February 2015 Insert
February 2015 Insert
February 2015 Insert
Three tips for families to encourage healthy Three tips for emergency food providers to
eating for children under 2 years old: encourage healthy eating for c hildren under 2
years old:
1. Promote feelings of security by holding an 1. Provide educational materials about child and
infant during feeding. infant feeding at each age stage.
2. Allow children to regulate their own eating. 2. Stock various types of formula. Pantries may
Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues in also have bottled water, which can be stored
order avoid over-feeding or under-feeding. near the infant formula because families may
3. Encourage trying new foods by serving a new use it to mix with infant formula.
food along side a favorite food and by intro- 3. Stock transitional foods like iron-foritified rice
ducing a food multiple times. cereal and baby food.
3 ounce 5 ounce
1 cup 1-1.5 cup
equivalents equivalents
1 cup 1.5 cup
2 ounce 4 ounce
equivalents equivalents
The amount of calories and nutrients required for children ages 2-8 years depends on their activity level. The recommended daily
amounts above are based on the requirements for all children who get less than 30 minutes of physical activity per day.
Three tips for families to encourage Three tips for emergency food providers to
healthy e
ating for children 2-8 years old: encourage healthy eating for children 2-8 years
3 cups 3 cups
Girls: 5 Girls: 6
ounce Girls:1.5 ounce
1.5 cups equivalents/ cups/Boys: equivalents/
Boys: 6 2 cups Boys: 8
Three tips for families to encourage healthy Three tips for emergency food providers to en-
eating for children and adolescents 9-18 years old: courage healthy eating for children and adoles-
cents 9-18 years old:
1. Provide healthy snacks that are low in fat, 1. Offer a variety of nutrient dense foods in indi-
sodium, and added sugars. Examples include vidual packages to encourage healthy, portable
yogurt and fruit, crackers and tuna, and celery snacks.
and peanut butter. 2. Provide handouts about making healthy life-
2. Encourage physical activity such as walking or style choices. Examples are serving size guides
playing team sports. for youth, healthy recipes, and ways to make
3. Promote healthy eating as a lifestyle, rather healthy choices away from home.
than focus on weight management, which may 3. Work with a backpack program to improve
lead to disordered eating or issues with body children’s access to foods on weekends and
image. during breaks.
3 cups 3 cups
Women: 6 Women: Women: 6
ounce 1.5 cups/ ounce
2 cups equivalents/ Men: 2 equivalents/
Men: 8 cups Men: 7
2.5 cups/ Women: 5.5 Women: Women: 5
Boys: 3 ounce 2.5 cups/ ounce
cups equivalents/ Men: 3 equivalents/
Men: 6.5 cups Men: 6
The amount of calories and nutrients required for adults ages 19-50 years depends on their activity level. The recommended daily
amounts above are based on the requirements for those who get less than 30 minutes of physical activity per day.
The types and colors of vegetables Half of the grains eaten should be
eaten should be varied throughout whole grains.
the week and should include: • For individuals 19-30 years old,
• dark green this should be 3 ounce equiva-
• red and orange lents for women and 4 ounce
• beans and peas equivalents for men.
• starchy vegetables • For individuals 31-50 years old,
Each type and color of vegetables this should be 3 ounce equiva-
Pa g e 4 In the news
provides a unique set of nutrients lents for women and 3.5 ounce
that are important for growth. equivalents for men.
Three tips for families to encourage healthy Three tips for emergency food providers to
eating for adults 19-50 years old: encourage healthy eating for adults 19-50 years