoring, pollution monitoring, oil spill detection, glaciology,
atmospheric modelling, Sea Surface Temperature,
Introduction to microwave remote sensing - active and passive
systems, platforms and sensors
Passive microwave systems: mathematical formulation for
III 15
microwave radiation and simulation, measurement and analysis of 7
brightness temperature, applications in various fields -
oceanography and meteorology.

Active microwave systems: basic principles of radar, radar

equation, resolution, range, phase and angular measurements,
microwave scattering and its measurement, relationships between
IV 15
scene and sensor parameters. 7
Imaging systems - Real Aperture radar (RAR) and Synthetic
Aperture radar (SAR), Microwave radiometer, Microwave
Scatterometer, Microwave altimeter.
SAR imagery - their characteristics and interpretation, applications
V in various fields—land use/land cover, soil/rock, hydrology. 20
SAR interferometry for DEM generation, differential SAR

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interferometry for surface displacement studies, applications in

land subsidence, landslide movements, glacier movements etc.

Polarimetry in radar remote sensing, basic equations, propagation

VI of waves and wave polarization. HH, VV, HV and VH polarization 20
data and their applications.

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Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE6618 Satellite Oceanography 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

 To provide a basic understanding in the fields of oceanography and ocean remote

 To provide a broad knowledge of the various techniques used in satellite and airborne
remote sensing of the sea.
 To appreciate the applications of remote sensing to oceanographic studies.


The basic concepts of oceanography,Hydrophysical processes in the ocean, external forces

driving ocean currents, heat flux through the ocean surface

Remote sensing of the sea: The general principles of remote sensing of the sea,
Oceanographic sampling. The main types of sensors for ocean monitoring
Oceanographic Applications: Infrared Measurement of Sea Surface Temperature, Infrared
radiometry, Interpretation of sea surface temperature. AVHRR, MSCSST algorithm, GEOS,
Radar altimeters, TOPEX/Poseidon satellite, Sea
Surface Height, Sea Surface Roughness, Microwave scatterometer, Synthetic Aperture Radar
Ocean Color: satellite measurements of ocean color, Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS),
SeaWiFS, MODIS, ocean color dynamics in different ocean regions.
Estimation of phytoplankton biomass, Estimation of chlorophyll fluorescence,
Global phytoplankton biomass and primary production

Expected Outcome

 Students will obtain the basics of physical, chemical, and biological oceanography
 Gain information about the main systems observing ocean from space
 Develop some practical skills on using satellite data for the analysis of ocean
ecosystem dynamics.

1. Garrison, T., Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science 5th ed. Brooks., 2007
2. Gross, M. G., Principles of Oceanography‖, Prentice-Hall, 7th ed. 1995 .
3. Martin, S., An Introduction to Ocean Remote Sensing, Cambridge University Press,
4. Robinson, I., Measuring the oceans from space: the principles and methods of satellite
oceanography, Springer, Berlin, 2004.
5. Robinson, I., Understanding Oceans from Space: The unique applications of Satellite
Oceanography, Springer, Berlin,2004
6. Fu, L.L., Cazenave, A. Satellite altimetry and earth sciences. Academic Press, 2001

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Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


The basic concepts of oceanography: Physical, Chemical and Biological

I 15
Oceanography. 7

Hydrophysical processes in the ocean, external forces driving ocean

currents - earth rotation and wind stress, heat flux through the ocean
surface - temperature, salinity and density, role of stratification in 7 15
phytoplankton ecology.
Remote sensing of the sea: The general principles of remote sensing of
the sea, basic elements and sampling characteristics of satellite orbits,
III Electromagnetic spectrum and satellite sensors, sensor calibration, 15
atmospheric correction, positional registration, Oceanographic
The main types of sensors: Visible wavelength ―ocean color‖ sensors,
Infrared radiometers of sea surface temperature, Passive microwave
IV 15
radiometers, Active radar-altimeters of sea surface topography, Active 7
microwave sensors of sea surface roughness.


Oceanographic Applications: Infrared Measurement of Sea Surface
Temperature, Infrared radiometry, Interpretation of sea surface
temperature. AVHRR, MSCSST algorithm, GEOS.
V 20
Radar altimeters: Basic principles of satellite altimetry, 7
TOPEX/Poseidon satellite, Sea Surface Height, Sea Surface Roughness,
Microwave scatterometer, Synthetic Aperture Radar.

Ocean Color: satellite measurements of ocean color, Coastal Zone Color

Scanner (CZCS), SeaWiFS, MODIS, ocean color dynamics in different
ocean regions. Ocean Color and Phytoplankton Growth: Chlorophyll
VI and photosynthesis, Estimation of phytoplankton biomass from Satellite 20
Ocean color observations, Estimation of chlorophyll fluorescence from
MODIS ocean color observations, Global phytoplankton biomass and
primary production.


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Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Geoinformatics in
01CE6622 3-0-0 3 2015
Transportation Engineering

Course Objectives

 To understand the basic concepts of Geoinformatics in the context of transportation

and transportation networks.
 To learn the data needs and database development for doing transportation analysis in
GIS environment.
 To understand the concepts of transportation networks and algorithms and how they
are incorporated into GIS.


Spatial and Non spatial data for land use and transportation, Data Collection, Concept of PCU,
Types of manoeuvres and conflict points. Demand Estimation, Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) and
screen lines, Four Stage Planning Process (Brief description only), Network representation of a
transportation System, GIS in Transport Planning, GIS-T applications
Intelligent Transport System, Components, Architecture, Applications, Travel time analysis
using GPS-GIS integration, Automated Highway Systems

Expected Outcome

 Students will acquire a basic understanding of how GIS processes can be used for
efficient transportation modeling and analysis.
 Students will understand various applications of GIS in Transportation (GIS-T)
including Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

1. Hensher D. A., Button K. J., Haynes K. E., and Stopher P. R. (Eds.), Handbook of
Transport Geography and Spatial Systems‖, Elsevier,2004.
2. Thill Jean-Claude, Geographical Information Systems in Transportation Research,
Pergamon, 2000.
3. Longley P. A., Barnsley M. J., Donnay Jean-Paul, Remote Sensing and Urban Analysis,
Taylor & Francis, 2001.
4. Caliper Corporation, Travel Demand Modelling with TransCAD, 2009.
5. Hutchinson, B. G., Principles of Urban Transportation Planning, Mc Graw Hill, 1979
6. Kadiyali, L.R.Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning, Khanna Publishers

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Hours Allotted
% of Marks in


Spatial and Non spatial data for land use and transportation, Sampling
in traffic studies, sample size; Data collection techniques- Spot speed,
I Speed and delay, Volume, Origin Destination and Parking, Concept of 15
PCU, Capacity and level of service, Types of manoeuvres and conflict

Travel Demand Estimation, Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) and screen

lines, Network and Routes, Four Stage Planning Process (Brief
description only), Land use and Transport Planning 7 15


Transport Network and Maps, Types of networks, Network
III information, Network representation of a transportation System, 15
Network creation and route building

Role of GIS in Land use and Transportation Planning, Map creation,

IV Data Preparation, Network development and algorithm, Shortest Path 15
determination, Applications of GIS-T- Available Softwares


Introduction to Intelligent Transport System- Components of ITS, ITS
V Architecture, Integration of ITS and GIS- Invehicle navigation, 20
Commercial vehicle operation, Traffic Management

Integration of GPS and GIS- Types of positioning Systems,

Applications- Route guidance, emergency response, Fleet Management,
VI 20
Travel time analysis using GPS-GIS integration, Automated Highway 7


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Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Urban Spatial Planning and
01CE6624 3-0-0 3 2015
Course Objectives

 To equip the students for the effective planning and design of urban systems by
using spatial modeling


Urban morphology - Determinants of urban form and structure Introduction to theories of urban
design public and private domains, suburbs and periphery- Privacy, Territoriality and Proxmic
theory, Defensible spaces -landscape Urbanism. Introduction to urban geography
Concepts and theories of planning and their applications as master plans, development plans,etc.
planning process, overview of legal framework and statutory aspects of planning
The concept of Sustainable Planning and its relevance -Nature as the primary layer – urban
development as the secondary layer, the garden city–Design of Eco friendly neighborhoods- Role of
EIA in the planning process. Assessment of impacts on resources and land use. - Assessment of
social and health impact.
Expected Outcome
 To understand the concepts used for urban mapping including transportation planning.
 To inculcate the preparation of maps for different spatial analysis carried for urban
planning and transportation planning with the aid of remote sensing and GIS
1. Tony Kendle and Stephen Forbes, Urban Conservation – Landscape Management in Urban
country Side , E & FN SPON, London, 1997.
2. The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution Report – Transport and Environment,
Oxford University Press, 1995.
3. Rob Gray , Accounting for the Environment, Chartered Association of Certified
Accountants, 1003.
4. Richard Kelly, Stuart Barr, Spatial modeling of Terrestrial Environment, John Wiley, 2004
5. Barnsley M. J., Donnay J. P., Remote Sensing and Urban Analysis, Taylor and Francis,2000
6. Stewart F. Michael W., Spatial Models and GIS: New Potential and New Models, Taylor and
Francis, 1999
7. Manual on Urban Spatial Planning, NRSC, 2006
8. Curlander J.C., and R.N. Mcdonough, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Systems And Signal
Processing, John Wiley Sons Inc., New York, 1991
9. Elachi C, and F.T. Ulaby, Radar Polarimetry for Geoscience Applications, Artech House,
Norwood, MA, 1990.
10. Mott, H., Remote sensing with polarimetric radar, John Wiley and Sons, New York,
11. Lee, J.S. and Pottier, E., Polarimetric Radar Imaging: From Basics to Applications,
CRC Press, London, 2009
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Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Urban morphology - Determinants of urban form and structure -

Components and structure- Size, shape and form of cities.
I 15
Introduction to theories of urban design- Place theory, linkage 7

Lynch’s ideas of good city form- public and private domains,

suburbs and periphery- Privacy, Territoriality and Proxmic
theory, Defensible spaces -landscape Urbanism. Introduction to
II urban geography – cognition, perception and spatial
7 15
representation. – Renaissance and the reconfigurement of space.


Concepts and theories of planning and their applications as
III master plans, development plans. planning process, concepts of 15
zonal plans, redevelopment, city development plans

Planning tools, planning standards, planning models, planning

surveys and sampling, overview of legal framework and
IV 15
statutory aspects of planning: town planning acts, land 7
acquisition act and process, other land management techniques


The concept of Sustainable Planning and its relevance -Nature as
the primary layer – urban development as the secondary layer. -
V Energy use and Climate change- Eco villages –Eco 20
neighbourhood, ecological townships, the garden city–Design of
Eco friendly neighborhoods

Role of EIA in the planning process. - Definitions and need,

evolution and objectives, tasks & Scope. Assessment of impacts
VI on resources and land use. - Assessment of social and health 20


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Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE6692 Mini Project 0-0-4 2 2015

Course Objectives
To make students

Design and develop a system or application in the area of their specialization.


The student shall present two seminars and submit a report. The first seminar shall
highlight the topic, objectives, methodology, design and expected results. The
second seminar is the presentation of the work / hardware implementation.
Expected Outcome

Upon successful completion of the mini project, the student should be able to
1. Identify and solve various problems associated with designing and implementing a
system or application.
2. Test the designed system or application.

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE6694 Geoinformatics Laboratory 2 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

 To familiarise the students with reading understanding various satellite images

 To understand the concept of different image processing and spatial analysis technique


Exercise problems on:

Remote Sensing: (Practice using ERDAS Imagine or ILWIS software)
Image Pre-processing- Geometric corrections, radiometric corrections– merging and segmentation-
noise removal
Image enhancement- contrast manipulation- spatial filtering-Edge enhancement
Multi image manipulation- spectral ratios- principal component analysis
Classification- supervised classification- unsupervised classification
Accuracy assessment, Map composition
GIS: (Practice using ARC GIS software)

Vector analysis - buffering, overlay and network analysis

Raster analysis-Arithmetic overlaying and logical overlaying
DEM and TIN Analysis: Slope and Aspect, Hill shade, Viewshead, and Drainage network.
Customization and scripting

Expected Outcome

 The ability to understand different satellite images

 The ability to apply image processing techniques for deriving different thematic maps from
satellite imagery

1 American Society of Photogrammetry, (1983). Manual of Remote Sensing, (2nd
edition), ASP, Falls Church, Virginia
2. Lillisand.T.M, and Kiefer, P.W., (1998). Remote Sensing And Image Interpretation,
John Wiley & Sons, New York.
3. Burrough and McDonnel, Principles of Geographical Information System, Oxford University Press,
4. Robert A.Schowengerdt, Remote Sensing: Materials and Methods for Image processing, Academic
Press: Elsevier, 2007
5. NRSC Landuse Land cover manual

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Expt No. Title
1 RS Images :Radiometric corrections 2
2 RS Images: Merging and Segmentation 1
3 RS Images: Noise Removal 1
4 RS Images: Contrast Manipulation 1
5 RS Images: Edge Enhancement 1
6 RS Images: Spatial Filtering 2
7 RS Images: spectral ratios 2
8 RS Images: principal component analysis 1
9 RS Images: Unsupervised classification 1
10 RS Images: Supervised classification 2
11 Accuracy assessment, Map composition 2
12 GIS: Raster analysis-Arithmetic overlaying and logical overlaying 2
13 GIS: Vector analysis - buffering, overlay and network analysis 4
14 GIS: DEM and TIN Analysis - Slope and Aspect, Hill shade, 4
Viewshead, and Drainage network
15 GIS: Customization and scripting 2

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Syllabus and Course Plan

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

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Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE7611 Digital Photogrammetry 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

 To impart knowledge in digital camera, scanners, photogrammetric Workstation and its

Application with GIS and Remote Sensing.
 To familiarize the students with automatic and semi-automatic procedures in
 To teach the methods of digital evaluation, its models, theories, and applications

Historical development from conventional to analytical and digital photogrammetry; Digital

cameras and scanner: Digital images and their properties, direct and indirect methods of
acquisition of digital images; Digital photogrammetric procedures; Image Generation - Data
Compression; Modelling the geometry of imaging systems, history and evolution of 2D and 3D
imaging systems; Digital feature extraction and matching techniques for stereo image analysis. Use
of GPS and SAR interferometry data in 3D mapping; DEM Generation

Expected Outcome

 Will help the student to develop a basic understanding of the remote sensing systems used
for 2D and 3D mapping
 Students will learn the basic operations in digital photogrammetry such as image
orientation, image matching, and object extraction
 Students will get knowledge about the basic methods and procedures of planimetric and
topographic map generation from digital stereo data
1. Cliff Greve , ―Digital Photogrammetry – An addendum to the Manual of
Phototgrammetry‖, ASPRS, 1996
2. Paul, R. Wolf, ―Elements of Photogrammetry‖, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York,
3. Arthur H. Robinson, ―Elements of Cartography‖, John Wiley & Sons, inc. 1995.
4. Quihe H. Yang, ―Map Projection Transformation‖, Taylor and Francis, London, 2000.
5. Wilfried Linder,‖ Digital Photogrammetry: A Practical Course‖, Springer; 2006.
6. Ghosh, Sanjiv K., ―Fundamentals of Computational Photogrammetry‖, Concept
publishing, New Delhi, 2005.
7. Zhilin Li, Qing Zhu, Chris Gold, ―Digital Terrain Modeling: Principles and
Methodolgy‖, CRC; third edition, 2004.
8. John A. Richards, XiupingJia, ―Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An
Introduction‖, Springer; 4th ed. edition 2005.

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Hours Allotted
% of Marks in


Introduction: Historical development from conventional to analytical

and digital photogrammetry; Platforms for photogrammetric sensing
I systems; Principles of analog and digital photogrammetry-Scale and 15
coverage, Image coordinate system, Parallax and stereo, Epipolar
planes and lines
Photogrammetric sensing systems: Photographic film, and
Electrooptical sensors – Digital image acquisition with CCD cameras,
Types of CCD systems, Use of CCD scanner in high resolution
II satellites Active sensing systems; Digitizers, photogrammetric 7 15
scanners, and digital work stations. Image Quality and Image


Digital photogrammetric procedures: Review of space resection &
intersection, Coordinate reference frames, Interior & exterior
III orientation, Automatic tie point generation, Automatic Block 15
triangulation, Feature collection and plotting, Various formats of map

Digital image handling: Image Generation, Data Compression, Data

formats, Data procuring concepts, Stereo viewing, Display modes,
IV 15
Image matching techniques, Image measurements, History and 7
evolution of 2D and 3D imaging systems


Digital feature extraction and matching techniques for stereo image
V analysis. Epi-polar registration of stereo images. Use of GPS and SAR 20
interferometry data in 3D mapping, Cartographic problems of
mapping the earth with horizontal and vertical controls
Digital photogrammetric products and applications: DEMs, Digital
Vector Data, Ortho-imagery, Point products. DEM Generation,
VI Accuracy of DEMs, Orthorectification, Contour generation, 20
Watershed delineation, Satellite photogrammetry principles, Stereo
satellite missions.
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Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Advanced Techniques in
01CE7613 3-0-0 3 2015
Image Processing

Course Objectives

 To provide a seminal view on recent advances in techniques for image processing

 To familiarize the techniques that help to deal with the high dimensional nature of the data,
and also to integrate the spatial and spectral information


Image classification using ANN and Fuzzy approaches. Classification accuracy assessment

Spatial Transformation Techniques; Texture analysis – first order, second order texture parameters;
Morphological methods for satellite image analysis; Digital image segmentation concepts; Wavelet
transform and its application in RS image analysis

Hyperspectral remote sensing data acquisition systems; Hyperspectral Image Analysis;

Hyperspectral image compression; Discriminant analysis, Independent component analysis

Expected Outcome

 Students will be familiar with the new trends in algorithm design such as the joint use of
spatial and spectral information

 Will help the students to deal with the increasing sophistication in the rapidly maturing
field digital image processing

1. P.M. Mather, Computer Processing of Remotely Sensed Images, Wiley, 2004
2. Brandt Tso and P.M. Mather, Classification Methods for Remotely Sensed Data, Taylor and
Francis, 2001
3. Kenneth R. Castleman, Digital Image Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1997
4. Manual Of Remote Sensing, American Society Of Photogrammetry And Remote Sensing,
5. Artificial Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Longman, 2 nd Edition, 1999
6. Cheng, Chein I., Hyperspectral Imaging: Techniques for Spectral Detection and
Classification, Kluwer Acedmic., 2003
7. Varshney, P.K. and Arora, Manoj K., Advanced Image Processing Techniques for
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data, Springer-Verlag., 2004

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Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Advanced Classifiers: Introduction to fuzzy theory and fuzzy

I classification Methods 15
Artificial neural networks and classification Methods
Classification accuracy assessment, Error matrix and fuzzy error
II 7 15
Spatial Transformation Techniques; Texture analysis – first order,
III second order texture parameters 15
Morphological methods for satellite image analysis
Digital image segmentation concepts - Edge and region
IV segmentation of satellite images 15
Wavelet transform and its application in RS image analysis
Hyperspectral remote sensing data acquisition systems, Imaging
V Hyperspectral Image Analysis: Calibration and normalization of 20
hyperspectral images, feature and intensity based geometric and
image to image registration, methods and models for atmospheric
Hyperspectral image compression - Feature selection and feature
VI extraction techniques - Discriminant analysis, Independent 20
component analysis

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Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Remote Sensing and GIS for
01CE7615 3-0-0 3 2015
Environmental Engineering
Course Objectives

 To understand the various remote sensing and GIS technological applications in the
field of Environmental Engineering.
 To understand the various satellites and data products that can act as aid in
environmental modeling problems


Introduction, Environmental satellites , Monitoring land, water, atmosphere and ocean using
Remote Sensing Data,. Taxonomical classification of soils, erosion studies, Applications ofGIS in
assessing soil salinity, erosion productivity etc.
Water Quality and Ground Water Pollution : Data base creation and quality modeling using GIS,
water supply network, sewerage network, Aquifer Vulnerability, DRASTIC, SINTACS MODELS
MODFLOW, MT3D, contaminant transport model
Air Quality Modelling : Atmosphere: Chemicals, Particulate matters,Remote Sensing technique to
monitor atmosphere constituents, modeling using GIS. Environmental Management : Revenue
management-environment and ecological concerns- Resource development in remote areas-
Impacts of anthropogenic activity- Solid Waste management- Carbon footprints and sinks, carbon
credits and marketing, Indian and international status

Expected Outcome

 Capability to make use of remote sensing and GIS data products for analyzing
problems in environmental engineering
 Understand the concepts of incorporating spatial data in modeling of soil, water and
air quality studies.
1. Ian L. Pepper, Charles P.Gerbaand Mark L.Brusseau, Environmental and pollution

science Academic Press, 2006.

2. Savigny.D De and Wijeyaratne .P GIS for Health and Environment, Stylus publication,
3. RegerD.Griffin, Air Quality Assessment and Management, Taylor and Francis, 2nd ed, 2006
4. Donald L. Wise, Remediation for Hazardous waste contaminated soils, CRC Press, 1994
5. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen, Samuel A. Vigil Integrated Solid Waste
Management : Engineering Principles and Management Issues, Mc Graw Hill, 1993
6. Michele Campagna, GIS for sustainable development, CRC Press, 2005.

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Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction, Environmental satellites GEOS, NOAA, AVHRR,

I CZCR Monitoring land, water, atmosphere and ocean using 15
Remote Sensing Data, case studies
Taxonomical classification of soils, soil survey interpretation and
mapping, impact of agricultural and industrial activity on soil
properties. soil salinity/alkalinity, erosion studies, applications of 7 15
GIS in assessing soil salinity, erosion productivity etc.
Water Quality and Ground Water Pollution : Classification of
III water quality for various purposes. Data base creation and quality 15
modeling using GIS. Database Creation and maintaining water
supply network, sewerage network using GIS. Case studies
Aquifer Vulnerability Intrinsic and specific vulnerability,
transport model. Case studies.


Air Quality Modelling : Atmosphere: Chemicals, Particulate
matters present in the atmosphere, allowable limits, Remote
V Sensing technique to monitor atmosphere constituents, air 20
pollution due to industrial activity, modeling using GIS. Case
Revenue management-environment and ecological concerns-
Resource development in remote areas-Impacts of anthropogenic
VI activity- Solid Waste management- Carbon footprints and sinks, 20
carbon trading, carbon credits and marketing, Indian and
international status

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Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE7617 Digital Terrain Modelling 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

 Expose the students with digital terrain modelling

 To provide exposure to the generation of TIN
 To introduce visualization and applications of DTM


Introduction: representation of digital terrain surfaces, digital terrain modelling.

Terrain descriptors and sampling strategies, . Data acquisition: data sources of DTM,
Radargrammetry, SAR interferrometry, Airbourne laser scanning, cartographic digitization. Digital
terrain surface modelling:,Continuity of DTM surfaces
Generation of Triangular Irregular Networks: Delaunay triangulation, Interpolation techniques
for terrain surface modeling, least square fitting of local surface, point based moving averaging.
Quality control in terrain data acquisition
Contouring from digital terrain models: vector and raster based contouring from grid DTM and
Triangular DTM. Visualization of digital terrain models, Interpretation of digital terrain models:
Applications of digital terrain models

Expected Outcome

 Ability to select suitable source of data for DTM

 Ability to do proper interpolation to create surface
 Ability to interpret DTM and apply to various applications

1. Li, Z., Zhu, Q., and Gold, C., Digital Terrain Modelling Principles and Methodology,
CRC Press, 2005
2. Robert J. Peckham, R. J. &Gyozo Jordan, Digital Terrain Modelling, Development
and Applications in a Policy Support Environment, Springer, 2007
3. Naser El-Sheimy, CaterinaValeo, Digital Terrain Modeling: Acquisition,
Manipulation And Applications, 2005.
4. John P. Wilson & John C. Gallant, Terrain Analysis : Principles and Applications .
Wiley, New York, 2000.

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Hours Allotted

% of Marks in


Introduction: representation of digital terrain surfaces,, DEM,

digital terrain modelling. Terrain descriptors and sampling
I strategies: Qualitative and numeric terrain descriptors, terrain 15
roughness vector-slope, relief and wavelength, sampling strategy
for data acquisition, attributes of sampled data.
Data acquisition: data sources of DTM, Radargrammetry, SAR
interferrometry, Airbourne laser scanning, cartographic
digitization. Digital terrain surface modelling: surface modelling
approaches- point based, triangle based, grid based, hybrid, 7 15
Continuity of DTM surfaces, Triangular Network formation for
surface modelling, Grid network formation for surface modelling.
Generation of Triangular Irregular Networks: Delaunay
triangulation- vector based static, vector based dynamic,
constrained, Triangulation from contour data, triangulation from
III Voronoi diagrams. Interpolation techniques for terrain surface 15
modelling: linear interpolation, bilinear interpolation, bicubic spline
interpolation, least square fitting of local surface, point based
moving averaging.
Quality control in terrain data acquisition: sources and types of
errors, filtering of random errors, detection of errors- gross errors
IV based on slope information, isolated gross errors in irregularly 15
distributed data, cluster of gross errors, gross errors based on
topologic relations of contour.
Contouring from digital terrain models: vector and raster based
V contouring from grid DTM and Triangular DTM. Interpretation of 20
digital terrain models: Terrain parameters-geometric,
morphological, hydrological, visibility
Applications of digital terrain models: Civil Engineering, Remote
VI sensing and mapping, Military Engineering, Resources and 20
Environment, Marine navigation etc.
Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

Remote Sensing and GIS
01CE7619 Applications in Water 3-0-0 3 2015
Resources Engineering

Course Objectives

 Expose the students with the applications of RS and GIS in water resources


Principle of remote sensing in water resources assessment, spectral characteristics of water/snow

and surface water inventory, hydrologic elements and classification Creation and design of spatial
and non spatial data in water resources, DEM applications in water resources, basic concepts of
hydrologic modelling, watershed hydrology and physical processes in watershed, Erosion and
sediment yield modelling, watershed prioritization, Geo-engineering consideration for
investigation of hydel sources, river valley project planning, Environmental impact assessment of
water resources project Drought monitoring, water balance studies, flood mapping and risk
zoning, reservoir sedimentation, watershed modelling, soil moisture studies, ground water
modelling , water quality using multi spectral and hyper spectral remote sensing data, Infiltration,
runoff estimation, Evapotranspiration, soil properties

Expected Outcome

 The ability to understand various data required for water resources projects
 The ability to apply the various remote sensing products in water resources related

1. VenTe Chow, Hand book of Applied Hydrology, Mc-Graw Hill, New York, 1964
2. Keith P. B., Thompson et al.(Ed.), Remote sensing and water resources management,
American water rsources association, Urbana Illinois, 1973
3. Colwel R. N. (Ed.), Manual of remote sensing, vol. I and II, American society of
photogrammetry and Remote sensing, Falls Church, Va., 1983

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted
% of Marks in


I Principle of remote sensing in water resources assessment, spectral 15

characteristics of water/snow and surface water inventory. 7

II Hydrologic elements and classification 7 15

Creation and design of spatial and non spatial data in water
III resources, DEM applications in water resources, basic concepts of 15
hydrologic modelling.
Watershed hydrology and physical processes in watershed, Erosion
IV and sediment yield modelling, watershed prioritization, watershed 15
conservation planning


Geo-engineering consideration for investigation of hydel sources,
V river valley project planning, Environmental impact assessment of 20
water resources project.
Drought monitoring, water balance studies, flood mapping and risk
zoning, reservoir sedimentation, watershed modelling, soil moisture
VI studies, ground water modelling , water quality using multi spectral
7 20
and hyper spectral remote sensing data Infiltration, runoff
estimation- SCS-CN, Evapotranspiration, soil moisture, soil

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE7621 Introduction to Web Mapping 3-0-0 3 2015

Course Objectives

 Expose the students to techniques of mapping with GIS

 To provide exposure to terrain modelling and analysis


Introduction to digital mapping, Different kinds of Web mapping; Converting and viewing maps;
Raster and vector, Open EV, Map Server, Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL), OGR
Simple feature library, Post GIS

Acquiring map data, Analysing map data, Examining the data content, Converting map data;
Visualizing mapping data, Visualization and mapping programs; Planning your map,
Preprocessing data examples, Creating static maps; Map Server utilities,

Publishing interactive maps on the web; Accessing maps through web services; Using Map Server
with web services; Managing a spatial database; Introducing Post GIS, Spatial database,
Downloading Post GIS, Custom programming with Map Server’s Map Script; Introducing Map
Script, Getting Map Script, Map Script objects, Map Script Examples,

Expected Outcome

 The ability to do digital terrain analysis and mapping

 Understand and do GIS mapping customisation, programming

1. Tyler Mitchell, Web Mapping Illustrated: Using Open Source GIS Toolkits, O’Reilly Media,
2. Li, S., Dragicevic, S., and Veenendaal, B., Advances in web-based GIS, mapping
3. Services and applications, CRC Press, 2011
4. Yang, C., Advanced geo information Science, CRC Press, 2011.

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan


Hours Allotted
% of Marks in


Introduction to digital mapping; the power of digital maps, The

difficulties of making digital maps, Different kinds of Web mapping,
I Digital mapping tasks and tools; Common mapping tasks, Common 15
pitfalls, Dead ends, and Irritations, Identifying the types of tasks for
the project
Converting and viewing maps; Raster and vector, Open

EV, Map Server, Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL), OGR

II Simple feature library, Post GIS, Summary of Applications, Installing
7 15
Map Server; How Map Server applications operate, Walkthrough of
the main components, Installing Map Server, Getting help.


Acquiring map data; Appraising your data needs, Acquiring the data
you need, Analysing map data; Downloading the demonstration
data, Installing the data management tools: GDAL and FWTools,
III Examining the data content, Summarising information with other 15
tools, Converting map data, Converting vector data, Converting
raster data to other formats.

Visualizing mapping data in a desktop program; Visualization and

mapping programs, Using OpenEV, OpenEV basics, Create and edit
IV personal map data; Planning your map, Preprocessing data 15
examples, Creating static maps; Mapserver utilities, Sample uses of
the command-line utilities, Setting output image formats.


Publishing interactive maps on the web; Preparing and testing
MapServer, Create a custom application for a particular area,
V Continuing education, Accessing maps through web services; Web 20
service for mapping, What do web services for mapping do, Using
MapServer with web services.

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Managing a spatial database; Introducing PostGIS, Spatial database,

Downloading Post GIS, Install packages and Binaries, Compiling
from source code, Steps for setting up PostGIS, Creating a spatial
database, Load data into the database, Spatial data queries, Accessing
VI 20
spatial data from PostGIS in other applications, Custom 7
programming with MapServer’sMapScript; Introducing MapScript,
Getting MapScript, MapScript objects, MapScript Examples, Other
Resources, Parallel MapScript translations.


Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE7691 Seminar II 0-0-2 2 2015

Course Objectives
To make students
1. Identify the current topics in the specific stream.
2. Collect the recent publications related to the identified topics.
3. Do a detailed study of a selected topic based on current journals, published papers
and books.
4. Present a seminar on the selected topic on which a detailed study has been done.
5. Improve the writing and presentation skills.


Students shall make a presentation for 20-25 minutes based on the detailed study of
the topic and submit a report based on the study.

Expected Outcome

Upon successful completion of the seminar, the student should be able to

1. Get good exposure in the current topics in the specific stream.
2. Improve the writing and presentation skills.
3. Explore domains of interest so as to pursue the course project.

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE7693 Project (Phase 1) 0-0-12 6 2015

Course Objectives
To make students

1. Do an original and independent study on the area of specialization.

2. Explore in depth a subject of his/her own choice.
3. Start the preliminary background studies towards the project by conducting
literature survey in the relevant field.
4. Broadly identify the area of the project work, familiarize with the tools required for
the design and analysis of the project.
5. Plan the experimental platform, if any, required for project work.

The student has to present two seminars and submit an interim Project report. The
first seminar would highlight the topic, objectives, methodology and expected
results. The first seminar shall be conducted in the first half of this semester. The
second seminar is the presentation of the interim project report of the work
completed and scope of the work which has to be accomplished in the fourth
Expected Outcome

Upon successful completion of the project phase 1, the student should be able to
1. Identify the topic, objectives and methodology to carry out the project.
2. Finalize the project plan for their course project.

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Syllabus and Course Plan

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics

Kerala Technological University
Master of Technology – Curriculum, Syllabus & Course Plan

Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

01CE7694 Project (Phase 2) 0-0-23 12 2015

Course Objectives

To continue and complete the project work identified in project phase 1.


There shall be two seminars (a mid term evaluation on the progress of the work and
pre submission seminar to assess the quality and quantum of the work). At least one
technical paper has to be prepared for possible publication in journals / conferences
based on their project work.
Expected Outcome

Upon successful completion of the project phase II, the student should be able to
1. Get a good exposure to a domain of interest.
2. Get a good domain and experience to pursue future research activities.

Cluster: 1 Branch: Civil Engineering Stream: Geoinformatics


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